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3900 Series Base Station Product Documentation Product Version: V100R010C10 Library Version: 11 Date: 11/30/2016

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BBU Interconnection Contents BBU Interconnection

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SingleRAN SRAN10.1

BBU Interconnection Feature Parameter  Description Issue





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.1.14 Contents 1 About This Document 1.1 Scope 1.2 Intended Audience 1.3 Change History 2 Introduction 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Triple-Mode Base Station Deployment 2.2.1 BBU Slots 2.2.2 Cable Connections 2.2.3 Application Scenarios 2.2.4 Restrictions 2.2.5 Supported Features and Functions 2.3 UMTS Baseband Capacity Expansion 2.3.1 Cable Connections 2.3.2 Application Scenarios 2.3.3 Restrictions 3 Related Features 4 Impact on the Network 4.1 Impact on System Capacity 4.2 Impact on Network Performance 5 Engineering Guidelines 5.1 When to Use BBU Interconnection 5.2 Required Information 5.3 Network Planning 5.3.1 Software Versions 5.3.2 Subracks and Hardware Configurations for the BBUs 5.3.3 Transmission Modes 5.3.4 CPRI-based Topologies 5.3.5 Clocks 5.4 Deployment 5.4.1 Deployment Requirements 5.4.2 Data Preparation 5.4.3 Initial Configurati Configuration on 5.4.4 Activation Observation 5.5 Adjustment Examples 5.5.1 Adjustment from a GU Base Station to t o a GU+L Base Station 5.5.2 Adjustment from a G*U*L Triple-Mode Base Station to a G*U*L+G*U*L Triple-Mode Base Station 5.5.3 UMTS Baseband Capacity Expansion from a GU+L to a GU+UL Triple-Mode Base Station 5.5.4 Interconnection Adjustment in a GU+L Triple-Mode Base Station 5.6 Performance Optimization 5.7 Troubleshooting 6 Reference Documents

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 About This Document


This document describes the BBU Interconnection feature, including its implementation principles, principles, network impact, and engineering guidelines. This document applies to macro base stations (BTS3900, BTS3900L, BTS3900A, BTS3900AL, BTS3900C, and DBS3900).  Any managed managed objects (MOs), (MOs), parameters, a alarms, larms, or counte counters rs described in this documen documentt correspond to the software release delivered with this document. In the event of updates, the updates will be described in the product documentation documenta tion delivered with the latest software release. r elease. Intended Audience

This document is intended for personnel who: Personnel who need to understand the features herein. Personnel who work with Huawei products. Change History

This section provides information about the changes in different document versions. There are two types of changes: Feature change Changes in features of a specific product version Editorial change Changes in wording or addition of information and any related parameters affected by editorial changes

AN10.1 01 (2015-03-23) Compared with Draft A (2015-01-15) of SRAN10.1, Issue 01 (2015-03-23) of SRAN10.1 does not include any changes.

AN10.1 Draft A (2015-01-15) Compared with Issue 01 (2014-04-30 (2014-04-30)) of SRAN9.0, Draft A (2015-01-15) of SRAN10.1 includes the following changes.

Change Type

Change Description

Parameter Change

Feature change

Added 5.5.2 Adjustment from a G*U*L Triple-Mode Base Station to a G*U*L+G*U*L Triple-Mode Base Station.


Editorial change





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BBU Interconnection enables two BBUs to be connected through a BBU interconnection signal cable. BBU interconnection interconnec tion includes infrastructure interconnection and baseband interconnec interconnection tion and applies to the following scenarios: Triple-mode base station deployment Infrastructure interconnection interconnection is applied in GU+L, GL+U, or G*U*L+G*U*L triple-mode base stations. In this scenario, infrastructure interconnection is used. Two interconnected BBUs serve one base station in the wireless network. UMTS baseband capacity expansion In addition to infrastructure interconne interconnection, ction, baseband interconnection interconnection has been added to exchange baseband data between BBUs. A single BBU supports a maximum of 6 UMTS baseband boards. Baseband interconnection enables two BBUs to support a maximum of 11 UMTS boards, enhancing the is UMTS baseband processing capability of a base station. Currently, onlybaseband UMTS baseband interconnection supported. Triple-Mode Base Station Deployment 2.2.1 BBU Slots

 A BBU has 11 11 slots, as shown shown in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1 BBU 2-1 BBU slots

2.2.2 Cable Connections

In a triple-mode base station, two BBUs can be connected using UCIU+UMPT or UMPT+UMPT interconnection, as shown in Figure 2-2. Figure 2-2 Inter-BBU 2-2 Inter-BBU connections through UCIU+UMPT or UMPT+UMPT interconnection in a triple-mode base station

The following table describes UCIU+UMPT and UMPT+UMPT interconnection.

Interconnection Method

Application Scenario


BBU3900+BBU3900; BBU3900+BBU3910;


 A UCIU can be installed in any one of slots 4, 5, 0, and 1 in BBU 0. The slot priority is as follows: slot 4 > slot 5 > slot 0 > slot 1.


 A UMPT must be configured in BBU 1 for  BBU interconnection

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Cable Connection

One of ports M0 through M4 on the UCIU in BBU 0 is connected to the CI port on the UMPT in BBU 1 using a BBU interconnection signal cable. UCIU ports M0 through M4 are prioritized from the highest to the lowest. 5/34



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Interconnection Method

Application Scenario


BBU3900+BBU3900; BBU3900+BBU3910; BBU3910+BBU3910;



 A UMPT is  A UMPT is configured in BBU configured in 0. BBU 1.

Cable Connection

The end of the BBU interconnection signal cable with Master color-coding is connected to the CI port on the UMPT in BBU 0 and the other end is connected the CI port on the to UMPT in BBU 1.

 As shown in Figure 2-2, BBU 0 and BBU 1 are the root BBU and the leaf BBU, respectively. The root BBU and the leaf  BBU are determined in the site hardware planning. You can identify whether a BBU serves as the root BBU or leaf BBU by using the following methods: In UCIU+UMPT interconnection, interconnection, the BBU configured with a UCIU is the root BBU. In UMPT+UMPT interconnection, interconnection, the BBU at the end with the Master color-coding on the BBU interconnection interconnec tion signal cable is the root BBU. Fiber optic cables cannot connect BBUs in this interconnection interconnection method.

