Balrogs and Bagginses

December 5, 2016 | Author: Scott James Findley | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Roleplaying in the Middle earth using 1est edition rules of DnD...


Balrogs and Bagginses Rules for Middle Earth adventures based on the Dungeons and Dragons family of games

N ote: this volume is not a c omplete game; players will require ac c ess to one or more previously published editions of Basic and/or A dvanc ed D &D for desc riptions of spells and some monsters 1st draft edition — N ov 14th, 2012 Please do not re-distribute without permission from the author Please do send c omments and c orrec tions To c ontac t the author, message user ‘Lars D angly’ at



ABOUT THE GAME Balrogs and Bagginsess (‘B&B’) is a set of rules for table-top roleplaying in the world of Tolkein’s Middle Earth. The game is based closely on the mechanics and statistics of the Original, Basic and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons family of games (O, B and AD&D). These games are widely available, understood and loved, and the author believes they present an excellent (if often unappreciated) format for adventure roleplaying in Middle Earth. B&B can be thought of as a short set of conversion notes for Middle Earth campaigns using the spells, monsters, magic items and other materials available through previous Dungeons and Dragons games. Nevertheless, B&B differs in several important respects from published editions of D&D: most noticeably, it lacks rigidly defined character classes, replacing them instead with the more flexible and setting-appropriate notions of ‘roles’, which are more flexible concepts that combine character race, homeland and occupation. Also, characters do not have alignments; instead ‘traits’ provide the mechanism for describing a character’s loves, hates and other passions. The list of spells available in the game and sorts of characters capable of learning them differ from official editions of D&D. There are a number of smaller and greater changes in the rules governing attack, defense, spell casting, saving throws, healing and other detailed mechanical issues. Noteworthy influences include Pendragon, Prince Valiant, The Fantasy Trip, Tunnels and Trolls, and 3rd and 4th (and even 5th) edition D&D. Nevertheless, most of these changes are transparent during play: the actual flow of action and most of the rolls made during a game closely resemble early editions of D&D. Two things about these rules may be controversial (at least, among those interested to read them!): Many gamers believe magic in Middle Earth should be subtle and mostly out of the hands of player characters. I believe the action and spirit of the books are actually captured quite well by the magic of D&D, provided one judiciously prunes the spell lists to remove powers that are clearly out of step with the setting and re-organizes into groups of powers that resemble iconic character types in the stories. A more technical argument might be made with my choice to make B&B compatible with Basic and Advanced D&D rather than one of the more tightly engineered modern editions. This comes down to a question of taste: the author is old, mentally frayed and prone to nostalgia, and so pre-3rd edition forms of the game are a natural personal choice. These editions also have a more whimsical tone and flexible approach to rules. I believe both of these characteristics can help gaming groups explore their understanding of Tolkien’s worlds through free-form roleplaying rather than a rigid set of mechanics. Note that in making this choice I’ve forced on the readers the long-debated descending scale for armor class used in pre-3rd editions of D&D. If this is simply too difficult or aesthetically distasteful for you to accept, I’m giving you one last chance to set down this book or close your pdf reader and walk away. The monsters, spells and magic items for Balrogs and Bagginses are directly from or closely patterned after previous editions of Basic and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. This mechanical compatibility with previous editions means groups can freely import incorporate content from previous editions consistent with their own vision of the setting. Shambling mounds in the Old Forest? Lurker’s Above in the Underdeeps? A deck of many things in Saruman’s library? You won’t find these things explicitly included in this volume, but if you wish to include them in your campaign, knock yourself out! This work is intended for private distribution to friends for their personal use. The content draws on jealously guarded intellectual properties and the illustrations were taken from works of Alan Lee, the Hindebrandt brothers and Tolkien himself. These illustrations are freely and widely distributed on the web and so it is difficult to see the harm if they are also viewed by the 5 people who might eventually read this volume. Nevertheless, its contents should not be sold or otherwise re-distributed.

































Appendix I: Spell Lists





Balrogs and Bagginses is a set of rules for character creation, experience and advancement, and gameplay including combat, adventure and magic, for a game closely patterned after Basic and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons but tailored for role playing in Middle Earth. It also incorporates elements of other games that the author feels are particularly effective for this setting and consistent with a game of D&D’s overall structure.

characters have many options and opportunities for advancement in realms other than personal combat — e.g., wealth, leadership, personal relationships, passionate loves and hates. A cooperative, balanced approach to campaigns in which players contribute significantly to defining (even creating) parts of the setting is encouraged.

Use of the W ord "Level" The word "level" has several different meanings in the game:

This volume is not a complete game by itself: groups must have access to previously published sources of spells in order to fully enjoy the game. And, while statistics for some monsters are provided at the end of this volume, some gaming groups will want to incorporate additional ones from previous editions of D&D. These are widely accessible to and understood by the experienced gamers that are the main audience of this game.

Experience: A character’s "level of experience" reflects his or her rise in power through accumulated experience gained on adventure. Player characters generally begin play at 1st level and rise over the course of adventures. Many unexceptional non-player characters are described as having ‘0 level’; i.e., they do not benefit from even the modest advantages afforded a 1st level player character. Spells: A spell’s level reflects its power and difficulty. Generally, a character is only capable of casting spells having a spell level equal to or lower than the caster’s experience level. Challenges: Inanimate challenges, such as mechanical traps, poisons, walls characters may wish to scale or pits they may wish to leap across, are said to possess a level that reflects the difficulty of overcoming them. The higher a challenge’s level, the lower will be a character’s chance of overcoming it. Hit dice: The statistics that describe a monster’s abilities include its ‘hit dice’ — a value loosely equivalent to a character’s level. This is the number of eight sided dice rolled to determine the amount of damage required to defeat it in combat. A monster’s hit dice are also an indication of its power more generally, comparable to a character’s level; e.g., its offensive capability in combat or, if appropriate, the strength of its magical powers.

These rules are specifically designed to be compatible with the spells, monsters and items in Basic and 1st and 2nd edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. The spell lists in particular are based on spells presented in the 1st edition AD&D player’s handbook (though materials from any previously published edition of D&D or related games could be adapted with little effort).

Roles in the Game Dungeon master(s): Balrogs and Bagginses presumes a gaming group structured along the lines of traditional table top roleplaying games; i.e., the ‘version’ of Tolkien’s world in which play occurs is described and populated and the action arbitrated by a ‘dungeon master’ (DM). I suggest for added fun you try a cooperative approach to DM’ing, in which all members of the gaming group spend time in the director’s chair, perhaps rotating every few weeks, all contributing their special angles to a collective game world. This can be particularly helpful when roleplaying in Middle Earth, which is presented by Tolkien using different ‘voices’ for different stories. Why not explore them all? Players: Players create and take command of one or more ‘player characters’ who live within the Middle Earth envisioned and adjudicated by the dungeon master. This realization of D&D is well suited to player-driven decision making in adventures and campaigns, simply because player


Dice This game makes use of the standard set of dice commonly used in Dungeons and Dragons: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 and d20. It is recommended that each group posses at least two of each of these types of dice.


Conversion Notes The following guidelines help players and dungeon masters adapt materials, including characters, from previous editions of D&D. • All measurements of distance here are given in meters (which can be taken to be equivalent to yards). Distances and movement rates from previous editions can be assumed to convert at a rate of 1” = 1 meter. • The standard measure of time in B&B is the turn, lasting ~10 seconds — functionally, a period of time when a player character (or non player being) can perform one meaningful tactical action. The game does not attempt to sub-divide time in quantitative units smaller than one turn, nor does it have a formal unit of time greater than one turn. One turn in B&B is roughly equivalent to one combat round in AD&D. • Armor classes follow a descending scale, as in Basic and 1st and 2nd edition Advanced D&D. All armor class values from those earlier editions can be used directly with little or no problem (though the armor types available in Middle Earth and their armor class values in B&B differ from previous editions of D&D). When using materials from games that have an ascending scale for armor class (3rd or 4th edition D&D, or Castles and Crusades), set Armor Class = 20 – the ascending-scale armor class rating. • Monsters and non-player characters described by hit dice receive bonuses for to-hit rolls, and certain saving throws and ability rolls equal to their number of hit dice. The blocks of statistics describing monsters detailed in Chapter XII of



this volume include detailed information regarding the types of rolls for which each creature receives such a bonus (for example, a bear might receive the bonus for rolls based on Constitution but not for those based on Intelligence). When using a monster from some other edition of D&D that is not discussed in this volume, the dungeon master should make sensible ad-hoc rulings regarding the sorts of rolls for which this bonus applies. It is not straightforward to convert player characters from earlier editions to B&B because of the different treatment of character abilities and backgrounds here (in particular the lack of rigidly defined character classes). If this is desired, I recommend you create a simple version of the character as he or she existed at 1st level (choosing appropriate abilities, homeland, occupation and equipment to mimic the character’s class, and traits that match the player’s understanding of the character’s alignment). Then, use the character advancement rules to ‘age’ the character to his or her level, choosing new abilities and attribute advances in keeping with the character’s strengths and weaknesses in the edition from which he or she is being converted. The end result will differ in detail from the original character, but be similar in overall ability and power. The principle difference is that high-level characters in B&B are capable of having extraordinary attribute scores and diverse collections of abilities.

II. CHARACTER CREATION To create a new player character, proceed through the following steps. It is most straightforward to do them in order, though it is recommended that player’s read the entire section before beginning so that choices made in an early step are consistent with intended character roles or other properties determined in a later step.

It is strongly recommended that players not devise alternate procedures for determining attributes, most of which result in a form of grade inflation. Character attributes rise through experience during play and the balance of play depends upon relatively modest beginnings oft starting characters. (2) Determine the ‘modifier’ associated with each attribute. Consult the Attribute Modifier Table, below, and record the modifier corresponding to each attribute value. These modifiers are used for many purposes in the game; generally speaking, positive values improve a character’s chance of success at relevant tasks and events and negative values detract. Modifiers for attributes above or below the normal range (3-18) are provided for special cases of characters that have benefited from or suffered attribute gain or loss through experience, injury or magic.

(1) Determine the character’s attributes: Roll 3d6 seven times and distribute the resulting values among the seven character ‘Attributes’ listed below. Attribute scores may rise above 18 or fall below 3 as results of experience, injury or magic, but at the start of play must be in the range 3-18. Note that attribute scores reflect a character’s strengths and weaknesses relative to a normal member of the same race (human, elf, etc.). Differences in ability between races are described by attribute modifiers, as detailed below. The attributes and their loose meanings are as follows:

Attribute M odifier Table Attribute M odifier ≤2 Infirm 3 -4 4-5 -3 6-7 -2 8-9 -1 10-11 0 12-13 1 14-15 2 16-173 18-19 4 Each +2 +1

Strength: Physical power and might Constitution: physical resilience and endurance Dexterity: Nimbleness, agility and quickness Intelligence: Guile, craftiness and memory Wisdom: Intuition, comportment, willpower; natural ability to command yourself Charisma: Bearing, lordliness, comeliness Luck: A nod and a wink from fortune can be the difference between life and death on adventure

(3) Select character race: Middle Earth contains many distinctive races of men, other free peoples, and servants of shadow. Members of races other than common men generally gain bonuses and penalties to their attribute modifiers (though their attribute scores remain the same; recall an attribute score reflects a character’s standing relative to another member of the same race). Some races also gain special qualities, and/or may be required to select certain ‘abilities’ later in character creation, as detailed in step 6, below. The rules here detail creation of player characters who are members of the races of free peoples. Those players who wish to create orc or troll player characters should consult

Players should consider the walk of life they imagine their character following when assigning rolled scores to the various attributes. For example, a character who will be a knight of Rohan would benefit from strength; an enchanter serving as one of Saruman’s apprentices should emphasize Intelligence; a noble from Gondor might wish to have high Charisma, etc. These character types are formalized through ‘roles’, described at later this chapter, and players who wish guidance in assigning attributes should consult those sections for examples.



the bestiary at the end of this volume for details regarding those races.

Hobbit (‘halfling’): A rustic, portly race with nimble fingers and a love for song, food and drink. Hobbits generally avoid adventures and their attendant discomforts, but when riled can do the most extraordinary things. -2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Luck. -2 to base movement rate. All thrown weapon attacks gain one ‘advantage’. Fellowship and Stealth abilities.

Common Man: The collection of racial types peopling the kingdoms of men. No modifiers or pre-requisites. Dunedain (‘Men of the west’): Descendants of the Numenorians; tall, dark haired men with a lordly bearing. Most now live as rangers in the former kingdom of Arnor. +1 Strength, +1 Charisma, -1 Luck. Lore and d8 hit die abilities. Many dunedain possess subtle magical abilities, such as healing and divination, perhaps due to the frequent mingling of their bloodlines with elves.

(4) Choose a homeland: Each character must come from a homeland, which dictates the languages he or she knows and the sorts of occupations he or she may have at the start of play. Players may choose any homeland consistent with their race. Consult the list of Homelands and Roles available to each race at the end of this chapter. (5) Determine character languages: A character automatically knows the native language of their homeland by virtue of his or her background and culture. The native language of each homeland is provided in list of Homelands and Roles at the end of this chapter. Characters also are permitted to know one additional foreign language per point of their Intelligence modifier (if positive). These may be chosen from any language listed for any homeland. Characters may also learn additional languages during the course of play, if they spend extended periods exposed to new cultures, as detailed in the chapter on experience and advancement. Note that characters who know a language are also assumed to have learned a number of things about the cultural norms, recent history, politics, geography, etc. of the culture that uses this language. Thus, a language skill is more broadly useful than simply speaking or reading.

Dwarf: A short, stocky, hirsute people possessed of a mercurial and often surly disposition. Accomplished miners and creators of wonderful objects. Ancient foes of almost every other people with whom they come in regular contact. +1 Constitution, -1 Charisma. -2 to base movement rate. Divide encumbrance points by two before determining encumbrance penalties. Handy and d8 hit die abilities.

(6) Select character ‘Abilities’: Abilities are skills, birth-rights or gifts a character possesses by virtue of his or her life experience, job or family or cultural heritage. Abilities are listed and detailed later in this chapter.

Elf: The first-born people of middle earth, elves have a special connection to the natural world, spirits and the gods. Strong willed but tempermental, prone to melancholy and easily discouraged. Typically beautiful, tall, thin and elegant in appearance, voice and movement. Elves violently hate all servants of the enemy, have ancient enmity with dwarves, and are suspicious of and avoid men. So, they spend a lot of time alone at parties. -1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, -1 Wisdom, +2 Charisma, -1 Luck. +2 to base movement rate. Lore and Perception abilities.


Characters begin play by choosing 6 abilities. In general, these abilities may be chosen at the player’s discretion and no restrictions limit the possible combinations of abilities. However, members of non-human races are generally required to select one or more abilities at this stage of character creation, leaving fewer that can be chosen at the player’s discretion. And, a few abilities have unique pre requisites, such as the need to also possess some other ability before they can be chosen; these special conditions are noted in the


ability descriptions. Finally, most character Roles require certain abilities as prerequisites; players should consult the lists of Roles at the end of this chapter to determine which abilities must be selected to create a character to their liking.

to the roll of their hit die, plus the character’s Constitution attribute modifier. The default hit die for a human character is 1d6, however this may be raised to 1d8, 1d10 or even 1d12 through various abilities (or reduced to 1d4 through a flaw).

Some characters specialize in one or more abilities at the expense of others. A character may choose to sacrifice one ability choice in exchange for ‘expertise’ in one ability he or she already possesses (note this does not apply to ability choices invested in hit dice, birth rights and flaws). This may be done during character creation and/or later as a character advances in level and gains new ability choices beyond the initial six. Once an ability has been advanced to an ‘expertise’ in this way, no further advancement of that ability is possible (i.e., there are not multiple degrees or levels of expertise). Unless otherwise specified, expertise provides an ‘advantage’ to rolls involving that ability, in addition to any other bonuses.

Movement rates of human characters equal 12 plus their Dexterity attribute modifier. In general, a character can move a number of meters (or, equivalently, yards) equal to his or her movement rate per combat turn (roughly 10 seconds). Many spell and monster descriptions from earlier editions of Dungeons and Dragons report movement rates and distances in ‘inches’. These may be converted directly to the equivalent number of meters or yards (i.e., a speed of 12” in a previous edition is equivalent to a movement rate of 12 in these rules). (9) Determine the character’s equipment and related statistics: Characters automatically receive certain weapons, armor, steeds and other equipment and money by virtue of this starting occupation. Most roles also provide a certain amount of cash that characters may expend to purchase weapons, armor, mounts, hirelings and other equipment before the beginning of play; see Chapter III for costs of equipment.

Players may elect to burden their characters with one or more ‘flaws’ (for example, reduction of their base hit die from the normal d6 down to a d4). For every such flaw the character possesses, they are permitted to select one additional ability. (7) Select a character ‘Role’: Consult the list of Homelands and Roles available to each race, found at the end of this chapter. A character may be a member of any Role appropriate to his or her race and homeland and for which he or she possesses the listed prerequisite abilities.

Record the character’s (AC) based on any armor and/or shield he or she might carry, subtracting the character’s Dexterity modifier (adding to AC for a negative modifier). For example, a character wearing full mail and carrying a target shield (AC 4 – 2 = 2) having a Dexterity of 13 (+1 modifier) has a modified armor class of 1. A character’s AC influences the chances of success of any attacks directed at him or her.

(8) Select character ‘Traits’: Much that makes each character unique comes from his or her ‘Traits’ — loves, hates, quirks, fears, virtues, and vices. Traits concretely impact play by providing bonuses and penalties to perform actions in certain situations, and in shaping character behavior when he or she is presented with some relevant temptation or threat. Roll 1d3 and select this number of Traits from the list provided later in this chapter. When choosing traits, players may want to consider the cultural likes, dislikes, fears and passions characteristic of members to their race and homeland. However, such choices are not enforced by rigid rules: a sensitive, demure dwarf is a strange notion, but permitted to the player who wishes to explore such a character.

Consult the armor tables and Encumbrance rules in Chapter III to determine whether your character has any penalties to Movement Rate and disadvantages to Dexterity based actions due to the equipment he or she wears or carries.

Abilities Below is the list of Abilities available in the game. Each is accompanied by an attribute or attributes with which it is normally associated; this is indicated in parentheses after the ability name. Note, however, that these are suggestions rather than firm rules, as some abilities might be associated with different attributes in different circumstances. The

(8) Determine character Hit Points and Movement Rate: Characters begin play having hit points equal



rules of play, below, provide examples to guide players through these ambiguities.

