Baxter (Flo-Gard 6201) Volumetric Infusion Pump Flow Rate Accuracy - Test Design and Performance Verification

July 16, 2019 | Author: Kousha Talebian | Category: Intravenous Therapy, Accuracy And Precision, Syringe, Pump, Medical Specialties
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Short Description

In the clinical settings, continuous monitoring the fluid line (e.g. saline, medications, antiseptic drugs) is critical ...





______________________________________ SoheilHajiMohammadi HaniehKamelian KoushaTalebian


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 Abstract Intheclinicalsettings,continuousmonitoringthefluidline(e.g.saline,medications, antisepticdrugs)iscriticalforqualitycontrolandsafetypurposes.Thus,thereisa seri seriou ous s need need for for a reli reliab able le infu infusi sion on pu pump mp that that is sens sensit itiv ive, e, elec electr tric ical ally ly safe safe and and patientsafe.Oneofthemostimportantfactorsimpactingapumpperformanceisits flowrate.Subsequently,therearevariousmethodstoverifythedegreetowhichthe flowrateisaccurate.Attimes,depen flowrateisaccurate.Attimes,dependingontheapplicat dingontheapplicationoftheinfusion ionoftheinfusiontherapy therapy (inanesthesiaorforthepurposeofmedicationadministration),accuracyoftheflow ratecancriticallyendangerboththesafetyoftheuserandthepatient.Thisreport Baxter r (Flo-G (Flo-Gard ard 6201) 6201) pres presen ents ts five five meth method ods s to exam examin ine e the the accu accura racy cy of the the Baxte infusionpump.

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TableofContent Abstract..........................................................................................................................................................2 1.Scope..........................................................................................................................................................4 2.Objective...................................................................................................................................................4 3.Introduction............................................................................................................................................5 3.1.BaxterInfusionPump.................................................................................................................5 3.2.FlowRateCalculation.................................................................................................................5 3.3.ClinicalConsiderationWhileSettingtheFlowRate......................................................6 3.4.FlowRateAccuracy.....................................................................................................................6 3.5.FunctionalBlockDiagram........................................................................................................7 4.MethodstoTesttheFlowRateAccuracy...................................................................................8 4.1.TestParameters............................................................................................................................8 4.2.CriteriatobeConsideredDuringTesting..........................................................................8 4.3.InstrumentsNeeded....................................................................................................................8 ....................................................................................................................8 4.4.TestSetup........................................................................................................................................8 4.5.TestProcedures.........................................................................................................................10 4.5.1.Method1-MeasurementbyWeightperTime....................................................10 4.5.2.Method2-MeasurementbyVolumeperTime...................................................10 4.5.3.Method3-MeasurementbyTimeperVolume...................................................11 4.5.4.Method4-MeasurementIncorporatingVTBIOption......................................11 4.5.5.Method5-One-HourAccuracyTest........................................................................11 5.Results....................................................................................................................................................12 6.Discussion.............................................................................................................................................14 7.FactorsAffectingTestResults&Accuracy..............................................................................15 ..............................................................................15 8.Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................16 9.Recommendation/FutureWork................................................................................................16 10.Bibliography......................................................................................................................................17 AppendixA:Method1Data........................................................................................ ............................................ ....................................................................18 ........................18 AppendixB:Method2..........................................................................................................................19 AppendixC:Method3&Method4.................................................................................................20 AppendixD:Method5..........................................................................................................................21

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1.Scope Thisreportintroducesfivemethodstomeasureandexaminetheaccuracyofthe Baxt Baxter er Sing Single le Chan Channe nel l (Flo (Flo-G -Gar ard d 62 6201 01) ) Infu Infusi sion on Pump Pump flow flow rate rate.. The The repo report rt is partitioned partitionedto to thefollowingsections: thefollowingsections:Objective Objective,Introducti ,Introduction(i.e.TypesofInfusion, on(i.e.TypesofInfusion, BaxterInfusionPump,FlowRateCalculation,ClinicalConsiderationWhileSetting theFlowRate,FlowRateAccuracyandFunctionalBlockDiagram),Methods,Results, Discussion,FactorsAffectingtheAccuracyoftheFlowRateand,Conclusion.

2.Objective As mentio mentioned ned previo previousl usly y in the Abstra Abstract, ct, inaccur inaccuracy acy and malfun malfuncti ction on of infusi infusion on pump pu mps s can can resu result lt in serio serious us and and crit critic ical al comp compli lica cati tions ons and harm harm to the the pati patient ent.. Accordingly,ouraimfromthisprojectwastodesigntestmethodstomeasureand verifytheBaxterinfusionpumpflowrateaccuracy.

