B.tech Mechanical Engineering

April 4, 2017 | Author: achyutha_krishna | Category: N/A
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B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering

CURRICULUM & SYLLABI [Regulations -2005]

VIT Vellore Institute of Technology UNIVERSITY VELLORE – 632 014 Tamil Nadu

A Place to Learn; A Chance to Grow


B.Tech Mechanical Engineering CURRICULUM III SEMESTER Subject Code 05BME201

COURSE TITLE Engineering Mathematics-III









(Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations)* 05BME203

Engineering Mechanics






Engineering Thermodynamics






Materials Science and Engineering






Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering






Electronics and Microcontroller





Total Credits


IV SEMESTER Subject Code 05BME202

COURSE TITLE Engineering Mathematics – IV









(Probability, Statistics and Reliability) * 05BME204

Manufacturing Technology – I






Thermal Engineering






Fluid Mechanics






Power Plant Engineering





Elective – I





Computer Aided Machine Drawing






Total Credits



V SEMESTER Subject Code







Numerical Methods *






Manufacturing Technology –II






Mechanics of Machines – I






Strength of Materials






Turbo Machines





Elective – II






Computer Programming






Hardware Project





Total Credits


VI SEMESTER Subject Code







Mechanics of Machines – II






Design of Machine Elements






Heat and Mass Transfer






Industrial Engineering





Elective – III





Elective – IV






Project Work – Design Project






Industrial Internship





Total Credits










Design of Transmission Systems






Automobile Engineering






Operations Research





Elective – V





Elective – VI





Elective – VII






Computer Aided Design & Computer Aided Manufacturing






Ethics in Engineering Profession












Project Work – Project Management





Total Credits


VIII SEMESTER Subject Code 05BME402P










Total Credits

28 Over all Total Credits = 194







Instrumentation and Control Engineering Acoustics and Noise Control Engineering Nanomaterials /MEMS Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion

2 2 2 2

0 1 1 1

2 0 0 0

3 3 3 3

05BME E06 05BME E07 05BME E08 05BME E09

Surface Modification Technologies Fuels and Combustion Internal Combustion Engines Product Design For Manufacturing Facilities and Process Planning

2 2 2 2 2

1 1 0 1 1

0 0 2 0 0

3 3 3 3 3

05BME E10 05BME E11 05BME E12 05BME E13 05BME E14

Design of Composite Materials Fluid Power System Embedded System Design Digital Signal Processing Computational Fluid Dynamics

2 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 0

0 0 0 0 2

3 3 3 3 3

05BME E15 05BME E16 05BME E17 05BME E18

Programmable Logical Controllers Tribology Robotics Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0

3 3 3 3

05BME E19 05BME E20 05BME E21 05BME E22 05BME E23

Mechatronics Total Quality Management Solar Thermal Power Engineering Computer Aided Product Design Design of Tools, Jigs and Fixtures

2 2 3 2 2

1 1 0 1 1

0 0 0 0 0

3 3 3 3 3

05BME E24 05BME E25 05BME E26 05BME E27 05BME E28

Finite Element Analysis Cryogenic Engineering Renewable Energy Technology Production Planning and Control Project Management

2 2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0 0

3 3 3 3 3

05BME E29 05BME E30 05BME E31 05BME E32

New Venture Planning and Management Lean Enterprises And New Manufacturing Technology Intellectual Property Rights** Natural Disaster Mitigation And Management**

2 2 2 2

1 1 1 1

0 0 0 0

3 3 3 3

05BME E01 05BME E02 05BME E03 05BME E04 05BME E05


or Any other Elective offered by any school under Cafeteria system.

** Common elective offered for all schools under cafeteria system 4







3 1 0 4 Objectives 1. Students will have an understanding of the basic concepts. 2. Students will develop problem solving skills 3. Students will understand how to make the transition from a real problem to its application of Complex Variables in engineering field 4. Students will understand how to solve differential equation and polynomials 5. The most desirable is to expose students to practical applications of Calculus of variations to engineering problems Outcome Student will be able to 1. Know the applications of conformal mappings 2. Use Laplace Transformation to solve differential equations whenever required 3. Understand the importance of Matrix Algebra and Boolean Algebra in engineering problems Contents Functions of a Complex Variable Complex Integration Partial Differential Equations Applications of Partial Differential Equations Integral Transforms UNIT I Functions of a complex variable, limit and continuity, Cauchy – Riemann equations, Analytic and Harmonic functions – Complex potential – Applications to flow around a corner and around a cylinder, Branch points, branch cuts, linear transformations ( = ½, = z2 , = ez, = sinz, cosz etc.), Bilinear transformation, concept of conformal transformation – Qualitative discussion on applications UNIT II Integration in the complex plane along a contour, the Cauchy theorem, integral theorem – Derivatives of analytic functions, Taylor and Laurent series (without proof) singularities – zeros – Poles, Residues, Cauchy‘s Residue theorem – Evaluation of integrals by the method of residues, Jordan‘s lemma (without proof), Indented contour integral, Inversion contours for Laplace, Fourier and Z transforms UNIT III Introduction – Formation of PDEs – Solution of PDE – General, Particular and Complete integrals – Lagrange‘s Linear Equations – Linear PDE of Higher order with Constant Coefficients – Homogeneous and non homogeneous equation – Solution of PDE‘s by the method of separation of variables UNIT IV Solution of Laplace equations in Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical coordinates – variable separable method: Potential flow over a sphere Wave Equation – Vibrations of a Stretched string – Variable Separable Method – D‘ Alembert‘s solution for the initial value problem, Vibrations of a circular membrane Diffusion equation in Cartesian and Cylindrical coordinates UNIT V Differential equations with constant coefficients – Complementary function, particular integral – method of undetermined co-efficient, variation of parameters technique (without proof), application to ladder type electrical network.Z-transform – definition – relation between Z – transform and Laplace transform, Z-transform of elementary functions, properties of Z-transforms (proofs not required) Initial and final value theorems – Inverse Z transforms – partial fraction expansion method, Inversion contour method – solution of difference equations by Z-transform method. Exponential Fourier series – Fourier Integral Transforms – Definition – Fourier Integral – Fourier sine and cosine transforms; - Properties of Fourier transforms (proof not required) - Application of Integral Transforms to Partial differential equations : (I) Heat flow in an infinite bar (ii) Wave propagation on a semi – infinite string (iii) Steady state heat flow in a semi-infinite domain.



Erwin Kreyzsizig,, (2004), Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Eighth Edition, John Wilag & Sons, Wiley Student Edition. B. S. Grewal, (2005), Higher Engineering Mathematics, 38 th Edition, Khanna Publications.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. J.W.Brown and R.V.Churchill, (2004), Complex variables and application, McGraw Hill International Edition, Seventh Edition.. 2. R.V.Churchill and J.W.Brown, (1978), Fourier series and Boundary value problems, International Student Edition. 3. Ian Sneddon, (1985), Elements of Partial Differential equations, McGraw Hill International Edition. 4. Michael D.Greenberg, (2002), Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Second Edition, Pearson Education. 5. Peter V.O‘ Neil, (2000), Advanced Engineering mathematics, Fifth Edition, John Wiley & Sons.

Mode of Evaluation : Assignments / Seminars / Written Examination.




Objectives 1. To calculate the reactive forces. 2. To analyse the structures. 3. To know the geometric properties of the different shapes.

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Outcome Student will be able to 1. Solve the engineering problems in case of equilibrium conditions 2. Calculate the reaction forces of various supports of different structures 3. Solve the problems involving dry friction 4. Determine the Centroid, Centre of Gravity and moment of inertia of various surfaces and solids 5. Calculate the forces acting on the rigid body, structures using the principle of virtual work. Contents  Equilibrium of Particle and Rigid body  Friction and Virtual work  Properties of surfaces and solids  Kinematics and Kinetics  Energy and Momentum methods. UNIT I Introduction to Mechanics – Fundamental Principles. Coplanar forces - Equilibrium of particles – Free body diagram – Equilibrium of particle in space – single equivalent force - - Equilibrium of rigid bodies in two dimensions. Analysis of plane trusses – Method of joints – Method of sections – Zero-force member UNIT II Characteristics of dry friction – Problems involving dry friction – Wedges – Square threaded screws – Flat belt – Journal bearings. Definition of virtual work – Principle of virtual work – System of connected rigid bodies – Degrees of freedom – Conservative forces – Potential energy – Potential energy criteria for equilibrium. UNIT III Centroid - First moment of area – Theorems of Pappus and Guldinus – Second moment of area – Moment and Product of inertia of plane areas – Transfer Theorems - Polar moment of inertia – Principal axes – Mass moment of inertia. UNIT IV Position, Velocity and Acceleration – Rectilinear motion – Curvilinear motion of a particle – Tangential and Normal components – Radial and Transverse components – Rotation of rigid bodies about a fixed axis – General plane motion – Absolute and relative motion method - Instantaneous centre of rotation in plane motion. Linear momentum – Equation of motion – Angular momentum of a particle and rigid body in plane motion – D‘Alembert‘s principal. UNIT V Principle of work and energy for a particle and a rigid body in plane motion –Conservation of energy- Principle of impulse and momentum for a particle and a rigid bodies in plane motion – Conservation of momentum – System of rigid bodies Text book 1. Tayal.A.K, (2002) Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics, Umesh publications. Reference Books 1. 2.

