Baracoda Desktop Manager

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Baracoda Manager Setup Manual...


Data Capture for Workforce in Motion

Baracoda Desktop Manager for PC User Guide

©Baracoda TM – January 2012

Data Capture for Workforce in Motion

SUMMARY SUMMARY ................................................................... 2 REVISION HISTORY .......................................................... 3 INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 4 1.

INSTALLATION ........................................................ 5


GETTING STARTED ..................................................... 6

2.1. 2.2. 2.3.

AUTOMATIC UPDATES ..................................................... 6 MAIN WINDOW ......................................................... 7 MAIN MENU ........................................................... 8

2.3.1. 2.3.2. 2.3.3. 2.3.4. 2.4. 2.5. 3.

NOTIFICATION AREA .................................................... 13 TOOLBAR AREA ........................................................ 14 BARACODA DESKTOP MANAGER MODULES ................................... 15

3.1. 3.2.

ADDING READERS IN MY DEVICES MODULE ..................................... 15 CONNECTING/DISCONNECTING AND REMOVING READERS ............................. 21

3.2.1. 3.3.


CONFIGURATION MODULES WINDOW .................................. 23 DATA PROCESS MODULES WINDOW ................................... 24 CONFIGURATION MODULES ................................................ 26

3.4.1. 3.4.2. 3.4.3. 3.5.

DEVICE SETTINGS MODULE ....................................... 27 ORKAN APPS MODULE ........................................... 34 SCANNER UPGRADER MODULE ...................................... 46 DATA PROCESS MODULES ................................................. 50

3.5.1. 3.5.2. 3.5.3. 3.5.4. 3.5.5.

4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4.


3.3.1. 3.3.2.


FILE MENU ................................................... 8 OPTIONS MENU ................................................ 8 SUPPORT MENU ............................................... 10 ‘?’ MENU .................................................. 11

TERMINAL MODULE ............................................. 51 KEYBOARD EMULATOR MODULE ..................................... 54 UPLOAD MODULE ............................................... 60 RFID EDITOR MODULE .......................................... 64 PICTURES MODULE ............................................. 69

APPENDIX ........................................................... 74 FIRST TIME INSTALLATION OF ORKAN USB DRIVERS (WINXP) ...................... 74 UPDATING ORKAN USB DRIVERS (WINXP) .................................... 79 FIRST TIME INSTALLATION OF ORKAN USB DRIVERS (VISTA/WIN7) .................. 84 UPDATING ORKAN USB DRIVERS (VISTA/WIN7) ................................ 88

Baracoda Desktop Manager for PC – User Guide v1.5


Data Capture for Workforce in Motion

Revision History Changes to the original manual are listed below.


Date th


6 December 2011


29 December 2011




6 January 2012


10 January 2012


Description Initial release Updated orKan USB drivers section Updated orKan USB drivers section Added a list of supported models

Baracoda Desktop Manager for PC – User Guide v1.5


Data Capture for Workforce in Motion

Introduction The Baracoda Desktop Manager for PC software allows the user to easily operate their Baracoda barcode/RFID reader(s), including: • connecting automatically to the barcode/RFID reader(s) that the user wants to use • inserting the scanned barcode/RFID tag ID to a selected field in the client application (KEmul module) or displaying it (Terminal module) • setting a barcode/RFID reader(s) parameters (Device settings) • uploading data saved in a reader(s) memory • upgrade barcode/RFID reader’s firmware • managing, creating and modifying orKan applications Requirements: • Hardware: CPU 2GHz or above • RAM: 2GB • OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Win7 (32- and 64-bit versions) • A compatible Bluetooth driver Compatible Bluetooth drivers: • Widcomm Bluetooth stack / driver - version 5.6.x.x or above • Microsoft stack (Windows XP 32-bit, Win7 32- and 64-bit) Compatible Baracoda readers: • Pencil2 • D-Fly • D-Fly 2 • RoadRunners • RoadRunners Evolution • TagRunners • DualRunners • orKan

Note: the Baracoda Desktop Manager for PC does not work with Plug&Scan dongles.

The Baracoda Desktop Manager for PC and a complete list of compatible devices (Compatibility table) can be downloaded from the Partners download section of Baracoda website (registration is required):

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To use Baracoda barcode/RFID reader(s), the client needs to complete the following tasks in sequence: - Install the Bluetooth stack software (if not installed yet) - Install the Baracoda Desktop Manager - Configure the Baracoda Desktop Manager with Baracoda barcode/RFID reader(s) To complete the first two tasks (installing the Bluetooth stack software and the Baracoda Desktop Manager): 1. Contact your Baracoda reseller to obtain the Baracoda Desktop Manager installation file or download it from the download section of the website ( 2. Install the Bluetooth stack according to the instructions provided in the installation package or by the installation wizard itself. 3. Restart the computer, if necessary. 4. A Bluetooth Configuration icon should appear in the system tray, indicating that Bluetooth wireless communication is active. 5. Double click on the Baracoda Desktop Manager installation file (x.y.zzbaracoda desktop manager setup.exe). 6. Let the installation wizard guide you through the installation steps. Be sure the following boxes are checked : - Create a desktop icon - Create a Quick Launch icon At this moment, everything is ready to complete the third task, that is configuring the Baracoda Desktop Manager with the user’s barcode/RFID reader(s). See the next section, Getting started.

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Getting started

This section shows the user how to configure the Baracoda Desktop Manager to connect and use their Baracoda barcode/RFID reader(s).

2.1. Automatic updates The Baracoda Desktop Manager updates itself periodically. Assuming that the PC is connected to the Internet, the software will automatically check for updates. If there are any updates available, the user will be shown the following popup window:

The user can choose to download and install the update, just download it (to install later or use on another PC not connected to the Internet) and, lastly, cancel and ignore the update.

It is highly recommended to always install the Baracoda Desktop Manager updates whenever they become available.

