Back to the Future Part II Story Treatment

October 1, 2017 | Author: Jeffrey Dean | Category: Leisure
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This is a full story treatment of Back to the Future Part II that I wrote for inclusion in another book I wrote (which I...


Back to the Future Part II Story Treatment By Jeffrey D. Dean, Sr. A Flying Delorean?

Black Background. White Text. Organ music and a xylophone. Stephen Spielberg Presents. A Robert Zemeckis Film. Saturday October 26, 1985 FADE IN. Interior McFly Garage. The door swings open and Marty stands in awe at what is inside. It's the jet black Toyota 4 X 4 pickup he always admired. He can't believe his eyes. He walks in and leans on it, exhausted by all of this. He hears Jennifer's voice asking him for a ride. He runs to her and holds her tightly saying "you are a sight for sore eyes." She comments that he's acting like he hasn't seen her for a week. He says, "I haven't!" They kiss. We see George and Lorraine who have been watching from the screen door, almost knowingly, turn away to give them their privacy. Suddenly there is a FLASH behind them and the Delorean appears, smashing into the garbage cans at the end of the driveway and screeching to a halt. Doc Brown jumps out dressed in odd clothes and wearing strange visorlike sunglasses. He shouts to Marty that he has to come back with him. "Back where?" Marty asks. Doc says, "back to the future." He runs to the garbage cans and grabs a beer can and some other garbage and begins feeding it into a machine mounted to the back of the Delorean. It has "Mr. Fusion" embossed on it. He asks Doc what he's doing and he says he needs fuel. He asks Doc "why, what happens to us in the future, do we turn into ass holes or something?" Doc says, "no both you and Jennifer turn out fine, it's your kids, Marty."

Jennifer is now staring at them both like they are completely insane. Doc grabs him by the shoulders and says, "something's got to be done about your kids." Reluctantly they get in the Delorean, with Marty continuing to object a little. Doc backs up for a take off. He says, "Doc you better back up more, you don't have enough road to get up to 88." "Roads?" Doc Brown says dramatically as he puts his sunglass visor back down. "Where we're going we don't NEED roads." The Delorean hovers a few feet in the air and the tires retract under the car sideways. They advance forward a space, turn, and fly straight toward the camera and pass overhead, picking up speed. There is a flash and the familiar sound of the time jump. Biff Tannen (Thomas F. Wilson) comes out of the house, and wants to show Marty the matchbooks he just got printed up for his auto detailing service, just in time to see the DeLorean fly away and vanish in a flash of light. "A flying DeLorean?" he asks, in disbelief, then he growls, "what the hell is going on here?" Fade Black. Clouds. Music. Back to the Future Part II Logo

What, Are You Chicken?

They reappear in the year 2015, and immediately find themselves flying against traffic it appears to be night time but we soon learn it's 4:29 pm Doc crosses to the right "lane" as they are descending into Hill Valley on October 21, 2015. Jennifer is confused, and Marty tells her they're in a time machine. She gets excited about seeing their future, the wedding, and where they will live. Doc knocks her out with a sleep inducing "alpha rhythm generator." Marty is clearly upset, but Doc tells him that she was asking too many questions about her future, and she's not essential to his plans. He reassures him that when she wakes up she'll think it was a dream. They land in an alley. Marty refuses to get out because it's raining too hard. Doc looks at his watch and tells him to wait 5 seconds. The rain stops right when Doc predicted and the sun comes out instantly. Doc praises the weather service saying it's "too bad the Post Office isn't as efficient." When Marty gets out, Doc peels off a rubber mask, saying he went to a rejuvenation clinic and got a natural overhaul. He says they added 30 or 40 years to his life (he looks the way he did in 1955, some 30 years younger than his 1985 counterpart). He says they also replaced his spleen and colon. Marty asks about his own future, expecting that by now he's some sort of rock star. Doc warns Marty that no one should know too much about their future. He throws Marty some clothes and tells him to put them on. While Marty complies Doc goes to the end of the alleyway and, using high tech binoculars, begins to spy across the green. Marty's future son, Marty Jr.

(played by Michael J. Fox) comes into view. Doc goes back to Marty and says they're precisely on schedule. Doc helps Marty figure out the power laces on the shoes and the self adjusting sleeves on the jacket. He instructs him to pull his pockets out because all the kids in that era wear their pants inside out. He gives Marty a ball cap that actually looks similar to a 1950's "jughead" beanie cap identical to the one we saw Marty Jr. wearing moments earlier. Doc begins to outline his plan. He is to go into the Café '80s (a nostalgic theme restaurants located where Lou's Diner used to be) in exactly two minutes and order a Pepsi. A guy named Griff is going to show up and ask Marty whether he is in or out about "tonight's opportunity". Marty is to tell him he is out, say no, and come back immediately. When Marty demands to know what this has to do with his kids Doc shows him tomorrow's copy of USA Today, and the headline reveals that on this date, Martin McFly Jr. will be arrested for theft, and within 2 hours of his arrest, he will be tried, convicted, and sentenced to 15 years in the state penitentiary. He is taken aback by the two hours, but Doc explains that the justice system works swiftly these days since all lawyers have been abolished. Doc also reveals that next week Marty's daughter Marlene will attempt to break Jr. out of jail and will get sentenced to 20 years herself, causing a chain reaction that destroys Marty's entire family. Doc explains that in a few moments Griff will pressure Marty Jr. into agreeing to be a patsy in this break in he has planned. Doc intends for Marty to take Marty Jr.'s place and stand up to Griff. To

accomplish this he will have to intercept the real Marty Jr. before he can get to the Café 80's. Doc warns him to be careful because Griff has "some short circuits in his bionic implants." Doc insists that Marty help him put Jennifer, still unconscious, on a pile of boxes against the wall of the alley. They carry her over there and gently set her down, all the while Doc continues to explain the plan. Doc assures him that Jennifer will be alright where she is. Marty, nervous, enters the town square. There is a pond in the middle where the park and parking lot, used to be. The Texaco is now robotic. He passes a sign on the movie theatre that says "Jaws 19" by "Max Spielberg (Stephen's son). As Marty watches a live bilboard commercial for Statler Toyota, a hologram of a giant shark comes from the theater, swoops down on Marty and "bites" him, he screams and ducks, holding his arms up shielding himself. He then sarcastically criticizes that the shark "still looks fake." Marty goes into the Café '80s. Several video screens compete with each other to get him to order something. The screens use personalities: Michael Jackson, Ronald Reagan, and the Ayatollah Khomeini, speaking in broken form reminiscent of the 80's AI icon "Max Headroom," (Matt Frewer).

