Basic of OData

July 28, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Netweaver Gateway (OData)


 Topics

to cover

DAY1  

History of OData, Introduction, Need of OData When to use OData? How it is different than the Web services? Which is better SOA or !"S#?

"ntity data $ode%, co$&%e' ty&e, association, navi(ation

NW architecture, "ssentia% co$&onents of NW )W, Where to (et fro$ SA service $ar*et &%ace+

reate -ode% and Data c%ass, show ti%% ti% % $etadata fetch+

S!O onfi(uration+.S-/0 confi(uration+

Assi(n handson e'ercise



 Topics

to cover

DAY2  

Doubts session+

-ode% &rovider c%ass, Data c%ass in detai%s. )et entity set and (et entity $ethod.

How to insta%% rest c%ient and testin( usin( Advance Advance rest c%ient.

DAY  Doubts Session 

reate entity $ethod+


 Topics

to cover

DAY3  

Doubts Session reate dee&entity $ethod+

DAY/  

Doubt Session Service bui%der+ Navi(ation, association+.



 What

are services and


Services are not c%asses, co$&onents or na$es&aces, they are se%f contained business functiona%ity.



 History

o OData! "ntrod#ction! Need o OData

 These are initially defned defned by Microsot. Based on open specifcations, where these services can be invoked easily by the clients.



When to #se OData? How it is di$erent than the We% services? Which is %etter SOAP or &'ST?



When to #se OData? How it is di$erent than the We% services? Which is %etter SOAP or &'ST?



When to #se OData? How it is di$erent than the We% services? Which is %etter SOAP or &'ST?



When to #se OData? How it is di$erent than the We% services? Which is %etter SOAP or &'ST?



 OData 

ODATA Stands or “Open Data rotocol!

"t is based on the Ato# $blishin% and Ato# Syndication Syndicatio n standards, which in t$rn, are based on &M' and (TT)S*.

"t was desi%ned to provide a standardised i#ple#entation o a +ST$l A". "n doin% so, it o-ers databaselike access to serverside reso$rces.

ODB/ or the web

OData is also e0tensible. This allows SA to s$pple#ent the data types $sed by OData with e0tra inor#ation ro# the ABA Data Dictionary. Dictionary.

Specifes how data sho$ld be encoded within eed

OData can be $sed to access table like li ke str$ct$res si#ilar to the way S1' does

ntity Data Model )DM* to describe OData Services

ach entity can s$pport /reate, +etrieve, 2pdate, and Delete operations



 OData




 OData 

Ato# Syndication -

 The Ato# Syndication 4or#at 4or#at is a &M'based &M'based or#at $sed or web eeds )or news eeds*. "t5s


basically an alternative to +SS.

Ato# $blishin% rotocol  The Ato# $blishin% rotocol rotocol is an app applicationlevel licationlevel protocol protocol or

p$blishin% and editin% 6eb +eso$rces $sin% (TT  

/entral to the Ato# $blishin% rotocol is the concept o

collections  o

editable reso$rces reso$rces that are represented represented by 4eed 4eed and

ntry doc$#ents



 OData  


ODATA ODATA e0tends Ato# by providin% a #etadata description o

#essa%e 

OData provides defnitions or7

Si#ple Types

/o#ple0 Types

 

Associations between entries 8avi%ation aths between entries

/$sto# behavio$r )known as $nction i#ports* beyond the standard 12+9, 12+9,

/+A /+AT, T, +AD, 2DAT, 2DAT, D'T )1/+2D*

operations 



 Atom

p#%*ishing protoco*



 OData

and Data%ase



'ntity data mode*! comp*e+ type! association! navigation

An Entity Data Model )DM* is the startin% point when desi%nin% an OData service. The DM describes the or%anisation and relationship o the reso$rces within a partic$lar b$siness scenario

'ntity Type 7 Data #odel defnitions, str$ct$re types consist o list o properties

omp*e+ Type  7 Str$ct$re types also consist o list o properties b$t with wit h no key

'ntity Set 7 /ollection o ntity

Association 7 Defnes the relationship between two or #ore entity type

Navigation Property 7 Special property on entity type which are bo$nd to a specifc association and can be $sed to reer association o an entity entity 



NW architect#re! 'ssentia* components o NW GW! Where to get rom SAP service mar,et p*ace-



 Prere.#isites



 reating

OData #sing OData



 Gateway



 Gateway

Service ont


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