Bayawan City Waste Management and Ecology Center Report

September 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Bawayan City Waste Management and Ecology Center Ian Dalisay EM 323 Waste Management


Overview of Bayawan City  The City of Bayawan Bayawan is a mediumsi!e mediumsi!e city with a "o"ulation "o"ulation of a""ro#imately a""ro#imately $$%&''' located in the southern "art of (egros Island) Bayawan City was declared a com"onent city on Decem*er %& 2''' "er +e"u*lic ,ct -.-3 and is "art of the 3rd Congressional District of the /rovince of (egros Oriental) It is located $'$ 0ilometers southwest from the "rovincial ca"ital& Dumaguete City& and covers a total land area of 1.. 0m) The city is accessi*le *y land through a coastal highway) It is *ounded *y a*an0alan City and the Munici"alities of Ma*inay and Basay to the north and west& *y Tan4ay City and Bais City towards the east and to the southeast *y the Munici"ality of 5anta Catalina 678/M5& 2'$%9)

BCWMEC Sanitary Landfll – Cell 1

Waste 8eneration& Waste 8eneration +ate& and 5W Collection 5ystem  To  To analy!e the local waste generation generation situation& situation& waste characteri!atio characteri!ation n studies 6W,C59 were conducted) During these assessments& sam"les were ta0en from selected waste generators to analy!e amounts of *iodegrada*le& *iodegrada*le& recycla*le& residual and s"ecial wastes in weight and volume in order to "rovide the needed e#tra"olations and "ro4ections for 5WM "lanning) /resently& the total waste generation within the 4urisdiction was estimated with /resently& around :' tons;day) Due to the limited road access& the munici"al waste collection "resently "resent ly reaches only 3'< of all households and only serves = ur*an and 3 rural *arangays out of a total of 2- *arangays with : com"actor truc0s and $ small dum" truc0) The 78> esta*lished a collection system with se"arate collection days for *iodegrada*le *iodegrada* le and non*iodegrada*le non*iodegrada*le wastes) The collection schedule covers Monday& Wednesday and ?riday 6MW?9 for *iodegrada*le wastes while Tuesday and 5aturday non*iodegrada*le wastes are collected) 5"ecial wastes from households are collected every @rst Thursday of the month)  The BCWMEC BCWMEC was launched launched in 2'$' and and integrates a sorting "lant "lant 6at Material +ecovery ?acility9& a com"osting area& an oAce *uilding& a 3'tonner digital weigh*ridge& weigh*rid ge& a $hectare 57? unit 6Cell $9 and se"tage and leachate ttreatment reatment facilities) The integrated 57? has a "ro4ected lifes"an of 3' years) This center is located = 0m northeast of the ur*an center in Barangay Maninihon) It covers 2:



hectare and was reali!ed with 78> investments from the 7ocal Develo"ment ?und& in total /h/ 3:&'''&''')  The Material +ecovery +ecovery ?acility ?acility 6M+?9 and and vermicom"osting vermicom"osting area area are *oth located within the BCWMEC) The M+? is a "ermanent *uilding that allows segregation of materials *y utili!ing gravity force) Materials can *e "ushed down from an in"ut area to lower wor0ing areas& where they are sorted into various material fractions and forwarded to storage units) The use of a gravity*ased system does not only "rovide an eAcient way to segregate materials for the tas0ed wor0ers *ut also reduces o"eration and maintenance cost) Through o"eration of the M+? and the com"osting "lant the dis"osal of recycla*les and *iowaste can *e reduced and hence the lifes"an of the 57? *eing increased) ,s of "resent time& The BCWMEC has a total of $'< of solid wastes removed from MW? as recovered materials) Biodegrada*les that are gathered with the segregated collection on MW? are ground and sieved through a rotary screen and then delivered to the vermincom"osting "lant) The BCWMEC has develo"ed local techniues in vermicom"ositing wherein they are a*le to eAciently remove vermiworms from "lots from sieving)