Marty orders a

Pepsi and one is delivered from a compartment in the counter. Like a De Ja Vu Marty hears Biff's irritating voice. "Mcfly!" Biff, now an old man, stomps up to Marty and asks him how it feels to be the son of a big LOSER! He is obviously mistaking Marty for his son and ridicules his dad, how he flushed his life down the toilet! Marty thinks Biff is

talking about George Mcfly. Biff knocks him on the head with his cane saying, "Hello! Anybody home?" Then Biff informs him he's talking, not about his grandfather, George, but his FATHER, Marty Mcfly! A voice yells "GRAMPS!" It's Griff Tannen (also played by Thomas Wilson). He stands in the doorway and begins yelling at old Biff for not applying two full coats of wax to his car. Marty asks Biff if he and Griff are related, and Biff knocks him on the head again saying "why would he call me grandpa if we weren't related?" Marty says, "he's Griff?" Biff goes to Griff and they begin to argue about the wax job. Griff grabs him and drags him outside. Then he tells Marty not to go anywhere because he's next. Marty notices two boys turn on an antique shooting game. He begins to demonstrate how to use it by grabbing the revolver control and shooting at all the opponents, one of the boys ( played by a young Elijah Wood) says "you mean you use your hands?" The other kid says, "that's like a baby toy!" They storm off. Just then Marty Jr. peers in through the window of the cafe. One of his sleeves is malfunctioning and hangs down. He comes in and asks for a Pepsi. Marty has no choice but to duck behind the counter. Enter Griff and his gang (played by Ricky Dean Logan, Darlene Vogel, and Jason Scott Lee) . Griff yells, "Mcfly, I thought I told you to stay in here!" The gang then begin bullying Marty Jr. in the typical Tannen gang way. Griff

presses Marty Jr. for a decision about "tonight's opportunity." Marty Jr. says it might be dangerous, that he has to discuss it with his father. Griff yells "wrong answer Mcfly" and throws him over the counter. He lands hard and is passing out, mumbling "okay, Griff whatever you say, I'll do it." Marty picks him up and leans him against the counter saying "stay down and shut up" but Marty Jr. never sees him, he's out cold. Marty grabs his hat off his head and puts it on. (He's left his on top of the video machine). He now stands up, jumps over the counter, and faces off with Griff and his gang boldly. Griff demands he give the right answer. Marty tells him flatly, NO, then starts to walk away. Griff calls Marty chicken, hiding a telescoping bat behind his back. Marty doesn't like being called chicken and turns around to confront Griff over it. He swings at Marty with his bat and misses, hitting a video waiter. When Marty puts up his dukes, Griff is wearing pneudralic shoes that raise his height. Marty tries to distract Griff & throws a punch which Griff easily catches. Marty kicks him in the groin instead and pushes him against the others, then he runs out the door with them all in hot pursuit. Outside, old Biff is waxing Griff's car. Marty passes him and sees two kids with what he thinks are scooters. When he grabs one it turns out to be a "Mattel hoverboard," fitted with a steering column.

Just as he did in front of the diner in

1955 he rips off the handle, to the little girl's objections and hands it to her. Again, like what happened in 1955, Griff and his gang chase after Marty, but this time, not in the car, on hover boards of their own. Marty grabs the back

of a passing Jeep. Biff, who watches the chase from the front of the diner mumbles "something about this is very familiar." Marty grabs onto a rope from the Jeep's back and is towed behind like a water skier. The jeep takes him past Griff's car again and Griff swings at him with the Bat. Marty lets go and, out of control, he goes over the water in the fountain.

The board stops dead. He's hovering a few feet above the water and

he tries to get it to move by paddling with his foot. Laughing, the gang yells to him that hoverboards don't work over water "unless you've got power." Marty continues to try and paddle with his foot desperately. Griff goes back to the trunk of his car and pulls out a black case. He walks back to his gang, opens the case and out drops a jet propelled hoverboard named, "Pit Bull." The gang all hook to his board with mooring cables and all four of them fly across the water towards Marty. As they approach, Griff lifts up his bat for a devastating blow. As they reach him, Griff swings, but Marty jumps down into the water, and Griff misses. The momentum of Griff's unconnected swing sends the entire group out of control straight at the courthouse. They crash through the glass windows in the front. Biff, in a dusgusted tone, mumbles, "buttheads." Marty climbs out of the water as the gang are being immediately arrested. As he approaches the girl from whom he stole the pink hoverboard his coat says

"drying mode" then blows itself dry. He tries to give her back her hoverboard, but she declines, saying "no thanks, I've got something way better now" holding Griff's "Pit Bull." As he heads back to the alley he passes the electronic billboard sign again. A man asks for a donation to save the clock tower. The billboard flashes that the Cubs win the World Series in Tokyo, sweeping Miami. Marty is surprised about Miami. The old man says he wishes he could go back to the beginning of the season and put some money on the Cubs. Marty gets and idea. He heads to a memoribilia shop he saw earlier, one with a Gray's Sports Almanac in the window. Cut to interior of antique shop. The woman hands Marty the Sports Almanac, bragging that it still has its dust cover. Outside on the sidewalk he examines it and wickedly laughs to himself that he can't lose. Doc arrives. Biff comes around the corner and sees the flying DeLorean. Immediately he says to himself "I haven't seen one of those in 30 years. " Then a strange look comes over his face. Awakened, Marty Jr. comes out of the diner and bumps into Biff. Biff looks back and forth at Marty and Marty Jr. and says "two of them?" Doc looks at the courthouse and asks Marty what happened. Marty says, "My kid showed up and all hell broke loose." Doc apologizes, explaining that he used too much of the sleep inducer on Jennifer and there wasn't enough to keep Marty Jr. sedated for long. Marty and Doc watch as the original USA Today headline changes from

'YOUTH JAILED" to 'GANG JAILED; HOVERBOARD RAMPAGE DESTROYS COURTHOUSE. They watch and the scene in the photo in the newspaper perfectly matches the scene in front of the courthouse as Griff, being led away in handcuffs, shouts, "I was framed!" Doc tells Marty that future history has been changed and suggests they go get Jennifer and go home. As they head for the Delorean, Marty accidentally drops the almanac. Doc picks it up then becomes furious, shaking it at him and yelling that he didn't invent the time machine for financial gain.

He starts to put

the almanac in the trash, but sees the police; they duck around the corner and watch as two police officers, (Mary Ellen Trainor and Stephanie Williams) examine Jennifer and scan her thumb with their cell phone.

A computer voice

says, "McFly, Jennifer Jane Parker, 3793 Oakhurst Street, Hilldale, age 47." They remark in amazement "47? That's a helluva good face lift." They begin to put her in their cruiser to take her home. Marty suggests they go explain. Doc scoffs, asking him, "What will we say, that we're time travelers? They'll have us committed." He explains that the cops are taking Jennifer to Marty's future home. He says they can arrive there shortly after the cops do and take her back to 1985. Marty is excited about seeing his future home and himself as an old man. This makes Doc realize another serious problem. He says, "Jennifer could conceivably see her future self. The consequences could be disastrous. Marty asks him what consequences.

He says, "I foresee two possibilites: one, Face-to-face with her future self, she simply passes out or two, the encounter creates a paradox, which starts a chain reaction and unravels the very fabric of the space-time continuum and destroy the entire universe." They hide against the wall until the police cruiser passes overhead. Looking at the digital sign, Doc laments that the skyway will be jammed and that it will take forever to get there. He then lectures marty about the Almanac once more and throws it in a trash can. After they leave, Biff emerges from a nearby screen door where he has been hiding and listening in on everything.

He mumbles, "so Doc built himself a

time machine?" Then he retrieves the almanac and hails a taxi cab to follow them.

Chicken Fricassee!

