BC-2300 Trouble Shooting(Ver.1.1, 2008-4-31).doc

August 2, 2018 | Author: anhhp8x | Category: Vacuum Tube, Power Supply, Vacuum, Leak, Syringe
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Download BC-2300 Trouble Shooting(Ver.1.1, 2008-4-31).doc...


International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

1. Vacuum Low Problem 1% &'oo!e Menu-Service-Self-test-tubing % c'ec( t'e vac)) i* t'e$ are noral or not. I* t'e re!)lt i! not noral% plea!e o to next !tep. I* t'e re!)lt i! noral% t'en #o an$ !aple te!t!. I*  $o) te!t !aple! ,it'o)t vac)) lo, alar% t'e error i! reove#. I* t'ere i! !till alar #)rin te!t% plea!e (in#l$ c'ec( t'e *ollo,in. 2 &'ec( i* t'e ,a!te container i! *)ll or not. I* *)ll% plea!e (in#l$ ept$ it. -l!o a(e !)re t'e ,a!te container i! elo, or on t'e !ae level ,it' t'e anal$/er. 3% 0lea!e a(e !)re t'e ,a!te t)e i! not !'arpl$ ent% pinc'e# or cloe#. in#l$ c'ec( i* t'e ,a!te p)p co)l# #rain t'e ,a!te! !oot'l$ to t'e ,a!ter container. 4% &'ec( t'e t)e connection! et,een t'e valve! valve 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% ,a!te p)p% analo oar# an# vac)) c'aer *or lea(! or loc(!. a(e !)re t'ere are no lea(! or loc(! in t'e t)in !$!te. F)rt'er ore% c'ec( ,'et'er t'ere are lea(! on t'e vac)) c'aer. 5. 0lea!e o to Menu-Service-Status % o!erve ,'et'er t'e vac)) can e e!tali!'e#. 1 I* t'e vac)) can e e!tali!'e# norall$le!! t'an 4 !econ#!% plea!e o to next !tep. 2 I* t'e vac)) can e e!tali!'e#% )t it la!t! a lon tieore t'an 4 !econ#!% $o) a$ nee# to #i!a!!ele t'e ,a!te p)p an# clean it% or even replace it ,it' oo# one to c'ec( aain. 3 I* t'e vac)) can not e e!tali!'e#% it )!t e ca)!e# $ *a)lt$ ,a!te p)p or lea( in t'e t)in. 0lea!e #i!a!!ele t'e ,a!te p)p an# clean it% or even replace it ,it' oo# one to c'ec( aain. T'e ,a$ to *in# o)t ,'ic' t)e or valve i! lea(in i! to clip t'e t)e on vac)) c'aer one $ one. For exaple% a*ter $o) clip t'e t)e et,een vac)) c'aer to valve 8% t'e vac)) can e e!tali!'e# !)cce!!*)ll$% t'ere )!t e lea(! on t)e et,een valve 8 an# vac)) c'aer or t'e valve 8. T'en plea!e (in#l$ replace t'e relative t)e or valve. 6% &'ec( i* t'e all valve! valve! valve valve 5% 6% 7% 8% 9 ,or( properl$ properl$ or not. o) o) co)l# o to MenuService-Self-test Service-Self-test-valve -valve to c'ec c'ec( ( i* all all t'e t'e valv valve! e! are are o( or not. not. -l!o% -l!o% $o) $o) a$ a$ nee# nee# to #i!a!!ele an# clean t'e valve!. I* po!!ile% plea!e replace t'e ,it' ot'er oo# one! to *in# o)t ,'ere t'e prole i!. 7% &'ec( i* t'e analo oar# i! o( or not. o) co)l# reove t'e vac)) t)e *ro t'e analo oar# an# t'en o to Menu-Se c'ec( ( vac) vac)) ) val) val)e. e. I* t'e t'e val) val)e e i! Menu-Servic rvice-St e-Status atus to c'ec approxiatel$ % t'at ean! t'e analo oar# i! o(. I* not% t'ere a$ e coponent *ail)re on t'e analo oar#. I* po!!ile% plea!e replace t'e analo oar# to con*ir aain.

er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 1 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

Vacuum Low

vac)) ;oral<


e! e! Te!t !aple!


;o e! e! ,a!te container 

vac)) ;oral<

Ept$ it

*)ll< ;o e! e!

vac)) ;oral< ;o

elea!e it


T)e et,een valve! 5%6%7%8%9% analo oar#% ,a!te p)p an# vac)) c'aer% t'en c'ec( vac)) c'aer 

e! e!


e! e!

vac)) ;oral<

&onnect it


e! e!


ac)) e!tali!'e#<


e! e!



