Basic Personality Inventory Scale Descriptions

February 3, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Scale Hypochondria sis


Low Scorer Is without excessive bodily concern or preoccupation with physical complaints. Absenteeism due to ill health likely to be below average. $eports a usual !eeling o! con%dence# cheer!ulness# and

persistence# even when optimistic attitude aboutexperiencing the !uture. disappointment. Has an Accepts !eelings as part o! sel!. 'ot a!raid to discuss unpleasant topics. an answer questions about sel! !rankly& avoids impression management. S Shows normal normal a(ect. Interpersonal *xperience less than average irritation !rom noise# changes in )roblems routine# disappointment# and# mistakes o! others& respects authority and pre!ers clearly de%ned rules and regulations& cooperates !ully with leadership and readily accepts criticism "enial


)ersecutory Ideas


 -hinking "isorder

!rom others. ,rdinarily displays ethical and socially responsible attitudes and behavior& reports a sense o! obligation toward society and its laws.  -rusts  -rusts others and does not !eel threatened. Accepts responsibility !or the events in li!e and does not attribute maliciousness to others. $emains calm and unru0ed even when con!ronted by unexpected occurrences. -akes -akes things as they come without !ear o! apprehension. 1aintains sel! control even in a crisis situation. Has no di/culty distinguishing daydreams !rom reality. reality. Is able to concentrate normally and to maintain sensible conversations.

Impulse *xpression

Appears to be even tempered and level headed& care!ully considers the !uture be!ore acting& generally has the patience to cope with a lengthy and tedious task.

Social Introversion

*n4oys company. company. Likes to talk and knows many people. Spends much time with others.

High Scorer Frequently concerned concerned about being sick. omplains regularly or peculiar pains or bodily dys!unctions. "iscusses such topics !requently# revealing a preoccupation with such complaints. Is inclined to be down hearted and show extreme despondency& considers sel!looks to beat inadequate& may be listless# remote# and preoccupied& the !uture pessimistically. Lacks insight into !eelings and the cause o! own behavior. Avoids unpleasant# exciting or violent topics. $elatively unresponsive emotionally. emotionally. Is o!ten extremely annoyed by li!e+s inconveniences# !rustrations or disappointments& will !requently be uncooperative# disobedient# and resistant when !aced with rules and regulations& reacts against discipline and criticism. *xpresses attitudes markedly di(erent !rom common social codes& is prone to depart !rom the truth and behave in an unethical and untrustworthy manner& !eels little or no guilt. elieves that certain people are hostile and are trying to make li!e di/cult and unpleasant. Inclined to brood. *asily scared. Little things# even an idea# can cause a !ren2y o! anxiety. A!raid o! novelty and o! the possibility o! physical or anxiety. interpersonal danger. danger. Is markedly con!used# distractible and disorgani2ed. annot remember even simple things !rom day to day. day. $eports !eeling that li!e is dream3like# and that there is a m arked di(erence between sel! and others. Lacks ability to think beyond the present and to consider the consequences o! action& is prone to undertake risky and reckless actions& inclined to behave irresponsibly& %nds routine tasks boring. Avoids people generally. generally. Has !ew !riends and does not say much even to them. Seems to be uncom!ortable when around others. )re!ers asocial activities.


Sel! "epreciation


"imension 5regarious 6$eproduction 7

  -rust!ul rust!ul 6Incorporation 7

1ani!ests a high degree o! sel! assurance in dealing with others. 'ot a!raid to meet strangers& speaks with con%dence about a variety o! topics& believes in own ability to accomplish things. 5enerally shows behavior patterns similar to those o! a ma4ority o! people. -ends to be !ree !rom unusual symptoms

High Scorer  -his person tends to be sociable# !riendly# a(ectionate and somewhat extroverted. He en4oys being with people and likes to have warm# !riendly contacts.

 -his person tends to be unaccepting# distrust!ul# disobedient and not very gullible. He does not take things at !ace value.

 -his person tends to be accepting# trust!ul# obedient and gullible. He tends to take things at their !ace value. He would probably be described as a dependent person# or one who is suggestible.

 -his person tends to be unadventurous. He is reluctant to try new things r or have new experiences. He is not impulsive and tends to withdraw !rom social contacts.  -imid  -his person is less cautious and !ear!ul than the average 6)rotection7 person. He tends to take risks and can easily get into trouble. He will do things that are dangerous and not in his own best interests. *xtremely low scores may indicate impaired reality testing. "epressed  -his person is satis%ed with his style o! li!e. *xtremely low 6$eintegration scores may re8ect the operation o! strong denial. 7

ontrol 6*xploration7

"isplays behavior patterns very di(erent !rom most people+s. Admits to unusual and pathological characteristics.

and modes o! thought. Low Scorer  -his person tends to be unsociable# un!riendly# una(ectionate and introverted. He tends to be isolated and withdrawn.

"yscontrol 6,rientation7

"istrust!ul 6$e4ection7

"egrades sel! as being worthless# unpleasant# and undeserving. 5enerally expresses a low opinion o! sel! and re!uses credit !or any accomplishment.

 -his person tends to be uncritical and not re4ecting.

 -his person tends to be impulsive. He likes to try new things and have new experiences. He likes surprises. He might also be describes as adventurous or curious.  -his person tends to be cautious# care!ul and anxious. He worries about getting into trouble. He also worries about what people think o! him and say about him.

 -his person is depressed# sad and gloomy. gloomy. He is dissatis%ed with aspects o! his li!e. He !eels deprived and is probably pessimistic. -his person tends to be stubborn# resent!ul and sarcastic. He is overly critical and tends to be re4ecting o! people and ideas. He is most likely perceived by others as a hostile person. Another description o! him might be 9passive3aggressive: or guarded.

 -his person tends to live li!e on basis . He does  -his person to know his environment and learn not plan !or the !uture. Hehis tends to a beday3to3day disorgani2ed in his to deal with wants it. He has a tendency to organi2e hiswants li!e in to their thinking and in his activities. He has very little need !or proper pigeon holes. He has a need !or order and likes being


or orde derl rlin ines ess. s. He te tend nds s tto oh hav ave e a lit littl tle e sel sel!!3c 3con ontr tro ol.

Aggressive 6"estruction7

 -his person is unaggressive and not quarrelsome. He has very little anger and is reluctant to express it overtly overtly.. He is somewhat passive.

we well ll or orga gani ni2e 2ed. d. He ex h hib ibit its s a goo good dd dea eall o! o! sel sel!!3con 3contr tro ol. He wo woul uld d be perceived by others as compulsive# meticulous or well organi2ed.  -his person tends to be quarrelsome and aggressive. He tends to say whatever is on his mind. He has a lot o! ange r and expresses it overtly. overtly . He tends tohim blow steam with people around. )eople might describe as o( rebellious.

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