Cut to Hilldale, exterior future Mcfly residence. The police car arrives at night. Jennifer, still unconscious, is carried to the front door while they discuss what a bad neighborhood this is. One cop says that Hilldale is "nothing but a breeding place for tranks, lobos, and zipheads." The other one agrees, saying that they should tear it down. They use her thumb print to open the front door and carry her inside. Cut to interior of Mcfly residence. Darkness. She wakes up. They tell her she got a little "tranked", but can walk and ask her to turn on the lights.


repeats, half dreamily, "Lights on?" The lights come on to her command and they sit her down on the couch. They caution her to be careful in the future. Again, dreamily, she repeats, "The future?" They leave. She looks at the window in front of her but sees a giant video screen, broadcasting the 24 hours a day scenery channel. She mumbles to herself that she's in the future. Her future daughter, Marlene is walking around upstairs. She stops and examines framed wedding photos of her and Marty, and picks one up. She whines, "I get married in the "Chapel O'Love?" In the photo, Marty wears a tux-patterned shirt and she wears a mini skirt. They look like poor white trash. The doorbell rings. She drops the photo and tries the front door, but there's no doorknob. The doorbell rings again and she hears someone coming down the stairs shouting "mom is that you?" She quickly hides in the closet under the stairs, attempting to peer through the slats of the closet door but she cannot see much as her future daughter, Marlene, ( Michael J. Fox in drag) comes down the stairs and opens the door. There is George (played by Jeffrey Weisman wearing a Crispin Glover mask) and Lorraine (Lea Thompson). George is floating, inverted, his hair hanging down. Marlene asks what happened to her grandpa's back. Lorraine says he threw his back out again on the golf course; George floats in upside down in a strange traction device. Lorraine asks Marlene if her folks are home yet. Lorraine is holding a small pizza in a sandwich bag, saying she bought pizza

for everyone. `

CUT TO SKYWAY: Doc, our Marty, and Einstein are flying in the

DeLorean weaving in and out of rush hour traffic. Doc frantically explains that future Jennifer usually gets home around this time, and hopes they're not too late. He grabs his goggles worriedly. Marty asks him what's the matter. Doc says he thought he saw a taxi in his rear display that he thought was following them. CUT INTERIOR McFly home. Lorraine changes channels on the window scenery screen wondering when they are going to get it fixed, she lifts it, revealing the window. Marlene says that when the repairman called her dad "chicken", he threw him out of the house, and now they can't get anybody to fix it. Lorraine grumbles about Marty's propensity to lose all self-control when somebody calls him chicken. Her and George mimic Marty in unison, "Mom, I can't let them think I'm chicken." Lorraine continues to explain how in 1985, he got into a drag race and struck a Rolls-Royce when someone challenged him, calling him "chicken". CUT TO ENTRANCE HILLDALE DEVELOPMENT. NIGHT. The DeLorean lands. They exit the vehicle and Marty is impressed that they live in Hilldale (not knowing it has become a slum). Doc heads out to find Jennifer, taking Einstein with him and giving Marty explicit instructions to wait by the time machine so as not to run into his 2015 counterpart, amid Marty's protests. He's wanting to see

where he lives. Doc runs down the street toward the Mcfly future residence. The taxi that was following the DeLorean lands down the street. Biff pays with his thumbprint, gets out, and as the taxi pulls away he sneaks behind some dumpsters near a recycling storage area. INTERIOR Mcfly home. Living Room. Lorraine continues telling Marlene how the accident caused Marty to be injured and to never play the guitar again. The driver of the Rolls Royce pressed charges and Marty was made to pay damages, causing him to ultimately give up on his music. He then spent the last few decades feeling sorry for himself.

Young Jennnifer, still hiding in the closet

listens to all of this with growing alarm. The front door opens and Marty Sr. (2015 Marty) enters. The home computer system announces, "King of the Castle."

Jennifer runs to the den closet and hides there. She watches as Marty

Jr. turns on the TV and he calls up numerous channels at once. EXTERIOR ENTRANCE TO HILLDALE. Still waiting by the Delorean, Marty watches in fascinatation as a dog walks by, led on a leash by a hovering robotic dog walker. He can't contain himself anymore and runs down the street in the direction Doc went.

He leaves the DeLorean's door open.

After he's gone, Biff cautiously approaches, carrying his cane and the Gray's Sports Almanac. He can't believe his good fortune. He climbs into the Delorean. It raises up. He has trouble controlling it for a second and it backs into a waste bin. He finally gets the hang of it though and it turns, speeds into the air, flies off. INTERIOR: Future Mcfly residence: Kitchen. The family has gathered at

the dinner table. Lorraine puts a tiny Pizza Hut pizza in a Black and Decker Hydrator, which is completed 3 seconds, restored to full size and cooked. Lorraine worriedly mentions how Jennifer is very late. Marty Sr. doesn't know where Jennifer is. He says she's probably in one of her moods. The phone rings, and Marty Sr. moves to the den to take the call on video chat. It's his coworker, Douglas Needles (played by Flea). Needles pressures Marty to collaborate in an illegal business venture, assuring Marty that the boss won't find out. Marty is still not sold on the idea. Needles asks, "what are you chicken?" To prove he's not, Marty pulls out his ID card and angrily scans it, completing the nefarious transaction. Needles looks extremely satisfied. Instantly he gets another video call. The screen lights up with the image of an asian man (Jim Ishida), and the name on the screen announces, Ito Fujitsu, Marty's boss. He screams "Mcfly!" Fujitsu informs Marty that he was monitoring his last transaction on the company card. The words "YOU'RE FIRED" flash across the screen. Marty cries out, "no, fired, I can't be fired!" "YOU'RE FIRED" then begins to print on every printer in the den! One prints out right next to where Jennifer stands, she takes it and puts it in her pocket as Marty sits down and, depressed, grabs his guitar. Doc appears at the window behind her and tells her to meet him at the front door. She tells him that there's no door knob and he explains she can open the door with her thumb print. She's still trapped in the tiny office off of the den, however. She watches as Marty Sr. begins to play a few bars of "Power of

Love." It sounds terrible. She grimaces. Lorraine comes in and asks Marty what all the screaming was about. She sees one of the faxes and gets worried asking him what's going on. He explains it as a prank someone at work played on him and ushers her out of the den back to the dining room. Jennifer, siezing her opportunity, sneaks to the front door and opens it, but standing at the doorway is her older 2015 counterpart, carrying a bag of groceries. The two women stand face to face with each other in the doorway. Old Jennifer screams "I'm young!" At the exact same time young Jennifer screams "I'm old!" They both faint. Doc catches the younger Jennifer as she falls out of the doorway and drags her off quickly. Marty arrives just in time to help Doc carry Jennifer, who is once again unconscious and helpless. CUT EXTERIOR HILLDALE ENTRANCE: Old Biff returns in the DeLorean and parks it right where he left it. He gets out of the car and his cane gets stuck. He gives it a good yank, breaking off the top of the cane. As he runs away he starts to clutch at his chest and he looks very weak and ill. They get to the Delorean still carrying Jennifer, not knowing it ever left. Doc is vowing to destroy the time machine when they get back to 1985 because it's too dangerous. He comments about how disasterous it would be should the machine fall into the wrong hands. They put Jennifer into the DeLorean. Doc feeds Mr. Fusion and they take off, flashing into the night sky.

Welcome To Hell Valley R.F.D.

When they arrive to their destination Marty asks if they are home. A jet passes overhead, barely missing them. Doc says, "we're home alright!" They fly straight to Jennifer's house, park in the driveway. It's the middle of the night. They carry to her front porch, lay her gently on her porch swing so as not to wake her parents. Doc explains that when she wakes up she'll just assume it was all a nightmare. Doc says she will probably sleep for a couple of hours. Marty notices security bars on the windows of her family home and remarks he does not remember those.

