Batching Plant Report

December 19, 2017 | Author: Shahzad Tabassum | Category: Structural Engineering, Building Engineering, Technology, Industries, Building Materials
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Short Description

Complete Description about concrete batching plant...


GROUP # 7 Department of Civil Engineering


Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

Table of Contents Introduction:......................................................................................................... Types of Concrete Batching Plant:.................................................................................................................. Ready mix plant:......................................................................................................... Central mix plant:......................................................................................................... Detail Description about Plant: ......................................................................................................................... Parts of Batching Plant:.................................................................................................................. Working of Batching Plant:..................................................................................................................


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

Operation interface of Plant:................................................................................................................ Concrete classification: ....................................................................................................................... Material used in Concrete: ....................................................................................................................... Concrete Mix Designs of Metro Bus System P-5:................................................................................................................. Conclusion: .......................................................................................................................


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

Abstract &Acknowle dgement This report is consisting of the case study of "Concrete Batching Plant located in Babur Chowk near Vehari Chowk Multan" in reference of its working. In this report there is brief discussion on location of the plant, different parts of Plant, Its working, discussion about the classes of concrete, and material used etc. This report can help the 4

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

reader to understand the process of batching of concrete and its procedure. Furthermore there is a brief discussion on the classes of concrete. We are thankful to Sir Muhammad Riaz Ahmad who assigned the task to learn about the concrete batching plant. We are especially thankful to the HCS Company, Plant operator Muhammad Iqbal and the Laboratory engineers who gave access and shared the useful information about the visit.


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant


Group No. 07

Practical Field Training

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

Concrete Batching Plant GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Project Name: Construction of Metro Bus System, Multan Location of Project: Vehari chowk to Chowk Kumharan wala Consulted By: Osmani & Co. (pvt) LTD. C l i e n t 7

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

: M u l t a n

D e v e l o p m e n t

A u t


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

h o r i t y S t a t u s :

I n c o m p l e


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

t e C o n t r a c t o r s :

H a b i b

C o n 10

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

s t r u c t i o n

C o m p a n y Location of Plant: Babur Chowk near Vehari Chowk Multan


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant


Group No. 07

Practical Field Training

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

I n t r o d u c t i o n : A concrete plant, also known as a batch plant or batching plant, is a device that combines various ingredients to form concrete. Some of these inputs include sand, water, aggregate (rocks, gravel, etc.), fly ash, potash, and cement. A concrete plant can have a variety of parts and accessories, including but not limited to: mixers 13

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

(either tilt-up or horizontal or in some cases both), cement batchers, aggregate batchers, conveyors, radial stackers, aggregate bins, cement bins, heaters, chillers, cement silos, batch plant controls, and dust collectors (to minimize environmental pollution). The center of the concrete batching plant is the mixer. There are three types of mixer: Tilt, pan, and twin shaft mixer. The twin shaft mixer can ensure an even mixture of concrete and large output, while the tilt mixer offers a consistent mix with much less maintenance labor and cost.

Types of Concrete Batching Plant: There are two types of concrete plants 1. Ready mix plants 2. Central mix plants


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

R e a d y

m i x

p l a n t : A ready mix plant weighs the sand, gravel and cement in weigh batchers which can be computer assisted. All the ingredients then combine in a confining chute which discharges into the ready mix truck. Meanwhile, water is either being weighed or volumetrically metered and 15

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

discharged through the same confining chute into the ready mix truck. These ingredients are then mixed for a minimum of 10 minutes during transportation to the job site.


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

C e n t r a l

m i x

p l a n t : A c e n t r 17

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

a l m i x o r p r o d u c t s p l a n t c o m b i n e s s o m e 18

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Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

o r a l l o f t h e a b o v e i n g r e d i e n t s ( i n c l 19

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Department of Civil Engineering

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

u d i n g w a t e r ) a t a c e n t r a l l o c a t i o n i n


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

a m i x e r . T h e f i n a l p r o d u c t i s t h e n t r a 21

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

n s p o r t e d t o t h e d e s i r e d l o c a t i o n . C e n t 22

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

r a l m i x o r p r o d u c t s p l a n t s d i f f e r f r o m 23

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

r e a d y m i x p l a n t s i n t h a t t h e y c o n t a i n 24

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Department of Civil Engineering