,a!te t)e

e! e!

vac)) ;oral<

;o &lean p)p or replace it

e! e! e! e!

=e!! t'an 4 !econ#!<

&lip t)e one $ one to *in# o)t ,'ere i! lea(in

;o vac)) ;oral< ;o

&lean p)p or replace it

&'ane alve!5%6%7%8%9 one $ one

vac)) ;oral<

e! e!

e! e!


 eove -nalo t)e

ac)) >?<

;o &'ane analo oar#

e! e! ;o

vac)) ;oral<

er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

e! e! End

0ae 2 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

2. Pressure Low Problem 1% &'oo!e Menu-Service-Self-test-tubing % c'ec( t'e pre!!)re i* t'e$ are noral or not. I* t'e re!)lt i! not noral% plea!e o to next !tep. I* t'e re!)lt i! noral% t'en #o an$ !aple te!t!. I*  $o) te!t !aple! ,it'o)t pre!!)re lo, alar% t'e error i! reove#. I* t'ere i! !till alar #)rin te!t% plea!e (in#l$ c'ec( t'e *ollo,in. 2% &'ec( i* t'e pre!!)re *ilter! are o( or not. o)@# etter c'ane t'e *ilter! to tr$ aain. 3% &'ec( *or lea(! or loc(! in t)e! et,een ,a!te p)p% pre!!)re c'aer% valve! valve 5% 6% 7% 8% 9 an# analo analo oar#. F)rt'er ore% ore% c'ec( c'ec( ,'et'er ,'et'er t'ere are lea(! on t'e vac)) vac)) c'aer an# loc(! in t'e ,ipe loc(. 4% 0lea!e o to Menu-Service-Status % o!erve ,'et'er t'e pre!!)re can e e!tali!'e#. 1 I* t'e pre!!)re can e e!tali!'e# norall$le!! t'an 4 !econ#!% plea!e o to next !tep. 2 I* t'e pre!!)re can e e!tali!'e#% )t it la!t! a lon tieore t'an 4 !econ#!% $o) a$ nee# to #i!a!!ele t'e ,a!te p)p an# clean it% or even replace it ,it' oo# one to c'ec( aain. 3 I* t'e pre!!)re can not e e!tali!'e#% it )!t e ca)!e# $ *a)lt$ ,a!te p)p or lea( in t'e t)in. 0lea!e #i!a!!ele #i!a!!ele t'e pre!!)re p)p an# clean it% or even replace it ,it' oo# one to c'ec( aain. T'e ,a$ to *in# o)t ,'ic' t)e or valve i! lea(in i! to clip t'e t)e on pre!!)re c'aer one $ one. For exaple% a*ter $o) clip t'e t)e et,een pre!!)re c'aer to valve 8% t'e pre!!)re can e e!tali!'e# !)cce!!*)ll$% t'ere )!t e lea(! on t)e et,een valve 8 an# pre!!)re c'aer or t'e valve 8. T'en plea!e (in#l$ replace t'e relative t)e or valve. 5% &'ec( i* t'e valve! valve 5% 6% 7% 8% 9 ,or( properl$ or not. o) o) co)l# o to Menu--ServiceSelf-test-valve  to c'ec( i* all t'e valve! are o( or not. -l!o% $o) a$ nee# to #i!a!!ele an# clean t'e valve!. I* po!!ile% plea!e replace t'e ,it' ot'er oo# one! to *in# o)t ,'ere t'e prole i!. 6% &'ec( i* t'e analo oar# i! o( or not. o) co)l# reove t'e pre!!)re t)e on t'e analo oar oar#% #% o to Menu-Service-Status % an# t'en c'ec( t'e val)e *or pre!!)re. I* t'e val)e i! approxiatel$ % t'at ean! t'e analo oar# a$ e i! A. I* not% plea!e (in#l$ replace t'e analo oar# to c'ec( aain.

er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 3 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

Pressure Low

e! e!

pre!!)re ;oral< ;o

en)ServiceS$!te en)ServiceS$!te te!t


pre!!)re ;oral<

&'ane it

e! e! =ea(%loc(<

pre!!)re ;oral<

&onnect it


e! e!


ac)) e!tali!'e#<

en)Service Stat)!

e! e!


e! e!

t)e et,een valve! 5%6%7%8%9% pre!!)re p)p% analo oar# an# pre!!)re c'aer% t'en c'ec( vac)) c'aer an# ,ipe loc(

e! e!



&'ec( pre!!)re *ilter!

pre!!)re ;oral<

Te!t !aple!

;o &lean p)p or replace it

e! e! e! e!

