Bakau Pile Specification

September 4, 2017 | Author: Hoo Yen How | Category: N/A
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36 Bakau Pile (a) Bakau piles shall be good, sound, straight piles with fresh uninjured bark and of reasonably uniform size throughout. They shall not be less than 75mm in diameter at the larger end and 65mm at its thinner end. Such measurements shall not be over knobs and protuberances. The permissible deviation of the axis of the pile from the straight line joining the centres of the two ends shall not be more than 15mm. (b) All bakau piles shall be inspected and approved by the S.O. before being used. Bakau piles that have been rejected shall be removed from site immediately. The piling shall be carried out by operators thoroughly experienced in their trade and shall be carried out in accordance with the instructions of the S.O.. (c) Piles shall be driven vertically in a straight line, particularly squared from the face of the work and free from damage. The monkey used shall be 200 kg (minimum) in weight. The monkey shall drop from a height of 1m minimum but not exceeding 1.5m. The actual height of the drops shall be as directed by the S.O.. (d) Incorrectly or badly driven piles and piles damaged during driving shall be extracted and replaced or else duplicated all at the Contractor's own expense. (e) For bakau piles longer that 5m but not exceeding 10m length, only one mild steel splice joint shall be allowed to extend the piles to the required length. No splicing shall be allowed for bakau piles not exceeding 5m in length. Splicing shall be by means of a mild steel collar of 110mm internal diameter and 400mm in length. The collar shall be fabricated from a single galvanised Steel Sheet of SWG 12 (2.64mm) thickness with 15mm diameter mild steel bar strut at the centre of the collar and all shall be well coated with bituminous paint and approved by S.O. before being put to use.

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