Short Description
1. WHAT IS ELECTROSTATICS? Electrostatics is the branch of Physics, hich !eals ith static electric char"es or char"es at rest. #. WHAT IS $RICTIO%AL ELECTRICIT&? The electricity 'ro!(ce! by friction is calle! frictional electricity. If the char"es in a bo!y !o not )o*e, then, the frictional electricity is also +non as Static Electricity. 3. STATE THE APPLICATIONS OF PROPERTIES OF ATTRACTION &
REPLSIO% O$ CHAR-ES? The 'ro'erty of attraction an! re'(lsion b eteen char"e! bo!ies ha*e )any a''lications s(ch as electrostatic 'aint s'rayin", 'o!er coatin", flyash collection in chi)neys, in+/et 'rintin" an! 'hotostat co'yin" 0ero23 etc. 4. WHAT ARE CO%5CTORS 6 I%SLATORS? -I7E EA8PLES 9o!ies hich allo the char"es to 'ass thro("h are calle! con!(ctors. e.". )etals, h()an bo!y, Earth etc. 9o!ies hich !o not allo the char"es to 'ass thro("h are calle! ins(lators. e.". "lass, )ica, ebonite, 'lastic :(antisation of electric char"e; The f(n!a)ental (nit of electric char"e 0e3 is the cha r"e carrie! by the electron an! its (nit is co(lo)b. e has the )a"nit(!e 1.< = 1>1 C. In nat(re, the electric char"e of any syste) is alays an inte"ral )(lti'le of the least a)o(nt of char"e. It )eans that the @(antity can ta+e only one of the !iscrete set of *al(es. The char"e, @ ne here n is an inte"er. 5. WRITE NOTE ON QUANTISATION OF ELECTRIC CHARGE
.5E$I%E ELECTRIC $IEL5 I%TE%SIT& Electric fiel! at a 'oint is )eas(re! in ter)s of electric fiel! intensity. Electric fiel! intensity at a 'oint, in an electric fiel! is !efine! as the force e2'erience! by a (nit 'ositi*e char"e +e't at that 'oint. It is a *ector @(antity. E $J@. The (nit of electric fiel! intensity is % C1. 11.5E$I%E ELECTRIC LI%ES O$ $ORCE. The conce't of fiel! lines as intro!(ce! by 8ichael $ara!ay as an ai! in *is(aliKin" electric an! )a"netic fiel!s. Electric line of
force is an i)a"inary strai"ht or c(r*e! 'ath alon" hich a (nit 'ositi*e char"e ten!s to )o*e in an electric fiel!. 1#. STATE THE PROPERTIES O$ ELECTRIC LI%ES O$ $ORCE. 0i3 Lines of force start fro) 'ositi*e char"e an! ter)inate at ne"ati*e char"e. 0ii3 Lines of force ne* er intersect. 0iii3 The tan"ent to a line of force at any 'oint "i*es the !irection of the electric fiel! 0E3 at that 'oint. 0i*3 The n()ber of lines 'er (nit area, thro("h a 'lane at ri"ht an"les to the lines, is 'ro'ortional to the )a"nit(!e of E. This )eans that, here the lines of force are close to"ether, E is lar"e an! here they are far a'art, E is s)all. 0*3 Each (nit 'ositi*e char"e "i*es rise to 1 o lines of force in free s'ace. Hence n()ber of lines of force ori"inatin" fro) a 'oint char"e @ is % @ in free s'ace. 13. DEFINE ELECTRIC DIPOLE.GIVE EXAMPLES.
To e@(al an! o''osite char"es se'arate! by a *ery s)all !istance constit(te an electric !i'ole. Water, a))onia, carbon!io2i!e an! chlorofor) )olec(les are so)e e2a)'les of 'er)anent electric !i'oles 14.5E$I%E 5IPOLE 8O8E%T.WRITE EPRESSIO%,%IT. The )a"nit(!e of the !i'ole )o)ent is "i*en by the 'ro!(ct of the )a"nit(!e of the one of the char"es an! the !istance beteen the). Electric !i'ole )o)ent, ' @#! or #@!. It is a *ector @(antity an! acts fro) M@ to @. The (nit of !i'ole )o)ent is C ). 1.5E$I%E TOR:E EPERIE%CE5 9& ELECTRIC 5IPOLE? The )a"nit(!e of tor@(e is, N One of the forces 2 'er'en!ic(lar !istance beteen the forces $ 2 #! sin @E 2 #! sin 'E sin 0@ = #! P3 %ote ; If the !i'ole is 'lace! in a non(nifor) electric fiel! at an an"le , in a!!ition to a tor@(e, it also e2'eriences a force. 16. DEFINE ELECTRIC POTENTIAL ENERGY OF AN ELECTRIC DIPOLE
Electric 'otential ener"y of an electric !i'ole in an electrostatic fiel! is the or+ !one in rotatin" the !i'ole to the !esire! 'osition in the fiel!. 1F.5ESCRI9E THE WORI%- O$ 8ICROWA7E O7E%. It is (se! to coo+ the foo! in a short ti)e. When the o*en is o'erate!, the )icroa*es are "enerate!, hich in t(rn 'ro!(ce a non (nifor) oscillatin" electric fiel!. The ater )olec(les in the foo! hich are the electric !i'oles are e2cite! by an oscillatin" tor@(e. Hence fe bon!s in the ater )olec(les are bro+en, an! heat ener"y is 'ro!(ce!. This is (se! to coo+ foo!. The 'otential !ifference beteen to 'oints in an electric fiel! is !efine! as the a)o(nt of or+ !one in )o*in" a (nit 'ositi*e char"e fro) one 'oint to the other a"ainst the electric force. The (nit of 'otential !ifference is *olt 18. DEFINE POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE.
The 'otential !ifference beteen to 'oints is 1 *olt if 1 /o(le of or+ is !one in )o*in" 1 Co(lo)b of char"e fro) one 'oint to another a"ainst the electric force. 1!. DEFINE THE UNIT OF POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE. "#. DEFINE ELECTRIC POTENTIAL.
The electric 'otential in an electric fiel! at a 'oint is !efine! as the a)o(nt of or+ !one in )o*in" a (nit 'ositi*e char"e fro) infinity to that 'oint a"ainst the electric forces. #1.5E$I%E ELECTRIC POTE%TIAL E%ER-&. The electric 'otential ener"y of to 'oint char"es is e@(al to the or+ !one to asse)ble the char"es or or+!one in brin"in" each char"e or or+ !one in brin"in" a char"e fro) infinite !istance
##. 5E$I%E E:IPOTE%TIAL SR$ACE, If all the 'oints of a s(rface are at the sa)e electric 'otential,then the s(rface is calle! an e@(i'otential s(rface .If the char"e is to be )o*e! beteen any to 'oints on an e@(i'otential s(rface thro("h any 'ath, the or+ !one is Kero. #B.5E$I%E ELECTRIC $L The electric fl(2 is !efine! as the total n()ber of electric lines of force, crossin" thro("h the "i*en area. E . !s #4.5E$I%E -ASSGS LAW -a(ssGs la states that the total fl(2 of the electric fiel! E o*er any close! s(rface is e@(al to1Jo ti)es the net char"e enclose! by the s(rface. @Jo #.5E$I%E ELECTROSTATIC SHEIL5I%- Electrostatic sheil!in" is the 'rocess of isolatin" a certain re"ion of s'ace fro) e2ternal fiel!. It is base! on the fact that electric fiel! insi!e a con!(ctor is Kero. #
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