Gambling (Luck): The character has a knack for cards, dice and other games of chance. This ability let’s the character add his character level to luck saving throws made to win gambling contests, particularly those that do not call on another ability. Handy (variable, depending on circumstances): Most adventurers are an impractical, mercurial bunch. But it can be surprisingly useful to occasionally bring along someone who knows how to use a shovel, or splice a rope, or make a lever, or start a fire from wet wood, or any of a number of other practical skills known by people who actually work for a living. Characters with the Handy skill have worked on a farm or other setting where they learned these things. Many tasks or events that would be resolved as saving throws for other characters can be resolved as ability rolls for a character who is ‘handy’. Horsemanship (Dexterity or Charisma): Everyone in most medieval or pseudo-medieval fantasy settings is presumed to be at least familiar with horses and riding. The horsemanship ability denotes a higher level of ability — using arms from horseback, performing tricks and giving commands to a horse or recognizing the merits and flaws of horses.

Abilities are organized into several broad categories for convenience, but note all should be assumed to be available to all player characters unless otherwise noted (if an ability is restricted or exceptional, this will be specifically noted in the ability description). Perusal of the following list should make it clear that 6 (nearly) free choices can lead to an almost infinite diversity of characters. MUNDANE ABILITIES Beast master (Charisma): Ability to calm, communicate with, domesticate and train wild animals. A successful test of this ability can result in brief cooperation from or calming of a beast; continued positive interactions may eventually lead to gaining that animal as a semi-domesticated help meet. The character may also attempt a Beast Master ability roll to befriend the creature. On a successful roll, the creature will join the character as a side-kick; additional ability rolls can be made to train the animal in various skills and tricks. Climbing (Dexterity): Skill at climbing shear surfaces, using ropes, spikes and other technical equipment where unaided climbing would be impossible. Courtly Graces (Charisma): The character is knowledgeable of the traditions and behaviors of the noble court. This skill may be called on to impress a superior, behave in a praise worthy way in formal situations, negotiate the social spider web of court to make allies and thwart foes, and related fripperies. Diplomacy (Charisma or Intelligence): The character is skilled at negotiation, navigating exotic cultures and customs, and associated intrigue. He or she may use an ability roll to cajole or argue a non-player character into agreeing with his position or forging an alliance or to receive a favorable reaction when speaking to peaceful or neutrally disposed strangers. Disguise (Intelligence): The character is able to take on the appearance and mannerisms of another person, or disguise his or her true identity. This skill can be used to disguise the visual appearance (but not mannerisms) of another. Fellowship (Charisma): The gift for fast talk, making quick friends, carousing and generally being good company. More important than it sounds for a life of adventure spent on strange roads!


Intimidate (Charisma): Characters use the intimidate ability to coerce, scare and otherwise impress others in situations involving some level of conflict or tension. This skill might be called on to bluff one’s way out of a fight, or frighten a captive into revealing secrets. Literacy (Intelligence): The character is capable of reading any language he knows (native or foreign). Tests of literacy might be used to decipher a written puzzle, search a library for a crucial clue, or recall some fact the character might have encountered in past readings.


Lordship (Charisma): The character is accustomed to command. He or she can serve as a leader in combat or similarly stressful situation, and can rally nearby friends who have broken morale. He may normally expect to have simple orders followed by his followers. +1 bonus to initiative in any type of combat, and he may add his level to the morale saving throw chances for anyone following the character’s lead. Those who follow a leader may use the group initiative rules. Combatants led by a character with Lordship ability may receive a morale check if the leader attempts to give dangerous or otherwise questionable orders. Only a character with the Gentry or Noble abilities, or who is at least 3rd level of experience and has the Battle ability, may have the Lordship ability. Lore (Intelligence): The character is learned in history, philosophy, the natural sciences, as well as supernatural beings, objects and places. He or she may attempt an ability roll to know almost any obscure fact about exotic cultures and natural phenomena, or to read at least snippets of any language. He may attempt an ability roll to recognize and know the properties of any magical creature or item, any demon, fairy, etc. Perception (Intelligence): The character is observant and can use this ability to enhance chances of hearing low noises or noticing subtle things. This ability may also improve a character’s saving throw to avoid being surprised, or contested rolls to notice another creature trying to use the abilities of stealth, disguise or pick pocketing. Physicker (Intelligence): The character is skilled at leech craft, including setting bones, cleaning and closing wounds, and salving the injured and sick with herbs. The physicker’s level enhances the saving throws vs. disease for those under his or her care, and influences the recovery of wounds in other ways as specified in Chapter VII. Poisons (Intelligence): The character is a skilled and practiced poisoner. He or she can safely distil and administer various kinds of poisons, and is aware of sources for most of the common kinds. He or she may call on this ability to identify, create and administer poisons, and has a chance of indentifying and creating antidotes. Seamanship (Dexterity, Wisdom or Intelligence): Skill at handling ropes, sails and similar nautical paraphernalia, and of fixing, trouble shooting, evaluating and operating ships. Seamanship might also be called on to aid saving throws involving


swimming, drowning and similar watery challenges. Stealth (Dexterity): The character is skilled at moving quietly or hiding in shadows or other cover. With a successful ability test, the character goes un-noticed by those nearby. Often opposed by an Intelligence saving throw (perhaps aided by the Perception ability). Survival (Constitution, Intelligence or Dexterity): The character is skilled at hunting, foraging, finding water and shelter, orienteering in natural environments, recognizing natural animals and their properties, and other skills of woodcraft. This skill might also be called on to swim or climb. Thievery (Dexterity): The character is expert at various slights of hand that are useful in purloining treasures. The ability to pick locks. The character can disarm, avoid (or create!) mechanical traps of all kinds. The ability to remove purses and other small items from a victim’s possession without notice. Acts of thievery are often opposed by a target’s Intelligence saving throw (perhaps enhanced by the Perception ability). Tracking (Intelligence): The character can follow the spore marking the passage of most creatures. Tracking ability rolls might be opposed by the Stealth ability of one’s prey, or the Intelligence saving throw of a fleeing intelligent being. Troubador (Charisma): The character is skilled at singing, dance and playing instruments, and is just the sort of attention seeker to put those skills to use. The Troubador ability can be used to calm the anxious, attract or distract attention, please a potential patron, or any number of similar situations. COMBAT ABILITIES Archery (Dexterity): The character is skilled in the use of the bow, either in hunting or war. A character with Archery skill is also experienced in the use of the buckler and in fighting and maneuvering while wearing leather armor. Axes and Maces (Strength or Dexterity): The character is skilled in the use of all axes and maces, and can fight effectively with all shields and armors. See the section on weapons and armor in Chapter III for details. Battle (Intelligence): Presence of mind, tactical know-how and control of timing and distance in combat. A character with Battle ability adds his level to his Initiative in combat. This ability may also aid in any die rolls that call for sharp decision making in pitched battles or sieges. This ability is required to effectively use many pieces


of siege equipment (catapults, etc.). A character with Battle ability knows how to load and fire a crossbow.

possess the ability or abilities needed to fight with each weapon normally. Wrestling (Strength): The character is skilled at grappling and throwing foes in close combat. BIRTH-RIGHTS Gentry (Charisma): The character is a member of a social caste of high-status land owners and has a close relationship with a greater noble. His or her family controls (and is responsible for) some tract of land and the commoners who live on it — traditionally in exchange for military service and fealty to a greater noble lord, but in more peaceful and civilized lands the gentry might instead serve as judges, advisors or other nonmilitary leaders. The character can use this ability to try to command commoners, influence other gentry and appeal for aid or patronage from greater nobles. This ability is most common among the knights of Gondor and its allied lands and the house karls of Rohan’s king, but also includes wealthy land owners in the shire and other settled lands. Noble (Charisma): The character is member of the hereditary nobility who command the gentry and commoners and control most land in the kingdoms of men, dwarves and elves (kindoms of orcs and their ilk are generally ruled by whomever is most capable of killing and eating his or her rivals). The character’s word is law, and he or she may have access to property, horses, armor, weapons, servants, etc. If the character takes a non-noble role (e.g., Knight or Brigand), he or she is assumed to be not (yet) titled and is a lesser close relative of a baron, earl or other great noble. The character can use this ability to try to command commoners and other gentry, influence other nobles and appeal for aid or patronage from a greater noble. Special: this ability may only be selected if the character already possesses the Gentry ability; on selecting the Noble ability, the Gentry ability is then lost – i.e., nobility replaces Gentry status. Thus, a character who is a noble at the start of play must expend two ability choices. Wealthy (Luck): The character has inherited or otherwise stumbled into great riches. If chosen during character creation, the character begins play with 10x the normal amount or value of possessions (i.e., for his or her role). Thereafter, he or she automatically receives 2d x 25 schillings each month (in allowance, interest, gambling winnings or some other source). This ability may be called on to bribe or otherwise influence others and to raise loans.

Brawling (Strength or Dexterity): Skill at striking foes with fists, boots or improvised weapons. Common arms (Strength or Dexterity): The character is skilled in the use of all common arms (weapons and implements often used for self defense by people with no martial training). The character can also fight efficiently with the buckler and leather armors in combat. See the section on weapons and armor in Chapter III for details. Dodge (Dexterity): The character has a gift for being where a blow doesn’t fall. A combatant with this ability can add their level to dodge attempts in melee combat and when targeted by missiles. This bonus may also apply to some dexterity based saving throws vs. certain kinds of traps that broadly resemble armed attacks. Lance (Dexterity): The ability to strike precisely and powerfully with the mounted lance. An important combat skill for knights of Gondor and Rohan, and the mounted warriors of the eastern steppe. Only a character with the Horsemanship ability can learn Lance. Spears and Polearms (Strength or Dexterity): The character is skilled in the use of all shields and armors in combat. See the section on weapons and armor in Chapter III for details. Swords: (Strength or Dexterity): The character is skilled in the use all large and small swords, and can fight efficiently with all shields and all armors. See the section on weapons and armor in Chapter III for details. Two Weapons (Strength or Dexterity): The character is skilled in melee combat using one weapon in each hand. The character must also



cast at a level equal to or less than their character level. Divination (Wisdom): The character can read the stars and other auguries to tell the future or perceive things that are obscured by distance or concealment. Elvish Gift (Wisdom): Any elf is potentially capable of performing certain relatively subtle acts of magic by virtue of their close spiritual connection to Valinor. Any elf possessing this ability is able to attempt any relevant spell having a spell level equal to or lower than their character level. Enchantment (Intelligence): The character is capable of spells that imbue objects with magical powers – often permanently. Illusions (Intelligence): Spells that change the perceptions of others, creating visions, sounds and sensations according to the caster’s whim. Fire (Intelligence): Spells that command the spirits of fire, calling forth or banishing flame, igniting natural objects, or hurling sorcerous fire. Healing (Wisdom): Mastery of herbs, songs and chants that can heal physical and spiritual injury and sickness. Light of Valinor (Wisdom): The magician is capable of calling on the power of Valinor to create light that will push back natural darkness and repel the forces of the Enemy. This light may be literal visual illumination or a spiritual presence or force (or both). Necromancy (Charisma): Command of and communion with the spirits of the dead. Most practitioners of this power are steeped in evil and slaves to Sauron’s will. However, some powers of light have skill in necromancy as a means of combating the Enemy. Plants (Wisdom): Spells that command living trees, grasses and other plants, causing them to bend, twist and animate or to commune with their mysterious spirits. Protection (Intelligence): Spells of warding and enchantments to fend off attacks and natural and supernatural threats. Sorcery (Intelligence): Spells that bend, break or twist inanimate things, call forth forces that act on living beings, and otherwise bend the physical world to the caster’s will. Such spells can be used for good (e.g., opening a locked gate) or evil (crushing a foe’s bones). Weather (Wisdom): Spells that control the spirits of natural rains and storms.

HIT DICE D8 hit die (Constitution): The character rolls 1d8 (plus constitution modifier) per level to determine hit points rather than the default 1d6. If a character gains this ability at some level greater than 1st, their previous hit point total remains unchanged and the new hit die is used to determine new gains in hit points with further level increases. D10 hit die (Constitution): The character rolls 1d10 (plus constitution modifier) per level to determine hit points rather than the default 1d6. Pre-requisite: the character must already possess a 1d8 hit die. Thus, two ability selections must be expended to obtain this ability during character creation. D12 hit die (Constitution): The character rolls 1d12 (plus constitution modifier) per level to determine hit points rather than the default 1d6. Pre-requisite: the character must already possess a 1d10 hit die. Thus, three ability selections must be expended to obtain this ability during character creation. MAGICAL ABILITIES Magical abilities let characters learn and cast spells. See Chapter IX for the rules governing how spells are learned and cast. Each of these abilities permits a character to learn a specific subset of spells (though some spells are accessible through more than one ability). Perhaps the most important decision a gaming group must make when beginning a campaign is the general availability of these abilities to player characters (and the frequency with which they will be encountered in non-player characters). The author of this game does not suggest any rigid rules controlling these two questions, but some general guidelines are suggested in Chapter IX. Beasts (Wisdom): The character can command and call on natural, non-thinking creatures. Charms (Charisma): Spells that influence the attitudes and emotions of other thinking beings. Counter Spells (Intelligence): The character has learned to perform counter spells to negate the spells of other sorcerers. This is a special magical ability; rather than provide access to specific spells, the character is presumed to know a wide range of incantations that negate or fend off the influences of other spells. See chapters IX for details. In general, casters may perform counter spells to prevent or negate the effects of any spell



FLAWS Flaws are character properties that resemble abilities but are significant weaknesses or handicaps. Players may elect to take on one or more flaws during character generation. For each flaw selected, the character gains one additional ability (e.g. a character with two flaws receives 8 ability selections). Characters may wish to remove (or, more rarely, gain flaws) after the start of play, in exchange for gaining an extra ability. See Chapter IV for details.

Slave (Luck): The character is personal property of another player or non-player character. He or she might be a serf, household slave, intended human sacrifice, or any number of other such positions. The character may possess no equipment of their own at the start of play, and anything they acquire during play at least nominally belongs to their owner. An obedient slave may be well treated, but still generally suffers a minimum -2 modifier to Charisma based rolls if attempting to command or otherwise influence a non-slave.

D4 hit die (Constitution): The character leads a sedentary, pampered or ascetic life. He or she gains only 1d4 hit points per level of experience. Outlaw (Charisma): The character is a well-known criminal (or is easily recognized as such, for example through a brand or tattoo). Authority figures are likely to pursue the character unless clearly outnumbered. Minimum -2 penalty on Charisma-based rolls for most social interactions with law-abiding citizens.



The traits available to player characters can be drawn at the player’s discretion from the list below. Those traits marked with an asterisk (*) can be characteristic of any sort of character, but are associated with corruption by the Enemy. See the rules governing corruption in chapters IV and VIII for details:


Traits are qualitative words and phrases, but concretely impact a character’s chances of success and actions in the game (see Chapter V). They are not provided rigid definitions here; all are based on words or phrases that have common, relatively obvious meanings. Players and game masters are encouraged to take a creative, flexible approach to interpreting just what it means to be chaste, brave,



etc., and to deciding the circumstances in which a trait will significantly influence a character’s behavior or chances of success. And players and game masters are encouraged to dream up their own new Traits. For example, an unctuous young knight of Dol Amrath could readily be assigned a trait of that name at the end of an adventure when his behavior has been particularly oily.


THE GENERIC ROLE – ‘ADVENTURER’ Some gaming groups are less interested in creating stories involving setting-appropriate characters and more interested in chopping monsters to finders and taking their stuff. The ‘adventurer’ role was created for these sorts of groups. It permits any combination of race, homeland and abilities — e.g., Sword, Sorcery, Stealth, and d12 hit die abilities. One player’s genre breaking monstrosity is another’s but kicking personal avatar!

Note that some traits appear to be directly opposed one another; for example, Chastity and Lust. Characters may not select directly contradictory traits during character creation, and generally won’t acquire them after play begins because their actions will lead them to lose one before gaining its opposite (see Chapter IV). However, many characters will have a combination of non-opposing vices and virtues among their traits; this just means they are interesting! For example, a character might be Honest but Vain.

Adventurer: a daring explorer who wanders the lands in search of revenge, swag or whatever other motivation turns your crank. Homelands: Any Pre-requisites: None Starting Equipment: Common and travel clothes, one weapon per relevant skill, a light horse and 2d20 p, and either partial mail armor or 4 crowns in cash.

Traits change as characters gain experience, but not in the same way as attributes and Abilities: Traits are gained or lost as a direct result of role-playing; i.e., in response to specific actions the characters perform during play. See Chapter IV for details.

Homelands and Roles The following section describes roles characters might have at the start of play. These roles provide an explanation for the character’s daily life, means of support, and relationships to other player and non-player characters. They can also give the players and dungeon master ideas to help focus and shape the campaign. For example, a group of knights errant from Gondor will have different reasons for associating with one another and pursue different sorts of adventures than a group of cutpurses from Tharbad (at least, we should hope so!). Roles are organized according to race (dwarf, elf, etc.). At the top of each section is a list of homelands available to that race, with parenthetical notes indicating the native language for each. Players should select a character homeland from this list and make note of the character’s native tongue. Then, inspect the list or roles for that race and select one that compatible with the character’s homeland abilities.

DWARF ROLES Possible Homelands: the Blue Mountains, Erebor or the Iron Hills (speak Khuzdul and Westron).

A character’s role provides (in addition to an identity) a set of starting equipment and money. Moreover, the character can assume that so long as he or she actively pursues their role, they will have a place to sleep, daily food, and ready access to whatever minor supplies are common to their profession (a soldier might be assumed to have a reasonable supply of arrows ready to hand).


Merchant: Dwarven merchants trade precious metals, gems and the fine crafts of Erebor with the men of the west, principally through Laketown and the cities and towns of Arthedain. Dwarven merchants are famous for driving hard bargains maintaining suspicious, distant relationships with the lands of men. Homelands: Erebor


Pre-requisites: Diplomacy, Fellowship, Literacy. Starting Equipment: Common and travel clothes, one weapon (if any relevant skill is known), a string of ponies, help and companionship of 2d6 dwarven employees and guards, goods and cash worth 1d20x100 p.

Homelands: Lorien or Mirkwood Pre-requisites: Archery, Perception, Stealth, Tracking. Starting Equipment: a bow and 1 additional weapon, leather armor, food and shelter in an elf lord’s hall or communal forest tree house.

Miner: Dwarven miners are a hardy, hard-working lot, whether they dig for precious metals and gems in the great mine works of Erebor or are scratching out a living digging coal in the Blue Mountains. Many travel widely seeking new riches, and hold a simmering desire to return to the ancient dwarven kingdom of Moria. Homelands: Blue Mountains, Erebor or Iron Hills Pre-requisites: Axes and Maces, Handy, d10 hit die. Starting Equipment: Rough Common clothes, one weapon (if any relevant skill is known), a set of tools (some of which, like the mattock, can serve as a weapon), goods and cash worth 1d20x100 p.

