Barnes Review - Holocaust Issue

August 29, 2017 | Author: bospogi | Category: Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Antisemitism, Unrest, Violence, Religion And Belief
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GAMPMOIIEY GOIIGEilTBATIO]I 'All-Holocaust' issuedevoted exclusively to thesinglemost A speDial writtenandtalkedabouthistorical topicin theWesteln Wolldtoday

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- Buchenwqld ll-Stondorl.Kontine




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MARCHOFTHETITANS ENTIRT HISTORY MCE MUST-RI"AD BOOKCOVERS OFWHITE BYrrs TBR SrArF EEDr-Ess ro s{Y,it is aboul time, althongh we do not fault lhe authoa Arthur Y\€mp,for laknrg se\elaldecades to compile thisamdzinglolurne. What$'emeanis dlat it is about time a true hislory of $e most malignedrace in h;storybe Nritten. Ard f\enp $asthe manto do i1. The idea for $'ritjng this maisir€!o1 rlme (softcover, 8.25x I I inches,596pages, 3 lbs. in rveigh0 came,accordingro the author, from a perusalof the history s€ction of theJaggerLibnry at the Unirelsity of CapeTolm, SouthAftca, in l9ll3. While undenaking some research,dre aufior cane acrossa volumecov€ringthe history peopl€. of the Chinese This promptedthe authorto look for a lohnc on lolume the white race.What he found inste.rd\1.r-s aler volume on dre ture(\ Malan'. h.ans. hlJ,k Africans,Japanese,Siamese(and erery other A\iin .,,1nrre), de AustralianAboriqines,Arabs,North Aneican

Stadngr{hh a politi.alh,incontcrbrt historiciLlly of t'ncc,r1h concctdiscussior nicityandculurft,Kemphrsdoncour l.icc and our pcopleproLrd.FnU 70 chapteN, I4 c,v.{pernrgrppcrtdiccs o)(la coorPlere ixlex cor€r nea ) e\'e|] concei\nble lact a'td drtc ol irrporhnccto ihc h;storlol' whilecrhurefronrCilN'lagnorr n)aDto dre attempkxld{:(mcrionol thc whitemcein modrnrtirrrs.Morctl)an700pitrcsofa.t iD B&$ accentuare dre derailedtext rnd ibrr pagesofcokrr photog..rphs grice rlrc centerofthebook.KeDrphai ahoiDcllrded "ThcDcstrlctionof D.troit.' a photoessal: Therc is somedriDg in this book lbl eleryoD('inchrdiDg thoscof olher rnces. FromdreI'nkolidricandN€olidric Agcs , o , , l , l [ ' u o p e d D c i \ i l r / d r i o r \d D d r n i g a t i o r n .r o r$itts iD the NearErst,Kernphasirxll. (lhapret1rls) corer Greece,Rome,the dse aDdfall ofcniltritions, thc Kelts,Tcutonsand B\7antiun, Dxrlcn whirc cnl

nrresaDdan anahsis of drefurl'r€oforll people. nfrLr.sell\(iu,irnr!l '( ,nr Tl ri i\ I'ur,\drnt,hrg Indians, Poltmsians,Melanesians, MicronesiaDs and jL$t ahn,t dtulll prcstrkd vturne-loadcd sit| hundrrrLs of irtfirnnatior ral ''rklebaN" e\cry racc and culiure group excepr Caucasians. andphotos.Thisl]ook\urld nltlkea gx'ntgifi fof:ur\'' Confounded,ilrc ar$or decidedthen that he \urld compil. our Nho\2mLs Losft rurhoDrslrnd tmc historyofthcrvhitcnce. N'rs r)ot €xch$i\€lv co\€red in aDy a lolume on the one mce that i\lad oltht'l ikuts: A Hi\to,.tu/jir ll?rkRr? (S12.o\e$tcd siti book he could find anFlhereithe Nhn€ Ince. And hc $aDtedIo wrireir fii,m a \(hirf pr1\pfr ti\, . And that is Nhat rve brle hete in Moth t'JdL I itan!: A His!?t1oJ tlv l\htt2 Rat+t5.400 ynr\ 0/Hr'lo^. one of the rln'r inrpnrl,lrl booLsto comc along in quik a,vhil€-and h is mr(h need€daDd

co\cr, luriDalcd firlkolo

co!.f, sigDa!tre s$\D, pafchnrcn( cDd

prpe$, 596 prges,shin(-l\l"ppcd, #.164).A(l{l $5 S&H insklc the U.S.SeDdcoupoDon reverselo TRR.PO. Rox 15877,$hshiDgtdr, D.(1.20003.(l l l.'J77-7739077 t() chlgc r.op\ ol this D st-rcrd book toVi of Mirsrer{iaftl(od:r\r