As soon as the user accepts to download and install the update, a popup window showing the download progress is activated:

Afterwards, the user should accept to update the current version:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion

2.2. Main window The Baracoda Desktop Manager can be launched via the shortcut created on the desktop:

After the software has been launched, it first presents a splash screen to the user:

The splash screen disappears after a few seconds and is replaced by the Baracoda Desktop Manager main window:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The main window is split into several areas: - a menu at the top window (on the left) - a notification area at the top, on the right-hand side - a toolbar on the left - a module view filling the rest of the main window (here showing the Baracoda logo and the version of the Baracoda Desktop Manager).

2.3. Main menu The main menu, located on the left-hand side at the top of the window, has four options: - File - Options - Support - ?

2.3.1. File menu

The File menu allows the user to: - Open a backup file (with the software configuration) - Save the current software configuration to a backup file (Save) - Exit the software

2.3.2. Options menu

The Options menu allows the user to: - show the software preferences - show the license details

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Software preferences

If the user wishes to modify some aspects of the Baracoda Desktop Manager configuration, they can access it with the Preferences window shown on the next page.

On the above screen capture one can see the default values of the software preferences. The first two options manage the automatic verification of available BDM and reader firmware updates and it is recommended to keep them active. The third option forces the software to always start in a maximized window. The fourth option allows the user to choose if the software should automatically try to connect every added device or not. It is recommended to always activate the “Software no data loss mode” option. In this case the software will buffer data send by the reader to the software in the case where the reader has not been associated to any module. The default PIN code is used when the reader is added to the software. By default, Baracoda readers use “0000” as their PIN code. This option should not be modified unless the user has changed the PIN code on their readers. The next two options let the user decide if the last active module should be activated at startup or always a specific one (chosen through the drop down list). The last checkbox allows the user to enable or disable tooltips. It is strongly recommended to activate this option because the Baracoda Desktop Manager uses tooltips to inform the user about important events. The duration of a tooltip can be managed via the controls below. In order to restore default settings, the user can use the “Restore default settings” button located at the bottom of the Preferences window.


The license window, shown on the next page, describes the current license and the elements that are available for the user. The “Enter Serial Number” text field can be used to enter a license number that has been acquired by the user. Once the serial number has been entered, the user can validate it with the “Validate” button. If the license is valid, the summary will be set to “Registered software copy” and the text color will be green.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion

The details of the license include: - expiration date - maximum associated devices - maximum sites - licensed features field At the bottom of the window there is a link that, when clicked, will open the webpage on which the user can by Baracoda Desktop Manager licenses.

Please note that for the license to be activated the user will need to reboot the software before the changes are effective.

2.3.3. Support menu

The Options menu allows the user to verify the latest available firmware versions for every reader model (assuming that the user has not deactivated automatic firmware updates in Software Preferences).

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Latest available firmware

The latest available firmware window shows firmware versions available during the last check.

2.3.4. ‘?’ menu

The “?” menu allows the user to: - See the error report - Check the system information of the local PC - Check the Baracoda Desktop Manager version

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Error report

On the error report window the user can verify all errors/exceptions that have happened since the Baracoda Desktop Manager was started. The user can choose to copy the errors to the clipboard to send them via email or send an error report to Baracoda directly.

System information

The system information window shows the following information regarding the local PC configuration: - Windows version - Baracoda Desktop Manager version - Bluetooth stack make and version

This information will be very useful when contacting Baracoda support.

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About Baracoda Desktop Manager

The last menu option activates the About window as shown on the following screenshot:

2.4. Notification area The notification area is located at the top of the main Baracoda Desktop Manager window, to the right of the main menu:

On the left-hand side of the notification area the user may periodically see information regarding new firmware versions or that the Bluetooth stack is not active. The notifications can be clicked to go directly to the corresponding window.

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2.5. Toolbar area The leftmost part of the Baracoda Desktop Manager window is occupied by the toolbar area. At the top there are two arrows: “Back” and “Next”. They can be used to move to the previous or next active window.

Below one can find three buttons/shortcuts: - My Devices that activates the My Devices window described in this section. - Configuration that activates the Configuration window described in this section. - Data Process that activates the Data Process window described in this section.

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Baracoda Desktop Manager modules 3.1. Adding readers in My Devices module

To associate readers with the Baracoda Desktop Manager, the user will need to use the My Devices module. This module can be activated by clicking the “My Devices” toolbar button:

This is what the My Devices window initially looks like:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The Actions toolbar on the right-hand side has an “Add device(s)” button that must be used to add a new device. As soon as the “Add device(s)” button is pressed, two things happen (as shown on the screen capture below): - a progress bar is shown at the bottom of the window - there are additional buttons on the Actions toolbar that appear - “Add device(s)” is renamed to “Search for devices” - “Associate” button is shown - “Assign to module” button is shown

When the device inquiry has been finished, all found devices are shown on the window:

At this moment the user can proceed to associating the found devices with a Baracoda Desktop Manager module(s).

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion In order to associate/add the found devices with the Baracoda Desktop Manager, the user should select some/all of them with the checkbox on the left-hand side of the red LED, and then press the Associate button.

The Baracoda Desktop Manager will first pair all selected readers (using the PIN code set in the “Pin code” column, “0000” by default) and then connect them to detect their type. If everything goes well, the software will show the My Device window will look like on the following screen capture:

Please note that all associated readers’ icons have been updated to the corresponding Baracoda reader models.

Please note that the orKan reader can be connected to the Baracoda Desktop Manager by USB. In such a case, its icon will appear directly on the MyDevices window without the user having to launch device inquiries:

The user should pay particular attention to the installation of orKan USB drivers on their PC. This process is described in Appendix 1 at the end of this document.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion Next, the user can associate the added readers with a module(s) using the “Assign to module” button:

Associations are done by dragging-and-dropping the reader(s) on the desired module control:

Multiple readers can be selected and dragged by holding the Control key while selecting and dragging the readers. On the screenshot above one can see that one reader has been associated with the Device Settings

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion module and the two other are being dragged from My Devices to a module. The currently selected readers are outlined in red color. When adding new readers to the BaracodaManager, the user can use the two triangle buttons (next to the Associate and Assign to module buttons). The first button, as shown on the screenshot below can be used to replace the Associate button with Associate and assigned to module. The advantage of this shortcut is that after the button has been pressed, the added readers will be first associated and then the window allowing the user to assign them to a new module will be shown.

