Banja Luka In Your Pocket

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Locally produced essential city guide to the Banja Luka, Bosnia. Packed with independent restaurant and bar reviews, sig...


Hotels Restaurants Cafés Nightlife Sightseeing Events Maps

BANJALUKA  May - September 2009

BANJALUKA  Rafters‘ paradise!

inside front 

Banjaluka In Your Po cket







Contents The Basics


Public transport & Keeping in touch

Culture & Events


Stay warm with some indoor activities

Where to stay


A fine selection of places to spend the night 

Dining & Nightlife


From pork knuckle to tofu burgers




Grab a book and watch the world go by 

Nightlife Party hard in the city that never sleeps


What to see


Check out the highlights

Getting around


Planes, trains & Automobiles




38 40 41

Health & Lifestyle Travel agenci agencies es

Maps & Index Street register Public transport map City centre map City map Country map

43 44 45 46 47

May - September 2009



Europe In Your Pocket

continues to expand. This spring  will see our biggest expansion drives ever, as In Your Pockets  hit the streets of  Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and the Isle of Man. We will also this year bea launching no less than eight  new guides in Germany, just in time for the 2006 World Cup, while next door in Poland at least  two more cities will be covered by In Your Pocket  city guides. If you would like to be a part o f the Pocket Revolution, publishing your own guide, contact us at  [email protected] for more details. In Your Pocket

Cover stor stor y This May, an event unlike any other  and one of the most fascinating  river sports one could imagine will be hosted h osted on the wild banks of  Banja Luka’s pristine white water  rivers: the World World Rafting ChampionChampionships 2009! Thir Thirty ty teams from all  four  fo ur corners of the glob e will be racing across untamed white water  sections and deep po ol drops between two t wo spectacular canyons for  the grand ti tle of ‘World Champion’. Champion’.

Editorial Editorial Alina Stylianou, Collin ESSENTIAL



Banjaluka In Your Pocket Jovana Dučića 41 


Researcher Danijel Dakic Writers Alina Stylianou, Collin Graham Layout & Design Nemanja Siljegovic Stylianou, ou, Nemanja Photos Alina Stylian

Bosnia and H erzegovi erzegovina na tel. + 387 65 161 650 [email protected]

Siljegovic Maps GEOCENTAR d.o.o. Consulting Craig Turp Cover photo GUIDELINE d.o.o.

ISSN 1840-4235 © ESTV d.o.o.

Sales & Circulation Directors Niko Slavnic,

Printed by ATLANTIK BB Published 20.000 copies, 2 times per year 

Igor Blaha dipl.ecc Tel.: + 387 65 161 650; +386 41  690 666

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Banjaluka In Your Po cket

Copyright notice Text and photos copyright PIYP  s.r.o. s.r .o. 2000-2009. Maps copyri ght  cartographer. All rights reserved. No part  of this publication may b e reproduced in any form, except brief extracts for  the purpose of review, review, withou t written permission from the publisher and copyright owner. The brand name In Your  Pocket is used under license from UAB In Your Your Pocket (V (Vokieciu okieciu 10-15, Vilnius, Lithuania tel. (+370-5) 212 29 76).

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In Your Pocket Europe’s City Guide


BasiCs Arriving Arri ving in Banjaluka Banjaluka Banja Luka is Balkan central. It is well connected by a variety of airlines, international trains and buses not to mention a good network of main roads and motorways.

Arriving by b y air  The Banja Luka International Airpor t, also know as Mahovljani Airport, after the village of the same name, is located 23km from the city of Banja Luka. The airport has  flights connecti ng Banja Luka with Belgrade ser ved by JAT JAT Airlines, Sarajevo and Zurich served by B&H Airlines and Salzburg, Stu ttgart an d Tivat served by the cheap airline AustroJet. At the airport, a tourist tourist information centre is available where you can pick up city maps, a currency  exchange offi ce and an ATM along with several shops to buy SIM cards. A taxi to Banja Luka will cost about 20KM, taking about 30 minutes, buses to town run frequently and take about 45 minutes. Purchase your ticket on the bus.

A word from fr om our mayor Dear guests, dear friends, Welcome to Banja Luka, the city that will over the next   few days be the host of the World Elite in Rafting – the sport which is making Banja Luka more recognizable. I trust that th e organization of this largest sporting mani festation – after the Olympics in Bosnia and Herzegovina, enlist Banja Luka amongst the big sporting cities, presenting an exceptional affirmation of the city upon the river Vrbas, of Republika Srpska and of Bosnia and Herzegovina likewise! Dear Dear friends, I truly hope that you will enjoy the beaut y of the ri ver Vrbas, Vrbas, that you will enjoy  our nature, our traditional values, our history and cul ture! I hope that tha t you will experience experience our traditional hospitality  and that the 2009 World Rafting Championship in Banja Luka will be an unforgettable experience for you which I, the City Ci ty Mayor Dragoljub Dragoljub Davidovic, truly wish!

Arriving by bus All national and international buses arrive at the central bus station, which lies direc tly in front of the main train station. Gettin Getting g to town is the same as described by train.

Bus Station H-1, Prote N. Kostića bb. QOpen 00:00 24:00. OULGBKS

Arriving by car  A motorway and several main roads connect Banja Luka to other towns and bordering countries. Currently, the new motorway that will connect Banja Luka with Zagreb is still being constructed and will open in the second half of 2009. The main roads, however however,, are fairly  decent if you are coming from Croatia. The road less travelled towards Sarajevo, Serbia and the C roatian coast are narrow and winding, but you do pass a variety of beautiful landscapes and villages.

Get yourself to grips with all the neccessar y details you should be aware of when coming to Banja Luka. A small phrasebook and word dictionary is included.

Arriving by b y train train


Most national towns in Bosnia and Herzegovina are connected by train with Banja Luka along with a train ser vice to Zagreb, Croatia and an overnight train runs to Belgrade (22.50KM, nine hours, 9:15pm). Unfortuna Unfortunately, tely, an ATM ATM cash machine does not seem to be in the vicinity so make sure you arrive prepared. There are regular bus services to and from the train station as well as a taxi rank. A TourTourist Information Centre is available in the station as well as a service for left luggage.

Rakia or rakija is considered to be a national drink. Its alcohol content is normally 40%, but home-produced rakia can be a tongue burn er, typically 50 to 60%! Frequently used as the common drink at all celebrations, birthdays, holy holidays, slava (Orthodx christian custom of  honouring a certain saint) and even funerals. Common flavours are slivovitz, traditionally made from plums and lozova, which is made from from grapes. But, you can also distill from pears, peaches, apricots, apples, figs and cherries. Plum and grape rakia are sometimes mixed with other  ingredients, such as herbs, honey, sour cherries and walnuts after distillation.

Railway Station H-1, Prote N. Kostića 38, tel. 051 301 229. QOpen 00:00 - 24:00. OAULGKS

Visas Many foreigners (especially those from the EU) simply  need a passport or ID card to enter Bosnia and Herzegovina and can stay for a maximum o f three months.

Basic Data Banja Luka Banja Luka or Banjaluka, in cyrillic letters spelt  Бањалука, is the capital and the largest city in th e Republika Srpska entity and the second largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina after Sarajevo.

Banjaluka In Your Po cket


BasiCs Geography  Banja Luka covers som e 96.2 kilom etres (37.1 (37.1 miles) of  land in northwestern Bosnia on the Vrbas Vrbas River. River. Banja Luka‘s downtown is at 163 metres ab ove sea level, surrounded by hills. The source of the Vrbas River is about 9 0 km (56 ml) to the south. The tributar tributar y rivers of Suturlija, Crkvena, and Vrbanja flow into the Vrbas Vrbas at Banja Luka. Banja Luka also has a numbe r of springs close by. The area immediately around Banja Luka is woodlan d, although there are mountains a little further from the city. The city itself is buil t in the Banja Luka valley, which is located at the transition between high and low mountain

areas. The most notable of the mountain mountainss are Manjača (1214 meters), meters), Čemernica Čem ernica (1,338 meters), and Tisovac. These are all part of the Dinaric Alps mountain range.

Climate Banja Luka has a continental climate, with harsh winters and warm summers. The warmest warmest month of the year year is July, with an average average temperature of 21.3 °C (70 °F). The coldest month of the year is Januar y, when temperatures average near freezing at 0.8 °C (33 °F). Annual precipitation for Banja Luka is about 988 mm. Banja Luka has an average of 143 rain y days a year. year. Due to the city‘s high latitude, it snows in Banja Luka almost  every year as well. Strong winds come from the north and northeast.

terms of importance. For a while, it was the seat of the Bosnian pashaluk, and the l ords of the region built a variety of impressive structures that would make up the core of the cit y‘s old town. In 1688 the city was set to the torch by an Austrian army. For all its good to the region however,, Banja Luka as a city wasn‘t modernized until ru le however by Austria-Hungary in the late 19th century.

Astro-Hungarian Rule Austrian occupation brought westernization to Banja Luka. Railroads, schools, factories, and infrastructure appeared and was developed. This led to a modern city of great importance, that a fter World War I became the center of the Vrbas province of the 1st Yugoslavia. During World War II, Banja Luka was liberated on April 22nd, 1945.

Socialism & Yugoslavia Aside from a devastating earthquake in 1969, Banja Luka‘s time in Yugoslavia was extremely benefici al. The city became far more urbani zed as its population grew five  fold. In the final years of the soci alist Yugoslavia, Banja Luka‘s population was 15 0,000 0,000.. After the Tito era of 1948, Yugoslavs enjoyed many   freedoms and were even allowed to travel out of the region and work in the West.

Disabled Disabl ed Travellers Banjaluka is becoming well adapted to the disabled. Only  some hotels and restaurants have disabled friendly facilities so be sure to ask before you book anythi ng.

Electricity  Like most European citie s, Banjaluka‘s voltage is 220 volts AC, 50Hz, and the country uses European two-pi n plugs.



Roman Times

The official langua ge in BiH is referred to as ‘Bosnian‘ in the Muslim parts of the Federation, ‘Croatian‘ in Croatcontrolled parts and ‘Serbian‘ in the Republika Republika Srpska. In short, notwithstanding different dialects it is one and the same language. A large number of locals (predominan tly  the younger generation) also speak English, German or  Italian. Alphabet is based on the Latin alphabet and The Cyrillic alphabet.

Banja Luka‘s history dates back to anci ent times. There is substantial evidence of a Roman presence in the region during the first few centuries AD, includi ng an old fort in the center of th e city. The area of Banja Luka was wholly in the Roman province of Illyricum, lying on important Roman roads between Dalmatia and Pannonia.

Medival Times Slavs settled the area in the 7th centur y AD, although the exact nature of their migrations remains something of a mystery. What is known is that the first mention of the city dates to 1494, by Vladislav II. The origins of the na me are debated to this day. Banja means „Bath“, perhaps a reference to the mineral sprin gs in the region, and Luka means port which could be because of the city‘s location on the Vrbas river.

Ottoman Empire

Special Pronunciations c - as the ‘ts‘ in ‘cats‘

ć - as the ‘tch‘ in ‘future‘ č - as the ‘ch‘ in ‘chop‘ đ - as the ‘dy‘ in ‘verdure‘ dž - as the ‘j‘ in ‘just‘ ‘jus t‘  j - as the ‘y‘ in ‘young‘ lj - as the ‘lli‘ in ‘million‘ nj - as the ‘ny‘ in ‘canyon‘ š - as the ‘sh‘ in ‘hush‘

ž - as the ‘s‘ in ‘pleasure‘

During Ottoman rule, Banja Luka grew significantly in

May - September 2009




Basics Do you speak English? - Govorite li engl eski (Goh-voh-REEtay En-GLES-ki)? My name is… - Zovem se… (Zoh-vem say) Yes - Da (Dah) No - Ne (Nay) Hello - Zdravo (Z-drah-voh) Good Morning - Dobro Jutro (Doh-broh Yoo-troh) Good Day - Dobar Dan (DOH-bar Dah n)

Good Night - Laku Noć (La-Koh Noch)

Excuse me/Sorry - Oprostite (Oh-PROS-tee-tay) I don‘t understand - Ja ne razumijem (Yah Neh ra-ZOOmehm) I am from… - Ja sa m iz…(Yah sam eez)

Days Monday - Ponedeljak (POH-neh-dehl-yak) Tuesda uesdayy - Utora Utorak k (Oo-tor-ak) Wednesday - Srijeda (Sry-dah)

Thursday - četvrtak (chuh-tveh-tuck) Friday - Petak (peh-tuck) Saturday - Subota (su-BOH-tah) Sunday - Nedelja (neh-DEHL-yah) (neh-DEHL-yah)

Questions Who? - Ko? (Koh) What? - šta? (Sh-tah) Where? - Gdje? (G-che) When? - Kad? (Kah-d) How much is it…? - Koliko košta (KOH-LEE-KOH KOSHKOSHTAH)?

Places Croatia - Hrvatska England - Engleska

Germany - Njemačka Hungary - Mađarska Ireland - Irska Netherlands - Nizozemska Scotland - škotska Slovenia - Slovenija

Post One stamp, please - Jednu markicu, mol im vas (Yeh-dnoo mark-ee-tsoo, moh-leem-vas) For postcard - za razglednicu (Zah raz-GLEHD-neet-tsoo) For letter - Za pismo (Zah pees-m oh)

Signs Open - O tvoren (Oht-for-en) Closed - Zatvoren (Z at-for at-for-en) -en) Entrance - Ulaz (Oo-laz) Exit - Izlaz (Eez-laz) Push - Guraj (Goo-ry)

Pull - Vući (Voo-chi)

Travelling Bus - Autobus (AW-toh-booz) Train - Voz (Voh-z)

I am looking looki ng for… - Ja tražim (Yah trah-zeem) One ticket, please - Jednu kartu, moli m vas (Yeh-dno (Yeh-dnoo o car-too,, moh -leem-vas) car-too

Times Now - Sad (Sah-d) Later - Kasnije (Kah-snee-yeh) Today - Danas (Dahn-as) Tomorrow - Sutra (SOO-tra)

Yesterday - Juče ( Yoo-treh Yoo-treh))

In the mornin g - U jutro (Oo YOO-troh) YOO-troh)

Banjaluka In Your Po cket

In the afternoon - Popodne (Poh-POD-neh)

In the eveing - Naveče (Nah-veh-cheh) At night - Po noći (Poh Noh-chee) Noh-che e)

Restaurant Talk Menu, please - Meni, molim vas (Meh-nee moh-leem-vas)

Bill, please - Račun, molim vas (Rah-CHOON moh-leem-

vas) Do you have vegetarian food? - Da li i mate vegeterijansku hranu (Dah lee ee-may-tay veh-geh-tey-ree-ahn-skoo h-rah-noo)?

Bar Talk One coffee, cof fee, please - Jednu kafu, molim vas (Yeh-dnoo kah foo,, moh -leem-vas)  foo One beer, please - Jedno pivo, molim vas (Yeh-dn (Yeh-dnoh oh peevoh, moh-leem-vas)

Cheers! - Živjeli (Zeev-yeh-lee)! You have beautiful eyes - Imate ljepe oči (EE-mah-tay lyeh peh oh-chee) Can I have your number? Mogu li dobiti tvoj broj telefona (Moh-goo lee doh-bee-tee t-voy b-roy teh-leh-FOHN-ah)?

Money  The local currency is the convertible Mark (KM), which is tied to the euro at a rate of 1KM to €0.51129 (at the time of press). press). Convertibl e Mark coins come in denomina denomina-tions of 5, 10, 20, 50 pfenings and 1, 2, 5 marks while banknotes come i n 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 marks. Many establishments (especially hotels) hotels) accept  euros (notes only). only). AT ATMs Ms are all over the place with MasterCard, Visa and their offshoots being accepted. Credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard and Diners Club are readily accepted by larger establishm ents all over the country. When changin g money, it is best to ask for small bills as shops often are hard-pressed for change. Traveller cheques can be readily changed at Raiffeisen and Zagrebacka Banks.

Politics Politics of Bosnia and He rzegovina takes place in a  framework of a parliamentary representative democratic republic. Bosnia and Herzegovina is divided into two Entities - the Federation of Bosnia and Her zegovina and the Republika Srpska, as well as the distric t of Brcko, whereby  each has its own constitution.

Religion Unfortunately there has been no census since the end of  the war, war, so there is no official data. The estimate ethni c composition in Republika Srpska in 2006 was Serb Orthodox 88%, Bosniaks constitute 8% of the population and Roman Catholics 4%. Bosniaks are associated with Islam, Bosnian Croats with the Roman Catholic Church, and Bosnian Serbs with the Serb Orthodox Church.

Smoking  Cigarettes can‘t be sold to people under the age of 18. Smoking remains a popular cultural habit in most public indoor spaces.

Tipping  It is not compulsory to tip in Banjaluka, throu gh a reward of about 10% for good service in a restaurant or bar is always appreciated.


BasiCs Toilets Public toilets are inde ed scarce in Banjaluka, but you can  find them in bus/train bus/train stations. In some bars and cafes, toilets are of the Turkish variety, variety, to put it bluntl y, a hole in the floor. My advice is also to carry around some tissues tissues with you, as there may not be any toliet pape r in some establishments.

Traditional Food If you like meat, you‘ll love Banjaluka. Meat is a standard  for any meal. However, However, there is still lots o f interesting  meals you can make do i f you are a vegetarian. A typical breakfast is very different from a traditional English, American or Australian breakfast, but they can be  found in the occasional restaurant. Omlettes, hams, eggs and cheeses are very popular an d can be found even in most places. For budget travelers the large supermarkets carry fruit  yogurt, muesli, and juices and the open markets are always filled with fresh fruit. Bakeries open earl y and sell hot  rolls, croissants, brown bread, apple and cherry strudles which you can take to a cafe and enjoy with a morning  cappucino. All travellers should at some point enter a buregdzenic a and try the famous traditional pita dishes of burek, zeljanica, sirni ca, and krompirusa. They are all made from scratch and have been a traditional meal since Ottoman times. Burek is a meat pie wrapped in filo-dough. The zeljanica is made from spinach and cheese. Sirnica is made from a fresh, homemade cheese an d krompirusa is diced potatoes with spices. Usually one por tion (porcija) is enough to stuff you. A porcija costs between 2-3KM. They may ask if you like pavlaka spread on top. Pavlaka is a fresh cream that tastes wonder wonder ful with the pita. Thin yogurt is also a popular drink alongside your pita. Meat eating travellers should tr y out the wide range of  available meats and should not miss the typical rostiljnica that serves up a range of grilled meats specialities. Whether chi cken, beef, lamb, or pork, they come fresh  from the mountainside. It is common practice here to raise all animals free range, and with no hormones or chemicals. Most people say they can taste the difference.