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3.Introduction Infusionpumpsareelectronicdevicesusedtocontroladministrationofintravenous fluidsinverysmallamountsandatacarefullyregulatedrateoverselectedperiodof time.Theyareclassifi time.Theyareclassifiedbasedontheirvolum edbasedontheirvolumecapacity(i.e ecapacity(i.e.smallorlarge), .smallorlarge),typeof typeof pump(i.e.volumetri pump(i.e.volumetricorsyringe)andflowratemechanis corsyringe)andflowratemechanisms(i.e.throug ms(i.e.throughgravity hgravityor or roll roller er pu pump mp). ). Acco Accord rdin ing g to FDA, FDA, an infu infusi sion on pu pump mp is a Class Class II devi device ce.. Howe Howeve ver, r, Health Health Canadahasclass Canadahasclassifi ifiedit edit asa ClassIIIdevic ClassIIIdeviceby eby (Rule11 (Rule11 and Sub Rule Rule(1) (1)), ), whereit whereitisdescrib isdescribedas edasanactive,therap anactive,therapeutic euticand andsurgi surgicallyinvas callyinvasivedevice(Chan, ivedevice(Chan, 2013).

3.1.BaxterInfusionPump The The Baxte Baxter r (Flo (Flo-G -Gar ard d 62 6201 01) ) infu infusi sion on pu pump mp is an elec electr trom omec echa hani nica cal l type type pu pump mp.. Similartoanyotherinfusiontype,itisusedfortheintravenousinfusionofliquids such such asmed as medica icatio tions, ns,nut nutrie rients nts and antise antisepti ptic c admini administr strati ations; ons; the user user can select select the rate. ate. The The pu pump mp is comp compos osed ed of a line linear ar per perista istalt ltiic pu pum mp head head,, which hich is programmable(MadWrench,LCC,2011)(SystemsIntegratedMedical,2011). The pump pump uses uses Volume Volume-Ti -Time mePro Progra grammi mming. ng. This This techno technolog logy y allows allows usto us tosel select ect a volume-to-be-infused(VTBI)andtheamountoftimeoverwhichtheinfusionisto takeplace.Then,thepumpautomaticallycalculatestheflowraterequiredtodeliver thedesiredVTBIinthatspecifictimeperiod.Ifthecalculatedflowrateishigher thanthepump’scapabilities,thepumpwilldisplaythemessage“ Hi”;similarly,ifthe calculatedflow calculatedflowrateislowerthanthepump’ rateislowerthanthepump’scapabil scapabilities ities,thepumpwilldispl ,thepumpwilldisplaythe aythe messag message e “Lo” Ther There e are are curr current ently ly 5 appli applicab cable le meth method ods s to test test for for the the flow flow rate rate accuracyoftheBaxterinfusionpump(MadWrench,LCC,2011)(SystemsIntegrated Medical,2011).

3.2.FlowRateCalculation Flui Fluid d flow flow rate rate (FR) (FR) occu occurs rs as a resu result lt of the the rela relati tion onsh ship ip of pres pressu sure re (P) (P) and and resistance(R). 

 =

Flow Flow rate rate impa impact cts s resi resist stan ance ce and and resi resist stan ance ce impa impact cts s the the amou amount nt of pres pressu sure re requiredtoachievetheflowrate(Mocklin,2011).

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3.3.ClinicalConsiderationWhileSettingtheFlowRate Thefollowingprinciplesapplytoflowrates(Mocklin,2011): •

• • •

High-resistancesystemsrequirethemostamountofpressure(e.g.,infusing intoahypertensivepatientwithleftventricularhypertrophyorpulmonary hypertension). Highflowratesinlowresistancesystemswillrequirelesspressurethanin highresistancesystems(e.g.,infusingfluidrapidlyintoahypotensivepatient inshock). Low Low flow flow rate rates s in high high resi resist stan ance ce syst system ems s will will requ requir ire e less less pres pressu sure re than than high high flow flow rate rates s (e.g (e.g.,., infu infusi sing ng at the the Keep Keep Vein Vein Open Open [KVO [KVO] ] rate rate into into the the hypertensivepatient). Low flow flow rates rates in low resist resistanc ance e sys system tems s will will requir require e the least least amount amount of pressure.Forexample,KVOrateintoahypotensivepatient.