 NOTE: The BBU interconnection signal cable in UMPT+UMPT interconnection cannot be used in UCIU+UMPT interconnection.  A BBU interconnection interconnection sign signal al cable is logically logically called CTR CTRLLNK LLNK for an eG eGBTS, BTS, a NodeB NodeB,, or an eNodeB and is logically called BTSCTRLLNK for a GBTS. By default, the leaf BBU is the local node and the root BBU is the upper-level node. In UCIU+UMPT interconnection, a maximum of two CTRLLNKs for a NodeB or an eNodeB and two BTSCTRLLNKs for a GBTS are supported. In UMPT+UMPT interconnection, only one CTRLLNK for an eGBTS, a NodeB, or an eNodeB and one BTSCTRLLNK for  a GBTS are supported. 2.2.3 Application Scenarios Table 2-1 lists the application scenarios scenarios for triple-mode base stations.

Table 2-1 Triple-mode 2-1 Triple-mode base station deployment Scenario

Working Mode of BBU 0

Working Mode of BBU 1







G*U*L + G*U*L



 NOTE: In a co-MPT base station where two BBUs are interconnected, the primary and secondary main control boards are configured in BBU 0 and BBU 1, respectively. The modes configured in BBU 1 must also be configured in BBU 0. In triple-mode base stations, a board of a certain mode must be configured in the same BBU as the main control board of this mode. For details about the board configurations for each mode, see the BBU Hardware Description.

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When UCIU+UMPT interconnection interconnection is used in a triple-mode base station, the following restrictions apply: GSM boards must be installed in BBU 0. Monitoring devices must be connected to BBU 0. Boards in the same BBU must have the same cabinet and subrack numbers. Boards in different BBUs must have different cabinet numbers or different subrack numbers. Otherwise, common boards, such as the UCIU, cannot function.  A BBU3910 cannot be co configured nfigured with a U UCIU. CIU. If two interconnected BBU subracks work in co-MPT multiple modes or in single mode, the primary BBU subrack must provide transmission ports. When UMPT+UMPT UMPT+UMPT interconnection is used in a triple-mode base station, the following restrictions apply in addition to the preceding restrictions: The distance between BBU 0 and BBU 1 must be less than or equal to 5 m. BBU 1 must be configured with the UMPTb. If BBU 0 is configured with the GTMU, WMPT, or LMPT, cascaded RRUs cannot be connected to BBU 1. Only BBU interconnection signal cables provided by Huawei can be used. Fiber optic cables cannot be used. The root BBU must provide a port connecting to the transport network. 2.2.5 Supported Features and Functions

In a triple-mode base station, two BBUs are connected using a BBU interconnection signal cable. The BBUs exchange control data, transmission data, and clock signals. Therefore, the BBUs support common transmission (co-transmission), (co-transmission), inter-BBU software-defined radio (SDR), and a common clock.

pported Features Co-Transmission When two BBUs are interconnected, the BBUs support co-transmission between two or more modes. For details, see Common Transmission Feature Parameter Description. Common Clock When two BBUs are interconnected, the BBUs support a common clock between two or more modes. For details, see Common Clock Feature Parameter Description. Inter-BBU SDR In inter-BBU SDR, a multimode RF module is connected to both BBUs. Figure 2-3 shows an example of inter-BBU SDR in which BBU 0 supports GSM and BBU 1 supports UMTS. The RF module (GU) is connected to both BBU 0 and BBU 1.

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Figure 2-3 Inter-BBU 2-3 Inter-BBU SDR

Inter-BBU SDR clock signals for the secondary BBU must be synchronized with those for the primary BBU. The clock signal synchronization synchronization mode is selected according to the following rules: If the primary BBU uses frequency synchronization, the secondary BBU must use frequency synchronization. If the primary BBU uses time synchronization, the secondary BBU can use either time or frequency synchronization. UMTS Baseband Capacity Expansion 2.3.1 Cable Connections

In a triple-mode base station using BBU Interconnection, the WBBPf and UBBPd boards in the BBUs can be interconnected to exchange baseband data. Figure 2-4 shows the inter-BBU cable connections for UMTS baseband capacity expansion.

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Figure 2-4 Inter-BBU 2-4 Inter-BBU cable connections for UMTS baseband capacity expansion

 A UMTS baseband baseband board board and a UMTS main control board board are installed in both BBU 0 an and d BBU 1, and the the two UMTS baseband boards are interconnected using a BBU interconnection signal cable. Among UMTS baseband boards, WBBPf  and UBBPd boards can provide HEI ports for UMTS baseband interconnection. A WBBPf or UBBPd board can be installed only in slot 2 or slot 3 (preferred) in either BBU.  A BBU interconnection interconnection sign signal al cable between between WBBPf boards boards transmits baseband baseband da data ta and expan expands ds baseba baseband nd resource resources. s.  A BBU interconnection interconnection sign signal al cable between between WBBPf boards boards cannot be be used interchangeably interchangeably with that for UCIU+UM UCIU+UMPT PT or UMPT+UMPT interconnection.  A BBU baseband baseband intercon interconnection nection sign signal al cable between between WBBPf boards boards is logically c called alled BBPLNK. BBPLNK. Either end of a BBPLNK can be configured as the link head. It is recommended that you configure the end on the BBU 0 side as the link head. Currently, only one BBPLNK is supported.

 NOTE: Set up a CTRLLNK (for a NodeB/eNodeB) or BTSCTRLLNK (for a GBTS) before setting up a BBPLNK. 2.3.2 Application Scenarios Table 2-2 lists the supported application scenarios for UMTS baseband capacity expansion.

Table 2-2 Application 2-2 Application scenarios for UMTS baseband capacity expansion Scenario

Working Mode of BBU 0

Working Mode of BBU 1

Interconnection Method




Just support UCIU+UMPT infrastructure interconnection method




Support UCIU+UMPT and UMPT+UMPT infrastructure

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Working Mode of BBU 0

Working Mode of BBU 1




Interconnection Method

interconnection method

In the preceding scenarios, both BBU 0 and BBU 1 are configured with UMTS main control boards.