Suho Meso dried meat, either beef or pork.

Sarme meat and rice rolled in cabbage or grape leaves.

‚Ispod Saca‘ similar to a dutch oven. A metal dish is placed on hot  coals, the food is placed in th e dish and covered by a lid which is then completel y covered in hot coals and left to bake.

Vlašicki similar to travnicki cheese. It is a highland cheese from the mountain villages on Vlašic Mountain in central Bosnia.

Mladi Sir literally means young cheese. There isn‘t an equivalent  to it in English. It has a soft texture and is unsalted. O ften times it is served with a cream sauce on top. It is very  healthy.

Kajmak is the most dif ficult of all che eses to translate. It is the top layer skimmed from milk, it is creamy and extremely tasty. Kajmak and ustipak (doughnut type roll) is a wonder ful appetizer.

Iz mjeha sheep milk poured into a speciall y sewn sheep skin ‚bag.‘ After a time the dry cheese is taken out of the skin container and the result is a strong, dry cheese that  resembles real parmesan.

Here is a list of the most popular tradition al dishes:

Cevapi small meat sausages of lamb and bee f mix. They are usually served with fresh onions and pita bread on the side. Cevapi usually come in pointer finger size sausages and are offered by five or ten piec es.

Teletina is veal, usually served in cutlets. Veal in BiH is not produced by locking cal ves in a cage to ensure softer meat.

Jagnjetina lamb grilled over an open fire.

Musaka a meat pie made of minced beef, very similar to shepherds pie.

Filovane paprike  fried peppers stuffed with minced meat and spices.

Pršut air dried ham, similar to italian proscuitto.

May - September 2009



Culture & events Banja Luka is home to a variety of talented artists, musicians, theatre groups and more besides. You will probably  stumble across a festival or two duri ng your stay; as one event ends usually another follows. Sporting activities thrive all year around, but Banja Luka‘s  finest is enjoyed in the very nature of its beauti ful surroundings: don‘t miss out on rafting, hiking and biking.

Cinemas Mulitplex Palas Cinemas D-1, Gradski Trg, tel. 051

305 595/051 217 409, [email protected], The only cinema in Banja Luka offers a reasonable choice of Holly wood and local films. All international films are in their original language and subtitled in th e local language except exce pt those that are aime d for children children in which case they  are dubbed in th e local language.

Exhibitions International Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Ar t D-1, Centar za vizuelne komunikacije Protok,

Veselina Masleše 1/11, tel./fax 051 212 059, www. Contemporary Ar t The First International Annual Contemporary Exhibition SPAPORT in Banja Luka has been established from the initiative of Protok Collective with the support of many  institu tions, colleagues and friends from the region. SPAPORT is event that presents and promotes contemporary visual art  on regional and international internati onal level by presenting works of forty  artists. Many of the exhibited works have been inspired by  Banjal Luka, they speak about the city and they have been produced for the exhibition. One of SPAPORT‘s strategic goals is representative annual regional exhibition as unique place for the region‘s exchange exchange of information and i deas. ww w.protok  .org  Q 20 September - 20 October  TJ

The Banja Luka Fair (Banjalucki Velesajam) H-2,

Pilanska bb, tel. 051 333 200/051 333 201, fax 051 333 223, office@banjaluk [email protected],, ww w.banjalukaf w.banjalukafair. air. com. Banja Luka fair is the biggest fair in the entire Republic of Srpska. Seven specialized international fair events are organized during th e year ranging from fashion, tourism, cars, agriculture, agricul ture, engineering, furniture and much more. The display  area is well equipped and in cludes a restauran t, press center, center, presentation and promotional halls. Q HUFLGX

Festivals Banja Luka International Film Festival D-2, Jevre  jska 73, tel. 051 213 241, fax 051 213 178, info@, The Banja Luka In ternational Film Festival is the first of its kind in Republica Srpska (Sarajevo International Film Festival being the number one in Bosnia and Herzegovina). A big event for one week in April, BLIFF brings international and domestic films and documentaries for the citizens of  Banja Luka to watch watch the best b est in avant-garde and underground cinema from around the world. There is also a special studen t  section, where local film students from the Academy of Arts in Banja Luka and students from film schools scho ols from around the world are invited to present th eir skills in filmmaking. If thats not enough, the film festival also organises a jampacked eductional programme about bits and bobs of the  film industry industr y and a evening evening programme of concer ts, live music and entertainment.

Through the promotion of knowledge, understanding, respect  and accessibili ty of film and film culture and through the opening of cinematographical horizons beyond and ab ove the main commercial streams, BLIFF is much more than just a mere  film watching watching event. BLIFF is about communication b etween the audience and films and their authors, and communication between film professionals. professionals. At the hear t of BLIFF BLIFF is the exchange of ideas. Q 23-29 April 2009

Demo Fest Skendera Kulenovića 91, tel. 065 176 576, A music festival dedicated to unsigned

and ‚garage bands‘ of todays Ex-Jugoslavia. The festival takes place on the grounds of th e Kastel Fortres Fortress s during the warm summer nights when thirty or so talented, loud and ass-kicking bands get their opportunity to find their  moment of fame on the big scene. Come on and let‘s rock a cul ture revolution revolution together! Q 19 - 26 July  JLEB

Ex-Yu Rocks Festival , ww www.exyu fo. This is the WoodStock of Banja Luka taking place on the banks of the beautiful Vrbas river at ‚Krupa Na Vrbasu‘, about 4 kilometres out of town. Stictly punk, rock and heavy metal bands, one can enjoy a possibly painful head-banging experience or just chill out at  the festival‘s camp-site camp-site with a b eer and a bombfire. b ombfire. Q 25 - 26 July EB EB

International Animation Film Festival , tel.

065497238/065531343, [email protected], onl y animated film festival in The only Banja Luka showcases the bes t in animated filmmaking from around the globe, b oth feature and short films. The festival also organises workshops on animated film, exhibitions from the animator‘s works and entertainment  after hours. Q May 

International Classical Guitar Festival F-3, Drago-

mira D. Malića 13, tel. 065 830 289/065 807 064, fax 051 435 531, [email protected], Every Ev ery year the In ternational Classical Guitar Festival hosts six-

Banjaluka In Your Po cket


Culture & events

stringed masters of flamenco, balkan and classical genres. The few days are ablaze with colour ful concerts, guitar competitions, exhibitions and workshops by the most eminent  perrformers and le ctures of the classical guitar world. Q 12 - 16 November 

JazzLook Festival , Enjoy the fun with local and international jazz artists during  the last week in October. The main concerts are held on the grounds of the Children‘s Theatre, following following an af ter-pa ter-part rtyy of  intense, fast-paced jam sessions at ‚Delta‘ ‚Del ta‘ pub every every evening  until the early h ours. Q 26 Oct - 01 Nov

KRATK KRA TKOFIL OFIL International Short Film Festival , tel.

065 730 307/065 587 476, [email protected], www. „Short on Size, Long on Style“ is the mot to of  the festival‘s celebration of Bosnian, regional and in ternational shorts represented through fi ction, documentar y, animation and experimental films. The purpose of the festival is to promote non mainstream films and to popularise short films within the region. Be aware, unfortunatly not all films are subtitled in En glish (nor in Bosnian!) Q 16 - 20th June

Tamburica Orchestra C-4, C-5, Mise Stupara 24, tel.

065 526 569, fax 051 305 427, tamburicia@musician. org, ww www.tam w.tamburici Performances of the Tumburica Orchestra are usually performed at th e Cultural Centre Banski Dvor. Listen to the traditional folk music of the Balkans, a complete orchestra playing with ‚tamburas‘ or stringed instruments.

Veselin Maslesa Folklore C-2, Bana Milosavljevica

16, tel./fax 051 303 307, [email protected], www. This folklore ensemble mixes folklore, dance and singing and is one of the leading performace groups in Republika Srpska. Check their website (in english)  for any performances coming up in Banja Luka.


NEOFEST International Summer Peace Festival

, [email protected], Three stages of fusion, reg gae, funk, funk, hip hop and electronica on two consecutive nights on Kastel Fortress during Banja Luka‘s warm summer nights. There is no place better than to hang out and enjoy post-modern music amongst the old ragged rocks of the Castle.Q 20KM (entrance 2 nights) .TJ6UENBX

Performances Cajavec Folklore C-2, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića

103, tel./fax 051 218 057, [email protected], www. ww w. This ensemble has received a number  of prizes and performed in cul tural festivals festivals around Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. The per forma formance nce of this incredibl y  choreographed dance is executed in traditional costumes and instruments.

May - September 2009



Culture & events

Banjaluka In Your Po cket


Culture & events

Picture caption



May - September 2009


sPorts Sport Activities Codex Bikes C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5, Aleja Svetog Save 59,

tel. 051 216 200/065 290 877, [email protected]. Sales, repairs and dealers.

Free Climbing Club Extreme F-3, Marije Bursac 18,

tel. 065 016 923/065 779 027, [email protected], sch ool of climbing climbing and high This is the school altitude work. If you like the adrenaline buzz, you will enjoy  participating in the club‘s activi ties, camps and and field trips in the best bes t climbing sports in B&H. QOpen 21:30, Sun 21:00. Closed Fri, Sat.

Hiking and Biking . Banja Luka with its flat configurations gives visitors the possibility to explore the ci ty by foot or by  bike from one side of the city to another without that much effort. ef fort. The wide alleys and paths nex t to the Vrbas River of fer the possibility possibility to feel the cit y‘s size and see some of the historical monuments. But for those who have a more ac tive spirit and want to discover dis cover the surroundings of Banja Luka and to see the ci ty from other perspectives; numerous hiking hiking and mountain biking trails trail s are waiting for them in gorgeous nature. For more information about biking and hiking itineraries, as well as tourist guides and where to rent ren t your own bike contact  the Tourist Office of Banja Luka.

Paragliding Club C-1, Jovana Dučića 100, tel. 065

981 146, [email protected], For the ultimate experience in Banja Luka, try  paragliding straight above the cit y (I would recommend recommend with an instructor!)

Rafting Raf ting Club Kanjon Karanovac bb, tel. 065 882 087, [email protected] info@kan,, ww www.kan If you happen

to be in Banja Luka during the th e spring or summer and ad venture is something that makes you excited - rafting is for you! You can choose from one of the short or long rides, depending on your rafting experience and witness the scen ery and nature of  the magnifi cent Vrbas River and its wild and wet currents. currents. It‘s a thrill of a lifetime and you‘ll be coming back for more!

Scuba Diving Club Jesenjinova 1, tel. 051 215 663, [email protected], Another club dedicted to water activities on the Vrbas River. River. Get experience and a licence for scuba diving here.

Shimano Bike Shop F-4, Vojvode Momčila 4, tel./fax 051 217 677, tel. 065 523 754.

Speleology Association Ponir F-3, Sime Matavulja

bb (atomsko skolnište), tel. 065 572 180, info@ponir. and org, w Speleolog y is the study of caves and other rock formations, their make up, structure, physical properties, history, life forms and the processes by which they were formed. This Association m eets every Thursdays  for study and field trips into the unknown deepest d eepest and darkest  caves of the B&H. QOpen , Thu 17:00. Closed Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun.

Wolfbikes Veljka Mlađenovića bb, tel. 051 456 030, fax

051 456 031, [email protected], www.wolfbikesco. com.

World Wo rld Rafting Raf ting Championships 2009 Rafting Centre Karanovac, [email protected], On

the wild waters of the Vrbas and Tara Rivers, more than 20 whitewater rafting teams from Brazil, Japan, Czech Republic, and more will compete for the title ti tle of World Raftin Rafting g Champions in June 2009. The Vrbas River has a proud history of sporting activities and was also home to the 2005 European Whitewater Rafting Championships. The Vrbas Canyon watercourse has a total length of 235 kilometres in which its fast waters are the ideal place for all major sporting eventseven for kayaking  and canoeing. The Vrbas River is one of the major rivers in western Bosnia and Herzegovina. Herzegovina. It is a righ t tributary of the ri ver Sava. Sava. The river first appears at the south ern slope of the Vranica Vranica Mountain, 1530 meters above the sea level and it drains rapidly  down the slopes of the Dinaric Mountain massif. It empties into the Sava River at 90 metres ab ove sea level. Banja Banja Luka sits happily by th e river‘s banks. Q 11 - 15 June Free Entrance. TLEBKX

Banjaluka In Your Po cket


sPorts Sport Centres Aquana Sport Centre and Swimming Pools C-4,

Aleja Svetog Save 80, tel. 051 231 417/065 833 695, fax 051 228 401, [email protected], www. A large sport centre equipped with outdoor  swimming pools and children‘s slide, gym, shop, cafe and restaurant. Q PTJABKCW

Fitness Club Energy G-4, Cara Lazara 19, tel. 065 201 065/065 519 643, „Energy“

combines a sports centre, dance school, karate club and a models agency. The gym is especially crowded with men  flexing their muscles recurrently in front of the mirrors and gasping at every female creature who dares to pass through the man-fested man-feste d herd. You You won‘t get much trainin g done in this centre. Q PJFG

Fitness Factory Kojica put 4 Lazarevo, tel. 051 371 897, A large fitness centre provid-

ing any guest with the essential ingredients to sty fit and health y. One of the b est equipped sport centre in town. Q


Fitness Studio Body Fit F-4, Simeuna Đaka 20, tel. 065 644 174.

Fitnes studio „TEFA FIT“ Vozdovacka 18, tel. 065

582 355. This sports centre is dedicated to body building  and nutrition and is lo cated within the premises of the Banja Luka Fair Fair.. Q PFLG

Fit Shop - Universal Nutrition G-2, Jaroslava Plecitija 17, tel. 051 311 722. Pick up any nutrition tablets you need as part of your fitness regime at this fi tness shop.

Fortuna Sport Centre G-1, Tromeđa Tromeđa br. 4, tel. 051 358 000/051 358 006, fax 051 358 004, fortuna1@teol. net, On the outskirts of town, this

sport cen tre offers offers the following facilities: 3 outdoor swimming  pools, an indoor swimming pool, a fitness centre, an icering,  football and tennis area, a shop selling sport medicine and vitamins, two restaurant, a night bar and parking for 600 spaces. Q PTHUFLGBKDC

May - September 2009



Culture & events

Banjaluka In Your Po cket


Culture & events

„AQUANA“ d.o.o. Banja Luka Aleja Svetog Save 78 000 Banja Luka telefon: +387 51 228400

May - September 2009



where to stay Gearing up for its tourist industry, Banja Luka provides a good enough range to suit suit all tastes and budgets. Prices are relatively low, even in the summer season com pared to western Europe standards. standards. Banja Luka is still lacking a youth youth hostel for the odd backpacker. backpacker. However However,, if you’re travelling  travelling  by campervan and tents, camping sites are situated along  the roads by the river leading out of the ci ty.

Cream of the Crop KALDERA Boutique Hotel, Wellness & Spa Alek-

sandrovac bb - Laktasi, tel. 051 582 300/065 973 335, fax 051 582 282, [email protected], www. Experience a refreshing and revitalising  stay at one of the most renowned renown ed hotels in Republika Srpska. Srpska. This supreme h otel offers offers a complete Wellness Oasis, in whi ch you can choose a range of massages and beauty beaut y treatments  for each individual’s needs. One can relax by the swimming  pool and Jacuz zi or get a sun-kissed tan in their professional professional solarium. This hotel world of health and leisure is about 20 kilometres kilome tres from Banja Luka. QOpen 00:00 - 24:00. 11 rooms (singles (singl es € 92, doubles € 136, suites € 408). PYHAR


Bed & Breakfast  Hotel Damjan E-2, Vase Pelagića 25, tel. 051 213

860/051 213 900, fax 051 213 880, info@damjanhotel. com, The location is perfect for  those who enjoy being in a peaceful and quiet part but still remain in the hear t of town. The rooms on offer offer are relatively  cheap and spacious equipped equipped with all necessary mo ds and cons. Fast Internet connection and room ser vice is available 24 hours a day. If you are coming with children and need a helping hand han d a professional professional childcare service is available upon request. A restaurant and café are in the hotels vicinity. Q 13 rooms ( singles €33, doubles € 45, suites € 45-60).