Beer and Johnson, (2000) Vector Mechanics for Engineers. Vol-1 (Statics) McGraw-Hill International edition. Irving H. Shames, (2003), Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics, Prentice-Hall of India Private limited.

Mode of Evaluation : Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


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Objectives 1. To understand the basic thermodynamic principles. 2. To develop the skills to perform the analysis and design of thermodynamic systems, applying the theory of first law and second law of thermodynamics to engineering applications. 3. To understand the procedures for estimating the thermodynamic properties such as enthalpies, entropies and Gibbs function under various process conditions 4. To understand the combustion phenomenon. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Apply thermodynamic principles for Engineering applications 2. Design thermodynamic systems. Contents  Basic Concepts and First Laws Thermodynamics  Second Law of Thermodynamics  Vapour and Gas Power Cycles  Ideal Gas Mixtures and Psychrometrics  Fuels and Combustion UNIT I Basic concepts of Thermodynamics-Thermodynamics and Energy-Closed and open systems-Properties of a systemState and equilibrium-Processes and cycles-Forms of energy-Work and heat transfer-Temperature and Zeroth law of thermodynamics-First law of thermodynamics-Energy balance for closed systems-Energy balance for unsteady-flow process-First law applied to steady-flow engineering devices UNIT II Limitations of the first law of Thermodynamics-Thermal energy reservoirs-Kelvin-Planck statement of the second law of thermodynamics-Clausius statement-Equivalence of Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements-Refrigerators, Heat Pump and Air-Conditioners-COP-Perpetual Motion Machines-Reversible and Irreversible process-Carnot cycleEntropy-The Clausius inequality-Availability and irreversibility-Second law efficiency-Second law aspects of daily lifeAnalysis of steady and unsteady flow systems. UNIT III Properties of pure substance-Property diagram for phase-change processes-Carnot vapour cycle-Rankine cycleMethods for improving the efficiency of Rankine cycle-Ideal Reheat and Regenerative cycles-Binary vapour cyclesCombined gas-vapour power cycles-Analysis of power cycles-Carnot cycle-Air standard assumptions-Otto cycleDiesel and Dual cycles-Brayton cycle-Stirling and Ericsson cycles UNIT IV Ideal and real gases-Van der Waals equation-Principle of corresponding states-Ideal gas equation of state-Other equations of state-Compressibility factor-Compressibility charts-Composition of gas mixtures- Mass and mole fractions-Dalton‘s law of additive pressures-Amagat‘s law of additive volumes-Relating pressure, volume and temperature of ideal gas mixtures-Evaluating internal energy - enthalpy - entropy and specific heats-Psychrometric application-Properties of atmospheric air-Psychrometric processes UNIT V Types of fuels-Exothermic and endothermic reactions-Combustion equations-Stoichiometry-Combustion analysis by mass and volume-Conversion of gravimetric to volumetric analysis-Conversion of volumetric to gravimetric analysisAnalysis of exhaust gas-Excess air and air-fuel ratio-Molar heat capacity of a gas mixture-Combustion problem by mole method-Complete combustion of fuel-Calorific value-Definition-Types of calorimeter-Atmospheric and ecological pollution-Absolute Entropy and Third law of Thermodynamics Text book 1. P. K. Nag, (2004) Basic and Applied Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw Hill. Reference Books 1. Yunus A. Cengel,(2005), Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Y.V.C.Rao, (2004), An Introduction to Thermodynamics, Universities Press. 3. C. P. Arora, (2005) Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw Hill. 4. David R. Gaskell, (2003), Introduction to Thermodynamics of Materials, Taylor and Francis Publisher.. 5. M. Achuthan, , (2004) Engineering Thermodynamics, Prentice Hall India Limited. 6. Eastop, (2004) Applied thermodynamics for Engineering Technologies, Addison-Wesley Logman Limited. Mode of Evaluation : Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


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Objectives 1. The main objective of this course is to provide the basic knowledge needed to explore the discipline of materials science and engineering. 2. To develop the knowledge of how the structure of materials is described technically, including crystallography, microstructure, defects, and phase diagrams 3. To develop the knowledge of how the properties of materials are described technically and how material failure is analyzed 4. To introduce the concepts of structure-property relationships 5. To develop knowledge in various class of materials and their applications

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Outcome Student will be able to 1. Understand how materials are formed and their classification based on atomic arrangement 2. Describe the mechanical behavior of metallic systems and its importance 3. Analyze elastic and plastic deformation 4. Evaluate system for fatigue failures 5. Gain knowledge on different class of materials and their applications 6. Evaluate the failure mode of the materials and to know the steps to be taken to prevent the failures Contents:  Crystal structure  Mechanical properties of materials  Fatigue failure  Failure analysis and Fracture  Advanced materials  Applications of materials in various field UNIT I Introduction to crystal structures; Crystal structure and crystal defects: Bonding in solids- Crystalline and amorphous materials – Unit cell – Miller indices – Closed packed structures - Metallic crystal structures – Polymorphism and allotropy, Defects: Line and point defects, slip system and dislocations in single and polycrystalline materials. UNIT II The nature and significance of mechanical properties - Stress and Strain – Elastic and Plastic range- Stress strain relationships- Modulus of materials - Ductility - Failure of materials: creep - Fatigue - Fracture behavior and strengthening and hardening mechanisms – Measurement of strain - Tensile strength - Creep and fatigue testing of ductile and brittle materials. UNIT III Non-Destructive Testing - Introduction to visual inspection- Electrical test methods – Ultrasonic –Principles of radiography - Acoustic emission - Wear and corrosion - Prevention – Types of surface modification techniques used to prevent failure. UNIT IV Phase - Phase rule - Hume Rothery rules - Iron carbon phase diagram - Interpretation of phase diagram - Invariant reactions - Transformation kinetics - Equilibrium and Non equilibrium transformation diagrams - Heat treatment – Microstructural observation and Hardening methods - Microstructural development of ferrous materials. UNIT V Types of iron and steel used in industries – Advantages and disadvantages -Smart materials - Light alloys – Inter metallic materials – Ceramics – Polymers - Nano materials – Biomaterials - Composites – Polymer matrix composites – Metal matrix composites – Carbon fiber composites - Applications of the above said materials in aerospace, Automotive industry and medical fields Text book 1. W.D. Callister, Jr., (2000), Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 4th ed., Wiley& Sons. Reference Books 1. J.C. Anderson, K.D. Leaver, P. Leavers and R.D. Rawlings, (2000), Materials Science for Engineers, 5 th edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers. 2. Raghavan, (2000), Materials Science and Engineering, 5 th edition Prentice Hall of India. 3. Dieter, (2000), Mechanical properties of materials, Tata McGraw Hill publications. 4. Deborah. D.C. Chung, (2000), Composite materials: Science and Appliations, functional materials for modern technologies, Eastern Wally edition. 5. Krishnan K. Chawla, (1999) Composite materials, Science and Engineering 2 nd edition, Tata McGraw Hill publications. 6. Lawrence E.Murr William H. Midden dorf, (2000), Failure analysis, Marcel Dikker Inc.publications. Mode of Evaluation : Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination. 9



Objectives 1. To train the students in preparation of sample to perform characterization such as microstructure , volume fraction of phases, porosity determination, film thickness, grain size and avoid measurement 2. To develop basic understanding of phase diagram. 3. To train the students to perform heat treatment experiments and hence to study the influence of heat treatment on strength of the materials. Outcome Student will be able to Acquire experimental skills in the field of metallurgy and to develop a theoretical understanding on the mechanical properties of the material by performing experiments. Contents: Experiments on sample preparation, Microstructures identification, Non destructive tests, creep test, hardness test and stress analysis. EXPERIMENTS 1. Metallographic sample preparation 2. Phase diagram determination 3. Microstructures of plain carbon steel 4. Microstructures of cast iron 5. Heat treatment of plain carbon steels 6. Hardness measurement 7. Phase analysis and porosity determination using image analysis soft ware 8. Microstructure of non-ferrous alloys 9. Determination of grain size 10. NDT testing – using ultrasonic flaw detector 11. Stress analysis using XRD pattern 12. Creep Test

Reference Books Lab Manual Prepared by VIT Staff. Mode of Evaluation : Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination.