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

a c e n t r a l m i x e r , w h i c h c a n o f f e r a m o 25

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

r e c o n s i s t e n t m i x t u r e i n a s h o r t e r t i m 26

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

e ( g e n e r a l l y 5 m i n u t e s o r l e s s ) . A t e m 27

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

p o r a r y b a t c h p l a n t c a n b e c o n s t r u c t e d


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

o n a l a r g e j o b s i t e . A r e a d y m i x c o n c r 29

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Department of Civil Engineering

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

e t e p l a n t b e c o m e s c e n t r a l m i x w i t h t h e 30

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

a d d i t i o n o f a c o n c r e t e m i x e r . B o t h


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training


r e a d y

m i x

b a t c h

p l a n t 32

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

a n d


c e n t r a l

m i x / p r o d 33

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

u c t s

p l a n t

c a n

b e

c o m p u 34

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

t e r

a s s i s t e d

u s i n g


b a 35

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Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

t c h

c o m p u t e r .

D e t a i l

D 36

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

e s c r i p t i o n

a b o u t

P l a 37

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

n t : There were two batching plants at the site. Both have 1m3 capacity at a time. they have some specification Brand Name: Bosure Accuracy: Depends Power Supply: 24v Display Type: Digital Model Number: PLY1000

Parts of Batching Plant: A concrete plant can have a variety of parts and accessories, including but not limited to: 1. Mixers (either tiltup or horizontal or in some cases both), the center of the concrete batching plant is the mixer. 2. cement batchers 38

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

3. aggregate batchers 4. conveyors 5. radial stackers 6. aggregate bins 7. cement bins 8. heaters 9. chillers 10. cement silos 11. batch plant controls 12. and dust collectors (to minimize environment al pollution The concrete batch plants can be categorized into 4 parts: i. Aggregate feeding ii. Powder feeding (fly ash, cement and expanding agent) iii. Water and admixture for mixing the materials iv. Conveyance and storage 39

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

1. Aggregate Feeding


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

In this part of batching plant there are 4 hoppers in which aggregates are filled. The aggregate and sand are generally transferred to a conveyor by using a front-

end loader to move the material from the ground storage piles to a hopper that dumps onto the conveyor. The emissions are generated as the material falls from the bucket of the front-end loader into the hopper. In some cases, the piles may be placed on top of underground hoppers, which are fed by gravity instead of front-end loaders, or the front-end loader may dump the aggregate directly into the overhead bins


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

If the exact dimensions of the hopper are not available, the hoppers are generally about 12 feet by 12 feet, and about 10 feet tall. The bottom of the bucket of the front-end loader can be assumed to be 3 feet above the top of the hopper when dumping material. There may be more than one hopper, and the hoppers may be used for different materials (e.g. sand vs. aggregate). Therefore, the emission rate may not be the same for each hopper. 2. Powder feeding:


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

In this part cement is filled in it. Emissions are generated by the filling of

the cement weigh hopper from the cement and supplement silos. The exhaust from this source is usually vented through a cartridge filter in the side of the weigh hopper, or through a central bag house. This source can be assumed to operate for 37.5 minutes out of each hour for truck-mix facilities, and for only 30 minutes out of the hour for central-mix facilities. Therefore the modeled hourly emission rate can be reduced by a factor of 37.5/60 and 30/60 for truck-mix and central-mix facilities respectively.


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

3. Water tank: In this section water is filled for the concrete mixing. The water is fresh and drinkable. The temperature of water is controlled with the season changing. It is kept as designed for the mix design. 4. Admixture tank: In this section admixture is stored and supplied via pipes during the mixing of concrete. Different types of admixtures are used in different concrete designs. They are accelerators, retarder etc. for example Ultra AG 200, Rheobuild 850, 0.75


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

Working of Batching Plant: Batching concrete is a process whereby cement is mixed with coarse aggregate (graded crush) and fine aggregate (sand particularly pit sand) as well as with water. This depends on the type of the batching plant. Some concrete batch plants are mobile while others are rather massive that they cannot be easily mobilized. The Schematic flow chart of the whole process is given below


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training


concrete batch plants can be categorized into 4 parts: aggregate feeding, powder feeding (fly ash, cement and expanding agent), water and admixture for mixing the materials, conveyance and storage. When the control system of mixer is connected to an electricity source, the operation interface of the man-machine interaction will appear and system will begin to process initialization which includes the formula number, concrete slump, 46

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

concrete grade and productivity. Each silo and weighing hopper is tested according to weighing system. Its control system will output the signal of the amount of material to prompt the operator to decide whether to start the control program or not.