Also, he notices there is an abandoned

wreck in front of the house and this seems rather odd to him as well. CUT TO EXTERIOR LYON ESTATE ENTRANCE: They drive past the gate and fail to noitice that the lion statues on either side of the entrance are broken and vandalized with graffiti. They also fail to notice a pack of dogs looking wild and dangerous running past them in the street. Marty gets out in front of his house. Doc tells him he'll be back at his workshop "dismantling this thing."


drives away. Marty can't open the gate to his back yard. He finds it locked with an unfamiliar padlock. He jumps the gate and proceeds to climb through his bedroom window as he's done hundreds of times before. He falls into his bed. A young teenage girl jumps straight out of his bed and screeches, "Rape!" A very large man runs into the room carrying a baseball bat. Marty says, "I'm

sorry, I must be in the wrong house." The man says, "you're damned right you are" and starts swinging the bat at his head. Marty leaps out of the window again. The entire family file out as the father chases Marty down the driveway. He shouts after Marty "tell the reality company we won't be terrorized!" In utter shock, dismay and confusion Marty runs down the dark street. He begins to notice it is lined with wrecked and abandoned cars, including an abandoned police car still burning. Gunshots and a woman screaming can be heard in the distance. He comes across chalk outlines of two recent victims taped off with yellow police tape. He runs across the street and three police cars race by, sirens wailing. "I must be in the wrong year" he mutters. He runs onto a front porch where he sees a newspaper lying. The date on the paper is October 26, 1985. "It can't be," he laments, confused. Without warning a shotgun is trained at his head. He looks at the barrel then the one holding it. It's Strickland (James Tolkan), who doesn't seem to recognize him and apparently thinks he is "the one" who's been steeling his newspapers. Marty asks him why he doesn't recognize him from school and Strickland reveals that the school was burned down by vandals six years ago. He appears to be about to shoot when a car comes around the corner and some gangsters scream Strickland's name and start shooting automatic weapons at the house. Marty ducks while Strickland dives back into the house. After the shooters flee

Marty stands back up just as Strickland suddenly rushes out of the house, firing two shots after them while screaming, "EAT LEAD, SLACKERS!" Marty flees the front porch of Strickland's house in complete and sheer terror. CUT TO THE VILLAGE SQUARE: HELL VALLEY: Marty runs into the town square and immediately bumps into homeless Red (George 'Buck' Flower), the former mayor. who promptly says, "Watch where you're going, crazy drunk pedestrian!" Marty turns to look at the court house and the old faithful clock tower but in its place is a huge high rise hotel and Casino. A massive flashing neon sign on the front reads, "Biff Tannen's Pleasure Paradise" with an equally large profile pic of Biff Tannen above, looking much as Marty remembered him from before he ever went back to 1955. In the village square there is a biker gang circling. A tank passes by in the street. The whole town looks like a scene from a Mad Max movie. There is a toxic waste reclamation plant across the street. Off to the side, near the entrance is a small boutique museum. A video narration greets everyone, inviting them in. Biff Tannen's family history and life are "recapped" in a short documentary.

The visitor is enticed to "learn the amazing history of the Tannen

family, starting with Biff's great-grandfather Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen, the fastest gun in the west." Then, the video quickly summarizes how Biff, after coming from "humble beginnings" becomes a millionaire overnight by betting on a single horse race on his 21st birthday and then earns himself the nick name "the luckiest man

alive" by winning bet after bet. It recounts how he parleyed those winnings into a multi million dollar Corporation called "BiffCo." It speaks of his lobbying to legalize gambling. The narrator continues to talk about Biff's life, including the women he dated (Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield) and finally he married "high school sweetheart", Lorraine Baines McFly. There's a short clip of him slipping Lorraine the tongue. Marty screams in horror! Biff's aging henchmen, looking like an Elvis entourage, sneak up behind him as he's distracted by all of this and hit him in the head. It all goes dark. CUT INTERIOR PENTHOUSE SUITE: DARKNESS. He wakes up to see a shadowy image and he hears his mother's voice comforting him. She tells him to relax, that he's been asleep for almost 2 hours. Reminiscent of the scene in Lorraine's bedroom in 1955 after he's hit by the car, he once again thinks it was a nightmare. She tells him that he's safe and sound on the 27th floor and turns on the lights. He jumps up to see his mother, alcohol in hand, and her large voluptuous cleavage spilling out of the top of her shirt.

He stammers "your so,

so, BIG!" He hears the sound of Biff screaming in the hallway. He shakes his head in confusion and asks what's going on. She says "it's your father." Biff bursts in through the door followed by his Elvis entourage. He's screaming about how Marty is supposed to be in Switzerland. Marty stammers, "my my FATHER?"

Biff complains to Lorraine about all the perfectly good dough he's throwing away on her good for nothing kids! He points out that they are all losers like their natural father.

Lorraine tells Biff that he's not even half the man George

Mcfly was. He pushes her down (just like he did in the parking lot of the dance in 1955, when George decks him). Marty rushes at Biff, but his henchmen grab block. While the henchmen hold Marty, Biff cowardly punches him in the stomach. Lorraine goes off and says she's leaving. As she climbs the stairs he reminds her that without him she won't be able to pay for her clothes, jewelry, liquor, and cosmetic surgery. She stops and, cupping her breasts, she squeezes herself in his direction and says "I never wanted these THINGS you can have them." Then, he threatens to have Dave's probation revoked, and put all of her kids in jail with their uncle Joey, "one big happy jail bird family." Defeated, she comes back down the stairs toward the bar agreeing sadly to stay if he just leaves her kids alone. Biff storms out with a warning that he'll be back in an hour but Marty better not be here. Lorraine apologizes for herself to Marty explaining that it was all her fault as she pours herself another drink at the bar. This makes Marty very angry and he goes to her and demands to know why she would leave his dad for Biff. She puts her hand on his head and mourns balefully, "they must have really hit you hard this time!"

Marty asks where is his father. She sadly

reminds her poor disoriented child that his father is where he's been for the last

12 years. The Oak Park Cemetary. CUT TO OAK PARK CEMETARY AND A DISTANT FLASH OF THUNDER. Marty stands before a tombstone of his father, who died March 15, 1973. Shades of "A Christmas Carol," when Ebenezer Scrooge sees his own grave stone. He falls on the stone and begins to weep bitterly. Doc steps out of the shadows, saying he thought he might find Marty here. He confirms that everything that is happening is for real.

The Ghost of Hell Valley Past

CUT INTERIOR DOC'S WORKSHOP. The place is a mess, it looks like it has been completely ransacked.

Marty is perusing old News articles Doc

explains he took from the burned out Library. Meanwhile, Doc uses a chalk board to show how something has caused a new timeline to skew off the original creating an alternate reality. As he explains all this, Marty tears out a front page news article about the murder of his father, the award winning author, who was mysteriously shot to death in an alley. On a chalkboard, he draws the normal timeline and the alternate timeline (1985A) a reality that is alternate to Doc, Marty, Jennifer and Einstein but reality for everyone else. He then goes to the Delorean and pulls out the bag in which Marty had been carrying the Gray's Sports Almanac in 2015 and then, produces the actual receipt from the purchase.

