BBWorkoutsGUIDE_July15 (1)

March 20, 2017 | Author: Jimena Moreno | Category: N/A
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Intro here are only two things you can do to improve your physical appearance. You can build muscle and you can lose fat. That’s it. The concept of “firming and toning” that you might be familiar with is actually no more than losing fat or building muscle, or a combination of both. Your body does not understand what firming and toning means, it understands increasing muscle and losing fat.


Muscle cells get bigger or smaller. Fat cells do the same. One cannot turn into the other. In other words you can’t turn fat into muscle any easier than you can turn water into wine. And when you stop working out muscle can’t magically turn into fat. It simply shrinks. When that happens you look fatter because the less muscle you have the harder it is to stay lean. The more muscle you have the more calories you burn at rest each day and the leaner you will be. Pretty simple concept. Despite what women’s fitness magazines have told you, females absolutely need to lift heavy weights and must constantly strive to get stronger. You don’t have the muscle building hormones of your male counterparts so it will be even harder for you to build muscle. That means you really have to force your body to adapt by constantly challenging it with heavier weights and harder sets.

That also means that you should never worry about getting big and bulky. It isn’t going to happen. You are not set up for it. There are millions of men all over the world, who have substantially superior hormones for building muscle, that are unsuccessfully attempting to get big and bulky by lifting weights. The take home message is that as a female you simply don’t have the hormonal profile to get big and bulky. Immediately dismiss that idea if you’re worried about it. The single most important factor in strength training is progressive overload. You must strive to get stronger with every passing workout. That means you have to do at least one more rep than you did last time or you have to use a heavier weight than you have before. For small, incremental weight increases it’s always a great idea to have some Fractional Plates. These will allow you to add as a little as a pound to the bar versus the minimum of five pounds you’re usually limited to in public gyms where the smallest plate is 2.5 pounds. This helps ensure steady progress.

Complete exercise descriptions and logs at end of guide.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


The single most important factor in strength training is progressive overload. The number one reason ladies, and guys for that matter, fail to make progress and see any noticeable changes in their physiques is because they don’t increase the weight they are using. They are stuck spinning their wheels using the same old weights for the same number of reps and guess what? They look the same as they always have! Think about it this way: your current muscle mass allows you to lift a certain weight. If you are looking to increase the amount of muscle you have it only make sense that you would need to increase the amount of weight you’re capable of using. This forces your body to adapt to the heavier load by building the muscle necessary to lift that load. It also comes along with increasing your metabolism, burning more fat, and getting that “toned” look you so longingly desire. If you have flat glutes right now and want that Jessica Biel circa 2007 looking ass, it’s only going to happen if you add 20-50 pounds to your squat, deadlift, glute bridge and hip thrust (don’t worry if you don’t know what those are yet, they are explained later). If you are currently able to do a barbell glute bridge with 135 pounds for ten reps you need to set your sights on 185 pounds and work your way there as fast as possible. If you continue to do 135 your glutes will never change. The only thing that is going to change

them is adding weight to the bar. Progressive overload forces adaptation. Bigger weights on the bar = bigger, rounder, tighter glutes. So always keep track of all your reps and weight on each and every set you do. Try to beat them as often as possible and set long term goals for yourself. During the first 60 days of the Bikini Body plan you’ll be doing three full body strength-training workouts per week. If you want to shape up your glutes you’ve got to train them more frequently than once per week, as most bodybuilding or fitness magazines would have you doing. So they’ll be getting hit every other day as will the rest of you major muscle groups. There is a fourth day which is more conditioning based. If you can only get three days in per week do the main strength days and skip the conditioning session on the weekends. For the fastest results in the shortest time we recommend doing all four sessions. The main portion of the workout is short and sweet, focusing only on big, compound exercises that build the most muscle and strength. If you want to make a dramatic transformation in only sixty days you don’t have time to waste on little foo-foo exercises that don’t do anything but slightly elevate your heart rate. You need bang-for-your-buck movements that pack on the greatest amount of lean muscle where it counts and help you burn tons of calories all day long.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


The Warm Up he first part of any good strength training workout is a proper warm up. You can’t just walk into the gym cold and start squatting and deadlifting or doing whatever other people do who never make any progress. You have to elevate your body temperature, lubricate your joints and get loose and mobile to prepare for the serious work ahead.


