Bahasa Inggris

February 8, 2019 | Author: Luluk Anggraeny | Category: Kebab, Rabbit, Nature
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ini tugas KKP-ku, maap kalo pembahasannya kurang mantap......










: Bahasa Inggris



: Rabu, 7 Mei 2008


: 08.00 – 10.00



Isikan identitas identitas Anda ke dalam dalam Lembar Lembar Jawaban Jawaban Ujian Ujian Nasion Nasional al (LJUN) (LJUN) yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil 2B sesuai petunjuk di Lembar Jawaban Ujian Nasional (LJUN)


Hitamk Hitamkan an bulat bulatan an di depan depan nama nama mata mata ujia ujian n pada pada LJUN LJUN


Tersed Tersedia ia waktu waktu 120 120 menit menit untuk untuk meng mengerj erjaka akan n paket paket tes terseb tersebut. ut.


Jumlah Jumlah soal soal sebanya sebanyak k 50 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat terdapat 4 (empat) (empat)  pilihan jawaban.


Periksa Periksa dan dan bacal bacalah ah soal-s soal-soal oal sebel sebelum um Anda Anda menja menjawab wabnya nya..


Laporkan Laporkan kepada kepada pengawas pengawas ujian ujian apabila apabila terdapat terdapat lembar lembar soal yang kurang kurang  jelas, rusak, atau tidak lengkap.


Tidak diizinkan diizinkan menggu menggunakan nakan kalkulator, kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika matematika atau alat  bantu hitung lainnya.


Periksalah Periksalah pekerjaan pekerjaan Anda sebelum sebelum diserah diserahkan kan kepada kepada pengawa pengawass ujian. ujian.


Lembar Lembar soal soal boleh boleh dicoret-coret dicoret-coret,, untuk untuk mengerjakan mengerjakan soal hitungan. hitungan.


You find find the the notice notice at at the gate gate of a hous housing ing comple complex. x.


It means that only the… who own the house at the housing complex can go there. A.

Security guards







Read the invitation below and answer questions 2 and 3 You and your partner are invited to attend Eleanor Mckay’s 15th birthday



How How old old will will Ele Elean anor or Mck Mckay ay be be in 201 2016? 6? A.








When When was was Elea Eleano norr McKa McKay y bor born? n? A.

In 2003


In 2005


In 1993



In 1995

The follo followin wing g warning warning mean meanss the pedes pedestri trians ans shou should ld … the gras grasss

Keep off the grass


not cut


not water  


not keep


not walk on

Read the text and answer the questions 5 and 6 Student Writing Contest

THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY invites submissions submissions of poetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic essays for this year’s Student Writing Contest

CATEGORIES Poetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic journalistic essays

MANUSCRIPTS should be typewritten (one side only, please) doublespac spaced ed,, and and acco accomp mpan anie ied d by a cove coverr shee sheett with with the the foll follow owin ing g information: title, category, word count, author’s name, address, phone number, e-mail address (if available), and academic institution. Of this information, only the title should appear on the manuscripts itself.





What What is the the pur purpo pose se of the the tex text? t? A.

To desc descri ribe be the the stu stude dent nt writ writin ing g cont contes estt


To ann annou ounc ncee the the stud studen entt writ writin ing g cont contes estt


To amus amusee the the stud studen ents ts with with writi writing ng cont contes estt


To retell the the students about writing contest

The followin following g are require required d for the works works that the the participa participants nts shoul should d prepare, prepare, except that they are… A.





easy to read



The warning means … A.

it wil willl be be goo good d if if we we tak takee the the pic pictu ture re of of the the sun sun


it will will be be better better if we we take take the the pictu picture re of of other other intens intensee light light sources sources


if we we aim aim the the came camera ra dir direct ectly ly int into o the the sun, sun, the the sun sun will will hav havee a  problem


our eyes eyes might might be in danger danger if if the the camer cameraa is aime aimed d into into the the sun sun or  intense light resources.

Study the following table to answer questions 8 and 9. Calories per day Ages 9 – 11 12 – 14 15 – 17

Boys Calories 2,200 2,650 2,900

Ages 9 – 11 12 – 14 15 – 17

Girls Calories 2,200 2,150 2,150


The text text A. B. C. D.

is about about the the numb number er of of calor calories ies that that … chil childr dren en nee need d per per day day base based d on on the their ir age agess old old peo peop ple hav have to to co consum sume dai daily ly all all peo peopl plee must must burn urn in a day the the boys boys need need in a whole hole day day


How many many calo calorie riess does does a thirtee thirteen n year old old boy boy need need per day? day? A. 2,150. B. 2,200. C. 2,650. D. 2,900

Read the text and answer questions 10 to 13. Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do. Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays football and tennis. He is the best badminton player in our family. 10. What What is the text text mostl mostly y about? about? A. Peter. B. Peter’s hobby.

C. D.

Peter’s fa family. Peter’s r’s el elder br brother.