DUNEDAIN ROLES Possible Homelands: All surviving Dunedain wander their former kingdom in Arthedain and Rhudar, or seek refuge in Rivendell. All speak Westron, the ancient Numenorian language of Aduniac and the elvish tongue of Sindarin. Ranger of the North: The Dunedain rangers of the north are the last remnants of a once proud but now broken people – the Numenorians who built kingdoms in the west of Eriador. They now wander the lands west of the Misty Mountains, fighting the servants of the Enemy where they are found and keeping alive the traditions of their people. They associate most closely with the elves of Rivendell. Homelands: Arthedain or Rhudar Pre-requisites: Archery, Swords, Tracking. Starting Equipment: one weapon per relevant combat ability, leather armor, light or medium horse, bed roll and pack of personal effects, food and shelter in Rivendell or a ranger holdout in the wilds.

Soldier: A member of the shield-wall of a dwarven hall. Most dwarven soldiers fight in the standing army of the king of the Iron Hills. Homelands: Erebor or the Iron Hills Pre-requisites: Axes and Maces, Battle, d10 hit die. Starting Equipment: one weapon per relevant combat ability, full mail armor, food and shelter in your home halls.

HOBBIT ROLES Possible Homelands: Bree and The Shire (both speak Westron)

ELF ROLES Possible Homelands: Lorien, Mirkwood, Rivendell (all speak Sindarin)

Bounder: Bounders are the volunteer levy of Bree and the Shire. They are commoners or young members of more established families who have some other day-to-day livelihood, but regularly drill and patrol the borders of the land. A likely role for any hobbit predisposed to a life of adventure. Homelands: Bree or Shire Pre-requisites: Archery, Common Arms, 1d8 hit die. Starting Equipment: Shelter and board in a small smial or above-ground house. Common and travel clothes, one weapon for each relevant skill, 1d20 p.

Noble: A close relative of the rulers of one of the remaining elven kingdoms. Elven nobles often live lives of action, merriment and adventure rather than remaining at court. Nevertheless, an elven noble is expected to keep the highest traditions of elvish lore and wisdom. Homelands: Lorien, Mirkwood or Rivendell Pre-requisites: Literacy, Lordship, Lore, Noble Starting Equipment: A stable of horses, any ordinary armor and weapons, lodging in an elf king’s fortress, numerous henchmen, 10xd100 p in ready cash.

Bumpkin: A rustic farmer or laborer; the heart and soul of country hobbit life. Homelands: Shire Pre-requisites: Handy Starting Equipment: Shelter and board in a small smial or above-ground house. Common and

Wood Elf: The character hunts game, makes merry and fights the forces of the Enemy where they are found in one of the west’s great forests. Wood Elves are generally secretive and distrust outsiders.



travel clothes, one weapon (if any relevant skill is known), 1d20 p.

Pre-requisites: Common Arms, Intimidate, d8 hit die; the Outlaw flaw. Starting Equipment: Leather armor, crude clothes, one weapon per relevant combat ability, light horse, a cot or hammock in the gang’s hideout, irregular meals of poached venison and stolen provisions.

Country Squire: A leading member of one of the old property owning families of the shire. Typically live in an extensive smial surrounded by the homes of commoners who serve the family as cooks, garners, etc. Homelands: Shire Pre-requisites: Gentry, Wealthy Starting Equipment: Partial or complete ownership of a large, sprawling smial. Common and travel clothes, one weapon (if any relevant skill is known), a pony, several loyal dependents, goods and cash worth 1d10x100 p (do not multiply for ‘Wealthy’ ability; this has already been considered).

Horselord: A member of a horde of barbarians that has swept from the grassy steppes east of Dorwinion and across the western lands. Easterlings are natural enemies of more civilized player characters, but could be captives who have changed their stripes. Homelands: Easterling Pre-requisites: Archery, Lance, Horsemanship, Survival, d8 hit die. Starting Equipment: A light horse, leather armor, a blow and one hand weapon; food and lodging with the horde.

Merchant: Hobbit merchants are not the far travelling types like their human counterparts; they tend to be restricted to Bree and the old King’s Road stretching from Arnor to Tharbad. The character trades valuable goods, profiting on differences in price between markets. Homelands: Bree Pre-requisites: Diplomacy, Fellowship, Literacy. Starting Equipment: Common and travel clothes, one weapon (if any relevant skill is known), a string of ponies, help of 2d6 employees, goods and cash worth 1d20x100 p.

Huntsman: The character patrols, maintains and guards a noble’s forest, chasing off or capturing poachers, bringing in game to feed the court and dealing with dangerous or destructive beasts. Homelands: Arthedain, Cardolan, Gondor, Laketown, Rhudar, Rohan, Woodmen of Mirkwood Pre-requisites: Archery, Survival, Tracking, d8 hit die. Starting Equipment: a bow and 1 additional weapon, leather armor, room and board in lord’s manor, castle or hunting lodge, a working dog.

COMMON MEN ROLES Possible Homelands: Arthedain, Bree, Cardolan, Laketown, Gondor, Rhudar, Tharbad and Woodmen of Mirkwood (all speak Westron); Dunland (Dunlander); Easterling (Easterling); Rohan (Rohirric); Southron and Umbar (both speak Southron)

Knight: An established knight that has sworn fealty to a great lord and has in turn been granted a fief to maintain him. The most famous Gondoran knights come from the southern province of Dol Amrath Homelands: Gondor Pre-requisites: Battle, Horsemanship, Gentry, Lance, Swords, d10 hit die. Starting Equipment: Full mail, a kite shield, a long sword, 3 war lances, a heavy horse (for war), a light horse (for riding), a squire, a small feudal manor with a modest associated income.

Berserker: A wild and aggressive warrior of the Dunlanders, sworn to die in hand to hand battle. Homelands: Dunland Pre-requisites: Axes and Maces, d12 hit die; must possess the ‘Berserker’ trait (and should attempt to call on it for inspiration often!). Starting Equipment: crude clothes, one weapon per relevant combat ability, food and shelter in a chieftain’s hall.

Merchant: A far-traveling explorer who seeks out new cities and convinces their inhabitants to buy things. The character trades valuable goods back and forth over long distances, profiting on differences in price between markets. Merchants are generally commoners but have wealth and seek influence that rivals the nobility.

Brigand: An outlaw who lays in wait on deserted roads and accosts travelers. Frequently work in groups. Homelands: Arthedain, Dunland, Laketown, Rhudar, Southron, Woodmen of Mirkwood



Homelands: Cardolan, Gondor, Laketown, Southron, Tharbad, Umbar Pre-requisites: Diplomacy, Fellowship, Literacy. Starting Equipment: Common and travel clothes, one weapon (if any relevant skill is known), a string of light horses or small ship, questionable loyalty of 2d6 employees and guards, goods and cash worth 1d20x100 p.

within the kingdom, but so overrun by orcs and fouler creatures that the rangers must often raid and retreat to Osgiliath rather than hold and command territory. They are the eyes and ears of the free peoples in the land of the Enemy. Homelands: Gondor Pre-requisites: Archery, Stealth, Swords, Tracking, d10 hit die. Starting Equipment: one weapon per relevant combat ability, leather armor, a light horse, bed roll and pack of personal effects, regular meals and a bunk in the unit’s hideout or base.

Noble: An heir or ruling member of the lesser hereditary nobility (Baron or Earl). Nobles directly command the gentry and commoners and control most land in kingdoms of men. Homelands: Gondor, Southron Pre-requisites: Horsemanshp, Lordship, Noble Starting Equipment: A stable of horses, kennels of dogs, hunting birds, any ordinary armor and weapons, ownership of a small castle and command of the surrounding lands, numerous servants and guards, 10xd100 p in ready cash.

Rider of Rohan: A mounted warrior of Rohan, sworn to serve its king. The Riders of Rohan are rustic and plain spoken compared to the knights of Gondor, but are famous for their stout sword arms and bravery. Homelands: Rohan Pre-requisites: Battle, Horsemanship, Lance, Swords, d10 hit die. Starting Equipment: Partial mail, a target shield, a long sword, war lance, a medium horse. Scholar: The courts of civilized kings maintain scholars who keep ancient lore or seek knowledge from beyond the edge of the known world. Many such scholars spend their lives closeted in libraries, but a rare few venture out into the world in search of lost artifacts and exotic places. Most know no magic, although a few become self-taught in one or two arcane abiliites. Homelands: Gondor, Southron, Umbar Pre-requisites: Literacy, Lore, Perception, Intelligence of at least 12. Starting Equipment: Scholarly robes, a riding pony, books and writing equipment, 3d10 p.

Pirate: The seas teem with dangers – some monstrous, some unholy and some in the form of boatloads of depraved, unwashed men. Pirates may form temporary alliances with kingdoms or each other, but generally devote all their energies to seeking loot and slaves. Homelands: Gondor (esp. Pelargir), Umbar Pre-requisites: Common Arms, Intimidate, Seamanship, d8 hit die; Outlaw flaw Starting Equipment: One weapon, crude clothes, berth on a pirate ship; leaders have command of small pirate ship and a crew of 2d6x5.

Soldier: The character is an experienced infantryman in a mercenary band, city guard or army. Homelands: Any Pre-requisites: Battle, Spears and Polearms, d10 hit die. Starting Equipment: one weapon per relevant combat ability, leather or partial mail armor, bed roll and pack of personal effects, regular meals and a bunk in the unit’s barracks. Thief: Cities crawl with cut-purses and second-story men; some of the more ambitious of them seek greater rewards by searching for famous lost magic items or loot from ancient tombs. Tharbad is famous for the skill and daring of its thieves.

Ranger of Ithilien: An elite soldier or knight of Gondor, sworn to protect the eastern border of the land by patrolling the forested slopes of the mountains of shadow. These lands are nominally



Homelands: Gondor, Southron, Tharbad, Umbar Pre-requisites: Common Arms, Stealth, Thievery Starting Equipment: Crude clothes, a dagger, lock-picks, 3d10 p.

level player character. Apprentices must prove themselves worthy before being released from service. Homelands: Gondor, Southron, Umbar Pre-requisites: Literacy, any four magical abilities; d4 hit die flaw is common. Starting Equipment: Simple robes, a riding pony, books of spells, a magic cauldron and a few simple ingredients, 1d10 p.

Witch: A solitary weaver of enchantments and curses, or a member of a small coven of like-minded hags. Witches are feared in the civilized world, but can be valued parts of rural communities, respected as healers, midwives and guardians of old lore. Homelands: Dunland, Rhudar, Woodmen of Mirkwood Pre-requisites: Beasts, Divination, Healing and one additional magical ability. Starting Equipment: A filthy, smoke-filled hut, a stew pot, magical ingredients, and a pet that might be a magical familiar (if the witch knows Summoning), or just an ill kempt malodorous cat.

Yeoman: A land-holding freeman. Yeomen are hardened by tough physical work, and band together in local militias that train in simple arms (especially the bow). Homelands: Arthedain, Cardolan, Gondor, Laketown, Rohan Pre-requisites: Archery, Common Arms, Handy, d8 hit die. Starting Equipment: Rugged work clothes, a simple hand weapon, long bow, a draft horse, any number of common tools, one or more dogs, 1d10 p.

Wizard: Wizards are outsiders, respected out of fear but rarely loved. Some live alone or in small groups in isolated castles; some serve great lords of men as advisors; others live alone in the wild, studying, enchanting and slowly going mad in their towers or caves. Most sorcerers keep and train apprentic es in the arcane arts — an appropri ate position for a 1st





The five common currencies are copper farthings (f), silver pence (p), silver shillings (s), gold crowns (c) and gold marks (m). These are interchangeable at the following rates:

The table below provides vital statistics for weapons, organized according to the skill needed to wield them effectively. In general, a combatant who attempts to use a weapon for which he lacks the appropriate skill will suffer a ‘disadvantage’ to all related combat rolls. All arms are listed with an encumbrance rating. See the rules later in this chapter for the effects of encumbrance.

1 m = 6 c = 120 s = 1440 p = 5760 f i.e., 1 crown = 20 shillings; 1 shilling = 12 pence; and 1 pence = 4 farthings.

Many weapons have one or more special properties that have special effects in combat. These properties are briefly explained below: Balanced: a skilled user of this weapon may elect to perform a parry/riposte action (see Chapter VI). Charge: +2 damage when used to deliver a charge attack Crushing: +1 to-hit vs. mail and plate armor Hacking: +1 to-hit roll vs. shields Large: +1 to-hit vs. all armors Reach: +2 to initiative in melee combat Thrown: A hand weapon that can also be used in a thrown attack

Gems Gems vary enormously in value according to their size, purity, cut and setting. The following list suggests ranges in value for common varieties, assuming average quality and size of a few carats or less: Agate: Amber Amethyst Beryl Coral Diamond Emerald Jade Jet Opal Pearl Ruby Safire

2d6 3d6 2d6 3d6 1d6 3d6 3d6 2d6 1d6 2d6 1d6 3d6 2d6

p p s s p m c c c p c c c

Many gems are believed to have magical qualities, and might make suitable materials for enchantment.



W eapon Table Damage Cost Encumbrance


Special Properties

Brawling arms Punch or Kick



Small improvised




Large improvised (2H)




Common arms Bound club (2H)








Crushing, Large



10 p







Charge, Thrown

Quarterstaff (2H)




Balanced, Reach

Wood Axe





Battle axe




Hacking, Thrown

Flail (2H)




Crushing, Large

Great axe (2H)




Hacking, Large

Axes and Maces






Mattock (2H)




Crushing, Hacking, Large

Spears and Polearms Great spear (2H)




Charge, Large, Reach

Halbard (2H)


10 s


Charge, Hacking, Large, Reach

Poleaxe (2H)




Hacking, Large, Reach




Charge, Reach, Thrown


Swords Great sword (2H)




Balanced, Large, Reach

Long sword (1H)


15 s



Long sword (2H)





Short sword or scimitar


10 s



War lance







15 s


Lance Archery arms Horse bow




Hunting bow




Long bow




A weapon of exceptional quality (typically a sword) typically conveys a +1 bonus to hit and parry/riposte rolls made in combat, but does normal damage on a successful attack. Such arms cost at least 10x as much as weapons of common quality.


Large, 2 turns to ready


Magical weapons, particularly swords, often have exotic properties that cannot be abstracted as a simple bonus. However, most also convey a bonus of between +1 and +5 to both attack and


parry/riposte rolls and to damage. They cannot be purchased.

to wield them effectively. In general, a combatant who attempts to use a shield for which he lacks the appropriate skill will suffer a ‘disadvantage’ to all combat rolls. All shields are listed with an encumbrance rating. See the rules below for the effects of encumbrance.

Shields The table below provides vital statistics for shields; the footnotes indicate which combat skill is needed

Shield Table AC adjustment Cost Encumbrance

Shield Buckler*






The table below provides the vital statistics for the available types of armor; the footnotes indicate which martial skills are required to wear armor without excessive penalties in combat. A ‘disadvantage’ is incurred for fighting in armor for which you lack the skill. Armor is abstracted into just a few kinds of suits; subtle variations of construction and components might be detailed for color, but do not influence performance: Leather: Some combination of thick, boiled leather jerkin, vest and or pants, cuirboili helm, vambraces and/or cuirass. Partial mail: A chain, scale, lamellar or brigandine mail shirt and open helmet, perhaps supplemented with smaller hardened leather pieces on the shoulders, forearms or other vulnerable body parts. Full mail: A full hauberk and trews of chain, scale or lamellar mail and a closed metal helm, possibly supplemented with small plates of metal or hardened leather on vulnerable body parts.




Horses may be protected by one of two types of armor. Horse armor is generally worn only by a destrier. Caparison: A padded canvas mantle and hood that covers the horse’s head, neck and body down to its knees. Though the material resembles light armors, a caparison is thick and loose fitting over much of the horse’s body, making it difficult to penetrate with force. Mail barding: A hood and long mantle of light mail worn over top of a caparison. The tremendous expense of mail barding makes it very unusual; rarely would anyone other than a king or earl have it. Mail barding has large gaps in its coverage (unlike full mail armor on a human), and therefore rates only a modest increase in protection over a caparison alone.

Armor Table Base AC Cost Encumbrance 10



10 s


Partial mail¶




Full mail&






30 c






Mail barding


20 c


A mail hauberk or plate might be forged with exceptional quality of metal and density of rings. Such pieces convey -1 bonus to AC. Such armor



15 p 2 Plate: Cuirass, vambraces and greaves of metal plate, possibly layered over or supplemented with chain mail over flexible joints, with a full metal helm.




costs at least 10x as much as common armor. Magical armor and shields are rare but exceptionally helpful: Magic armor or shields reduce


AC by -1 to -5 (but note the highest values will make a warrior nearly invulnerable to normal attackers, so distribute such items carefully!).

Reduce a character’s movement rate and initiative roll by the number of points of encumbrance he or she carries.


If a character carries more points of encumbrance than his or her Strength attribute modifier, then a ‘disadvantage’ also applies to most other Dexterity saving throws and Dexterity-based ability rolls (including any Dexterity-based combat rolls).

Total the number of encumbrance points the character caries from armor, shields and weapons. Any character carrying any number of encumbrance points suffers from a ‘disadvantage’ for any ability or saving roll involving climbing, stealth or swimming (the game master might rule that some other Dexterity based rolls are similarly effected, if circumstances would make it exceptionally difficult to be wearing armor or carrying burdensome weapons and shields).


Farm Animals

Beasts Many characters travel accompanied by expensive, useful and powerful horses and war dogs. Others think if its fun to have a pig:

Beast Table Beasts of Burden


Beasts of W ar






Light horse



Draft horse

30 s

Medium horse

15 c 30 c



Light horse


Heavy horse












Hounds of the Hunt



Birds of the Hunt





Blood hound








Wolf hound






Retainers Hirelings or retainers are employees who might accompany adventurers on a quest or serve them in a longer-term capacity. They are useful canon fodder and help meets, but often of dubious loyalty and morale in the face of danger. Most are 0 or 1st level non-player characters.




Apprentice Footman Harlot Infantry soldier Laborer Lackey Messenger Novice Servant

10 p/week 12 p/week 1 s/hour 4 p/week 1-2 p/week 10 p/week 5 p/week 10 p/week 3 p/week


Food and Lodging Cost




Bottle of spirits


Country cottage

Fine dinner at a restaurant


Floor in a townhouse

4 s/month 6 p/month

Flagon of ale or beer


Room at an inn

Flop-house stew


Stabling a horse one night

Jack of wine, sack or port Pub lunch


15 p/month


Stabling a nag one night


Fine suite

1f 3 p/night

Rations, 1 day


Good room

Sit-down dinner at an inn


Average room

3 f/night


2 f/night

Board (food) in the country Board (food) in town

1 s/month

1 p/night

18 p/month

Other equipment Adventuring Gear


10’ pole





Bit and bridle

Flint and tinder



2-5 s 2p 4p – 2 s


Clothes Boots

2-5 p



Surcoat or Jupon




Clerical robes

2-12 p

Hunting Horn




Coarse clothes


Lamp, hooded


Great boat or raft

10 c

Court clothes

1-8 c

Fine clothes


5 p-1c

Great carriage

50 c

1-8 c

Merchant ship

100 m




1 p/meter


3 p/each

Tent Torches Water skin



Hard tack (1 day)





Small boat or raft Small carriage Wagon War ship

1 f/each 3p


3c 15 c 2c 200 m


2-4 c 1s–1c




1-4 p



Sorcerous robes


Travelling clothes

3-5 p

IV. EXPERIENCE AND ADVANCEMENT A character’s level advances through experience as he or she defeats foes, recovers treasures, and does other things that earn experience points.

