BAJI BOXING - Brennan Translation

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BAJI BOXING | Brennan Translation

Brennan Translation

BAJI BOXING Posted on December 30, 2015









 by Miao Ganjie  Ganjie  [published Nov, 1936] [translation by Paul Brennan, Dec, 2015] – 八極拳圖譜序 


同邑繆君淦杰。精研少林拳技十餘載。近著八極拳圖譜一編。請序于余。 同邑繆君淦杰。精研少林拳技十餘 載。近著八極拳圖譜一編。請序于余。繆君之意。一以為八極拳動止整齊。用以 繆君之意。一以為八極拳動止整齊。用以 敎練學校團體。尤稱宜適。一以為著圖譜。可使來者得以考見其體勢與法式。予惟八極拳與形意之連環拳雜式捶略 敎練學校團體。尤稱宜適。一以為著圖譜。可使來者得以考見其體勢與法 式。予惟八極拳與形意之連環拳雜式捶略 相似。而剛猛特甚。旣簡約而易明。力量又易見加益。敎練學校團體。誠 相似。而剛猛特甚。旣簡約而易明 。力量又易見加益。敎練學校團體。誠至善也。若夫拳技之流別。惟得其體勢與 至善也。若夫拳技之流別。惟得其體勢與 法式。乃可推 法式。 乃可推較其同異。故圖譜行卽流別不至混淆難辨。今世言拳技師承者。大都誇誕不經。附會之談滋多。由于 較其同異。故圖譜行卽流別不至混淆難辨。今世言拳技師承者。大都誇誕不經。附會之談滋多。由于 昔之授拳者。鮮有圖譜可考也。今太極八卦形意潭腿杳拳等皆已有書。而 昔之授拳者。鮮有圖譜可考也。今 太極八卦形意潭腿杳拳等皆已有書。而八極尚闕。然則繆君之為。固不容已者 八極尚闕。然則繆君之為。固不容已者 矣。吾聞有淸之世。南皮大馬家莊有周長春者。肥碩而短。善超躍。眈道 矣。吾聞有淸之世。南皮大馬家莊 有周長春者。肥碩而短。善超躍。眈道術。當道光之末。已七十餘歲。習八極者 術。當道光之末。已七十餘歲。習八極者 推為得之眞傳。時人號為周大魔。言其道術之神也。今八極拳流行于山東 推為得之眞傳。時人號為周大魔。 言其道術之神也。今八極拳流行于山東河北。而河北尤盛。自首都設中央國術 河北。而河北尤盛。自首都設中央國術 館。館中定八極為必修課。多延河北八極專家。來任敎師。故邇來江南一 館。館中定八極為必修課。多延河 北八極專家。來任敎師。故邇來江南一帶。亦頗流布焉。繆君八極之學。淵源于 帶。亦頗流布焉。繆君八極之學。淵源于 河北。不知其出于南皮周氏者乎。抑否乎。吾願繆君博訪而審辨之。而更 河北。不知其出于南皮周氏者乎。 抑否乎。吾願繆君博訪而審辨之。而更有以語我也。吾常見演八極者。震步時用 有以語我也。吾常見演八極者。震步時用 力太過。易于傷腦。謂宜去其震步之猛厲。繆君亦以為然。因釆此意。列 力太過。易于傷腦。謂宜去其震步 之猛厲。繆君亦以為然。因釆此意。列于凡例。其諸變通而無弊者歟。 于凡例。其諸變通而無弊者歟。  中華民國二十三年武進徐震哲東甫序于正德國技學社 

Miao Ganjie is from my own hometown. He has ha s studied Shaolin Boxing intensively for more than ten years. Having recently produced this handbook on Baji Boxing, he invited me to write a preface for it. Miao’s intention is firstly to standardize the Baji Boxing movements for educational purposes, for which he deserves special praise, and secondly to provide photographs so that practitioners can imitate the postures. [Unfortunately the photos in this priceless book are of very poor quality, making its text that much more important.] It seems to me that Baji Boxing somewhat resembles Xingyi’s Continuous set and Mixed Posture set, though with far more hardness and fierceness, for it is simple, clear, powerful, and its benefits are obvious. For teaching to large groups in schools, it truly is excellent stuff.  stuff.  Regarding the various branches of boxing arts, the similarities and differences of their postures and techniques can be analyzed, thanks to pictures of them being made to keep the styles from getting confused about the correct or incorrect way to perform their techniques. When people in our era speak of learning their boxing art as a disciple of a master, it is mostly a lot of groundless boasting. Such people discuss their arts in increasingly strained interpretations, and this is because those who taught boxing arts in former times rarely produced images with  which we can verify the correct way way to perform the postures. postures. These days there are already already books to represent Taiji, Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use.

Bagua, Tantui, Boxing, on,Policy  yet still none for Baji. Now Miao has made one and its contents are To find outXingyi, more, including how toCha control cookies, seeand here:so Cookie truly unique.  unique. 

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I have heard that during the Qing Dynasty, there was a certain Zhou Changchun in the Ma Family Village,




BAJI BOXING | Brennan Translation

Nanpi County [in Hebei], who was short and fat, and yet an expert in leaping. He was obsessed with sorcery arts, and by the end of the reign of Emperor Guangxu [1850], he was already al ready more than seventy years old. Practitioners of Baji proclaim that their genuine art was transmitted from him, and his contemporaries called him “Demon Zhou” because of his interest in sorcery.  sorcery.   Baji Boxing is popular these days throughout Shandong and Hebei, especially flourishing in Hebei. Ever since the Central Martial Arts Institute was established [1928] in the capital [Nanjing], Baji has been a required part of  the curriculum there. Many Baji experts have been invited from Hebei and appointed to teach it, and thus it has recently been spreading south of the Yangzte quite considerably. Miao’s Baji system originated in Hebei, but it is not known for sure whether or not it came from Mr. Zhou of Nanpi.  Nanpi.  I hope that Miao will visit every class and check up on things, then report back to me, for I have often seen people who are performing Baji using too much force when they stomp and easily harming their brains. I think  they should get rid of the overly violent stomping, and Miao has the same opinion. Be discriminating on this point as you go through the movements in this book. Do always what is appropriate and never what is harmful.  harmful.  – written by Xu Zhen, called c alled Zhedong, of Wujin [in Jiangsu], at a t the Virtuous Martial Arts Society, 1934 – 自序 

 AUTHOR’S PREFACE 運動。是强國强民之基礎。為世界各國所公認。故無論何國。莫不注意民 運動。是强國强民之基礎。為世界 各國所公認。故無論何國。莫不注意民衆運動。吾國自鼎革以後。始漸知運動之 衆運動。吾國自鼎革以後。始漸知運動之 重要。今政府亦竭力提倡之。運動之方法甚多。然終莫美于吾國之拳術。 重要。今政府亦竭力提倡之。運動 之方法甚多。然終莫美于吾國之拳術。拳術之優點殊多。而練習尤易。不論農工 拳術之優點殊多。而練習尤易。不論農工 商學兵。團體個人隨時隨地。皆可練習。較之他種運動。旣覺經濟亦更便 商學兵。團體個人隨時隨地。皆可 練習。較之他種運動。旣覺經濟亦更便利也。余並不反對其他各種運動。然終覺 利也。余並不反對其他各種運動。然終覺 其時間金錢均太不經濟。如標一枝。價値十餘元。擲數次卽斷。斷後一無 其時間金錢均太不經濟。如標一枝 。價値十餘元。擲數次卽斷。斷後一無所用。餘如足球。籃球。跑鞋。球鞋等。 所用。餘如足球。籃球。跑鞋。球鞋等。 其價値均在數元。至數十元間。而又非有大規摸之運動場不可。故除學校 其價値均在數元。至數十元間。而 又非有大規摸之運動場不可。故除學校之外。軍隊中。略可練習。餘如農工商之 之外。軍隊中。略可練習。餘如農工商之 大多數民衆。皆無練習之可能矣。試問國貧民窮如吾國。提倡此種貴族化 大多數民衆。皆無練習之可能矣。 試問國貧民窮如吾國。提倡此種貴族化之運動。能否普及。有無効果。雖愚婦稚 之運動。能否普及。有無効果。雖愚婦稚 子。亦能知之。且此類運動。于身所得之益。僅强健體格而已。吾國拳術 子。亦能知之。且此類運動。于身 所得之益。僅强健體格而已。吾國拳術運動。豈僅此而已哉。可以鍛練身心。培 運動。豈僅此而已哉。可以鍛練身心。培 養道德。提高個性之當武、任俠、勇敢、冒險、無畏、奮鬥之精神。以及 養道德。提高個性之當武、任俠、 勇敢、冒險、無畏、奮鬥之精神。以及抵禦强暴之技能。于軍隊中衝鋒肉搏。尤 抵禦强暴之技能。于軍隊中衝鋒肉搏。尤 有實効。在吾國民氣頹唐如死。國勢垂危之秋。捨認眞提倡拳術之外。實 有實効。在吾國民氣頹唐如死。國 勢垂危之秋。捨認眞提倡拳術之外。實無其他强國强民之妙策。今有人謂提倡國 無其他强國强民之妙策。今有人謂提倡國 術。無異于開倒車。余謂出此言者。必非了解國術之內容者也。今吾國之 術。無異于開倒車。余謂出此言者 。必非了解國術之內容者也。今吾國之在野名流。曁政府之明達諸公。亦深知拳 在野名流。曁政府之明達諸公。亦深知拳 術之精妙。又切合于吾國之國勢民情。乃從事提倡。不遺餘力。幾將淪亡 術之精妙。又切合于吾國之國勢民 情。乃從事提倡。不遺餘力。幾將淪亡之國粹。得以挽囘。使全國民衆。認識拳 之國粹。得以挽囘。使全國民衆。認識拳 術為精妙絕倫之運動。可謂有卓見者矣。惟昔之研究拳術者。大多本其師 術為精妙絕倫之運動。可謂有卓見 者矣。惟昔之研究拳術者。大多本其師之指授。未曾著書以留傳于後。故今頗有 之指授。未曾著書以留傳于後。故今頗有 失傳者。殊為可惜。今拳術著作。雖日漸衆多。而合于學校團體練習之敎 失傳者。殊為可惜。今拳術著作。 雖日漸衆多。而合于學校團體練習之敎材。仍不多覯。故余今特將此八極拳全 材。仍不多覯。故余今特將此八極拳全 套。依古人定法。照現代敎育程序。編為合于學校團體練習之敎材。並誌數語。質諸有道。   中華民國二十三年六月武進繆淦杰序于雙劍齋 

