Bar Review Methods and Techniques Abuel

January 31, 2017 | Author: Step Ramirez | Category: N/A
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PREPARATION "There are no secrets to success. Don't waste time

looking for them. Success is the result ofpreparation, hard work, learning from failure, ·loyalty to those for whom you work for and persistence.,, - Gen. Colin Powell "The people who usually get the most out of life are those who are prepared to roll with the punches ... those who recognize the fact that they can't afford to become static and stagnant." - Leon Kulilowski Success comes easy to those who are well prepared! Whatever the setting is, one thing remains consistently true - the best performer is usually the one who is most prepared. Nevertheless, preparation does not necessarily mean torturing one's self to be so, rather, it is about getting ready to meet all the expected challenges head on, using the most effective methods available. So this is true in the Bar examinations. Do not expect to pass by studying for just a week or two. You mi ght have heard of examinees trumpeting their success in the Bar exams by reviewing merely a week or a month before. Do not ever emulate them. Remember, this is your battle and no one can tell, even yourself you'll see, that you are sure to win it. At best , you can only a ssure yourself that you have prepared using methods most effective to you. Preparation is a deliberate and methodical activity which would require you to sit and spend time to decide on various points for the Bar exams. The importance of preparation need not be overemphasized. There are stx factors to be .considered in preparing for t he Bar exams: mental preparedness or x



PREPARATION B. Emotional Preparedness

intellectual competence, emotional preparedness, physical wellbeing, place and method of review, review materials and timetable. ·

and that may be done cl wing your review. If your answers in any or all three benchmarks are in the negative, you should think twice before taking the Bar exams. Five months review will never be enough to study anew the matters which you should have already learned from your pre-law and law studies. The sad t ruth is ... with five months, how will you expect yourself to deal with the intricacies if you are still inadequate on the basics? If that is the case, it is suggested that you should defer taking the Bar exams to give you more time for your review until your answers to the above-presented assessment queries are all "yes!"

A. Mental Preparedness/Intellectual Competence "Excellence is not being the best, it's doing your best." - Author unknown The best time to undertake the review and take the Bar exams is right after graduation, when all the things you have learned in law school are still fresh in your mind. It is perfectly all right to realize that you do not have a mastery of all the laws and jurisprudence you have studied for four or more years. The brain, no matter how vast its storage capacity is, is not like a computer that mechanically saves data to their minutest details. In fact, our memory fails us most of the time. Do not worry if you feel inadequate, much more, that you seem to have forgotten everything you have studied in law school, save the basics. Everything is just there waiting to be explored but only more extensively this time. So how do we know that we are mentally prepared or intellectually competent? That would be very simple - ask yourself and honestly answer the following questions: 1.

Do I have a good command of basic English?


Have I understood and, therefore, retained the basic rules and principles in my study oflaw?


Have I hurdled my study of law because I deserved it?

If your honest answers in all three questions are in the affirmative, then you can safely say that you are initially mentally/intelloctually ready to prepare for the Bar exams. The rest of tho required craft will just need further honing, 2


Emotional Preparedness "To be successful, you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish, then resolve to pay the price to get it." - Baker Hunt

Apart from assessing your intellectual competence, you must likewise ask yourself if you are determined to take and pass the Bar exams. Once you decide so, you must then resolve that you will truly prepare for and take the exams whatever the costs and the sacrifices may be - since there will be a lot required. Determination is imperative as your intensity in reviewing will greatly depend on it. One cannot adopt a "wait and see" attitude and then decide on it after a large amount of his limited time has already lapsed. By postponing your taking of the Bar exams, the following are the pitfalls: a.

advent of new/additional laws


amendment/repeal of laws




weaker memory retention


loss of enthusiasm or interest 3



C. Place and Method of Review


possibility of never .tajclng the Bar exams because of anxiety and toss 9f confidence


prolonging your agony

C. Place and Method of Review "Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle

ofa plan, in which we must fervently believe and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route." - Stephen A. Brennan

The questions of where and how to review are also crucial: 1.

If you are from the province, will you opt to review in Manila or would you rather stay?


If you opted to stay in the province, will you review at home or do you feel the need to stay away and isolate?


Will you attend a formal review class or not?


Is it advisable to review alone or have a review buddy?


Will you take a pre-week review class or undertake a self-review?

Most if not all prospective Bar examinees dream of reviewing in the most prestigious review schools in Manila as we are quite aware that this would be a leverage. Still, the decision cannot be made solely on the basis of the reputation of the review schools. You have to weigh your finances, time constraints, convenience, comfort and confidence in coming up with the decision on where to review.

In my case, I initially wanted to review at UP Diliman but I needed to think twice for several reasons. The thought of leaving my fomily, especially my daughter, raised some anxieties. How often will I need to visit them? Will I be able to concentrate in my rovicw thinking about how my family is?

