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iu iui-1
-Find the wo rd which has a different different sound sound in the pa rt underlined.
1. A. change chang e 2. A. infectious infectio us 3. A. capture captu re
B. preparation preparat ion B. chemical chem ical B. catastrophic
C. climate C. electronic C. atmosphere atmosp here
D. related D. species D. shortage
-Choose the w ord which h as a different different stress stress pa ttern from the others.
4. A. catastrophic catastro phic 5. A. diversity III)
B. fertilizer B. ecosystem
C. prese preservatio rvation n C. ecology
D. electronic D. industrial industrial
-Choose th e best a ns w er A, B, C or D to comp lete the the sentences. sentences.
6. A layer o f greenhouse gases - primarily water vapor, vapor, and carbon carbon dioxide - acts acts as as a blan bl anke kett for fo r the th e Earth Ea rth,, absorbi abso rbing ng h ea eatt and a nd warm wa rming ing the th e surface. sur face. A. thermal
B. hot
C. heat
D. heating heating
7. Mo st climate scientists agree agree the main cause o f the current global global warming warm ing trend is human expansion o f the greenhouse _ _ ______ . A. causes
B. effect
C. gas
D. damage
8. Certain Certai n . in the atmosphere, atmosph ere, such as carbon carbo n dioxide, methane methan e and nitrous oxide, bloc bl ock k h eat ea t from fro m escapi esc aping. ng. A. effects
B. emissions emissio ns
C. gases
D. layers
9. Carbon dioxide is released th thro ro u g h ____ ______ ___processes _processes such as respiration and and volcano volcano eruptions and through __ ______ activities such as deforestation, land use changes, and burn bu rnin ing g fossil fos sil fuels. fuel s. A. human - natural natural
B. natur natural al - human
■C. man-made - ordinary ordinary D. ordinary ordinary - man-made 10. A strong greenhouse effect will warm the oceans and partially melt glaciers, increasing
A. temperature tempe rature B. sea water C. sea level D. pollution 11.. Ocean w ater also 11 also will expand if it w arm s, ____ ______ __ further to sea level level rise. A. getting B. making C. leading D. contributing contributing 12. The clearing of land for agriculture, industry, and other human activities have increased o f greenhouse gases. gases. A. concentratio conce ntrations ns B. atten attention tion C. lots D. collections 13. Humans __ ____ ____ __ atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by a third since the Industrial Revolution began. began. A. increase increas e
B. have hav e increased
C. had increased
D. were increasing
____ ___ _ the desalination plant, the company could offer an effective solution to the 14. __ prob pr ob le lem m o f water wa ter scarcit sca rcity. y. A. To build B. Having built 15. The public praised the local farmers for A. plant
B. being planted
C. Being built D. Having been built ' millions o f trees trees on the surrounding surrounding hil hills. ls. C. being planting
D. having planted planted
Ba i tap Til Tiling ing A nh 11 - 131
IV)-Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word/phrase from the box. There
are some extras.
fin an ce
greenhouse gases climate change
sea level
France was officially appointed the (16) __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ -
organizations global warming c o u n t r y f o r C O P2 1 .
COP21, also kn ow n as the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, will w ill be one o f the largest largest international conferences ever held in France. This Conference is crucial because it must result in an international climate agreement
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ to below 2°C. enabling enabli ng us to lim it (17) ___ Firstly, an ambitious, binding agreement on (18) __ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ __ that applies to all countries. Secondly, each country determines contributions to the Green Climate Fund. Climate (19) ___ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ __ will also be a crucial component. Lastly, local and regional
____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ __ and businesses will support the contributions (20) __ contributio ns made by states states.. V)-Combine the following sentences by completing the second sentences and using
perfectt gerund s. perfec 21. The wor ld’s larges t IT companies have pow ered the ir operations with 100 100 percent percent renewable energy. We admire them for that. We admire
__ ______ ___ _
22. Greenpeace had s upplied upp lied all public school districts with 100 100 percent renewable renewable energy energy.. Local communities in North Carolina thanked the organization for that. Local comm unities in North Carolina
____ __ ____ ____ ___ _
____ __ _____ _____ ____ ____ __
23. Salinity of w ater h ad caused significant damage to the crops and livestock in Ben Tre. Tre. Local people in B en Tre blamed it for that damage damage..
________ ______ __ ___ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ ___________________ Local Loc al people in B en T re ____ . _____ ___________________ 24. Mary installed a w ind turbine to provide energy for all lights and air-conditioners air-conditioners in the home. She remem bers that. that. Mary Ma ry remem bers ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______ __ _
25. The burning o f fossil fuels and other human activities has increased average global global temperatures temp eratures by 0.8 degree centigrade over the past pas t 100 100 years. Scientists accuse it for for that. that. Scientists accuse ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______ __
132- Lufu Hoàng Tri
VI)-Cho ose the w ord am ong A, B, C or U> tha t best fits fits the b lank space in in the followi following ng p pas as sa g e. GLOB AL WAR M I NG Few people now realize the reality of global warming and its effects on the world’s climate. Many scientists (26) __ ____ ____ ___ _ the blame for recent natural disasters on the increase (27) __ ____ ____ ___ _ the world’s temperatures and are convinced that, ____ ____ ___ _ from the more than ever before, the Earth is at (28) __ forces of the wind, rain and sun. According to the m, global global ____ ____ ___ _ as warming is making extreme weather events, (29) __ ____ ____ ___ _ and causing sea levels all around the world hurricanes and droughts, even more (30) __ ____ ____ ___ _ . to (31) __ Environmental groups are putting (32) __ ____ ____ ___ _ on governments to take action to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide which is given (33) __ ____ ____ ___ _ by b y facto fa ctorie riess and an d pow po w er ____ ____ ___ _ of more money plan pl ants ts,, thus thu s at atta tack ckin ing g th thee pr prob ob lem le m at its source. sour ce. T hey he y are in (34) __ be ing in g spent sp ent on re rese sear arch ch in into to solar, sol ar, wind, win d, and an d wave wa ve en energ ergy y device dev ices, s, which wh ich co coul uld d then th en replace rep lace existing power (35) (35) __ ____ ____ ___ _ . It looks like global warming is here to stay. 26 . A . give 27. A. in
B. pu t B. at
28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B.
A. danger A. jus t A. strong A. raise A . p r e s su r e A. off A. request A. houses
harm well strict lift fo rce up suggestion factories
c . ta k e s c. by risk c. c . su c h c. heavy c. rise c. pe pers rsua uasi sion on c. over c. bel b elie ie f c. stations
V II)-Read the p assage, and choose choose the corre ct answ er A, A, B, B,
D . h as D. to D .th re a t D .e v e n D. severe D . arise D. encouragement D. a w ay D. favour D . g e n e r a t io n s
c or D for each q uestion.
Viet Vi et Nam Li Like kely ly to t o Face Fa ce Extre Ex trem m e W eath ea ther er Cond Co nditi ition ons s by 2050 20 50 Viet Nam is likely to continue facing extreme weather conditions such as higher temperatures, lower summer rainfalls, stronger storms, and rising sea levels from now to 2050. Temperatures in northern Viet Nam will rise by between 0.83 degrees Celsius by 2050 and continue its uptrend during the late 21st century. Summer rainfall will decline in most areas. Meanwhile, storms may become rarer but fiercer, causing possible flash floods and landslides in flood-prone areas of northern mountainous, mo untainous, central central and central highland highland prov pr ovin ince ces. s. The Th e fo fore reca cast stss sugg su ggest est sea level lev el rises ris es o f 100m 10 0m m -400 -4 00m m m along alo ng the entire entir e Vietnamese coast by the end of the 21st century, affecting marine biodiversity and coastal communities. The experts emphasize the unpredictability of climate change and its potential impacts to create a variety o f dangerous extreme ex treme weather events in the future. future. To raise the public awareness of climate change impacts, the Vietnamese government urges concerned agencies to work together on devising worst-case scenario models and responses by 2020 and calls on international experts to further support Viet Nam in climate change adaptation. Climate change is a real threat to Viet Nam’s socio-economic development. developmen t. I f sea sea levels rose one meter, five percent of o f the country’s lan land, d, eleven percent of of its popula tion and seven percent o f its farmland would be affected. affected. B Bài ài t p T iế n g A n h 11 - 133
36. By 2050, Viet Nam continues facing all of these extreme weather conditions EXCEPT A. higher temperatures
B. storms reaching record levels
D. rising sea s ea levels
lower summer rainfalls rainfalls
37. Sea level rises along the entire Vietnamese c oast by the end o f the 21st 21st century will A. cause certain flash floods and landslides in flood-prone areas B. make temperatures in northern Vietnam Vietnam rise until 2050
n the near future C. make storms becom e rarer but fiercer iin D. have impacts on marine biodiversity and coastal communities
38. To experts, they pote po tent ntia iall impac im pacts. ts.
__ ______ to
A. are unable
predict exactly the model of the climate change and its
B. are likely
C. are certain
D. are surprised
39.. Viet Nam nee ds _ 39 ___ ______ . A. to recognize Vie t Nam ’s soc socio-e io-economi conomicc development in the futur futuree B. to calculate sea s ea level rise, loss o f farmla farmland, nd, and rise in populatio population n by 2020 C. to raise people’s awareness of climate change and to ask for foreign help
D. to recognize the percenta percentage ge o f farml farmland and which would be affe affected cted by its population 40. The word “worst-case scenario models” in the last paragraph is closest closest in meaning t o __ ____ ____ __ . A. the worst scenes that could occur
B. the worst climate change impacts that will happen C. the worst poss ible things that could happen happen D. the worst unpredictability of climate change omplete the conversation between Lan and Anna, using the responses (A-F) given. giv en. There is one extra. A. California is one of the best regions for driving an electric car with a network of electric-vehicle charging stations. B. Biking is a popular pastime on the west coast, and the local government encourages the construction o f bike lane laness and bi bike ke path paths. s. C. Well, California is leading in developing green technology with many businesses
investing investi ng in clean technology. D. I thin k it’s California , Lan. I learned it wh en I was in the midd middle le school.
E. Los Angeles and other cities have a fleet of electric buses, and it makes the transit cheaper and m ore eco-f eco-frie riendly. ndly. F. California has a lot of sunshine and wind power all year round, so the state is going to generate h a lf of iits ts energy from clean sources like solar or wind power po wer by 2030 2030.. Lan :
Hi, Anna. M y group are working on the topic “Wh “Which ich stat statee is is greener in the United United States”, and I ’m not certain whether it’s Ne w York Yo rk or California California.. C an you help me me??
Anna An na::
Sure. (41)______________________________________________________________
134 - Lira Hoang Tri
Really? California is greener than New York. Does it have any solutions solutions to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions?
An na na:: O f course, cours e, yes. (42)_______ (42) ______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ ______________ __________ ___ Lan:
It sounds very convenient, but not all people can afford an electric ca car. r.
An na: na :
____________ (43) ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _____________ _____ ____________
Lan:: Lan
Awesom e. How Ho w about alternative alternative energy?
Anna: An na:
Household Hou seholdss and businesses contribute muc h to global warming. What makes those go gree ner in California, Anna?
Anna: An na:
(45) ________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ __________ ___
______________ _______ _____________ _____________ ______________ __________ ___ . People in California also put a high p pri rior or ity it y into i nto savi sa ving ng en energ ergy y and efforts effo rts into int o water wa ter conserv con servatio ation. n. Lan:
Sounds Sound s interesting. Thanks for your help, Anna.
IX)-Write complete sentences about smart solutions to reduce emissions, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, wo rds, bu t you have to use all the the words given. Smart solutions to reduce emissions
46. We/ redu ce/ amount/ carbon dioxide dioxide emissions/ that/ we/ putting/ putting/ atmosphere. atmosphere.
47. We/ already/ have/ clean technology/ and/ practical solutions/ solutions/ accomplish it it.
48. We/ expan d/ the use/ renewable energy/ and/ try/ become/ less less dependent/ fossil fossil fuels fuels..
49. Gove rnments/ pass laws/ ban tropical deforestation. deforestation.
50. All organizations organ izations// and/ individuals/ work together/ build/ clean energy economy/ by/ invest/ efficient energy energ y technologies, and industries.
B Bà à i tâ p T ie n g A n h 11 - 135
TEST 2 (UNIT 6) I) -Find the w o r d which has a different sound in the part par t underlined.
1. A. drought 2. A. impact 3. A. extinct
broug ugh ht B. bro balan lance ce B. ba B. ecosystem
C. d dou oubt bt C. g glob lobal al C. electricity
boun unda dary ry D. bo D. man-made D. recycle
II) -Choose the wo rd which has a different different stress stress pattern pattern from the the others. others.
4. A. consequence 5. A. greenhouse
B. atmosphere B. climate
C. chemical C. upset
D. infectious D. footprint
III) -Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 6. Sea level rise iiss usually regarded aass Vie Viett Na m’s m a in __ ______ ___ _ : a one-meter rise would submerge 40 pe rcent o f the count country ry and make million millionss homeless. A. disaster
B. hope
C. destruction
D. concern
7. All of the dis disaster asterss rresult esulted ed fro m __ ______ ___ _ will continue to have a devastating effect on socio-economic socio -economic development. A. floods
B. climate change
C. ecological balance
D. carbon footprint
8. The lo w ___ _______ in the Mekong Delta leads to acute saline intrusion much deeper than the traditional 30 to 40km of mainland that is contaminated with saltwater. A. water currents
B. sea level
C. water level
D. salt water
9. Methane is a far mo re ac tiv e __ _______ ___ than carbon dioxide, but also one which is much less abundant in the atmosphere. A, green house gas
R. greenhouse effect
C. climate change
D. emission
10. The next dry season will be extremely severe _ ___ ______ further saltwater intrusion, water and rain shortages, and heat waves. A. beca because use
B. althou although gh
C. due to
D. thanks to
11.. Viet Nam has bee n named among the 12 cou 11 countr ntries ies m o st __ _______ ___ for climate change by the World Bank Bank.. A. at risk B. at danger C. in risk D. ready 12. Having developed green technologies with low-carbon emissions, ___ ______ ___ intends to get rid o f co coal al.. A. the effort 13.
B. the possibility
C. that country
D. the communities
______ trees __ t rees a rou nd the hou se on the south and west sides, they c an save up to about $250 $250 a year on cooling an d heatin heating. g.
A. To plant
B. To have planted
C. Having planted
D. Being planted
14.. We admired the Jap an ese __ 14 disaster. er. ______ ___ _ the city o f Fukushima after the disast A. to rebuild
B. o f having rebuilt
C. to being rebuilt
rebuilt lt D. for having rebui
15. They don’t forget __ _______ ___ a short vacation in Cue Phuong National Park last year. B.
A. to spend
1 3 6 - L u Hoà Hoàng ng Trí
having spent
C. being spent
having been spe spent nt
IV)-Fill in each blank with the correct word /phrase from the b box. ox. Th ere are some extr extraa words.
energy-saving energy-sa ving
atmosphe atmosphere re
global warming
fert fe rtili ilize zerr
carbon foot fo otpr prin intt
carbon emissio emissions ns sea level
16. Buying organic food is better for the environment because it uses less________________. 17. The simplest way to reduce your ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ is to cycle to school. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ bulbs. 18.. Replace all the light bulbs in your home w ith ___ 18 bulbs . 19.. Leaving your DVD player on sta 19 standby ndby pro produce ducess the s a m e __ . ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ __ ____ ____ ___ _ each year as the average person o f Burun Burundi. di. 20. Developed countries are responsible for 80% o f the ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ carbon dioxide that is already in the atmosphere. V)-Combine the following sentences by completing the second sentences and using perfect gerunds.
21. They have hav e been un prepared for sudden floods last ye year. ar. They remember tthat. hat. They re m em b er _____ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ______ _
22. The US governm ent had provided insuffici insufficient ent supplies for the flood victims. Loc Local al communities in Ne w O Orleans rleans critici criticized zed the US govern government ment for ttha hat. t. Local com mu munities nities in Ne w O rle an s_____ s________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __
23. Deforestation and overflowing dams have caused worse floods and and storms in rrecent ecent y yea ears. rs. Local people in Quang Tri Province bla blame me them for that. Local people in Quang Tri Province_________________________ ___ ______ __ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ _
24. The US governm ent caused vari various ous disease diseasess and birth defec defects ts in in Viet Nam w with ith Age Agent nt Orange. But the US government denies that. The US government denies ______ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ __________ ____
25. It was said that he had pumpe d salty water into the fields ill illegal egally. ly. And he admitted that. that. He admitted
VI)-Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that bes b estt fits the blank space in the following passage passage..
____ ____ __ by Viet Nam is listed by the World Bank among the countries most (26) __ by risin rising g waters brought about by higher global temperatures. Such a rise of one meter (27) __ a ____ ____ third o f the M ekong D elta underwater and lead to mass internal migration and devastati devastation on__ in a ____ ____ __ prod region (28) __ pr oduc uces es near ne arly ly h al alff o off Vie Viett Na Nam m 's rice.
B Bà à i tâ tâp p T ié n g A n h 11 - 137
The vast, humid expanse of the delta is home to more than 17 million people, who (29) __ ____ ____ __ for generations on its thousands of river arteries. But rising sea water caused by ___ ______ the global warming is now increasing the salt content of the river water and (30) _ ______ __ the livelihoods livel ihoods o f millions o f poo r farmers farmers and fishermen. fishermen. Climate change is (31) ____ rivers of the the M ekong Delta salty. salty. In Ben Tre, salt water reached as far as 35 miles inland, causing significant (32) __ ____ ____ __ to crops and livestock, with rice production particularly affected. It is said that there are three grams of salt per litre of fresh water in the rivers now. Gradually, more and more people are _______ nearest the sea are the most affected now, but soon the whole province affected: (33) __ will be (34) _ ______ ____ . The salinity of the water has (35) __ ____ ____ __ a point where many locals have been forced to abandon their traditional rice cultivation. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.
A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A.
hurt can leave that rely threatens turning damage it
34. A. attacked 35. A. reached
B. destroyed B. could leave B. w h a t B. re lie s B . threaten B. making B. d e str u ction B. that
C. threatened C. can result result C . it C . h a s r e l ie d C. threatening C. causing C . d is a s te r C. those
D . changed D. could result D. there D. have relied D. threatened D. damaging D. loss D. wh who o
B. hi hitt B. com e
C.touched C . go ne
D. swept D. be beco come me
VII)-Read the passage, an d choos choosee the correct answ er A, B, C o r D for each question. Global wanning and cooling have occurred naturally throughout history. But in the last 200 years, humans’ uses of fossil fuels and clear cutting of forests have increased the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere. These gases trap some of the radiation from the sun which then increases the Earth’s temperature. Given the current state of environmental pollution caused by human activities, scientists believe the average temperature of the earth may increase 1-2 degrees Celsius which put simply, means some place pl acess w ill ge gett m uc h ho tt tter er and an d som e much mu ch colder col der.. A t the th e sam e tim e, this thi s overa ov erall ll warmi wa rming ng effect means more frequent and more intense weather systems, especially in terms of flooding and drought. ' Viet Nam is one of the most vulnerable environments due to its location on the planet. It is already subject to some o f the earth’s most powerful w eather systems and the increased frequency and intensity of storms will affect it often and directly, especially in coastal areas where most peop pe op le live. Various estim ates have been made as to to the possible impacts. The m ost directly affe affecte cted d sector will be agriculture, which is very sensitive to flooding and the effects of extreme weather. Viet N am has the advantage o f coming coming relatively late into the industr industrial ializat ization, ion, urbanization, and m od ernization process. urbanization, process. This means it can avoid many o f the mistakes mistakes made made b by y w ea lthi lt hier er in ind d u s tr tria ia l coun co untri tries es.. For Fo r exam ex ampl ple, e, w irele ir ele ss co com m m unic un icat atio ion n ne netw twor orks ks can be built bu ilt
138 - Liiu Hoang Trl
from the start rather than installing lines that can easily be destroyed in extreme weather. Cities can be designed and located in less vulnerable locations. Climate-friendly building codes and standards can be created that are both more efficient and less prone to heat stress, wind damage, and flooding. Climate friendly transport systems, especially public transport, can be adopted adopted.. 36. The causes of global warming come fro m __ ____ _____ . A. the rise in the radiation from th thee sun B. human activities that result in pollution C. the difference in temperatures among regions D. the increase in the average a verage temperature o f the earth 37. All o f the following may result in globa globall warming EX CE PT __ ____ ____ __ . A. more intense weather systems B. hum ans’ uses of ffossil ossil fuels C. clear c lear cutting o f forests D. the increasing greenhouse gas emissions
38. Coastal areas in Viet Nam are often and directly affected by __ ____ ____ __ . A. its vulnerable location loca tion on the planet B. sub ject to the ea earth’s rth’s mo st powerfu powerfull weathe weatherr systems C. storms with increased frequency and power D. the overpopulation in coastal areas
39. In preparing for clima climate te change, Viet Nam should take al alll o f the followi following ng measures EXCEPT __ ____ ____ __ . A. developing wireless communication networks B. setting climate-friendly building codes and standards C. adopting public transport systems D. coming late into the modernization process
40. The word “vulnerable” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __ ____ ____ __ . A. too wea weak k to attack
B. safe from danger
C. able to to be ea easily sily hurt
D. easy to take away
VIII)-Complete the conversation b bet etw w ee een n Nick and Mi, using the sentences (A-F) given. There is one extra.
A. I think less gas m eans having more m oney and better he heal alth. th. B. We should wash clothes in cold water because 85 percent of the energy for washing clothes goes to heating the wate water. r. C. We should walk or cycle to school, and this save on gas, improve our health and reduce our risk o f ob obesit esity. y. D. I ’m ve very ry interested in yo ur group’s presentation about goi going ng green green..
E. We should buy locally raised, and organic meat, eggs eggs,, and dairy whenever we can can.. F. W e install com pact fluorescent light bulbs whe when n our older incandescent bulbs bum ou out. t.
B Bai ai ta p T ie n g A n h 11 - 139
Nick: Nic k:
M i:
(41)____________________________________________________________________ _______ ___ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ______ _____ __ I think w e can go gre en in our hom es, too. too. Yo u’re right. W e should sh ould find ways to to save energy and reduce o ur carbon footprint. footprint.
Nic k:
And we unp lug appliances appliances when we ’re not using them to save energy. energy.
Nick: Nic k:
How about washing? (4 (43) 3) ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______ __
Mi:: Mi
We take show ers instead instead o f baths baths to reduce water use. This will lower lower your water water bill. bil l.
Nick: Nic k:
(44) ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______ __ _____
Mi:: Mi
Why do you think so?
Nick: Nic k:
Mi: M i:
I ride to scho ol every day, and I totally agree, Nick.
IX)-Write complete sentences about “Water Wise”, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words g iven. 46. “W ater Wise”/ orga nization nizat ion// which/ established/ raise awareness/ among/ youth/ an and d prot pr otec ect/ t/ envi en viro ronm nm en ent. t.
47. It/ become/ well-kno wn organization/ organization/ Vietnamese Vietnamese youth/ who/ encourage/ communiti communities/ es/ savee w ater resources. sav
48. “Water Wise”/ attract/ hundreds/ members/ join in. in.
49. Participants/ Participants/ learn learn / prevent damage/ environment/ environment/ by/ limit/ the use/ plastic plastic bags. bags.
50. It/ develop/ Gr een School/ Schoo l/ which/ which / project/ establish/ network/ eco-friendly schools/ schools/ throu throughout ghout V ietN am .
140 - Luu Hoàng Tri
I_ l _ _ _
A. PHONETICS I) -Practise asking the following following questions. questions. M ark ^ (rising (rising iintonation) ntonation) o r ^ (fal (falli ling ng intonation) o f the questions. questions.
1. What is the academic year? 2. Are you finding the course o f International Business challenging? challenging? 3. What do you hope to move on to after you’ yo u’ve ve gradu ated from Liverpool University? University? 4. Can I get further education funding in the UK? 5. Is a further education college ju just st like a high school? school? II)
-Practise reading aloud the followin g questions questions with the ap propriate intonation. intonation.
1. Is tny course eligible for funding? 2. How is it it clear tha t the student has achieved the learning learning outcomes? 3. Are the assessments reliable and valid? 4. Do the assessm ents measure what students can can do with what they have learned? learned? 5. What do you like mo st about the teaching methods and styles styles you’r yo u’ree experiencing? experiencing?
B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I)-Match the forms of further education institutions in Britain and their descriptions, and then write the answer in each blank. blank.
1. Schools
A. They offer courses and qualifications in a wide range of vocational and academic subjects at many levels. leve ls. They often have links with companies. companies.
Sixth form colleges
They mainly offer higher education courses, but B. many also offer a range of further education courses.
Further and higher education colleges
training C. The UK offers a wide range o f work-based training
Private training providers
D. They offer further education qualifications such as the A-levels, the IB, and vocational qualifications.
E. These colleges mainly cater for students aged 16-18
for students seeking to build careers in specific industries. Private training companies work with colleges and em ployers to provide p ractical training training and internationally-respected internationally-respected qualifications qualifications..
and specialise in academic courses to prepare studentss for higher education. student education.
B Bà à i tâ tâp p Tié Tiéng ng An h 11 14 141 1
II)-Fill in each blank in th thee following sentences with the correc correctt word from the bo box. x.
qual qu alif ific icat atio ions ns
major tr tran ansc scri ript ptss
mandatory counsellor
1. If you have graduated from High School School in Viet Nam you will need to complete a Foundati Found ation on Year to b e ____ _______ ______ _______ _______ _____ __ _ for for admission to an undergraduate degree in the UK. _____ _____ _____ ___ . 2. In the USA , private colleges colleges and universities universities are are usually smaller than pu b lic __ 3. A Bach elor’s degree is us ua lly ____ _______ ______ _______ _______ ______ ___ for higher-level positions.
_______ _______ _______ _______ ____ _ 4. Just like like Am erican students, students, you will have to submit your acad em ic ___ as part o f your application for adm ission to any American university or colleg college. e. 5. A ____________________ pr prov ovid ides es you yo u with wi th info in form rm ation ati on,, advi ad vice ce and an d supp su ppor ortt w it ith h your yo ur application.
______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ___ , fees, and living costs make study in the United 6. A wide range o f ___ States Stat es financ ially possible for man y international international students students.. 7. A foreign student can apply directly directly to an American American university for aid, a ____________ __ __ or work-study option. 8. International International Baccalaureate (IB) (IB) and other inter nati on al ____ ________ ________ ____ _ _ ________ taught at Schools in___ Viet, students Nam are usually equivalent 9. International O n ___ _______ _______ _______ _______ ______ live to in A-levels. residence halls or dormitories that are often called "dorms". 10. A ____________________ is the specific field of study in which your degree is focused. focused.
If lf F i! ! m each b U n k m fl flie ie pass age with the co rre tr ^©if ^©ifd/ d/pl plM M as>° f
requirement requi rement lasts
aca academ demic ic year
degrees degrees
School System of Singapore Education in Singapore is (1) ____ ________ _______ _______ _______ ____ _ for ten years, although university-bound students study for thirteen. Classes are taught in English and the (2) ____ ________ _______ _______ ________ ____ runs from J uly to April. Primary and secondary education (3)______________ for ten years and is compulsory. At the end of Grade 10, students sit the GCE O-level examinations. Students who complete secondary education may (4) ___ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ___ to pre-university education at the Junior Colleges, (5) __ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ___ _ certificate or diploma studies at one of the Polytechnics, or leave school and enter the workforce. In the Singaporean education system, (6) ___ _______ ________ _______ _______ _____ _ education lasts for three years. These three years will (7)___ (7)_ ____ _____ ___ _ _______ __________ ___ students for the GCE A-level examinations.
142 - Liïu Hoàng Tri
Upon completion of GCE A-levels, students may (8) _____ __________ __________ _________ ____ a bachelor’s degree at one of Singapore’s public or private universities, which is obtained after three to five years of study. Bachelor’s (9) _____ __________ __________ _________ ____ in Engineering, Dentistry, Law, Building, Real Estate, Music and Architecture require four years, while Medicine requires five. The minimum English (10) _____ __________ __________ _________ ____ for entry to a bachelor’s degree is IELTS 6.0 or equivalent. IV)-Tick the correct sentences, and correct the mistakes in the other sentences.
1. I’ve been working for about thr three ee ho urs . __________ ________________ ____________ ____________ ___________ _______ __
2. I ’ve bee beenn having hav ing this wa watch tch for over five y e a rs ._______ .__________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _
3. The President has been talking for nearly an ho u r. _____ __________ __________ __________ __________ ______ _
4. How llong ong have you been wa iting? _____ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _____
5. I’ve been llikin ikingg chocolates for ye ars. _____ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _______ __
6. Hav Havee you been know ing Maria for a long ti tim m e ? ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____|Q __|Q 7. She’s been reading that book for we ek s. ____________ __________________ ____________ ___________ __________ ______ _
8. .I have haven’ n’tt been see seeing ing David for ye ars . __________ ________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________ ___ Q 9. I’ve I’ve been hating onions since I was a ch ild . ____________ __________________ ____________ ___________ ________ ___
10. Mai has been staying w ith her grandmother for the last two weeks.
V) -Circle the correct answers.
1. I th think ink I ’ve me mett / I ’ve been meeting the man who is my Math lecturer. 2. I ’ve re a d / I ’ve been reading this novel and I really want to know what w hat happens in the end end.. readin g this 3. Ann has been loo for a university in England for a week, and she still lookin king g / has looked for hasn ’t be f o u n d one. been en fin d in g /h a sn ’t fo 4. They’ andd they hope to finish next year. They’ve ve been building / The They’ y’ve ve built their house for ages an 5. 6. 7. 8.
I ’ve g o t / I ’ve been g gett ettin ing g new qualifications all a ll my life. life. salary. y. Myy broth M br other er has been sta s tart rtin ing/ g/M M y brother b rother h has as started a new job with a good salar Have you been fi fill llin in g iin n /fil /f ille le d in the application form yet? She’s Sh e’s always been lovin animals. lo vin g/lo g/ love ved d animals.
VI) -Pnt the verbs in brackets in the following sentences in the correct verb form. 1. Viet N am ’s higher highe r educa education tion system (grow) ____________ __________________ __________ ____ quickly over the last 15 years. 2. The tertiary enrolm enrolment ent (increase) __________ overr the last 2200 yea years. rs. _______________ __________ _______ __ rapidly ove 3. Since 1995, 1995, highe higherr educa education tion cooperation (be) ___________ ________________ ___________ ______ a cornerstone of the US-Viet US -Viet Nam relationship. relationship. 4. The Fulbright Econo mics Teaching Programme (FETP) ((offe offer) r) ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ _____ the one-year one-y ear postgradu ate programme in applied eco economics nomics and public policy policy since 19 1994 94.. 5. Fullbright University Vietnam (raise) _____ __________ __________ __________ _______ __
development develop ment for a long period o f time up to now.
for investment investm ent and
Bai B ai ta p Tieng Anh 11 -
6. M ore than 4,500 accredited a ccredited institutions (make up)___ up)_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ___ _ U.S. higher education in the U nited St Stat ates. es. 7. * Susan Susan (work (work)) ______ ______________ _______________ _______ ■in Viet Nam for the pas t 9 years. 8. If you ask ten V ietnam ese students what their num ber 1 choice is for study abroad, abroad, at least eight (say)_______________________the US. 9. Professor Bui V an Ga (succeed (succeed)) ____ ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ ____ in the internationalization internationalization plan at the the Un iversity o f Da Nang from 2005 to 2010. 2010. 10. There The re (be)_______ (be)___________ _______ _______ _______ _____ __ nearly near ly 4 m illion illio n further furth er education educa tion students stu dents in the academic year o f 1996-97 in England. England.
C. READING I)-Read the p paa s sa g e about further and higher education, and then answer the questions. The difference between higher and further education can be a common cause of confusion. Further education is used to describe the education that occurs following compulsory post-16 secondary education, education, wh ich is usually distinct from from that offered in universities (higher education). It includes a few different levels such as A-Levels and Higher National Diplomas. Foundation Degrees are also a type of further education and take 2 years to complete compared with the 3-4 years of most bachelor’s degrees which are offered by both universities and colleges. Sometimes it is possible to extend a Foundation Degree to a bachelor’s degree, with one year or more of extra study. Further education is usually taught in the sixth-form college part of a school or in independent further education colleges, as well as in other work-based, adult and community learning institutions. In the United States, further education is sometimes referred to as continuing education. Higher education primarily describes post-18 learning that takes place at universities, as well as other colleges and institutions that award academic degrees, and professional qualifications. While higher education is the common name in the UK and Ireland, it is also know n as post-secon dary, tertiary tertiary and third level educatio education. n. 1. W hat can further an d higher education be used to descri describe? be?
2. W hat levels levels does does further education education include? include?
3. How can students with a Foundation Degree get a bachelor’s degree?
144 Liiu Hoang Tri
4. Where can student studentss attend further education?
5. What Wha t does highe r education award students? students?
II)-Read the passage about studying abroad for Vietnamese students, and then answer the questions. Viet Nam has a growing youth population, and this together with an increasing pros pr ospe perou rou s m id iddl dlee class cla ss m eans ea ns that th at dema de mand nd for univ un ivers ersity ity educa ed ucatio tion n is grea gr eate terr than tha n ever eve r before bef ore.. A deca de cade de ago few fe w er than th an 10,000 Vietn Vi etnam am ese es e fam ili ilies es could cou ld af affo ford rd to send se nd their the ir child chil d abroad to study. T oday there are more than 100,000 100,000 Vietnamese international stud students ents aroun around d the world, m ost o f whom are funded by their their parents. parents. The top destinations for Vietnamese students are Australia, the US, China, Singapore and the UK. English has become the dominant foreign language in Vietnam, with 98% of students choosing to study it over French, Japanese and German. So many students seek Englishspeaking coun tries for their higher highe r educ education ation.. Australia is the destination of choice because Australian qualifications are recognised across the world, and transferable to Vietnamese qualifications, and many Australian universities offer scholarships to international students. Living costs in Australia compare favourably with the United States and UK, and it is closer to Viet Nam than other Englishspeaking countries, making ma king visits home easier. easier. The USA has the second largest number of Vietnamese students. The majority of Vietnamese students, both at home and abroad, consider the American education the best in the world. They believe that the USA is the most scientifically and technologically advanced country in the world. Four out of 10 Vietnamese students in the US are studying business administration, and finance. Engineering, maths, computer science, and health professions are also common choices. 1. What Wha t do a growing yo uth population and an increasing prosperous middle class in in Viet N Nam am lead le ad to to??
2. Wh at are the top destinations for Vietnamese students?
3. Why do so many V ietnamese students seek English-speaking countries for their higher education?
4. W hat advantages do Australian universities offer to international international students? students?
Bai B ai ta p Ti&ng A n h 11 - i4i>
5. Wh y does does studying in Australia favoura favourable ble to Vietnamese students students??
6. W hat is is the Am erican education considered considered by most o f Vietnamese students? students?
7. Wh at popular majors do Vietnamese studen students ts study in the US?
III)-Read the passage about international students in Viet Nam, and then answer the questions.
Vie V iett Na Nam: m: St Stru rugg gglin ling g to at attr trac actt in inte tern rnat atio iona nall st stud uden ents ts Viet Nam is changing university enrolment requirements to make it easier for foreign students to study at its universities. Previously, foreign students were required to take university entrance examinations in Vietnamese, making it difficult if not almost impossible for non-Vietnamese-speakin g foreign students students to apply. apply. International student stu dent enrolment is one o f the criteria to rank ran k Vietnamese universities. Attracting foreign students is also a way for Vietnam to promote Vietnam's education to the wor world. ld. The leading universities in Viet Nam enrol undergraduate and graduate international students every year. Most are from the Asia Pacific region including China, Japan, Korea, Australia, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand, while a few come from the United States and Europe. Most of the international students study Vietnamese studies, Vietnamese literature or South East Asian studies, which makes Viet Nam the best destination destination for them. The leading institutions such as Viet Nam National Universities in Ha Noi and Ho Chi Mirth City, which have a tradition of hosting international students, run preparatory courses in Vietnamese for foreign students. However, it's widely recognized that if these universities do not have programmes taught in English, they have a challenge to enrol international students. 1. W hy was it very diffic ult for foreign students students to study at Vietnam ese universities?
2. Wh at is is the role role o f international international student enrolment for Vietnamese univer universitie sities? s?
3. Where do most international international students students in Viet Nam come from?
4. Wh at majors do the y study study??
5. W hat shou ld the leadin g Vietnam ese universities do to attract more international internation al students? students?
146 - Lifu Hoàng Tri
IV)-Read the text about the IB and A-levei programmes, and then decide whether the statem ents are tru e (T), fal false se ((F) F) or not given (NG (NG). ). Students in Singapore have the option of sitting for the Singapore-Cambridge A-level exam, which is a different version of the international A-level examination. Has the International Baccalaureate (IB) better than the A-levels in terms of preparing a student to enter a recognized and prestigious pres tigious university? It really depend d ependss o on n th thee stu student’s dent’s academic strengths. The IB is more about a comprehensive educational style, while the A-levels puts more emphasis on individual subject subject knowledge. An IB student must take six subjects, three at higher level and three at standard, which must include maths, a science, English, and at least one foreign language, while Alevels with three subjects studied in depth. So if words aren’t th thee st studen uden t’s st strengt rength, h, then the language component of the IB (including the compulsory 4000-word essay) may pull the student’s overall IB score down. On the other hand, i f the student is well-rounded and copes confidently with Arts Arts subject subjectss as well as Maths and Science, then the IB programme may be ideal for the learner. Experts belie be lieve ve the th e A -le -leve vels ls giv givee a st stud uden entt de dept pth h o f kno knowl wled edge, ge, wh while ile the IB give gi vess a b broa road d educati education. on. They also believe that the IB may prepare a child better for facing the challenges of a university education. if parents wonder if the IB would suit their child, they should talk to the teachers and their child before com ing to an educated and well-i well-informed nformed decis decision. ion. T
programme me includes six subjects at int international ernational levels levels.. 3. The IB program
4. A student who is not very good at language write another document instead o f the 400 4000-wo 0-word rd essay essay..
5. A-levels help students study three science subject subjectss in dept depth. h.
6. The IB programme may be ideal for the learner who is good at both
1. The Singapore-Cambridge A-level exam is conducted based on the
international A-level examination. 2.
