BAPI Criacao de Shipment

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BAPI for shipment creation in SAP...


Note Note 53 5312 1207 07 -

Use Use of BAPI BAPI_S _SHI HIPM PMEN ENT_ T_CR CREA EATE TE conc concer erni ning ng ship shippi ping ng statuses

Note Language: English

Version: 3


Valid from 28.06.2002

Summary Symptom This note complements the documentation for the interface of function module BAPI_SHIPMENT_CREATE concerning dates and transportation planning status. Function module BAPI_SHIPMENT_CREATE is able to generateshipment documents including preassigned planned and actual dates for the individual shipping statuses planning, registration, loading start, loading end, shipment completion, shipment start and shipment end. On the one hand, BAPI_SHIPMENT_CREATE can be used as a remote-enabledmodule. remote-enabledmodule. On the other hand, you have the option of using the function within the EDI with function module IDOC_INPUT_SHIPMENT_CREATEFROM or IDoc basic type SHIPMENT_CREATEFROMDATA01 (IDOC_INPUT_SHIPMENT_CREATEFROM only converts SHIPMENT_CREATEFROMDATA01 and then calls BAPI_SHIPMENT_CREATE for further processing).

More Terms Alternative Alternative for idoc_input_shpmnt idoc_input_shpmnt

Cause and Prerequisites When you use bapi_shipment_create, there are different ways of setting the different dates of the shipment header. The following statements can be understood by means of the attached report ztest_bapi_shipment_create2. o

Only the fields -

bapi bapish ship ipme ment nthe head ader er-s -sta tatu tus_ s_pl plan an


bapi bapish ship ipme ment nthe head ader er-s -sta tatu tus_ s_ch chec ecki kin n


bapi bapish ship ipme ment nthe head ader er-s -sta tatu tus_ s_lo load ad_s _sta tart rt


bapi bapish ship ipme ment nthe head ader er-s -sta tatu tus_ s_lo load ad_e _end nd


bapi bapish ship ipme ment nthe head ader er-s -sta tatu tus_ s_co comp mpl l


bapi bapish ship ipme ment nthe head ader er-s -sta tatu tus_ s_sh shpm pmnt nt_s _sta tart rt


bapi bapish ship ipme ment nthe head ader er-s -sta tatu tus_ s_sh shpm pmnt nt_e _end nd

of structure bapishipmentheader are set with the call of bapi_shipment_create (value = 'X'): In this case the corresponding corresponding statuses of the new shipment are also set, the respective DATA and TIMES



VTTK VTTK-D -DTD TDIS IS --> --> Dat Date e of of end end of plan planni ning ng


VTTK VTTK-U -UZD ZDIS IS --> --> Sche Schedu duli ling ng end end time time


VTTK VTTK-D -DAR AREG EG --> --> Act Actua ual l dat date e of of che check ck-i -in n


VTTK VTTK-U -UAR AREG EG --> --> Cur Curre rent nt time time of chec checkk-in in

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Note 531207 -

Use of BAPI_SHIPMENT_CREATE concerning shipping statuses


VTTK-DALBG --> Current date for start of loading


VTTK-UALBG --> Actual loading start time


VTTK-DALEN --> Actual date for end of loading


VTTK-UALEN --> Actual loading end time


VTTK-DTABF --> Current date of shipment completion


VTTK-UZABF --> Time of transportation processing


VTTK-DATBG --> Current date for start of shipment


VTTK-UATBG --> Actual transport start time


VTTK-DATEN --> Actual date for end of shipment


VTTK-UATEN --> Actual shipment end time

correspond to the SYSTEM DATE or the SYSTEM TIME, at which the function module was imported. The respective PLANNED data and PLANNED times remain empty. o

Filling the seven above-mentioned BAPISHIPMENTHEADER fieldsis not necessary if you assign the HEADERDEADLINE interface to the function module. If Headerdeadline is filled correctly, the statuses of the shipment WITH date and time are taken from this structure. (Setting the fields from Bapishipmentheader is not necessary in this case, but also not incorrect). The PLANNED data can also be set with structure HEADERDEADLINE. However, structure HEADERDEADLINE must be filled in accordance with the following rule: -TIME_TYPE = logical time --> to be filled with fixed values:




--> Date/time of end of planning


-TIME_TYPE = HDRSTCIPDT --> PLANNED date/time of check-in


-TIME_TYPE = HDRSTCIADT --> ACTUAL date/time of check-in


-TIME_TYPE = HDRSTLSPDT --> PLANNED date/time of loading start


-TIME_TYPE = HDRSTLSADT --> ACTUAL date/time of loading start


-TIME_TYPE = HDRSTLEPDT --> PLANNED date/time of loading end


-TIME_TYPE = HDRSTLEADT --> ACTUAL date/time of loading end



--> PLANNED date/time of shipment



--> ACTUAL date/time of shipment

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Note 531207 -

Use of BAPI_SHIPMENT_CREATE concerning shipping statuses


-TIME_TYPE = HDRSTSSPDT --> PLANNED date/time of shipment start


-TIME_TYPE = HDRSTSSADT --> ACTUAL date/time of shipment start


-TIME_TYPE = HDRSTSEPDT --> PLANNED date/time of shipment end


-TIME_TYPE = HDRSTSEADT --> ACTUAL date/time of shipment end These equivalents can also be found in function group V56I_BAPI --> Include LV56I_BAPITOP -TIME_STAMP_UTC = UTC time stamp in short form (YYYYMMDDhhmmss) -TIME_ZONE = time zone

Remark: If you set some fields, which do not have any equivalent in Headerdeadline, in Bapishipmentheader, system date and system time are set again for these (current) shipping statuses. The planned data stays empty for these (additional) statuses.

Solution You can find the specified report as part of the "correction instructions".

Header Data Release Status: Released on: Priority: Category:

Released for Customer 28.06.2002 13:42:01 Recommendations/additional info Consulting

Main Component

LE-TRA-IN Interfaces

Valid Releases Software Component


From Release

To Release









and Following

Related Notes Number

Short Text


BAPI_SHIPMENT_CREATE: Return ID/Message empty

Correction Instructions


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Note 531207 -

Use of BAPI_SHIPMENT_CREATE concerning shipping statuses

Correction Instructio ns

Valid from

Valid to

Software Component

Typ e *)






Reference Correction

Last Changed 26.06.2002 15:00:13

*) C Correction, B Pre-Implementation, A Post-Implementation, M Undetermined


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