Basic Principles of Modular Coordination

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Basic principles of modular coordination, United States. Washington [1953]

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This publication has been prepared to provide supplemental lecture notes for a

series of lantern slides prepared for use in courses in drafting and construction at architec-

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tural and engineering colleges. It may serve as a textbook for students, as well as a guide

for architectural and engineering draftsmen in applying the principles of modular coordi-

nation to working drawings.

Reproductions of the lantern slides are utilized as illustrations. The slides and

text are based on criteria and standards included in the American Standards Association

A62 Guide for Modular Coordination.

For sale by the Superintendent of Document*, U. S. GoTernment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. — Price 25 cent*

u*. '

A module is a unit of measurement. It may be any number of

inches or feet. The unit of measure, or module, with which we are

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ubrary concerned is 4". It may be applied to width, depth, or height of any

material. The 4" cube shown opposite is then one module wide, one

module deep, and one module high.

The 4" module was chosen for use in the United States on the basis

of considerable research. Study committees representing many

branches of the building industry proposed the 4" module as a con-

venient basis for standardization of building products because:

1. The sizes of many existing building materials are based on the

4" module.

2. The 4" module is large enough for manufacturers to turn out a

reduced number of stock sizes and still satisfy consumer demand.

3. It is small enough to allow ample freedom and flexibility in

architectural design and equipment layout.

4. It is a unit of measurement with which architects, builders,

masons, and carpenters are already familiar.

The 4" module selected approximates 10 centimeters (3.937 inches),

the modular unit measurement proposed by metric system countries

working on the same problem.

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Fred Heath, an engineer with wide experience in the use of masonry

products, in 1925 first launched the idea of coordinating building

materials through the use of the 4" grid.

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Later on, Albert F. Bemis, a manufacturer who made the study of

housing his hobby, wrote a three-volume work entitled The Evolving

House. The third volume, Rational Design, was published in 1936 and

broadened the basis of the modular concept by introduction of the 4"

cube. According to his theory, any building can be made up of a

series of cubes which are multiples of the basic 4" cube, and no waste

will result if the materials for the construction of the buildings are

standardized on the basis of the 4" multiple and if architects' plans

are dimensioned to correspond with this standardization.

The plate opposite shows a modular volume made up of smaller

modular volumes of which the smallest is a 4" cube. No attempt is

made in this drawing to indicate specific materials.

The American Standards Association in 1939 picked up where

Mr. Bemis left off and organized ASA Project A62 for the Coordination

of Dimensions of Building Materials and Equipment. This project

was sponsored jointly by the American Institute of Architects and the

Producers' Council, Inc.; the National Association of Home Builders

has subsequently become a co-sponsor. Secretarial and technical

work necessary in the development of ASA Modular Standards was

provided by the Modular Service Association, a nonprofit organization

financed largely by the heirs of Mr. Bemis.

The results of this project were published in 1946 by the Modular

Service Association in a book, A62 Guide for Modular Coordination, by

Myron A. Adams and Prentice Bradley of the Association. This

guide, prepared to assist architects and engineers in applying modular

coordination to building plans and details, and to assist producers of

building materials and equipment in the production of modular

products, has formed the basis upon which the material for this publi-

cation was developed.

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Most building materials, when joined together, require a certain

overlap or joint thickness. Manufacturers, therefore, make their

products larger or smaller than exact 4" multiples by the amount of

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the joint required for assembly. This way the controlling nominal

dimensions of a building will stay within multiples of 4".

The actual dimensions of a material may differ from the dimensions

specified by small amounts one way or the other (plus or minus) due

to slight imperfections unavoidable in the manufacturing process.

These differences are also called tolerances, and their maximum

limits are well defined in standards established by the American Stand-

ards Association and other technical organizations.

Permissible variations in the dimensions of bricks vary according

to the joint thickness used. Joints between concrete masonry units

have been standardized to %" and the permissible variation in the

dimensions of the unit itself are limited to %" plus or minus.

For all practical purposes, actual dimensions are so close to the

specified dimensions that in most cases the difference is ignored. The

architect, therefore, works only with nominal and specified dimensions

and will use nominal dimensions in the preparation of small-scale

working drawings wherever possible.

