Bachelor economics notes

July 31, 2018 | Author: Michael | Category: Entrepreneurship, Income Statement, Budget, Employment, Happiness & Self-Help
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Bachelor economics Nnotes...


Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

Contents Bachelor Pad Economics Economics (Clarey, (Clarey, Aaron).................................... .......... 1 1. Chapter 1 Leaderless, Guideless, and Adrift..................................1 2. Chapter 2 Philosophy...................................................................1 2.1 Philosophy 1 ! "initeness....................................................... "initeness....................................................... 1 2.1.1 #et $oals....................................... $oals................................................................. ....................................... ............. 2 2.1.2 %e&elop a Plan.....................................................................2 2.1.' e$imen..............................................................................2 2.2 Philosophy 2 ! ime heory.................................................... heory....................................................2 2 2.2.1 *+s it orth sla&in$ aay aay to ma-e all of that etra money/0....2 2.2.2 orality...............................................................................' 2.' Philosophy ' ! appiness (a-a *3tility0).................................' 2.'.1 4ther umans......................................................................5 '. Chapter ' he Basics......................................................................5 '.1 Bud$etin$.......................................... Bud$etin$............................................................................. ..................................... ..5 5 '.2 he *La6y Bachelor Bud$et0....................................................5 '.' Accountin$.......................... Accountin$.................................................... .................................................... .......................... 5 '.'.1 he +ncome #tatement.................................. #tatement..................................................... ................... .....5 ..... 5 '.'.2 he Balance #heet................................................................5 '.5 inimalism.............................................................................7 '.5.1 Lod$in$ and #tora$e........................................................ #tora$e............................................................. .....7 7 '.5.2 ime #a&in$s of Cleanin$ and aintenance......................... aintenance............................7 ...7 '.5.' o8ility...............................................................................7 '.5.5 Less #pendin$9Less :or-9Less #tress....................................7 '.7 %e8t.......................................................................................7 '.; %on material.......... .1> @.' :ife rainin$.................................... rainin$......................................................................... ..................................... 1@ 2  Page

Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron) @.'.1 here Can 4nly Be 4ne Leader............................................1 @.'.2 =eed to Be an onora8le Gentleman....................................1 @.'.' he %i&ision of La8our........................................................1 @.'.5 "inances.............................................................................1 @.'.7 Get id of er #hit..............................................................1 @.'.; Get the "uc- 4ut of the ouse............................................. 2 @.'.> Epectations ana$ement..................................................2 @.'.@ Physical "itness.................................................................. 2 @.'. Four 4n %amn rainin$.....................................................21 @.5 ids......................................................................................21 @.5.1 #e&erity of the %ecision to a&e ids...................................21 @.5.2 Bein$ a Good "ather...........................................................21 @.5.' %i&orce/.............................................................................21 @.5.5 Plan Four Escape Prepare for di&orce the ?rst day you $et married......................................................................................22 @.5.7 +n Char$e of "inances..........................................................22 @.5.; Consult an Attorney............................................................22 @.5.> :ife Lo&es the ids ore....................................................22 @.5.@ Bettin$ Li8eral Chic-s.........................................................22

Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

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Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

1. Chapter 1 Leaderless, Guideless, and Adrift (1) Education has now become nothing more than a racket to extract money out of youth to enrich the education industry, while leaing the students with degrees that are useless and debts that cannot be re!aid"

(#) $ocial security, %edicare and &bamacare are nothing more than wealth transfers from young !eo!le who hae no money to old !eo!le who !issed away theirs" (') omen like tall, strong, aloof, condent assholes who ignore and treat them like shit" (*) +n the !ast you needed connections, you needed a degree, you needed to network, you needed to kiss ass" $o o to school you went, worked for free as an intern, kissed a lot of middle aged men-s asses, only to hae all the good .obs and gigs go to their children" (/) 0ow you only need skill and talent as the internet +2EC345 connects you to your audience and !ros!ectie buyers" ant to be a radio star6 $tart a !odcast" ant to be an actor6 $tart a  5ou3ube channel" ant to be a musician6 $ell your music on i3unes" 2. Chapter 2 Philosophy (1) how does the beginner go about designing their own o!timal !ersonal nancial strategy6 3he answer is found in understanding three sim!le !hiloso!hies or 7laws8 about humanity"

9initeness  3ime :a!!iness ( 7utility8 for economic !ur!oses) (#) 5ou can contribute the maximum to your *;1k !lan, buy a house with #;< down, and make 7all the right moes,8 but it could all be for naught since you neer incor!orated your dreams, your desires, and what you wanted to do with your life into your nancial !lanning" 2.1 Philosophy 1 ! "initeness (1) 5ou are going to die"

(#) 2eali=ing you-re nite will trigger the sense of urgency to start making !lans, and A4$& translate those !lans into reality (') e-re talking about eeryday things that aect eery as!ect of your life" 5our career, your !hysical life, your social life, your education, your family, your intellect" (*) 3here are three actions you must take to reach your goals> i" $et goals ii" eelo! a !lan iii" Establish a regimen to reach those goals 5  Page

Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

2.1.1 #et $oals (1) 9ind out what you want in life and establish your goals rst before !utting eort into it"

(#) &therwise soon, the 7career woman8 who reali=es at *# she really .ust wanted to be a mother, or the CE& who suers a stroke at /? who .ust wanted to sh, it-s too late as life has !assed them by and will neer gie them another shot 2.1.2 %e&elop a Plan (1) 3he details and answers may not all be there, but in at least knowing what your goals are, you-ll be set on a !ath or tra.ectory to reach them

(#) 3ake concrete ste!s to bring yourself closer to achieing your goals and increase your chances of success" 2.1.' e$imen (1) 5ou need to constantly, regularly, and religiously carry out and execute your !lan"

(#) 5ou need to get u!, you need to work extra hours (outside your day time .ob), and you need to sacrice" 5ou need to dedicate yourself to achieing those goals" 2.2 Philosophy 2 ! ime heory (1) 73he %atrix8 analogy aboe is not too unlike our own real world" (2) All your things and possessions are nothing more than human time.

