Basic Nlp Training Manual

February 20, 2017 | Author: muveszszi | Category: N/A
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Basic NLP Training CAM 109: NLP – Neurolinguistic Programming I CAM 210: NLP – Neurolinguistic Programming, Meta NLP and True Recovery

©2010 All Rights Reserved The Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine

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NLP PRACTITIONER TRAINING MANUAL HISTORY OF NLP The study of communication and how it influences the internal world of Self and the external world of others. *Fritz Pearls: (Created “Gestalt Therapy”) – Everything has a start and an end 

Time Meta Programs (perceptual filters = meta)

Spacial Meta Programs

Memories & the Engram

Gestalt institutes – big in Cleveland Virginia Satir: (Popular for Family & Marriage Therapy) 

Communication Styles – comes from different Internal Representational Systems

Rapport Skills Using I.R.s (I.R. = internal representation)

Books: “Frogs & Princes” – “Love is Letting Go of Fear” – Based on NLP Milton Erickson: (Primary contributor to NLP) (Known as the “Master of Rapport”) Experience the internal world of your client 

Rapports Skills - Using Physiology, tempos to get in rapport (pacing & leading)

Indirect Suggestion (waking hypnosis)

Reframing Excellence pattern interrupt

Confusion Techniques – then a new pattern will emerge

Disguised Method – hypnosis cannot be resisted, if it is not recognized Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


“Lets Pretend”, “Storytelling”

John Grinder: Content free – deep down unconscious change (Known for Linguistic Contributions to NLP) 

Modeled Pearls, Satir, & Erickson

Cocreated Neuro Linguistic Programming

Strategy of mind for behavior T.O.T.E. – Test Operate Test Exit (What I call Trigger Evaluate Interpret Decide T.E.I.D.) Richard Bandler: all change occurs when submodality shifts – (Known for Submodalities Contributions to NLP) 

Modeled Pearls, Satir, & Erickson

Cocreated Neuro Linguistic Programming Cayce – “Mind in the builder,” “Mind works in patterns.” DEFINITION OF NLP (Spirit works on similar levels) Neuro

The nervous system (primarily the mind & and the brain), through which our experience is processed via five senses:     

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Olfactory Gustatory

Linguistic Language and other nonverbal communication systems through which our neural representations are coded, ordered and given meaning. Includes: Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


      

Pictures Sounds Feelings Tastes Smells Words (Self Talk) & Much More

Programming The ability to discover and utilize the programs that we run (our communication to ourselves and others) in our neurological (mind/body) systems to achieve specific, consciously, and unconsciously desired outcomes. In other words, NLP is how to use the language of the mind to consistently achieve specific outcomes.

FAVORED REPRESENTATIONAL SYSTEMS V: Visual People who are visual often stand or sit with their heads and/or bodies erect, with their eyes up. They will be breathing from the top of their lungs. They often sit forward in their chair and tend to be organized, neat, well-groomed and orderly. They memorize by seeing pictures, and are less distracted by noise. They often have trouble remembering verbal instructions because their minds tend to wander. A visual person will be interested in how your program LOOKS. Appearances are important to them. They are often thin and wiry. A: Auditory People who are auditory will move their eyes sideways (remember Richard Nixon?). They breathe from the middle of their chest. They typically talk to themselves, are easily distracted by noise. (some even move their lips when they talk to themselves.) They can repeat things back to you easily, they learn by listening, and usually like music and talking on the phone. They memorize by steps, procedures, and sequences (sequentially). The auditory person likes to be TOLD how they’re doing, and responds to a certain tone of voice or set of words. They will be interested in what you have to say about your program. K: Kinesthetic People who are kinesthetic will typically be breathing from the bottom of their lungs so you’ll see their stomach go in and out when they breathe. They often move and talk verrrry Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


slooowly. They respond to physical rewards, and touching. They also stand closer to people than a visual person. They memorize by doing or walking through something. They will be interested in your program if it “feels right”. Ad: Auditory Digital – I call this Internal Digital or Internal Dialogue This person will spend a fair amount of time talking to themselves. They will want to know if your program “makes sense”. The auditory digital person can exhibit characteristics of the other major representational systems.

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Visual Black & White or Color? Near or Far? Bright or Dim? Location? Size of Picture? Associated / Dissociated? Focused or Defocused? Focus (changing/steady) Framed or Panoramic? Movie or Still? Movie Fast/Normal/Slow Amount of Contrast 3D or Flat? Angle Viewed from # of Pictures (Shift?)

Auditory Location? Direction Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –



Internal or External? Loud or Soft? Fast or Slow? High or Low? (Pitch) Tonality Timbre Pauses Cadence Duration Uniqueness of Sound

Kinesthetic Location Size Shape Intensity Intermittent or Steady Movement / Duration Vibration Pressure/Heat? Weight

Physical Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


Posture Depth of Breath Rigid or Porous Contained or disassembled Shoulders slumped or upright

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make music

get hold of




slip through



tune in/out

catch on



be all ears

tap into



rings a bell

make contact




throw out



be heard

turn around




















get a handle






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An eyeful Appears to me Beyond a shadow of a doubt Bird’s eye view Catch a glimpse of Clear cut Dim view Flashed Get a perspective on Get a scope on Hazy idea Horse of a different color In light of In person In view of Looks like Make a scene Mental image Mental picture Mind’s eye Naked eye Paint a picture See to it Short sighted Showing off Sight for sore eyes Staring off into space Take a peek Tunnel vision Under your nose Up front Well defined

afterthought blabbermouth clear as a bell clearly expressed call on describe in detail earful give an account of give me your ear grant an audience heard voices hidden message hold your tongue idle talk inquire into keynote speaker loud and clear manner of speaking pay attention to power of speech purrs like a kitten state your purpose tattle-tale to tell the truth tongue-tied tuned in/turned out unheard of utterly voiced an opinion well informed within hearing word for word

all washed up boils down to chip off the old block come to grips with control yourself cool/calm/collected firm foundations get a handle on get a load of this get in touch with get the drift of get your goat hand in hand hang in there heated argument hold it! hold on! hothead keep your shirt on know – how lay cards on table pain-in the neck pull some strings sharp as a tack slipped my mind smooth operator so-so start from scratch stiff upper lip stuffed shirt too much of a hassle topsy-turvy

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After doing representation tests have students speak of w/e to partner – partner (1) observes primary rep system and notes movement of eyes. After rapport – have them practice mirroring position and breath – the noticing pace and volume.

REPRESENTATIONAL SYSTEM PREFERENCE TEST For each of the following statements, please place a number next to every phrase. Use the following system to indicate your preferences:

1__ __ __ __

4 = Closet to describing you 3 = Next best description 2 = Next best 1 = Least descriptive of you I make important decisions based on: gut level feelings which way sounds the best what looks best to me precise review and study of the issues

2__ __ __ __

During an argument, I am most likely to be influenced by: the other person’s tone of voice whether or not I can see the other person’s argument the logic of the other person’s argument whether or not I feel I am in touch with other person’s true feelings

3__ __ __ __

I most easily communicate what is going on with me by: the way I dress and look the feelings I share the words I choose the tone of my voice

4__ __ __ __

It is easiest for me to: find the ideal volume when turning on a stereo system select the most intellectually relevant point concerning an interesting subject select the most comfortable furniture select rich, attractive color combinations

5__ __

I am very attuned to the sounds of my surroundings I am very adept at making sense of new facts and data Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


__ __

I am very sensitive to the way articles of clothing feel on my body I have a strong response to colors and to the way a room looks

SCORING THE REPRESENTATIONAL PREFERENCES STEP ONE: ANSWERS Copy your answers from the test to the lines below. 1.

____K ____A ____V ____D


____A ____V ____D ____K


____A ____D ____K ____V


____A ____D ____K ____V


____V ____K ____D ____A

STEP TWO: ADDITION Add the numbers associated with each letter. There will be five entries for each letter. V








1 2 3 4 5 Totals:

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STEP THREE: The comparison of the totaled scores gives the relative preference for each of the four major representational systems.