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Structural brick is produced in several modular sizes, three of which

are shown on the opposite page.

At the top: The nominal 4" x 2" x 8" brick is a supplementary size

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only and may not be readily available in all areas. It is shown here to

emphasize the flexibility of the unit principle—2" being one-half unit.

In the center: The nominal 4" x 2%" x 8" brick lays 3 bricks to 2

modules (8") in height. This modular size conies closest to the di-

mensions of the customary nonmodular brick size, and can therefore

be successfully used not only in new work but also for additions to or

repair of existing structures.

At the bottom: A nominal 4" x 4" x 8" brick, is one module high,

one module wide, and two modules long. This brick fulfills ideal

modular principles in every respect and involves no fractions. It is,

therefore, easy to work with in the preparation of details of wall layouts

and openings. This modular size is already widely used in several

States. Modular bricks are also produced in a nominal 4" x 4" x 12"


The drawing at the lower left shows how modular brick can be laid

from corner to window jamb with a minimum of cutting. Installation

of modular-sized windows will permit the laying of brick without

cutting along the entire wall except for a half-brick at the window

jamb in alternate brick courses.

A new "SCR Brick," developed by the Structural Clay Products

Research Foundation, is also produced in a modular size. The nom-

inal size of this brick is 6" x 2%" x 12". Note that the 6" width is

one and one-half modules. Its specified width is 5%". This brick

has been developed to reduce wall thicknesses from 8" to 6" where

codes permit.

Few manufacturers produce all the sizes shown. Architects should,

therefore, check which sizes are available in their areas.

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The five elevations of portions of walls shown opposite permit a com-

parison of the scale and the visual effect of various modular bricks.

The appearance of walls built with the nominal 4" x 21%e" x 8"

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brick is the same as that of walls built with the customary nonmodular

brick. When laid in half-bond as shown, this brick automatically

provides 4" flexibility, horizontally, so that no cutting or supplementary

lengths are required in stretcher courses except in alternate courses at

window jambs. The header course in common bond still requires

the use of % stretchers at the corners and jambs. Vertically, a 4"

supplementary height is needed to meet dimensions equal to an 8"

multiple plus 4", such as in floor heights. The use of a rowlock course

of brick will meet this requirement.

The nominal 4" x 4" x 8" brick, although more "squarish" in

appearance in the wall than the above brick, provides complete 4"

flexibility both horizontally and vertically.

Where there are large plain surfaces of brickwork uninterrupted

by openings, the nominal 4" x 4" x 12" brick gives somewhat similar

proportional effects as the nominal 4" x 21M6" x 8" brick and requires

less brick to be handled. It is obvious that larger brick sizes involve

fewer bricks and less joints, and are, therefore, more economical.

Bricks 12" long may be laid in the usual half-bond or in the third-

bond as shown. The latter bond is more economical since only two

supplementary 4" and 8" lengths are needed to meet 4" flexibility,

horizontally. Vertical flexibility is the same as that for the brick


Nominal 12" length brick is also being produced in the three

courses to 8" height, called "Norman" brick and in the two courses to

4" height called "Roman" brick shown in the drawing. This modular

size brick is also preferred by some architects to the larger brick,

particularly in residential work or in special industrial or commercial


The final choice of the particular brick size for a structure depends

on the appearance desired, economy of construction, distribution and

detailing of openings, and brick sizes available on the local market.


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This plate shows the nominal 4" x 21%s" x 8" brick with clay tile

backup and header course every sixth course. Backup tiles are also

produced for other modular brick sizes. They have long been avail-

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able for similar construction. The only new principle in this case is the

coordination of units with each other by using the 4" grid. Coordina-

tion with modular windows, grills, glass block, and other modular ma-

terials is likewise attained.

As in all modular work, dimensioning the layout becomes a matter

of adding multiples of 4". Fractional dimensions need only appear on

detail drawings.

The surface showing gridlines on a vertical plane is used here as a

convenient way to demonstrate coordination in height. The masonry

wall shown does not represent a corner or end condition but should be

thought of as continuing beyond this vertical plane surface. It becomes

apparent that, with the use of this brick, 3 brick courses coordinate

with one tile course, 2 modules (i. e. 8") high.

The circled area calls attention to the mortar joint, which is omit-

ted in the rest of the drawing for the sake of clarity.


