Al-dayn is the Arabic word for debt as opposed to qard (loan). Technically dayn is dened as “ mal hukmi f al-zimmah” or “a constructive asset in the obligation of the debtor.” Therefore, dayn is a form of mal (asset) or haqq ali (a nancial right). !asically, bay" al#dayn (sale of debt) is a transaction that confors to Shari'ah under current $alaysia regulation which regards the sale and purchase of securities or debt certicates.
%egarding the denition of bay’ al-dayn, $usli &urists have dened bay’ al-dayn as a 'ind of sale contract where the creditor"s payable right upon the debtor is being sold either to the debtor hiself or to a third party. Bay’ al-dayn is also 'nown as debt purchasing in slaic ban's because the ban' norally purchases the custoer"s right to the debt and securitied it as bills of e*change 'nown as Accepted !ills#i. The ban' purchases the debt fro the custoer at a discount price which is agreed aong both parties. The ban' can sell the debt to a third party also at a discount price
+ontrary to ayn, dayn is considered as intangible asset -ence, dayn is considered as right of the creditor established in the liability of the debtor ven though it is considered as property of value (mal mutaqawwam), but the &urists di/er in their recognition of its independency in becoing ob&ect of sale
Legal Ruling Regarding Bay’ Al-dayn 1) Selling of debt to the debtor $a&ority of &urists uphold that it is perissible, e*cept that of the 0ahiris who aintained that the sale of debt is disallowed even to the debtor hiself 2) Selling Of Debt To Third Party $a&ority of &urists disallowed it. 1oe allow it with certain condition # 1oe 1haes (al-Subki, al-Nawawi, et c) with a few conditions # 1oe 1haes – only conred debt # 1oe $ali'is – 2 conditions (in the te*tboo') bn al#3ayyi – allowed slaic 4iqh Acadey – alloed to a debtor or to a third party pro!ided that the rules of riba and gharar are obser!ed" ’
The selling of debt at discount under the concept of Dha$ a Ta$a%%al
5ha" wa Ta"a&&al in general refers to the act of debt discounting and early payent
$a&ority of &urist 6 disallowed
bn Abbas 6 allowed based on ra’ah and takhf (lifting the burden)
&pplication of Bay’ al-dayn in the 'slamic (ans
t is applied ostly in the securitiation based products such as in7 a. slaic
$oney $ar'et nstruents b. slaic Treasury !ills c. slaic 8egotiable nstruents d. slaic Accepted !ills e. *port +redit %enancing f. slaic !onds (1u'u')
Opinion of *urists The 9+ 4iqh Acadey and soe shariah scholars have the opinion that the sale:purchase of securities or docuents representing debt at a price other than their face !alue contradicts the principle of 'slam .
-owever, the $usli &urists at the S&+ of the $alaysian 1ecurities +oission have ruled that the practice of debts sold to a third party and selling the debt at a discount price is permissible.
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