Basic English Chapter3

May 5, 2019 | Author: chaouen | Category: Grammatical Tense, Verb, English Language, Languages, Semiotics
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Chapter 3


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Present Continuous Tense In English , the present continuous tense (sometimes (sometimes referred to as present progressive tense) is very important i mportant when expressing actions happening NOW .

Construction: Pronoun or noun I Mr. Jones Maria and I My mother and father The eagle

Verb to be : simple present am is are are is

Main verb + ING working sleeping studying laughing flying

What is going on? Key Questions : What are you doing ? What’s happening ? What Describe what’s happening in the following pictures.

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We use present continuous when we speak about action verbs happening at the moment of speaking.

Practice using the present continuous tense, with your classmates or teacher. Don’t forget your ING !!! come - coming cook - cooking dance - dancing sit - sitting

drive - driving watch - watching sing - singing read - reading

run - running listen - listening talk - talking eat - eating

Grammar tip We use the simple present tense when we talk about things in general or when we are stating a fact but we use the present continuous when we talk about an action that is going on now. A good example of this difference is when we discuss sports or talk about languages. Don’t forget that with the simple simple present tense we must must put a “ s” at the end of the verb for:

He, She and It. Ex. Þ I play basketball. ( = I play on a regular basis, in general) Þ I am playing basketball. (= I am playing at this moment, right now) Þ Monica speaks Spanish. ( =She usually speaks Spanish. It is her native language.) Þ Monica is speaking English. (= She is speaking English now. We don’t know if it’s her native language or not) When we talk about doing sports in the present tense, we often use the word play/plays . The rule is if it is a team sport we need to use the verb PLAY but if it is an individual sport we use the verb itself. Let me show you what I mean. Team Sport Bruce plays basketball.(not He basketballs) I play tennis. My sister and I play soccer.

Individual Sport but

Mira skies. (not She plays ski.). You swim. They run.

Exception : Since golf can be played individually or in a group, you can use either form. My father golfs. golfs. or My father plays plays golf.

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Sports Vocabulary : baseball skiing swimming cycling roller blading wrestling snowboarding walking

hockey skating gymnastics hiking dancing boxing surfing football

basketball soccer rugby running badminton weightlifting diving tennis

 Note : if you talk about martial arts, eg. kung fu, kendo, karate you must using the verb to practice Ex. I practice karate. Now, I am practicing kung fu.

Negative formation formati on

Question formation formati on

Noun + simple present be + not+ verbING I am not sleeping   Julie is not working now. Marco is not having lunch at the moment. moment. They are not playing tennis right now. We are not not doing anything for the the moment. moment. The dog is not barking at the neighbor. She is not watching television.

Simple present be + noun + verbING Am I sleeping ? Is Julie working now ? Is Marco having lunch at the moment Are they playing tennis right now.? What are you doing for for the moment ? Is the dog barking at the neighbor ? Is she watching television ?

Present continuous questions can also be made up using the WH- question words: Where is Carlos going ? What are Susan and Edward eating ? Why are they watching on television ? What kind of music are they listening to ? Who is she thinking about ? When are we having a party ? Where are you calling from ?  What are you doing ? Who are you talking to ?

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Substitute present continuous in the following sentences :

Listen ! Elvis is playing  the guitar. They ______ ____________ in an expensive restaurant. Look ! The children _______ ______________ in the lake. You ______ ______________ on my foot. Hurry up ! The subway ______ _____________ . Where are you, Mom ? In the kitchen. I ______ ____________ dinner. “Hello. Can I speak you Jamie, please ?” I´m sorry he ______ ______________ a shower right now.” 8. What ______ you ____________ on television ? 9. Who ______ your sister _____________ to at this time time of night ? 10. Why _____ he _____________ the music so loud ?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Class Activity : Look around the classroom or outside the window and describe what you see . Exchange ideas with the other classmates and then write them down. You can also use magazines or interesting photographs to describe things that are happening in the present continuous tense.

Write it ! 1. ______________________________________________________ . 2. ______________________________________________________ . 3. _______________________________________________________  4. _______________________________________________________ . 5. _______________________________________________________ . 6.   _______________________________________________________ .

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Conversation Practice : Helen : What are you doing ? George: I’m thinking ? Helen: What are you thinking about ? George: I’m thinking about food ? Helen: Are you going out to eat ? George: Are you joking ? I don’t have enough money to go out ? Why? Are you going out for lunch ? Helen : Well, I am thinking about it. You can borrow some money from me. George : Well, okay. Let’s go. I am starving.* Helen : Yeah, I’m starving*, too! ·

I am starving = I am very hungry.

What is happening ??????

 Discuss these pictures with your class.

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this/ that / these / those (demonstrative adjectives) This is my passport passport This passport passport is very important when when I am traveling .


We use this when we are talking about a single object that is close us.(relatively) What is this? Is this passport important? Key Question :

That is a bowling ball. That bowling ball is heavy. We use that when we are talking about a single object that is far from us. (relatively) Key Question :

What is that ?

Is that bowling ball heavy ?