Iableof Gontents .&rc. nhni. &(iulhrc .'nr L(c hl.olirhn \11

',\furl11 Rtrr\li:

r Oldtitrotx,!n{:niltri,n\ t Lon\\lik \lignri,$ . \llitr i'r rlr \dr [r{

. l ] i r L l0i l r | l t . i r . ( L s r . ( . s r (i.( honoritL.tN lngonril

' lM \l(rtr\ I idrLrropr !ldsc&r lof(]nilhrioN


t I|t lliron!ls rr\ Ns[\fn . I h o( : n n\ l i : \ f f i r . \ \ \ \ ' h r { . (|r.S!trtrh.\lri..! $ Rh!(ltil

.R ..n dr (inniis .Ro e& rtu IlnLl./Xo. Etr{

' l h L( , f i n r ih l l , ' l r h \ \ i n



Tnsr-Eor Col"rr-rvrs I{iry I{III.f,RC$e ro PowER

A]\NEFRANK Nor "GAssf,D ATAuscHwrz"

,y&rdrOx.Mdl@nron outlinshispcrf AbadnolrhcEuopedJs ishcommunity dresuppon onwhyAdolfHirh!ss abletocapruE J specrile plolokiigeley . . . p€oples 0frhe of Euope.A thoughr

Shc\a Holm6L icon.burheN\ mrchInoElo $e slory R/ J _ l ' n u $ e ^ e c e e h i g i o g E p h e r $ i l l l e l l y o u..

Jns PADFoRTifiR WoRr(N Tlfi Caes? inside each coiceiridoi canp ?n!rc "$ a$nvingeconony ar elenawar.. . , of$hichlewpeoDle

oFfirx CoNcf,N'rRAIroN Caws Tm ORrcrNs thellur rioeewr m obj{ri\r lmkar$eroft I I ro,perhaps insideCemoy. foqerobour$e I I enrmioncMpsrslem Holl)$md mdodnm8...

Holoc"{usrEDUC,{TIoN OPPoSED

LL{lEls DENTGRATED Sr,Rvrvo8s JErwrsH 'ncUS.mdPllsrincddn\ rsR : A loplsFh LeadeFin olRsr,flin la4t J U 'nar36 itoa"Ner Nonny

HowMA]\YR[A[Y Dr[DArAusc{wrrz? c /\ ThhrisB&drm(nde oflilialiccoubofrnenum(rtl beRorrios shodied. dd didnr d e,d AAchqiu.

TrD BRnr or rfi AuscHwrrz LEGEND a - n'e oisiis of$e noN $alAdsch$il2 $a$e enLal


ploi. o.uLt' i*p r rr'.rio 'erem,darLon


Is Holoc{usr" A RAcrcr? 1 Q A \cretu(rdcmrcha*Jnincdftc sowinsmoRlo I () insirukHoloo6lcdmrion inficsch@h. Hc(on(Ludcs 8r MrcturLCourNs nrul . dlalitisdesrudivesocialprcsnimiigiijuriouslonudenb. An AncncJn Jsbh rcademjcsys dc Holoosris$/lO L i, ploired lorpow rd polii "Tm

ts WHv

Hor.ocAusr" lwoRrANIToDAv?

Etlvu!A. C tlD q l rxe unfonuia'e conseqleics ofHoloca!(pmp& publishs Revisionisl ... li I Fmdaton a lons'time

ARIYou TrRIDor "TH[ HoLocAUsr"? Jc{shqholarlft mj:cda lorote)cbrc\ts C)A Aprcmincnr $irh rn$ bool $Jrqarions{hcftcr'ficHolod6i' 4 U [u! isenrralroAmdicanlilc . . .

rNGERMAM FlvrsHPowER& PRoSPERIY boolsd.rcrorddEs rhcrcpjc Q X No Inodcn.dlyhNory JJ ol qhy e mry Ccmm. "trc $'i\cd bl rhcJnrJcLF ish dodc h aaohprniedAdolfHiftrlsdk roriold. . .

N WWII nlx FlRsrSHorFrRxD N ud r $ n s r L l r L o r d o t W o$f ur I l l h n r u nl n o s // liredllrd{htrd T_T rhr rhe{orld\idet{ Ghlommuniry *& onCednmy mdlauml'cd r na$i\r conomic bqcon. . .