The new shortcut button will be shown in the Actions toolbar:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion Another shortcut can be created on the Assign to module button. Instead of presenting the view to drag and drop readers to modules, pressing the new button will associate the selected readers directly with the chosen module:

If the user wants to get back to the My Devices window, they can click on the Manage Device(s) button in the Actions toolbar:

Please note that the unlicensed (free) version of the Baracoda Desktop Manager limits the number of associated readers to seven (7).

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3.2. Connecting/disconnecting and removing readers The My Devices window, apart from adding new devices, can be used to: - connect and disconnect already associated readers by Bluetooth - activate the autoconnect (automatic reconnection feature) on the Bluetooth readers - remove a reader(s) from the Baracoda Desktop Manager

3.2.1. Connecting and disconnecting Baracoda Bluetooth readers In order to connect a reader to the Baracoda Desktop Manager, the user can use the Connect barcode as shown on the following screen capture:

When the user has pressed the Connect button, the Baracoda Desktop Manager will launch a connection attempt to the reader and the status will change to Connecting (the Connect and Remove buttons will be disabled during this time):

As soon as the reader has been connected, the status will change to Connected and both buttons will be enabled again.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The user can remove a reader from the Baracoda Desktop Manager by clicking the corresponding Remove button. On the screenshot below one can see that the BRRNA_3e6a reader has been removed:

It is recommended to use the autoconnect feature for automatic reader connection. This feature is activcated by clicking the Autoconnect checkbox at the top of the Autoconnect column (for all associated readers) or by clicking a checkbox(es) from this column only for selected readers:

The autoconnect feature tries to reconnect automatically readers that have been disconnected from the Baracoda Desktop Manager (because they have been moved out of BT range of the PC or because of the shutdown timers).

Please note that Bluetooth puts a limit on readers connected to the PC to seven (7). It will therefore not be possible to connect more than seven readers in parallel to a PC. This Bluetooth connection limit is different than the limit on the number of associated devices (which can be greater than seven (7) provided that the bought license allows it).

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3.3. Associating readers with modules To associate readers with modules, the reader can click either: - the Configuration toolbar button for the Device Settings, Scanner Upgrader and orKan Apps modules - the Data Process toolbar button for the Terminal, Keyboard Emulator, Upload, RFID Editor and Pictures modules.

3.3.1. Configuration modules window If the user presses the Configuration toolbar button, the following window will be shown:

Newly added readers (not associated with any module yet) will be shown on the left-hand side of the window named “My devices”. To associate these readers to a module the user can drag and drop them on the desired module control. Readers can be dragged one by one or a multi-selection can be done by holding the Control keyboard key while the readers are selected and dragged. The currently selected reader(s) are outlined in red color.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The following screen capture one can see that one reader has already been associated with the Devices Settings and the other two are being dragged (outlined in red):

The Actions column on the right-hand side allows the user to go back to the My Devices module.

3.3.2. Data Process modules window If the user presses the Data Process toolbar button, the following window will be shown:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion Of course, the same drag and drop operations can be done as on the Configuration modules window:

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3.4. Configuration modules This chapter describes the Baracoda Desktop modules that are grouped under Configuration.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion 3.4.1. Device Settings module The Device Settings module can be used to view or modify the Baracoda reader configuration. It is launched by clicking first the Configuration, and then the Device Settings toolbar button:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The following screen capture shows the Devices Settings module main window:

On the left-hand side of the window one can find the Device Selection List showing all readers that are associated with this module. The Add and Remove buttons can be used to associate or remove the association of readers with this module. In order to remove more than one reader at once, the user will need to check the checkbox next to the reader to remove. Pressing the Add window will set the active window to Configuration, already described in a previous section. The Actions area contains two buttons: - Apply settings to apply the settings changes to the reader - Discard settings to cancel the modifications (and not send them to the reader) Please note that the controls will only be enabled if a reader is currently selected and connected. If this is not the case, everything will be disabled (as it is the case on the screenshot above – no reader selected in the list).

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General configuration

To view the configuration of a reader, the user must highlight a reader in the Device Selection list. The screen capture below shows the General settings of a Baracoda RoadRunners Evolution –L reader:

It is possible to modify the following settings on this tab page: - Bluetooth name - Firmware version(s) (read-only) - Operating mode (real-time/batch) - Shutdown timers - Master mode - Battery level/charging status (read-only) One important feature available on this screen is the “Reset To Default Scanner Settings” button allowing to reset the reader to default settings.

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Product configuration

The next tab, “Product” is shown on the following screen capture:

With this part of the Device Settings module the user can modify such settings: - Real time clock (timestamp) - Data prefix/suffix - Capture prefix/suffix - Reading mode and GUI settings (beeps, etc.)

Bluetooth configuration

The third tab is related to Bluetooth settings:

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Symbologies configuration

The fourth tab, “Symbologies” shows symbology/decoder settings:

The “General” tab shown on the above screenshot manages the following options: - AIM ID transmission (prefix corresponding to the symbology of every scanned barcode) - Filtering barcodes only of the specified length - Reset the decoder to default values - Enable/disable all symbologies As can be seen on the screenshot below, every symbology tab page allows the user to modify settings specific to this symbology:

Please note that the Symbology tab is not available on some models (-FE / -FS / -LE).