2 1 2 4 Objectives 1. The course will impart the basic concepts and working principle of electrical engineering and DC & AC machines and the analysis of their performance characteristics. Outcome Students will be able to 1. Apply the basic concept of electrical engineering both DC & AC circuits and their basic principle 2. Apply the basic concept of magnetic circuit and also to study the different basic laws related to Electrical Engineering 3. Analyse the D.C. and AC Machines performance characteristics and their basic working principle 4. Analyse the different type of power generation in electrical systems Contents 1. Electrical Circuits 2. Magnetic Circuits and Electromagnetic Induction 3. Electrical Circuits (AC) and Instrumentation 4. Electrical Machines 5. Generation, Transmission and Distribution and Wiring UNIT-I Fundamentals of Electricity - Terms definitions -units Ohm‘s law - Kirchoff‘s law - Solution of DC circuits- Series resistance - parallel resistance - steady - state solution to inductive and capacitive circuits. UNIT-II Basics of magnetism - magnetic circuits - definition of MMF - Flux and Reluctance - Reluctance of series and parallel magnetic circuits - Analogy of electric and magnetic circuits - Simple numerical examples. Fleming‘s rule - Lenz‘ law - Faraday‘s laws - statically and dynamically induced EMF - self and mutual inductance Inductances in series and parallel - Coefficient of coupling – Hysteresis - Eddy currents - Simple numerical examples. UNIT-III Fundamentals of AC waveforms - terms and definitions of Simple AC circuits - concept of power factor - resonance introduction to 3 phase balanced systems. Moving coil and moving iron instruments (Ammeter and voltmeter) - Dynamometer type of wattmeter and energy meters (op. principles). UNIT-IV Principle of operation of DC generators DC Motors - characteristic types and applications - principles of operation of transformer - types - simple numerical examples. Principle of operations of synchronous generator - synchronous motor – applications - principle of operations 3 phase induction motors - types - single phase induction motors types and applications UNIT-V Sources of energy - Electrical Power Generator – Hydro - Thermal and Nuclear substation layout - Generation concepts - Basic concepts of Transmission and Distribution - Advantages of HVDC transmission - comparison with HVAC transmission. Accessories - Types of lighting and power circuits - simple layout - Basic of Earthing - Types of Earthing. Text Book 1. Del Toro, Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, (1991)Second Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Reference Books 1. K. A. Muraleedharan, Muthu Subramaian and Salivahanan, (2002)Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Ltd. 2. V. N. Mittle, (1990) Basic Electrical Engineering, TMH edition. 3. J. Jimmie Cathey and S. A. Nasar, (1987)Basic Electrical Engineering, Schaum outline seires in Engineering, McGraw-Hill book Co. Mode of Evaluation : Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.




Objectives To provide practical knowledge of the electrical machines for their design and analysis. Outcome On completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Design circuits for testing the performance of various machines. 2. Understand the importance of ear thing and their methodology. Contents Experiments on Motors, Generators and Alternators. Experiments 1.

Load test on D.C Shunt and Compound motor


Load test on D.C Series motor


OCC and load characteristics of Self excited DC Generator


Load test on Single phase Induction motor


Load test on Three phase Induction motor


Regulation of Three phase alternator by EMF


Thyristorised speed control of motors


Motor control circuits – Drives


Exercise in domestic wiring

10. OCC and SC test on transformer 11. Study of ‗V‘ curves and inverted ‗V‘ curves in synchronous machines 12. OCC and load characteristics of separately excited dc generator 13. Speed control of DC motor 14. Exercise in earthing. 15. Electrical Measurement Techniques 16. Synchronous motor 17. Power factor measurement

Reference Book Lab Manual Prepared by VIT Staff.

Mode of Evaluation :

Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination.




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Objectives 1. To provide in depth knowledge to the students in understanding various analog and digital electronic devices. 2. To give an in sight to the students about fundamentals and applications of microprocessor and microcontroller. Outcome Student will be able to: 1. Design analog and digital electronic devices. 2. Apply the principles of Microcontroller for various Engineering applications. Contents: 1. Analog Electronics 2. Digital Electronics 3. Microprocessor Fundamentals 4. Microcontroller Fundamentals 5. Microcontroller Applications UNIT I Semi Conductor Devices – PN Junction diode – Zener diode – BJT – MOSFET – UJT – SCR DIAC TRIAC – CB CE - CC configuration – Thermistor Rectifier Filter – Operational Amplifier – Inverting - Non-inverting – Applications - Integrater - Differentiater - Multiplier - Divider - Comparator - D/A and A/D converter – Voltage follower – Oscillator – Multivibrator – 555 timer UNIT II Numbering system – Binary - Octal - Hexa-decimal - Binary arithmetic – Add - Subtract - Negative number – Binary codes – Gray code – Boolean algebra – Demorgan‘s law – Canonical form – Reduction techniques – Logic gates – Logic circuit and design – Half - Full - Decimal adder – Flip Flops – RS - JK - D and T – Decoder – Encoder – PLA – PAL – Memory IC‘s – ROM - RAM - EPROM - Multiplexer - Demultiplexer – Sequential circuits – Concenters – Ripple - Synchronous - Ripple – Shift register – TTL – ELL UNIT III Internal Architecture of microprocessor – Program instruction – Components of CPU – Control unit – ALU Registers importance of data - Address and Control buses – Architecture of Intel 8085 - 8086 - MC 68000 – Instruction format – Addressing modes – Classification of instruction – Micro controller. UNIT IV 8051 Architecture: Comparison of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers - A Microcontroller Survey – 8051 Microcontroller Hardware- I/O Pins - Ports - External memory - Counters and Timers - Serial data I/O – Interrupts. UNIT V 8051 Microcontroller Applications I: Interfacing of Keyboards Interfacing of Display Devices Pulse measurement Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog Converter Interfacing Hardware Circuit Multiple Interrupts. Text books 1. Mehta, V.K., (1994), Principles of Electronics, S.Chand & Company. 2. Mazidi, Mazidi and Mckinlay.,(2005), 8051 Micro controller and embedded system using assembly and C, 2 nd edition. Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books 1. Goankar R.S, (1991), Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Applications, New Age International. 2. Malvino A.P., (1989), Digital Electronics principles and Applications TMH, 2nd edition. 3. John Crisp, (2004), Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Second edition. 4. B.P. Singh, (1997), Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Galcotia Publications (P) Ltd, First edition, New Delhi. 5. Kennath J. Ayala. (1996)The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming and Applications , Penram International publishing (India), Second Edition, Mumbai.. Mode of Evaluation : Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


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Objectives 1. To give an in sight to the students about fundamentals of Electronics devices. 2. Train the students to perform the micro controller programming. 3. To provide in depth knowledge to the students to understand the interfacing knowledge by using Mirocontroller. Outcome Student will be able to Apply the principles of Electronics and Microcontrollers for various applications. EXPERIMENTS



VI Characteristics of PN Junction diode, Zenor diode.


Input / Output characteristics of a Transformer.


Operational Amplifier.


Study of Logic gates.


Half and Full adder.


Half and Full Rectifier.


Study of Flip-flop.


Shift Register.



10. A/D and D/A Converter. 11. FET characteristics. 12. Encoders and Decoders. 13. Multiplexers and Demultiplexers.



1. Study of 8051 Micro controller programming with arithmetic and logic instructions 2. Programming with Load and exchange Instructions 3. Programming with Bit Addressable instruction and Branch Instruction 4. Code Conversion 5. Array Operation, Stack and Subroutine Operation 6. Programming with delay loops 7. Interfacing Stepper motor 8. Interfacing Seven Segment display 9. Interfacing 8255 for Waveform generation 10. Interfacing A / D Converter and Interfacing D/A Converter Reference Books Lab Manual Prepared by VIT Faculty.

Mode of Evaluation:

Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination.












Objectives: 1. Students will have an understanding of the basic concepts 2. Students will develop problem-solving skills 3. Students will understand how to make the transition from a real problem to application of one dimensional wave and heat equation and tow dimensional heat equation to engineering field 4. Students will understand how to solve a wave equation and heat equation by Laplace transform and Fourier transform methods 5. The most desirable is to expose students to practical applications of Calculus of variations to engineering problems Outcome: Student will be able 1. 2. 3.

To know the applications of probability, statistics and Reliability To impart the knowledge of various distributions and control charts To Know how to conduct the probability related problems

Contents: Probability & Random Variables Statistical Parameters Tests of Statistical Hypothesis Anova and Statistical quality Control Reliability and Queuing Theory UNIT-I Axioms – Conditional Probability – Baye‘s Theorem – Independent Events – Random Variables – Distribution Function – Probability Density Function (PDF) – Random Vector – Joint Distribution – Joint Density – Conditional Distribution and Density Functions – Independent Random Variables – Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Exponential, Gamma and Weilbull distributions UNIT-II Mathematical Expectation – Variance – Moment Generating Function- Characteristic Function – Regression and Correlation – Partial and Multiple correlation (3 variables only) UNIT-III Large sample tests- Procedure of Testing Hypothesis – small sample tests – Student‘s T-distribution – F Test – Chi square test – Theory of estimation. UNIT-IV One way and Two way classifications – CRD – RBD – LSD Control Charts – Control Charts for measurements - x-chart, r-chart – control Charts for Attributes, p-chart, np-chart, c-chart UNIT-V Terms related to Reliability – Hazard Models – system Reliability – Reliability Allocation – Maintainability and Availability. Preliminary Ideas (Markov Chains) - Exponential Distribution – Little‘s formula – Pure Birth and Death Models Text book 1. R.E.Walpole, R.H.Myers, S.L.Myers and K.Ye, (2003), Probability and statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Seventh Edition, Pearson Education. Reference Books 1. Bhat, B.R., (1999), Modern Probability Theory, Third Edition, New Age International Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 2. Freund, JE, (1998.), Mathematical Statistics, Prentice Hall International. 3. Rohatgi, V.K & Ebsanes Saleh, A.K.Md., (2002), An Introduction to Probability and Statics, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York 4. Morris H.DeGroot, (2002), Probability and Statistics, Third Edition, Addison –Wesley. 5. J.L.Devore, (2000), Probability and Statistics, Fifth Edition, Thomsun. Mode of Evaluation : Assignment / Seminar / Written Examination. 15