Your warm up will start with foam rolling. Going through a quick sequence for every body-part will help improve tissue quality and ensure a better workout. For each muscle group listed you will roll for 20-30 seconds per side. So you’ll do your left hamstring for 20-30 seconds then your right hamstring for 20-30 seconds and then move on to the next muscle group.

Sometimes even the Rumble Roller isn’t enough to get to your glutes so you may want to switch to using a lacrosse ball on them. Even though it’s pretty painful it’s quite worth it and will go a long way toward making you feel better, preventing injuries and improving your performance. One other recommendation we make is that before you even start your foam rolling you roll the bottoms of your feet (with shoes off) with a golf ball. Most people have serious issues with their feet from poor posture or lousy footwear so using the golf ball rolling technique is highly recommended and can make your knees and hips feel a lot better.

If you have been foam rolling for a while and aren’t getting much out of it anymore we suggest buying a Rumble Roller. The difference is night and day and you will feel a huge improvement in your tissue health once you start using the Rumble Roller for a few weeks.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


The Warm Up Foam Rolling


1) Hamstrings 2) Calves 3) Glutes 4) Quads 5) Hip Flexors 6) Adductors 7) IT Band 8) Lower Back 9) Lats 10) Upper Back 11) Thoracic Extensions

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

General Warm Up


1) Jumping Jacks 2) Prisoner Squat 3) Front Warrior Pose 4) Forward Leg Swing 5) Side to Side Leg Swing 6) Shoulder Dislocation w/ Band 7) Band Pull Apart 8) Cat/ Camel 9) Bird/ Dog 10) Clam 12) Glute Bridge 13) Downward Dog Pumping Calf Stretch 14) Cossack Squat

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Reps 20-30 sec. 20-30 sec. 20-30 sec. 20-30 sec. 20-30 sec. 20-30 sec. 20-30 sec. 20-30 sec. 20-30 sec. 20-30 sec. 20-30 sec.

Reps 30 15 30 sec. 10 10 20 20 10 5 15 20 30 sec. 10

Rest 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Rest 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 90

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


The Workouts fter the foam rolling and general warm up is complete you’ll move on to the main workout. Before you start your main work sets you’ll want to do 2-4 lighter warm up sets on each exercise.


Let’s say you’re starting with squats and you know that you’re going to be using 95 pounds for your main work sets. You wouldn’t just put 95 pounds on the bar and get after it. The first set should just be the 45 pound bar for a set of ten reps. After that you’d do a set of 65 for 5-8 reps and maybe one more set of 80-85 for one more set of 3-5 reps. The stronger you are and the more weight you will be using the more warm up sets you will need. For example, if you are deadlifting 225 pounds you’d do a set with the bar, a set with 95, a set with 135 and a set with 185 and one final set of 2-3 reps at 205 pounds. After you have completed the 2-4 warm up sets you begin your work sets. During warm up sets you don’t have to time your rest periods but on the work sets timing them is imperative. The reason for that is so you can track your weights and know if you are truly getting stronger from week to week or if you are just resting longer between sets.

Strength Progression On the first week of the program start at the higher end of the rep range. So if the reps are listed as 6-10 you’ll start with a weight you can do for ten reps on the first set. Do as many as you can on the following sets and record it on your log sheets. The next time you do that workout you’ll want to try and add some weight to the bar and do ten reps again. Obviously, this won’t always be possible so your reps will eventually start to fall. That’s fine and completely normal. Once you get down to the point where you can no longer do six reps you’d lighten the weight a bit and start over with ten reps at the following workout. So if you did 65 pounds on squats for ten reps at your first session you’d add weight to the bar at your next workout. Ideally you would have Fractional Plates, which would allow you to make small jumps and go up to 67 pounds. If you don’t order Fractional Plates you’ll have to jump up to 70 pounds by putting a 2.5 pound plate on each side. You’ll then do that for as many reps as you can. If you get ten again, that’s great. In that case you’d add weight again next workout. If you only get eight reps then you’d keep the weight the same and try to get ten reps at the next workout. Keep adding weight or reps at every successive session throughout the program.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Two-Week Rotation

Day 4 Workouts

The workouts are set up on a two-week rotation. There are three different workouts on Week 1 and three different workouts on Week 2. One time through each week is one cycle. You will go through four cycles for a total of eight weeks then take a de-load or complete week off.