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Signatures configuration

Some readers (BRR Evolution –FS and DualRunners –FS) can be configured to take picture or signature captures (please check the Pictures module for details). The following screen capture shows the Signatures configuration tab window:

There are the following controls on this tab: - the Enable signature mode checkbox can be used to enable/disable signature mode - the area below shows the current configuration of the signature mode - the Reference barcode allows the user to specify the text that, when read, will launch a signature capture. It is a Code 128 barcode so the user can enter pure text or ASCII control characters. The current barcode will be shown in the area above. - the Aspect ratio is the ratio of the barcode height to the narrow element width (minimum bar width). An incorrect value of this parameter will have a direct impact on picture quality (shrunk). - X offset is the horizontal barcode offset is the distance between the horizontal center of the reference barcode and the Signature Image rectangle area. This value is in multiples of the minimum bar width. Negative (positive) value indicates that the Signature Image rectangle area is on the left (right) of the reference barcode. - Y offset is the vertical barcode offset is the distance between the vertical center of the reference barcode and the Signature Image rectangle area. This value is in multiples of the minimum bar width. Negative (positive) value indicates that the Signature Image rectangle area is above (below) of the reference barcode. - Width is the width of the Signature Image rectangle area (in mm). - Height is the height of the Signature Image rectangle area (in mm). - Bits per pixel indicates the number of bits per pixel in the transmitted image. (Possible values: 1, 8). The first value gives a black and white image. The latter gives a greyscale image. This parameter has an impact on the file size (kBytes).

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Resolution is the number of pixels that the scanner outputs per each minimum bar width. The higher the Resolution value, the bigger the image size is. This parameter has an impact on the file size (kBytes), too. Image format can currently be set to JPEG at the moment.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion 3.4.2. orKan Apps module The orKan Apps module can be used to view, create or modify application scenarios. It is launched by clicking first the Configuration, and then the orKan Apps toolbar button:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The following screen capture shows the orKan Apps module main window:

On the left-hand side of the window one can find the Device Selection list showing all readers that are associated with this module. The Add and Remove buttons can be used to associate or remove the association of readers with this module. In order to remove more than one reader at once, the user will need to check the checkbox next to the reader to remove. Pressing the Add window will set the active window to Configuration, already described in a previous section.

Please note that only orKan readers can be associated with the orKan Apps module.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The orKan Apps module’s features depend on the Baracoda Desktop Manager software version: - Free - Gold - Platinum

orKan Apps module Free version

The screenshot below shows the main orKan Apps window in the free version of the Baracoda Desktop Manager:

The top part of the main orKan Apps window is divided into two parts: - “Device applications” on the left-hand side. It shows the applications available on the selected reader. The “View apps” button allows the user to show all applications scenarios present on the reader. - “Local PC applications” on the right-hand side. This window shows application scenarios that have been saved on the local PC. This option is not available in the free version of the Baracoda Desktop Manager. The “Application details” part of the window shows the details of the application selected in the “Device applications” list. As one can see, the free version of the orKan Apps module is read-only in practice.

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orKan Apps module Gold version

The screenshot below shows the main orKan Apps window in the Gold version of the Baracoda Desktop Manager:

The three parts of the main orKan Apps window were already described in the previous section. Compared to the Free version there are the following differences: - the “Default?” checkbox in the “Device applications” list to set a default application of the reader - the “Application details” are enabled and allows the user to modify the details of the selected application - there are several buttons that are shown (Add, Save, Save as, Open, Apply Changes, Cancel changes) and enabled or disabled in function of the module state In other words, with the Gold license the user can modify the parameters of applications and also save them on the local PC to load them on readers.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion Modifying parameters of an application on the reader In order to modify an application that is already present on the reader the user should execute the following operations: - connect a reader and associate it with the orKan Apps module - select the reader in the Device Selection list - click the View apps button at the top of the window - wait for the software to show the applications in the list - select an application in the list and wait for the software to load the application details at the bottom of the window - modify the values of parameters of the selected application - click either Cancel changes (cancel modifications) or Apply changes (save modifications)

As soon as the Apply changes button is pressed, the modified application will be saved on the reader.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion Modifying parameters, saving an application on the PC and loading the application from the PC to the reader This paragraph will describe how to save applications on the local PC and load them from the PC to the reader. This scheme could be used to deploy a specific application on a park of readers. Firstly, the user will need to modify an application existing on the reader and save it on the PC: - connect a reader and associate it with the orKan Apps module - select the reader in the Device Selection list - click the View apps button at the top of the window - wait for the software to show the applications in the list - select an application in the list and wait for the software to load the application details at the bottom of the window - modify the values of parameters of the selected application - click either Save (to save the application in the Local PC application list using the default file path) or Save As (to save the application to a file)

The new application name will appear in the Local PC applications list.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion When the modified application has been saved on the local PC, it can be loaded on one or multiple orKan readers. This can be done in the following way: - if the application was saved to a specific file path (or copied from a master PC), please open it using the Open button above the Local PC applications list - if the application was saved on the local PC in the default file path (by using the Save button), it will be automatically shown on the same application list - select the application in the Local PC applications list - modify the opened application if it is necessary - use the Add button to load the application on the local PC

It is possible to remove applications from the reader or local PC by using the Delete button on the application list.

Please note that the applications existing on the reader use the grey background color for Application details at the bottom of the window. When the Application details area is showing an application loaded from the local PC its background color will be blue.

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orKan Apps module Platinum version

The screenshot below shows the main orKan Apps window in the Platinum version of the Baracoda Desktop Manager:

The three parts of the main orKan Apps window were already described in a previous section. There are two additional features compared to the Gold version: - the Edit button in the Actions area that allows the user to edit existing applications (not only change their parameters, but also add new actions to the application) - the New button on the Local PC applications list allows the user to create new applications and save them on the local PC to be able to load them on readers later

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion Modifying an application on the reader (with a possibility to add new actions) In order to modify an application that is already present on the reader the user should execute the following operations: - connect a reader and associate it with the orKan Apps module - select the reader in the Device Selection list - click the View apps button at the top of the window - wait for the software to show the applications in the list - select an application in the list and wait for the software to load the application details at the bottom of the window - click the Edit button in the Actions area - the Application editor window will be shown:

Most application details are specified in the top part of the window (Name, Version, etc.). It is important to correctly fill in these text fields before saving the modified application. Right below the text fields one can find an area with actions that can be added to the application (currently there are four of them available: Capture data, Set number, Set status and Display text). An action can be removed by clicking the Remove button below it. Action order can be changed by clicking the arrows below actions.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion When the user has finished modifying the application, they can go back to the main orKan Apps window by clicking the Back to list button.