Budget  Ćetojević G-1, Ivana Gorana Kovačića bb, tel. 051 345 700/051 345 710, fax 051 345 702, [email protected], On the outskirts

of Banja Luka, the hotel Cetojevic is of a high hig h standard in which the recentl y deceased fashion designer Sheikh-Amer Sheikh-Am er Hassan was a proud and satisfied guest.The apartments and rooms are luxurious fitted amongst all typical mods and cons, with a kitchen, jacuzzi, sauna and balconies with beautiful views of the Banja Luka landscape.The lobby is both an aperiti f bar  and restaurant with a variety of drinks and cuisine on offer. Laundry ser vices and a confere conference nce room are a t disposal.Q 25 rooms ( singles €30, doubles € 45,triples €60, suites  €75-100). PHALEBKDXSW

Hotel Čubić Glamočani bb, tel./fax 051 331 000, [email protected], Although,

the h otel Cubic offer offers s pleasant, tastfully furnished rooms of  a high standard, it is completely out of town and in front of  a busy main road, not to mention the hotel happens to be situated in a somewhat in dustrial zone. If you happen to be  just passing by, by, either eith er as a congress or transit tourist, then this is a good place to rest your head as the rates appear  quite cheap. Best to invistigate within the four walls of the hotel; have a coffee at the cafe bar, dine at the restaurant, you can even visit the hairdressers or pick up some basics at the mini-market. All rooms are well equipped with air  conditioning, a mini bar, TV, telephone, and wireless internet  connection Q 49 rooms ( singles € 33-39, doubles €5152, suites €70-71). PTHAULGKXSW Elite

Banjaluka In Your Po cket

Motel Dragana Uroša Drenovića 129, tel./fax 051

413 050, [email protected], www.moteldragana. ww w.moteldragana. com. A luxury motel amongst the weeping willows and the beautiful green Vrbas River. River. Just a few kilometres out of th e centre of town, this is relatively a place for recreation and nature lovers. The motel gardens include a playground for  children, mini golf and an enchanting terrace overlooking  the riverbank. The restaurant offers local and international specialities - try the local Bosnian cheeses, the ‘Neguski’ smoked ham and quality wines from the region. All rooms are en suite, equipped wi th cable television, a mini bar, bar, telephone telephon e and a PC with Internet access. Laundry and ironing servi ces are available upon request. You can head off exploring on one of the walking trails that lead to and from the motel.Q 12 rooms (singles €30-35, doubles €45, triples €60, suites  €72). PTHA6LEGBKXSW

Ideja F-4, Mese Selimovića 6, tel. 051 217 444, fax 051

413 050, [email protected], Attached to i ts sibling sister Elite Motel Dragana and sharing  some bu t not all of the same facili ties on offer offer,, the Hotel H otel Ideja is situated just outside the center of town. The bland entrance doesn’t do justice for its snug and cosy interior. The staff are especiallyy welcoming and English speaking. The spacious, en especiall suite rooms are equipped with cable television and breakfast  is included includ ed as part par t of your stay. stay. The lobby l obby offers offers a cocktail bar, and a café. Q 12 rooms (single €36, doubles €47, triples  €63, suites €80). PJHA6LGKXS

Motel Đukić A-1, Krajiških brigada 2, tel. tel . 051 219 992,

fax 051 219 993, [email protected], www. Although ough this motel is opposite the main Alth road and next to a petrol station of the same name, it offers cheap, comfortable and modern en suite rooms equipped with all mo ds and cons that include breakfast. The friendly, English speaking staff at reception are available 24 hours a day. A small gift shop has a selection of souvenirs of Banja Luka and local wines. A coffee bar and restaurant are available in its localit y and an outside terrace, which unfortunately  unfortunately   faces the noisy traffic. tra ffic. The center of town is 10 minutes away  by foot.Q 11 rooms ( singles €25 per p erson, doubles €50, triples €75). PALGBKXSW

Prenoćište Alas F-3, Braće Mažar i majke Marije 48, tel. 051 212 622, fax 051 211 678,

Within the d omains of a century old building, lies an exquisite exquisite  fish restaurant which is an unavoidable spot for all seafood lovers and six spacious and modern, equipped rooms with all mods and cons. The interior of the restaurant is adorned with a selection of antique clocks, cabinets, gadgets and gizmos. If something catches your eye, you can ask the owner if h e would be willing to sell it to you for for a good price. This is a domestic and delightful environment, close to the cityy centre and ideal for any traveller. cit traveller. QOpen 00:00 - 24:00. 6 rooms ( Singles €32, doubles € 50, triples € 60). PT


Symbol key P Air conditioning 

 A Credit cards accepted

O Casino

H Confere Conference nce facil facilities ities

T Child friendly 

U Fac Facilities ilities for the disabled

R Internet 

L Guarded parking 

F Fitness centre

G Non-smoking rooms

K Restaurant 

J Old Town location

D Sauna

C Swimm Swimming ing p ool

6 Animal friendly 



tel: +38751 582 300


where to stay Apartment/Studios Business Apartments Olympus D-2, Ivana Franje

Jukića 7, tel. 051 212 225, fax 051 211 230, oplimpus@ opli mpus@, www.olimpus-apartmani. com. Bang in the middle of the business district, this is a delightful, friendly place ideal for business stays as well as the independent indepen dent traveller. traveller. If you’re feeling fit, the apartm ents are located on the fourth floor of the building in which there is no sign of a lift. The six apartments and two single rooms are all exceptionally exceptionally furnished and equipped wi th telephone lines, cable television and a PC with high speed internet. All guest are welcomed with no extra charges to all sorts of  non-alcoholic beverages, dinner and breakfast. The largest  apartment has a sh ower integrated with a massage system and internal radio radi o for you to unwind and relax after af ter a busy day  in the ci ty ty.. Q PJALGBKXSW

Cheap Bomi Prijedor Prijedorska ska bb, Trn, Trn, tel. 051 585 336, fax fa x 051 585 Although, gh, Motel Bomi Bomi is located 225, Althou

near two t wo gas stations Trn1 Trn1 and Trn2, Trn2, and along al ong the th e Banjaluka Laktasi highway, highway, it is also al so within walking distance to a beautiful beau tiful lake in which you can walk around its circumference. All rooms are elegant, modern an d of high qualit y, equipped with air condi tioning, jacuzzi ba ths, sauna, a mini-bar, mini-bar, TV-set, telephone, and Hi-Fi stereo. The motel has also a quality  restaurant, parking parking l ot with 24 hours securit y, car wash and car services.Q PTHLKDXS

Motel Mig F-4, Filipa Macure 23, tel. 051 430 300, fax

051 430 303, motelmig@ [email protected],, ww w.motel-m A basic motel, but very comfortable. Probably best for the budget traveller rather than the business man. It’s a bit out  of the centre, but the neighbourhood is quiet and the staff  are friendly friendl y. 15 rooms (single, double, triple tripl e and quadruple), 3 apartments. QOpen 00:00 - 24:00. PALBK

Nana Banja Luka - Laktasi motorway, tel./fax 051 370

050, [email protected], Located 2.5 kilometres out of Banja Luka, and along the motorway towards Laktasi, this is rath er a place for a s top over if you are just passing through. Relatively cheap, clean rooms with a guarded parking lot, you won’t have to mind aboutt anything. Their abou Th eir services offer offer internet connec tion in the rooms, satelli te TV, TV, a mini bar, bar, telephone telephon e and air-conditioning  air-condi tioning  and a restaurant. The rec eptionist does not speak English. QOpen 00:00 - 24:00. (singles € 25, doubles € 30, triples  € 45). PTHALEGKXS

Hotel Atina E-2, Slobodana Kokanovića 5, tel. 051 334 800, fax 051 334 811, [email protected], If you prefer to stay away from the rush of the

cit y centre, this lovely city lovel y, elegant hotel offers offers a peaceful loca tion close to the Vrbas river but also within walking distance from all points of interest in the city. The hotel provides a pleasing  atmosphere and a variety of bright, modern rooms and suites - be sure to ask for a room overlooking the river. There is 24 hour servi ce, a restaurant, cake shop, nightclub and conservatory as well as an equipped gym, sauna and Jacuzzi. Q 20 rooms (singles € 55-75, doubles € 70, suites € 85200). PHA6FLGBKDXW

Hotel Bosna C-2, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 97, tel. 051 215 775, fax 051 215 717, info@hotelbosna. com, The most renowned hotel

in Banja Luka, satisfies the demands of all its guests. The hotel’s complex offers air-conditioned rooms from singles through to some exceptionally posh suites all complete with an aperitif bar, a piano bar, a bar ‘Mr. Black’ and a cake cafe ‘Mr.Brown’ both with terraces where locals and guests like to read newspapers and enjoy their morning coffee. You can enjoy culinary culinary delights deligh ts at restaurant “Ambassador”, with its pleasant interior in terior and an open terrace, and in the evenings the “tamburasi” “tamburas i” (a folk band with tradi tional string instruments) will entertain enter tain you while you dine. The lobby offers offers bouti ques, a hairdresser, cosmetic salon, travel agency and a newspaper  kiosk and below the complex lies the “Club Padrino” that  anticipates more entertainment after dark.Q 300 rooms (singles € 39-98, doubles € 62-128, triple € 77-123, suites  € 77-287). PJHA6ULEGBKXW

Hotel Cezar Mladena Stojanovica 123, tel. 052 326

400, fax 051 316 610, [email protected], www. Not centrally located, but easily accessible to the bus and train stati ons and Banja Luka’s big Fair Fair Centre. All rooms are simple, plain plain and clean with wireless internet and all other necessaties. Th e cafe bar is extrememly welcoming  and has a pub sor t of feel about abou t it. You You may pop in for a drink  at any time, breakfast or a late night snack. The restaurant  offers of fers local and international food to suit th e needs need s of all its guests.Q Singles 40 Euros, Doubles 60 Euros, Euros, Apartm ent  50 Euros. PHAULGBKXSW

Mid-range Firenza D-3, Urosa Predica 1, tel. 051 311 290/051

302 725, [email protected], A  cozy hotel in the Borik district of Banja Luka, and only less than a mile away from the cit y centre. Rooms are equipped equipped with internet connection making it perfect for any business traveller. An extra plus is a beautiful, quiet garden where you can have breakfast from early spring to late autumn or simply relax all year round. Q Open 00:00 - 24:00.


Garni Hotel Merriot Kozarska br. 85, tel. 051 217

801/051 222 871, fax 051 222 870, [email protected], merriot. com, ww www.hotelmer A reasonably priced hotel with mo ds and cons that includ e a balcony, balcony, telephone, cable TV, TV, en suite, air-conditioning and an d heating. A hairdressers is also on the premises. QOpen 00:00 - 24:00. 27 rooms 36 Euros (single), 43 Euros (doubles). PHALBKX

Banjaluka In Your Po cket


where to stay

Glamočani bb Banja Luka 78000 Tel.: 00387 51 331 000 Hotel Palas D-1, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 60, tel.

051 218 723, fax 051 218 584, hotelpalasbl@inecco. net, This is one of the most famous hotels in the region that of which has ser viced the m ost  demanding clientele. Built in 1933 and now protected as a national herita ge marks it as an iconic building in Banja Luka. It  is situated situate d at the main cit y square and offers offers rooms equipped with a television set and a mini bar for a most satisfactory  stay. The restaurant and coffee shop, as well as a pizzeria and cake shop with a selection of ice creams is at disposal disposal to guests of the hotel. Extra ser vices for your your comfort include laundry and ironing ser vices, a hairdresser and a tailor. tailor. The staff are available 24/7 and guests are entitled to use a free shuttle ser vice to the airport, bus and railway station.Q 69 rooms (singles €31 - 52, doubles € 62, triples € 70, suites  €77). PJHA6ULEGBKXSW

bright rooms and suites all equipped with bathrooms and lovely views of the main Orthodox Church in the city centre. For those that like to prepare food for them selves, some rooms are equipped with a kitchen. Th e lobby offers offers a large café, cake shop and pizzeria where you can also enjoy its Wi-Fi facility. You can be sure to expect comfortable accommodation and the highest quality of hospitality services. Q 23 rooms (singles € 62, doubles € 77, suites € 72-108).


Hotel Vidović D-2, Jevrejska bb, tel. 051 245 800/051 217 217, fax 051 211 100, [email protected], A perfect spot for the business

traveller, as this h otel is prefectly situated am ongst the ci ty’s traveller, administrative, business and cultural institutions. All 48 rooms are elegantly fit ted with en suite facilites. Two Two congress halls are available for your disposal, providing the best possible equipment. You have a choice of two restaurants that  are attached to the hotel: one ser ves a range of international ‘a la carte’ cuisine, the other is an ‘express’ restaurant or  ‘canteen’ offering local hearty meals, perfect if you are in a rush.It’s sister hotel ‘Krajina’ is located in Mrkonjic Grad, a tourist destination named BALKANA.Q 48 rooms (singles   €70, doubles € 100, triples € 130). PJHAULG


Talija D-2, Srpska 9, tel. 051 349 200, fax 051 327 460, [email protected], A pleasant hotel situated just south of the city centre offers fresh,

May - September 2009



restaurants Restaurants catering local cuisine flourish in abundance in Banja Luka whereby you can indulge yourself in a variety  of Bosnia’s local food and wine; if your diet permits it, this means hear ty, meaty meals, stodgy soups or ‘goulash’ and within the fast food scale greasy ‘cevapi’, hamburgers and ‘burek’ (a pastry snack with a savoury savoury fillin g). Don’t expect  any other exotic offerings, other than the common ‘pizzeria’ which lies on almost every street, although be prepared   for a pizza of Bosnian variation, rather than Italian. The  following reviews present the best in local cuisine, from the  finest in culinar y delights to the most basic fast food joints. Vegetarian restaurants are inexistent, but be sure to ask  the waiter to point you out the veggie friendly meals on the menu. Prices are affordable for all tastes and budgets and without a doubt, an enjoyable experience for all.

Mala Stanica B-3, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića bb,

tel. 051 326 730, [email protected], www. The restaurant arose in the place of    former railway station „Mala stanica“ that connected the city’s cit y’s periphery with wit h the centre in 19th centur y. You You will notice details of rails, rails, bells and clocks smartly use d to decorate the restaurant’s restaura nt’s interior.With interior.With i ts pleasant and rela xing ambience and gorgeous spacious garden, the restaurant is a perfect  choice for a business lunch due to its prime location in the Government district or just for a casual chat with friends. The excellent menu offers offers a mix ture of domestic, Italian and nouveau cuisine and a swanky wine lis t waiting to complete an eventful lunch or dinner. Mala Mala Stanica will open yet anoth er  establishment of the same name in th e Mercator Shopping  Shopping  Centre in Borik: the distri ct of classy cafes cafes and bars. QOpen 07:00 - 24:00, Sat 07 - 00:01:00, Sun 07:00 - 01:00. €7-15.



Citadela Kralja Alfonsa 2, tel. 051 226 807. This rather 

My Way H-2, I.G.Kovacica 7, tel. 051 302 894, fax 051

grand location has three eateries to claim as its own, though as far as visibilit visibilityy is concerne d it’s the ice-cream that takes pride of place. The red facade looks grand enough with the punters licking their deserts just outside but there’s a whole world of cuisine waiting to be discovered down below and upstairs. “More is more”, seems to be the motto, to be frank. The word Citadel means ‘fortress’ but is that in this case meant to mean against good taste? Q Open 07:00 - 23:00, Fri, Sat 07:00 - 24:00. Closed Sun. €3-25.

this restaurant offers a menu of traditional Balkan dishes,  from which which the spe ciality of the h ouse “ Pecena Pecena jagnjetina”  jagnjetina” or roasted lamb is a mouth-watering treat. In addition th ere are a range of fasinating grilled meats and local stews on offer. While you wait for your main course, take a couple of  appetizers such as the (Paški sir) Pag cheese, (dalmatinski pršut) smoked ham from Dalmatia and a glass of Dalmatian local wine. QOpen 07:00 - 23:00. PAULKX


Jezero Prijedorska bb Trn, tel. 051 585 535. Along  the main road to Trn, you won’t be able to miss the magnificant Jezero restaurant that caters for about 2000 or  more people p er day. day. Located next to a lake, the restaurant  provides a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere. A children’s playground is adequately situated next to the restaurant.


Kazamat Tvrđava Kastel, tel. 051 224 466. A serene, luxurious place from which to admire the beautiful Vrabas and within the grounds of the castle as well. Ample dishes of  grilled meat, potatoes and the crispest of salads salads are served up to the customers - who can also view their cutlets being  cooked on an open grill. One of a number of eateries in the city which space their customers out so th ey are not sitting  on top of one another. The local restaurateurs seemed to have thought through that aspect of dining out rather well. QOpen 09:00 - 23:00, Sat 09:00 - 24:00. €6-13. PT


Kod Muje C-2, Sime Solaje bb. If

you fancy a proper  Bosnian meal, this place is known as the number one in barbequed cevap cevapii and all manner of grilled meats. Kod Muje is a classic old-style eatery, eatery, passed down by i ts local family  family   for years. The restaurant may look like a wooden cabin from the outside, bu t there is a beauti ful terrace and garden garden and big umbrellas is case of rain or shine. Q J6UNB

312 577, [email protected]. Close to the Cetjovic Hotel,

Obala Jesenjinova 26, tel. 051 219 652, info@restoraninf o@restoran-, Jus down the road  from Stari Mlin past a Muslim cemetery, cemetery, this is anoth er blissful place to eat by the river. The Vrabas is one of Banja Luka’s real gems gems and al though i t does take some extra effort effort to visit  this restaurant and its near-neighbour - given they they are located some way from the city centre - it is really worth the extra effort.QOpen 07:30 - 24:00, Fri, Sat 07:30 - 01:00. €3-8. PTALEGBKX

Sirano Karađorđevića 64, tel. 051 303 111/065 589 985. QOpen 08:00 - 23:00. PK

Stari Mlin Bogdana Marića 14, tel. 051 213 399, [email protected], Built on

the site of an old mill on the banks of the river, this eatery declared a cultural landmark by the local government - is a glorious place to have dinner, dinner, situated as it is downstream where the rapids rush past with assorted swimmers, rafters and fishermen catching some vi tal leisure-time. leisure-time. The prices pric es are also surprisingly surprisingly reasonable for for such a pristine setting, wi th the Vrabas glinting gloriously in the sunlight.QOpen 08:00 24:00, Fri, Sat 08:00 - 01:00. €2-30. TILNGKS


Symbol key

Ognjište Josifa Pančića 2, tel. 065 222 777, info@

P Air conditioning 

of four or more to revel in a traditi onal Slavic atm osphere and contains a brilliant novelty with its gastronomic museum, where guests can be treated to a short guide to the local cuisine. Also includes an ‘Ethno Shop’ where customers can buy wine from the region and other souvenirs to take away  with them. Good, old-fashioned interior sets off the dining  experience excellently. QOpen 08:00 - 23:00, Fri, Sat 08:00 - 24:00. €2-20. PTILNGBKXS

E Live music

a way  S Take away 

T Child friendly 

Facilities lities for the disabled U Faci

R Internet 

L Guarded parking 

O Casino

J Old Town location, www.ognjist ww This a place for groups

Banjaluka In Your Po cket

6 Animal friendly  B Outside seating 

 A Credit cards accepted


V Home delivery 


restaurants Vrbas G-4, Braće Potkonjaka 1, tel. 051 464 608, fax

Rostiljnica Roma F-3, Jovana Ducica 72, tel. 051 300

taurant is an idyllic retreat in which to have lunch and shel ter   from the sun, with a very traditional meaty meal l ying in wait. Only problem here might migh t be that during the summer you could end up envying the swimmers taking a cooling and refreshing dip down there below.QOpen 07:00 - 24:00. €6-33.

and about five minute’s walk from the centre. The menu is exclusively for carnivores and includes all the national favourites, such as cevapi and the like. Provides outside seating, as well, so you can relax relax while tr ying out one or more of these essential examples of local cuisine. QOpen 07:00 - 23:00. €1,5-5. TJGBS

overlooks, looks, this res051 467 650. Named after th e river it over


395. Operates on the same principle as ‘Mira’ but is smaller 


Pizzeta C-3, Gundulićeva 68, tel. 051 307 002/051

Alas F-3, Braće Mažar i majke Marije 48, tel. 051 212

tin or roof even. Gets a young crowd in to much away at the Italian standards just spitting distance from the city centre proper.QOpen 08:00 - 22:00. €1-9 Free Delivery available.