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

The belt conveyor is initiated to transmit the aggregate to the weighing hopper; the valve of the fly ash and cement tank should be opened and the screw conveyor and motor initiated to transmit them

into the weighing hopper; the control valve of the water sump and admixture sump needs to be opened to make water and admixture flow into the weighing hopper. Once the weight of all material types meets the needs of specific amounts, the door of the weighing hopper is opened automatically. The materials will then be mixed by a concrete mixer. Once the setting time is over, the loading door of the concrete mixer opens and the concrete flows into a concrete mixer truck.


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

T h i s p r o c e s s i s c o n d u c t e d v e r y c a r e f u l 49

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

l y s i n c e c o n c r e t e m u s t n o t s e g r e g a t e a 50

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

n d a l s o b e c a u s e t h e c o n c r e t e m u s t b e r 51

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Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

e a d y a n d t r a n s p o r t e d a n d t h e n u s e d b e f 52

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

o r e i t s p r e l i m i n a r y s e t t i n g t i m e w h i c h 53

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

i s b e t w e e n 3 0 4 5 m i n u t e s . T h e s e l e c t i 54

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Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

o n o f t h e e q u i p m e n t u s e d i s d e p e n d e n t


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

o n t h e s c a l e o f t h e p r o j e c t t o b e u n d e 56

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Department of Civil Engineering

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

r t a k e n . I n s o m e c o u n t r i e s , t h i s i s c a r 57

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Department of Civil Engineering

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

r i e d o u t b y a m o b i l e c o n c r e t e b a t c h i n g 58

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Practical Field Training

m a c h i n e . A m o r e s o p h i s t i c a t e d v e r s i o n 59

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

o f t h e m a c h i n e i s t h e t e t r a d e c a g o n a l 60

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

e g g s h a p e d m i x e r w h i c h d o e s 3 0 6 0 r p m 61

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

. F o r l a r g e s c a l e p r o j e c t s , t h i s i s e m 62

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

p l o y e d u s i n g a n A r c h i m e d e s ’ s c r e w t h a t


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

h o i s t s t h e i n g r e d i e n t s , m i x i n g t h e m a n 64

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

d t h e n c o n v e y i n g t h e m t o t h e m i x e r . A t 65

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Department of Civil Engineering

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

t i m e s , t h e b a t c h i n g m a c h i n e m a y b e s e 66

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Department of Civil Engineering

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

c u r e d o n t o t h e t r u c k t h a t c a r r i e s t h e


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

r a w m a t e r i a l s a n d w h e n t h e y a r r i v e a t


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

t h e s i t e , t h e p l a n t e q u i p m e n t m i x e s t h 69

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

e c o n c r e t e o n s i t e . T h e e q u i p m e n t i s c 70

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Department of Civil Engineering

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

o m p o s e d o f a t u b e , p e n t a g o n a l t o o c t a g 71

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

o n a l s h a p e d i n s i d e . A t t i m e s , i r o n b a l 72

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l s a r e t h r o w n i n s i d e t o a s s i s t i n m i x i 73

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Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

n g .

Operation interface of Plant: All the operation process is controlled by computerized batching controller. In this project Bosure model PLY 1000 is being used. Its description is given below. PLY1000 batching controller is mainly applicable to the construction industry in the concrete mixing plant or station, to control multiple scales (8, including bone scales, cement scales, water scales, scales liquid outside agent, fly ash scales, alternate scales) more material automatic weighing bin automatic batching system automatically mix the ingredients. PLY1000 batching controller is based on a variety of control theory (productivity and structure) and various types of concrete mixing station concrete mixing plant and design; with loading rack 74

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

chassis, improving the overall structure level. According to user requirements, connected with the printer. The controller uses an advanced integrated circuits and high reliability devices, modular design, with high weighing accuracy, simple, affordable, and high reliability. Hardware design using the latest highly integrated high-speed CPU, ensuring the reliability PLY1000 batching controller and real-time processing capabilities, high-speed data acquisition 24 AD, greatly improving the accuracy of weighing and batching. Unique antijamming design, so that the controller can be used reliably in harsh field environments. PLY1000 batching controller with RS-232 serial communication port, convenient and reliable connection with the PC, to achieve greater management capabilities and screen display function, the control system to meet the needs of different users.