(') 3he economy is not 7big businesses,8 7goernments,8 and 7!eo!le8  .ust all mushing around in some kind of economic !rimordial goo" +t is merely an exchange of human time" (*) %oney is merely a tool by which !eo!le conert and exchange their time with others (/) By understanding this you truly understand the alue of your time, s!ecically the conce!t of wages (@) +n haing a higher wage you can command other !eo!le-s time and thus enrich yourself" (?) 3his shows you how to become 7wealthy"8 +t is in making that same hour of your time much more aluable than other !eo!le-s time" () 9orget 7*;1k-s8 and 7+2A-s8 and eerything else you-e heard about inesting" All it is, is lending your time to somebody else with the expectation you will get more time in return. (9) Humans tend to OV!VA"# labor and #$%!VA"# leisure.

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Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

2.2.1 *+s it orth sla&in$ aay to ma-e all of that etra money/0 (1) Bill ates, des!ite his billions, is likely to hae the same life ex!ectancy as you, me, or any other regular schmoe making *;,;;; a year"

(#) + want to !reent you from the fate of $tee Dobs  an entire life working u! billions of dollars, only to (tragically) hae no time to en.oy it" 2.2.2 orality (1) 3he nal immediate benet of haing the 7human time e!i!hany8 is one of morality" $!ecically, remoing morality when making economic and nancial decisions and re!lacing it with logic, math, economics, and reality"

(#) Economic and !olitical enironment in the F$ (and most of western society) is one trending towards 7forced sharing8 or 7socialism"8 (') 2emember that morality has little to no !lace in aecting your economic decisions" Fnderstand that in a E%&C2A3+C society oting in and forcing these rules on you any morality in economic decision making has been remoed from you and abdicated to them" 2.' Philosophy ' ! appiness (a-a *3tility0) (1) +n reality ha!!iness transcends material wealth as it includes many other !sychological, emotional, and !hysical com!onents"

(#) Because of this com!lexity ha!!iness eludes most !eo!le" %ost !eo!le beliee what the media, goernment, schools, and marketers tell them, Ginging themseles into the rat race in the ain ho!es of making it richH only to be in debt, liing !aycheck to !aycheck, suering the same miserable and ordinary existence as eeryone else" (') :a!!iness is merely a state of mind" A state of mind that, when you-re in it, nothing else matters becauseH you-re ha!!y" (*) ealth> 5ou %F$3 maintain your health" $tay in sha!e" (/) #ecurity attaining ha!!iness will !roe diIcult until you actually achiee security" i" Aoiding nancial liabilities or mistakes in your life can do a lot to achiee security" ii" A combination of wise, frugal decisions when it comes to income and s!ending will go a long way in hel!ing you attain security in your life" (@) "reedom  %an is ha!!iest when he is free" 3he reason is sim!le  in being free you get to s!end your time on what you want" 5ou get to benet from the ma.ority of your labour"

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Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

i. &our goal should be to become independently wealthy as 'uic as possible neer needing an employer again. #ntil that time you*re +ust another unhappy corporate cog. ii. n-nitely worse than an employer, howeer, is a nagging wie or controlling spouse.

(?) Purpose and *A$ency0 > to make sure you hae !ur!ose and agency in life, you need to nd hobbies and interests that are not de!endent on economic circumstances () "un> many men will a!!roach life from the angle of attaining nancial security rst, and 3:E0 relaxing and en.oying life" But life doesn-t work that way" i" +t will take at least a decade of incredible scal disci!line and selfJcontrol to achiee such nancial stability and the economy or your life might hae some bad luck and derail your !lans" 3his doesn-t mean you shouldn-t try or work hard to achiee your nancial goals, but that you do occasionally permit yoursel to hae un along the way " 2.'.1 4ther umans (1) +f 75ou are going to die8 is the best economic adice +-e eer gien, then the second best economic adice +-e eer gien is> *he only thin$ that matters in life is other humans.0

i" +t makes nancial !lanning incredibly sim!leK and ii" +t makes !eo!le hae the ha!!iest life !ossible" (#) 3his is the greatest news !ossible for anybody interested in nancial !lanning because it tells you the most im!ortant thing in life is 92EE"

'. Chapter ' he Basics '.1 Bud$etin$ (1) A44 9+0A0C+A4 P2&B4E%$ come from !eo!le, com!anies and goernments s!ending more than they make" '.2 he *La6y Bachelor Bud$et0 (1) +t is not so much a budget as it is a !hiloso!hy or a way of life"