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Objectives 1. To understand the basic concepts of foundry and casting processes. 2. To acquire knowledge about the fundamental principles of metal forming processes. 3. To study in detail about the modern welding processes followed in Industries. 4. To have an in depth study about various forming processes. 5. To acquire knowledge about various plastic materials that are commonly used for various application and their manufacturing process. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Select correct manufacturing process for a particular Engineering application. 2. Have in-depth knowledge of various manufacturing processes. Contents Metal Casting Processes Joining Processes Metal Forming Processes Processing of Powder metals, Ceramics and Glass Processing of Plastics and Composite Materials UNIT I Manufacturing- selecting manufacturing process - global competitiveness of manufacturing costs - Fundamentals of materials- their behavior and manufacturing properties - Ferrous metals and alloys - Non ferrous metals and alloys Fundamentals of metal casting - Fluidity of molten metal - Solidification time - Sand Casting - Shell mold casting Investment casting - Plaster mold Casting - Ceramic mold Casting - Die Casting - Centrifugal Casting - Melting practice and Furnaces Defects in Casting - Testing and Inspection of Casting. UNIT II Metal Fusion welding processes – Oxyfuel gas welding - Arc welding processes – Consumable electrode: SMAWSAW - GMAW - FCAW - Electro gas welding - Electro slag welding - Non consumable Electrode: GTAW- AHWPAW – EBM – LBM - Solid state welding processes: Ultrasonic welding - Friction welding - Resistance welding Weld quality - Testing welded joints. UNIT III Cold and Hot working: Rolling – Forging – Extrusion – Drawing - Sheet metal forming processes - High Energy Rate Forming Processes: Explosive Forming - Electro Hydraulic Forming - Electro Magnetic Forming. UNIT IV Production of metal powders: Compaction - Sintering and Finishing - Design considerations for powder metallurgy and Process capability - Shaping of ceramics - Forming and Shaping of Glass - Design considerations for Ceramics and Glass - Processing of Superconductors. UNIT V Types of Plastics - Types of Molding: Injection Molding - Blow Molding - Compression Molding - Transfer Molding Thermoforming - Reinforced plastics - Metal Matrix Composites - Ceramic Matrix Composites. Text book 1. W.A.J.Chapman (1999), Manufacturing Technology, Vol 1, Arnold Publisher Reference Books 1. S.Kalpakjian and S.R.Schmid, (2004), Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, 4th Edition, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 2. P.N.Rao. (1998), Manufacturing Technology – Foundry, Forging and Welding. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. New Dlhi. 3. Hajra Choudhury S.K. (2000), Elements of Manufacturing Technology, Vol. – I, Media Publications. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


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Objectives 1. To understand the basic concept of molding, the sequence of process involved, components of a green sand mold etc., 2. To determine the permeability number, grain fineness number, compressive, shear strength of molding sand etc., 3. To perform some simple welding operations using Arc, TIG, MIG welding machines. 4. To broaden the understanding of various mechanisms involved in a lathe. 5. To perform some simple exercises on lathe such as turning, thread cutting, drilling, boring etc., 6. To decide upon the various cutting parameters for different materials for turning operation. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Understand about the green sand molding process, gating system and risening system. 2. Understand the basic welding processes. 3. Understand the cutting parameters of turning processes, thread cutting etc. Contents: Foundry Welding Lathe (Simple Operations only) EXPERIMENTS FOUNDRY 1. Preparation of Green sand mold using wooden pattern 2. Determination of Grain Fineness Number 3. Determination of Permeability Number 4. Determination of Compressive and Shear strength of molding sand 5. Demonstration of pouring the Non Ferrous Metal by using Crucible Tilting Furnace WELDING 6. Arc welding - Straight line Beads and Butt joint 7. Preparation of TIG weld Lap joint 8. Preparation of MIG weld ‗T‘–joint LATHE (Simple operations only) 9. Facing and Straight Turning 10. Shoulder Turning 11. Taper Turning 12. Thread cutting

Reference Books Lab Manual prepared by VIT Staff.

Mode of Evaluation :

Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination.




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Objectives 1. To learn about natural and artificial thermal effects 2. To understand the principles and performance of IC engines 3. To understand the principles of Compressors, Steam nozzles and Refrigeration and Air-conditioning system 4. To understand the principles of waste heat recovery and thermal storage systems. Outcome Student will be able to: 1. Get an insight of various components and principles of Engines, Compressors etc. 2. Design refrigeration and air-conditioning system for a particular application. 3. Get an insight of waste heat recovery and thermal storage. Contents:  IC engines  Performance of IC engines  Positive displacement compressors and steam nozzles  Refrigeration and Air-conditioning  Waste heat recovery and thermal storage systems UNIT I Review of construction and working of two stroke and four stroke engines - Wankel engines - SI engines –Fuel systems - Simple carburetor - Various compensation arrangements - Simple calculations involved in carburetors ignition systems combustion detonation factors and remedies - Rating of fuels type of combustion chambers Introduction to multi point and microprocessor based fuel injection system CI engines – Fuel injection system - Fuel pump – Combustion – Knocking - Factors and remedies - Rating of fuels Types of combustion chambers - Cooling and lubrication of IC engines. UNIT II Supercharging and turbo charging of IC engines and their effect on various parameters - Stratified charged engines Lean burn engines; Performance test- Measurement of brake power - Indicated power - Fuel consumption - Air consumption; Heat balance test – heat carried away by exhaust gases and Morse test on IC engines – Standard testing procedure of IC engines - Performance curves and effect of various parameters on the performance of the engines. UNIT III Reciprocating compressors – Construction – Working - Effect of clearance volume - Multi staging. Rotary positive displacement compressors – Types - Working. Steam Nozzle- One – Dimensional steady flow of steam through a convergent and divergent nozzle - Equilibrium and Meta stable flow. UNIT IV Reverse carnot cycle- Bell-Colman‘s cycle - Air craft refrigeration cycles - Vapor compression cycle – Components Working P-H and T-S diagrams - Calculation of COP - Effect of sub cooling and super heating – Ideal and actual cycles - Cryogenic engineering- Introduction - Liquefaction of gases - Application. Psycrometric- Processes - Chart - Summer and winter air conditioning - Cooling load calculations – SHF – RSHF – GSHF – ESHF components used in air conditioner - Types of air conditioning units. UNIT V Sources of waste heat - Heat recovery for industrial application - Energy density consideration - Economics of waste heat recovery - Thermal storage- principles and applications of hot and cold systems - Storage duration and scale sensible heat and latent heat system - Phase change storage materials. Text books 1. Arora C.P, (2000), Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Ganesan.V. , (2002), Internal Combustion Engines, Tata McGraw Hill. Reference Books 1. Mcconkey and Eastop, (1999), Applied Thermodynamics, Adission Wesly. 2. Gupta.J.K and R.S.Khurmi (2004), A textbook of thermal engineering, S.Chand publishers. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


C 4



Objectives 1. 2.

To grasp the fundamentals of thermodynamics and thermal engineering by conducting experiments. To measure the thermal state and process variables (eg. Temperature, Heat, Heat-rate, energy and entropy changes), Thermal properties, (eg. Thermal capacity, Thermal expansion, Thermal conductivity), the temperature effect on other properties or processes (eg. Phase changes) and mainly use water and air as example working fluids.

Out come Student will be able to: 1. Measure the various parameters related to thermal science 2. Analyze the performance of Blowers, Fans, IC engines and Refrigerator system.

Contents: Experiments on Compressors, Blowers, Boilers and Air conditioning test rigs and experiments on various IC engines Experiments

1. Determination of calorific value of fuels 2. Performance test on reciprocating air compressor 3. Performance test on air blower 4. Determination of static pressure distribution around an aerofoil 5. Lift- Drag measurement 6. Performance test on vapour compression refrigeration system 7. Performance test on air-conditioning system 8. Test on boiler 9. Test on steam turbine

Reference Books Lab Manual prepared by VIT Faculty

Mode of Evaluation :


Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination.