The Day 4 workouts are a conditioning based circuit using sleds, battling ropes, kettlebells and boxes. If you train in a well-equipped gym you’ll be able to do all of these without a problem. You can substitute sprints on a bike for the sled dragging if you don’t have access to a sled. Simply crank up the resistance and pedal hard for thirty seconds. If, however, you don’t have access to any of these implements it wouldn’t make sense to attempt to make substitutes for the entire workout. In that case you can simply sub in a sprint session on this day. This will be explained in the cardio section.

So weeks 1, 3, 5 and 7 are the same and weeks 2, 4, 6 and 8 are the same. That means that a full two weeks will pass before you repeat the same workout. By that time you should have gotten plenty stronger and 5-10 pound jumps shouldn’t be a problem.

Alternating Supersets The workouts are set up in non-competing, antagonistic alternating superset fashion. What that means is that you will do a set of a lower body exercise, rest sixty seconds, then do a set of an upper body exercise. You will then go back to the lower body exercise for your second set, rest sixty seconds, then do another set of the upper body exercise. These will be listed in the workouts as exercise 1a and exercise 1b. You will repeat that for three rounds then move on to the second two exercises which will be grouped together as 2a and 2b. When you start on the second group of exercises you should first do 1-3 quick warm up sets and then get into your work sets.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


The Workouts Weeks 1, 3, 5 & 7 Day 1




1a) Back Squat




1b) Pushup




2a) 1 Leg Hip Thrust




2b) Inverted Row







Day 2 1a) Barbell Glute Bridge




1b) Pronated DB Military Press




2a) Walking Lunge




2b) Pronated Lat Pulldown




Post Workout Core Circuit After each workout you are going to do the following core circuit two times, holding each position for 30 seconds.

1a) Plank 1b) Side Plank 1c) Iso Hold Glute Bridge 1d) Prone Mountain Rest as little time as possible between exercises, moving from one position to the next for two rounds of each.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


The Workouts Weeks 1, 3, 5 & 7 Day 3




1a) Straight or Trap Bar Deadlift




1b) Incline DB Press




2a) High Step Up




2b) Rope Face Pull




Day 4




1a) Lateral/ Slalom Jump


30 sec.


1b) Forward Sled Push/Drag


30 sec.


1c) Alternate Battling Ropes


30 sec.


1d) 1 Arm Farmers Walk*


30 sec.


1e) 1 Arm Kettlebell Snatch**


30 sec.


*Do 1 arm, rest, do the other arm **If you’re not very proficient with these do a 1 arm KB swing instead. Again, do 1 arm, rest, do the other arm

Post Workout Core Circuit After each workout you are going to do the following core circuit two times, holding each position for 30 seconds.

1a) Plank 1b) Side Plank 1c) Iso Hold Glute Bridge 1d) Prone Mountain Rest as little time as possible between exercises, moving from one position to the next for two rounds of each.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


The Workouts Weeks 2, 4, 6 & 8 Day 1




1a) Back Squat




1b) Parallel Grip Chin Up or Pulldown




2a) Back Extension




2b) Standing Barbell Military Press







Day 2 1a) Barbell Hip Thrust




1b) 1 Arm DB Row




2a) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat




2b) 1 Arm Flat DB Press




Post Workout Core Circuit After each workout you are going to do the following core circuit two times, holding each position for 30 seconds.

1a) Plank 1b) Side Plank 1c) Iso Hold Glute Bridge 1d) Prone Mountain Rest as little time as possible between exercises, moving from one position to the next for two rounds of each.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


The Workouts Weeks 2, 4, 6 & 8 Day 3




1a) Barbell or DB Romanian Deadlift




1b) Supinated Chin Up or Pulldown




2a) Reverse Lunge




2b) Neutral Grip Standing DB Military Press






Day 4


1a) Low Box Jump


30 sec.


1b) Backward Sled Drag


30 sec.


1c) Battling Rope Slams


30 sec.


1d) 1 Arm Racked Kettlebell Walk


30 sec.


1e) Kettlebell Swing


30 sec.


Post Workout Core Circuit After each workout you are going to do the following core circuit two times, holding each position for 30 seconds.

