B2B EDI Inbound

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B2B- EDI Inbound -Step by Step Confguration Posted by Rahul Malani in Malani in B2B Integration with SAP Proess !rhestration  on Sep 2"# 2$%2 %&'(&%) PM inShare%

Ib el i e v er e ade r soft h i sbl o ga wa r eofn ewB2 BAd do nf o rSAPPIt h r o ug ha v ai l a bl ec o nt e nto nB2 B i n t eg r at i o ns p ac e.Th os ewh oa r en ota wa r e,i t ' sne wo ffe r i n gb ySAPf orB2 Bi n t e gr a t i o ni nSAP PIspae. I nt hi sbl ogI ’ l l di s cus ss t epb ys t epc onfi gur at i oni ni nboundEDI( EDIf r om Par t ner )s c enar i o.

Scenario: Inbound EDI (EDI from Partner)

I nt h i se x amp l es c en ar i oIh av ec on fi gur e dfi l es en de rt opi c kEDIMe ss a ge ,i n s t e adofAS2Se nde ro r s omeo t hert ec hni c al a dap t er .Rec ei v ers i de,i ns t eadofI Docr ec ei v erIam s t or i ngI Doci nXMLf or mati n fi l es ys t e m. m. I n c o mi mi n gEDIme s s a gec o mp mp r i s e so ff o l l o wi n gEDIme s s a geo fANSIX1 2Me Me s s a gef o r ma t .

nv oi c e 810:I 810: Me s s a g ef o r ma t :ANSIX1 2 Ve r s i on :4 01 0

der s 850:Or 850: Me s s a g ef o r ma t :ANSIX1 2 Ve r s i o n:4 01 0

ESR Objects: T oma i n t ai nt h ef o cu so nCo nfi g ur a t i o nu s i n gn ewB2 Ba da pt e r s ,Ia mn otg oi n gi n t ode t ai l so fESR obj ec t sh er e.

Integration Director: Mess ageFl ow: EDIme ss a gec o mpr mp i s i n gmul t i p l eb us i n es st r a ns a ct i o nsr e ce i v e di nSAPPIb ya v ai l a bl e Ste! 1"  1"  t ec hni c al adapt er s . Rec ei v erEDISepar at orAdapt ers pl i tr ec ei v edmes s agei nt oi ndi v i du al bus i nes st r ans ac t i on Ste! #"  #"  mes s age . I n di v i d ua lme s s ag est h enma ma pp edt ot a r g etme s s ag esi nSAPPI . Ste! $"  $" 

Ac k n owl e dg eme ntg en er a t e da nds en tb ac kt os en de ro fEDIme s s ag e[ On l ya v a i l a bl ei nc as e Ste! %"  %"  ofANSIX12me mess agesnow] . T r ans f or medmes s aget hens en tt or ec ei v eru si nga v ai l a bl et ec hni c al adapt er s . Ste! 5"  5" 

T oc o nfi gu r et h i ss c en ar i oweh av et oc o nfi g ur et wot y pe sofI n t e r f a ce s .

r o m EDISe nd ert oEDIs e p ar a t o ra da p t e r[ St e p1a n d2ab o v e ] Interface 1: F •

• • •

Del i v ert hei nc omi ngEDImes s ag e[ Compr i s esmul t i pl ebus i nes st r ans ac t i o n]t oEDIs epar at or adapt er . Spl i tEDImes sage[ Compr i s esmu mul t i pl ebus i nes st r ans ac t i on]i nt oi ndi v i dual bus i nes st r ans ac t i on mes s age . Nonee dt oc r ea t ean ys er v i c ei n t er f a cei nESR.Us edu mmyi mm n t e r f ac e. NoEDIt oEDIXMLc on v er s i oni nt h i si n t e r f a ce . Noma mappi ng.

r o m EDIRe c e i v e rt ob ac k e n ds y s t e m[ St e ps3a nd5ab o v e ] Interface #: F • •

• •

Pr oc es si n di v i du al mes s agess epar at edi ni nt er f ac e1. I n t e r f a c en ee dst ob ec o nfi g ur e df ore ac hi nd i v i d ua lme ss a gean df o re a c hp ai ro fs e nd era nd r ec ei v er . EDIme s s a g ec o nv e r t e di nEDIXMLf o r ma t . EDIXMLme me s s a g et r a n s f o r me dt ot a r g e tme s s a g e . Interface 1 &on'guration: Sender Agreement:

File Sender Communication Channel:

I ’ l l des cr i bet her eas ont ok eepfi l enameas‘ * ANSI * . * ’ l at eri nt hebl og. Receiver determination:

Interface determination: Noma ppi n gi nt hi si nt er f ac e.

