Basic SNMP Lab Aim: Installing and understand Cisco Packet Tracer and basic understanding of SNMP Protocol. Apparatus (Software/Hardware): Cisco Packet tracer
Packet Tracer is a wonderful development program put out by Cisco: a leader in computer networking hardware for simulating and testing network designs. Procedure: 1. Install Cisco Packet tracer (Cisco_Packet_Tracer_6.1.1.0 (Cisco_Packet_Tracer_6.1.1.0001. 001.
!. "efer to t#e usage $anual
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) The Simple Network Management Protocol SNMP! is used for network monitoring and management. "t is made up of # parts$ the SNMP manager$ SNMP agent and Management "nformation %ase M"%!. "n Packet Tracer there is not a lot you can actually do with SNMP but it is possible to set up a router or switch as an SNMP agent and use a PC or laptop as an M"% browser. So although you can&t set SNMP traps or informs it is still a valuable learning tool to show the sort of information that can be retrieved and even a few things that can be set on an SNMP agent.
'. (nable SNMP on )outer )'! •
*pen the )' console and con+gure SNMP Protocol with the following router command. %efore con+guring SNMP$ you must con+gure the basic con+gure like$ setting up "P address and basic routing con+guration.
)'-con+gure terminal
(nter con+guration commands$ one per line. (nd with CNT/0.
)'con+g!-snmp1server community )' ro
)'con+g!-snmp1server community )'rw rw
2. Testing SNMP from a PC •
*3$ the SNMP has been con+gured on )' router. Now try to test it
from the PC' using M"% %rowser. •
Click on PC' and click 4esktop tab$ then open M"% %rowser. )outer command.
*n the opened M"% browser page$ click 5dvanced tab to open the 5dvanced page.
(nter the information like the screenshot or below table.
5ddress: '62.'78.'9.'. This is the )' "P address.
)ead Community: )'. "t has taken from read only ro! community name.
rite Community: )'rw$ it is the name of read and write rw! community.
;rom the SNMP ture of #@79$ 2679 and 26@9 switches Aust to show SNMP can be con+gured on any of them.
Starting Confguration
*nce the basic layout has been set the router interfaces can be con+gured and static "P addresses assigned to the PCBs. %elow is a sample for )outer5:
Network used for the following con+guration. )outercon+g!-hostname )outer5 D )outer5con+g!-int f9/9 )outer5con+g1if!-ip address 'E2.'7.9.' 2@@.2@@.9.9 )outer5con+g1if!-no shutdown )outer5con+g1if!-e> D )outer5con+g!-int s9/9/9 )outer5con+g1if!-ip address '2#.'2.'.' 2@@.2@@.2@@.2@2 )outer5con+g1if!-clock rate 7?999 )outer5con+g1if!-no shutdown )outer5con+g1if!-e> D )outer5con+g!-do copy run start 4estination +lename Fstartup1con+gGH %uilding con+guration...
F*3G )outer5con+g!ith both routers and the switches con+gured it is a good idea to add a routing protocol to the routers so that we get to the point where everything can ping everything else. "n this case "Bll use ("I)P but in a small network like this )"P would also be +ne. )outer5con+g!-router eigrp ' )outer5con+g1router!-network 'E2.'7.9.9 )outer5con+g1router!-network '2#.'2.'.9 )outer5con+g1router!-no auto1summary )outer5con+g1router!-e> )outer5con+g!Ne>t weBll con+gure SNMP v'$ as mentioned previously there are not a lot of options here so the con+guration is pretty simple. %elow is the con+guration for )outer5 but the other router and switches use e>actly the same synta> 1 nothing changes. )outer5con+g!-snmp1server community testro ro )outer5con+g!-snmp1server community testrw rw Those two lines eJectively start the SNMP v' service and apply BpasswordsB for want of a better name!. The ro and rw at the end of each line refer to )ead *nly ro! and )ead rite rw! respectively. ThatBs it$ nothing else we can do on the routers or switches. orth mentioning here that the switches will have to have an "P address and default1gateway assigned so we can contact them. 5 sample for the synta> for doing that is below: Switch4con+g!-int vlan ' Switch4con+g1if!-ip address '62.'78.9.'99 2@@.2@@.2@@.9 Switch4con+g1if!-no shutdown Switch4con+g1if!-e> D Switch4con+g!-ip default1gateway '62.'78.9.'
M"% Now that we have done all the con+guration we can +re up the M"% browser and see
what we can actually do now. *n a PC click the 4esktop tab and select the M"% %rowser:
;irst we have to select a target or an SNMP agent! so click the 5dvanced... button and enter the "P address of the device you want to connect to= in this case "Bll choose )outer5:
eave the port number as '7' and enter the two BpasswordsB we used on all the routers and switches= in this case the two we had were testro and testrw then select the SNMP version$ weBll use v#. e should now be ready to connect to the device$ so in the left hand pane e>pand out the M"% Tree as shown below:
*nce there we can start to view a few of the options available. ;or e>ample$ click on .sysName and in the *perations: drop down bo> select Iet and hit the Io button and you should see the display below:
Play around with the various +elds you have and keep clicking the Iet button= feel free to knock yourself out in the other areas like .interfaces for e>ample! and you
will get a bit of an idea how much information is available on the device. 5lso try connecting to the switches and the other router as well$ remember that you will have to go back into the 5dvanced... area and select the new target to do this. Setting and pick Set and a dialog bo> will pop up like the one below:
eave the *"4 line as is but change the 4ata Type to *ctetString. This 4ata Type should be the same type of data as displayed in the )esult Table when you performed the Iet function earlier. Then enter a value in the
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