MIND PROCESS MODEL (Semiconscious) Superconscious




Collective Unconscious Akashic Records Spiritual World Intuition Messages

Amnesiac Impulses Compulsions Feeling states Inner drives

Imagery (5 channels) Memories (5 channels) projection/Reflection Super Ego

Creator/Oneness Other Dimensions

(memories not available to consciousness

Analysis Judgments Decisions Ego Distort Generalize Delete ↓

Values Beliefs Attitudes

→ ←

Sensory Modalities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Olfactory Gustatory Thinking/Memory

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1 – Imagine your desired outcome with strong feelings-see yourself experiencing the achievement 2 – Take action in a step by step fashion that recognizes each step in within the whole 3 – Have sensory acuity and utilize sensory reach reinforcement 4 – Have behavioral flexibility and stay grounded & connected to feeling in body through containment. Embody the most resourceful attitudes. 5 – Harmonize imagination with the super-conscious & the environment and note the feedback you receive to adjust process or goal. Sometimes smaller goals need to be set & integrated to instill a “Yes I can” attitude into it. 1 – Learn new methods to effect positive transformation quicker and better. 2 – Have a personal transformation that increases awareness and ability.

WELL FORMEDNESS CONDITIONS (FOR Outcomes/Goals) 1 – Stated & imagined in the positive (toward directional filter). 2 – Self initiated and maintained by client. Contained, Embodied, Enacted. 3 – Achievable with current or obtainable resources. 4 – Increases choice. 5 – More than one way to get the outcome. 6 – Sensory-based description of outcome and the steps needed to get there. 7 – Ecological. 8 – Be ready to take one step each day. Embody and create this. Exercise: Write three well formed goals. Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


Example: 1 - I am at peace and 2 – I am healthy, to share and express love and knowledge. 3 – I am financially sound and physically fit.

KEYS TO AN ACHIEVABLE OUTCOME 1 – Specify present situation. Where are you now? (Associated) 2 – Imagine it exclusively using positive imagery. What specifically do you want? Imagine 3 – Specify outcome. What you see, hear, feel, etc., when you have it? 

As if you have it now.

Make it compelling

Insert it in future (spatial meta filter).

4 – Specify evidence procedure. How will you know when you have it? 5 – Make sure it’s congruent. How will this outcome affect various areas of your life? 6 – It must be self-initiated and self-maintained. (Link 1 – 6 for others involved). Is it only for you, or does it involve others? Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


7 – Contextualize it. Where, when, how, and with whom do you want it? 8 – Gather the resources that are needed. 

Have you ever had or done this before? (model self)

Do you know anyone who has? (model others)

9 – Make sure it is ecological. 

For what purpose do you want this?

What will you gain or lose if you have it?

Is this good for you, your family, your community, your State, Country, planet earth, the universe & your creator?

What will happen if you get?

What won’t happen if you get it?

What will happen if you don’t get it?

What won’t happen if you don’t get it?

(Worksheet-class & individual) Universal Laws: “You cannot, not create” “Everything changes” “The unconscious mind/body is shed and recreated daily” Exercise: 1 – Elicit positive state and observe Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


2 – Elicit negative state and observe 3 – Break state 4 – Ask then to think of #1 or 2 & deduce with it 5 – Ask for negative state & tap forehead – (pattern interpret) Goal – a dream with a deadline that you align yourself to do your best to follow the inner direction your heart is guiding you to. Remember – it’s the journey not the destination! See the movie Peaceful Warrior.

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WHO’S CREATING, PRODUCING, DIRECTING, SCRIPTING OUR FUTURE: OUR CREATOR, OURSELVES, OR THE WORLD IN WHICH WE LIVE? (Article Released by Allen S. Chips, DCH, 2/98) Whether we Hypnotherapists or utilizing suggestive therapy or regressive therapy, we are often creating a paradigm shift in our clients. In other words, in some way we are changing one’s past, present, and therefore one’s future with hypnotic intervention. In essence, we are co-creators with our clients. The client has given us permission to influence the domain of their subconscious mind in order to change his or her future. The primary directives of the unconscious mind include: Store and Organize Appropriate Memories Store and Operate Appropriate Emotions Operate & Preserve the Physical Body Highly Value Pain & Pleasure Experiences Experience & Replicate the World Metaphorically Follow Orders to Imagine (Produce Imagery) Construct and Reconstruct Efficient Perceptions Hierarchy Values for Defining Moral Behavior Take Things Personally/Doesn’t Process Negatives (“Don’t do this” and they do it 1st) Maintain Geneological Instincts Create & Maintain Least-Effort Patterns and Habits Convert Experiences into Internal Symbols Imagine & co-create the Future Create Doorways to Spiritual Awareness The last two in the list above are very transpersonal and relative to one’s creating the future, so let’s expound on them: Imagine & Co-create the Future: One primary law of suggestion is that “Imagination is stronger than will power.” Many times, when there has been difficulty in my client’s acceptance of the clinical suggestions I had given them, I would ask, “Did you imagine yourself as a _________________ (their goal) at the end of the tape like I suggested?” Their response is consistently, “No, I couldn’t imagine it.” The client had the will-power to work on it, but the power of the imagination was a key ingredient that was left out of the recipe for change. The rule of thumb for creating a desired future, particularly with the use of hypnosis, is the ability to use positive goal-oriented imagination. If he or she is able to do that, the desired future will then occur in some way, shape, or form. Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


Imagination is not pretend, false, or unreal. In fact, it’s the determining factor for of our concept of reality. The word imagination is defined in Webster’s Dictionary as, “the production of imagery.” I can recall many clients who got exactly what they imagined under hypnosis, myself included. Under this premise, we could even theorize that our imagination is the recipe for our free-will and the part of ourselves that is the blueprint for future materialization. The future is largely determined, then, on what we as individuals imagine and put our energy into, particularly emotionally driven images. If we fear, then that’s what manifests; if we have positive dreams, then that is what also manifests. Hypnosis amplifies imagination. Under hypnosis, we can step into and live the desired future, so this whole effect, in essence, is more powerful for creating a desired outcome. In other words, our unconscious mind sends a request through the superconscious mind to the creative forces of the spiritual dimensions. This area was referred to by Edgar Cayce as the “superconscious mind” and Carl Jung as the “collective unconscious.” When our imagination harmonizes with the natural universal laws we human beings live under, and the higher power’s will, manifestation is the result. Another factor in creating the future is environmental influences. We recognize that people and things affect us. Outside influences affect the way we think and do things. Under the transpersonal perspective, it’s probable that the earth environment is a sum total of all human thought here on earth. Luckily, all human thought involves spiritual forces, in addition to self composed. Because of these probabilities, the collective unconscious filters and materializes these mass human thoughts and solidifies them into a physical form. As a result, we have an environmental condition each human must contend with. Each individual thought (or one’s imagination) integrates with the world in which we live in a unique harmonious way. Each plays a part for the other in the grand scheme. If there is a creator, there must be a higher will, “God’s” will, or “spirit’s” will; therefore, we must take that factor into consideration when creating changes in our lives as well. It is the belief of this writer, and 75% of the current American Population, that there are higher forces that also determine circumstances in our lives. With a good dose of spiritual awareness and some reflection on one’s life, one may recognize instances when spiritual interventions have taken place. It appears to me that people unconsciously understand where they are in their relationship with their creator and how well they have done in accomplishing the goals set forth by them and/or their creator within this life. They distinguish the difference between their own will and a higher will. Each recognizes the things they are creating at some point in time. When we’re in the middle of creating things, sometimes a higher purpose is not clear. Most people have come into contact with divine graces that have altered fate, as each of us can look back and reflect on the higher reasons for having had most of our significant life experiences. Often, we imagined what we wanted, and it was granted on a higher level almost exactly the way we had foreseen it; sometimes it happened differently than we imagined, but with time, it all Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


turned out to provide the greatest learning purpose for everyone involved in the long run. The recipe for creating the future therefore may be: Imagination+Higher Will=Purposeful Future.

NLP Presuppositions: 

Respect for the other person’s model of the world (our goal is to loosen it up) (1st step in rapport)

The map is not the territory.

The meaning of the communication received is the response you get

There are no resistant clients, only inflexible communicators

The mind and body affect each other

There is no failure, only feedback

The words we use are NOT the event or the item they represent.

All procedures should increase wholeness – map does not equal territory

The most important information about a person is that person’s behavior as it points to the underlying beliefs being embodied.