 NOTE: For details about the board configurations for each mode, see the BBU Hardware Description. 2.3.3 Restrictions

Both BBU 0 and BBU 1 must be configured with one UMTS main control board to expand the UMTS baseband capacity, with the UMTS main control board in BBU 0 as primary and that in BBU 1 as secondary. If the ACT indicator on a main control board is steady on, this board is the primary board. If the ACT indicator on a main control board is steady off, this board is the secondary board. The following local operations can be performed only on the primary main control board: Software upgrades and data configurations using a USB flash drive Local operations on the LMT Clock test Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) testing using a USB flash drive In addition, the following restrictions apply: Monitoring devices must be connected to BBU 0. In a NodeB deployed using the plug-and-play function, a UMPT working in UMTS mode must be configured in BBU 0. CPRI fiber optic cables can be connected to any WBBP in either BBU. It is recommended that all CPRI fiber  optic cables be connected to the WBBP in BBU 0. For details about CPRI cable connections, see BBU Hardware Description. The secondary UMTS main control board in BBU 1 does not support co-transmission. Boards in the same BBU must have the same subrack and slot numbers. Boards in different BBUs must have different subrack and slot numbers. Otherwise, common boards, such as the UCIU, cannot function. Inter-BBU baseband resource sharing is supported only in the downlink. BBU interconnection cannot enable two NodeBs to be upgraded to one NodeB. Inter-BBU multiple-outp multiple-output (MIMO) is not supported. The main and diversity RRUs serving MIMO cellsmultiple-input must be connected to the ut same BBU. RRUs serving multi-RRU cells, distributed cells, or two cells in a DC-HSUPA or DC-HSDPA group must be connected to the same BBU.

 Related Features

requisite Features None

tually Exclusive Features None localhost:7890/printtopics.html?time=Wed Jun 26 2019 13:46:22 GMT+0300 (Arabian Standard Time)




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pacted Features None

 Impact on the Network

Impact on System Capacity

BBU Interconnection does not affect system capacity when a triple-mode base station is used.  A single-mode single-mode base station supports a ma maximum ximum of 1 11 1 WBBPs afte afterr its UMTS baseband baseband capacity capacity is expanded using BBU Interconnection. For details about the WBBP capacity specifications, see the BBU  Hardware Description. For details about the capacity specifications after baseband capacity capacity expansion, see 3900 Series Base Station Technical Descri Description ption. Impact on Network Performance

No impact.

 Engineering Guidelines

When to Use BBU Interconnection

BBU Interconnection is used to upgrade base stations to triple-mode base stations and for UMTS baseband capacity expansion. Required Information

Check whether the distance between BBU 0 and BBU 1 is less than or equal to 5 m if you use UMPT+UMPT interconnection. Network Planning 5.3.1 Software Versions Table 5-1 lists the mapping between software versions and BBU interconnec interconnection tion methods.

Table 5-1 Software 5-1 Software version Interconnection Method



Software Version




SingleRAN7.0 or later   V100R007C00SPC280 or later if UMPTb boards are used for BBU interconnection.



SingleRAN9.0 or later  



SingleRAN8.1 or later  



SingleRAN9.0 or later  




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5.3.2 Subracks and Hardware Configurations for the BBUs

For the installation locations and hardware configurations of BBU 0 and BBU 1 in each cabinet when a new multimode base station is deployed, see 3900 Series Base Station Hardware Description. In UCIU+UMPT interconnection, interconnection, the UCIU is controlled by only one single-mode main control board. Otherwise, ALM26274 Inter-System Board Object Configuration Configuration Conflict is reported. UCIU-related alarms are reported only to the singlemode main control board controlling the UCIU. When deploying a new Multimode base station, you are advised to comply with the following rules to set the control mode for the UCIU: In UMTS baseband capacity expansion scenarios, UMTS is preferred to control the UCIU. In other scenarios, the mode priority descends from GSM, to UMTS, and then to LTE. In capacity expansion scenarios, it is recommended that the controlling mode of the UCIU remain unchanged.  Alternatively, you can modify  Alternatively, modify the controlling mode based based on information provided provided in Table 5-2. Table 5-2 lists the mode recommended recommended for controlling the UCIU in each scenario.

Table 5-2 Mode 5-2 Mode recommended for controlling the UCIU in each scenario Mode

BBU0 Mode

BBU1 Mode

Mode Recommended for Controlling the UCIU

























During new Multimode base station deployment, the mode deployment order remains unchanged no matter whether the mode controlling the UCIU is first deployed. However, However, it is recommended that the mode controlling the UCIU be first deployed. By doing this, UCIU-related alarms can be reported in time. t ime. 5.3.3 Transmission Modes

With BBU Interconnection, a base station supports the following: Independent Independe nt transmission Inter-BBU co-transmiss co-transmission ion

ependent Transmission In a triple-mode base station deployment scenario, each mode is connected to the transport network through its own port and is deployed in the same way as that in a single-mode base station. In UMTS baseband capacity expansion scenarios, both BBUs have a UMTS main control board, it is recommended that BBU 0 be connected to the RNC.

er-BBU Co-Transmission For engineering guidelines about co-transmission, see Common Transmission Feature Parameter Description. A multimode base station supports the following co-transmission co-transmission modes to implement inter-BBU co-transmission co-transmission:: UMPT-based co-transmission through backplane interconnection  All modes except except the one controlling controlling the UMPT UMPT send their data data to the UMPT through through BBU ba backplanes ckplanes and and BBU interconnection signal signal cables. The co-transmission port on the UMPT is connected to the transport network, and the link between the port and transport network carries data of all the modes in the multimode base station.

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When deploying a multimode base station, first deploy the mode controlling the UMPT. Otherwise, other  modes cannot be deployed. UTRPc-based co-transmission through backplane interconnection  All modes send send their data to the UTRPc throug through h BBU back backplanes planes and B BBU BU interconn interconnection ection signal cables. cables. The co-transmission co-transmission port on the UTRPc is connected to the transport t ransport network, and the link between the port and transport network carries data of all the modes in the multimode base station. When deploying a multimode base station, first deploy the mode controlling the UTRPc. Otherwise, other  modes cannot be deployed. In new multimode base station deployment scenarios, the UTRPc has the following configuration restrictions: The UTRPc can be controlled by only one mode whose main control board is installed in the same BBU as the UTRPc. When deploying a new multimode base station, it is recommended that you deploy the control mode of a UTRPc following a priority descending from LTE, to UMTS, and then to GSM. By default, the UTRPc is controlled by UMTS before delivery. Table 5-3 lists the mode recommended for controlling the UTRPc and the related mode deployment order when an

Multimode base station works in different modes.

Table 5-3 Mode 5-3 Mode recommended for controlling the UTRPc and related mode deployment order when the Multimode base station works in different modes UTRPc Installed in...




