BAR prep.doc

April 17, 2018 | Author: Juan Bago | Category: Jurisprudence, Test (Assessment), Taxes, Constitution, Justice
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Preparing for Bar Review Five Areas of Preparation Mental Preparation Be systematic. systematic. Organize your review review materials by subject. Do not study in a disorganized manner. manner. Make an outline and outline and compare this with the syllabus of the bar exams. Make a study schedule. schedule . It is important to set set some days as days off. off. This will not only keep you sane sane but also give you time to catch up if you fall behind schedule. e.g. "emedial #aw Use the mirror technique during the last month of review. review . !tudy the last exam first and the first exam last e.g. and #egal $thics will have to be studied during the first week of %ugust while &olitical and #abor #aws will have to be studied during the last week of %ugust Do not waste time y reading useless material . Do not study all resources resources encountered. !treamline. 'e realistic. !tudy only reviewers or books that are updated   and meaningful . !tart with primary primary sources first ( codal codal provisions and recent !) !) cases ( before hurdling annotated texts and reviewers. Approach all material as if this will e the only time it can e studied . $xert an effort effort to understand understand at once once and brace all important information. information. In a worst case scenario scenario just memorize memorize verbatim what cannot be understood. understood. This way if the same words appear in the exam points are guaranteed. Attend the ar review lectures. lectures . They provide essential essential updates and tips from the the very best professors. professors. They also provide a suitable pace for reviewees not to lag behind the the review schedule. 'e sure that you choose which review lectures lectures to attend. !ome can be unnecessarily long and boring. !f allowed and if feasile" tape review lectures. lectures . #istening can reinforce reinforce what has been been read. #tart studying as early as possile. possile. &repare for contingencies so that there there will always be enough time to unwind before the bar  itself. Do not procrastinate.

Physical Preparation Be physically fit during the review and the e$am. e$am . Try to get a regular exercise and be conscious conscious of your diet. Take Take vitamins and supplements. &revent the risk of getting sick or catching a virus for this can impede your review %et enough rest and recreation. recreation. The body has has its limits. limits. !tudying continuously continuously can take its toll toll on your health. % *uick break every now and then will not cause you any harm. Ad&ust your ody clock. clock. Train yourself to to follow the schedule of the bar exams exams ( usually + to ,- and then - to . !tudy during these hours.

'motional Preparation Aandon Aandon all your emotional emotional prolems. prolems. %pprais %ppraise e your family and friends friends about what preparing preparing for the bar entails and how important the bar is so that they can be more understanding about your state. state. The last thing a reviewee needs is an added conflict or source of stress when the bar itself is undoubtedly emotionally draining enough. !urround yourself with a support group that can keep you focused.

Psychological Preparation Believe in yourself . /ot everyone can go through through what you went through in law school. school. Always think that you will top the ar . !trive to give give your best effort. effort. Do not be content content with being mediocre. mediocre. Do not e afraid. afraid . 0irst you have everything everything it takes to pass the bar. !econd if you feel that you are still still unprepared the review will prepare you better. Third at the end of the day the 'ar exams are *ualifying exams ( breathe. breathe.

#piritual Preparation Pray(  Pray(  &ray. &ray.

!mportant) 'rush up on your 'nglish. 'nglish.

Improve your penmanship. If you cannot seem to do anything about it write in bigger letters. #tart using the pen that you will e using during the bar. 1et used to it.

#uggested *imetale and Books Dean +esar ,( -illanueva.s #uggested *imetale P/,!*!+A, ,A0 "ead )onstitution and &re23eek "eview on !aturday