Behavior & change are to be evaluated in terms of context, ecology and helpfulness to ones goals.

Behavior is geared for adaptation and present behavior is the best choice available, with resources one has in accordance with the underlying core belief systems.

A person’s behavior is not who they are. (accept the person, change the beliefs and thereby the behavior.) We are always much more than we think we are.

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There are no unresourceful people, only unresourceful states built on unreasonable beliefs.

I am in charge of my mind, therefore my results – I can change my mind and therefore change my results.

The system (person) with the most flexibility of behavior will control the system (law of requisite variety).


You are never upset for the reason you think.

Your experience of the outside world is based upon the judgments and desires you’ve chosen to belief to direct how.

Anything that isn’t love, light or permanent truth, isn’t real.

Maya the dream, imagination, our illusion is all in the mind.

Change your mind about the world, not the world to try and satisfy your mind.

Forgive and you will experience peace, happiness and a divinely directed life.

Reconnect to your Source by joining together with your brother.

You are the dreamer of the dream.

All problems, conflicts and illness arise because of the underlying belief in separation.

Guilt shrouds your vision, the first obstacle for experiencing peace is to overcome is the desire to get rid of your peace the moment you’ve achieved it.

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The ego plays both victim, saboteur, prostitute and wounded child extremely well to script, direct and star in its movie in whatever mood its in.

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OBSERVING OTHER PEOPLE SENSORY ACUITY Basis: In the mind-70’s, the creators of NLP observed that people make minute changes from moment to moment, and that those changes have meaning if you have enough Sensory Acuity.

1 – Skin color Light--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dark 2 – Skin tonus (The Tone of the Muscles) Shinny-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Not Shiny 3 – Breathing Fast-------------------------------------Rate-------------------------------------------Slow High------------------------------------Location--------------------------------------Low 4 – Lower Lip size Lines-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No Lines 5 – Eyes Focused---------------------------------Focus---------------------------------------Defocused Dilated----------------------------------Pupil dilation-----------------------------Undialated The Behavioral Manifestation of Internal Representation is unique for everyone. No one has the same responses for anyone Choices Hypno New Client

NLP Experienced client –familiar with Their mind

New Experience with therapy

List different therapies they’ve Gone thru & put together a helpful Resource anchor or one which Erases its influence.

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PATTERN INTERRUPT BEHAVIOR A mental/behavioral pattern is triggered interrupt (becomes part of pattern) and runs its course (strategy is being “T.O.T.E.”ed), then there is an interruption, which then becomes part of the pattern after its triggered again. (Demo-neg state) T.O.T.E. and T.E.I.D. MODEL OF STRATEGIES First formulated in Plans and the Structure of Behavior published in 1960 by George Miller, Eugene Galanter and Karl H. Pribram. T.O.T.E. stands for Test, Operate, Test, Exit which is a sequence based on computer modeling. I found this a clumsy way to understand and remember this process. I call it T.E.I.D., Trigger Evaluation Interpretation Decision. TRIGGER




Set or access The criteria for The desired State

Access or gather the data

Compare or evaluate the data in respect to the criteria

Select or prioritize the data

1 – The first Test is a cue or Trigger that begins the strategy. It establishes the criteria “fed forward” and used as a standard for the second test. I call this interpreter. 2 – The Operation accesses data by remembering, creating, or gathering the information required by the strategy from the internal or external world. I name this evaluation of input. 3 – The second Test is a comparison of some aspect of the accessed data with the criteria established by the first test. The two things compared must be represented in the same representation system. I label this interpreter. 4 – The Exit, or Decision Point, or choice Point is a representation of the results of the test. If there is a match, the strategy exits. If there is a mismatch, the strategy recycles. I call this decision, T.E.I.D., we become TEID down in process that happens automatically “unconsciously.” Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


QUESTIONS TO ELICIT STRATEGIES Trigger: What let you know it was time to decide this? When did you begin deciding? How did you know it was time to decide? Evaluate: how did you know there were alternatives? How do you generate alternatives? What measuring stick do you use to make comparisons? Interpret: How do you evaluate alternatives? What has to be satisfied in order for you to decide? Decide: How do you finally select which alternative to take? How do you know (or what lets you know) that you have decided and you will carry through on this decision?

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Conflict On Right Hand

Left Hand Didn’t use because it might not help other

Did lots of therapy training with intent to help other help others/me what if I fail?

Just Model Parts Integration


up parts to equal value and then integrate to become one O chunk up N 1st until = to P P chunk it up once

Final Part Find out the higher purpose for negative feelings

On cellular level surround negative cells with positive parts

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RAPPORT Outcome: The desired outcome of this session is for all participants to be able to establish rapport with a wide variety of people and situations. Theory: A.


Process: A. B.

Communication is: WORDS 7 to 12% TONALITY – 20 – 38% PHYSIOLOGY (there are 28 different positions of the eye) - 55 – 70% When people are like each other, they like each other. Rapport is a process of responsiveness, not necessarily “liking”.

Rapport is established by matching & mirroring The major elements of rapport: (Key elements marked with “*”) Mirroring – Mirroring – PHYSIOLOGY

55 to 70%

Posture * Gesture Facial expression & blinking * Breathing


20 to 38%

Voice Tone Tempo Timbre Volume

(pitch) (speed) (quality) – raspy/clear (loudness)


7 to 12%

Predicates Key words Common experiences & associations Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


Content chunks FOUR INDICATORS OF RAPPORT    

Internal Feeling Color change – skin, face They say something (optional) Leading – pace to create rapport and lead to new awareness

Your voice/their voice drop – a feeling Talk to them as breath going out – wait for inhalation Digital – sensory unspecific – not saying it hear, see, feel RAPPORT SKILLS 1 – Matching – Matching a person’s voice, posture, internal rep. systems (predicates) and posture. (Demo) 2 – Mirroring – Mirroring a person’s posture, as if looking at yourself in a mirror. (Demo) 3 – Cross Mirroring – Mirroring a portion of a person’s posture with another part of your own physiology. (their tapping finger, you tap foot e.g.) (Demonstrate) 4 – Metaphors – Stories using universal experiences. (Demo) 5 – ForePlay – A short period of time where individuals keep the main subject matter at bay, with small talk to show a level of caring and consideration of how another’s internal world is understood. Thereafter, primary subject matter (the primary purpose for which the parties have come together) may be confronted more directly as rapport has been established. Definition of Rapport: Experiencing the internal world of another, or others. Indicators of Rapport:     

A felling of understanding; a kinesthetic drop within the solar plexas. The auditory qualities of the voices match unconsciously. There is a subtle acknowledgement of being understood. Unconscious matching and mirroring with physiology. An intuition of sharing the same mental space (pictures, etc.) Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


EYE PATTERN CHART For right-handed person – (left-handed person in reverse)



Visual Constructed



Visual Remembered



Auditory Constructed



Auditory Remembered



Kinesthetic (feelings)



Auditory Digital (self-Talk)

(Exp-learning state)

Eyes moving all over show a Transderivational search

Synesthesia One sensory representation leads to another See picture makes you feel a certain way

Pacing Internal Primary modality Direct experience Sensory-based Natural transitions Rapport

External Matching Breath Matching tempo Matching tone Matching volume Mirroring posture Feedback

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SWISH PATTERNS SUBMODALITIES = KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL SWISH PATTERNS Future orientation: a. Swish patterns are anchors that create momentum toward a compelling future. b. We install choices for a new way of life rather than change or remove old habits. c. Can be used in place of, or in addition to , suggestive hypnosis d. Make sure you are working with a trigger (discover & use) DOING A SWISH PATTERN 1 – Imagine the habit or situation you would like to change. 2 – Imagine the type of person you would like to be. 3 – Change the visual intensity of the desired state (brightness, size, distance, etc.) 4 – Bring back the old picture (#1), NOW STEP INTO THE PICTURE, fully associated. 5 – Now insert in the lower left hand corner (of the clients visual screen), a small, dark picture of the desired state. 6 – Simultaneously, have picture of current state rapidly shrink and recede to a distant point while dark picture explodes into full view. (This can be accompanied by either an internal or external SWIIISSH sound, but is not necessary – speed is! 7 – Repeat #6 a minimum of five times. Enjoy the results! NOTES TO KEEP IN MIND: a. b. c. d.

