abet :: assist, usually in doing something wrong; encourage
accoutre :: equip accretion :: growth; increase
abeyance :: suspended action
accrue :: come about by addition
abhor :: detest; hate
acerbity :: bitterness of speech and temper
abject :: wretched; lacking pride abjure :: renounce upon oath ablution :: washing abnegation :: renunciation; self-sacrifice abolish :: cancel; put an end to abominable :: detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad abominate :: loathe; hate aboriginal :: being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native
adverse :: unfavorable; hostile adversity :: poverty; misfortune advert :: refer (to) advocacy :: support; active pleading on behalf of someone or something advocate :: urge; plead for aegis :: shield; defense aerie :: nest of a large bird of prey (eagle, hawk) aesthetic :: artistic; dealing with or capable of appreciating the beautiful affable :: easily approachable; warmly friendly
acme :: peak; pinnacle; highest point
affected :: artificial; pretended; assumed in order to impress
acoustics :: science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in
affidavit :: written statement made under oath
acquiesce :: assent; agree passively
affiliation :: joining; associating with
acquittal :: deliverance from a charge
affinity :: kinship
acrid :: sharp; bitterly pungent
abortive :: unsuccessful; fruitless
acrimonious :: bitter in words or manner
affirmation :: positive assertion; confirmation solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath
abrasive :: rubbing away; tending to grind down
acrophobia :: fear of heights
affix :: attach or add on: fasten
abridge :: condense or shorten
actuarial :: calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics
affliction :: state of distress; cause of suffering
abrogate :: abolish
actuate :: motivate
affluence :: abundance; wealth
abscission :: cutting off; separation
acuity :: sharpness
abscond :: depart secretly and hide
acumen :: mental keenness
affront :: insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect
absolute :: complete; totally unlimited; certain
acute :: quickly perceptive; keen; brief and severe
absolve :: pardon (an offense)
adage :: wise saying; proverb
agglomeration :: collection; heap
abstain :: refrain; withhold from participation
adamant :: hard; inflexible
aggrandize :: increase or intensify; raise in power, wealth, rank or honor
abstemious :: sparing in eating and drinking; temperate abstinence :: restraint from eating or drinking abstract :: theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational abstruse :: obscure; profound; difficult to understand abusive :: coarsely insulting; physically harmful abut :: border upon; adjoin abysmal :: bottomless abyss :: enormous chasm; vast, bottomless pit
adapt :: alter; modify addendum :: addition; appendix to book addiction :: compulsive, habitual need addle :: muddle; drive crazy; *become rotten : said of an egg*
agnostic :: one who is skeptical of the existence of a god or any ultimate reality
adhere :: stick fast
agog :: highly excited; intensely curious
adherent :: supporter; follower
agrarian :: pertaining to land and cultivation
adjacent :: adjoining; neighboring; close by adjunct :: something (generally nonessential or inferior) added or attached
adjutant :: staff officer assisting the commander; assistant
acclaim :: applaud; announce with great approval
aggressor :: attacker
adept :: expert at
accede :: agree
accessory :: additional object; useful by not essential thing
aggregate :: gather; accumulate
agitate :: stir up; disturb
adjuration :: solemn urging
accessible :: easy to approach; obtainable
agenda :: items of business at a meeting
address :: direct a speech to; deal with or discuss
academic :: related to a school; *not practical or directly useful*
accelerate :: move faster
agape :: openmouthed
alacrity :: cheerful promptness; eagerness alchemy :: medieval chemistry alcove :: nock (corner); recess alias :: an assumed name alienate :: make hostile; separate
admonish :: warn; reprove
alimentary :: supplying nourishment
adorn :: decorate
alimony :: payments made to an exspouse after divorce
adroit :: skillful
2 wordlist adulation :: flattery; admiration
allay :: calm; pacify allege :: state without proof allegiance :: loyalty
allegory :: story in which characters are used as symbols; fable alleviate :: relieve; lessen alliteration :: repetition of beginning sound in poetry allocate :: assign alloy :: (n)a mixture of metals (v) mix; make less pure; lessen or moderate allude :: refer indirectly allure :: entice; attract allusion :: indirect reference alluvial :: pertaining to soil deposits left by running water aloft :: upward aloof :: apart; reserved
amputate :: cut off part of body; prune amulet :: charm; talisman anachronism :: something or someone misplaced in time analgesic :: causing insensitivity to pain analogous :: comparable
antiquated :: obsolete; outdated
anarchist :: person who seeks to overturn the established government; advocate of abolishing authority
antithesis :: contrast; direct opposite of or to
anathema :: solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse ancestry :: family descent anchor :: secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place
altruistic :: unselfishly generous; concerned for others
anecdote :: short account of an amusing or interesting event
amalgamate :: combine; unite in one body
anemia :: condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles
ambidextrous :: capable of using either hand with equal ease
antipathy :: aversion; dislike
antiseptic :: substance that prevents infection
ancillary :: serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary
amazon :: female warrior
antidote :: remedy to counteract a poison or disease
analogy :: similarity; parallelism
altercation :: noisy quarrel; heated dispute
amass :: collect
anticlimax :: letdown in thought or emotion
anesthetic :: substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness
anvil :: iron block used in hammering out metals apathy :: lack of caring; indifference ape :: imitate or mimic aperture :: opening; hole apex :: tip; summit; climax aphasia :: loss of speech due to injury or illness aphorism :: pithy maxim or saying apiary :: a place where bees are kept aplomb :: self-possession; assurance; poise
anguish :: acute pain; extreme suffering
apocalyptic :: prophetic; pertaining to revelations
ambience :: environment; atmosphere
angular :: sharp-cornered; stiff in manner
apocryphal :: untrue; made up
ambiguous :: unclear or doubtful in meaning
animadversion :: critical remark
apogee :: highest point
animated :: lively; spirited
apolitical :: having an aversion or lack of concern for political affairs
ambivalence :: the state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes amble :: moving at an easy pace ambrosia :: food of the gods
animosity :: active enmity animus :: hostile feeling or intent annals :: records; history
apologist :: one who writes in defense of a cause or institution apostate :: one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs
ambulatory :: able to walk; not bedridden
anneal :: reduce brittleness and improve toughness by heating and cooling
ameliorate :: improve
annex :: attach; *take possession of*
amenable :: readily managed or willing to be led; answerable or accountable legally
annihilate :: destroy
apothegm :: pithy, compact saying
annotate :: comment; make explanatory notes
apotheosis :: elevation to godhood; an ideal example of something
annuity :: yearly allowance
appall :: dismay; shock
annul :: make void; cancel
apparition :: ghost; phantom
anodyne :: drug that relieves pain; opiate
appease :: pacify or soothe; relieve
amiable :: agreeable; lovable; warmly friendly
anoint :: apply ointment or oil esp as religious ceremony; consecrate
appellation :: name; title
amicable :: politely friendly; not quarrelsome
anomalous :: abnormal; irregular
amend :: correct; change, generally for the better
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