Objectives 1. The aim of this course is to introduce and explain basic fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, which is used in the applications of Aerodynamics, Hydraulics, Marine Engineering, Gas dynamics etc. Also to learn fluid properties and hydrostatic law - to understand the importance of flow measurement and its applications in Industries and to obtain the loss of flow in a flow system. 2. The development of boundary layers and advancement of practical hydraulics and understanding the concept of advanced fluid mechanics. Outcome Student will be able to: 1. To find frictional losses in a pipe when there is a flow between two places. 2. Judge about the pipe roughness and its life. 3. Calculate the conjugate depths in a flow. 4. Design a most economical section of an open channel. 5. Analyse the model and the prototype. 6. Find the dependent and independent parameters for a model of fluid flow. 7. Explain the various methods available for the boundary layer separation. Contents :  Fluid Properties and Hydrostatics  Fluid Dynamics  Open Channel Flow  Dimensional Analysis  Boundary layers UNIT I Density – Viscosity - Surface tension – compressibility - capillarity - Hydrostatic forces on plane - inclined and curved surfaces - buoyancy - centre of buoyancy - metacentre. UNIT II Control volume - Fluid Kinematics - Types of flows – Streamline and Velocity potential lines- Euler and Bernouli‘s equations and their applications - moment of momentum - Momentum and Energy correction factors - Impulse – Momentum equation - Applications. UNIT III Flow through pipes - Open Channels and Measurement pipe flow: Darcy‘s law - Minor losses - Multi reservoir problems - pipe network design - Moody‘s diagram - Hagen Poiseuille equation - Turbulent flow. Specific Energy - Critical flow concept - specific force - Hydraulic jump - uniform flow and gradually varying flow concepts. – Measurement of pressure - flow - velocity through pipes and open channels. UNIT IV Dimensional homogeneity - Raleigh and Buckingham distorted models.

theorems - Non-dimensional numbers - Model laws and

UNIT V Boundary layers – Laminar flow and Turbulent flow - Boundary layer thickness - momentum – Integral equation Drag and lift – Kutta Joukowski condition - Magnus effect Friction in flow through beds of solids – Pressure drop across Packed Beds – Loading and Flooding in Packed Beds – Friction Factor – Kozeny – Carman Equation – Ergun‘s Equation – Concept of Fluidisation – Condition for Solid particles in a suspended condition in a flowing fluid - Regimes in Fluidised Beds – Batch and Continuous Fluidisation. Text Book 1. Dr.R.K.Bansal, (2000), Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Laxmi Publication (P) Ltd., New Delhi. Reference Books 1. P.N.Modi and S.M.Seth, (1999), Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics including Hydraulic Machines, Standard Book House, Naisarak, Delhi. 2. Vijay Gupta and S.K.Gupta, (1999), Fluid Mechanics and Applications, New-Age International Ltd. 3. D.S. Kumar, (2004) Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering, Katson Publishing Hose, Delhi. 4. V.L. Streeter, (2001), Fluid Mechanics, McGraw Hill Book Co. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.





Objectives 1. To understand the properties of fluid, types of fluid and the Types of flow. 2. To study about the flow measuring devices such as orifice meter, venturimeter. 3. To acquire knowledge about the flow through pipes Outcome Student will be able to: 1. Analyze various flow problems and fluid characteristics. 2. Determine the losses of flow through various mediums like pipes. 3. To apply the concepts of fluid mechanics to design various systems like aerospace systems.

LIST OF EXPERIMENTS Fluid Mechanics 1.

Flow through Orifice a)

Constant Head Method

b) Variable Head Method 2.

Flow through Mouth Piece a)

Constant Head Method

b) Variable Head Method 3.

Flow through Triangular Notch


Flow through Venturimeter


Flow through Orifice Meter


Flow through Pipes


Flow through Helical Coils


Flow through Annulus Double pipe

Reference Book Lab Manual prepared by VIT Faculty.

Mode of Evaluation:

Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination.












Objectives 1. To know the fullest possible use of the natural fossil fuel power potentialities of the country in view of the advantages of thermal electric power 2. To know the power generation with the use of atomic energy 3. To understand the development of hydro, thermal and nuclear power plants which play very important role in the power sector of the country for the uniform development of electric power throughout the country. Outcome Student will be able to : 1. Have a detailed idea of power generation and components involved 2. Access the recent trends in power generation and distribution. Contents 1. Types of Power Plants 2. Steam Generators 3. Combustion and Firing Methods 4. Nuclear and Gas Turbine Power Plants 5. Hydro and Diesel Power Plants UNIT-I Power plants-Features - Componets and layouts-Working principle of Steam - Hydro - Nuclear - Gas Turbine and Diesel power plants-Selection of site-Analysis of steam cycles-Rankine cycle-Reheating and Regenerative cycles. UNIT-II Boiler classification-Types of Boiler-Fire tube and Water tube boilers-High pressure and Supercritical boilers-Positive circulation boilers-Fluidized bed boiler-Waste heat recovery boiler-Feed water heaters-Super heaters-ReheatersEconomiser-Condenser-Cooling tower-Feed water treatement-Air heaters. UNIT-III Coal handling and preparation-Combustion equipment and firing methods-Mechanical stokers-Pulverized coal firing systems-Cyclone furnace-Ash handling systems-Electrostatic precipator-Fabric filter and Bag house-Forced draft and Induced draft fans-Chimney. UNIT-IV Principles of nuclear energy-Energy from nuclear reactions-Energy from fission and fuel Burnup-Decay rates and Half-Lives-Boiling water reactor-Pressurized water reactor-Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor-Gas cooled reactor-High temperature gas cooled reactor-Pebble bed reactor-Fast breeder reactor-Liquid metal fast breeder reactor-reactor materials-Radiation shielding-Waste disposal-Gas turbine power plant-Open and closed cycles-Intercooling Reheating and Regenerating-Combined cycle power plant. UNIT-V Classification of Hydro-electric power plants and their applications-Selection of prime movers-Governing of turbineDiesel power plant- Subsystems-Starting and stopping-Heat balance-Supercharging of Diesel engines. Text Book 1. P. K. Nag, (2001), Power Plant Engineering: Steam and Nuclear, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd., Second Edition. Reference Books 1. M. M. El-Wakil, (1999), Power Plant Technology, McGraw-Hill International Editions. 2. Black and Veatch, (1998), Power Plant Engineering, CBS Pub and Distributors, New Delhi. 3. R. K. Rajput, (2005), A Text Book of Power Plant Engineering, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd.

Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.




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P 6

Objectives 1. To introduce basics, standards of engineering drawing related to machines and componenets 2. To acquire the skills regarding assembly drawing 3. To familiarize with standard CAD packages on modeling and drafting skills Outcome Student will be able to : 1. Model a component using CAD software of their choise 2. Able to create 3D model and assembly of various engineering components. Contents: Drawing standards Limits, fits and tolerances Computer aided assembly and detailed drawing UNIT I Code of Practice for Engineering Drawing - BIS specifications –Conventional representation - Welding symbols riveted joints - keys - fasteners - Reference to hand book for the selection of standard components like bolts - nuts screws - keys etc. UNIT II Limits - Fits and tolerances - Allocation of fits for various mating parts – Tolerance data sheet – Tolerance table preparation -Geometric tolerance. UNIT III Solid modeling of simple and Intricate machine and automobile components-Surface modelling of automobile body and Appliances(electrical and domestic). Preparation of assembled and detailed drawings of I.C.Engine components viz: Cylinder head - Piston - Connecting rod and Crankshaft assembly - Carburettor - Fuel pump etc,.

Text Book 1.

Bhatt, N.D., (1999), Machine Drawing , Published by R.C.Patel, Chartstar Book Stall, Anand, India.

Reference Books 1. James Barclay, Brian Griffiths, (2003), Engineering Drawing for Manufature Kogan Page. 2. Cecil Jensen, Jay Helsel and Donald D. Voisinet, (2000), Computer-aided engineering drawing, McGraw-Hill, New York. 3. Sidheswar, N., Kanniah, P. and Sastry, V.V.S., (2005), Machine Drawing . Mode of Evaluation :

Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination.


C 2











Objectives 1. This course is organized to expose the students to some of the most important, basic computational methods likely to be of great use to engineers. 2. The emphasis is mainly on computer oriented numerical methods for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. The students are expected to develop MAT LAB / FORTRAN/C programs for the numerical methods and obtain results including graphics. Outcome students will be able to: 1. Understand and solve Transcendental/Polynomial equations, system of Linear Algebraic equations, Interpolation and approximation, Differentiation and Integration and find solutions of Differential equations by finite difference approximations. Contents: Algebra and Transcendental System of Equations and Numerical Integration Analysis of Data Ordinary Differential Equations Partial Differential Equations The Finite Element Method UNIT-I Newton-Raphson method, Newton-Raphson method for non-linear equations, solution of system of equations), Secant method - Rate of convergence. Gauss – Seidel method for system of algebraic equations – convergence criterion – positive definite of a matrix- spectral radius of a matrix, Tridiagonal system of equations – Thomas algorithm- Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons 1/3 rd and 3/8th rules UNIT-II Numerical Differentiation, Langrage Interpolation, Interpolation with cubic splines, General Linear Least squares fit, goodness of fit, correlation, Linear regression. Spectral analysis: Discrete Fourier transform, Aliasing and Nyquist frequency, Fast Fourier transform. UNIT-III Review : Euler and Modified Eulers Methods. Initial value problems: Fourth order Runge Kutta Method – Sustems of equations and higher order equations. Boundary value problems : The shooting method, characteristic – value problems, Finite difference method. UNIT-IV 2-Dimensional Laplace and Poisson‘s equations – Liebmann‘s method, 1-Dimensional Diffusion equation – explicit method – Von Neumann Stability condition, Crank – Nicholson implicit method, 1-Dimensional wave equation – Explicit method, CFL stability condition UNIT-V The Rayleigh – Ritzr method, The collection and Galerkin methods, Finite elements for ordinary Differential equations Text Books 1. M. K. Jain, S.R.K. Iyengar and R.K.Jain, (2003), Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering, Fourth Edition, New Age International Ltd. 2. C.F. Gerald and P.V.Wheatley, (2004), Applied Numerical analysis, Seventh Edition, Addition-Wesley. Reference Books 1. R.J. Schilling and S.L.Harris, (2000), Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers using MATLAB and C, Brooks/Cole. 2. Erwin Kreysizig, (2004.), Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Eighth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, (Wiley Student Edison). 3. Steren C. Chapra and Ra P. Canale, (2001), Numerical Methods for Engineers with Programming and Software Applications, Third Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill. 4. E. Balagurusamy, (2005), Numerical Methods, Fifteenth Reprint, Tata McGraw-Hill Company Limited. 5. K. Sankara Rao, (2005), Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition, Prentice Hall of India Limited. Mode of Evaluation : Assignment / Seminar / Written Examination. 24