1a) Plank 1b) Side Plank 1c) Iso Hold Glute Bridge 1d) Prone Mountain Rest as little time as possible between exercises, moving from one position to the next for two rounds of each.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Cardio High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Strength training is going to make the biggest difference in your quest to transform your physique. Cardio or conditioning is simply the icing on the cake. Day 4 of each week is a hard conditioning based circuit that should take you no more than 20-25 minutes to complete. Please note that during the first week of the program you should only go through the Day 4 circuits three times; not four. On the second week you can increase to four rounds if you got through the first week without a struggle. As previously noted, if you don’t have access to all of the equipment for Day 4 you can simply sub in a sprint session on this day. The Day 4 workouts will count as one high intensity interval training (HIIT) session. In addition to that you will be doing one other HIIT session per week. Ideally this session would be 10-20 minutes of hill or sled sprints. After warming up thoroughly you will sprint hard for 20-30 seconds then rest for 40-60 seconds. Do this for ten minutes. Each week add two minutes to the workout until you get two twenty minutes total. There’s no need to do much more than that so keep all future sprint sessions at around twenty minutes, not counting warm up time.

If you don’t have a hill to sprint up or a sled to drag or push you will use a bike and do intervals. Follow the same prescription and be sure to crank up the resistance quite high on the bike, so that despite your best efforts you aren’t able to move the pedals very fast. If done correctly it should feel like your legs are going to explode and your heart is going to come out of your chest by the time you reach the thirty second mark. This second weekly session should be done on a training day. The ideal choice is to do it 4-6 hours before or after your strength-training workout. If that’s not possible it can be done immediately following strength training. So the full program is three strength-training sessions and two HIIT sessions per week.

Low Intensity Cardio Lower intensity cardio is great for developing an aerobic base, it’s good for your health, it improves your recovery and it helps you burn some extra fat. If you had to pick one or the other purely for fat burning purposes HIIT is better. But there is enough value in low intensity cardio to warrant including it in your Bikini Body transformation plan.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


SLow intensity cardio is simply walking or riding a bike. It should be done on off days for thirty minutes, first thing in the morning before you eat anything. The only thing you can have before is water and black coffee. The coffee will actually help free up some fatty acids to burn during the session so it would benefit you to have a cup. This shouldn’t be an intense effort but you do want to keep your heart rate in the range of 115-130 beats per minute to derive the greatest benefit. For a more precise formula subtract your age from 220 then use 70% of that to determine your optimal heart rate for low intensity cardio. So if you’re 35 years old you would subtract 35 from 220 to get 185. Then you simply multiply 185 by .7 and you get 129 beats per minute. If you drop slightly below this it’s certainly not the end of the world, just try to stay within range for thirty minutes. If you’re only walking at a snails pace, with your heart rate at 75 beats per minute it’s fairly useless. So push the pace but don’t kill yourself. Start with two low intensity cardio sessions per week and assess your progress in 3-4 weeks. If you’re losing fat at a slower rate than you would like increase to three sessions per week and then, eventually four. Just don’t start with four sessions per week right out of the gate or you’ll have no tricks up your sleeve and nothing to add when progress comes to a halt and you hit a plateau some time down the road.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Frequently Asked Questions Question: If I have been training for the last two or three months without taking a week off or de-loading at all am I okay to jump right into the program? Answer: No. If you have been training more than four weeks straight without doing a lighter de-load week please take a week off completely or de-load with a very light week before you start the Bikini Body Workouts program. This will ensure that you are fresh and make the most progress on the program. Question: How do I record my workouts on the training log sheets? Answer: Write your weights first then the number of reps you did. So if you squatted 95 pounds for 6 reps it would look like this: 95 x 6. If you got 95 for 6 reps on your first two sets and only 5 reps on your third set it would look like this: 95 x 6, 95 x 6, 95 x 5. Each week you try to add weight or reps whenever possible.

Question: Can I do yoga on my off days once or twice a week? Answer: Yes. You can even do yoga as a second workout on training days, 4-6 hours before or after your workouts. Question: Can I add more exercises for my abs? Answer: No. Please don’t. The point of resistance training is to build muscle. You squat, deadlift and hip thrust to make your glutes bigger. So obviously, training your abs directly with sit ups would have the same effect. You don’t want to make your abs bigger, which is what most direct ab exercises will do (along with potentially ruining your posture and destroying your lower back). You want to get leaner so your abs can peak through and maintain a small, trim waist. Stick with squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, pushups and loaded carries and your abs will get all the work they need.

Question: How do I know when to increase my weights? Answer: You want to master your technique first and foremost. So never sacrifice form for weight. But once you are dominating a weight you need to do more reps with it or add weight to the bar. Progressive overload (doing more than last time) is the most important factor in strength training and body transformation.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Frequently Asked Questions Question: What is abdominal bracing? Answer: Abdominal bracing is critical while lifting weights and should be practiced every single time you touch a weight whether it be picking it up off the rack, doing an exercise with it, or putting it back on the rack. You brace your abs like you would if you were getting ready to take a punch in the stomach. It protects your lower back and maximizes tension throughhout your body so you stay as tight as possible.