602, fax 051 211 678, [email protected], www.alasbl. com. A fish restaurant oozing with architectural and culinary  charm, ‘Alas’ serves up a bewildering range of piscatorial delights to its customers, though thou gh the waiter might take a bit of  time before bringing your plate to the table. Bu t ‘slow food’ is the best b est kind, as we all know, so sit back, enjoy the pleasant  surroundings and sip your your drink, secure in the knowled kn owledge ge that  at some point your taste buds are about to get a real treat. QOpen 08:00 - 24:00, Fri, Sat 08:00 - 01:00, Sun 12:00 01:00. €2-30. PTAILEGKS

Ambasador C-2, Karađorđevića 97, tel. 051 213 119, A chic restaurant  part of the Hotel Bosna offers an “a la carte” menu ranging    from local to international cuisine. The interior provides a warm, homely environment and the staff are professional and friendly. An open terrance is an excellent place to sit for  any meal of the day and gaze out at the busy boulevard. In the evenings you can catch a traditional li ve band “tamburasi” that will play and sing while you dine in st yle.

Romanov F-3, Krajiskih brigada 8, tel. 051 219

459/051 227 890, fax 051 216 805, kings.rr@inecco. from the motel net. Situated along th e main road, 20 metres from

307 003, [email protected]. Does what i t says on the


Simke roštiljnica D-3, Vase Glušca 23, tel. 051 215

300/065 598 960. A lot less cramped than most other  ‘grill’ cafes you’ll ‘grill’ you’ll find in the Balkans, with its spacious seating  area inside,could almost be mistaken for an American diner  if i t weren’t for for all the l ocal, succulent favorites on the m enu. Strategically located next to Café Cult and the university  campus, is a short hop, skip and a jump away for anyone tormented by th e ‘beer munchies’. Every Every carnivore’s dream is served up in the glistening form of the ubiquitous ‘cevapi’ (small lamb sausages), ‘pljeskavica’, (hamburger) and pileci batak (chicken (chicken sandwich), among others, though th e establishment boasts a specialty of i ts own, aptly aptly named ‘the dish  for hungry eyes’. Not bad on your stomach either.

Venecija D-3, Vase Glušca bb. A fast food pizzeria, which is adequatel y open till late hours. They sell a variet varietyy of piz pizzas, zas, pies and sandwich es. Home delivery and takeaway takeaway is available. QOpen 08:00 - 23:00. PUNGKS

Dukic, this reasonable restaurants offers a range of marine specialties. It’s worth to try the fresh sea fish, crabs and shellfish. Q PAULGBKX

Cakes and Icecream

Vin Sente Vladike Platona 6, tel. 051 314 799. Situated

choice of decorated cakes and icecreams in this pleasant  rustic cake cafe. Q PJBXS

right next to the stadium of football club Borac, the leading  team in Banja Luka and contenders in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s first division, here’s where you can have a go at a meatball before you get down to the football. However,, more often than not th e restaurant is frequen ted by  However business-people, though family celebra tions also take place there. Either way it’s fine place to sit down and eat and the  food is excellent. QOpen 08:00 - 23:00. Closed Sun. €3-10.


Fast food Rostiljnica Biljana G-4, Cara Lazara, tel. 051 466

666/051 461 600. Probably one of the best places for  grilled meats in town, especially after hours after a night of  going out. When all entertainment has died down for the night, you can make your way here, for more drinking and a cevapi. It’s usually full to n o surprise, alternatively you can order food to your hotel (be warned the lines are always busy!) QOpen 00:00 - 24:00. JNBKXS

Šareni kuvar , tel. 051 310 308. This is a perfect place  for some quick, good good quality qualit y fast food. food. Home delivery d elivery and take away are also available at no extra costs. Q KS

Cap-Cap G-4, Cara Lazara 18, tel. 065 583 452. The ‘Banjalucki’ McDonalds ser ves fast-food fast-food big hamburgers and sandwiches sandwi ches with a good selection selec tion of fillings and salads. Menu deals are also available. Q JNGBS

Ciambella B-2, B-3, A-3, Petar Kocica 109, ciambela@, inecco .net, ww www.ciambell Try your pick on the vast 

Cream G-2, Trive Amilice bb. A coffee shop and fast food restaurant all in one, probably the onl y cafe that allows you restaurant a coffee and a nibble on pizzas, lasagnas and pancakes. A  pleasant place, but far from the centre of town, unless you happen to stay in the district of Rosulje. Q PKX

Gondola D-3, Vojvode Putnika bb. Gondola

is situated away from the busy main streets, and placed right next to a park lined with wi th trees. It I t makes a variet varietyy of coffees coffees and serves a selection of filling cakes, ice creams and sweets. You can opt for the gothic, dark but classy interior or on a lovely day  sit outside along th e wide comfortable couches on the large open terrace.QOpen 08:00 - 23:00. PUBX

Pingvin C-2, Bana Lazarevića 18, tel. 051 307 250. One of the best ‘slasticarnas’ or cake cafes in town, and just of  the main street. A great place to relax and chill out amongst  all the th e sweets swee ts on offer. offer. Q PJUBXS

Plazma D-3, Vojvode Radomira Putnika 15, tel. 051 0 51 229 111, A selection of unique and

high-qualityy cakes made from fresh ingredients and fruits are high-qualit available avail able for your hearts content. Sit and enjoy the ambience after a busy day in town amongst the warm colours of the cake cafe’s interior design. Q PUBXS

May - September 2009



restaurants Bakery  Žitopeka G-4, Carice Milice 12, tel. 051 454 931, www. ww w. Not a place to go and sit down and eat in,

rather a bakery just over the bridge from the city cen tre. But  this is an example example of plent y of others in the Balkans - if you  just want a quick snack rather than si t down and eat, h ere’s where you can grab a ‘burek’, a savory pastry filled with a choice from - meat, cheese or spinach. QOpen 00:00 24:00. €1,5-5. TJNGS

Manja D-3, Srpska 11, tel. 051 300 248, www.kraji-

San Remo C-3, Gundulićeva 18b, tel. 051 315 815. Where a fountain splurges ostentatiously in the middle of  the alfresco part just as the punters too wave their cash around, in one of th e city’s cit y’s more prosperous prosperous eateries. Situated on a pleasant street, just outside the centre of town, here’s where you can sample superior Italian fare in superior  surroundings. QOpen 07:00 - 24:00, Fri, Sat 07:00 - 01:00. €2-6. PTJALGBXSW

Italian If you have a ‘mania’ for the sweeter things in

F Lounge D-3, Srpska 101, tel. 065 099 558. Brings in

life then ‘Manja’ is the place for you. It is considered one of  ‘the’ places in town to tuck into a cake or an ice-cream and provides outdo or seating for this purpose.However, purpose.However, the shop also sells a range of products for those plannin g a wedding or  any other celebration. celebra tion. Has a bit of an odd neighbour though, in that it i t is right next nex t door to the Hard Rock Cafe. Cafe. Doesn’t conjure up the best of images. QOpen 07:00 - 23:00, Fri, Sat, Sun 07:00 - 24:00. €2-30. PTJUGBXS

an after-work crowd and the minimalistic decor does seem to suit the business lunch m ood of the place. Appropriately  Appropriately  enough sells sandwiches for those in need of a quick bite to eat or lunch-on-the-run.QOpen 07:00 - 22:00, Fri, Sat  07:00 - 23:00. €2-13. PTJALGKS

Pekoteka Nova Mlađe Čaušića 3, tel. 051 354 793. Though a bit out-of-town this bakery bakery is i s famous for for its i ts ‘kifle’ (a kind of Balkan croissant) and other assorted pastries, including the ubiquitous ‘burek’ of course course and a whole range of cakes and buns. The owner even allows his customers to sample his fare fare before buyin buying g the products whole, so in theor y  you could emerge well-fed well-fed with out having havin g spent a penny penny.. In practice, though...that wouldn’t be the best form, would it? The shop is just 50 metres from the main road so if you are driving you can turn in with ease should you or your passengers suddenly suddenly get a bi t peckish. Parking is so easy here the place has almost b ecome a Bosnian version version of the ‘drive-in’. QOpen 06:00 - 23:30. PTLNGS

Snack Bar  food joint  Pet Plus . Nothing to do wi th pets…This tiny fast food offers offer s pizzas, sand wiches and delicious sweet and salt y pancakes.. Open all day and night, this is the b est place to come cakes  forr a snack after a ni ght of clubbing. Q NS  fo

Plazma Vojvode Radomira Putnika 15, tel. 051 229 111, Lots of cream cakes on

Harizma Gavre Vučkovića 1, tel. 051 211 888, info@, The name doesn’t  quite give away the clue but th ey do English breakfasts breakfasts here at a snip for 10 km. You might also find yourself rubbing  shoulders here with European policemen and women, who are here for some sort of noble purpose or other. Do big salads tooQOpen 07:00 - 24:00. €4-10. PTALBS

Marco Polo E-5, Bulevar Stepe Stepanovića 185A, tel.

051 435 444, Big, bulky  menus that look more like photo-albums show off Italian and Chinese cuisine which is prepared in tribute to the eponymous traveller. Marine-type odours waft in from the nearby River  Vrbas, which has th e effect effect of getting the old appeti te going. Nice and spacious, with plent y of foliage foliage both in and ou tside adding to the feeling feelings s of repose one gets when dining th ere. The summer garden also affords very appealing views of the river.QOpen 08:00 - 23:00. €3-15. PTALGKS

My name is Luka D-3, Nikole Pašića 22, tel. 051 228 500. Unfortunately don’t get to hear much Suzanne Vega

 from the speakers in here, despite the name of the place. Plenty of high volume house gets pumped out though, which you get nod to as you flick through the menu consisting of  Italian standards - pizza and pasta.QOpen 07:00 - 24:00. €1-4. PTJAUBKXSW

display in the glass case by the counter, which will have the sweeter-toothed drooling. An airy, relaxed atmosphere by which to enjoy your creamy and chocolatey treats also awaits.QOpen 07:00 - 24:00, Sun 08:00 - 24:00. €2-5.


Mexican Master C-2, Sime Šolaje 7, tel. 051 317 444, info@, Mexi-

can restaurant restaurant with generous portions, though th e employer  is also seems a benovelent type as th e place has more staff  staff  than it knows k nows what to do with. Very tasty food on the tomelike menu but th e squat toilets are a nasty surprise. No cards accepted. QOpen 08:00 - 23:00, Fri, Sat 08:00 - 24:00. €3-10. PTJNGKS

Pizzeria Langollo C-2, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 103, tel. 051 offf the main bouleva b oulevard rd this is also 213 400. Another place of

almost opposite the city’s cultural centre and just metres away from Banja Luka’s monument to its World War II heroes. Plenty of filling pizzas on the menu and a cool and spacious alfresco area to relax in too.QOpen 06:00 - 23:00, Fri, Sat  06:00 - 24:00. €2,5-5. PTJULNGBXS

Banjaluka In Your Po cket



May - September 2009



CaFes 8 Osmica C-2, Bana Milosavljevića bb. A small café bar 

Down Town D-2, Bana Lazarevića Lazarevi ća 50, tel. 051 230 930.

stuck between Aria and Dionis and along the main walking  street. It is rather unflattering and you probably won’t even notice it i t from the street, but if you do happen to pop inside the interior does s eem comfortable enou gh for a midday coffee. coffee. Although, Althou gh, one would probably probably opt for the bigger and slightly  more enticing cafes dominating the walking district around 8 Osmica. QOpen 08:00 - 23:00. From April this joint is open till 24:00. 1-3 Euros. PJUBX

Photo-journalistic de cor Photo-journalistic cor,, as well as some raf ting and fishing  pics - a clue as to t wo of the favoured favoured sports in this part of  the world - liven up this cafe on the corner of a busy main road, though not quite central, despite the name. Sells its own brand of coffee but doesn’t doe sn’t do draft beer b eer,, sadly.QOpen 07:00 - 23:00. PGXW

AB C-5, Mile Stupara bb. The large AB bar, decorated as though you’ve just arrived at a tropical beach bar h osts varivarious concerts by local bands and singers from Banja Luka. You can also enj oy a coffee coffee here h ere during th e day, day, a bite to ea t, play pool and surf the net if you’ve got your laptop handy.


Aria C-2, Bana Milosavljevća 2, tel. 051 310 064. A hop, skip and a jump away from Tavita, Tavita, thi s hang-ou t is on the sid e of the street where the shade descends, so the chilled-out  atmosphere is even more evident than in its neighbor over  the road. Fewer Roma children children seem to see th e place as ripe pickings for a bit of cash, so you’ll have a quieter time of it  than in Tavita in that sense too. QOpen 07:00 - 24:00, Fri, Sat 07:00 - 01:00. PTJ6UNGX

Cafe Sky G-4, Cerska bb. Capriolo C-2, Bana Milosavljevića 12. A more of a romantic place for couples, adorned with red roses on each table and a sele ction of drinks, coffees coffees and beauti ful cakes. cakes. This is rather a place to spend a relaxing evening with your partner  or to come for an evening treat. You will find this place on the main street, next to ‘Focus’ bar. QOpen 08:00 - 23:00.


Combo A-3, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 103, tel.

051 215 922. The smart leath er furniture of the interior is

Emporio C-3, Nikole Pasica bb. If by chance you wander a bit out of the ci ty centre, this may be a good spot for a drink  either in th e day or evening. evening. Most visitors come h ere to read the local paper in peace and quiet. However, that is about  as much thrilling as i t gets.

Focus C-2, Bana Milosavljevća bb. This pleasant bar is a local haunt; it’s packed during the day for coffee breaks and the night dwells in beer drinking, commercial house and local dance music. Although, the name is not visible   from the outside due to the marquee-like covers that are supposed to (unsuccessfully) form a terrace, it is on the main street in town.

Hard Rock Cafe D-3, C-3, Gundulićeva bb, tel. 066

201 828, 828, [email protected], www.hardrockwww.har That logo known all around the world is emblazoned across the front front of what is actually a cozy li ttle pub, but which keeps to its theme adequately enough with rock band posters pinned up everywhere. Attracts a downto-earth, to-e arth, t wenty-something crowd - somewhat younger than the Hard Rock Cafe brand normally pulls in other parts of  the world.QOpen 07:00 - 23:00, Fri, Sat 07:00 - 24:00.


Hertz D-2, Jevrejska bb. A cafe during the day, turns late night bar in the evenings. Especially Especially on th e weekends, turbo   folk loving locals get drunk and merry before setting off to the clubs.

unfortunately not matched by the ra ther ordinary tables and chairs outside in the forecourt. Just off the city centre’s main boulevard, so if you like people and car-watching, this could be the th e place for you. A good enough place to rest your weary   feet though.QOpen 07:00 - 24:00, Fri, Sat 07:00 - 01:00.


Coyote C-3, Nikole Pasica bb. This bar is devoted to and inspired by the animated cartoon characters ‘Coyote & the Road Runner’. If you were ever a fan, this just might be the perfect hangout on a night out! The atmosphere is always cheery and pleasant. Q PJX

Cult D-3, Vase Glušca 27, tel. 065 593 584. Conviviality o ozes from from the walls in this no-nonsense bo ozer  close to the ri ver and the gallery of paintings adds an ambience which fuels intelligent conversation. conversation. With the best range of coffees in town and a rack of excellent wines to boot, Cult  pulls in a regular, garrulous crowd. However, this adds to the  fun of being there rath er than be off-putting off-putting and the punters won’t mind you striking up a conversation with them at the drop of a hat.Q Open 08:00 - 23:00. PT6ULN 


Dionis C-2, Bana Milosavljevića 3, tel. 051 312 664. The biggest cafe bar in the district is defiantl y the most admired hangoutt along the main drag. The hangou Th e coffee coffee is good, and one can even come for for a drink in the evenings when the mood b egins to spice up. Towards Towards the th e back of the tavern, tavern , one can make use of  its betting b etting office, and its various gambling gambling and slot machines. QOpen 00:00 - 23:00. From From April - September Septemb er the bar stays s tays open till 24:00. 2-4 Euros. POJUBX

Banjaluka In Your Po cket



Shakers Bar G-4, Stepe Stepanovica 185,

News Cafe D-1, Jevrejska 3. At first glance this seems like

Luka. You will be spoilt for choice when you find yourself  browsing through the menu of alcoh olic and coffee coffee cocktails cock tails on display. The atmosphere livens up in the evenings with a varied selection of music for all tastes. QOpen 08:00 23:00. 1 - 3 Euros. PLX

an average enough cafe and the first room you come across is a standard, streamlined, corridor which only allows one person to walk down at a time. Then, you get to pe er into the second par t, which affords affords views of the women’s section of  a department s tore. Just a bit distracting as you sip at your  cappuccino but not exactly an unwelcome sight.QOpen 07:00 - 23:00, Fri, Sat 07:00 - 24:00, Sun 08:00 - 23:00. The one and only ‘house of cocktails’ in Banja

Johnny Be Goode C-4, Aleja Svetog Save bb. The bar is rather run down and ou tstandingly small. You You can probably fit  about 10 people p eople in one gi ven moment! Rock music plays frequentlyy, which fits quentl fi ts to its décor of rock singer posters plastered onto the disc oloured walls. Upstairs, there are a few few gambling  machines and a pool table. QOpen 08:00 - 23:00.