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P 2

Objectives 1. To acquire knowledge about the mechanism involved in various machines such as Shaping, Slotting, Milling, Grinding machine, etc., 2. To get an idea about various cutting tool materials used. 3. To understand the working principle of some Non-conventional machines such as EDM Spark Erosion, EDM Wire-cut machines. 4. To get an insight about the gear cutting process in milling machine and gear hobbing. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Identify and suggest correct manufacturing process for particular application 2. Deal with various sophisticated machinaries like EDM wire cut machines etc., Contents Turning Machines Basic Metal Cutting Machines Milling and Hobbing Machines Non – Traditional Machines Metrology and Instrumentation UNIT I Turning Parameters - Lathe: Specification - Types - Mechanisms - Operations - Work Holding devices - Capstan and Turret lathe - Overview of cutting tool materials and Cutting fluids. UNIT II Shaping - Planing - Drilling: Radial drilling machine - Twist drill nomenclature. Broaching: Tool nomenclature. Boring: Jig boring machine. Grinding machine: Types - Designation and selection of grinding wheels - Bond and Bonding processes. Reconditioning of grinding wheel. UNIT III Types of Milling machines - Types of Cutters - Milling processes - Indexing - Gear generating principles - Gear Hobber - Gear finishing methods - Bevel gear generator. UNIT IV EDM - WEDM - ECM - AJM - EBM - LBM - Equipment - Parameters - MRR calculations. NC Machines: Components of NC system - Coordinate system and NC Machine tools. UNIT V Measurement standards - Line – Graduated instruments - Angle measuring instruments. Comparative length measuring instruments - Measuring geometric features. CMM - Gages – Gage blocks - Fixed gages - Pneumatic gages. Optical instruments: Tool maker‘s microscope - Scanning electron microscope.

Text book 1. W.A.J. Chapman, (1999) Workshoip Technology, Vol.II Arnold Publisher. Reference Books 1. S.Kapakjian and S.R.Schmid, (2004), Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, 4th Edition, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 2. P.C. Sharma, (2000), Text book of Production Technology, S.Chand & Company Ltd, New Delhi. Mode of Evaluation : Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


C 3







2 0 2 3 Objectives 1. To develop the skills of students to predict the effect of force, motion and their interaction in design and operational cycles of machines. 2. To familiarize students with basic types of mechanisms, joints and motion, degree of freedom to perform position, velocity, acceleration analysis using graphical and analytical and computer methods 3. Skills for the synthesis of simple mechanisms 4. To analyze cam- follower motion and gear train configurations 5. To understand the gyroscopic effect related to two wheelers, four wheelers, ships and airplanes. Outcome

Student will be able to:

1. Check Synthesis Mechanisms 2. Analyze Gear Trains and gears 3. Analyze cam profiles 4. Calculate Gyroscopic Couples for two wheelers, four wheelers and other applications Contents: Introduction to Mechanisms Synthesis of Mechanisms Cams and Gyroscopes Gears and Gear trains Governors UNIT I Basics of mechanisms and definitions – Links - Pairs - Chains - Mechanism - Degree of freedom - Mobility – Kutzbach criterion – Grashoff‘s Law – Classification of mechanisms - Kinematics inversion – Slider crank inversions – Four bar inversions – Mechanical advantages. Velocity and Acceleration – Determination of velocity and acceleration in mechanisms – Relative motion method (graphical) for mechanisms having turning - Sliding and rolling pair – Coriolis acceleration. Analytical solution for slider crank mechanisms. UNIT II Classification of kinematics synthesis problem – Chebyshev spacing – Two points synthesis – Slider crank mechanisms – Three position synthesis – Four bar mechanisms and slider crank mechanisms – Freudenstein method – Analytical and graphical design – Four bar linkage for body guidance – Design of four bar linkage as a path generator. UNIT III Types of Cams and Followers - Applications – Displacement - Velocity and Acceleration curves for Uniform velocity - Uniform acceleration and retardation - Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) - Cycloidal motions - Layout of profile of plate cams of the above types with Reciprocating and Oscillating followers. Gyroscopic forces and couple – Gyroscopic effects on the movement of air planes and ships - Stability of two wheel drive and four wheel drive and space vehicles - Gyroscope stabilization. UNIT IV Spur gear terminology and definitions - materials for gears – Fundamental law of toothed gearing – Involute properties - Interchangeable gears – Gear tooth action – Terminology – Interference and under cutting – Non standard gear teeth – Helical - Bevel - Worm - Rack and pinion gears – Cycloidal tooth properties – Comparison of Involute and Cycloidal tooth forms. Parallel Axis gear trains - Epicyclic gear train – Differentials – Automotive transmission gear trains – Velocity ratio and torque calculations. UNIT V Functions of Governors - Gravity controlled and Spring controlled governor characteristics. Stability - Hunting and Isochronisms. Effect of friction - Calculation of equilibrium speeds and ranges of speed of governors. Text book 1. S.S. Rattan, (1999), Theory of Machines, Tata McGraw Hill publishing companies Ltd. Reference Books 1. J.S. Rao and R.V Dukkipati, (2000), Mechanism and Machine theory, Wiley- Eastern Ltd. New Delhi. 2. J.E. Shigley and J.J Unicker, (1999), Theory of Machines and Mechanics, McGraw Hill. Mode of Evaluation : Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination. 05BME305L


Objectives 1. To understand the concepts of mechanics of machines 2. To understand fundamentals of machine vibrations 3. To understand gyroscopic effect of two wheelers, four wheelers, and aircrafts. 4. To understand speed control of machines using governors 5. Learn to apply mathematics and engineering principles to measurement problems in Engineering Outcome 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Student will be able to

Measure Stiffness of spring Draw cam profiles Measure Gyroscopic torque Understand free, forced damped vibrations Measure Radius of Gyrations of compound pendulum, plate Apply the fundamental principles of measurements, error analysis, instrumentation methodology, and experimental design to the solution of practical problems related to experimental measurement and data analysis. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the theoretical basis for operation of instruments, sensors, and associated equipment by analyzing practical problems dealing with the use of such instruments, sensors, and equipment. Demonstrate familiarity with the operation of various instruments by hands-on application in the laboratory.

Contents: General vibration setup Cam analysis and profile Gyroscope Governors Radius of gyration, compound pendulum, bifilar suspension and trifilar suspension Measurement of flow, speed, Torque, Load, Vibration, Temperature, Pressure. Error analysis and calibration

EXPERIMENTS 1. Natural frequency of longitudinal vibraton of spring mass system. 2. Determination of torsional vibration frequency of a single rotor system 3. Analysis of Cam and plotting the Cam profile 4. Motorised gyrocope 5. Watts Governor 6. Undamped free vibration of eqivalant spring mass system 7. Damped vibration of equivalent spring mass system 8. Radius of gyration of compound pendulam 9. Radius of gyration of connecting rod 10. Porter governor and Watts governor 11. Static and dynamic balancing of rotors 12. Critical speed of whirling of shaft 13. TRI –FILAR / BI-FILAR System 14. Static and dynamic analysis using ADAMS software. Mode of Evaluation :

Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination.


05BME 307


L 2

T 1

P 2

Objectives 1. Develop the relationship between the loads applied to a non-rigid body and the internal stresses and deformations induced in the body. 2. Study the general state of stresses and strains in a given loaded member and the magnitude and direction of the principal stresses 3. Understand the different approaches to calculate slope and deflection for various types of beams. 4. Analyze the columns with different edge conditions by using different theories. Outcome Students will be able to: 1. Apply concepts of strength of materials to obtain solutions to real time Engineering problems. 2. Able to analyze the different types of loading and the consequent deflection. UNIT I Definition/derivation of normal stress, shear stress, and normal strain and shear strain – Stress-strain diagram- Elastic constants - Poisson‘s ratio - relationship between elastic constants and Poisson‘s ratio - Generalised Hook‘s law Strain energy - Deformation of simple and compound bars - thermal stresses. UNIT II Biaxial state of stress - Stress at a point - stresses on inclined planes - Principal stresses and Principal strains and Mohr's circle of stress. Thin cylinders and shells - deformation of thin cylinders and shells. UNIT III Introduction to Torsion - derivation of shear strain - Torsion formula - stresses and deformations in circular and hollow shafts - Stepped shafts - shafts fixed at the both ends - Stresses in helical springs. Theory of columns – Long column and short column - Euler‘s formula - Rankine‘s formula - Secant formula beam column. UNIT IV Theory of simple bending - bending stress and shear stress in beams. Deflection of beams by Double integration method - Macaulay's method - Area moment theorems for computation of slopes and deflections in beams Conjugate beam method. UNIT V Elementary theory of elasticity – Equilibrium equations-compatibility equations – Plane stress – Plane strain – Axis symmetric conditions - Stress function Text book 1. S. Ramamrutham and R. Narayanan, (2003), Strength of Materials, Dhanpat Rai Publications. Reference Books 1. Rowland Richards, (2000), Principles of Solid Mechanics, CRC press. 2. R.K. Bansal, (2000), Strength of Materials, Laxmi Publications. 3. J.M. Gere, and Stephen P. Timoshenko, (2003), Mechanics of Materials Solutions manual, Elasticity, Nelson Thornes. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