=e!! t'an 4 !econ#!<

&lip t)e one $ one to *in# o)t ,'ere i! lea(in

;o pre!!)re ;oral<

&lean p)p or replace it

e! e!


&'ane alve! 5%6%7%8%9 one $ one

pre!!)re ;oral<

e! e!


 eove -nalo t)e

ac)) >?<

;o &'ane analo oar#

e! e! ;o

pre!!)re ;oral<

er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

e! e! End

0ae 4 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

3. Bacground !bnormal 1% a(e !)re t'e ac'ine i! ,ell ro)n#e#. I* nece!!ar$% plea!e (in#l$ connect t'e ro)n#in pole at t'e ac( o* t'e anal$/er to ro)n#. 2% &'ec( i* t'e !'iel#in ox o* t'e co)ntin at' i! ,ell in!talle#. -l!o plea!e a(e !)re t'e !'iel#in ox on t'e analo oar# i! properl$ o)nte# an# ,ell ro)n#e#. 3% a(e !)re t'ere i! no an$ ot'er electrical inter*erence ,it' t'e ac'ine. I* po!!ile% plea!e (in#l$ c'ane t'e location o* t'e ac'ine to c'ec( aain. 4% a(e !)re t'e reaent! e!peciall$ diluents diluents  are in oo# con#ition no precipitate!% t)ri#it$% partic)late atter% or )n)!)al color an# ,it'in t'e expiration #ate. I* po!!ile% plea!e tr$ ore reaent! ,it' #i**erent lot n)er!. I ,ill e etter to te!t ,it' p'$!ioloical rine .9B ;a&l.  -l!o plea!e #o not *oret *oret to prie t'e ac'ine ac'ine ,it' ne, reaent. reaent. 5% Co to Menu-Service-Maintenance % per*or "lean bat# to clean t'e at'. -l!o $o) a$ nee# to )!e Probe "leanser an# E-$ "leanser to clean t'e at'! an# apert)re!. It ,o)l# e etter to a## !oe proe clean!er an)all$ to t'e at' to !oa( t'e at' *or !everal 'o)r!. 6% in#l$ c'ec( i* t'e #il)ent no//le aove t'e co)ntin at' i! containate# or not. I* !o% plea!e clean it care*)ll$. 7% &'ec( t'e valve % an# tube elo, t'e co)ntin at' i* t'e$ are #irt$ or not. I* nece!!ar$% plea!e #i!a!!ele an# clean t'e valve!. I* po!!ile% plea!e (in#l$ replace t'e valve ,it' a ne, one to c'ec( aain. 8% 0lea!e c'ec( i* t'ere are !oe ot'er !)!tance! !)!pen#e# in t'e #il)ent in!i#e t'e 7.5l !$rine. I* !o% plea!e #i!a!!ele t'e !$rine an# clean in!i#e. 9% a(e a t'oro)' cleanin to t'e co)ntin at' $ #i!a!!elin an# cleanin t'e at' an# apert)re an)all$. I* t'e pla!tic ,a!'er i! ro(en% replace t'e pla!tic ,a!'er ,it' ne, oo# one. I* t'e at' i! a#l$ ae#% plea!e replace t'e at' to c'ec( aain. 1% &'ec( i* t'e analo oar# i! #e*ective or not. o) a$ nee# to replace t'e oar# to rec'ec(. 11% I* prole !till exi!t! a*ter $o) 'ave #one all aove% plea!e o to Menu-Setu&-Password % inp)t !ervice pa!!,or# 321% an# t'en ret)rn to co)nt !creen% pre!! '% to enter into p)l!e rap' !creen to c'ec( p)l!e rap'!% pre!! '1 to '1 to c'ane #i**erent c'annel. in#l$ ta(e !oe pict)re! *or t'e p)l!e rap'! an# 'i!tora!. It ,o)l# e nice i* $o) co)l# !en# t'e p)l!e rap'! an# 'i!tora! a! ,ell a! t'e re!)lt! t o )! *or *)rt'er anal$/in.

er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 5 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

Bacground !bnormal

&onnect t'e ro)n#in pole to ro)n#

ac(ro)n# ;oral<

e! e!


in!tall !'iel#in ox on at'! an# analo oar# ,ell

a(e !)re no electric inter*erence

ac(ro)n# ;oral< ;o

&'ane t'e location o* t'e ac'ine

&'ane #il)ent ;o

E% 0roe &lean!er cleanin ;o

clean #il)ent no//le ;o

eplace t'e valve elo, at'

e! e!

ac(ro)n# ;oral<

ac(ro)n# ;oral<

ac(ro)n# ;oral<

ac(ro)n# ;o ;oral< ac(ro)n# ;oral<

&'ec(% clean 7.5l !$rine

ac(ro)n# ;oral< ;o

e! e!

e! e!

e! e!

e! e!

e! e!

e! e!