• • •

Gaining Experience

A character’s experience is measured by ‘Experience Points’ (‘EXP’). EXP are awarded at the dungeon master’s discretion, but the following guidelines are recommended: •

• •

• •

Defeating a foe: 10xhit-die or level (this can include killing, incapacitating, forcing to surrender, driving off in a way that the enemy can’t return to attack again). Successful saving throw or ability test in a stressful or conflict situation: 10 Casting a spell in a stressful or conflict situation: 10 x spell level

Surviving an adventure: 50 Succeeding at the goals of an adventure: 50 Doing something hilarious or interesting in play: 5 or 10 Doing something glorious, honorable, infamous or nefarious in play: 100 (e.g., winning a grand tournament; kidnapping a king; leading an army to victory). Treasure: 1 per Crown worth of money, jewelry or other valuables Magic Items: 10 for a minor item or weapon; 50 for a major item; 100 for an artifact or relic.

Advancing Character Level The table below indicates the number of experience points required for a character to advance to a new character level.

New Level Additional EXP required Total EXP required 2 500 500 3 1000 1500 4 1500 3000 5 2000 5000 6 2500 7500 7 3000 10500 8 3500 14000 9 4000 18000 10 4500 22500 (continue progression following the same pattern) Whenever a character advances to a new level, he or she benefits all of the following three ways: •


Increase hit points by a number generated by rolling one hit die (of a type appropriate for the character) and adding the character’s Constitution attribute modifier (minimum total of 1). If a character gains an ability that changes his or her hit die, hit points gained at lower levels remain unchanged but all new hit point increases on advancing level use the new hit die. Note that the character now adds 1 more point to rolls involving abilities he or she possesses, reflecting his or her higher level. See Chapter V for details.

Either Increase the score for an attribute other than Luck by 1, or Increase Luck by 2, or gain one new ability. If an attribute rises enough to increase the character’s attribute bonus, adjust effected saving throws and ability rolls accordingly.

Optional: Changing Roles Many characters will evolve in their interests, wealth and abilities to the point where they wish to change to a different role. Four conditions are required for a character to change roles: 1) The character must already possess the required abilities of the new role.


2) The character must own the material possessions and/or property listed as the Equipment provided to a first level character who is created as a member of that occupation. 3) The Dungeon master must agree that the character’s homeland, behavior and situation (social, financial and otherwise) make it possible for the character to join the new occupation.

Corruption and Evolving Traits One of the most sinister aims of the Enemy is to corrupt the hearts of free peoples, weakening their will and bending their minds to his desires. All who come in contact with his works and greater servants, or who purposefully aid him or succumb to his will, risk being transformed for the worse. In game terms, they must resist this influence through Wisdom saving throws, and gain corrupt traits (those marked with an asterisk in chapter II) if they fail. See Chapter VIII for details.

Evolving Traits Characters’ traits evolve as they undergo the dramatic stresses and experiences of adventure. However, they do not change automatically as a result of acquired experience points; rather, they evolve in direct response to character actions:

Learning New Languages A character who spends an extended period (generally a few months) immersed in a foreign culture or interacting closely with a speaker of a foreign language may gain a basic knowledge of that language. The language is learned permanently if the character succeeds at an Intelligence saving throw with a difficulty level of 15 (possibly higher or lower for exceptionally difficult or easy languages). However, the character will take a year or more to become fluent, thin out their accent and learn obscure cultural details.

Gaining new Traits If a character behaves in a way that exemplifies a trait the character does not have (in some non trivial way), write that trait on the character sheet and place it in brackets. At the end of the adventure, attempt a Wisdom saving throw with a difficulty number of 15. If it succeeds, the player may choose whether to gain the trait or erase it from his character sheet. If the roll fails, generally negative traits (e.g., Greed) are gained (remove the brackets; you have the trait now) and positive traits (e.g., Love) are not (i.e., erase it from the sheet).

Gaining and Losing Flaws If a player wishes to remove a character’s flaw after character generation, he or she must expend an ability ‘pick’ when increasing in level. There should also be some effort by the player to show through the character’s actions that he or she has changed in a way consistent with the disappearance of the flaw.

Losing Traits If a character behaves in a way that conflicts with an existing trait, place that trait in brackets. At the end of the adventure, attempt a Wisdom saving throw with a difficulty level of 15. If it succeeds, the player may choose whether to retain the trait or loose it permanently. If the saving throw fails, generally negative traits are retained and generally positive traits are lost.


A character may choose to gain a flaw when changing to a new occupation for which that flaw is appropriate. Characters receive 1 free ability ‘pick’ when they gain a flaw in this way. This can only occur when a character has just advanced in level and changed roles.


V. RULES OF PLAY Many events in the game involve character actions or interactions that include no dramatic conflicts or dangers — riding through a field; commanding a servant to clean your armor; feasting at a lord’s hall. These sorts of events might be trivial or important, but all may be resolved through roleplaying unfettered by formal rules.

Constitution: Resisting a poison; holding your breath; resisting petrification or other system shock. Dexterity: Leaping across a pit; scrambling up a tree; navigating a narrow precipice; tossing a note through a high window; avoiding a dragon’s breath. Intelligence: Noticing a trap; finding a tome in a library; recognizing a disguise; answering a riddle. Wisdom: facing terror or horror; retaining your own morale in the face of defeat; resisting the urges of an undesirable trait; resisting magical spells. Charisma: Impressing a lady; frightening a foe; charming a lord. Luck: Landing well from a fall; winning a coin toss; being missed by a massed flight of arrows; stumbling across a lost friend; having a rat chew though your bonds; finding a rusty bar in your prison cell.

The rules that follow are for events that involve conflicts and dangers having uncertain outcomes — combat, arguments, or tests of will. Such events are resolved by rolling a die (usually 1d20) and comparing it with a number that reflects a character’s native strengths and weaknesses (represented by attributes), and possibly his experience (represented by level) if the action involves a ability. While these rules provide guidelines regarding the best choice of attributes and abilities for specific rolls, and the sorts of traits that might provide bonuses, we emphasize that the rules are flexible and intentionally ambiguous, so an element of judgment is always involved. Players should have a say in suggesting which of their attributes, abilities, or traits are relevant to a roll, but the game master has final say. Note that specialized rules governing combat, damage and magic are provided in Chapter VI, VII and IX, respectively.

Once an appropriate attribute is chosen, the character’s player rolls 1d20 and adds the modifier for that attribute. This total is then compared with a ‘difficulty level’ of the threat or obstacle, which is set by the dungeon master. Difficulties of challenges are generally equal to: 10 + the level of the challenge The level of a challenge will generally equal the level or hit dice of an animate foe that is being resisted or avoided, or a value assigned by the dungeon master to represent the challenge presented by some inanimate obstacle (e.g., a hill, pit, trap, etc.). The following rules of thumb can be consulted to select a challenge level for an inanimate threat or obstacle:

Saving Throws Saving throws are made when a character attempts some action or resists some threat unopposed by another living being, and the situation is not directly relevant to an ability the character possesses. Examples include leaping over a pit, ducking a dart from a trap, or a glutton resisting the temptation to steal an inviting cake.

Challenge Lvl. Easy 0 Common 2 Difficult 5 Extreme 10 Heroic 15 Impossible 20

Saving throws are resolved by first selecting the most relevant attribute being tested by the saving throw. The following lists provide examples of situations and actions that can be resolved through saving throws vs. each attribute. This list is representative and suggestive rather than exhaustive or definitive. Players and dungeon masters must exercise judgment when establishing which attributes are tested by a saving throw:

The character’s level of success at the saving throw is determined by a comparison of his or her total for the throw (d20 + attribute bonus) with the difficulty level.

Strength: Lifting a stone; kicking in a door; hanging from a rope; cleaving an inanimate object.


Difficulty Lvl. 10 12 15 20 25 30


Success (S): Saving throw equals the difficulty level or exceeds it by 4 or less. The character has succeeded at the attempted task or avoided the threat, though without extraordinary results. Special Success (Sp): Saving throw exceeds the difficulty level by 5 or more, but has not filled the other requirements of a critical success (below). The character has succeeded and achieved some special success. The meaning of special successes in combat are described by detailed rules (see Chapters VI and VII); in most other circumstances, the game master should determine the specific meaning of special success. Generally, success should be accompanied by some modest ‘twist’ that works in the character’s favor. Critical Success (C): The saving throw total equals or exceeds 20 and qualifies as a special success (i.e., exceeds the difficulty level by 5 or more). Not only has the character succeeded, but some turn of events has occurred that works greatly to the character’s advantage. The meaning of a critical success in combat is covered with a detailed set of rules (see Chapters VI and VII). Less concrete guidance is provided for non-combat critical successes, but the Dungeon Master should concoct an outcome appropriate to the situation; generally speaking, the level of success should be double that of a standard success. Failure (F): The saving throw total is less than the difficulty level, but does not qualify as a fumble (below). The character has failed at whatever he or she was attempting, or suffered the consequences of whatever threat he was attempting to avoid. Fumble (Fu): The saving throw die (before adjustment) is a natural 1 and the saving throw total is less than 10. The character not only fails to accomplish his intended goal or avoid the threat, but some mishap has transpired that turns events greatly to his disadvantage. Fumbles in combat are described by their own detailed rules (see Chapter VI); in non-combat situations, the Dungeon Master is encouraged to dream up some appropriately unfortunate mistake or mishap.

and adds 5, comparing the total to the difficulty level set by the dungeon master based on the target’s armor class, the range and other conditions (or target’s Dexterity saving throw if the arrow was dodged; see below). See the ability descriptions in Chapter II for suggestions as to when and how abilities might be used in play. Abilities are defined as being associated with a specific attribute. However, these are suggestions and typical cases rather than rigid rules; feel free to use another attribute as the base for a given ability roll if it seems more appropriate to the action or scene. For example, an attempt to command a horse to approach something it normally fears might be a Horsemanship ability roll based on Charisma; an attempt to ride while standing on the same creature’s back would call on Dexterity; if the character wished to judge the value of an animal before purchasing it, his chance of success might depend on Intelligence. All would benefit from the character’s level if he had the horsemanship ability.

Opposed Rolls An opposed roll is made when one character’s action is resisted or otherwise opposed by the actions of another living thing. Opposed rolls are more exciting than basic saving throws or ability rolls; the game master should seek to have the highest possible proportion of rolls made during play be opposed (within reason). In an opposed roll, both sides of the contest make a saving throw or ability roll, as described above, and compare their die rolls. Note that the contestants in an opposed roll need not roll vs. the same attribute or ability; e.g., a Disguise ability roll might be opposed by an Intelligence saving throw; or a Thievery ability roll to pick a pocket might be opposed by a Perception ability roll; or a lecherous knight might try to seduce a lady using his Troubadour ability and be opposed by her Wisdom saving throw. Opposed rolls are resolved in a fashion similar to saving throws and ability rolls, but each participant treats the opponent’s total as the difficulty level. The following examples help illustrate the resolution of opposed rolls:

Ability Rolls A simple ability roll is resolved in a way similar to a saving throw, but involves an action that is related to some ability the character possesses. Add the character’s level to the relevant saving throw total. rd For example, a 3 level character with a Dexterity modifier of +2 and the archery ability attempts to fire an arrow at a nearby foe. His player rolls d20


• Foe #1 achieves a saving throw or ability roll total of 14 and #2 achieves a total of 21; #1 has failed and #2 has achieved a critical success.


• Foe #1 gets a total of 11 and #2 rolls a 1 on his d20, with a total of only 6 after adding attribute modifier and/or level; Foe #1 succeeds and foe #2 suffers the penalties of a fumble. • Foe #1 gets a total of 23 and foe #2 a total of 21; #1 has a simple success (it is not a critical because it does not qualify as a special success) and #2 fails.

Fighting in armor or with a weapon or shield for which you lack the necessary ability Firing a missile at a target at long range Firing a missile at a very small target Firing a missile at a moving target Assignment of advantage or disadvantage is always at the dungeon master’s discretion (though players should always feel free to suggest when an advantage or disadvantage might be appropriate, either for their character or a non-player character or monster).

If the contestants in an opposed roll have exactly the same total for their saving throw or skill rolls, and neither fumbled, the result is a tie. In a tie, whatever situation prevailed before the opposed roll persists. Two arm wrestlers will remain locked in their struggle; if one combatant is trying to force closed a door held open by another, the door will remain open.

Advantage and Disadvantage ‘math’ Characters may either benefit from advantage or suffer from disadvantage or neither; in no circumstances does a character benefit or suffer additionally from two or more simultaneous advantages or disadvantages. However, when multiple advantages and disadvantages apply, one must evaluate whether they cancel or result in a net advantage or disadvantage. In this case, tally all relevant advantages and disadvantages for an action to determine whether a net advantage or disadvantage applies: A character that has an equal number of advantages and disadvantages resolves his or her action as if neither applied (i.e., they cancel). If a character is influenced by more advantages than disadvantages, resolve the action as an ‘advantage’ (i.e., roll two dice, keeping the highest value), and if more disadvantages apply than advantages, resolve the action as a disadvantage (roll two dice, taking the lowest value). For example, if a knight rides down a fleeing footman in a night battle, he has one disadvantage (trying to strike something in the dark) and two advantages (striking down at a lower foe and attacking from behind). In this case, the attacker benefits from advantage for this attack.

Advantage and Disadvantage A character’s success chance at a saving throw or ability roll can be modified by many circumstances, which are abstracted as ‘advantages’ or ‘disadvantages’. A character who performs an action in a circumstance that qualifies as an advantage rolls 2d20 and uses the value of the higher die to calculate the total for his saving throw or ability roll. Conversely, a character suffering under a disadvantage rolls 2d20 and uses the value of the lower die to calculate his or her total. Examples of advantages Character has ‘expertise’ with a relevant ability Acting under the influence of a positive appropriate trait (see ‘calling on traits’ below) Attacking a foe from the side or rear Attacking a foe who just charge-attacked Attacking a foe who is significantly below you (e.g., on foot when you are mounted, or scaling a wall you stand upon) Riding or fighting from a very good quality horse Firing a missile after aiming for one or more turns

Calling on Traits If a character has a trait that is relevant to a scene or action and would benefit the character if he embodied or was inspired by that trait, let the player attempt a saving throw vs. Wisdom at the beginning of the scene. This roll generally has a difficulty number of 12, though the game master might rule a higher or lower number is more appropriate to a given situation. If it succeeds, the character benefits from an advantage for all saving throws and ability rolls for the rest of the scene. This is treated the same as other advantages described above. Generally,

Some examples of disadvantages: The character is encumbered (see Chapter III) Suffering from the temptation or influence of a negative trait (see ‘calling on traits’ below) Moving in an area with bad footing Attempting an action that calls on sight when the lighting is poor Attacking a foe who is significantly above you (e.g., mounted or atop a castle wall you are scaling)



no more than one trait may be used in this way at a time.

that players may also choose to use it to help them get out of scrapes.

A character who fumbles a Wisdom saving throw to invoke a trait, or who succeeds at invoking a trait but then substantially fails at his or her objective in the scene, must make a second Wisdom saving throw or go at least temporarily mad. See the spot rules for madness (Chapter VIII) for details.

First, a player can always elect to have a character attempt a saving throw against Luck in place of any other saving throw or ability roll. If the Luck saving throw succeeds, the character has lucked out and may proceed as if he had succeeded normally at the task in question. If the roll fails (or an opposed roll is lost), the character suffers the consequences of failure (whatever they may be in the circumstances) and permanently loses 1 point of Luck attribute (adjusting the attribute modifier as appropriate). The character’s Luck may later increase through experience, as for any other character, but this particular lost point is not recovered at a later date.

Resisting Temptation — When characters try to avoid traits Sometimes traits are a hindrance to a character rather than a benefit. If the character has a trait that should drive him or her to take some action the player does not wish the character to make, or if the trait would reduce his or her effectiveness in the scene, a saving throw against Wisdom (usual difficulty number of 12) is made to avoid a disadvantage rather than to gain an advantage throughout the scene. If this roll fails, the character must act according to his trait and, if appropriate, suffers from a disadvantage when attempting a saving throw or ability roll during the scene.

Second, a player may elect at any time to declare that they wish to make a Luck saving throw to reverse some calamity that they have just suffered (usually a fatal wound or terrible fall). In this case, one point of Luck attribute is automatically lost, regardless of the outcome of the roll. If the saving roll succeeds, some turn of fate reverses the character’s fortunes – an arrow destined for his heart strikes the lucky coin in his pocket instead. If the roll fails, the character suffers his lamentable destiny… Attempts to use Luck in this fashion must be resolved immediately; once play has proceeded after a character was struck down, it is too late.

Calling on Luck Dungeon masters may ask for characters to attempt saving throws against Luck for any number of reasons (to miss being crushed by a falling rock they cannot see, for example). These are resolved as for any other saving throw. However, Luck is special in



VI. COMBAT Combat has its own elaborate rules to help make battles come alive. They are based on the general event resolution rules outlined in Chapter V, but are more specific and diverse in their mechanics, so that the events and consequences of fights are graphic and detailed.

a sword, or perform other minor actions as part of another significant action. The dungeon master and players are encouraged to use reasoned judgment when deciding how long more elaborate actions might take. Descending a castle rampart and crossing its courtyard might take 2 turns. Climbing up the chains of a large raised drawbridge might take 3.

Turns Combat is divided into turns lasting an indefinite but generally short period of time (perhaps 10 seconds to as much as a minute if combatants are pacing, sizing each other up or calling each other names).

The game does not address detailed questions of facing and placement, as it is assumed that combatants are sufficiently mobile and alert to react to any enemy they can see. However, combatants may neither attack nor defend themselves against an enemy they are not aware of (e.g., a theif who has snuck up on the character using the Stealth ability). Attacking a foe from the flank or rear should generally provide an advantage. And, combatants may not actively defend themselves (by dodging or using the parry/riposte action) against attacks of which they are unaware or from some unseen direction.