The modified application will be shown in the Application details area. In order to save it on the reader, the user will need to click the Apply changes button in the Actions area. To cancel the modifications, please press the Cancel changes button.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion Modifying an application on the local PC (with a possibility to add new actions) In order to modify an application that is already present on the local PC the user should execute the following operations: - connect a reader and associate it with the orKan Apps module - select the reader in the Device Selection list - click the View apps button at the top of the window - wait for the software to show the applications in the list - select an application in the Local PC list and wait for the software to load the application details at the bottom of the window - click the Edit button in the Actions area - the Application editor window will be shown:

Most application details are specified in the top part of the window (Name, Version, etc.). It is important to correctly fill in these text fields before saving the modified application. Right below the text fields one can find an area with actions that can be added to the application (currently there are four of them available: Capture data, Set number, Set status and Display text). An action can be removed by clicking the Remove button below it. Action order can be changed by clicking the arrows below actions. Please note that the Application editor has a blue background meaning that the user is modifying an application from the local PC and not from the reader.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion When the user has finished modifying the application, they can go back to the main orKan Apps window by clicking the Back to list button.

The modified application will be shown in the Application details area. In order to save it on the reader, the user will need to click the Add button. To save the modified application on the local PC, the user will press either the Save (or Apply changes) button (to update the application existing in the Local PC applications list) or Save As (to save the modified application to a file). To cancel and not save the modification the user should click the Cancel changes button.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion 3.4.3. Scanner Upgrader module The Scanner Upgrader module can be used to upgrade the Baracoda readers’ firmware. It is launched by clicking first the Configuration, and then the Scanner Upgrader toolbar button:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The following screen capture shows the Scanner Upgrader main window:

On the left-hand side of the window one can find the Device Selection list showing all readers that are associated with this module. The Add and Remove buttons can be used to associate or remove the association of readers with this module. In order to remove more than one reader at once, the user will need to check the checkbox next to the reader to remove. Pressing the Add window will set the active window to Configuration, already described in a previous section.

Please note that only one reader’s firmware can be upgraded at a time in the Scanner Upgrader module. The Device model selection area shows this information: - the reader model (including the scan engine) - Options selection (the user can select if they want to upgrade CPU firmware (for all readers), CPU and RFID firmwares (for RFID readers) and CPU+RFID (for RFID readers)) - Firmware selection: the user can either use the latest firmware downloaded by the Baracoda Desktop Manager or specify the firmware file directly. The latest downloaded versions of firmware can be verified by using the Support => Latest available firmware menu option.

It is strongly recommended to use the automatic firmware selection option. This, combined with the automatic check for firmware updates, will allow the user to make sure that their readers can be updated to the current version of firmware as soon as it becomes available.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion To start a firmware upgrade, the user should make sure that the reader’s battery level is sufficient (at least 25%) or that the reader is connected to a charger. Next, the checkbox of the reader in question should be selected in the Device Selection list. Finally, the Start Firmware Upgrade button should be clicked. The following screen capture shows an upgrade of the BRR Evolution reader:

On the Upgrade History log the user will be able to verify what operating is currently being done on the reader. The progress bar will be updated during the upgrade operation to reflect the current stage. There are three buttons in the Actions area of this module: - Start Firmware Upgrade that can be used to start a firmware upgrade - Clear list that clears the Upgrade History log - Scroll to end that is enabled when the contents of the Upgrade History log can be scrolled vertically

orKan firmware upgrade by USB

The orKan reader can be upgraded by USB which is a lot faster than a standard firmware upgrade by Bluetooth. To upgrade an orKan via USB, the reader should connect it to the PC with a micro USB cable and then associate it with the Scanner Upgrader model as described here.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion Once this has been done, the user should check the checkbox corresponding to the orKan reader in the Device Selection list and press the Start Firmware Upgrade in the Actions toolbar. The firmware upgrade will be launched:

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3.5. Data Process modules This chapter describes the Baracoda Desktop modules that are grouped under Data Process.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion 3.5.1. Terminal module The Terminal module can be used to view data (barcodes or RFID tag IDs) read by the associated Baracoda readers. It is launched by clicking first the Data Process, and then the Terminal toolbar button:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The following screen capture shows the Terminal module main window:

On the left-hand side of the window one can find the Device Selection List showing all readers that are associated with this module. The Add and Remove buttons can be used to associate or remove the association of readers with this module. In order to remove more than one reader at once, the user will need to check the checkbox next to the reader to remove. Pressing the Add window will set the active window to Data Process, already described in a previous section. The Actions toolbar contains three buttons: - Clear List to clear the contents of the Incoming data list - Export List to save the contents of the Incoming data list to a text file - Scroll to end to scroll to the end of the Incoming data list The Terminal module shows all barcode/RFID tag ID data read by the readers that are currently associated with this module, as can be seen on the screen capture below.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The Incoming data list shows the following information for every received piece of data: - Data reception date and time in the Time column - Reader Bluetooth name in the Name column - Reader Bluetooth MAC address (for readers connected by Bluetooth) or identifier based on the MAC address (for orKan readers connected by USB) - Data nature (barcode or RFID) - Data length in the Size column - Data text in the Content column

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion 3.5.2. Keyboard Emulator module The Keyboard Emulator module can be used to transform data (barcodes or RFID tag IDs) read by the associated Baracoda readers into keyboard strokes. It is launched by clicking first the Data Process, and then the Keyboard Emulator toolbar button:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The following screen capture shows the Keyboard Emulator module main window:

On the left-hand side of the window one can find the Device Selection List showing all readers that are associated with this module. The Add and Remove buttons can be used to associate or remove the association of readers with this module. In order to remove more than one reader at once, the user will need to check the checkbox next to the reader to remove. Pressing the Add window will set the active window to Data Process, already described in a previous section. The Actions toolbar contains three buttons: - Clear List to clear the contents of the data list in the Control window - Scroll to end to scroll to the end of the data list in the Control window There are two tab windows in the Keyboard Emulator module: - Control, similar to the Terminal module, that shows all barcode/RFID tag ID data coming from the associated readers - Configuration that allows the user to configure the various aspects of keyboard emulation

The Control window can be regarded as a log and shows the following information for every received piece of data: - Data reception date and time in the Time column - Reader Bluetooth name in the Name column - Reader Bluetooth MAC address (for readers connected by Bluetooth) or identifier based on the Bluetooth MAC address (for orKan readers connected by USB) - Data nature (barcode or RFID) - Data length in the Size column - Data text in the Content column

Please note that the configuration of the Keyboard Emulator module is identical for all associated readers. It is not possible to set options specific to a reader. This can be done by using a reader’s programming guide.