Di!a!!ele an# clean t'e at'% or replace it

&'an analo oar#

ac(ro)n# ;oral< ;o

ac(ro)n# ;oral< ;o

e! e!

e! e!

Sen# re!)lt!% 'i!tora% p)l!e rap' to )!


er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 6 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

(. )est *esults !bnormal I* $o) *ace an$ anoral re!)lt! *or a !aple% *ir!t plea!e c'ec( i* t'e !aple 'a! een collecte#% 'an#le#% !tore# an# tran!porte# properl$. -l!o plea!e a(e !)re t'ere are not an$ ot'er inter*erin !)!tance! !)!tance! !)c' a! platelet cl)p!% & *raent! or n)cleate# &! in t'e loo# !aple. I* t'e loo# !aple i! o(% plea!e *ollo, t'e !tep! elo, to !olve t'i! prole. 1% a(e !everal ac(ro)n# te!t! an# !ee i* ac(ro)n# re!)lt! are ,it'in t'e !peci*ie# rane. I* ac(ro)n# re!)lt! are not o(% plea!e re*er to aove in*oration to !olve t'e ac(ro)n# prole *ir!t. I* ac(ro)n# re!)lt! are o(% plea!e (in#l$ o to !tep 2. 2% !e noral control! to r)n & te!t! to c'ec( i* t'e repro#)ciilit$ i! o( or not. I* t'e repro#)ciilit$ repro#)ciilit$ i! o( )t t'e re!)lt i! o)t o* rane ver$ 'i' or lo,% $o) a$ nee# to #o t'e caliration to relevant paraeter!. 3% I* t'e repro#)ciilit$ repro#)ciilit$ i! not ,it'in !peci*ie# rane% it ean! t'ere a$ e !oe prole! ,it' t'e ac'ine t)in !$!te% 'ar#,are% etc.. T'en plea!e c'ec( t'e relevant part! at'% valve!% t)e!% !aple proe po!ition an# oar#! etc. to !olve t'e prole.

er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 7 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

)est *esult !bnormal

Te!t t'e !aple ,it' icro!cope

!aple ;o ;oral<

te!t a noral !aple

re!)lt ;oral< ;o

e! e!

a(e !everal ac(ro)n# te!t

!e noral control loo# to r)n & te!t!

re!)lt ;oral< e! e!


Co to ac(ro)n# tro)le!'ootin

e! epeatailit$ e! Coo#<


&'ec( relevant at'% valve!% t)e!% !aple proe po!ition% analo oar# an# &0 oar#

e! e!

te!t a noral !aple

Do caliration


e! e! re!)lt ;oral<

re!)lt ;oral<

e! e! End


er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 8 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

%. !bnormal *esults for +B" or ,B 1% 0lea!e a(e !)re t'e ac(ro)n# te!t i! o(. 2% &'ec( i* t'e l$!e i! eno)' an# ,ell connecte# to t'e ac'ine. 3% a(e !)re t'e l$!e i! ,it'in expiration #ate an# in oo# con#ition. o) a$ c'ane a ne, ottle o* l$!e to c'ec( aain. 4% Di!a!!ele t'e !'iel#in ox o* at'% an# t'en per*or Lse )est in Service-Maintenance to c'ec( i* t'e l$!e i! a##e# to t'e at' properl$ an# !)**icientl$ norall$ t'e l$!e !'o)l# reac' t'e *ir!t line *ro t'e otto o* t'e co)ntin at'. 5% I* t'e l$!e i! not a##e# properl$% plea!e c'ec( t'e relevant t)e! an# valve! 1% 2% 3% 1. I* l$!e te!t i! o(% )t prole !till exi!t% plea!e (in#l$ c'ec( t'e *ollo,in. 1% )n & te!t! to c'ec( t'e repro#)ciilit$ *or G& an# HC i* t'e$ are noral or not. I*  noral% $o) a$ nee# to calirate G& or HC paraeter. 2% I* t'e repro#)ciilit$ i! not o(% plea!e c'ec( t'e relevant part! at'% valve 5% t)e!% !aple proe po!ition an# oar#! etc. to !olve t'e prole.

er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 9 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

!bnormal results for +B" or ,B



&'ec( ac(ro)n#

Co to ac(ro)n# tro)le!'ootin

e! e!