3.4.FlowRateAccuracy Most Most infusi infusion on pump pump manufa manufactu cturer rers s state state the accura accuracy cy of the delive delivered red dose dose as a percent percentage age.. A user user manual manual may read read ‘accur ‘accuracy acy:: ±5%’. ±5%’. Ideall Ideally, y, this this should should be the flowrateaccuracy flowrateaccuracy,meaningthatove ,meaningthatoverthecomplete rthecompleteperiodofinfusi periodofinfusion,theflowrate on,theflowrate (inmL/hour)willnotvarybeyondtheselimits.Suchpumpsshouldhaveasmooth andsteadydelivery.Sometimes,however,thequotedaccuracymayrefertothetotal volumedeliver volumedeliveredbytheendoftheinfu edbytheendoftheinfusionperi sionperiod.Insuchcases od.Insuchcases,thefinaldose ,thefinaldosewill will bewithinthespecifie bewithinthespecifiedlimits,but dlimits,butno noindic indicationisgiven ationisgivenonhowconstantorsmooth onhowconstantorsmooth theflowhasbeenduringinfusion. For syring syringe e pumps, pumps, which which make make use of single single-us -use e syring syringes, es, many manufa manufactu cturer rers s definetheaccuracyofthelineardisplacementoftheplunger.Thisisthemechanical accu accurracy acy of the the pu pum mp itse itself lf and and excl exclud udes es the the addi additi tion onal al err error caus caused ed by the the inco inconsi nsist stenc ency y of sing single le-u -use se syri syring nges. es. The The user user shou should ld be awar aware e that that sing single le use use syringesmightcauseflowdeviationsupto4%greaterthanthosespecifiedforthe lineardisplacement. As the mainten maintenance ance of consta constant nt blood blood levels levels may be critic critical al for some some drugs, drugs, it is import important ant to search search the user user manual manual or any accompa accompanyi nying ng litera literatur ture e for furthe further r referencestoaccuracy(Ferrari&Beech,1995).

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3.5.FunctionalBlockDiagram Figure1showsthefunctionalblockdiagramforagenericvolumetricinfusionpump. Onthelefthandside,theuserinput (e.g.VTBI) (e.g.VTBI)/ou /outpu tput tint interf erface ace isshown. isshown.Onthe Onthe righthandside,theinternalblockdiagramsofthepumpareshown.

Figure1: Functionalblockdiagramofaninfusionpump

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4.MethodstoTesttheFlowRat 4.MethodstoTesttheFlowRateAccuracy eAccuracy 4.1.TestParameters Weight(g) ● VolumetobeInfused(VTBI)(mL) ● Time(s) ● 4.2.CriteriatobeConsideredDuringTesting Thefollowingassumptionsandfactorswereconsideredduringthetesting: Theinfusionsetiscorrectlyprimedandused. ● Therearenostructuralandfunctionaldefectsintheinfusionpump. ● Theinfusionlineisgoodfortherepetitionoftests. ● Thereisnomovementinthelineasthewaterispassedthrough. ● Theheightatwhichthelineissetatisthesameastheonesetforpatient’s ● infusiontherapy. 4.3.InstrumentsNeeded Baxter(Flo-Gard6201)volumetricinfusionpump ● Acrystalbowl ● Acalibratedscalewitharesolutionofatleast0.1grams ● ASTMClassA25mLgraduatedcylinderwitharesolutionofatleast0.2mL ● BaxterContinu-Flosolutionset ● Solutionfluid(i.e.distilledwater) ● 4.4.TestSetup Thefollowingfourstepsarerequiredforthepreparationofthetest(MadWrench,

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Note:Thetubingmustbecleananddrybeforeitisinsertedintothepump.Makesure thatthetubingisplacedandseatedproperlyintheguidechannel,pumpmechanism, sensors,andsafetyclamp.Ensurethatthereisnoslackinthetubingandthatitisnot kinkedorpinchedbeforeclosin kinkedorpinchedbeforeclosingthepumpd gthepumpdoor. oor.

3. Load oad the the set set into into the pu pum mp. Clos Close e the the pu pump mp doo door. Ther here shou should ld be no excessiveresistance.Neverusetoolsorexcessiveforcetocloseapumpdoor. 4.Placethedistalendoftheadmi 4.Placethedistalendoftheadministr nistrationsetinaconta ationsetinacontainerorsin inerorsinktodispose ktodispose ofpumpedsolution.  Note:DoNOTreuseatubing Note:DoNOTreuseatubingsegmenton segmentonceithasbeen ceithasbeenused. used.