Marty can't believe his eyes. Doc also

shows him the fist-shaped tip of a cane that he found on the floor of the

DeLorean. Marty recognizes it immediately as Biff's cane, the old Biff from the future. Doc nods in agreement and says, "it was in the Delorean because Biff was in the Delorean, with the Sports Almanac." Doc then theorizes that somehow old Biff from 2015 followed them, took the Delorean, then went somewhere into the past and gave himself the book. He then pulls out a magnifying glass, points it at a news article depicting Biff's first horse race win in 1958. Marty looks through the magnifier and can clearly see the Gray's Sports Almanac in Biff's pocket! Marty grumbles, "that sonofabitch stole my idea." He then stops as the realization hits him. "It's all my fault, none of this would have ever happened if I hadn't bought that damned book." Doc waves that off saying "it's all in the past." Marty corrects him, "you mean in the future." "Whatever!" Doc exclaims. "The point is, it just shows how time travel can be misused." Marty suggests they go back to the future and stop Biff from stealing the time machine. Doc, frustrated, explains that they can't because if they proceed into the future from where they are now they will only go to the altered future of this timeline, where Biff is corrupt and powerful. He then holds up a newspaper article for Marty to see. "And where this has happened to me." The headline reads "Doctor Emett Brown Committed" and shows them dragging Doc Brown away in a straight jacket.

Doc says the only way to fix it is somewhere in the past, where the new timeline skews off from the original. He says they must find out under what circumstances and at what time frame Biff gets his hands on the book and prevent that from happening. Marty voluteers to ask Biff where and when he got the book.

Two Mcfly's with the Same Gun!

INTERIOR CASINO PENTHOUSE APARTMENTOF BIFF AND LORRAINE TANNEN: Biff relaxes in a jacuzzi accompanied by two topless bimbos. He is watching "A Fistful of Dollars" on the television. He remarks how much he loves Clint Eastwood's style. Marty bursts in and boldly tuns off the t.v. Biff growls warnings at him but then Marty simply says three words "Gray's Sports Almanac." Biff's eyes narrow and he immediately tells the women to get lost. CUT INTERIOR BIFF'S PRIVATE OFFICE. Biff enters first in a silk robe, followed by Marty. Biff demands Marty explain how he knows about the book. Marty says, "first tell me how, where, and when got your hands on it." Biff says, "why not?" He invites Marty to sit down and begins recounting the events saying "it was November 12, 1955." Marty blurts out, "that was the night I went back..." catches himself and says, "that was the night of the big lightning storm." Biff, impressed, says, "you know your history, very good!" He then moves

to a painting and opens it to reveal a hidden safe. As he inputs the combination he speaks of how he had just got his car out of the shop after rolling it in a drag race. Marty scoffs and says, "I thought you crashed it into a manure truck." Biff stops inputing the combination and glares at him. Demanding to know how he knows about that. Marty, thinking fast says, "my father told me... before he died." Biff thinks about this answer, unsure. If George Mcfly was dead for 12 years Marty would have had to have heard the story before he was 5 years old. This seems odd to Biff but he shrugs it off and goes back to opening the safe. Once open, the safe gives up the Gray's Sports Almanac. Biff continues his story about how a "crazy old codger" claiming to be a distant relative (he adds that he saw no family resemblance) gave him the Almanac, asking him how would he like to be rich.

Biff talks of how he received

the book and was warned to keep it in a safe. He asked the old man what was the catch. The old man said, "No catch; just keep it a secret." Biff says he never saw the old coot again. Marty reaches for the Almanac but Biff pulls it back, turns, places it back in the safe. As he does so his back is turned to Marty and Marty takes one of the "Biff Pleasure Palace" matchbooks from an ashtray on the desk. Biff says there's one more thing. He sits down in his thronelike highback chair and tells Marty how the old man who gave him the book warned him that someday a crazy wild eyed old man claiming to be a scientist and or some kid

would show up asking about the book and when they did... Biff holds up a revolver and cocks it pointing it at Marty and smiles. He says, "I just never thought in a million years it would turn out to be you." Marty distracts Biff as he always does by saying "what's that" and pointing behind him. When Biff looks away Marty throws the ashtray at him. Biff ducks and it sticks to the back of the chair. This however was the only distraction Marty needed. He's on his feet and fleeing toward the exit. Biff takes a couple shots and misses. CUT INTERIOR STAIRWELL. Marty runs upstairs with Biff close behind shooting wildly.

Biff's henchmen enter the stairwell chasing after Marty. He was

running down with them close behind, realizing he will get caught if he continues he jumps to the upward flight of stairs and proceeds toward the roof while the henchmen lumber downward thinking he's heading for ground. Biff finally emerges from his penthouse into the stairwell and looks down. Something above catches his eye, however, it's roof exit closing behind Marty. CUT EXTERIOR CASINO ROOF. Marty goes to the edge of the roof and realizes he's trapped. Biff emerges from the exit pointing his gun at him. Biff gives him a choice, either jump, making it look like death by suicide or he dies of "lead poisoning." Biff prefers the suicide choice because it's "nice and neat." Marty tells him that he'll never get away with it because the police can match the bullet to his gun. Biff laughs and says, "kid,, don't you know already, I own the police?"

Then he adds, "besides they couldn't match the bullet I put in your father from this same gun." Biff then lifts up the gun and points it saying "ironic, two Mcfly's with the same gun." Marty, now looking completely hopeless and desperate, looks down at the waiting pavement below. Then, much to Biff's surprise and pleasure, Marty jumps up onto the ledge and leaps off the building. Biff is left standing in shocked glee, he spreads his arms and starts to laugh as if he can't believe Marty's stupidity. He calls him an idiot. As he goes to the edge to look at the carnage below, Marty rises up as if floating in mid air. He's riding on the Delorean. Biff is stunned. Doc then swings open the wing door and it hits Biff, knocking him over. Marty jumps into the Delorean from the open door and it closes. They speed away. Marty tells Doc he's not going to believe it but they have to go back to November 12, 1955. Doc says, "I don't believe it!" Then as he sets the time circuit for the jump he openly theorizes that perhaps Biff chose that very date because it's some sort of "space time continuum hub." As they ready for the time jump Marty reminds Doc that they have to first go get Jennifer and Einstein because they can't just leave them there. Doc explains that when they manage to repair the damage and put everything right the regular timeline they all came from will be restored and will "instantly transform around" Jennifer and Einstein. He adds that they won't even have any memory of this "horrible place."

Marty asks Doc "what if we don't succeed?" Doc gravely says that failure is not an option as they make the time jump.

Not Even For a Million Dollars!

EXTERIOR SKY. NIGHT. Doc and Marty emerge into the past not far from the old billboard sign, near the entrance to the unfinished "Lyon Estates," where Marty hid the Delorean the first time. They float silently down to that exact spot behind the billboard and get out. Marty says that it feels like he was just here yesterday, to which Doc reminds him that he was just there yesterday. He then informs Marty that he has to take time to repair the short in the time circuit and instructs him to stick to young Biff of 1955 like glue and look for an opportunity to get the book, but adds a warning that he must wait until young Biff has the book and old Biff leaves. Marty doesn't understand this, so Doc explains that old Biff must think he has succeeded and must get back into the time machine and go to 2015 or else they will never get the time machine back from him in 2015, causing a major paradox. Marty says, "right!" Coming prepared for all contingencies, Doc opens a suitcase with money in it from all different time periods and gives him some 1955 money, telling him to use it to buy era appropriate clothing. CUT TO EXTERIOR TANNEN HOME. MORNING. Marty, wearing a 50's

leather and a black hat and a pair of binoculars communicates with Doc using a walkie talkie. Biff exits the house through the front door with the sounds of a woman shouting after him. He shouts disrespectfully back at her, calling her grandma. He follows Biff to a mechanic's shop in the middle of town. Terry, the mechanic who repaired Biff's car after the manure truck incident, drops it off, and Biff is outraged to find that the repair bill is $300, including an $80 fee for the cost of the manure itself. CUT TO NEARBY TREE. Old Biff hiding behind it, and mutters that he remembers the incident. Biff and the mechanic head toward the shop continuing to haggle over the fee. Marty uses the opportunity to jump into the back seat of Biff's car and cover himself with an old army blanket that just happens to be lying back there. When Biff and the mechanic return they are still arguing and Biff carries a few oil cans with him that he tosses into the back angrily. They hit Marty and he winces in pain. Finally, Biff pays Terry and the mechanic drives away as fast as he can, spooked by Biff's demeanor. Lorraine comes out of a shop with a girlfriend, excitedly carrying the dress she will wear to the dance that night. Biff, seeing her, heads her way. He demands that she go to the dance with him. She informs him that she's going with "Calvin Klein." This does nothing but infuriate him.