Actions During each turn, each combatant is permitted one purposeful action. The following list provides examples of what might constitute one action, but the players and dungeon master should feel free to define other activities as actions, to fit the varied circumstances that might arise in combat. • •

• • •

• • • • •

Attack a nearby foe in melee combat. Move across terrain, for a distance in meters (or yards) up to your movement rate, possibly crossing simple barriers or performing other modestly challenging maneuvers. Charge on foot at a foe, up to a distance equal to your movement rate, delivering an attack (though leaving you open to attacks with advantage from any surviving foe). Ride a mount up to a distance equal to the mount’s movement rate, possibly delivering a charge attack at the end. Execute one risky jump, leap or similar difficult maneuver. Attempt to avoid a missile or melee attack using the ‘dodge’ maneuver Defend yourself in melee combat using the ‘parry/riposte’ maneuver with a balanced weapon (or shield or two-weapon combination) Load and fire a draw bow Load or fire a crossbow Cast a spell Open a door and step through it Attempt to ‘shake off’ wounds (i.e., recover hit points; see Chapter VII).

Initiative and the order of actions At the beginning of each combat scene, each combatant determines their place in the order of actions each turn by determining an ‘initiative number’, equal to 1d6 plus their Dexterity modifier. Some weapons provide a bonus or penalty to initiative order due to their length; see the weapon table in Chapter III for details. Some abilities (principally Battle and Lordship) can further modify initiative, as can ad hoc modifiers as ruled by the dungeon master. In the event of a tie, the character with the higher level and possessing a relevant combat skill (e.g., Archery or Swords) acts first. If this still results in a tie, determine who goes first through a random die roll. Combatants fighting under the leadership of a character with Lordship skill may use the modified initiative number of their leader rather than rolling their own. Similarly, the game master rule that as a matter of convenience groups of combatants fighting as a unit may share an initiative value.

It is assumed that combatants can move short distances (a couple of meters), call to an ally, draw


During each turn, combatants act in descending order of their initiative number for that scene.


Characters are generally free to choose an action when their turn comes in combat. An exception is a character that has been engaged in melee combat by a foe that acted previously in the initiative order. If a character is attacked in melee combat before his turn to act and chooses to defend himself using the dodge or parry/riposte actions, he may resolve his defensive action immediately.

any melee attack aimed at a combatant who has just executed a charge attack action has gains an ‘advantage’. This rule does not apply to jousting with the lance, which is governed by its own special rules (described below).

M issile Attacks Missile fire attacks are based on the Archery skill when firing a bow or in another relevant skill when throwing a weapon (such as Spears and Polearms when throwing a spear; see the weapon table in Chapter III for the weapons that may be thrown). Missile fire attacks suffer a disadvantage if aimed against a target at long range (> 50 meters for a bow, > 20 yards for a thrown weapon), and/or if the target is exceptionally small (a cat, bird, a foe’s hand, etc.), and/or is moving quickly. They benefit from an advantage if the attacker spends one full combat turn aiming at the target before attempting the attack.

In the second and subsequent turns of a fight, all combatants use the same initiative number determined at the beginning of the scene.

Attacks An attack is resolved as a simple ability roll using a relevant ability (Martial Arms, Archery, etc.), or, for a beast or unskilled combatant, simply a saving throw against Strength (in melee) or Dexterity (for missile fire). Non player beings that have hit dice rather than a level simply roll 1d20 and add their hit dice when attacking.

Damage from bows and thrown weapons is resolved using the standard rules described below, but note the effects of special and critical successes with missile attacks are resolved on a separate table in Chapter VII. In general, characters do not add their Strength attribute modifier to damage with a bow, unless it has been specially made to require an appropriate powerful draw.

Attack rolls are compared to a difficulty level calculated based on the target’s armor class (AC) as follows: To-hit difficulty level = 20 – target AC The results of consequences:






Fumble: The attack does not succeed, and consult the ‘Fumbles in Combat’ table at the end of this chapter. Failure: The attack does not succeed; no consequences. Success: The attack succeeds, doing normal damage to the target. Special success: The attack succeeds, doing normal damage to the target, and the attacker consults the appropriate ‘Special and Critical Successes’ table in Chapter VII. Critical success: The attack succeeds, doing double damage to the target (roll once and multiply the result by two) and the attacker consults the appropriate ‘Special and Critical Successes’ table in Chapter VII.

Dodging A character that possesses the Dodge ability may elect to use that ability to defend him or herself against a missile or melee attack. In this case, the attack is resolved as an opposed roll (attacker’s tohit roll vs. the defender’s Dodge roll), with the special exception that the attack succeeds only if the to-hit roll is higher than the defender’s dodge roll and equal to or higher than (20 – the defender’s armor class). A dodge counts as a character’s action for the turn on which it is attempted. However, if a character is attacked multiple times, his or her dodge roll applies to all missile and melee attacks (provided the dodging character is aware of those attacks and so could reasonably attempt to avoid them).

Charge Attacks

The Parry/Riposte Action

When a combatant delivers a charge attack with an appropriate weapon, he may move up to his full movement rate and deliver a single attack. Some weapons (e.g., spears) provide a +2 modifier to damage when used in a charge attack. However,


A character carrying either a balanced weapon, a buckler or target shield, and/or an off-handed weapon (see ‘fighting with two weapons’, below), may elect to perform the ‘Parry/Riposte’ action. In


this case, the character waits to act until targeted by a melee attack. At that point, the attack is resolved as a contest between the attacker’s to-hit roll and the defender’s ability roll with a relevant combat ability (e.g., Swords if fighting with a long sword). This roll is always based on Dexterity for the defender. If the attacker’s roll is equal to or greater than the difficulty number based on the target’s AC and is greater than the defender’s roll, then the defender is struck and gets no opportunity to riposte (counter attack). If the defender’s roll is greater than or equal to a difficulty number based on the attacker’s AC and is greater than the attacker’s roll, then the attack fails and the defender instead strikes the attacker, doing damage as for a normal attack. In any other case, no blow is struck in the exchange. Fumbles, special successes and critical hits can occur as for any other rolls.

frequently have trouble harming each other, and the last resort of unarmed combatants. A normal action is required for the ‘aggressor’ of a wrestling combat to come to grips with a foe, initiating wrestling combat. If that foe is armed with a melee weapon, he is given the opportunity to first attack the aggressor (even if he has already acted on that turn). If the targeted foe still has an action available during the present turn he or she may instead elect to avoid the grapple by conducting an opposed roll of Wrestling ability (based on Dexterity; a combatant who lacks Wrestling may instead simply make a Dexterity saving throw). If the aggressor is still capable of fighting after the free attack or wins the contest, then the aggressor has come to grips with his foe and the next turn the two begin wrestling combat. An aggressor can always automatically enter a grapple with a foe that is unarmed but within reach, on the ground, approached from the side or rear, or stunned or otherwise incapacitated, without risk of attack (although a turn’s action is still consumed in entering wrestling combat).

Fighting with Two W eapons A character that fights with a weapon in each hand may elect any one of the following options for their action when engaged in melee combat: • Use the weapon to block, as a buckler, gaining a -1 modifier to AC • Perform the parry/riposte action (even if neither weapon carried is ‘balanced’) • Perform two attacks on the same turn (one with each weapon), both of which suffer from a ‘disadvantage’

Once wrestling combat has been initiated, it is resolved by an opposed roll, using Wrestling ability or, if a combatant lacks that skill, a Strength saving throw. The victor does damage to his foe equal to the difference between their Strength attribute bonuses (minimum of zero; i.e., the stronger can harm the weaker combatant on a normal success but not visa versa). More importantly, if the victor scores a special or critical success, the effects are determined on the relevant table in Chapter VII. These special and critical results are the source of most of the ‘action’ in wrestling combat.

Only a character that possesses the Two Weapon ability (and the ability to use both weapons) may elect to fight with two weapons.

Brawling Attacks with fist, boot or improvised weapons (a broken bottle, a thrown chair, etc.) are resolved as ‘brawling’ attacks. Any character can attempt a brawling attack, as saving throws based on Strength for hand-to-hand combat and Dexterity for thrown items. A character with the Brawling ability adds their level to these rolls. Unarmed punches and kicks generally do 1d2 damage; improvised weapons do 1d4 if small or 1d6 if large (two handed). Some improvised weapons might have properties equivalent to certain weapon properties (Crushing, etc.).

Wrestling combat will only end if one combatant is incapacitated or killed, both separate by mutual agreement, one combatant successfully throws the other (see the Wrestling special and critical results table in Chapter VII), or because one foe is unable to act for a turn (for any reason) and the other wishes to use his action to step away. Slaying pinned foes Even a combatant who has been disabled by wounds or pinned in a grapple can be maddeningly difficult to kill if he is encased in heavy armor. But, a combatant who has successfully pinned or exhausted a foe may unlace the foe’s helm without losing control of his victim. Once the helm is unlaced and removed, the aggressor may strike off the foe’s head

W restling Wrestling, or grappling, is an important part of combat between heavily armored opponents, who



(again, an automatic result if the target is incapacitated or pinned and the aggressor carries a sword or other appropriate weapon). In fights between civilized combatants, this situation is often diffused by the submission of the defeated warrior.

Fumbles in combat When a combatant obtains a fumble result, roll 1d8 and consult the following table:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

M ultiple combatants Combats involving more than two foes can be complex, but resolvable with the rules provided above with no special changes or additions. Each combatant acts once per turn, in descending order of their initiative values. The only significant complexity arises when a character is engaged in melee combat with more than one enemy in the same turn and wishes to use the parry/riposte action. In this case, he must choose between two options for his defense: (1) execute a parry/riposte opposed roll against one foe and allow all other melee attacks that turn to be resolved as normal, unopposed to-hit rolls, or (2) execute a parry/riposte against all attacks from all foes with which the combatant is engaged in melee combat (generally it is only possible to be engaged with and facing 2-3 foes, so this should not result in a large number of rolls), but suffer a disadvantage for all of those parry/riposte rolls. Dodging multiple attacks is more straightforward: the dodging character makes a single Dodge ability roll and applies the result to all attacks he or she can see (i.e., you cannot dodge attacks from the rear or unseen missile fire).



Fumble table No special effect Lose next turn Drop weapon Throw weapon 2d6 m random direction Weapon breaks Fall to the ground Strike a nearby friend for normal damage Strike self for normal damage

VII. DAMAGE AND ITS CONSEQUENCES When a character or creature is successfully struck in combat, the victor determines the amount of damage by rolling the damage die appropriate to the weapon or attack, adding or subtracting the attacker’s Strength attribute modifier (unless using a normal bow, which deals damage without a modifier). A charge attack with an appropriate weapon will add an additional +2 to damage; a wrestling attack will do base damage only equal to the difference between the winner’s and loser’s Strength attribute modifiers (minimum 0). Regardless, this damage is always doubled in the event of a Critical success. Once damage is determined, it is subtracted from the target’s hit points.

equal to his mortal wound threshold (e.g., -8 for the example above). At this point the character may be healed by someone with the Physicker ability (or through healing magic), but will not recover alone. An additional Luck saving throw to avoid death is made every day until the character dies or somehow recovers to have hit points above his or her mortal would threshold.

Effects of Special and Critical Successes Attackers who strike their foes with special and critical successes achieve special results — cleaving their foe’s shields, buffeting them to the ground or hacking off their heads. These effects are an important part of combat, as they are the source of much of its color, excitement and danger.

A combatant whose hit points have been reduced to 0 is said to have ‘swooned’; he or she falls to the ground, may lose consciousness, and can no longer fight or perform other significant actions until his hit points recover to a positive value.

When a special or critical success is achieved in combat, consult the table appropriate to the sort of attack made — melee (including attacks from monsters having deadly claws or fangs), Wrestling and Brawling (or attacks from monsters who lack deadly natural weapons), and Missiles (thrown or arrows). Roll the number and type of dice indicated and apply the effects, as described after each table.

A combatant whose hit points are reduced to a value equal to or less than a number equal to: (-5 – Constitution modifier) has been mortally wounded by shock, blood loss, etc. e.g., a character with a Constitution modifier of +3 becomes mortally wounded when his or her hit points are reduced to a value of -8 or less. In this case, the character is dying and must make a Luck saving throw (difficulty number 12): if it fails, the character dies. If it succeeds, he or she remains on death’s door with a number of hit points



M elee Combat (weapons and deadly monsters) • Special success - roll 1d10 • Critical success - roll 2d10




No special effect










Cloven shield*


Broken Helm*




Rent armor*




Limb broken






Limb broken






Limb hewn off


Cloven helm*


Head hewn off


Cloven in twain

* If the target does not wear or carry the listed weapon, shield or armor, increase the result by 1 •

• •

• •


Bleeding: In any serious fight, blood ‘runs unto the ground’ and soaks the mail and clothing. Small amounts of blood loss are assumed to accompany any damage done by weapons. A ‘bleeding’ wound is a more serious, life-threatening issue. In this case a large artery has been cut or crushed, and blood spouts from the victim at a horrific rate. Immediately after taking the wound, he must attempt one standard Constitution saving throw (difficulty level 12); if he fails he takes 1d4 damage per turn until the wound is staunched by a skilled leech (i.e., a person with the Physicker ability), magic or a miracle. No additional saving throws are permitted (until the character reaches his mortal wound threshold, at which point the usual rules for dying apply). Broken helm: The target’s helmet or helm is broken, and/or his mail coif torn. Increase the character’s armor class by 1. Buffetted. The defender must make a standard Constitution saving thrown (difficulty number 12) or be briefly stunned (at least one turn; he attempts another Constitution saving throw start of each additional turn and may act again on the turn when he succeeds). Cloven helm: The target’s helmet or helm is broken, and/or his mail coif torn, and the target takes a grievous head wound. Increase the character’s armor class by 1, and the target is immediate reduced to 0 hit points, swooning into unconsciousness. Cloven in twain: The target is hewn from shoulder to waist (or similarly crushed or impaled by a non-hacking weapon) and dies instantly. Cloven shield: Defender’s shield is split, rendering it useless.


• • •

• •

Disarmed. The defender must succeed at a standard Dexterity saving throw (difficulty number 12) or drop his weapon. The defender will have to spend a turn recovering his weapon, unless he has another on his belt that can be quickly drawn. Head hewn off: The defender’s head is neatly snicked from his shoulders, killing him instantly. Hewn: The target is done a deep, grievous flesh wound. Immediately reduce hit points to 0 and apply the effects of the Bleeding effect, above. Intimidated: The defender must pass a standard Wisdom saving throw (difficulty number 12) or cower in fear (at least one turn; he attempts another standard Wisdom saving throw at the start of each additional turn and may act again on the turn when he succeeds). Limb broken: The defender has had an arm or leg broken. The attacker chooses which. A broken leg means the defender must fall to the ground and cannot rise (though he may still use his arms to fight if he chooses). A broken arm cannot be used to wield a weapon or shield or perform any other action. The character suffers a disadvantage for most physical activities until healed. Limb hewn off: The defender has had an arm or leg permanently cut off (or similarly maimed by a thrusting or crushing weapon; attacker’s choice as to which limb). In addition to permanently loosing function of that limb, he suffers the effects of the ‘Bleeding’ consequence described above. Overthrown: The defender is brutally beaten to the ground and must make a standard saving throw against the lower of Constitution or Wisdom (difficulty number 12) or immediately succumb, either surrendering or, if he wishes to save face, swooning. Rent armor: The target’s mail or other armor is significantly torn; increase armor class by 1. Staggered. The defender must succeed at a standard Strength saving throw (difficulty number 12) or fall to the ground. He must spend a turn rising to his feet, during which he cannot actively defend himself (i.e., dodge or parry/riposte actions are not permitted). Stunned: The target must succeed at a standard Constitution saving throw (difficulty number 12) or be knocked unconscious from a blow to the head, reducing his hit points to 0.

W restling and Brawling Combat • Special success - roll 1d6 • Critical success - roll 2d6





No special effect






Arm lock






Limb broken








Limb broken


Neck broken

Arm lock: The loser of the turn has had his arm twisted behind his back. He suffers a disadvantage to further wrestling rolls for the remainder of the combat, or until he achieves a success that forces his foe to loosen the hold. Intimidated: The defender must pass a standard Wisdom saving throw (difficulty number 12) or cower in fear (at least one turn; he attempts another Wisdom saving throw at the start of each additional turn and may act again on the turn when he succeeds).


• •

• • • •

Limb brast: The defender has had an arm or leg broken. The attacker chooses which. A broken leg means the defender may not rise from the ground (though he may still use his arms to fight if he chooses). A broken arm cannot be used to wield a weapon or shield or perform any other action. Disadvantage for most physical actions until healed. Neck Broken: The defender is roughly grappled by the head, breaking his neck and automatically killing him. Overthrown: The defender is brutally beaten to the ground and must make a standard saving throw against the lower of Constituiton or Wisdom (difficulty number 12) or immediately succumb, either surrendering or, if he wishes to save face, swooning. Pinned: The loser this turn is pinned to the ground, limbs immobilized. A successfully pinned combatant is effectively disabled until the victor releases him, and may have his helmet unlaced. Struck: The target is struck with fist, dagger or pommel, taking 1d3 damage, in addition to the normal damage done by a successful wrestling attack. Stunned: The target must succeed at a standard Brawn saving throw (difficulty number 12) or be knocked unconscious from being choked or having his head dashed to the ground, reducing his hit points to 0. Thrown: The defender is thrown to the ground a few feet away and must make a standard Agility saving throw (difficulty number 12) or lose his action the following turn.

M issile Combat • Special success - roll 1d4 • Critical success - roll 2d4 Roll



No special effect


Rent armor*


Limb pierced


Body pierced






Head pierced



* If the target does not wear or carry the listed weapon, shield or armor, increase result by 1 •


Bleeding: The arrow head cuts a large artery and blood spouts from the victim at a horrific rate. Immediately after taking the wound, he must attempt one standard Constitution saving throw; if he fails he takes 1d4 damage per turn until the wound is staunched by a skilled leech (i.e., a person with the Physicker ability), magic or a miracle. No additional saving throws are permitted (until the character reaches his mortal wound threshold, at which point the usual rules for dying apply) Blinded: The target was struck in the eye by an arrow, blinding him in that eye. You might think this would provide a penalty to combat, but the orneriness of people wearing eye patches makes up for lack of depth perception. But, the character is disadvantaged when trying to spot small or hidden things. Body pierced: The target has an arrow deeply lodged in his body. He suffers a disadvantage for most actions until it is removed. Removing an arrow requires a successful Physicker ability roll or the subject takes another 1d6 points of damage. Head pierced: The target has an arrow lodged in his face or skull. His hit points are reduced to 0 and he is incapacitated until it is removed. Removing an arrow requires a successful Physicker ability roll or the subject takes another 1d6 points of damage. Limb pierced: The target has an arrow pierced through his leg or arm (attacker’s choice). A pierced leg prevents the target from walking or standing normally and a pierced arm prevents use of that limb. General


• •

disadvantage to most actions until the arrow is removed. Removing an arrow requires a successful Physicker ability roll or the subject takes another 1d6 points of damage. Rent armor: The target’s mail or other armor is significantly torn; increase armor class by 1. Skewered: The target is pierced through the heart or brain and dies in a gout of blood. Persistent effects of wounds If a character suffers an effect from a serious bodily wound as a consequence of a special or critical success roll (brast limbs, bleeding, being ‘hewn’, etc.), it remains in effect for one week or until the character returns to his full uninjured hit point total, whichever takes longer. Any character who engages in violent combat or other vigorous activity while convalescing from serious wounds must attempt a standard Constitution saving throw (difficulty number 12) at the end of the fight or scene; if it failes, the character looses 1d6 damage as a result of renewed bleeding, displacing half-healed fractures, etc.