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Configuring the Keyboard Emulator module

The following screen capture shows the Configuration tab window of the Keyboard Emulator module.

As its name suggests, this part of the configuration is related to the prefix that is pre-pended to all data received by this module before it is converted into keyboard strokes. There are the following controls that are available on the Prefix tab: - the Enable prefix checkbox allows the user to enable or disable the prefix - the Current prefix elements field that shows to what text the prefix has been currently set to. Every character is showed on an independent control. Special characters are put between parenthesis. The small color squares at the bottom of every control show the status of the Shift (blue), Alt (red) and Control (green) keys that can be sent with a character. The context menu associated with every character control allows the user to modify the status (enable or disable) of the Shift, Alt, Control keys or to remove the currently selected character from the prefix. - the Add special characters group can be used to add a special character to the prefix from a dropdown list. - the Add normal characters group can be used to add regular text to the prefix. - the Clear prefix button can be used to clear the prefix.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The next tab of the configuration window can be used to set the suffix:

As its name suggests, this part of the configuration is related to the suffix that is appended to all data received by this module before it is converted into keyboard strokes. There are the following controls that are available on the Suffix tab: - the Enable suffix checkbox allows the user to enable or disable the suffix - the Current suffix elements field that shows to what text the suffix has been currently set to. Every character is showed on an independent control. Special characters are put between parenthesis. The small color squares at the bottom of every control show the status of the Shift (blue), Alt (red) and Control (green) keys that can be sent with a character. The context menu associated with every character control allows the user to modify the status (enable or disable) of the Shift, Alt, Control keys or to remove the currently selected character from the suffix. - the Add special characters group can be used to add a special character to the suffix from a dropdown list. - the Add normal characters group can be used to add regular text to the suffix. - the Clear suffix button can be used to clear the suffix.

By default, the Keyboard Emulator module has no prefix set and a suffix set to Enter.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The third tab of the configuration window can be used to set the characters removal:

This part of the configuration is related the characters removal feature. The user can set a fixed number of characters to be removed and the beginning and/or at the end of every received piece of data (barcode/RFID tag ID).

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The following screen capture shows the last tab of the configuration window of the Keyboard Emulator module:

There are two options that can be set on the Other options tab: -

the Force caps lock to OFF checkbox can be used to deactivate the Caps Lock key when a piece of data is being emulated by the Keyboard Emulator module. This is particularly useful in cases where the operator sets the Caps Lock to ON all the time on the PC.


the 10s delay before starting emulation can be used to insert a delay of 10s before the Keyboard Emulator module starts to emulate keyboard. This setting is useful in situations where the Baracoda Desktop Manager is started and a reader associated with the Keyboard Emulator module starts to sent data to this module. In order not to lose the data (as the application that will receive is probably not active at that time) the user can activate this feature. When this feature is activated the Keyboard Emulator module verifies if the active window belongs to the Baracoda Desktop Manager before emulating keyboard strokes. If this is the case, the emulation will be delayed by 10s so that the user has enough time to switch to the application that will receive the scanned data.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion 3.5.3. Upload module The Upload module can be used to receive data (barcodes or RFID tag IDs) read in batch mode by the associated Baracoda readers. This data can be saved in text files and/or sent to another module. The Upload is launched by clicking first the Data Process, and then the Upload toolbar button:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The following screen capture shows the Upload module main window:

On the left-hand side of the window one can find the Device Selection List showing all readers that support batch mode (they do not need to be associated with this module). The Add and Remove buttons can be used to associate or remove the association of readers with this module. In order to remove more than one reader at once, the user will need to check the checkbox next to the reader to remove. Pressing the Add window will set the active window to Data Process, already described in a previous section. The Actions toolbar contains three buttons: - Start Upload to start a data upload on the selected reader(s) - Clear List to clear the contents of the data list in the Upload process window - Scroll to end to scroll to the end of the data list in the Upload process window

Please note that, contrary to the other modules, the readers that can be managed by the Upload module do not need to be associated with it. When a reader is associated with another module (for example the Keyboard Emulator), the uploaded data will also be sent to that module.

The Upload module can manage more than one upload in parallel. In order to start an upload operation on several readers, please check the corresponding checkboxes in the Device Selection list. The Upload module will upload data (barcode or RFID tag ID) from the readers sequentially (the first reader, then the second one, etc.). This method of operation can be useful in cases where the readers are associated to another module (for example the Keyboard Emulator) or the Upload module has been configured to append the uploaded data (barcode or RFID tag ID) to a single file.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The first tab of the Upload module, called Data, shows the progress of upload operations as can be seen on the following screen capture:

There are three columns that are shown on the screen capture above: - Time that shows the date and time of the operation - Name that shows the corresponding reader Bluetooth name (or identifier based on the Bluetooth MAC address in the case of orKan readers connected by USB) - Message that shows the description of the operation (upload progress, etc.) Two of the three buttons available iin the Actions toolbar are related to the contents of the Data list. The first of them, Start Upload, allows the user to start an upload operation on one or more readers that have been selected in the Device Selection list. If no readers have been selected the Start Upload button will be disabled. The second button, Scroll to end, can be used to scroll the contents to the bottom of the Data list.