He begins to repeat the same

behavior he exhibited in the lunch room in the first movie. Insisting that she

wants him she just don't know it yet. She tears herself away from him, kicks him in the knee and says that she wouldn't go anywhere with him even if he had a million dollars. She hits him in the head with the dress box and stomps away. Marty makes a face as if to say, "ya right." Biff shouts after her that she will be his some day and that he will marry her. Biff goes back to his car to find old Biff sitting there in the driver's seat. Biff, exasperated, tells old Biff to leave, but old Biff hits the hidden kill switch and starts the car, shocking Biff. Old Biff tells young Biff it's his lucky day and orders him to get in. Old Biff swerves all over the road as if it's been years since he drove. CUT INTERIOR BIFF'S GARAGE. The car rolls in with old Biff still driving and young Biff looking more perturbed than ever. He's clearly beside himself that this old Man has the audacity to take over his car this way.

They come to a stop

inside the garage. Young Biff demands to know how Old Biff knows where he lives. Old Biff tells him to shut up and listen. He then asks "do you want that girl?" Then suggests to his younger self that he knows a way to make it happen. Then he asks him "how would you like to be rich?" Young Biff scoffs, saying "you're going to make me rich, now that's rich!" Old Biff pulls out the almanac and immediately explains that the book in his hand contains all of the outcomes from every sporting event to the turn of the

century and says, "the information in here is worth a fortune." Young Biff tells the old man to "make like a tree and get out of here!" Old Biff slaps him in the back of the head and corrects him saying, "it's leave, you sound like an idiot when you say it wrong like that!" Young Biff obviously thinks the old man is crazy. Old Biff turns on the car radio, tunes it to the a football game and shushes young Biff as they listen. The game is just ending and it looks like one team will win but old Biff bets young Biff that the other team will win and gives him the final score by reading from the Almanac. Young Biff ridicules him asking, "didn't you just hear old man, it's over." Suddenly a suprise fumble occurs and the other team wins a touchdown. The game ends exactly as old man Biff predicted. UCLA wins 19-17. Now the old man has young Biff's complete attention. Old Biff tells Biff that with this book he can bet on the winner every time and hands him the book. He tells young Biff to not let that book out of his sight. They get out of the car. Young Biff takes the book and tosses it into the back seat right in front of Marty's face then gets out of the car. The old man jumps out, grabs the book back from the back seat and scolds young Biff like a kid while stuffing it into Biff's pocket. He tells him, once again, to never let that book out of his sight and to get a safe. As young Biff closes the garage door, old Biff continues to warn young Biff about how someday wild eyed old man who claims to be a scientist or a kid might show up looking for the book. Marty hears their voices fade then jumps out and tries to open the garage

door. He's locked in, trapped. He calls Doc on his walkie-talkie, telling him Biff and old Biff left with with the book; and asks him to fly over in the Delorean. Doc refuses to take the Delorean out in broad daylight and says he'll get there somehow.

De Ja Vu!

CUT TO INTERIOR BIFF'S GARAGE. Night. Marty is still trapped in the garage. Young Biff comes back, once again trailed by the sounds of his domineering grandmother yelling at him. He shouts to her, "I'm going to the dance, grandma!" Marty hops back into the back seat of his car. The garage door swings open and Biff gets into the car, starts it, and pulls out, then proceeds down the street, passing Doc who is just now arriving on his bike. Doc watches the car go then rides into the garage looking for Marty. CUT EXTERIOR ROAD WAY. Biff drives his car down the road. The sound of "Papa Loves Mambo" by Perry Como wafts from the car radio. Marty is trying to communicate with Doc on the walkie talkie but Biff goes into a tunnel. All the radios go dead. . CUT TO VILLAGE SQUARE. Doc rides past the Deolorean, covered in a tarp. His 1955 counterpart prepares to send Marty back to 1985 using the lightning strike on the clock tower. He slows to a stop and and peaks under the tarp then gets upset because he could run into his younger self there.

Biff comes out the other side of the tunnel, the Almanac is sitting right on the dash board of the car. Marty whispers from the back seat that he plans to wait until Biff goes in the dance, then grab the Almanac from the dash and get out of there. Doc quickly tells Marty to come up with a new plan, saying that the risk of him bumping to his other self at the dance is just too great. He has to remind Marty that his other self will also be at the dance attempting to get his parents back together. As Doc says this, behind him his own 1955 counterpart appears, sees him from behind and asks him to hand him a 5/8 wrench. Doc, keeping his back to his younger counterpart corrects him. "Don't you mean a 3/4?" He asks. The younger Doc thinks about it and then agrees, wondering how he knew. Older Doc reaches in to the tool box, pulls out the wrench then backs up to his younger counterpart, acting as though he's inspecting the cable as an excuse to keep his back to him.

He hands him the wrench then they have a

short conversation about weather experiments. Younger Doc is impressed with his knowledge and he says, "oh, I happen to have a bit of experience in these matters." Never once does older Doc turn to face his younger counterpart. He scoots away, back to his bike, continuing to keep his back to the younger Doc Brown. CUT TO SCHOOL. AUDITORIUM BACK ENTRANCE. Biff arrives and parks with Marty still lurking in his back seat. As he jumps out he almost leaves

the Almanac there on the dash but at the last second, just as Marty prepares to grab it, he doubles back and takes it with him. Frustrated and disappointed, Marty has no choice but to follow him inside through the back entrance. Marvin Berry and the Starlighters are playing "Night Train" and all the kids are dancing. George is there on the sidelines of the dance floor, dancing alone. Marty peers at George through his binoculars then he notices Biff's henchmen are at the punch bowl, spiking it. He can also see the almanac in Biff's back pocket. Strickland sees their suspicious activities at the punch bowl and heads their way. They split. Again, Marty follows them. Biff tells his gang to keep looking for Calvin Klein because he caused $300 damage to his car. They head off to do as he says. Biff stays outside near the railing reading something. Marty continues to spy on him not far away but then he sees Doc's convertible pull into the parking lot. Using his binoculars he sees himself pulling in with his mother in the passenger seat. He then sees the Almanac still in Biff's back pocket. He drops down to the alcove behind the railing and sneaks up on Biff. He reaches up and is just about to snatch the book out of Biff's pocket when Strickland magically appears from nowhere. Biff spins around, turning his back on Strickland to hide whatever it was he has been reading. Unfortunately this spins the Almanac out of Marty's reach and he has to retreat or be spotted. Biff is reaches into his back pocket and then begins fidgeting with something, hunched over as Strickland approaches sarcastically remarking how nice it is to see him here this evening. Strickland reaches down and grabs