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Concrete masonry units are now widely produced throughout the

country in modular sizes. The units are produced in sizes and shapes

to fit different construction needs, such as backup for brick or other

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facings, for exterior walls, and interior partitions. They include stretch-

er, corner, double corner or pier, jamb, header, bull nose, and partitition

units. Most of these shapes are usually made in both full- and half-

length units and in many areas, nominal half-height units are available.

Concrete masonry unit sizes are usually referred to by their nom-

inal dimensions. Thus, the block illustrated in the lower right and left

corners of the facing page is a nominal 8" x 8" x 16" unit. This

size block is one of the most commonly used sizes in the country today.

Allowing %" for the standard mortar joint thickness, its specified di-

mensions are, therefore, 1%" wide, 1%" high, and 15%" long.

The half-height unit shown in the upper right corner is referred to

as a nominal 8" x 4" x 16" unit and has a specified height of 3%".

This is a supplementary size unit.

Walls made of concrete masonry units can be built without cutting

a single block, if wall lengths and heights are laid out on the basis of 8"

multiples, and if modular door and window masonry units are provided

for the openings.

Modular concrete masonry units, like modular brick, coordinate

with all other modular products on the basis of the 4" multiple.


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This plate illustrates coordination of brick and concrete masonry

units. In this example, a nominal 4" x 4" x 8" brick is used together

with the standard nominal 8" x 8" x 16" block size. Bond at header

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courses is usually achieved through the use of 4" x 4" x 8" brick


The surface showing gridlines 4" apart on a vertical plane is used

here again to demonstrate coordination vertically. The masonry wall

shown is not intended to terminate at this grid-plane but should be

thought of as continuing beyond it.

This is, of course, not the only way to coordinate brick with concrete

masonry units. There are other units made for backup conditions.

Another backup size used in 8" thick walls is the nominal 4" x 8" x 16"


Again, the circled area calls attention to the mortar joint, which

is omitted in the rest of the drawing for the sake of clarity.

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This plate shows how the grid provides a framework for fitting

together materials requiring joints of different thicknesses. In all

combinations, coordinated masonry units fit together according to

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their nominal sizes. The nominal faces of the units retain their

correct grid positions as shown. The thickness of mortar joint between

dissimilar units equals the average of the joint thicknesses used with


Building brick, facing brick, clay tile backup, concrete masonry

units, etc., employ comparatively large joints. Finished glazed ma-

terials use somewhat smaller joints. Ceramic tile, structural glass,

and similar materials use increasingly smaller joints.

The joint thicknesses specified are those recommended by the

American Standards Association and manufacturers. Actual joint

thicknesses may vary from these due to permissible tolerances in the

manufacture of the material. However, no matter how large or small

the joint may be, material size plus joint is always a multiple of the

basic 4" module.


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These two drawings demonstrate the importance of the grid in

joining dissimilar materials. Two modular sill sections are shown:

wood frame and masonry.

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The masonry section at the right includes various materials such

as poured concrete, concrete masonry units, brick, and backup tile.

For the best coordination of materials vertically in masonry wall con-

struction, the position of the gridline %" above the finish floor line is

recommended. In the drawing, allowance is made for an asphalt tile

floor which would bring the top of the concrete slab to %" below the

gridline. This slab position also works out well with the tile since it

results in the standard %" joint used for tile backup.

The wood-frame section at the left shows coordination of a masonry

foundation with a wood-frame superstructure. Poured footings do not

necessarily have to be in multiples of 4" (see section at right) except

where precut or prefabricated forms are used. The exterior stud wall

is placed symmetrically between gridlines. Interior dimensions will

thus be in multiples of 4". If dry wall finishes are used, a multiple of

4' is recommended in order to reduce waste in the use of 4' wide

wallboards installed vertically or horizontally. For the best coordina-

tion of materials vertically in wood-frame construction with wood

floors, the position of the gridline at the top of the subfloor is recom-


It should be understood that these—and the following—drawings do

not show recommended construction details for flashing, waterproofing,

etc. These vary with individual cases. They merely demonstrate the

assembly of dissimilar materials on the basis of the 4" grid.