WHYDE\ry"TtrEHoLocAUsr"? t : H c r c s J d r f i ' c r c m l o o k a r q h l r f t c s o {Haol hl cdr f r / i , t l e n k ^ R a l l y t l o ! j n d \ h a i r h ed\ o ni . . .

AJoURNEy ro 'Holoc{usr DENTAL' -_ WhJr'lGs irralc ru r -HoocrN Jcnici , Q Cl:J Hse\ om Jmdemrc\toumeyIo rherturh

Tirx DnBrousWANNsxf, CoNrf,Rf,Nc[ (t : whcnrnd Nheesis rheerdicJrion ol Eumrrdn i l J J c t r 4 , n Lt r! d l$ s r h q cc v s i p l o l ' . . .

ANIN.rERr.rErw WrrH CARL0MArrocNo Aylfl. Ain\tr' iirff Sr$r ThchmcdI'!lnn R$reonjsr.scholir a smnlsTBR OR you qI InrcN'c\ $( Jl,



cDtoy. . .

"TH[ HoLocAUST"? Tm ThL'rHAror,TTr[ 'WARCRr,EsTR]Ar-s" FARtr! r ro rlrrlnmcslonlc$ioni ftomLhcNuNr X I Donl!rrcan) J I b s l m o h s p r o o lo l m } l h r n.s .

I nX rnc ic\'!ntrcd 'hcHoloou{.rrdnowrhcyarc rhcpllncr. I\ ,\ , rh.m^r r,'N{tu dhnicsroupon



ld6&lSS6WM A Cf,m rdtul&GJoHN TmN r|r{ngl&oi/ld Dnetd P^@Axu fiEdn'SDin roi S'r roN El^$roRm Edd ofcortihd.g Edi16 Pbrndcdwa t,&b.Tat

PEaHmr&M rcibd4r'&'d

J!',r@'cN ItodAgoEN[ awttbtllL$

MrMcour6ffra lr,Ibi@4tc

ll,qr &rqLPeD. up*Ara

Tn B^M Rnd (lSN!9 n pDhlilhtd bimmbr, by TBR c... 645ft.DtlH;rAFr@S4 Slit 10,$rblni8btr, D'c 20mt P.dodidl nr pdag. Fid d $l![ingh, D'c rd @djt dtd od.6 indudiry $haipdm, .il b[ ft. t-STrrBgttb eysorl&rrrGl{ Oidhquii6didb. hddld dol*i UE r.06r Dmb.r.rdrdd6ddg6,lhdiPim qdiq sd orodddd b die bbudon iqnniq d* dn 9tl.$fter6, All dirdi.l (onlr) iquind plgg ell 1026{?6536. AI riBh! twrdd.pri[!.Aidor Ep'htrmyb. m.d.kiddr F. milim i lon3n P.oFr@dit-d @ft info& gim fdTBRdd nodnga e (ddblGFad) d in empukr nud.. ,4lllmudp! nhoid.d mr bc tF5irh tomr Nodp.dihdiq6 b.5u.dlorudh.d'mMip6 criry.o{.ddE &nd )on ol4 irtu Mi[iS Lb.l dd }!ur ia .omr d{n6 nary ldnkd or rrp.d!0&F b.{oE)nn Bft b23n ddi!'y rd'EdCit; tce ftffiSwc, Sh..oi 8ll*onh, 301t2+2?0{: fr !01.n$2tl?. r&nic hnsBi*.m, trrrdf, riE(tfi 6 rbEO.oL.m. E'nd.dibl6b.ndRid.olt. s?nit'q. olr Ed br TaR,P_o3d( l5az rkl n3ba D.c 10003. FOSTMISTE& S.nd add6 chMgB b na R{lM P.o- Aor l53n, W.hjn8bn, D.c. 20m3.




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IHIS'AIL.IIOLOCAUST" publashod E{iUEwasodginarry a€h6 January/February 2001€dli$nolTHE B,$NES nEvEw Sinc€tlon i! hasb€€nr€pdntod ssw..t OBF)magazine. linesinlimilod€ has,overtm€,provsntobsthemostpoputar rssusinthohidory ol IEF. Cunonllyh6|e are20,000copissin circulation. Althoush tle cont€nr rcmdmin n€anytha€xadsiateflini€diniDol, *E haveaddedsom€newmsl6ialtorlhis200Ssx-Edibr !6ndedanduodar€d ediuon.