whatever Biff has been fidgeting with, peruses it and says "oh, sports statistics, interesting subject matter." Biff gets smart with him and he shakes the book at Biff, calling him a slacker. He sends Biff on his way, keeping the Almanac. Marty secretly follows Strickland as he walks across the parking lot, not realizing until too late that Strickland is leading him right past Doc's car with his counterpart and Lorraine sitting in there talking. He has to drop down and slide his way across the drivers side door so as not to be seen. As he does this he hears Lorraine going on about how when she is older and has kids she's going to let them do whatever they want. His counterpart mumbles to himself "I'd like to have that in writing." Marty mumbles, "ya, me too." CUT TO INTERIOR SCHOOL. STRICKLAND'S OFFICE. Strickland enters and fills a coffee cup with liquor. Marty, slinking down by the floor, enters the office quietly and makes his way under Strickland's desk by his feet. Strickland throws the Almanac on the desk and looks away. Marty tries to reach up and grab the book but Strickland backs up in his chair against the desk, sandwiching Marty's hand there. Marty winces in pain. Strickland grabs the Almanac from the desk, looks out at some trouble brewing in the parking lot and leaves, but as he does he tosses the Almanac in the trash. Marty can't believe it. What a lucky break! However, when he recovers it from the trash and opens it, he finds it's a copy of oh LaLa, a porn magazine, wrapped up in the Almanac's dust cover. He is cresfallen!

He calls Doc and tells him that Biff must still have the Almanac and he has no idea where he could be by now. Marty laments. "I blew it Doc." Doc tells Marty to think about it, there's got to be some way he can figure out where Biff is. Marty thinks about it then remembers what happens out in the parking lot when he and Lorraine were parking. Through the window behind Marty we see the epic struggle between George and Biff. Marty hears the ruckus and looks out the window. Then he calls to Doc and tells him he knows EXACTLY where Biff is right now. He darts outside, arriving, once again just as George punches Biff. Across the parking lot he also observes his counterpart amidst the crowd of onlookers celebrating and looking very proud. He mumbles to himself, "talk about De Ja Vu." He continues to watch as his counterpart looks at his family photo, gets worried, and turns, disappearing in the crowd. He waits until George escorts Lorraine in to the dance then he runs across the parking lot to Doc's car where a small crowd gathers around the unconscious Biff. He tells one fellow who leans over Biff that he knows CPR and asks him to stand back and make some room. The guy asks, "what is CPR?" As Marty looks down on Biff's lifeless body he bends down and starts to grope for the Almanac. As he does Biff wakes up, looks at him and says, "you!" With no time to mess around Marty reaches down and decks Biff again. He's out cold again. Marty grabs the Almanac and runs for it. The man who was trying to help Biff shouts after Marty, "he just stole that

guy's wallet!"

Battle for the Book!

CUT TO EXTERIOR. BILLBOARD SIGN. Doc's walkie talkie is on the Deloreans' roof. Marty's voice comes over saying that he succeeded. He has the Almanc. Doc jumps up from his work and grabs the walkie talkie, congratulating Marty he tells him he's almost finished repairing the time circuit and he'll meet him on the gymnasium's roof. As Marty turns a corner he bumps right into Biff's henchmen who are as shocked to see him as he is them. One of them says, "look, he's in disguise." Quicker thinking causes Marty to prevail. As he usually does he points behind them and asks, "guys what's that?" They turn to look where he is pointing, (apparently they fall for this trick every time) Marty pushes all 3 of them down and runs past them. They give chase. CUT EXTERIOR. BILLBOARD SIGN. Doc gets in the Delorean and raises it up, as he backs up the car strikes the light fixture on the top of the sign and the multicolored flag streamer gets wrapped around the Delorean's axle. Doc flies off with the time circuit malfunctioning again (due to shorting out on the light fixture) and with the streamer trailing along behind him. INTERIOR GYMNASIUM. Marty rushes into the dance. The song "Earth Angel" is being played. He looks and sees his parents dancing, it is the moment exactly following their fated kiss. George waves at Marty's counterpart on stage,

who waves back and examines his now restored hand. The henchmen come in behind Marty and he hides under the table. They immediately see his counterpart on stage and are baffled how quickly he changed again. Counterpart Marty on stage is now launching into Johny B. Goode. They decide to wait for him back stage and grab him. Marty calls Doc again and tells him that he screwed up again and now, because of him, his counterpart could miss his deadline at the clocktower. Of course, Doc orders Marty to help his counterpart at all costs, without being seen by him or his parents, or there will be a time paradox. CUT TO EXTERIOR PARKING LOT. Biff wakes up and immediately demands to know where is Calvin Klein. The guy that said Marty stole his wallet points in the direction that he ran. Biff runs into the dance. Marty goes backstage, climbs up into the overhead rafters and pulls the ropes, releasing the stage weights (sandbags) on Biff's henchmen as they wait backstage for his counterpart to finish so they can ambush him.

Marty swings

down and drops the bags on them again, knocking all three out just as Marty's counterpart finishes playing the high note. He watches as his counterpart leaves the stage, stops and puzzles over Biff's henchmen lying there, shrugs, and steps over them to leave. Marty calls Doc and they agree to meet on the roof of the gym in one minute. Marty leaves through the door, but then stops and peers back into the window to watch his counterpart saying goodbye to Lorraine and George. As he's intently watching he hears Biff's voice.

"Hey butthead!" Marty turns and Biff stands before him, they are almost toe to toe. Biff challenges him to a fight. He starts to walk away but Biff calls him a chicken. He turns around to face Biff again, but just then his counterpart comes running out and the door swings open, slamming into his face and knocking him on his butt. Biff does a double take as the other Marty runs off, but then forgets all about the "twin" when he sees the Almanac in Marty's pocket. While Marty is still laying there Biff kicks Marty for taking what belongs to him, and again for damaging his car. He grabs the Almanac, turns, and stomps off to his car, jumps in, tosses the book in the back seat without looking and speeds away. CUT EXTERIOR GYMNASIUM ROOF. Doc waits for him there with the Delorean. Marty shows up and has to admit to Doc that he messed up again and that Biff now has the Almanac... again.

They get in the Delorean and head off to

find Biff, they know the route he will take if he's going home.

They hover over

his vehicle as he drives down the road. Marty suggests they land on him and cripple his car. Doc scoffs and points out that it's a 46 Ford and they are in a Delorean. "He'd rip right through us like tin foil," he concludes. He says he has a plan though and he lowers the Delorean with all the lights off until it trails behind the Ford without being seen. The passenger wing door opens and Marty, using the pink hoverboard from 2015 gets out and glides to the back of the Ford. Doc flies away so as not to risk being seen. Biff turns as if sensing him or as if hearing a noise but then shrugs it off.

