Bac1 End of Term Units 1-3 B

November 23, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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UNIT 1-3 End-of-Term Test

Vocabulary 1

Complete the sentences sentences with the the correct correct v verb erb in the correct correct form. form. First First let letters ters are are given. ( _ /6) 1 It’s It’s ti time me for for the the childr children en to g  g 

undressed and have their bath.

2 I’ve lost lost a lo lott of wei weight ght recen recently tly an and d now my my clothes clothes don’t don’t f   3 These These are are the changin changing g roo rooms ms where where you can can g  g 

me any more. changed into your football kit

before the match. 4 I like your new hairc haircut, ut, M Mark. ark. Short Short hair hair re really ally s  s  5 Hey, Hey, y you ourr soc socks ks don don’t ’t m 


- one’s blue and the other’s green! Did you g  g 

dressed in a hurry?


Complete Complete the text text with with the the correct correct form of the the words words in brac brackets kets.. ( _ /6)

My cousin, Sam, is friendly but he’s quite immature and 1  (child). He’s also quite (adventure) and likes taking risks. He’s very 3 



(charm) and is very popular at school. Physically, he’s not particularly (attract) and he doesn’t wear 5 



(style) clothes, but girls like his 6 


(mischief) smile!

Match Match tthe he w words ords in the the box box wit with h their their defin definitio itions. ns. ( _ /8) catch turn up





set off

1 a perso person n who who trains trains you or y your our team ……………………………………………………………………… 2 star startt a jo jour urne ney y …………………………………………………… 3 a person person who who makes makes peo people ple fo follow llow th the e rule rules s of a sport sport ……………………………………………………………………… 4 stay somew somewhere here for for a short short time betwe between en two parts parts of of a journey journey ……………………………………………………………………… 5 you pla play y bas baske ketba tballll or ten tennis nis o on n thi this s ……………………………………………………………………… 6 an object object you you hi hitt the b ball all wi with th whe when n you p play lay tenni tennis s ………………………………………………………………………

stop over


7 arri arrive ve une unexp xpec ecte tedl dly y ……………………………………………… 8 get hold hold of of and stop a ba ballll with with you yourr hands hands ………………………………………………………………………


Comple Complete te tthe he ttex extt wi with th the the word words s in tthe he b box ox.. ( _ /6) control






My friend and I decided to go to Spain for the holidays. Of course, we weren’t ready on time and we 1……….………. the train to the airport. We had to ask my dad to take us. When we got in the car, I forgot to 2……….………. my seat belt and, halfway to the airport, the police stopped us. They kept us for 15 minutes and we were anxiously looking at our watches. At the airport, we rushed to the check-in 3 

and then


went through passport ……….………. . We got through and then found out that our plane had been delayed so we waited in the 5……….………. lounge. At last our plane arrived and we went to our gate, where I found that I had lost my boarding 6……….………. !


Choo Choose se th the ec cor orre rect ct op opti tion on.. ( _ /6) 1 I maintain / keep fit keep fit by running and swimming. 2 She has has just ust broken / won the world record for the women’s 800m. 3 We caught / missed our train because we got stuck in a traffic jam. 4 I ha hate te dea eali ling ng on / with customers’ with customers’ problems. 5 Poor Johnny stayed / came last came last in the 200m. 6 Who beat / won the won the match?


Corr Correc ectt the the mist mistak akes es in in bold bold.. ( _ /8) 1 Is thi this s you yourr hoc hocke key y racket racket? ? ……………………………………… 2 Can you put your bag in the the ov overh erhead ead seat seat,, please? ……………………………………………………………………… 3 The USA won Serbia in the basketball final. ……………………………………………………………………… 4 I love love y your our new earring earrings. s. They They rea really lly match match you.  you. ……………………………………………………………………… 5 Who marked marked the  the first goal in last night’s game? ……………………………………………………………………… 6 I lilike ke this this jjack acket et but but itit do doesn esn’t ’t suit me very well. Have you got a smaller size? ……………………………………………………………………… 7 Whic Which h is ou ourr b boa oard rdin ing g door ? …………………………………… 8 Brigh Brighton ton is a 1-hou 1-hourr tr train ain destination destination from  from London. ………………………………………………………………………