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Configuring the Upload module

In order to configure the settings of the Upload module the user will need to switch to the Configuration tab window shown below:

There are the following controls on the Configuration window: - the Always write uploaded data checkbox. If this checkbox is checked the Upload module will always save uploaded data (even if the reader is associated with another module). When this is not desired (say the user wants only the uploaded data to be send to the Keyboard Emulator module) the checkbox should be unchecked. - the Write uploaded images checkbox can be used to enable or disable saving picture captures done in batch mode (available only on the BRR Evolution –FS and DualRunners –FS readers) - the next control can be used to set the folder to which files with uploaded data will be saved - the File name prefix/suffix controls allow the user to enable/disable the file name prefix and/or suffix and set their text values. - the Enable appending to existing file option can be used to send all uploaded data (coming from a reader) always to the same file. Newer pieces of data will be appended to the end of the file. - the Add date to file name suffix option allows can be used to enable/disable appending data to the upload file. This feature cannot be used in parallel with the appending feature. - the Exemplary file name shows what file name will be generated based on the active options above

Please note that the Upload module can only be used to upload data (barcode, RFID tag ID, picture/signature captures) read in batch mode.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion 3.5.4. RFID editor module The RFID Editor module can be used to read/write in the memory of RFID tags by the associated Baracoda readers (currently only TagRunners and DualRunners are supported by this module). It is launched by clicking first the Data Process, and then the RFID Editor toolbar button:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The following screen capture shows the RFID Editor module main window:

On the left-hand side of the window one can find the Device Selection List showing all readers that are associated with this module. The Add and Remove buttons can be used to associate or remove the association of readers with this module. In order to remove more than one reader at once, the user will need to check the checkbox next to the reader to remove. Pressing the Add window will set the active window to Data Process, already described in a previous section. The Actions toolbar contains five buttons: - Retrieve Tag Information to read the basic tag information, such as the RFID protocol, memory size, tag ID - Read tag to read RFID tag memory - Write tag to write data to RFID tag memory - Export data to save the contents of RFID tag memory to a file - Import data to load data from a file that will be later saved to RFID tag memory

The reader will be able to read both RFID tag ID and memory of only some RFID protocols. They are specified in the user guide of the reader in question. The user should note that while the reader will be able to read the tag ID of some tags, it will not be able to read their memory (if they are not supported).

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Reading RFID tag memory

In order to read the memory of an RFID tag, the user will first need to retrieve the basic tag information of the tag. This operation can be launched with the Retrieve Tag Information button (assuming the reader is already placed close to the RFID tag):

The Communication status list shows the following information: - Date and time of the operation in the Time column - Bluetooth name in the Name column - the Message column shows the information regarding the RFID tag (its ID, memory size, RFID protocol) As soon as the information about the tag has been retrieved, the RFDI Editor module is ready to read the tag memory. Please note that the user can select only a specific RFID protocol supported by the reader by using the Accepted Tag Types dropdown list:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion To read RFID memory of the tag the user should still keep the reader close to the tag and press the Read Tag button in the Actions area:

The above screen capture shows the result of reading a Tag-t HF-I Plus inlay RFID tag. The grey toolbar at the bottom of the Communication status list shows the RFID Tag ID of the current tag and its RFID protocol. The Clear list button can be used to clear the contents of the Communication status window. It is also possible save the contents of the RFID tag memory to a file with the help of the Export data button. This could be used to deploy the same file on multiple RFID tags.

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Writing to RFID tag memory

In order to write data the memory of an RFID tag, the user will first need to execute a read RFID memory operation as described in the previous section. When the RFID tag memory has been read the Write Tag button will be enabled:

The user can modify the contents of the tag memory in one of the following ways: - edit the memory in the Tag Memory Map editor - import data from a file with the Import Data button In any of these two methods the memory will be saved by clicking the Write Tag button.

Please note that some RFID protocols (even supported by Baracoda RFID readers) prevent some tag memory areas from writing (this is the case of the Mifare Ultralight, for example). It is recommended to verify the RFID tag specification before deploying the solution.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion 3.5.5. Pictures module The Pictures module can be used to save picture or signature captures read by the associated Baracoda readers that support this operation (BRR Evolution –FS or DualRunners –FS). It is launched by clicking first the Data Process, and then the Pictures toolbar button:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The following screen capture shows the Pictures module main window:

On the left-hand side of the window one can find the Device Selection List showing all readers that are associated with this module. The Add and Remove buttons can be used to associate or remove the association of readers with this module. In order to remove more than one reader at once, the user will need to check the checkbox next to the reader to remove. Pressing the Add window will set the active window to Data Process, already described in a previous section. The Actions toolbar contains two buttons: - Take Picture to take a picture with the currently selected reader - Save Picture to save the last received picture or signature capture to a .jpeg file

Please note that only the BRR Evolution –FS and DualRunners –FS readers can be associated with the Pictures module.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The main window of the Pictures module contains two main groups, Communication status and Picture display:

The Communication status group shows the following details of the currently shown picture/signature capture: - the format (currently only JPEG) - the capture dimensions (in pixels) - the capture size (in bytes) - the source reader name and its timestamp (if active when the capture was taken) The Picture display shows the last taken image or signature capture. The image will not be scaled; if the area containing it is smaller than its dimensions scrollbar(s) will be shown.

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Taking picture captures

In order to take a picture capture the user should connect a supported reader and associate it with the Pictures module. Then, they should prepare the area to take picture of and press the Take picture button that can be found in the Actions toolbar. The button will be temporarily disabled and a popup window will inform the user that they have up to 5s to press the trigger button on the reader in order to take a picture capture:

If everything goes well, the capture will be shown in the Picture display area and the user will be able to save it with the Save Picture button.

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Taking signature captures

Before the reader can take signature captures and show them in the Pictures module it will need to be configured. The configuration can be done using the Signatures tab of the Device Settings module and was described in the Signatures configuration section. Once the reader has been configured, scanning the reference barcode will result in receiving a capture the configured signature area as can be seen on the following screen capture:

The resulting signature capture can be saved to a file with the Save Picture button as was the case with picture captures.

Please note that it is possible to take signature captures when the reader is in batch mode. To receive such captures the user will need to use the Upload module (make sure that the Write uploaded images option is active).