Question: How do I pull my shoulders down and back? Answer: Imagine trying to touch your shoulder blades together while keeping your shoulders as low as possible. If you poke your traps (the muscle that runs on top of your shoulder from your shoulder to your neck) they should be relaxed. If they are tense, your shoulders are not down, they are just back.

Question: What does it mean to maintain a neutral spine? Answer:It means that your spine is in perfect alignment all the way from your neck to you tailbone. Most importantly, your mid and lower back is not rounded OR overly arched and your neck is alignment like if your were to stand up perfectly straight and look forward. Question: What is progressive overload? Answer: Progressive overload is the process of using heavier weights over time to facilitate an adaptation from your body. This adaptation is increasing your strength and muscle mass. Thus, you are progressively (increasing over time) overloading (heavier weight) your muscles with a weight heavier than they are used to using.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Exercise Descriptions Back Squat:

Inverted Row:

• Grab bar with slightly wider than shoulder width grip

• Lay under a bar set in a squat rack or hang rings from a cross-member of a squat rack or pull-up bar

• Squeeze shoulder blades tightly together and rest bar on traps, not on your neck • Unrack bar and take two steps back into wider than shoulder width stance • Break at the hips by pushing your butt out then squat down until your thighs are parallel with the ground • Drive your heels into the ground and return to start position, being sure to keep your abs tight while maintaining a neutral spine

• Reach up and grab a bar or rings (the more inclined your body is the easier the movement will be) •Drive your elbows back to pull yourself up to the bar or rings and squeeze your shoulder blades together • Control yourself back to the starting position

Barbell Glute Bridge: • Lay on your back on the ground


• Place a barbell across your hips with your feet 6-8 inches from your butt

• Get on your hands and feet (or knees if needed) with your hands just outside of shoulder width

• Spread your hands out enough so that you can lock your elbows and hold the bar in the crease of your hips

• Flex every muscle in your legs and squeeze your glutes to make yourself as rigid as possible • Lower yourself until your chest touches the ground • Push yourself back to the starting position

1 Leg Hip Thrust:

• Drive your heels into the ground and lift your hips until your torso and thighs form a straight line while maintaining a tight brace through your abdomen • Squeeze your glutes at the top and control yourself to the to the starting position

• Sit on the ground with your back against the side of a bench (the bench should be across your shoulder blades) • Put one foot 8-12 inches from your butt and lift the other off the ground • Drive your heel into the ground and lift your hips until your torso and thigh form a straight line parallel to the ground while maintaining a tight brace through your abdomen • Squeeze your glutes at the top and hold for two seconds • Control yourself back down to the starting position • To increase the difficulty you can place a dumbbell across your hip

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Exercise Descriptions Pronated DB Military Press:

Straight or Trap Bar Deadlift:

• Grab a pair of dumbbells and clean them up to your shoulders (you can also use your thigh to give them some momentum)

• Reach down and grab the bar by pushing your hips backwards

• Flex every muscle in your legs and squeeze your glutes to make yourself as rigid as possible

• Squeeze your shoulder blades together and make sure you maintain neutral spine

• With your palms facing away from your, press the DB’s directly overhead until your elbows are locked.

• Drive your heels into the ground and stand up with the bar by driving your hips forward while staying as tight as possible through your entire body

• Control the DB’s back down to the starting position

• Squeeze your glutes at the top

Walking Lunge: • Grab a pair of dumbbells • Take a medium step forward and simultaneously descend until your back knee touches the ground • Drive your front heel into the ground to return to the top and simultaneously push off with your back foot • Without touching your back foot to the ground, take a medium step forward with the opposite leg

Pronated Lat Pulldown: • Reach up and grab the bar with your palms facing away from you • Plant your feet firmly on the ground

• Let the bar return to the ground by breaking at the hips first and driving them backwards • The descent of the bar shouldn’t be slow, it should be a controlled drop

Incline DB Press: • Grab a pair of dumbbells and sit back on a bench set at an incline with the dumbbells directly over your shoulders • Place your feet firmly on the ground directly below your knees • Control the dumbbells down to your shoulders while squeezing your shoulder blades together • Explosively press them back up to the starting position