Exercise is the foundation of “strengthening the nation by strengthening the people”. This is generally  acknowledged by every nation in the world. Thus regardless of the country, they all pay attention to the exercising of the masses. In our nation since the revolution [1911], we have begun to gradually understand the importance of  exercise, and the current government does its best to promote it.  it.   There are a great many methods of exercise, but ultimately nothing as beautiful as our nation’s boxing arts. The advantages of boxing arts are very numerous, particularly the fact that they are easy to practice. Regardless of  farmer, laborer, merchant, scholar, or soldier, working in groups or individually, anytime and anywhere, all can practice them.  them.  Compared to other forms of exercise, they are also surely more convenient financially. I am by no means opposed to other forms of exercise, but in the end I feel they are all impractical in terms of time and money.  Whenever special equipment equipment is require required, d, it may cost a pretty penn penny y but then fall apart into uselessness uselessness after Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. repeated sessions. For instance, soccer and basketball require special running shoes and gym shoes, which can To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy 

cost anywhere from too much to much too much. Also, such sports cannot be engaged in without the proper Close and acceptof  athletic grounds. Therefore outside of schools or military compounds, they can rarely be practiced, leaving most




BAJI BOXING | Brennan Translation

society – the farmers, laborers, and merchants, with no chance to take part in them.  them.  Let us ask: if a poor nation like ours encouraged those sorts of a aristocratic ristocratic sports, could they be popularized and would they produce results? Even idiots, women, and children are able to know the answer to this. Furthermore, the benefits to the body from these kinds of sports are merely a matter of strengthening the physique and nothing more. Our nation’s boxing arts exercises are more than this. They can train both body and mind, fostering moral development, improving one’s spirit of valor, chivalry, courage, daring, fearlessness, and striving, and build the skills to resist bullies, being especially effective for soldiers in hand-to-hand combat.  combat.  Since the morale of the people seems fatally dejected and our national spirit is in critical decline, beyond earnestly recommending boxing arts there is really no other strategy for “strengthening the nation by  strengthening the people”. There are nowadays those who say that promoting martial arts is no different from turning back the wheels of history. I say that whoever utters such words certainly does not understand the substance of our martial arts.  arts.  Nowadays, the distinguished persons in political opposition and the sensible gentlemen who are in office all deeply understand the exquisiteness of boxing arts and how they are exactly suitable for our nation’s situation and the condition of our people. Thus these men do their utmost to encourage these arts and bring about a retrieval of  our downtrodden culture, causing the whole nation and all that are in it to recognize that boxing arts are a superb and unsurpassed form of exercise. These can be called cal led insightful men indeed.  indeed.  Previously those who studied boxing arts were for the most part those who were taught personally and who did not write books to transmit the knowledge to future generations. Because of this, many of these arts are now lost forever, which is a terrible pity. Nowadays boxing arts authors have been producing teaching materials suitable for practice in educational institutions, and although they are becoming gradually more numerous, I still hardly  encounter them. Therefore I now present this complete set of Baji Boxing, according to the established methods of  past practitioners while at the same time arranged into a pattern of modern instructional procedure*, compiled into a resource suitable for use in educational institutions. Let the record state over and over that it is something of substance and meaning.  meaning.  – written by Miao Ganjie of Wujin in the Double-Sword School, June, 1934 [*The set has been assigned six sections of eight postures each with a cadence of “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8!” to guide the drilling of groups of practitioners. The set otherwise seems to fall into a more natural structure of four sections: (1) ten postures from the Preparation Posture to Posture 2.1, (2) sixteen postures: 2.2–4.1, (3) thirteen postures: 4.2–5.5, (4) ten postures: 5.6 to the end. This is because sections 1–3 end with the same posture, sections 1 and 3 even finishing with the same four postures. Once comfortably familiar with the set, there is no need for the contrived cadence and one may simply practice according acc ording to the rhythm of its more natural sections.] – 凡例 

GENERAL COMMENTS 一此編八極拳,震步甚多,惟震步用力過猛,腦部震動,練習者須注意及 一此編八極拳,震步甚多,惟震步 用力過猛,腦部震動,練習者須注意及之,弗過于用力,免傷腦筋也。 之,弗過于用力,免傷腦筋也。 

[1] In this book of Baji Boxing, there are a great many stomping steps. When stomps are performed too aggressively, your brain will be shaken. While practicing, you must give this point attention and not use too much force, in order to avoid beating up your y our own brain. 一此編,取才于八極拳,因其合于團體練習,人數多少均宜。 

[2] This book chooses to present Baji Boxing because it is suitable for group practice, whether the number of  people be small or large. Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy 

一此編,依敎授程序,編輯,全套共分六節,每節,為八箇動作,每箇動 一此編,依敎授程序,編輯,全套 共分六節,每節,為八箇動作,每箇動作,均有詳細圖說,使學者易于了解。 作,均有詳細圖說,使學者易于了解。 

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[3] The material in this book is sequential. The whole set is presented in six sections, each section containing eight




BAJI BOXING | Brennan Translation

movements. Each movement has both an explanation and a photo so that you will easily understand. 一此編,若是箇人練習,不必喊口令,團體練習,則非喊口令,各人之動 一此編,若是箇人練習,不必喊口 令,團體練習,則非喊口令,各人之動作不能整齊,故所定之口令,但有數,而 作不能整齊,故所定之口令,但有數,而 無名,蓋欲求其簡捷爽快,雖是團體練習,亦能一氣呵成故也。 

[4] When the material in this book is used for solo practice, it is not necessary to cal calll out commands. During group practice, there has to be commands, otherwise people will not be able to move in unison. Therefore the standard commands to call out are the numbers rather than the names of the postures because I seek for it to be simple and straightforward, and then even during group practice, there can be a flow to the movements. [As the names vary  in amount of syllables, they would therefore not have the same metronome effect as a simple count of the monosyllabic basic Chinese numbers.] 一此編,單練極為重要,而團體練習,尤為合宜,因其來去皆走直䠀,不 一此編,單練極為重要,而團體練 習,尤為合宜,因其來去皆走直䠀,不與其他拳術之走四門,團體練習易于雜亂 與其他拳術之走四門,團體練習易于雜亂 也。 

[5] The material in this book focuses most of all on solo practice, but it is also particularly suitable for group practice because the set always travels along a straight line, not moving all over the place like in some other boxing arts, which would easily make group practice a mess. 一此編,因單練團體練,均極合宜,為拳術中不可多得之材料,故祗敍拳 一此編,因單練團體練,均極合宜 ,為拳術中不可多得之材料,故祗敍拳之眞意,實益,文字粗俗,求其易明也。 之眞意,實益,文字粗俗,求其易明也。 

[6] The material in this book is entirely suitable for both solo practice and group practice,  practice,  and since this art is something unique among the boxing arts, I therefore only explain the techniques in the context of their true meaning and genuine benefit. Thus the writing style is down to earth, ffor or I seek to make it easy to understand. 一此編,假定之行拳方向,『東南西北』為便于初學者之用,練習旣熟, 一此編,假定之行拳方向,『東南 西北』為便于初學者之用,練習旣熟,當然可以隨便不拘,每一式之下,註明方 當然可以隨便不拘,每一式之下,註明方 向,使學者,無方向錯誤之苦。 

[7] The material in this book goes according to orientations of “north, south, east, west” in order to make it easier for beginners to work with. Once it has been practiced to the point of familiarity, you will of course be able to practice the set in any direction you y ou wish. In each of the postures below, its orientation is indicated so that you will not have to worry about moving in the wrong direction. 一此編,八極拳,全套中之術名辭句,有費解者,因尊重原來之意起見,未敢擅改也。 

[8] In the Baji Boxing presented in this book, the names of the postures throughout the set are sometimes obscure. This is because I have respect for their original intention and I would not dare to alter them. 一此編,為供國術同志研究之參考,挂漏之處,在所不免,尚祈國術同志,加以指正為幸。  [9] The purpose of this book is to supply my martial arts comrades with reference material. It is inevitable that

there are some aspects in which the book is incomplete. I hope my comrades will bless me by giving me corrections. – 八極拳之練法 

HOW TO PRACTICE BAJI BOXING 語云,獅子搏象用全力,搏免亦用全力,此二語,頗能代表練八極拳之意 語云,獅子搏象用全力,搏免亦用 全力,此二語,頗能代表練八極拳之意義也,練八極拳者,不練則已,一動手, 義也,練八極拳者,不練則已,一動手, 渾身精神奮發,必須以全力貫注于手足,一舉手,一動足,莫不以全力赴 渾身精神奮發,必須以全力貫注于 手足,一舉手,一動足,莫不以全力赴之,而于下部工夫,尤當格外注重,其一 之,而于下部工夫,尤當格外注重,其一 脚之落地,要沉著,要有穩重如泰山之意,蓋下部為百骸之基礎,若下部不鞏固,卽手上有絕頂工夫,恐亦不足以 脚之落地,要沉著,要有穩重如泰山之意,蓋下部為百骸之基礎,若下部 不鞏固,卽手上有絕頂工夫,恐亦不足以 Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. 應大敵,故練八極拳者,最宜注重下部之穩重,若僅拘拘其手法之攻守, 應大敵,故練八極拳者,最宜注重 下部之穩重,若僅拘拘其手法之攻守,則失八極拳之眞意矣,卽苦練十年,亦僅 則失八極拳之眞意矣,卽苦練十年,亦僅 To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy 

得其糟粕耳,故八極拳,實為研究拳術者,必練之拳,研究斯拳者,幸注意及之也。  Close and accept There is a saying: “Whether a lion attacks an elephant or a rabbit, in either case it uses all of its power.” This




BAJI BOXING | Brennan Translation

saying can represent well the mentality in practicing Baji Boxing. For practitioners of Baji Boxing, if you don’t practice, then you’ve got nothing. As soon as you move your hand, rouse your spirit throughout y your our whole body.  You must concentrate your full full power through your hands and feet. feet.    Whenever you raise your hand or or move your foot, always put you yourr full power into it, and the skill to this lies in the lower body. You should give it particular attention. When your foot comes down, it should be heavy. You should have the notion of being as steady as a mountain. Your lower body makes the foundation for your whole  body. If your hands above are extremely extremely skillful but your lower body is unsteady, your skill skill will probably not be sufficient to deal with a powerful opponent. Therefore practitioners of Baji Boxing should pay the greatest attention to the solidity of the lower body.  body.  If you are only attacking and defending with formulaic techniques, then you will have lost the true meaning of  Baji Boxing, and even if you have been practicing diligently for ten years, y you ou will only have been wasting your time. Therefore in Baji Boxing, true students of the art must practice the techniques. To those who are studying this art, I hope you will give these points your attention. – 八極拳之特點 