(#) +nstead of wasting your time tracking eery nickel and dime, com!aring whether you oers!ent or came under budget, you follow one sim!le rule  spend as little as you can " (') As it is easier to follow the 4a=y Bachelor Budget, chances are you*ll actually ollow it. '.' Accountin$ (1) 3he +ncome $tatement and the Balance $heet

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Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

(#) 3he reason these two statements are key is because they are the two !rimary tools by which nancial information is coneyed about a com!any, a !erson, een a goernment" And if you can read and inter!ret these two nancial statements you will be able to make much more sound  .udgments in many areas of your nancial life" '.'.1 he +ncome #tatement (1) An income statement in its sim!lest form lists the sources of reenue for an entity and then subtracts out the ex!enses leaing a 7!rot8 or 7loss8 at the bottom"

(#) 5our income is always A93E2 3AL as you do not get to kee! all of your income" '.'.2 he Balance #heet (1) the balance sheet shows how much that !erson or entity owns ersus how much it owes" +n short, it shows an entity-s 7net worth8 or 7how rich it is"8

(#) A balance sheet doesn-t .ust tell us the net worth of a !erson or how rich they are, but also how 7liMuid8 they are '.5 inimalism (1) $tu is eil"

(#) At the core of minimalism is the fact that assets are not assets at all, but rather liabilities" At rst this may not make sense" 5ou may be asking the Muestion, 7ell, if + own this electronic entertainment system and + !aid cash for it, is it 0&3 an asset6 oes it 0&3 hae alue68 (') But what you are not accounting for are three 7indirect8 or less obious costs> i" 3he lifetime ancillary, su!!orting, and maintenance costs of owning that asset" ii" 3he 7o!!ortunity costs8 or 7what could you hae done with the money, had you not !urchased that asset"8 iii" 3he stress the comes from owning it" i" 3he hours of your life s!ent at a .ob you hate to buy it (5) hin$s you on, ends up onin$ you. '.5.1 Lod$in$ and #tora$e (1) +f all they were housing was themseles, then technically all a human needs is a tent"

(#) +f you were to be honest with yourself you could get rid of at least /;< of your stu, thereby cutting your lifetime housing ex!enses in half" (') %oney !eo!le s!ent on housing !eo!le as much as it is storing stu  @  Page

Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

'.5.2 ime #a&in$s of Cleanin$ and aintenance (1) +t-s ery sim!le  the less stu you own, the less maintenance and re!air it needs"

(#) A small Nia with no frills has innitely fewer things that can break than a luxury B% with all the bells and whistles" '.5.' o8ility (1) the most underrated benet of a minimalist lifestyle is mobility" Because if you can get rid of your stu, your ability to trael, moe, and take adantage of o!!ortunities increases ex!onentially" '.5.5 Less #pendin$9Less :or-9Less #tress (1) &f course you aren-t going out for sushi eery night, but you are immune to recessions, you can aord all you need, and you lie a much sim!ler and ha!!ier life" '.7 %e8t (1) 3he solution is sim!le  don-t go into debt"

(#) ithout debt you are immune to nancial !roblems" ithout debt it is im!ossible to hae any nancial !roblems" (') 3ake the four !rimary things you will borrow money for> Cars Consumer s!ending (credit cards) A house CollegeOEducation i" Cars and consumer s!ending are not inestments where you ex!ect them to !ay oK they will hae a =ero dollar alue when you-re done consuming them ii" :ousing (which we shall dele into later) ironically you can neer own" you still hae to rent it from the county by !aying !ro!erty taxes" 5ou also get to !ay insurance" '.; %on kids are the number one cause of !oerty"

i" %any women hae no !roblem in tricking you into getting them !regnant"

5. CAPE 5 E%3CA+4= 5.1 he Education ine?eld (1) 3he truth is the ast ma.ority of !eo!le in the education industry are there rst and foremost for themseles" 3he children are a mere afterthought, and sometimes worse, a !olitical !awn to adance a !olitical agenda and secure more funding"

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Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

(#) Fltimately, you hae to ste! back and honestly ask yourself if education is so im!ortant then why do we make it so diIcult and ex!ensie to attain6 (') 3eachers, counselors, !rofessors and administrators s!ewing !ro!aganda and bold faced lies to get you to blow 1;;,;;; on their industry> /&ou $% to go to college.0 /1ollow your heart and the money will ollow.0 /&ou should get a masters or doctorate. hat will help you get a  +ob.0 /&ou need to be a well rounded person.0 /mployers loo or critical thining sills.0 /t isn*t all about the money.0 /t doesn*t matter what you ma+or in, it*s what you do with it.0

5.2 he EAL Purpose of an Education (1) +t is an inestment you make to increase the alue of your time so you can charge more for it and thereby increase your income and wealth"

+t is not to hae 7the college ex!erience"8 +t is not to 7meet and bang hot chicks"8 +t is not to 7get hammered and !arty"8 And it sure as hell isn-t to 7become a well rounded indiidual"8 (#) +t is to increase the wage you can command for one hour of your labour" Period" (') Education :A$ 3& BE AB&F3 3:E %&0E5 because of the !rice you are !aying for it" (5) A&oid the Li8eral Arts and umanities in General > humanities 7aka8 7the liberal arts8 are largely worthless degrees" 3hey do not teach you any skills society wants or the economy demands" orse still most liberal arts de!artments hae become corru!ted by !olitics and no longer sere as genuine institutions of learning as much as they are tools of indoctrination and the emocratic !arty"