LrclA!1r6 w,$ieud,i


rloLnN) iidiokd.

eadenofTrrEBARNES RrvrEvwill nodoublbesurTris€d byourcovermon lageofwhaliskno*nlo numismatists as"loaergeE- {eman conc€ntrationcanpmoney. AsourcoverslorybyJennifer Whit€reveah, therewcre. obviously, lhrivingeconomies in lheCerman concentrntion camps, includingti€ alleged deathcamps, berause inmares welesuppli€d witr rhisscrip,whichwas goodsandservices us€dto purchase within$€ canps.Asyoucanseeftomthenontage(arhrcrksupplied fromfic pe$onalcollection of theau$or)andtheillustmtion onpage7.nanyofthes€noteswerewo*! ofan, panicularly rhenol€sftomTlere, siensradt, showing €ngnvingskillscomparable to greatworldcunencies. Tlis anicle will arnaze nolonlyourreaders, butdrosecriticsin gen€ml whostill holdto rheobsolete, now-explod€d viewfial liesecamps $€replaces oferEmination. This"mlth otthe 6 million"Jewssupposedly ext€minated byAdolfHitlerand hisevil Nazilegionshasbeen€xpased againandagain.butitjusr won'lgo away, pressure thalrks toJewish andgentilecowafdice. Tlat iswhywehavefeltirnecessary to dcloleanentireissue ofTBR.withsome reluctance, to a s€tof anicles thatwill makeDp,webelieve. adefinitiver€buttal to thisffim-flanmeryAlllhe crdzystorics tie diabolized about Hitler, and€specially drelll taleofhisbidtowipeourtheJ€ws, constitul€ themostwidelypublicized subj€ctof$e second halfof $€ 20rhcentury continuing attullsteam intodre2l st.AsexpFss€d byDr.AlftedLilientlal,theAmericanJcwishc.iticofpoliticalZionism(whichis$e iiui! ofrhepoisonous beeof.fhe "Oft-tlepresses Holocaust"): hascomeanDnbelievable, endless spate ofbooksprickIngrhe$orldi con.crence. -s f'heRwtustilla \a7i penlroJayScarcel) a week pass€s witloutanaddition lo thealrcady inposing listof gorytomes. It wouldseem liat writenof fiction0ndnonficliontor t€l€vision, themoviesandlhesiagehadno olherlheme thantheHolocaustl' Solh€Holocaust ismorelhan"history" It! "newsl'Nothing haschanged in thc hvodecades sinceDr Lilienihal wotethose words.Ifanyihing. theemphasis on "Th€Holocaust" hasintensified lo thepointthar evena newcookbook hasbeen.e, Ieased featuring rccip€s innates whipp€d up*hilein theconcentration camps. "Holocaust ' Ieceived In 2000, thesubl€ct ofso-called D€nial widespread inleF national aneniion, Dostnotably during thestonnylibelproseculion by Bntishhis lorianDavidlrvingofDebomh Lipstadt, publicist a leading forthequilelucnlive Holocaust industry. Although. in thelongrun.Lipsladttclaimto fam€will ha\€ be€nin helpingpopuhnz€ $e tern"Holocaustdenial;'iftruth b€told,Irving actuallywonthecaseIioma hisrorical srandpoint lhejudicialrulingnohvithstanding Since theHolocaust isverymuchinthenews, panicularly because theHolocaus isperpetually nisedin$€conrcxt ofdebate overrheaspirntionsof$e stare ofknel, saidlo have"risenftomtheashesofthe Holocaust," theHolocausr isalsoquiterel, evanllo lh€course ofou tuturE. That'sonereason whywe'yed€cided lo reprinrthc "Whyh $e Holocaust essay, Imporralr?" winenbyourpublisher, WA. Cano.This piece,whichoriginallyappeared in thebook,Besllrfrne$ andwhichhassince b€enrep.intedbyothe$-answ€rs $at veryprovocativ€ qu€siion. Tl€re's much, muchmore. Weknowyou'llfindthis'AllHolocaust hsue"asinleresting to rcadasit wasfor u5to assembl€ andhopeyou'llgivewidespread chculaliontothisissue in order to h€lpbnnghistory intoaccord withlhefacts. If"denyingtheHolocaust" constitutes lookingatthefacts norrhemlrhs-$en TBRisproudto standin defense of"Holocaust denial,"lie smeanof Deborah Lipstadtandh€r likes bedamned. -JoEN TTFFANT, AssistantEditor



1 - 4 7 77 7 3 9 0 7 70 F O E Fr NG

&-----*-.--** E D l ' I O ] t I A L

Rnenvlfu,14BnuoNfEws? Dro rHERoueNs Ithoughil is ocloberl9l9 NewYorkColc.norMNr tin cly ngaveaspeech inAlbany.Ncw Yorkrcporting ol lhe holocaurr lofl six

