pocket hemming pocket o/l pocket creasing pocket attaching second stitch @ back pocket back yoke attach back rise join size label attach
Front Section coin pocket hemming 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
coin pocket attach @ jet piece (right) pocket bag attach with jet piece o/l @ pocket bag top stitch @ pocket bag o/l @ zipper fly o/l front panels @ crotch zipper attach @ left fly left fly attach @ front panel (inseam & top stitch) J-stitch @ left fly front pocket mouth hemming pocket bag stitch to front panel @side & top (wt w/c label@lt.) right fly attach with zipper & crotch join
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
loop preparation main label attach @ waist band, & w/b joining in chain top stitch @ inseam side seam join (attach front & back panels) top stitch @ side seam waist band stitch waist band corners finish loop attach bottom hemming
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