Be fully associated in old pattern. Have detailed sensory-specific representations in the desired state. If associated in final picture = OUTCOME (feels made change now) If disassociated in the final picture = DIRECTION (motivated to do it) (Generally preferred to generate a compelling future.) e. Close eyes during each step of process and open them between steps.

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HIERARCHY OF IDEAS IN TRANCES BIG PICTURE Milton Model (Metaphorical, Artfully Vague-Language Patterns) “Chunking Up” – puts people into trance essential for parts integration expand context, see the Bigger Picture, the Higher purpose, the life lesson ↑ Existence Related Categories “Chunking Sideways”


Subject Matter


Related Categories “Chunking Sideways”

Specifics Distinctions Satir’s Meta Model (Language asking specifics) “Chunking down” – brings someone out of trance Details – ask for specifics – out of trance Details – ask for specifics Out of Trance Key to negotiation is chunk up/down and sideways practice, practice, practice. How to Chunk Up: “For what purpose…?” How do you see the “What’s the positive intention of …?” Bigger Picture? “What’s the greater purpose of…?” Is there a life lesson “What’s the higher function of …?” here? “If you have ______, what does this give you that’s greater?”

Sideways - Related I had a similar experience Had something just like that what they went through

How to Chunk Down: (knit pick) “What Specifically…?” “According to whom?” “Why do you say that?” “What do you mean by…?”

What did you mean by? I had the very same thing How does this relate to___? Happen except it was with ___________. I’ve heard that same thing From a friend of mine just like you ________________.

Chunking Exercise: Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


Person A – faces person B and starts talking about any subject area. Person B – faces person A and states which direction Person A is chunking. You can add person C or not Person C – stands behind person B to give person A the direction to chunk up or down.

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SUBMODALITIES SWISH PATTERN SCRIPT 1 – Elicit Present Trigger State or Behavior: “How do you know it’s time to _____________? (EG: feel bad). When you think of that ___________________ (State or Behavior) do you have a picture?” (Break State) 2 – Elicit Desired State: “How would you like to (feel/act) instead? When you think of that ________________ (State or Behavior) do you have a picture? 3 – If desired, assist client in adjusting the visual intensity of the Desired State for the most positive kinesthetic. 4 – Good, now step out of the picture of the desired state, so you see your body in the picture. (Break State) Keys of success – speed of swish P.S D.S.

5 – “Good, now can you take the old picture and bring it up on the screen? Make sure that you are looking through your own eyes.” (associated) 6 – “Good, as you have the old picture on the screen can you see the new picture in the lower left hand corner, small and dark (the desired state)? Make sure you see yourself in the distance, from outside of your body.” (disassociated) 7 – “Good, now have the picture explode big and bright, and have it explode up so that it covers the old picture, while the old picture shrinks down and becomes small and dark in the lower left hand corner, and do that as quickly as sssswishhhhhh.” 8 – “Good, sssswishhhhh.” 9 – “Now, clear the screen.” 10 – Repeat steps 5, 6, 8, and 9 until the unwanted state or behavior is not accessible. 11 – Test: “Now how do you feel when you think about ______________________? 12 – Future pace: “Now imagine yourself with this change in the future.” Maybe use mirror to “dissociate”

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INTONATION PATTERNS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CAM 210 The arrows indicate the lift in the tone of voice used in the sentence.

W ----



W ----



W ---



Practice each of the following, noticing the lift and tone: A gentle tone A gentle but firm tone A commanding tone A questioning tone An understanding tone A loving tone An angry tone A resentful tone An annoyed tone A winning tone A covertly hostile tone A peaceful tone An excited tone An anxious tone A fearful tone A grounded tone

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Every behavior has a positive purpose. If you take away one behavior without replacing it with another way to get that “positive” feeling – it creates tension. Ask that “part” how can we have positive feeling with another behavior. Step Reframing Relax and identify behavior desired to change Establish communication with responsible unconscious part establish signals with subconscious if necessary. Find benefits of behavior desired to be changed. Review alternatives which can achieve benefits without negative side effects. Appropriate – decide which is from above and check for objections. Make decisions and procure subconscious agreement to do alternative instead. Entertain future, check for enjoyment and _________________. Can do this using signals (covertly) calling it behavior X.

REFRAMING (…if you change the context, meaning or content you can change the meaning!) The two major kinds of reframes that we learn at the Practitioner level are the Context Reframe and the Meaning Reframe. THE BASIS OF REFRAMING IS TO SEPARATE INTENTION FROM BEHVIOR CONTEXT REFRAME: “I’m too…” – or – “He’s too…” Think of a different context in which the person will respond differently to the same behavior. “He’s too stubborn” becomes “It’s good as he’s committed to his projects at work.” “She never listens to me and becomes independent and has great entrepreneur tendencies” MEANING/CONTENT REFRAME: “Whenever “X” happens, I respond “Y”. Ask yourself, “What else could this behavior mean?” Or internally think of an opposite frame or a different meaning. “What is it that this person hasn’t noticed (in this context that will bring about a different meaning, and change his response?” “Wearing sandals with socks is ridiculous.” “By wearing sandals he’s more relaxed and does better work because of it”. “He’s sleeping because he’s tired”. Tired is mind read – as we don’t know why – “He’s conserving his energy to prepare for a big task.”

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SEVEN-STEP REFRAME The purpose of a 7-Step Reframe is to find the benefits behind any behavior and install new ways to achieve those benefits more elegantly.  Establish Rapport  Identify Behavior  Client wants more choices about – “X” 1 – Access Behavior: _____________________, I’d like you to ask the part of you responsible for __________________ if it’s willing to communicate with me now with a visible body movement. (wait for signal) 2 – Set Up Signal:

Let’s refer to you as part X and I want to thank you for signaling me now.

3 – Discover and Acknowledge Benefits: Part X, I want to acknowledge you for always having acted in ___________________’s best interest and for having provided benefits for her/him in the past. We’re here to assist _____________ in creating additional choices for her/his life now. 4 – Creating choices: ___________________, can you take part X to that creative part of you now and have part X and creative part come up with at least 5 additional choices of behavior that will provide ___________________ with equal or greater benefit. When you have 5 additional choices signal me with a visible body movement. Thank you. 4(a) – Review each choice to find the one that’s most compelling to produce the shift you seek. 5 – Congruency Check: Now, _________________, go inside and check for any other parts which might object to adopting this choice. If so, will those parts signal with a visible body movement now? Thank you. (If signals, repeat step 4 creating additional choices agreeable with the creative part, part X and any objecting parts.) 6 – Future Pace & Test: Now, ____________________, can you step into the near future, and put yourself in a situation where you’d have reason to use this choice? Please experience this fully now and see how well this new choice works for you feeling free to make any adjustmit as you go. Let me know when you tested this how it went – moving your finger (or signal) twice – to let me no yes – it does work – or once to say no – if no – then ask them to check one of their different choices and then go through 6 again. When finally set go to 7- Thank You – now that you know this choice will work as least as well or better than your previous choice to fulfill that parts purpose are you willing to make a commitment to practice this choice for the next 6 weeks to experience it thoroughly knowing that you can make slight adjustments along the way to make it even more effective. If yes end it – if no negotiate to find out why or find another choice. Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