The IB is more suitable for all-around students, while the A-levels focus more on a p particular articular fiel field. d.
Arts subjects and Science subjects.
7. The IB is not suitable for students who may meet some challenges at the university environment.
8. Parent Parentss and teachers can dec decide ide whether the stude student nt sshould hould follo follow w the IB or not.
V)-Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the b bla la n k space in the following passage.
Like any other universities, the Open University can give you a degree. However, you ____ ____ ___ _ don’t have to (1) __ ____ ____ __ working to study. It can also open up a whole variety (2) __ interest. If you have (3) __ ____ ____ __ studied before, you will enjoy the special, new pleasure of (4) __ ____ ____ __ your knowledge. You will make friends of (5) __ ____ ____ __ kinds. You may also (6) __ ____ ____ __ that your yo ur qu qualification alification provides new career opportuniti opportunities. es.
B Ba a i tap Tieng An h 11 - 147
You don’t actually (7) __ ____ ____ __ to the Open University for lectures, but study at home, using television, radio and computer software. You can (8) _ ______ ____ one class a month if you wish at an Open University centre. Of course, there are exams to take, as in (9) __ ____ ____ __ ____ ____ __ like to know more, all you have to do is complete the form university. If you (10) __ belo be low w . It coul co uld db bee th t h e start sta rt o f a won w onde derfu rfull new n ew peri pe riod od in yo ur life. 1. A. stop 2. A. from 3. A. ever 4. A. growing 5. A. all 6. A. suggest 7. A. join 8. A. give 9. A. any 10. A. did
B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B.
en end d o f never changing each find enter learn some will
C. break C. in C. often C. adding C. both C. wish C. arrive C. attend C. many C. would
D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D.
leave for always increasing every want go study most can
VI)-Rea d the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each ques question. tion.
British further education qualifications are respected by employers and academics worldwide. There are two main types: academic courses, and vocational and professional courses. Academic courses help you prepare for higher education at a university or college. They aim to develop your analytical skills, critical thinking and knowledge. Vocational and pr of ofes essi sion on al co cour urse sess give giv e you yo u th thee skills sk ills and an d qual qu alifi ificat catio ions ns you yo u ne ed to ente en terr an and d succe su cceed ed in your chosen career. They offer technical training and skills for the workplace. British further education providers invest heavily in facilities - from libraries, libraries, computer centres and science laboratories to sports centres, theatres and arts arts studios. Class Class sizes are restricted to ensure that you have access to equipment and enough time to talk to your tutors and lecturers. British qualifications are a great boost to your CV and to your earnings. Employers are increasingly looking for graduates with multicultural experience. Moreover, British colleges and universities hav e strong link s with industry - many courses are designed designed in partnershi partnership p with, and taught by, industry professionals. professionals. M any include include the o ption o f a year in industry or a wo rk placement, giving you real professional experien experience. ce. English is w idely regarded as the language o f business. Studying in the the UK helps you learn the language quickly, through your studies, friends and everyday life. If you need any additional support, there are lots lots o f English language classes classes across the UK. The U K is a truly m ulticultural ulticultural society, society, with a wonderful mix o f people from many different backgrou nds. As a student, student, you'll get to to know people from all over the world and be inspired by many cultures. Many colleges have international offices and advisers to ensure you feel welcome a nd are supported throughout your time in British further edu educat cation. ion. 1. Higher education in the UK requ ires __ ____ ____ __ . A. technical trainin g and wo rking skil skills ls
148 - Liiu Hoang Tri
B. analytical skills, critical thinking and knowledge C. vocational and professional courses D. academic c ourses at a university or college college 2. British further educa tion offers offers facilities facilities in several fields EX CE PT __ ____ ____ __ . A. sports training
B. entertainment
C. information technology
D. engineering workshop
3. British further further education can give give you advantag advantages es of getti getting ng a job b eca us e __ ____ ____ __ . - A. you are are taught by indust industria riall profe professo ssors rs B. you know how to boost your CV and earn high salaries C. you can get real multicultural mu lticultural and professional experience D. you can follow both academic courses, and vocational courses
4. Following furth er education in the UK helps you improve your English quickly because because A. it is used in several life aspects B. it is used in the business o f languages C. yo you u can speak it at lots o f English Engl ish language classes classes
D. you need much additional additional support 5. As a foreign student, you can get involved in in social social activities quickly b ec au se __ ____ ____ __ . A. you can get support s upport about ab out British further education B. Britain is a multicultural society with much support from colleges colleges C. the UK has a wonderful wonderfu l mix o f different peoples from all over the world D. you can enjoy your time in British further education
D. SPEAKING I)-CompIete the conversation about studying for A-levels at a boarding school, using the responses (A-H) given.
A. That T hat quickly went out o ut the window win dow when w hen I realized how friendly friendly everyone is here here!! B. Yeah, I now have an offer from Warwick University to study Law with Business Studies, which wh ich I am passionate about. C. An d friends are always alw ays there for you when you need a shoulder to cry on. D. T Their heir experience has kep t me calm and enabled me to make the the right decisions.
E. We moved to the UK for the sixth form, that’s the final two years of secondary school in the UK. F. I am studying English, Psychology and Business Studies, and all the academic support suppo rt I ’ve received receiv ed will help me to gain the results I am capable of. of. G. I’d never boarded in a school, so the thought of doing so in a new school in a different country coun try scared me. H. In doing so, I have made friends that I hope will stay with me even after school who share my common interests.
B Bá á i ta tap p T ie n g A n h 11 - 149
Kevin:: Kevin
Hello, Mai Anh. Are you and your twin sister, Mai An, studying for your Alevels a t Prior ’s Field School, a girls’ boarding board ing school schoo l in Manchester?
M ai aiA A nh :
Yes, we are. (1)
Ho w d id you feel when you first came came to England?
M ai aiA A nh :
(2) . I’ve always hated new pl aces plac es an d I rem re m em be berr h o w m uc h I m isse is sed d m y frien fri ends ds and an d m y fam ily. ily . I admit ad mit that on my first night, I was thinking I’d made a mistake moving away from home.
I see. What W hat helped you get g et over that scare?
M ai aiA A nh :
(3) . Thev are always so quick to try to make new boarders feel comfortable, welcome and happy. We had b bo o n d in ing g expe ex perie rienc nces es such su ch as a scave sca veng nger er hunt, hu nt, ch choc ocol olate ate m akin ak ing g an and d a ttrip rip to Thorpe Park one weekend. After all that I remember thinking, "Well, this migh t be a good thing thing after all”. all”.
Kevin:: Kevin
Mai M ai Anh Anh::
Besides that, do the teachers and your classmates help you in your study or social life? During the activities, the teachers are always there for you when you have a p pro ro b le m and an d push pu sh you yo u w he n th they ey feel like lik e you yo u ca can n do be bette tter, r, an and d I owe ow e most o f my su ccess to them! them! (4)
Kevin:: Kevin
You’re lucky. Do you think attending a boarding has also helped you become more independent?
Mai M ai An Anh: h:
Y ou ’re right. Being in boarding has also also helped me become independent indepen dent - it has enabled me to speak my mind without fear, to care less about what other peop pe ople le th in k an and d to stand sta nd up for what wh at I belie be lie ve in. (5)
Kevin:: Kevin
Boarding at Prior’s Field has turned out to be an interesting experience for you. What are you studying at school, Mai Anh?
M ai aiA A nh :
Wh at university will you apply to? Have you done anything for that? that?
M ai aiA A nh :
Kevin:: Kevin
Have yo u get any help help from the staff? staff?
M a iA n h:
Sure. The staff me perso through UCAS application pr proc oc es ess, s, guid gu iding ingalsomesupported with wi th my pe rsona nall the state st ateme ment nt university an and d cour co urse se choices. choices . (8)
150 - Lull Hoang Tri
Com Complete the convers conversati ation on with Cam Van - a student student at Westminster Westminster Kiug Kiugsw sway ay College, using the responses (A-F) given. There is one extra. A. Starting Starting out in a new country country was a culture shock, and a test o f my Eng lish skills, skills, but the teachers supported me when I started my studies, and helped to explain things in English until my language improved improved.. B. There B. There are many differences between Viet Nam and the UK, but in the UK you have the chance to apply the knowledge that you gain in work situations as part of your studies. C. I plan to continue my studies and have applied to the London School of Econom ics to study Maths and Econom ics at the undergraduate undergraduate level. level. I love to hang out with my friends in L ondon - there is so much muc h to do and I like to go D. D. I and see the touris t places like Big Ben and go to m usic concerts. concerts. E. My first impressions were that the teachers were very friendly and I liked the school where I study. F. I’m studying for my A-level qualifications in London. I’ll stay in Viet Nam for six weeks.
Maria: Ma ria:
Hi, Cam Van. Yo u’re u’re a student at Westm inster Kingsway College and go home to have a short holiday in Viet Nam?
Cam Van: Van: Maria: Mar ia:
How did you feel when you came to Britain for the first time?
Cam Van: Van: Maria: Ma ria:
Cam Van: Van:
Maria: Ma ria: Cam Van: Van:
Maria: Ma ria: Cam Van: Van: Maria: Ma ria:
Right, Maria. (1) _________ _________
I was so excited excite d and nervous to come to the UK. UK. ((2) 2) ____ ______ ____ __
Awesome. Did you have any difficulties in the beginning? beginning? (3)___________________________________________________
Wh at do you like doing in your free time? (4)
___________ _____ ___________ ___________ ____________ ________ __
Sounds interesting. What are you doing after A-level courses? (5)___________________________________________________
Than k yo u for the conversation. I hope yo u’ll u’ll make more progress in your study in the UK.
III)-Complete the conversation about cloud learning, using the responses (A-F) given. There is one extra. A. Full flexibility to put your studies on hold at any time and resume them again when you are ready. B. B. Cloud learning materials work well on your favourite desktop or laptop computer and selected mobile devices. C. C. Along with this, you receive printed course materials, giving you the option to
continue studying from printed materials. Ba B a i ta p T ie n g A n h 11 - 151
D. You can access all of your training information from wherever you have access to the Internet. E. All student queries are aimed to be answered by one of the experienced tutors within 24 hours. F. They offer m onthly instalment payment payment plans on all o f the courses, making it easi easier er to get started on your chosen course. Minh: Min h:
Can I have the courses courses on my laptop? laptop?
Kevin: Kev in:
O f course, cou rse, yes. yes . (1)_________________ (1)_________________________ _______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _________ __
Min h:
And with the Internet connecti connectivity? vity?
Right. (2)______________________________________________________________
Minh: Min h:
Are there any benefits of cloud learning learning??
Kevin: Kev in:
There are several, Minh. First, you can learn on your own schedule. All course course materials are online available to access at any time, any place. Choose the option “Fast Track your learning” with intensive study, or take it at your own pace.
(3)__________________________________________________ Minh: Min h:
Sounds interesting. interesting. I can review my lessons lessons several times by myself. What’s W hat’s next, next, Kevin?
Kevin: Kev in:
Next, you c an get full tutor tuto r suppor support. t. All of o f the courses include tutor tuto r support support as standard. They offer full tutor support for 12 or 24 months depending on your course, available to contact 24/7. (4)_______________________________________
Min h:
Awesome. I wo n’ n’tt worry about any difficult difficult topics. Can I print the the online materials so th at I will review them at places without witho ut the internet connectivity?
Kevin:: Kevin
The online ma terials are availabl availablee through the Virtual Learning Learnin g Environment. Environment. These materials are accessible from any smart device including smartphones, laptops and tablets. (5)___________________________________________________
Minh: Min h:
Thank you for your interesting interesting informa information tion..
Kevin: Kev in:
Yo u’re u’re welcom e.
E. WRITING Complete the instructions on how to apply for a farther education course in the UK, using the sentences (A-H) given. A. Institutions usually aim to process applications within two or three weeks, but others may take longer.
B. For many further education courses, you need to have achieved secondary educationlevel qualifications (such as GCSEs or equivalent qualifications) in related subjects.
152 15 2 - L u Hoằ ng Trí Trí
C. M ost institutions institutio ns have application forms on their thei r website website.. D. Students from certain countries need a visa to to study in the UK. UK. E. There are no national closing dates dates for applications app lications to further further education course courses. s.
F. This m ay also be necessary for your visa application. application. G. U K further fu rther education courses generally set their own entry requirements. requirements. H. Before y ou start looking for a course, you should sho uld surf the website to find out inform ation about thousands o f British further education cour courses. ses.
( 1)_________________________________________________________________
For most further education courses, you need to apply directly to your chosen school, college or universi univ ersity. ty. (2)____________________ (2)____________________________ _______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ __________ __
However, it is best to apply as early as you can, to reserve a place on your chosen course and to give you y ourself rself time to organise visas, travel and accommodation. (4) _______________ ____________________ _____
( 5).
These entry requirements are there to ensure that you have the right skills and knowledge to
_ successfully complete the course. (6)________________________________________ _ If English isn’t isn’t you y ourr first language, the institution ins titution may ask you to take an English En glish language test or show your English language qualifications before you can enrol. (7)________________
(8). Visas are managed by UK Visas and Immigration.
TEST 1 (UNIT 7) I)-Find the wo rd wh ich has a different sound sound in the part underlin underlined. ed. 1. A. entrance B. diploma C .excha .exchang ngee D. apply 2. A. pursue B. curtain C. furniture D. further
3. A. admission
B. profession
C. passion
D. pas passiv sivee B Bài ài tâ p Tién Tiéng g Anh 11 - 153
II) -Choose -Choose the w ord which has a different stress pattern from the others. 4. A. diploma 5. A. undergradu ate
B. doctorate
C. internship C. baccalaureate
B. university
D. scholarship
D. accommodation accommodation
III) -Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 6. Further edu cation catio n courses are usually described described as e ith er __ ______ or vocational. A. academic
B. pr prac actic tical al
C. le lear arni ning ng
D. technical
7. The International Internationa l Baccalaureate Bac calaureate is also also now offered by more schools in the UK as a( a(n) n) to A -levels. -levels. A. choice
B. substitution
C. alternative
D. option
8. In some institutions, A-levels A-levels can als also o be awarded in combination with o th e r __ ____ ____ __ , such as Internationa Inte rnationall B accalaureate certifica certificates. tes. A. examinations
B. qualificat qualifications ions
C. courses
D. levels
9. IB students can select s elect subjects so that they specialise in a particular academic field, field, but mathemati mathe matics, cs, native language and theor theory y o f knowledge knowledge are _ _ _ _ _ subje subject cts. s. A. optional
B. elective
C. comp compulsory ulsory
D. certain
10.. As well as 10 as studying o n __ ______ in the UK, you can also choose to study outside the UK for example by distance learning. A. campus
B. accommodation
D. dormitory
C. buildin g
11. The teachers at Edinburgh College encourage students to ______ with others, experiment with arts and find their own ideas. A. help
B. improve
■ C. involve
D. collabor collaborate ate
12. University __ ______ in Viet Nam can decide their own criteria for enrolling international students. A. principals
B. rectors
C. headm headmasters asters
D. managers managers
____ ____ __ for a loan or financial support from 13.. Depending on y ou r nationality, 13 nationality, you may b e __ the UK government. A. legal
B. capable
C. able
D. eligible
14. That university __ Advanced Programme with the aim to enrol around 500 _____for _ athe international students decade. A. implem ented
B. will implem ent
C. has been implem enting
D. will be implementing
15. A Bachelor’s degree is a three-year or four-year course you take in undergraduate higher educatio educa tion n after after y o u __ ______ further education. A. have finished
B. have been finishing finishing
C. had finished
D. had been finishing finishing
-Fill in each bla n k in the passage with the correct wo rd from the box. There are so some me extra words.
honour completion
sp e e c h
co urses
g r a d u a tio n
154 -
Liiu Hoàng Tri
UjDon satisfactory (16) ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ o f the 12™ grade, a student graduates gradua tes and receives a high high school diploma. In the US, students graduate from high school, junior high school, elementary school and even nursery school. At high schools, there are ceremonies to celebrate (17) ______ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ with caps, gowns, diplomas, and speeches by sta ff and students. students.
M w f .
G ra ra d u at io n
c erem o on n ie s
o f te n
c a ll e d
‘comm encem ent’, because it marks marks the start o f a new (18) _____ __________ __________ _________ ____ in a student’s life. life. Am ericans are enthusiastic about ‘lif lifee cycle e ven ts’ or milestones and graduations are a time of great celebration of students. It’s a particular (19) ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ for a student (usually the top student) to be chosen as the ‘valedictorian’, who gives the farewell (20) ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ at the the g raduation ceremony. V)-Complete the following sentences with the present perfect or present perfect continuous.
21. David who (enter)_________________________employment since leaving school will go to university soon. 22. M aria (take)___ (tak e)______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _
two A-levels A -levels and one AS-level AS-leve l in English,
Maths, and Physics so far. 23. They (use) ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ the Internet to look for for the the courses courses which offer full scholarships. 24. Cam bridge bridg e Un iversity ive rsity (set)_____ (set)________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ the standards s tandards for the A-level A-lev el subjects for more than 80 years years.. 25. Ou r prin cipal cipa l (teach)_______ (teach)__________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ A-levels and IB in top academ ic schools in the USA and South America for more than 20 years.
VI/-Choose the word among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
Further education in Britain means education after GCSE exams (26) __ ____ ____ __ around the age of 16. It includes courses of study (27) __ ____ ____ __ to A-levels which students do at their ____ ____ __ to a college of further education which school or college. Some students go (28) __ ____ ____ __ a wide range of full or part-time courses. Further education also includes training (29) __ for professional (30) __ ____ ____ __ in nursing, accountancy, and management and in (31) ___ ______ ____ _ such as arts and music. The term (32) __ ____ ____ __ education is used to refer to degree courses at universities. The British government is keen to (33) __ ____ ____ __ more young people to remain in education ____ ____ __ as possible in order to build up a more highly (35) ___ as (34) __ ______ ____ _ , better educated workforce. 26. A. taken
B . made
C. performed
D. pa parti rtici cipa pate ted d
27. A. led 28. A. ahead 29. A. gives
B. linked B. right B. offers
C. leading C. straight C. supports
D. linking D. forward D. pre presen sents ts
30. A. degree
B. diploma
C. certificate certificate
D. qualifications Ba B a i ta tap p T ie n g A n h 11 - 15 155 5
3 1. 32. 33. 34. 35.
A. A. A. A. A.
s k i ll s high ask soon s k il le d
B. B. B. B. B.
f ie l d s tertiary make lo ng v alu ed
C.topics C. secondary C. remind C . w e ll C . d e v o te d
D. D. D. D. D.
respects main inquire much talented
VII)-Read the p paa s s a g e , and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each questio question. n. If you want to go to a univers university, ity, you usually apply during your last year at school, when you are 17-18. You can apply to study at any university in Britain and most people choose a university that is is not in their own town. So, university students usually live away from home. Students get a grant from the the government to stud study. y. A t the the beginning o f your last year at school, you receive an application form. On this form you choose up to five universities that you would like to go to. The form is sent to those universities with information from your school about you and your academic record. If the universities are interested in your application, they will ask you to attend an interview. If they are still interested after the interview, they will offe r you a pl place. ace. Any offer, however, is only conditional at this stage. Applications and interviews take plac pl acee severa sev erall mo nt nths hs b efo ef o re stu studen dents ts do th their eir A -le -leve vell exam ex amin inati ation ons. s. Thes Th esee are the exa exams ms th that at you do at the end of your time at school. So, when a university makes an offer, it will tell you the minimum grades that you will have to get when you do your A-level exams. If you don’t obtain those grades, then, you will not be able to get the place. It will be offered to someone else and you must apply again to another university. You don’t have to accept your place immediately. Some students don’t want to go straight from school to university. So, after they have taken the ir A-level, they take a year out to w work ork or tra travel. vel. 36. The main main idea o f the passage i s __ ____ ____ __ . A. how to be accep ted to a univers university ity
B. how to take an A-le vel examination
C. studying at a univ ersity
D. what to do after leaving school
37. The maximum num ber o f univer universitie sitiess that a student can appl apply y for i s __ ____ ____ __ . A. two
B. three
C. four
38. If the university is interested in the app lication , ____ ______ __ . A. the student will be offered a place B. the student will hav e to attend an inter interview view C. the student will go straight to the university
D. the student will take an A-level exa examination mination
39. Students do their A-level examination __ ____ ____ __ . A. at the the beginn ing o f their last year at sschool chool B. before they send the application forms to the universities C. at the end end o f th eir time at school D. right after they receiv e an applica application tion form
D. five
156 15 6 -
Liiu Hoang Tri
40. If the studen t’s score is below the minimum grades announced by the un ive rsity, rsit y, _____ _____ . A. the place will be offered to someone someone else B. he must take a year out C.
he m ustn’t us tn’t apply to any other university
D. he will be be able able to get the place place
V I I I ) - C o m p l e t e t h e c o n v e r s a t i o n a b o u t o p t i o n s o f f u r t h e r e d u c a t i o n i n B r i t a in in , u s i n g t h e r e s p o n s e s (A-F) g i v e n . T h e r e i s o n e e x tr tr a .
A. For students s tudents w ho are not so academically minded, they still have the option to further further their education by studying a vocational course that will provide them with a more hands-on experience and education. B . I f students choose to carry on with their education, this will take two forms, forms, either by
pu rs rsui uing ng fu furth rther er acade aca dem m ic qualif qua lifica icatio tions ns or by follo fol lowi wing ng a mor m oree vocat vo catio iona nall pathw p athway. ay. C. Fu Further rther education ed ucation courses may be full-time or o r part-time part-time and are provided at colle colleges, ges, technical colleges, Colleges of Further Education (CFE), and by numerous ‘open learning’ institutions. D . It is often called the sixth form school for students to enter after they have taken their
GCSE's. Here students typically study A-levels. E. It’s when students reach the age of 16 and have completed their GCSE’s. F. Generally, G enerally, A-levels comprise of 6 modules, and an AS-level AS-level 3 modules.
Phong Ph ong:: W hen do students begin further further education in Britain, Kevin? Kevin: Kev in:
(41) ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______ __
Phon Ph ong: g: They have a few options to choose from? Right? Kevin: Kev in:
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______ __ Th at’s it. (42) ____
Phon Ph ong: g: I see. see. What kind o f schools for students who want to to take take their A-levels? Kevin: Kev in:
Phon Ph ong: g: Are they further academic qualifications qualifications required o f students before before they enter enter higher education and a degree programme? Kevin: Kev in:
Y ou’re right. A-levels, A-lev els, like like GCSE's, GCSE's, follow a two-year program me and there are are two components comp onents to them , full A-levels A-levels and h al f AS-levels. AS-levels. (44)__ (44)____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ____ _
Phong Pho ng:: Many students wa nt to take vocational qualifications. qualifications. What for? Kevin: Kev in:
_____ ____ __ (45) ___
I X )-Y o u w o u l d l i k e to a p p l y fo r a n u n d e r g r a d u a te c o u r s e , a n d a s k fo r m o r e information. W rite sentences, using the words and phrases given.
Dear Sir or Madam, 46.1/ writing/ undergraduate courses/ your university.
B Bà à i tâ tâp p T ié n g A n h 11 - 157
4 7 .1/ .1/ very much interested/ take/ courses/ Busi Business ness Administrat Administration. ion.
48.1/ also/ to kn ow/ w hat k inds/ accommodation/ and/ means/ transport/ availabl availablee the there. re.
49. Could you/ please/ send/ more information/ admission requirements/ tuition fees/ and/ details/ courses?
5 0 .1/ .1/ look forward/ hear, hear,// you soo soon. n.
Yours faithfully, N Ngu gu ye n A An n /
T E S T 2 (U (U N IT 7 ) I)-Find the word w hich has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. ce rtifica te 2. A. c o nsult 3. A A.. tu to r Hji-Choose
B . de c or ate B . c a m pu s B . m a st e r
c. undergraduate c . discussion c.
t u i ti o n
D. doctorate D. subject
D. tr a n s c r i p t
the w ord w hich has a d i ffe r e n t str stress ess pattern from the others others..
4. A . eligible 5. A . coordinator
B. kindergarten
B. opportunity
C h o o s e t h e b e st st a n s w e r A , B ,
c . magn magnificent ificent c . international
D. secondary D. similarity
c o r D t o c o m p l e t e tthh e s e n t e n c e s .
6. At most institut institutions ions iin n the UK, t h e __ ____ ____ __ starts in September or October and runs until June or Jul July. y.
calendar year
B. academic year
c. leap year
D. gap year
7. Further and hig he r education colleges offer courses and qualifications in a wide range range of vocational and academic subjects at many __ ____ ____ __ .
B. qualities
posi sitio tions ns D. po
8. The UK of offer ferss a wid e ra range nge of wo rk-based __ ____ ____ __ for students seeking to bbuild uild caree careers rs in specific specif ic indusừ ies.
B. training
D. competition
9. A Bach elor’s deg ree iiss aalso lso known aass a (n ) __ ____ ____ __ university degree or an undergraduate degree.
B. major
c. main
D. ordinary
158 - L u Hoằ ng Trí
10. With thousands of UK further education courses on offer, you can choose a course that yourr goals and interests you interests.. A. goes goe s
B. mixes
C. fixes
D. matches
11. You can choose to study online or on __ ____ ____ __ , in the UK or even at an overseas site. A. the ground
B. board
C. the move
D. campus
12.. In England, most 12 mo st students in further education are adults prog pr ogram ram mes. me s. A. enrolled
B. enrolling
C. join ed
13.. Vietnam National University 13 University - Ho Chi Minh City City courses in English since 2000. A. has set up
____ __ ____ __
on part-time
D. joining
____ __ ____ __ around
30 undergraduate
B. has been setting setting up C. had been setting up D. had se sett up
14.. Vietnam Natio nal University - Ha Noi, the country's largest 14 , has been carrying carrying out a similar project since 2008, setting up six undergraduate, three masters and a PhD prog pr ogra ramm mm e tau t au gh t in English Eng lish.. A. institute
B. institution institution
C. department
D. faculty faculty
15. Aca dem ic __ ____ ____ __ are official copies of your academic work. A. accounts accou nts
B. statements
C. transcripts transcr ipts
D. records
IV)-Fill in each blan k in the passage with the correct correct word from the box. There are some extra words. level
The Vietnamese-German University (VGU) is a Vietnamese state university. Founded in _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ __ betw 2008, VGU is based on a close (16) ___ be tween een V ie iett N am and Germany. Germ any. _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ ___ , the university Being a joint effort of Vietnamese and German (17) __ follows the successful German model and standards. VGU's strategy is to import excellent German study programmes, taken from the strongest engineering eng ineering areas o f Germany and customize them to the (18)____ (18)______ _____ _____ ____ _____ ____of _of Vietnamese higher education. After a successful study, students receive a German university (19) __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ , providing them with best b est opportunities oppo rtunities on the job market. market. Studying at VGU is a gateway to Germany. VGU offers the opportunity to study at German universities for one (20) __ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ___ _ or to continue with postgraduate progr pro gram amme mes. s. V)-Complete
the f o l l o w i n g s e n t e n c e s w i t h t h e p r e s e n t p e r f e c t o r p r e s e n t p e r f e c t
21. So far the college authorities (try) (try) _____ ________ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ to make the application proc pr oces esss as si sim m pl plee and an d fas fastt as a s pos p ossib sible le fo forr int i ntern ernati ation onal al students stud ents.. 22. The
(establish) __ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ __ an
international internationa l
faculty .th at is
responsible for the partnership with overseas institutions since 2005. B Ba a i tap Ti&ng Anh 11 - 159
23. Since 2000, the Ministry o f Education Education and Training (attempt) (attempt) ________ _______________ ________ _ to pr even ev en t cl clas assr sroo oo m over ov ercr crow ow di ding ng w it ith h a pl plan an to es esta tabl blis ish h a furt fu rthe herr nu m be r o f over ov er 40 universities in Vie t Nam. 24. Scientists (put) ___ ______ _______ ________ _______ ____ _ a lot o f effort effort into the area o f science science and technology since the economic reform in 1985. 25. The international A-levels (be) _______ _______________ _________ _ considered by m any experts in the field o f education to be the “g old standard” of examinations examinations for a very long time until now. t s t h e b l a n k s p a c e i n t h e f o l lo lo w i n g VI)-Cfaoose t h e w o r d a m o n g A, B , C o r D t h a t b e s t f i ts passage.
generally refers to education undertaken by b y adul ad ults ts o f all ages age s afte af terr le leav avin ing g full fu ll time study. It doesn’t include degree courses
(26) __ ____ ____ __
university directly after
leaving high
____ ____ __ school, which come under (27) __ education. Further education includes everything from basic reading and writing skills for the illiterate to full-time professional and doctorate degrees at university. On many university
____ ____ __ , more students are enrolled in further education courses than in (29) __ ____ ____ __ (28) __ degreee programmes. degre Often adult education students don’t need to be high school or college graduates or take
____ ____ __ on a first-come, first-served basis. any tests or interviews, and they’re generally (30) __ basis. A _____ ___ _ for some courses, although General Educational high school diploma is (31) ___ Development (GED) tests allow students to (32)_
a high school equivalency diploma.
Ad ult education courses may be full-time full-time or part-time part-time and are provided by two and fourfour-
____ ____ __ schools, and elementary and high year colleges, universities, community colleges, (33) __ schools. Courses are also provided by private community organizations, government
____ ____ __ , and job training centres. More and more adult education programmes are (34) __ be com co m in ing g (35) (35 )
courses es wh ich offer university or cont on th thee Intern Int ernet, et, in incl clud udin ing g cours
education credits for completion. 26. A. gone
B . br brou ou ght gh t
C . ttak aken en
D . set
27. A. higher
B . further
C . h ig h
D . secondary
28. A. areas
B . grou nds
C . ya rds
D . campuses
29. A. frequent
B . r e g u la r
C . u sual
D . pe perm rm anen an entt
30. A. accepted
B . agreed
C. admitted
D . received
31. A. permitted
B . br brou ough ghtt
C . rreq eque ueste ste d
D . required
32. A. earn
B . show
C. manage
D . make
33. A. technique
B . te c h n o l o g y
C . te c h n i c ia n
D . technical
34. A. businesses
B . o r g a n iz a tio n s
C . a g e n c ie s
D . companies
35. A. capable
B . available
C. visible
D . po possi ssibl blee
1 6 0 - Ltfu Hoàng Tri
the passage, aand nd choose choose the ccorrect orrect answ answer er A, B, C or D for each question. question.
Distant education is a rapidly developing approach to instructions throughout the busine bus iness. ss. Th e ap appr proa oach ch has been be en widel wi dely y used us ed by busine bus iness, ss, indust ind ustria rial, l, and medic me dical al organizations. For many years, doctors, veterinarians, pharmacists, engineers, and lawyers have used it to continue their professional education. Recently, academic instructions have been be en us usin ing g di dist stan an t edu e du catio ca tio n to reac re ach h a more div erse ers e and geogr ge ograp aphic hicall ally y disper dis perse se audie au dienc ncee not accessible through traditional classroom instructions. The distinguishing characteristics o f distant education is the separation o f the instructor and students during the learning process. The communication of the subject matter is pri m ar prim arily ily to ind iv ivid idua uals ls ra rath ther er than th an groups groups.. As a conse co nsequ quen ence ce,, the cours co ursee conte co ntent nt mu st be delivered by instructional media. The media may be primarily printed, as in the case of traditional correspondence course. Audiocassettes, videotapes, videodiscs, computer-based instructions, and interactive video courses can c an be sent to individual studen students. ts. In addition, radio, broadcast television, telele telelectures, ctures, and teleconferences are utilized for “live” distant education. The latter two delivery systems allow for interactive instructions betwee between n the the ins tructor and students students.. 36. “Distant education educa tion is a rapidly developing approach a pproach to instructions throughout the the bu sine si ne ss” ss ” m e a n s ___ _____ ___ _ . A. distant dista nt education educ ation is a form o f the on-theon-the-job job business training B. distant education develops rapidly into an approach to give instructions throughout business C. on-the -job training is rapidly developed for business students students D. distant education is another form o f tradi traditional tional classroom instruc instructions tions throughout throughout business business
37. The individuals who take part in distant education are often __ ____ ____ __ . A. too busy to participate in the evening classes B. unable to access classroom-based education
C. able to participate in classroom-based in their free time D. too busy to participate computer-based education 38. The striking striking characteristic characteristic o f distan distantt education education is th a t __ ____ ____ __ . A. the instructors instruc tors and their students are separated during the training B. the in structors shou ldn’t ldn’t meet me et their students students during the training training C. the cooperation between the instructor and the students during the learning process is face-to-face face-toface communication D. the instructor instruc tor has no contact with the students during the learnin learning g process 39. The course content must be delivered __ ____ ____ __ . A. by express mail B. by traveling a long distance of the instructor C. by using instructional media D. by any means o f comm unication 40. Telelectures and teleconferences teleconferences allow allow fo r __ ____ ____ __ . A. no interactive instruction between the instructor and students B. one-way instruction between the instructor and students C. traditional correspondence course delivered by instructional media D. interactive instructions betwee n the instructor and students students
B à i tâ p Tiéng Anh 11 - ib1
in g t h e YIII)-Complete t h e c o n v e r s a t i o n a b o u t types o f f u r t h e r e d u c a t i o n i n B r i t a i n , u s in r e s p o n s e s ( A - F ) given. T h e r e i s on e e xtra. xtr a. A . The Tech T ech B acc is not n ot a qualification itself but a mark o f vocational vocation al achievement. achievement. B . I t’s the ap prenticeship. prenticesh ip. In an apprenticeship, you will c ombine gaining g aining a qualificat qualification ion
with an actual role in an industry. C. This means you can focus on a subject you are really interested in beyond the limitations limitat ions o f an A-level A-level.. D. Apprenticeships are designed so you qualify and begin work straight away in your industry. E. Vocational qualifications are taught as equivalents to A-levels. F . Taking part in a traineeship can boost your CV and help you to apply for an
apprenticeship or a job. Mai: Ma i:
If a student has ju st received his GCSE results, are there several several options for him to follow in England?
Maria; Ma ria; More and m ore students are choosing tto o go into further education and so so a broader range o f exciting qualifications and skills, skills, besides the traditional A-level route, ar aree available availa ble fo r them. Mai;; Mai
Fantastic. I wan t to gain more hands-on experience. W hat is the option for students who w ho want to support suppo rt their family family soon?
Maria: Mar ia: (41) ___ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ ______ ____________ : ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________ _____ M a i :
What subjects sub jects does it offer? offer?
Maria: Ma ria: You can c hoose hoo se from areas, areas, such as Arts Arts and M edia, Engineering and and Manufacturing Technologies. (42) ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ Mai:
Can you tell me about vocational qualifications qualifications?? Manv international students are are much in terested in them. them.
Maria: Mar ia: (43)___________________________________________________________________
____________ ______ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________ ___ . They are designed to allow you to learn in a way that suits you and give you the skills that will help you to to get a job in areas, such as Hair and Beauty, Business and Management and Constructio n and Proper Property. ty. Mai: Ma i:
I ’ve heard ab abou ou t Technical Baccalaureate. Baccalaureate. Is it equivalent equivalen t to IB?
Maria: Ma ria: (44)___________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ . It is de __________________________________________________. desig signe ned d for fo r those tho se students who w ho wish to pursue a technical caree career, r, and do n’t n’t want wan t to do A-levels. A-levels. Mai: Ma i:
And An d a lot o f Vietnamese Vietn amese students enjoy science science subjects, and they want something something more challenging than A-levels but they don’t have enough conditions to follow the IB? Is th ere any option for them in England? England?
O f course, aredointerested in looking into an area o f ______ study in a___ lit little tle Maria Ma ria:: more depth,yes. th enIfyoyou u can an extended project. project. (45) ______ ___ ______ ______ ______ _ _
182 - L u Hoằ ng Tr Trí í
IX)”You would like to apply for an English course in England, and ask for more information. W rite sentences sentences,, using the words and phrases given given.. Dear Sir/Madam, 46.1/ Vietnamese high school student/ who/ wish/ improve/ my English/ England.
47 .1/ to study/ Engla nd/ b ec au se /1/ /1/ eager/ eager/ know mo re/ British people/ culture/ and/ way/ lif life. e.
48.1/ grateful/ if/ you/ let me/ know/ whether/ there/ English Language courses/ year round/ international students.
49. Could you/ please/ tell/ if/ 1/ apply online/ courses/ and/ when/ 1/ get/ outcome/ my application?
50. 1/ looking forward/ your reply soon.
Yours faithfully, Le Hoang
Bai B ai ta p Ti&ng A n h 11 - 163
7ùuc ùuc Si Si A. PHONETICS
M a r k r i s in i n g i n t o n a t i o n ( / ’) o r f a l llii n g in i n t o n a t iio o n ( N ) o n t h e c h o i c e q u e s t io io n s i n t h e f o l l o w i n g s h o r t exchanges.
1. A: Would you like to visit the Templ Templee of Preah Vihear or Angkor Wat in Camb Cambodia odia?? B: I ’d like like to see Angko Angkorr Wat. 2. A: Do you pre fer sightseeing sightseeing in Hoi An o orr cave exploring in Phong Nha? B: I prefer cave exploring. I t’s very exc exciting iting,, and challengi challenging. ng. 3. A: Is Trang A n a natural or cultural world heritage site? B: I think it ’s a m ixe d heritage ssite ite.. 4. A: Do you wan t to go on an adventuro adventurous us trip or a package tr trip ip to Phon g Nh a - Ke B Bang ang Nat N atio iona nall P Park ark?? B: I want to go on a package trip. It’s ssaf afer er.. 5. A: Where would you like to go? To Huong Son Complex or to Bai Dinh Pagoda Compl Complex? ex? B: I’d like to go to Huong Son Compl Complex. ex.
