Bahasa Inggris
July 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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UNIT 1 General Objective : Students will be able to comprehend a text on tourism and to improve their master mastery y of simple present tense. SPESIFIC OBJECTIVES Student will be able to : 1. develop their comprehension of the text by answering comprehension c omprehension questions. 2. Produce the correct from of the word used in different part of speech. 3. Apply the correct parts of speech to complete sentences. 4. Find the appropriate synonyms based on the meaning of the sentences. 5. Identify the forms of simple present tense in the text. 6. Apply verbs in the simple present tense. 7. Put scrambled words or phrases into correct sentences in the simple present tense. 8. Arrange words into good sentences in the simple present tense. A. Reading Passage Borobudur and the Borobudur Tourist Park One destination which attract tourist to Magelang area is Borobudur temple, the largest and the mo most st beautiful monument in Indonesia. It is situated in the village of Borobudur. In the regency of o f Magelang, Central Java. At fist sight Borobudur resemble a hill designed and constructed of stone in the midst of natural mountain range. Kedu plateau, where Borobudur is located. Is famous for its fertility. This plateau lies in the heart of the t he island of Java, enclosed by mountains and ranges of hills. The mountain range surrounding Borobudur temple is Menoreh, which stretches from est to west, forming the boundary between kedu and Yogyakarta. The top of the menoreh range on the sourthern flank, when observed from the temple, resemble the nose, lips and chin of a supine figure. Ac According cording to a local folk tale, the man reclining there on the peak of the menoreh mountain is belived to be Gunadharma, the architect and builder of the temple.], who has been watching over his creation throughtout centuries. Borobudur and its surroundings create an atmosphere of peace, tranquility and security. It can be visited throughout the year and is easily accessible acce ssible by public transportation, such as buses, taxis, and minibuses from Semarang, about 95 km away, as well as from Yogyakarta, 42 km away. The temple is located within the area ar ea of BorobudurTourist Park. The prk has an area of eighty five hectares to accommodate the growing number of tourists and to perpetuate the green natural surroundings of Borobudur temple. It was officially opened by President Suharto on February 23, 1983. It comprises not only a widegrassy area, but also the shade trees and decorative plants. It is also
provided with general public facilities, namely a parking a lot, souvenir shops, eating stand, and rest rooms. The trees planted there include coconut (cocos nucifera), “bodhi” (ficus religiosa), “cempaka” (michelia champaca), and “tanjung” (mimusops elengei). There are also variety of shrubs and flower flower plants such as gardenia (gardenia augusta), “kemunig” (murraya paniculate), “kenanga” (cananga odorata), and jasmine (jusminum sambac). Borobudur tourist park has an archeological museum as well as centres for research, reconstructions, and tourist information. In the museum one can obtain information on a series of pictures picture s of Borobudur since its rediscovery in 1814. The research centre is provided with such facilities as a seminar hall and guest house, while the reconstructions centre centr e with a laboratory and workshop. Data concerning the t he park can be obtained at the tourist t ourist information centre. The people of this region are friendly and industrious. They make a living as farmers by cultivating rice, tobacco, corn. Cassva, sweet potatoes, soy beans, small green peas, and peanuts. They also grow gr ow coffe, coconuts, vanilla, and cotton, and breed chickens, water buffaloes, sheep, cows, and goats. Daily communication is carried out in Indonesian or their vernacular, Javanese. How ever, ever , tourists may hire guides who speak a number of foreign languages such as English, French, Dutch and Geraman. (Adapted from Indonesia ; the mysteryof Borobudur. Jakarta : Directorate General of Tourism, Republic of Indonesia, 1990-91). Notes: Destination
: tempat tujuan
: terlentang
To resemble
: menyurupai
: rajin, tekun (bekerja)
: sisi (gunung)
: bahasa daerah.
