Clear walkways, work areas of equipment, tools,construction tools,construction debris and other materials ark, identify, or barricade other obstructions
#bserve proper liftin" techniques #bey sensible liftin" limits %&' lb( ma)imum per person manual liftin"* +se mechanical liftin" equipment %hand carts, trucks* to move lar"e, awkward loads 0ear reflective hi1vis vests when e)posed to vehicular traffic 2solate equipment swin" areas ake eye contact with operators before approachin" equipment 3arricade or enclose the work area Restrict work area entry to authorized personnel only durin" construction activities 0ear 0e ar hard hats, safety "lasses with side shields, a nd steel1 toe safety boots +nderstand and review hand si"nals
Rotate compaction compaction tasks to minimize worker e)posure to equipment vibration +se compactors compactors with vibration dampenin" devices
+se hearin" protection when e)posed to e)cessive e)cessive noise levels %"reater than 45 d3- over over an 41hour work perio
-ssess noise level with sound level meter if possibility e)ists that level may e)ceed 45d3- T0-
ig3/ Lo: A7ie2t Te7+erature
• • •
onitor for !eatCold stress /rovide fluids to prevent worker dehydration .stablish worktest schedule
; Ea*3 Jo or O+eratio2 *o2sists o' a set o' ste+s4 e sure to 6ist a66 t3e ste+s i2 t3e see t3e 3a>ar=s4 e *6ear, *o2*ise a2= s+e*i'i*4 0se oe*ti9e, oser9a6e a2=
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