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4.5.TestProcedures Belowrepresentsfourshorttimeaccuracytests,aswellasaone-hourlongaccuracy testfortheBaxterinfusi testfortheBaxterinfusionpump.Thefour onpump.Thefourshorttestscompu shorttestscomputetheinfusio tetheinfusionrateby nrateby measuringweightpertime,volumepertime,timepervolume,andVTBI(Volumeto BeInfused).Attheendofthisdocument,fivedata-collectionchartsareincludedto referringtothefivetests.Allmethodsareusedtocalculatetheinfusionrate,but onlyM1,M2andM5areusedtomeasuretheaccuracyoftheinfusionrate.Andfor validatingtheaccuracyofeachofthreemethodsbetter,therearetwoapproachesto M1,, M2 and M1 and M5 M5: : one one is meas measur urin ing g the the infu infusi sion on rate rate by plot plotti ting ng the the resu result lt and and calculating calculatingtheslopeandtheotheroneisdiv theslopeandtheotheroneisdividing idingthefinalvolum thefinalvolumebythetotaltime ebythetotaltime togettheaverageinfusionrate.Thefollowingfivemethodshavebeentakenfrom theoperationmanual(MadWrench,LCC,2011)(SystemsIntegratedMedical,2011). As such such,, the the cont conten ent t has has been been modi modifi fied ed,, but but may may stil still l cont contai ain n ph phra rase ses s from from the the originalscript. 4.5.1.Method1-Measurement 4.5.1.Method1-MeasurementbyWeightper byWeightperTime Time

1. ProgramaPRIVTBIofatleast500mLandstartthepumpat200mL/hr. 2. Plac Place e a cont contai aine ner r on a cali calibr brat ated ed scal scale e with with a reso resolu luti tion on of 0.1 0.1 gram grams s or 3. 4.

5. 6.

betterandzerothescale. Meas Measur ure e the the weig weight ht of the the cont contai aine ner r ever every y 30 seco second nds s ± 3 seco second nds s for for durationof10minutesand30seconds. Dividethe Dividetheweigh weightby tbyspecif specificgravity icgravity ofthesolution(water’sspecificgravit ofthesolution(water’sspecificgravity y is0.998g/mLatroomtemperature)andplottheresults.Theslopeoftheline istheinfusionrate. Dividethefinalweightfromthetotaltimeandbythespecificgravitytoget theaverageinfusionrate. The total total soluti solution on collec collected ted at the 10-min 10-minute ute deadli deadline ne should should be betwee between n 32.5mLto37.5mL.

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4.5.3.Method3-Measurement 4.5.3.Method3-MeasurementbyTimeperVo byTimeperVolume lume

1. ProgramaPRIRATEof200mL/hrandaPRIVTBIgreaterthan35mL. 2. Coll Collec ect t the the solu soluti tion on in an ASTM ASTM Clas Class s A 25 25mL mL gradu graduate ated d cyli cylind nder er,, with with a

resolutionof0.2mLorbetter. 3. Measurethetimewithin3secondsthatittakestocollect25mL±0.2mL. Calcul ulat ate e the the flow flow rate rate in mL/h mL/hr r by divi dividi ding ng 35 35mL mL by the the meas measur ured ed time time 4. Calc convertedtohours. 5. Theflowrateshouldbebetween186.0mL/hrand214.0mL/hr. 4.5.4.Method4-Measurement 4.5.4.Method4-MeasurementIncorporatin IncorporatingVTBIOption gVTBIOption

1. ProgramaPRIRATEof200mL/hrandaPRIVTBIof35mL. 2. Startthepumpandcollectthesolutioninacontainerofknownweight.When

thepumpgoesintoKVOalertmode,stopthepumpwithin20seconds. 3. Use acalibrate acalibrated dsca scalewith lewith aresolutio aresolution nof0.1grams of0.1grams orbetterto orbetterto weighthe weighthe cont contai aine ner r and and solu soluti tion on.. Then Then divi divide de the the solu soluti tion on weig weight ht by the the spec specif ific ic grav gravit ity y of the the solu soluti tion on (w (wat ater er’s ’s spec specif ific ic grav gravit ity y is 0.99 0.998 8 g/mL g/mL at room room temperature). 4. Thesolutioncollectedshouldbebetween32.5mLand37.5mL. 4.5.5.Method5-One-Hour 4.5.5.Method5-One-HourAccuracyTest AccuracyTest

1. ProgramaPRIRATEof125mL/hrwithaPRIVTBIof1000mL. 2. Plac Place e a cont contai aine ner r on a cali calibr brat ated ed scal scale e with with a reso resolu luti tion on of 0.1 0.1 gram grams s or 3.