Receiver Agreement:

EDISeparator Receiver communication channel:

Me s s a g ePr o t o c o l i sANSIX1 2 ,s i n c ei ne x a mp l ei n b ou n dEDIme s s a g ec o n t a i n sANSIX1 2me s s a g e s .

Af t erpr oc es s edt hr oughSep ar at ori nt er f ac eEDImes s ages pl i ti nt oi ndi v i dual EDImes s age.Her ei nour e x a mp l ei n c omi n gEDIme s s ag es p l i t t i n gi n t ot wome s s ag es-8 10an d8 50 .

On cemes s ag es e pa r at e d,a da pt e rs t a r t s ea r c hi n gs e nd erc ommu ni c at i o nc ha nn el f ort h ep ar t i c ul a r bus i nes st r ans ac t i onandpar t ner s .I noure xampl ei twi l l s ear c hf orf ol l owi ngsenderc ommuni c at i on c h an ne l s

• •

T r a ns ac t i o n8 10 ,Ve r s i o n4 01 0,Se nd erI D1 111 ,Rec e i v e rI d222 2 T r a ns ac t i o n8 50 ,Ve r s i o n4 01 0,Se nd erI D3 333 ,Rec e i v e rI d444 4

I ti sr eq ui r edt oc onfi gur et woi nt er f ac est opr oc es st h es emes s ag es .

Interface # &on'guration: He r eIh av ec on fig ur e di nt e r f a ceon l yf o rT r a ns ac t i o n8 10 ,Ver s i o n4 01 0,Se nd erI D11 11 ,a ndRe ce i v e rI d 2222 .Si mi l ar l yi tc anbeconfi gur edf orot h ermes s age. Sender Agreement: I nESRc o nfi gu r es er v i c ei n t e r f a ceus i ngXSDo ft r a ns ac t i o n8 10an dVer s i o n4 01 0.

EDI Separator Sender Communication Channel: EDI Se pa r a t o rs e nd erCo mmu ni c a t i o nc h an ne lc o nfi g ur e df o rT r a ns a c t i o n8 10 ,Ve r s i o n4 01 0,Se nd erI D 1 11 1,a ndRe c ei v e rI d22 22 .

Mo du l eX1 2Co nv e r t e r Mo du l ec o nfi g ur e di nMo du l ep ar a me t e ro fc o mmu ni c a t i o nc ha nn el t oc o nv e r tEDI i n t oEDIXML .

Receiver determination:

Interface determination: I nESRma p pi n gha st obed ev e l o p edt oma pEDIXMLt oI n v o i c eI Do c .

Receiver Agreement:

Ih av eno tc onfi gur edI Docr ec ei v erc hannel ,i ns t eadIam us i ngfi l er ec ei v erc hannel t os t or ei n v oi c ex ml i nfi l es y s t em.

I ns i mi l a rwa yi n t er f a cec a nb ec on fig ur e df o ro t h ers e pa r a t e dme ss ag e.Pl e as efi ndbe l o wt h es c r e en sh ot o ft h eEDI Se pa r at orc ommu ni c at i o nc h an ne lwh i c hIh av ec onfi g ur e di nt h i sscenar i o.