Who could be following him without him knowing? Marty pulls himself along the outside of the car, up to the passenger side door. He can see the Almanac on the back seat. Biff is listening to the day's scores on the radio. Marty is trying to reach in and grab the book without being seen but Biff grabs it and, while driving, he thumbs to the date and compares the scores being reported on the radio with what is written in the book. "Sonofbitch!" He exclaims as, obviously the scores in the book match perfectly what he's hearing on the radio. He puts it back on the seat next to him, his face shows that it is dawning on him what a miraculous gold mine he actually possesses. "That old man wasn't lying" he mumbles to himself. Marty slowly opens the passenger door and reaches in. His hand makes contact with the book but Biff turns and sees him. Biff grabs at the book and they play tug of war with it. They both lose their grip and the book flips up and out of the car landing on the exterior of the windwhield. Biff is yelling at him to let go of the car. He swerves to the left to miss some road work barriers on the side of the road. Marty is nearly struck by the barriers but he uses the hoverboard to swing up. Marty still hangs onto the open car door while Biff goes into a controlled spin to try and make him lose his grip. He hangs on and Biff can't shake him. Biff sees the tunnel ahead and steers right toward it to side swipe the wall and knock Marty free. Marty sees the wall in time and lets go, gliding backwards he grabs ahold of the rear bumper and hangs on as he's being towed into the tunnel at high speed.

Biff thinks Marty is gone and says to himself "that will teach him!" Marty's head pops up over the trunk and Biff sees him in the rear view mirror. Marty glides to the driver side door, keeping himself low, unaware the Biff sees him and is preparing to strike. As Marty gets even with Biff and starts to make his move for the book which is still stuck to the windshield, Biff reaches out and punches him hard. He loses his grip with one hand and is almost thrown under the car. They are in the wrong lane now and Biff, at the last minute sees an oncoming truck. He veers away and Marty is almost hit by it. Then, Biff goes back over into the other lane and begins to try and sideswipe the tunnel wall on the drivers side, to sandwhich Marty. Marty puts the board against the wall and then uses the round shape of the tunnel wall to swing up and over Biff, while at the same time he grabs the Almanac and he's now free of the car with the book in hand. He stops and almost does a victory dance right there, but then he sees Biff screech to a halt, spin around and then begin to rev his engine. Marty looks behind him at the long tunnel and realizes he's in big trouble. He desperately makes a break in the other direction and Biff holds back, revving his engine, toying with him like a cat with a mouse. As Marty starts to think he just might make it to the other end of the tunnel and safety Biff squeels his tires and bears down on him fast. Biff laughs maniacally and chases Marty all the way to the other end of the tunnel, toying with him. When Marty is almost out of the tunnel Biff guns it and

tries to run him down but suddenly the flag streamer Doc had got stuck to the axle earlier drops down for him. Marty grabs the streamer. Doc yells, "hang on Marty" and lifts the Delorean up, carrying Marty to safety. Biff looks behind him at Marty floating away in total disbelief. When he looks back at where he's going, he's headed straight for a manure truck. He spins sideways and clips the truck, the same way he did a few days earlier in front of the diner. Once again his car is filled with manure until his head is sticking out of a huge pile. He spits manure out of his mouth and screams, "I HATE MANURE!"

The Future Is Back

CUT EXTERIOR BILLBOARD SIGN. The Delorean comes to a stop, still towing Marty. The big storm is heating up around them. Lightning and thunder flash. Marty is lowered to the ground on his hoverboard. Doc says he has to come around for another pass before he can land because of wind sheer. While he's doing that he asks him if he has the almanac. Marty proudly says yes. Doc says, "burn it!" He finds a bucket laying nearby, puts the almanac in and he takes out the matches he stole from Biff's Casino in 1985 setting the book on fire. As it burns, Marty notices the words on the matchbook cover changing from "Biff's Pleasure Paradise" to "Biff's Auto Detailing."

He reaches in his pocket and pulls out the

newspaper with George Mclfy's obituary. The headline changes from "GEORGE MCFLY MURDERED" to "GEORGE MCFLY HONORED." He gets on the walkie talkie and as Doc is still struggling with the wind sheer he tells him about the newspaper changing and that his father is alive! He asks, "that means Jennifer and Einy are okay right?" Doc looks at the newspaper he has saved which tells of his being committed in 1985. It changes to "Doctor Emmet Brown Commended." He nods and grins shouting into the walkie talkie, "that's right Marty, it's the ripple effect, the future is back, now let's go home!" A bolt of lightning almost hits the Delorean. It misses and strikes the tree behind Marty. He then asks Doc if he's alright. Doc says something about him almost buying the farm. (Meaning he was almost killed). Marty tells him to be careful because he doesn't want to be struck by lightning. As the words come out of his mouth the Delorean is struck full on by a bolt of lightning. It spins up and then vanishes leaving two curly queue fire trails in the sky. Shocked and dismayed, Marty calls for him on the walkie talkie. It's useless, he's gone. All that's left of Doc and the Delorean is the streamer that drops forlornly to the earth, smoking ominously. As Marty continues to call for Doc on the walkie talkie it starts to pour down rain. Headlights appear in the distance coming Marty's way but he stands in the middle of the street mournfully calling for Doc on that radio. The car slows and pulls up to Marty, who stands shielding his face from the rain so he can see the figure who now gets out of the vehicle.

A mysterious looking man in dark hat and a trench coat approaches calling his name. "Mr. Mcfly?" Marty is beside himself and says, "that's me." The man says, "I've got something for you, reaches in his trench coat as if he's going to pull a gun, but he pulls out a brown letter satchel instead. "It's a letter," the man says. He reveals that he is from Western Union and they have been holding a certain letter for the last 70 years, with instructions to deliver it to someone answering to the name Marty Mcfly, at this exact spot on this exact date and time. He says he lost a bet whether or not Marty would be here. He has Marty sign for the letter, then stands, uncharacteristically (for a Western Union Delivery man) and watches as Marty opens it and reads. Marty shouts to the man, "it's from the Doc!" He reads the letter aloud as the man listens. The letter states that Doc is alive and well and living for the past 8 months in the year 1885. He gleefully tells the man from Western Union that "Doc's alive, in the old West, but he's alive!" The man obviously thinks he's insane and asks him if he needs any help. Marty says, "there's only one man who can help me now" and he runs down the road.

Back From the Future

CUT TO EXTERIOR CLOCK TOWER. NIGHT. Doc stands on the ledge in front of the clock. Lightning flashes all around the clock tower. He looks and

it's almost time. The Delorean is speeding toward the cable where it crosses the road. He gets an idea and with no more time to spare he connects the cable, wraps a large section of cable around the hands of the clock, and using his jacket he slides down the cable toward the tree branch. Cut to the Delorean, Marty can now see that Doc is in trouble but he keeps accelerating. The Delorean has almost reached 88 mph and the cable ahead. Doc lands near the tree branch, jumps up, pulls the cable free of the branch, grabs the two ends and connects them just as the lightning strikes the clock tower. Electricity arcs between Doc's two hands and lights up the cable, crossing the street just as the Delorean hits 88 miles per hour and at the exact moment the hook connects with the cable. The electricity flows down the connector into the Delorean and it flashes with light, disappearing. Leaving behind the now familiar fire trail where the tires were traveling. Doc celebrates joyously in the street then he looks up at the clocktower smiling in satisfaction surveying the damage he did to the ledge. He turns and walks toward his car parked to the side. A figure comes running around the corner and past the theatre toward him. It's Marty in his black leather jacket. He grabs Doc from behind and turns him around calling his name. Doc is shocked at first and doesn't even recognize him, but then he screams in horror! "I just sent you back to the future!" Marty says, "ya, Doc, but

I'm back, I'm back from the future." Doc says, "GREAT SCOTT!" and faints dead away.

SLANTED SUNBURST LETTERS... "TO BE CONCLUDED..." Roll Trailer for Part III Fade to Black Music Roll Credits

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