4. 5. 6.

betterandzerothescale. Plac Place e the the dist distal al end end of the the infu infusi sion on set set into into a cont contai aine ner, r, and and plac place e the the cont contai aine ner r on a cali calibr brat ated ed scal scale e with with a reso resolu luti tion on of 0.1 gram grams s or bett better er.. Recordtheweightofthecontainer. Simultaneously,startatimerandpresstheSTARTkey. Meas Measur ure e the the weig weight ht of the cont contai aine nerr ever everyy 3 minu minute tes s ± 3 seco second nds s for for durationof1hour. Dividethe Dividetheweigh weightby tbyspecif specificgravity icgravity ofthesolution(water’sspecificgravity ofthesolution(water’sspecificgravity is0.998g/mLatroomtemperature)andplottheresults.Theslopeoftheline

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5.Results Table1summarizestheresultsofthefivemeasurementmethodsperformed.The raw data dataisinclu isincluded ded intheappendixforrefer intheappendixforreference ence (Append (AppendixA: ixA:Met Method hod 1Datato AppendixD:Method5).RateisinmL/hr.Averagemeasuredrateiscalculatedby dividingthefinalvolumevaluebythetotaltime,wheretheslope(themeasured rate rate) ) is calc calcul ulat ated ed by fitt fittin ing g a line linear ar line line to the the meas measur ured ed data data.. From From here here on, on, meth method ods s are are refe referr rred ed to as M1 thro throug ugh h M5 for for ease ease of refe refere rence nce.. Simi Simila larl rly, y, the the averagepercenterrorisreferredtoasAPE,andtheslopepercenterrorisreferred toasSPE. Resultsobtainedfromthefiveaccur hefiveaccuracytests. acytests. Table1: Resultsobtainedfromt M1: M2: Weightper Volume Time perTime Method Method TargetRate (mL/hr)

2 0 0. 0

2 0 0. 0

M3: Timeper Volume Method

M4: VTBI Method

M5: One-Hour  Accuracy Test

2 0 0. 0


1 25. 0

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WeightperTime 40      )     L30    m      (    e 20    m    u      l    o10     V

y=3.4486x-0.3963 R²=0.99998 Series1 Linear(Series1)

0 0





Figure3: Weightpertimetestmethod.

VolumeperTime 25      ) 20     L    m      ( 15    e    m10

y=3.4951x-0.1424 R²=0.99995 Series1

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6.Discussion Acco Accord rdin ing g to the the coll collec ecte ted d data data,, all all meth method ods s were were with within in the the acce accept ptab able le rang range e suggestedbythemanufacturer(thisreferstothelastbulletpointofeachmethod). ComparingM1,M2andM5,M5percenterror(%2.2±.2)showsthatitisthemost accu accura rate te meth method od.. This This also also show shows s that that the the long longer er the the infu infusi sion on time time,, the the more more accuratetheresultswouldbe.Inaddition,chi-squaredvalueforallthreecalculated to be .999 .9999; 9; this this show shows s that that the the data data for for all all is of good good quali quality ty and that that all all thre three e methodsareaccurate. ErrorpercentagesofMethod1,2an hod1,2and5. d5. Table2: ErrorpercentagesofMet M1: Weightper TimeMethod

M2: M5: Volumeper One-Hour TimeMethod  AccuracyTest


3. 45


2. 3 9


2. 54


2. 2 0

3. 0 0 ± 0. 4 5

4. 4 3 ± . 4 3

2. 2 ± . 2

%Error %ErrorAvgof  APE&SPE

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7.FactorsAffectingTestRes 7.FactorsAffectingTestResults&Accurac ults&Accuracy y In gene genera ral, l, the the foll follow owin ing g fact factor ors s can can infl influe uenc nce e the the flow flow rate rate meas measur urem emen ent t and and performanceofaninfusionpump: ● ● ● ● ●

AirtrappedintheContinu-Flosolutionset Non-sterilefluidpath Solutionsetstoredintemperatureslessthan15Cormorethan30C LeakageorocclusionintheIVtube Disruptormalfunctionedelectricalconnections