(/) 3he tell tale sign of a worthless degree is when the only or !rimary a!!lication of the study is to merely re teach the same stu to new and future students" (;) ost, 8ut not all orthless maHors end in *studies.0, e.$. African #tudies (>) ade 3p Lan$ua$e > hae a look at a omen-s $tudies e!artment-s web !age (@) #elf #tudy and Certi?cation> it is likely to gain !o!ularity in the future" 11  P a g e

Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

7. Chapter 7 Career (1) 3he sad truth about the labour market is that the o!!ortunities come nowhere near to what you are ca!able of or what you trained for" (#) 3here .ust isn-t the economic growth to warrant as many and as highly trainedOskilled !eo!le that we are graduating from our schools today (') Em!loyers now hae millions of the most educated, trained, and indebted .ob a!!licants in the history of the country des!erately throwing themseles at them" (3) %on*t sel4essly throw yoursel at the mercy o a charitable employer, ind enough to grace you with employment, but rather, use them to help adance and achiee your aims and goals.

7.1 he Corporate an (1) hen you enter a cor!orate or 7traditional8 working enironment you are sacricing indiiduality, freedom, ha!!iness, excellence, and ca!acity for security and stability"

(#) 3he most aluable trait an em!loyee can hae in Cor!orate world is C&09&2%+35 (') 3he largest risk of working in a traditional cor!orate enironment  %A$$+E 4A5&99$" (*) +f you are a !erson who needs to hae some kind of challenge, some kind of !rogress, and insists on a basic leel of selfJres!ect and mental stimulation, then a cor!orate career is antithetical to you" 7.2 he Entrepreneur (1) $elf em!loyment is not for eeryone" +t takes a certain !sychology and tenacity to do it" 0ot to mention, determination and an adamancy to be free" (2) Pros i. Four 4n Boss> 5ou get to select your clientsK bad clients are the single largest threat to the success of a rm" ii. apid %ecision a-in$ > the self em!loyed man sim!ly 7decides8 that is going to ha!!en" iii. +mplementation of +deas > 2elated to decision making, self em!loyment also allows for the ra!id im!lementation of good ideas i&. a :rite 4Is > you get to write o ex!enses you would normally incur anyway as a regular !erson" &f course, you don-t want to abuse 7write os"8 (') Cons

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Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

i. :ho =eeds :ho ore > Ney to your success as an entre!reneur is who needs who more" 3his doesn-t mean we all hae to become brain surgeons, but you should denitely consider becoming a 7s!ecialist8 as o!!osed to a mere 7inde!endent contractor"8 ii. Ban-ruptcy> 3he Muickest way to bankru!tcy is by starting a stu!id business" iii. #easonality> a lot of businesses are seasonal or cyclical" %aintain your cash Gow i&. Accountin$ and ana$ement > %ost !eo!le are smart and outsource this to a CPA or a lawyer" &thers aren-t so smart and either try to do it themseles or .ust neer do it at all" 3he latter always ends u! in bankru!tcy" &. Ban-s ate #elf Employed People > you will !ay higher interest rate for a loan 7.' he Go&ernment :or-er (1) hat if you wanted to nd a .ob that was easier" And not only easier, but higher !aying and more secure6 ell, the answer is goernment work" 7.5 inimalist (1) E"g" security guards, truck driers> you minimises any human contact and can !retty much do anything, e"g" listen to the radio, to your thoughts

(#) Fnderstand what makes !eo!le rich is not being the good little cor!orate man or being the good little obedient wage slae" +t-s ideas and innoation that makes !eo!le rich (') the truth is if you-re constantly occu!ied with a Q /, mind numbing .ob, you won-t hae the time, energy, or desire to !ursue any dreams you might hae" 7.7 A iscellany of Ad&ice (1) Ex!eriment hile 5ou-re 5ounger

(#) Ex!eriment and takinge risks in your younger days" $ince em!loyers will discriminate against you because of your youth, you hae nothing to lose testing the limits of their idiocy and bigotry" And conseMuently, testing this idiocy will send u! enough Gags (both good and bad) that im!ortant !eo!le with decision making !ower will notice" (') Con?dence> when you are oered a .ob that is likely going to be a low ball gure, always negotiate for more"

 5es, you may be des!erate"  5es, you may really need that money But there-s always welfare and slee!ing on a couch instead"

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Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

(5) Jo8 op> today a .ob ho!!er is .ust somebody smart enough to know when a .ob was sold as something it wasn-t and has enough self res!ect to Muit it and nd another one" (7) ry Jo8s Fou hin- Fou most !eo!le relegate themseles to elds they think they like and .obs they-e trained for" (;) =etor-in$> 70etworking8 is nothing more than a eu!hemism for 7kissing ass8" $adly it is a necessary eil you and anybody else who wants a 7successful career8 must suer" (>) *Fou %on 2emember, to get ahead in today-s em!loyment world it is not intelligence, smarts, or innoation you need, but com!liance and obedience" (1) Lie on Four esume > you can lie if you eer got red or not (you neer did), lie about !reious .ob duties (you weren-t ling or faxing, but 7streamlining oIce logistics8), lie during the interiew (:2 can-t conrm anecdotes), and if you can, get a friend to lie for you (+ had one friend claim + was his em!loyee to ll a two year ga! in my resumeR)