• Initiate the movement by pulling your shoulders down and back • Drive your elbows towards the ground and pull the bar to the center of your chest • Squeeze your shoulder blades together as the bar touches your chest • Control the bar back to its starting position

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Exercise Descriptions High Step Up:

Alternating Battling Ropes:

• Place a box that is higher than knee height in front of you

• Get in an athletic stance and do alternating waves with the rope with your arms out in front of you

• Step up onto the box with your right foot and stand all the way up onto the box • Lock your knee and squeeze your glute

1 Arm Farmers Walk:

• Don’t let your left foot touch the box

• Grab a dumbbell with one hand and hold it at your side

• Slowly control your left foot back down to the ground as slowly as possible

• While staying as upright as possible, walk for the prescribed amount of time or distance

• Repeat for the prescribed number of reps and repeat with your left side

• The dumbbell shouldn’t be so heavy that it’s pulling you over. It should, however, be heavy enough to challenge you to use your abs to fight against the weight to stay perfectly upright as you walk

• You can hold dumbbells for extra difficulty

Rope Face Pull: •Grab a rope cable stack attachment with your palms facing the ground • Pull your shoulders down and back to initiate the movement • Pull the rope to your face (don’t hit yourself) and squeeze your shoulder blades together while keeping your elbows high • Control the rope back to the starting position

Lateral/Slalom Jump: • Jump side to side like you are jumping back and forth over an imaginary hurdle at your side

Forward Sled Push/Drag:

1 Arm Kettlebell Snatch: • Grab a kettlebell in one hand and hold it in front of your crotch • Initiate the movement by driving your hips back and letting the KB descend between your legs (you will be somewhere between ¼ and ½ squat) • Explosively drive your hips forward while simultaneously shrugging and pulling the KB straight up • Catch the KB straight overhead with your elbow locked (the KB will have swung over your hand so it is now facing backwards) • Let the KB flip back over your hand on the way down and repeat • Be sure to keep your abs braced tight throughout the entire movement

• Push or pull a sled forward for the prescribed amount of time. • If needed, load it up with enough weight to make it difficult to push/drag for 30 seconds.

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Exercise Descriptions 1 Arm Kettlebell Swing:

Parallel Grip Pulldown:

• Pick up the kettlebell while keeping your arm straight and let it hang in front of you

• Reach up and grab the handle with your palms facing each other

• Initiate the movement by driving your hips backwards

• Plant your feet firmly on the ground

• Explosively drive your hips forward to swing the kettlebell up to shoulder height with your arm extended straight out in front of you

• Initiate the movement by pulling your shoulders down and back

• Control the kettlebell back down and let the momentum of the kettlebell coming towards you push your hips back again to repeat • Make sure to keep a neutral spine and tight abdominal brace throughout the entire movement

Back Squat:

• Pull your elbows towards the ground and pull the handle to the center of your chest • Squeeze your shoulder blades together as the bar touches your chest • Slowly control the handle back to its starting position

Back Extension:

• Grab bar with slightly wider than shoulder width grip

• Get on a back extension machine with the back of your ankles firmly against the pads

• Squeeze shoulder blades tightly together and rest bar on traps, not on your neck

• If it’s adjustable, set it so the pad is just below the crease of your hips

• Unrack bar and take two steps back into wider than shoulder width stance

• Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings and use them to pull your torso up so its parallel with your thighs

• Break at the hips by pushing your butt out then squat down until your thighs are parallel with the ground

• Control yourself back to the starting position

• Drive your heels into the ground and return to start position, being sure to keep your abs tight while maintaining a neutral spine

Parallel Grip Chin Up: • Grab a neutral grip (palms facing each other) pull-up bar with a shoulder width grip or narrower • Pull your shoulders down and back and squeeze your shoulder blades together • Drive your elbows down and pull yourself up until your shoulders are touching your hands

Standing Barbell Military Press: • Grab a bar with a shoulder width grip or slightly wider • Flex every muscle in your legs and squeeze your glutes to make yourself as rigid as possible • Press the bar straight overhead while squeezing your entire body tight, flexing your glutes, and maintaining a tight abdominal brace • Slowly control it back to the starting position

• Control yourself back to the starting position • Make sure to keep your shoulder blades tightly squeezed together at the bottom

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Exercise Descriptions Barbell Hip Thrust:

1 Arm Flat DB Press:

• Sit on the ground with your back against the side of a bench (the bench should be across your shoulder blades)

• Grab a dumbbell and sit back on a flat bench with the dumbbell directly over your shoulder