THE CHARACTERISTICS OF BAJI BOXING 拳術之門戶極多,而不論任何一門戶中,槪有趟子,連拳,基功,散手等 拳術之門戶極多,而不論任何一門 戶中,槪有趟子,連拳,基功,散手等,誠不勝繁雜,非三年苦功,不得結束, ,誠不勝繁雜,非三年苦功,不得結束, 故學者,每有憚煩,而半途中輟者焉,若八極拳,則無是弊,旣簡易,習 故學者,每有憚煩,而半途中輟者 焉,若八極拳,則無是弊,旣簡易,習之尠有不成者,蓋本門功夫,僅有八極拳 之尠有不成者,蓋本門功夫,僅有八極拳 一趟,凡四十八手,平日不練基功,不練打法,功成自會打人,雖僅四十 一趟,凡四十八手,平日不練基功 ,不練打法,功成自會打人,雖僅四十八手,然技擊之精華,罔一不具也,學者 八手,然技擊之精華,罔一不具也,學者 在未練時,或將疑此言為夸誕,但能認眞練去,一俟功成,定必詫為奇妙 在未練時,或將疑此言為夸誕,但 能認眞練去,一俟功成,定必詫為奇妙,誠為國術中,最名貴之精品也,學者, ,誠為國術中,最名貴之精品也,學者, 幸勿忽視之。 

There are so many schools of boxing arts, but whatever the school, they typically have practice sets, drills, basic exercises, free sparring, etc. Indeed there is almost too much material to handle, and without thirty years y ears of hard  work, you will never get to the end. That is why sstudents tudents tend to becom becomee afraid of how much work it will will take and give up halfway. But if you choose Baji Boxing, you will be without this problem, for it is so simple. There are few   who practice it that do not complete complete the training. This is because in this art’s curriculum, curriculum, there is only one Baji Boxing set, comprised of forty-eight postures. postures.   Generally, without practicing the basics, you will not be able to practice sparring. But once skill is achieved, you  will naturally be able to spar with people. Although there are only forty-eight postures, the techniques are superb and are in no way incomplete. Before a student has practiced it, he will think these words are boastful. But if you can practice it seriously and wait patiently for skill to be achieved, you are sure to be surprised by how wonderful it is. Among Chinese martial arts, it is truly of the rarest quality, and I hope you will not overlook it. – 强國强種  八極拳目次 


Section One  One  第一圖  術名  曲膝連捶 

Name of the technique for Posture 1.1: BEND THE KNEES WHILE PUNCHING  PUNCHING  第二圖  術名  進步挑打 

Name of the technique for Posture 1.2: ADVANCE, CARRYING STRIKE  STRIKE 

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  術名   或肘反挑打   To第三圖 find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy 

Name of the technique for Posture 1.3: TURNING OVER THE ELBOW, CARRYING STRIKE STRIKE  

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第四圖  術名  進步橫打




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  Name of of the technique for Po Posture sture 1.4: ADVANCE, HORIZONTAL STRIKE STRIKE   第五圖  術名  斜打 

Name of the technique for Posture 1.5: DIAGONAL STRIKE  STRIKE  第六圖  術名  擠 

Name of the technique for Posture 1.6: PRESSING TO THE CROTCH CROTCH   第七圖  術名  擄踢 

Name of the technique for Posture 1.7: CAPTURE & KICK   第八圖  術名  斜打 

Name of the technique for Posture 1.8: DIAGONAL DIA GONAL STRIKE STRIKE   第二節   Section Two  Two  第一圖  術名  打開 

Name of the technique for Posture 2.1: SPREADING OPEN  OPEN   第二圖  術名  卡肚 

Name of the technique for Posture 2.2: CROWDING THE BELLY   第三圖  術名  泄卡肚 

Name of the technique for Posture 2.3: RELEASING FROM CROWDING THE BELLY   第四圖  術名  斜托天勢 

Name of the technique for Posture 2.4: PROPPING UP THE SKY AT A SLANT  SLANT   第五圖  術名  翻身掌 

Name of the technique for Posture 2.5: TURN AROUND, PALM STRIKE  STRIKE  第六圖  術名  右臂大纏  Name of the technique for Posture 2.6: RIGHT ARM LARGE TWINING  TWINING  第七圖  術名  左臂大纏 

Name of the technique for Posture 2.7: LEFT ARM LARGE TWINING  TWINING  第八圖  術名  小纏窩心掌 

Name of the technique for Posture 2.8: SMALL TWINING, PALM STRIKE TO THE SOLAR PLEXUS PLEXUS   第三節 

Section Three  Three  第一圖  術名  上步窩心掌 

Name of the technique for Posture 3.1: STEP FORWARD, PALM STRIKE TO THE SOLAR PLEXUS  PLEXUS   第二圖  術名  掛搭 

Name of the technique for Posture 3.2: HANGING & CROSSING CROSSING   第三圖  術名  上步架  Name of the technique for Posture 3.3: STEP FORWARD, PROPPING UP  UP  第四圖  術名  打脆膝 

Name of the technique for Posture 3.4: STRIKE, KNEELING DOWN  DOWN  第五圖  術名  迎面掌 

Name of the technique for Posture 3.5: PALMS STRAIGHT AHEAD  AHEAD  第六圖  術名  轉脚搓臉 

Name of the technique for Posture 3.6: PIVOT THE FEET, RUBBING STRIKE TO THE FACE  FACE   第七圖  術名  腿避 

Name of the technique for Posture 3.7: THIGH GUARDING THE CROTCH  CROTCH  第八圖  術名  十字架 

Name of the technique for Posture 3.8: CROSS-SHAPED FRAME  FRAME  第四節 

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Section Four   To find outFour  more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy  第一圖  術名  打開 

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Name of the technique for Posture 4.1: SPREADING OPEN OPEN




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  第二圖  術名  斜卡肚  Name of the technique for Posture 4.2: DIAGONALLY CROWDING THE BELLY   第三圖  術名  上步窩心掌 

Name of the technique for Posture 4.3: STEP FORWARD, PALM STRIKE TO THE SOLAR PLEXUS  PLEXUS   第四圖  術名  右退步掌 

Name of the technique for Posture 4.4: RETREAT RIGHT LEG, PALM STRIKE  STRIKE  第五圖  術名  左退步掌 

Name of the technique for Posture 4.5: RETREAT LEFT LEG, PALM STRIKE  STRIKE  第六圖  術名  掛搭 

Name of the technique for Posture 4.6: HANGING & CROSSING  CROSSING  第七圖  術名  小纏窩心掌  Name of the technique for Posture 4.7: SMALL TWINING, PALM STRIKE TO THE SOLAR PLEXUS PLEXUS   第八圖  術名  退步換手扎 

Name of the technique for Posture 4.8: RETREAT, HAND-SWITCHING SMASH  SMASH  第五節 

Section Five  Five  第一圖  術名  轉脚踢 

Name of the technique for Posture 5.1: SWITCHING-FEET KICK   第二圖  術名  翻札 

Name of the technique for Posture 5.2: TURN OVER & SMASH  SMASH  第三圖  術名  擠 

Name of the technique for Posture 5.3: PRESSING TO THE CROTCH  CROTCH  第四圖  術名  擄踢  Name of the technique for Posture 5.4: CAPTURE & KICK   第五圖  術名  斜打 

Name of the technique for Posture 5.5: DIAGONAL STRIKE STRIKE   第六圖  術名  打開 

Name of the technique for Posture 5.6: SPREADING OPEN OPEN   第七圖  術名  右臂小纏冲捶 

Name of the technique for Posture 5.7: RIGHT ARM SMALL TWINING, THRUST PUNCH  PUNCH  第八圖  術名  亮開 

Name of the technique for Posture 5.8: OPENING UP UP   第六節 

Section Six  Six  第一圖  術名  左臂小纏冲捶  Name of the technique for Posture 6.1: LEFT ARM SMALL TWINING, THRUST PUNCH  PUNCH  第二圖  術名  變鈎 

Name of the technique for Posture 6.2: CHANGING TO A HOOK   第三圖  術名  拗步亮掌 

Name of the technique for Posture 6.3: CROSSED STANCE, SHOW A PALM  PALM  第四圖  術名  轉身換鈎 

Name of the technique for Posture 6.4: TURN AROUND, CHANGE TO A HOOK   第五圖  術名  劈心掌 

Name of the technique for Posture 6.5: CHOPPING PALM STRIKE TO THE SOLAR PLEXUS  PLEXUS  第六圖  術名  退步掌 

Name of the technique for Posture 6.6: RETREAT, PALM STRIKE  STRIKE 

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  cookies, see here: Cookie Policy    術名   竝步挑肘 To第七圖 find out more, including how to control

Name of the technique for Posture 6.7: FEET TOGETHER, CARRYING ELBOW

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  第八圖  術名  還原  Name of the technique for Posture 6.8: RETURN TO YOUR ORIGINAL POSITION – 强國强種  八極拳 


 by Miao Ganjie of Wujin – 南  西 + 東  北

S   W + E  N [This compass for the orientation of the postures is flawed and ought to have E and W flipped. Mentions of east and west have accordingly been corrected in the translation in order to reduce confusion.] 第一節  口令一二三四五六七八 

SECTION ONE (The commands are: “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.”) 預備 


Command: “Ready!” 朝南立正。兩手握拳。置腰間。 

Standing straight, facing south, your hands grasp into fists and are placed at your waist.