+!-!, ,A0 "ead )ivil )ode and l atest cases on !aturday

R'M'D!A, ,A0 "ead "ules of )ourt and recent cases on !aturday

+R!M!8A, ,A0

+/MM'R+!A, ,A0 "ead from where you left off and latest cases

,AB/R ,A0 "ead )onstitution and &re23eek on !aturday


,'%A, '*:!+# A8D ,'%A, F/RM#

1st reading ( 12 days 3nd reading ( 14 days 5rd reading ( 13 days 4th reading ( 16 days 7th reading ( 16 days 1st reading ( 12 days 3nd reading ( 14 days 5rd reading ( 13 days 4th reading ( 16 days 7th reading ( 16 days &re23eek 1st reading ( 12 days 3nd reading ( 17 days 5rd reading ( 13 days 4th reading ( 16 days 7th reading ( 16 days &re23eek 1st reading ( 12 days 3nd reading ( 17 days 5rd reading ( 13 days 4th reading ( 16 days 7th reading ( 16 days &re23eek 1st reading ( 12 days 3nd reading ( 17 days 5rd reading ( 13 days 4th reading ( 16 days 7th reading ( 16 days &re23eek 1st reading ( 17 days 3nd reading ( 16 days 5rd reading ( 2 days 4th reading ( 2 days 7th reading ( 2 days 1st reading ( 17 days 3nd reading ( 13 days 5rd reading ( 16 days 4th reading ( 16 days 7th reading ( 16 days 1st reading ( 2 days 3nd reading ( 7 days 5rd reading ( 7 days &re23eek

On the !aturday before the bar *A;' *:' 0:/,' DA< /FF. %tty. 4illanueva5s timetable contempla tes -- weeks of 'ar "eview so revise accordingly if you plan to use this timetable.

Michelle =uan.s #uggested *imetale 6ichelle 7uan5s batch had ,8 weeks from the day after graduation until preweek9 if your batch has more or less weeks for review revise accordingly. 1st Reading Political ,aw" ,aor ,aw +ivil ,aw" *a$ +riminal ,aw" +ommercial ,aw Remedial ,aw" 'thics

13 days 14 days 14 days 2 days

3nd Reading Political ,aw" ,aor ,aw +ivil ,aw" *a$ +riminal ,aw" +ommercial ,aw Remedial ,aw" 'thics

2 days 14 days 14 days 13 days

5rd Reading Remedial ,aw" 'thics +riminal ,aw" +ommercial ,aw +ivil ,aw" *a$ Political ,aw" ,aor ,aw

> days > days > days > days

#uggested Books Political Law  '$"/%! The ,8+: &hilippine )onstitution;  % "eviewer2&rimer ?"% Outline "eviewer in &olitical #aw andout on !ecurities Transactions 4illanueva Outline on !ales

Taxation 4itugJ%costa )o ?ntian CA% 6amalateo Tax #aw "eview Domondon5s )ut and &aste

Commercial Law  &erez )ompendiums Ffor 'ig 0our; )orp Insurance /ego TranspoH !undiang )ommercial #aw "eview )atindig Fon small commercial lawsH 7ack Transcripts

Criminal Law 1regorio )riminal #aw "eview !andoval &ointers in )riminal #aw Ortega "eviewer  &imentel /otes for !&# )rim , at a glance handout

Remedial Law "egalado )ompendium in "emedial #aw !an 'eda 6agic /otes

Legal Ethics  %guirre #egal A 7udicial $thics; &re23eek "eviewer  &ano 'ar "eviewer in #egal A 7udicial $thics

- days; $thi cs F-L2- E !eptemberH '%" D%; - !eptember -BB Books Read

Atty( Menchie /na.s Bar Review #chedule Menchie /na" 366E Bar '$ams topnotcher ?*op 1@; Review *ips ,. -.






Read this manual ave dinner study again till ,-midnight then do relaxing stuff after. !leep at around L2E%6. !aturday; 3ake up at noon. #unch. !tudy till M&6. >ear mass. 1o back to room for dinner a nd some last minute reviewing. In bed by ,B&6. %ttempt to sleep. 0ail. )ontinue attempting. !ucceed around ,2-%6. !unday; 3ake up E;LB. 'reakfast read Tips. $xercise. 1ame on. **# 2hat are things that you should avoid while reviewing or taing the exam. ?nnecessary stresses doubting yourself alcohol negativities and wasting time. During exam day proper; DonNt let any *uestion overwhelm you. If you donNt know the answer skip it. 1o back later when youNve answered the rest. 6ake sure you answer every *uestion even the ones you donNt really have a good answer to. "emember to leave room in the booklet for the *uestions you skipped. DonNt take the bar on an empty stomach it will be the longest EJL hours of your life repeated + times. &oop during the period between the two exams and do freshen up by brushing your teeth and washing your face during lunch break. *,# 2hat is the best thing you did or had that hel!ed you to! the bar. The %C?I#% #$1I! 0"%T$"/IT. I also had two amazing auxies opefully it5s the latest edition. b. &ace yourself. c. "ead recent jurisprudence
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