Healing and Recovery Characters may recover lost hit points through three ways: treatment by a physicker; catching their wind (possible only a few times per day); and rest. Treatment by a physicker Once per day per character level, a person with the Physicker ability can attempt to treat a patient to help him recover hit points lost to wounds. Each successful ability roll (generally difficulty level 12) heals 1d6 points of damage. This can be done only once per wound received.

Staunching bleeding A character suffering from a bleeding wound or who has been ‘hewn’ is in imminent danger of death. If he does not make his Constitution saving throw, his wound will only stop bleeding of staunched by someone having the Physicker ability (or magic or miracle; see Chapters IX and X). That character makes a single standard test of Physicker ability (difficulty level 12). If successful, the wound is staunched. If not, the wound is beyond the caretaker’s ability and the injured party will likely soon die if no other aid is available.

Catching your wind Once per day per character level, a character can attempt to ‘catch a second wind’ by briefly pausing, pulling his socks up, gritting his teeth, etc. Each attempt is resolved as a standard Constitution saving throw (difficulty level 12). If it succeeds, the character immediately gains 1d6 hit points (to a maximum of his uninjured hit point total). If this is done during combat, it requires one full turn. Each attempt counts against the total number of times this may be done per day, whether or not it succeeds. Rest A character who rests calmly in a comfortable spot, with adequate water and food, recovers 1 hit point per day automatically.


Removing arrows Removing an arrow that has deeply pierced a character (i.e., through a special or critical success effect) requires a successful standard Physicker ability roll or the subject takes another 1d6 points of damage.


VIII. SPOT RULES The following sections contain rules describing ways of adjudicating a variety of common events and challenges that arise on adventure. These are not intended to be exhaustive or strict; take them as examples of ways in which the core mechanics of saving throws, ability rolls and opposed rolls can be used to resolve a wide variety of events.

Leprosy: Leprosy is a slow but dreadful degenerative disease that rots the flesh from the victim’s living frame. The victim loses 1 point from Dexterity and Charisma per year, and neither may be increased by experience. When either reaches 0, the character dies.

Doors (and gates, grills, bars and similar barriers)

Corruption Perhaps the greatest desire of the enemy is to twist the minds and spirits of free peoples until they are tainted by evil and crawl to his service of their own miserable will. To this end, any time a character comes in close contact with a great force of the Enemy, he or she must attempt a saving throw vs. Wisdom or gain a new trait from among those marked as ‘corrupt’ in Chapter II (i.e., indicated with an asterisk) or a new madness from those described later in this chapter (the dungeon master should offer guidance here). Traits gained in this way are temporary during an adventure, but may become permanent at the end of the adventure, as per the rules in Chapter IV governing the gaining and losing of traits. The challenge level of this saving throw depends upon the nature of the corruption faced. It equals the hit dice number of a corrupt being (e.g., a Nazgul, Balrog or Vampire), or the level or hit dice of the creator of some great magical item (e.g., Sauron’s level in the case of the one ring). Certain kinds of magic also present the threat of corruption: any use of Necromancy spells, and any use of magic which attempts to directly harm or control the will of another living, sentient being calls for a corruption check with a challenge level equal to the level of the spell.

If a character wishes to kick in a door, pull the bars from window, or some similar act of vandalism, resolve as a Strength saving throw, with difficulty level that reflects size and strength of the barrier. Doors, gates and windows can also be opened with subtlety by picking locks, using the Thievery ability, with difficulty level that reflects the complexity of the lock. Finally, skilled players will propose ways through doors that are simply clever and would obviously work. Resolve such suggestions through reason rather than dice rolls.

Falls A character that falls and lands on a firm surface takes 1d6 points of damage per 3 meters of free

Disease Characters might encounter miasmas and curses and experience imbalances in their humors. A character may resist these assaults by making a Constitution saving throw with a difficulty level determined by the virulence of the disease. A character who contracts a disease may be cured by a successful Physicker ability roll. Some examples: Black bile: The character suffers from an imbalance of the humors that results it effusion of vast quantities of black bile from his … body. He suffers 1 point of damage per day, which cannot recover until he is healthy. Lasts 1d3 days.



fall, or 10 meters of bouncing/sliding over rough ground. A character might make n Dexterity saving throw to catch himself or slow his descent, or a Luck saving throw to have a belt loop fortuitously catch on a branch; damage might be halved or avoided, depending on the circumstances.

silent, moan, or repetitively groan or squeek nonsensical words. Dementia: The victim is detached from reality; he sees, hears, smells and feels things that cannot be perceived by others, and concocts elaborate, deluded stories to explain the things he perceives. Hysteria: Hysteria is a madness brought on by disfavorable alignments of the planets and/or miasmas. It is characterized by wildly fearful and irrational behavior. It is generally not possible to treat the cause of hysteria (one must simply wait for the planets to change alignment or the miasma to pass), but persons with imbalanced humors are more strongly afflicted than others, and thus bleeding and purgatives can be of some help. A hysterical character can formulate no rational plans or complex actions, and reacts with rage or terror to all threats or strong stimulants. Lunacy: Lunacy is a madness brought on by sensitivity to the powers of the moon. It is characterized by wildly aggressive behavior, frequently without obvious reason. Characters suffering from lunacy may work themselves into such a fit that they go berserk, not knowing friend from foe. A character that succumbs to lunacy can be treated by bleeding and purgatives, but can be difficult to restrain and treat. Melancholy: Melancholy is an affliction of the mind and spirit brought on by subtle imbalance of the humors, often in association with tragic or disheartening life events. It is characterized by apathy, low affect, sadness, and discouragement. Apply a disadvantage for all Wisdom saving throws or related ability rolls (or any other rolls that require persistence or gumption).

Fatigue For each of the following conditions, take 1 point of damage: Lost night sleep; no water for 1 day; half day of vigorous exercise; 1 hour exposure to extreme heat or cold without appropriate gear or shelter.

Fire Take 1d6 points of damage for every turn (~ten of seconds) spent engulfed in flame or exposed to extreme heat, or for every blast of natural flame. Some magical fire may cause more damage.

M adness

M orale

When faced with a mind-bending horror or after undergoing some life-changing trauma or stress (such as a critical failure at an attempt to invoke a trait, or defeat when inspired by a trait), make a Wisdom saving throw (usually vs. a difficulty level of 12). Failure indicates the character has gone mad. Madness is an important theme in Arthurian legend, and it is strongly encouraged as a part of any chivalric or other medieval-inspired campaign! A person with Physicker ability might be able to bring a character out of madness. Some examples:

Characters and non-player characters who face horror or great threats must make a saving throw vs. Wisdom or lose the will to continue whatever struggle they might be engaged in. The challenge level should generally equal the hit dice or level of the threatening opponent. On a failed morale check, the creature should flee or, if flight is impossible, surrender. Morale checks are appropriate when faced with obviously superior opposition, when a leader has fallen in combat, when a side in a fight has lost half its members to death or incapacitation, when a being in single combat has suffered a special success or critical wound, or when faced with an uncanny foe (such as the undead or a supernatural servant of the enemy).

Catatonia: A catatonic lapses into a waking, wideeyed coma, and is inactive and apparently insensate throughout his madness. He may stand, fall, or curl into a fetal position, and might be



leads to immediate (next turn) and extreme muscle relaxation. The victim first attempts a Constitution saving throw. Whether this roll succeeds or fails, he gains a disadvantage to Dexterity based rolls for 1 hour, and may fall if he happens to stand on stairs or perch on a branch. If the victim fails the Constitution save, he dies of asphyxiation within 30 minutes when his diaphragm relaxes. If it succeeds, he recovers in 1 hour. Hemlock: A woody herb with a purple-spotted stem and a disagreeable parsnip odor. Ingestion of any part, especially young leaves, is moderately to highly toxic (depending on dose). Over the course of 1-3 hours, the victim will experience nervousness, trembling and loss of coordination (disadvantage for Dexterity based rolls). Soon after, he must make a Constitution saving throw. Success indicates depression followed by coma for 6-48 hours; failure indicates depression followed by coma followed by death within 2d hours.

Poison Poisons cause damage (generally in multiples of 1d6) and may have additional effects, like blindness, paralysis or instant death. Most call for a Constitution saving throw to avoid their consequences. The difficulty level of the saving throw should reflect the virulence of the poison. Some morally corrupt characters become skilled in the preparation and administering of poisons (without this ability you are as likely to dose yourself as your intended victim). Some examples: Alcohol: Alcohol consumed in excessive quantities leads to dramatic losses of coordination, reason and judgment. For every multiple of 2 drinks (flagons of ale, glasses of sack, etc.), the character must make a standard Constitution save. A failed roll indicates the character has gained a disadvantage for any roll based on Dexterity, Wisdom or Intelligence. However, the character also becomes braver while drunk, and so is immune to fear, intimidation and loss of morale. He takes 1 hit of damage per failed saving throw when the spirits wear off a few hours later. Blade venom: Blade venom is a mineral or plant alkeloid that spreads through the body after being introduced through a cut or puncture, and corrodes the victim’s tissue. The effects are strongest near the wound, but will eventually spread throughout the body. While effects vary, most blade venom automatically does 1d6 of damage on the turn after the wound that injected it, after which the victim attempts a Constitution save. If this save succeeds, no further damage is taken. If it fails, the victim takes an additional 1d6 hits of damage. Cobra venom: If cobra venom is injected to a victim’s blood stream through a bite, its neurotoxins will cause the victim to loose coordination over the course of the following 1d6 turns. The victim first attempts a Constitution save. If this roll fails, he gains a disadvantage for Dexterity based rolls for 1 hour, and he might fall if he happens to stand on stairs or perch on a branch. If the victim fails this initial save, he must attempt a second Constitution save; if it fails, the victim dies of asphyxiation within 30 minutes when his diaphragm relaxes. If it succeeds, he recovers in 1 hour. Curare: Curare is a tacky liquid distilled from a tropical vine. If ingested it is harmless (even reputed to have medicinal effects). If introduced to the blood stream, such as through a wound, it


Traps Player characters will hopefully encounter all manner of pits, flying spikes, poison gas and other nefarious traps over the course of their travels. If concealed, these can be found using a Intelligence saving throw or the Perception ability. Once found, they can be disarmed or otherwise avoided using a Dexterity saving throw or the Thievery ability (the same skill can be used to make your own traps if the fancy strikes you). Once triggered, many can be escaped or otherwise mitigated through saving throws against Dexterity or Luck. All rolls should be assigned difficulty levels that reflect the complexity and dangerousness of the trap.

Turning the Undead Characters possessing the Light of Valinor or Elvish Gift abilities are able to thwart the living dead (ghosts, wraiths, etc.) by calling on the power of the gods of Valinor. An attempt to turn undead is resolved as an opposed roll between the character’s Light of Valinor or Elvish Gift ability (i.e., Wisdom modifier plus level) vs. the undead being’s default saving throw (generally its number of hit dice). If an undead being is fully detailed with attributes, it may instead resist with a Wisdom saving throw. In any event, if the character succeeds (wins the contest), the undead being is repelled and must flee his or her presence (or cower if this is not possible). On a special success, the undead being is physically destroyed, but if it possesses a spirit that can exist outside of a physical body that spirit lives on and is


simply repelled. On a critical success, the undead being is physically and spiritually destroyed or cast into the void beyond the physical world.

but then increases by 1 per turn. Most people start to turn blue around turn 3 or 4. A drowned character is reduced to 0 hit points and will die in a few minutes, but can be revived by a successful Physicker ability roll.

W ater If immersed in water, make a Constitution saving throw each turn to avoid drowning. The saving throw begins relatively easy — difficulty number 10 —



IX. MAGIC IN MIDDLE EARTH Middle Earth is a magical place: many beings cast spells or perform supernatural acts that are equivalent to spells in the eyes of this game’s rules; enchanted objects appear frequently and even common people seem unsurprised to learn of their existence; and all cultures seem to recognize that there are people – wizards, witches, necromancers, elves – who can work magic. Yet, throughout Tolkien’s works there is a sense that beneath this surface of conventional fairy tale flash lies a deeper concept of magic tied to religion and cultural history.

• Dunedain Rangers may know Healing and perhaps Divination and the Light of Valinor • Dwarves are capable of Enchantment • And, of course, the recognized wizards, Gandalf, Saruman and Radagast have wide ranging magical powers. We understand through authorial insight that these beings are effectively angels. However, they do not seem to understand themselves that way (at least for large parts of their lives) and their powers often seem limited. So, it is possible to see them as non-player (or even player) characters that are broadly similar in power to other higher-level player characters.

There are several important questions for any gaming group approaching a Middle Earth campaign: Is magic common or rare? Who can practice it (and why)? Just how accessible these powers are to the player characters? And, just what sorts of non-player people and creatures have spelllike powers? Tolkien’s writings offer mixed guidance on these points. Some parts of The Hobbit suggest magic items are as common as trolls’ purses and dwarven toys and as blatant as a burst of fire from a wizard’s staff. Several statements in both The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings suggest that the ranks of men, elves and dwarves have included magicians and all of these cultures have traditions of creating enchantments and casting spells. On the other hand, some of Tolkien’s more contemplative letters argue real magic is something only accessible to elves and angels.

More controversially, some groups will find it appropriate to extend magical abilities to more mundane characters with special backgrounds, for example: • Acolytes or apprentices of The Necromancer (i.e., Sauron before he has revealed himself) or one of the known wizards. • Scholars of Gondor who maintain the traditions of ancient wisdom from Numenor • Hedge magicians who have a touch of the magic of the elves or dunedain. • Orc shamans with a few sorcerous tricks up their sleeves.

M agical Abilities All spells and similar supernatural powers (miracles, enchantments, etc.) are categorized into one of the many magical abilities (Illusion, Necromancy, etc.). A character can only learn and cast spells that fall within the scope of a magical ability that character knows. See Appendix I for a list of the spells that fall within the scope of each ability.

This author is convinced that a wide range of approaches to this question can be in keeping with the source material, and the important point is for each group to give the matter some thought before beginning a campaign. It is suggested that many (most?) campaigns will want to include the following archetypes of character types who posses one or more magical abilities:

Spell Levels Any supernatural power that a character can manifest is described by a spell having a level, which is the measure of the spell’s difficulty to learn and/or invoke, how draining it is on the caster, and the strength of effect it has. Generally speaking, relatively common, subtle effects have spell levels of 1-2, dramatic or powerful effects have spell levels of 3-6, and the most spectacular spells have spell levels greater of 7+.

• Elves of all sorts can possess the Elvish Gift • Noble or scholarly elves may also be capable of Charms, Divination, Enchantment, Illusions, and the Light of Valinor • Sorcerous servants of the enemy may posses Charms, Enchantment, Necromancy and Sorcery (e.g., the Witch King, or any Vampires who might be found abroad in the world).



An exception to the preceding rule is Elvish Gift ability; all elves having this ability automatically know all relevant spells having spell levels equal to or less than their character level.

Learning Spells A character is capable of learning spells (and other magical effects like miracles that are described using the mechanics of spells) having spell levels equal to or less than his or her character level.

Characters are permitted to learn additional spells, beyond those they obtain automatically. Four things are required to learn a new spell: 1) The character must know the ability required to learn and cast the spell in question. Note many spells are available through more than one ability. 2) The spell must have spell level equal to or less than the character’s level. 3) The character must have access to some written form of the spell (e.g., an ancient spell book or tome) or receive instruction from someone capable of performing that spell (e.g., a more experienced and powerful sorcerer, etc.). 4) The character must succeed at an ability roll with the relevant magical ability, with a challenge level equal to the spell level of the spell being learned (i.e., the difficulty number that must be matched with the roll equals 10 + the spell level). Each such attempt generally requires several weeks of study, practice, meditation, etc.; it is recommended that dungeon masters permit one attempt to learn a given spell between adventures, and permit a character to only study one spell at a time. If a player wishes their character to learn a larger number of spells at once, it is recommended that they be removed from play for one or more sessions while they are in seclusion, studying and practicing their craft.

Casting Spells

A character automatically knows one spell or spell like power per magical ability per level. Thus, if a character is created with a magical or miraculous ability, he or she should automatically begin with one spell related to that ability (generally having a spell level of 1, though possibly higher if the character is allowed to begin play at 2nd or higher level). And, if a character’s level advances due to experience, that character should automatically be provided with a new spell he or she has learned to perform for each of his magical abilities, of any spell level equal to or less than his character level. Generally speaking, the player should select this spell, but at the discretion of the dungeon master (who might have reasons for limiting the type or level of spells in his or her campaign).


Unless a spell’s description specifies otherwise, assume that an attempt to cast a spell requires one turn (~10 seconds). Any spell listed in the 1st edition Player’s Handbook as having a casting time as a number (in segments) is presumed to be cast in one combat turn, at the caster’s turn in the initiative order. A spell that has a casting time of 1 ‘round’ or more requires continuous concentration by the caster for the stated number of combat turns, and takes effect at the caster’s turn the initiative order on the subsequent combat turn. A spell that is listed as having a casting time of 1 or more ‘turns’ actually takes several minutes or longer to cast – generally 10 minutes per ‘turn’. Some enchantments and alchemical creations can be performed over hours or days as slow rituals.


effort, but if it demands many turns of struggle success will come at a great cost of hit points lost.

Spell casting attempts should be resolved as ability rolls against the relevant magical or miraculous ability. The difficulty number of this roll is 10 + the spell level.

Counter Spells A counter spell is a spell cast to negate or ward off the effects of another spell that was recently cast or is about to be cast. A character who knows the Counter Spells ability is presumed to have the arcane knowledge and power necessary to attempt to ward off any spell having a spell level equal to or less than the character’s level. Counter Spells are cast as for other spells, but the spell casting roll is resolved as a contest between the being casting the spell in question and the character casting the counter spell.

Saving Throws If the spell will directly influence some living target, this difficulty level represents the minimum result needed for success; the casting roll must also exceed the target’s saving throw (i.e., as for opposed rolls). If the spell or power in question influences the target’s thoughts or feelings, this should be a Wisdom saving throw; if it creates an illusion or other magical trick, this should be an Intelligence saving throw; if the spell presents the target with a physical stress (e.g., having your heart pulled from your chest), a Constitution saving throw is most appropriate; if the spell flings a bolt of lightning or other projectile at the target, a Dexterity saving throw should be made to avoid it. But, as always, the choice of suitable saving throw or skill in an opposed test is open for interpretation. Monsters will generally make saving throws using their default save (1d20 + number of hit dice). At the dungeon master’s discretion, this default monster saving throw may be replaced with an estimate of the creature’s intelligence or wisdom saving throw, based on its Intelligence statistic and/or an ad hoc ruling from the dungeon master based on the monster’s description.