La Nina D-3, Gundulićeva 26, tel. 065 560 128. The day time clientele chill out on woven seats in a breezily airconditioned condition ed cafe, which becomes a bustling drinkers hub after  dark. Quite a swanky establishment when all is said and done. Has a city c entre feel to it, despite being off-the-beaten off-the-beaten track  somewhat.QOpen 08:00 - 24:00. PTJW

Moulin Rouge G-4, Cara Lazara bb. A small, cozy café/bar  in the Oblicevo district, that provides a chill out atmosphere both during the th e day and in the evenings. evenings. The joint’s join t’s customers can use a wi fi facility, facility, thus attracting a ttracting a fai fairr share of business people during the day. QOpen 07:00 - 23:00. PBXW

Glamour C-2, Bana Milosavljevića bb. The name certainly  doesn’t describe this ordina ordinary ry and dreary coffee coffee spot in the city’s main café boulevard. Maybe it’s worth a few minutes of  your time for a coffee coffee or an evening drink, but i ts advisable advisa ble to be off on your merry way to a more appealing sel ection of café  and bars in its vicinit y.QOpen 00:00 - 23:00. This cafe bar is open till 24:00 between April - September. PJUBX


Portobello C-2, Bana Milosavljevića bb. A

cafe and a ‘slasticarna’ (cake cafe) which, also manages to prepare some sandwiches, sandwi ches, satisfactorily satisfactoril y allowing you to to have a nibble while enjoying a coffee on your break-time. It is located at  the beginning be ginning of the main café district, next to Glamour café. QOpen 00:00 - 23:00. From April - September this cafe is open until 24:00. PJUNBKX

Provence F-4, Miloša Obilića 37, tel. 051 430 372,

[email protected], The  first bar of its kind kin d in Banja Luka, where you can sample local lo cal wines and even from all over over the world in deliciousl y salubrious surroundings. The owners also provide gratis cheese snacks to soak up the vintage you may well find yourself swishing  around in your mouth. Just next door to the club Mystique, so might well be worth a visi t to get the juices flowing before a night on the tiles. QOpen 07:00 - 24:00, Fri, Sat 07:00 01:00. PTA6ULEGXW


telephone code cod e is +387 51  51  May - September 2009



CaFes Mister X D-3, Vojvode Putnika 9, tel. 065 836 466. Exotic face masks adorn the walls in this cafe, in an arty  and more ‘independent’ interior than most of its neighb ours in this part of the city. Doesn’t sell food though, unfortunately, otherwise could well be the pick of the bunch in the vicinity.QOpen 07:00 - 24:00, Fri, Sat 07:00 - 01:00.


Mr. Brown & Mr. Black C-2, Kralja Petra I

Karađorđevića 97, tel. 051 215 775, fax 051 215 717, Mr.. Brown seems se ems like an elegant el egant bar ba r, Mr which also acts as a cafe/restaurant during the day. During  the evenings, the ligh ts dim down and lo cals crowd in before a night out. Next door, Mr. Black attracts a slightly younger  and noisier crowd. Crowds pack in during the evenings and the night b egins with ear-splitting commercial folk folk music. Both bars are part of th e Hotel Bosna complex.

Maraton F-4, Mirka Kovačevića 27, tel. 065 820 932, Suburban bar named after a

Serbian film about a company of undertakers, but there’s nothing funereal about the this establishment. In fact, in many ways, it’s more like like a museum than a pub, wi th loads of Communist-era photos and books, as well as stills from the film, pinned up all over the place. One of the photos is of the local football team Borac, before they beat Red Star  Belgrade 1-0 in the Yugoslavian Cup. And if you are feeling  really curious, you can flick through former Communist leader  Jozef Broz Tito’s collected works.QOpen 07:00 - 00:00, Fri, Sat 07:00 - 01:00. TN 

Ramazzoti D-2, Veselina Masleše, tel. 051 211 779. Just across the way from Vienna, as (the real) Italy is in some respects. Here the punters choose more shade than the opposite cafe, and while doing much the same thing  as their counterparts a touch toe away, they can at least  play footsy with them as the coffee, wine, or whatever else goes down.QOpen 07:00 - 24:00, Fri, Sat 07:00 - 01:00.


Paris D-5, Rade Vranješević 65, tel. 065 249 269.

a very hip, dimly-lit red-hued joint, with a tattoo-parlour up above. Good, funky beats get the toes tapping ahead of a night out on the town. Very classy. QOpen 07:00 - 24:00, Fri, Sat 07:00 - 01:00. TULENBX

Tavita C-2, Bana Milosavljevića 8, tel. 051 213 222. Located on the ci ty’s main drag, this is arguably the place to do your people-watching while in Banja Luka, as the groups of pretty prett y young thin gs shuffle by. by. Roma children also get in on the act by jumping in with hands held out but they are friendly  enough and are only after your spare change. You can while away hours here, doing doing absolutel y nothing.QOpen 07:00 24:00, Fri, Sat 07:00 - 01:00. PTJUNBX

Vienna D-2, Veselina Masleše, tel. 051 215 444. Tightlysqueezed into an alcove just off the main drag in Banja Luka, here’s where the lingering atmosphere belies the fact that  most are supposed to be on their lunch breaks. Some might  even bring in a ‘burek’ to chomp at while sipping hurriedly  away at their cappuccinos. But it looks as if someone had picked it up from a beach on the Adriatic and planked it down here. So chilled out, you’ll be disgusted. And you won’t get  a seat.QOpen 07:00 - 24:00, Fri, Sat 07:00 - 01:00, Sun 08:00 - 24:00. PTJUNBX

Castra D-5, Save Kovačevića 48, tel. 051 312 270. Riverside hang-out shaded by trees makes for a pleasant place to escape from the sun, when that’s blazing as i t often does in Banja Luka. Home-made wooden furni ture adds to the effect, though the th e owners could do with turning the music down just  a touch if th ey want to make make the cafe the chilled-out retreat i t  really has all the p otential of being.QOpen 07:30 - 24:00, Fri 07:30 - 01:00, Sat 07:00 - 01:00. TLNBX

OmCafe Coffee Shop D-3, Gavre Vuckovica bb, tel.

431 291, fax 431 292, [email protected], Right next door and from the same owners as Pivnica Zlatni Lav, this stylish cafe/bar is a perfect spot   for a drink or coffee in the late evening. On occasions there is live music. Q PUEX

Though this is hu ddled away in the rather run-down suburbs, you would think you were a world away once inside. This is

Banjaluka In Your Po cket


nightliFe Country Veljk Veljkee Mlađenovića 3, tel. 065 407 666. Venue that specialises in the local ‘turbo-folk’ music, which many   find an acquired taste, but oth ers clearly lots of fun, so might  be worth trying out to see where you stand on the subject. Also, seems to encourage some audience participation. Apparently,, this is where many people who work abroad come parently to strut their stuff and wave their cash around when they  are home.QOpen 19:00 - 04:00. Closed Mon, Tue, Wed.


K4 G-4, Majke Jugovića bb, tel. 051 439 136/051 319 th e the Vrbas river under und er the Venecija Bridge 275. Located on the

and near a student residence, this venue boasts a very unique  feature to the entertainment it offers, for on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays a tambourine-orchestra plays th ere, of all things.On things.On the other nigh ts it functions as a normal, loud disco, but during th e day families families can be found making use of  the garden that lies just outside. There is also a tennis court  nearby, so the club is clearly doing doin g its level best bes t to be all things to all people.QOpen 07:00 - 03:00, Fri, Sat Sa t 07:00 - 04:00.


Kruna D-1, Jevrejska 3, tel. 065 175 000/065 175 001, [email protected], ww

packed night club right in the centre c entre of town, there’s lots of  boisterous fun to had here with th e young punters often getting up close and personal as well. Have to climb what feels like an Aztec step pyramid to reach the place, though but  there’s lot of chill-out space to rest awhile from that before shuffling to the dance fl oor oor.. A venue for traditional boozy bo ozy fun to the early hours.QOpen 20:00 - 03:00, Fri, Sat 20:00 - 04:00. Closed Mon, Tue, Sun. PJUENX Bang in the middle of the Balkans, tourists are welcome to experience a unique yet ‘contagious’ sub-genre of music called Turbo Turbo Folk, which origina ted in Serbia during th e early  1990s and infested all corners of Ex-Jugosalvia. Ex-Jugosalvia. You can’t  avoid them even if you try. try. These folk clubs or ‘folkotekas’ ‘folkotekas’ are plenty. Having said that, there are a variety of good bars and clu bs that sway in different musical directions; rock music and electronic being popular amongst the young crowd. If you’re looking for a quiet drink with collegues or friends, wine cellars or ‘vinarn as’ are a great great option for sipping local and international wines. Regulary, Regular y, there are live concerts concer ts about town (especial (especially ly in the main square in front of Boska Shopping Centre) where you can catch some well known local bands and musicians. A ‘Tamburasi’ ‘Tamburasi’ nigh t is also recomm eded for those that wish to listen to traditional li ve folk music; played with a ‘tambura’, a traditional musical instrument.

Clubs Boom Boom Room D-1, Veselina Masleše 15/17, tel. 065 510 816. The onomatopoeic name does justice to the

sound of hundre ds of young revelers - who pack in well before the weekend begins - stomping up and down, as much as it  does to the ear-splitting ear-splitting musi c. And they say that this place enjoyed wilder times before its recent face lift. That seems rather difficult to believe.QOpen 19:00 - 03:00, Fri, Sat  19:00 - 04:00. Close d Mon, Tue, Tue, Sun. PNX

Capo Club D-2, Jevrejska bb. During the day, this place works a courteous, rustic pizzeria and the summer-style terrace brings the crowd for cocktails and chit-chat. At night, the bar and an d club offer offer a contrasted disobedient atmosphere where pretty young girls mingle amongst a slightly older  businessmen crowd. The club itself h as two floors; the flirtatious bar adorned with fancy chandeliers and curtains, and beneath it a hot dance floor banging out commercial dance music. Q PJLNBKXS

Music Hall G-4, Carice Milice bb (S.D.Oblicevo). This haunt is a strictly underground club that hosts some of the best raves ra ves and interna tional DJ names such as Umek, Trevor  Trevor  Rockcliff Rockcli ffe, e, Oxia, Valen Valentino tino Kanz yani to name but a few. Thanks to the Urban Beat Crew - DJs Sinisa Tamamovic and Mladen Tomic you can hang out in th e one and only al ternative music scene in Banja Luka. Check posters around town if somethin g  may be happening down there, or the Urban Beat website. Be aware, when I say ‘underground’ I do really mean that, as even the joint is falling apart and the toliets are frightening. But, its the best place to catch a party if youre the alternative type and hang out with the urban ravers of Banja Banja Luka. QOpen 21:00 - 03:00, Fri, Sat 22:00 - 04:00. Closed Sun.


Mystique F-4, Miloša Obilića 35, tel. 065 981 354,

[email protected],, ww [email protected] www.myspace.c The mirrors from floor to ceiling make this sophisticated club look bigger than it actually is but th ere’s plenty of  space to either kick back wi th friends on the ample sofas or  try out your moves on the dance floor. This would appear to be the place to get noticed in. QOpen 19:00 - 03:00, Fri, Sat  19:00 - 04:00. Closed Mon, Sun. PLEXW

Padrino C-2, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 97. A small club part of the Hotel Bosna and directly underneath, is a typical hang out ou t for for the local crowd that enjoy their local dance anthems an d singing along to their favourite favourite folk songs. On some occasions you pass on a themed night, which either  tends to be electronic, latin or a student night. An excellent  ‘Wyborowa’ polish vodka is available here.

Sokolski Dom F-3, Marije Bursac bb, tel. 065 605 159. A venue offering offering numerous events, even ts, however you can never be sure on which which night nigh t something may be happenin g. Located by  a shabby yard and litter bins, it has been host to electronic music nigh ts and Balkan commercial music and gua guarantees rantees a great time. Definitely worth a visit.

May - September 2009




Underground D-2, Vase Pelegica 10, underground.

[email protected], A  lively club, which is very popular with the locals, especially  the ladies who like to pout, pose and “be seen” in this joint. After 12pm, the music changes from commercial commercial house to a lunacy of turbo folk music where everyone sings and dances to their hearts content. Beautiful hostesses and dancers always hang around advertising beer and cigarettes on themed nights. QOpen 21:00 - 03:00. PNX

Pubs Irish Pub Orthodox Celts G-4, Stevana Bulajića 12,

tel. 051 453 507/065 522 218, djajam@irishpubbl. Standard-enough -enough Irish boozer  com, Standard with lots l ots of sentimental posters pos ters and pics stuck up all over the place. That said, it also has the slogan ‘Pogue ma thohoun’ up on the wall in big let ters, which if you know your Gaelic will realise means something very different different to the usual ‘Cead Mile Failte!’ Fai lte!’ (A Hundred Thousand Thou sand Welcomes), that normally greets customers to such establishments. establishmen ts. Gets full on Wednesdays, Wednesdays, as well as the weekend.Q PLENX

Peckam Pub F-4, Braće Mažar i majke majke Marije 7, www. ww w.

City Pub C-2, Trg Palih Boraca. A pub as it should be:  jam-packed, raucous with a fine sele ction of draught be ers.  jam-packed, This newl y-opened haun t pumps out rock n’ roll and 80’s 80’s pop music and the occassional band or solo artist nigh t. There is even an extra cold draught Guinness available. Let the nigh t  begin… Q JENX Pivnica Zlatni Lav D-3, Gavre Vuckovica bb, tel. 051 431 291/051 431 293, fax 051 431 292, info@omcafe. net, Just by the Venezia Bridge, and

underneath the OMCafe, an underground ‘Golden Lion’ pub lurks, modestly modestl y adorned with large wooden tables and chairs. You can enjoy a good sele ction of draught drau ght beer b eer,, pub food and wine. The only sor t of music you will hear is the oc cassional live band, that doesnt play for very long. It’s a chatty and social hangout for everyone. everyone. Q PEKX

Wild Rose D-5, Rade Vranješević 103, tel. 065 535 920. The prohibition, speak-easy decor looks the par t in this USstyle watering-hole, complete with the inimitable bar-stools taking centre stage, though thou gh Eliot Ness and crew wouldn’t have much trouble finding the place given that you walk straight in offf the street. of stre et. But there’s th ere’s no faulting faulting th e pleasant, clubbable atmosphere. QOpen 07:00 - 24:00, Fri, Sat 07:00 - 01:00.


Billiards Not quite the Nag’s Head but this pub is at the

Titanium C-4, Aleja Svetog Save bb. What once was a

same time a shrine to classic British si tcom ‘Only Fools and Horses’, which uncannily enjoys cult staus throughout the  former Yugoslavia, even to this day. Lots of pics of Del Boy  and Rodney ador n the walls and there’s even a Union Jack up there for good measure. Oddly, though, there is no working  landline phone in the establishment. Someone must have gone and sold them a dodgy one... QOpen 07:00 - 24:00.

prosperous club back in early naughties, prosperous naugh ties, Titanium fizzle d away  to become an unexciting bar, bar, attracting attra cting very few customers in contrast to its h eyday eyday.. Don’t be shocked when you see the large open, unused terrace covered in scaffolding or what  looks like a warehouse. The interior is small, of what’s left  of it, but if go downstairs you will find a billiard room which is somewhat relaxing for a game of pool with your mates. QOpen 00:00 - 23:00. PBX


Banjaluka In Your Po cket


what to see Culturall Centres Cultura Banski Dvor Cultural Centre C-2, Trg Trg srpskih vladara

2, tel. 051 305 336, fax 051 305 002, banskidvor.kul. [email protected]. The Banski Dvor Cultural Centre was built   from 1929-1932 1929-1932 to become the h eadquarters of the governor  (‘Ban’) of the Vrbas Banovina province (that which extends   from Banja Luka to its outer lying districts, through which the River Vrbas flows). However, from 1955 it was handed over to to the cit y’s cultural centre centre and since 1998 it has b een become a public insti tution. The center’s aim is to combine a number of diff different erent types of performance, exhibition, public discussion, lectures and club and art studio under one roof. Much of the inside of the building has been preserved since the 1930s, with the concer t and conference still possessing  their original designs. This is a multi-faceted cultural hub which is in many ways the lifeblood of Banja Luka’s artistic and in tellectual community community..Q PJHUEGBX

Film Institute , tel. 051 211 062, [email protected], www. ww w. The Film Institute created the first International

Film Festival in Banja Luka in May 2008. The festival hosts international and lo cal feature films, documentaries, children and student studen t films alongside workshops workshops and lectures lec tures from film and television professionals. Each year, year, the organisation bring  b ring  a variety of Holly wood film stars, so you don’t need to blink  twice i f Johnny Depp walks past you you on the street. The city and its surroundings have been blessed with an enchanting Castle, Orthodox churches, monasteries and a river brimming with wildlife and waterfalls. If you take a stroll though the city centre, the towering Orthodox Church of Jesus the Saviour dominates the cityscape. To the east  of the city, across the river, you can explore the domains of the medival Kastel Fortress, one of Banja Luka’s main historical attractions. If you walk into one of the main tourist office s along the high street, be sure to ask about day trips and activites. If you’re up for any of the following thrills such as rafting, kayaking, diving, canyoning, hiking and trekking, climbing, mountaineering, parachuting or paragliding which are a great way to enjoy  yourself amongst the breathtaking nature. If you have a pair of wheels, you can follow signs out of  the city towards Jajce in which 4km down the road you will see a sign for the Krupa Monastery and waterfalls ‘Krupa Na Vrbasu’. Finally, if you fancy a bit of a h ike, ask for directions towards Banj Brdo hill. Once you get to the top, there there is a World War II memorial and a fantastic view of the city. This also makes a great place for a picnic an d a barbeque on a su nny day.