• Place a barbell across your hips with your feet 8-12 inches from your butt • Spread your hands out enough so that you can lock your elbows and hold the bar in the crease of your hips • Drive your heels into the ground and lift your hips until your torso and thighs form a straight line parallel to the ground while maintaining a tight brace through your abdomen • Squeeze your glutes at the top • Control yourself back to the starting position

• Place your feet firmly on the ground directly below your knees • Control the dumbbell down to your shoulder while squeezing your shoulder blades together • Explosively press it back up to the starting position • Repeat for the prescribed number of reps then switch arms • Stretch your opposite arm straight out to your side and use it to help you balance/counter balance the weight of the dumbbell

Barbell Romanian Deadlift:

1 Arm Dumbbell Row:

• Grab a bar with a shoulder width grip and your palms facing your body

• Place right knee and your right hand on a bench and bend over so your torso is parallel to the ground

• Squeeze your shoulder blades together

• Grab the dumbbell with your left hand • Row the dumbbell up towards your belly button and squeeze your shoulder blades together at the top • Control the dumbbell back to its starting position • Repeat for the prescribed number of reps, rest, and repeat on the opposite side

Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat: • Stand approximately two feet away from a low box, facing away from it

• With a slight bend in the knee and your weight on your heels, begin the decent by pushing your hips backwards • Keep the barbell as close to your thighs as possible and descend until you feel a deep stretch in your hamstrings • Be sure to squeeze your shoulder blades together and maintain a neutral spine throughout the entire movement • Return to the starting position by driving your hips forward • Squeeze your glutes at the top

• Place one of your feet on top of the box behind you • Adjust the distance between your front foot and the box until you are comfortable • Descend until your rear knee gently touches the ground using your rear foot for balance • Return to the starting position by driving your front heel into the ground

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Exercise Descriptions Supinated Chin Up: • Grab a chin up bar with shoulder width grip and your palms facing your body

Neutral Grip Standing DB Military Press:

• Pull your shoulders down and back and squeeze your shoulder blades together

• Grab a pair of dumbbells and clean them up to your shoulders (you can also use your thigh to give them some momentum)

• Pull yourself up until your shoulders are touching your hands

• Flex every muscle in your legs and squeeze your glutes to make yourself as rigid as possible

• Control yourself back to the starting position

• With your palms facing each other, press the DB’s directly overhead until your elbows are locked.

• Make sure to keep your shoulder blades tightly squeezed together at the bottom

• Control the DB’s back down to the starting position

Supinated Pulldown:

Low Box Jump:

• Reach up and grab the bar with your palms facing your body

• Jump onto it and land softly

• Stand in front of a low box

• Plant your feet firmly on the ground • Initiate the movement by pulling your shoulders down and back • Pull your elbows towards the ground and pull the bar to the center of your chest • Squeeze your shoulder blades together as the bar touches your chest • Control the bar back to its starting position

Reverse Lunge: • Take a medium step backwards and simultaneously descend until your back knee touches the ground • Drive your front heel into the ground to return to the top and simultaneously push off with your back foot so your feet are side-by-side again • Repeat with the opposite leg

Backward Sled Drag: • Attach some kind of handles to a sled and drag it as your backpedal for the prescribed amount of time • If needed, load it up with enough weight to make it difficult to drag for 30 seconds.

Battling Rope Slams: • Attach the middle of the rope to something fixed • Get in an athletic stance holding the ends of the rope out in front of you • Lift your hands over your head and slam the rope down on the ground as hard as you can like you are an angry gorilla pounding your fists on the ground • Repeat for the prescribed amount of time or reps

• You can hold dumbbells in your hands to increase the difficulty

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Exercise Descriptions 1 Arm Racked Kettlebell Walk:

Kettlebell Swing:

• Grab a kettlebell and hold it in rack position.