Will my limited finances·see me through the entire duration of the review and exams?' Where will I stay? How much will it cost? How long will I have to devote my time in attending a review class? Considering travel time in attending review.class in Manila, and the review schedule itself, will I still have time to review by myself at the end of the day? - These are the questions I asked myself before deciding to stay put and forego the opportunity to do what most of my peers did - review in Manila - my confidence sank. I must admit that that was a very tough and risky decision. The next decision one has to make is whether to enroll in a review school or not. Attending a review school will give you the initial kick in your review and guidance throughout. A review class that will give you a confimratfon of what you reviewed and learned will be a great encouragement.. Most importantly, updates in jurisprudence will be empha~ized. It must be admitted, however, that 'it is impossible to rely on review lectures alone and adopt them as your full-blown review - that will be suicide. Reviewees will need to have ample time to review alone and concentrate on their readings for better assimilation. On the other hand, not enrolling in a review class will give you all the time to read since you need no longer prepare for, travel and attend lectures. Likewise, you will be saving so much from the expensive review fee. Nevertheless, for one who prefers to undertake a self-review, a strong selfcontrol and discipline is a must since this time, you alone will call the shots. You have to budget your time depending on your comprehension ability. Thus, unless you are truly honest in your self-assessment and exacting in your review schedule and targets, the result will be disastrous. Another uncertainty in case self-review is not getting any confirmation on the matters you have reviewed. Updates may likewise be very difficult to secure if you are in complete isolation.


Based on such premises, I thought that I could not exclusively adopt one or the other. Therefore, a combination of attendance to a review class and a self-review is the most ideal, 5


PREPARATION C. Place and Method of Review

that is, you attend a review dass 'yet devote a great deal of time for your readings. With regard to choosing a review school, the competence and credentials of the reviewer-lecturers are important factors. You should likewise find out what the review class schedule would be - daily (whole or half)? or on weekends?

ticklish points and important cases or jurisprudence. Confirmation is easier. Reminders and emphases can be shared. By discussion, one tends to absorb data more effectively and remember them readily. An added advantage is that the two of you take turns in pacing each other in your readings to be able to stick to the schedule. Likewise, when your reading momentum starts to wane, one will act as a stimulus or an encouragement to the other. Most importantly, to have someone is better than being afone when it comes to trying to maintain your sanity. A caveat, however, is that these apparent advantages should not force you to find just anybody to review with. Chemistry with your potential review buddy is a must! So if you are one who is effective in studying alone, then you are better off doing it alone.

Together with my friend and review buddy, I was fortunate to learn that a bar review group from Manila has decided to undertake a review program in San Fernando City, La Union, on weekends (Fridays-Saturdays). We thought that it would be best for us to undertake a self-review from Monday to Thursday then attend the review lectures on weekends. The review group consisted of prominent and competent Bar reviewers, hence, we felt some sense of security. Based on such arrangement, my friend and I also decided that although we have stayed in Baguio City, we needed to stay away from our respective homes and detach ourselves from the household. Accordingly, we isolated ourselves and rented a place as our review haven. Four days self-review in isolation, three days for review classes and as a bonus, a halfday break any given Monday to visit our families as we felt the need.

hi it better reviewing with a buddy? It will entirely depend on you. In my case, I was used to studying with my bestfriend in luw school nnd we complemented each other perfectly so we chose to roviow together for the Bar exams. One benefit of having a rovitiw buddy is that you can discuss or argue about

Finally, the whole month of September raises another big issue. Will I take a pre-week review class or not? I tried to get a survey on this very important question but the advices were divided - "Pre-week review classes are important and more critical than the comprehensive review." or, "I reviewed by myselfl" or, "She reviewed for one year and she landed in number ten!" This just proves one thing - it is your call assess yourself and decide in favor of that which you feel you will be most comfortable and effective with. One thing may work well for Juana but not for Juan, hence, your pick! It is a given that most reviewees attend pre-week review classes to gain more confidence, to boost their morale and to get last minute confirmation, lectures and tips. I also wanted that during my time but I chose to undertake the pre-week review by myself, again, for the same reasons as in the comprehensive review - financial and time constraints. I felt I have learned enough in the comprehensive review and that I would absorb more pre-week review items in my own pacing. I asked myself, "Will I learn something new?" The answer was no, since I will hear the same things as in the comprehensive review but they will just be summarized and presented in a faster pace ... everything will be the same, so I chose to use all the Bar preweeks reviewing alone.



To get acquainted with the examination venue, we transferred to Manila as early as August 15, 1998. A good pampering from that time on until the last examination day is most helpful, thus, a comfortable and convenient place to stay is a must. In our case, we stayed at Pope Pius, Manila, near De La Salle University, the Bar exam site. The place has all the amenities necessary for our stay, and a Chapel which any reviewee will absolutely need to visit as often as possible.



E. Review Materials

D. Physical Well-being


"Men sana in corpore sano" - a sound mind in a sound body! That is a requirement since a very
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