B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I)-Fill I)-Fi ll iin n each b lan k in the foll following owing ssent entence encess with the correct w ord from the bo box. x.
geological s a n c t u a r y crafts
distinctive masterpieces archaeo logical abundant
rui ruins ns
___________ ___________ _______ _ zone o f fauna. 1. Cue Phuong Na tional tion al Park is also a (n ) ______ fauna. ____________ ____________ ______ sites belonging to 2. A number of caves in Huong Son Compl Complex ex a r e ______ the Hoa Ho a Binh Culture Cu lture dated ba ck to over 10,000 y years ears.. 3. Set in a quiet environm ent, Ho Hoii An is surrounded by peaceful villages that have such as carpentry, bronze making, and ceramic. ___________ ___________ _______ _ in 4. After reading reading rreview eview s in the magazine for touris tourists, ts, I tried lo c a l ______ Hoi An, such as Hoi An Fried Wonton and Ca Cao o L au nood noodle. le.
____________ ____________ ______ 5. Phong Nha - Ke B ang National Park is one o f the ffinest inest and m o s t ______ examples o f a com plex limestone land landfor form m in Southe Southeast ast Asi Asia. a.
______ ______ ______ ____ _ _ work 6. The ___ work in Co Con n Moong Cave area has bee n carried out o ut for severa severall year years. s. 7. Phong Nha - Ke Ban g National Park can be compare compared d to a h u g e ______ ___________ ________ ___ museum. ____________ __________ ____ site 8. Last year, we cam e to th e ______ site and beautiful landscape landscap e o f West Yen Tu. Tu. 9. The Champa Kin gdo m was vividly ill illustr ustrate ated d by th e ___ Son.. ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ o f My Son 10. The basic architectural and landscape features of the Complex of Hue Monuments have be en m a in ta in ed ___________ _____________ __ since their original construction in the early 19th century. 11.. Yen Tu is a com plex o f architec tural ______ 11 located in a beautiful landscape. ____________ ___________ _____ located 12.. Each group 12 group in M y Son was compr comprise ised d o f a m a in ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ , surrounded by
towers and auxiliary monuments.
164 - Lun Hoàng Tri
II)-Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word/phrase from the box. temples m e r c h a n t ships
community attractions.
pillars pilla rs
t r a d in in g p o r t
The ancient town of Hoi An lies on the Thu Bon River, 30 km south of Da Nang. It
______________ ___________ ____ was formerly a major (1) _______ in Southeast Asia between the 16th and the 17th centuries. Hoi An was also an important centre for
Japanese and other (2) _______ ______________ ___________ ____ from the F ar East. East. pagod pag odas, as, an anci cien entt home h omess and an d narrow nar row
Hoi An is famous for its old (3)_ streets. stree ts. All the houses were m ade o f wood and their (4) (4)_
were carved with
ornamental (5) ___ _______ ________ _______ _______ ____ . One of the main (6) ____ _______ _______ _______ _______ ____ of Hoi An is the Japanese Bridge, which was bu il iltt in the th e 16th 16th ce cent ntur ury y and an d is still sti ll w ell ell-p -pre rese serv rved ed.. All Al l visi vi sito tors rs to Hoi An are reco re comm mm en ende ded da visit to the Assembly Hall of Cantonese Chinese Congregation. This house was built in 1855 and still keeps many precious (7) _______ ______________ ___________ ____ that belonged to the Chinese (8) ________ _______________ _______ of Hoi An. Another attractive address to tourists is Tan Ky House, which was constructed nearly two centuries ago as a house for a Vietnamese (9) ____ _______ _______ ________ _______ ___ . The house now looks almost exactly as it did in the early 19th century. In recent years, Hoi An has become a popular tourist (10)____________
in Viet
N am . In 1999, it was wa s ce cert rtif ifie ied d b y U NE SCO SC O as a W or orld ld Cultu Cu ltural ral Herit He ritag agee Site. III)-Co III)Co mp lete the following following sentences sentences with the c orrec t form of the word s in brackets. 1. In 1805, 1805, King Gia Lo ng requested the building o f a new, smaller smaller citadel called Ha Noi Citadel with a ne w ___ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ______ __ style, (architecture) 2. The Complex of Hue Monuments is a
_______________________ of
many royal
monuments from the the N guyen Dynasty, (combine) (combine) 3. As for me, the Citadel o f the Ho Dynasty is is one of the m o s t ____ _______ ______ _______ _______ _______ ______ __ destinations in Viet N am becau se o f its value, (attract) (attract)
4. Due to its its sp ec ia l ________ ___________ _______ ________ _______ ____ _ constitution, Ba Be Lake has very original and special features, (geology) B Bài ài t p T iế n g A n h 11 - 165
5. The ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ site in Con Moong Moo ng Cave Cav e is also one o f ______ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ sites that contain co ntain the thickest cultural layer Viet Nam at present, (excavate - archaeology archaeology))
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ natural values with its tropical 6. Cat Ba Archipelago bears t h e ___ forests which cover co ver the limestone system and the ma ngrove wetlands, (exception) 7. The Complex o f Yen Tu M onuments and Landscape Landscape is a vivid illustration illustration o f human human _ __ interaction interac tion with th e environm environm ent and traditional traditional human p erm an en t____ t______ ____ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ . (settle) 8. Besides the histo rical value o f geology, Phong N ha - Ke Bang is also also favoured with the and majestic landscapes by nature, (mystery)
________ _______ ______ _______ _______ ___ __ __ __ in 9. Management Management a n d ____ in Hoi An are further strengthened through master mast er planning plann ing an d action plans, (preserve) (preserve) 10. The architecture architecture o f Hoi An is a _______________________ bl blen end d o f Vietn Vi etnam am es ese, e, Chinese Chine se and Japanese influences, (harmony) IV)-Rewrite the sentences replacing the relative clauses with participle or to-infinitive to-infinitive clauses. 1. Cat Ba Archipelago Arch ipelago bears the exceptional exceptional natural values with its tropical tropical forests whic which h cover the limestone system and the mangrove wetlands.
2. On this area, area, there are many wildlife and plant species species that have high economic values. values.
3. Trang An Scenic Scen ic Landscape C omplex is a mountainous mountainou s area which is surrounded by a buffer zone o f pad dy fields and villages. villages.
4. The wooden block at Vinh Nghiem Pagoda iin n Bac Bac Giang Province which repres represents ents Nom characteristics has been selected as the international standard character for No m texts. texts.
5. Phong Nha Nh a - Ke Bang is the oldest and largest tropical lim estone region which was was formed about 400 million years ago ago..
6. Hoi A n is a little port po rt tow n with its its old narrow streets streets wh ich are bordered with old houses, houses, pago pa godas das,, ttem em pl ples es an d assem ass embl bly y hall h alls. s.
1 6 6 - L u Ho Hoằằ ng Trí
7. The eighteen-m eter Japanese Bridge, Bridge, which was bui built lt by the dona donation tion o off Japanes Japanesee merchants, is the symbol o f Hoi An.
8. Kinh Thien Palace and Hau Lan were the only places which were used as accommodations for Nguy Nguyen en Kings du ring their business trips to the Ba Bacc Thanh.
9. Ha No i Flag Tower is tthe he most famous structure that survived the F rench period int intact act..
10. Hue Imperial Citadel is the ffirst irst UNESCO UNE SCO Heritage Site in Viet Nam which attracts a lot of tourists from all over the world.
V)-Combine the two sentences into one, using either an - i n g or - e d participle.
1. The Cham Kingdom had two sa sanctuarie nctuaries. s. They belonged to two ma main in opposing clans. clans. The Cham Kingdom had two sanctu aries ______ ___________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________ ___ . 2. The ttemp emples les in My Son followed tthe he same model. The temples were built int into o groups groups..
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ________ __ followed the same model. The temples in My Son ______ 3.
In 1009, Ly Con Cong g Uan decided to change the capital city from Hoa Lu tto o Dai La Citadel Citadel.. Ly Cong Uan founded the Ly Dynasty. In 1009 1009,, Ly Con Cong g U a n ,_____ ,________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____, _, decid decided ed to change the capit capital al city from Hoa Lu L u to Dai La Citad Citadel. el.
4. Kinh Thien Palace was the centre o f Imperial Cita Citadel del of
Thang Long in the Le Dynasty and Ha Noi Citadel in the Nguyen Dynasty. Kinh Thien Palace was built in 1428 by King Le Thai To. Kinh Thien Palace, ______ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ______ , was the centre of Imperial Citadel of Thang Long in the Le Dynasty Dy nasty and Ha Noi C itadel in the Nguyen Nguy en Dynasty. 5. The Citadel o f the Ho Dynasty is considered as the only ston stonee cit citade adel. l. The Citadel o f the Ho Dynasty remains in Southeast Asia.
The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty is considered as the only stone citadel ______ ____________ ___________ _____
Bài B ài tâp T ié n g A n h 11 - 167
C. READING I)-Match each of eight w o r l d heritage sites in Viet Nam in column A w i t h its description description in column B, writing the answer in each blank. Answer
1. Com plex o f Hue Monume Monuments nts
A. The commercial activity of the port made it an impo important rtant tr trade ade cen center ter from the 15 15tth to the 19th century. Local and foreign traders have left their marks with numerous buildings that make up an exceptionally well-preserve w ell-preserve d ancient ttown. own.
2. Ha Long Bay
3. Hoi A n Ancient Town
C. Devel De velop oped ed ffrom rom th thee 4t 4th h to 13t 13th h century, it consists of the remains of several temples. This site used to be the political and
4. Phong M ia - Ke Ba Bang ng Nat N atio io n al Pa Park rk
5. My So n Sanctuary
6. Imp erial Citad Citadel el o f Thang Long -Ha No Noii
It rema ined its polit political ical center for 13 centuries. centuri es. T The he central ssector ector o f the Citade Citadell embodies a uniqu uniquee culture from the Red River area.
religious capital o f the Cham pa Ki Kingdom. ngdom. D. With severa severall building buildingss remaining alon along g tthe he Huong River of the Royal Citadel, the imperial Enclosure, and the Forbidden City, it is the landm ark o f the imp imperi erial al Vietnamese history, arts and architecture. E. Situated in the south of the Red River Delta, it is a brea thtaking area o f llimes imestone tone mountain surrounding low cultivated valleys. It is also the site of Hoa Lu, the ancient capital o f Vie tnam from the 10 10tth and 11th centuries. F. It dates back to the 14th century. It was built bu ilt acc accord ordin ing g to the th e Fe ng Shu Shuii prin principl ciples es in a plain between the Ma and Buoi R River iverss in Thanh Hoa Province.
7. Citadel of the Ho Dynast Dynasty y
G. Gathering more than 1,600 limestone islets in the Gulf of Tonkin, it is an iconic seascape o f vert vertical icalss cliffs. The site’s beau be auty ty is fam ou ouss ar arou ound nd the th e wor world, ld, and it is also a haven for biodiversity.
8. Trang A n Landsc Landscape ape
H. With 65 km of caves and underground
rivers, it hosts a very complex limestone landscape with significant geological
- Lull Lull Ho ng Trí
! ^
the text, and identify whether the statements are true (T), or false (F), or not given (NG). Lead
Area off ©id
Canned Stones
in Sa Pa
The area of old carved stones in Sa Pa lies mainly in the Muong Hoa Valley, where there are settlements of ethnic minority people in Sa Pa District, Lao Cai Province. Carved stones here have been discovered since a long time ago. In 1925, a French scholar coming here discovered more than 30 pieces of stone that had been carved with various images, scattered along the Hoa Spring bank. Later, other scientists have come here to study the carved pieces of stone. Until now, researchers have discovered more than 200 pieces of stone carved with different images, among them are the big ones which have complicated designs. The mo st common patterns are images images o f mountains, mou ntains, hills and and fields. fields. In some pieces of of stone, we can find images of houses, following the pattern of house on stilts with the form of boat, bo at, w it ith h cu curve rved d roof, roo f, re rem m in indi ding ng th thee image ima ge o f house hou sess on the Dong Do ng Son bron br on ze drums. drum s. Particularly, a number of researchers have raised the hypothesis of traces of 3 kinds of writing system, following the pattern of pictorial writing with straight and curved lines. There are writing systems almost similar to the writing systems found on amulets of Tay ethnic group and Dao ethnic group, but they are not Tay characters. The discovery of the 3 above kinds of writing system on carved pieces of stone makes more complicated the determination o f the the author o f those works. M aybe those authors belong to many different ethnic ethnic minoriti minorities es and have achieved their works in different times. There are opinions underlining that those pieces of stone have been carved by the old Viet people, or ethnic groups near to the old Viet people. At present, there remain a number of legends about the "Father piece" pie ce" an and d "M ot other her piece" piece " o f stone ston e re rela late ted d to inhabitants of the areas lying at the mountain foot coming here to find new settlements. However, the prob pr ob le lem m o f de deter term m inati in ation on o f the th e real rea l author aut horss o f th thos osee works is still to be solved.
1. Scientists discovered a num ber of old carved stones in Sa Pa, which dated back to Dong Son Bronze Age. Age.
2. Hundreds Hun dreds o f stone pieces have been been found with various images images,, some of which have big, complex patterns.
3. The most mos t common topic for for the patterns patterns is nature.
4. Images Imag es o f stilt houses on these pieces pieces o f stone were the same same as as those on the Dong Son bronze bronze drums. drums.
5. The three kinds o f writing system on the carved pieces of stone might share the similar pattern of pictorial writing with straight and
curved lines. 6. The writing systems on the old carved stones in Sa Pa came from
those o f Tay and Dao ethnic groups, but they are not Tay T ay characte characters. rs. 7. Tay Ta y ethnic group and Dao ethnic group group have their own writing syst systems. ems.
B Ba a i ta tap p T ie n g A n h 11 - 16 9
8. It is thought thoug ht that the authors o f the ancient carved stones came from many different ethnic minorities, and did them in different times.
9. The "Father piece" piec e" and "M other piece" of stone are the bigg est ones. ones.
□ □
□ □
□ □
10. The early Viet inhabitants of the areas lying at the mountain foot came to Sa Pa to set the "Father piece" and "Mother piece" of stone as their new settlements. settlements.
III)-Read the passage about the Complex o f Yen Tu Monuments and Landscape, and then answer the questions.
The Com plex o f Yen Tu Monuments Monuments and Landscape Landscape The Complex of Yen Tu Monuments and Landscape is located on the Dong Trieu Range, at the intersection of two provinces: Quang Ninh and Bac Giang. Relics on and excavated under the ground in the Complex of Yen Tu Monuments and Landscape have prov pr ov ed a lo long ng h is isto to ry o f cul c ultu tura rall ex exch chan anges ges in the country cou ntry.. The Th e he heri rita tage ge site, w it ith h dozens doz ens o f pago pa goda das, s, tow ers and an d smal sm alll tem pl ples, es, an and d th thou ousa sand ndss o f antiq an tiqui uitie tiess - espe es peci cial ally ly old books, boo ks, pres pr eserv erves es spirit sp iritua uall v al alu u es o f True Tr ue Lam La m Zen Ze n Budd Bu ddhi hism sm and the th e cultu cu ltural ral trac tr aces es o f tthe he Dai Da i Viet Vi et civilization. The values of True Lam Zen Buddhism and Dai Viet culture have been kept throughout the h istory o f Viet Nam, promoted to other countrie countriess in the the w orld by generat generations ions o f Zen m asters asters and wil l be retained in the future future.. True Lam is a pure Vietnamese Zen Buddhism which focuses on inner feelings but at the same time enters into life with a forgiveness approach. True Lam aims to connect religion to life in a positive way and builds a close link to true patriotism. King Tran N Nha han n Tong To ng,, th thee fou fo u n d er o f True Tru e Lam, Lam , w as the one who collected collected a lot o f older books to guide guide Buddhists and followers of True Lam Zen Buddhism on how to prac pr acti tise se th thei eirr rel r elig igio ion n an and d bec b ecom om e good go od people peo ple.. Yen Tu is thought of as a natural ecological museum due to its rich bio-diversity. The natural landscape of this place met the requirements o f a Buddhism cen ter, which was why it was chosen chosen by Vietnamese Vietnamese Buddhism foll followers owers as as a plac pl acee tto o come com e an and d b u il ild d sm al alll temp te mples les co cove vered red with wi th grass, gras s, to prac pr actic ticee thei th eirr relig re ligion ion.. 1. Wh at has has proved tha t Yen Tu has a long history history of cultural cultural exchanges exchanges in the country? country?
2. W hat attractions attractions ca n visitors see at Yen Tu?
3. Wh at does the heritag e site preserve? preserve?
4. W hat does True L am Zen Buddhism aim to do? do?
170- Lifu Hoang Tri
5. What did King Tran Milan Tong do for followers o f True Lam Zen Buddhism? B uddhism?
6. Why was Yen Tu chosen a Buddhism center? center?
IV)-Read IV)Read the text, text, an d then do the tasks that follow.
My Son Sanctuary Hidden away in the tropical forest near the port city of Da Nang and the very popular World Heritage town of Hoi An is the Champa civilization’s sacred valley of My Son, or “Beautiful Mountain”. I joined the full day package tour from Hoi An, which was quite very convenient as it included all transportation, ticket fee, lunch and guide. I arrived in My Son around 10 o ’clock. A fter walking for a while, I found the complex of tourist facilities, facilities, and one of them is the performance hall. Our guide insisted us keeping going into the forest. Within few minutes, I started to see the complex of ancient Hindu temples made from brick. At first, the dilapidated state of the complex was quite shocking, and almost nothing was left to see. I decided to discoverr the site by myself, and I started to discove be im pres pr esse sed d by the am azin az ing g quali qu ality ty o f b bric ric k
carv ca rvin ing g
detail de tails. s.
image ima ge
Hinduism guardians and angels are truly beau be autif tiful ul and an d rem ind ed me abou ab outt Angk An gkor or in Cambodia. For me, My Son is the great evidence
o f how
expanded to Southeast Asia since ancient Cham people came from Java where Indian art flourished, flour ished, and later expand to mode m day Viet Nam and later Cambodia and Thailand Thailand.. The construction method of My Son is also very unique: Cham people built a whole block of bric br icks ks th then en bu rn rned ed th them em to m ake ak e the w ho le bric br ick k bloc bl oc k v er ery y solid and an d stron str ong g then th en chise ch iseled led into the temple. I walked around the complex many times to enjoy its intricate motifs until the guide informed that there are more complex to see. I went to see another complex, this one is located on the hill and recently partial rebuilt by a group gro up o f Itali Ita lian an arch ar ch aeol ae olog ogis ists ts,, and an d they th ey are plan pl an ning ni ng to rebuil reb uild d more, mo re, wh ich ic h is a very ve ry good news for My Son preservation. The rebuilt complex is very lovely and illustrates the original layout very well even though the new brick really contrasts with the old ones. After that, the guide took me back to the bus and back to Hoi An, it was exactly 3 hours inside My Son. Despite the bad state o f preservation, 1 really eenjoyed njoyed m y visit to to My Son, Son, the place has
exceeded my expectation and even small complex can clearly show its value as a bridge of cultural exchange between India - Java and mainland Southeast Asia.
Ba B a i ta tap p T ie n g A n h 11 - 171
Task 1: Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in in each blank. Answer
1. sacred sacre d (adj)
A. a person that protects som ething
(adj) 2. dilap idated (adj)
B. a connection between two different different things things
3. g uar uard d iian an (n)
C. a p er ers on on w ho ho st stu di dies anci ancien entt ci civ v il ili zat zat io ns ns , b as as ed on objects or part of buildings that are found in the ground
4. chisel (v)
D. having a special special religious religious m eaning
5. arche olog ist (n) (n)
E. cut or carve to shape wood or stone
6. bridge (n)
F. old and in very bad condition
Task 2. 2. An Answe swerr the fo follow llow ing que questi stions. ons. r’ss tour from Hoi An to My Son very convenient? convenient? 1. Wh y was the w rite r’ Why? 2. Wh at was his first impression of My Son? Why? 3. W hat first made him change his opinion about My Son?
4. Which feature does he ffind ind unique about My Son? Son?
5. Why is the writer optimistic about the preservati preservation on o f My Son in the the near future? future?
6. W hy did he enjoy his visit to to My Son?
D. SPEAKING Incomplete the conversation about the Hue City tour, using the responses (A-H) given. A. There you can go shopping and see the daily life of local people. B. You spend fifteen minutes visiting and seeing local peo p eo pl plee m a ke w el ell-k l-k n ow n coni co nica call ha hats. ts.
c. A
full-day tour in Hue shows tourists not only special historical sites sites but also beautiful beautiful landscapes o f the ancient city city..
royal tombs. D. It is co nside red as the mo st majestic of all Nguyen Dyn asty royal
E. Wh ile vis iting the famous royal tombs, tombs, you will realize how impressive impressive and attractive the y are are,, and understand why Hue attracts so man y touris tourists. ts. F. H ere you ca n freely visit the oldest pagoda in Hue Hue..
172 17 2 - L u Hoằ ng Trí Trí
G. King Tu Due’s Tomb was designed to be an extremely harmonious tomb, which was for use both before and after his his death. death. H. After visiting the Citadel, you continue your trip to Hue Royal Antiques Museum with a collection o f ornaments ornaments from the the Ng uyen Dynasty. Dynasty.
Mai: Ma i:
Have you had any plans for the summer holiday, Dan?
Dan: Da n:
M y family is going to visit Hue this summer. Have you ever bee n there, there, Mai?
Mai: Ma i:
My family and I went wen t there two years years ago. ago. The Complex o f Hue Monuments iiss the first UNESC O Heritage H eritage Site in Viet Nam in 1993 1993..
Dan: Da n:
Wow. Wow . I bet there must mu st be many interesting interesting places to to visit and the beautiful beautiful landscape landscape to enjoy enjo y in Hue.
Mai: Ma i:
Sure. Sure. Hue is the city that that still still preserves comparatively comp aratively the intact appearance appearance of of a complex o f the mona rchic capital consisting o f walls, palaces, royal tomb, and so on during dur ing the Ng uye n Dynasty. Dyna sty. (1)____ (1)_______ _______ ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ _____ _
Dan: Da n:
W hat attractions attractions do do you think we should visit first? first?
Ma i:
In the morning mornin g from your hotel, you go to the nearest boat station by coach, and you get on the drag on boa t for a boat trip to Thien M u Pagoda.
Dan :
Sounds fun and interesting. interesting. And w e’ll e’ll sail along the
Ma i:
Right. You will cruise cruise along the Perfume River about 30 minutes. After After that, the boat will stop at another boat station. (2)___________________________________________
Dan:: Dan
I guess the next nex t stop stop will be the Imperial Citadel. Citadel.
Mai: Ma i:
Th at’s it. it. The Imperial Imperial Citadel is is the home o f Viet Nam ’s last royal royal dynasty - the N Ng g uy en Dynas Dy nasty. ty. (3) ________ ________________ ________________ ___________ ___ ^______ ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ __ ____ ___ _
Dan: Da n:
Do we have time to visit any more sites sites in the morning, Mai? Mai?
Mai: Ma i:
I think you can. After that, you come back to the car to transfer transfer to visit Dong Ba Marke Market. t.
Dan: Da n:
W hat can we do there?
Mai: Ma i:
Dong Don g Ba M arket is the biggest and most significant central central market of Thua Thien -
_________ Hue Province. (4) ________ ________________ _______________ ______________ _______________ ___________ ___ _________
B Ba a i ta p T ie n g A n h 11 - 173
D a n :
My mo ther and sister sister like like shopping very much, especially the traditional handicra handicraft. ft. Wh y do n’ n’tt we visit the royal royal tombs? tombs?
Ma i:
Certainly, Certain ly, D an an.. Y ou can vis it them the m in the afternoon. afternoon. (5)______ (5)__________ _______ _______ _______ _______ ______ __
Dan: Da n:
Wh ich royal tom bs do you think we start start first? first?
Ma i:
You should vis it King Minh M ang ’s Tomb fir first st.. (6) (6) ________ ________________ ________________ _____________ _____
Da n:
W hat can we see at King Minh M ang ’s Tomb?
Ma i:
It is a com ple x of o f 40 constructions: constructions: palaces, temples, pavilions, pavilio ns, and so on. Ma ny say that it’s a perfect combination of man-made and natural beauty in Hue, where architecture archite cture fits harmoniously into the surrounding surrounding landscape. landscape.
Da n:
Fantastic. Fantastic. How about other other royal tombs? tombs? I think think we don’t don’t have time to visit al alll of o f them. them.
Ma i:
I agree with you. you . I ’d like to suggest the other most mos t interesting. (7) ______________ ________________ __ ________________________ _______________ _______________________ _______________ ________ _ . Unlike Hue’s other royal tombs, K ing Khai D inh ’s Tomb is a blend o f W estern and Eastern architec architecture ture.. You go round this tomb to see the stone faces faces o f the mandarin honou r guards guards..
Dan: Da n:
Is there any pla ce worth worth visiting in Hue?
Ma i:
You sho uldn’t miss Conical Conical Hat Village. After visiting King Khai Dinh ’s Tomb, you continue the trip to Conical Hat Village. Village. (8) ______________ _____________________ ______________ _____________ _______ _
D a n :
I think it will be a wonderful trip which is full full of fun and interesti interesting ng experience experiences. s.
Complete the conversation about a plan to visit Hoi An Ancient Town, using the responses (A-H) given. given. A. Then we’ll have free time for discovering the town on our own or shopping before we have lunch. B. This is the typical ancient street of Hoi An, which can show you great atmosphere of the ancient town. C. The cycling trip will be ended at a green small canal covered by water coconut trees. D.
W e’ll vi sit Phuc Kien Congressional Assembly Hall, the communal place for Chinese community from Fukien province in China.
E. My parents ha ve a plan to to go on a one-day tour there th is summer. summer. F. When we get to Cam Nam Bridge, we’ll have the first stop to take photos of the
activities activiti es a nd scenery scenery on the Thu Bon River.
1 7 4 - Litu Hoang Tri
G. We’ll have the chance to experience all the typical traditional handicraft of Hoi An, such as wood carving, lantern making, silk worm raising, table cloth making and embroidery pictur picture. e. H. After that, we’ll visit Tan Ky, the most well-known and authentic ancient house in town.
Dan:: Dan
Last year, my family and yours had a wonderful trip to Hue Hue.. How about a tri trip p to another W orld Heritage Sit Sitee this summer?
__________________________ ____________ ____________________________ ____________________________ __________________________ ____________
Phong: Pho ng:
(1) Join us. Let’s go to Hoi An Ancient Town.
Dan: Da n:
Well, the there re are a lot o f things to ssee ee in Hoi An, but we we’’ll have only a day the there. re. Which attractions a ttractions do y ou think we should visi visit? t?
Phong: Pho ng: Le t’s look at the map o f Hoi A An. n. We take a walking tour to Hoi An Ancient Town. First, we visit Thang Loi Handicraft Workshop in Phan Chu Trinh Street. (2)____________________________________________________________ Dan: Da n:
I think these handicrafts have helped local people have a good life life since Hoi An becam be cam e a p op ular ul ar de desti stina natio tion n ffor or b both oth dom domest estic ic and an d inte interna rnatio tional nal tou tourist rists. s.
Phong: Phon g:
Yo u’re u’re rright. ight. Then we ’ll take a walk tto o Hoi An Ancient Town. We We’l ’lll star startt the walk from a small alley from Phan Chu Trinh Street to Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street.
(3)________________________________________________________ Dan:: Dan
Yeah, tha thatt street is leading us to the Japanese Bridge - the symbol o f Hoi An.
Phong: Pho ng: Rig Right. ht. (4)_____________________ (4)___________________________________ ___________________________ __________________________ _____________ Dan: Da n:
Why do n’t n’t we visit any remains o f the Chinese community in Hoi An?
Phong Ph ong::
T ha hat’s t’s a go good od idea idea.. (5)___________ (5)________________________ ___________________________ _________________________ ___________ Then we’ll come to the worshiping temple to Thien Hau, the Goddess protecting peop pe ople le on the th e se seaa - tha thatt wa wass so im impo porta rtant nt for fo r the Ch Chine inese se M er erch chan antt and Fisherm an in the past.
Dan: Da n:
Tha t’s t’s eno ugh for the morning morning.. Right?
Phong: Pho ng:
Oh, no. (6) (6)____________ __________________________ ___________________________ __________________________ _________________ ____ __ ___
Dan: Da n:
Why do n’t we take a short eco-tour round Hoi An in the aftern afternoon, oon, Phong?
Phong: Pho ng: I agree wi with th you. In the afternoon, w e’l e’lll take a cycle trip from Hoi An to Cam Na m Vi Villa llage ge.. (7) ____________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ________________ __
Dan: Da n:
What about cycling along the Thu Bon River bank?
Bà B à i t p T iế n g A n h 11 - 175
Phong: Phon g:
Sure. Sure. W e’ll take a ride along along the Thu Bo n River bank, where you can can have have another pho to stop stop for panorama view o f Hoi A n from the o ther side o f the river river.. (§ )___________________________________________________________ ________________
Dan:: Dan
And w e’ll come back to Hoi An around sunset. I think my parents definit definitely ely agree to jo in your family for that wonderful trip.
III)-Complete the conversation about a trip to My Son Sanctuary, using the responses (A-F) given. There is one extra. A. He helps us learn about the history, architectural styles and cultural significance of the temples. B. On arriving at the My Son area, we will take a short 500m walk through lush hillsides, tree s and brush, before enter entering ing the main si site. te. C. It still represents one o f the most outstanding outstanding Hindu Hind u temple complexes com plexes in Southeast Southeast Asia Asia.. D. And with his help, help, we know which Hindu gods memorialized memorialized at My Son. Son.
E. W ell, let’s let ’s go to My Son Sanctuary, located 50 50 kilometres southw est of Hoi An. An. F. Some 20 re ma ins out o f more than 70 temples temples that once spread out over over the beau be au ti tifu full va ll lley ey ; seve se vera rall are we llll-pr pres eser erve ved d wh ile othe ot hers rs ar aree in ruins, ruin s, some damaged during the war.
Dan: P h o n g :
B a n :
W e’ve e’ve ju st had an awesome trip around around Hoi An. What would you recommend recommend doing next, Phong? (1)___________________________________________________________________ Oh, it ’s also the the other UNECO Heritage Site in Quang Nam Na m Province. Can you tell me th e cultural values of the site site??
Phong: From the t he 4 th to the 13 th centuries, the Champ C hampaa Kingdom King dom flourished flourish ed on o n the coast of Viet Nam with My Son as its religio religious us and intellectual center. center. (2) ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ __
I see. W hat ha t can we see there?
Phong: Pho ng: (3)_______________ (3)___________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _________________ ______ Dan:
W ould n’ n’tt it be better to have a tour guide go with us?
Phong: Pho ng: Good idea! (4) (4)___________ ______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ____________ Dan: Da n:
Why do n’t we ask him also also to explain the influence o f India and Hinduism on the the Champa people?
Phong: Pho ng: Sure Sure.. (5)______________________________ (5)_________________________________________ __________________ _______
176-LPU Hoan Hoang g T ri
E. WRITING - amplet ampletee the sh ort essa essayy abo ut Phon g N ha - Ke Bang N ational Park , using the statements (À-F) given. There is one extra. A. It iiss responsible for protection o f forest resources and biodiver biodiversity. sity. B. Wildlife poaching and illegal timber gathering are difficult to eradicate and a challenging C. remain The cave system has issue. one of the world's longest underground rivers. D. Good planning and management to ensure that these pressures do not damage the Outstanding Universal Value o f the the property. E. The site consists o f two part parts: s: Ph Phong ong Nh Nhaa Nature Reserve and Ke Bang Forest. F. Son Doong Cave, first explored in 2009, is believed to contain the world’s largest cave passage in terms o f ddiameter iameter and continui continuity. ty. Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park contains a complex karst area dating from the Palaeozoic Palaeozo ic era era,, wh which ich makes it the oldest in Asia. (1) ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ___________ ___ _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________.. The ar area ea is no note tedd for its Phong Nha and Vom Cave systems. They are composed of 300 caves and grottos with a total length of o f about 12 1266 km, o f which only partly have been surveyed. (2) ______ ______________ _________ _ With a length of over 44.5 km, the Phong Nha Cave is the most famous of the system with tour to ur boats able to pen penetrate etrate inside to a distance o f 1, 1,500 500 m. m. (3 (3)) _______ ___________ ________ _______ _______ ____
A large number of faunal and floral species occur within the property with over 800 species recorded comprising 154 mammals, 117 reptiles, 58 amphibians, 314 birds and 170 fish.. The pproperty fish roperty cle clearly arly has impressive levels o f biodiversity within its its intact forest cover cover.. Phong Nha - Ke Bang National Park was established in 2001 and is managed by a Management Board. (4)_________________________________________________________ ___ ___ Impacts of increased development pressure and tourism numbers will also require continual consideration. (5)_________________________________________________________
the short essay about the Complex of Hue Monuments, using the phrases/statements (A-F) given. There is one extra. A. The
central structure is the Hue Citadel area which was the administrative centre of southern Viet Nam during the 17th and 18th centuries.
B. The
complex of monuments within its landscape setting remains sufficiently well pres pr eser erve vedd as a w ho hole le to demo de mons nstra trate te th that at the ove overall rall int integ egrit rityy o f the site has be been en maintained B Bài ài tâp tâ p T ie n g A n h 11 - i f /
C. representing a protective screen in front of the monuments or taking the role of “a blue dragon” to the left and “a white tiger” to the right D.
according to international professional standards of conservation to ensure that the authenticity of the monuments has
b bee een n m ai aint ntai aine ned d E. The completion o f the Management Plan is a priority, which provides direction for the conservation and restoration of the complex through 2020. F. The
plan of the new capital is in accordance with ancient oriental philosophy, and
respects the physica l conditions o f the site. site. Establish ed as the capital o f Viet Nam in 1802, 1802, Hue was not on ly the political political bu t also also the the cultural and religious centre centre un der the Nguyen Dynasty, the last royal dynasty o f Vietna Vietnamese mese history, from 1802 to 1945. ( 1 ) ________ _______________ ____________________ ________________ __________________ ____________________ __________________ _______________ _______ !___________________________________
The Ng u B inh Mo untain and the Huon g River shield the main entrance and prevent the en entry try
___ _ o f evil spirits, spirit s, (2)___________ (2)_________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ___________ _____ __ The structur structures es o f the Complex of Hue Monuments are are carefully placed within the natur natural al setting o f the site and aligned cosm ologically with the Five Cardinal Points (centre, (centre, west, east, east, north, south), the Five Elements (earth, metal, wood, water, fire), and the Five Colours (yellow, white, blue, black, red). (3 )________________________________________________________________________________
Within the Hue Citadel were located not only administrative and military functions of the Empire, but also the Imperial Residence, the Imperial City, the Forbidden Purple City and related royal palaces. Altho ugh some o f the structures are now in ruins, and most o f the significant sign ificant existing existing monum ents have b een partially restored, restored, this has been carried carried out using traditional traditional techniques techniques an and d materi ma terials, als, (4)_____________ (4)___________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________ ___________ ______
- Lifo Hoàng
T ri
T K T L «¡’O M I T '¿i' ________________ ___________ ___ V ________
____________ ________ ____ ________ , )
I) -Find the wo rd which has a diff different erent sound in the pa rt underlined.
1. A. intact 2. A. heritage 3. A. distinc distinctive tive
B. dyna dynasty sty B. pa pass ssag agee B. divers diversity ity
C. citadel C. teenage C. irresponsib irresponsible le
D. royal D. pack pa ckag agee D. islet
II) -Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. abundant 5. A. mandatory
B. masterpiece B. magn magnificent ificent
D. mosaic D. D.imperial imperial
C. demolish C. harmonious
III) -Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. The vegetation layers in Cat Ba Archipelago form spectacular and sc scenic enic lands landscapes capes and ____ ____ __ o f al make the si site te be co m e __ alll V ietnam's typical ecosy ecosystem stems. s. A. home
B. house
C. scenery
D. basis
7. Hoi An Ancient Town iiss preserved preserved iin n a rem arka bly __ ____ ____ __ state. A. damaged
B. unspoiled
D. unharmed
C. intact
8. T h e __ ____ ____ __ items in Con Moong Cave are now kept in Thanh Hoa Museum for pres pr eser erva vatio tion n and an d dis displ play ayin ing g wor work. k. A. excavating
B. excavated
D. excavator
C. excavation
9. No fluo rescen rescentt lights, no motorcy motorcycles, cles, no television, on the 15t 5th h day of each lunar month, ____ ____ __ mod em life the nig the rivers riverside ide town o f Hoi A n __ night ht of off. f. A. gives
B. lets
C. brings
10.. Located in H oang Dieu Stre 10 Street, et, Hau Lau has architecture o f the Eastern and Western sty styles les.. A. abundant
B. authentic
D. complex
mix mixed ed
D. turns
____ __ ____ __
11. The nearly 4-hour __ from Ha Long Bay to Cat Ba _____ ____ _ well-kn Island afforded us visits to well-known own caves and beaches. A. travel
B. vacation
C. boating
D. cmise
____ ____ __ with Hindu-like architecture and art. 12. My Son Sanctuary is an area __ A. covering
B. covered
C. which covered
13. Son Doong Cave is the largest cave in the wo rld Na ti tion onal al Park. A. which discovered
B. discovering
_____ ___ ___ _ in
C. to discover
D. to cover
Phong Nha - Ke Bang D. to be discovered
14. The distinction o f the Khai Dinh Tomb is the unique archit architectur ecturee Rococo and the Vietnamese sty style. le. A. combined
B. combining
C. to be combined
____ __ ____ __ the
art of
D. which combine
____ ____ __ 15.. The Temple o f Pr 15 Preah eah Vihear in Cambodia is composed o f a sser erie iess of san ctua ries __
by a ssys ystem tem o f pa pave veme me nts nt s and an d sta stairc ircas ases es over ov er an 800 me metre tre lon long g axis. B. linking
A. linked
D. be bein ing g li link nked ed
C. to link
Ba B a i ta tap p T ie n g A n h 11 - 179 17 9
IV)-Fill in each bla nk in the passage with the correct wor d from the box. There are some extra words.
relics archaeologists
Con Moong Cave is located in the South of Mo Village, Thanh Yen Commune, Thach Thanh District, Thanh Hoa Province, lying in the area of Cue Phuong N Nat atio iona na l Park. Pa rk. C on M oo n g is an airy ai ry an and d ni nice ce cave. cave . The Th e (16) ____ _______ _______ _______ ______ ____ _ have excavated the southwestern entrance which exists in site the evidence o f ancient ancient (17) __ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ __ . Con Moong archaeological (18) ____ ________ _______ _______ ______ __ is really really a key for the und erstanding o f Viet Nam and Southeast Asian prehistory. It has confirmed the continuation of artful technique to make cobble tools with representatives from Son Vi Culture to Hoa Binh Culture, and then Bac Son Culture. Con Moong Cave may show the (19) ____ ________ ________ ________ _______ ____ _ of human beings from the end o f Old Stone Age, transiting through the the Middle Stone Age, Age, to the beginning o f New Stone Age; Age; from hun ting and gathering to planting planting and breeding, getting rid o f primitive primitive age to evolve to (20) __ ____ _____ _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ __ age.