(Pause) As I count to three, you will open your eyes, knowing you have fully integrated all these choices. 1-2-3. SIX STEP REFRAME Instruct client on types of signals – in images, sounds/words, sensations – those are the kinds of communication we are setting up. Reframing can be used with any behavior, internal or external, or any symptom. 1 – Identify behavior that the client wants more choices about. 2 – Client asks the part in charge of behavior X if it’s willing to communicate. Get a Yes/No signal. (What image, sound/word, sensation was client aware of when asking that question. Ask the part to increase that image, sound, sensation if answer is yes; decrease if answer is no.) If yes, thank part and go on. If no, thank part for communicating and reassure part that it is entirely understandable that it does not want communicate on a conscious level. Reassure part that it is in charge of behavior X and in no way are you trying to get rid of it nor would you allow client to attempt to do so – we are only trying to get some information and alignment. 3 – Ask part what purpose or function it has – what is its positive intention. (The Part can answer consciously or unconsciously. Client must accept that the part does have some positive intention.) To help person elicit this ask them to imagine what it might be – purpose here is to separate behavior from intention or function and to get client’s conscious mind to begin to appreciate that part as friend and/or teacher. Thank part for positive intention and make sure client begins to sincerely appreciate part. 4 – Ask client to go to creative unconscious part, and ask that it generate at least 3 alternative to behavior X that would satisfy intention – accomplish the purpose of behavior X (you can also have the part responsible for behavior X go to the creative part directly to inform that part what its purpose is – that is useful especially when purpose remains unconscious.) These new choices can be on a conscious level – ask creative part to give client signal when it has generated these new alternatives. Thank creative part 5 – Ask the part responsible for behavior X whether it’s willing to use these alternative choices instead of behavior X. Yes/No signal. If yes, thank part and go on. If no, put time limit on request (e.g., 2 weeks, etc.) to try out some alternatives to find out if they are effective and available. If still no, ask part to go back to creative part and help generate alternatives it would be willing to try out for at least a limited time. Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


Thank part. 6 – Ecological check. Ask client to check with all their parts to make sure all are comfortable and accept the entire process and the alternatives. If yes, thank all parts and surprise and delight self in future. If no, check on how client knows this, how this represents an objection – then ask the image, sound, sensation, to increase if needed. Reassure client any objection is important information and is welcome. If there is an objection, go back to step #3 and go through process with part that objects – making sure that the objecting part and the part that runs behavior X agree on all the alternatives and can work together. Treat parts of a person as though they were all parts of a negotiating team. It is important that each member’s function and purpose be respected and paid attention to. Cycle back through process until you get full acceptance for any alternative behaviors from all parts involved. Thank all parts. NOTE: The main purpose of a 7 Step Reframe is to establish – set up – bridges (channels of communication) between the client’s unconscious and conscious mind, even between parts of the person’s unconscious and to install in the person a belief that all parts are allies – potential teachers and friends. We use the 7 Step Reframe Basic Principles & Directional Meta Programs in Conjunction with Hypnotherapy and other modalities of transformational work. Trance-Formation Structure Sequence Modeling


Content Spontaneity Freestyle

Imbedded command – “When would now be a good time for…” Ocean – We see surface and only to horizon – yet it extends way beyond this and gives deep – what we see is consciousness and what we don’t is…

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CAM 210 HABIT ANALYSIS SHEET (Associative – Motivational Method) Session I: Associations/Counter Sug.s Early:

Motivations: Pos. & Neg.


Secondary Gains: ______________________________________________________________________________ Session II: New Associations

Effective Changes

The Law of Requisite Variety

The most flexible beliefs influence the system the most. Whatever the unconscious mind is willing to accept is what it will do.

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CAM 210 PRESUPPOSITIONS OF LANGUAGE “A consented reality” stated fact – what in the lines mind read is – reading between the lines. In the following sentences, please distinguish between the presupposition and the mind read. Put a “P” or an “MR” next to each one: 1 _____ _____ _____ _____

“I’m not sure whether or not I should stop beating my wife.” A. He has a wife. B. He loves his wife. C. He currently beats his wife. D. He’s a low life slob who should be shot!

2 _____ _____ _____ _____

“I don’t see why I can’t do it. All my friends are doing it!” A. He feels that he is treated unfairly. B. He wants to be liked by his friends. C. This person’s friends do something he doesn’t do. D. All his friends are bums who should be shot!

3 _____ _____ _____ _____

“If I don’t learn how to communicate with my boss, I won’t get a raise.” A. He feels that he is treated unfairly. B. He doesn’t know how to communicate with his boss. C. He wants to learn new behaviors. D. His salary is connected to his communication skills.

4 _____ _____ _____ _____

“I have to set up unrealistic expectations.” A. He can’t stop making unrealistic expectations. B. He feels trapped. C. He has expectations. D. He knows when he is being unrealistic.

5 “I’m feeling much better now! I can see how some of the things I was doing just made me unhappy.” _____ A. Some behavior he engaged in was related to an internal state. _____ B. He has feelings. _____ C. He has much more control of his life now. _____ D. He fixed himself so he shouldn’t be shot!

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CAM 210 PRESUPPOSITIONS OF LANGUAGE 2 Definition: Presuppositions are Linguistic Assumptions and are useful for both Recognizing what is assumed by the client’s speech and assisting in Creating I/R’s for the client. 1 - Existence

(I am, I have)

2 – Possibility

(There are many ways we can think about his)

3 – Cause – Effect (Every time I do this, this is what happens)

4 – Complex Equivalent (Smiling is a sign of joy)

5 – Awareness

(There are people in this room)

6 – Time

7 – adverb/Adjective

8 – Exclusive OR You can do this or that – either/or – either write things down or remember them

9 – Inclusive OR (and/or)

10 – Ordinal

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CAM 210 PRESUPPOSITIONS In the following sentences, please state what is presupposed: 1 “If the cat meows again, I’ll have to put him outside.”

2 “It was her friendly smile that made me walk up and say, “Hi.”

3 “If only he had come home on time, the party wouldn’t have gotten out of control.”

4 “People have always given me more to do than I can handle.”

5 “His easy-going personality is good P.R. for our company.”

6 “Stop watching over your shoulder.”

7 “Only you can learn this.”

8 “Either she goes to the store or I do.”

9 “First the winds came, then the rain.”

10 “Opera makes me want to cry.” The Milton Model is the inverse of the Meta Model. It creates “Artfully vague” language that is ambiguous and abstract. This type of languaging results in the listener having to perform a trans-derivational search (TDS) in an attempt to assign meaning to what was said. Unknowingly, the listener will begin to associate his/her experiences to what was being said while at the same time accepting the direction and/or boundaries of the speaker. This is trance state. Creates artfully vague language CAM 210 Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


MILTON MODEL HYPNOTIC LANGUAGE PATTERNS 1 - MIND READ Claiming to know the thoughts or feelings of another without specifying the process by which you came to know the info. “I know that you are wondering…” 2 - LOST PERFORMATIVE Value judgments where the performer of the value judgment is left out. “And it’s a good thing to wonder…” 3 - CAUSE & EFFECT Where it is implied that one thing causes another. Implied Causatives include: a. C>E makes b. If…then… c. As you…then you… “Because…” 4 - COMPLEX EQUIVALENCE Where two things are equated – as in their meanings being equivalent. “That means…” 5 - PRESUPPOSITION The linguistic equivalent of assumptions. “You are learning many things…” 6 - UNIVERSAL QUANTIFIER A set of words having: a. a universal generalization and; b. no referential index. “And all the things, all the things…”All of us here have our own unique agendas and that one thing we all have in common”. 7 - MODAL OPERATOR Words which imply possibility or necessity, and which form our rules in life. “That you can learn…” 8 - NOMINALIZATION Process words which have been frozen in time by making them into nouns. “Provide you with new insights, and new understandings.” 9 - UNSPECIFIED VERB “And you can,…” 10 - TAG QUESTION A question added after a statement, designed to displace resistance. “Can you not?” “This would be the right time wouldn’t it?” “I’m sure you should, shouldn’t you?”