;. Chapter ; Entrepreneurship (1) %ost men will be ha!!iest working for themseles" J +t will !roide you a aluable 7Plan B8 in case of being laid o  J +t gies an excellent negotiating !osition with em!loyers since you 7don-t need the money8 J +t grants you the luxury of being able to walk out on abusie bosses J +t is the only way your !assion will eer be your .ob J +t is likely the only way you will eer excel and achiee your best ;.1 he Entrepreneurial ind #et (1) 3he only thing sto!!ing them is their !rocrastination" 3his is why most !eo!le will delay ling for an 44C or business bank account 15  P a g e

Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

(#) 5ou will also need an inordinate amount of disci!line" (') 5ou need inde!endent thought" Entre!reneurs hae dierent !ers!ecties, think dierently, obsere things others don-t, and constantly Muestion if there isn-t a better way to do things" ;.2 :hy Businesses fail (1) he 4ners *hou$ht +t & 0&3 3ANE &0 BF$+0E$$ PA230E2$"  3hey are the single largest risk to your business" (7) 4ther Business 4pportunities :ill Arise> &nce you start your business other income sources will !o! u!

>. Chapter > Girls >.1 he Economic odel (1) 2elationshi! between men and women is not ex!lained through religion, !sychology, !olitics, feminist theory, or your mother-s time tested wisdom, but ratherH

Economics" $!ecically, supply and demand for se. (2) en pay for se ith attention  &%E0 4&E$ A33E03+&0R (') #eual ar-et Dalue the entirety of your romantic and sexual success with women is in your ability to increase your $% (5) en ant a oman ho has

Big tits A tight ass 4ong legs 4ong hair  5outh 0obody else-s children +sn-t a nancial or legal risk And isn-t batshit insane (7) :omen ant a man ho has

%oney Brute strength $ecurity 1;  P a g e

Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

Charm 4eadershi! Condence +ntelligence ho is a bit dangerous And is a badass (;) oney> omen do not so much like money as much as the nancial and material security it can buy" you need to at least be able to demonstrate you earn a good liing and are a 7good !roider8 in order to attract a woman" (>) Brute #tren$th> lifting weights (@) %an$erous9Badass> .ust merely being dangerous does not land you in .ailK hobbies like riding motorcycles, sky diing, hunting, martial arts () Con?dence9Leadership > omen loe a leader not only for the security and nancial reasons, but leaders are also usually the centre of attention"

i" 3here can be no hesitation on your !art or fear of failure" 5ou need to a!!roach a girl at a bar who is nestled within a herd of her female friends" ii" And (my !ersonal faourite techniMue) you don-t ask the women for !ermission to take her on a date like some sim!ering wim!, but tell her, 7+-m taking you out on 9riday"8 iii" 3he key is to reali=e that failure is the necessary rst ste! to success" (1) Charm9+ntelli$ence > women loe to laugh" 5ou need to be able to tickle their fancy, Girt with them, kee! them smiling, and kee! them on a do!amine high, all of which reMuires intelligence, wit, charm, and charisma" >.2 %esperation (1) +f you-re des!erate and you Good women with attention, een if you hae a high $%, you will drie the alue of your sexual currency and cachet down" 3herefore E$PE2A3+&0 +$ 3:E $+04E %&$3 A%A+0  3:+0 to your $%" >.' hree steps to eplain ho you mete out attention and epend your #D currency (1) A8sol&e all interest> 5ou cannot hae an interest in a girl because if you do, she will be able to sense it and think she already has you in the bag" 3his will result in her trying to extract een more attention from you" +f you absole any interest in her, and merely 7hang out8 you !lant doubt in her mind" oubt that will grow into fear that you may not nd her attractie, making her more likely to go out with you" 3his doesn-t mean you treat her !oorly, but with indierence and aloofness" 1>  P a g e

Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

(2) Ecel in her presence > Eery man, no matter how nerdy or sad, has something they excel in" +t could be chess, it could be auto mechanics, it could be being good with dogs" hateer it is, you do that in front of her so she sees you hae a skill and thus a higher $%" (') etreat> After demonstrating your alue, you sim!ly retreat" Again, following the 4aw of $u!!ly, to make your time and attention more aluable you mete out ery little" 5ou kee! it scarce" 3his doesn-t mean you neer contact the girl again, but when you do (say a week after meeting her) that attention is so rare she will be much more likely to go on a date with you, as o!!osed to the guy texting her four times a day, sending her Gowers" >.5 Complications omen 9eminism  3he goernment re!lacing men  3he destruction of the diision of labour between men and women

(1) All three changes go against millions of years of genetic, biological !rogramming, but worse, hae corru!ted modern day western women to the !oint most of them are damaged >.7 %epro$rammin$ (1) Dust as women hae been brainwashed and indoctrinated, so too hae you"

Boys are told, 7Be kind, sensitie, caring, and nice"8 7omen are shallow for wanting your money"8 75ou are !riileged and hae all these adantages being male"8 >.7.1 *+t.;.2 he Bac-handed Compliment (1) 5ou 0EE2 com!liment a girl directly or honestly" 5ou will sim!ly inGate her ego" 5ou need to make her feel insecure and that you really couldn-t care less about her"