Je\ishmcnand$onrcn"rlho$rN dying million hn io llre'a\ fulg'-ranny of$arand! bigotcd dle ubrld \\hr I Jelvish blood {Lrrirg lor of clynn\ spcech. cnlitlcd'ThcCrucifixtun printed thc Must Slop,'was in Ocobcr ll, Je{s issue ol rlre'lrk1'n?r //chrc\'Muga:tu, 1919 published bylhcAnrcrican JcNish ConnDittec. Thelruthis thatsix nrillionl*vs did notdie histondn bcWorldWarI andnoscnous during lieves today llut lheydid.llutdunngwbrldw r I lhem,1h of'tix nrillionJc*i wdsrcryenolional $"rtineprrcpaganda i ecd. andefective of six Shortly afterwo d Warll. tlrcrhesis million Je\i tookonanc$ liic. Jcwish lorcis nlc Ifyouloolibackin hisrory. lcgcnds slnughter thmuhiple ofmlssJewish (rfwbrldWltl11)thar $estoryofthcHolocausr" louhearsomuchabourtodayis a vrrirtionon n

DEBOBAH LIPSTADT Queslonable aulhorily.

IheTalnud rhcvcryfoundrlionol Jc$rshreliglor$teaching lells underEmperorHadnan.The 0ffourri/ln,rJ$vskillcdby thc Ronrans Nriddlwdlcoi bloodthntplunged downto thesea.caF Talmuddcscribcs rlong Bilh il, shjning lhe seaadistnnce offournrilcs larycbouldca rying out thebodics ofthc mrnyrcdJc'vsuscdlo builda tencearcundHadnintvileya.d \!ith thcbbod saredolcr liom lhe tidal\ra\€usedto taF tilizerfie8rupcsof lladridn\ rvralh.1l alsochinN 61 nrillionJewish fnnr Bcthar,w.lppcdin rcligiousscfolls,\r€reburnedaliveby childrco lourbilliolrJews?Ifyou Doyourcllly belicycthrt theRomanskill€d youmustbc d 1lolocausl denierl don't, rodrc yedanrorcdnd ron mndirattention hasb€erdcvotcd Inrcccnr denial in relalionto Jewishsuffernrg duF srpposed dangeroi l knocdust $d themedirwamaboulthegrowinginiluingWorldW r IL Polilicidns ispeds ol the Holocauslstory.]n ence oflhoscwho queslionvarioLrs including Canadx. France. Gennany andAustria.Holo' sevenl countrics. who areguiltyoflhis lhought cau$dcnirl"is rgdnsl lhe Ia$. Heretics scrvingsidc $ilh slillllnesandlongprisonsentenccs, crime a.cpunishcd withpcdophiles, npislsmd mudercIs. by-sidc Ifyou thinkthatthoscaccrsedof"d€nyingthe Holocaustareonly wilh ruisingqucslions aboulshatAdolfHitlerdid ordidnt chaBed dorotheJcNsol Eurcpeduringworld war ll. prcpareyou^elf for a shock. "Holocaust denier"meansnruchmorcthanthat. Ile factis llxttlhelenn


F.O SOX r5377



rt lcrst|ccordingroDebonhLipnadt, rrhoroflhe widclytoutedbook.D!,llnrg/rc Holx drrr. whnh isslid to bclh ldst$ordon thesubject. Mrny pcoplemishkenlybelicle thrt Lipshdl dnrlorhcrs\ilo purponro bc llghling 'HolocaLN dcnirl rrc only concemed wilh prcrenlingpublic debare nboullhchistorical detaihrclaling1othcsLrbas rheHolocausl:This .jccro1$harNe rcmember is not thecaserr rll. In lict. accofding 10Ljpsladl, ifyou bcliclc asRefisionisl historians do: .Thrl thesccdsol world\\'rr II$crc plalredi,1 lhcmjustlrcalmcnl deahCennanyfolloNingWorld WarI youarer "Holociustdcnicr" . ThalAdoll Hiller did nol wantto go to $ar rgainst Polandor Englandrn 1939 you rre r ''Holocausl denief' .ThatFnnklinRooscvelt andWlrrslon Churchill $tle s€cretlymaneLrvenng to bringlhe UniledStat€s i o rhervff in Euope (despiterheopposition of plrblicatlhetimcF)ou some90%offieAmerican area Holocausl derrier" , Thrt FDR deliberitelyserthc suge ibr thc Japanese xrhckon PefflH borro forcerhcUnired

Slalcs intolhe$?ragainst lheAxispo$e6 youarea'Holocaustdenler" vielvs ln D!^ i s ttu Halo
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