These are flowers. These flowers are dandelions. We use these when we are talking about two or more objects that are close to us. Key Question :

What are these ?

Are these flowers daisies?

Those are hot air balloons. Those balloons are beautiful. b eautiful. We use those when we are talking about two or more things that are far from us.

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‘this’ indicates that something is close to us. ‘that’ indicates that something is at a distance. This pencil is in my hand. That pencil is over there on the book. the plural of this is these. the plural of that is those. These pencils are in my hand. Those pencils are over there on the book. Change the following sentences from singular to plural or from plural to singular. 1.- That door is very big. 9.- This man is tall. 2.- That paper is blue. 10.- That woman is thin. 3.- These markers are green. 11.- This knife is old. 4.- This exercise is long. 12.- Those children are young. 5.- Those clouds are white. 13.- These babies are chubby. 6.- That apple is terrible. 14.- That rose is pretty. 7.- Those students are wonderful. 15.- This building is low. 8.- These plants are fabulous.

Fill in the blanks using that or those.

1. ___________ clock 2. socks

5. __________ tree 6.

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Danny : Is this a good book ? Randy : Yes, this is an excellent book. Danny : What about ab out that one ? Randy : No, I don´t like it. Danny are these your glasses ? Danny : No, those ones are mine, not these ones. Randy : Oh, yeah these are too strong for you.

one / ones * We use one or ones when we know which object or objects we are talking about because you can see it or because of the previous sentence. Review the conversation: conversation: Yes, this is an excellent book. What about that one one (that book) ? It is understood by both Danny and Randy that they mean book because of the context.(the previous previous sentence clearly states they are referring to a book). More examples : These cookies are delicious. Would you like one (a cookie) ? Can I borrow a pencil ? Sure, you can use this one (this pencil) . Which flowers do you want want ? I want these red ones. ones. (these red flowers). This box is too small. I need that one (that box). That cup is dirty. Can I use this one (this cup) ?

Practice using one / ones in a conversation and try using this / that / these / those, too. Simple Future Tense In the story we use the future tense to talk about events in the future. The future tense is one of 

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Michelle Michelle will not pass her exam. Harry and Catherine will not go to Mexico. It will not be the last time I see you. We will not visit the Eiffel Tower. Towe r.

Will Will Michelle Michelle pass her exam ? Will Will Harry and Catherine go to Mexico ? Will Will it be the last time I see you ? Will Will we visit the Eiffel Tower Towe r ?

Answer the following questions using the simple future tense : Ex. Will the bus arrive soon ? Yes, it will. It´ll arrive in 10 minutes.

1. Will Will the soup be ready soon ?

Yes, _____. _____ . _________ _____ ____ in a few minutes. minutes.

2. Will Will Dr. Jones be here soon soo n ?

Yes, _____ . _________ _____ ____ in about half half an hour.

3. Will Will the supper be ready soon soo n ?

Yes, _____ . _________ _____ ____ in the next next few few minutes. minutes.

4. Will Will you get the new job ?

Yes, _____ . _________ _____ ____ next week.

5. Will ill they go to the party ?

Yes, _____ . _________ tomorrow night. night.

6. Will Will we go to Europe in in June ?

Yes, _____ . ________ _____ ___ in June.

7. Will Will Janet leave the hospital ?

Yes, _____ . ________ _____ ___ next Friday. Friday.

Reading Comprehension I CAN´T WAIT FOR SPRING !

Winters in Canada are very long. They are usually four to five months. What a  pain in the neck * ! I’m tired of winter. I’m sick of the snow and ice. I´m sick of  the icy weather and the winter coats, winter boots and winter hats ! In a few more weeks it won’t  be winter any more. It’ll be spring. Yeah ! No more cold weather. The sun will be warm. I won’t have to shovel snow or worry about slipping on the ice. I won’t have to wear heavy winter  clothes any more. I will be able to take nice, long walks outside. I´ll be able to ride my bicycle to

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Questions about the seasons

Fall / Autumn


: discuss together in the class

What’s your favorite season ? Why ? What season is it now ? What is the weather like now ? Describe the weather right now using the present continuous. Ex. It is raining. It is sunny. etc... What will the next season be ? (use future tense) How many seasons do you have in your country ? How would you describe winter, spring, summer and fall ? Do you like the change of seasons ?

Wrap up: Gail and Sheila are getting ready to go out to a  party and are trying to decide what to wear.. Underline the present continuous, demonstrative adjectives and the future tense in their  conversation. Then practice the conservation with a classmate and change the conversation using   yourselves instead of Gail and Sheila.


Do you think this party this party will be fun ?

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Do you think it’ll rain tomorrow ? Do you think you will get married ? Do you think that the summer will be very hot this year ? Do you think the winter will be long this year ? Do you think there will be another world war ? Do you think there will be world peace someday ? Do you think that we will travel to other planets in the future ?

 Now come up with some of your own questions using the simple future or the  present continuous tenses. Write them down in the spaces below. 1. ___________________________________________________________________________  2. ___________________________________________________________________________  3. ___________________________________________________________________________  4. ___________________________________________________________________________ 

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