(') $!ecically, backhanded com!liments are com!liments hidden within an SunintentionalS insult" omen-s insecure nature will naturally default to the insult instead of focusing on the com!liment" 7$ay, nice !erfume" +t reminds me of my grandmother"8 73hose are some ery mature slacks you hae on"8 7id you !ick that u! at a intage store6 + loe the *;-s look" 2eminds me of my ram"8 >.;.' %inner for #chmuc-s (1) 5ou neer take a girl to dinner" 5ou meet her for drinks" inner is freMuently becoming a means by which women score free food out of tools they hae no interest in" >.;.5 *:e.;.7 he *After #e appy et0 (1) 3hough unlikely, you cannot aord the risk of haing a false accusation of ra!e"

(#) 3o aoid this horrible fate all you hae to get is the 7After $ex :a!!y  3ext"8 (') 3o do this you .ust hae to text the girl the next day with the goal of getting her to send you a friendly re!ly !roing the sex was consensual" Anything !olite and kind will do" 7:ey, had a great time last night"8 7:ey, thanks for last night"8 74ast night was a blastR8 J 3y!ically, you will get an eMually agreeable re!ly indicating she also en.oyed herself  2  P a g e

Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

J Ensure the text and number are saed with a screen shot and back u! all those lifeJsaing texts on a thumb drie" >.;.; a-es ime to "erment +nterest (1) A ma.or mistake young men make is they assume it is .ust a sim!le matter of asking a girl out and she says yes"

(#) 5ou need to slowly 7grow8 girls into cultiatable fruit before you can date them" 9lirting at school, talking to them at work, running into them at regular hangouts, etc", is .ust the natural course of building u! a ra!!ort with them so you can date them later" >.;.> =e&er %ate Born A$ain or #uper eli$ious Girls (1) 3his not only means no sex for you, but you will constantly be com!ared to Desus >.;.@ Four ran-in$ in her head (1) 3here hae been some sociological trends in society that !ut men further and further down a woman-s ranking system"

i" +f she is inca!able of selGessness, loe, and altruism, you are default ranked T# ii" +f she already has a kid, you are default ranked T'" iii" +f she 7has Desus in her life,8 you are defaulted ranked T*" i" +f she has a 7su!er im!ortant career,8 you are default ranked T/ " And if she has an oerbearing mother she-s inca!able of telling o, default ranked T@" >.;. Lie A8out 8ein$ a Criminal (1) omen lie all the time" Push u! bras, make u!, extensions, heels, you name it"

(#) $o there-s nothing wrong with telling an innocent little white lie about your nonJexistent criminal recordK something sexy like a .ewel thief, bank robber, or assault while nobly !rotecting your younger sister" >.>. he anosphere ($ee !" 1*/ for references)

@. Chapter 12 :ife and ids (1) 0ot until you hae gone to school, dated a ton of girls, found gainful em!loyment, established yourself a career, and started saing for retirement, should you een consider starting a family" @.1 Before Fou Commit (1) A sim!le solution to the risks and threats failed marriages and failed families !resent is sim!ly to aoid them altogether" 2emain a !er!etual bachelor or 7%3&8

21  P a g e

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(#) Being a bachelor allows you to aail yourself of your one and only life" +n choosing not to follow the crowd and saddle yourself with a wife and kids, you are allowed to treat the !lanet as your own !ersonal !layground, full of limitless adenture and !otential" (') 3he larger !oint is you will neer achiee greatness in any eld if you are .ust like eerybody else  anchored to a .ob, a mortgage, a s!end ha!!y wife, and money burning children" @.2 %ra8ac-s of Bachelorhood (1) four ma.or factors outside of your control that can make married life !referable to swinging bachelorhood>

Attrition Peerlessness 2e.ect $ociety and 0ature @.2.1 Attrition (1) hen you-re a bachelor, friends are your family" (#) 5our best friend who was your best drinking buddy, mentions a girl he  .ust met"

(') As fun as the swinging bachelor life is, it is heaily de!endent on a critical mass of other bachelors being !resent" (*) Because most bachelors are in their #;-s, the longer you remain unmarried, the less you-ll hae in common with the likely incoming re!lacements" +n other words, your surrogate family is a Geeting condition that will not last much !ast the age of ';" @.2.2 eHect #ociety (1) Fnderstand marriage really is a market" A game of 7musical chairs8 if you will" And the !eo!le left 7un!urchased8 or 7left standing8 are at the bottom of the barrel"

(#) +f you leae dating until you-re *?, don-t ex!ect to nail a #' irgin college girlK a '? year old woman with a child and a stri!!ing career is more !robable" @.2.' :ife #election (1) 3he rst ste! is to make sure you choose your wife and that she does not choose you" $!ecically, you want to aoid women who trick men into marriage"

i" 3hey do this usually by getting a man to im!regnate them and then force him to 7do the right thing8 by marrying them" (#) +t is a guarantee as you date scores of women you will start to think you-re haing incredibly bad luck" 5ou-ll constantly self analy=e yourself, trying to nd out what you-re doing wrong" 22  P a g e