BBU0 Mode BBU1 Mode Mode Mode Recommended for Deployment Controlling the Order





UTRPc U (by default before delivery)









U (by default before delivery)





U (by default before delivery)





U (by default before delivery)



G*U*L+G*U*L G* G*U*L
















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UMTS > GSM You can also = LTE deploy GSM first. If so, then you must set the control mode of the UTRPc to GSM by adding the UTRPc data to the BTS configuration file. N/A




UTRPc Installed in...

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Mode BBU0 Mode BBU1 Mode Mode Recommended for Deployment Order Controlling the UTRPc











Not supported






Not supported




Not supported




In transmission mode transformation scenarios, you must minimize the impact on ongoing services when selecting a control mode for the UTRPc. For engineering guidelines about co-transmission, see the Common Transmission Feature Parameter Description. 5.3.4 CPRI-based Topologies

h Single-Mode RF Modules If single-mode RF modules are configured, chain, ring, and star topologies are supported. For UMTS baseband expansion, the ring topology is not supported between two BBUs, as shown in Figure 5-1. Figure 5-1 Ring 5-1 Ring topology not supported between two BBUs

In UMPT+UMPT interconnection, interconnection, only the star topology is supported for BBU 1 when the BBU 0 is configured with the GTMU, WMPT, or LMPT, as shown in Figure 5-2.

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Figure 5-2 Ring 5-2 Ring topology not supported between two BBUs

h Multi-Mode RF Modules If multi-mode RF modules are configured, a dual-star topology must be used to achieve inter-BBU SDR. Figure 5-3 and Figure 5-4 show two dual-star topology examples with GU RFUs and GU RRUs, respectively.

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Figure 5-3 Dual-star 5-3 Dual-star topology with RFUs (GU)

Figure 5-4 Dual-star 5-4 Dual-star topology with RRUs (GU)

 NOTE: For details about the CPRI-based topologies and specifications of CRPI ports, see RF Unit and Topology Management  Feature Parameter Description and CPRI MUX Feature Parameter Description . 5.3.5 Clocks localhost:7890/printtopics.html?time=Wed Jun 26 2019 13:46:22 GMT+0300 (Arabian Standard Time)




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With BBU Interconnection, a base station uses one of the t he following clocks: Independent reference clock Common reference clock

ependent Reference Clock In triple-mode base station deployment scenarios, the reference clock for each mode is the same as that in a singlemode base station. WBBPfIn UMTS baseband capacity expansion scenarios, both BBU 0 and BBU 1 have a WBBPf. The reference clock can be configured in either BBU.

mmon Reference Clock The common reference clock can be configured in either BBU 0 or BBU 1. The BBU configured with the common reference clock shares control data and clock signals with the other BBU through a BBU interconnection signal cable and the BBU backplane. For engineering guidelines about the common reference clock, see Common Reference Clock Parameter Description. Deployment 5.4.1 Deployment Requirement Requirements s

None. 5.4.2 Data Preparation

grade to Triple-Mode Base Stations Perform the following steps to plan the data: 1. Designate BBU0 and BBU1. Plan the cabinet number and subrack number for each BBU. If BBU0 and BBU1 are configured in the same cabinet, their subrack numbers must be different. If they are configured in different cabinets, their subrack numbers can be the same. 2. Plan the control links. The control link is logically CTRLLNK for NodeB or eNodeB, and BTSCTRLLNK for GBTS. Physically, the control link is the BBU interconnection signal cable between the UCIU and UMPT. The two ends of each CTRLLNK/BTSCTRLLNK must be designated. By default, BBU1 is the local node and BBU0 is the upper-level node. The number of each CTRLLNK/BTSCTRLLNK for the base station must be unique. The link numbers of all the CTRLLNKs/BTSCTRLLNKs need to be planned.  A CTRLLNK/BTSCTRLL CTRLLNK/BTSCTRLLNK NK needs to b be e added for ea each ch mode of the base station.

Table 5-4 Parameters 5-4 Parameters for CTRLLNK and BTSCTRLLNK Parameter Name

Local Link No.


Parameter ID

Setting Notes

Data Source


Number of  Network plan CTRLLNK/BTSCTRLLNK GUI value range: 0 to 255 Recommended value: 0, 1

Local Cabinet No.



Cabinet number of BBU 1 Network plan GUI value range: 0 to 7

Local Subrack No.



Subrack number of BBU

Network plan

1 GUI value range: 0 to 1

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Parameter Name

Local Slot No.


Parameter ID

Setting Notes

Data Source


Slot number of the BBU 1 Network plan UMPT to which the BBU interconnection signal cable is connected If BBU Interconnection is applied, set this parameter to 6 or 7 based on site conditions.

Upper Cabinet No.



Cabinet number of BBU 0 Network plan GUI value range: 0 to 7

Upper Subrack No.



Subrack number of BBU 0 GUI value range: 0 to 1

Network plan

Upper Slot No.



Slot number of the BBU 0 Network plan UCIU or UMPT to which the BBU interconnection signal cable is connected If BBU Interconnection is applied, set this parameter to 4, 0, or 7 based on site conditions.

Upper Port No.



Port number of the BBU 0 Network plan UCIU to which the BBU interconnection signal cable is connected. Values 0 to 4 indicate the ports M0 to M4 on the UCIU, and value 8 indicates the CI port on the UMPT. GUI value range: 0 to 4, 6~8

TS Baseband Capacity Expansion Perform the following steps to plan the data: 1. Designate BBU0 and BBU1. Plan the cabinet number and subrack number for each BBU. If BBU0 and BBU1 are configured in the same cabinet, their subrack numbers must be different. If they are configured in different cabinets, their subrack numbers can be the same. 2. Plan the control links. For details, see 2.2 Triple-Mode Base Station Deployment. 3. Plan the baseband processing link. The baseband processing link is logically BBPLNK. Physically, the baseband processing link is the BBU interconnection signal cable between WBBPfs or UBBPds boards. The two ends of the BBPLNK must be designated. Either end of a BBPLNK can be configured as the link head. It is recommended that you configure the end on the BBU 0 side as the link head. The default port number of the link head or  tail is 6. The number of the BBPLNK needs to be planned. Currently, only one BBPLNK is supported.

Table 5-5 Parameters 5-5 Parameters for BBPLNK Parameter Name

Parameter ID

Setting Notes

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Data Source 18/34

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Parameter Name

Link No.


