Barangay Interview Journal

October 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Exploring Politics


Table of contents Part 1 – Interviews Intoduction…………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………….4 Post-interview  pictures…………………  pictures… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………………… ………………………… ………… ……….. 5 Barangay agawad !…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …. " Barangay agawad "…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …. # Barangay $aptain…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………. 1% &e'ar(s………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………… 1!

Part ! – )eetings Barangay )eetings………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………….……. 14 $ity *all )eetings………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………….... 14 $losing…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………..15



Part 1 – Personal  Interviews



Introduction I went to t+e interview a day after we were supposed to conduct it because t+e Barangay ,ecretary told 'e t+at by t+e afternoon t+e ocials will be going so'ew+ere to oversee tas(s. I went to t+e Barangay *all as early as I could /ust so I could catc+ as 'any Barangay 0cials as I could for t+e interview.



Post interview pics wit+ Barangay agawads ,onyboy alani and $arlo  23carraga fro' fro' left to rig+t



Post-interview pics wit+ Barangay $+air'an o+n 6alipe.



Interview wit+ Barangay agawad no. ! *e was t+e 7rst 'an I interviewed and t+e 7rst 'an I encountered inside t+e Barangay *all. Prior to t+e interview I as(ed +i' if +e (new our  teac+er w+ose fat+er was a for'er Barangay $+air'an of Barangay Tetuan. *e told 'e +er last na'e – 2r8ui3a – sounds fa'iliar.  u'ping to t+e interview interview itself itself our interview interview was probably probably t+e 'ost casual a'ong t+e ot+er two. 9e sat on t+e couc+ in t+e oce of Brgy. $apt. o+n 6alipe and spo(e to eac+ ot+er li(e long-ti'e ac8uaintances getting to (now eac+ ot+er 'ore. *is na'e is $arlo 23carraga t+e co''ittee c+air on 6isaster Preparedness. *is tas( was to draw out plans to 'itigate disasters and to respond on cala'ities suc+ as t+e city-wide :ood in !%1;. *is 'itigation  plans include include conducting conducting se'inars se'inars and trainings. trainings. 9+en I as(ed w+o in:uenced +i' o /oin politics +e told 'e it was +is own decision alt+oug+ +is uncle was a for'er Barangay $+air'an of Tetuan. *e also told 'e t+at 'ost of t+e agawads and $+air'ans are so'e+ow related to eac+ ot+er by blood. *ea'boanga and +e told 'e t+at bo'b t+reats will always be around but t+e people s+ould always be aware so disasters will not catc+ t+e' o-guardC to be vigilant.  2not+er 8uestion 8uestion I as(ed as(ed was if +e was already seated seated during t+e :ood in !%1; and w+at were +is contributions. *e told 'e t+at +e went to t+e :ooded areas and evacuated t+e aected citi3ens to t+e t+ird :oor of t+e Barangay *all and ot+er evacuation centers suc+ as >a'boanga $ity *ig+ ,c+ool )ain. *e added t+at t+ose areas were already identi7ed even before t+e :ood too( place +ence t+ey were prepared.  2s a barangay barangay ocial +e was also obliged obliged to protect protect t+e people of of Tetuan fro' t+reats suc+ as t+e >a'boanga ,iege. In fact +e was wor(ing inside t+e Barangay *all as t+e ,iege unfolded and +e even went to t+e front lines to rescue and evacuate aected constituents to evacuation centers. T+is was because Tetuan is /ust neDt to Eround >ero – ,ta. $atalina ,ta. Barbara… - and stray bullets and 'ortar rounds :ew about during t+e siege. 2 barangay tanod was even +it by a stray bullet but t+an(fully +e is doing 7ne now. 9+en I as(ed +i' w+at were +is diculties of being a public servant +e told +e +e +ad none because +e was passionate on w+at +e was doing and it was +is responsibility to serve t+e people. 2lt+oug+ +e gets stressed always due to t+e si3e of Tetuan and if a proble' arises +e +as to be t+ere.  2s for +is uni8ue leaders+ip leaders+ip style style +e reiterated reiterated t+at t+at friends+ip friends+ip s+ould not ta(e part in tas(s t+at +e is ready to correct friends in case of 'ista(es because if t+ey fail doing t+eir assign'ents +e as t+e leader will  also fail on t+e bigger picture of t+ings. *e added t+at t+ey assign friends because t+ey trust t+e' so t+ey better prove t+eir wort+. 9+en I as(ed +i' if t+ere was a point in +is life in w+ic+ +e regretted being a public ocial +e told 'e t+at +e +ad none because it was +is a'bition in t+e 7rst place. I as(ed +i' if +is na'e was ever dragged in controversies and +e told 'e t+at it never was. *is priority pro/ects are conducting trainings especially to +is volunteers. 2s for progra's concerning senior citi3ens t+e yout+ and wo'en – +e doesn
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