11. From the text text we know that Peter Peter is… is… A. the the writ writer er’s ’s you young nges estt bro broth ther  er  B. the wri writter’s el elder br brother  C. a naughty boy D. a friendly boy 12. Based on on the text text we know that the the writer is … years years old. old. A. fourteen B. sixteen C. eighteen D. nineteen 13. “Peter is interested in sports very much , and at school he plays football and tennis”.

The underlined phrase can be replaced with … A. dislike sport B. really li likes sp sport C. hates sp sport ve very much D. find find spor sportt not not real really ly ente entert rtai aini ning ng..

The following text is for questions 14 to 17 Amelia’s house was in a quite place. It was a hilly village. The garden of her house was very beautiful. Flowers with various colors grew there. Amelia grew some roses. She ‘s a nature lover. One day Amelia closed her book. She felt tired after studying hard. She stood by the window. She could see the mountain from there. It was a beautiful bluish green.  “How beautiful. How wonderful it would be if I could reach the top of  that mountain without climbing.”   “if you want to fly up there, follow me,” said a soft voice. Amelia was surprised. “who are you? Why did you come in without permission?”   “My name is Yuli. My home is a bit far from here. I w ant to be your friend, Amelia,” said th girl.  “You know my name,” said Amelia.  “I often hear you mother calling you,” Yuli answered. She reached out her hand to Amelia. Amelia shook Yuli’s hand.  “Why is your hand so cold? Are you ill? asked Amelia, worried.  “I haven’t been to school for few days,” said Yuli.  “If you were sick, why aren’t you in bed now?” asked Amelia.  “The fresh air will make me better, Amelia,” said Yuli pulled Amelia’s hand. She wanted Amelia to follow her.  “Oh no, I cannot go now. I must do my homework.”   “Okay. How about tomorrow? My other will make some delicious cakes for me. You must taste some, Yuli,” said Amelia.  “Thanks Amelia. You are so kind.” Yuli waved to Amelia and then she was gone. Amelia’s mother was puzzled to see her daughter talking alone.

14. What What does does the story story tell tell about about?? A. A mysterious girl. B. Amelia’s new friend

C. D.

A li little gi girl in in a village age. A quite uite place lace in a vil villa lag ge.

15. The first first parag paragrap raph h is about… about… A. the dream of Amelia. B. the the set setti ting ng place lace of the the sto story ry.. C. how the st story happene ened. D. the problem faced by Amelia. 16. What What did Ameli Ameliaa to do somed someday? ay? A. To play play with with her her new new frie friend nd.. B. To fly fly up up to to the the top top of of the the moun mounta tain in.. C. To intr introd oduc ucee her her frie friend nd to her her mot mothe her. r. D. To reac reach h the the top top of the the mou mount ntai ain. n. 17. ‘ … make make some some deliciou deliciouss cakes for me’ me’ The word ‘delicious’ means … A. bad smell B. nice taste C. bitter taste D. stale flavor  

Read the following following advertisement to answer questions 18 and 19. VACANCY Native speaker Eng Teachers Required Exp/C TEFL preferred Ph Louis 8564791 – 92, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday

18. Which qualifi qualification cation must must the teacher teacher candidate candidate have? have? A. Explicit. B. Expired. C. Expressive. D. Experienced. 19. The word word “required “required’’ is similar similar in meaning meaning to … A. Mr. ca. lland edd Mrs. Mr an Mrs. Char Charly ly were were on a tour tour to Euro Europe pe.. They They were were B . h e l p e d travelling on a guided tour to five countries. They were going to travel C. trThe ainedNetherland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and France through Dtwo . nweeks. eeded for The guide for the tour was a Swiss. On the day 1 st of the travel the Read the passage answer questions 20 traveler to 24 cheques and their  guide told them toand check their passports, their foreign cash. He told them to keep them safely. They traveled in a comfortable coach with a toilet, music, and vide video. o. The The guid guidee stop stoppe ped d the the coac coach h at many many famou famouss place places. s. He explai explained ned the cultur cultural al import importance ance of the places places.. They They stayed stayed in big hotels for the night and ate in the restaurants. On the way, they stopped at small inns to eat lunch. In big towns, they went for shopping. They brought many souvenirs for their friends. Thy enjoyed the two-week tour.

20. 20. The The text text is abou about… t… A. travelling B. shopping C. tracking D. visiting 21. Where were were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charly Charly touring? touring? A. Africa B. Europe C. America D. Australia 22. The guide guide told them to check their their immigration immigration …, such as passport passport,, visa and exit permit. A. paper   B. letters C. records D. documents 23. What What is paragr paragraph aph three three about about?? A. Shopping in in bi big town B. Staying in in fa famous pl places C. Visi Visiti tin ng int inter eres esti ting ng place lacess D. Eati Eatin ng in big big rest restau aura rant ntss 24. “They enjoyed the two-week tour”

The underlined word has the same meaning as … A. got b or ored with B. got pleasure from C. became ad addicted to to D. plan planne ned d wel welll bec becam amee ama amaze zed d at at

Read the following text and answer questions 25 and 25. QUININE HAIR TONIC

This hair tonic is processed from the leaves of quinine tree to help stimulate hair growth. Apply evenly on scalp every morning or evening  particularly on areas where hair is thinning and lightly massage. 25. What What does does the text text tell tell about about?? A. Hair cut B. Hair style C. Hair dresser   D. Hair treatment. 26. What is the the function function of hair hair tonic? tonic? A. To make hair th thin. B. To ma massage age sc scalp li lightly. C. To help help stim stimu ulate late hair air gro growt wth h. D. To proc proces esss the the eav eaves es of of the the quin quinin inee tree tree..