Parameter ID

Setting Notes

Data Source


Number of BBPLNK Network plan GUI value range: 0 to 255 Recommended value: 0

Head Cabinet No.



Cabinet number of the link head GUI value range: 0 to 7

Network plan

Head Subrack No.



Subrack number of the link head GUI value range: 0 to 1

Network plan

Head Slot No.



Slot number of the link head GUI value range: 0 to 5 When the BBU is BBU3900, HSN in the BBPLINK MO must be set to 2 or 3

Network plan

Head Port No.



Default value: 6

Network plan


Cabinet number of the

Network plan

Tail Cabinet No.


link tail GUI value range: 0 to 7 Tail Subrack No.



Subrack number of the link end GUI value range: 0 to 1

Network plan

Tail Slot No.



Slot number of the link end GUI value range: 0 to 5 When the BBU is BBU3900, HSN in the BBPLINK MO must be set to 2 or 3

Network plan

Tail Port No.



Default value: 6

Network plan

5.4.3 Initial Configuration

The Configuration Management Express (CME) is recommended when initially configuring a new base station. Table lists references for initial configuration procedure procedure..


Reference Document for Initial Configuration Procedure


See 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Guide. Find Procedure Procedure through  through the following path: 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Guide > Guide  > 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration (Based on the CME) > CME) > Creating Base Stations > Stations > Creating a Single Separate-MPT Multimode Base Station > Station > Configuring Device Data > Data  > Configuring the Cabinet and BBU Data,   Configuring BBU Interconnection Links. Data, Links.


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Uc+eU S nario

Seefeer3900 Series R ence D ocumeBase nt for Station Initial CInitial onfiguConfiguration ration Procedure Guide.. Find Procedure Guide Procedure through  through the following path: 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Guide > Guide  > 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration (Based on the CME) > CME) > Creating Base Stations > Stations > Creating a NodeB > NodeB > Creating a Single NodeB > NodeB > Configuring NodeB Device Data > Data > Configuring the Cabinet and BBU Data, Configuring BBU Interconnection Links. Links.

G*U*L + G*U*L

See 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Guide.Series Find Procedure Procedure through  through following path: 3900 Base Station Initialthe Configuration Guide > Guide  > 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration (Based on the CME) > CME) > Creating Base Stations > Stations > Creating a Single Co-MPT Base Station > Station  > Configuring Device Data > Data > Configuring the Cabinet and BBU Data, Configuring BBU Interconnection Links. Links.

5.4.4 Activation Observation

 After the initial configuration configuration is comp complete, lete, you can observe observe the s status tatus of the CTR CTRLLNK/BTSCT LLNK/BTSCTRLLNK RLLNK and BBPLNK at either the local or remote end. For alarms related to BBU interconnection interconnection,, see 5.7 Troubleshooting.  At the local end: end: Check the status of the Mx indicator on the UCIU or the status of the CI indicator on the UMPT to determine whether the CTRLLNK/BTSCTRLLNK is operating correctly. If the Mx indicator is green, the CTRLLNK/BTSCTRLLNK is operating correctly. If the CI indicator is green, the CTRLLNK/BTSCTRLLNK is operating correctly. Check the status of the HEI indicator on the WBBPf/UBBPd to determine whether the BBPLNK is operating correctly. If the HEI indicator is green, the BBPLNK is operating correctly.

 NOTE:  An Mx port can can be the M0, M1, M2, M2, M3, or M4 port on the UCIU.  At the remote end: end: On the U2000 device panel, you can query the master/slave indication of the BBU interconnection cable between UMPT boards to check whether the cable is correctly connected. The yellow end is the master port. On the U2000 maintenance console or the LMT, you can run the LST CTRLLNK or CTRLLNK or LST BTSCTRLLNK command to query the cabinet number, subrack number, slot number, and port number at both ends of the BBU interconnection signal cable. Run the DSP CTRLLNKSTAT or CTRLLNKSTAT or DSP BTSCTRLLNKSTA BTSCTRLLNKSTAT T command to check whether the status of the CTRLLNK/BTSCTRLLNK is normal.

 NOTE: The status can be queried only if the interconnection boards and ports are configured and the command is executed in the supported mode. Run the DSP BBPLNK command to check whether a BBPLNK is configured as planned. Adjustment Examples 5.5.1 Adjustment from a GU Base Station to a GU+L Base Station

The following is examples of adjustment from a GU dual-mode base station to a GUL triple-mode base station.


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Interconnection (UCIU+UMPT) is Scenario 1: Figure 5-5 shows the hardware configuration before and after BBU Interconnection implemented. Figure 5-5 Hardware 5-5 Hardware changes in adjustment from a GU base station to a GU+L base station

New hardware components Before configuring data, ensure that the following hardware components are available.

New hardware components


BBU subrack








BBU interconnection signal cable


SFP optical modules


CPRI cables, transmission cables, clock signal cables, power cables, and monitoring signal cables

Depending on the site plan

 Adjust hardware. hardware. 1. Install the UMPT_L and LBBP in BBU 1. Then, connect the power cables, monitoring signal cables, transmission cables, clock signal cables, and CPRI cables to the UMPT_L and LBBP. 2. Install a UCIU in BBU 0. 3. BBU interconnection signal cable to connect port M0 on the UCIU in BBU 0 and the CI port on the UMPT_L in BBU 1.


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 NOTE: When remove and reinstall BBU interconnection cable, you need to reset the main processing board in BBU 1. Modify configuration data. You can modify data on the CME. For details, see 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Guide  > 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Configuration (CME-based) > (CME-based) > Creating Base Stations > Stations > Creating Separate-MPT Multimode Base Stations > Stations > Creating a Single Separate-MPT Base Station > Station  > Configuring Device Data About the SeparateMPT Base Station > Station > Configuring Cabinet, Subrack, and BBU Data and Data and Configuring BBU Interconnection Links. Links. The data reconfiguration procedure using MML commands is as follows: 1. On the GSM side, run the MML command ADD BTSBRD to add a UCIU for BBU 0. 2. On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD CABINET to add a cabinet for BBU 1. 3. On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD SUBRACK to add a subrack for BBU 1. BRD to add a UMPT for BBU 1. 4. On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD BRD to 5. On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add an LBBP for BBU 1. 6. On the LTE and UMTS side, run the MML command ADD CTRLLNK to CTRLLNK to add a control link. On the GSM side, run the MML command ADD BTSCTRLLNK to BTSCTRLLNK to add a control link. For details about paramete parameterr settings, see Table 5-4. Scenario 2: Figure 5-6 shows the hardware configuration before and after BBU Interconnection Interconnection (UMPT+UMPT) is implemented. Figure 5-6 Hardware 5-6 Hardware changes in adjustment from a GU base station to a GU+L base station

New hardware components Before configuring data, ensure that the following hardware components are available.