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第一節  第一圖 

Section One, Posture 1 口令(一) 

Command: “1!” 術名(曲膝連捶) 

Name of the technique: BEND THE KNEES WHILE PUNCHING 頭向左。目向左看。同時左拳向左前伸出。拳與肩成平形。虎口向上。右 頭向左。目向左看。同時左拳向左 前伸出。拳與肩成平形。虎口向上。右拳由腰間同時移置腹部。兩腿同時下曲。 拳由腰間同時移置腹部。兩腿同時下曲。 至與大腿成平形為止。兩脚仍竝緊不分開。如第一圖。(朝南)   Your head turns to the left, left, eyes looking to the left. At the same time, your left fist eextends xtends forward to the left at

shoulder level, the tiger’s mouth facing upward, your right fist shifts to be placed at y your our belly area, and your legs  bend downward until until the thighs are flat. Your feet remain remain standing close together and do not separate. See See photo 1.1 (torso facing to the south):

第一節  第二圖 

Section One, Posture 2 口令(二)  Command: “2!” 術名(進步挑打) 

Name of the technique: ADVANCE, CARRYING STRIKE 左脚向左跨出一步。脚尖向左。脚落地時。要有力。全身坐實在左腿上。 左脚向左跨出一步。脚尖向左。脚 落地時。要有力。全身坐實在左腿上。同時右脚跟上一步。脚落在左脚前寸許。 同時右脚跟上一步。脚落在左脚前寸許。 同時右拳向左前伸出。左拳稍曲。置右大臂間。如第二圖。(朝西) 

 Your left foot takes a large stride stride out to the left, toes pointing to the left. The foot sshould hould come down powerfully. The weight sits onto your left leg as your right foot also steps forward to come down about an inch [a foot] in front of your left foot. At the same time, your right fist extends forward to the left, your left arm slightly bending for its fist to be placed by your right elbow. See photo 1.2 (torso facing to the east) [rear view]: Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy 

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第一節  第三圖 

Section One, Posture 3 口令(三) 

Command: “3!” 術名(或肘反挑打) 

Name of the technique: TURNING OVER THE ELBOW, CARRYING STRIKE 右脚用全力。脚尖朝南。同時左脚跟上一步。成一朝南坐馬勢。目向右看 右脚用全力。脚尖朝南。同時左脚 跟上一步。成一朝南坐馬勢。目向右看。右拳順勢而下。一直向右向上挑打。拳 。右拳順勢而下。一直向右向上挑打。拳 與肩成平形。虎口朝下。左拳向上曲。拳置肩上。虎口朝下。肘與肩成平形。如第三圖。(朝南) 

 Your right foot takes the weight, toes pointing to the south, as your left foot follows forward a step to make a south-facing horse-riding stance, your gaze to the right [left]. [l eft]. Your right fist at the same time goes downward and straight to the right with a carrying strike, the fist at shoulder level, tiger’s mouth facing downward, and your left arm bends upward so the fist is placed over the shoulder, tiger’s mouth facing downward, the elbow at shoulder level. See photo 1.3 (torso facing to the south):

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Section One, Posture 4

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Command: “4!” 術名(進步橫打) 

Name of the technique: ADVANCE, HORIZONTAL STRIKE 右脚進步。左脚隨轉。改成為一朝北坐馬勢。同時右拳用力橫打過去。拳 右脚進步。左脚隨轉。改成為一朝 北坐馬勢。同時右拳用力橫打過去。拳肩仍成平一字形。虎口向北。手心朝地。 肩仍成平一字形。虎口向北。手心朝地。 拳背朝天。左拳順勢改置脅間。如第四圖。(朝西) 

 Your right foot advances, your left foot pivoting, your stance changing changing to a north-facing horse-riding stance stance.. At the same time, your right fist strikes across forcefully, the fist remaining at shoulder level, tiger’s mouth facing to the north, the center of the fist facing to the ground, the back of the fist facing to the sky, your left fist switching to  being placed at your ribs. ribs. See photo 1.4 (torso facing to the east [north]) [rear view]: view]:

第一節  第五圖 

Section One, Posture 5 口令(五) 

Command: “5!” 術名(斜打)  Name of the technique: DIAGONAL STRIKE 左拳由脅間。用力向右斜打出。手背向上。身體向右傾。下部由馬勢順勢 左拳由脅間。用力向右斜打出。手 背向上。身體向右傾。下部由馬勢順勢改為半右弓步。右拳同時向裏曲。肩肘 改為半右弓步。右拳同時向裏曲。肩肘 拳。成三角平形。手背向上。如第五圖。(朝西) 

 Your left fist leaves your ribs ribs to forcefully strike out diagonally diagonally to the right, the back of the fist facing upward, your  body inclining to the right, your your lower body switching from a horse-riding stance to rig right ht half-bow stance. Your right arm at the same time bends inward so the shoulder, elbow, and fist are making a level triangle, the back of  the fist facing upward. See photo 1.5 (torso facing to the east) [rear view]:

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第一節  第六圖 

Section One, Posture 6 口令(六) 

Command: “6!” 術名(擠) 

Name of the technique: PRESSING TO THE CROTCH 左拳直向後轉打過去。身體隨之向後轉。待身體向轉至正中時。同時左脚 左拳直向後轉打過去。身體隨之向 後轉。待身體向轉至正中時。同時左脚收囘。與右脚相竝。左拳轉至近左腿約四 收囘。與右脚相竝。左拳轉至近左腿約四 五寸變掌。右拳儘力向下打。左掌向上之先。其時兩脚躍起。與右拳向下 五寸變掌。右拳儘力向下打。左掌 向上之先。其時兩脚躍起。與右拳向下打去。同時落地。要用全身氣力。如第六 打去。同時落地。要用全身氣力。如第六 圖。(朝東) 

 Your left fist arcs with a strike strike to the rear, your body tu turning rning around to the rear. Once you have fully turned, your left foot has withdraws to stand next to your right foot, your left fist swinging through until four or five inches from your left thigh and becoming a palm. With your right fist coming down forcefully, your left palm goes upward [though the photo is depicting the instant just before this], your feet hopping up and then coming down as  your right fist strikes downward. You should use use the strength of your whole body. body. See photo 1.6 (torso facing to the west) [side view]:

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第一節  第七圖 

Section One, Posture 7 口令(七) 

Command: “7!” 術名(擄踢) 

Name of the technique: CAPTURE & KICK  左右肩處之左掌。用力由面前擄過去。一直到下。掌在前。手心朝外。再起右脚踢去。在右脚踢去後,未落地 時。右拳就由下提起。從面前反打出下去。右脚同時落地。為右弓步。臂要直而有力。手心朝天。打至拳與肩齊為 時。右拳就由下提起。從面前反打出下去。右脚同時落地。為右弓步。臂 要直而有力。手心朝天。打至拳與肩齊為 止。如第七圖。(朝東) 

 Your left palm in front of your shoulders shoulders forcefully captures from in front front of your face, going straight downward downward so the palm is in front of your crotch, palm facing outward, then lift your right foot and kick out. [The photo included represents the movement at this point.] After your right foot kicks and before it comes down, your right fist lifts from below, then goes from in front of your face, turning over to strike downward [i.e. a backfist strike] as your right foot comes down to make a right bow stance. The arm should be straight and strong, the center of the fist facing to the sky, striking out until at shoulder level. See photo 1.7 (torso facing to the west) [side view]:

[We can bring forward photo 4.8, which we can here treat as photo 1.7b, as it expresses the second half of this movement:]

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第一節  第八圖 

Section One, Posture 8 口令(八) 

Command: “8!” 術名(斜打) 

Name of the technique: DIAGONAL STRIKE 在前之左掌握拳。向前斜極力打出。與 前之左掌握拳。向前斜極力打出。與肩齊。同時右拳收囘。收囘時要將手心 肩齊。同時右拳收囘。收囘時要將手心翻向下。拳肘肩成三角平形。與 翻向下。拳肘肩成三角平形。與 (五)之斜打同。惟須注意方向之不同如第八圖。(朝東)〔與第一節第五圖同〕   Your left palm grasps into a fist in front of your crotch and forcefully strikes strikes out diagonally forward at should shoulder er

level. At the same time, your right fist withdraws, should turn so the center of the fist is facing downward, and the fist, elbow, and shoulder are making a level triangle. The posture is the same as in photo 1.5, except you must pay  attention to the difference in orientation (torso facing to the west):

– 第二節  口令數二二三四五六七八 

SECTION TWO (The commands are: “2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.”) 第二節  第一圖 

Section Two, Posture 1 口令(二) 

Command: “2!” 術名(打開) 

Name of the technique: SPREADING OPEN 右拳變掌。移在左手之肘下。左手同時亦向上稍曲。變掌。右脚向裏曲起 右拳變掌。移在左手之肘下。左手 同時亦向上稍曲。變掌。右脚向裏曲起。脚尖至左腿灣處。隨卽極力向左右放 。脚尖至左腿灣處。隨卽極力向左右放 出。成朝南坐馬勢。兩手同時極力分開。若舉石担然。如第二節。第一圖。(朝南)   Your fistThis become becomes a palm and shifts to be b below elow your leftuse. elbow. At the same same time, your left arm go goes es upward, Privacyright & Cookies: site uses s cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy  slightly bending, the fist also becoming a palm, while your right leg bends and lifts inward, toes pointing toward

 your left knee. Then forcefully release to both sides, making a south-facing horse-riding stance. Y Your ourClose hands the andat accept same time forcefully spread apart, as though lifting a stone barbell. See photo 2.1 (torso ffacing acing to the south):




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第二節  第二圖 

Section Two, Posture 2 口令(二) 

Command: “2!” 術名(卡肚) 

Name of the technique: CROWDING THE BELLY  屁股向左灣。腰隨屁股向左轉。轉至面朝正東。兩掌同時隨腰轉。而收緊 屁股向左灣。腰隨屁股向左轉。轉 至面朝正東。兩掌同時隨腰轉。而收緊併來如捧面。離面約五六寸許。全身乘勢 併來如捧面。離面約五六寸許。全身乘勢 坐實左腿。右脚提起。脚尖著地。稍收進。如第二節。第二圖。(朝東) 

 Your buttocks bend toward the left and your waist goes along with this action by turning to the left, turning u until ntil  your torso is facing squarely squarely to the west. Your palms at the same time go along with the turning of your waist waist by   withdrawing closely as though though holding something about five or six inches in front of your face. Your Your whole body  goes along with the momentum, the weight sitting onto your left leg as your right foot lifts to be touching down  with the toes, slightly withdrawing withdrawing and advancing. See photo 2.2 (torso facing to the west):

第二節   第三圖  Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find outTwo, more, including how3 to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy  Section Posture

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Command: “3!” 術名(泄卡肚) 

Name of the technique: RELEASING FROM CROWDING THE BELLY  兩掌用力。右脚卽提起。兩掌猛力向下一撳。至丹田下。同時右脚落地。 兩掌用力。右脚卽提起。兩掌猛力 向下一撳。至丹田下。同時右脚落地。要有力有聲。同時左脚提起。須注意右 要有力有聲。同時左脚提起。須注意右 腿。要曲。不可立直。左脚隨卽上步。落地成左弓步。同時兩掌稍提起。 腿。要曲。不可立直。左脚隨卽上 步。落地成左弓步。同時兩掌稍提起。用力竝向前掌出。如第二節。第三圖。 用力竝向前掌出。如第二節。第三圖。 (朝東) 

 Your palms forcefully press down as your right foot lifts. Once your palms have pressed pressed down below your elixir field, your right foot comes down, and should do so with a powerful sound, your left foot lifting at the same time.  You must pay attention to your right leg bending, for it must not be straight. straight. Your left foot then steps forward, coming down to make a left bow stance. At the same time, your palms slightly lift and forcefully strike out forward in unison. See photo 2.3 (torso facing to the west):

第二節  第四圖 

Section Two, Posture 4 口令(四) 

Command: “4!” 術名(斜托天勢) 

Name of the technique: PROPPING UP THE SKY AT A SLANT 右手收轉。直自腰間。間到後。由後到頭上。虎口與左手之虎口相對。如第二節。第四圖。(朝東) 

 Your right hand withdraws in an arc, passing your wais waist, t, going behind you, and then goes above your head, the tiger’s mouth facing your left hand’s tiger’s mouth. See photo 2.4 (torso facing to the west [north]):

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第二節  第五圖 

Section Two, Posture 5 口令(五) 

Command: “5!”