V)-Rewrite the sentences replacing the relative clauses with participle or to-infinitive clauses. 21. On Cat Ba Island, there are are about abou t 80 species and sub-species which have been classified classified in the Viet Nam's Red List. List.
22. Do n’ n’tt miss the Ngu B inh Mountain, which forms forms a kind of protective protective screen screen around around the monuments in Hue.
23. The wooden blocks o f True Lam Zen Buddhism present both Han and Nom texts which which were carved deliberately in different writing styles.
24. Hoi An, which wa s declared a W orld Heritag Heritagee site by UNES CO in 1999, 1999, has become become a very popu lar touris t destination in Vietnam. Vietnam.
25. Ha Long B ay is the most magnificent scenic scenic spot in Viet Nam w hich attract attractss millions millions of domestic and international tourists every yea year. r.
1 8 0 - Liiu Hoàng Tri
VI)-Cho ose the w ord or p hr as e am ong A, B B,, C o r D- rfiat rfiat best fi fits ts the b lank space iin n the following foll owing p assage. Hoan Kiem Lake is an attractive body of water right in the (26) __ ____ ____ __ of Ha Noi. Legend has it that in the mid-15th (27) __ ____ ____ __ , Heaven gave Emperor Le Thai To (Le Loi) a ____ ____ __ the Chinese, the Ming aggressors, out of magical sword which he used to fight (28) __ Viet Nam. After that one day when he was out (29) __ ____ ____ __ in the lake, a giant (30) __ ____ ____ ___ _ ____ ____ __ into the depths of the lake. Since then, tortoise suddenly grabbed the sword and (31) __ the lake has been known kno wn as Ho an Kiem Lake (Lake o f the Restored Sword) (32) __ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ it is believed the sword was taken to its original divine owners. The tiny Tortoise Pagoda, topped with a red star, is (33) __ ____ ____ __ a small island in the middle of the lake; it is often used (34) __ ____ ____ __ an emblem of Ha Noi. Every morning around 6 a.m., local residents can be seen around Hoan Kiem Lake ____ ____ __ their morning exercise, jogging or (35) __ play pl ayin ing gb badm adm int inton on.. 26. A. middle
B. main
C. heart
D. poi point nt
27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
B. century B. do w n B. pl play ayin ing g B. go ld en B. endangered B. h ow ev er B. on B. like B. do in g
C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C. C.
D. occasion D. against D. walking D. salty D . escaped D. beca because use D . above D. to D. making
A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A.
festival above diving gold disappeared although at as to d do o
tim e for sailing hu ge lost so in for to m a ke
VII)-Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Ha Long Bay Ha Long Bay is a group of offshore islands that is the best example of marine invaded lime stonee region in the world. The Bay holds ov limeston over er 1,600 islands and islets. There are caves and grottoes, with stalactites and stalagmites. Its limestone pillars are a unique natural feature of great scenic beauty and biological interest. The great extent and the richness of its forms sets it apart from many o ther site sites. s. Ha Long Bay is an extremely popular destination both for foreigners and Vietnamese: already in the early 1990s it saw over 1 mi million llion visitors a y year. ear. It iiss unl unlikel ikely y that the number has decreased over the years - so there will alway alwayss be about 3,000 3,000 other peop pe ople le in the th e Ba Bay y at tthe he same tim timee as you! The natural beauty of the Bay lay hidden today under a very common fog. As I had
already seen the similar karst landscape in China a couple o f years befor before, e, I certa certainly inly sai said d that I was blown away by the beauty of Ha Long Bay. We went onto one of the islands to visit the Surprising Cave - an indeed surprisingly big and beautiful cave with three hollow chambe chambers. rs. We saw some mon monkeys keys here too, jus t outside the cave ex exit. it. Bàii tâ Bà tâp p T ie n g A n h 11 - 181
Part o f the tour wa s h alf an hour o f kayaking - enough to paddle a full circle circle around the main area. The views from the kayak I found much more impressive than from the larger boat: bo at: you' yo u're re so ti tiny ny th e n and an d th thee pe peak akss rise ris e sharp sh arply ly in front fro nt o f you. y ou. I h ad a be bette tterr look lo ok at the water too, and canno t say tha t I saw pollution pollution by plastic or other jun k floating around. There There is a thin layer o f o oil il o n the water in some parts though. And then it's time to get back in the bus to Ha Noi, another 3.5 hours. The tour was carried out well with good seafood for lunch and I had a satisfying day. 36. The attraction that H a Long B ay offer offer to tourists tourists i s __ ____ ____ __ . A. a large large numb er o f islands and islet isletss B. the largest limesto ne region in the world C. its caves and grottoes, with stalactites and stalagmites D . its unique value o f landscape landscape and biology
37. The writer w a s __ ______ . A. able to escape from an explosion in Ha Long Bay B. very impressed impressed b y the beauty of Ha Long Bay C. unable to see Ha Long Ba y due to the the fog D . really frightened o f visiting the Surprising Surprising Cave
38. All o f the follow ing statements statements are are true about Ha Long Bay EXC EPT that
A. the writer thou ght its its beauty surpassed many other sites sites B. the w riter didn’t th ink the number o f tourists tourists had decreased decreased over the years C. the writer saw s om e monkeys in the chambers o f the Surprising Cave D. it took three and a half hours hours to travel travel from Ha Noi to H a Long by bus
39. During half an ho ur o f kayaking kayaking,, the writer found found th a t __ ____ ____ __ . A. he was more im pressed by the view view from the kayak than by that from the boat B. the problem o f pollu tion there was serious serious with plastic or other jun k floating floating around C. he could see the peaks rise sharply in front of him D. he could cou ld see a thin layer o f oil on the water in a full circle circle aroun d the main area 40. The word “karst” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to __ ____ ____ __ . A. the common landscape found in China suitable for kayaking and boating B. an irregular limestone region with underground streams, and caves C. a la rge nu m be r o f island islandss and isl islet etss in Viet Nam and and China D. the explosive tha t can blow tourists tourists aw ay if they are not careful careful VIII)-Complete the conversation about a trip to Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex, using the responses (A-F) given. There is one extra. A. The visit to Hoa Lu offers a chance to know more about part of feudal dynasties and historical perio ds in the Vietnamese history. history. B. While rowing through Trang An grottos in the quiet, fresh air of the highlands, with only the so und o f birds and the oars stirring stirring
the clear water and surrounded by magnificent forested mountains, we enjoy a heaven on Earth.
182 - Lull Hoang Tri
C. Our tour from Ha Noi begins with a two-hour drive to Ninh Binh Province, about 100 kilometers away. D. After lunch, we take the amazing boat trip to visit Trang An grottoes which is a gathering o f many valleys, and cross-water cross -water caves.
E. Following our bike ride, well stop for lunch at a local restaurant before visiting Trang An, a new addition to UNESCO’s list o f heritage sites. sites. F. The remains are the temples dedicated to King Dinh and King Le, the two heroes who lived in the 10th century.
Mai: M ai: Hi, Lan. Have you planned our tour to Hoa Lu and Trang An next weekend? Lan :
Yeah, Ye ah, it’s ne arly arl y rea dy now. (41)___________________ (41)__________________________ ______________ ______________ ___________ ____
Ma i:
W hat place do we visit first? first?
Lan: La n:
Our Ou r first destination is Hoa Lu, Lu, the location of the capital of Viet Nam for 41 41 years years during the Dinh Dynasty and early Le Dynasty. (42) ____ _______ _______ _______ ______ _______ _______ ______ ___
Mai: Ma i:
And in 1010 1010,, King Ly Thai To moved the the capital capital from Hoa Lu to Thang Long pres pr esen entt day da y H a Noi, N oi, and Hoa Ho a L u bec b ecam am e th thee old citad cit adel. el.
Lan :
Right. (43) ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______ __
Ma i:
How about the visit to Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex, a UNESCO Heritage Site Site??
Lan :
_____ _____ ____ __ _______ _______ __________________________________________________ (44) __ They are home to hundreds o f kinds of plants plants and animals animals,, many of them in the Red Book of Viet Nam. Nam.
Ma i:
W hat can we do there?
Lan: La n:
There, w e’ll board rowing boats for a jou rne y through caves. caves. (45) ____ ________ ________ ________ ____
Ma i:
I think it offers offers many opportunities opportunities for you to take take beautiful photos of the landscape landscape there. there.
IX)-Write complete sentences about the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
Ho Dyn asty Citadel/ listed/ listed/ UNESCO UNE SCO World Heritage Site/ 201 2011. 1.
B Ba a i tap ta p T ie n g A n h 11 - 18 183 3
47. It/ built/ 1397/ uniqu un iquee architecture/ architecture/ beautiful natural base.
48. Ho Dynasty Fortress/ Fort ress/ Thanh Hoa Province/ only one ancient stone stone Citadel/ left/ Sout Southeast heast Asia.
49. Moreover, Moreover, Ho Fortress/ built/ many many heavy stone stone packs/ some o f which/ weigh/ more more than than 20 tons.
50. Inside/ fortress/ archeolo gist/ find/ find/ stone balls for cannon/ one/ oldest cannon balls/ Asia. Asia.
TEST 2 (U (UNIT 8) I)-Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. relic 2. A. grotto 3. A. cruise
B. limestone limesto ne B. poetic poeti c B. mosaic mos aic
C. ruin C. worship wo rship C. cuisine cuisin e
D. scenic D. dome D. craftsman craftsma n
IXhCboo IXh Cboose se the w ord which h as a different stress stress patte rn fro m the others. 4. A. picturesque 5. A. geological
B. heritage B. archaeologist
C. emperor empero r C. irresponsible
D. dynasty D. itinerary itinerary
III e-C e-Cho hoos osee the b est an sw er A, B, B, C o r D to to complete the sentences. 6. Cat Ba is is also rich o f cultural ffestivals estivals and traditions that are highly potential fo r ___ _____ ___ _ and development. A. research
B. growth
7. Although some o f the structures structures are are now monum ents have b een partially partially restored restored.. A. in danger
B. at risk
D. prom pr om otio ot ion n
C. conservation
____ __ ___ _ ,
most of the significant existing
C. in ruins
D. at war
8. The Thang Long Imp erial Citadel was built in the 11th 11th century by the Ly Dyn D yn as asty ty,, ____ ______ __ the independence o f the Dai Viet. Viet. A. marking
B. offering
C. comm emorating
D. bri bring ngin ing g
_____ _ _arc 9. Most houses in H oi An are are o f ____ _archit hitectu ecture re datin da ting g fro m the th e 17th 17th to the th e 19th 19th century. century . A. tradition
B. traditional
C. ancient
D. customary
10. Another thing that I was really impressed with Hoi An is the preservation of the whole ____ ___ _ . town which is very amazing amazing and ve ry __ A. correct 184
B. exact
C. authentic
D. original
- Liïu Hoàng Tri
11.. The limestone in Phong Nha 11 N ha is not continuous, continuous, which has led to a particu larly __ _____ ____ _ shape. A. distinctive
B. similar
C. genuine
D. diverse diverse
_____ _ Hoa Lu to build the 12. We came to the temple dedicated to King Dinh Tien Hoang, ____ citadel. A. to choose
B. choosing
C. chosen
D. which chose
____ ____ __ of large 13. The Citadel of the Ho Dynasty is the only stone citadel in Southeast Asia __ large limestone blocks. A. constructing
B. which constructed
C. to construct
D. to be constructed
______ __ in 2009, is believed to contain the world’s largest cave passage. 14.. Son Doong 14 Doong C av e, ____ A. first explored
B. to explore first
C. was firstexplored firstexplored
D. exploring first
15. The monum ents o f My Son are are the the most mo st important constructions o f the Champa Kingdom, on the coast coas t o f Central Centr al Viet Nam Na m from the 4th 4th to the 13th 3th centuries. A. to flourish
B. flourished
C. flourishing
D. to be flourished
IV)-Fill in each blank in the pa pass ssag agee with the correct word from the box. There are some extra words.
featur fea tures es
contro controll
p ar t
complex source
Cat Tien National Park is part of the wet tropical forest (16) ____ _______ _______ ________ _______ ___ remaining in Viet N Nam am.. That Th at is w hy this th is area is signi sig nific fican antt not no t only on ly in Viet Nam but in the world as well. The diversity of the Park has been recognized by WWF when this international organization selected the Park as one of 200 global ecological zones including the land and its water area with its well-known biological _. In 2001, 200 1, Cat Ca t T ien ie n N atio at iona nall Pa rk has ha s been be en li list sted ed by UNES UN ESCO CO as the
411® 411 ® Biosphere Biosp here Reserve Zone in the world. world. Cat Tien National Park is also especially significant to the socio-economy of the region as its ecosystem takes an active part in the (18) ___ _______ ________ ________ _______ ___ of flood. At the same time, it is also forest protecting for the water source o f Tri An Hydro Electrical Electrical Power Po wer Plant, a freshwater (19) ___ ______ _______ _______ ______ _____ __ supplied for Dong Nai Province, Ho Chi Minh City and Ba R ia-Vung Tau Province. Province. Cat Tien National Park is geologically in the transiting area from the Southern-Central Highland to the Southern plain, including typical geological (20) ____ ________ ________ ________ ______ __ of the the end o f Truong Son Mountain Range and Southeast o f Vietnam. Vietnam. V)-Rewrite the sentences replacing the relative clauses with participle or to-infinitive clauses.
21. Trang An A n is a promin ent place in in Southeast Asia and the world which contains contains abundant archaeological evidences preserved almost well.
B Ba a i ta p T ie n g A n h 11 - 18 185 5
22. Visitors who are carried through the streams streams in small traditional traditio nal boats can enjoy tthe he beau be auty ty in the th e caves cav es..
__ _________
23. For centuries, centuries, Hoi An had developed developed into into a melting melting pot of various nationalitie nationalitiess who came to the area and brought along their own cultures.
24. Phong Phon g N ha - Ke Bang Ban g is the largest limestone region that contains several hundred hund red caves caves and grottoes. -»
25. Scenic landscape in Trang An is a blend blen d of towering cliff-bounded mountains which are are connected through a large large num ber o f underground streams streams and caves. caves. -»
VI)-Choose the w ord or phrase among A, B, c or D that that best fits fits the blank space in the the following passage.
The citadel of the Ho Dynasty was built according to the Feng Shui principles, (26) __ ____ ____ __ the flowering of neo-Confucianism in the late 14th century in Viet Nam and its spread to other (27) _ _______ of East Asia. According to these principles, it was located in a landscape of great (28) __ ____ ____ __ beau be auty ty on an axis (29) __ ____ ____ ___ _ the Tuong Son and Don Son Mountains in a plain between the Ma and Buoi Rivers. In terms of architectural history, the citadel of the Ho Dynasty (30) __ ____ ____ __ an important role in the planning and building of urban areas in Viet Nam. It shows the uniqueness (31) __ ____ ____ __ the constmction of a citadel in general and a stone citadel in particular, and a breakthrough in Viet Na m ’s tradition o f citadel citadel buildi building. ng. Thanks to the unique construction techniques, all the (32) __ ____ ____ __ stone sections are intact and have not been _____ by time and weather or by (33) _ recent urban encroach m ent. ent. The citadel citadel of the Ho Dynasty is an architectural _____ of (34) _ o f the 14th 14th century centu ry with impressive architecture of the walls and other parts. The citadel buildings represent an outstanding example of a
new (35) __ Sou theast A sian imperial city with with a combination between the Vietnamese Vietnamese ____ ____ __ of architecture archite cture and the un ique building techniques o f Southe Southeast ast Asia and Eastern Asia. Asia.
26. A. considering 27. A. areas 28. A. scenic
B. reflecting B. sections B. nature
c. throwing back c . sessions G. visual
D. affecting D. regions D. significant
186 - Lưu Hoằng T rl
29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
A. fastening A. deals with A. in A. serious A.changed A. building A. set
B. meeting B. plays B. on B .ro .rock ckyy B. influenced B. art B. style
C. joining C. makes C. with C. special C. affected C. skill C. quality
D. matching D. performs D. for D. major D.attacked D. masterpiece D. use
VII)-Read the passage, a nd choos choosee the correct answ er Á, B, c or D for each question.
Hoi An Ancient Town Arriving in Hoi A n around 9 p.m., p.m., I was really relieved when I discovered that the whole town was w as peacefully peacefu lly quiet, something I am really concerned that Hoi An at a t night may become crazy club scenes. In the next morning, I woke up very early, and walked around the town admiring waterfront areas where local fishermen were ready to go out for day fishing, the very lively market m arket and extremely charming and empty emp ty streets. streets. Since Since there was no tourist, tourist, only locals then and the souvenir shops were still close, I felt that Hoi An at that moment was an extremely gorgeous place to visit. The yellowish Chinese styled houses along the street together with decorative bush bu shes es o f boug bo ugain ainvi ville lleaa flowe flo werr are love lo vely ly sights and very photogenic. The layout of houses was claimed to be unique for not strictly complied with Feng Shui but for bene be nefi fitt o f bet b ette terr vent ve ntila ilatio tionn in trop tr opica icall region. regio n. Another thing that I am really impressed is the pres pr eserv ervat atio ionn o f thẹ wh whole ole town tow n w hich hi ch is very ve ry amazing and very authentic, which is a thing that cannot cann ot be found in Melaka, Singapore or Macao. The Japanese Bridge is maybe the only sight that I found very interesting for its stories that the Japanese built this bridge in order to calm evil serpent spirit “Namazu” that caused earthquake in very faraway Japan since they believe Hoi An is located on the back of the serpent. I strangely found that there are still many nice temples, especially the one dedicate to Confucius which has more unique and interesting Vietnamese elements more than the preserved ones in the core zone. zone. I also noted that Hoi An is not only popular with European tourists but also Korean, Japanese, Australian and New Zealander. After sunset, the whole town waterfront becomes a night market with many local foods. And at that time Hoi An is very charming with hundreds of paper and silk lanterns. Hoi An at night seems to be a very popular place for pre-wedding phot ph otoo sh shoo ootin ting, g, as I saw sa w many ma ny V ietna iet name mese se co coup uples les in thei th eirr traditi trad ition onal al dresses dres ses with wi th thei th eirr phot ph otog ogra raph pher er teams team s every ev erywh where ere es espe pecia cially lly aro aroun undd the Japan Jap anes esee Bridge, Brid ge, so a grea g reatt plac p lacee to see
local contemporary wedding cultures. All in all, all, I really eenjoyed njoyed my time in Hoi An for its lovely atmosphere atmosphere and nice towns townscape cape.. Note: -
bougainvillea flower = hoa Giấy Giấy - townscape = cảnh quan quan thành phố B Bà à i t p T iiếế n g A n h 11 - 1 8 7
36. The first impression that the writer had on the first evening and the next morning was that A. the town may become crazy club scenes like many other ancient towns in the world B. the town was a wonderful place to visit especially early in the morning and at night C. local fishermen were ready to go out for day fishing, paying no attention to tourists D. there was no tourist and the souvenir shops were still close and he felt bored
37. All of the following statements are true about the architecture of Hoi An EXCEPT that A. the houses alo ng the street street are decorated decorated with bushes bushes o f boug ainvillea flower flower B. the houses along with the street are lovely sights and very photogenic
C. the layout o f hous es are for benefit benefit o f better better ventilation ventilation in tropical region D. the layout o f hou ses are unique and strict strictly ly complied with Feng Shui Shui
38. The important thing that the writer is really really impressed is is th a t __ ____ ____ __ . A. the prese rvation o f the whole town is very very amazing and authentic authentic B. the yellowish Chinese styled houses can be found in other countries countries
C. the preserva tion o f the w hole town is similar similar to to that in other cities cities D. there are no nice, unique and interesting temples outside the preserved core zone
39. The beauty o f Ho i An at night was thanks to . A. European and A sian tourists B. its popular destination to visit C. the local cuisine cuisi ne and lanterns
D. the whole town waterfront
40. Hoi Hoi An is also also a good p la ce __ ____ ____ __ . A. to see local cultures, especially modem wedding ones B. to have albums o f artist artistic ic photographs o f daily daily life
C. to see many Vietnamese couples in their traditional dresses D. to see photograph teams around the Japanese Bridge Vni)-Complete the conversation about a trip to Ha Long Bay, using the responses (A-F) given. There is one extra. A. On arriving there, you’ll board a dragon wooden boat for a cruise in Ha Long Bay. B. You continue to enjoy this relaxing cruise on the way back to Ha Long Harbour. C. You can see water buffaloes, paddy fields and daily Vietnamese farmer life are on b bo o th sid es o f the th e way. w ay. D. You can ex plore h uge chambers chambers with stalact stalactites ites and and stalagmites o f all all kinds. kinds.
E. During the battle, the dragons spat out jewels that would later become the islands that now are scattered around the bay. bay. F. You’ll stop for a rowing boat trip around Ba Hang Floating Village, then keep cruising to the most beautiful cave cave name Thien Cung - Heaven Palace Grot Grotto. to. Dan :
M y family is going go ing to have a trip to to Ha Long Bay at the end of this month. What What
does the name “Ha Long” mean, mean, Nam? Nam : Ha Long B ay m eans "Bay of the Descending Descending Dragon Dragon". ". And the legend has it it that in ancient times, when the Vietnamese were fighting off foreign invaders, the gods sent _____ ______ ______ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ ___ _ a family o f drag ons to assist in the the fight. (41) (41) __
188 18 8 - Lifu Hoang Tri
D a n :
Can you recommend the most interesting places in Ha Long Bay to visit, Nam?
Na m :
I ’m willing to. to. The tour begins begins with with a three-hour drive from from Ha Noi to Ha Long City. City. (42)___________________________________________________________________
Dan:: Dan
W hat do you think thin k we should do first on arriving in in Ha Long City?
Nam :
(43) ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ______________ ______ Y ou ’ll get ready for exotic photos and absorbing the most mo st magnificent natural splendors, limestone bedrocks and sheer cliffs of tiny islands highlighted with fanciful names: : Fighting Fightin g Cocks - the symbol o f Ha Long Bay, Duck, Finger, Finger, Incense Burner, and Stone Dogs.
Dan:: Dan
Ho w about the grottos? I’ve I’ve heard that the y’re awesome.
Nam :
Y o u ’re right. (44 )________________ )_______________________ ______________ _______________ _______________ ______________ ___________ ____
Dan:: Dan
W hat can we see in Heaven Palace Grotto?
Nam :
(45)__________________________________ You’ll return to Ha Noi by road late in the afternoon, having a memorable day at a UNESC O Heritage Site in Viet Nam.
Dan :
Thanks Thank s a lo lot. t. I ca n’t wait to visit Ha Long Bay.
IX)-Write complete sentences about the Imperial Citadel of T h a n g Long, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given.
46. The Central Sector/ Imperial Imperial Citadel/ Thang Long/ declare/ World Heritage Site/ 2010.
47. It/ ver y strong citadel/ standing/ Ha Noi/ 11t 11th century/ after// King after K ing Ly Thai T hai To/ T o/ move/ mo ve/ capital/ here. here.
48. The Citadel/ once/ living place/ many royal families/ Ly Dynasty/ Tran Dynasty/ Le Dynasty/ Trinh Lords. Lords.
49. This/ make/ it/ one/ oldest oldes t centers/ centers/ pow er/ wo rld/ that/ be/ in use/ interrup interruption. tion.
50. Nowad No wad ays/ it/ becom e/ one/ most famous Citadels/ country. country.
"Bdi tap Tieng A n h 11 - 18 189 9
TEST YOURSELF 3 I) -Find the w o r d which has a different sound in the the part underlined .
1. A. diploma 2. A. citadel 3 . A. disease II)
B . grotto B . climate B . cause
C. doctorate C. bachelor C. university
D. dome D . diploma D . pr pres eserv erved ed
-Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. doctorate 5. A. ecological
B. dynasty B. environmental
C. breathtaking breathtakin g C. archaeological
D . acknowledge D . analytical
III) -Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. If yo u’ u’re re _ _______ for further education funding from the government, find out what funding is available to you. A. legal
B. capable
C. eligible
D . affordable
_____ ___ are recognized and respected by employers and academics 7. UK furthe furtherr ed uc atio n __ worldwide. A. qualification
B. experiences
C. limits
D. abilities abilities
8. A wide ra range nge o f _____ _____ , and living costs make study in the United States financially poss po ssib ible le for m any an y in inte tern rnat atio iona nall student stu dents. s. A. debt 9.
B. money
C. pay
D. tuition
The style of UK further education is ___ ______ , involving high levels of personal contact and support from tutors. A. unique
B. only
C. single
D. shocking
1(1. Warmer conditions will probably lead to more evaporation and rain overall, but individual
regio regions ns w ill __ _____ , some becoming wetter w etter and others dryer. dryer.
A. limit
B. change
C. vary
11.. Besides Con M oo ng Cave, other significant 11 excavated. A. important impo rtant
B. archaeological
__ _____ sites
D. move have been investigated and
C. technological
D. environmental
_____ ___ UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Viet 12.. Ha Long Bay is easily 12 easily one of the the m o s t __ Nam. Na m. A. surprised
B. shocking
C. breathless
D . br brea eath thtak takin ing g
13. So far, far, global wa rmin g and its effec ts __ _____ the health o f older people and chil children dren.. A. threaten
B . had been threatening threatening
C. are threatening threaten ing
D . have been threatening threatening
____ __ ___ _ many mor e cases o f skin cancer. 14.. The reduction of th e protective ozone laye r 14 cancer. A. have caused
B . is causing
C. has caused
D . is caused
15. Hue Imperial Citadel is the home of Viet Nam’s last royal dynasty __ our country ____ ____ ___ _ from 1802 to 1945. A. ruled
B . be bein ing g ru ruled led
C. to rule rul e
D . which had h ad ruled
1 9 0 - Liiu Hoang Tri
IY)-Fill IY)-Fi ll in each bla nk in the passage with the correc t word from the box. The re are some extra words.
faun fa un a
r o le s
v a lle y s
fl o w s lim e s to n e
deltas characteristics
Ba Be Lake is considered as the biggest natural water lake in Viet Nam, and Ba Be N Nat atio iona na l Par P ark k tak t akes es a 23,34 23 ,340-h 0-hec ectar taree area ar ea in 7 co comm mm unes un es o f Ba Be Distr Di strict ict,, Bac Can Ca n Pro P rovin vince ce in the northwest of Ha Noi. The terrain covers most of (16) ________ _______________ __________ ___ rocks inserted with a few earth hills with medium to abrupt slope. Ba Be Lake, which has been recognized as a forest preserve area since 1977, is surrounded by
______________ ___________ ____ with (17) _______
attractive forms and shapes. Through influenced by three-river (18) ________ ________________ __________ __ discharging their water into the lake, lake water remains always blue and its current velocity is kept constant, giving Ba Be The lake has an average depth from 20 to 25m and is deepest at 35m. Lake bed is not plai pl ain n b u t with wi th m u ch o f subm su bmers ersib ible le moun mo unts ts an and d grotto gro ttoes. es. There The re are ideal id eal home ho me ranges ran ges for fo r aquatic (20) ___ _______ _______ _______ _______ ____ _ . V)-Combine the following sentences by completing the second sentences and using perfect gerunds.
21. Mr. Ba sold his fishing boat to invest inv est in the shrimp farm. He remembers tha that. t. Mr. B a ______________ ______________________ _______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ ____________ _____ . 22. Dav id had run his car purely on sunlight sunligh t for 6 years. years. He H e mentioned that. that. David 23. Urban flooding flood ing has changed wetlands and lakes into into residential residential areas. areas. Scientists blame it for that. Scientists 24. Thu Trang had won an award for the achievements o f her organization, organization, “Water “Water Wise” . We prai pr aise sed d he r fo f o r that. tha t. We p ra is e d ______________ _____________________ _______________ _______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ __________ __
25. The international organizations had transformed the city slums slums into city parks or green residential areas. We W e thanked than ked them for that that.. We th a n k e d _______________ ______________________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ ______________ _________ __
B Bdi di ta p T ie n g A n h 11 - 191
VI)-Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
The Huong Son Complex of N Nat atur ural al B ea eaut uty y and H isto is toric ric al Monuments is situated (26) __ ____ ____ __ a limestone mountain range, some 60 kilometres southwest of Ha Noi. This mountain range was (27) __ ____ ____ __ more than 200 million years ago. The Huong Son Complex area is a natural habitat o f man y rare and valuable species species o f tropical tropical fauna and flora (28) (28) __ ____ ____ __ o f primitive men in ____ ____ __ of caves are archaeological (30) __ ____ ____ ___ _ , belonging to the Hoa N Nor or th V ie iett N am . (2 (29) 9) __ Binh Culture and dating back to over 10,000 years. In the far past, taking (31) __ _____ ____ of the the local natural beauty, ancient Viet people built a system o f hundreds o f Buddhist pagodas and temples temples in caves on m ountain sides and stream streams. s. ______ ___ _ of those is the Huong Tich Cave, which is also the most beautiful The most (32) _ natural cave in the country. In this area, the Huong Pagoda Festival, which is held annually, lasts for one month in spring with the (33) __ ____ ____ __ of hundreds of thousands of people, both the Vietnamese and foreigners. The Huong Son Complex (34) __ ____ ____ __ three groups of pa goda pago das, s, te tem m pl ples es an and d caves cav es li link nked ed w it ith h (35) __ b y wate wa terw rway ays. s. ____ ____ __ by 2 6. A . o n B . at C . in 2 7. A. sta rte d B. e x isted C . fo r m e d C. due to 28. A. A . b u t a lso B . as w e ll as 29. A . A m o u n ts B. A n u m b e r C . T he n u m b e r B . r e g io n s 30. A. parts C . s e c tio n s B. b e n e f i t C . c ar e 31. A . advantage 32. A. shocking B. spectacular C . surprised C . c o n t r ib u ti o n ;s en c e B. g a t h e r i n g C. comprises m poses o f B. c o n s i s t s B . t o g e th e r e another C . e a c h to g e t h e r
D.above D. produced D. except D . A great deal D . sites D . no tic e D. available D . p a r t ic ip a ti o n D . makes up D. themselves
i the passage, and choose choose the correct answ er A, B, B, C or D fo r each question.
Hue Temple of Letters Hue Temple of Letters, popularly known as Van Thanh, was dedicated to Confucius and most celebrated Confucian scholars of China and Viet Nam. It was also here that stone steles bearing names of successful candidates in the national examinations in the Nguyen Dynasty were erected. After Hue had b een made capital o f the country, country, the construction of a new Temple Temple of Letters was started in 1808 1808.. It was located on the north ban k o f the Huong R iver, 500 meters meters west o f the Thien M u Pagoda. It was once once an ensemble of seven
bu il ildi ding ngss an and d m an any y m in o r cons co nstr truc uctio tions ns inclu inc ludin ding g 32 steles ste les w hich hi ch bore bo re na nam m es o f do ct cto o rs an and d some so me others oth ers.. The Th e docto do ctorr steles ste les here he re are not as big as those in Ha Noi. They are all put on tortoise made from stone or marble with various poems and decorati decorations. ons.
1 92 - Liïu Hoàng Tri
Hue Te m ple o f Letters is valuable hist historic oric remains. V isi isiting ting this temple, tourists can understand more about the tradition of knowledge appreciation and study encouragement of
our ancestors from the old time. 36. Hue T empl e o f Let t eerr s wa s bui lltt t o ho no ur ____ _______ ___ .
A. the kings o f the Ngu yen Dynasty Dynasty B . Confucius, and most celebrated c elebrated Confucian scholars of China and Viet Nam
C. the doctors in the national examinations during the Nguyen Dynasty D. o nly the m ost celebrated scholars scholars o f Viet Nam throughout the history 37. Hue Temple o f Letters Letters was built built beca use __ ____ ____ __ . A. Hue would have its own Temple of Letters B. there had not been any before C. the old one had collapse D. the Nguyen kings loved literature very much
38. All o f the following statements are true about Hue Temple o f Letters Letters EXCEPT th a t ___ ______ ___ . A. stone steles bearing names of successful candidates in the national examinations in the Ngu N gu yen ye n dyna dy nasty sty were we re erec er ecte ted d there th ere B. it was located loca ted on the the no rth bank o f the Huong River R iver C. its stone steles are are as big as those in Ha Noi D. it once had seven buildings and some mino r constructions around around 39. Many tourists tourists want to come to thi thiss place place be ca us e __ ____ ____ __ . A. they love its beautiful architecture and tthe he beautiful landscape B . they want to encourage literature and knowledge appreciation as the ancestors did
during duri ng the Ngu yen Dynasty C. they want to understand more about the Vietnamese culture and architecture D. they want to learn more about the tradition of knowledge appreciation and study encouragement in the past
______ ___ . 40. The word “ensemble” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___ A. a pair o f things
B. an assembly
C. a group o f things things
D. a gathering
VIII)-Complete the conversation between Maria and M i - a student studying for a Foundation Diploma in Art and Design, using the responses (A-F) given. There one extra. A. T here are so many events that stand out in my memory me mory from these past month months! s! B . I ’m studying for a Foundation D iploma in Art and Design at Leeds College o f Art. Art.
C. My advice is to enjoy what you are doing, and always be confident of what you like, beca be caus usee in th thee end en d yo u w ill perfo pe rform rm bette be tterr and a nd pro duce du ce the m ost os t succes suc cessful sful results. resu lts. D. Then we are always encouraged to develop our projects and ideas from our own pe rsp rs p ecti ec tive ve s, havi ha ving ng the th e chan ch ance ce to decid de cid e on the th e form we w an t to give gi ve to our creative work.
E. What I find most inspiring about my course is the freedom and the amount of
responsibility that tha t is give given n to the students. students. F. To me, being creative means being able to form things that cause sensations for pe ople op le,, w heth he ther er they th ey are posit po sitive ive or nega ne gativ tive, e, but bu t alway alw ayss stim ulatin ula ting g the pe rs rson on who experiences them in some way. Ba B a i ta p T ie n g A n h 11 - '•¿»3
Maria: Mar ia:
Hello, Mi. Have you just come back back to Viet Nam for your summ er holiday? holiday?
Mi:: Mi
Yes, I ’ll stay in Viet Nam for six weeks. weeks.
Maria: Ma ria:
Wh at are yo u studying in England, Mi?
Mi:: Mi
Maria: Ma ria: Mi:
Can you tell me why you chose chose a UK qualif qualificat ication? ion? I think tha t England Engl and has a great perception o f the art and design desig n world. This field field is something that tha t many European countries tend to leave behind by prioritising other fi fiel elds ds..
Maria: Mar ia:
What do yo u find most inspiri inspiring ng about about your course course and college? college?
.__________________ ___________ _____ (42) ______ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _______ _ ____________
Maria: Mar ia:
Is it the tuto rs that give you the freedom? freedom?
Right. Ou r tutors tuto rs migh t set our tasks with a few limitations and instructions. instructions.
____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ________ __ (43) ______ Maria: Ma ria:
W hat does being “creative” mean to you?
______ _ (44) __ ____________ ______ ____________ ____________ _______ _
Maria: Ma ria:
W hat advice would you give students hoping to apply for you r course?
_____ _ ______ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _______ _ (45) _
What are yo ur ambitions ambitions for the future?
My ambitions for the future are not defined yet. I want to make a living with the p o s s ib il it y o f b e in g a b le to k e e p le a rn in g at the same time.
IX)-Write c o m p l e t e s e n t e n c e s , u s i n g t h e w o r d s / p h r a s e s g i v e n in their c o r r e c t f o r m s . Y o n c a n a d d s o m e m o r e n e c e s s a ry ry w o r d s , b u t y o n h a v e to use all the w ord s giv given en.. 46.
Viet N am / rich/ renew able en ergy sources/ such as/ solar solar energy/ hydroeieeiricity/ 'win 'wind d power power..
47. Clean techn olog ies/ not/ used/ rural and mountainous are areas as..
48. Renewable Renewab le energy/ energ y/ used / very little/ because of/ lack/ financial investment.
49. Two eco-friendly eco-frien dly villages/ villages / established/ Ha Noi/ supply thems elves/ renewable energy/ energy/ by/ use/ green technolog technolog y.
50. The project/ have/ hav e/ aim/ reduce/ carbon footprin foo tprin t and/ it/ develop/ several provinces/ by/ 2020 2020..
194 19 4 - Lifu ifu Hoàng Ho àng T ri
That 9 :
A» PH ON ET ICS Decide whether the question tags in B’s responses have rising or falling intonation. M ark rising rising inton ation (/ ’) or falli falling ng intonation (ty) ty) after the question tags. 1. A: In January 2013, Hong Kong was named the numb number er one smart city in the Asia Pacific region. B: And Hong Kong ranked the highest, didn’t it? 2. A: D ubai’s ub ai’s airport will be the busiest iin n tthe he world by 2050 2050.. B: Certainly Certainly.. Duba D ubaii will continue to be a major point o f connection in Middle East, w won’t on’t iit? t? 3. A: The authorities o off Beijing will transform it into a smart city by 20 2050. 50. B: I don’t think so so.. They T hey have n’t n’t found any solutions to its smog problems, have they?
4. A: Oasis O asis iiss one of the coolest city city conce concepts pts with houses on ttre rees. es. B: In fact, trees are oxygen-producing, sustainable, and pretty. 5. A: India plan planss to build 100 smart cit cities ies by 2050. B: Realty? Cities in India often lack services, effective public transportation and recreational areas, don’t they? 6. A: Which cities are doing the most to becom e the susta sustainable, inable, connected, connected, innovative city city o f the future? B: Definitely, the cities in Asia Pacific and Latin America are struggling the hardest, aren’’t they? aren
B. VOCABULARY VOCABUL ARY & GRAMMAR I ) - F i l in each blank in the following sentences w ith the correct word/phrase from the bo box. x.
sustainable d e te c ts 1.
o pt p t i m i s ti ti c
i n ffrr a st st r u cctt u rree
r e n e w a b le
u rb a n
qu ality o f life life
city dwe llers
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ popu M ost ost of th e ___ po pula latio tion n we wi will ll see in 205 2050 0 wi will ll be in cities that tha t do n’t even exist yet in Africa, Southeast Asia, China, Central aand nd South America. America.