New hardware components


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New hardware components


BBU subrack






BBU interconnection signal cable with a Master  1 color-coding at one end CPRI cables, cables, clock signal cables, powertransmission cables, and monitoring signal cables

Depending on the site plan

 Adjust hardware. hardware. 1. Install the UMPT_L and LBBP in BBU 1. Then, connect the power cables, monitoring signal cables, transmission cables, clock signal cables, and CPRI cables to the UMPT_L and LBBP. 2. Use a BBU interconnection cable with a Master color-coding at one end to connect BBU 0 and BBU 1. Connect the end with the Master color-coding to the CI port on the UMPT_U in BBU 0 and the other end to the CI port on the UMPT_L in BBU 1.

 NOTE: The interconnection signalensure cable connecting two UMPTs in thecolor-coding BBUs has a connects Master color-coding end. BBU When installing the cable, that the end with the Master to a CI portat inone BBU 0 and the other end connects to a CI port in BBU 1. In UMPT+UMPT interconnection scenarios where only one UMPT connects to external transmission equipment, reset the UMPT connecting to external transmission equipment equipment by pressing the reset button on the UMPT or removing and then inserting the UMPT after cable adjustment. When remove and reinstall BBU interconnection cable, you need to reset the main processing board in BBU 1. Modify configuration data. You can modify data on the CME. For details, see 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Guide  > 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Configuration (CME-based) > (CME-based) > Creating Base Stations > Stations > Creating Separate-MPT Multimode Base Stations > Stations > Creating a Single Separate-MPT Base Station > Station  > Configuring Device Data About the SeparateMPT Base Station > Station > Configuring Cabinet, Subrack, and BBU Data and Data and Configuring BBU Interconnection Links. Links. The data reconfiguration procedure using MML commands is as follows: 1. On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD CABINET to add a cabinet for BBU 1. 2. On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD SUBRACK to add a subrack for BBU 1. 3. On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD BRD to BRD to add a UMPT for BBU 1. 4. On the LTE side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add an LBBP for BBU 1. 5. On the LTE and UMTS side, run the MML command ADD CTRLLNK to CTRLLNK to add a control link. On the GSM side, run the MML command ADD BTSCTRLLNK to BTSCTRLLNK to add a control link. For details about paramete parameterr settings, see Table 5-4. 5.5.2 Adjustment from a G*U*L Triple-Mode Base Station to a G*U*L+G*U*L Triple-Mode Base Station

The following is examples of adjustment from a G*U*L triple-mode base station to a G*U*L+G*U*L triple-mode base station. Figure 5-7 shows the hardware configuration before and after BBU Interconnection Interconnection (UMPT+UMPT) is implemented.

Figure 5-7 Hardware 5-7 Hardware changes in adjustment from a G*U*L triple-mode base station to a G*U*L + G*U*L triple-mode base station

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New hardware components Before configuring data, ensure that the following hardware components are available.

New Hardware Component


BBU subrack






BBU interconnection signal cable with a Master  1 color-coding at one end CPRI cables, transmission cables, clock signal cables, power cables, and monitoring signal cables

Depending on the site plan

 Adjust hardware. hardware. 1. Install the UMPT_GUL and UBBP in BBU 1. Then, connect the power cables, monitoring signal cables, transmission cables, clock signal cables, and CPRI cables to the UMPT_GUL and LBBP. 2. Use a BBU interconnection cable with a Master color-coding at one end to connect BBU 0 and BBU 1. Connect the end with the Master color-coding to the CI port on the UMPT_GUL in BBU 0 and the other end to the CI port on the UMPT_GUL in BBU 1. Modify configuration data. For the procedure for reconfiguring data on the CME, see 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Guide . Find Procedure through Procedure  through the following path: 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Guide Guide >  > 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration (Based on the CME) > CME) > Creating Base Stations > Stations > Creating Co-MPT Base Station > Station >


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Creating a Single Co-MPT Base Station > Station > Configuring Device Data About Co-MPT Base Station > Station > Configuring the Cabinet and BBU Data, Configuring BBU Interconnection Links. Links . The data reconfiguration procedure using MML commands is as follows: 1. Run the MML command ADD CABINET to add a cabinet for BBU 1. 2. Run the MML command ADD SUBRACK to add a subrack for BBU 1. 3. Run the MML command ADD BRD to add a UMPT_GUL for BBU 1. 4. Run the MML command ADD BRD to add an UBBP for BBU 1. 5. Run the MML command ADD CTRLLNK to add a control link. For parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-4. 5.5.3 UMTS Baseband Capacity Expansion from a GU+L to a GU+UL Triple-Mode Base Station

Perform the following steps to expand UMTS baseband capacity: 1. Add a control link for each mode. 2. On the UMTS side, add a cabinet to BBU1. 3. On the UMTS side, add a subrack to BBU1. 4. On the UMTS side, add a baseband processing link between BBU0 and BBU1.

 NOTE: The BBU interconnection signal cable refers to the one used to connect any of ports M0 through M4 on the UCIU to the CI port on the UMPT. The Huawei QSFP electrical cable is used to connect the WBBPf boards in two BBUs. Scenario 1: From GU+L triple-mode base station (with WBBPf in BBU0 slot 3) to GU+UL triple-mode base station Figure 5-8 shows the hardware before and after BBU Interconnection. Interconnection.