En!)re l$!e i! eno)'% an# connecte# ,ell to anal$/er 

re!)lt ;oral<

e! e!


re!)lt ;oral< ;o

&'ane anot'er ottle o* l$!e

!erviceaintenancel$!e !erviceaintenancel$ !e te!t



e! e!

)n & te!t to c'ec( t'e repeatailit$

&'ec( valve 1%2%3%1 an# relevant t)e


re!)lt ;oral<

e! e!

e! e!


Do caliration


&'ec( at'% valve 5% t)e!% !aple proe po!ition% analo oar#

e! e!


re!)lt ;oral<

re!)lt ;oral<

e! e!

e! e! End


er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 1 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

/. ,B Error  I* t'e HC error prole 'appen!% it ean! t'at t'e HC lan( voltae i! o)t o* noral rane 3.4v4.8v. 1% 0lea!e a(e !)re t'at t'e co)ntin at' ot' in!i#e an# o)t!i#e an# t'e HC lap are clean eno)'. o) a$ nee# to #i!a!!ele t'e an# clean. -l!o c'ec( i* t'e HC cale i! ,ell connecte# to t'e analo oar#. 2% 0lea!e en!)re t'at t'ere i! eno)' #il)ent in t'e at' ,'en a#)!tin t'e HC lan( voltae. I* t'ere i! not eno)' #il)ent in t'e at'% plea!e per*or !erviceaintenanceclean at'! to a## #il)ent. I* t'e #il)ent can not e a##e# !)cce!!*)ll$% plea!e c'ec( valve 1% 2% 3% 1. 3. 0lea!e inp)t enineer pa!!,or# >321? an# t'en o to Setu&-Settings-ain to a#)!t t'e HC aain to a(e t'e voltae et,een 3.44.8% pre*eral$ 4.5v. 4. &'ane t'e HC a!!el$ to te!t aain.

5. &'ane t'e analo oar#.

er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 11 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

,B Error

HC ;oral<

&lean at' an# HC lap

e! e!


&onnect HC cale to analo oar# ,ell

HC ;oral<

e! e!


a(e !)re t'e #il)ent i! eno)' in at' ,'en a#)!tin HC lan( voltae

#il)ent eno)'<


e! e!

0er*or !ervice aintenanceclean at' to a## #il)ent into at'



#il)ent eno)'< ;o

&'ec( #il)ent container an# valve 1% 2% 3% 1

#il)ent eno)'< ;o

Inp)t pa!!,or# >321?% o to Set)pSettin!Cain to a#)!t HC voltae to 4.5

HC ;oral<

e! e!


&'ane HC a!!el$

HC ;oral<

e! e!


&'ane analo oar#

HC ;oral<

e! e!


er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431


0ae 12 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

0. *B" or +B" "log Problem &lo error 'appen! ,'en t'e act)al co)ntin tie i! 2 seconds greater t'an t'e #e*a)lt co)ntin tie #e*ine# in Setu&-"ount-"ount )ime. )ime . Eit'er t'e cloe# apert)re or ot'er part! o*  t'e ac'ine co)l# ca)!e t'e lon co)ntin tie. So plea!e *ollo, t'e !tep! elo, to !olve t'i! prole% 1% a(e !)re t'ere are eno)' reaent! #il)ent% rin!e in t'e container!. !lso &lease indl c#ec if t#e diluent is added to t#e counting bat# &ro&erl and sufficientl. 2% &'oo!e Menu-Service-Maintenance % per*or a& a&erture an# flus# a&erture !everal tie! to )nclo t'e apert)re. -l!o $o) co)l# per*or E-$ cleanser cleaning an# &robe cleanser cleaning to clean t'e at' an# apert)re an# t'en a(e anot'er te!t to c'ec( aain. 3% I* prole !till exi!t!% plea!e o to Menu-Service-Self-test-)ubing-!&erture % an# c'ec( t'e apert)re voltae. ;orall$ t'e apert)re voltae i! approxiatel$ 14. I* t'e apert)re voltae i! )c' reater t'an t'i! voltae *or exaple% 2v or even 'i'er% t'at ean! t'e apert)re i! reall$ cloe#. In t'i! ca!e% plea!e contin)e to *ollo, !tep 2 to )nclo t'e apert)re. It ,o)l# e etter to #i!a!!ele t'e at' to clean t'e apert)re $ 'an#. 4% I* t'e apert)re voltae i! noral% it ean! t'e apert)re i! proal$ not cloe# an# t'e ca)!e o* t'i! prole co)l# e ot'er part! !)c' a! cloe# or cripe# t)e% *a)lt$ valve 6 or  valve 7% vol)etric t)e% vol)etric oar#% or even cp) oar#. I* !o% plea!e o to next !tep. 5% 0lea!e #i!a!!ele t'e !'iel#in cover o* t'e vol)etric oar# an# c'ec( i* t'e *l)i# can o t'ro)' t'e vol)etric t)e !oot'l$ an# norall$. I* noral% it in#icate! t'at t'e vol)etric oar# or cp) oar# a$ e #e*ective. o) co)l# replace t'e to one $ one to c'ec( aain. 6% I* t'e *)li# can not o t'ro)' t'e vol)etric t)e norall$% it ean! eit'er valve 6% 7 are *a)lt$ or t'e t)e et,een at' an# vol)etric t)e i! cloe# or cripe#.