Read the following text and answer questions 27 to 29. A shepherd took his ship out of pasture, but when it was time to return to the sheep pen, he found that some wild goats had become mixed up with his flock. Nonetheless, he was very pleased that the flock had grown by itself, and he closed the goats into the pen along with the sheep. The nest day was rainy and the shepherd decided not to go out. He gave is sheep only a small handful of food, while he gave much  bigger  bigger rations to the goats. He thought that if he treated them well, they would stay with him. In spite of this, as soon as the shepherd opened the gate, the goats ran out and he was unable to catch them again. “Ungratefu “Ungratefull beasts, beasts, “ shouted the shepherd shepherd after them. “I treated you better than the other!” “That’s why we’re going,” answered one of the goats. “If you  prefer us new animals to your sheep, how will you treat us if you find some more animals in your flocks?” So, do not be too happy if someone shows you that they prefer to you to their old friends. You too will soon be an old friend and could be replaced just as easily. 27. The text text tells you you about about a shepherd, shepherd, his his sheep sheep and … A. the pasture B. wild goats

C. D.

his friends all beats

28. Why was was the the shepherd shepherd happy one day? day? A. He foun found d som somee wil wild d goa goats ts amon among g his his shee sheep. p. B. He coul could d clo close se his his she sheep ep in the the pen pen well well.. C. His His los lostt goa goats ts retu return rned ed in good good cond condit itio ion. n. D. Ther Theree was was a pas pastu ture re for for his his hung hungry ry shee sheep. p. 29. Which is the moral moral value can can you learn learn from the the story? story? A. Neve Neverr eve everr tru trusst to to th the new new one. ne. B. Don’ Don’tt thr threa ead d you yourr fri frien end d as as ene enemy my.. C. Ther Theree are are not not good good thin things gs on the the old old one. one. D. Don’ Don’tt forg forget et the the old old fri frien ends ds if you you get get the the new new one one..

Read the text and answer the questions 30 to 31. The directors of the Indonesian Import Company request the company of  Mr. John Taylor  Managing Directors of Woolcat Ltd, Hampshire on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of their company at the International Club In Jakarta On 10 September at 8.15 p.m. (dinner at 9.00 p.m.) (Dress-formal) R.S.V.P. Zu Bakir, Indonesian Import Company, 250 Serang Road Jakarta, Indonesia.

30. What What is the purp purpose ose of of the text? text? A. To invite so someone B. To inform people. C. To send a message. D. To re remind so somebody. 31. Which stateme statement nt is TRUE TRUE based on the text text above? above? A. Mr. Zu Bak Bakir ir is the the direc directo torr of the the Inte Intern rnat atio ional nal Clu Club. b. B. The The invi invite tees es sho shoul uld d info inform rm Zu Zu Baki Bakirr abou aboutt thei theirr comi coming ng.. C. Mr. Taylor Taylor is the direct director or of of the the Indone Indonesia sia Import Import Compan Company. y. D. The Indone Indonesia sia Import Import Compan Company y is locate located d in Hampsh Hampshire ire Engl England and..

Read the following text and answer questions 32 to 34.

32. Who are the most suitable people to drive the car?

A. B. C. D.

Young people. Old people. Children. Kids.

33. How many many awards awards did did New Honda Honda Jazz get? get? A. 68 B. 51 C. 34 D. 17 34. “… New Honda Jazz is the best car that suites to every youngster.”

The word “’suites’ has similar meaning to … A. appropriate B. uncomfortable C. important D. well-know Read the text and answer questions 35 to 37.

Tikka Kebab Ingredients: 1. Cubes of lamb 2. Squa Square ress of gree green n pepp pepper  er  3. Onions 4. Salad 5. Tikk Tikkaa sea seaso soni ning ng mixt mixtur uree Steps: 1. Cut Cut oni onion onss int into o qua quart rter erss 2. Put cube cubess of lambs, lambs, squa squares res of green green pepp peppers ers and and onion onion squar squares es on bamboo skewers and marinate them in Tikka seasoning 3. Grill them 4. Serve Serve them them with with salad salad (cur (curry ry like like seaso seasonin ning g from from India) India)

35. What does does the the writer writer write write the text for? for?

A. B. C. D.

To info inform rm how how to to ser serve ve a sal salad ad.. To expl explai ain n ho how to to mak makee a sala salad d. To tell tell how how to to mak makee Tik Tikk ka Keb Kebab ab.. To disc discus usss how how to make make cube cubess of of lam lamb. b.