Yo uc anse ei nt h ea bo v es c r ee ns h ot ,fi r s tme ss ag eb el o ngt ot h ei n t e r f ac ewh i c hs pl i tt hemes s ag esan d o t h ert wome s s a ge sb el o ng st ot h e81 0a n d8 50me s s a gepr o c es s i n g . Scenario #: I nr eal t i mesc enar i osi tma ypos s i bl et hats ameEDIpar t ners endsdi ff er entf or mat sofmes s ages ,s ay ANSIa ndEDI F ACT .I nt h atc a s eweha v et oc on fi gu r es ep ar a t eEDI Se pr a t o rr e c ei v e rc o mmu ni c a t i o n c h a nn e li nI n t e r f a c e1f o rEDI F ACTme s s a geFo r a mt .Ro ut et h eme s s a g eb as e do nc o n t e nt[ me s s a ge f or mat ]t ot hedi ff er e ntr ec ei v er[ EDI F ACTorANSI ] . Si nc ei ni n t e r f a ce 1EDIt oEDIXMLco nv e r s i o nn oto cc ur r e d,s oi n bo un dpa y l o adr e mai n si nr a w EDI f or mat[ noti nEDIXML] ,s oi ti snotpos s i bl et oaddc ondi t i onus i ngXPATHi nr ec ei v erdet er mi nat i on. Pos si bl es ol ut i onf r om t hedisussion r a i s e di nSDN:

1)Use dierent communication channels on sender side. he! ma! point to same input folder "here !ou can provide dierent #le names for EDIFAC and A$SI %ul& messages respectivel!. Ihav eopt edt hi ss ol ut i oni nt hi sex ampl ef ors i mpl i c i t yandt omai nt ai nf oc usont hemai nobj ec t i v e. '( )ait for ne" support pac&age for *'* "here SA+ planning to provide this enhancement.

Ib el i e v ef r o mt h ep l a nne de nh anc eme ntt h er ewi l l b en on ee dt oc onfi g ur eme ss a gef o r ma ti n EDI Sep ar at orr ec ei v er . ,( )or&around: a( )rite a custom adapter module -to %e used on sender side( "hich can read incoming message and create an /0 message "ith root tag descri%ing the message t!pe -sa! EDIFAC or something( %ased on received %ul& message. 1ou need to add these /0 tags after reading the headers of the incoming EDI messages. Add this custom module to !our sender channel. %( Add t"o dierent receivers to the same scenario. And provide condition %ased on value of   /l ags !ou have added during !our module development. c( $o" !our message is routed in the right manner to the respective EDI Seperator receiver channel. )rite another module -or enhance the same adapter module( "hich can remove these /0 tags and convert the pa!load %ac& to plain EDI %ul& message -"hich !ou received initiall!( and use this module in EDI Separator receiver channels.

Thank sf orr ea di n g! ! 2$*'" +iews Produts& sap,netweaer,proess,orhestration# sap,netweaer,proess,integration .ags& edi# b2b,ad d-on

Aerage /ser Rating 0* ratings1 inShare%

') Coents

Ashish Shara !t '# 2$%2 "&2% AM

3reat wor4 Rahul 5 +ery insight6ul blog7 8i4e 0%1


Rahul Malani !t '# 2$%2 9&') AM 0in response to Ashish Shara1

 .han4s Ashish 55 8i4e 0$1


+en4ata :ageswara Rao Bandaru De 2)# 2$%) %&*" PM 0in response to Ashish Shara 1

;i Rahul#

i?e7  .han4s# +en4at7 8i4e 0$1

Sreeniasulu Soaarapu !t %$# 2$%2 %$&$$ AM

3ood wor4 Rahul7 Do we hae separate onerter odules 6or eah strea li4e [email protected] as li4e as %2 8i4e 0$1


Ian osen4o :o %(# 2$%2 %%&*" AM 0in response to Sreeniasulu Soaarapu1

;i# yes 6or EDI@AC. eists the sae loalebs>[email protected]erterModule - but i hae an error when try to ipleent the sae senario& Error during processing local bean: localejbs/EDIFACTConverterModule while trying to invoe t he !ethod java"lang"#tring"e$ualsIgnoreCase%java"lang"#tring& o' an object loaded 'ro! local variable (status 8i4e 0$1

Piyush 3a4har :o %F# 2$%2 %%&$% AM 0in response to I an osen4o1

;i Ian#  Ges7 It is 4nown issue 6or wrt douentation and is already fed7 EDI@AC. is not in aps letter7 Gou hae to use Hloalebs>Edi6atConerterModuleH Regards# Piyush 8i4e 0$1