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(') But the reality is you-re doing it absolutely right" +t-s .ust that nearly all women (es!ecially in their teens and #;-s) are worth nothing more than a sexual Ging, if that een" @.2.5 ey ed "la$s of omen not 8ein$ marria$e material (1) %i&orced9#in$le om> you are default ranked # ndO'rd in her life" (2) attoos9Piercin$s> Fsually when women hae an excessie number of tattoos, !iercings or other forms of body mutilation they hae underlying !sychological !roblems" (') Born A$ain9=ely eli$ious :omen > most women who all of the sudden 7nd Desus,8 do so because there was a crisis or !roblem in their lies that was 1;;< their own fault" (5) :orthless %e$rees > most girls ma.or in stu!id shit, and the worthless degrees the degree gies the girl an undersered su!eriority com!lex" 9ind a nice +3 girl, an accountant, or a mechanic" (7) +ncapa8le of 4r$asm A 8larin$ red li$ht is a oman that cannot achie&e or$asm. 3he reason could be any one of a million underlying !sychological issues, but it basically boils down to one thing  she is inca!able of en.oying sex" (;) Dies Lin$erie as *%e$radin$0  3he most !sychologically healthy and en.oyable women +-e dated 4&E being women and conseMuently 4&E lingerie" (>) =o Blo Jo8s> Q/< of the fun of sex is ariety and doing wild ass cra=y shit" But you cannot get to the 7wild ass cra=y shit8 stage if your wife refuses to gie you a blow .ob, or uses it as a rare currency to extract faours from you" (@) :eddin$s9in$s> 5ou will want to attend at least one extraagant wedding with a !otential wife candidate to see her reaction to the blatant and egregious waste of money" +deally, without !rom!ting, she-ll !oint out  .ust what a waste of money it is and then say something about a 7small wedding8 or 7elo!ing"8 Bonus !oints if she talks about how stu!id diamond rings are" () Li8eral, Leftist, or "eminist :omen .ust because they 7say8 they-re a 7feminist8 or a 7liberal,8 chances are they-re anything but" +t-s u! to you to conince them of their true conictions"

i" A genuine liberal, leftist, or feminist, they are antithetical to being wies because, consciously or not, they ote to re!lace men with the state" (1) yphenated names > %atter of fact, one of the rst Muestions you should ask when courting a girl is what she thinks about hy!henated names" +t will sae you a lot of time and money"

2'  P a g e

Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

(11) :here 0o matter what they say" 0o matter what &!rah tells you" 0o matter what legions of single moms and !sychologists tell you, women don-t want to lead or be leaders, :4E= :A=, CADE 4 BE LE%.

(/) All the !rotesting is merely a big massie 7shit test8 to see if you hae the condence, s!ine, and temerity to be a real man and stand u! to them" (@) 5ou need to commit yourself to declaring and insisting on these standards when married" +f not, your wife +44 run oer you" @.'.1 here Can 4nly Be 4ne Leader (1) 3his doesn-t mean other members of the family are denied in!ut, but in the end, if a nal decision has to be made, there must be an ultimate authority"

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@.'.2 =eed to Be an onora8le Gentleman (1) +f in the !osition of !ower, you cannot abuse it" 5ou must think of her needs .ust as much as yours, !erha!s een more"

(#) $adly, many men aren-t and end u! abusing their !ower to unfairly benet from their (!resumed) beloed wife" @.'.' he %i&ision of La8our (1) &nce kids come into the eMuation, both you and the wife now must subordinate yourseles to your children-s lies" 0amely, somebody needs to stay home and raise them"

(#) + don-t care what the 7ex!erts8 say, children need their !arents to raise them" (') &0E PA2E03 %F$3 $3A5 A3 :&%E 3& 2A+$E 3:E C:+42E0" 3his will become a !oint of contention if you hae not discussed this with your wife !reious to !ro!osing" @.'.5 "inances (1) omen are absolutely horrible at managing their !ersonal nances"  3hey are most !rone to blow 1;;,;;; on a worthless master-s degree, s!end more on clothes" +nsist she is debt free before marrying @.'.7 Get id of er #hit (1) Because women s!end money at a rate of e times that of men, she is likely to hae e times the amount of shit

(#) 3his will !roe harder than you think as women hae a !sychological, een emotional attachment to material items" +t is likely the fact that haing 7lots of things8 meant their husband was a great !roider and it makes them feel more secure"  3he reason why is not so much to sae money on rent or mortgage (though those are reasons enough), but because if she insists on holding onto all of her worthless shit, then she loes her material items more than you" A woman who is married to her !hysical !ossessions rst and foremost is antithetical to being a wife" @.'.; Get the "uc- 4ut of the ouse (1) 5ou-re both going to get on each other-s case and drie each other nuts"

(#) Because of this, you both need to get away from each other, but the wife will ty!ically assume the worst and think you don-t like her or are losing attraction" 5ou need to train her to understand that not only is it good for you to get away and hae a weekend with the guys, but that it-s good for her to get away from you and hae a 7girl-s night out"8

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(') Also, you both need to maintain your indiiduality" 5ou hae your own friends, tastes, and own lies" 3o abandon them is not only disres!ecting yourseles, but is the Muickest way to !sychological !roblems" @.'.> Epectations ana$ement (1) Between &!rah, the :allmark Channel, :ollywood, women-s maga=ines, women-s studies de!artments, and the !ublic education industry, women are brought up to hae completely unrealistic expectations o a husband.