er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 13 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

+B" r *B" "log "L

a(e !)re #il)ent an# rin!e are eno)'

&lo reove#<

e! e!


e! e! &lo reove#<

en)!erviceaintenance /ap J *l)!' apert)re


en)!ervice!$!te en)!ervice!$!te te!t apert)re voltae ao)t 14 i! noral



A!erve t'e *l)i# o t'ro)' t'e vol)etric t)e

ap J *l)!' apert)re aain% clean t'e apert)re an)all$

e! e!



e! e!

&'ane vol)etric oar# an# &0 oar#



&'ane valve 6% 7% c'ec( t'e t)e et,een at' an# vol)etric t)e

e! &lo reove#<

e! e! &lo reove#<

e! e! &lo reove#<



er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 14 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

. *B" Bubbles or +B" Bubbles )le error 'appen! ,'en t'e act)al co)ntin tie i! 2 seconds s#orter  t'an s#orter  t'an t'e #e*a)lt co)ntin tie #e*ine# in Setu&-"ount-"ount )ime. )ime . It co)l# ca)!e# $ t'e )le! or lea(! in t'e t)e. -l!o t'e coponent *ail)re on vol)etric oar#! or even cp) oar# co)l# e t'e rea!on. 1% a(e !)re t'ere are eno)' reaent! #il)ent% rin!e in t'e container!. !lso &lease indl c#ec if t#e diluent is added to t#e counting bat# &ro&erl and sufficientl. 2% Co to Menu-Service-Maintenance % per*or 4iluent Prime or *inse *inse Prime Prime to prie all t'e relevant t)e! an# t'en c'ec( aain. 3% 0lea!e #i!a!!ele t'e !'iel#in cover o* t'e vol)etric oar# an# c'ec( i* t'e *l)i# can o t'ro)' t'e vol)etric t)e !oot'l$ an# norall$. I* noral% it in#icate! t'at t'e vol)etric oar# or cp) oar# a$ e #e*ective. o) co)l# replace t'e one $ one to c'ec( aain. 4% I* t'e *l)i# can not o t'ro)' t'e vol)etric t)e norall$ norall$ an# t'e t)e i! *ille# ,it' )le!% it ean! eit'er valve 6% 7 are *a)lt$ or t'e t)e et,een at' an# vol)etric t)e i! cloe# or  cripe#.

er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 15 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

+B" r *B" Bubbles faefaefaffafadfaw3Bbu "lo"L

a(e !)re #il)ent an# rin!e are eno)'

e! e!  )le  reove#< ;o

en)!erviceaintenance #il)ent J rin!e prie

e! e!  )le  reove#< ;o

A!erve t'e *l)i# o t'ro)' t'e vol)etric t)e


e! e!



&'ane valve 6%7% c'ec( t'e t)e et,een at' an# vol)etric t)e

&'ane vol)etric oar# an# &0 oar#

e! e! )le reove#<

e! e!  )le  reove#<



er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 16 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