Ian osen4o :o %F# 2$%2 %%&'" AM 0in response to Piyush 3a4har1

;i Piyush# than4 you - its wor4s now 5 Regards# Ian7 8i4e 0$1

3aura :autiyal De 29# 2$%2 *&)2 PM

;i Rahul#

 Just a =ui4 =uestion will it wor4 the sae way i6 fle ontains two 9*$ 0Inbound purhase orders1 6or either sae or diKrent partner 7  .han4s# 3aura 8i4e 0$1


Rahul Malani De 2F# 2$%2 *&$$ AM  0in response to 3aura :autiyal1

;i 3aura#  Ges senario will wor4 in sae way7 Regards Rahul 8i4e 0$1

3aura :autiyal Jan F# 2$%' (&)) PM 0in response to Rahul Malani1

;i Rahul# I tried to ipleent the sae way 6or EDI@AC. essages but y Sender EDI separator hannel is 6ailing with reason no Message type 6ound or ouldnot fnd essaeg type7 Any idea or eaple 6or EDI@AC. inbound proessing or what alues i need to fll under @ilter or Sender Couniation hannel 6or EDI separator7 Also any idea how to setup outbound essages 6ro SAP to PI to point to two diKrent inter6aes setup 6or 2 diKrent partners7  .hans4# 3aura 8i4e 0$1

3aura :autiyal Jan %$# 2$%' )&$9 AM 0in response to Rahul Malani1

I did soething and now able to see soe progress in Rual6 # Reeier ID>ual6 is 6ailing giing essage H :o ouniation hannel is 6ound 6or sender ID>ul et77H this error I an see in ouniation hannel onitoring7 Please suggest i6 you hae tested EDI@AC. inbound and its wor4ing# or i6 you hae any idea o6 issue I a 6aing7  .han4s77 8i4e 0$1

Diitri Sannen @eb %9# 2$%' 9&%" PM 0in response to 3aura :autiyal1

;i 3aura# I also struggling with the inbound EDI senario and I stu4 in y B2B Integration Co4pit7 I trying to load EDI and M8 essage into it# but without any suess7 In the eantie# I opened a thread&http&>>sn7sap7o>thread>'' $F$$" But no response yet7 8oo4s all 0too1 new to e and no one really tested it7 ind regards# Diitri 8i4e 0$1

3aura :autiyal @eb %9# 2$%' 9&*2 PM 0in response to Diitri Sannen1

;i Diitri# Sorry I didnt updated thread but I hae atually suess6ully resoled this7 I hae suess6ully ipleented both EDI@AC. and %2 0fe inbound essage types & !RDERS>!RDC;3>RE!.E>I :+RP.>S8SRP.1 essages7 8et e 4now i6 you need any in6o and share yours eail ID I an send you sreenshots as how I hae enabled also I6 I ould be o6 any help# But I hae based y ipleentation ore or less on Rahuls thread only with 6ew twea4s77  .a4e it easy77.han4s 3aura777 8i4e 0$1

Diitri Sannen Mar )# 2$%' 9&*2 AM 0in response to 3aura :autiyal1

;i 3aura# Can you send e sreenshots o6 you B2B Integration Co4pit Did you use it  Gou an send it todiitri7sannenNthealue hain7be  .han4s a lot7 Diitri 8i4e 0$1

Indrait Sar4ar :o %# 2$%' %$&)* AM

:ie Blog Rahul 8i4e 0$1

+ R :o )# 2$%' %%&'2 AM

;i Rahul#  .han4s 6or the Blog# it is really help6ul7 I would li4e to understand what is the soure struture that we are going to use to ap with the ido0target essage17 I a not really sure o6 this B2B# but i6 seeburger adapters are installed there will be pre loaded standard strutures aailable on behal6 o6 EDI tsruture7 Can you please let e 4now7  .han4s7 8i4e 0$1


Diitri Sannen :o )# 2$%' %%&'" AM 0in response to + R1

;i#  .a4e the EDI ontent anager 0within the B2B Integration Co4pit1 and generate an SD7 Eport it and use it into your ESR as soure essage7 ind regards# Diitri 8i4e 0$1

