Basic of Woven Fabric Finishing Process

February 11, 2018 | Author: Fabric Club | Category: Dyeing, Textiles, Dye, Bleach, Wool
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This is for basic woven dyeing processing....


Fabric Finishing Process After packaging the gray fabric sent to the dyeing industry. Woven is very costly project. This type of project is very large industry. There are generally three types of woven finishing process is given below; 1. Pretreatment Process • Singeing • Desizing • Scouring • Bleaching • Mercerization 2. Coloration Process • Dyeing • Printing 3. Finishing Process • Physical • Chemical • Coating Pretreatment Process A series of operations that prepare the textile product for subsequent finishing treatments such as dyeing, printing and finishing. The main operations are singeing, desizing, scouring, bleaching & mercerization. Singeing The process of burning protruding fibers to deliver a smooth fabric The surface. An oxidizing flame that does not leave any sooty residue on fibers is used and then passed through a quenching unit. Desizing units are usually used in conjunction with the singeing process.

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Picture: Singeing Process Desizing This treatment is carried out on woven fabrics to remove sizing ingredients from the warp so that the fabric absorbs the liquor of subsequent processes homogenously. Enzymes are used to biologically degrade starch and transform it into water soluble by degrade by--products.

Picture: Desizing Process

Scouring The process of removing impurities such as wax, oil, fat from fiber to render it absorbent is called scouring. This is carried out in alkaline conditions (with NaOH) under high pressure and temperature (above 100 oC) in presence of detergent, sequestering agent and wetting agent.

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Picture: Pretreatment Process of Woven Fabric Bleaching The removal of natural coloring matters from fiber to achieve whiteness is called bleaching. The most common bleaching agent is stabilized alkaline solution of hydrogen peroxide. After treatment, the bleaching agent must be removed by washing or through the use of enzyme.

Picture: Bleaching Process

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Mercerization The treatment of cotton with strongly alkaline solution to improve tensile strength, luster and dye uptake is called mercerization. It is usually carried out after scouring and/or bleaching in cold condition.

Picture: Mercerization Process

Picture: Mercerization Process

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Dyeing Dyeing is employed to give an all Dyeing all--over shade to the fabric. In the dyeing process, dye molecules come into contact with fiber surface, form a thin layer and diffuse into it. Dyeing may be carried out in batch or semi layer semi--continuous or continuous technique and in fiber or yarn or fabric state. Printing Printing is a process by which colored patterns are produced on the Printing fabric. The color is applied to the fabric according to planned design and then treated with heat, steam or chemicals to fix the color on the fabric. Finally the fabric is washed to remove any excess paste and then dried.

Picture: Woven Dyeing

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Picture: Printing Process

Picture: Printing on textile fabric Finishing It includes the final operations necessary for making the textile attractive and suitable for end attractive end--use. It imparts the final aesthetic, chemical and mechanical properties to the

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fabric as per end chemical end-use requirements. Examples include drying, softening, calendaring etc.

Picture: Woven Fabric Finishing Process

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