2 . In fact, India is projected to add 404 million_________________to its population by 2050. ____________ _________ ___ when w hen a lot of 3. London has recently started a new traffic light system that ______ cyclists are approaching and stays green longer to aid traffic flow.
____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ 4. The city of the future should have th e __ and transportation which link the needs of citizens o f all all generations.
____________ ______ ___________ _____ 5. Songcto is the unique, cityaccess to before. something y haveoffering never had before. city offi officia cials ls a r e _______________ that the 6. The city downtown will continue to be a green population center.
19 5 B Bai ai tap ta p T ie n g A n h 11 - 195
7. This rapid growth o f the population has caused daunting dauntin g problem s for city planners, such such a s ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ roads. 8. It comes as no surprise surpris e that Seattle is the gold standard o f ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ city living. living. 9. Ne w York City is expected exp ected to increase i t s ____ ______ ____ ____ ____energy __energy capacity by 50% by 2050 2050.. 10. Our Ou r communities commun ities will be cleaner and more sustainable, so o u r ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___will _will be better. bet ter. H)-FiII in each blan k in the the passage with the correct word/phrase from the box.
classes appliances
in f r a s tr u ct u r e
d ev e l o p e r s
te c h n o l o g ie s
display underground
Songdo, which means “Island of pine trees” in Korean, is called “The City of the Future” ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ . Up to now, Songdo has completed about 60 percent of its by m an y (1) ___ p pla lann nn ed (2) ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ and buildings, developers say, and reached a population of about 70,000 - a third o f the num ber expected expected by 2018, when the city may be finishe finished. d. One morning, we found ourselves at Songdo’s wastemanagement center where we watched a video about the city’s garbage-removal system. Narrated like a Hollywood film, it explained that all of Songdo’s trash is sucked into (3) ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ pipe pi pes, s, and an d is autom aut omati atical cally ly sorted and recycled, buried, or burned for fuel. These pipe pi pess conn co nnec ectt all ap apar artm tm ent en t bu il ildi ding ngss and offices; consequently, there are no street-corner (4) __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ or garbage trucks. Ne xt,, at a ne ar Next arby by of offic ficee build bu ildin ing, g, we learn lea rned ed ab abou outt Song So ng do ’s so-ca so -calle lled d “telep “tel epres resen ence” ce” system, which is cu rrently being tested by 100 100 o f the c ity’s residents. The system allows allows Songdo residents to sit in front front o f custom television screens and chat with English (5) ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ in Hawaii or take fitness (6) ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ from instructors elsewhere in Korea. Finally, we visited Cisco’s Global Innovation Lab, where more technologies-in ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ , including mobile phone-controlled home development were on (7) ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ and even micro-chip tracking of Songdo’s children so they don’t get (8) ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ were being pitched to the Songdo government lost. These and other (9) ___ b by y Ci Cisco sco,, bu t h ad n o t b een ee n ad adop opte ted d yet, mean me anin ing g that th at for the th e tim e be ing in g at leas least, t, the th e city’s cit y’s children were free to sne ak over to friend ’s houses witho ut fear of surveillance. surveillance. Tourists often seek out history and natural beauty, but here is a history-less and especially unnatural city. These (10) ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ , in many ways, actually make Songdo appeali appealing. ng. III)-Complete the sentenc es, using the correct correct form form of the words in brackets.
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ . (detect) 1. The information information w ill be collected through th e ___
2. Cities Cities need to m ake full use o f land in order to achieve achieve ur b a n ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ . (sustain) 3.
Some of the othe ot he r problems predicted for the near future include limited and diminishing diminishing ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ _ , and degradation of land and water. arable land, deforestation, ___ (urban)
196 - Liiu Hoang Tri
4. For South Korea, Ko rea, Songdo Son gdo Is more than a hi-tec h business busi ness district, but a template for future . (develop) ______________ ____________ _____ the Korean government 5. Songdo is the prototype prototype for for the g re e n _______ wants to build the economy on In the future. (Invest) 6. The pace o f ___ _______ ________ _______ _______ _____ _ is happening fast in the United States, (innovate) 7. I think the cities cities o f tomorrow also also need to to consider consider th e ______ ______________ _____________ _____ of o f open space, (available) 8. Cities at their best are social environments where _______ ______________ ____________ _____ and human ________ ____ _______ _______ ________ ____ go hand in hand, (create (create - develop) IV) -Com plete the sentences sentences with the correct question question tags. 1. The global pop ulation ulatio n is is growing towards nine nine billion by 20 50 , ______________ ____________________ ______ ? 2. By 2050, be tween 70 and 80 per cent of the world’s worl d’s population will live in cities cities,, ? 3. One billion children are deprived deprived of one or more services essential essential to survival survival and development, _______ __________ _______ _______ ______ ___ ? 4. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer banned telecom mu ting, _______ ___________ _______ ___ _ __ ’ ____ ? 5. Tianjin, Tian jin, the eco-city in China, has focused on ensuring all iits ts structures qualify as as green b bu u il ild d in g s, ___ ______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ___ ?
____________________ ______ ? 6. Chicago is dedicated to being a green building lead er , ______________ V)
-Complete the the sentences sentences with the the verbs in in brackets in in the correct form. form.
1. I f I (have) ____ _______ _______ _______ _____ __ a problem, my m um always alw ays (help) ___ _______ _______ _______ ______ __ me. 2. If my father father (go) ________ ________________ ________ to to bed late, he (be) ___ _______ ________ _______ _____ __ bad-t ba d-tem empe pered red in the morning. 3. If my sister siste r (play)_________ (play)____________her ___her music mus ic too loudly, my mum (shout) _______ ___________ ____ at at her. 4. If my brother (have) (have) _______ ______________ _________ __ lots lots of homework, he (eat) ____ _______ _______ _______ _____ __ his dinner in his room. 5. If m y brother bro ther (not have)_________ have)____________ _______any ____any homework home work,, he (practise) _______ ___________ ________ ____ the guitar and (write)________________songs. _______ ________ ________ ______ __ breakfas 6. If my sister (get up) ________ ________________ ________ late, late, she (not have) ___ brea kfast. t. 7. If there (be) ____________ football on the TV, my father always (watch) ___ ____________ football _______ _______ ______ ___ it. 8. If we (be) ______________ ______________ noisy, noisy, our teacher (give) ___ ______ _______ _______ _____ __ us lots of o f homework. VI)-Match a clause from column A to a clause from column B and make a sentence with if, using the correct verb form.
1. an. old lady (need) help with w ith a heavy bag
A. I always say no because it’s not safe.
2. I (wake) up early at the weekend
B. I do it immediately.
3. a stranger strang er (offer) me a lift
C. I usually try to go back to sleep.
4. it (rain) on a Sunday
D. I talk to my m y friends and I usually feel be better. tter.
5. my mum (ask) (ask) me to tidy my room
E. I always offer to carry it.
6. someone someo ne (be) rude to me
F. I go out and buy the CD.
7. I (feel) a bi bitt sad
G. I’m still polite to him/her.
8. I really reall y (like) (like) a song on the radio
H. I stay in and surf the Internet.
Bai B ai tap Tieng A nh 11 - 197
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
7. 8.
YII)-Complete the questions with the correct words. Then write the answer using the words in brackets. 1. W h a t
y o u e at
your parents work late? (eggs and noodles)
I f 2. What
y o u r te a c h e r do
y ou
n o is y? (we ha ve to
sit at the front) If 3. W he re
y o u r m u m go
When 4. W ho
you talk to
s h e w a n t s t o r e l a x ? ( t h e g a rd e n ) you feel sad? (my friends)
I f 5.
your d a d w ants to eat out, w he re
h e u s u a l l y g o ? (K o r e a n
k n o w th e a n sw e r to a question,
y o u a s k y o u r t e a c h e r ? (N o )
restaurant) My dad 6. I f yo u If
11_ r i l L i J ) LI 1^u f j -M - M a i r d i i «sidihw'vijps.t, ui column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer ns each tlsisk
2Ù5Û 2Ù 5Û ¥«sïeœ 8 pio p io n e e r US cit c itie ie s p ro v e t h e f u t u r e is no w
1. Urban bik ing
A. With W ith over 6,000 acres o f parks, 300 athletic fields, fields, and 300 sunny days a year, Denver Denv er leads the way w ay for this. this.
B. With compost, recycling, and landfill standard, Seattle is serious about commitment to recycle 60% of all waste. The city’s government and residents all follow
eco-friendly practices strictly. strictly. 3. The destination for night owls
C. You’ll find the center of local and organic food deep in the heart of Texas: Austin Austin.. This ensures that the money residentss spend in Austin stays in Austin, supporting the resident economy o f local local farmers.
1 9 8 - Ltfu Hoàng Tri
4. Sustainable Sustain able city living
D. Over 50 colleges and universities spread the landscape o f B o s to n , and 44% of Boston residents hold at least a Bachelor’s Bach elor’s degree. degree.
5. Technological accessibility
E. With its dedicated urban forestry programme, Portland has embraced its natural roots in attractive ways with backy ba ckyard ard chicke chi cken, n, ducks du cks,, or even eve n goats.
6. Active living
F. With over 200 miles of bike-friendly streets, it's time to start the search for a cycling outfit in Chicago. The bike lanes are busy with 3,000 bicycles around the city.
7. Responsible eating
G. In an ultra-connected world, Minneapolis is setting a new standard with free, city-wide Wi-Fi.
8. Natural/Urban balan ba lance ce
BL N e w York is the city that never sleeps. Limitless nightlife never quits and public transit is open 24/7.
II)-Match the qualities of cit citie iess of the future w ith the ir descriptio descriptions. ns. W rite the quality quality in each blank.
Energy independent homes A Efficient water use .B Smart grids. C Soiar surfaces . D
E. Solar energy from space F„ High-speed long-distance travel G. Innovative wind turbines H. Living buildings
1 . ______________________________________________ Cities will generate electricity from a host of new wind po wer innovations innovations - turbine turbiness that float on the ocean, bladeless win d turbines, turbines, and turbines th at hover in the atmospher atmosphere. e. 2
Solar panels will begin to appear in unlikely places. They will cover sidewalks, line the outside o f buildings, and double as fully functional functional windows. 3 . _______ ______________ _______________ _______________ ___________ ____ __ Solar energy will be harvested from space and beamed down to Earth, providing clean, cheap a nd efficient electricity to power our cities. cities. 4 . ________ ___________ _______ _______ _______ ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ ______ __ Homes and buildings will operate as living organisms, monitoring performance and adapting to our needs in real time, saving saving us energy and money. 5 . ________ ___________ _______ _______ _______ ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ ________ ______ __ Homes will be equipped with solar panels, small-scale wind turbines and other sources of electrical generation, allowing allowin g them to operate independently independ ently from the grid, grid, when whe n necess necessary. ary.
6. ______ ___________ __________ ___________ ____________ ___________ __________ ___________ ________ __ Consumers and power sources will communicate in real time through fiber optic smart grids that will reduce blackouts, blackou ts, maximize energy efficiency, and save money. 7 . ______________________________________________ People w ill travel hundreds hun dreds o f miles in jus t minutes through throu gh solar-powered solar-powered pods that travel through elevated, depressurized tubes. B Bai ai tap Tieng An h 11 - 199
8. ___________________________________________ Buildings will be equipped with comprehensive water management systems, allowing them to collect rainw ater, m onitor water use, and efficiently efficiently recycle dirty water. water. III)-Read the passag e, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
The cities o f the future future will see a large numb er of intelligent intelligent homes th at can interact interact with their owners. In fact, things that were earlier considered science fiction are already coming to life in smarttran cities as Masdar Arabis Emirates, where circui ancuits. automated underground spo rtsuch network fully fuelled fuein lledthe by United solar power already running cir ts. With smart technology, the possibility of having huge savings on electricity and power is within our reach. Sensors are being developed so that street lights of the future will switch on only when you are close by. The smart technology in self-driven cars will enable you to save on gas and other non-renewable energy sources. In fact, smart cities will aim to neutralize the use of fossil fuels completely. The cities of the future will have to adapt quickly to rapid technological advancements in IT and engineering. The gap between technological leaps is going to decrease over time. Technology will help bridge the current gap between the government and public in the cities of the future, given that IT and digitization will make these cities more open and social. Another thing that we can all agree on is that the cost of building in these smart cities Is going to be considerable. Ac estimate can be derived based on the latest smart city developments in India. With the booming population, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is pushing to attract investments to fuel rapid development projects in the country. T
1. Intelligent hom es can have effect on their owners.
2. Some predictions predic tions made mad e about smart cities have been put in practice. 3. The transport transport netw ork in Masdar has run run on a renewable renewable source o f energy energy..
o □ o
5. We will save energy ener gy with driverless ca cars. rs.
6. Smart cities in the future will aim to make fossil fuels completely neutral.
7. New tech nolo gical advancements make the the cities cities in the future future change so so rapidly in order to become m ore open and social. social.
8. Building a smart sm art c ity costs a lot of money, so a country like like India has to
4. Street lights will sw itch on after sensors are are developed. developed.
□ □
calll for inv estm ent to supply fuel for the cal the project o f smart citie cities. s. IV)-Read the passage about green cities, and then answer the questions.
What makes a city green? Factors such as recycling, renewable energy, transportation options, building construction, air quality and emissions make green cities great. Here are some cities th at are do ing their part to lead US US on the global path to a greener green er future. future.
20 0 - L u Hoằ ng Trí
Working towards the goal of being the first carbonneutral capital before 2025, Copenhagen has made a lot of necessary changes. Lots of electric and manual bikes, organic food, clean water, sustainable buildings and hotels, lots of green space and fewer cars are just a few o f the ways that help Copenhagen stand at the top o f the green cities list. As the U K ’s 8t 8th big ge gest st city, and with a steadily steadil y growing growin g economy, Bristol Brist ol is set on on making its mark, not only in the UK, but in Europe as well. The next five years will see a huge focus on transportation and renewable energy in the city, as well as a goal of doubling the number of cyclists in that time as well. Bristol is becoming a hub for jobs in low carbon sectors. Vancouver is pleasant for so many reasons reasons - it’s mild mild and it leads the way for forward thinking and environmental awareness in North America. Residents are very fond of walking and cycling, and government laws have been designed with greenness in mind. It’s often considered to be one o f the most liveable cities in the world, and that isn’t enough, it’s working towards being powered entirely by renewable energy b y the year 2050. 2050. 1. W hat makes a city green?
2. W hy does Copenhagen stand at the top top o f the green cities cities list? list?
3. W hat will Bristol focus on in the next five years?
4. Which Wh ich economic sector will Bristol concentrate on?
5. W hy is Va ncouv er becom ing attractive in North America?
6. W hat purpose purpose will Vancouver try to achieve achieve by the year 2050?
B Ba a i ta p T ie n g A n h 11 - 201
V)-Read the text, and th en do the ttasks asks that follow.
What Life Will Be Like In 2050 I find it absolutely fascinating thinking about the future, as technology is rapidly advancing and in 40 years’ time, who knows what we’ll be able to do with it. Scientists have recently predicted that by 2050 the populati population on o f the world will be over ten bill billion ion and and technology will have advanced so greatly that we will have far more information about all known diseases (and possibly cures), we will all be living in eco houses and will no longer face high electricity bills and we may even be able to take a holiday to Mars. Our daily lives will definitely be filled with all kinds of new technologies that help us do the things we hate nowadays. House Robo’s will be a likely feature in all homes and will help run the family home, take out the rubbish, prepare food and hoover the house from top to botto bo ttom m . O ur kitc ki tche he n ga gadg dget etss (su (such ch as yo your ur fridg fri dge, e, cooke co oker, r, m ic icrow row ave av e and an d dis dishw hwas ashe her) r) will also be ‘rob otic ’ and w ill em ail or text us us,, the users, when a food item has go ne out o f dat datee or has been used up. Similarly, the fridge has a built-in camera so that when you are at the supermarket, supermar ket, you can log in to your fr fridge idge and check what you need to stock up o n. It is predicted that by 2050 we will all have ‘weekly digital health checks’ in our homes, which run sensors over our bodies to check for signs of ill health and any abnormalities. Conditions can instantly be recognised by the ‘virtual doctor’ inside the health machine and treated immediately, immediately, and i f you need a prescr prescription iption - it wil willl be ordered and sen sentt ou outt automatically. If the digital health check picks up on a person being overweight, they will send a signal to the domestic house computer to modify their diet and book in for gym sessions. Because of all this immediate treatment, people will live far longer and won’t be wiped out by disease or forms of cancer. Medical conditions that are considered rare today will be far more known about and will be able to be cured quickly and efficiently.
Match a wor word/ph d/phras rasee in column A with its definition in column if,, writing th e answer answ er in each blan blank, k, Task 1:
B 1. h o o v e r
2, u s e d u p 3. s t o ck u p o n
A. fin ish ed an d th e re is n o n e left B, ch ang e so m e th in g in o rd er to i m p ro v e it C . b e in g m a d e e x t r e m e l y t i r e d
4. modify
D. clean a carpet, floor with a vacuum cleaner
5. w i p e d o u t
E . b u y a l o t o f s o m e t h in g
Task 2. A n s w e r th e f o l l o w i n g q u e s ti o n s .
6. W hat wi will ll the wo rld’s population be b by y 2050?
7. How will our kitch en gadg gadgets ets help us us??
8. Wha t can you do with the fridg fridgee with a built-i built-in n ca camera mera?? 9. Ho w can our bodi bodies es be checke checked d for si signs gns of ill health and any abnormalities?
202 - Lufu Hoàng Tri
10. What are the benefits of the immediate treatment?
¿X CPEa E I I Kfi I)-Complete the conversation about the world’s first carbon-neutral city, using the responses (A-F) given. There is one extra. Then answer the questions below. A. In fact, there are no traditional cars; instead, peop pe op le ei eith ther er walk wa lk or tra trave vell in ele electr ctric ic ‘p o dc ar s’. B. And the Sultan of Abu Dhabi is providing the money for the project, C. The government needs to solve the pollution prob pr oble lem m s to m ake ak e ou ourr ci city ty liv livea eable ble,, and eco cities will be the n ew trend in the near futu future. re. D. There are no high-rise buildings, and people live in comfortable apartments. E. It plans to be the first carbon-neutral city in the wor world. ld. F. Many big solar farms, using power from the sun, will provide the city with its energy.
Phong: Pho ng: I think pollution is a big problem for citi cities es o f the ffutu uture. re. The emission of carbon dioxide from industries makes the problem worse. Chi:
I agree wi with th you. (1) _____ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _____
Phong: Phon g: But we do n’ n’tt have any eco cities in the world, do we? Chi:
Oh, no. M asda asdarr City in the United Arab Emirates is spec special ial.. (2) ____________ _______________ ___
Phong: Phon g: Really? Bu t traditional cars emit a lot of pollution. Are there any solutions to this? Chi:
great. eat. Alternative energy is widely use used d iin n that ccit ity, y, isn ’t it? it? Phong: Phon g: Sounds gr
Right. (4) ______ ____________ ____________ ____________ __________ ____ _____ __________ ^ __________ __________ _______ __
Phong: Pho ng: Awesome. How about the accommodation? It’ It’ss als also o a ssour ource ce of pollution in the cit city. y.
And the streets are narrow so that the buildings provide shade for each other other..
Phong: Pho ng: I think the people there are happy and health y because the air in Masdar is the best in the world. B Bài ài tâ tâp p Tieng Tieng Anh 11 - 203
An swer Answ er the ques questions. tions. 6. Wh at is unusua l abou aboutt Masdar City? 7. Where does the energy for the ccity ity come from? from? 8. Ho How w does Pho Phong ng thin k about the people who live there?
II)-Complete the conversation about the topic “What urban life will be like in 2050”, using the responses (A-F) given. There is one extra. A. A. The future promises instant phone chargers and petrol stations with plugs that can charge cars faste r than they currently do. B. A French biochemist, Pierre Calleja, is making algae street lamps that eat up carbon dioxide in the atmosphere or produce their own light using energy created by phot ph otos osyn ynth thes esis is.. C. C. W W ell, buildin gs o f the future will be made from self-healing concrete, be powered by their solar pa int and even have flying robot robots. s. D. We’ll have to create space on the cloud to share information such as water flow and distribution. E. Our office blocks will contain working farms which produce their own energy, be linked together by suspended green walkways. F. And in future the light sequencing might change automatically.
Ha:: Ha
I’m thinkin thinking g abou aboutt our assignm assignment ent ““What What urban life will be like iin n 205 2050”. 0”. In my op opinio inion, n, many elements will make up ou ourr smart citie cities, s, and the building is one o f them.
Ha: Chi:
____________________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ________________ ______ (1) __________________ By 2050, betwe en 70 and 80 per cent o f the wo rld’s populatio population n will live in citi cities, es, and and how people consume energy will be very important. It’s all about energy efficiency with low energy prices in offices. (2)______________ Sounds gr great. eat. W e’ll have to improve the iinfrastructure nfrastructure for travellers and travel travelling, ling,
Chi: (3) ______ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________ ___ Ha:: Ha
But traffic em its a lot o f pollution, doesn’ doesn’tt it it??
Chi: (4) ______ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _______ _
Ha:: Ha
And both typ types es will help us get selfself-power powered, ed, aanti-pol nti-pollution lution street lamps, wo n’ n’tt they they??
Chi: Y ou ou’’re right. S m arte r cities me mean an ones that proces processs data. ((5)_ 5)____ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ Ha:: Ha
We beli believe eve in the positive impact that technology can support in building smart citie citiess in the future.
204 - L u Hoằ ng Trí
E. W RITING Complete the email about smart cities in India by 2050, using the statements (A-F) given.. Th ere Is one extra . given A. The construction constructio n o f a smart city city requires a lot of manpower. manpower. B. as it would also provide smart solutions such as providing public data, electronic service delivery, treatment treatmen t o f water waste, waste, mon itoring water quality, and so on C. around 70% o f the people will be living in cities cities D.
The information will be collected through the detectors which will be carefully complied into small grids and then, will be fed into the computers.
E. Introducing the concept of smart cities in India is a great idea but due to increasing pove po verty rty rate, rat e, la lack ck o f infrast infr astruc ructur ture, e, the cities cit ies m ight ig ht have hav e to face a lot lo t o f challeng chal lenges. es. F. To support this risin g shift, shift, a sustainable sustainable model o f housing should be developed.
Dearr Ha, Dea Ha, I’ve received your email, and now I have time to give you some ideas about smart cities in India, Indi a, especially especially New Delhi - my hometown. hometown. By 2050 20 50,, (1)
________________________________________________________________, __________________________________ ______________________________,
and India will n ot be the exception. Smart cities are are required (2) ________ ________________ _____________ _____ ___ ____ _ _ The main aim of a smart city is “housing for all”. More than 70% of the Indian population would be living in cities by 2050. Due to the rising urbanization, a better standard of living is required. (3) ________ ________________ ________________ _______________ ______________ _______________ ________________ ________________ _______________ _______ ________________________________________________________ _________________________________ _______________________ . A smart sm art city cit y is an econo eco nomy my which provides various opportunities and advantages to its residents. India is expanding rapidly and the emergence of smart city can provide employment for many. (4) __ ____ _____ _____ _____ ___ In a sm art city, a lot o f people would not n ot be able to to a fford a place in smart city as it it would be very costly. Thus, people from middle class and poor section of the society won't be able to enjoy the benefits of a smart city. Only a certain part of New Delhi would be utilized for constructing a smart city, whereas the other part of o f the city would be still under the shadow o f pove po verty rty.. (5)________________________________________________________________ (5)____________________________ ___________________________________________ _______ I hope you’ll have a clear picture of smart cities in India by 2050. What will Viet Nam’s capital city look like in the future? I’m I’m looking forward to your reply reply..
Best regards, Anita
Bdii tap Tieng Anh 11 - 20 Bd 205 5
____ __ ____ _____ _____ ___ _ _______ _______ ))
I) -Find the w o r d which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. current 2. A. climate
B. sustainable B. liveable
C. infrastructure C. city
D. rubbish D. discussion
3. A. solar
B. infrastructure
C. designer
D. focus
II) -Choose the w or d which has a different different stress pattern from the others. others.
4. A. pessimistic 5. A. residential
B. optimistic B. environm ent
C. overcrowded C. insoluble
D. innovative D. enjoyable
IH)-Choose the best answer A , B, C or D to complete the sentences. 6. By 2050, 2050, seven out o f every 10 people on Earth will be be a(n ) __ ____ ____ __ . A. shelter
B. urban residence
C. city develope r
D. city dweller dweller
7. Since 2007, Boston Bo ston police have been using Shotspotter, a system that allows them to the location of shots fired immediately. A. detect detec t 8.
B. select
C. collect
D. realize
____ __ ____ __ structure in Ha Noi will be change with the development of satellite areas. A. City
B. Dow ntown
C. Urban
D. Town
9. The Saudi gov ernm ent is is investing billions i n ______ to support the enormous influx of people peo ple in Mecca Me cca.. A, streets
B. roads
C. bridges bridg es
D, infrastructure
10. Many scientists are cautiously ___ _____ ___ _ that the earth can feed more than nine billion billion people people.. A. interested
B. pessim istic
€ , optimistic
IT negative negative
11.. China has already be en experimenting 11 experimenting with ways to make its cities m o re __ ____ ____ __ for the last two decades, A. sustainable
B. harmless
C. continued
D. natural natural
12. Studies reveal that food production will need to increase by 70 percent to ______ the over 9 billion people o n Earth. A. give
B. supply
C. provide provid e
D. feed
13.. This is your essay on smart cities 13 cities by 20 50 , __ _____ _? _? A. is this
B. isn’t is n’t this
C. is it
D. isn ’t it
14. Across the globe, nations are preparing for water scarcity, __ ____ ____ __ ? A. are they
B. aren’t aren’t they
C. will they
D. w on ’t they
1 5 .1 think the cities o f tomorrow tomorrow also need to to consider the availabili availability ty o f open open spac space, e, ? A. do I
B. do n’t I
C. do they
D. do don’ n’tt they
IV)-Fill in each blan k in the passage with the cor correct rect word from the box b ox . There are some extra words.
s p a c e
li n k
u rban
e n jo y a b le
energy s u s ta in a b le
n e tw o r k
2 0 6 - Lufu H oang oa ng Tri Tr i
í ' -.(Sitjí i » _ ■ArLi"i ÍJy L-eE L-eEii^ ii^cc íi,">i iíM iíMp.ifW .ifWV VV Fé FéíSlA íSlAH/u H/ulA lA ÜÍMpc t ir ir-'-'ir ir^^irji irjirr ¡i ¡iaj aj i w w iM iu " in inin in n ry m rtn^ichip mili f^im f^ im m m •' ities in the futur futuree wou would ld conserv conservee en erg ergy y 39. The residents in Kansas would not be worried about water in the future because _ ___ ____ ___ _ . A. the infrastructure requires no repair or replacement B. the city will never have broken water pipes C. city offici officials als often rep air or replace the water mains D. there may be no disruption to water supply 40. The attitude of Amy Glasmier towards smart cities is __ ____ ____ __ . A. supportive
B. doubtful
C. indifferent
D. disgusting
VIII)-Complete the conversation about predictions about cities in 2050, using the responses (A-F) given. There is one extra.
A. M ost o f them w ill produce food, cooling the atmosphere, aabsorbing bsorbing air pollution. B. City parks and reserves should be paid more attention because trees lower city temperatures and make hot summers more bearable. C. Some scientists say that there will be underwater hotels, and aquatic homes homes.. D. Buildings will reach new heights, and could be as tall as as 18 miles - tha t’s t’s more than 8,000 fl floors oors high! E.
Big companies, like Google and developing driverless, electric cars.
F. With new technology, buildings will be able to charge our devices over radio waves, so there there will be no need to plug things in. in.
Mai: Ma i:
What are you reading, Mary?
Mary: Ma ry: I’ I’m m reading some predictions about what cit cities ies will look llike ike iin n 2050. t Interesting. ng. W e’l e’lll be living in tall buildin g or skyscrape skyscrapers, rs, w on ’t we? Ma i: Interesti Mai: Mary: Ma ry: There are opposite opini opinions ons about this. (41) ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ Parks, rivers and beaches make great places to relax and have fun.
Mai: Ma i:
And wha whatt is the opposite opinion?
Mary: Ma ry: (42)___________________________________________________________________ Mai: Ma i:
Really? The talles t building has only 1 163 63 floor floorss now.
Mary: Ma ry: (43) __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ Mai: Ma i:
There may be cities under the sea or floating cities, but they would be extremely expensive, wouldn’t they?
Mary M ary:: I agree with you. Com munity gardens will cover many o f the city’s flat roofs. roofs. (44)____________________________________________________________________ B Ba a i ta tap p T ie n g A n h 11 - 2nd
_______________ ________ _______________ ________________ _______________ _______________ __________ __ . The rest is used for solar technologies to generate energy. Mai:
There are a large num ber o f startups, startups, trying to create new technologies techno logies in energy, energy, transportation, and so on.
Mary:: (45) ___ Mary ______ _______ _______ ___
__________________________________________________. __________________________________ ________________. B y 2050 20 50,, m any an y cities citi es in the world will build roads that can charge electric vehicles as they drive. IX)-Write complete sentences about New N ew York, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words give given. n. 46. Ne w York/ be/ one/ smartest cities/ cities/ North America/ many years. years.
47. It/ lead/ world/ wo rld/ electric vehicles/ vehicl es/ smart urban improvem imp rovement/ ent/ low-carbon low-c arbon economy.
New ew Y ork/ or k/ ha ve/ ve / si sign gn ifi ifica cant nt num nu m be ber/ r/ uni u nive vers rsiti ities es// and a nd// u uni nive vers rsit ityy-ed educ ucat ated ed popula pop ulatio tion. n. 48. N
49. It/ ju sư start/ larg est bike-sharing campaign/ world.
50. Ne w York/ also gain/ gain / leadership/ leadersh ip/ offering/ offering/ open data/ public/ pub lic/ more than 2,400 datab databases ases..
TEST 2 (U (UNIT 9) I)-Find I)Find the word w hich has a different sound in in the part un underlined. derlined.
1. A. upgraded
B. consumption
c . urban
D. unbelievable
2. A. dweller 3. A. presentation
c . technology c . infrastructure
B. detect B.sensor
D. eco-friendly D. insoluble
II)-Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. infrastructure 5. A. generate
B. sustainable B. understand
c . inhabitant c . innovate
D. renewable D. maximize
21 0 - L u Hoằ ng T Trí rí
i l l nn-Ch Choo oose se the best ans w er A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. We will need new technologies to generate energy and use it in clean and safe ways, only from fully
sourc sources. es.
A. repla replaced ced
B. controlled
C. renewable
D. endurable
7. Copenhagen has been voted the m os t __ ____ ___ _ city in the world several times.
A. ecological friendly
B. ecologically soundly
C. eco-friendly
D. friendly ecologically
As we move tow ard 2050, we aare re facing the consequences o f ____ _____ _ urbanization and popu po pu la lati tion on grow growth. th. A. prom oting
B. improving
D. accelerating
C. moving
____ ___ _ of its waterways 9. New York has invested subs substanti tantially ally in improvi improving ng th e __ waterwa ys in recent yea years. rs. B. quantity
A. quality
C. level
D. feature
____ ___ _ for the last 10. China has already been experimenting with ways to make its cities cities m o re __ two decades. A. sustain
B. sustainable
C. survival
D. available
____ ____ __ cities in the world. 11.. Vancouver is often cons 11 considered idered to be one of the m o st __ A. fit
B. liveable
D. suitable
C. endurab endurable le
12. Telecommunications and cloud comput computing ing w ill __ ____ ___ _ transportation for moving ideas and and intellectual property. A. chang changee
B. replace
C. remov removee
D. eliminate
____ _ 13.. Nothing serious will be expected in the process o 13 off building our smart c it ity y , __ _ ? A. will it
B. w on ’t it
D. won’t they
C. will they
14.. F m n ot old enough tto 14 o understand tthe he master plan o f ou ourr city by 20 50 , ____ ______ __ ? A. am i
B. am not I
D. are you
C. aren aren’’t I
______ __ ? 15.. Study after study has show n that nature iimproves 15 mproves huma n health and we ll-be ing , ____ A. has it
B. hasn ha sn’’t it
D. does it
C. doe sn’t it
IV)-Fiil in ea ch blank in the passage with the correct word/phrase from the bo box. x. There are some extra words.
rea d makee mak
send out
hold order
Shopping in 2050 High streets and regular shopping trips are already becoming a thing of the past, as so
many of us are shopping online. Predications state that by 2050, everyone will (16) ___ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ their clothes online and a virtual scanner with a built-in hologram will be able to be accessed from the home - and so you can ‘virtually’ try on clothes from thousands of different stores, in the comfort of your own bedroom. Your virtual ‘changing ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ clothes ro room om ’ will also (17) __ clothes dependent on your body shape, height and age. Food shopping will become non-existent as our fridges and domestic computers will order anything we need automatically, so you don’t need to think about at all. Magazines and Ba B a i ta tap p T ie n g A n h 11 - 211
newspapers will beco me a thing of the past and news will be (18) (18)
____ _______ _____ _____ ____onli _online, ne, in
an instant. ‘Virtual Books’, which will look a little like a Kindle will (19)________________ all of our favourite books, receive our magazine subscriptions and also recommend books we might like. Flagging down a taxi after shopping will also be a thing of the past —as smartphone apps will be able to tap in to the nearest automatically controlled carpool and (20) __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ an electric car to w her eve r you are, in an instant. instant. V)
-Complete -Com plete the sentences with the correct question tags.
21. We do not opp ose the urban situ situatio ations ns as they they exist to da y, __ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _ ? 22. The start of the 21st century in China and the Arab world was marked by the creation of
______ ____ ____ __ ___ new, energy-consuming energy-consuming cities , ____ _____ . ____ __ ? 23. Your life life will be organised by a domestic domestic co mp uter, ____ _______ _____ _____ _____ ____ ____ __ ? 24. There is no lack o f the formation necessary necessary for making u rban p rog res s,____ s,______ ____ ____ ____ ____ __?? 25. Berlin Berlin ties green spaces beautifully beautifully into the urban land scap e, ____ _______ _____ ____ _____ _____ ____ __ ? VI)
-Choose the wo rd or phrase among A, B, C o orr D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. ____ ____ __ to hundreds o f technology Silicon Valley is (26) __ technolo gy companies, co mpanies, so it comes as as no
surprise that San Jose has partnered with technological giant Intel to transform itself
____ ____ __ a smart city. San Jose and Intel will work (28) _ (27) __ _______ _ to further the city's Green ____ ____ __ - which Vision initiative - a 15-year plan for economic economic growth, and improve (29) __ which it it launched in 2007. Intel expects to help San Jose create 25,000 clean-tech jobs, drive economic growth, and improve the city's environmental (30) __ ____ ____ __ . To achieve this (31) __ ____ ____ __ , Intel will work with the city to track real-time data on air quality, noise pollution, traffic flow, and other
____ ____ __ concerns which it will then use to encourage (33) __ ____ _____ ___ to environmental and (32) __ to reduce emissions by using public transportation or bicycles to get to work or school. Smart cities may sound like something of the distant future (34) __ ____ ____ __ many people thought the same thing about smartphones and smart homes. Up to now, over 70 percent of American adults h av e owned own ed a sm artphone and 1.9 1.9 billion smart home devices have been been
____ ____ __ like these other smart innovations, we will see them installed. If smart cities are (35) __ appearr in ou r com mun ities sooner rather than later appea later.. 26. A. home
B. house
C. shelter
D. housing
27 . A . fr o m
B . to
G. into
D. towards
28. A. each other
B. together
C. one another
D. themselves
29. A. love life
B. a good life
C. the life o f quality
D. quality o f llife ife
30. A. sustain
B. sustainable
C. sustainably
D. sustainability
31. A. score 32. A. tow n
B. goal B. rural
C. point C. urban
D. target D. countryside
33. A. inhabitants
B. residence
C. cavemen
D. officials
34. A. because
B. when
C. so
D. as
35. A. anything
B. nothing
C. one
D. most
212 - LUu Hoa Hoang ng T ri
VII)-Rea d the passage, a nd cho choos osee the correct answ er A, B, C or D for for each question. question. Tod ay’s urban urba n cities are practically practically bursting at the seams. According to research from the United Nations, 54 percent of the world’s population lives in urban areas, a percentage that is expected to increase to over 66 percent by 2050. In fact, India alone is projected to add 404 million urban dwellers to its population by 2050. This rapid growth of the urban population has caused daunting problems for city planners, such as overcrowded roads, excessive energy consumption and unemployment. Therefore, to build more sustainable cities and accommodate the growing num ber o f residents, residents, ma ny city city lead leaders ers are turning to to the Internet o f Things Things (loT). The IoT has forever changed the way urban cities operate. Cities that were once detached and inaccessible are now intelligent and highly connected. From Amsterdam to Seoul, cities are launching smart city projects to help improve quality of life for residents and better support the environment. According to research from IHS Technology, there will b e at least 88 88 smart cities globally by 2025, up from 21 in 2 2013. 013. San Francisco, for example, provides more than 100 charging stations in various locations to promote the use of hybrid and electric cars to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Copenhagen is also taking advantage of the IoT to improve environmental prot pr otec ectio tion n and an d re redu duce ce road ro ad traffic tra ffic by deve de velo lopi ping ng smart smar t bikes bik es equi eq uipp pped ed w it ith h sensors sen sors that th at genera gen erate te data da ta on air contamination and traffic congestion congestion.. The possibilities afforded by the the IoT are endless; how ever, designing designing smart cities requires requires comprehensive technology infrastructure that is capable of capturing and processing large amounts of data quickly and securely securely - which is where 4G LTE comes into into pla play. y. The future looks brig ht for urban cities. Soon they will be able to do things that only scifi enthusiasts could dream of before, like monitoring bridge conditions using intelligent sensors and conserving energy by automatically dimming street lights when no one is around. 36. Today’s urban cities __ ____ _____ . A. account for 66 percent of the world’s population B. have more 404 million dwellers by 2050 C. are in fact extremely crowded D. are bursting around the world
37. The Internet Internet of Things allows allows the city city planners planners and lea de rs __ ____ ____ __ . A. to stop stop the rapid gro wth o f the urban popu lation in m ost cities cities B. to make cities more sustainable and provide enough accommodation C. to develop the broadband Internet connectivity in urban cities D. to forget daunting problems, such as overcrowded roads, and unemployment 38. All o f the following are the the advantages advantages o f the IoT EXCEP T th at __ ____ ____ __ . A. cities around the world become more intelligent and connected B à i tâ p T ié n g A n h 11 - 2 1 3
B. we m ay im prove quality of life life and better better support the the environment C. the Internet of Things will be applied in several cities around the world D. the numbe r o f smart cities decreases decreases but the the quality is m uch better 39. Some cities whic h follow this ttrend rend of the new tech no log y __ ____ ____ __ . A. make transpo rtation more eco-frien eco-friendly dly and more convenient convenient B. only allow the u se o f hybrid and electric electric cars to reduce reduce po llution C. introduce smart bikes to escape air contamination and traffic congestion D. provide charging stations in various locations for cars and bikes 40. The potential of the IoT includes includes all o f the following following EXCEPT t h a t __ ____ ____ __ . A. things that only sci-fi enthusiasts could could dream o f before com e true B. comprehensive technology infrastructure to support the loT is endless C. intelligent sensors can help watch and check bridge conditions carefully D. energy conservation can be done by automatically controlling street lights VIII)-Complete the conversation between two New Yorkers, using the responses (A-F) given. There is one extra. A. A highly visual, user-friendly digital communication system will collect and display multidimen sional information information about every every aspect of the city. city. B. W ind power could be used to meet most of Ne w Y ork’s energy energy needs. C. User-friendly digital voting, polling, and feedback systems contribute to high levels o f political political p articipation. articipation. D. I f private car s disappear, a great deal of parking space will be freed up. E. New York’s greener building plan will solve the problem. F. Grandparents, business people, and schoolchildren alike feel biking comfortable, we can achieve sim ilar result results. s.