術名(翻身掌)  Name of the technique: TURN AROUND, PALM STRIKE 右脚提起。前進約一小步。一跳翻身。左脚落在右脚之後。左手翻向上。 右脚提起。前進約一小步。一跳翻 身。左脚落在右脚之後。左手翻向上。右手落下。從腰間掌出。與在頭上之左虎 右手落下。從腰間掌出。與在頭上之左虎 口相對。身朝北。面朝西看。如第二節。第五圖。(朝北) 

 Your right foot lifts, goes forward about a half step, and you perform a hop, turning your body body [leftward turn],  your left foot coming down behind behind your right foot, your left hand turning turning over upward as your right hand lowers and strikes out from your waist, the tiger’s mouth facing fac ing your left hand’s tiger’s mouth above your head. Your gaze is to the east. See photo 2.5 (torso facing to the north):

第二節  第六圖 

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Command: “6!” 術名(右臂大纏) 

Name of the technique: RIGHT ARM LARGE TWINING 右手向上收囘。左手向下迎。兩手相接。左手卽握住右手之脈息。用力一 右手向上收囘。左手向下迎。兩手 相接。左手卽握住右手之脈息。用力一翻。向下一撳。右手背朝下。左手在上。 翻。向下一撳。右手背朝下。左手在上。 仍握住。同時右脚提起。用力朝南落地要有聲。落地時與兩手向下。撳時 仍握住。同時右脚提起。用力朝南 落地要有聲。落地時與兩手向下。撳時同。不分先後。左脚亦同時跟上前。落在 同。不分先後。左脚亦同時跟上前。落在 右脚之前。身朝立定後。左手卽向前用力掌出。目向東看。右手同時向上 右脚之前。身朝立定後。左手卽向 前用力掌出。目向東看。右手同時向上。架手背在頭上。離約三四寸許。如第二 。架手背在頭上。離約三四寸許。如第二 節。第六圖, 

 Your right hand withdraws upward, your left hand mee meeting ting it coming downw downward, ard, your hands joining with your left hand grasping your right pulse area, forcefully turning over and pressing downward. The back of your right hand is facing downward, your left hand on top, still holding on. At the same time, your right foot lifts and comes down forcefully and audibly, pointing to the south. As it comes down, your hands move downward, pressing in unison, neither moving before nor after the other. Your left l eft foot also at the same time follows a step forward, coming down in front of your right foot. Once your torso is facing to the south, your left hand forcefully strikes out forward as a palm, your gaze to the west [east]. Your right hand at the same time props upward, the back of the hand about three or four inches above your head. See photo 2.6 [torso facing to the south]:

第二節  第七圖 

Section Two, Posture 7 口令(七) 

Command: “7!” 術名(左臂大纏) 

Name of the technique: LEFT ARM LARGE TWINING 左手向上收囘。右手向下迎。兩手相接。右手握住左手之脈息。用力一翻 左手向上收囘。右手向下迎。兩手 相接。右手握住左手之脈息。用力一翻。向下一撳。同時左脚提起。朝北用力與 。向下一撳。同時左脚提起。朝北用力與 手下撳時同落地。脚落地要有聲。右脚同時跟上前。落在左脚之前。身朝 手下撳時同落地。脚落地要有聲。 右脚同時跟上前。落在左脚之前。身朝北。面向東。與右臂大纏同。惟左右手上 北。面向東。與右臂大纏同。惟左右手上 下相換耳。如第二節。第七圖。(朝北)〔與第二節第五圖同〕 

 Your left hand withdraws upward, upward, your right hand mee meeting ting it coming downward, downward, your hands joining with your Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. right hand grasping your left pulse area, forcefully f orcefully turning over and pressing downward. At the same time, your To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy 

left foot lifts and comes c omes down forcefully and audibly, pointing to the north, your hands pressing downward in and accept unison as it comes down. Your left foot at the same time follows a step forward, coming down in frontClose of your right




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foot. Your gaze is to the west [east]. It is the same as in RIGHT ARM LARGE TWINING, except the left and right of the upward and downward movements are reversed. The posture is the same as in photo 2.5 (torso facing to the north):

第二節  第八圖 

Section Two, Posture 8 口令(八)  Command: “8!” 術名(小纏窩心掌) 

Name of the technique: SMALL TWINING, PALM STRIKE TO THE SOLAR PLEXUS 右手向上收囘。左手向下迎。兩手相接。左手卽握住右手之脈息。右手握 右手向上收囘。左手向下迎。兩手 相接。左手卽握住右手之脈息。右手握拳向下一撳。同時右脚提起。與拳向下撳 拳向下一撳。同時右脚提起。與拳向下撳 時同落地。左脚卽跟上一步。落在右脚前。身朝南。左手平掌出。同時右 時同落地。左脚卽跟上一步。落在 右脚前。身朝南。左手平掌出。同時右手仍握拳收囘至腰間。如第二節。第八 手仍握拳收囘至腰間。如第二節。第八 圖。(朝南) 

 Your right hand withdraws upward, your left hand mee meeting ting it coming downw downward, ard, your hands joining with your left hand grasping your right pulse area, your right hand grasping into a fist as it is pressed downward. At the same time, your right foot lifts and comes down as your right fist is pressed down. Your left foot then follows a step forward, coming down in front of your right foot, your left hand striking out with a level palm strike as your right fist withdraws until beside your waist. See photo 2.8 (torso facing to the south):

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– 第三節  口令數三二三四五六七八 

SECTION THREE (The commands are: “3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.”) 第三節  第一圖 

Section Three, Posture 1 口令(三) 

Command: “3!” 術名(上步窩心掌) 

Name of the technique: STEP FORWARD, PALM STRIKE TO THE SOLAR PLEXUS 左掌收囘握拳置腰間。右脚向左上步。同時右拳從腰間用力掌出。身朝北 左掌收囘握拳置腰間。右脚向左上 步。同時右拳從腰間用力掌出。身朝北。如第三節。第一圖。(朝北) 。如第三節。第一圖。(朝北) 

 Your left palm withdraws, withdraws, grasping into a fist, to be placed beside your waist. Your right foot step stepss forward to the left, your right fist at the same time forcefully coming out as a palm strike. See photo 3.1 (torso facing to the north) [diagonal rear view]:

第三節  第二圖  Section Three, Posture 2 口令(二) 

Command: “2!” 術名(掛搭) 

Name of the technique: HANGING & CROSSING 左手拳由腰間變掌向上。伸至右肩定。右臂貼緊。左掌向上抽囘。至兩掌 左手拳由腰間變掌向上。伸至右肩 定。右臂貼緊。左掌向上抽囘。至兩掌相叉。右脚亦同時移向後。右掌卽向下用 相叉。右脚亦同時移向後。右掌卽向下用 力掌去。左掌向上一抬。掌在額前肘與肘與掌平。左腿稍曲成朝北半弓步 力掌去。左掌向上一抬。掌在額前 肘與肘與掌平。左腿稍曲成朝北半弓步勢。如第三節。第二圖。(朝北) 勢。如第三節。第二圖。(朝北) 

 Your left fist goes upward upward from your waist, becoming becoming a palm, until at your right shoulder, your right forearm coming in tightly as your left l eft palm draws in upward so that your palms are crossed. Your right foot shifting to the rear, right forcefully astoyour left palm lifts upward to be in front of your Privacyyour & Cookies: Thispalm site usesthen cookies. By continuingstrikes to use thisdownward website, you agree their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy 

forehead, the elbow level with the palm. Your left leg slightly bends to make a half-bow stance facing north [south]. See photo 3.2 (torso facing to the north [south]):

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第三節  第三圖 

Section Three, Posture 3 口令(三) 

Command: “3!” 術名(上步架)  Name of the technique: STEP FORWARD, PROPPING UP 右脚上一步。右手由下上架。面朝西。似弓步。左手在腰間。如第三節。第三圖。(朝西) 

 Your right foot steps forward, your right hand propp propping ing upward from below. below. Your stance is almost a b bow ow stance.  Your left hand is at your waist. waist. See photo 3.3 (torso facing to the east) [diagonal view]:

第三節  第四圖 

Section Three, Posture 4   This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. 口令(四) Privacy & Cookies: To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy  Command: “4!”

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Name of the technique: STRIKE, KNEELING DOWN 左脚上一步。上架之右手向腰間收囘。直至頭上。向面前直打下去。同時 左脚上一步。上架之右手向腰間收 囘。直至頭上。向面前直打下去。同時右膝脆下。離地約五寸許。左手由腰間稍 右膝脆下。離地約五寸許。左手由腰間稍 向上。手與頭齊。如第三節。第四圖。(朝西) 

 Your left foot steps forward forward as your right hand withdraws withdraws to your waist, goes higher higher than your head, then strikes straight downward in front of your face [as a fist]. At the same time, your right knee bends downward to be about five inches from the ground, your left hand going slightly upward from your waist to be level with your head [shoulder according to the photo]. See photo 3.4 (torso facing to the east) [side view]:

第三節  第五圖 

Section Three, Posture 5 口令(五) 

Command: “5!” 術名(迎面掌) 

Name of the technique: PALMS STRAIGHT AHEAD 右手提起變掌。脆膝亦同時立起。變朝南坐馬勢。右掌用力平掌出。左手 右手提起變掌。脆膝亦同時立起。 變朝南坐馬勢。右掌用力平掌出。左手亦帶掌出。如第三節。第五圖(朝南) 亦帶掌出。如第三節。第五圖(朝南) 〔與第二節第六圖同〕 

 Your right hand lifts, changing to a palm, your kneeling knee also lifts [as your feet pivot, you yourr right foot then stepping slightly to the west], your stance changing to a south-facing horse-riding stance, and your right palm forcefully strikes out with a level palm strike [to the south], your left hand drawn along by it also as a palm strike [also to the south]. The posture is similar to photo 2.6 [except with the hands striking out forward] (torso facing to the south):

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第三節  第六圖 

Section Three, Posture 6 口令(六) 

Command: “6!” 術名(轉脚搓臉) 

Name of the technique: PIVOT THE FEET, RUBBING STRIKE TO THE FACE 右掌用力直向左推去。身亦順勢向左轉身。面由朝南轉至朝北。脚亦隨之 右掌用力直向左推去。身亦順勢向 左轉身。面由朝南轉至朝北。脚亦隨之旋轉而不動步。兩腿半交。至此時兩脚用 旋轉而不動步。兩腿半交。至此時兩脚用 力躍起。朝東落地。右掌向北用力平掌出。左掌在胸前。如第三節。第六圖。(朝東) 