5. 6o Startu& Problem 1% a(e !)re t'e *)!e i! o(. I* it i! *a)lt$% plea!e replace it to c'ec( aain. 2. Di!connect t'e &0 oar#% po,er #river oar# an# analo oar# *ro t'e po,er !)ppl$ oar#. T)rn on t'e in!tr)ent an# )!e a )ltieter to ea!)re t'e o)tp)t voltae! o* &ower su&&l board. board . I* all t'e o)tp)t voltae! are noral accor#in to t'e *ollo,in% t'e po,er !)ppl$ oar# i! A. I* not% t'e po,er !)ppl$ oar# a$ e #e*ective an# plea!e replace it to c'ec( aain. 1 t'e o)tp)t voltae to t'e &0 oar# i! +5% +12. 2 t'e o)tp)t voltae to t'e 0o,er Driver oar# i! +12% +3. 3 t'e o)tp)t voltae to t'e -nalo oar# i! +K12. 3. Di!connect t'e 0o,er Driver oar# *ro t'e 0o,er S)ppl$ oar#. Anl$ connect t'e &0 oar#% -nalo oar# an# 0o,er S)ppl$ oar#. T'en t)rn on t'e in!tr)ent an# c'ec( t'e !tart)p: 1 I* t'ere i! Linitiali/ationL Linitiali/ationL #i!pla$e# on t'e !creen an# t'e )nit can acce!! L&o)ntL !creen onl$ ,it' !oe error e!!ae! #i!pla$e# on t'e !creen% it ean! t'at &0 oar# an# 0o,er S)ppl$ oar# are o(a$ an# t'ere a$ e !oet'in ,ron ,it' t'e po,er #river part. 2 I* t'ere i! !till not'in #i!pla$e# on t'e !creen% no ac(li't o* =&D% no *ee# paper o* recor#er an# no in#icator% t'e &0 oar# or 0o,er S)ppl$ oar# i! #e*ective. I* t'e 0o,er S)ppl$ oar# i! A a*ter c'ec(in t'e *ir!t !tep% t'e &0 oar# or o#)le An Di!( a$ e #e*ective. 0lea!e replace t'e &0 oar# or o#)le An Di!( to c'ec(. 3. I* t'e &0 oar# an# 0o,er S)ppl$ oar# are o(a$ a*ter c'ec(in all aove% plea!e #i!connect t'e valve!% p)p! an# otor! *ro t'e 0o,er Driver oar#. Anl$ connect t'e single 0o,er single 0o,er Driver oar# to t'e &0 oar# an# 0o,er S)ppl$ oar#. T'en t)rn on t'e in!tr)ent an# c'ec( t'e !tart)p: 1 I* t'ere i! Linitiali/ationL Linitiali/ationL #i!pla$e# on t'e !creen an# t'e )nit can acce!! L&o)ntL !creen onl$ ,it' !oe error e!!ae! #i!pla$e# on t'e !creen% it ean! t'at all t'e oar#! are o(a$. T'ere a$ e !'ort circ)it in t'e otor!% p)p! an# valve!. 2 I* not% t'e 0o,er Driver oar# i! #e*ective. 4. I* all t'e oar#! are o(a$ a*ter c'ec(in t'o!e aove% plea!e connect t'e otor! to t'e 0o,er  Driver oar# an# t)rn on t'e in!tr)ent to te!t t'e otor! on Service--Sstem )est !creen.

er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 17 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co T'en c'ec( t'e p)p! an# valve! in t'e !ae ,a$. I* an$ otor% p)p or valve ,or( anorall$% plea!e replace it ,it' oo# one to c'ec( aain. ;ote: t'e connection an# #i!connection !'o)l# e #one a*ter !')ttin #o,n t'e in!tr)ent.

6o Startu& faefaefaffafa dfaw3Bbu"l o"L  Start)p  ;orall$<

a(e !)re *)!e i! A

e! e!


ea!)re t'e o)tp)t voltae! o* po,er !)ppl$ oar#% to &0 oar# +5% +12%

 A)tp)t  ;orall$<


&'ane po,er !)ppl$ oar#

to -nalo oar# +K12% to 0o,er #river oar# +12% +3

 Start)p  ;orall$< e! e!

Anl$ connect &0 oar# an# analo oar# to po,er !)ppl$ oar#

 Start)p  Git' error<

e! e!


&'ane &0 oar# or DA


 Start)p  ;orall$<

e! e!

eove all t'e ot'er cale! on po,er #river oar#% onl$ connect it to &0 oar# an# po,er !)ppl$ oar#


 Start)p  Git' error<

&'ane po,er #river oar#


 Start)p  ;orall$< ;o

e! e!

&onnect t'e otor! cale to po,er #river oar#

 Start)p  Git' error<


e! e!

&'ane t'e relative otor 

e! e!

&'ec( t'e valve!% p)p in t'e !ae ,a$


 Start)p  ;orall$<

e! e!


&'ane t'e relative Start)p valve an# p)p  Git' error< Date: 28431 er!ion: 1.1% p#ate 0ae 18 o* 24