Daisy:: What are yo u reading, Nick? Daisy Nick:: Nick
I’m readin g som e predictions about New York in 2050.
lluti on is a big problem because at present buildings account ffor or three Daisy: Dais y: I think air po llution quarters of the city’s greenhouse gas emissions.
Nick:: Nick
____ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ . It’ll have enormous effect on N e w Y o rk ’s futu fu ture. re.
Daisy: Dais y: I hope that the re will be no no more fossi fossill fuels fuels - all buildings in New York will will run
on renewa renewa ble energy. energy.
Nick:: Nick
I t h i n k th is w i ll ll c o m e tru e . ( 4 2 ) _______________________________________
____ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ . Anyway, in a big city with heavy traffic like New York, it’s necessary to put in use an autonomous taxi fleet which carry people all the time.
Daisy: Dais y: W e’ll e’ll save tim e, energy and we ’ll need fewer taxis, w on ’t we?
214 - Lufu Hoang Tri
(43) ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ _____________ ______
________________ ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ____________ ____ . It could be replaced with plan ted areas that accept and filter sewage water running o ff from from the stree street. t.
Daisy: Dais y: I think during du ring storms, the new sewage sewage system system can deal deal with polluted pollu ted storm storm water better. bet ter. N i c k :
I think so. By 2050, we will will have had time to follow the examples set by the N Net ethe herl rlan ands ds.. (44) (44 ) ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _______________ _______
Daisy: Dais y: We could encourage cycling by building dedicated bicycle bicycle and pedestrian bridges bridges over the c ity’s ity ’s rivers. rivers. N ic ic k :
I think New York will become a model city which focuses focuses on making citizens citizens _______ ___ _______ ______ _______ _______ ___ _ ________ smarter. (45)_______________________ ____ _ _ __________ __
______ _ __ _____
. That Tha t enables enable s every New Yorker to make better decisions about both their own lives and the larger community.
IX)-Write complete sentences about Ha Noi, using the words/ phrases given in their correct forms. You can add some more necessary words, but you have to use all the words given. given.
46. administrative centre / Ha No i/ located/ located/ My Dinh/ and/ Hoa Lac/ and/ city/ city/ plan/ build/ green corridor/ Ba Vi Mountain/ and Huong Tich - Soc Son regions...
47. city/ develop / satellite, satellite, ecological urban areas/ areas/ Ha Tay district districts. s.
48. transport infrastructure system/ developed/ north/ and/ sout south/ h/ boost/ boos t/ city ’s socio-e socio-economic conomic development.
49. Ha Noi N ational University/ U niversity/ and/ other scientific scientific centres/ located/ located/ a site/ 1,000 1,000 hectares/ Hoa Lac.
50. In order/ have/ green space/ land/ growing growing green trees/ city/ city/ in cr ea se /15 square square metres metres per perso pe rson. n.
B Bà à i tâ tâp p T ie n g A n h 11 - 21 215 5
That 10:
A. PHONETICS I) -Practise reading aloud the following questio questions ns or statements with fall-rise intonation (Lt).
1. Replace jun k food with real food? food? 2. Hung ry and need a fast meal? 3. Acupuncture has been used traditionally traditionally to improve improve general health? health? 4. I doubt if it it is a goo d habit that teens teens tend to have irregular sleep sleep patterns patterns across the week? week? 5. Can naps make yo u work more efficiently efficiently if you plan them right? right? II) -Ma rk fall-rise intona tion (O') (O') at the end of the the statements or question s where appropriate.. T hen practise with a partner. appropriate partner.
1. A: Is it simple to avoid bad eating eating habits? B: N No, o, m os ostt o f the th e tim e ha habi bits ts are h ar d to t o break. break . 2. A: D on ’t tteenagers eenagers start start having having bod y odour until they reach puberty? puberty?
B: Yes. That's when special sweat glands under the arms pour out sweat which smells. 3. A: W ill we feel goo d with a clean clean body, clean hair, clean clothes and shoes? shoes? B: Sure. And yo ur friends will be happy happ y to to be near you.
4. A: How can we tak e good care care o f our feet? feet? B: The first thing we should do is to wash our feet feet well at least once a day. day. 5. A: How about ma ssaging ssag ing our scalp more often? often? B: Well, this will remove dead skin cells, excess oil and dirt.
I) I)-Fi -Fil! l! in each bl an k in the followin following g sentences sentences with the c orrec t word /phra se fro m the box. immune system lo n g e v ity
li life fe expectan cy b o o s tin g
ageing m ed ed ita tio n
1. _______ __________ _______ _______ _______ ____takes takes man m any y forms, but its core is the ability to control the mind and quieten it down. ______________ __________ ___ 2. Learning is the m ost fundament fundamental al b ra in _______
workout n u tr itio u s
- and the more y ou do it, it, the more yo u’ u’ll ll bene benefi fit. t. 3. Research for mo re recent periods shows a surprising surprising and
continuing conti nuing improvemen among those aged 80 or above. t i n 4. Man y individuals through the ages realised realised there was a very important important link between health, exercise, fitness, meditation, intelligence and ___ _______ ________ _______ _______ ______ __ . 5. A research research suggests that tai chi may also also sl o w ____________________ by b y boos bo ostin ting g a certain cert ain type o f stem ce cell ll..
216 - Liiu Hoang Tri
6. Bird’ Bird ’s nest soup brings overall benefit to the glowing skin.
______________ _______ _____________ ______ and it gives you
7. Widespread gardening gard ening provides an an opportunity for eexercise, xercise, sunlight a n d _____ _______ _____ _____ ____ __ food for people in Okinawa, Japan. 8. The first step i n ___ _______ _______ _______ _______ ______ ___ Nagan Na gano's o's life span sp an was wa s a ca camp mpaig aign n to reduc red ucee salt sal t consum ption and prom ote a healthier health ier diet and lifest lifestyle. yle. II)-Fill in each blank in the following sentences with the correct adjective from the box. o il - f r e e
a n ti b a c t e r i a l
a lc o h o l- fr e e
an t i - age i n g
c h o le s te r o l- f r e e
a n ti - g la r e
s u g a r-free
f at - f r e e
an t i - ac n e
1. In the the United States, if a food contains less than 0.5 0.5 grams o f fat in in a serving, it can be labeled ________ ____ ________ _______ _______ _____ _ . 2. Try to avoid glare on your computer from windows and lights, lights, and use a n _____ ________ _____ ____ ____ __ screen i f needed. needed. 3. It ’s all all about their diet and lifestyle lifestyle that people in the the Longevity Hot Spots have already found the the secrets secrets o f th e ____ pro cess. s. ________ _______ _______ ________ _____ _ proces 4. Men should shou ld drink no more than four fou r units in any one day and have at least two two days a week. 5. Studies Studies have shown shown that our overuse o f _______ _______________ _____________ _____ ingredients has helped to create new resista nt bacteria. bacteria. 6. Althoug h it's it's impo ssible to control all the factors involving your skin, skin, you can take take _______________ ____________ _____ treatment at home. measuress to reduce the problem with th e ________ measure 7. After rinsing your face, face, if your face face feels feels dry, dry, apply a(n ) ________ ________________ _________ _ moisturizer. 8. Perhaps the key to a ____________________ existence is not to remove the cause of the stress, stre ss, but rather to improve on e’s response respons e to stress. stress. 9. Kidney Kidn ey beans, almonds, sunflower seeds and walnuts are are all ex exce ce lle nt, ________ ________________ ________ sources of o f protein, fiber and magnesium. . ____ ________ ________ _______ _______ ____ 10 overall wellness and blood foods canregulation. be helpful if you have diabetes and it is best to support sugar III)-Complete the following famous sayings with the words in the box. ch c h e e rf u ln e ss
n u tr it io n
h e a lt h y
c le a n li n e s s
b a s is
illn e s s
d ise a se
v al u e
Best Sayings About Health & Nutrition “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man
_______ ____ _______ _______ ______ ______ ___ ,
wealthy and wise”, B e n ja m in
F r a n k li lin n.
“Physical ___ only one of _______ ________ ________ ________ _ is notbody, the most important keys to_____ a healthy it is the basis ba sis o f dyna dy nami micc and creati cre ative ve intell int ellect ectua uall Jo o h n F. K e n n e d y . activity”, J “Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for______________,” Edward Edw ard Stanley.
Bdii tap Bd tap Tieng A n h 11 - 21 217 7
4. “Health “Health is like like money, we never have a true idea o f i t s _ until until we lose it,” J o s h B il li n g s . 5. “The doctor o f th e future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather rather will will Thomas Edison. cure and prevent disease with 6. “A good laugh and a long sleep sleep are the b es t in the doc tor’s book,” ___________________
an a n I r is h p r o v e r b .
7. “To insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate , and maintain an interest in life,” William Londen. 8. “Today, “Today, more than 95% of al alll ch ron ic is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies deficiencies and lack of o f physical exercise,” M ik e A d am s. 9. “Water, air and are the chief articles in my pharmacopoeia,” ____________________
N a p o le o n I.
10. “By cleansing your body on a regular and eliminating as many toxins as possible from your environment, your body can begin to heal itself, prevent disease, and become stronger and more resilient than you ever dreamed possible!” Dr . ____________________ __
E d w a r d .
IV)-Report each statement. Make changes, if necessary. 1. “You can break yo ur bad habits habits if you follow the right action action plan.” Phong’s father father told h im . ___ 2. “If television telev ision is replacing time you'd spend on visiting friends, friends, or exercising your mind, it can also speed up memory loss.” My mother mother warned me th at . 3. “You'll “You'll save mo ney if you prepare your own meals instead instead of buying fast food.” My parents advised m y sister _ 4. “If you love sun bathing, bath ing, you've unwittingly contributed to the aging of your skin.” Ann’s doctor doctor told her th a t . 5. “Acupuncture “Acupun cture is dangerous dang erous if the patient has a bleeding disorder.” The doctor docto r said th at _______ ____ _______ ________ _______ ______• ___• _________________________________
_______ ________
________________________________________________ .
V)-W rite the sentences in rep orte d speech, speech, using the the rep ortin g verbs in brackets. 1. M ai’s father: father: “Y ou should sho uld do do aerobic exercise exercise two or three times a w eek .” (advised) (advised)
2. Phong: “ Can you buy a DVD of instructions on tai chi chi at the bookshop, bookshop , N ick?” ick ?” (aske (asked) d)
3. The doctor: “Y ou m ust do a fifteen-minute exercise a day to increase your life life spa span n by
three years. (told)
4. M i’s mother: “Y ou must mu st have have lots of good friends friends to have a healthy social life.” (insisted (insisted on) on)
5. Hoa: “D on ’t forg et to laugh out loud because laughter is really one the best medicines, medicines, Lan.” (reminded)
218 21 8 - L u Hoằ ng Trí Trí
6. Ann: “Le “Let’s t’s enroll an aerob aerobic ic course.” (suggeste (suggested) d) 7. N an i’s father: “1 sm smoked oked a lot when I was youn g.” (admitted)
8. Quan: “I broke the window w hen I was playing football. I’ I’m m sorr sorry.” y.” ((apologized) apologized)
C. READING I)-Fi!l in each blank with the correct question for each answer. A gu guide ide to tai c h i A . Can I learn tai chi from a book or DVD? B. Will I injure myself doing tai chi? C . W hat is ta taii chi? D. Don't I need to be fit to do tai chi? E . W hat are the health benefits of tai chi? chi? F. Are there different styles of tai chi? G . Can tai chi chi help to prevent falls? falls? H . What's the basic technique?
__________ _____ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _____ ___ ______ _ ______ ______ _____ __ ____ ____ It combines deep breathing and relaxation with slow and gentle movements. Originally developed as a martial art in the 13th century in China, it is today practised around the world as a health-promoting exercise.
2. ______________________________________________________ Yes, s uch as yang, ch en and wu. Some teachers often pract practise ise a combination o f sstyl tyles. es. The main differences between the different tai chi styles are in the speed of movement and the way the body holds the postures. 3.
Tai chi is characterised by its slow, graceful, continuous movements that are gentle on the jo in ts and an d mu muscl scles. es. Done Do ne correc co rrectly tly,, you you'll 'll fin find d th that at the tai chi po pose sess flow sm oo ooth thly ly fro from m one into another. 4. _______________________________________________________
Studies have shown that tai chi can help people aged 65 and over to reduce stress, improve balance bala nce and general mobility, and increase muscle streng strength th in the le legs. gs. 5 . _____ _________ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _________ ______ __
Tai chi is essentially a gentle activity that is unlikely to cause injur injury y if done correctl correctly. y. The exercises involve lots o f flowing, easy move movements ments that don ’t st stres resss the joints or muscles.
6. ________ ________________ ______________ ______________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________ Some research suggests that tai chi can reduce the risk of falls among older adults who are at increased risk. However, more research is needed.
Baii tap T ie Ba ieng ng A n h 11 - 219
7. _____ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ __________ ________ ___ N No, o, ta taii chi is f o r everyo eve ryone. ne. It is id ideal eal for inac in activ tivee olde ol derr pe peop ople le w antin an tin g to raise rai se their thei r activity levels levels g ently entl y and gradually. gradually. 8. _____ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ ___________ ___________ __________ __________ __________ ________ ___ It ’s a good idea to learn the basics o f tai chi from an instructor instruc tor to make sure sure your yo ur style style is is correct, effective and won't cause injury. You can consider using a book or DVD once yo u’re u’re familiar with the poses. poses. II)-Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
No pain, big gains In China, it is believ ed that tha t tai chi can delay ageing and prolong life, increase flexibi flexibility, lity, strengthen muscles an d tendons, and aid in the treatment o f heart disease, high bloo blood d pressure pressure,, arthritis, skin diseases, diseases , depression, cancer, and many other diseases. Most of the research on tai chi has been done in older individuals in the area of balance and fall prevention. This area o f research is important beca be caus usee fa fallll-rel relate ated d inju in jurie riess are the th e le lead adin ing g cause caus e o f death from injury and disability older adults. Because tai chi movements are slowamong and deliberate with shifts of body weight from one leg to the other in coordination with upper body movements, it challenges balan ba lan ce and m any an y ha have ve long lon g assu as sum m ed it help he lpss improve imp rove bala ba lanc ncee and reduc red ucee fall frequen freq uency. cy. In a similar tai chi study of older adults, 54% of the subjects who practised tai chi attributed their improv im prov ed sense o f confidence to improved balance. One study looked at adults adults in their 60s and 70s who practised tai chi three times a week for 12 weeks (60-minute classes). After jus t six s ix weeks, statistically significant improvements were observed ob served in balance, balance, muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility measures. Improvements in each of these areas increased further afte r another 12 weeks. weeks. The demands of living are stressful for adults of all ages. Although one cannot directly po in intt to studie stu diess sh o w in ing g a redu re duct ctio ion n in str stress ess from fro m prac pr actis tisin ing g tai chi, the th e breathin breat hing, g, movement, and mental concentration required of individuals who practise tai chi may be just the distraction you need from your hectic lifestyle. T
1. It is believed believed b y m any in the world that tai tai chi chi has much benefits benefits in treatments treat ments of m an y illnesses illnesses and diseases. diseases.
2. Injuries from from falls are a big problem among elder elder people.
3. W ith its its slow mo vem ents and an d its its shifts shifts of body weight between the legs, legs, tai chi can improve balance and reduce fall frequency.
All the people who w ho practise tai chi chi gain their sense sense of confidence in lif life. e. 5. Improvements were observed clearly in balance, muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility measures after twelve weeks.
6. Exercising tai tai chi ch i can help people especially adults recover from stress from from the hectic lifestyle.
220 - Liiu Hoang Tri
IIIj-Read the text, and then do ihe iaskv «Star fotlnm k EfeySslhy LiiidArffe
Having a healthy lifestyle is not just about eating healthily and exercising. It often refers to having a balance between work and life. To start with, make sure you get plenty of sleep. Some research suggests that teenagers need more sleep than adults, however, it's often the case that they get less than they need. With homework and social obligations, you can be staying up late but still have to get up early to get to classes, work or other activities. To function properly, your body and mind need a minimum o f eight hours o f slee sleep p each night. night. Eating a well-balanced diet can sound much easier than it is. A lot of people are really conscious about what they eat, and try and make healthy choices. If you think you have too much junk food and want to B M l— — ma k e so m e changes to y o ur die t, don't try and eliminate all junk food. You should drink plenty of water, eat a balance of protein, whole grains, fruit and vegetables daily, and do n’t skip skip breakfast - eat something for for break fast every day. Exercising regularly is part of having a healthy lifestyle. Physical activity helps build a strong body and mind. Doing physical activity releases endorphins, which are a chemical your b bo o dy pr prod oduc uces es,, w hi hich ch gives giv es you yo u a good go od feelin fee ling. g. Phys Ph ysica icall activ act ivity ity is also an effec eff ectiv tiv e w ay to manage moods and is a really good lifestyle choice to improve your overall well-being. ^ Having friends and an d family that you can confide in is really important important.. To be a healthy perso pe rson, n, yo u ne ed to ha have ve pe peop ople le aroun aro und d you yo u th that at you yo u ca can n ta talk lk to about abo ut what's wh at's happ ha pp enin en ing g to you, rather than dealing with them alone. Another important part of having a healthy lifestyle is remembering to "play". Just taking time to laugh, have fun and being around people who make you feel good is part of having balan ba lance ce in yo ur life. Take time to learn about what makes you feel good and remember to include some of those things in your day.
Task 1: Find the words or expressions expressions in the text which have the follow ing meanings. 1. a situation in wh ich different things are are of o f equal importance
______________ _______ ____________ _____
2 .
_______________ _______ ____________ ____
the food that you eat or drink regularly
3. food that is unhealthy unh ealthy but is quick or easy to to eat
______________ _______ ____________ _____
________________ ________ ___________ ___
4. to not do or not have something 5. the state o f feeling healthy and happy
_______________ _______ ____________ ____
6. to share your feelings or or secrets secrets with someone
______________ _______ ____________ _____
Task 2. 2. Answ A nsw er the followin follo win g questio questions. ns. 7. What Wh at is the prob lem of sleep that teenagers often meet?
B Bà à i tâ tâp p T ié n g A n h 11 - 221
8. W hat kind o f food and drink should teenagers teenagers have?
9. Wh y does doing physica ph ysica l activity give us a good feeling?
10.. W hat are other benefits o f physical acti 10 activit vity? y?
11. Wh at can can you share with your frie friends? nds?
12. Wh at is is the function o f having fun and being around people in our lifes lifestyle tyle??
t , a n d c h o o s e t h e c o r r e c t answ er A, B, C or D f o r e a c h q u e st i o n . IY)-Read t h e t e x t,
Discover how laughter can wo rk for you! You’ve probably heard the expression “Laughter is the Scientists medical doctors now best agreemedicine”. that laughter can helpand people to deal with stress and anger. Research has shown that people who feel happy and relaxed are healthier and have better relationships. Laughter Yoga is a series o f exercises. Laughter Yoga teaches you to laugh for no reason. You don’t have to have a sense of humour, or understand funny jokes. You just have to laugh. laugh. When you do Laughter Yoga in a group, you laugh and do yoga breathing, so that you increase the amount of oxygen in your body. Soon the laughter exercises turn into real laughter. After a laughter yoga class, you feel calm and relaxed, but also full o f ener energy gy and and happy. C l i c k I,
to watch a video
Laughter Yoga was developed by Dr. Kataria, a doctor from India. Laughter Yoga classes started in Mumbai in 1995 with just five people, and now there are over 6,000 laughter clubs in sixty different countries. Julie Whitehead was one of the first people in the UK to become a Laughter Yoga teacher with Dr. Kataria. She says, says, “Yo ga has been a part o f my life for thirty years, years, but in 2002 my life life changed w hen I disco vered Laughter Yoga. Yoga. I am particularly interested interested in health and well
b bei ein n g. g.”” She is a mem ber o f Laugh ter Network, a group group o f professionals who w ant to bring more laughter, health, and happiness into people’s lives. They run Laughter Yoga classes and workshops in the UK, and Julie runs Laughter Yoga holidays in Turkey, Egypt, Spain, and Morocco. F o r m o r e in f o r m a ti tio o n c li c k
Laughing is good for the body and the mind. When we laugh, we breathe more oxygen into our body, wh ich help s to keep us healthy. healthy. Endorphins, Endorphins, o r happy chemicals, are are released released in the the
222 - Lull Hoang Tri
bod y, and body, an d yo you u fee feell m ore rela re laxe xed d and hap happy. py. La Laug ught hter er also bring bringss pe peop ople le togeth tog ether er to shar sharee some fun. Companies who have run Laughter Yoga workshops find that they have advantages for both employers and employees. People who are happy at work are more hard-working and make more money for the company. Also, people who laugh together communicate more successfully. successfull y. In general, people do better at work when they feel happy and relaxe relaxed. d. If you’re not sure about Laughter Yoga, remember this, children laugh 300-400 times a day, butt adult bu ad ultss on only ly lau laugh gh ar arou ound nd fiftee fif teen n tim es a day. Get more laughter in your life - you can feel the change in you you,, and when you chang change, e, the world changes. Laughter is really the best medicine. Click
to r e a d w h a t p e o p l e s a y a b o u t L a u g h te r Y o g a
1. Lau Laughing ghing is good for our body because A. we feel more relaxed and happy
B. we breathe in more oxygen
C. it improves communication
D. it helps release happy chemicals
2. It is good to laugh and do yoga breathing exe exercises rcises at the same time be beca cause use __ ____ ____ __ . A . yo u
laugh very funnily a lot dur during ing tthe he laughter yoga classes alll around the world B. you join a group and meet professionals al C. L aughter Yo ga teaches you to have a sense o f humour and understand funny jokes
D. yo u
not only feel calm and rela relaxed, xed, but also have ful fulll o f energy and happ happiness iness
______ ___ . 3. Laughte Laughterr Yo g a ___ A . started
in India with a small group of people
B. was developed by a doctor as a treatment C. started in sixty countries with over 6, 6,000 000 laugh ter club clubss D. was developed by first studen students ts o f Dr Dr.. K ataria 4.
All o f the following are ttrue rue about Jul Julie ie Whitehead EXC EPT th a t __ ____ ____ __ . A . she
becam e one o f the first Briti British sh Laughter Y oga teachers with D Dr. r. Kataria B. she is a member of Laughter Network which run Laughter Yoga classes and workshops in the UK C. she has practised Laughter Yoga for thir thirty ty years in her li life fe
D. she
h ers elf runs Lau ghter Yoga vacations in some foreign count countries ries
5. The advantage for a company when their employees do Laughter Yoga is th at __ ____ ____ __ . A . the
employees earn more money from the company
B. the
employees are more hard-working and productive
C. all people can laugh together funnily
D. La Laughter ughter Yo ga workshops only have advantages for employer employerss 6. The saying “Laughter is the best medicine” maybe means th a t __ . ____ ____ __ A. you shou ld have a sense o f humour in order to laugh B. trying to laugh is a go od treatment tto o patients C. it is good for your physical and mental health to laugh D. laughter
is the medicine o f best quality that doctors have B Bà à i tâ p Tiéng Anh 11 - 22 3
7. The expression “professionals” “professiona ls” in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning mea ning to ______ . A. people who follow a hobby with great enthusiasm
B. people who follow a career in order to earn good pay C. people who hav e high positions positions in their their companies companies
D. people who are well trained and extremely skilled 8. The text is written fo r ____ ______ __ ^
A. adults
B. elderl elderly y peo ple
C. children D. Laug hter Y oga teachers
____ ____ __ . 9. You would find find this this description description of Laughter Laughter Yoga class es __
A. in a newspaper
B. in a brochure
C. on a webs ite
D. in a journal
10.. The main purpose o f the text i s ______ . 10 A. to compare Laughter Yoga with ordinary yoga
B. to introduce Laughter Yoga and its benefits C. to tell the history o f Laughter Yoga
D. to give information about Laughter Yoga classes V)-Read the instructions, and then mark your score for each question. Calculate your life expectancy.
How long could you live? Wh at is your life life expectancy? A lot depends on luck - whe ther you have an accident and who your grandparents are. But you can also control some things in your lifestyle. So how long could you live? Th is questionnaire is based on life life insurance tests.
Write w h a t y o u m u s t a d d o r subtract in each blank. blank. To calcula te yo u r life expectancy, start w i th th a n a v er e r a g e a g e o f 72 years. Then ad d or subtract the numbers. Score (+/-) 1. Are you male or fem ale?
____ __ __
2. How old are are you?
3. Do you live live in an urb an area with with a populat population ion of more than 2 million million people? 4„ Do you live in a rural area a rea with less less than 10 thousand people?
5. Do you live alon e?
6. Do you live with your family? family?
7. Do you or will you have a university degree?
8. Do you or will yo u have high professional qualifications? qualifications?
9. Do you or will yo u have a job in an office? office?
10.. How often do y o u jog , swim, play a sport 10 sport or take similar exercise?
11. Do you often sleep more than 10 hours a day?
12.. Are you hap py? 12
13.. Are you gen erally relaxed 13 relaxe d or do you lose your temper easily?
14. How many cigarettes (if any) do you smoke a day?
15. How much alcohol (if any) do you drink a day?
16.. Are you overwe ight? If so, how much? 16
224 22 4 - L u Hoang Trí
17. How old are your grandparents, g randparents, or how old were they when w hen they died? 18.. Does anyone in yo ur family suffer from heart disease? 18
____ ____ ____ __ __
Totall li Tota life fe ex expectanc pectanc y: __ _____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ __ 1
If yo u’re u’re a boy bo y subtract 3 years years and if you are a girl girl add 4 years.
If yo u’re betw bet w een 15 15 to 39 years old add 2 years.
Towns Town s and cities are are unhealthy unhealth y places. If you live in a large town or city, take off 2 years, but if you live in a village or in the country, add 2 years.
Take off three years if you live live on your own, but you can add 5 years i f you live with your y our family members or relatives. relatives.
Educatio Edu cation n is good goo d for you. Add 1 year for for a univer uni versity sity degree and another ano ther 2 years for high professional qualifications.
If you sit down mo st o f the day, day, subtract 3 years. years.
Add 2 years if you exercise for for at least 20-30 minutes 3 times a week. week.
11 12
If you spend more than 10 hours a day asleep, asleep, take off 4 years. years. If yo u’ u’re re happy, add a year. If yo u’re unhappy, subtract 2 years years..
If yo u’re u’re relaxed, add three years. years. Subtract three years if you’re hot-tempered.
D on ’t smoke smo ke if you want wan t a long life. Subtract 3 years for up to to 10 cigarettes cigarette s a day, 4 years for fo r 10 to 20. I f y ou ’re a non-smok non-s moker, er, but you yo u live with a smoker, take o ff 1 year. year.
Three glasses o f wine or beer a day are OK for men, 2 are are OK for women. I f you drink more than this, take o ff a year. year.
Overweight? Overw eight? If y ou ’re up to 15 kilos too heavy, subtract 2 years, 16-2 16-25 5 kilos take off 4 years. years.
Long life runs in families families.. Add 2 years years for each grandparent over 80 years old old now or when th ey died. died.
Take three years yearheart s if anyone your you roff close family (gra parent s, brothers, brother s, sisters)offhas or had disease.inTake another year(grandparent if ndparents, anyone s, in parents, your family died under the age o f 50. 50.
D. SPEAKING Complete the conversation about how to maintain good eye health, using the responses (A-F) given. There is one extra.
A. If workers work with hazardous materials on the job, they have to wear safety
glasses or protective goggles every time.
B. Every 20 m inutes, rest your yo ur eyes by looking 20 feet away for 20 seconds. C. Because they contain nutrients vision such asproblems. omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins C and E which might help prevent age-related
D. Don’t forget that starring at a computer screen for too long can cause eye strain, blu bl u rr rry y vis v isio ion n or ev even en he heada adach ches. es. E. And we should choose wrap-around sunglasses for better protection. F. Some diseases such su ch as diabetes can cause blindness blindnes s in adults. adults. B Ba a i ta tap p T ie n g A n h 11
Kim:: Kim
Do you thin think k our eyes and vision are essent essential ial to our daily life?
Mary: Mar y: Absolutely Abso lutely right. And we need to take good care o f them every day. Kim:: Kim
I think protectin g our eyes st start artss with tthe he food on our plate. We should re regularly gularly ea eatt foods that can lead to good eye health, such as green, leafy vegetables, fish, eggs, oranges and oth er citrus ffrui ruits. ts.
Mary: Ma ry: (1)____________________________________________________________________ Kim:: Kim
We should also wear suitabl suitablee sunglasses sunglasses because they can block most of the sun' sun'ss ultraviolet rays.
Mary: Mar y: Sure Sure.. Too m uc h ultraviolet exposure makes you more likely to get catar cataracts acts and and macular degeneration. (2) ______ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ______ Kim:: Kim
For some wo rker rkerss and athlet athletes, es, they need to use ssafety afety glas glasses. ses.
______ ______ ______ ______ ___ Mary: Ma ry: Yo u’r u’ree right. (3) _____ _____ ___ , ______ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ______ _ _____ Kim:: Kim
An And d certain sports such as ice hockey, racquetball can also lead to ey eyee inju injury ry.. Athletes should wear eye protection, such as helmets with sports goggles to protect your eye eyes. s.
Mary:: (4)____________________________________________________________________ Mary K i m :
I think we spe spend nd a lot o f time workin g with computers computers.. So what measures should we take to protect our eyes eyes??
M a r y ;
We should choose a comfortable, supportive chair, and make sure that your feet are flatt on the flo fla floor. or. (5)____ (5)_________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _____
Kim:: Kim
And finally everyone should get their eyes examined regularl regularly. y. Eve exams can al also so find some eye diseases. It’s important to find these diseases early on when they're easier to treat.
E. WRITING I)-Complete the article, using the statements given (A-H). A. Nicotine an d alcohol will also int interfere erfere with you yourr sle sleep. ep.
B. Research shows that lack of sleep affects mood, and a depressed mood can lead to
lack o f slee sleep. p. c. Nap N apss th t h a t a re to too o lon long g or too close clo se to be bedti dtime me can int interf erfere ere w it ith h y ou r re regu gular lar sleep. D. D on ’t eat, drink , or exerc exercise ise within a few hour hourss of your bedt bedtime. ime. E. L et in bright light in tthe he morning to signal your body to to wake up. F. You should make sleep a priority, and decide what you need to change to get enough sleep to stay healthy, happy, and smart smart.. G. Try taking a bath or shower, or reading a book. H. Y ou will f in d tha thatt it’s eeasier asier to fall asleep at bedtime with this type o f routin routine. e.
22 6 - Lưu Hoằng Trí
Teenagers and Sleep (1).
Naps can help pick pic k you up and make you work more efficiently, i f you plan them right. ( 2 ) ____________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ______________________ _________________ _______ .
Make your room a sleep haven. Keep it cool, quiet and dark. If you need to, get eyeshades or blackout black out curtains. c urtains. (3) ________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ____ No pi pills lls,, vi vita tam m in inss or dr drin inks ks can replac rep lacee good go od sleep. slee p. Consu Co nsumi ming ng caffei caf feine ne close clo se to bedtim bed timee can hurt your sleep, so avoid coffee, tea, tea, soda and chocolate late in the day so you can get to sleep at night. (4) (4) ________ ______________ ______________ ________________ ________________ ____________ ____ __ ___ _______________________ _______________________ A consistent sleep schedule will help you feel less tired since it allows your body to get in synchronization synch ronization with its natural patterns patterns.. (5 (5)) _______________ ______________________ ______________ _______________ ____________ ____ ( 6).
__________________________________ __________________. D o n’t leave ____________________________________________________. lea ve your yo ur ho home mewo work rk for the last minute. Try to avoid the TV, computer and telephone in the hour before you go to bed.
(7) _____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ _____.. Stick _______________________________________ Sti ck to quiet, quie t, calm activ act iviti ities es,, and yo u ’ll fall asleep much more easily. ( 8)
______ ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ ^ _____________ _______ _____________ _____________ _____________ ______________ _____________ _____________ _______________ ______________ _____________ ________ _
____________________________________ _____ . To stop this _________________________________________ thi s cont co ntin inuin uing g unple un pleasa asant nt situati sit uation, on, sleep experts rec omm end tha t teens prioritize prioritize sleep and focus on healthy sleep habit habits. s. II)-Complete the article, using the statements (A-F) given. There is one extra.
A. Studies show that people who have achieved even a moderate level of fitness are mu ch less likely to die early than those with a low fitness fitness level. level. B. Choose a diet that emphasizes emp hasizes intake of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains grains.. C. Be physically active every day.
D. Obesity places you at risk for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and insulin resistance. E. One of the biggest contributors to these statistics is a lack of commitment to a hearthealthy lifestyle.
F. If diet and physical activity alone don't get those numbers down, then medication may be the key. key.
hanges s fo r Heart Attack Pre Prevention vention Lifestyle Change Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the United States, and stroke is the num nu m ber be r five. fi ve. (1)_____________ (1)____________________ _______________ _______________ ______________ ______________ _________ __ _ __ _ ___ _____ ____ ____ _____ ___ _
____________________ _____________ __________ ___ _ __ ______ __ __ _______________ _________________. __. A hearthea rt-he healt althy hy lifestyle lifes tyle includes includ es the ideas listed below.
Bàii tâ Bà tâp p Tiê'ng Anh 11 - 227 22 7
A healthy diet is one o f the best weapons you have to fight heart disea disease. se. The food you eat and the amount can affect other controllable risk factors: cholesterol, blood pressure, diabetes and overweight. Choose nutrient-rich foods, which have vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients but are lower in calories. (2) ______ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _______ _
Fat lodged in your arteries is a disaster waiting to happen. Sooner or later it could trigger a heart attack or stroke. You've got to reduce your intake o f saturated saturated fat, trans-fatty trans-fatty acids acids and cholesterol and get moving. (3)______________________________________________________
And to maintain a healthy weight, coordinate your diet with your physical activity level so you're using up as many calories as you take in.
(4)_________ __________________ ___________________ ___________________ __________________ __________ _ .______ ______ ____________ ______ ____________ ____________ ________ __ . Research has shown that 3^1 sessions per week, lasting on average 40 minutes per session, session, and involving moderate phy sical activity can help lower b blo lo od press pre ssur ure, e, lo w e r chol ch oles este tero roll and an d kee k ee p yo ur w eigh ei gh t at a h ea lt lthy hy level. lev el. (5) ______ ___________ ________ ___
III)-Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences
Effective Natural Treatments For Obesity 1. Yo u/ start/ you r day/ having/ a glass/ cool water/ as soon as/ a s/ you/ up. up.
2, A glass/ water/ early/ the the morning/ in empty stomach/ stomach/ make/ you/ feel full/ and/ you/ afford/ have lighter breakfast.
3. Fruits/ water/ an d/ it/ make/ you/ feel feel full/ without/ increase/ increase/ your weight. weight.
4. Eating jun k foo d/ one/ the major causes/ obesity obesity and weigh t gain/ because/ it/ contain/ contain/ a large amount o f fat/ which/ lead/ you/ obesity. obesity.
5. If you/ really w an t/ lose weight/ you/ have to/ stop/ eat/ food/ food/ rich rich in fat. fat.
2 2 8 - Lit itu u Hoàng Tri
6. Not eat/ anything/ just because/ you/ feel like/ eat/ it/ and/ avoid avoid sweet sweet food item items. s.
7. Eating an egg/ egg / every day/ not a bright idea/ so/ so/ you/ advised/ ad vised/ eat eat eggs/ three times times a week/ and/ not m ore/ one egg/ a day. day.
