Bba Internship Report on Automobile Spare Parts Industry
Short Description
this is the final year internship report on an automobile spare parts selling company...
St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous) Accredited at A Grade (3 rd Cycle) by NAAC Tiruchirappalli, TamilNadu, TamilNadu, !dia.
"epartme!t o# $usi!ess Admi!istratio!
!ter!ship %eport
Submitted by, &. Joel Cris '$**+, $$A$ Semester -
%eport ! !ter!ship u!dertoo/ at "ha!am Auto Age!cies
!der the Guida!ce o# 0rs. 1rema 2umari
Table of Content
CHAPTER 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of te !tud" 1.# Ob$ect%&e' of te !tud" 1.#.1 $oard obecti4e 1.#.# Speci#ic obecti4e 1.( )etodolog" of te !tud" 1.(.1 1rimary Sources 1.(.# Seco!dary Sources 1.* +%,%tat%on of te !tud"
CHAPTER # #.0 BRIE- DE!CRIPTION ABOUT DHANA) AUTO AENCIE! #.1 )%''%on of te Co,/an" #.# Background of te co,/an" #.#.1 5ocatio! #.( Nature of te co,/an" and Cl%ent' #.* endor' %nfor,at%on
CHAPTER ( (.0 2OR3 ENIRON)ENT (.1 E,/lo"ee' and 4ork en&%ron,ent (.# Nature of 4ork done 4en a /roduct %' rece%&ed
CHAPTER * *.0 !2OT ANA+5!I! O- DHANA) AUTO AENCIE! *.1 !trengt' of Dana, Auto Agenc%e' *.# 2eakne'' of Dana, Auto Agenc%e' *.( O//ortun%t%e' of Dana, Auto Agenc%e' *.* Treat' of Dana, Auto Agenc%e'
CHAPTER 6 6.0 3NO2+EDE AC7UIRED 6.0.1 Te /ract%cal 4ork
1.0 Introduct%on "ha!am Auto Age!cies is a! automobile parts distributor i! Tamil!adu. They deal 6ith both the t6o a!d #our 6heelers spare parts. The compa!y is a! authori7ed dealer i! selli!g 8orce 0otors spares. The strategic stre!gths o# "ha!am Auto Age!cies are its large sale 4alue 1.1 Background of te !tud" 9
St. Joseph’s College is o!e o# 6ell/!o6! College i! Tamil!adu. t pro4ides ma!y programs. $achelors o# $usi!ess Admi!istratio! ($$A) is o!e o# the importa!t program the importa!t programs o# this College. The i!ter!ship program is compulsory #or the stude!ts u!der the #aculty o# $usi!ess Admi!istratio!. The duratio! o# the program is about t6o 6ee/s. :o6e4er, ha4e chose! "ha!am Auto Age!cies to complete the program, duri!g the period 6or/ed i! the compa!y. A#ter completi!g the practical 6or/, ha4e prepared the report. "ha!am Auto Age!cies is o!e o# the gro6i!g auto parts compa!ies, 6hich accepts me as a! i!ter! a!d helped to complete the program a!d i! also prepari!g the report by pro4idi!g i!#ormatio! regardi!g the report. !der the super4isio! o# e;perie!ce sta##s, my i!ter!ship is do!e. ha4e prepared the report #ocusi!g, all the aspects o# the compa!y by co!sulti!g 6ith my guide #or the proect.
1.# Ob$ect%&e of te !tud"9 1.#.1 $road obecti4e9
The mai! obecti4e o# the report is to ser4e my academic purpose as a part o# $$A course a!d that is based o! my i!ter!ship e;perie!ce. A#ter completi!g the report a stude!t ca! complete his $$A program. 0y mai! #ocus i! the report is the #ul#illme!t e##icie!cy o# "ha!am Auto Age!cies. 1.#.# Speci#ic obecti4e9
To /!o6 the !umber o# customer orders (Co’s), li!es a!d pieces per pee/ day. To /!o6 customer order deli4ery cycle time. (a4erage deli4ery parameters.) To /!o6 about the stoc/s placeme!t a!d labeli!g. To lear! about the yard a!d 4e!dor deli4ery truc/ co!trol. To /!o6 about recei4i!g a!d ithout #ollo6i!g a speci#ic methodology the report #ails to ser4e its purpose. Sources o# "ata9 1.(.1 1rimary Sources9
"irect commu!icatio! 6ith the e;ecuti4es a!d sta##s o# the compa!y. "irect co!4ersatio! 6ith the employees o# the compa!y. 1.(.# Seco!dary Sources9
The pri!ted broacher o# the compa!y products. !#ormatio! a4ailable through i!ter!et. ha4e al6ays tried to collect the #resh a!d rele4a!t i!#ormatio! a!d data to complete the report. 1.* +%,%tat%on of te !tud"9
"ue to time co!strai!s could!’t able to collect su##icie!t data. As the compa!y is !ot a public compa!y. t does !ot publish its operatio!al i!#ormatio! to the public. "ata are !ot easily a4ailable o! i!ter!et or i! other published papers. They ha4e pro4ided a! appro;imate #igure. 0ost o# the data collected are #rom primary sources si!ce seco!dary sources o# data are !ot a4ailable as mush to ser4e my purpose.
#.0 Br%ef de'cr%/t%on about Dana, Auto Agenc%e' #.1 )%''%on of te Co,/an"
&ach o# "ha!am Auto Age!cies’ be!e#its a!d add 4alue to the 6ealth o# the compa!y’s relatio!ship 6ith the clie!ts. Their missio! is to supply the best he! e4ery process is do!e the stoc/ is ,o&ed to te 'tock' .
(.( Ta:at%on o&er te 'tock'9
>he! a! import is carried the compa!y pays ta;es o! the basis o# -AT, 8orm C a!d CST ta;es. They are charged *; for AT a!d 6; for -or, C a!d *; for C!T.
*.0 !2OT Anal"'%' of Dana, Auto Agenc%e'
S>T a!alysis (alter!ately S5T a!alysis) is a strategic pla!!i!g method used to e4aluate the Stre!gth, >ea/!ess5imitatio!s, pportu!ities a!d Threats i!4ol4ed i! a proect or i! a busi!ess 4e!ture. t i!4ol4es speci#yi!g the obecti4e o# the busi!ess 4e!ture or proect a!d ide!ti#yi!g the i!ter!al a!d e;ter!al #actors that are #a4orable a!d u!#a4orable to achie4e the obecti4e.
Setti!g the obecti4e should be di!e a#ter the S>T a!alysis has bee! pla!!ed. This 6ould allo6 achie4able goals or obecti4es to be set #or orga!i7atio!.
!trengt' 9 characteristics o# the busi!ess, or proect team that gi4e it a! ad4a!tage o4er others 2eakne'' ea/!ess, pportu!ities, Threats. The S>T a!alysis sho6s the clear picture o# the compa!y’s busi!ess e!4iro!me!t at the prese!t time. The i!ter!ship program 6as e;celle!t a!d #elt li/e a! employee o# the compa!y itsel#, lear!t lot !e6 thi!g. The program ga4e me the practical e;posure o# 6hat lear!t i! theoretical. At last am e;pressi!g my humble gratitude to all helped #or lear!i!g properly duri!g the i!ter!ship.
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