 Your right hand forcefully pushes out to the left [with your left hand retracting], retracting], your body correspondingly  correspondingly  turning to the left so that your torso goes from facing to the south to facing to the north. Your feet pivot at the same time, not leaving their location, and once your legs are halfway twisted, your feet forcefully hop up and come down pointing to the west, your right palm forcefully striking out to the north with a level palm strike, your left palm in front of your chest. See photo 3.6 (torso facing to the west) [side view]:

  第七圖  第三節 Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find outThree, more, including how to7control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy  Section Posture

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Command: “7!” 術名(腿避) 

Name of the technique: THIGH GUARDING THE CROTCH 左手掌翻。手心朝天。由胸前用力向下轉。仍轉至面前胸下。惟左掌向下 左手掌翻。手心朝天。由胸前用力 向下轉。仍轉至面前胸下。惟左掌向下轉時。手指須打到大腿。大腿被打到時。 轉時。手指須打到大腿。大腿被打到時。 順勢放開。改為坐馬勢。同時左掌握拳挺直。用力向下橫打下去。左手卽 順勢放開。改為坐馬勢。同時左掌 握拳挺直。用力向下橫打下去。左手卽順勢抓住右臂灣處。如第三節。第七圖。 順勢抓住右臂灣處。如第三節。第七圖。 (朝東) 

 Your left palm turns over over to be facing upward, then then forcefully arcs downward from in front of your chest until  below your chest [abdomen]. [abdomen]. When your left palm arcs downward, downward, its fingers must strike your thighs. Once your legs are being struck, they must spread apart to put you into a horse-riding stance. At the same time, your left [right] palm grasps into a vertical fist and forcefully strikes across below [i.e. swinging downward and inward, the tiger’s mouth facing to your left] your y our left hand grabbing your right elbow area. a rea. See photo 3.7 (torso facing to the  west) [rear view]:

第三節  第八圖 

Section Three, Posture 8 口令(八)  Command: “8!” 術名(十字架) 

Name of the technique: CROSS-SHAPED FRAME 右拳變掌提起。平向後縮。手指朝上。掌肩肘成平三角形。同時。左掌亦 右拳變掌提起。平向後縮。手指朝 上。掌肩肘成平三角形。同時。左掌亦向上向前用力推出。兩腿同時變為右弓 向上向前用力推出。兩腿同時變為右弓 步。身面斜朝東北。形似十字。如第三節。第八圖。(朝東北) 

 Your right fist lifts, changing to to a palm, and withdraws to the rear, fingers pointing upward. The palm, shoulder shoulder,, and elbow make a level triangle. At the same time, your left palm forcefully f orcefully pushes out upward and forward [to the  west], your legs switching switching to a right bow stance. The shape of the posture looks looks like a cross [i.e. your feet aligned along one direction (north-south) while your hands are aligned along another (east-west)]. See photo 3.8 (torso facing diagonally to the northwest) [rear view]: Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy 

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– 第四節  口令數四二三四五六七八 

SECTION FOUR (The commands are: “4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.”) 第四節  第一圖 

Section Four, Posture 1 口令(四) 

Command: “4!” 術名(打開) 

Name of the technique: SPREADING OPEN 左手不動。右掌伸至左手肘下。右脚不動。左脚提起。脚尖拘住右腿灣。 左手不動。右掌伸至左手肘下。右 脚不動。左脚提起。脚尖拘住右腿灣。再與右手用力一同放開。成朝南坐馬勢。 再與右手用力一同放開。成朝南坐馬勢。 如第四節。第一圖。(朝南)〔與第二節第一圖同〕 

 Your left hand staying in its position, your right palm extends extends under your left elbow, elbow, and with your right foot staying where it is, your left foot lifts, toes close to your right knee. Then in unison with your right hand, forcefully  spread outward, make a south-facing horse-riding stance [which brings your left hand over toward the east]. The posture is the same as in photo 2.1 (torso facing to the south):

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第四節  第二圖 

Section Four, Posture 2 口令(二) 

Command: “2!” 術名(斜卡肚) 

Name of the technique: DIAGONALLY CROWDING THE BELLY  面向左看。右手向上後轉至右腿處。落腿卽提起。待右手轉過去後卽落地 面向左看。右手向上後轉至右腿處 。落腿卽提起。待右手轉過去後卽落地。腰部亦要順勢軟動。同時右手卽握拳收 。腰部亦要順勢軟動。同時右手卽握拳收 至腰間。全身坐實右腿。左脚脚尖著地。身面朝西。左手掌原式不動。掌在面前。如第四節。第二圖。(朝西) 至腰間。全身坐實右腿。左脚脚尖著地。身面朝西。左手掌原式不動。掌 在面前。如第四節。第二圖。(朝西)  Look to the left as your right hand, which is upward to the rear, arcs until by your right thigh, the leg lowering

then lifting [the leg lifting], then coming down once your right hand has finished its arc. Your waist should correspondingly soften during this action. Your right hand grasps into a fist as it gathers in beside your waist. The  weight sits onto your right leg, your left toes touching down. Your left palm has not moved from its previous previous position and is now in front of you. See photo 4.2 (torso facing to the east) [rear view]:

第四節  第三圖 

Section Four, Posture 3 口令(三) 

Command: “3!” 術名(上步窩心掌) 

Name of the technique: STEP FORWARD, PALM STRIKE TO THE SOLAR PLEXUS 左掌收囘置腰間。同時右脚上步右拳從腰間掌出。目看如第四節第三圖( 左掌收囘置腰間。同時右脚上步右 拳從腰間掌出。目看如第四節第三圖(朝北)〔與第三節第一圖同〕 朝北)〔與第三節第一圖同〕 

 Your left palm withdraws to be beside your waist [grasping into a fist fist]. ]. At the same time, your right right foot steps forward, your right fist going out from your waist as a palm strike. Your gaze [is toward your right palm]. The posture is the same as in photo 3.1 (torso facing to the north) [diagonal rear view]:

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第四節  第四圖 

Section Four, Posture 4 口令(四) 

Command: “4!” 術名(右退步掌) 

Name of the technique: RETREAT RIGHT LEG, PALM STRIKE 右脚退後一步。同時右手掌翻朝天。用力收囘至腰間握拳。同時左手自腰 右脚退後一步。同時右手掌翻朝天 。用力收囘至腰間握拳。同時左手自腰間用力掌出。目看左掌。如第四節。第四 間用力掌出。目看左掌。如第四節。第四 圖。(朝南)〔與第二節第八圖同〕 

 Your right foot retreats a step, your right palm turning turning over to face upward and forcefully withdrawing beside your  waist, grasping into into fist, your left hand at the same time time forcefully going out from your waist waist with a palm strike. strike.  Your gaze is toward your left palm. The posture is the same as in photo 2.8 2.8 (torso facing to the south):

第四節  第五圖 

Section Four, Posture 5 Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, 口令(五)   including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy 

Command: “5!”

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Name of the technique: RETREAT LEFT LEG, PALM STRIKE 左脚退後一步。同時左手竝翻朝天。用力收囘。至腰間握拳同時右手自腰 左脚退後一步。同時左手竝翻朝天 。用力收囘。至腰間握拳同時右手自腰間用力掌出。目看右掌。如第四節。第五 間用力掌出。目看右掌。如第四節。第五 圖。(朝北)〔與第三節第一圖同〕 

 Your left foot retreats a step, step, your left palm turning ov over er to face upward and forcefully withdrawing withdrawing beside your  waist, grasping into into a fist, your right hand at the same time forcefully going out from your your waist with a palm strike. Your gaze is toward your right palm. The posture is the same as in photo 3.1 (torso facing to the north) [diagonal rear view]:

第四節  第六圖 

Section Four, Posture 6 口令(六) 

Command: “6!” 術名(掛搭) 

Name of the technique: HANGING & CROSSING 左拳自腰間變掌。伸至右肩處停。右臂貼緊。左掌向上抽囘。至兩掌相交 左拳自腰間變掌。伸至右肩處停。 右臂貼緊。左掌向上抽囘。至兩掌相交叉。右脚亦同時移向後。右掌卽向下用力 叉。右脚亦同時移向後。右掌卽向下用力 掌去。左掌向上一抬在額前。肘與掌平。左腿稍曲。成朝北半弓步勢。如 掌去。左掌向上一抬在額前。肘與 掌平。左腿稍曲。成朝北半弓步勢。如第四節。第六圖。(朝北)〔與第三節第 第四節。第六圖。(朝北)〔與第三節第 二圖同〕 

 Your left fist goes [upward] [upward] from your waist, becoming becoming a palm, until at your right shoulder, your right forearm coming in tightly as your left l eft palm draws in upward so that your palms are crossed. Your right foot shifting to the rear, your right palm then forcefully strikes downward as your left palm lifts upward to be in front of your forehead, the elbow level with the palm. Your left leg slightly bends to make a half-bow stance facing north [south]. The posture is the same as in photo 3.2 (torso facing to the north [south]):

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第四節  第七圖 

Section Four, Posture 7 口令(七) 

Command: “7!” 術名(小纏窩心掌)  Name of the technique: SMALL TWINING, PALM STRIKE TO THE SOLAR PLEXUS 左手向下,右手向上,兩手相接。左手卽抓住右手脈息處。右脚卽提起收 左手向下,右手向上,兩手相接。 左手卽抓住右手脈息處。右脚卽提起收囘。右手握拳用力向下冲打。同時右脚朝 囘。右手握拳用力向下冲打。同時右脚朝 東落地。左脚稍提起。脚尖著地移朝東。同時左掌用力掌出。右手收至腰 東落地。左脚稍提起。脚尖著地移 朝東。同時左掌用力掌出。右手收至腰間。如第四節。第七圖。(朝南)〔與第 間。如第四節。第七圖。(朝南)〔與第 四節第二圖同〕 

 Your left hand lowers and your right hand goes upward, upward, your hands coming together w with ith your left hand grasping  your right pulse area, your right foot lifting and gathering in in.. Your right hand grasps into into a fist and forcefully  strikes downward, your right foot at the same time coming down pointing to the west [south]. Your left ffoot oot slightly lifts [and steps out to the east], toes touching down slightly shifted to point to the west [south], your left l eft palm at the same time forcefully striking out, your right hand withdrawing until beside your waist. The posture is the same as in photo 4.2 [2.8] (torso facing to the south):

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第四節  第八圖 

Section Four, Posture 8 口令(八) 

Command: “8!” 術名(退步換拳扎) 