Spell Ranges, Durations and Effects The time- and length-scales and specific effects of magical spells are generally described in the spell descriptions in whatever edition of Dungeons and Dragons is being used as a resource (1st edition AD&D is assumed). Unless otherwise noted, assume that spells may be cast at subjects in the caster’s line of sight (it might be appropriate to use missile weapon range penalties if a caster attempts to hurl a ball of fire or other magical effect at a target several tens of meters away).

Any attempt to cast a spell or power, whether successful or not, results in the caster taking a number of points of damage equal to the spell level of the spell, representing the physical and mental strain of invoking magical powers. This damage is never accompanied by the special or critical effects that occur in combat, but is otherwise just as real as any other damage: it is possible to swoon, even die, from spell casting, and hit points lost by spell casting must be recovered by rest, ‘catching your breath’, or tending by a physicker or magical healer. If a spell caster attempts a spell casting rolls and fails (either because the ability roll fails or the caster lost an opposed roll), he may make another attempt the next turn (or any other time that suits him). However, the damage imposed by spell casting rolls is taken each and every time a spell-casting roll is attempted. Thus, a determined caster will almost always succeed in performing a spell with enough



X. THE MIDDLE EARTH CAMPAIGN the advantages and disadvantages of a first-age campaign. • Early in the third age, when the evil kingdom of Angmar ruled the far north. This is the default setting of most of ICE’s publications for the Middle Earth Roleplaying game.

Time and Place The history of middle earth stretches over thousands of years and many thousands of kilometers, providing a rich range of times and places where campaigns might be set. This game is designed with the assumption that groups will be drawn toward the settings most fully explored in the published stories: late in the Third Age, in the region of middle earth stretching between Mordor in the southeast and Arthedain (or possibly the Blue Mountains) in the northwest. The advantages of this time and place(s) are familiarity, richly detailed source materials, and many places and events that are appropriate for roleplaying game adventures. The obvious disadvantage is that the characters are part of a setting that is in the midst of a grand plot known to the players. This is actually true of most roleplaying games based on literature or movie settings (e.g., the world of Elric also comes to a known and allencompassing end). The two extreme ways of dealing with this are to either engage with the plot, allowing the outcomes to change, even in large ways, as a function of what the characters do, or to completely avoid the plot by focusing on places and times that are irrelevant to the war of the ring. I actually favor a third path: refuse to acknowledge it is a problem at all and simply go on adventures that seem like they would be fun.

Any gaming group with a well-developed opinion regarding this choice would do best to follow their instincts and preferences. This author’s advice to those without a clear view is to focus on the era between the finding of the ring and the beginning of the war of the ring. This period is familiar, well detailed and filled with opportunities for exciting adventures (see Chapter XI).

Power Level Balrogs and Bagginses is designed for play at levels 1-10. First to fourth level player characters are challenged by – but capable of defeating – common enemies like orcs and wolves. Fifth to tenth level characters will be capable of heroic adventures in the face of stalwart foes, but still be challenged by trolls, dragons, ring wraiths, giants and other powerful beings. Beyond this, player characters will begin to out-strip the creatures that define the paragons of good and evil in Middle Earth, and so should be retired (or killed…).

There are alternatives to this assumed setting, including: • The fourth age, immediately after the fall of Sauron. This has the obvious advantages of familiarity and freedom from the published broader historical story line, and the disadvantage of a relative lack of great enemies. • The first age, during the great war between elves and Morgoth. This is a heroic time filled with tremendously powerful heroes and villains. It is also less familiar to most gamers and has relatively little detailed setting information available to support play. • The second age, an era of exploration and conquest by the Numenorians. This shares some of


Source M aterials • • • • •

The Hobbit The Lord of the Rings, including its appendices The Silmarilion The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien The adventure and setting modules published by Iron Crown Enterprises for the Rolemaster and Middle Earth Roleplaying adventure games. • The map sets and setting books published by Decipher for the Lord of the Rings roleplaying game. Though this game is out of print (and widely criticized), the setting materials are outstanding. Highly recommended. • The core books and setting and adventure materials published by Cubicle 7 for The One Ring roleplaying game.


XI. ADVENTURES Assuming players decide to set a campaign in the late third age, roughly overlapping the time span covered by The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, several obvious settings for adventures suggest themselves. The author is of the opinion that the most exciting and satisfying D&D adventures take place at the borders between the civilized world – places where characters can find refuge, spend wealth and engage in political or other non violent adventures – and large, mysterious realms of evil, danger, ruins and secret treasures. Middle earth has several such places where a home base touches a land touched by the Enemy:

what treasures and secrets lurk in the Necromancer’s dungeons? Good luck. • The ruins of Arthedain. The kingdom of Arthedain was the last bastion of men in the north but stands ruined after its destruction several hundred years ago by the forces of Angmar. The population of farmers and pocket kingdoms is slowly rebuilding, but much of the land remains a jumble of ruined fortresses and burned cities. The land lives under the shadow of raids from the orcs of Mount Gundabad. Alternatively, characters might wish to engage in adventures involving political intrigue, spying and warfare. • Rohan and Orthanc. The years before the war of the ring are a time of decline, disunity and confusion among the Rohirim and see the rise of Sauron’s army of orcs, dunlanders and goblin men. Can your characters change the path of history in this troubled land? If so, which side are you on? • The struggle for Osgiliath. The rangers of Ithilien and soldiers of Gondor are locked in a contest for control of Osgiliath and its river crossings. Can your characters contend with the rising sinister might of Minas Morgul? • The corsairs of Umbar. Pelargir and the mouths of the Anduin have come under the shadow of a rising pirate force from the southron kingdom of Umbar. Pick a side and start swashing your buckle! • Lake Town, Erebor and the Elven Kingdom. A new kingdom of men is rising in Lake Town but must share regional power with the ancient elven kinging in northern Mirkwood and the renewed power of the dwarven king to the north. These recent allies share some enemies but also strive with each other for dominance.

• Moria and the nearby kingdoms of men and elves. During the late third age, Moria is a vast ruin filled with mind boggling treasures and dangers, but can be reached within a few days march from Lorien or Rivendell and the human lands of Cardolan, Rhudar and the southern Anduin vales. Adventures in Moria might be a troop of intrepid explorers and treasure hunters who try to sneak past the tribes of orcs and horrible kingdom of the Balrog. Or, they might join Balin’s effort to re-conquer Moria. • Mordor and the surrounding lands of Gondor and Ithilien (and perhaps the less familiar Pelargir or Umbar). The end of the third age is a time of great change in Mordor, as Sauron re-claims his ancient kingdom, re-builds his fortresses and gathers his armies. This fantastically dark and dangerous setting holds many opportunities to scout, explore and seek lost treasures. • Southern Mirkwood. In the years following the departure of the Necromancer, southern Mirkwood remains a deadly, tractless tangle and his vacated keep a ruin haunted by orcs, spiders and many, many much worse things. The mountains of Mirkwood are rumored to be the lair of a proper first-age werewolf. But who knows



XII. FOES The monsters that populate the dungeon master’s world in B&B can be taken from two sources: (1) the most iconic creatures of the setting are detailed in the following paragraphs, in a way generally consistent with previously published editions of D&D but tailored to the Middle Earth setting and the B&B rules set. And (2) statistics for horses, bears, wolves, snakes, etc. (or any other creatures the dungeon master wishes to bring to life in Middle Earth) may be taken from any published edition of dungeons and dragons (though editions prior to 3rd are assumed when defining armor class, hit dice, etc.). It is assumed that the gaming group has access to the 1st edition AD&D Monster Manual.

1. FULL DESCRIPTIONS OF ICONIC MIDDLE EARTH MONSTERS EXPLANATORY NOTES FOR CREATURE DESCRIPTIONS Hit Dice: the number of d8 rolled to determine the creature’s hit points. Also, a creature’s number of hit dice are added to its to-hit rolls and any saving throws involving ‘favored’ attribures. Favored Attributes: the creature generally adds its level to any rolls based on these attributes, reflecting its natural strengths. Armor Class: the creature’s armor class, either based on natural protection, magical powers, or typical worn armor. Attacks: The creature’s favored attacks and their typical damage. Movement rate: Base movement rate in meters per turn. Initiative: Modifier to initiative rolls. Abilities: any abilities the creature is likely to have. It should always add its hit dice number to any action involving an ability it knows, whether or not it involves a favored attribute. Traits: any traits typical of the creature are listed here. These can be called on for inspiration or serve to hinder the creature, as for the traits of player characters. Special: Any special abilities or attacks; these are often detailed in the accompanying text. A special note regarding the undead: The undead are non-corporeal sprits of the dead, or beings whose living bodies remain animated after death, or creatures who have gradually faded from the world of light and life through the powers of the Enemy. All corporeal undead can be destroyed by physical means. However, because their bodies are animated by magic rather than the beating hearts of living things, they are very hearty. Unless otherwise noted, an undead being is incapacitated when its accumulated hit point losses from wounds exceed its hit points, but it is not permanently destroyed by this damage – it’s life force continues unabated and it will eventually regain function if it is not destroyed in some other way. The undead recover hit points through their connection to the spirit of the Enemy, but only slowly – 1 HP per week. Fire can consume them. And, a being with the Light of Valinor ability may turn them, potentially destroying them. Unless otherwise noted, they are unaffected by the special effects of most critical hits. Some corporeal undead beings are harmed by all sorts of mundane damage; others are only harmed by magic weapons or spells or have other immunities. See each one’s description for details. CREATURE DESCRIPTIONS Balrog: Balrogs are spirits of flame and shadow who have long served the Enemy. Those left in the world today are the scattered remnants of Morgoth’s shattered armies, and lurk in the Under Deeps or other forgotten corners of the world. Where these beings have been awakened and have encountered lesser beings, they have kindled their dormant desires for evil and dominion and created small kingdoms of terror. It is possible a Balrog could recognize Sauron as its commander and bend to his will; all other beings must submit to it or fight. They commonly fight with a large flaming sword in one hand and a whip with many flaming lashes in the other. If the whip strikes a foe, it is grappled and may be dragged into the flames that surround the demon, doing 2 hits of fire damage per turn. They shed darkness that fills a 15 meter radius around them. They may also cast spells of Fear, Create Fire, and Control Person at will, and they can cast all counter spells. Hit Dice: 10 Movement Rate: 9 (walking), 15 (flight) Favored Attributes: STR, CON, INT, CHA Initiative: +2



Abilities: Intimidate Traits: Hateful, domineering Armor Class: -2 Attacks: Flaming sword (2d10), Flaming Whip (1d10 and entanglement, as a wrestling grapple). Special: Spell like powers; auro of darkness and flame. Barrow Wight: Wights are angry spirits of the dead that haunt their graves or the battle grounds where they were slain. They may be banished or destroyed by anyone possessing the ability of the Light of Valinor, but cannot be physically harmed except by magic or magic weapons. They are only encountered in dark, remote places, where their victims are likely to be confused or easily frightened. They perceive victims in the darkness and can detect invisible beings. Their touch is cold and brings on a sleepless slumber and eventually death. Any living creature touched by a Barrow Wight must make a saving throw vs. CON or slip into unconsciousness, in which case a second save must be made within an hour to avoid death. They can also attack physically using weapons from their burial place. They are otherwise unthinking and lack whatever skills or knowledge they might have had in death. Wights are not servants of the Enemy, though they seem to be quickened in response to his rising strength. Hit Dice: 5 Movement Rate: 6 Favored Attributes: CHA Initiative: +1 Abilities: Traits: Wrathful, Insane Armor Class: 5 Attacks: Icy touch; possibly a weapon Special: Immunity to non magical weapons; deadly touch Eagle, Great: These intelligent creatures speak their own language and can learn the languages of men. They live high in the Misty Mountains and hunt its slopes and far across the Anduin valley. The great eagles are not close allies of any other beings, but hate the servants of the enemy and hunt them remorselessly. However, some leaders of the free peoples have earned their trust and may seek their aid. In combat, great eagles swoop down upon foes with their claws. When a claw attack is made at the end of a steep dive, double claw damage. On a successful attack, the target is automatically grasped in the eagle’s claws, allowing the eagle to attempt to grapple a foe on the next turn. If successful, the target may be pinned, or lifted and carried away...or dropped. Attacks with the beak are generally reserved for devouring helpless prey. Hit Dice: 4 Movement Rate: 3 (walking), 48 (flight) Favored Attributes: DEX Initiative: +2 Abilities: Perception Traits: Aloof, predatory Armor Class: 7 Attacks: Claws (2 per turn): 1d6; beak: 1d12 Special: Tremendous long-distance vision Ent: Ents are an ancient race with mysterious origins, who walked the earth in the dawn of the world before the coming of the first born elves and men. They are a sentient people but strangely resemble the trees of their home forests. When standing still, they are nearly indistinguishable from trees (a perception roll with a disadvantage is required to spot them). Ents typically live alone or in small groups within a vast cave or hollow screened by plants and trees. They greatly resent uninvited guests.Ents hate evil things or unrestrained felling of trees or burning of fresh wood. Though naturally calm and deliberate, in battle Ents can whip themselves into astonishing berserk furries. An Ent attacks by striking with its great branch-like limbs. Because of their body and skin structures, Ents are very difficult to harm with normal physical attacks; in addition to their exceptional natural armor, they do not suffer most special effects of critical hits (though accumulated hits from injury can eventually incapacitate them). Ents vary widely in size, reflecting the wide range of hit dice and damage listed below. Ents are so strong that the are capable of tearing apart stone walls and great castle gates if given enough time and incentive. Hit Dice: 7-12 Movement Rate: 12 Favored Attributes: STR, CON, WIS Initiative: +1 Abilities: Traits: Berserker, Deliberate, Loyalty (trees) Armor Class: 0 Attacks: Branch blows (2 per turn): 2d8 (7-8 HD), 3d6 (9-10 HD) or 4d6 (11-12 HD)



Special: Control over Hourns Fell Beast: The fell beast is a monstrous winged saurian, a leftover from an ancient age, that has been fed foul meats and trained to the hand of the Enemy. They are used as mounts by the Nazgul and other servants of darkness. The cry of a fell beast inspires fear; check morale or panic. Hit Dice: 3 Movement Rate: 6 (walk) or 24 (fly) Favored Attributes: STR, CON Initiative: +1 Abilities: nil Traits: Predatory Armor Class: 0 Attacks: Claws (2 per turn when in flight): 1d6; or one Bite (usually only at helpless foes): 2d8 Special: nil Giant: The giants of middle earth are an ancient race that live remote from the lands of men, in the misty mountains or deep in forested rolling hills of Rhudar or the mountains of Mirkwood. Giants are not servants of the enemy, but are feared by all thinking peoples, as they are mercurial and ferocious – capable of playing fearsome games of catch with stones one moment and devouring a hapless human the next. Hill giant (‘ogre’): These relatively small (10-12’ tall) giants are relatively human in appearance and may speak a crude form of westron; they often come down from the hills to raid the flocks and villages of men. Hit Dice: 9 Movement Rate: 12 Favored Attributes: STR, CON Initiative: +1 Abilities: nil Traits: Slow witted Armor Class: 4 Attacks: Club 2d8; may hurl rocks for 2d8 damage Special: nil Stone Giant: titanically large (~20’ tall), thick limbed and rocky-faced, the stone giants are a mountain race that rarely interacts with men (it is not clear they can even speak). Like a wild force of nature, a stone giant is best avoided. Hit Dice: 15 Movement Rate: 12 Favored Attributes: STR, CON Initiative: +2 Abilities: nil Traits: Wild Armor Class: 0 Attacks: Club 6d6; may hurl rocks for 5d6 Special: nil Hourns: If need arises, Ents can cause trees to come to life; such an awakened tree is called a Hourn. It takes 3 turns for a tree to lurch to life, during which it creaks and groans. Hourns are strange, fell beings that have no love for anything that walks on two feet; even elves and good humans should avoid them. They vary greatly in size; some are enormous, with cross-sections of multiple meters and capable of destroying great walls or slaying a troll with one blow. Hit Dice: 6-20 Movement Rate: 6 Favored Attributes: STR, CON Initiative: -1 Abilities: Traits: Berserker, Hate (humanoids) Armor Class: 0 Attacks: Branch blows (2 per turn): 2d6 (6-8 HD), 2d8 (9-10 HD), 3d6 (11-13 HD) or 4d6 (14-16 HD), 4d8 (17+ HD) Special: Speachless and irrational; only Ents can control a Hourn’s rage once it is awakened. Nazgul: The Nazgul are powerful servants of the Enemy, created through their seduction and corruption by the Enemy, formalized in the acceptance of one of the nine rings he made for mortal men. The Nazgul were powerful kings of men in life and retain many of the abilities they had in life; at least one (their leader, the Witch King) was a sorcerer and is still capable of acts of wizardry.