36. How many many ingredien ingredients ts are needed needed to make make Tikka Kebab? Kebab? A. Three B. Four   C. Five D. Six 37. What does does the word word ‘them’ ‘them’ in step 2 refer to? to? A. Cubes of of la lamb an and on onions B. Onio Onion, n, bamb bamboo oo,, ske skewe wers rs,, and and sala salad. d. C. Squa Square ress of of gre green en pepp pepper er and and oni onion ons. s. D. Cube Cubess of lamb lamb,, onio onions ns,, and and squa squares res of gre green en pep peppe per. r.

Read the letter below and answer the questions 38 to 40. Dear Emily, How How are are you you doin doing? g? Reme Rememb mber er me? me? We met met at “Smu “Smutz tzer  er  Primate Museum” in Ragunan Zoo in Jakarta last month. I am really glad that you choose my country to spend the vacation. Sorry, I cannot enclose our photos here, because you know my youngest brother, Irfan, deleted them. I had not kept them yet in the camera. Here I give you some photos of Irfan’s birthday. We celebrated it by having lunch together. You can see my big family. My mom roasted 3 big fish for  us. And we had hot chili sauce or  sambal’ to eat with that roasted fish. Hm… yummy!? How about your activity this semester? You’re in class 11 th, right? I want to know about Victoria. I want to be your pen pal, so I can improve my English, and you can improve your Bahasa Indonesia, too. Okay, that’s all for the first letter. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Send my love to your mom and grandma. Bye! Your pal Mirda 38. The writer’s writer’s purpo purpose se of writing writing this letter letter is … A. To get a photo B. To have pen pal C. To go to Victoria D. To tell ell her experie rience 39. Where Where did did Mirda Mirda met met Emily Emily??

A. B. C. D.

In stu stud dents ents’’ exch exchan ang ge pro program ram In Ragun agunan an stu studen dents’ ts’ cam camp. In Ragunan zoo In a study tour.

40. Where Where is Emily Emily stud studyin ying g now? now? A. In a ju junior hi high sc school. B. In a senior high school C. In a academy D. In a university

Read the following text and answer questions 41 to 43 What is the significance of Rabbits’ Large Ears A rabbit is a small furry mammal with a short tail and pointed ears. Rabbits live in burrows in the ground. Each burrow is a home of a single family. The first fossil which can be attributed to this family came from North America but now they are found in every  part of the world. Compared to its small body rabbit has large –  sized ears. A rabbit is a week and timid animal and is always surrounded  by many enemies. Therefore nature has gifted it with large ears to help it to hear even the fun of drop sound. The large area of the ear  catches almost every sound wave produced in the air and transfers them into the inner ear. This makes the rabbit to detect its enemies in time and run to safety zones. You You must must have have noti notice ced d that that a rabb rabbit it wash washes es its its ears ears by repeatedly licking its forepaws and rubbing them over the surface of  its ears. It does this in order to keep its ears clean, and also to take into its mouth natural oil which surrounds the ear surface. This oil is important in forming vitamin D which is necessary for the growth of  heal health thy y bone bones. s. If the the rabbi rabbitt is not not allo allowe wed d to form form this this,, it will will develop rickets. Shortened from : Children’s Knowledge Bank, Look Out, Rohan Book Company.

41. Which part part of the rabbit’s rabbit’s body body produced produced natural natural oil? Its … A. forepaws B. mouth C. ears D. tail 42. What is is the main idea of of paragraph paragraph 2? 2? A. How How en enemie emiess su surro rround und a rab rabbi bit. t. B. How How a rab rabbi bitt det detec ects ts its its ene enem mies. ies.

C. D.

Why Why a rab rabbit bit has has man many en enemie emiess Why Why a rab rabbit bit lik likee fig fight htin ing. g.

43. The purp purpose ose of of the text text is … A. To amuse the story. B. To rete retell ll rabb rabbit it’s ’s habit abitat at.. C. To desc descri ribe be rabb rabbit it’s ’s ears ears.. D. To desc descri ribe be rabb rabbit it in gener eneral al.. For question 44 to 46, choose the suitable word to complete the text below.

Rino has a parrot named Coly It has … (44) feather. They are yellow, blue and red. Coly is very noisy. …(45) always imitates the human voice. It has a curved bill. It also has feet with two toes pointing forward and two backward. The feet help it to … (46) on the branches and hold food. 44. A. B. C. D.

ugly nice colorful beautiful

A. B. C. D.

It Its They Their  

A. B. C. D.

fly take grip bring

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

In the end, the crow had no more cake because of her foolishness. The The cro crow w was was so proud roud to hear hear this this.. One One day day a hung hungry ry fox fox was was walk walkin ing g alon alonee in in the the jun jungl gle. e. As soon soon as she she ope opene ned d her her beak beak,, the the cake cake fell fell dow down. n. The The cro crow w had had a pie piece ce of cake cake on her her bea beak. k. The The cunn cunnin ing g Fox Fox caugh caughtt the the cake cake happ happil ily y and and ran ran away away.. Then Then she she sta start rted ed to to ope open n her her beak beak to sing sing for for the the Fox. Fox. “Oh… “Oh…be beau auti tifu full Crow Crow!! You’ You’re re the the bes bestt sing singer er I’v I’vee know know in in the the world. I really want to hear you melodious voice. Please… sing me a song now!”





