Basic Inorganic Nomenclature FOR IIT-JEE ENTRANCE TEST by S.K.sinha See Chemistry Animations at

March 1, 2017 | Author: myiitchemistry | Category: N/A
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Download Basic Inorganic Nomenclature FOR IIT-JEE ENTRANCE TEST by S.K.sinha See Chemistry Animations at





Language of Inorganic



Common Cations

Names Symbols Lithium ion, sodium ion, etc. Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+ Beryllium ion, magnesium ion, etc. Be2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+ Hydronium ion H+ Aluminum ion Al3+ Iron(II), Iron(III) Copper(I), Copper(II) Cu+, Cu2+ Silver ion 2+ 2+ Mercury(I), Mercury(II) Hg2 , Hg Lead(II), Lead(IV) Ammonium ion NH4+ Cadmium ion Zinc ion Zn2+ Nickel(II), Nickel(IV) Gold(I), Gold(IV) Au+, Au4+ Cobalt(II), Cobalt(III) Tin(II), Tin(IV) Sn2+, Sn4+ Chromium(II), Chromium(III)

Name Hydride Fluoride Chloride Bromide

Symbol HFClBr-

Name Formula Nitrate NO3Permanganate MnO4Hydroxide OHCyanide CNPerchlorate ClO4Thiocyanate SCNBicarbonate HCO3Oxalate C2O42-

Sulfuric Phosphoric Nitric Hydrochloric


Lithium hydroxide Sodium hydroxide Potassium hydroxide Cesium hydroxide


Common Monatomic Anions Name Iodide Oxide Sulfide Selinide

Symbol IO2S2Se2-

Name Telluride Nitride Phosphide Arsenide

Common Polyatomic Anions

Name Sulfate Carbonate Chromate Phosphate Peroxide Chlorate Bisulfate Bromate

Formula SO42CO32CrO42PO43O22ClO3HSO4BrO3-

Common Acids

Perchloric Chloric Hydrobromic Hydroiodic


Name Nitrite Dichromate Sulfite Chlorite Hypochlorite Acetate Arsenate

Fe2+, Fe3+ Ag+ Pb2+, Pb4+ Cd2+ Ni2+, Ni4+ Co2+, Co3+ Cr2+, Cr3+

Symbol Te2N3P3As3-

Formula NO2Cr2O72SO32ClO2ClOC2H3O2AsO43-

Hydrocyanic HCN Chlorous HClO2 Hypochlorous HClO Nitrous HNO2

Common Bases

Magnesium hydroxideMg(OH)2 Calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 Strontium hydroxide Sr(OH)2 Rubidium hydroxide RbOH

H.O-2 N 12 Rangbari Yojana , Kota B.O-1D 10 Talwandi main Road, Kota Ph-0744-2407906 Mo-93149-05055.




CHEMISTRY OXIDATION NUMBERS: CATIONS 1+ Name dichlorotetramminecobalt (III) hydrogen gold (I) (aurous) hydronium lithium silver thallium

Symbol Co(NH3)4Cl2+ H+ Au+ H3O+ Li+ Ag+ Tl+

Name Symbol barium Ba2+ beryllium Be2+ iridium (II) Ir2+ tetramminecopper (II) Cu(NH3)42+ copper (II) (cupric) Cu2+ magnesium Mg2+ platinum (II) Pt2+ strontium Sr2+ tin (II) Sn2+ titanium (II) Ti2+ tungsten (II) W2+ zinc Zn2+

2+ Name chloropentamminecobalt (III) calcium chromium (II) (chromous) cobalt (II) (cobaltous) iron (II) (ferrous) lead (II) (plumbous) manganese (II) (manganous) mercury (I) (mercurous) mercury (II) (mercuric) nickel (II) (nickelous) vanadium (II) zirconium

Symbol Co(NH3)5Cl22+ Ca2+ Cr2+ Co2+ Fe2+ Pb2+ Mn2+ Hg22+ Hg2+ Ni2+ V2+ Zr2+

Name aluminum boron gallium (III) gold (III) (auric) indium (III) iridium (III) iron (III) (ferric) phosporus (III) thallium (III) titanium (III)