5W Collection ?ee Bawayan Citys integrated solid waste management system utili!es the /ayasFou  Throw with with "re"aid "re"aid stic0er stic0er systemG in their solid waste collection) It started in 2''3 for free& and in 2''1& the city government government im"lemented to start collecting fees from the households) 5ince the year 2''. the 78> a""lies a /,FT system for all waste generators that are located within the collection area with a "re"aid stic0er system)  This scheme reuires reuires that Bayawan City citi!ens "urchas "urchase e one stic0er stic0er "er gar*age gar*age *ag 6u" to 2% liters9 for the collection of residual and s"ecial waste only *ut also for *iowaste) However& the 78> monitors the waste segregation at source and encourages com"osting on household and *arangay level)  The stic0ers stic0ers have to *e acuired at at the city hall 6City 6City Treasur Treasurers ers OAce9 or at authori!ed selling selling centers at the "u*lic mar0et or *arangay halls for a "rice of 2 /eso res"ectively) The collection crew chec0s if a stic0er is connected correctly at the gar*age *ag "laced for collection) 8ar*age *ags that are not la*eled with a stic0er or are la*eled incorrectly will not *e collected)

Other Collection ?ees

Septic Tank Management at BCWMEC

5ince the year 2'$$& sludge removed from domestic se"tic tan0s is "rocessed at the BCWMEC at a s"eci@cally constructed constructed sludge treatment "lant that also utili!es the leachate treatment system "rovided for the 57?) The city government also im"osed a fee system for the cleaning of se"tic tan0s collection;treatment of related sludge *ased on the "olluters "ay "rinci"le)G , city ordinance ordinance reuests all owners of se"tic tan0s to at least clean their se"tic tan0 every four 6:9 years) The 78> collects /h/ 2&$1')'' "er tan0 cleaning where*y this fee is collected with the local water *ill from the Bayawan City Water District 6B,W,D9)

Collection EAciency 7i0e many system around the world& starting the Bayawan City waste collection did not yield eective res"onses res"onses from the gar*age throwers) However& due to the 2


eorts of the 78> 5WM Team of Bayawan City& the "eo"le learned to follow the system) To eAciently collect the solid wastes from dierent households& the 78> de"loys truc0s with s"ea0ers to signal the collection of wastes is ongoing) With the sound of the song Macarena&G "eo"le learned that it is an indication of the "resence "resenc e of gar*age collector truc0s) The 78> also develo"ed a route module wherein the mileage of truc0s would *e minimal& thus cut cost in fuel yet all routes were designed to serve almost all roads in the city)



Aspects of BCWMEC  BCWMEC  Strengths and Weaknesses and Recommendations Recommendations or Mitigation and Enorcement 

5iting  The selection of the site for the 57? *egan with with the selection selection criteria) Three Three 639 dierent sites were su*mitted *y the Bayawan City 78> for a""roval of DE(+ and they have chosen the *est site according to the following ma4or criteria& namely namelyJJ 6$9 soil "ermea*ility& 629 distance from the city 6hauling costs9& 639 accessi*ility& and 6:9 distances from air"ort& water sources& households& households& and fault lines) ,mong the three "ro"osed site& the site in Brgy) Maninihon was the "erfect site& "assing all the s"eci@cations for an ideal site for 57?)  The decision decision of the site was was challenged challenged *y the acce"tance acce"tance of the "eo"le "eo"le of the *arangays who live around the ecocenter) To "ushthrough the "ro4ect& Information Educational Cam"aign was made through dierent media such as sym"osiums and "u*lic hearings)

Design and 7and@ll Com"onen Com"onents ts  The design of of BCWMEC was *uilt *y the the 78> through through the technical technical assistance assistance of 8erman Technical Coo"eration 68TK9) Bayawan 57?& a Category 2 7and@ll& is made u" of local materials such as Bentonite clay which lessened the cost of Cell $ u" to %'
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