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Figure 5-8 Hardware 5-8 Hardware changes for UMTS baseband capacity expansion (scenario 1)

New hardware components Have the following new hardware components ready:

Hardware Component









BBU interconnection signal cable


connects the M port on the UCIU to the CI port on the UMPT

Multi-mode SFP optical modules



QSFP cables provided by Huawei


connects the HEI port on two WBBPf boards

Hardware installation

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1. Install a UMPT_U and a WBBPf in BBU 1. 2. Use a BBU interconnection signal cable to connect the M0 port on the UCIU in BBU 0 to the CI port on the UMPT_L in BBU 1. 3. Use a Huawei QSFP electrical cable to connect the HEI port on the WBBPf in slot 2 in BBU 1 to the HEI port on the WBBPf in slot 3 in BBU 0. Data reconfiguration For the procedure for reconfiguring data on the CME, see 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration G uide. Find Procedure through Procedure  through the following path: 3900 path: 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Guide > Guide  > 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration (Based on the CME) > CME) > Creating Base Stations > Stations > Creating a Single Separate-MPT Multimode Base Links. Station Station > Data > Configuring the Cabinet and BBU Data, Configuring BBU Interconnection Links .  > Configuring Device Data > See U2000 Online Help for detailed operations of exporting CME configurations as a configuration script, find procedure through the following path: CME Management > CME Guidelines > System Management > Script Management > Exporting Incremental Scripts from the Planned Data Area. See U2000 Online Help for detailed operations of activating CME configurations, find procedure through the following path: CME Management > CME Guidelines > System Management > Managing the Script Executor. The data reconfiguration procedure using MML commands is as follows: 1. On the UMTS and LTE sides, run the MML command ADDCTRLLNK to add a control link. On the GSM side, run the MML command ADD BTSCTRLLNK to add a control link. For parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-4. ADD CTRLLNK: LN=1, CN=0, SRN=1, SN=6, UPCN=0, UPSRN=0, UPSN=4, UPPT=1 ADD BTSCTRLLNK:IDTYPE=BYID, BTSCTRLLNK:IDTYPE=BYID, BTSID=563, LN=1, CN=0, SRN=1, SN=6, UPCN=0, UPSRN=0, UPSN=4, UPPT=1 2. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD CABINET to add a subrack for BBU 1. 3. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD SUBRACK to add a subrack for BBU 1. 4. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a UMPT_U for BBU 1. 5. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a WBBPf for BBU 1. 6. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BBPLNK to add a baseband processing link. For  parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-5 ADD BBPLNK: LN=0, HCN=0, HSRN=0, HSN=3, TCN=0, TSRN=1, TSN=2

 NOTE: Uplink resource groups cannot be configured across BBUs. Downlink resource groups can be configured across BBUs. The number of resource groups depends on the actual planning for each site. Scenario 2: From GU+L triple-mode base station station (with the WBBPd in slot 3 of BBU0 and slot 2 of BBU0 empty) to GU+UL triple-mode base station Figure 5-9 shows the hardware before and after BBU Interconnection. Interconnection.

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Figure 5-9 Hardware 5-9 Hardware changes for UMTS baseband capacity expansion (scenario 2)

New hardware components Have the following new hardware components ready:

Hardware Component









BBU interconnection signal cable


connects the M port on the UCIU to the CI port on the UMPT

Multi-mode SFP optical modules



QSFP cables provided by Huawei


connects the HEI port on two WBBPf boards

Hardware installation

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1. Install a UMPT_U and a WBBPf in BBU 1. 2. Install a WBBPf in slot 2 in BBU 0. 3. Use a BBU interconnection signal cable to connect the M0 port on the UCIU in BBU 0 to the CI port on the UMPT_L in BBU 1. 4. Use a Huawei QSFP electrical cable to connect the HEI port on the WBBPf in slot 2 in BBU 1 to the HEI port on the WBBPf in slot 3 in BBU 0. Data reconfiguration For the procedure for reconfiguring data on the CME, see 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration G uide. Find Procedure through Procedure  through the following path: 3900 path: 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Guide > Guide  > 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration (Based on the CME) > CME) > Creating Base Stations > Stations > Creating a Single Separate-MPT Multimode Base Station > Station > Configuring Device Data > Data > Configuring the Cabinet and BBU Data, Configuring BBU Interconnection Links. Links. See U2000 Online Help for detailed operations of exporting CME configurations as a configuration script, find procedure through the following path: CME Management > CME Guidelines > System Management > Script Management > Exporting Incremental Scripts from the Planned Data Area. See U2000 Online Help for detailed operations of activating CME configurations, find procedure through the following path: CME Management > CME Guidelines > System Management > Managing the Script Executor. The data reconfiguration procedure using MML commands is as follows: 1. On the UMTS and LTE sides, run the MML command ADDCTRLLNK to add a control link. On the GSM side, run the MML command ADD BTSCTRLLNK to add a control link. For parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-4. ADD CTRLLNK: LN=1, CN=0, SRN=1, SN=6, UPCN=0, UPSRN=0, UPSN=4, UPPT=1 ADD BTSCTRLLNK:IDTYPE=BYID, BTSCTRLLNK:IDTYPE=BYID, BTSID=563, LN=1, CN=0, SRN=1, SN=6, UPCN=0, UPSRN=0, UPSN=4, UPPT=1 2. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a WBBPf for BBU 0. 3. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD CABINET to add a subrack for BBU 1. 4. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD SUBRACK to add a subrack for BBU 1. 5. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a UMPT_U for BBU 1. 6. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a WBBPf for BBU 1. 7. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BBPLNK to add a baseband processing link. For  parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-5. ADD BBPLNK: LN=0, HCN=0, HSRN=0, HSN=2, TCN=0, TSRN=1, TSN=2

 NOTE: Uplink resource groups cannot be configured across BBUs. Downlink resource groups can be configured across BBUs. The number of resource groups depends on the actual planning for each site. Scenario 3: From GU+L triple-mode base station (with WBBPds in slots 2 and 3 of BBU0) to GU+UL triplemode base station Figure 5-10shows the hardware before and after BBU Interconnection.

