Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 - Soal UAS Semester 1
October 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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COMPETENCE TEST A. Choose Choose the the best best answe answer! r!
1. Shiva meets meets Lia, Lia, her old friend, friend, on on her way walking walking to her office. office. Shiva Shiva greets greets her. Shiva : You are Lia, aren’t you? Hi … Lia : Hi Hi, Shiva. Oh Oh I am am ju just fi fine. How about yo yourself? Shiv Sh ivaa : I am fine fine,, too too.. I am work workin ing g for for that that of offi fice ce no now. w. Lia : Really? How lucky you are!
a. Wher Wheree do do you you live live now? now? c. Do yo you u rem remem embe berr me? me? b. How have you been? d. Do I lo loo ok gre great at?? Mr. Handoyo Handoyo is eager eager to know know about about Anton’s Anton’s conditio condition. n. He is not not cheerful cheerful as usual. usual. Mr. Hand Handoy oyo o : Ant Anton on,, wha whatt is is the the matt matter er wit with h you you?? You You do no nott loo look k wel welll thi thiss morning. Anton : You are right, Sir. … I think I get cold. Mr.. Hand Mr Handoy oyo o : You You’d ’d bett better er take take a re rest st at home home,, the then. n. a. I am okay c. I do do not not feel too well well this this morn morning ing b. I am just fine d. I do do no not fee feell b bad ad The followin following g expressions expressions are are commonly commonly used used to greet greet someone, someone, except except … a. How’s lliife? c. What What ar aree you you do doin ing? g? b. How are you doing? d. How How are are thi thing ngss wit with h you you?? Mrs. Rossy : Good afternoon, students. Students : Good afternoon, Ma’am. Mrs. Mr s. Ross Rossy y : Wel Well, l, I can canno nott tea teach ch you you thi thiss aft after erno noon on.. I have have a mee meeti ting ng wi with th th thee headmaster. Students : That is alright. We will study by ourselves, Ma’am. The underlined utterance is an expression of … a. Greeting c. Intro rod duction b. Leave-taking d. Pro rohi hib bitio ition n Ruly : Hello, I am Ruly. … ? Ad i : Hello. My name is Adi. Pleased to meet you. Ruly : Pleased to meet you too, Adi. a. What What is the the matt matter er wit with h you you c. How are you b. What is your name d. Are Are you you a new new stud studen entt Ferly : Romy, this is my sister, Vivian. Romy : …?
Vi Vivi vian an : How How do you you do. do. I hav havee hea heard rd so much much abou aboutt you you.. a. How do you do c. How is is yo your life life b. How are you d. What is is up up 7. Below are are the express expressions ions of of introduci introducing ng ourselves ourselves to to others, others, except except … d. I would would like like to to intro introduc ducee you to to my frien friend, d, a. Hello, I am An Any Franda. b. It is the first time to meet you. I am Shelly c. Let Let me int intro rodu duce ce mys mysel elff to you you 8. Excuse Excuse me, everybody everybody.. I would like like to introduce introduce Mr. Hakim Hakim to you all. He is is a new employee employee in our office. The underlined expression is … a. Se Self lf-i -int ntro rodu duci cing ng c. Greeting d. Leave eave-t -tak akin ing g b. Introducing someone to others 9. Hanna : …. Rani? Rani : I go to SMP Nusa Bangsa. a. How How do do you you go to sc scho hool ol c. Wher Wheree do do you you go to schoo schooll b. How did you go to school d. Wher Wheree did did you you go to schoo schooll 1
10. Deni : Hi Hi, My na name is is De Deni. What is is yo your na name? O mi : Hi, I’m Omi. Are you …? Deni De ni : Yes Yes.. I jjus ustt mov moved ed fr from om Band Bandar ar Lamp Lampun ung. g. I’m I’m in I B, B, an and d yo you? u? O mi : Me too. a. New te teacher c. New st student b. A teacher d. A librar ariian 11. 11. Rona Ronall : Cin Cindy dy,, thi thiss is is my my sis siste terr Nit Nita. a. Anit Anitaa tthi hiss is is Cin Cindy dy.. Cindy : How do you do? Nita : How do you do? What does Ronal do? a. He int intro rodu duce cess hims himsel elf. f. b. He introduces his sister.