8. Exercisin Exercising/ g/ a regula r basis/ is/ one/ the the best ways/ lose weight/ as well as/ stay fit.
"------"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \
TEST 1 (UNIT 10) I) -Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. obesity 2. A. yoga 3. A. vision
B. overweight B. expectancy B. bo boos ostt
C. consume C. dramatic C. cho c holes leste terol rol
D. focus D. massage D. supp su ppor ortt
II) -Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 4. A. med itation 5. A. essential
B. longevity B. survi survival val
C. expectancy C. nutrition
D.cholesterol D.cholesterol D. vegetable
III) -Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 6. A ______ makes the body more efficient and enhances the body’s ability to respond to stress. A. fitness B. morning exercise C. training D. workout 7. Many doctors reco m m end __ ____ ___ _ as a way to reduce redu ce stress. A. medication med ication
B. thinking
C. silence
D. calmness
8. The acid in nonstic k pans is associated with birth and developmenta developmentall de fec ts, __ ____ ____ __ system problems, problems , and cancer. cancer. A. imm une
B. immunity
C. immunization immun ization
D. immunized
9. By paying pay ing attentio n to your hunger signals signals and switching to healthy snac snacks, ks, you can nutrition, control cravings, and lose weight. A. succeed
B. boost
10.. Baking soda is considered the best home 10 inflammation around spots. A. dealing
B. medicine
C. stimulate
____ __ ___ _
D. request
for acne as it sooths itching and
C. remedy
D. substance
____ ___ _ for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot 11. My o w n __ b arefoot through the grass grass.. A. routine B. treatment C. medicine D. prescription tap p Tieng Tieng A nh 11 - 229 22 9 B Ba a i ta
12.. Whole grains are high in fiber 12 fiber and contain a variety o f _ _______ ___ that support healthy blood sugar levels. A. nutritio n
B. nutrients
D. nutritious
C. nutritionists nutritio nists
13.. Living to an average o f 83 13 83 years old, Japan is is the nation with the high hi gh es estt ____ _____ _ in the world. world. B. lifework
A. lifetime 14.
____ __ __ cholesterol c holestero l
D. life expectancy
C. life force
is a byproduct byprodu ct o f the fats that are found in anim al-based foods like eggs, eggs,
dairy dair y products and meat. meat. B. Dietary
A. Diet
D. Food
C. Meal
15. In order to avoid ba d eating habits, you'll you'll have to replace unhealthy fat with m or e __ ____ ___ _ food. food. B. nutritiona l
A. nutrition
D. nutritive
C. nutritious
IV)-FilI in each blank in the passage with the correct word/phrase from the box. There are some extra words. tr t r e a t m e n t b e h a v io u r
li life fe expectan cy w ea k er sex
d ie t
d e a th s
Why do women live longer than men? Women generally live about six years longer than men. Evidence suggests that boys are the (16) __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ at birth, birth, which means tha t more die in infancy. Also women do
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ , men smoke not have as much heart disease as men. In terms of (17) __ more than women, and thus more die of smoking-related diseases. They drink more and are more aggressive in (18) __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ , particularly in driving cars, so they are more likely to die in accidents. Also, they generally have more dangerous occupations, such as build bu ildin ing g work w ork.. Historically, Historic ally, wo men died in (19) _____ _______ ____ ____ _____ ______ ___ and a nd men in wars. Now, childbear childbearing ing
___ ____ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ __ is less risky and there are fewer wars. The country with the highest (20) is Japan, where the average age for men is 76 and for women 82. V)-Write the sentences in reported speech, using the reporting verbs and to-inflnitives or gerunds.
21. “Don’t “D on’t forget forg et to enjoy enjo y yourself you rself after a hard-working day,” Phon Ph on g’s father said, said, (remi (reminded) nded)
“You need to to sta rt the day day with exercise and breakfast,” breakfas t,” L an ’s doctor said, (suggest (suggested) ed)
23. “To gain m ost benef it, you should do at at least 30 minute s o f physical phys ical activity on most days,” Mai’s PE teacher said, (insisted on)
230 - Liiu Hoang Tri
24. “You should wear sunglasses when you are in bright sunlight,” Nick’s doctor said, (advised)
25. “I’m very sorry for not following the simple lifestyle changes you told me when I was young,” you ng,” my elder brother broth er said to my parents, parents, (apologised (apolog ised for) for)
VI)-Choose the wo rd o r ph rase among A, A, B, B, C o r D tha t best fits fits the blank space In the the following followin g passag e. Foot massage has been (26)
in different cultures for years to promote health and
well-being. Also, it has been a valuable valuable part of complem entary and alternative alternative (27) (27)
Reflexology is an ancient healing practice base ba sed d on the th e princ pri ncip iple le that tha t tthe here re are reflex ref lex point po intss on the feet that correspond to the body’s different (28)
and glands. These points are located on
the soles, ankles, ankles, toes and upper up per part of the foot. In reflexology, pressure is applied (29)
areass on area o n the feet with specific thumb, thumb, finge r or hand '' techniques. .....................
Stimulating and applying pressure to these
reflexes on the feet is definitely pleasurable, but at the same time it helps (30)
health. Due to urban (31) , most of us do not use the muscles of our feet properly. Also, improper footwear like tight shoes hamper normal circulation in the feet. You can improve your blood circulation with 10 minutes of daily foot massage. This in turn will help ______
(32) _ __oxyg ygen en to th thee b o d y ’s cells, cell s, whic wh ich h is (33) (33 ) for overall health. __ ___ __ox Certain points on the feet are are helpful in alleviating symptoms o f depression. depression. Fo r instance, instance, the spot in the center of the big toe, the spot at the center of the ball of your foot are associated with emotional (34) and mental men tal health. One easy way to keep your feet healthy and free from all kinds of foot problems is a regular foot massage. It helps stimulate the muscles around your feet, lessens stiffness and ______
even (35)
pa in in th thee ankles ank les or the t he heels. hee ls.
26. A. worked
B. made
C . p r a c ti s e d
D. tra ine d
B . m e d ic in e s B . o r g a n i z a ti o n s
D. substance
28. A. bodies 29. A. for
B. to
C . p i ll s C . o rg an s C . th r o u g h
30. A. raised 31. A. A . li f e t im e 32. A. transform
B. upgrade B . l i f e s ty l e s B . tran sfer
C . s tim u la te C . li f e e x p e c t a n c y C . tr a n s p o r t
D. p r o m o te D. life sto ry D. transmit
33. A. essential 34. A. quality
B . a va ila b le B . s ta b ility
D. suitable D.change
35. A. kills
B. cures
C . care C . ne ed C . r e je c t s
27. A. medicine
D. regions D. with
D .re d u c e s B Bà à i tâ tâp p T ié n g A n h 11 - 231
VII)-Read the pa ssage, and choose the correct correct answer A , B, C or D for each question.
Health Benefits of Yoga Yoga is a healthy lifestyle. One of the benefits of yoga is that you can choose a yoga style that is suitable for your lifestyle, such as hot yoga, power yoga, relaxation yoga, etc. If you are a yoga beginner, Hatha Yoga, which focuses focuses on basic postures at a comfortable comfortable pace, pace, would be great for you. If you want to increase strength through using more of your own b bo o d y ’s resis re sista tanc nce, e, P o w e r Y oga og a m ay be ri rig g h t for you. yo u. W heth he ther er you yo u pref pr efer er you'r yo u'ree at home ho me,, in a p priv riv ate at e sessio ses sion, n, w at atch ch in g a D VD o r at a studio stu dio or gym , ther th eree are a hu ge va rie ty o f options opti ons available to suit your goals and needs. Improved flexib ility is one o f the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. During your first class, you p pro rob b ab ably ly w o n ’t be able ab le to to touc uc h your yo ur toes. toe s. B ut i f you y ou stick sti ck with it, you’ll notice a gradual loosening, and eventually, seemingly impossible poses will become possible. Each of the yoga poses is built to reinforce the muscles around the spine, the very center of your body, which is the core from which everything else operates. When the core is working prop pr oper erly ly,, po st stur uree is impr im prov oved ed,, thus thu s allev all evia iatin ting g ba back ck,, shoulder,, and neck pain. shoulder Strong muscles do more than look good. They also prot pr otec ec t us fr from om con co n d itio it ion n s like lik e arthri art hritis tis and an d ba ck pa pain, in, and help prevent falls in eld erly people. And wh en you build strength strength through yoga, you balance it with flexibility. If you just went to the gym and lifted weights, you might build strength at the expense of flexibility. Yoga gets your blood flowing. More specifically, the relaxation exercises you learn in yoga can help your circulation, especially in your hands and feet. feet. Yoga Yog a also gets more oxygen to your cells, which function better as a result. Twisting poses are thought to wring out venous blood blo od from internal intern al org o rgans ans and allow oxygenated oxygena ted blood bl ood to flow in once the twist is released.
Many studies found that a consistent yoga practice improved depression and led to function. greater levels levels of o f happiness and better immune function. 36. Yoga is a very conv enient type of exercise exercise be cau se __ ____ ____ __ . A. we can watch a DVD at a studio or gym and follow it B. we can choose a yoga style that is suitable for our lifestyle C. we can choose Hatha Yoga to focus on basic postures or to increase strength D. there are a huge variety of options available for our private session 37. According to yo ga ’s principles, the the spine is of great importance importance be ca us e __ ____ ____ __ .
A. wh en the spine is working properly, properly, postures will become become possible B. seemingly imp ossible po ses will become possible possible C. it is is the center o f your body, from which other muscles operate operate D. we can avoid bac k, shoulder, shoulder, and neck pain pain 38. In order order to to build strong m uscle s, __ ____ ____ __ . A. we build s trength with high expenses at the gym B. we do n’ n’tt pay a ny attention attention to our appearance appearance
C. we should reinforce the muscles around the spine spine D. we can have stren gth w ith flexibility flexibility through through yoga 232
- Ltfu Hoang Tri
____ ____ __ . 39. Yoga can can improve our circulation circulation becau se __ A. it helps to provide more oxygen to cells or internal internal organs B. it helps helps us to pe rform twisting twistin g poses more easily C. we can have more relaxation exercises D. it helps to provide more blood to internal organs than others 40. The word “alleviating” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __ ____ ____ __ .
A. keeping
B. relieving
C. worsening
D. bo boos ostin ting g
VXII)VXI I)-Comp Complet letee the conversation between Mai - a student student,, and Ms Lee - the Biology Biology teacher, about how to take care of our hair, using the responses (A-F) given. There is one extra. A. If you're washing your hair every day or more, it may be better to choose a mild shampoo in stead o f a shampoo designed for oily oily hair. hair. B. Curly and dry hair types are usually more fragile than straight hair, so you'll need to be es espe pecia ciall lly y ca caref reful ul ab abou outt usin u sing g heat he at styli st yling ng produc pro ducts. ts. C. Some people only need to wash their hair once a week - and that's fine. D. Some of you find that your hair gets oily in your teen years due to hormone changes during pube rty, producing producin g more oil than needed. needed.
E. It' It'ss also a good idea id ea to wear a hat to protect your hair when you're outdoors. F. Th That's at's why using a hair dryer on very wet hair can damage it. it. Mai:
Hello, Ms Lee. Can you help me to take better care of my hair? Is it the same way o f taking care care o f it? it?
Mss Lee: M
I’m willing to, Mai. How you take care of your hair depends on the type of hair you have, your lifestyle and how h ow you style your hair. hair.
So people with dry, curly hair have different hair care needs than people with straight, fine hair.
Mss Lee: M
You’re right. But all hair needs to be treated gently, especially when it's wet. Wet hair can stretch, making it more vulnerable to breakage. breakage. (41)_______________
I see. I feel some change in my hair: it becom es oily. Is there something wrong with it, Ms Lee?
Ms Lee: L ee:
How often should we wash our hair? Should we wash it every day?
Mss Lee: M
( 4 3 ) ___________________________________________________________
________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______ ___ . If you have oily hair and want to use a conditioner, choose one that's that's made for oily oily hair. hair. Mai:
How about dry hair, hair, Ms Lee?
Mss Lee: M
If your ha ir is dry, it's a good idea to wash it it less frequently frequently.. (44)____________
Bàii tâp T ie Bà ieng ng A n h 11 - 233
Mai: Ma i:
How can can we take good care care of our hair whe n we play sports sports or spend a lot of time at the beach?
Ms M s Lee:
These kinds o f things can affect your hair. For example, if you're an athlete with oily hair, you may want to wash your hair after working up a sweat during pra ctic ct icee an d game ga mes. s. I f you'r yo u'ree expo ex posed sed to sun, sun , wind, wi nd, or othe ot herr eleme ele ments nts,, you yo u may wan t to use a shampoo designed designe d for dry ha ir or use a conditioner. conditioner. (45) __ ____ ____ ____ __
Ma i:
Thank yo u very much for your useful useful advice, advice, Ms Lee. Lee.
IX)-Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences. sentences. M o u t h and Teeth: How to Keep Them Healthy
46. Taking/ good care / your mouth and teeth/ help/ prevent/ preve nt/ problem s/ as/ you get older older..
47. It/ help/ you/ pleasa ple asant nt breath / nice smile/ and/ fewer cavities. cavities.
48. You/ brush/ teeth/ at least/ twice/ day/ fluor fluoride ide toothpaste/ and/ floss/ teeth at/ least/ once/ once/ day day..
49. Continuing / good m outh and tooth care/ as/ adult/ help/ you/ avoid/ tooth loss/ painf painful ul gums/ other problems.
50. You/ see/ dentist/ six months/ regular ch check-ups/ eck-ups/ and/ cleanings.
Note: floss
(v) = làm sach kë rang
TEST 2 (UNIT 10 10))
-Find the word wh ich has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. acne
B. happy
C. natural
D. dietary
2. A. longevity
B. immune
C. nutrition
D. pr pres escr crip iptio tion n
3. A. disease
B. leisure
C. physical
D. pr pres eserv erv e
II) -Choose the w or d which has a different stress stress pattern from the others. 4. A. acupuncture
B. supermarket
C. necessary
5. A. dietary
B. variety
C. obesity
D. simultane D. ba ct cter eria ia
234 - Lufu Hoàng Trl
UI)-Cho ose the best an sw er A, B, C or D to complete the sentence sentences. s. 6. If you’re tired, tired, even if you feel that you need to get more done, done, give you rself rsel f ____ __ ____ __ to to sleep. A. request
B. requirement
C. permission
D. permit
____ __ ____ __ , people feel more refreshed and alert. 7. After A. meditation meditatio n
C. determination
B. attention
D. prescription
8. Make sure sure t h e __ ____ ____ __ for your glasses or contact lens is up-to-date and adequate for computer comp uter use. use. A. medicine 9.
B. prescription
C. size
D. introduction
____ ____ __ , controlling calorie intake and physical activity aare Good __ re the only way to m aintain a healthy weight. B. nutrition
A. nutrient
C. malnutrition
D. nutritionists
10.. The un iversity graduates one o f the highest 10 high est percentages o f registered dieticians and in the world. B. nutritious
A. nutrition
C. nutrients
____ ____ __ is caused by wishing 11. M os t __ wish ing things that you are unable to achieve them right now. A. disease
B . injury
C. stress
D. wound
____ ____ __ change you can make to cut 12. Reducing saturated fat is the single most important __ b blo lood od choles cho lestero terol. l. B. food
A. life
D. dietary
C. menu
____ ____ __ to dairy products. 13.. W hey protein may account for many of the health 13 health b en efits __ A. believed
B. attributed
C. resulted
D. responsible
____ ____ __ . 14.. Chocolate 14 Choco late and cakes cause our blood sugar su gar to to rise and give us us a qu ic k __ B. po w er
A. boost
D. success
C. actio act ion n
____ ____ __ to serious health 15. Tobacco not only affects you and the people around you, but can __ conditions including lung and heart disease. B. influence
A. go
D. po poin intt
C. lead
IV)-Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some extra words. r is k
d is o r d e r s
h y p e r te n s io n
r e la ti o n s h ip s
well-being b e h a v io u r s
Ikaria, Greece: Enjoy a nap after tea Residents of this Greek island are three times as likely to reach age 90 than people in the U.S. Living to nonagenarian status may be more likely lik ely when you get som e bonus sleep. sleep. In a study, among Ikarian elders who regularly nap in the m iddle o f the day, day, none
____ ____ ____ ___ _ , of them showed symptoms of (16) __ while ma ny o f the non-nappers did. did. A broader
235 5 B Bai ai tap ta p T ie n g A n h 11 - 23
study exam ining the sleeping (17) ____________ ________________ ____ of all Greeks found that those who catnapped for at least 30 minutes had a 37 percent lower (18 (18)) _____ __________ __________ ______ _ o f dying from from heart disease than those who d idn’t idn’t. They also regularly enjoy herbal tea. Traditional Greek teas include wild mint which fights stomach (19) _____ __________ __________ ______ _ ; rosemary for gout; and artemisia for blood circulation. Many local teas also contain mild substances that can treat (20) _____ __________ __________ ______ _ . This may explain why Ikaria has h al f the rate o f heart disease compared to the rest o f the region. region.
V)-Change the sentences in reported speech into into direct speech. 21. M y little little brother prom ised to turn on lights lights when it was getting dark when he was readi reading. ng. 22. M ai’s parents advised he r to to tell her teacher if she can’t can’t see the blackboard blackboard clearly. clearly. 23. The doctor wa rned the students students not to wea r other other peo ple’s glasses. glasses. 24. Nic k apologised fo r neglecting neglecting the instructions instructions about using the the contact lense lenses. s. 25. The eye doctor to ld us that looking directly directly at the sun can dam age our eyes.
VI)-Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Highest Life Expectancy In The World
Longevity hot spots are located in regions regions o f different different countries where people commonly
______ ___ lives past the age of 100. A blue zone is considered to be a "longevity oasis" lead (26) ___ and the people who live there are believed to have the longest life expectancy on Earth. The longest living women were found in Okinawa, Japan. Another blue zone was discovered in the mountains of Sardinia, Italy
where even men (27) __ ____ ____ __ the age of 100 at an amazing rate, another was discovered on the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica in 2007. Only one o f the blu e zo nes is located in the the
United States. It was found when researchers who were staying in Loma Linda, California
discovered they suffered from (28) __ ____ ____ __ o f the diseases that com monly kill people in other parts pa rts o f the U ni nite ted d S tate ta tess and an d thro th roug ug hout ho ut the th e deve de velo lope ped d wo world rld.. The Th e fin al blue bl ue zone zo ne wa wass found fou nd on an expedition to th e island of Ikari Ikaria, a, Greece where they have 50% lower rates o f heart disease, 20% less cancer, and (29) __ zero o dementia dementia - loss loss o f memory. memory. ____ ____ __ zer What's their secret formula for (30) __ ____ ____ __ another 10 healthy years? Scientists focused on these longevity h ot spots spots to answe r tthat hat question and found that while it helps to to have good genes, that's that's less tha n 30% o f the equation. equation. If you adopt the the right (31) ____ ______ __ , they concluded the other 70% can be up to us. Other (32) __ ____ ____ __ the people living in the blue zones have in common include less stress and more (33) __ ____ ____ __ , strong (34) __ ____ ____ __ on family, a fresh natural
236 - Liiu Hoàng Tri
plant pla nt based, based, diet, ve very ry little littl e red meat me at and daily dail y exercis exe rcise. e. Leading Leadin g their the ir lives with wi th a sense o f (35) __ ____ ____ __ was a big factor. It insures they look forward to getting up in the morning. C . a c tiv e D . a c ti v e ly B. acting 26. A. act 27. A. get
C . com e
D. beco m e
28. A. bits
B. pieces
C. a piece
D. a fraction
29. A. almost almo st 30. A. making mak ing
B. quite B. adding
C. hardly C. bringing
D. about D. supplying
31. A. remedy rem edy
B. behaviour
C . lif e s ty le
D . m e d ic in e
32. A. traits
B. types
C. tracks
D. problems
33. A. sociable
B. social
C. society
D. socializing
34. A. pressure
B. effect
C. emphasis
D. influence
35. A. value
B. meaning
C . d e te r m in a tio n
D. p urpo se
VII)-Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C er D for each question.
Acup Ac upun unctu ctu re Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through the patient's skin at specific points on the body, and the needles are inserted to various depths. The medical community is not in conclusive agreement about how acupuncture works scientifically. However, we kno w that it does have some therapeutic benefits, including including pain rel relief. ief. According to WHO, acupuncture is effective for treating 28 conditions, while evidence indicates it may have an effective therapeutic value for many more. People with tension, headaches or migraines m ay find acupuncture to be very effective in alleviating their sympt symptoms. oms. Another study found that twice weekly acupuncture treatments relieve debilitating symptoms of zerostomia - severe dry mouth - among patient patientss treated with head and neck cance cancer. r. Traditional Chinese medicine explains that health is the result of a harmonious balance of the complementary extremes of yin and yang of the life force known know n as chi or qi. Qi is said to flow through throug h pathways in the human body. Through 350 acupuncture points in the body, these path pa thwa ways ys and en energ erg y flows flo ws may ma y be accesse acce ssed. d. Ill Illne ness ss is said sai d to be the co cons nseq eque uence nce o f an imbalance of the forces. If needles are inserted into these points with appropriate combinations, it is said that the energy flow can be brou ght back into proper bala balance. nce. In Western societies and several other parts of the world, acupuncture is explained, including concepts of neuroscience. Acupuncture points are seen by Western practitioners as place pl acess wher wh eree nerv ne rves es,, musc mu scles les an and d co conn nnect ectiv ivee tiss ti ssue ue ca can n be sti stimu mulate lated. d. Acupu Acu punct ncture ure
prac pr actit titio ione ners rs sa say y th that at the stim st imul ulati ation on increa inc reases ses bl bloo ood d flow fl ow while wh ile at the same sam e time tim e trigg tri ggerin ering g the activity o f ou ourr own body's body 's natural painkiller painkillers. s.
_____ ____ _ . 36. In acupuncture, the insertion of the very thin needles involve with __ A. the thinness thinnes s o f needles and skin
. B. therapeutic benefits o f pain relief
C. agreem ent from scientists D. the locations locations,, and the depths 37. It is tho ught th at acupuncture is effective effective in treating al alll of o f the following followin g symptoms EXC EP T __ ____ ____ __ . A. headach es
B. cancer
C. migraine s
D. nervousness
38. With the practice of acupunctur acupuncture, e, it is believed th a t __ ____ ____ __ . A. the e nergy flow can be brought back to to patients B Bà à i tâ tâp p Tiing Anh 11 - 23 237 7
B. energy can go through acupuncture points in the body
yang ng C. patients can get p roper balance between yin and ya D. illnes illnesss causes the imbalance o f qi throughout the body
39. According to Western medicine, the insertion of needles through acupuncture points in the body bo dy m a y _ ___ ______ . increase blood flo w and stimulate stimulate our instinct instinct of pain relie f A. increase B. stimulate the eff ect o f painkillers in our bodies for treatment
C. be used only in China and the Far East not the Western countries D. help to exp lain w here nerves and muscles can can be stimulated
40. The word “trigg ering ” in paragraph 4 is closest closest in meaning t o __ ______ .
A. causing a dev ice to start operating
B. causing something someth ing to explode
C. making something happen suddenly
D. making something develop very quickly
VIII)-Complete the conversation about lifestyle changes f or bone health, using the responses (A-F) given. There is one extra.
You ou can do yo ur 30 minutes o f exercise, exercise, 10 minutes minu tes at a time during the day to make make A. Y it easier. B. We can also ge t it from dark green leafy leafy vegetables, tofu, almonds, and so on. on. C. True, and the re are several lifestyle lifestyle changes we can make to keep k eep our bones as stron strong g as they can be.
D. Weightlifting can bring bone health benefits, but it may affect our height. E . We sho uld ch oose oo se foods that are high in calcium calcium part o f our diet. diet.
F. O Our ur body m ake s vitamin D when wh en we're in sunlight, sunlight, but if i f w e’re e’re indoors m ost o f the tim timee or live in areas a reas where sunlight is limited, limited, we add foods rich in vitamin vi tamin D to our die diet. t.
Phong: Pho ng: We are in our late teens arid arid we should pay more attention to our height and bone bone hea health lth.. Nick:: Nick
Phong: Pho ng: The first thi ng is to to have an an appropriate diet to get enough calcium. Right? Nick: Nic k:
Certainl Cert ainly. y. (4 (42) 2) ______________ ______________________ _______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _______
Phong: Pho ng: Dairy prod uc ts such as milk, yogurt, yogurt, and and cheese can provid e us w ith a good sour source ce
of natural calcium. calcium.
Nick: Nic k:
Phon Ph ong: g: I think we sho uld get enough vitamin D because it it helps helps our body absorb cal calci cium um.. Nick: Nic k:
____ ____ ____ __ __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ _______________ Absolutely! (44) __ ____ __ __ _______________
Phon Ph ong: g: It’s milk, herring h erring , salmon, tuna or cerea cereal. l. Besides the diet, exercise makes makes our our bone bo ness an and d m u sc le s strong stro nger. er. 2 3 8 - Ltfu Hoang Tri
N ic k:
We can walk, jog, play football, football, or dan dance. ce. (45)_
P h o n g : Le t’s choose choos e swimming. swim ming. It is good not only for our bone health but also also for our height.
IX)-Use the words or ph rases gi give ven n to w rite m eaningful sentence sentences. s.
How You You Can Can Keep Your Te eth Healthy Hea lthy 46. You/ You / brush/ teeth / at at least twice/ breakfast/ and/ bedtime.
47. All/ teeth/ brushed/ brushed / no t only/ front ones/ but/ the sides/ in the back.
48. The dentist/ your parents/ parents / show you/ best way/ get your teeth/ clean/ damaging/ your gums.
49. Make sure/ s ure/ your you r toothbrush/ soft bristles/ and some toothbrushes/ toothbrush es/ come/ bristles/ bristles/ that change/ colour/ when/ it/ time/ change them.
50. You also/ need/ be careful/ what/ you/ eat and drink/ eat/ lots/ fruits/ fruits/ vegetables/ vegetables/ drink drink water/ instead/ soda.
-Find the w ord w hich has a different sound in the part underlined. underlined.
1. A. remedy remed y 2. A. massage mass age 3. A. process proce ss
B. expectancy B. smart B. discussion discussio n
C. sensor C. appetite C. stress
D.renewable D.renewable D. park D. D.assistance assistance
II) -Choose -Choo se the w ord wh ich has a different stress pattern from from the others. others.
4. A. remedy rem edy 5. A, longevity long evity
B. dramatic B. expectancy
C. quality C. sustainable
D. paradise D.individual D.individual
III)-Choose III) -Choose the best an swer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. A cable car system gives poor slu m __ be tterr access acc ess to jobs. job s. _____ bette A. citizens
B. dwellers
C. cavemen
D.residences D.residences
7. Helsink i is a mod el for the future o f __ ____ ____ __ smart growth. A. city
C. urban
B. rural
D. town B Ba a i ta p T ie n g A n h 11 - 23 239 9
' 8. 8. A nati nation on with a stro ng __ ____ ____ __ would be successful in creati creating ng num erous smart ci cities ties.. A. transport
B. transportation
C. service
D. infrast infrastructure ructure
9. They must figure out how a city can develop to meet the demands o f future re residents sidents in a and cost-effective way. A. continual
B. available
C. sustainable
D. natural
10. Reykjavik of Iceland is one of the greenest capital cities in Europe, and one of the most cities citi es in the world, B. endurable
A. liveable
C. believable
D. capable
11. Stress __ ____ ____ __ is ke y to achieving a healthier lifes lifestyle. tyle. A. removal
B. relaxation
C. reli relief ef
D. reduction
______ in C hina have failed ttoo meet their prom ised potential. 12.. Many o f th e __ 12 A. eco cities
B. eco-city
C. ecological ecologicalcities cities
D. smartish cit cities ies
13.. Most of us pro ba bly _ 13 _______ too many carbohydrate carbohydrates. s. B. destroy
A. use
C. consume
D. take in
14.. A quick fi 14 five ve or ten -m inu te __ ____ ____ __ each morning will hhelp elp balance you yourr mind for the bu busy sy day ahead. A. thought B. reason C. medicine D, meditation 15.. Eat 15 Eating ing wel welll m e a n s __ ______ your body what it needs, in the most natural way you can manage and afford. A. growing
B. feeding
C. taking
D. introducing
IV)-FiIl in in each b lan k in the passage with the correct wor d from the box. There are some extra extr a wo words. rds.
software te c h n o lo g y
applications sp a ces
efficiency advantages
Singapore, along with other cities and countries around the world, is Investing heavily in the future, particularly in smart (16) __ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ , to solve its problems. But this idea of a ‘smart city’ is still an abstract concept for many. We define smart cities as adding
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ . communications and IT to urban infrastructure to improve (17) __ Devices equipped with smart technology can collect and send data to be analysed in order to switch o ff streetlights wh en there are no pedestria pedestrians ns or vehicles. The (18)__ (18)____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ are endless.
Singapore s Jurong District has become a test bed for such innovations. Hundreds of data collection sensors spread the area, with the information being used to manage several
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ __ _ ____ of life there, from the driverless electric buggies that transport (19) __ ____ ____ _____ _____ __ pe op ople le aro aroun und, d, to th e com co m fort fo rt lev levels els o f bu buss ride rides. s. A dv dvan ance ced d (20 (20)) __ ____ ____ ___ _ __ analyses videos to reveal when public spaces need to be cleaned and monitors are installed in stores or offices to dep loy sta ff where they are most nee needed. ded. V)-Read the situations and complete the sentences and the question tags. E x a m p le : You think yo ur frie friend nd got a good gra grade de on her math tes test. t.
“She g o t a a g oo d grade on her math tes test, t, d idn ’t she?”
240 - Liiu Hoang Tri
21. You see two people talking, but you d on’t on’t think that they know each other. other. “They ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ each other,_____________________?” 22. Y ou ’re talking to your friend. Yo u think he’ll he’ll be late for the next class. class. “You _ ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ late for the next n ext c la ss ,_______ ,__________ ______ ______ ______ _____?” __?” 23. W hen you get to class, you yo u think your friend Mai hasn’ has n’tt got there yet. yet. “ M a i ___ heree ye t, ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ her ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ ?” 24. You heard hea rd that tha t your friend fri end Nick was in a car accident yesterday, but you don d on’’t think that’s true. true.
_________ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ ?” “Nick ______ ___ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ___ in a car accident yesterday, ______ 25. You Yo u think that th at Dr. Ne lson doesn’ does n’tt like to be called by his first name. name.
_________ ______ ______ ______ _____ __ ?” “Dr. Nelso N elso n ____ _______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______to ___to be called D av id , ______ VI)-Choosee the w ord or ph rase am ong A, B, C o r D tha t best fit VI)-Choos fitss the blan k space space in in the following passage.
How to take care of your body skin To keep your skin healthy, do not go out in the sun without protection. It is also highly (26) to stay out o f the sun during the hottest hours o f the day. It is important important to use gentle, soap-free skincare products for your cleansing gentle, cleansing (27) ______ . I f you use products that th at are
____ ____ __ . too harsh, you r skin can become extremely dry and feel very (28) (28) __ A shower sh ower is be tter for your skin sk in than a bath, which tends to dehydrate the skin. Make su sure re
____ ____ __ hot. Before you get out of the shower, rinse your that the water is lukewarm, (29) __ ____ ____ __ all traces of your cleansing product. Then, rapidly entire body off really well to (30) __ dry your skin by b y gently g ently patting your y our legs, ches chest, t, arms, etc. with your towel. towel.
____ ____ __ during the winter Have you noticed that your skin becomes particularly (31) __ months? In fact, the cold weather, as well as the wind and sun, tend to dry out the skin. As soon as the temperature temp erature begin beginss to drop, make sure that you dress warm ly, and do not forg forget et to to prot pr otec ectt you y ourr han h ands ds.. For beautiful skin, your body requires (32) __ ____ ____ __ amounts o f liquid. Make sure sure that you drink enough water, approximately 8 glasses per day. A healthy, well-balanced diet is not
____ ____ __ . Each day, you should eat fruits and only good for your body, but for your skin (33) __ ____ ____ __ in antioxidants. This will help you (35) ___ vegetables, which are (34) __ ______ ____ _ beauti beautiful, ful, healthy skin. I f you get enough enoug h sleep, your skin will look healthy. healthy. 26. A. showed
B. expressed
C. recommended
D. stated
27. A. set
B. routine
C. order
D. task
28. A. comfortable
B . u n c o m fo rt a b l e
C . c o m f o r ta b ly
D. uncomfortably
29. A. rather than
B. in spite of
C. more than
D. instead
30. A. take away
B . r e je c t
C . k il l
D. eliminate
31. A. sensible
B. sensitive
C. sensational
D. sensual
32. A. sufficient
B . e f f i c ie n t
C . e f fe ct i v e
D. available
33. A. also
B . too
C . in s te a d
D. as well
34. A. rich
B. wealthy
C. full
35. A. continue
B. survive
C. maintain
D. exist B Bà à i tâ p T ié n g A n h 11 - 241
VII)-Read the pa p a s s a g e , and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
Vovinam is Vie t Na m ’s most popular tradit traditional ional form o f Martial Arts. Arts. The Martial Art of Vovinam was founded b y Master Nguy en Loc in 1938 1938.. H e researched other Martial Arts with with the intention to combine specific aspects from each into one style that would be suitable to the phys ph ysiq ique ue o f the V ietn ie tnam am es e people peo ple:: thin, thi n, bu t ffast, ast, flexib fle xib le and an d enduri en during. ng. Since 1964, Since 1964, the title “Viet Vo Dao ” has been added, added, to become “Vovinam - Viet Vo Vo Dao”. Vovinam stands for the philosophy on which Vietnamese Martial Arts depend, including inclu ding the principle o f Yin and Yang, or soft and hard techniques. techniques. Along
maintenance techniques, Vovinam provides a system of martial arts techniques that encompasses various forms of self-defence that are very effective in real life combat. Students are trained on strength, techniques, and ph ilo so soph ph y to deve de velo lop p a so solid lid body bo dy,, stron str ong g endur en duran ance ce.. Students will be living in a self-disciplined and forgiving way and beco me m od el citizens, serving oneselves, on e’s family, one’s state, and mankind. N Now ow aday ad ays, s, V ov ina in a m is very ve ry p pop op ular ul ar in V iet ie t Nam N am,, from fro m big bi g ci citie tiess to sm all al l vi vill llag ag es. es . It is chea ch eap p to regi re gist ster er for a class cla ss anywhere. Students can practise with and without weapons while in combat or in daily life. It includes training of the bo dy as w el elll as th thee m ind in d - the fight fig hting ing spirit, spiri t, coura co urage, ge, fairness, modesty, and tolerance. Above all, the morality involved in Vovinam training and the way it teaches how to apply techniques technique s to shape the stud ents’ character. character. N Now ow aday ad ays, s, V ov ina in a m is gettin ge ttin g p op ular ul ar in Europ Eu rope, e, espe es peci cial ally ly in Fr Fran ance ce,, since sin ce the founde fou nderr developed this martial arts as a means to train Vietnamese youth against French colonialism. However, the sport is also put into effect in the U.S., Canada, Australia, Belgium, Switzerland and other countries. 36. Vovinam has been considered the Vietnamese Martial Art because __ ____ ____ __ . A. it has had the Vietnamese name “Viet Vo Dao” since 1964
B. it stands for the Vietnamese philosophy: flexible and enduring C. it has the h istory o f several several centuries and was founded by M aster Nguyen Loc D. it was founde d based on the Vietnamese physique physique by a Vietnamese Master 37. All of the follow ing are true true about Vovinam Vovinam EXCEPT t h a t __ ____ _____ . A. it provides ma rtial arts arts philosophies philosophies a nd health health treatment techniques B. it promotes various forms of effective self-defence in real life combat C.
it contains the principle o f Yin and Yang, or soft and hard techniques
D. it is Vie t Na m ’s most popular traditional traditional form form o f Martial Arts
242 - Liiu Hoang Tri
38. Vovinam is good for students to become a model citizen because __ ____ ____ __ . A. students are trained to have good health, self-defence, and philosophy B. it includes training o f the body as wel welll as the character characterss C. philoso phy in V ovinam enables stude students nts tto o develop a solid body, strong endurance endurance D. its morality helps students practi practise se with and without weapons 39. Nowadays Vovinam __ ____ ____ __ . A. is cheap to registe registerr for a class anywher anywheree in the countryside
B. is used as a mean s to train Vietnamese youth against French colonialism C. is very popular in V iet Nam and it is getting more popular in some countries D. helps the youth train the mind with and without weapons while in daily life 40.. The m ain idea o f the passage is tha t __ 40 ____ ____ __ . A. Viet Nam has a long history of development of Martial Arts
B. Vovinam encompasses various forms of self-defence that are very effective in real life combat
C. the popularity of Vovinam has increased in Europe, and in other countries D. “Vo vinam - Viet V o Da o” is not only a spor sportt but als also o part of the n ation’s cul culture ture VIII)-Complete the conversation about predictions for the future, using the responses (A-F) given. There is one extra. A. These super h igh buildings will look like cities in the sky sky..
B. Experts also predict that huge bridges will be built, and these bridges will span an entire city. C. If global warming continues to occur, we will survive in underwater cities as well as on top o f the water water.. D. Experts believe that in the future we will be traveling to the Moon and Mars via spaceport. E. In theory, these cities will be solar-powered and more importantly, they will also be powe po wered red by tid al ene energy rgy.. F. Expe Experts rts predict tha thatt with 3D-printed homes, micro-ecosystems ar aree poss possible. ible. Chi:
Hi, H Ha. a. Y ou ’ve come out o f the sch school ool libr library, ary, hav en’t you?
Yes, I’ve I’ve rread ead an interesting book - “Amazing Engineering Predi Predictions ctions for the Future”.
Wow, I read it last week. I th ink on onee of the most interes interesting ting pr predictions edictions o f our ffutu uture re is floating sea cities.
Wh en global warm ing occurs an and d our sea levels rise, we have tto o adapt to a water world. (41)_______________________________________________________________
Tidal energy is the abilit ability y to use the ener energy gy of the tides to create electr electricity, icity, isn’t it it?? Most o f the pred ictions are aroun around d buildings on top o f the water, but experts also pred pr edic ictt tha t ha t ci citie tiess will wi ll pro ba babl bly yb bee b bui uilt lt un unde derr th thee wa wate terr as well. B Bai ai ta p T ie n g A n h 11 - 24 243 3
H a :
(42) _______ _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ ___________ _____ ___________________________________________________ . B oth ot h ty type pess o f cit cities ies will wi ll allow plant life to grow.