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CAM 210 MILTON MODEL (CONT.) 11 - LACK OF REFERENTIAL INDEX A phrase which does not pick out a specific portion of the listener’s experience. “One can, you know…” 12 - COMPARATIVE DELETION (Unspecified Comparison) Where the comparison is made and it is not specified as to what or whom it was made. “And it’s more or less the right thing.” “I’d say it’s better this way.” 13 - PACE CURRENT EXPERIENCE Where client’s experience (verifiable, external) is described in a way which is undeniable. “You are sitting here, listening to me, looking at me, (etc)…” 14 - DOUBLE BIND “And that means that your unconscious mind is also here, and can hear (phonological ambiguity) what I say. And since that’s the case, you are probably learning about this and already know more at an unconscious level than you think you do, and it’s not right for me to tell him, learn this or learn that, let him learn in any way he wants, in any order.” Double Bind – “You can do this, find that moderate level or you can do this and find your deeper level. You are going to experience your deepest level of trance right now or it may take a couple of minutes.” 15 - CONVERSATIONAL POSTULATE The communication has the form of a question, a question to which the response is either a “yes” or a “no”. If I want you to do something, what else must be present so that you will do it, and out of your awareness? It allows you to choose to respond or not and avoids authoritarianism. “Do you feel this…(punctuation ambiguity) is something you understand?” “Can you go deeper…and now relax…do you think you are starting to understand…now that you have felt this state?” 16 - EXTENDED QUOTE “Last week I was with Richard who told me about his training in 1983 at Denver when he talked to someone who said…” 17 - SELECTIONAL RESTRICTION VIOLATION A sentence that is not well formed in that only humans and animals can have feelings. “A chair can have feelings…” “You don’t think the carpet”

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18 - AMBIGUITY a. Phonological: “Hear”, “Here” b. Syntactic: Where the function (syntactic) of a word cannot be immediately determined from the immediate context. “They are visiting relatives” c. Scope: Where it cannot be determined by linguistic context how much is applied to that sentence by some other portion of the sentence. “Speaking to you as a child…” “The old men & women…” “The disturbing noise & thoughts…” “The weight of your hands & feet…” d. Punctuation: “I want you to notice your hand me the glass.” 19 - UTILIZATION Utilize all that happens or is said. Client says: “I am not sold.” Response: “That’s right you are not sold, yet, because you haven’t asked the one question that will have you totally and completely sold.” Putting it all together: “I know that you are wondering…and it’s a good thing to wonder…because…that means…you are learning many things…and all the things, all the things…that you can learn…provide you with new insights, and new understandings. And you can, can you not? One can, you know. And it’s more or less the right thing. You are sitting here, listening to me, looking at me, and that means that your unconscious mind is also here, and can hear what I say. And since that’s the case, you are probably learning about this and already know more at an unconscious level than you think you do, and it’s not right for me to tell him, learn this or learn that, let him learn in any way he wants, in any order. Do you feel this…is something you understand? Because, last week I was with Richard who told me about his training in 1983 at Denver when he talked to someone who said, “A chair can have feelings…” 20 – COMPARTIVE DELETIONS Are deletions where a comparison is made and it is not specific as to what or whom the comparison is based on. Comparative Deletions: Missing a standard of evaluation. Statement: Enquiry:

“And that made me really angry” “Really angry! Relative to what?” Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


Statement: Enquiry:

“I am very much in love” “How does this compare to other experiences of being in love?”

Statement: Enquiry:

“Life is so cruel” “Cruel compared to what?”

21 – DISTORTION SEMANTIC ILL-FORMEDNESS Is another group of meta-model distinctions. The value of recognizing sentences which are semantically ill-formed is that it allows you to assist the person in identifying the portions of their model which are distorted in some way, impoverishing the experiences which are available to them. By changing those portions of their model which are semantically ill-formed, a person achieves greater choice and freedom. It is these ill-formed portions which frequently stop the person from acting in ways they would otherwise choose to act. The Five classes of Semantic III-Formedness are: 1 – Nominalization (an idea or concept i.e. love, frustration, relationship) 2 – Cause and Effect 3 – Complex Equivalence 4 – Mind Reading 5 – Lost Performative 22 – NOMINALIZATIONS Are when action or process words are turned into nouns. An on-going process thereby becomes fixed as a thing or an event. When this happens, we lose active choice and become trapped. There is a need to be reconnected with the on-going interactive processes of life. Reversing nominalizations assists a person in being able to see that what they had considered an event – over and beyond their control – is in fact a continuing process which can be changed. Nominalizations are a way people stay stuck. Nominalizations can be distinguished from regular nouns in several ways. A standard test for a nominalization is. “Can you put it in the wheelbarrow?” if it’s being used as a noun and you “can’t put it in a wheelbarrow – and touch it, see it, or hear it – then it is a nominalization.” For those who enjoy visualizations, make a picture of a wheelbarrow. Now try putting a chair, a cat, then your mother in the wheelbarrow. Now try putting a failure, a virtue, truth, disappointment, projections, and confusion into that wheelbarrow. As you can see, nominalizations are not people, places, or things that could be put into a wheelbarrow. Another test is to put “an on-going…” in front of the noun – “an on-going relationship,” “an ongoing experience.” Verses “an on-going chair, “an on-going stone.” If it fits, it’s a Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


nominalization, If not, it’s not. Certain word endings are indicators for nominalizations: - tion, - dom, - ence, - ance, - ledge, - ity, - ess, etc.


Frustration Happiness Productivity Reliability Depression Freedom Anger Relationship Truth

Process Question:

I regret my decision What stops you from Re-deciding?

What/whom frustrates whom? How do you, Frustrate yourself? Who is happy about what? Who produces what, how? Who relies on whom to do what? What are you depressing? Who is free from, or to do what? Who is angry about (at) what? Who relates to whom, how? What is true about what, whom, etc?

22 – DOUBLE NOMINALIZATIONS Skill Level Who is skilled are what? How do you know that? Learning disability Who is not able to learn what? Obsessive-Compulsive Who is obessing/compulsing about what? Minimal brain dysfunction How is this person’s brain dysfunctioning, how much? How do you know? 23 – nominalizations with no commonly-used process form Libido What do you get excited about? Marriage (relationship) How are you and your partner interacting? Self-esteem What about yourself do you feel good about? Pain What hurts? How? Who hurt you? what is hurting you? To transform a nominalization back into a process word, use it as a verb in the response. “I don’t get any recognition” “How would you like to be recognized?” “Pay attention.” “What do you want me to attend to?” “I regret my decision.” “Does anything stop you from re-deciding?” Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


CAUSE AND EFFECT involves the belief that some action on the part of ones person can cause another person to act in a particular way or to experience some emotion or inner state. due to this belief, ther person responding experiences having no Choice concerning how to respond. When this belief is challenged it allows the person to explore and question whether the causal connection is indeed true. They can then begin to wonder about what other choices of responses can be generated. The challenge is, HOW DOES X CAUSE Y? Statement: Enquiry:

“Your writing on the wall bothers me.” “How does my writing on the wall bother you?”

Statement: Enquiry:

“You frustrate me?” “How do I frustrate you?” or “How is it possible for me to frustrate you?” or Make you feel annoyed?”

Statement: Enquiry:

“I’m sad because you’re late.” “How does my being late make you feel sad?”

24 – MIND READING Refers to the belief on the part of the speaker that one person can know what another person is thinking or feeling without a direct communication from the second person. In other words, this is a way to recognize when someone is acting on delusions rather than information. Obviously, mind reading can do much to inhibit the usefulness of a person’s model of the world. The listener responds to mind reading by asking, HOW, SPECIFICALLY, DO YOU KNOW X? this provides the speaker with a way to become aware of, and even to question, those assumptions they may have previously taken for granted. Statement: Enquiry:

“Everybody thinks I’m taking to much time.” “How, specifically, do you know that everybody is thinking that?”

Statement: Enquiry:

“I’m sure you can see how I feel.” “How, specifically, can you be sure I can see how you feel?”

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CAM 210 METAPHOR OUTLINE (all story metaphors=hypnosis) The major purpose of a metaphor is to pace and lead a client’s behavior through a story. The major points of construction consist of: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Displacing the referential index from the client to a character in a story Pacing the client’s problem by establishing behaviors and events between the characters in the story that are similar to those in the client’s situation Accessing resources for the client within the context of the story Finishing the story such that a sequence of events occurs in which the characters in the story resolve the conflict and achieve the desired outcome

The basic steps to generate a metaphor are as follows: PREMAPPING: 1-

Identify the sequence of behavior and/or events in question: This could range from a conflict between internal parts, to a physical illness, to problematic interrelationships between the client and parents, a boss or a spouse.


Strategy analysis: Is there any consistent sequence of representations contributing to the current behavioral outcome?


Identify the desired new outcomes and choices: This may be done at any level of detail, and is important that you have an outcome to work for.