C 4



Objectives 1. To gain experience regarding the determination of creep property of the materials and understand how this property varies with time 2. To provide an opportunity to learn how to measure hardness of materials and analyze how heat treatment affects the hardening 3. To impart knowledge on phase development of two isomorphous metals 4. To determine the phases present in a material using XRD graph Outcome Student will be able to 1. Interpret the hardness curve measured after heat treatment 2. Correlation between material structure and its creep property 3. Index XRD plot and determine the phases 4. Perform non destructive failure analysis I. TEST ON METALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Tension Test Shear Test Hardness test Torsion Test Impact Test Cold Bend Test Ductility Test Fatigue Test II. TESTS ON TIMBER

III. 1. 2. 3. 4.

TESTS ON STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS Spring Test Column Test Beam Test Deflection Test

Reference Books 1. Lab Manual prepared by VIT faculty 2. Timoshenko, S.P. and Young, D.H., (2000), Strength of Materials, East West Press Limited. 3. Relevant BIS Codes 2004 Mode of Evaluation :

Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination.












Objectives 1. To know the operation of turbomachines for compressible fluids (turbines, fans, blowers and compressors) and incompressible fluids (pumps and turbines). 2. To have thorough understanding of velocity triangles, thermodynamic plots and various losses in tubomachinery. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Solve the analytical problems in both compressible and incompressible fluid flow turbomachines. Contents: Energy Transfer Fans, Blowers and Compressors Steam and Gas Turbines Hydraulic Pumps Hydraulic Turbines UNIT I Definition and classification of Turbo machines, Specific work - T-s and H-s diagram - Equation of energy transfer Losses - Various efficiencies - Effect of reheat - Preheat. Aero–Foil section - Cascading of compressor and Turbine blades - Energy Transfer in terms of lift and drag coefficient for compressor and turbine blades - Variation of lift - Deflection and stagnation pressure loss with incidence. UNIT II Centrifugal fans - Blowers and Compressors - construction details - Inducers - Backward and Radial blades Diffuser - volute casing stage work - Stage pressure rise - Stage pressure co-efficient - Stage efficiency - Degree of reaction - Various slip factors H-S diagram for centrifugal compressor. Axial flow Fans and Compressors - Stage velocity triangles - Blade loading and flow co-efficient - Static pressure rise - H-S diagram - Degree of reaction - Work done factors - Free and Forced Vortex flow performance - Stalling and Surging. UNIT III Axial turbine stages - Stage velocity triangle - Work - Single stage Impulse Turbine - Speed ratio maximum utilization factor - Multistage velocity compounded impulse - Multi stage pressure compounded impulse - reaction stages - Degree of reaction - Zero reaction stages - Fifty percent reaction stages - Hundred percent reaction Negative reaction - Free and Forced vortex flow. Inward flow radial turbine stages - IFR Turbine - T-s diagram - and degree of reaction - Steam turbine governing – Features of Steam turbine and Gas turbine. UNIT IV Centrifugal pumps – Work done - Head developed - Pump output and Efficiencies - priming - minimum starting speed - performance of multistage pumps - Cavitation - methods of prevention - Pump characteristics. Axial flow pumps – Characteristics - Constructional details - Non-dimensional parameters – Efficiencies. Vibration and Noise in hydraulic pumps. UNIT V Classification of hydraulic turbines - Pelton wheel - Francis turbine - Kaplan and Propeller turbines - Velocity triangles - Specific speed - Theory of draft tube - Governing - Performance characteristics - Selection of turbines. Text book 1. S.M. Yahya, (2002), Turbine, Fans and Compressors, TMH, 2002. Reference Books 1. Douglas J.F., Gasiorek, J.M and Swaffield J.A. (1999), Fluid Mechanics, Addison – Weisly 2. Dixon, S.L, (1999), ‗Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbo Machinery‘, Pergamon Publishers. 3. Kadambi and Prasad, (1997), Energy conversion Vol. III – Turbomachines, Wiley Eastern. 4. A.H. Church and Jagadish Lal, (2000), Centrifugal Pumps and Blowers; Metropolitan Book Co, Pvt. Ltd. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.




Objectives 1. To understand the performance characteristics of the variable pumps 2. To understand the performance characteristics of variable turbines. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Select pumps for various applications and heads etc. 2. Select Turbines for various applications


Performance Characteristics of a Centrifugal Pump (Rated Speed)


Performance Characteristics of Centrifugal Pump (Variable Speed)


Performance Characteristics of a Jet Pump


Performance Characteristics of a Self Priming Pump


Performance Characteristics of a Reciprocating Pump


Performance Characteristics of a Submersible Pump


Performance Characteristics of a Gear Pump


Characteristics Test on Pelton Turbine


Characteristics Test on Kaplan Turbine

Reference Books Lab Manual Prepared by VIT Faculty Mode of Evaluation:

Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination.












Objectives The following knowledge and skills will be addressed in the course. 1. Understanding the object-oriented programming approach to software development. 2. Programming with classes, inheritance, composition, and overloading. 3. Creating and using data abstractions. 4. Handling exceptional conditions during program execution. 5. Provide knowledge of databases, database organization, database management internals and skill in the design of database systems. 7 Outcome Student will be able to Write programs in C++ using variables, functions, structure and classes Design and implement abstract data types Develop flow charts to illustrate the sequence of steps in a computer program Know basic computing concepts Use SQL functions, RDBMS and OODBMS Use Internet programming tools. Object Oriented Programming using C++ : Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming - Control Structures – Functions and Pointers – Classes and Objects – Constructors and Destructors – Operator Overloading and Conversions – Inheritance – Virtual Functions and Polymorphism – Files Handling - Templates – Exception Handling - Data Structures. Exercises covering the above concepts . Database Concepts: File system and Relational data model – Normalization –Queries – SQL Functions – concept of stored procedures. Introduction to RDBMS and OODBMS. Working of the Standard SQL Queries and Function, Exercises covering the above concepts on a standard SQL package. Internet Programming Tools: HTML and/or SGML Basis, VB Script and/or Java Scripts.

Reference Books 1. Deitel, Harvey M. and Paul J. Deitel, (1994), C++ How to Program, Prentice-Hall. 2. E. Balagurusamy, (2001), Object-Oriented Programming with C++, Tata McGraw Hill,. 3. Gerald V. Post, (1999), Database Management Systems, Tata McGraw Hill. Mode of Evaluation :

Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination.




L 2

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P 0

Objectives 1. Understand the concepts of flywheel design for automobiles and punching press 2. Balancing of rotating and reciprocating mass, balancing of machinery, 3. Understand fundamentals of vibrations, critical speed of shafts. Outcome Student will be able to: 1. Design flywheels for different applications. 2. Unbalanced forces of IC engines and automobiles. 3. Analyze vibration of engines. Contents: Force analysis Turning Moment Balancing Free vibrations Forced vibrations UNIT I Static - Inertia and Combined force Analysis. UNIT II Turning moment diagrams - Reciprocating engine mechanisms - Fluctuation of energy and speed - Weight of flywheels - Applications in engine - Punching presses. UNIT III Static and Dynamic balancing of rotating masses in different planes – Balancing of rotors - Balancing of machines Partial balancing of reciprocating masses of inline - V - W and radial engines. Lanchester technique of engine balancing. UNIT IV Undamped free vibration of single degree of freedom systems – Natural frequency – viscous damping – Trasverse vibrations of shafts- critical or whirling speed – Rayleigh‘s and Dunkerley‘s method UNIT V Forced vibration – harmonic excitation - Magnification factor - Vibration isolation and Transmissibility – Torsinal vibrations -Holzer‘s analysis for torsional vibrations with multi rotor systems – Three rotor Geared systems Text book 1. Ghosh.A. and Malik. A.M. (1998), Theory of Mechanism and Machines, Affiliated East West Press (P) Ltd. Reference Books 1. Shigley.J.E, (1995), Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hills Inc. 2. Thomson. W.T. (1995), Theory of Vibration with applications, Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd. 3. Dukkipati, Srinivas, (2005), Theory of mechanical vibrations, Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