Symbol Al3+ B3+ Ga3+ Au3+ In3+ Ir3+ Fe3+ P3+ Tl3+ Ti3+

3+ Name hexamminecobalt (III) antimony (III) (antimonous) arsenic (III) (arsenous) cerium (III) (cerrous) chromium (III) (chromic) cobalt (III) (cobaltic) manganese (III) rhodium (III) uranium (III) vanadium (III)

Symbol Co(NH3)63+ Sb3+ As3+ Ce3+ Cr3+ Co3+ Mn3+ Rh3+ U3+ V3+

Name germanium (IV) iridium (IV) platinum (IV) titanium (IV) tungsten (IV) vanadium (IV)

Symbol Ge4+ Ir4+ Pt4+ Ti4+ W4+ V4+

Name bismuth phosphorus (V)

Symbol Bi5+ P5+

Name ammonium cesium copper (I) (cuprous) diamminesilver (I) indium (I) potassium sodium

Symbol NH4+ Cs+ Cu+ Ag(NH3)2+ In+ K+ Na+

4+ Name cerium (IV) (cerroussic) lead (IV) (plumbic) thorium (IV) tin (IV) (stannic) uranium (IV) zirconium (IV) 5+ Name antimony (V) (antimonic) arsenic (V) (arsenic)

Symbol Ce4+ Pb4+ Th4+ Sn4+ U4+ Zr4+ Symbol Sb5+ As5+

H.O-2 N 12 Rangbari Yojana , Kota B.O-1D 10 Talwandi main Road, Kota Ph-0744-2407906 Mo-93149-05055.




tungsten (V)


uranium (V)


vanadium (V)

3 V5+

CHEMISTRY OXIDATION NUMBERS: ANIONS Name acetate azide bromate chlorate cyanate fluoride formate hypochlorite iodate iodide nitrate nitrite permanganate triiodide chlorite


1Name amide benzoate bromide chloride cyanide dihydrogen phosphate hydride hydrogen carbonate (bicarbonate) hydrogen sulfide (bisulfide or hydrosulfide) hydroxide (hydoxyl when aqueous) perchlorate thiocyanate (thiocyanato) vanadate hydrogen sulfate (bisulfate)

Name carbide (saltlike) chromate imide manganate metasilicate oxalate peroxide phthalate selenate sulfide tartrate tetraborate tungstate

Symbol C22CrO42NH2MnO42SiO32C2O42O22C8H4O42SeO42S2C4H4O62B4O72WO42-

2Name carbonate dichromate hexachloroplatinate (IV) hexafluorosilicate monohydrogen phosphate oxide peroxydisulfate polysulfide sulfate sulfite tellurate thiosulfate zincate

aluminate borate nitride phosphate phosphide


carbide (covalent) orthosilicate


3arsenate citrate hexacyanoferrate (III) (ferricyanide) 4hexacyanoferrate (II) (ferrocyanide) pyrophosphate (diphosphate)

Symbol NH2C6H5COOBrClCNH2PO4HHCO3HSOHClO4SCNVO3HSO4Symbol CO32Cr2O72PtCl62SlF62HPO42O2S2O82Sx2SO42SO32TeO42S2O32ZnO22AsO43C6H5O73Fe(CN)63-




H.O-2 N 12 Rangbari Yojana , Kota B.O-1D 10 Talwandi main Road, Kota Ph-0744-2407906 Mo-93149-05055.