• Pick up the kettlebell while keeping your arms straight and let it hang in front of you

• Rack position: If you make a fist and hold it under your chin against the center of your sternum with your elbow tucked in at your side, this is rack position and where you want to hold the KB. The ball portion will be resting on the top of your wrist. • Walk with it for the prescribed amount of time • Stay perfectly upright as you walk and brace your abs as tight as possible the entire time

• Initiate the movement by driving your hips backwards while keeping the kettlebell as close to your crotch as possible. • Explosively drive your hips forward to swing the kettlebell up to shoulder height with your arms extended out in front of you • Control the kettlebell back down and let the momentum of the kettlebell coming towards you push your hips back again to repeat • Make sure to keep a neutral spine and tight abdominal brace throughout the entire movement

Warm Up Exercise Descriptions Jumping Jack:

Front Warrior Pose:

• Stand with a should width stance and your arms straight at your side

• Get into a front lunge position and go halfway down

• Hop to widen your stance while simultaneously clapping your hands over your head (think snow angel but standing up) • Hop again to return to the starting position and repeat for the prescribed number of reps

Prisoner Squat: • Interlock your fingers behind your head with a slightly wider than shoulder width stance • Squat down as low as you can while keeping your weight on your heels • Stand back up and repeat for the prescribed number of reps ¬

• Extend your arms overhead with palms facing together and your biceps near your ears • Make sure there is no collapse or overextension in your lower back • Hold that position for the prescribed time

Forward Leg Swing: • Swing your right leg up in front of you in a kicking motion while keeping your leg as straight at possible • As your leg approaches its highest point you should feel a stretch in your hamstring • Try to kick higher with each repetition • Repeat with your left leg • If you aren’t feeling a stretch in your hamstrings, try to point your toes towards your body as you kick • If needed, hold on to something for balance

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Warm Up Exercise Descriptions Downward Dog Pumping Calf Stretch:

Cossack Squat:

• Get on your hand and toes with your butt up in the air so you form an a-frame and a slight bend in your knees

• Squat down to your left side as low as you can, bringing your hamstring to your calf

• Alternate driving your right and left heels to the ground until your feel a stretch through your calf • If you aren’t able to feel a stretch, walk your hands closer to your feet

• Get in a very wide stance with feet 3-4 feet apart

• Your right leg will remain straight as you squat down on your left leg • Rotate your torso slightly so that it faces your

Core Circuit Exercise Descriptions Plank:

Side Plank:

• Balance on your elbows and toes with your elbows directly under your shoulders

• Lay on your right side on the ground and push yourself up so your balancing on the side of your right foot and your right hand

• Brace your core and squeeze your glutes • Squeeze your abs tight like you are trying to touch your chest to your bellybutton • Don’t let your hips sag, your torso should remain in a straight line with your legs • Remain as rigid as possible for the prescribed amount of time

Prone Mountain:

• Your right hand should be directly under your shoulder. Your left foot should be stacked on top of your right foot with your legs together • Brace your core and stay as rigid as possible • Don’t let your hips sag, your torso should remain in a straight line with your legs • Remain as rigid as possible for the prescribed amount of time • Repeat on the opposite side

• Get into a pushup position on your hands and feet • Squeeze your abs tight and bring your right knee up to your right elbow

Iso Hold Glute Bridge:

• Simultaneously return your right leg to the starting position and repeat with your left leg

• Lay on the ground on your back with your feet approximately 6-8 inches from your butt

• It should look like you are running in place

• Drive your heels into the ground and lift your hips towards the ceiling until your torso and thighs form a straight line • Squeeze your glutes at the top and hold the position for the prescribed amount of time

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Day 1 Workout Log Sheets Back Squat


23 1 Leg Hip Thrust

Inverted Row

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Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Day 2 Workout Log Sheets Barbell Glute Bridge

Pronated DB Military Press

24 Walking Lunge

Pronated Lat Pulldown

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Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Day 3 Workout Log Sheets Straight or Trap Bar Deadlift

Incline DB Press

25 High Step Up

Rope Face Pull

Week 1

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Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Day 4 Workout Log Sheets Lateral/ Slalom Jump

Sled Push/Drag

Alt Battling Ropes

26 1 Arm Farmers Walk

1 Arm KB Snatch

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Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Day 1 Workout Log Sheets Back Squat

Parallel Grip Chin Up or Pulldown

28 Back Extension

Standing BB Military Press

Week 1

Week 1

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Week 1

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Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Day 2 Workout Log Sheets Barbell Hip Thrust

1 Arm DB Row

29 Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat

1 Arm Flat DB Press

Week 1

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Set 3 _________________________

Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Day 3 Workout Log Sheets Romanian Deadlift

Sup. Chin Up or Pulldown

30 Reverse Lunge

Standing DB Military Press

Week 1

Week 1

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Week 1

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Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Day 4 Workout Log Sheets Low Box Jump


Backward Sled Drag

Battling Rope Slams

Racked Kettlebell Walk

Week 1

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Copyright © 2013 Jason & Jen Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

Kettlebell Swing

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