Name of the technique: RETREAT, FIST-SWITCHING SMASH 將在前之左脚。退至後變右脚在前。同時左掌收囘變拳至左腰間。換右腰 將在前之左脚。退至後變右脚在前 。同時左掌收囘變拳至左腰間。換右腰間之右拳。向上向下打。如第四節。第八 間之右拳。向上向下打。如第四節。第八 圖(朝西)   Your left foot retreats to make make your right foot the forward foot, your left palm at the same time time withdrawing as a

fist to the left side of your waist, alternating with your right fist going upward from the right side of your waist to strike downward [as a backfist]. See photo 4.8 (torso facing fa cing to the east [north]) [rear view]:

– 第五節  口令數五二三四五六七八 

SECTION FIVE (The commands are: “5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.”) 第五節  第一圖 

Section Five, Posture 1 口令(五) 

Command: “5!” 術名(轉脚踢) 

Name of the technique: SWITCHING-FEET KICK  右脚提起卽落地。在未落地之時。在後之右脚用力向前踢出。右脚先落地 右脚提起卽落地。在未落地之時。 在後之右脚用力向前踢出。右脚先落地。左脚亦隨之落地。如第五節。第一圖。 。左脚亦隨之落地。如第五節。第一圖。 (朝西) 

 Your right foot lifts and comes comes down [as your right fist w withdraws ithdraws to your waist], but but right before it comes down,  your right [left] foot forcefully kicks forward. forward. Your right foot will come down down first, then your left foot. See photo Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. 5.1 (torso facing to the east) [diagonal rear view]: To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy 

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第五節  第二圖 

Section Five, Posture 2 口令(二) 

Command: “2!” 術名(翻扎) 

Name of the technique: TURN OVER & SMASH 此式與第五節第一圖。連左脚踢出後落地。同時左拳卽自腰間向上向下。 此式與第五節第一圖。連左脚踢出 後落地。同時左拳卽自腰間向上向下。用力翻扎出去。目看左拳。拳背向地。如 用力翻扎出去。目看左拳。拳背向地。如 第五節。第二圖。(朝南)〔與第四節第八圖同〕 

Continuing from the previous posture, your left foot comes down after it kicks, your left fist at a t the same time going upward from your waist and then forcefully smashing downward [as a backfist strike]. Your gaze is toward y your our left fist. The back of the fist is facing downward. The posture is similar to photo 4.8 [except with left and right reversed, and so we can simply flip the image] (torso facing to the south):

第五節  第三圖 

Section Five, Posture 3 Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more,   including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy  口令(三)

Command: “3!”

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Name of the technique: PRESSING TO THE CROTCH 左拳向後轉身。與面亦隨之而向後轉。由朝南轉向朝東。臂直拳向下。兩 左拳向後轉身。與面亦隨之而向後 轉。由朝南轉向朝東。臂直拳向下。兩脚稍交卽躍起變並脚。脚尖朝東落地。同 脚稍交卽躍起變並脚。脚尖朝東落地。同 時右拳自腰間向上伸與頭齊。再用力向下打。左拳趁勢稍向上抬。至胸前 時右拳自腰間向上伸與頭齊。再用 力向下打。左拳趁勢稍向上抬。至胸前。如第五節。第三圖。(朝東) 。如第五節。第三圖。(朝東) 

 Your left fist goes to the the rear as your body turns arou around nd [leftward] so you are facing to the rear, your torso going from facing to the south to facing to the west, your arm straightening as the fist goes downward. Your legs slightly  twist, then with a hop you switch to your feet being together, coming down pointing to the west. At the same time,  your right fist extends upward upward from your waist u until ntil at head level, then forcefully strikes downward, your left fist correspondingly lifting up until in front of your chest. See photo 5.3 (torso facing f acing to the west) [side view] [This tragically faded and consequently entirely useless photo makes us wish the book had drawings instead.]:

[Fortunately the posture described is the same as in photo 1.6 (The photo used above is a damaged reuse of photo 1.7, which is the incorrect image anyway.):]

第五節  第四圖 

Section Five, Posture 4 Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy 


Command: “4!”

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Name of the technique: CAPTURE & KICK  左拳由面前擄過去至前。右脚向前踢出。落地時。右拳卽提起反打出去。拳背朝下。如第五節。第四圖。(朝 東) 

 Your left fist goes from in front of your face with a capturing action action to be in front of your crotch [with the back of  the fist facing downward] as your right foot kicks out forward. [The photo below represents the movement at this point.] As the foot comes down, your right fist lifts, turns over, and strikes out with the back of the fist facing downward. See photo 5.4 (torso facing to the west) [side view] [Instead of simply reusing photo 1.7 here, a different photo was taken of the same posture, perhaps because the left l eft hand appears to be somewhat different in this case.]:

[As before, see photo 4.8, which shows the second half of the movement:]

第五節  第五圖 

Section Five, Posture 5   口令(五) Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more,“5!” including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy  Command:

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Name of the technique: DIAGONAL STRIKE 左拳自前提起。拳背翻向上。用力打出。右拳同時亦將拳翻朝下曲回。拳肘與肩成三角形。右腿弓步。如第五 節。第五圖。(朝東) 

 Your left fist lifts from in front of your crotch, the back of the fist turning over to face upward, and forcefully  strikes out, your right fist at the same time withdraws so the fist, elbow, and shoulder are making a triangle. Your right leg is making a bow stance. See photo 5.5 (torso facing to the west) [Here again is a photo too ruined to be of  any use.]:

[Fortunately the posture is a repeat of what is in photo 1.5 and is evidently a damaged reuse of that very photo:]

第五節  第六圖 

Section Five, Posture 6 口令(六) 

Command: “6!” Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy 


Name of the technique: SPREADING OPEN

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左右拳均變掌。左掌移至右臂肘下。左脚提起脚尖。拘住在右腿灣處。用 左右拳均變掌。左掌移至右臂肘下 。左脚提起脚尖。拘住在右腿灣處。用力打開;變朝南坐馬勢。如第五節。第六 力打開;變朝南坐馬勢。如第五節。第六 圖。(朝南)〔與第二節第一圖同〕 

Both fists become palms. Your left palm shifts to be below your right elbow, your lleft eft [right] foot lifting and hooking the toes in toward your right [left] [ left] knee. Then forcefully spread apart, changing c hanging your stance to a southfacing horse-riding stance. The posture is the same as in photo 2.1 (torso facing to the south):

第五節  第七圖 

Section Five, Posture 7 口令(七) 

Command: “7!” 術名(右臂小纏冲捶) 

Name of the technique: RIGHT ARM SMALL TWINING, THRUST PUNCH 右掌變拳向下向左左掌向下向右。拳掌相接左掌。卽抓住右拳之腕。順勢 右掌變拳向下向左左掌向下向右。 拳掌相接左掌。卽抓住右拳之腕。順勢稍向右推。卽用力向下向左上冲出。同時 稍向右推。卽用力向下向左上冲出。同時 右腿提起向左進一步。與左脚竝落地。左脚卽提起前進一步。惟拳向左上 右腿提起向左進一步。與左脚竝落 地。左脚卽提起前進一步。惟拳向左上冲與右脚落地左脚進步是同一動作。不分 冲與右脚落地左脚進步是同一動作。不分 先後。學習者須注意之。如案五節。第七圖。(朝西) 

 Your right palm changes to a fist and goes downward to the left as your left palm goes goes downward to the right. right. Fist and palm cross, your left palm grabbing your right wrist and pushing slightly to the right, then forcefully go downward and thrust out upward to the left, your y our right leg lifting and advancing to the left, coming down next to  your left foot, then your left foot lifting and advancing a step. Your [ri [right] ght] fist thrusts upward to to the left [with your left hand still holding the wrist] as your right foot comes down and your left foot advances, occurring as a single movement, neither preceding nor following [the left step]. You must pay attention to this. See photo 5.7 (torso facing to the east) [diagonal rear view]:

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第五節  第八圖 

Section Five, Posture 8 口令(八) 

Command: “8!” 術名(亮開) 

Name of the technique: OPENING UP 左手放掌右拳亦變掌向下。經腰間向右上至臂直掌心。朝東身亦轉向朝東 左手放掌右拳亦變掌向下。經腰間 向右上至臂直掌心。朝東身亦轉向朝東坐寔。左腿右腿脚尖只轉朝東變點步。如 坐寔。左腿右腿脚尖只轉朝東變點步。如 第五節。第八圖。(朝東)〔與第二節第二圖同〕 

 With your left hand letting go to to become a palm, your right fist fist also changes into a palm and goes goes downward along  your waist, then upward upward to the right until the arm iiss straight, the palm facing to the west. Your torso also turns turns to  be facing to the west [south], sitting fully on your left leg, as your right toes turn to point point to the west, making a pointing stance [same as an empty stance]. The posture is similar to photo 2.2 [except with the arms spread apart to the front and rear] (torso facing to the west [south]):

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第六節  口令數六二三四五六七八 

SECTION SIX (The commands are: “6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.”) 第六節  第一圖 

Section Six, Posture 1 口令(六) 

Command: “6!” 術名(左臂小纏冲捶) 

Name of the technique: LEFT ARM SMALL TWINING, THRUST PUNCH 左掌變拳向下向右。左掌向下向左。掌拳相接右掌卽抓住左拳之腕。順勢 左掌變拳向下向右。左掌向下向左 。掌拳相接右掌卽抓住左拳之腕。順勢稍向左拉卽用力向下向右上冲出。同時左 稍向左拉卽用力向下向右上冲出。同時左 脚提起向右進一步。與右脚竝落地。右脚卽提起前進一步。掌冲出與左脚 脚提起向右進一步。與右脚竝落地 。右脚卽提起前進一步。掌冲出與左脚落地右脚進步同一動作。不分先後。與第 落地右脚進步同一動作。不分先後。與第 五節第七圖同。僅左右相換耳。如第六節。第一圖。(朝東) 

 Your left palm changes to a fist fist and goes downward tto o the right as your left [right] palm goes downward to the left. Fist and palm cross, your right palm grabbing your left wrist and pulling [pushing] slightly to the left, then forcefully go downward and thrust out upward to the right, your left leg lifting and advancing to the right, coming down next to your right foot, then your right foot lifting and advancing a step. Your palm [left fist] thrusts upward [to the right] [with your left hand still holding the wrist] as your left foot comes down and your right foot advances, occurring as a single movement, neither preceding nor following [the right step]. It is the same as in Posture 5.7, except left and right are reversed. See photo 6.1 (torso facing to the west) [diagonal rear view]:

第六節  第二圖 

Section Six, Posture 2 口令(二) 

Command: “2!” 術名(變鉤) 

Name of the technique: CHANGING TO A HOOK  Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. 左拳放開變鉤手。手指向裏搭在右腕下臂上。用力向外一翻。右手鬆開變 左拳放開變鉤手。手指向裏搭在右 腕下臂上。用力向外一翻。右手鬆開變掌手指朝上。左手指朝下。如第六節。第 掌手指朝上。左手指朝下。如第六節。第 To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy 