Buildings Music Pavillion D-1, Park Petar Kocic. A glass building  situated within the domains of Banja Luka’s central park  “Petar Kocic”. The music pavilion not no t only pays host to exceptional concerts, shows and exhibitions but it is also frequently  used for educational purposes such as special workshops and lectures. lec tures. The facility also provides a space for business conferences and regular tournaments such as chess. A cafe is located on the b ottom floor with a view of the whole park, its flowers, fountains and a busy main square.

National and University Library Librar y Of the Republic of  Srpska D-2, Jevrejska 30, tel. 051 215 894/051 215 822, fax 051 217 040, [email protected], [email protected], www.nubrs. ww w.nubrs. mod ern library is a mix ture of a computer computer center The modern and a temple of culture.

Gardens & Parks Banj Brdo . This is a hill just above the city which includes a World War War II memorial and picnic grounds. Bu t it is most popularly used as a means of gaining a vantage point over Banja Luka and bask in the views of the ci ty taken in the blink of an eye. Sunset is a particularly good time to take the 30 minu te hike it takes to get to the top, via tree-lined paths. Always a hit with th e natives, even during during winter when the snow adds that something extra to the scene.Q T6BK

Park Mladen Stojanović A-4, Dr Mladena Stojanovića

bb. Named after a doctor and World War II national hero, this is the largest park in the downtown area of Banja Luka and consists of plenty to keep the locals busy, including a number of tennis courts, a cafe and a restaurant. It is also large enough to host special events in the cit y, such as when the police invi ted all the schoolchildren along to sample sample their  equipmentt and work in order to break down barriers betwe en equipmen citizens and officers.Q TJULBKX

Park Petar Kočić D-1, . The most central park in town, it is named after a turn-of-the-century Serbian poet and writer who was born close to Banja Luka and whose statue is one of the main features of the space. Lots of young  people and families throng to the place to take the weigh t of  their feet, before either catching the bus home or carrying  on with their shopping or nocturnal frolics. A glass-walled building has also recently been built in the park, which will be used to hold various cultural and musical events. Q


Water Mills and Cascades of the Krupa . Charming old water mills stand and watch almost as locals and tourists alike whip up surf with their high-speed rafting and canoeing along the t he rapids of the Krupa river river.. Nearby, however, however, anglers quietly cast their rods to see if they can catch a prize carp or trout, while walkers also use the area for more sedate purposes. But all three spor ts are taken taken deadly seris eriously on occasion, with international competitions a growing  phenomenon.Q T6LB

May - September 2009



what to see Monuments & Archaeological Sites


Kastel Fortress E-1, E-2, . Perhaps Banja Luka’s most 

Krupa Monastery Krupa na Vrbasu. The monastery is

striking structure with its high walls and towers, though it  could do with some renovation work. But passing through the archway you are greeted with a wonderfully serene view of the Vrbas, along whose grassy banks locals idle away and read in bliss. Built by the Romans and then forti fied again a gain by  the Ot tomans tomans,, the fortress often hosts outdoor concerts but  it is as a p eaceful retreat from from the bustle outside that gives it i ts real charm. charm.Q JALGBKX

thought to have been built at the end of the 13th century  by King Milutin and can be found some 20 kilometers south of Banja Luka, near the Krupa River. Constructed over a necropolis, archaeological digs have also found evidence of  an ancient basilica on the site, which can be dated back to the emergence of Christianity Christianity.. However, However, the th e monastery h as suffered major damage over the centuri es thanks to the wars that have afflicted the region. During the Austro-Hungarian empire’s conflict with its Ottoman counterpart at the end of the 17th century it was attacked several times and was eventually rebuilt in the 19th century due to the assistance of the Sarajevan Archbishop Savo Kosanovic and others. Unfortunately, it was again burnt down during World War One and only restored in the 1960s. 1960s. It has recently recentl y benefited benefi ted from restoration work work and now s tands resplendent in a b eautiful natural setting, with th e river flowing past nearby.Q TG

Theatres Childrens Theatre of the Republic of Srpska D-2,

Đure Daničića 1, tel. 051 215 991/051 232 830, fax 051 232 832, [email protected], www.djeci Established in 1955, the theater has played host to more than 300 plays with three million people paying to come and see them. The th eater has also traveled traveled to participate at a numb er of international festivals, festivals, including  in other countries of the former Yugoslavia, Italy, Poland, and Bulgaria, as well as in and around the Republika Srpska.Q


National Theatre of the Republic of Srpska C-2,

Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 102, tel. 051 317 996/051 317 799, fax 051 314 001, [email protected], Theat re of the Republic of Srpska was was founded in ba. National Theatre 1930 in Banja Luka as the “The National Nati onal Theatre Thea tre of Vrbaska Vrbaska Banovina” and since than it has b een the carrier of development of drama art in th e town, as well as in the whole region. The Theatres projects have hosted many directors from Belgrade, Belgrad e, Novi Sad, Nis, local and foreign artists, actors, singers, scenographers, costume designers and c omposers omposers..Q


Orthodox temple of Jesus the Savior C-2, Kralja

Petra I Karađorđevića. The compact and brightl y-coloured church right in the centre of town would probably compete with the th e Kastel as the city’s most eye-catching eye-catching landmark of it  wasn’tt for the scaffolding wasn’ scaffolding surrounding it at the th e moment. The church was the pride of Banja Luka after it was built  between 1925 and 1929 bu t was blown up by the Croatian ‘Ustashi’ puppet governmen governmentt of the Nazis in 1941 during their  brutal occupation.After the war a new church in the same style was constructed but smaller and away from the city  centre. But now i t is being rebuilt in i ts original original spot and will soon take pride pride of place in the hear ts and minds of the locals once more.Q JUG

Museums Museum of Contemporary Art Ar t C-1, Trg Trg srpskih srp skih junaka 2, tel. 051 215 364, [email protected]. galrs@inecco .net. Despite the name,

the museum is actually lo cated in a historical setting, that of  an old railway station that was converted for its new purposes in 1980. A reminder of its former use comes in the form of a picture of a train painted on the walls outside. The gallery displays the largest collection of 20th century  art in the th e whole of Republika Republika Srpska and this is divided into exhibits of painting, graphic design, drawing, sculpture and new media art. Yet the museum has also become a showpiece for 21st  century work as well, with some fascinating exhibits, such as the recen t ‘Euroblic’ ‘Euroblic’ - a photojournalistic collection taken  from the work of four local photographers - gaining pride of  place. Much of this focused on everyday life in Republic of  Srpska as well as its modern politics, with bleak hospital wards and demonstrations among the subjects. This latter  included include d a quite remarkable shot of a large group of uniformed police gathered together. together. Nothing surpris surprising ing to se e this at a rally,, of course, bu t in this instance th e officers rally officers are actually  the protestors. One of the key roles of the museum is to keep a close eye on the burgeoning talent in th e region and it is clearly one i t is performing well.QOpen 08:00 - 22:00.


Banjaluka telephone code cod e is +387 51  51  Banjaluka In Your Po cket


what to see Museum of the Republic of Srpska D-2, Đure Dučića

1, tel. 051 215 973/051 215 984, fax 051 215 986, [email protected]. Built in 1930 and the inspiration of  civic l eader Ban Milosavljevic, Milosavljevic, whose aim was to collec t and conserve a large number of highly valuable artifacts that  had been found in the city’s vicinity, the museum contains an impressive range of archaeological, ethnographic and historical works. The museum quickly became influential throughout the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, which Banja Luka was part of until the Nazi occupation of World War II. The efforts of its first  director,, painter Spiro Bocaric, director Bocari c, led to the th e ‘Museum of Vrbaska Banovina’, as it was then called, becoming an important  cultural-historic cultural-h istoric institu tion, which held numerous exhibitions  from all over the Kingdom Kin gdom of Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia. Its I ts organization also als o began to take take dynamic shape during this time, with a collection c ollection of prehistoric prehistoric and historic coins and oth er forms of currency  being installed, as well as a geological and paleontological exhibit. Added to these were also a tourist office, an archive and a museum library. The museum also published its first  guide in four languages in 1938 but three years later it was to face the most tragic part of its history, when the Nazis and their Croatian puppet government government rul ed the city. Bocaric was himself brutall y murdered and many of the artifacts ar tifacts were stolen, with the Fascist governors determined to turn the museum into a place glorifying th eir own highly questionable heritage.After liberation in 1945, the museum underwent    further reorganization, employing new curators, historian, ethnologists and other specialists to mark a more stable period in its history, though it has moved premises seven times since then to the present day.With the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, the museum was eventually  given its current name has become a ‘state’ institution for  the enclave Republika Srpska. It is currently located in the ‘The House of Solidarity’ (Dom Solidarnosti) building that  was built after the great earthquake that hit Banja Luka in 1969. It now consists of six sections: the archaeological, historical, contemporary art, ethnological, naturalist and the library library..QOpen 08:00 - 16:00, Sat 08:00 - 19:00, Sun 17:00 - 20:00. PTJULG

May - September 2009



getting around Taxis Taxis are readily available and cheap, although do check if  the meter is turned on or agree on a price before you set  off on your journey. Taxi Numbers: Patrol Taxi - 1533 Bel Taxi - 1550 Euro Taxi - 1555 Banjalucki Taxi - 1544 Maxi Taxi - 1551  A Taxi - 1500 Mobil Taxi - 1566

Car Rental Ambassador C-3, Aleja Svetog Save bb, lok.3, tel./fax

051 218 339, tel. 065 333 222, www.RentaCarAmbasww w.RentaCarAmbasBank. QOpen 00:00 Located by the H ypo Adria Bank. - 24:00. Prices range from 65KM per day for a small Renault  Clio, Chevrolet Lacetti or a Fiat 500 up to 160KM per day   for a Ford Mondeo.

Rent-a-car Omega C-1, Vidovdanska 57, tel. 051 213

355, [email protected]. Cars and minibus rental. Drivers service in Banjaluka and Bosnia and Herzegovina, airport transfer transfer,, credit car payment QOpen 08:00 - 15:00. A  The bus and train stations in Banja Luka are situated just  a stone’s throw away from one another but both occupy  an island of territory some way from the city centre, which is rather unusual. However, there are plenty of buses and taxis to get you to and from whichever one you are using. Make sure you have enough cash on you whether departi ng  or arriving as neither station has a cash machine to speak  of - another quirk y characteristic - and you can’t buy tickets with cards. I once had to get a taxi back into town when I turned up cashless late at night just to get some money out  before returning. That aside, there are quite a few places to sit and eat and drink in the vicinity - even till the early hours - which is a big plus, though don’t expect luxury.

Airlines Austrojet , tel. +43 662 20 30 20, fax +43 662 835403, This small airline company is

based in Salzburg and provides the following routes (Salzburg - Stutt gart - Salzburg - Banja Luka - Tivat - Banja Luka - Salzburg - Stuttgart - Salzburg). QOpen 08:00 - 18:00. Closed Sat, Sun.

B&H Airlines Branilaca grada broj 15, tel. 033 218

605/033 550 125, fax 033 550 126, [email protected], B&H Airlines is an airline based in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina operating scheduled an d charter char ter passenger services. Flag carrier of Bosnia and Herzegovina, govi na, its main base is Sarajevo International Airport.

YAT Airli Ai rlines nes Aerodrom Banjaluka, Mahovljani bb, tel./ fax 051 535 227, [email protected],

Jat Airways is the national airline of Serbia and the former  national carrier of Yugoslavia Yugoslavia,, based in Belgrade. I t operates scheduled domestic, regional and international services to 33 destinations in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, as well as charters and wet leases. Its main base is Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport. QOpen 09:00 - 15:00. Closed Sat, Sun.

Budget A-1, Krajiških brigada 233/065 549 560, fax

051 309 104, [email protected], Chauffeur services, Banjaluka-Airport transfer, on-line booking, credit card payment. Business-class, executives class, minibuses, limousines. QOpen 09:00 - 17:00. Closed Sat, Sun. A 

Cooper šped H-1, Knjaza Miloša 85, tel. 051-371-

497/051-371-512, fax 051-371-956, coopersped@blic. net, w m. QOpen 08:00 - 16:00.

Rover Rent a Car C-3, C-4, Aleja Svetog Save bb,

lok.20a, tel. 051 224 700/065 455 452, fax 051 224 701, office@rent office@rentacar-rov,, ww www.rentacar w.rentacar-rover. -rover. Available ailable 24 hr a day da y, cars rental. Minimal ren tal period perio d com. Av -24 hrs QOpen 08:00 - 18:00, Sat 08:00 - 14:00. Closed Sun. A 

Petrol Stations Bukom d.o.o. Ramići bb, tel. 051 393 148/065 513 388, fax 051 392 002, [email protected]. Petrol station, cof-

 fee bar, technical review, car wash. QOpen 00:00 - 24:00.

Euro Benz d.o.o. Desanke Maksimović bb, tel. 051 433 330/065 513 136, fax 051 433 333.

Krajinapetrol a.d. H-1, Isaije Mitrovića 11, Knjaza

Miloša 14, Nikole Pašića 53, Ramići bb, tel. 051 220 920, [email protected], Here you can tap Eurodizel fuel, petrol engine MB-98 and unleaded petrol BMB-95. They sell a wide range of items and motor oil. A shop is on the premises.QOpen 06:00 23:00. AG

Petrol a.d. A-3, Dr Mladena Stojanovića bb, Bulevar

srpske vojske 3, Branka Popovića bb, Krajiških brigada 2, I Krajiškog korpusa 2, Ramići bb, Manjačkih ustanika 36, tel. 051 313 159/051 314 286. QOpen 00:00 24:00.

Banjaluka In Your Po cket


getting around

Nafta Trans G-1, H-1, Ivana Gorana Kovačića bb, tel. 051 371 391.

OMV BH d.o.o A-1, Krajiških brigada 2, tel. 051 232

120, fax 051 232 124, [email protected], www. w ww. Petrol Station, shop, coffee bar, car wash, oil and lubricants. QOpen 00:00 - 24:00. 00:00-24:00 petrol and shop, 07:00-23:00 coffee bar and car wash.

Train schedule From Banjaluka Dep. 01:43 01:43 02:21  02:21  02:21  04:07  04:07  04:21  07:20 07:20 13:15 15:29 15:29 15:29 15:32 22:25


To Banjaluka Dep. 00:29

Bus schedule From Banjaluka Dep.


Ci t y  










09 : 30








LINZ (Wednesday,Sun day )






ZURICH (We dn esday,Sun day )






















May - September 2009



shoPPing Cosmetics Bozen Cosmetics C-2, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića

91, tel. 051 217 851, [email protected], Božen Cosmetics brings the unrivalled beauty of th e sea, its rippling depths and the h ealing properties of its miraculous algae in the form of soaps, body lotions, creams, oils and fragrances. A lovely place to buy gifts or pamper yourself.QOpen 08:00 - 20:00, Sat  08:00 - 16:00. Closed Sun. PJAD

CM Cosmetic Market D-1, Jevrejska 2, tel. 051 215 853, [email protected], Euro Dalia D-2, Veselina Masleše 3, tel. 051 229 780QOpen 08:00 - 20:00, Sat 08:00 - 16:00. Closed Sun. PTJAUG

Martimex D-2, Veselina Masleše 24, tel. 051 212 172. QOpen 08:00 - 21:00, Sat 09:00 - 16:00. Closed Sun. PTJAG

Vimkop H-1, Ivana Gorana Kovacica 9, tel. 051 320

960/051 320 961, fax 051 355 330, [email protected], info@vim, Hairdressers rs equipment and a Hairdresse ries, hair care, cosmetics and beaut y products.

Electronics, Computers & Gadgets ALF-OM A-3, Dr. Mladena Stojanovića 43-45, tel./

fax 051 300 113, tel. 051 301 248, [email protected],

Biscom D-2, Veselina Masleše 16, tel./fax 051 218 Lately, new shopping centres have sprung up about town and in the suburbs. If it’s high street shopping you’re after, after, you will find little in terms of choice other than a Spring field, Mango and Terranova Terranova in the main shopping street. It’s probably good to have a peek in some small family-run boutiques, where you can usually find someting special. If you will be cookin g during your stay, it’s best to head down to the fruit and vegetable vegetable market in the centre of town. town. Here you will find the freshest stock, dairy products, meat an d fish brought from the surrounding villages. The supermarkets also offer a good choic e of food and they  are widely available.

856, [email protected], Biscom

Artt & Antiques Ar Antiques

computers and laptops for induviduals and offices, amongst  all other bits and bobs. They also provide servicing and repairs. Q A 

Galerija Grad C-2, Bana Milosavljevića 8, tel. 051 380 589.

sells a variety of computers and laptops, alongside all other  equipement and gadets you might need while on your business trip in Banja Luka. It also offers servicing and repairs in case of emergency breakdown. It’s sister shop is located


Canon Shop D-2, Jevrejska 1, tel. 051 228 200/065 650 559, fax 051 228 201, [email protected]. Photography, cameras and video recorders.

Infocom C-3, Vase Pelagica 21, tel./fax 051 229 400, [email protected], This place sells

Galerija Kević C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5, Aleja svetog Save


Galerija likovnih umjetnosti RS C-1, Trg srpskih

Carapko Veselina Maslese. Perfectly

44, tel. 051 215 931.

 junaka 2, tel. 051 215 364.

Umjetnički atelje Pavić F-4, Braće Mažar 52, tel. 051 212 336.

Bookshops Cambridge Centre Bookshop C-1, Trg Trg srpskih srp skih junaka

4, tel. 051 221 731/051 221 731, bookshop@inecco. net, Although, mostly aimed  for students  for studen ts studying a foreign language you you can also come and buy literature and magazines in English, Italian and German.

Knjižara Kultura D-1, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 83, tel. 051 215 571. An excellent bookshop situated in the

city centre, cen tre, which also acts like a stationary stationary shop where you can find accessories for your office. Litera D-1, Jevrejska bb, tel. 051 218 577. QOpen 09:00 - 20:00, Sat 09:00 - 16:00. Closed Sun. PTJNG

Banjaluka In Your Po cket

located in the centre of the pedestrian high street, Carapko or similarly  translated as ‘The Sock Man’ is a perfect spot to stock up on accessories, shoes, lin gerie, hats, bags, socks, stockings stockings and so forth. More often then not, there is always something  special to pick up here in this pleasant, lit tle establishment.