Establish anchors for strategic elements: involved in its current behavior and the desired outcome. For instance, in one knee you might anchor all of the strategies and representations that stop the client from having the necessary choices; and on the other knee you might anchor any personal resources (regardless of specific contexts) that the client may have. METAPHOR

As a kid learning to ride a bike I used to be limited as to how far I could travel and I had to walk everywhere – it tired me out I recall fist going down the driveway – it looked long and huge Yet as an adult it was nothing, just a driveway I scrapped my knee, bumped into a few things Turning one-way then another I had lots of fear & anxiety Yet once I learned balance there was no fear Then it was how fast I could go Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


Perhaps – it’s like hypnosis – you know after a while you get comfortable and then you can go fast, now, and experience more – and go to lots more locations. And once you learn how to ride, you never forget. MAPPING STRATEGIES: 5-

Displace referential indices: map over all nouns (objects and elements) to establish the characters in the story. The characters may be anything, animate or inanimate, from rocks to forest creatures to cowboys to books, etc. What you choose as characters is not important so long as you preserve the character relationship. Very often you may want to use characters from well-known fairy tales and myths.


Establish an isomorphism between the client’s situation and behavior, and the situation and behaviors of the characters in the story – map over all verbs (relations and interactions): Assign behavioral traits, such as strategies and representational characteristics, that parallel those in the client’s present situation (i.e., pace the client’s situation with the story). Make use of any anchors you have established previously to secure the relationship.


Access and establish new resources in terms of the characters and events in the story: This may be done within the framework of a Reframing or reassessing of a forgotten resource; again, using any appropriate pre-established anchors. You may choose to keep the actual content of the resource ambiguous, allowing the client’s unconscious processes to choose the appropriate one.


Use nonsequiturs, ambiguities and direct quotes to break up sequences in the story and direct conscious resistance, if such resistance is present and is hindering the effect of the metaphor. Conscious understanding does not, of course, necessarily interfere with the metaphoric process.


Keep your resolution as ambiguous as necessary to allow the client’s unconscious processes to make the appropriate changes. Collapse the pre-established anchors and provide a future pace, if possible, to check your work.


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Get in rapport


Set the frame


Decide on which positive/resource state is needed


Decide on which negative state is to be collapsed


Get into specific positive state you’re eliciting – you can stack lots of stuff to it


Make sure that the person is in a fully associated, intense, congruent state


Anchor the positive state


Anchor the negative state


Fire anchors at the same time until they peak, and the integration is complete then just

10 -

Release the negative anchor 1 st and

11 -

Hold the positive anchor for 5 seconds and then release

12 -

Test and future pace

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CHAINING ANCHORS (F.Y.I. – A.N.D.) Chaining is a technique that is used when the desired/resource state is significantly different from the present state. 1– 2– 3– 4– 5– 6–

Get in rapport Set the frame Identify the undesirable present state Decide on the positive/resource end state Decide on intermediate states to lead to the end state Design the chain


Elicit and anchor each state separately, beginning with the present state through the end state. Make sure that the subject is out of previous state prior to anchoring the next one.


Fire the present state anchor and when at its peak, release and fire the Int. anchor #1. (wall chart #35)


Test (subject should go into present state and then into Int. state #1).

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Fire present state anchor, watch subject go into present state, and then Int. state #1. At peak add Int. state #2.

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Add each Intermediate Anchor and End State Anchor in the same way.

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Fire present state, and subject should go through all the states and end up at the end state.

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Test and future pace.

What we focus on we get – unconscious doesn’t process negatives – I do not want… Idea – Make the do become the 1st part of command to be primary so that is empowered).

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The Fast Phobia Model is more useful when used in conjunction with Time Line Therapy™ techniques. See the Time Line Therapy® training section. You can learn a “phobia” from one experience as long as it leaves a strong impression – You can unlearn a phobia by one experience if you do it in reverse. 12345-

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(Optional) Establish a resource anchor, or be prepared to do a pattern interrupt. Acknowledge magnificence of one-trial learning a client’s ability to learn. Discover strategy used for having phobia. Ask the client to remember a time when they had a phobic reaction anytime. Then ask them to remember neutral memories before and after the phobic memory – resource anchor, a “safe “ place to come from and go to – get clean break. Ask client to imagine that they are watching the phobia memory from the projection booth of a movie theatre (disassociated). Start at the neutral memory, then run the phobia memory movie forward in B & W to the end, then to the 2nd neutral point. Have the client associate into the memory and run it backwards with full color & sounds to the beginning. Tell them to notice something funny in the backwards movie. Repeat steps 6 – 8 until the client can’t get the feeling (K) back, or until the memory is not accessible. (If you are deleting a memory then give the appropriate instructions.) Test and future pace.

KEYS 1234-

Neutral point Disassociation – difficult – remind them to see at distance at time. Repetition Laughter anchor

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By running it backward it fires neurons backwards and distorts it, changing it.

Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –



Visual Constructed Images of things that people have never seen before. When people are making it up in their head, they are using visual constructed. QUESTION: “What would your room look like if it were blue?”


Visual Remembered Seeing images from memory, recalling things they have seen before. (In addition, some people access visual remembered by defocusing their eyes.) QUESTION: “What color was the room you grew up in?


Auditory Constructed Making up sounds that you have not heard before. QUESTIONS: “What would I sound like if I had Donald Duck’s voice?”


Auditory Remembered When you remember sounds or voices that you’ve heard before, or things that you’ve said to yourself before. QUESTION: “What was the very last thing I sad?” or “Can you remember the sound of your mother’s voice?”


Kinesthetic (Feelings, sense of touch) Generally you look in this direction when you are accessing your feelings. QUESTION: “What does it feel like to touch a wet rug?”


Auditory Digital This is where your eyes go when you are talking to yourself – internal dialogue. QUESTION: “Can you recite the pledge of allegiance to yourself?”

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Conflicts – Check on the following types of conflict: Beliefs Values Parts Repressed Behavior


Motivations – Check on what other motivations there could be, or Secondary Gain


The Effects of Suggestion(e.g.: Post Hypnotic) S.E.E.’s – A significant emotional experience can be as effective as hypnosis


Organ Language – Often, what we say to ourselves can cause problems, e.g.: “A pain in the neck.”


Identification – Who and what do we identify with? Imprint (0-7)** Modeling (7-14)* Socialization (14-21)


Masochism – Self – Punishment – A result of guilt


Past Significant Emotional Experiences


Body Image (Formed when – see #5)


First Event in the Time Line This Lifetime Past Lives Genealogical

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CAM 210 MODELING OCT 4, 1997 We model our universe from our experiences – good and bad and the perceived – or imagined habits/conclusions we have about others. We particularly attach to those that are powerful to major role models in our life, mother/father/older brother or sister/teacher/President, etc. we consciously or subconsciously empower these images in our mind it’s as if we give the images a power over us to infect our needs will be met, that we’ll survive and get enough pleasure to feel safe from death! When we empower another being with the “authority” “hero” “champion” “star” label – we unconsciously directly link into their universe with a strong link. We hook into their emergy and their issues. Like adding a new program to computer without knowing it – their negative programming becomes a virus in ours. They emanate this – unconsciously – to others (i.e. their strange behaviors, feelings, ideas) even if unexpressed. These spells create issues for those around them (i.e. they treat women as objects, going from one to another – because of hidden abuse they had (real or imagined) from their mother, father or others. They refuse to get close to women (or others) but also know they need them. It is part of their programming that “I can’t survive without them”. More often than not, abuse is just the wrong perception of an event (i.e. she held me down, took my clothes off, and then kept touching my private parts – when in fact you were being held on a table to prevent you from falling while your diaper was being taken off, you were being cleaned/washed off from all the diarrhea in your diaper.) Often while you cried hysterically because of various reasons, you were tired, hungry or traumatized from earlier Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


events when you just got caught between fight of parents and you were “full of shit” for some time. The amount of mis “conclusions,” particularly in youngsters, is enormous. Write down and make note of the people you had in your space growing up who had a strong influence on you and also note those you admired, looked up to, hero worship etc.. “sucked” into your universe major issues of theirs and if focused on them they become yours. HYPOTHESIS – I All reality as we know it has been created through the eons when we were “hypnotized”. We have learned our reactions and perceptions when in altered states – and continue to learn in them. We seek altered states via… Prayer



repetitive learning





stressful events

extreme sports




emotional upsets


Singing hymns T.V.









