Basal Angiosperms - Chloranthaceae
Short Description
Basal Angiosperms Family Chloranthaceae Diagnostic Features: •
Chloranthus elatior
Chloranthus elatior
Sarcandra glabra
Trees, shrubs, and herbs bearing essential oils. Leaves opposite, petiolate, connate, aromatic, simple, epulvinate, stipulate. The leaf lamina dorsiventral ith margins serrate. !oung stems usually cylindrical ith solid internodes. "nflorescences terminal, or a#illary$ spi%es or cymes Floers to bracteolate$ small$ &reduced'. (erianth sepaline )female and hermaphrodite floers*, or absent )male floers*$ hen present, +, oined, - horled. horled. Fruit fleshy. The fruiting carpel indehiscent$ drupaceous.
eference: Chapter 6: Evolution of Flowering Plants • • • • •
Floering plants )angiosperms* 1 Angiospermae, 2agnoliophyta, Anthophyta 2onophyletic group 3ister group to the gymnosperms 2ost numerous, diverse and successful e#tant plant group 456 of all land plants
Angiosperm Angiosperm Apomorph Apomorphies ies -. Floe Floerr )/ )/ peria periant nth* h* 2ost obvious distinguishing feature 2odified, determinate shoot system bearing stamen/s )A* and carpel/s )7* Bise#ual or perfect 1 both stamens and carpels 8nise#ual or imperfect 1 either stamens or carpels • • • •
(erianth 1 modified leaves at the base of a shoot system$ protects floral parts during dev't and functions as attractant for pollination 2ost have 9 distinct horls uter caly# 1 green and photosynthetic$ composed of leaf0li%e sepals or )caly# lobes* "nner corolla 1 colourful, sho, odoriferous$ composed of petals or )corolla lobes* Tepal )inner ; outer* 1 undifferentiated perianth parts Tepals, perianth parts or segments 3tamens ith to lateral thecae, each ith 9 microsporangia educed, +0nucleate male gametophyte Carpels and fruit formation vules ith 9 integuments educed, >0nucleate female gametophyte @ndosperm formation 3ieve tube members •
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Chapter 7 - Family Descriptions •
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eading 1 family name )scientific and common*, etymology, no. of general and species -st paragraph 1 plant characteristics 0 habit, vegetative features )root, stem, leaf*, reproductive features )inflorescence, floer, perianth or caly# ; corolla, androecium, gynoecium, fruit, seed* anatomical or chemical characteristics 9nd paragraph 1 infrafamilial classification, distribution, important members of the family +rd paragraph 1 diagnostic features )most important 1 boldface-italics * Floral formula 1 ending$ summaries the no. and fusion of floral parts ( 1 perianth parts )undifferentiated* o 1 no. of sepals or caly# lobes o C 1 petals or corolla lobes o o A 1 androecium$ no. of stamens o 7 1 gynoecium$ superior/inferior position o )* 1 fusion of similar parts o 0 separates discrete horls of parts E 1 less common or rare condition o G 0 numerous )-H0-9 parts* o Figures of photographs and line draings of e#emplars Floral diagrams 1 diagrammatic cross0sectional vie of a floer bud, shoing the relative relationship of (, A, 7 components
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