Mango Veselina Maslese bb. Same

old story as the Mango you’ve got back home. This clothes store for women is of high-quality and chic style. If you need to pick up any  clothes cloth es for busine business, ss, banquets or a date, Mango surely won’t  dissappoint. Q PJAG

Flowers DMK-Danojević d.o.o. Zmaja Ognjenog Vuka 211,

tel. 051 379 999/065 524 452, fax 051 370 929, [email protected].


shoPPing Tamaris Company d.o.o. Jovana Raškovića 16, tel.

051 218 200/065 510 168, fax 051 216 457, info@,

Gifts & Souvenirs Duga’s Workshop & Ethno Gallery D-2, Srpska

14, tel. 051 315 882/051 312 208, fax 051 307 866, [email protected], Duga’s

314 460, [email protected], www.jacimovic. offering ng a broad assortmen t of  com. A modern sports store offeri Adidas clothes, clothes, spor t accessories and gear alongside other  well known brands.

Maxi G-1, Ivana Gorana Kovačića bb, tel. 051 312 500. QOpen 07:30 - 21:00, Sun 07:30 - 16:00. PTAUL GKXS

workshop and shop sells everything traditional and exclusive hand-made clothes and souvenirs from the region of  Republika Srpska. Srpska. Take Take a look at the th e selection selec tion of hand kni tted clothes, table cloth es, pillows, slippers slippers and dolls. This is the perfect place to pick up some gifts and souvenirs for your   family and friends back home. QOpen 09:00 - 20:00, Sat  09:00 - 17:00. Closed Sun. TJLG



Dragstor Sindi D-3, Srpska bb, tel. 051 304 174/051

Astina D-3, Ugao Vase Pelagica i Bana Lazarevica, tel.

you can pick up some basics at any time of day and night. Alcohol Alcoh ol is only sold sol d up to 10pm daily. daily. QOpen 00:00 - 24:00.

066 617 722/051 217 556, [email protected]. A  sassy, unique and hip jewellers selling a range of quality accessories made from natural materials carefully carefully handpicked  from Latin America and Asia. The jewellery is crafted from rare pink pearls, silver, semi precious stones and huayruro seeds from the amazon (a bright red seed, similar to a small bean) which are perfect for birthday and wedding gif ts.They  operate on a fair trade principal.QOpen 10:00 - 20:00, Sat  10:00 - 16:00. Closed Sun. PJAG

Goldsmiths Halić D-1, C-2, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 22, tel. 051 203 353.

Malbasic D-1, Veselina Maslese 17, tel. 051 229

616/051 228 591, fax 051 228 596, milena.vuletic@, A large selection of   jewellery, accessories  jewellery, acc essories and watches are available here from designer labels. QOpen 08:00 - 20:00, Sat 08:00 - 16:00. Closed Sun. PTJA 

Markets Pijaca Market D-1, Relje Krilatice bb. For the freshest of   fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy products and for a cheaper  price have a little snoop here. Q Open 08:00 - 15:00.


Music Artist d.o.o G-1, Ivana Gorana Kovačića 203a, tel. 051

370 627, fax fax 051 371 977, [email protected], w tist. ba. Pro audio equipment and musical instruments. QOpen 09:00 - 17:00, Sat 09:00 - 16:00. Closed Sun.

Shopping Malls Damjan D-1, Veselina Masleše 4, tel. 051 211 152, [email protected]. QOpen 09:00 - 21:00, Sat 09:00 - 20:00. Closed Sun. PTJAUG

C Market D-1, Trg Trg Krajine 2, tel. 051 211 034, fax 051 th e centre of town, inside the ‘Boska’ build217 369. Right in the

ing this supermarket sup ermarket offers offers a range of food supplies includin g  a butchers, fishmonger, dairy counter, bakers, fruit and vegetables stall, cosmetics and h ousehold appliances.

458 008. A small (and a little pricey) shopping centre where JAG

Hypermarket Interex Branka Popovića 41, tel. 051

321 240, [email protected], Along the main road out of Banja Luka towards Zaluzani, the hypermarket In terex sells a wide range of items such as food, beverages, hygiene, technology, fruit and vegetables, meat, and frozen products. The cheapest food store in Banja Luka.


Mercator C-4, C-5, Aleja Svetog Save bb, tel. 033 286

130/033 286 130, fax 033 711 610, mensud.lagumdzij [email protected] [email protected],, ww www.mercat Yet to be opene d later  this year in Banjaluka, Mercator is a new hypermarket from Slovenia which will feature a large supermarket and 40 shops and boutiques boutique s selling every everything thing from cosmetics, clothes and office of fice and home furni ture. Q PTAULGKX

Tempo H-1, Ivana Gorana Kovačića bb, www.tempowww.tempo- The biggest supermarket in town offers domestic and foreign foods, clothes, cosmetics and domesti c appliances.

Wines & Spirits Nektarr Brewery Nekta Brewer y Slatinska 8, tel. 051 334 100, info@, blpivar, ww www.banjaluc w.banjaluckapivar Banjaluka’s Brewery’s long tradition of producing b eer dates to 1873. Take a peek into the wonderful world of beer-making, where all the dif di ffere ferent nt ingredients in gredients and processes can be revealed. After which, you can have a pint of the freshest and tastiest  beer from the ci ty ty..

Wonderland C-2, Bana Lazarevica 22, tel. 065 922 954, [email protected], This place offers the finest of wines, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, cigars and chocolates

Department Store Boska D-1, Trg Krajine 2, tel. 051 308 803.

Juventa Sport F-3, Karađorđeva 83, tel. 051 212 904,

[email protected], info@jacimov, ww www.jacimov The largest  shopping center dedicated to both wholesale and retail of  sports equipment, arms and hunting equipment located in the district of Laus.

Kuca Sports D-2, Srpska 20, tel. 051 306 446/051

May - September 2009



direCtory Whatever you may need at any given time, or in case of  emergencies or any other matter you can find all addresses and numbers within our practical Directory.

UniCredit Zagrebačka Zagrebač ka banka d.d.B-3, Nikole Pašića


Volksbank AD D-1, Jevrejska bb, tel. 051 241 100,

Balkan Investment Bank AD C-2, Bana Milosavljevića

8, Branka Popovića bb, tel. 051 245 121, fax 051 245 122, [email protected], Balkan Investment  Bank AD Banja Luka - one one of the first firs t commercial banks in the Balkan region created on the foundation of foreign capital. Balkan Investmen t Bank AD Banja Luka is a mod modern, ern, dynamidynami cally developing bank. For the convenience of our clients we plan to open branches not only in other cities of th e Republic of Srpska, but also in other states of the former Yugoslavia. Well-developed partnership ties with European, Russian, and American colleagues allow us to offer our clients a full package of services in the Balkan and international markets which comply with their requirements and needs. QOpen 08:00 - 19:30, Sat 09:00 - 16:30. Closed Sun.

Hypo Alpe Adria Bank C-4, Aleja Svetog Save 13,

Ivana Frane Jukića 9, tel. 051 336 513, fax 051 336 516, [email protected], www.hypoSa t 08:00 - 13:00. QOpen 08:00 - 19:00, Sat Closed Sun.

Komercijalna Bank AD D-1, Veselina Masleše 6, tel.

051 244 728, fax 051 244 720, [email protected], Komercijalna jalna banka a.d. Banja Luka Komerci was founded founded as a universal bank for performance of its acti vities in accordance acc ordance with th e Law on banks of Republika Srpska. Srpska. Komercijalna banka a.d. Banja Luka focuses its business to providing quality and efficient efficient banking ser vice directed equally  to business banking and retail banking. The bank provides services of domestic an d international payment operations, exchange businesss, reception of cash deposits and other  cash assets, issuing of guarantees, letters of credit and oth er  types of surety, surety, issuing and management of paymen t assets, loans to legal entities and private individuals. Bank is included into SWIFT (the biggest world network for   financial transactions), and thus i t is able to execute execute all instruments of payment operations wi th abroad. Potential clients clients can expect that Komercijalna banka a.d. Banja Luka, whose moto shall be “ It is easier with us“, to provide the most quality  banking service and easier implementation of th eir business or individual goals. In other words to make their lives easier, and prettier as well. QOpen 08:00 - 19:00.

NLB Razvojna banka a.d. D-1, Kralja Petra I

Karađorđevića 85a, Milana Tepića 4, tel. 051 242 107, fax 051 242 192, [email protected], www. QOpen 08:00 - 19:00.

Nova banka a.d. D-1, Veselina Masleše 1/III, tel. 055 230 300, fax 055 201 410, [email protected],

Pro Credit Bank D-1, C-2, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića

91, tel. 051 229 340, fax 051 229 373, [email protected], ProCredit Bank d.d. is a commercial bank offering full range of banking services (for companies, organizations, and retail clients) at favorable terms. We are focused on providing full client service. Our shareholders are committed to a long term support to our Bank.

Raiffeisen Bank d.d D-2, Jevrejska bb, b b, Vase Pelagića 10, tel. 051 211 981/051 321 120,

Banjaluka In Your Po cket

38-40, Petra Kočića bb, tel. 051 319 053/051 300 945, [email protected], fax 051 241 133, [email protected], QOpen 08:00 - 17:00, Sat 08:30 - 13:00. Closed Sun.

Western Wes tern Union D-1, Trg Trg Krajine 2, RK Boska, tel. 051

220 800/080 020 404, Other  hot spots from Western Union money transfer: Aleja Svetog Save 13, Tel: Tel: 051 336 513 Kralja P. I Karadordev Karad ordevica ica 109, 1 09, Tel: Tel: 051 223 2 23 823 Cara Lazara 21, Tel: Tel: 051 432 934 I.F. Juki ca 9, Tel: 051 05 1 244 916 9 16

Zepter Komerc banka a.d. D-1, Jevrejska bb, tel. 051 241 100,

Business Services Aquarius Advertising d.o.o. Isidore Sekulić 22, tel.

051 220 760/051 220 750, fax 051 220 751, office@,

Medya Centar Marketing Agency F-3, Jovana

Dučića 41, tel. 051 326 481/051 326 480, office@, One of the leading marketing agency base d in Banja Luka.

Menadžer Ko. D-2, Kralja Alfonsa Alfon sa XIII 49a, tel. 051 333 500, fax 051 333 533, [email protected], www. The company has a clear development vi-

sion, doing business profitably with continuously growth. I ts strategic development is focused on continuous investment  and monitoring new technolog y in particular telecommunicatelecommunications, printed media and WEB, which enables faster, more efficient ef ficient an d cheaper admission, data processing and data delivery.. Our main activi ty is admission, data processing and delivery commercial placement of various information, for both legal and private par ties. VAS VAS SMS and Premium rate services ser vices are new steps in our development.

Partner Marketing Consulting Agency A-2, Dragise

Vasica 1a, tel. 051 318 839, fax 051 318 853, [email protected], PARTNER Marketing Consulting Agency, Banja Luka is a full-service research agency, qualified and experienced in both qualitative and quantitative studies. Its expertise includes determination of research goals goals (in cooperation wi th the Client), questionnaire design and guide developing, sample design, briefing  of all involved staff, fieldwork, data collection, data coding  and entry, data processing, advanced statistical analyses, reporting, presenting of results, providing continuous research plans and strategic backup for planned actions, as well as evaluation of achievements, communication with general public and professional bodies. Partner’s professional experience encompasses more than 150 research projects in domains of social sector sec tor,, market research (both consum er  and retail), media studies, politics, economics, advertising, government gov ernment insti tutions, business environment, information technology, etc.

Translating Agency Oxford Oxf ord Centre D-3, Nikole Pašića 9, tel. 051 308 150/065 925 935, fax 051 301 550, [email protected], info@ox, ww www.oxford-ce Ox-

 ford Translation a translation agency agenc y - is located locate d in Banjaluka, BiH, but collaborates with professionals and delivers services worldwide. The scope of ser vices encompass full translation translation


direCtory and interpretation services, rendered at various seminars, symposiums, congresses and works workshops. hops.

Translation Agency “Gama Prevodi” C-3, B-3,

Gundulićeva 78/18, tel./fax 051 304 602, info@, Provides translation and interpreting services.

Translators Vladike Varnave Nastića 77, tel. 051

French Consulate A-4, Dr. Mladena Stojanovića 1, tel. 051 303 925, fax 051 303 928. German Consulate A-3, Dr. Mladena Stojanovića 1, tel. 051 303 925, fax 051 303 928, Serbian Consulate Vuka Karadžića 6, tel. 051 227 060, fax 051 227 040. The United States of America Consulate F-3, Jovana Dučića 5, tel. 051 211 500, fax 051 211 775.

312 601.

Foreign Institutes


British Council MESP Centre Banjaluka Kasarna Ko-

Eronet HT , tel. 039 663 300, korisnicka.sluzba@, Mobi’s A-3, M. Stojanovića 4, tel. 051 330 100. Mobile network provider.

zara Kraljice Marije bb, mesp.banjaluka@britishcouncil. ba, The British Council is the United Kingdom’s international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations.


In Bosnia and Herzegovina we are working to meet the aspirations of young Bosnians by creating opportunities in education, English language learning and cultural exchange. We work with our partners, both Bosnian and British, to showcase British excellence, innovation inn ovation and creativi ty. We We are a major channel for the UK’s public diplomacy in Bosnia and Herzegovina - putting Bosnian people in touch with people in the UK. We work for for the benefi t of the individual indi vidual and for for the mutual benefi t of Britain and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

tel. 051 303 412.

Croatian Cultural Centre D-1, Kralja Petra I

Telekom Srpske Srp ske a.d. C-2, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 93, tel. 051 240 250, fax 051 217 995, marketing.dir@,

Dry Cleaner Cleaners s Hemijska čistionica A-3, Dr. Mladena Stojanovića Hemijska čistionica AD-1 s.z.r. F-3, M. Popovića bb, Hemijska čistionica Jaćimović D-2, C-3, Vase Pelagića 34, tel. 051 301 738.

Education Academy of Arts D-4, D-5, S. Kovačevića bb, tel. 051 316 292, ww w.aubl .org.

Cambridge Centre School of English D-1, C-2, Kralja

Petra I Karađorđevića 103, tel. 051 221 730, fax 051 221 731, [email protected]. College of Modern Management B-2, A-3, I krajiškog kropusa bb, tel. 051 322 852, fax 051 322 851, [email protected], Dialogos Language Centre C-2, Aleja Sv. Save 7a, Vase Pelagića 58, tel. 051 321 220/051 321 222, [email protected],

QOpen 09:00 - 13:00 / 16:00 - 20:00, Sat 09:00 - 14:00. Closed Sun.

Language Studio Byblos D-1, C-2, Kralja Petra I

Karađorđevića 119, tel. 051 215 012/065 988 808, fax 051 357 475, [email protected], www.studioww Centre for Foreign Languages: english, german, italian, spanish, herbew, russian, greek , arab, chinese and  japanese.

Music School “Vlado Milošević” F-3, Jovana Dučića

23, tel. 051 214 786, Studio Lingua School of German D-1, C-2, Ulica Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 103, tel. 065 760 760, fax 051 213 061, [email protected], University of Banja Luka C-5, Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovića 1A, tel. 051 321 171, fax 051 315 694, uni-bl@ un i-bl@, t, ww www.unib

Embassies & Consulates Austrian Consulate F-3, Jovana Dučića 52, tel. 051

Karađorđevića 87, tel. 051 219 329, hkc-banjaluka@,

Institut Francais en Bosnie-Herzegovine F-4,

Simeuna Đaka 6, tel. 051 219 238, fax 051 214 079, [email protected], ccf-banjaluka/. The French Institute provide information on French culture though a variety of projects: evening film screenings, concerts, art exhibitions, language lessons for  children and adults, French literature lectures, cooking classes and much more. QOpen 09:00 - 13:00 / 18:00 - 21:00. Closed Sat, Sun.

Hairr & Beauty  Hai Beaut y  Barberss Studio Relax F-3, Sime Matavulja 6, tel. 051 Barber

Hairdressers essers for men only with studios around th e 216 255. Hairdr city: Petra I Karađorđevića 86 Phone:051 211 354 Bana Milosavljevića 36 Phone:051 313 948 Dr. Mladena Stojanovića 11 Phone:051 345 141  Hair & Cosmetic Studio Solace D-1, C-2, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 98, tel. 065 472 614. Hairdressers Salon Đurić C-2, Bana Milosavljevića 16, tel. 051 212 514. Hairdressers Salon Mira s.z.r. C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5, Aleja svetog Save 46, tel. 051 217 215. Hairdressers Salon Relax D-1, Milana Tepića bb, tel. 051 216 624. Also studios of the same name: Jevrejska 6 Phone:051 315 534 Sime Matavulja 6 Phone:051 216 255

Hemel Beauty Centre D-1, Jevrejska 1, tel. 051 227

555, [email protected], Montana-Dermatolaser studio D-1, Milana Tepića 6, tel. 051 226 020/065 587 492, fax 051 226 021, [email protected]. Laser treatments, dermatologist.

311 144.

British Embassy F-4, Simeuna Đaka 8, tel./fax 051

212 395, [email protected], www.britishembassy. Croatian General Consulate H-3, Milana Kranovića 1, tel. 051 305 100, fax 051 304 000.