The Nazgul are beings of both spirit and corporial manifestation. Their normal state is corporeal, but if their bodies are slain or destroyed, their spirit will persist until it can return to their master, who can cast make them physically manifest again. A Nazgul cannot manifest himself unaided – only his master can do this for him. A corporeal, manifested Nazgul can be harmed by many forms of physical attack, but benefits from the physical heartiness of all undead. However, they have a particular vulnerability to water and fire and will always check moral in the face of these primal forces. Any non-magical weapon that strikes a Nazgul automatically breaks, and its wielder is affected as if subjected to the touch attack of a Nazgul (see below). Similarly, any being that strikes a Nazgul with his fist, claw, bite, etc. suffers as if successfully touched by the Nazgul. The Nazgul naturally have the ability to see spirits and invisible beings, and are expert at both the Perception and Tracking ability (representing their ability to smell and feel the presence or passage of living things). Any mortal who sees them must check morale. The touch of a Nazgul does 2d6 damage and forces the target to vs. CON or fall into a persistent swoon. The breath of a Nazgul causes no damage but also calls for a saving throw vs. this magical swoon. Anyone who succumbs to this effect must attempt a second save 1 day later or die; only magical or miraculous healing or a successful counter spell can revive the victim. The Nazgul also have many weaknesses: They cannot enter or cross open natural water (except on a bridge) unless they succeed at a morale check made at a disadvantage. They cannot see things in the physical world illuminated by natural or bright artificial light as mortals do. Their hightened senses allow them to perceive the general proximity of living things with great acuity, but they are still blind. Therefore, they suffer a disadvantage to attack at normal, mundane creature or things during daylight or in a brightly lit space. This penalty does not apply to spirits, invisible beings, or in the dark — their mage sight allows them to see all such things. Their weaknesses in lead them to avoid appearing before the living during daylight unless pressed by a great need. They prefer to approach their prey in the dark watches of the night, when the fear they inspire is greatest. Finally, the Nazgul also bear vile enchanted weapons and armor granted them by their master. They commonly ride living, sighted steeds that also act as their eyes in daylight. Fell Beasts and evil, tormented war horses are favored mounts. The Nazgul vary in their abilities; the statistics below are representative of the several nameless, lesser ones who follow the Witch King’s commands Hit Dice: 10 Movement Rate: 12 Favored Attributes: INT, CHA Initiative: 0 Abilities: Perception, Tracking, Intimidate Traits: Determined, Sinister, Secretive Swords Armor Class: 4 (full mail) Attacks: Magic Sword (+2 to hit, 1d8+2 damage) Special: Fear, Touch, special senses, weaknesses in light, fear of water and fire Orc: Orcs are the twisted products of Melkor’s vile experiments on Elves and Men. As a race, they are more variable than men, consisting of several distinct breeds. They tend to have more and coarser hair, sharp teeth (or actual fangs) and claws instead of fingernails. They see in the dark like gimlets, letting them fight without penalty in dim light (though in pitch blackness they suffer a disadvantage). Most breeds hate and fear bright, natural sunlight; they suffer a disadvantage in direct sunlight and must check morale if faced with hardship or a challenge in these conditions. They are generally tough, greedy, and quarrelsome. Some orc tribes form powerful kingdoms; others are rude clusters of mountain huts. They can co-exist with men (especially criminals and the southron and easterling minions of Sauron). However, both elves and dwarves despise orcs, and attack them on sight. Common Orc (‘uruk’ or ‘goblin’): A vicious, hateful and repugnant race bred long ago from elves in the dungeons of Morgoth. Orcs remain the dominant servants of the enemy, though he often finds them to be faithless and quarrelsome. Bandy legged, prognathous and wiry-haired, they are not a pretty people. But they have powerful arms and are hardy. They are also as clever and creative as men and elves, though their jokes, songs and creations are twisted and filled with spite. Orcs can see in dim light without disadvantage, but suffer a disadvantage for morale and many actions involving aiming, perception or endurance when in direct sunlight. Many common orcs with relatively light frames ride wargs when raiding the lands of men. Hit Dice: 1 Movement Rate: 12 Favored Attributes: STR, CON Initiative: 0 Abilities: Intimidate Traits: Hate, Fear



Armor Class: worn (typically 6) Attacks: armed attacks (typically scimitars, battleaxes, spears and short bows) Special: dark vision; vulnerability in bright sunlight Player character orcs: +1 Strength, +1 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -1 Charisma. Intimidate and d8 hit die abilities. Goblin men (‘half orc’): A recent addition to the races living in northwest middle earth, the goblin men are the result of breeding experiments in the dungeons of Orthanc. Of all the goblin races, only half orcs can (sort of) pass as human, letting them act as spies in the kingdoms of men. They also lack the fear of sunlight common to other orc breeds (though they also are less adept at seeing in the dark). Hit Dice: 1 Movement Rate: 12 Favored Attributes: STR, CON Initiative: 0 Abilities: Traits: Armor Class: worn (typically 5) Attacks: armed attacks (typically scimitars, battleaxes, spears and long bows) Special: dark vision; vulnerability in bright sunlight Player character goblin men: +1 Constitution, -1 Wisdom, -1 Charisma. d8 hit die ability.



Great Orcs: The great orcs are a rare, little understood holdover from the first age of the world – possibly even lesser spirits of evil bound by Morgoth into the forms of brutish, powerful and sinister orcs. Their hunched frames make them appear roughly human sized but they posses great bloated bodies and powerful limbs beyond the strength of any man. They are natural leaders of any community of orcs where they are found. Only a few are known to exist – the Great Goblin of goblin gate being one. It is not recommended that player characters be able to play great orcs. Hit Dice: 6-10 Movement Rate: 12 Favored Attributes: STR, CON Initiative: 0 Abilities: Intimidate, Battle, Lordship Traits: Brutal, Domineering, Armor Class: worn (typically 2) Attacks: armed attacks (typically scimitars, battleaxes, spears and long bows) with +6 damage Special: dark vision; vulnerability in bright sunlight Snaga (‘slave’): A sub-type of common orc having a small, spindly frame, large noses and ears and a sniveling, conniving spirit. Commonly serve as trackers, skirmishers and slaves of larger orcs. Hit Dice: 1 Movement Rate: 12 Favored Attributes: CON, DEX Initiative: +1 Abilities: Perception Traits: Fear, Cowardice Armor Class: worn (typically 7) Attacks: armed attacks (typically short swords, javelins and short bows) Special: dark vision; vulnerability in bright sunlight Player character snaga: -1 Strength, +1 Constitution, -1 Wisdom, -2 Charisma, +1 Luck. Perception ability. Uruk-Hai: These great orcs were bred from common orcs to serve as shock troops capable of standing up to the powerful men of westernese. They are violent, brave, and devoted eaters of all forms of humanoid flesh. The Uruk-Hai continue to serve as heavy infantry in the armies of Sauron and Saruman, and frequently rise to positions of leadership in independent orc tribes. Any goblin king will have a close personal body guard made of these brutes. Distinctive for their dark black skins and heavy tusk-like teeth. Hit Dice: 2 Movement Rate: 12 Favored Attributes: STR, CON Initiative: 0 Abilities: Intimidate Traits: Armor Class: worn (typically 5) Attacks: armed attacks (typically scimitars, battleaxes, spears and long bows) with +2 damage Special: dark vision; vulnerability in bright sunlight Player character Uruk-Hai: +2 Strength, +1 Constitution, -2 Wisdom, -1 Charisma. Intimidate and d10 hit die abilities. Spider, Giant: Giant spiders are a race of sentient arachnids that live in – in some cases over run – remote forests and mountain vales. Most are only distant descendants of the ancient evil, Ungoliant. These are small to moderate in size (up to perhaps the size of a large dog) and relatively easily defeated when alone, but live in close communities and hunt collaboratively. They have no fear of men and will attack anyone they believe they can kill for food. While not servants of the Enemy, their evil, predatory spirit often serves his broader aims by presenting deadly dangers to the free peoples. Some larger members of these communities become dangerous enough to defeat men and other large prey on their own and establish solitary hunting grounds. Giant spiders hunt by delivering a relatively harmless bite (1 or few hits of damage) that injects a poison that renders the victim unconscious and paralyzed (unless the target makes a saving roll vs. CON). They also set snares in close, confined and dark spaces, hoping to trap intended prey, rendering them helpless for the paralyzing bite. A Perception roll is generally required to spot these; if you run into one a DEX saving throw is required to avoid being stuck, and, once stuck, a STR saving throw is required to break free. A successful attack with an edged weapon may also free a stuck character, though a trapped character suffers a disadvantage when trying to free himself this way. Even if these rolls succeed, the victim may find himself channeled toward a killing ground where he will have trouble defending himself.



The greatest giant spiders are direct daughters of Ungoliant who have survived to the present day, hidden in deep, webbed lairs. Shelob is the most famous of these, though others exist, deep in abandoned levels of goblin tunnels or deep, black canyons of uninhabited mountains. A small giant spider Hit Dice: 1 Favored Attributes: DEX Abilities: Stealth, Tracking Armor Class: 8 Attacks: Bite (1 hit, plus paralytic poison) Special: webs

Movement Rate: 9 Initiative: +1 Traits: Cruel, Predatory

A large, solitary giant spider Hit Dice: 4 Movement Rate: 15 Favored Attributes: STR, DEX Initiative: +1 Abilities: Stealth, Tracking Traits: Cruel, Predatory Armor Class: 4 Attacks: Bite (1d4, plus paralytic poison with challenge level 4) Special: webs The great spider, Shelob Hit Dice: 10 Movement Rate: 12 Favored Attributes: STR, DEX, INT Initiative: +1 Abilities: Stealth, Tracking Traits: Cruel, Predatory Armor Class: 2 Attacks: Bite (1d8, plus paralytic poison with challenge level 10) Special: webs Troll (Olog): An ancient race created by Morgoth in mockery of ents, to serve as shock-troops for his armies and personal guards for his Balrog captains. Trolls are massive, brutish and slow-witted creatures, with powerfully muscled limbs, thick, sometimes scaled hides, and an aggressive (if somewhat simple minded) disposition. Trolls either live individually or as small groups in the wild or, more often, as the slaves and shock troops of orcs (who understand how to command and intimidate trolls using fire and goads). Trolls come in several varieties that differ in appearance, size, hide and intelligence. Some wild trolls are so sensitive to the sun that it turns them to stone, though this seems not to occur in the domains under direct control of the Enemy and appears to have been bred out in the relatively new race of Olog Hai. Cave Troll: More powerful than hill trolls and bearing hide so thick and scaled that it can turn a blade, cave trolls are fearsome fighters. But they are beastial in intelligence and cannot speak or understand more than the simplest commands. Cave trolls are not intelligent enough to make suitable player characters. Hit Dice: 9 Movement Rate: 9 Favored Attributes: STR, CON Initiative: -1 Abilities: Traits: Brutal Armor Class: 0 Attacks: Punch or kick (2d6); grapple using the rules for wrestling. Special: turned to stone by sunlight Hill Troll (also referred to as stone trolls or, in cold climates, show trolls): Hill trolls are stupid by the standards of the free races, but capable of speech (either Westron in the west or Black Speech in Mordor) and devising simple plans and stratagems. They are the most widespread and common troll race and most likely to be encountered living independently from orcs or other evil things. They may live in groups. Appearance varies with climate but all are similar in basic statistics and behaviors. Hit Dice: 7 Movement Rate: 9 Favored Attributes: STR, CON Initiative: -1



Abilities: Common Arms Traits: Brutal, Predatory Armor Class: 2 Attacks: Punch or kick (1d10); weapon (+8 damage) Special: turned to stone by sunlight Player character hill trolls: +7 Strength, +4 Constitution, -1 Dexterity, -3 Wisdom, -3 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. d12 hit die ability. A Troll’s base AC is 6 due to its thick, scaly hide. This may be reduced by worn armor. Trolls are generally incapable of having abilities or traits involving intellectual complexity of any kind. Mountain Troll: Tremendously large and powerful trolls bred in Mordor or living wild in the misty mountains. These behemoths can contend with giants and serve in Sauron’s armies as beasts of burden for tasks requiring titanic strength. They lack the intelligence to make or even understand plans or use crafted weapons. Hit Dice: 12 Movement Rate: 6 Favored Attributes: STR, CON Initiative: -2 Abilities: Traits: Beastial Armor Class: 2 Attacks: Punch or kick (3d6); grapple using the rules for wrestling. Special: turned to stone by sunlight Olog-Hai: Recently bred from trolls and savage men in the caverns beneath Barrad Dur, the Olog-Hai are a superior race of evil trolls. Somewhat smaller than their powerful but dense brethren, the Olog-Hai are enormously stronger and more resilient than the common races, possess a crafty intelligence, and are unfailingly vicious and prone to the vilest acts of evil. The generals of orcish armies are increasingly drawn from the ranks of this new creation of Sauron. Hit Dice: 6 Movement Rate: 6 Favored Attributes: STR, CON Initiative: 0 Abilities: Battle, Intimidate Traits: Sinister, Crafty, Vicious Armor Class: 5; may be improved with worn armor; partial mail results in AC 0. Attacks: Punch or kick (1d8); grapple using the rules for wrestling; weapons with +5 damage Special: turned to stone by sunlight Player character Olog-Hai: +5 Strength, +2 Constitution, -3 Wisdom, -1 Intelligence, -2 Charisma. Intimidate and d12 hit die abilities. Vampire: Vampires of Morgoth are fell spirits bound into the forms of humanoid bats of roughly human size. During Morgoth’s empire, vampires served as his envoys, emissaries and agents. They are powerful sorcerers (using their magical abilities as characters with level equal to their hit dice), and exude a palpable aura of terror and revulsion. Any mortal who beholds a vampire must check morale with a challenge level of 8 or be overwhelmed by gut wrenching horror – they may only flee or, if impossible, cower in abject submission. They subsist on a steady diet of human (and elvish) flesh – giving rise to ageless tales of blood drinking monsters of the night. Even the wise do not know the fate of Morgoth’s vampires, but it is possible that they live on in dark, lonely wastes on the edges of the civilized world. Hit Dice: 8 Movement Rate: 9 (walking); 15 (flying) Favored Attributes: DEX, INT, CHA Initiative: +2 Abilities: Charms, Illusions, Traits: Depraved, Voracous Necromancy, Sorcery Armor Class: 1 Attacks: Bite (1d6+4) Special: Magic, aura of fear Warg: A race of large, vicious and evil wolves. Their origins are unclear, though they are often in league with orcs and other servants of the Enemy and may be descendants of Morgoth’s werewolves (much as giant spiders are distant descendants of Ungoliant). Wargs are intelligent, have a language of sorts, organize themselves into large tribes and are even capable of going to war. However, they are at their most dangerous when in league



with orcs, who ride wargs as men ride horses, and who are capable of gathering large tribes of these canine monsters and marshaling them into battle. Nevertheless, wargs are mortal creatures who lack magical powers and can be slain with an arrow or good axe. Hit Dice: 4 Movement Rate: 18 Favored Attributes: DEX Initiative: +1 Abilities: Perception, Tracking Traits: Sinister, Predatory Armor Class: 6 Attacks: Bite (2d4) Special: nil Werewolf: The werewolves of middle earth are evil spirits bound by Morgoth into the forms of great canine monsters. They are highly intelligent, possess sorcerous powers, and are bent on evil. Where vampires served as Morgoth’s messengers and emissaries, werewolves were his murderers and intimidators. Any werewolf encountered in the third age is a living fossil – a spirit that refused to be banished from the world and persists as an evil horror poisoning some abandoned corner of the wild. It is rumored that a werewolf currently haunts the Mountains of Mirkwood, and it is imaginable that others serve the Enemy in various capacities. Hit Dice: 8 Movement Rate: 18 Favored Attributes: STR, INT, CHA Initiative: +1 Abilities: Intimidate, Perception, Traits: Monstrously evil Sorcery, Tracking Armor Class: 0 Attacks: Bite (3d6) Special: nil

2. GUIDELINES FOR ADAPTING CREATURES FROM THE 1ST EDITION AD&D MONSTER MANUAL Most statistics in the monster manuals for previous editions have no direct implications regarding rules and can be used without any concerns regarding consistency with B&B (e.g., frequency, number appearing, % in lair, etc.). The following notes provide guidance regarding the more complex statistics: Armor class: use as listed. If the creature is a humanoid who wears artificial armor (e.g., an orc in mail) one can either adopt the AC value listed in the original source, or re-calculate based on the creature’s equipment using the rules in this volume. Hit dice: this is the number of d8 rolled to determine hit points and the value added to the creature’s rolls to-hit and the default bonus for saving throws and ability rolls. The dungeon master may rule that some creatures should not receive this full bonus for certain rolls (e.g., a giant likely should not receive a large bonus to avoid an arrow trap). In this case, it is suggested the dungeon master assign the creature an ad-hoc value for an attribute and calculate the creature’s saving throw as he or she would for a player character. Number of attacks: if greater than 1, resolve all simultaneously at the creatures turn in the initiative order. Special attacks and defenses: usually involve special effects detailed in the creature description. Good luck keeping them generally consistent with the unified mechanics of B&B! Magic Resistance: Divide this value by 5 and add the resulting value to the creature’s saving throws to resist magical spells. Intelligence: Use qualitative intelligence category to estimate intelligence attribute rating, as detailed in the Monster Manual. Morale (Basic D&D only): Subtract 7 from the listed number and apply the remainder as the modifier to any Wisdom saving rolls to resist the effects of fear. Size: Not important, other than as a means of adjudicating events involving lifting or pushing creatures or determining where they can or can’t fit. Psionics: B&B has no rules for psionics. These can be ignored, or applied directly using the psionics rules from the edition used as your main source of monster statistics, or replaced an equivalent spell-like ability.



APPENDIX I. SPELL LISTS Most spell properties and effects are self-explanatory and, if taken from Basic or 1st or 2nd edition advanced D&D, compatible with the core rules of B&B. The principle complications are range, casting time. Ranges given in inches can be converted 1:1 to meters (or yards). Casting times given in ‘segments’ indicate a spell can be cast in a single action at a caster’s turn in the initiative order in combat. Casting times given as one or more ‘rounds’ indicate the caster must concentrate on spell casting for at least that number of turns, doing nothing else, and then the spell casting roll is attempted at his or her turn in the initiative order on the subsequent turn. All spells in B&B are organized according the magical ability required to learn and cast them. The dungeon master and players must consult the list below to determine the ability or abilities under which a spell is categorized. DRAFT NOTE: I’ve included on the first 3 levels of spells from 1st Edition AD&D in this file; I will replace it with an updated file in a few days, including all the spells. But this will give you a feel for where we’re headed! If the font in the following table is too small … zoom in!



F i r s t   L e v e l

Light of Valinor




Elvish Gift









Animal Friendship

Charm Person

Comprehend Languages

Animal Friendship


Audible Glamer

Affect Normal Fires

Cure Light Wounds



Gabze Reflection


Feather Fall

Find Familiar


Detectd Evil

Detectd Evil


Change Self

Burning Hands

Purify Water

Detect Evil


Protection from Evil


Predict Weather

Detect Illusion

Pass Without Trace


Color Spray

Faerie Fire

Remove Fear


Resist Cold

Hold Portal

Wall of Fog

Dancing Lights

Purify Food and Drink




Purify Water


Magic Missile

Invisibility to Animals


Locate Animals


Speak With Animals


Detect Invisibility

Purify Water

Detect Magic


Detect Snares and Pits



Phantasmal Force

Read Magic

Push Shocking Grasp Spider Climb

S e c o n d   L e v e l

Charm (person) or Mammal



Snake Charm


Detect Charm

Speak with Animals




Darkness, 15' radius

Call Lightning

Spiritual Hammer

Locate Plants

Hold Person


Produce Flame

Resist Fire



Warp Wood

Fool's Gold

Audible Glamer

Fire Trap

Magic Mouth


Heat Metal

Detect Invisibility


Find Traps


Know Alignment

Hypnotic Pattern

Resist Fire

Locate Object

Slow Poison

Knock Ray of Enfeblement


Silence, 15' r

Mirror Image



Strength Trip Web Wizard Lock

T h i r d   L e v e l

Hold Animal Summon Insects

Fear Suggestion

Clairaudience Clairvoyance Locate Object Tongues

Clairvoyance Snare

Explosive Runes Stone Shape

Hallucinatory Terrain Illusionary Script

Cure Blindness

Continual Light

Animate Dead

Plant Growth

Dispel Illusion

Continual Darkness

Gust of Wind

Flame Arrow

Cure Disease

Create Food and Water

Feign Death


Dispel Magic


Lightning Bolt

Protection from Fire

Neutralize Poison

Glyph of Warding





Infravision Prayer Remove Curse

Speak with Dead

Protection from Fire Protection from Evil, 10' Prot. from Normal Missiles

Spectral Force

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