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion 4.

Appendix 4.1. First time installation of orKan USB drivers (WinXP)

If you have already installed orKan USB drivers provided with BDM version 1.2.89 or older, please follow the next section to update these drivers. Some actions described in this paragraph can only be accessed via the Device Manager. To open its window, please right-click the My Computer icon available on the Windows desktop:

The Properties option will need to be selected in the menu. On the System Properties window the user will need to select the Hardware tab. Next, as shown on the screen capture below, the Device Manager button will need to be pressed:

In result, the Device Manager window will be shown by Windows.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The orKan reader needs a driver to be recognized by the PC when it is connected by USB. The following screen capture shows what happens when an orKan reader is connected to a Windows XP SP3 computer that does not have the USB driver yet:

The orKan reader has clearly not been recognized by the PC. During the Baracoda Desktop Manager installation the user may be shown the following popup window:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The user should press the Continue button in order to copy the orKan USB driver on the PC during the software installation. The behavior on the PC will be different than previously when an orKan reader is connected by USB for the first time after the BDM software installation:

There will be a new group of devices in the Device Manager tree: Baracoda orKans. All orKan readers connected by USB will be put in this group. As shown on the screen capture above, the user should select “Install automatically (recommended)” and then click Next to install the USB driver.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion This step completes the installation of the orKan USB driver.

Please note that any readers that are connected to the PC by USB afterwards will be installed automatically, without the need to confirm anything.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The Device Manager will show the connected orKan reader(s) in the Baracoda orKans group (two orKan readers were connected when the screen capture was taken):

The Baracoda Desktop Manager software (in the My Devices module) will recognize the reader(s) connected in this way as orKan (USB_XXXXXXXXXXXX):

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4.2. Updating orKan USB drivers (WinXP) If the user has already installed a Baracoda Desktop Manager version that used the orKan USB COM port drivers (versions 1.2.89 and older), the orKan USB driver will be updated during the installation of a newer version of the Baracoda Desktop Manager (1.2.90 and newer). Some actions described in this paragraph can only be accessed via the Device Manager. To open its window, please right-click the My Computer icon available on the Windows desktop:

The Properties option will need to be selected in the menu. On the System Properties window the user will need to select the Hardware tab. Next, as shown on the screen capture below, the Device Manager button will need to be pressed:

In result, the Device Manager window will be shown by Windows.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion During the Baracoda Desktop Manager installation the user may be shown the following popup window:

The user should press the Continue button in order to copy the orKan USB driver on the PC during the software installation. When the user plugs an orKan reader to a USB port, the old USB driver will create a COM port for the device:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion In order to install the new USB driver, the user will need to right-click the orKan COM port and select the “Update Driver...” option:

As shown on the screen capture below, the user should select “Install automatically (recommended)” and then click Next on the shown window:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion This step terminates the installation of the new USB driver for orKan:

Please note that it may need to be necessary to upgrade the USB driver for all readers that were connected with the old driver.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The Device Manager will show connected orKan reader(s) in the Baracoda orKans group (two orKan readers were connected when the screen capture was taken):

The Baracoda Desktop Manager software (in the My Devices module) will recognize the reader(s) connected in this way as orKan (USB_XXXXXXXXXXXX):

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4.3. First time installation of orKan USB drivers (Vista/Win7) If you have already installed orKan USB drivers provided with BDM version 1.2.89 or older, please follow the next section to update the drivers. Some actions described in this paragraph can only be accessed via the Device Manager. To open its window, please right-click the My Computer icon available on the Windows desktop:

The Manage option will need to be selected in the menu. On the Computer Management window the user will need to select the Device Manager option in the toolbar on the left:

In result, the Device Manager window will be shown by Windows.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion As was the case with WinXP, the orKan reader needs a driver to be recognized by the PC with Win7 when it is connected by USB. The following screen capture shows what happens when an orKan reader is connected to a Win7 SP1 computer that does not have the USB driver yet:

The orKan reader has clearly not been recognized by the PC.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion During the Baracoda Desktop Manager installation the user will be shown the following popup window:

The user should press the Install this button in order to copy the orKan USB driver on the PC during the software installation. Afterwards, when an orKan reader(s) is connected to the PC by USB it will be immediately recognized (as an orKan USB device in the Baracoda orKans group):

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion The Baracoda Desktop Manager software (in the My Devices module) will recognize the reader(s) connected in this way as orKan (USB_XXXXXXXXXXXX):

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4.4. Updating orKan USB drivers (Vista/Win7) If the user has already installed a Baracoda Desktop Manager version that used the orKan USB COM port drivers (versions 1.2.89 and older), the orKan USB driver will be updated during the installation of a newer version of the Baracoda Desktop Manager (1.2.90 and newer). Some actions described in this paragraph can only be accessed via the Device Manager. To open its window, please right-click the My Computer icon available on the Windows desktop:

The Manage option will need to be selected in the menu. On the Computer Management window the user will need to select the Device Manager option in the toolbar on the left:

In result, the Device Manager window will be shown by Windows.

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion During the Baracoda Desktop Manager installation the user will be shown the following popup window:

The user should press the Install this button in order to copy the orKan USB driver on the PC during the software installation. When the user plugs an orKan reader by USB, the old USB driver will create a COM port for the device:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion In order to install the new USB driver, the user will need to right-click the orKan COM port and select the “Update Driver Software...” option:

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion As shown on the screen capture below, the user should click “Search automatically” option on the shown window:

This step terminates the installation of the orKan USB driver:

Please note that it may need to be necessary to upgrade the USB driver for all readers that were connected with the old driver. Baracoda Desktop Manager for PC – User Guide v1.5

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Data Capture for Workforce in Motion Afterwards, when an orKan reader(s) is connected to the PC by USB it will be immediately recognized (as an orKan USB device in the Baracoda orKans group):

The Baracoda Desktop Manager software (in the My Devices module) will recognize the reader(s) connected in this way as orKan (USB_XXXXXXXXXXXX):

Baracoda Desktop Manager for PC – User Guide v1.5

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