And eco-friendly building will become more popu lar with 3D-printed homes, which are constructed using bio-based, renewable materials and a 3D printer. (43) _______ _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ ___________ _____
____________ ______ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ ______________ _________ __ . A micro-ecosystem is something that allows the climate and ecosystem that is imperative to our survival to be su susta sta in ined ed in sm aller al ler conf co nfin ined ed spac spaces. es. Chi:
Floating sea cities, underw ater citie cities, s, 3D-printed homes, bu t th at’s not enough enough.. Scientists suggest that in the future there will be buildings taller than some of the bigg bi gg est es t sk skys yscr crap aper erss in th thee w worl orld. d. W ow ow.. (44)________________________________________________________________ (44 )________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ . T The hey y are goin go ing g to b e bu built ilt upwards with levels on top o f leve levels ls..
Chi: Ha:
Sounds great great.. This will also help us continue to survive iin n the event of global warmi warming. ng. I think one o f the most unbelieva unbelievable ble predicti predictions ons is the space spaceport port predic predictions tions..
____________ ____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ _____ (45) ______ C h i :
Wonderful! Wo nderful! Spacepo Spa ceports rts will offer US easy access to our ffuture uture colon colonies ies on the Moon and Mars.
IX)-Comp lete the article , using the statements (A(A-F) F) gi given ven.. Th ere is one extra. A. Snacks based on fruit and vegetables, reduced fat dairy products and whole grains are the healthiest choices. B.
pers pe rson onal al h ab it itss for fo r d die iett and an d acti activit vity, y, bu t it's also about your connections with other peop pe ople le - y o u r socia so ciall n netw etwork ork..
c . Give kids w ho le fruit to ea eat, t, rather than offering fruit juice s tha t have a lot o f sugar. sugar. D. Plan a range of active indoor and outdoor games or activities for your children, as alternatives to watching TV or playing on the computer. E. Parents should be good role models and have a positive attitude to being active. F. Eating fruit and vegetables every day helps children grow and develop, boosts their vitality and c an reduce the risk o f many chroni chronicc dise disease ases. s.
24 4 - L u Hoằ ng Tr Trí í
¥k m
a health healthy y lifestyle
With good food habits and daily physical activity, you will be well on your way to a healthy life.. There are five simple w ays for you to lead a healthy life he althy lifestyl lifestyle. e.
Get active each day:
Regular physical activity is important for the healthy growth,
development and well-being of children and young people. They should get at least 60 minutes o f physica l activity a ctivity every day, including vigorous activities activities.. (46) __________ _______________ _______ __
Choose water as a drink: Water is the best way to satisfy your thirst, and it doesn’t come with the added sugar found in fruit juices, soft drinks drinks and other sweetened drinks. Reduced fat
milk for children over ove r ttwo wo is a nutritious drink and a great source of calcium. calcium. (47) __ ________
Eat more fruit and vegetables: (48)
Children should have fresh fruit available as a convenient snack and try to include fruit and vegetables in every meal.
Switch off the screen and get active: Sedentary or ‘still’ time spent watching TV, surfing
_____ __ online or playing computer games is linked to kids becoming overweight or obese. (49) ___ Eat fewer snack s nackss and select healthier alternatives: (50).
Avoid snacks tha t are high in sugar or saturat saturated ed fats - such as chips chips,, cakes and chocolat chocolatee which can cause children to put on excess weight.
Ba i ta p T i i n g A n i l 11 - 245
2. S 2. S
3. N 3. S
4. S 4. S
5. S' 5. N
6. *
2. E
3. A
4. D
5. B
6. global warmin warming g
7. industrialized countries
9. carbon diox dioxide ide
10. greenhouse greenhous e effect
11/ \.f \.flo lood od in ing g
2. sea life
3. energy
8. fossil fuels
A. fo re st
5. famine
III/ 1. greenhouse gases
2. climate change
5. carbon emissions IV/
6. alternative sources 7. carb carbon onfootp footprint rint
3. sea levels
4. endangered species 8. energy use
3. E 4. A 5. H 6. F 7. B 8. D l.G 2. C 1. After having developed hydropower, Switzerland can rely much o on n hydroelectricity, a source o f renewable ener energy. gy. 2. After having called for powering every school in the district with cle clean an energy, students can enjoy fresh air and have fewer respiratory diseases. 3. Because havi having ng suffered from heavy rain rain and floods, Soc Trang held a forum to discuss the issue with international organizations for long-term solutions. 4. Because having impacted on the whole country, country, the E Ell Nino phenomenon caused a decrease of rainfall in the north and an increase in the south. 5. After having asked the parents to contribute to the fund, the school installed solar panels on the school roofs to harness solar power. 6. After having launched the “S “Solutions olutions for Environmental Pollutions” campaign, the organizers received hundreds of practica practicall project projects. s. 7. After havin having g been carried out in Lao Cai Cai Province for three years, the Eco-village project creates a green, clean and beautiful landscape. 8. Since having used toxic chemicals in farming, people made a serious serious effect on the environment. V/ 1. The company deni denied ed having dumped hundreds of o f tons of o f waste into the rive river. r. 2. The governmen governmentt praised these big companies for having invested in wind wind and solar energy. 3. The mining industr industry y in this region is responsib responsible le for having discharged most of carbon
dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. 4. Local people blame the melting of polar ic icee for having made the number of polar bears much smaller. 5. The public criticize criticizess the llocal ocal businesses for not having developed cclean lean technol technologies ogies in recent years.
18 - Lull Hoang Tri
1/ 1. Gases in the earth’s eart h’s atmosphere atmospher e stop some of the heat from escaping into space so that the earth is kept warm. 2. There are higher temperatures tempera tures on Earth. Earth. 3. It said that humans humans are are causing global warming. 4. They are: driving a car, flying on on a plane (or building factories, and cutting trees). 5. They are: the changes changes in th thee sun’s brightness during its 11-year solar cycle, and erupting volcanoes. 6. a gre e
7. d isa g re e
8. disagree
11/ ll.. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T
III/ l.T
2. F
3. F
4. T
Task 1:
2. A
Task 2:
Task 3:
1 .B
9. agree
10. disagree
5. T
6. F
7. F
8. T
3. E
4. C
5. B
2. T
3. F
4. NG 5. T
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. C
3. E
4. A
5. H
6. B
7. F
8. D
3. F
4. C
5. E
6. B
1. C
2. G
2. A
T E S T 1 (Unit 6) 2. D 3. A 4. B 1+11/ 1. C 5. B 7. B 8. C 9. B III/ 6. A 10. C l l . D 12. A 13. B 14. B IV/ 16. host 17. global wanning 18. climate change 19. fin fin an ance ce 20. organizations V/ 21. We admire the world’s largest IT companies for having powered their operations with 100 percent renewable energy. 22. Local communities in North Carolina thanked Greenpeace for having supplied all public school districts with 100 percent renewable energy. 23. Local people in Ben Tre blamed salinity of water for having caused significant damage to the crops and livestock. 24. Maiy remembers having installed a wind turbine to provide energy for all lights and airconditioners in the home. 25. Scientists accuse the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities for having increased average global temperatures by 0.8 degree centigrade over the past 100 years. VI VI// 26. B
27. A
28. C
29. C 30. D 31. C
V I I / 36. B
37. D
38. A
39. C 40. C
V II I/ 4L D 42. A
43. E
44. F 45. C
32. A
33. A
34. D
35. C
Smart solutions to reduce emissions
46. We have to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions that we are putting into the atmosphere.
Bàii tâp Bà tâ p Tiê'ng An h 11 - 19
47. We have already had clean technology and practical solutions to accomplish it. 48. We should expand the use of renewable energy and try to become less dependent on fossil fuels. 49. Governments have to pass laws to ban tropical deforestation. 50. All organizations and individuals should work together to build a clean energy economy by investing in vesting in efficie efficient nt ene energy rgy techn technologies, ologies, and industries.
TEST 2 (Unit 6) 1+ 1+11 11// 1. B i l l / 6. D
2. C 7. B
IV7 1.6. fertilize fertilizer r
3. D
4. D
5. C
8. C
9. A
10. C
17. carbo carbon n footprin t
11. A
12 12.. C
13. C
14. D
15. B
18. energy-saving
19. carbon emissions 20. man-made V/ 21. They remember having been unprepared for sudden floods last year. 22. Local communities in New Orleans criticized the US government for having provided insufficient supplies for the flood victims. 23. Local people in Quang Tri Province blame deforestation and overflowing dams for having caused worse floods and storms in recent years. 24. The US government denies having caused various diseases and birth defects in Viet Nam with Agent Orange. 25. He admitted having pumped salty water into the fields illegally. VI/ 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. D 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. A V I I/ 36. B 37. A 38. C 39. D 40. 40. C V II I/ 41. D 42. F 43. B 44. A 45. C IX/ 46. “Water Wise” is an organization which was established to raise awareness among the youth and protect the environment. 47. it has hecome/becomes a well-known organization for Vietnamese youth who encourage the communities com munities to save water resources. resources. 48. “Water “W ater Wise” attracts hundreds of o f members to join in. in. 49. Participants learn how to prevent damage to the environment by limiting the use of plastic bags. 50. It develops Green School, which is a project to establish a network of eco-friendly schools throughout Viet Nam.
3. ^
4. /"
II. 1. /"
2. 'a
3. *
2. E
3. A
4. C
5. B
11/ i . eligible 6.
2. institutions
3. mandatory 1. p ir sh r8 . qualificat la co qualifications ions
4. 9. campus
20 - Liiu Hoàng Tri
Ill/ 1. mandatory 2. academic year ye ar 3. lasts 6. pre-u pre-univers niversity ity 7. prepare 8. undertake IV/ IV 3V 4 ./ 7V 10V 2. I’ve had this watch for over over five years. 5. I’ve liked chocolates for years. years.
A. A. proceed proc eed 9. degrees
5. pursue 10. requirement
6. yout known Maria a rs. long 8 . Have 1 haven’t haven’ seen seen Davi Da vid d for fofor r yea years . time? 9. I ’ve ’ve hated onions since I was a child. V/ 1. I’ve met 2. I’ve been reading rea ding 3. has been looking, ha hasn sn’t ’t found 4. They’ve The y’ve been building buildi ng 5. I ’ve been getting 6. My brother has started 7. filled fill ed in 8. loved V I / 1. has grown 2. has increased 3. has been 4. has offered 5. has been raising rais ing 6. make up 7. has been working 8. will say 9. succeed suc ceeded ed 10. were C.
1/ 1. Further Furthe r education is used to describe the education that occurs following compulsory post po st-1 16 second secondary ary education, and higher education primarily describes post-18 learning. learning. 2. It includes a few different levels, such as A-Levels A-Level s and Higher National Diplomas. 3. They can extend a Foundation Degree to a bachelo bac helor’s r’s degree, with one year or more of extra study. 4. They can attend further education in the sixth-form college part o off a school school or in independent further education colleges, as well as in other work-based, adult and community learning institutions. 5. It awards students academic degrees, and professional professiona l qualifications. qualifications. II/ 1. They lead to a higher demand for university education educat ion than ever before. before. 2. They are Australia, Australia, the US, US, China, Singapore Singa pore and the UK. UK. 3. Because English has become the dominant foreign forei gn language in Vietnam. 4. They offer scholarships scholars hips to international students. 5. Because living l iving costs in Australia compare favourably with the United States and U UK. K. arid arid it is closer to Viet Nam than other ot her English-speaking countries, making visits home easier easier.. 6. The American education educat ion is considered consider ed the best in the world. world. 7. They are business administration, administra tion, finance, engineering, maths, maths, computer science, and health professions. Ill/ 1. Because they were required to take university univer sity entrance examinations in Vietnamese. Vietnamese. 2. It is one one of the criteria criteri a to rank Vietnamese Vietnam ese universities. universiti es. 3. They come from the Asia Pacific Pacific region including inc luding China, China, Japan, Korea, Australia, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. 4. They study Vietnamese Vietnames e studies, Vietnamese Vietnames e literature literat ure or South South East Asian studies. 5. They should have courses and programmes program mes taught in English. English.
Bdi tap Ti Tien eng g Anh An h 11 - 21
I V //1 1. T V /l.A
2. T 2. B
V I/ I/ l . B
2. D
3 .N G 4. NG 5. NG 6. T 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. B 5. B 4. A 3. C
7. F 7. D
8. F 8. C
9. A
10. C
D. SPEAKING I/ l.E 11/ 1. F III/ II I/ 1. B
2. G 2. E 2. D
3. A 3. A 3. A
4. C 4. D 4. E
5. H 5. C 5. C
6. F
7. B
8. D
3. E
4. A
5. G
6. B
7. F
8. D
2. C
T E S T 1 (Unit 7) 5. D 3. D 4. A 10. A 1 1 . D 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. A 8. B 9. C 19. honour 20. sp 17. graduation 18. stage 24. has set 22. has taken 23. have been using
1+ 1+11 11/l. /l. C 2. A III/ 6. A l . C I V / 16. completion V/ 21. has entered 25. has been teaching 1 . B 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. A 28. C 29. B 30. D 3 1. VI/ 26. A 27. C 38. B 39. C 40. A V II/36. II /36. A 37 37.. D 43. D 44. F 45. A VIII/4 l. E 42. B IX/ Dear Sir or Madam, 4 6 .1 am writing writing with reference to the undergraduate courses aatt your un university iversity.. 4 7 .1 am very muc much h interested in taking courses o on n Business Administration. 48. I would also like to know what kinds of o f accommodation and means of trans transport port are available there. 49. Could you please send me more information about the admission requirements, tuition fees, and details of the courses? 50. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Nguyen Nguy en An
TEST 2 (Unit 7) 1. A III/ II I/ 6. B
2. B 7. C
3. C 8. B
4. C 9. A
5. A 10. D
11. D
12. A
13. A
14 14.. B
15. C
17. institutions 18. needs 19. degree 20. semester IV/ 16. cooperation 22. has established 23 23.. has been attempting V/ 21. have tried 25. have been 24. have been putting VI/ 26. C 21. A 28. D 29. B 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. B 38. A 39. C 40. D VII/ 36. B 37. B 43. E 44. A 45. C VIII/ VIII/ 4 l.B 42. D IX/ Dear Sir/Madam, 4 6 .1 am a Vietnamese high school school student who wishes to improve improve m my y Eng English lish in E England. ngland.
22 - Lou Hoàng Tri
47. I would like to study in England because I am eager to know more about British people, their culture and way of life. life. 48. I would be grateful if you could let me know whether there are English Language courses all year round for international students. 49. Could you please tell me if I can apply online for the courses and when I can get the outcome o f my my application? 5 0 .1 am looking looking forward forward to to your your rep reply ly so soon on.. Yours faithfully, Le Hoang
1. A: Would you lik likee to visit visit the Temple of Preah Vihear/* or Angkor Wat in Camb Cambodia'* odia'*?? B:
I’d like to see Angkor Wat.
2. A: Do you prefer prefer sightseeing in in Hoi Hoi An /” or cave exploring in Phong NhaN? B:
I prefer cave exploring. It’s very exciting, and challenging.
3. A: Is Trang An a natural/* or cultural world heritage site'*? site' *? B:
4. A: B:
5. A:
I think it’s a mixed heritage site. Do you want to go on an adventurous trip/* or a package trip to Phong Nha - Ke Bang National ParkN? I want to go on a package trip. It’s safer. Where would you like to go? go? To Huong Son Comp Co mp lex^ le x^ or to Bai Bai Dinh Pagoda Complex'*?
I’d like to go to Huong Son Complex.
2. archaeological 3. crafts
4. cuisine
5. distinctive
6. excavation
7. geological
8. heritage
9. ruins
10. intact
11. masterpieces 12. sanctuary
I/ 1. abundant
II/ 1. trading por port t 6. attractions
2. merchant ships 3. temples
4. pil pillar larss
5. designs
1. objects
9. merchant
10. destination
III/ 1. architectural 2. combination 5. excavation - archaeological 9. preservation
8. community
3. attractive 4. geological 6. exceptionally 7. settlement
8. mysterious
10. harmonious
IV/ 1. Cat Ba Archipelago Archipela go bears the exceptional natural values with its tropical forests covering the limestone system and the mangrove wetlands. 2. On this area, there are many wildlife and plant species having high economic values. 3. Trang An An Scenic Landscape Complex is a mountainous mountain ous area surrounded by by a buffe bufferr zone of paddy fields and villages. 4. The wooden block at Vinh Nghiem Pagoda in Bac Giang Province representing Nom characteristics has been selected as the international standard character for Nom texts.
Bàii t p T iế ng An Bà Anh h 11 - 23
5. Phong Nha - Ke Bang is the oldest and largest tropical limestone region to be formed about 400 million years ago. 6. Hoi An is a little port town with its old narrow streets bordered with with old houses, pagodas, temples and assembly halls. 7. The eighteen-meter Japanese Brid Bridge, ge, built by by the donation of Japanese merchants, is the symbol o f H Hoi oi An. 8 Kinh Thien Palace and Han L Lau au were the only places to be used as as accommodations for Nguyen Nguye n Kings during their b business usiness trips to the Bac Thanh. 9. Ha Noi Flag Tower is the most famous structure to survive the French period intact. 10. Hue Imperial Citadel is the first UNESCO Heritage Site in Viet Nam to attract a lot of tourists from all over the world. V/ 1. The C Cham ham Kingdom had two sanctuaries sanctuarie s belonging to two main opposing clans. 2. The temp temples les in My Son built into groups followed the same model. 3. In 10 1009, 09, Ly Co Cong ng Uan, foundin founding g the Ly Dynasty, decided to change the capital city from Hca Lu to Dai La Citadel 4. Kinh Thien Palace, built in ¡428 by King Le Thai To, was the centre of imperial Citadel ofThang Long in the Le Dynasty and Ha Noi Citadel in the Nguyen Dynasty. 5. The Citadel of o f the Ho Ho Dynasty is consider considered ed as the only stone citadel to remain in Southeast Asia .
C. READING 1 /1. /1 . D
2. G
3. A
4. H
5. C
6, B
7. F
8. E
I I /T N G
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. T
6. F
7. T
8. T
9. NG
1 10 0. F
III/ 1. Relics on and excavated under the ground in Yen Tu have proved tha th a t 2. They can see dozens o f pagodas, towers and small temples, temples, and thousands o f antiquities. antiquities. 3. it preserves spiritual values value s of True Lam Zen Budd Buddhism hism and the cultural traces o off the Dai Viei civilization. 4. True Lam aims to connect religion to life in a positive way and builds a close link to true patriotism. 5. He collected a lot of older books to guide Buddhists and followers of True Lam Zen Buddhism on how to practise their religion and become good people. 6. Because the natural landscape landsc ape of this place met the requirements o f a Buddhism center. IV/ Task /
2. F
3. A
4. E
5. C
6. B
Task 2
1. Because it included all transpo transportation, rtation, ticket fe fee, e, lunch aand nd guide. 2.
At firs first, t, he felt shock shocked/ ed/ the dilapida dilapidated ted state o f the complex made him feel (quite) shocked, because almost nothing was left to see,
it was the truly beautiful image of Hinduism guardians guardian s and angels, which reminded him about Angkor in Cambodia.
24 - Lifti Hoang Tri
4. He finds the construction method of o f My Son very unique: Cham peopie built a whole block bloc k of bricks bricks then burned burned them to make make the whole whole brick blo block ck very very solid and stron strong g then chiseled into the temple. 5. Because a group of Italian archaeologists has recently partial partial rebuilt a com complex, plex, and and they are planning to rebuild more. 6. Because the place has exceeded his expect expectation ation and even small complex can can clearly show its value as a bridge of cultural exchange between India - Java and mainland Southeast Asia. D.
2. F
3. H
4. A
5. E
6. D
7. G
8. B
11/ l . E III/ 1. E
2. G 2. C
3. B 3. F
4. H 4. A
5. D 5. D
6. A
7. F
8. C
3. F 3. A
4. A 4. D
5. D 5. B
I/l.E 11/ L F
2. C 2. C
T E S T 1 (Unit 8) 2. C 3. D 4. B 1+11/ 1. A 5. A III/ 6. A 7. C 9. A 8. B 10. C l l . D 12. B 13. D IV7 16. archaeologists 17. culture 18. site 19. evolution 20. civilization V/ 21. On Cat Ba Island, there are about 80 species and sub-species classi classified fied in the Viet Viet Na Nam's m's Red List. List.
22. Don’t miss the Ngu Binh Mountain, form ing a kind o f protective protective screen around th thee monuments in Hue. 23. The wooden blocks of True Lam Zen Buddhism present both Han and Norn texts carved deliberately in different writing styles. 24. Hoi An, declar declared ed a World Heritage site by UNESC UNESCO O in 1999, has become a very popular tourist destination in Vietnam. 25. Ha Long Bay is the most magnificent scenic spot in Viet Nam to attract millions of domesticc and international tourists every year. domesti v n / 26. C 27. B 28. D 29. C 30. 30. B 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. B VII/ VI I/ 36. D 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. B V I II /41. C 42. F 43. A 44. D 45. B IX/ 46. Ho Dynasty Citadel was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011. 47. It was was built in 1397 1397 with unique architect archi tecture ure and beautiful natural base. 48. Ho Dynasty Fortress in Thanh Hoa Province is the only one ancient stone Citadel left in Southeast Asia. 49. Moreover, Ho Fortress was built with many heavy stone packs, some of which weigh more than 20 tons. 50. Inside the fortress, archeologist found the stone balls for cannon, one of the oldest cannon balls in Asia.
Bai tap Tien Tieng g Anh
TEST 2 (Unit 8) 1+11/l. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. D
III II// 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. B 13. D 14. A 15. C IV /16. /16. complex 17. diversity 18. control 19. source 20. 20. features featu res V/ 21. Trang An is a prominent place in Southeast Asia and the world containing abundant archaeological evidences preserved almost well. 22. 22. Visitors carried through the streams in small traditional boats can enjoy the beauty in the caves. 23. For centuries, Hoi An had developed into a melting pot of various nationalities coming to the area, and bringing along their own cultures. 24. Phong Nha - Ke Bang is the largest limestone region to contain several hundred caves and grottoes. 25. 25. Scenic landscape in Trang An is a blend of towering cliff-bounded mountains connected through a large number of underground streams and caves. VI VI// 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. B 31. A 32. D 33. C 34. D 35. B V I I / 36. B 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. A V II IIII /41. E 42. C 43. A 44. F 45. D IX/ 46. The Central Sector of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long was declared a World Heritage Site in 2010. 47. It is a very very strong citadel, cit adel, standing s tanding in HaNo Ha Noii from the 11t 11th century after King Ly Thai Thai To moved the capital here. 48. The Citadel was once the living place of many royal families: Ly Dynasty, Tran Dynasty, Le Dynasty, and Trinh Lords. 49. This makes it one of the oldest centers of power in the world that has been in use without interruption. 50. Nowadays it becomes one of the most famous Citadels of the country.
TEST YOURSELF 3 1+11/l . C 1+11/l. III II// 6. C
2. B 7. A
I V /16. /16. limestone
3. C 8. D
4. D 9. A
17. cliffs
5. B 10. C
11. 11. B
12. D 13. D
18. flows flow s19. 19. characteristic characteristicss
14. C
15. C 20. 20. fauna faun a
V/ 21. Mr. Ba remembers having sold sol d his fishing fi shing boat to invest in the shrimp farm. farm. 22. David mentioned having run his car purely on sunlight for 6 years. 23. Scientists Scientists blame urban flooding for having havi ng changed wetlands and lakes into res residential idential areas. areas. 24. We praised Thu Trang for having won an award for f or the achievements of o f her organization, “Water Wise”. 25. We thanked the international organizations for having transformed the city slums into city parks or green residential areas. V I / 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. B 30. D 31. A 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. A V I I /36. B 37. A 38. C 39. D 40. C VIII/ VII I/ 41. B 42. E 43. D 44. F 45. C
26 - Lifu Hoang Tri
46. Viet Nam is rich in renewable energy sources, such as solar energy, hydroelectricity, and wind power. 47. Clean technologies have not been used in rural and mountainous areas. 48. Renewable energy is used very little because of a lack of financial investment.
49. Two eco-friendly villages were established in Ha Noi to supply themselves with renewable energy by using green technology. 50. The project has the aim to reduce the carbon footprint, and it will develop in several provinces by the year 2020.
l .N
2. N
3. *
4. ^
5. ^
1/ 1. urban 2. city dwellers 3. detects 4. infrastructure 5. inhabitants 6. optimistic 7. overcrowded 8. sustainable 9. renewable 10. quali quality ty o f llif ifee II/ 1. developers 2. infrastructure 3. underground 4. dustbins 5. tutors 6. classes 7. display 8. appliances 9. technologies 10. qualities III/ 1. detectors detec tors 2. sustainabilit sustai nability y 3. urbanization 4. developments 5. investment 6. innovation 7. availability 8. creativity - development I V / 1. isn’ isn ’t it 2. won’t won’t it 3. aren’t are n’t they 4. didn didn’’t she 5. hasn't hasn 't it 6. isn’t is n’t it V / 1. ha have ve - he help lpss 2. go goes es - is 3. plays - shouts 4. has - eats 5. doesn’t have - practices 6. gets up - doesn’ does n’tt have 7. is - watches 8. are - gives VI/ 1. E) If an an old lady needs help with a heavy heav y bag, I always alway s offer to carry it. 2. C) If I wake up early at the weekend, we ekend, I usually usually try to go back to sleep. 3. A) A) If a stranger offers offer s me a lift, I always say no because it’s i t’s not not safe. 4. H) If it rains on a Sunday, I stay in and surf su rf the Internet. Inter net. 5. B) B) If my my mum asks me to tidy my room, I do it immediately. 6. G) G) If someone is rude to me, me, I’m I ’m still polite to him/her. him/her. 7. D) D) If I feel a bit sad, I talk to my friends and an d I usually usuall y feel better. 8. F) If I really like a song on the radio, rad io, I go out and buy the CD. CD. VII/ 1. If What you eat if your pare work my do parents work late, parents I eatnts eggs andlate? noodles. 2. What does your teacher teache r do if you are noisy? If we are noisy, we have to sit at the front. 3. Where does your mum go when she wants to relax? When my mum wants to relax, she goes the garden. 4. Who do you talk to if you feel sad? If I feel sad, I talk to my friends. 5. When your dad wants to eat out, out, where does he usually go? My dad usually goes to a Korean restaurant when he wants to eat out.
27 Baii tap Ba ta p T ien ie n g A nh 11 - 27
6. If you don’t do n’t know the answer to a question, do you ask your teacher? If I don’t know the answer to a question, I ask my classmates/friends.
2. D
3. H
4. B
5. G
6. A
7. C
8. E
11/ 1. G
2. D
3. E
4. H
5. A
6. C
7. F
8. B
III/ l.T
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. F
6. F
7. T
8. F
IV/ 1. They are recycling, renewable energy, transportation options, building construction, air quality and emissions. 2. Because there are lots o f electric and manual bikes, organic food, clean water, sustainable buildings build ings and hotels, ho tels, lots of o f green space and fewer cars. 3. It will focus on transportation and renewable energy. 4. Bristol w will ill concentrate on low carbon sectors. 5. Because it’s i t’s mild and it leads the way for forward thinking and environmental environmen tal awareness. 6. It’ll tty to be powered entirely by renewa renewable ble energy by the year 2050. V/ l.D
2. A
3. E
4. B
5. C
6. It will be over ten billion. billio n. 7. They will help us by by emailing or texting us when a food item item has gone out of o f date or has been used up. up. 8. We can log in to our fridge fridge and check what we need to stock up on. 9. They can be done by sensors over our bodies. 10. People will live far longer and won’t be wiped out by disease or forms of cancer.
2. E
3. A
4. F
5. D
6. It plans to be the first first carbon-neutral city in the world. 7. It comes from many big solar farms (using power from the sun). 8. He thinks the people there are happy and healthy because the air in Masdar is the best in the world. 11/l.C
2. E
3. A
4. B
5. D
3. F
4. A
5. B
2. C
1 (Unit (Unit 9)
1+11/ 1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. A
III/ 6. D
7. A
8. C
9. D
18. energy
I2. D
13. D
IV/ 16. network
17. urban
V/ 21. doesn’t it
22. aren't aren't they 23. won’t there there 24. did did he
VI/ 26. D
27. A
28. C
29. A
30. D
VII/ 36. A
37. C
38. B
39. D
40. B
3 l .C .C
19. enjoyable 32. D
33. B
14. B
15. D
20. space 25. won’t they 34. B
35. A
28 - Liiu Hoing Tri
V II I/4 I/ 4 l .B
42. D
43. C
44. 44. A
45. E
IX/ 46. New York has been one of the smartest cities in North America for many years. 47. It has led the world in electric vehicles, smart urban improvement, and the low-carbon economy. 48. New York has a significant number of universities and university-educated population. 49. It has just started the largest bike-sharing campaign in the world. 50. New York has also gained the leadership in offering open data to the public with more than 2,400 databases.
TEST 2 (Unit 9) 1+ 11/ 1 .
c III/ 6. C
2. D 7. C
IV/ 16. order
V/ 21. do we
3. A 8. D
4. A 9. A
5. B 10. B
11. B
12. B
13. A
14. C
15. C
17. suggest
18. read
19. hold
20. send ou out t
22. wasn’t it
23. won’t it
24. is there
25. doesn't it
32. C
34. D
V I/ I / 26. A
27. C
28. B
29. D
30. D
VII/ 36. C
37. B
38. D
39. A
40. B
V III/4 l.E
42. B
43. D
44. F
45. A
31. B
33. A
35. A
IX/ 46. The administrative centre of Ha Noi will be located in My Dinh, and Hoa Lac, and the city plans to build a green corridor in Ba Vi Mountain and Huong Tich-Soc Son regions... 47. The city will develop satellite, ecological urban areas in Ha Tay districts. 48. The transport infrastructure system will be developed in the north and the south to boost the city’s socio-economic development. 49. Ha Noi National University and other scientific centres will be located on a site of 1,000 hectares in Hoa Lac. 50. In order to have the green space, land for growing green trees in the city will increase to 15 square metres per person.
i / i.a
3. a
4. a
1 . A: Is it simple to avoid bad eating habits? \J mo st o f the time habits habi ts are hard h ard to break. break . iJ B: No, most 2 . A: Don’t teenagers start having body odour until they reach puberty?
That ’s when special sweat glands under u nder the arms pour out ou t sweat which smells. Lf B: Yes. That’ 3 . A: Will we feel good with a clean body, clean hair, clean clothes and shoes? i f
B: Sure. And your friends will be happy to be near you. O' 4 . A: How can we take good care of our feet? U1
B: The first thing we should do is to wash our feet well at least once a day. iJ
Bd i tdp td p T ien ie n g A n h 11 - 29
5. A: How about massaging our scalp more often? U B: Well, this will remove dead skin cells, excess oil and dirt. Lt
B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR 1/ 1. meditation 2. workout 5. ageing II/ \ .fat-f fa t-fre reee 6.
6. cures
4. longevity
6. immune system 7. nutritious
8. boosting
2. anti-glare
3. anti-ageing
4. alcohol-free
8. stress-free
9. cholesterol-free 10. sugar-free
anti-acne7. oil-free
III/ 1. healthy
3. life expectancy
2. fitness fitnes s
3. ///«ess 4. vfl/we 5. nutrition
1. cheerfulness
8. disease
9. cleanliness
5. antibacterial
10. t e / s
IV/ 1. Phon Ph ong’s g’s father told him if he follows the right action plan, he can break his bad habits.
2. My mother warned me that if television televisio n is replacing replaci ng time I'd I'd spend on visiting friends, or exercising my mind, it can also speed up memory loss. 3. My parents advised ad vised my sister to prepare her own meals instead of buying fast food in order to save money. 4. Ann’s An n’s doctor told her that if she she loves sunbathing, she has unwittingly unwittingly contributed to the aging o f her skin. skin. 5. The doctor doc tor said that acupuncture is dangerous i f the patient has a bleeding disorder. disorder. V/ 1. Mai’s Ma i’s father advised advise d her to do aerobic exercise exerci se two or three times a week. 2. Phong asked Nick to buy him a DVD of instruc instructions tions on ta taii chi at the bookshop. bookshop. 3. The doctor doct or told me to do a fifteen-minute exercise a day to to increase my life spa span n by three years. 4. M i’s mother moth er insisted on her having lots of good friends to have a healthy social life. 5. Hoa remind reminded ed Lan to laugh out loud because laughter laug hter is really one the best medicines. 6. Ann suggested enrolling enrollin g an aerobic course. 7. Nam’s Na m’s father admitted admitted smoking a lot when he was young. 8. Quan apologized apologize d for breaking breaking the window window when he was playing football. football.
2. F
3. H
4. E
5. B
6. G
11/ l. l. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. T
6. F
2. diet
3. junk food ood
7. D
8. A
III/ 1. balance
4. sski kip p 5. we well ll-b -bei eing ng
6. confide in
less sleep than than they need. need. 7. The problem is that they get less 8.
They should shou ld drink plenty o f water, eat a balance of o f protein, whole whole grains, fruit and and vegetables daily.
9. Because it releases endorphins, which are a chemical our body produces produces,, which gives us a good feeling. 10. It is also an effective way to manage moods and is a really good lifestyle choice to improve your yo ur overall well-being. 11. We can talk to about what's happening for us, rather than dealing with them alone. 12. It is a part of having balance in our life. I V / 1. B
2. D
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. 10. B
30 - Lifu Ho&ng Tri
Tr '•
D . SP EA KI N G l.c
2. E
3. A
4. D
5. B
I /1 .F
2. c
3. E
4. A
5. H
II /l.E
2. B
3. F
4. c
5. A
III/ 1. You should start your day by having a glass of o f cool water as soon as you get up, up, 2. A glass o off water wate r early in the morning mor ning in empty stomach makes you feel full and and you can can afford to have lighter breakfast. 3. Fruits contains wa water ter and it makes you feel full without increasing your weigh weight. t. 4. Eating jun k food is one o off the major causes of obesity and weigh weightt gain because it contains a large amount of fat which leads you to obesity. 5. If you really want to lose weight, weight, you will have to stop eating foo food d which/that is rich rich in fat fa t 6. Don’t Do n’t eat anything ju just st because becaus e you feel like eating it, and avoid sweet food items.
7. Eating an egg every day is not a bright idea, so you are advised to eat eggs three times a week and not more than one egg in a day. 8. Exercis Exercising ing on a regular basis basi s is one of the best ways to lose weight as w well ell as stay fit.
T E S T 1 (Unit (Unit 10 10) R I I / l .C
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. D
I I I / 6. D
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. 10.
IV/ 16. weaker sex
17. lifestyle
18. behaviour
12. 12. B
13. 13. D 14. 14. B
15. 15.
19. childbirth 20. life expectancy
V/ 21. Phong’s Phong ’s father reminded him to enjov himself himse lf after a hard-working day. day. 22. Lan’s doctor suggested that she should start the day with exercise and breakfast. 23. Mai’s PE teacher insisted on doing at least 30 minutes of physical activity on most days to gain most benefit. 24. Nick’s doctor advised him to wear sunglasses when he is in bright sun light. 25. Mv elder brother apologised (to my parents) for not following the simple lifestyle changes they told him when he was young. VI/ 26. c
27. A
28 . c
29. B
30. D
VII/ 36. B
37 . c
38. D
39. A
40. B
42. D
43. A
44. c
45. E
31. B
33. A
34. B
35. D
Mouth and Teeth: How to Keep Them Healthy 46. Taking good care of your mouth and teeth can help prevent problems as you get older. 47. It will help/helps you have pleasant breath, a nice smile and fewer cavities. 48. You should brush your teeth at least twice a dav with fluoride toothpaste, and floss your teeth at least once a day. 49. Continuing good mouth and tooth care as an adult can help you avoid tooth loss, painful gums and/or other o ther problems. 50. You have to see your/the dentist every six months for regular check-ups and cleanings.
Bàii t p T iế n g A nh 21-31 Bà
TEST 2 (Unit 10) 1+11 1+11// 1. D
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. A
II III/ I/ 6. C
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. D
I V /16. /16. depression
11. C 12. 12.
17. behaviours 18. risk
D 13. B 14. A 15. C
19. disorders 20. hypertension
V/ 21. My little brother said, “I will tum on lights when it is getting dark when I’m reading.’' 22. Mai’s M ai’s parents said, “You should tell your teache teacherr if i f you can can’’t see the blackboard clearly.” 23. The doctor doc tor told the students, students, “Don’t “D on’t wear other people’s people ’s glasses.” 24. Nick said, “I’m sorry for neglecting the instructions about using the contact lenses.” 25. The eye doctor said that, “Looking directly at the sun can damage your eyes.” VI VI// 26. C
27. B
28. D 29. A 30. B
V I I /36. D
37. B
38. C
39. A
31. C 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. D
40. C
VII I/ 41. C 42. E VIII/ 43. B 44. F 45. D IX/ 46. You should brush your teeth at least twice, after breakfast and before bedtime. 47. All of your teeth are brushed, not only the front ones but also the sides and in the back.
48. The dentist or your parents can show you the best way to get your teeth clean without damaging your gums. gums. 49. Make sure that your toothbrush has soft bristles, and some toothbrushes come with bristless that change colour when it is time to change them. bristle 50. You also need to be careful about what you eat and drink: eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of soda.
2. C
3. B
4. B
III/ 6. B
7. C
8. D
9. C
IV/ 16. technology
17. efficiency
V/21. don’t don’t kn ow - do they
5. D 10. A
11. C
12. A
18. applications
13. C
14. D
19. aspects
15. B 20. software
23. 23. hasn hasn't 't got got - has she
22. will be be - won’ won ’t you 25. doesn't like like - does he
24. wasn’ wasn’tt- w a s he VI/ 26. C
27. B
28. B
29. A
30. D
VII/ 36. D
37. A
38. B
39. C
40. D
V III /41. E
42 42.. C
43. F
44. A
45. D
IX/ 46. E
47. C
48. F
49. D
50. A
31. B
32. A
33. D
34. A
35. C
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