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BAJI BOXING | Brennan Translation

forearm behind the wrist, then forcefully turning over outward [i.e. coiling around your right wrist], your right hand letting go and expressing as a palm, fingers pointing upward. The fingers of your left hand are pointing downward. See photo 6.2 (torso facing to the west) [diagonal rear view]:

第六節  第三圖 

Section Six, Posture 3 口令(三) 

Command: “3!” 術名(拗步亮掌) 

Name of the technique: CROSSED STANCE, SHOW A PALM 右掌向後下至大左大腿處。左脚卽提起與右掌同向前進步。右掌挑出臂直 右掌向後下至大左大腿處。左脚卽 提起與右掌同向前進步。右掌挑出臂直虎口對面。左手同時向上下變後吊手。如 虎口對面。左手同時向上下變後吊手。如 第六節。第三圖。(朝東) 

 Your right palm goes downward to the rear until until by your left [right] thigh, then goes forward as your left foot lifts and advances, the palm carrying outward until the arm is straight, tiger’s mouth toward your face. Your left hand at the same time goes upward and downward [downward and upward] to become a hanging hand to the rear. See photo 6.3 (torso facing to the west) [diagonal rear view]:

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第六節  第四圖 

Section Six, Posture 4 口令(四) 

Command: “4!” 術名(轉身換鈎) 

Name of the technique: TURN AROUND, CHANGE TO A HOOK  右掌變鈎手直向後轉。同時雙脚竝起。一躍轉變朝北。雙脚落地要有力有 右掌變鈎手直向後轉。同時雙脚竝 起。一躍轉變朝北。雙脚落地要有力有聲。左掌順勢改在胸前。右肩處。如第六 聲。左掌順勢改在胸前。右肩處。如第六 節。第四圖。(朝北)   Your right palm changes to a hook hand and arcs straight to the re rear. ar. At the same time, your feet lift, coming

together, and do a hop which turns them to be pointing to the north. Your feet should come down with a powerful sound. Your left palm goes along with the movement to shift in front of your chest until by your right shoulder. See photo 6.4 (torso facing to the north) [diagonal rear view]:

第六節  第五圖 

Section Six, Posture 5

口令(五)  Command: “5!” 術名(劈心掌) 

Name of the technique: CHOPPING PALM STRIKE TO THE SOLAR PLEXUS 右手變拳收至腰間。左掌向西用力掌出。身亦順勢轉朝西脚不動。如第六 右手變拳收至腰間。左掌向西用力 掌出。身亦順勢轉朝西脚不動。如第六節。第五圖。(朝西)〔與第二節第八圖 節。第五圖。(朝西)〔與第二節第八圖 同〕 

 Your right hand changes to a fist fist and withdraws to be beside beside your waist as your your left palm forcefully strikes out to the east. Your torso goes along with the movement by turning to be facing to the east, your [right] foot not leaving its location [while your left foot retreats]. The posture is similar to photo 2.8 [except with the feet reversed left and right] (torso facing to the east):

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第六節  第六圖 

Section Six, Posture 6 口令(六) 

Command: “6!” 術名(退步掌) 

Name of the technique: RETREAT, PALM STRIKE 左掌變拳收囘至腰間。右脚退後一步。同時右拳變掌自腰間掌出。如第六 左掌變拳收囘至腰間。右脚退後一 步。同時右拳變掌自腰間掌出。如第六節。第六圖。(朝西)〔與第四節第二圖 節。第六圖。(朝西)〔與第四節第二圖 同〕 

 Your left hand changes to a fist and withdraws to be beside beside your waist as your right right foot retreats a step. At the same time, your right fist changes to a palm and strikes out from beside your waist. The posture is similar to photo 4.2 [except with the hands reversed left and right] (torso facing to the east) [rear view]:

第六節  第七圖 

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Command: “7!”

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BAJI BOXING | Brennan Translation


Name of the technique: FEET TOGETHER, CARRYING ELBOW  右掌變拳向下向後轉。挑出虎口向下。身亦隨之轉向朝南。左脚退下與右 右掌變拳向下向後轉。挑出虎口向 下。身亦隨之轉向朝南。左脚退下與右脚竝。兩腿皆曲左拳之肘。同時用力向上 脚竝。兩腿皆曲左拳之肘。同時用力向上 挑拳在肩上。虎口朝下。如第六節。第七圖。(朝南) 

 Your right palm changes to a fist and arcs downward to the the rear, then carries outward with the tiger’s mouth mouth facing downward. Your torso at the same time turns to be facing to the south, your left leg retreating and coming down next to your right foot, both legs bent. Your left elbow at the same time forcefully carries upward, the ffist ist over the shoulder, the tiger’s mouth facing downward. See photo 6.7 (torso facing to the south):

第六節  第八圖 

Section Six, Posture 8 口令(八) 

Command: “8!” 術名(還原) 

Name of the technique: RETURN TO YOUR ORIGINAL POSITION 兩腿變立直兩拳同時垂下至腰間如第六節。第八圖。(朝南)〔與預備式同(完)〕 

Both legs straighten so you are standing, your fists at the same time lowering until beside your waist. It is the same as the Preparation Posture, and this completes the set (torso facing f acing to the south):

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BAJI BOXING | Brennan Translation

– [This book lacks any explanation for f or the term “Baji” itself, and so the article below, which was written not long  before the book was produced, is included here here to fill that gap:]











 by Jiang Rongqiao Rongqiao  [published in the  國









 Central Martial Arts Institute’s  Institute’s 

 Martial Arts  Martial Arts Weekly Weekly,, issue #91, Feb 11, 1933]

八極拳。盛行於河北山東一帶。創自何人。係何朝代。詢之傳授斯技者。 八極拳。盛行於河北山東一帶。創 自何人。係何朝代。詢之傳授斯技者。則言人人殊。標榜各異。有謂係採取八卦 則言人人殊。標榜各異。有謂係採取八卦 八門之意。換言之卽拳法遍走八方。所謂八方者。四方四淮。謂之八方, 八門之意。換言之卽拳法遍走八方 。所謂八方者。四方四淮。謂之八方,又史記。六合之內。八方之外。亦與斯術 又史記。六合之內。八方之外。亦與斯術 吻合。八卦係指乾,坎,艮,震,巽離,坤,兌,而言。八門係指休,生 吻合。八卦係指乾,坎,艮,震, 巽離,坤,兌,而言。八門係指休,生,傷,杜,死,景,驚,開,所說。此二 ,傷,杜,死,景,驚,開,所說。此二 說。一則河圖洛書。取之易理。似頗可用。一則遁甲奇術。跡近怪誕似不 說。一則河圖洛書。取之易理。似 頗可用。一則遁甲奇術。跡近怪誕似不可取。有謂八極者。係指拳法。採取八方 可取。有謂八極者。係指拳法。採取八方 極遠之地。攷斯說有淮南子之八紘之外。仍為八極。後漢書。恢弘八寅。 極遠之地。攷斯說有淮南子之八紘 之外。仍為八極。後漢書。恢弘八寅。八寅之外。有八紘。八紘之外。有八極。 八寅之外。有八紘。八紘之外。有八極。 此外又有謂係八際者。乃為取八方極遠之意。晉書,鼓洪流於八際。卽洪 此外又有謂係八際者。乃為取八方 極遠之意。晉書,鼓洪流於八際。卽洪流無邊也。綜以上三說,以八極為最適 流無邊也。綜以上三說,以八極為最適 宜。其源流旣無從稽攷。姑以八極為定名。深望海內國術同志。如有悉其 宜。其源流旣無從稽攷。姑以八極 為定名。深望海內國術同志。如有悉其源流。創自何人者。隨時示知。以便補正 源流。創自何人者。隨時示知。以便補正 幸甚。 

Baji Boxing is very popular in the regions of Hebei and Shandong. As to who created it and in which era, when we ask those who are teaching this art, a rt, everyone gives a different version. They also each give a different meaning:  meaning:  Some say the idea of “ba ji” [meaning “eight poles” or “eight extremities”] has to do with the “eight gates” of the eight trigrams symbol. In other words, the boxing techniques express toward all eight directions. The “eight directions” are the four main compass points plus the four corners. It says in the the Historical  Historical Records [book Records [book 117 – Bio of Sima Xiangru]: “Within the six unions [the three dimensions of forward-back, left-right, up-down – i.e. the  whole world] and beyond the the eight directions [i.e. eeven ven beyond the horizon – referring referring to the far-reaching influence of rulers]…”  rulers]…”  To coordinate them with this art, the eight trigrams are [rotating clockwise through the post-nature version of  the trigrams]: Qian [northwest (lower right)], Kan [north], Gen [northeast], Zhen [east], Xun [southeast], Li [south], Kun [southwest], Dui [west]. Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Cookie Policy 




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BAJI BOXING | Brennan Translation

The corresponding eight gates are: the beginning gate, the restful gate, the birth gate, the wounding gate, the finishing gate, the scenic gate, the death gate, the startling gate. Of these two things [the trigrams and gates], one [trigrams] is based on the He River Diagram and the Luo River Document, from which were devised the principles in the Book the Book of Changes, Changes, and thus seems to be of some use, whereas the other [the gates] is rooted in ancient sorcery arts, on a course for the bizarre, and thus is effectively meaningless.  meaningless.  Then there are those who say that “eight poles” means that the boxing techniques reach far out to the eight directions. Regarding this explanation, there is this remark from Huainanzi  from Huainanzi  [chapter  [chapter 4 – “Topography”]: “Going  beyond the eight alignments, alignments, there are the eight connections… connections… and beyond them are the eight poles.” And from the Books the  Books of Later Han Han [book 2 – Annals Annal s of Emperor Xianzong Xiaoming]: “The extensiveness of the Great Way  reaches as far as the eight poles.” poles.”   There are also those who say it has to do with the “eight boundaries”, which has the sense of reaching far out to the eight directions. From the Books the Books of Jin [book Jin [book 119 – Chronicles of Yao Hong]: “Their drums thunder to the eight boundaries.” This means the sound carries boundlessly.  boundlessly.  Of these three explanations [eight poles, eight directions, eight boundaries (which all amount to the same idea)], the “eight poles” term seems the most appropriate. As the art’s origin and development cannot be verified, “eight poles” will suffice as a name for the time being. I sincerely hope that my martial arts ccolleagues olleagues throughout the nation, if you have knowledge of its origins, such as who created it, will notify me at any time in order that I may make corrections, for which I would feel fortunate indeed. [Xu’s preface supplies us with a who and a when, but this article remains valuable for giving us a sense of what it is we mean when we talk of Baji. Connotatively, the notion of the “eight poles” could perhaps be rendered as “Everywhere Boxing”, bracing in all directions in terms of structure, filling our surroundings in terms of power.] – – –





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