A. B. C. D.

He saw saw a crow crow perc perch h on on a bran ranch of tre tree. e.

Which one is the best arrangement of the sentences above? 3–5–2–8–4–9–1–7–6 3–5–7–8–2–9–4–1–6 3–8–2–5–9–7–6–4–1 3–9–5–8–2–7–4–6–1 48.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Why wa was it it nam nameed li like th that? A bron brontos tosaur aurus us was as long long as four four big big elephan elephants ts stan standin ding g in a line. line. The The man man who who nam named ed it it thou though ghtt that that whe when n suc such h a big big ani anima mall walked, it must have made a noise like thunder  The The word word bro bront ntos osau auru russ mean meanss thun thunde derr liza lizard rd..

The best arrangement of the sentence above is … A. 4–2–1–3 B. 2–4–1–3 C. 3–4–1–2 D. 1–4–3–2 For questions 49 and 50 choose the best arrangement of the words to make correct sentences.

49. in – your – the – best best – speech speech – on – congratulat congratulation ion – contest contest – performance! performance! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A. B. C. D.

7–4–9–1–2–3–5–6–8 7–6–2–4–9–1–3–5–8 7–6–3–5–8–1–2–4–9 7–1–3–5–8–6–2–9–4

50. Meet – the library library – 3 p.m. – in in front of – please please – at – me 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 A. B. C. D.

5–7–4–2–6–3–1 4–3–2–1–7–5–6 5–1–7–4–2–6–3 4–2–6–3–1–5–7












7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.


24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.


33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.


42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.


PEMBAHASAN 1. Kata Kata “Res “Resid iden ents ts”” memi memili liki ki arti arti “pen “pendu dudu duk k atau atau seju sejuml mlah ah oran orang g yang yang menemp menempati ati suatu suatu lokasi lokasi terten tertentu. tu. Jadi Jadi jawaba jawaban n yang yang pallin palling g tepat tepat adalah adalah “people” (A) Security Security guard guard = petugas petugas keamanan keamanan (B) Partip Partipant antss = pesert pesertaa (C) People People = orang orang-or -orang ang (D) Guest = tamu 2. Jika pada tahun 2008 Mckays berumur 15 tahun (ditandai dengan kata 15th

birthday atau berari ulang tahun yang kelima belas) maka pada tahun 2016 dia  berumur 23 tahun [15 + 8 (2016 – 2008) = 23) Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah D (23) 3. Jika pada tahun tahun 2008 Mckays Mckays berumur berumur 15 tahun, berarti berarti dia lahir pada tahun tahun 1993 (2008 – 15 = 1993). Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C (1993) 4. Tanda  Keep off the grass  biasanya diletakkan di atas lahan berumput di taman

atau tempat-tempat umum. Fungsinya unutk memperingatkan orang-orang agar  tidak menijak atau berjalan di atas rumput. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D (not walk on) (A) Not cut cut = tidak tidak memo memoton tong g (B) Not wate waterr = tidak tidak menyi menyirami rami (C) Not keep keep = tidak tidak menj menjaga aga (D) Not walk walk on on = tidak tidak berjalan berjalan di atas atas 5. Teks Teks

ters terseb ebut ut beri berisi si info inform rmas asii yang yang fung fungsi siny nyaa memb member erit itah ahuk ukan an atau atau mengumumk mengumumkan an kepada kepada masyarakat masyarakat tentang tentang Student Studentss Writing Writing Contest  Contest  yang menjadi tema utama dalam teks tersebut. (A) Salah, karena disitu tidak digambarkan/dideskripsikan mengenai Students Writing Contest  (B) Benar, Benar, kaerna kaerna teks teks terseb tersebutk utkan an sifatn sifatnya ya mengum mengumumk umkan an (to announ announce) ce) Students Writing Contest 

(C) Sala Salah, h, kare karena na tida tidak k ada ada kalim kalimat at yang yang berf berfun ungs gsii untu untuk k mena menarik rik atau atau

membujuk (to amuse) pembaca unutuk mengikuti Students Writing Contest  (D) Salah, karena teks tersebut tersebut tidak menceritakan menceritakan (to retell) Students Writing  Contest  6. Tidak ada kalimat yang menyatakan bahwa karangan yang dikirimkan harus

easy to read  baik secara implicit maupun eksplisit. Pihak panitia menerima  jenis karangan dalam bentuk apappun sesuai dengan kategori. 7. Warning  berfungsi memperingatkan (to warn) pembaca mengenai suatu hal. (A) Salah, Salah, karena karena warning  tersebu tersebutt tidak tidak mengan menganjur jurkan kan pembac pembacaa untuk  untuk 