Grammar 1

Choo Choose se th the ec cor orre rect ct op opti tion on.. ( _ /10) 1 I don’t want / ’m not wanting to wanting  to go out now. 2 When When I was was youn young, g, I used to live / would live on live  on a farm. 3 While w we e were waiting / had waited for waited  for the train, I ate my sandwiches. 4 Do you mind to eat / eating fast eating fast food tonight? 5 Every Everyon one e loo looks ks ha happ ppy. y. En Engla gland nd must have won / must won the won  the match. 6 How lo long have you been going / are you going out going out together? 7 We were were lat late e and and,, by the ttime ime we we arrived, arrived, tthe he concer concertt had started / started. started. 8 My mu mum m alw alway ays s mak makes es us wash up / to wash  wash  up up after  after dinner. 9 What What did you used / use to use to do in the summer holidays when you were little? 10 They might have / can’t have landed have landed yet. Their plane doesn’t arrive for another three hours.


Complete Complete the the sen sentenc tences es wit with h the co correc rrectt form o off the verbs verbs iin n bracket brackets. s. ( _ /10) 1 I

(play) (play) computer computer gam games es since since six o’clock o’clock and now

I’ve got a headache. 2 I was amazed amazed that that I came came third third in the race race becau because se I (never run) a marathon before. 3 Why di did d yo you u agre agree e

(work) (work) tod today? ay?

4 Where’s Where’s Tom? Tom? He

(forget) (forget) abo about ut the meeting meeting.. We

were talking about it earlier today. 5 Can we have have a rest? rest? We 6 While While you 7 That That bird bird you saw

(walk) (walk) for half an hour. hour. (ski), (ski), I foun found d a nice place place to go for dinn dinner. er. (be) an eagle eagle but it was too far

away to be sure. 8 Do you fan fancy cy 9 That That 10 The sno snow w storm storm started started after we

(go) (go) to a par party ty later? later? (smell) (smell) nice nice!! Wha Whatt are we having having for dinn dinner?. er?. (begin) (begin) our descent. descent.



Put th the e words words in bold bold iint nto o the the corre correct ct ord order. er. ( _ /6)  A: Hi, you look tired. tired. have / doing / what / you / been / ? 1 ……………………………………………………………………… B: I / cricket / been / ‘ve / playing 2 ………………………………………………………………………  A: don’t / playing / people / tired / cricket / get / ! 3 ……………………………………………………………………… B: that / to / I / think / used / ! 4 ………………………………………………………………………  A: win / did / ? / you 5 ……………………………………………………………………… B: No, we didn’t. We have played five games this year and them / we / lost / of / all / have.. have 6 ………………………………………………………………………


Choo Choose se th the ec cor orre rect ct op opti tion on.. ( _ /5) 1 Will your parents parents let you  A to come

B come

2 It’s lucky lucky you pho phoned ned.. I  A was forgetting forgetting

about about the test.

B had forgotten forgotten

3 I ca can’t n’t stand stand

sports sports on televi televisio sion. n.

 A watching 4 We

B to watch

often often play football football in the park park when we were younger younger..

 A used

B would

5 We’re We’re already already late and I  A haven’t had had


to my par party? ty?

time to get dressed dressed yet.

B hadn’t had had

Comple Complete te w with ith the the corr correc ectt fo form rm of of a verb verb.. ( _ /8) come not win



I have never liked 1 





sport much and I didn’t used to get any exercise. 2

Last year, my parents  

me take up a sport. I decided 3 

athletics and now I’m in a team. The best thing about it is that we take part in international competitions. competitions. Last year, we went to Italy.  We 4 

by coach. I was very excited because I 5 


been out of  Britain before. I spent the whole journey looking out of the window, even at night, while the other passengers 6  in fact I

. I loved Italy. I 7 

any races –




last in most of them – but I had a great time.

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