c. He gr greet etss Ni Nita d. He meet meetss Cin Cindy dy
The text is for questions number 12 – 14! This is my school, SMPN 1 Pasir Sakti. It is on Hasyim Asy’ari Street. It is far from my house. It has twenty one classrooms. Every classroom consists of thirty one students. There are a library, a laboratory, a computer room, a mosque, four toilets, and a meeting hall. My favorite place is a library. I like reading fairy stories, encyclopedia books, and computer books. 12. What is on Hasyim Asy’ari Asy’ari Stre Street? et? a. My school c. The The writ writer er’s ’s ho hous usee b. SMPN SMPN 1 Pasir Sakti d. My house 13. Where does the writer always read his his favorite books? books? a. The cl classro ssroo om c. The lliibrary b. The laboratory d. The The com compu pute terr roo room m 14. How many students students are in every classroom? classroom? a. Twenty one c. Twenty two b. Thirty one d. Thirty ttw wo 15. Today is Wednesday. Wednesday. What is the day before yesterday? a. Tuesday c. Monday b. Thursday d. Sunday
Read the following passage and answer questions 16 – 19! Riana is a junior high school student in Palembang who won the International Mathematics Olympiad in Swiss 2014. She was born in Ende and lived there until having graduated from Elementary school. Next, she moved to Palembang with her family until now. Everyday Riana usually gets up early in the morning at 05.00 a.m. She prays Subuh, reads AlQur’an and tidies up her bedroom. At 05.45 a.m., she takes a bath. Then she puts on her uniform and has her breakfast. She goes to school at 06.30 a.m. She usually goes to school by bicycle. Her class begins at 07.00 a.m. Around 01.00 p.m., the bell rings. It tells her that her class is over. She then returns home. She arrives home at 01.30 p.m. Later, she prays Dzuhur and has lunch. At 03.00 p.m., she prays Ashar. After that, she takes a bath at 04.00 pm. Then she prays Maghrib with her parents. At 07.00 p.m., she has dinner din ner and prays prays Isya’. Isya’. Afterward Afterwards, s, she prepares prepares her stuffs for the next day school, school, studie studiess and sometimes watches TV. Finally, she goes to bed at 09.00 p.m. 16. What time does Riana take a bath in the the afternoon? a. 05.00 a.m. c. 04.00 p.m. b. 05.45 a.m. d. 09.00 p. p.m. 17. When does Riana Riana study at night? night? a. Afte Afterr sshe he gets gets home home b. Around 01.00 p.m. p.m.
c. Afte Afterr pra prayi ying ng Asha Ashar r d. Afte Afterr havi having ng din dinne ner r 2
18. How does Riana study at school? school? a. 4 long hoursdoes
c. 6 hours d. 7 hours
b. 5 hours 19. Why does the writer write write Riana’s daily activities? activities? a. To tel telll the the dail daily y activ activitie itiess of Riana Riana b. To retell the experience of Riana in Math Olympiad c. To persuad persuadee the readers to join join Intern Internation ational al Math Olympiad Olympiad d. To descr describe ibe the childh childhood ood of Rian Rianaa 20. How do you you write 7.55 7.55 a.m.? a.m.? a. Five Five minut minutes es to to seven seven in the mornin morning g c. Five Five minu minutes tes to eight eight in in the the morni morning ng b. Fifty five minutes to seven in the morning d. Fifty Fifty five five minu minutes tes to eigh eightt in the the mornin morning g 21. Which of the following things is NOT commonly found in the kitch kitchen? en? a. Grater c. Ruler b. Kettle d. Jug 22. It is a type of container commonly used to hold liquid. It has an opening, often narrow, narrow, from which to pour our drink. What it is? c. Fridge a. Juicer d. Grater b. Kettle 23. This thing is usually found in the the bedroom. It is a long narrow pillow cushion cushion.. Filled with cotton, down or fiber. It is called … a. Pillow c. Blanket b. Bolster d. Jug 24. This thing is usually found in the the classroom. It is usually bought by travelers. They look at it to find a place and to avoid being lost. What is it? a. Time table b. Eraser 25. My mom buys buys some oranges. … are very sour. The appropriate pronoun is … a. It b. We
c. Map d. Watch
c. They d . He
B. Fill Fill in in the the bla blank nks! s!
1. 08.50
2. 11.48
3. 01.15
4. 10.14
5. 02.57
6. 08.00 a. a.m. = 7. 11.45 p.m. = 8. 04.00 p.m. = 9. 03.20
10. 1 10 0.18
C. Write Write the the follow following ing date date!!
1. August 3rd 1996
= 3
2. November 2nd 1985
3. July 31st 1979
4. January 13th 1990
5. April 6th 1858
6. February 28th 1975
7. July 4th 1783
8. December 25th 2001
D. What What time time is it? it?
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