mengambil gambar matahari, warning  justru  justru melarangnya (B) Salah, alasanyya sama sama dengan pint pint (A) (C) (C) Sala Salah, h, kare karena na buka bukan n mata mataha hari ri yang yang akan akan meng mengal alam amii masa masala lah h atau atau kerusakan (D) Benar, karena maksud warning  tersebut adalah memperingatkan pembaca untuk tidak mengahadapkan kamera secara langsung pada matahari, karena dapat merusak mata kita. 8. (A) Benar, karena karena teks tersebut tersebut menjelaskan menjelaskan mengenai mengenai kalori yang dibutuhka dibutuhkan n oleh anak-anak berdasarkan umur mereka (B) Salah, Salah, karena karena teks teks tersebu tersebutt hanya hanya menjel menjelask askan an mengen mengenai ai kalori kalori yang yang dibuthkan oleh anak-anak (9 – 17 tahun), ta hun), bukan orang tua. (C) (C) Salah Salah,, seba sebab b teks teks ters terseb ebut ut hany hanyaa menj menjel elas aska kan n juml jumlah ah kalo kalori ri yang yang dibuthkan, bukan kalori yang harus dibakar. (D) Salah, kaerna bukan hanya anak laki-laki yang dijelaskan, tetapi juga anak   perempuan (girls) 9. Kalori yang dibutuh dibutuhkan kan oleh anak laki-laki laki-laki berumur 13 tahun (thirteen (thirteen years old boy) yakni anak yang berkisar antara umur 12 – 14 tahun adalah 2,650. 10. Teks tersebut bercerita banyak mengenai Peter. Dari awal kalimat sampai

akhir kalimat, penulis hanya menjelaskan menjelaskan tentang Peter. Memang penulis sedikit membahas mengenai kegemaran Peter, namun itu tidak mendominasi teks tersebut. Sehingga jawan yang paling tepat adalah A (Peter) 11. Peter adalah saudara termuda dalam keluarga penulis ( Peter is the youngest 

in our family). Dari sini dapat dikatakan bahwa Peter adalah saudara termuda  penulis. (A) Benar, karena sesuai dengan bacaan (peter is the youngest in our family) (B) Salah, Salah, karena karena Peter Peter temuda temuda,, otomat otomatis is dia tak mungki mungkin n lebih lebih tua dari  penulis.

(C) Tidak Tidak ada kalima kalimat5 t5 y6ang y6ang menyat menyataka akan n bahwa bahwa Peter Peter adalah adalah anak anak yang yang nakal. Penulis hanya menjelaskan bahwa Peter agak nakal tapi penurut (He is rather naughty (D)Tidak ada kalimat dari teks tersebut yang menjelaskan bahwa Peter anak  yang ramah. Penulis hanya menjelaskan bahwa Peter memiliki senyum yang ramah/bersahabat (a friendly smile)

12. Jika Peter berumur 14 tahun (He is fourteen years old) dan 4 tahun lebih

muda dari penulis (four years younger than me), maka penulis berumur 18 tahun (eighteen). Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C (eighteen) 13.  Interested in berarti suka akan atau gemar akan

(A)Dislike = tidak suka (B) Really likes sport sport = benar-benar menyukai menyukai (C) Hates sports very much = snagt membenci membenci olahraga (D) (D) Find Findss spor sportt not not reall really y ente entert rtai aini ning ng = meng mengan angg ggap ap olah olahrag ragaa tida tidak  k  menghibur. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B (really likes sports) 14. Bacaan tersebut menceritaan tentang Amelia yang menemukan teman baru

meskipun teman baru itu hanya hayalan Amelia. 15. Paragraf Paragraf 1 menjelaskan menjelaskan mengenai mengenai kondisi kondisi tempat dimana dimana cerita itu terjadi. terjadi. (A) Salah, kaerna the dream of Amelia adalah adalah inti inti dari dari keselu keseluruh ruhan an teks teks tersebut (B) Benar, karena karena paragraph paragraph pertama pertama memang menjelaskan menjelaskan menganai menganai setting setting tempat dimana cerita itu berlangsung. (C) Paragraph Paragraph pertama pertama tidak menjelaskan menjelaskan tentang bagaimana bagaimana cerita tersebut tersebut  bias terjadi. (D) Tidak ada satu satu kalimatpun kalimatpun yang menjelaska menjelaskan n mengenai mengenai maslah apa yang sedang dihadapi oleh Amelia 16. (A) Salah, Salah, karena dia dia tidak berangan berangan untuk untuk bermain bermain dengan dengan teman baru (B) Benar, seuai dengan kalimat “iHow wonderful it would be if I could reach the top of the mountain without climbing” (C) Salah, alasannya dia memang berencana untuk memperkenalkan teman  barunya kepada ibunya, namun keinginan itu muncul setelah dia menemukan teman baru (D) (D) Sala Salah, h, kare karena na dia dia ingi ingin n menc mencap apai ai punc puncak ak gunu gunung ng deng dengan an tida tidak  k  mendakinya. 17. Delicious = sedap, lezat, enak 