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Figure 5-10 Hardware 5-10 Hardware changes for UMTS baseband capacity expansion (scenario 3)

New hardware components Have the following new hardware components ready:

Hardware Component









BBU interconnection signal cable


connects the M port on the UCIU to the CI port on the UMPT

Multi-mode SFP optical modules



QSFP cables provided by Huawei


connects the HEI port on two WBBPf boards

Hardware installation

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1. Install a UMPT_U and a WBBPf in BBU 1. 2. Remove the CPRI fiber optic cable from the WBBPd in slot 3 in BBU 0 and move the WBBPd to slot 0 in BBU 1. 3. Install the WBBPf in slot 3 in BBU 0 4. Connect the fiber optic cable removed in Step 4 to the WBBPf in slot 3 in BBU 0. 5. Use a BBU interconnection signal cable to connect the M0 port on the UCIU in BBU 0 to the CI port on the UMPT_L in BBU 1. 6. Use a Huawei QSFP electrical cable to connect the HEI port on the WBBPf in slot 2 in BBU 1 to the HEI port on the WBBPf in slot 3 in BBU 0. Data reconfiguration For the procedure for reconfiguring data on the CME, see 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration G uide. Find Procedure through Procedure  through the following path: 3900 path: 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Guide > Guide  > 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration (Based on the CME) > CME) > Creating Base Stations > Stations > Creating a Single Separate-MPT Multimode Base Station > Station > Configuring Device Data > Data >Configuring Configuring the Cabinet and BBU Data, Configuring BBU Interconnection Links. Links. See U2000 Online Help for detailed operations of exporting CME configurations as a configuration script, find procedure through the following path: CME Management > CME Guidelines > System Management > Script Management > Exporting Incremental Scripts from the Planned Data Area. See U2000 Online Help for detailed operations of activating CME configurations, find procedure through the following path: CME Management > CME Guidelines > System Management > Managing the Script Executor. The data reconfiguration procedure using MML commands is as follows: 1. On the UMTS and command LTE sides,ADD run the MML command ADDCTRLLNK addparameter a control link. On the side, run the MML BTSCTRLLNK to add a control link.toFor settings, seeGSM the setting description in Table 5-4. ADD CTRLLNK: LN=1, CN=0, SRN=1, SN=6, UPCN=0, UPSRN=0, UPSN=4, UPPT=1 ADD BTSCTRLLNK:IDTYPE=BYID, BTSCTRLLNK:IDTYPE=BYID, BTSID=563, LN=1, CN=0, SRN=1, SN=6, UPCN=0, UPSRN=0, UPSN=4, UPPT=1 2. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD CABINET to add a subrack for BBU 1. 3. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD SUBRACK to add a subrack for BBU 1. 4. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a UMPT_U for BBU 1. 5. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a WBBPf for BBU 1. 6. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BRD to add a WBBPd for BBU 1. 7. On the UMTS side, run the MML command ADD BBPLNK to BBPLNK to add a baseband processing link. For  parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-5. ADD BBPLNK: LN=0, HCN=0, HSRN=0, HSN=3, TCN=0, TSRN=1, TSN=2

 NOTE: Uplink resource groups cannot be configured across BBUs. Downlink resource groups can be configured across BBUs. The number of resource groups depends on the actual planning for each site. 5.5.4 Interconnection Adjustment in a GU+L Triple-Mode Base Station

This section uses the interconnection adjustment from UCIU+UMPT to UMPT+UMPT in a GU+L triple-mode base station as an example.

 NOTE: Inter-BBU services are interrupted when the interconnection method is adjusted. The mode served by the UMPT used for BBU interconnection needs to be redeployed. Scenario: Figure 5-11 shows the adjustment from UCIU+UMPT interconnection to UMPT+UMPT interconnec interconnection tion in a GU+L triple-mode base station.

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Figure 5-11 Adjustment 5-11 Adjustment from UCIU+UMPT interconnection to UMPT+UMPT interconnection in a GU+L triple-mode base station

New hardware components Before configuring data, get the following hardware components available:

New Hardware Component




BBU interconnection cable with a color-coding at one end


Hardware installation 1. Remove the fiber optic cable between BBU 0 and BBU 2, optical module from the UCIU in BBU 0, and optical module from the CI port on the UMPT.

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2. Remove the UCIU from BBU 0. 3. Remove the WMPT from BBU 0. 4. Remove the UMPTa from BBU 1. Install the UMPTa in the slot that originally holds the WMPT in BBU 1. Skip this step if a UMPTb is configured in BBU 1 instead of UMPTa. 5. Install the UMPTb in the slot that t hat originally holds a UMPT board in BBU 1. If a UMPTb has been installed in BBU 1, install the UMPTb in the slot that originally holds a WMPT in BBU 0. 6. Connect the end with a Master color-coding on the BBU interconnection signal cable to the CI port on the UMPT in BBU 0, and the other end to the CI port on the UMPTb in BBU 1.


 After adjusting the the interconnec interconnection tion method, res reset et the main control control board in BBU 1. 1. Data reconfiguration For the operation procedure for data reconfiguration on the CME, see 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Guide. Find Procedure Procedure through  through the following path: 3900 path:  3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Guide > Guide > 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration (CME-based) (CME-based) >  > Creating Base Stations > Stations > Creating Separate-MPT Multimode Base Stations > Stations > Creating a Single Separate-MPT Base Station > Station  > Configuring Device Data About the Separate-MPT Base Station > Station > Configuring BBU Interconnection Links. Links. The configuration procedure using MML commands is as follows: 1. On the GSM, UMTS, and LTE sides, run the RMV RMV  CTRLLNK command (for NodeB and eNodeB) or RMV BTSCTRLLNK (for BTSCTRLLNK  (for GBTS) to remove the infrastructure interconnection link. For parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-4. 2. On the GSM side, run the RMV BTSBRD command to remove the UCIU from BBU 0. 3. On the GSM, UMTS, and LTE sides, run the ADD ADD  CTRLLNK command (for NodeB and eNodeB) to add a control link. On the GSM side, run the ADD BTSCTRLLNK (for BTSCTRLLNK (for GBTS)command GBTS)command to add an infrastructure interconnection interconnec tion link. For parameter settings, see the setting description in Table 5-4. Performance e Optimization Performanc

N/A Troubleshooting Table 5-6 lists the alarms related to BBU Interconnection. For details, see the related alarm reference documents.

Table 5-6 T 5-6 Table able Alarms related to BBU Interconnection Alarm ID

Alarm Name


Inter-BBU Optical Module Fault


Inter-BBU Optical Module Not in Position


Inter-BBU Optical Module Receive Failure


Inter-BBU Optical Module Transmit Failure


Inter-BBU Port Failure


Inter-BBU Port Connection Error  


BBU Topology and Configuration Mismatch


Inter-System Board Object Configuration Conflict

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 Reference Documents

1. Common Transmission Feature Parameter Description 2. Common Clock Feature Parameter Description 3. MML Command Reference 4. Parameter Reference 5. MO Reference 6. Alarm Reference 7. 3900 Series Base Stations Initial Configuration 8. 3900 Series Base Station Technical Description 9. 3900 Series Base Station Commissioning Guide 10. 3900 Series Base Station Hardware Description 11. 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration Guide 12. RF Unit and Topology Management


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