B. Comprehension Questions Exercise 1. Based on the reading above, answer the following questions. 1). How is the land of kedu plateau? 2). What does the top of menorah range on the southern flank resemble? 3). According to the folk tale, who is Gunadharma? 4). What kind of atmosphere can be created c reated in Borobudur and it’s environmrnts? environmrnts? 5). Where is Borobudur precisely located? 6). How large is the area ar ea of the tourist park? 7). What does the park comprise? 8). What trees are planted in the park?
Borobudur dan Borobudur Tourist Park Salah satu tujuan yang menarik wisatawan ke daerah Magelang adalah candi Borobudur, yang terbesar dan monumen yang paling indah di Indonesia. Kota ini terletak di desa Borobudur. Di Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Pada pandangan tinju Borobudur menyerupai sebuah bukit yang dirancang dan dibangun dari batu di tengah-tengah pegunungan alami. Kedu dataran tinggi, dimana Borobudur berada. Terkenal dengan kesuburannya. Dataran tinggi ini terletak di jantung Pulau Jawa, tertutup oleh pegunungan dan rentang bukit. Pegunungan sekitar candi Borobudur adalah Menoreh, yang membentang dari est ke barat, membentuk batas antara kedu dan Yogyakarta. Bagian atas rentang Menoreh di sisi sourthern, kalau dilihat dari kuil, menyerupai hidung, bibir dan dagu dari angka terlentang. Menurut cerita rakyat setempat, pria berbaring di sana di puncak gunung Menoreh adalah Nike menjadi Gunadharma, arsitek dan pembangun candi.], Yang telah menonton atas ciptaan-Nya throughtout berabad-abad. Borobudur dan sekitarnya menciptakan suasana damai, ketenangan dan keamanan. Hal ini dapat dikunjungi sepanjang tahun dan mudah diakses oleh transportasi umum, seperti bus, taksi, dan minibus dari Semarang, sekitar 95 km jauhnya, serta dari Yogyakarta, 42 km jauhnya. Candi ini terletak dalam wilayah BorobudurTourist Park. BANCOO ini memiliki luas delapan puluh lima hektare untuk mengakomodasi meningkatnya jumlah wisatawan dan untuk mengabadikan alam sekitarnya hijau Candi Borobudur. Secara resmi dibuka oleh Presiden Soeharto pada tanggal 23 Februari 1983 Ini terdiri tidak hanya area widegrassy, wide grassy, tetapi juga pohon-pohon rindang dan tanaman hias. Hal ini juga dilengkapi dengan fasilitas masyarakat umum, yaitu parkir banyak, toko-toko suvenir, makan berdiri, dan kamar kecil. Pohon-pohon yang ditanam di sana termasuk kelapa (cocos nucifera), "bodhi" (ficus religiosa), "cempaka" (Michelia champaca), dan "tanjung" (mimusops elengei). Ada juga berbagai semak dan tanaman bunga seperti gardenia (gardenia augusta), "kemunig" (Murraya partikulat), "kenanga" (kenanga odorata), dan melati (jusminum sambac). Borobudur taman wisata memiliki museum arkeologi serta pusat untuk penelitian, rekonstruksi, dan informasi wisata. Di museum yang dapat memperoleh me mperoleh informasi mengenai serangkaian gambar Borobudur sejak penemuan kembali pada tahun 1814. Pusat penelitian dilengkapi dengan fasilitas seperti rumah ruang seminar dan tamu, sedangkan rekonstruksi pusat dengan laboratorium dari dan lokakarya. Data tentang taman dapatmembuat diperolehhidup di pusat informasi Orang-orang daerah ini ramah dan rajin. Mereka sebagai petaniwisata. dengan menanam padi, tembakau, jagung. Cassva, ubi jalar, kacang kedelai, kacang hijau kecil, dan kacang. Mereka juga tumbuh kopi, kelapa, vanili, dan kapas, dan berkembang biak ayam, kerbau, domba, sapi, dan kambing. Komunikasi sehari-hari dilakukan di Indonesia atau bahasa daerah mereka, Jawa. Bagaimana pernah, wisatawan dapat menyewa pemandu yang berbicara sejumlah bahasa asing seperti bahasa Inggris, Perancis, Belanda dan Geraman.
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