(A) Bad smell = bau busuk/tidak sedap (B) Nice taste taste = lezat lezat (C) Bitter taste taste = pahit pahit (D) Stale flavor flavor = basi 18. Yang Yang diutam diutamaka akan n menjad menjadii kualifi kualifikas kasii dalam dalam lowong lowongan an tersebu tersebutt adalah adalah

 berpengalaman (experienced) 19. Required Required = disyaratkan disyaratkan/dihar /diharuskan uskan (A) Called = dipanggil dipanggil (B) Helped = dibantu dibantu (C) Trained Trained = terlatih terlatih (D)Needed = dibutuhkan 20. Teks tersebut menjelaskan menjelaskan tentang perjalanan perjalanan Mr. dan Mrs. Charly keliling keliling

Erop Eropa. a. Bagi Bagian an dari dari perja perjala lana nan n (trav (travel elli ling ng)) ters terseb ebut ut adala adalah h berb berbel elan anja ja (shopping), dan mengunjung (visiting) berbagai tempat. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A (travelling) 21. Telah jelas (kalimat pertama paragraph pertama)

22. Passport, Passport, visa dan exit exit permit termasuk termasuk surat-surat surat-surat penting penting yang diperlukan diperlukan manakala seseorang bepergian ke luar negeri. (A) Salah, Paper  dapat berarti kertas atau surat kabar. (B) Salah,  Letters  berrti surat. Surat yang dimaksud disini adalah informasi

yang dikirim oleh seseorang atau instansi kepada orang atau instanssi yang lain. (C) Salah, Records  berarti rekaman atau catatan resmi (D) Benar, karena  Documents memilki memilki arti surat-surat surat-surat penting, penting, contohnya contohnya

 passport dan visa. 23. Paragraf 3 menceritakan bahwa Mr. dan Mrs. Charly menaiki coach dan

merka berhen berhenti ti untuk untuk mengun mengunjun jungi gi (visit (visiting ing)) tempat tempat-tem -tempat pat yang yang coach merka terkenal (famous places) Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C(visiting interesting places) 24. Enjoye Enjoyed d = menikm menikmati ati (A)Got bored with = bosan akan (B) Got pleasure pleasure from = senang akan akan (C) Became Became addicted to = ketagihan akan (D)Planned well became amazed at = kagum dengan Jawaaban yang paling tepat adalah B (got pleasure from)

25. Teks Teks ters tersbu butt

menj menjel elas aska kan n tent tentan ang g hair hair toni tonicc yang yang berm berman anfa faat at bagi bagi   pertu pertumbu mbuhan han rambut rambut.. Teks Teks tidak tidak menjel menjelask askan an tentan tentang g model model potong potongan an rambut rambut atau gaya gaya rambut rambut juga juga tidak tidak menjela menjelaska skan n tentan tentang g piñata piñata rambut rambut..  Namun, teks tersebut menjelaskan tentang perwatan rambut (hair treatment).

26. 26. Fung Fungsi si hair hair tton ttonic ic sesu sesuai ai deng dengan an kali kalima matt pert pertam amaa teks teks ters terseb ebut ut (to (to help help stimulate hair growth) (A)Hair tonic tonic tidak tidak untuk untuk menipi menipiska skan n rambut rambut,, justru justru unutuk unutuk meneba menebalka lkan n rambut. (B) Cara penggunaanya penggunaanya memang dipijatkan dipijatkan ke kulit kulit kepala, kepala, tapi fungsinya fungsinya   bukan untuk memijat, tentunya bukan hair tonic itu sendiri yang akan memijat kepala kita. (C) Jawaban Jawaban benar, sesuai bacaan (D)Hair tonic di dapat dari quinine tree, bukan alat yang akan meproses quinine tree. 27. B (wild goats), telah jelas.

28. 28. Dalam Dalam ceri cerita ta ters terseb ebut ut,, sang sang peng pengem emba bala la berb berbah ahag agia ia kare karena na mene menemu muka kan n  beberapa kambing diantara domba-dombanya. (B) Tidak dijelaskan dijelaskan dalam cerita (C) Tidak terdapat terdapat dalam cerita (D)Tidak dijelaskan dalam teks 29. Pesan moral yang disampaikan penulis pada pembaca ditulis pada paragraph

terakhir cerita tersebut. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D (Don’t forget the old friend if you get the new one) 30. Surat tersebut merupakan surat undangan dari Zu Bakir, seorang direktur 

  perus perusaha ahaan an impor impor Indone Indonesia sia bernam bernamaa Intern Internati ationa onall Club Club yang yang dituju ditujukan kan kepada Mr. John Taylor, seorang manajemen direktur perusahaan Woolcat Ltd, di Hampshire. Surat undangan berfungsi untuk mengundang (to invite) Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah A (to invite someone) 31. Telah jelas, baca pembahasan nomor 30

32. Youngs Youngster terss = kawula kawula muda muda (A) Young people = orang-orang muda/kawula muda/kawula muda (B) Old people people = orang muda

