Basic SNMP Labs

March 20, 2019 | Author: Syed Imran Ali Kazmi | Category: Router (Computing), Computer Network, Routing, Network Architecture, Information Technology Management
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Basic SNMP Labs...


Basic SNMP Lab Aim: Installing and understand Cisco Packet Tracer and basic understanding of SNMP Protocol. Apparatus (Software/Hardware): Cisco Packet tracer

Packet Tracer is a wonderful development program put out by Cisco: a leader in computer networking hardware for simulating and testing network designs. Procedure: 1. Install Cisco Packet tracer (Cisco_Packet_Tracer_6.1.1.0 (Cisco_Packet_Tracer_6.1.1.0001. 001.

!. "efer to t#e usage $anual

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)  The Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP! is used for network monitoring and management. "t is made up of # parts$ the SNMP manager$ SNMP agent and Management "nformation %ase M"%!. "n Packet Tracer there is not a lot you can actually do with SNMP but it is possible to set up a router or switch as an SNMP agent and use a PC or laptop as an M"% browser. So although you can&t set SNMP traps or informs it is still a valuable learning tool to show the sort of information that can be retrieved and even a few things that can be set on an SNMP agent.

'. (nable SNMP on )outer )'! •

*pen the )' console and con+gure SNMP Protocol with the following router command. %efore con+guring SNMP$ you must con+gure the basic con+gure like$ setting up "P address and basic routing con+guration.


)'-con+gure terminal

(nter con+guration commands$ one per line. (nd with CNT/0.

)'con+g!-snmp1server community )' ro

)'con+g!-snmp1server community )'rw rw


2. Testing SNMP from a PC •

*3$ the SNMP has been con+gured on )' router. Now try to test it

from the PC' using M"% %rowser. •

Click on PC' and click 4esktop tab$ then open M"% %rowser. )outer command.

*n the opened M"% browser page$ click 5dvanced tab to open the 5dvanced page.

(nter the information like the screenshot or below table.

5ddress: '62.'78.'9.'. This is the )' "P address.

)ead Community: )'. "t has taken from read only ro! community name.

rite Community: )'rw$ it is the name of read and write rw! community.

;rom the SNMP ture of #@79$ 2679 and 26@9 switches Aust to show SNMP can be con+gured on any of them.

Starting Confguration

*nce the basic layout has been set the router interfaces can be con+gured and static "P addresses assigned to the PCBs. %elow is a sample for )outer5:

Network used for the following con+guration. )outercon+g!-hostname )outer5 D )outer5con+g!-int f9/9 )outer5con+g1if!-ip address 'E2.'7.9.' 2@@.2@@.9.9 )outer5con+g1if!-no shutdown )outer5con+g1if!-e> D )outer5con+g!-int s9/9/9 )outer5con+g1if!-ip address '2#.'2.'.' 2@@.2@@.2@@.2@2 )outer5con+g1if!-clock rate 7?999 )outer5con+g1if!-no shutdown )outer5con+g1if!-e> D )outer5con+g!-do copy run start 4estination +lename Fstartup1con+gGH %uilding con+guration...

F*3G )outer5con+g!ith both routers and the switches con+gured it is a good idea to add a routing protocol to the routers so that we get to the point where everything can ping everything else. "n this case "Bll use ("I)P but in a small network like this )"P would also be +ne. )outer5con+g!-router eigrp ' )outer5con+g1router!-network 'E2.'7.9.9 )outer5con+g1router!-network '2#.'2.'.9 )outer5con+g1router!-no auto1summary )outer5con+g1router!-e> )outer5con+g!Ne>t weBll con+gure SNMP v'$ as mentioned previously there are not a lot of options here so the con+guration is pretty simple. %elow is the con+guration for )outer5 but the other router and switches use e>actly the same synta> 1 nothing changes. )outer5con+g!-snmp1server community testro ro )outer5con+g!-snmp1server community testrw rw  Those two lines eJectively start the SNMP v' service and apply BpasswordsB for want of a better name!. The ro and rw at the end of each line refer to )ead *nly ro! and )ead rite rw! respectively. ThatBs it$ nothing else we can do on the routers or switches. orth mentioning here that the switches will have to have an "P address and default1gateway assigned so we can contact them. 5 sample for the synta> for doing that is below: Switch4con+g!-int vlan ' Switch4con+g1if!-ip address '62.'78.9.'99 2@@.2@@.2@@.9 Switch4con+g1if!-no shutdown Switch4con+g1if!-e> D Switch4con+g!-ip default1gateway '62.'78.9.'

M"% Now that we have done all the con+guration we can +re up the M"% browser and see

what we can actually do now. *n a PC click the 4esktop tab and select the M"% %rowser:

;irst we have to select a target or an SNMP agent! so click the 5dvanced... button and enter the "P address of the device you want to connect to= in this case "Bll choose )outer5:

eave the port number as '7' and enter the two BpasswordsB we used on all the routers and switches= in this case the two we had were testro and testrw then select the SNMP version$ weBll use v#. e should now be ready to connect to the device$ so in the left hand pane e>pand out the M"% Tree as shown below:

*nce there we can start to view a few of the options available. ;or e>ample$ click on .sysName and in the *perations: drop down bo> select Iet and hit the Io button and you should see the display below:

Play around with the various +elds you have and keep clicking the Iet button= feel free to knock yourself out in the other areas like .interfaces for e>ample! and you

will get a bit of an idea how much information is available on the device. 5lso try connecting to the switches and the other router as well$ remember that you will have to go back into the 5dvanced... area and select the new target to do this. Setting and pick Set and a dialog bo> will pop up like the one below:

eave the *"4 line as is but change the 4ata Type to *ctetString. This 4ata  Type should be the same type of data as displayed in the )esult Table when you performed the Iet function earlier. Then enter a value in the
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