+ R :o )# 2$%' %2&$) PM 0in response to Diitri Sannen1

 .han4s 6or the larifation Daitri7

8i4e 0$1

+ishwanath D :o )# 2$%' *&*' PM

;i Eperts# A trying a other way senario i7e EDI !utbound& !rders Response ID!C to !RDRSPF(A Edi6at fle7 in the EDI Separator Reeier hannel 6ro senario - !RDERS$* ID!C to EDI Separator reeier hannel a getting an error /essage could not %e for"arded to the 2CA adapter. Reason: Channel con#guration error: 3alue "ith name rcv.handleplain not availa%le 7 I hae as well raised a thread http&>>sn7sap7o>thread>'))99$F  detailing the issue7 Edi6atConerterModule $F7$(72$%) %"&*2&%97" In6oratio $V& .he odule-parateter Heano7subersion7prefH is not set7 /sing 9* n de6ault alue H6alseH $F7$(72$%) %"&*2&%97" In6oratio $V& .he odule-parateter Heano77auditH is not set7 /sing de6ault 9( n alue H6alseH $F7$(72$%) %"&*2&%97" In6oratio F% n MP& proessing loal odule loalebs>CallSapAdapter $F7$(72$%) %"&*2&%97" In6oratio Appliation attepting to send an I essage asynhronously using F% n onnetion AS2, http&>>sap7o>i>I>AS2 $F7$(72$%) %"&*2&%97" In6oratio F2 n .rying to put the essage into the send =ueue $F7$(72$%) %"&*2&%979 In6oratio '% n Message suess6ully put into the =ueue $F7$(72$%) %"&*2&%979 In6oratio .he appliation sent the essage asynhronously using onnetion '% n AS2, http&>>sap7o>i>I>AS2 7 Returning to appliation $F7$(72$%) In6oratio MIC 0DeJG/Ius=(aaGRASd;hAoL)J$1 is alulated using S;A% %"&*2&%979 n algorith7

'( $F7$(72$%) %"&*2&%979 '9 $F7$(72$%) %"&*2&%979 )' $F7$(72$%) %"&*2&%979 )* $F7$(72$%) %"&*2&%979 *F $F7$(72$% ) %"&*2&%97F %2 $F7$(72$% ) %"&*2&%97F %' $F7$(72$% ) %"&*2&%97F %9 $F7$(72$% ) %"&*2&%97F (% $F7$(72$% ) %"&*2&%F7$ $% $F7$(72$% ) %"&*2&%F7$ $% $F7$(72$% ) %"&*2&%F7$ $( $F7$(72$% ) %"&*2&%F7$ $( $F7$(72$% ) %"&*2&%F7$ $( $F7$(72$% ) %"&*2&%F7$ $F $F7$(72$% ) %"&*2&%F7$ %$

In6oratio n .he essage was suess6ully retrieed 6ro the send =ueue In6oratio n Message status set to D8:3 In6oratio n MD: is suess6ully signed with S;A% 0%7'7%)7'7272(1 algorith In6oratio n .rying to put the essage into the send =ueue

In6oratio n Message suess6ully put into the =ueue

In6oratio n .he essage was suess6ully retrieed 6ro the send =ueue

In6oratio n Message status set to D8:3

In6oratio n .rying to put the essage into the send =ueue

In6oratio n Message suess6ully put into the =ueue

In6oratio n .he essage was suess6ully retrieed 6ro the send =ueue


MP& eeption aught with essage :o onfguration > de6ault adapter speifed 6or EDISeparator

In6oratio Deliering to hannel& n B2BSE$$$$2,!2C,!RDERS,+A:S,P!, de6ault adapter speifed 6or EDISeparator .ransitting the essage to endpoint Oloal using onnetion AS2, http&>>sap7o>i>I>AS2  6ailed# due to& o7sap7engine7inter6aes7essaging7api7eeption7MessagingEeption & aa7lang7Eeption& :o onfguration > de6ault adapter speifed 6or

EDISeparator $F7$(72$% ) %"&*2&%F7$ %* $F7$(72$% ) %"&*2&%F7$ %*

In6oratio .he asynhronous essage was suess6ully sheduled to be deliered n at Mon Jun $F %"&*"&%F CES. 2$%)

In6oratio n Message status set to
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