(C) Children Children = anak-anak  (D) Kids = anak-anak  anak-anak  33. 33. Peng Pengha harg rgaa aan n yang yang dipe dipero roleh leh oleh oleh Hond Hondaa Jazz Jazz adala adalah h 17 peng pengha harg rgaa aan n nasional (national awards) dan 51 penghargaan internasional (international awards). Jadi, total keseluruhan adalah 63 penghargaan 34. Suites Suites = cocok/ cocok/pan pantas tas/se /serasi rasi (A) Appropriate Appropriate = cocok  (B) Uncomfortab Uncomfortable le = tidak nyaman nyaman (C) Important Important = penting penting (D) Well-know Well-know = terkenal 35. Teks ini berbentuk prosedur yang mempunyai fungsi untuk menjelaskan atau

memaparkan (to explain/to tell) cara membuat atau mengoperasikan sesuatu (A) Salah, karena teks tidak menjelaskan menjelaskan tentang cara menyajikan salad (B) Salah, karena teks tidak menjelaskan menjelaskan mengenai cara membuat salad. Salad adalah salah satu bahan yang diperlukan (ingredient) (C) Benar, Benar, karena karena teks teks berisi berisi tentan tentang g penjel penjelasa asan n mengen mengenai ai cara membua membuatt Tikka Kebab (D) Salah, teks tidak berisi tentang cara pembuatan cubes of lamb 36. Ada 5 bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam membuat Tikka Kebab, yaitu cubes of 

lamb, squares of green pepper, onions, salad dan Tikka seasoning mixture. 37. Telah jelas 38. Dalam Dalam surat surat terseb tersebut, ut, Mirda Mirda berceri bercerita ta kepada kepada Emily Emily tentan tentang g bagaim bagaimana ana

senangnya Mirda saat mereka berkenalan, tentang foto mereka yang dihapus oleh oleh adik adik Mird Mirda, a, juga juga tenta tentang ng kelu keluarg argaa Mird Mirda. a. Semu Semuaa itu itu meru merupa paka kan n  pengalaman (experience) yang Mirda alami selama berkenalan dengan Emily. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat sesuai dengan bacaan tersebut adalah D (to tell her experience). 39. Telah jelas jelas (kalimat (kalimat pertama pertama,, paragraph paragraph pertama) pertama) 40. Emily sekarang sekarang kelas kelas 11, yaitu yaitu siswa siswa SMA (senior (senior high school school)) 41. Dapat dilihat dilihat dalam bacaan, bacaan, paragraph paragraph tiga kalimat kalimat ketiga ketiga (… and also to take into its mouth natural oil which surrounds the ear surface) 42. Kalima Kalimatt terakhi terakhirr pargra pargraff 2 43. Sesuai dengan judul yang membahas tentang teling besar kelinci (Rabbits’

large large ears), ears), dan sesuai sesuai dengan dengan fungsi fungsi paragr paragraph aph deskri deskripti ptiff yaitu yaitu untujk  untujk 

mendeskripsikan (to describe), maka tujuan (purpose) dari bacaan tersebut adalah C (to describe rabbits’ ears. 44. Jawaban yang tepat adalah “colorful” yang artinya berwarna-warni hal ini

ditandai ditandai dengan dengan kalimat selanjutnya selanjutnya yang mengikuti mengikuti yaitu  yellow, blue, and  red. 45. 45. Kata Kata yang yang dibu dibutu tuhk hkan an adal adalah ah kata kata gant gantii yang yang sesu sesuai ai deng dengan an kali kalima matt sebelu sebelumny mnya. a. Karena Karena subject subject awalny awalny adalah adalah Coly Coly yang yang mana mana dia adalah adalah hewan, hewan, maka maka kata kata gantin gantinya ya adalah adalah “It”. “It”. Sedang Sedangkan kan Its bukan bukan merupa merupakan kan  personal pronoun (kata ganti) tapi possessive pronoun (kata ganti milik) 46. Kaki yang dimiliki oleh Coly digunakan untuk …. ranting dan memegang

makanan. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapai adalah menggenggam (A) Fly = terbang terbang (B) Take = mengamb mengambil il (C) Grip = menggengg menggenggam am (D) Bring = membawa membawa 47. Paragra Paragraph ph yang yang tepat tepat adala adalah h One day a hungry fox was walking walking alone in the jungle. He saw a crow  perch on a branch of tree. The crow had a piece of cake on her beak. “Oh…  beautiful Crow! You’re the best singer I’ve know in the world. I really want to hear you melodious voice. Please… sing me a song now!” The crow was so proud to hear this. Then she started to open her beak to sing for the Fox. As soon as she opened her beak, the cake fell down. The cunning Fox caught the cake happily and ran away. In the end, the crow had no more cake  because of her foolishness. 48. Susuna Susunan n yang yang tepat tepat adala adalah h The word brontosaurus means thunder lizard. A brontosaurus was as long as four big elephants standing in a line. Why was it named like that? The man who named it thought that when such a big animal walked, it must have made a noise like thunder  49. Susuna Susunan n yang yang tepat tepat adala adalah h… Congratulation on your best performance! In the speech contest 50. Susuna Susunan n tang tang benar benar adalah adalah Please meet me in front of the library at 3 p.m.

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