Transition metal ions typically form coordination compounds which consist of a complex ion – a transition metal ion with attached ligands, and counter ions – cations or anions needed to produce a neutral compound. Example: [Ag(NH3)2]Cl In this case, [Ag(NH3)2]+ is the complex ion consisting of the + transition metal ion Ag and two attached neutral NH3 ligands. Note, when bringing together the complex ion with the counter ion, the complex ion is always enclosed in brackets [ ] while names of common ligands are enclosed in parenthesis ( ). The counter ion in this example is the chloride anion, Cl-. Complex Ion Nomenclature: Complex cations, such as Cu(H2O)62+ , are named by giving the number and name of the groups attached to the central metallic atom followed by the name of the central atom, with its oxidation number indicated by a Roman numeral in parenthesis. The name of this complex cation above is hexaaquocopper(II). Complex anions, such as CoF63- , are named by giving the number and name of the groups attached to the central metallic atom followed by the name of the central atom, adding an –ate ending and its oxidation number in parentheses. The name of this complex anion above is hexafluorocobaltate(III). Ligands are ions or neutral molecules having lone electron pairs and act as Lewis bases. These lone electron pairs can be donated to the empty d orbitals of a transition metal ion, which in turn acts as an electron pair accepter, a Lewis acid. This electron pair sharing between metal and ligand is called a coordinate covalent bond. The number of bonds formed by metal ions to ligands in complex ions varies from two to eight depending on the charge, size, and electron configuration of the transition metal ion. This number of ligands attached to the central metal ion is referred to as the coordination number. Two, four and six are the most common coordination numbers. Often the number of ligands attached is two times the metal’s oxidation number. Simplified IUPAC Rules for Naming Coordination Compounds: 1. As with ionic compounds, the cation is always named before the anion. 1. In naming a complex ion, the ligands are named before the metal ion. 2. In naming ligands, an -o is added to the root name of an anion. For a neutral ligand, the name of the molecule is used, with the exception of H2O, NH3, CO and NO. Names of some common ligands are listed on the next page. Anions Neutral Molecules Fluoro Faqua H2O Chloro Cl ammine NH3 Bromo Brbenzene C6H6 Iodo Icarbonyl CO 2Carbonato CO3 ethylenediamine H2NCH2CH2NH2 or en Cyano CNmethylamine CH3NH2 Hydrido Hdimethylamine (CH3)2NH Hydroxo OHNitrato NO3Nitro NO2Oxalate C2O42Oxo O2Sulfato SO42Thiocyanato SCNAzido N3Thiosulfato S2O32-

H.O-2 N 12 Rangbari Yojana , Kota B.O-1D 10 Talwandi main Road, Kota Ph-0744-2407906 Mo-93149-05055.



4. 5. 6.




The prefixes mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, and hexa- are used to denote the number of simple ligands. The prefixes bis-, tris-, tetrakis-, etc., are also used, especially for more complicated ligands or ones that already contain di-, tri-, etc. The oxidation state of the central metal ion is designated by a Roman numeral in parentheses. When more than one type of ligand is present, they are named alphabetically. Prefixes do not affect the order. If the complex ion has a negative charge, the suffix –ate is added to the name of the metal. Sometimes the Latin name is used to identify the metal. Latin Names for Some Metal Ions Found in Anionic Complex Ions copper cuprate gold aurate iron ferrate lead plumbate silver argentate tin stannate


In the case of complex-ion, isomerism, the names cis or trans may precede the formula of the complex-ion name to indicate the spatial arrangement of the ligands. Cis means the ligands occupy adjacent coordination positions; trans means opposite positions.

Examples of rules: [CrCl2(H2O)4]+ tetraaquadichlorochromium (III) [CrCl4(H2O)2]-

diaquatetrachlorochromate (III)


pentaammineaquachromium (III)




trichlorohydroxogallate (III) 2-

cis-bromochlorodinitroplatinate (II)

trans-[Co(OH)Clen2]+ trans-chlorobisethylenediaminehydroxo cobalt (III) [Mn(CO)3(C6H6)]+

benzenetricarbonylmanganese (I)


tetracarbonylnickel (0)


tetraamminezinc chloride


ammonium tetrachloroaurate (I)

Exercise: Name the following. 1. K4[Ni(CN)4] 2. (NH4)3[Fe(SCN)6] 3. Na2[Ni(CN)4] 4. [Fe(ox)3]35. [Co(NH3)5Cl]Br2 6. [Cr(H2O)4Cl2]Cl 7. [Pt(NH3)2]Cl2 8. Na2[MoOCl4] 9. [Cr(H2O)6](NO3)3 10. [Zn(en)2]Br2

Exercise: Write formulas for the following. 1. potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) 2. sodium hexafluoroaluminate 3. Pentaaquabromomanganese(III) sulfate 4. hexaamminechromium(III) nitrate 5. sodium tetrahydroxochromate(III) 6. trans-dichlorobis(ethylenediamine)cobalt (III) chloride 7. hexaammineruthenium(III) tetrachloronickelate(II) 8. tetraamminecopper(II) pentacyanohydroxoferrate(III) 9. potassium diaquatetrabromovanadate(III) 10.diamminezinc iodide

H.O-2 N 12 Rangbari Yojana , Kota B.O-1D 10 Talwandi main Road, Kota Ph-0744-2407906 Mo-93149-05055.

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