(#) But + do know being condent and doing your own thing will sole most of these !roblems" (') hile women may think they want 7Christian rey,8 if a condent man comes along, doing his own thing, com!letely indierent about what the woman thinks, her im!ossible check list will be thrown out the window and sim!ly be re!laced with> /hat guy who is ignoring me and doing his own thing.0

 5es, you may not be a billionaire" And yes, you may not be a !ilot" But your condence, agency, and aloofness will make her Muickly forget her unrealistic ex!ectations of a man, as you become her real world 7Christian rey8 that (unlike the ctional character) is attainable" @.'.@ Physical "itness (1) +t is an absolute reMuirement you not only be !hysically attracted to your wife, but that she %A+03A+0$ :E2 P:5$+CA4 BEAF35 &E2 3+%E"

(#) 5ou need to be blunt and direct" /%ear, sex is ery important to me and  need you to maintain your physical beauty. t is a !6#!7$ or me to be in a committed relationship.0 /%ear, i you don*t lose weight  will leae you.0 /%ear, i you don*t lose weight,  will be tempted to -nd a younger, thinner girl.0 /%ear, i you get at,  will iew it as grounds or diorce.0

+t may not be !retty, and + guarantee you tears will fall, but there will be a lot less tears, strife, suering, and de!ression doing it this way than if you were to get diorced or busted cheating" @.'. Four 4n %amn rainin$ (1) 3his means abiding by the exact same standards you a!!ly to her" 5ou need to let her lie her own life" 5ou need to let her do her own thing" 5ou need to !roide for the family" 5ou need to stay in !hysical sha!e and you need to rock her world in bed"

(#) 3he key thing, though, is to sim!ly ask her what she wants" 2;  P a g e

Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

@.5 ids (1) 3he rst thing that needs to be stated about children is that they are unnecessary"

(#) Children are the single largest ex!ense you will eer hae in your life" @.5.1 #e&erity of the %ecision to a&e ids (1) 4ies that didn-t exist before, lies that had no say as to whether they were born into existence, which makes you com!letely res!onsible for them"

(#) +t is here most modern day !arents fail" (') o you and your wife merely 7want8 children or do you want to 7raise children68 (*) 3his means ensuring there is one !arent who stays home to raise the child" 3his means being able to work to su!!ort your family, no matter how much you hate your .ob" 3his means dis!ensing tough fatherly loe instead of merely B99 ing your children" @.5.2 Bein$ a Good "ather (1) the true art of fatherhood has been lost oer the !ast /; years of antiJ masculine, new age ty!e tri!e" 3his has skewed child rearing to hae a heay 7motherly8 bias"

(#) the conseMuences of 7mother only8 rearing has been nearly three generations of soft, weak, adults who can-t nd a .ob, suer mental !roblems because they can-t handle the real world, end u! liing at home, and likely collect a goernment check (') :oweer, being a father goes beyond .ust 7!lay bad co!,8 s!anking your kids, and saying 7no"8 5ou hae an een larger obligation  you need to guide and lead them" 5ou need to !re!are them for the real world" (3) &ou need to sit down with your children, regularly and at di8erent stages in their lies, and pass on the wisdom and nowledge you*e gained oer the years to ensure they mae wiser decisions that you did.

@.5.' %i&orce/  5es, your wife may be an insuerable bitch" 5es, you may hae to go outside of the house and lie a se!arate sex life with your girlfriend" But if you get diorced while your children are young, they will neer forgie you and they will sim!ly neer return once they leae the house" 3hey may call, they may show u! for Christmas, but they will hae no loyalty to you or your wife which means no su!!ort in your old age, and no isits in the nursing home" And it is that horrible fate, one where your children want nothing to do with you, that makes faking a marriage until they-re out of the house worth eery ounce of !ain and suering you-ll endure doing so" 2>  P a g e

Bachelor Pad Economics (Clarey, Aaron)

@.5.5 Plan Four Escape Prepare for di&orce the ?rst day you $et married (1) $!ecically, stash away cashK Courts, through accountants and auditors, will be able to tell you-e been hiding assets and will still force you to gie your wife half of your assets

(#) 5ou need to stock!ile inconseMuential amounts of money starting day one" 3ake out incons!icuous and arying amounts of cash that you would likely s!end at a bar" Purchase gold, siler, or some other kind of !hysical inestment that holds its alue" And if you-re really tricky, nd a friend or family member you im!licitly trust, start a business with them, but hae the business in their name" @.5.7 +n Char$e of "inances (1) omen hae been known to rack u! 3&0$ of credit card debt before diorcing as a form of s!ite" @.5.; Consult an Attorney (1) Before marrying, een if you loe your ancVe, you need to consult an attorney" 0ot only will they adise you on the !ros and cons of state and county diorce law, but they will be able to hel! you in terms of !rotecting your nances and inestments, as well as !ut you in a better !osition for a custody battle" @.5.> :ife Lo&es the ids ore (1) 3he sad fact is that once kids are born many women will loe their children more than their husbands" 3his relegates you to merely a s!erm donor

(#) But you can screen out women who are !rone to loe the children more than you" o they hae a ton of !ets6 o they !refer their cats oer other !eo!le6 oes she obsess oer wanting children6 +f that is the case, she is likely iewing you merely as a s!erm donor and !erha!s a meal ticket to !ay for her 7mommy fantasy8" @.5.@ Bettin$ Li8eral Chic-s (1) A common !roblem in wife selection all young men will face is that nearly all young women are liberals or leftists" Again, dee! down inside they !robably aren-t, but you will hae to contend with the fact they beliee they are" (2) o deal ith this an +=CE%+BLF eIecti&e tactic + used durin$ my 2
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