From From the the manu manufa fact ctur urin ing g reco recomm mmen enda dati tion on,, the the reso resolu luti tion on of the the scal scale e and and the the graduatedcylinderneedtobe0.1gand0.2mLrespectively.Thescaleusedforthis setup had a resolution of 0.01g, which has a higher resolution than the manufacture’srecommendation.Thegraduatedcylinder,however,hadaresolution of 0.2mL, 0.2mL, which which was the same same as the manufa manufactu cture’ re’s s recomm recommend endati ation. on. Theref Therefore ore,, method1,andmethod5arebettertestprocedures. The The same same infu infusi sion on line line was was used used for for all all five five test tests. s. The The pu pump mp used used a clam clamp p for for secu securi ring ng the the infu infusi sion on line, line, as well well as stop stoppi ping ng the the infu infusi sion on.. As a resu result lt,, the the line line shou should ld be mov moved for each each test test as to move ove the the clam clampi ping ng loca locati tio on of the the line line..

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8.Conclusion Acco Accord rdin ing g to the the coll collec ecte ted d data data,, all all meth method ods s were were with within in the the acce accept ptab able le rang range e suggestedbythemanufacturer(thisreferstothelastbulletpointofeachmethod). This This impl implie ies s that that the the volu volume me to be infu infuse sed d of the the infu infusi sion on pu pump mp was was measu measure red d succ succes essf sful ully ly for for all all five five meth method ods. s. Meth Method od 3 & 4, how however ever,, were ere not not used used for for accuracyanalysisbecausetheyweresingledatacollection. Asseenintheresults,theflowrateaccuracyisdependentonthelengthofthetest. Meth Method od 1 (10. (10.5 5 minu minute tes) s) had had an exper experim iment ental al to targ target et erro error r of 3.0% 3.0% ± 0.45 0.45%. %. Similarly,Method2(6minutes)hadanerrorof4.43%±0.43%.Finally,Method5 hadanerrorof2.2%±0.2%(60minutes). ComparingthethreemethodsillustratesthatMethod5isthemostaccurateofthe thre three e test tests, s, and it is du due e its its long longer er infu infusi sion on time time.. Ther Theref efor ore, e, the the accu accura racy cy of the the infusionrateoftheBaxterFlo-Gard6201iswithin2.2%±0.2%.

9.Recommendation/FutureWork Theaccuracymeasurementforinfusionrateisaverysimpleprocedure.Adigital lethat beconnect beconnectedtothepumpcanbeusedtomeasu edtothepumpcanbeusedtomeasuretheweig retheweightofthe htofthe

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10.Bibliography Chan,A.(2013).InfusionDevices.RetrievedFebruary2013,fromUBCCHBE: me=fil_01282013100001_9QgHhZ&info=inf_01282013100001_DI86nc&attach=1&g rp=4&ext=.pdf  Australian Ferrari,R.,&Beech,D.R.(1995).Infusionpumps:guidelinesandpitfalls. Australian Prescriber  ,18  ,18,49-51.

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 AppendixA:Method1Data  AppendixA:Method1Data Time Time( (mi minu nute te) ) Weig Weight ht( (g) g)

0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5

1. 4 3. 15 4. 8 6. 49 8. 2 1 9. 85 1 1. 6 7

Volu Volume me( (mL mL) )

1. 3 9 72 3. 1 4 37 4. 7 9 04 6. 4 7 7 0 2 8. 1 9 35 8 9. 8 3 03 1 1. 6 4 6 6 6

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 AppendixB:Method2  AppendixB:Method2 Time Time( (mi minu nute te) ) Volu Volume me( (mL mL) )

0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5

1. 6 3. 4 5. 1 6. 8 8. 6 1 0. 4 12

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 AppendixC:Method3&M  AppendixC:Method3&Method4 ethod4 Method3

Totaltimetoinfuse25mL=429seconds Method4

Volumetobeinfused(Target)=35mL Experimentalvolumeinfused=35.79mL Timetoinfuse=630seconds

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 AppendixD:Method5  AppendixD:Method5 Time Time( (mi minu nute te) ) Weig Weight ht( (g) g)

3 6 9 12 15 18 21

6. 32 1 2. 7 2 19.1 2 5. 5 4 3 1. 8 8 3 8. 4 6 4 4. 8 2

Volu Volume me( (mL mL) )

6. 3 0 7 3 6 1 2. 6 9 4 5 6 19. 06 1 8 2 5. 4 8 89 2 3 1. 8 1 62 4 3 8. 3 8 30 8 4 4. 7 3 03 6

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