 Start)p  ;orall$<



International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

17. Sringe Motor Error  T'i! error occ)r! ainl$ eca)!e t'ere i! too )c' re!i!tance *or t'e otor to #irve t'e !$rine or t'e optical !en!or i! not *)nctionin ,ell. So plea!e c'ec( t'e *ollo,in to !olve t'i! prole. 1% 0lea!e inp)t inp)t !ervice pa!!,or# pa!!,or# L321L an# t'en o to Service-Self-test-mac#ine % !elect sringe motor  to  to te!t. I* t'e re!)lt i! noral% t'e error e!!ae ,ill e reove#. I* not% plea!e c'ec( t'e *ollo,in. 2% a(e !)re t'e !en!or cale i! ,ell connecte# to po,er #river oar#. 3% a(e !)re co)nication cale o* t'e otor i! ,ell connecte# to po,er #river aor#. 4% 0lea!e a## !oe l)ricatin oil to t'e axi! to a(e it !oot'. 5% &'ec( t'e optical !en!or i* it i! loo!e or #irt$. 0lea!e #i!a!!ele an# clean it% an# t'en rea!!ele it properl$ to c'ec( aain. Soetie! $o) a$ nee# to replace it to rec'ec(. 6% Di!a!!ele t'e t,o !$rine! an# clean t'e pi!ton% an# t'en rea!!ele it properl$ to c'ec( aain. 7% &'ec( i* t'e otor i! ,or(in properl$ or not. 0lea!e replace it ,it' ot'er oo# one to c'ec( aain. 8% &'ec( i* t'e po,er #river oar# i! #e*ective or not. 0lea!e replace it ,it' ot'er oo# one to c'ec( aain.

er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 19 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

Sringe Motor Error 

en)ServiceSel*te!t ac'ine

 Error   reove#<

e! e!

e! e! Te!t !aple!

S$rine otor  ;oral<


&onnect t'e !en!or cale ,ell

&onnect t'e co)nication cale o* otor ,ell

;o e! e! S$rine otor  ;oral< ;o

e! e! S$rine otor  ;oral< ;o

e! e!  -## l)ricatin oil to axi!

&lean or c'ane t'e optical !en!or 

S$rine otor  ;oral< ;o

e! e! S$rine otor  ;oral< ;o

e! e! &lean t'e !$rine pi!ton

S$rine otor  ;oral< ;o

&'ec( or replace t'e otor 

S$rine otor  ;oral< ;o

e! e!

&'ec( or replace t'e po,er #river oar#

e! e! S$rine otor  ;oral< er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 2 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

End ;o

11. %/V Error  1% Di!connect t'e analo oar# *ro t'e po,er !)ppl$ oar# an# )!e a )ltieter to c'ec( t'e o)tp)t voltae o* t'e po,er cale *ro t'e po,er !)ppl$ oar#. ;orall$ it i! +12. I* not% t'e po,er !)ppl$ oar# a$ e #e*ective. 0lea!e replace it to c'ec( aain. 2% &'ec( t'e analo oar# i* it i! #e*ective. 0lea!e replace it ,it' a oo# one con*ir. 3% &'ec( t'e co)nication cale et,een t'e analo oar# an# &0 oar#. a(e !)re it i! ,ell connecte#. 4. &'ane t'e &0 oar#.

er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 21 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

%/V Error 


&'ec( t'e o)tp)t *ro po,er !)ppl$ oar# to analo oar#

&'ane po,er !)ppl$ oar#

+12< e! e!

&'ec( or replace t'e analo oar#

 Error   reove#<

e! e!


 Error   reove#<

e! e!


&'ec( t'e cale et,een analo oar# an# &0 oar#

 Error   reove#<

e! e!


&'ec( or replace t'e &0 oar#

 Error   reove#<

e! e! End


er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 22 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

12. 6o or &oor 4is&la on t#e L"4 1% Fir!t plea!e c'ec( or a#)!t t'e ac(li't an# =&D contra!t. 2. &'ec( t'e cale connection! et,een t'e =&D #i!pla$ an# &0 oar#. a(e !)re t'e cale i! not loo!e an# connecte# properl$. 3. &'ec( t'e cale connection! et,een t'e =&D #i!pla$ an# (e$pa#. 4. eplace t'e =&D a!!el$ ,it' anot'er oo# one to c'ec( aain. 5. I* t'e prole !till exi!t!% plea!e replace t'e &0 oar# to c'ec( aain.

er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431

0ae 23 o* 24

International International Service Dept. Tel: +86 755 26582931 Fax: +86 755 26582934 Eail: !ervice"in#ra$.co

6o or &oor dis&la on t#e L"4

&'ec( or a#)!t t'e ac(li't an# contra!t

#i!pla$  ;orall$<

e! e!


&'ec( t'e connection et,een =&D an# &0 oar#

#i!pla$  ;orall$<

e! e!


&'ec( t'e connection et,een =&D an# analo oar#

#i!pla$  ;orall$<

e! e!


&'ane t'e =&D a!!el$

#i!pla$  ;orall$<

e! e!


&'ane t'e &0 oar#

#i!pla$  ;orall$< ;o

e! e!

er!ion: 1.1% p#ate Date: 28431


0ae 24 o* 24

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