When altered states happen in group situations, a “group reality” is established which causes the majority to act in a harmonious fashion – i.e. – doing the wave – chanting “We are the champions” or “We will rock you”. You can show this easily regarding music. If you do the beginning of familiar tune or T.V. jingle (like green acres) and let their mind finish it.

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Do same with ad slogan and habits “Children starving in China” to clean your dinner plate or you must eat everything on your plate to grow big and strong. The conscious mind then tries to analyze the realities created to then adjust their external world to meet these realities and will actively justify their actions through “logical” rationalizations. THE MODELING PROCESS I – Define Ability to be modeled (a positive or negative) II – “When you are an excellent teacher what is important to you?”Answer: “I want them to be attentive to me” Definition: (Criteria, your choice of personal standards of evaluation within a specific context) e.g. “My criteria for students being attentive to me is they are looking at me, listening to what I say and following my instructions.” III – Enabling cause – effect “What leads to or makes it possible for there to be attentiveness” (The sequence of internal representation and external behaviors engaged in to ensure criteria (test) is being satisfied) “To engage them with something fun, useful or helpful in their life.” IV – Motivating cause/effect (a higher, deeper or more important level of criteria “What is important about ________________.” V – Sustaining emotion When you are (ability) what is important to you to maintaining ability is the criteria equivalence – criteria and definition – “What are you feeling?” VI – When you are (ability) what are you doing on the outside (behaviors, facial expressions, vibrations, body position. VII – Contributing factors – “Are there other abilities, conditions or considerations that support this?” “Are there other beliefs that affect function or expression of this?” VIII – Embodying – How would you embody this ability? Do it. IX– Enacting – Show how you would interact with another when having this ability.

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CAM 210 PERSPECTIVES OF EDGAR CAYCE Cayce – acknowledges principle of “soul mind” and contains wisdom of universe. Your client is only limited by what you think is possible for them. Purpose of life – help produce, direct and script your life and come back to the producer, scriptwriter roles to “play”. Three key attributes – spirit, mind and will – “for us to develop into our own individual identity so we can then be one with God”. Cayce’s approach to reincarnation – “of becoming champions and co-creators with God” not working out problems to nirvana to remove self from cycle of birth. Cayce – the healing power of forgiveness (self and others) “choice” – no matter what we have choice bet people to know they are at cause. Importance of setting ideals – get a person’s values aligned. Most important experience for any soul was setting any ideal. Ideal - a goal is something you want to accomplish - an articulation of the spirit in which you want to accomplish the goal, “the spirit of motivation”. What standard will you use for yourself on accomplishing something? *Explain to client different methods of experiencing a trance and that they will maintain their consciousness Heightened powers of mental focus. Altered state indicates - Bloodshot eyes - Slower breathing – time distortion Ask me “how much time do you think has passed?” (time usually distorted) and you can help ratify it – (usually shorter, may be longer). Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


Ultimate ratification is when suggestions take effect *The Convincer – What does it take for the person to know something has happened? – ask – “What does it take for you to know?” find out which sense they depend on and mirror it back. For instance, convincer “when I see it I know”. You can respond – “And you will know right away number of times convincer – give suggestion – probably by 2nd or 3rd time”. What is their frame of reference? Some must be convinced every time Is way to know internal or external? i.e. “good feedback” or “feel it inside” or both? External “people will notice and tell you”. Mind is not peculiar to human race, – but more complex. Spiritual energy transformed through energy into body – pattern of our energy is stored in endocrine system. Your goal is to help them accomplish what they want – not what someone wants for you. What is the highest intention for “not forgiving someone”? Time We each have an internal scheme of time – find out their framework Most of us have developed a perception of time – past behind us – future in front past to night – future left etc… How do we arrange mental pictures in space? They will look that way or demonstrate with hands. Exercise: Create your timeline – which way is past, future-use hands and point

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Where is 1st event that happened with unwanted emotion? Then have them float above line and above event to past. What is there to be absorbed from that event? Time line conflicts show imbalances – you can use them to put the negative into your past behind you. Two primary ways people store time - back to front and side to side. Front to back – less aware of time and more often late Side to side – more in value of time - can switch it as function desires It’s context of perception that determines meaning - shift context of experience (ex: a weight # can be good, if on way down or upsetting on way up) We have scripted our future – it’s predetermined and we’re predeterming it moment by moment. We are scripting a future aligned with our values. Go and check your future and see what you have. Check if you really need to hold onto things of the past that hold you back today – isn’t now all that is? Two reasons: 1-

Problem solving – how and why stuck, what should I do next insight


Evidence gathering – of reincarnation

The capacity to know yourself as an individual can be lost – soul no longer self reflective SOUL ENTITY ↓ PICTURE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAST Your timeline is all contained within reality of existence. Going above timeline is like sending probe out to Mars and sending information back to mission control. Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


Holographic model – if you change one you change them all – doesn’t matter where you make reform if deeply enough. When past is transformed – it’s for everyone and changes future. Pain is unconscious mind’s way to get our attention (internal or physical). How can you demonstrate those learnings today? Exercise to prepare for death – not necessarily to their death – and from there have them look over life – what was thought on person’s mind at the time of person’s death – it is emblem of life. What unfinished business was there? Transcend into other dimensional consciousness for further lessons feel/imagine the answer given on both Cayce said we get free will and emotions – not duplicated in other dimensions. When we complete lessons in this system – we go to other dimensions for more lessons. Regressions are often greatly augmented by dreams. Be aware of false memory syndrome – trying to get certain memories for an agenda – (to prove someone did something to you for legal reasons or whatever it needs to be for healing). PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 1234-

Unlearn Rethink Re Feel Re Learn

Must be a daily activity

Desire to change – run, need for a change, demand for improvement.

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ANCHORING OUTCOME: The desired outcome for this section is for all participants to be able to anchor a specific state in a person, at any time, in any modality. THEORY: A. B.

Definition: Any time a person is in an associated, intense state, if at the peak of that experience, a specific stimulus is applied, then the two will be linked neurologically Anchoring can assist you in gaining access to past states and linking the past state to the present and the future.

PROCESS: The Four Steps to Anchoring: 1Have the person recall a past vivid experience. 2Provide a specific stimulus at the peak (see chart below) 3Change the person’s state – (Break State) 4Set off the anchor to test. The Four Keys to Anchoring: 1The Intensity of the Experience 2The Timing of the Anchor 3The Uniqueness of the Anchor 4The Replication of the Stimulus

Florida Institute for Complementary & Alternative Medicine ©2010 All Rights Reserved 12 NE 5th Avenue – Delray Beach – FL 33483- 561.272.3722 –


The Business uses of NLP NLP is a powerful business interactions as it helps you move ________ and intentional in directing your interaction


Establish Rapport: Remember, people who are like each other, tend to like each other. Match & Mirror: Physiology – embodiment Tone of voice – volume Representational systems Breathing – pace rhythm Key words

2 Ask Questions: The questions you ask directly related to the business of the person you are interviewing. Talk their language. Ask questions in the language of their business. “For what purpose is…” “What do they really want?” Discover client’s I/R, desired state Meta Model – what is the Bigger Picture of this – the larger context? Discover strategies and anchor needed states 3 Find a Need: Establish need – establish value. No need? Stop here. Find another client. There are plenty out there. Anchor it – anchor it Conditional close – and if you were to ______________ are you ready to _____________ it? Tag questions – “And what do you like most about this today? 4

Link the Need or Value to your Product or Service: Conditional close (“Is it fair enough…”) “What would happen if…” “compared to…” (Contrast Frame) Agreement Frame Fire anchors Use Strategies and language patterns


Close: Ask for the order. Chain anchors to: Handle Objections If no: (go to #3) If yes: Future pace. Fire reassurance anchor. Get referrals. Resistance to your message indicates lack of rapport. If that happens at any point, build more rapport.

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Determine your outcome and imagine the outcome you believe they want. Relax and meditate what is best for all mutual interest involved.


Develop as many options as possible to achieve that outcome. a) Avoid a fixed position. b) Define upper and lower limits of range.


Identify potential areas of agreement.


Identify issues to be resolved and plan how to discuss them.


Determine your best alternatives to an agreement.



Opening 1. Establish rapport 2. Get consensus that there is basis for negotiation, a willingness to come to resolution. Exchange 1. State areas of agreement. 2. Anchor

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