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

Following are the properties of this model. ☆ Material weight static weighing display ☆ Single, dynamic weighing more material weight control ☆ Material mixing process control ☆ Mixing concrete discharge control ☆ Recipe management ☆ Plate number control ☆ Manual, automatic batching control mode ☆ Continue to produce the production pause, start after ☆ Digital calibrated scales (including school and college zero end) convenient (to school or school alone zero end) ☆ Fixed drop, drop the optional automatic tracking compensation in two ways ☆ Directly set 11, commonly used parameters, the print function, available with a standard printer, aggregate 76

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant


Practical Field Training

cumulative measurement scales four kinds of materials can be achieved on fast slow feed Cement warehouse scales three radio can be accumulated automatically broken arch Water weighing control, time control was outside agent scales, ash scales, weighing two alternate positions cumulative or radio, a communication function, RS-232 serial communication port and PC communication The clock display and production time record The abnormal situation of alarm and self-processing functions Square cumulative total production and control functions

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

In this picture all the functions are controlled with the buttons. These are explained as 1. First of all type of concrete is saved with specific name and order such as A1, A2, A3, D1 and D2. 2. Next quantity of concrete is fed which is to be batched for example 1m3, 0.5m3 etc. 78

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

3. For each class of concrete there is separate mix design. It is saved in the system in weights. For example water, cement, aggregates and admixtures. For aggregates there are 4 buttons which are directly linked to the hoppers of different size aggregate in different quantities. For the each class of concrete the aggregate weight of each size out of 1m3 is saved in it. 4. Similarly for each class, weight of cement, water and admixtures are saved in the controller.


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

When there is required of any class of concrete simply class is instructed and quantity is put. The aggregates of required weight are dropped into the conveyer then it is lifted up into the mixer. Cement is 80

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Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

weighted from its tank and dropped into the mixer. Similarly water and admixtures came out of required weight and dropped into the mixer. The mixing time is specified for each class of concrete. For

example for A1, A2 it is 35 seconds. For A3 it is 37 seconds and for D2 it 45 seconds, Barrel mixing time about 1 minute. When mixing is completed concrete is dropped into the concrete transit mixer and it takes it to the site. The concrete slump is also controlled here. For each class concrete it is saved in it. Water content is controlled for concrete with season. For example in the winter and rainy season the aggregates are in SSD condition so less water is required. 81

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

Concrete classification: Due to different strength in the different designed members concrete is classified into different classes. These are as follows. ☆ A1 for retaining wall. Its slump value is 80-100 mm, setting time is about 90 minutes, 7 days compressive strength is greater than 70% and 28 days strength is 3000 psi ☆ A2 for pile cap, transom. Its slump value is 120 mm, setting time is about 90 minutes, 7 days compressive strength is greater than 70% and 28 days strength is 4000 psi ☆ A3 for Piles. Its slump value is 180 mm, setting time is about 90 minutes, 7 days compressive strength is greater than 70% and 28 days strength is 4000 psi ☆ D1 for Girders. Its slump value is 14082

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

150 mm, setting time is about 90 minutes, 7 days compressive strength is greater than 70% and 28 days strength is 5000 psi ☆ D2 for girders. Its slump value is 140 mm, setting time is about 90 minutes, 7 days compressive strength is greater than 70% and 28 days strength is 6250 psi.

Material used in Concrete: The material used in this project for concrete is given below ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 1.


Crush Sand Cement Admixtures Crush aggregate:

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

The crush used here is Margla and Sargodha. It has three different sizes. They are 5mm, 10-16 mm and 16-25 mm. its unit weight is 2.425 g/cc.

2. Sand: The sand used in the project is larnispur sand.


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

3. Cement: Three types of cements is being used in this project. These are ☆ Mepal Leaf cement, Comp. strength at 28 days: 10000 Psi ☆ Pak cement ☆ Fauji cement of compressive strength of 10,000 Psi Every type of cement is complies with almost all kind of specifications and codes ASTM, BS, EN codes are followed by them.

4. Admixtures: Two types of admixtures used in the project which are as follows. ☆ Ultra AG 200 ☆ Rheobuild 850 85

Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant


Group No. 07

Practical Field Training

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

Concrete Mix Designs of Metro Bus System P-5:


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

Summary of Mix Design:


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

Concrete Batching Plant

Practical Field Training

Conclusion: From my case of study I am able to know about the manufacturing process of concrete batching plant. It was very helpful to us to learn about their parts, working process. We also learnt about the different classes of concrete used in the metro bus system Multan, its mix design, proportioning of material by weight and compressive strength of concrete also. But some faults we noted there was no exact water content used. Similarly there was no calculation for aggregate if it is saturated due to rain. The other thing was that there was lot of dust on the aggregates which may affect the properties of concrete.


Group No. 07

Department of Civil Engineering

MNS UET Multan

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