May - September 2009



direCtory Ministries Agriculture, Agricultur e, Forestr Forestryy and Water Water Management B-3,

Trg Republike Srpske Srp ske 1, Zgrada Vlade, tel. 051 338 415, [email protected], [email protected], ww www.vlad Defence B-3, Trg Republike Srpske 1, Zgrada Vlade, tel. 051 311 858, Economic Relations B-3, Trg Republike Srpske 1, Zgrada Vlade, tel. 051 339 324, [email protected]. net, w ww.vladars.n et. Economy, Energy and Development B-3, Trg Trg Republike Srpske 1, Zgrada Vlade, tel. 051 339 581, mper@, Education and Culture B-3, Trg Republike Srpske 1, Zgrada Vlade, tel. 051 338 461, [email protected],

Environment, Construction and Spatial Planning

B-3, Trg Trg Republike Srpske Srp ske 1, Zgrada Vlade, tel. 051 339 592, [email protected], Finance B-3, Trg Republike Srpske 1, Zgrada Vlade, tel. 051 339 155/051 331 350, [email protected], Foreign Affairs B-3, Trg Republike Srpske 1, Zgrada Vlade, tel. 051 338 642, [email protected], www. Health and Social Welfare B-3, Trg Republike Srpske 1, Zgrada Vlade, 7th Floor, tel. 051 339 486, fax 051 339 665, [email protected], www.pcuhealth ww, .org, Interior B-3, Trg Trg Republike Srpske Srp ske 1, Zgrada Vlade, tel. 051 338 478, [email protected], www.vladars. net. Justice B-3, Trg Republike Srpske 1, Zgrada Vlade, tel. 051 339 535/051 331 582, [email protected], Labour, Family and Social Affairs B-3, Trg Trg Republike Repu blike Srpske 1, Zgrada Vlade, tel. 051 338 602/051 338 332, [email protected], Public Administration B-3, Trg Republike Srpske 1, Zgrada Vlade, tel. 051 339 545, [email protected]. net, w ww.vladars.n et. Science and Technology B-3, Trg Republike Srpske 1, Zgrada Vlade, tel. 051 338 731, [email protected]. net, w ww.vladars.n et. Trad radee and Tourism B-3, Trg Trg Republike Republ ike Srpske 1, Zgrada Vlade, tel. 051 338 769, [email protected], www. Transport Trg Republike Srpske 1, Zgrada Vlade, tel. 051 339 603, [email protected], www.vladars. net.

Health Acupuncturist Dr. Botao B-2, Pave Radana 15, tel. 051 317 534. Acupuncture.

Centre for the Rehabilitation of hearing and speech Jovana Raškovića 28a, tel. 051 214 491. Deamedica Health Centre B-2, Pave Radana 57, tel.

051 309 221, fax 051 309 222, [email protected]. Orientation: surgical, internal, g ynecolog y, cardiac, pediatric, skin, orthopedic, urology, psychiatric and neurological. Ultrasound Sec tion and laboratory.

Dental Studio Kostadinović C-1, Vidovdanska bb,

tel./fax 051 213 312, tel. 065 528 403, kostadinovic@ Dental Surgery D-2, D-3, Srpska 101, tel./fax 051 314 860, tel. 065 687 987, [email protected]. Dental Surgery Dr. Milan Vujnović Mileševska 33, tel./fax 051 469 884, tel. 065 922 511. QOpen 00:00

Banjaluka In Your Po cket

- 24:00. Emergency services 24 hours.

Eye Doctor / Optician Dr. Bjelic B-2, Prvog Kra jiskog korpusa 60, tel. 051 306 955/051 306 100. Eye doctor and opticians for all emergencies, operations and eye tests.

Fizio Medik (Physiotheraphy) N. Tesle Tesle 1, tel. tel . 051 230 700/065 417 139, fax 051 281 394. Physiotherapists.

Ultra sound, check ups, therapies, massages, chinese therapies, thermo therapies, laser therapies, anti-cellulite programmes. QOpen 08:00 - 13:00 / 17:00 - 20:00.

Gynecology Surgery Jelena F-3, Jovana Dučića 47, tel. 051 324 310, fax 051 302 669, [email protected], Childrens Home Rada Vranješević F-4, Filipa Macure 25, tel. 051 461 928. Intermedik d.o.o. F-4, Braće Mažar i Majke Marije 3, Karađorđeva 49, tel. 051 216 711/051 213 404, interintersurgery and chemists. [email protected]. Doctor’s surgery Ortooptic d.o.o. D-1, Veselina Masleše 3, tel. 051 213 097/065 544 545, fax 051 213 099, beloptic@ Opticians. Pharmacy Apoteka Hypericum F-3, Karađorđeva 29, tel. 051 311 755. Pharmacy Apoteka Omega Medika D-2, C-3, Vase Pelagića 6, tel. 051 312 140. Pharmacy Moje Apoteke D-2, Veselina Maslese bb. Pharmacy Palas D-1, C-2, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 60, tel. 051-222-860. QOpen 07:30 - 16:00, Sat 08:00 - 15:00. Closed Sun.

Polyclinic “Nova Medicina” F-3, Zdravka Korde 3, tel. 051 217-171, fax 051 215 384. QOpen 10:00 - 12:00 / 15:00 - 18:00.

Psiholosko Savjetovaliste (Psychology) D-1, C-2,

Kralja Petra i Karadorcevica 113-115, tel. 051 347 431. Counsellors and psychologists for all related depression, stress and social problem illnesses. QOpen 17:00 - 20:00. Closed Sat, Sun.

Hospitals Clinical Centre / Paprikovac Hospital F-2, 12 beba

bb, tel. 051 342 100/051 348 150, fax 051 310 530, [email protected], The main hospital in Banja Luka contains a maternity ward, a children’s ward, and clinics for all illnesses and diseases. There is also an emergency service. Q TULGK

Hitna Pomoc (Emergency Help Hospital) F-3, Sime Matavulja bb. Q ULG

Insurance Companies BOBAR Insurance D-1, C-2, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 103, tel. 052 215 770, [email protected], www.bobar. com. The basic businesses are: insurance, banking, engineering, trading, tourism, trading with oil, car vehicle inspection, international transportation, agricultural business, graphic industry, mass media, etc.

Bosne Sunce Insurance B-2, I Krajiškog Korpusa bb,

tel. 051 344 650/051 344 656, fax 051 344 663, www. ww w. Grawe Insurance D-1, C-2, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 109/2, tel. 051 222 960, fax 051 222 951, office. [email protected], Kosig Dunav Insurance D-2, Veselina Masleše 28, tel. 051 246 100/051 246 101, fax 051 211 686, [email protected], Krajina Kopaonik Insurance A-3, M. Stojanovića 111, tel. 051 306 078. Second Office: Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 103 Phone:051 215 262


direCtory Media Alternative Television C-3, Gunduliceva 33, tel. 051

348 248/051 320 720, fax 051 320 721, atv@inecco. net, BIG Radio , tel. 051 212 700, marketing@bigradiobl. sport  t  com, w Focuses on news stories, spor and music programming.

Foto Klik s.z.r. A-3, M. Stojanovića 95, tel. 051 317 624. Photographers.

Glas Srpske Newspaper F-4, Skendera Kulenovića bb,

Halo oglasi - Mas Media d.o.o. D-2, C-3, Vase

Pelagića 19, tel. 051 222 222/065 445 544, fax 051 222 220, [email protected], www.halo-oglasi. publica tion of free small ads com. Halo Oglasi consists of the publication

Features latest news, sport, entertainment and a mixture of modern music. Tune in on 88.4 MHz Banja Luka.

Novi Reporter F-4, Duška Koščice 49, tel. 051 229

922, fax 051 324 611, [email protected], A magazine focusing on economy, politics, culture and sport.

Pink Televis Television ion C-2, Kralja Petra I Karadordevica 103,

tel. 051 217 898/051 217 900, fax 051 217 899, www. ww w. Pink BH is a leading television broadcasting  company in Bosnia and H erzegovi erzegovina na (BiH) that delivers highquality enter tainment, news and informational programming  programming  to the viewing audience. Although a relatively new entrant, Pink BH has nonetheless quickly become a competitive force driving and shaping the commercial television television market.

Radio Television Television Republika Srpska B-3, Olimpijskih

in the area of sales, purchase, rent and exchange of goods and services, advertising ad vertising and other commercial and business entities. enti ties. The newspaper is printed weekly with a circulation of  8,000 copies, copies, and distribu tion of newspapers is done in the territory of Republic of Srpska and the Federation of BiH.

Pobjednika, Uno Radio D-1, Veselina Masleše br, tel. 051 218 530, fax 051 321 951. Presents news stories, entertainment and

bb, tel. 051 306 540/065 809 753, fax 051 309 349, [email protected],

86a, tel./fax 051 215 900, tel. 065 938 298, womenfocusing on heal th [email protected]. A magazine for women focusing

Hard Rock Cafe Radio 102,7 MHz D-3, Gunduliceva

cultural events in the region. Tune in i n on 107.5 FM Banja Luka.

Women Maga Magazine zine D-1, C-2, Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića

As the name proudly sug gests, this radio radio presents the best  in rock music. Tune in on 102.7 Mhz 

issues, family life, etc.

Kadrovski Centar Human Resources F-3, Jovana


Dučića 41, tel. 0 51 326 482, fax 051 326 481, of [email protected], www.kadrovskicentar. com. Effective management of human resources for the

Dita d.o.o. H-1, Srednjoškolska 18, tel. 051 353 113. Montgraf d.o.o. D-1, Jevrejska bb, tel. 051 211 992.

importan ce of development importance development and successful success ful operations within every company.

Reall Estate Rea Esta te

051 331 800/051 331 850, fax 051 331 810, desk@, A newspaper 

Karađorđevića 74, tel. 051 223 590/065 718 665, fax 051 223 592, [email protected], Real Estate Senzor D-2, Veselina Masleše 1/9, tel./ fax 051 211 684, tel. 065 525 553, [email protected]. Real Estate Sezam d.o.o. D-2, Đ. Daničića 6, tel. 051 310 994, fax 051 310 017, sezamnekretnine@teleklik. net,

Nesavisne Newspaper H-2, Brace Pišteljic 1, tel. about news, sport, travel, events, economics, Banja Luka and Sarajevo culture.

Nes Radio , tel. 051 331 879,

Real Estate Popović D-1, C-2, Kralja Petra I

Touris ouristt Of O ffic fices es Tourist Organisation of the City of Banja Luka C-2,

Bana Lazarevića 6, tel. 051 349 910, fax 051 349 912, [email protected],

Travel A genci gencies es Adriatica Line Travel Agency C-3, B-4, Gundulićeva

78, tel. 051 307 582, fax 051 307 580, adriatica.line@, The travel agency  organises individual and group travel throughout Europe and around the world, family holidays, winter holidays, city  breaks and flight tickets tickets.. QOpen 10:00 - 17:00, Sat 10:00 - 14:00. Closed Sun.

Air Srpska D-1, Veselina Masleše 20/2, tel. 051 211 186/051 213 262, fax 051 211 182, reservation@

Banjaluka telephone code cod e is +387 51  51

May - September 2009




Euroline Travel Agency D-1, C-2, Kralja Petra I

spare parts for vehicles of European manufactures such as VW, AUDI, OPEL, O PEL, FORD, MERCEDES, BMW, B MW, PEUGEOT PEU GEOT,, RENAUL REN AULT T, CITROEN, FIAT and ZASTAVA.

Luka is established on the 23.06.2004. We have major subagency contracts wi th the leading travel agencies in Europe Europe as well as those in the regions of Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia. We specialize in European and overseas travel, plane ticket sales, organization of congresses and fairs and cultural manifestations as well as sport events and matches anywhere anywh ere in the world.

Mail & Phones

Karađorđevića 97, tel. 051 225 220/051 225 221, fax 051 225 222, [email protected], www. “Euroline Travel” agency in Banja

Sebastian Travel Agency D-1, C-2, Kralja Petra I

Karađorđevića 99a, tel. 051 224 030/051 218 998, [email protected], Splendid Travel d.o.o D-1, Veselina Maslese 4, tel./ fax 051 218 392, [email protected], Star Travel D-1, Jevrejska 6, tel. 051 213 705/051 220 500, fax 051 213-600, [email protected]. Zepter Passport D-1, Veselina Maslese 8, tel. 051 213 394, fax 051 229 852, [email protected], Zepter Passport has directed an important part of its acti vities into the tourist servic es for  for   foreign tourists who come to BiH. It is the fact that BiH has been omitted from the list of tourist destinations in Europe in the last fifteen years. However, rich and various culturalhistorical heritages, well preserved natural beauties and well known hospitality of the p eople, have brought BiH back to the tourist map of Europe. Zepter Passport focuses on ad venture, excursions, exc ursions, day trips trips and sporting a ctiviti ctivities es on the beau tiful grounds of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Vehicl ehicle e Repair  Try the following num bers if you require any sort of repairs or services for your vehicle: Internet Services D-1, Jevrejska bb, lamela

3/II, tel. 051 240 830, fax 051 240 83, [email protected], BLIC.NET ET d.o.o is the leading Internet service BLIC.N provider in the Republic of Srpska.

Cityexpress d.o.o. E-3, Majke Jugovića 24, tel. 051 466 999. Mail delivery servi ces in Banja Luka. DHL expo d.o.o. D-4, D-5, Bulevar vojvode Živojina Mišića 2, tel. 051 329 900. DHL mail and parcels express delivery.

Internet Club Sani-Pan d.o.o. D-2, Veselina Masleše 3, tel. 051 220 051.

(Post Office) Pošte srpske a.d. D-1, Kralja Petra I

Karađorđevića 93, tel. 051 211 336, fax 051 211 304, nebojsa.balaban@sr [email protected], m, ww www.srpskepos w.srpskeposte. te. Other er post offices offices are also located at th e following following adcom. Oth dresses: Cara Lazara bb in Oblicevo district and Jug Bogdana bb in Starcevica district. Q JUG

Important numbers Emergency Numbers Fire - 123 Medical Emergency - 124 Police - 122 Roadside Emergency - 1282 / 1288

Other Numbers

Mahovljani Airp ort - 051 535 210 / 211 962 Bus Station - 051 315 355 / 315 867  Train Station - 051 301 229 University o f Banja Luka - 051 212 066

Miskic - 051 385 225 Vidovic - 051 318 722 Sina d.o.o - 051 389 150

Auto Milovanović d.o.o. F-3, Dušana Subotića 6,

tel. 051 228 523/051 228 521, fax 051 228 522, [email protected], www.automilovanovic. com. Services: Carwash Euro Benz d.o.o. Desanke Maksimović bb, tel. 051 433 330/065 513 136, fax 051 433 333. De-Mi promet d.o.o. Put srpskih branilaca bb, tel. 051 386 170/065 659 719, fax 051 386 168, auto-demi@,, ww www.demia The company distributes

Banjaluka In Your Po cket


street register

Aleja Svetog Save C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5 Alekse Dundica F-3 Bana dr Todora Todora Lazarevica C-2, D-2, D-3 Bana Milosavljevica C-2 Banijska F-1  Beogradska D-4 Boze Varicaka A-4 Bore Stankovica C-3, C-4 Branka Majstorovica F-4 Branka Radicevica C-1  Brace I sestara Glumac C-3 Brace Pantica F-3 Bulevar vojvode Zivojina Misica D-4, D-5, H-3 Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovica C-5, D-5, E-5 Bulevar vojvode Stepanovica E-4, E-5 Bulevar vojvode Stepe Stepanovica G-4 Bulevar Srpske Vojske A-5, B-5 Cara Lazara G-4 Carice Milice G-4 Cerska G-4 Cetvrti prigradski put H-4 Cetrneste srednjobosanske brigade A-3, G-2 Dositeja Obradovica D-3, E-3 Dragise Vasica A-2, A-3

Dr Jovana Raskovica F-2, F-3 Dr Velimira Colica F-2 Dr Vojislava – Dede Kecmanovica H-4 Dr Mladena Stojanovica B-2, B-3, A-3, A-4 Federika Grsije Lorke B-1  Frana Supila A-5 Gajeva D-1  Gavre Vuckovica D-3 Gorana Radulovica Bimbe E-2, D-2 Gradski most E-1  Gradski Park D-1  Grcka C-1  Gunduliceva D-3, C-3, B-4 Hercegnovska G-1  Ivana Gorana Kovacica G-1, H-1  Ivanu Franje Jukica D-2 Ive Lole Ribara D-1  Isalje Mitrovica E-1  Janka Veselinovica A-4, H-2 Jevrejska D-1, D-2, D-3 Jovana Ducica C-1  Jug Bogdana H-4, G-4 Knezopoljska C-5 Kninska D-1  Knjaza Milosa H-1  Kordunska D-5 Krajiskih brigada A-1, F-3, F-2, G-2, G-1 

Kralja Alfonsa XIII D-2, D-3 Kralja Petra Prvog Karadordevica E-1, D-1, C-2, B-2, B-3, A-3 Majke Jugovica G-4 Majke Knezopoljke D-3, D-4 Masarikova A-2 Milana Radmana A-2, A-3 Milana Rakica E-2, E-3 Milana Tepica D-1  Mise Stupara C-4, C-5 Nedeljka Cabrinovica A-1, A-2 Nikole Pasica D-3, C-3 Nikole Tesle C-1  Novice Carovica D-3 Njegoseva A-2, G-1, G-2 Olimpijskih pobjednik B-3, B-4 Omladinska F-3, F-4 Pave Radana A-2, B-2 Patre E-1  Petra Kocica B-2, B-3, A-3 Petra Preradovica B-1  Petra Radenovica B-1  Prote N. Kostica H-1  Prvog Krajiskog korpusa B-2, B-3, A-3 Ravnogorska A-2 Rade Vranjesevic D-5 Ranka Milicevica A-2

Rebrovacki most E-5 Save Kovacevica D-4, D-5 Save Mrkalja C-1  Simeuna Daka F-4 Svetozara Markovica B-2 Slobodana Jovanovica A-1  Srpska D-2, D-3 Srpskih pilota B-1, A-2, Tarasa Sevcenka B-1, A-1  Teodora Kolokotronisa E-1  Tina Ujevica A-2 Trive Ameli ce G-2, G-1  Trg Krajine D-1  Trg palih boraca C-2 Trg srpskih vladara C-2 Trg srpskih junaka C-1  Tromede G-1  Urosa Predica D-3 Vase Glusca D-3 Vase Pelagica D-2 Venecija most E-3 Veselina Maslese D-1, D-2 Vidovdanska C-1, C-2 Vladike Platona C-3, B-3 Vojvode R. Putnika D-3 Zdrave Korde F-3

May - September 2009



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