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The modular details for frame wall corners determine the best grid

position for studs that will maintain a uniform interstud space for insu-

lation or a regular spacing of nailing grounds for wallboards.

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This plate shows the preferred location of the frame wall placed

symmetrically between gridlines. Individual studs are spaced 16" on

centers on gridlines except at corners. Here, one stud has been moved

slightly off center in order to allow for standard \%" blocking. All

framing members used are nominal 2" x 4". Their specified size is

IX" x 3X".

With the stud frame wall positioned as shown, the inside nominal

dimensions of the building are in multiples of 4". This facilitates the

use of stock size modular wallboards with a minimum of cutting and



Corner Viewed

From Outside

Preferred Location of the Stud

Placed Symmetrically on the Grid.

«p^^r -?^^y.^^p^y\ * .X', ///.

Corner Viewed!

From Inside


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3/ "


The frame walls pictured in this plate demonstrate the simplicity

of assembly of some building products sized in multiples of 4". The

basic module lends itself to the use of larger design modules which

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may be any multiple of 4". The upper drawing shows a combination

of two modules, a 16" module, for the stud spacing, and a 3 times 16"

module, i. e. 48", for the interior finish. Since most wallboards are

in 4' widths, the use of the 48" module will minimize the waste of


The lower drawing shows the application of plasterboard lath

and blanket-type insulation. Both materials, manufactured for frame

construction with stud spacing of 16" or 24" on centers, are modular.

The width of the insulation blanket is made to fit between the studs.

On both drawings it can be seen that the 4' module works out

conveniently with window openings. Framing is simplified and a

single stud is used between openings.

This is only one of many possible examples demonstrating how

coordination of structure with building materials and components

will contribute to lower-cost construction.

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This plate shows coordination of window openings with the frame

wall in greater detail. Framing and exterior elevation are shown at

the left. Sections at the right show head, jamb, mullion, and sill details

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for a modular window.

No unusual application methods are encountered. The window

frame is installed in the usual manner either from the outside or inside.

Windows can be repeated without interruption of the modular stud

positioning. The module for the window opening, as shown in this

example, is two stud spaces at 16" on center, or 2'8". The openings

are spanned by the usual lintels. However, instead of the conventional

doubling of studs at window jambs, the lintel is extended to the next

stud in its regular position, thereby using a minimum number of

studs for framing.

The sash width is 2'4", allowing 2" on either side between the

gridlines for installation of the window frame. With the frame jamb

members %" thick, this modular detail gives a %t" clearance on each

side between the jamb member and the stud. This clearance allows

for easy installation and leveling of the frame into the modular opening.

The example shown is for a patent balance type of sash. For

weight-hung sash, the sash width would have to be decreased to 2'

in this particular design. Note that dimensions at gridlines are shown

by arrows, dimensions not at gridlines are shown by dots. This is the

accepted convention for modular drawings and should always be used,

even when dimensioning small-scale plans, elevations, and sections,

where the gridlines are not indicated.


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To summarize the advantages of modular coordination:

1. It provides a rational basis for the standardization of building

materials sizes on a national rather than a regional or local basis. In

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the coordination of sizes of building materials, the grid provides a guide

to the manufacturers in determining the sizes of their products. Man-

ufacturers are able to reduce the number of stock sizes resulting from

this standardization and interchangeability of building products and

still satisfy consumer demand for flexibility.

2. It contributes in simplifying architectural design and construc-

tion. Experience has already indicated that practical applications in

the use of the grid as an instrument of correlation in the preparation of

architectural drawings have resulted in economies and simplification of

procedures in the architect's office. The architect, when familiar with

modular coordination, spends less time on drafting and can devote

more time to improved design and other important services. Moreover,

the completeness of his drawings and detail i not only results in better

construction but it means closer bids and lower costs. The contracto

also gains by easier and quicker estimating.

3. It reduces cutting and fitting time and waste of materials

Building materials coordinated in 4" multiples can be assemble'

into a building with a minimum of cutting and waste, provided th

floor plans and elevations of the building are laid out in multiples o;


4. It increases productivity of labor. To the contractor, it me

more efficient methods on the job and less construction time, with con

sequent lower costs. Adding up the advantages and savings thu

achieved, it becomes evident that modular coordination helps to giv<

the owner a better building at lower cost.







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