C 3







3 1 0 4 Objectives 1. To Study the Loads operating on a structure 2. To calculate stresses, strains, and deformation of a structure 3. To learn fundamental approaches to failure prevention for static and repeated loading. 4. To categorize loads and predict structural failure due to yielding, instability, and fatigue. 5. Review concepts of statics and strength of materials used to determine the stress, strain and deflection of one dimensional structure. 6. To design threaded, riveted, welded and bonded joints. 7. Understand methods of supporting shafts and have the knowledge of bearings specification and specification 8. To design springs for load and life. 9. To design shafts for deflection and life specification. 10. To consider the design of common machine elements such as fasteners, and springs 11. To solve an open ended design problem involving cost, drawings, and structural analysis. Outcome Student will be able to: 1. Determine the stress, strain and deflection of simple machine elements. 2. Demonstrate, through problem-solving and drawing applications, an understanding of the relationship between stress and strain. 3. Estimate safety factors of simple structures exposed to static and repeated loads. 4. Determine performance requirements in the selection of commercially available machine elements. 5. Draw structural drawings involving welded, bolted and/or riveted joints 6. Analyze and select machine elements/components. 7. Know the applications of the various elements, materials used to make them, and methods used 8. Integrate various machine elements and components into the design of a machine or mechanical system through a design project. Contents: Introduction to Design Process Fatigue strength and design of springs Design of shafts and joints Design of couplings Design of Engine components UNIT I Introduction to Design process – Factors – Materials selection direct - Bending and Torsional stress equation Impact and Shock loading - Stress concentration factor - Size factor - Surface limits factor - Factor of safety Design stress - Theories of failures – Problems UNIT II Variable and cyclic loads – Fatigue strength - S- N curve - Continued cyclic stress - Soderberg and Goodman equations – Design of Helical - Leaf - Disc springs under Constant and Varying loads. UNIT III Design of Shafts - Riveted joints and Welded joints. UNIT IV Design and drawings of couplings – Rigid - Flexible - Design and Drawings of Cotter joints - Knuckle joints UNIT V Design and Drawings of Piston - Connecting rod - Crankshaft - Flywheel. Text book 1. J.E. Shigley , (2001), Mechanical Engineering design, McGraw Hill International. Reference Books 1. V.B. Bhadari , (2001), Design of Machine elements, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 2. Design Data – PSG College of Technology , (1998), DPV Printers, Coimbatore. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.




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Objectives 1. To impart a comprehensive knowledge of heat and mass transfer. 2. To enable the student to comprehend and evaluate various modes of heat and mass transfer. 3. To enable the student to design heat exchangers, fin enhanced systems, evaporators and condensers. 4. To enable the student to pursue R & D activities in heat, mass, momentum transport and their applications. 5. To prepare the students for careers in industry and academic. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Apply basic principles of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer for designing heat and mass transfer systems. 2. Model heat, mass and momentum transport systems and develop predictive correlation. 3. Assess and evaluate various designs for heat and mass transfer and implement the optimal solution. Contents: 1. Conduction – I 2. Conduction – II 3. Convection 4. Condensation, Boiling and Radiation 5. Heat Exchanger and Mass Transfer UNIT-I Basic concepts – conduction - convection and radiation – Laws – General equation of heat conduction – Derivation in cartesian - cylindrical and spherical coordinates – One dimensional steady state heat conduction in simple geometries – plane wall - cylinder and sphere – Heat transfer composite walls - composite cylinders and composite spheres – Critical thickness of insulation – Thermal contact resistance – Overall heat transfer coefficient – Electrical analogy – Heat generation in plane wall - cylinder and sphere – Extended surfaces – general equations – types and applications of fins – Fin efficiency and effectiveness – Fin performance. UNIT-II Two and Three dimensional steady state heat conduction – Analytical - Graphical and Numerical methods – Conduction shape factor – Unsteady state heat conduction – Lumped parameter system – Non-dimensional numbers in conduction – Significance of Biot and Fourier numbers – Transient heat flow in semi-infinite solid – Use of Heisler and Grober charts UNIT-III Boundary layer theory – Conservation equations of mass - momentum and energy for laminar flow over a flat plate – Turbulent flow over a flat plate – Flow over cylinders - spheres - tube bank – Internal flow through pipes – annular spaces – Analogy between momentum and heat transfer – Natural convection in vertical - inclined and horizontal surfaces – Mixed convection – Dimentional analysis. UNIT-IV Condensation and Boiling – Filmwise and dropwise condensation – Film condensation on a vertical plate – Regimes of Boiling – Forced convection boiling – Radiation heat transfer – Thermal radiation – Laws of radiation – Black body concept – Emissive power – Radiation shape factor – Gray bodies – Radiation shields UNIT-V Heat Exchangers – Types and practical applications – Use of LMTD – Effectiveness – NTU method – Compact heat exchangers – Plate heat exchangers – Fouling factor – Heat pipes – Types and applications – Principle of Mass Transfer-Mass transfer by molecular diffusion – Fick‘s law of diffusion – Analogy of heat and mass transfer Text book 1. R. C. Sachdeva, (2005), Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, New Age International (P) Ltd. Reference Books 1. Yunus A. Cengel, (2000) Heat Transfer-A Practical Approach, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited. 2. P. K. Nag, (2005), Heat Transfer, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited. 3. J. P. Holman, (2005), Heat Transfer, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. 4. S. P. Venkateshan, (2004), First Course in Heat Transfer, Ane Books Publishers. 5. Sarit K Das, (2005), Process Heat Transfer, Narosa Publishing House. 6. P. S. Ghoshdastidar, (2005), Heat Transfer, Oxford University Press. 7. Y. V. C. Rao, (2001), Heat Transfer, First Edition, Universities Press (India) Limited. 8. Frank P. Incropera and David P. Dewitt, (2002), Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Fifth Edition, John Wiley & Sons. 9. C. P. Kothandaraman and S. Subramanyan, (2004), Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book, Fifth Edition, New Age International Publishers. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination. 35

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Objectives 1. To impart a working knowledge of heat transfer systems to the students. 2. To develop trouble shooting and problem solving abilities of students for practical heat transfer systems. 3. To demonstrate the fundamental principles of heat transfer in practice. 4. To equip the students for careers in industry and R&D based on their practical skills acquired in the lab. Outcome On completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Design and test practical heat transfer systems like heat exchangers, condensers, evaporators etc., 2. Develop empirical connections for predicting heat and mass transfer rates for a given system. 3. Troubleshoot existing engineering heat transfer systems and develop alternatives, more energy efficient systems. Contents: Experiments related to Heat Transfer. Experiments 1. Thermal conductivity of Insulating material and Metal bar. 2.

Thermal conductivity by Guarded hot plate method.


Heat transfer through Composite walls.


Heat transfer by Free and Forced convection.


Heat exchanger performance in Parallel flow and Counter flow.


Emissivity measurement.


Heat transfer from fins – Natural and Forced convection.


Test on Stefan – Boltzman Apparatus.


Steady State Heat Transfer in Agitated Vessel

10. Critical heat flux determination in Boiling. 11. Peroformance test on solar pthotovoltaic panel 12. Heat transfer in Unsteady State Conduction. 13. Transient Heat Conduction in semi-infinite solid 14. Study on the performance evaluation of heat pipe 15. Study on the hydrodynamics and heat transfer characteristics in a circulating fluidized bed

Reference Books Lab Manual prepared by VIT Staff

Mode of Evaluation :

Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination.




Objectives 1. To understand the basic principles of Engineering Economics and Demand forecasting 2. To get an insight in to the concepts of Industrial Engineering and Organization. 3. To be familiar with principles of work-study and Ergonomics. 4. To understand the various aspects plant design and materials planning.









Outcome Student will be able to: 1. Conduct Market research, Demand forecasting and Costing 2. Design plants and control production. 3. Optimize the resources of an organization. 4. Improve Productivity of any organization. Contents Engineering Economics, Demand forecasting and Elements of cost. Industrial organisation Work design and productive design Plant design and group technology Materials Management and MRP UNIT I Basic concepts of Economics – Importance of Engieering Economics – Techno – Economic Efficiency - Demand and supply – Factors influencing demand – Elasticity of demand – Demand forecasting – Time series - Exponential smoothing casual forecast - Delphi method – Correlation and Regression - Barometric method – Long run and Short run forecast. Elements of cost – Determination of Material cost - Labour cost - Expenses – Types of cost – Cost of production Over head expenses – Problems. UNIT II Introduction to Industrial Engineering – Concepts - History and Development of Industrial engineering – Roles of Industrial Engineer – Applications – Productivity – Factors affecting productivity – Increasing productivity of resources – Kinds of productivity measures. UNIT III Introduction to work study – Method study – Time study – stopwatch time study - Standard data - Method Time Measurement (M-T-M) – Work changing – Ergonomics. UNIT IV Plant location - Factors - Plant layout - Types - Layout design process - Computerized Layout Planning – Construction and Improvement algorithms -ALDEP - CORELAP and CRAFT. Group technology-Problem definition - Production flow analysis - Heuristic methods of grouping by machine matrices – Flexible Manufacturing System - FMS work stations-Material handling and Storage system-Cellular Manufacturing System. UNIT V Micro and Macro level – Systems approach – Materials – Planning – ABC analysis – SQC – Incoming materials control – Kanban system – Just in time. MRP – Concepts - Objectives – Condition requirement – Function and procedural steps – MRP system – Master Production Schedule – Bill Of Materials – Advantages and Disadvantages of MRP system – MRP II – ERP system – Modelling and Analysis - Evaluation and Selection - Implementation. Text book 1. Khanna O.P., (2001), Industrial Engineering and Management, Khanna Publishers. Reference Books 1. Buffa E.S., (2000), Modern Production / Operational Management, John Wiley & Sons 2. Kumar B., (2000), Industrial Engineering, Khanna publishers. 3. Panneerselvan. R. (2000), Engineering Economics, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd Mode of Evaluation : Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination. 37











Objectives 1. To design a transmission system 2. To design a gear and gear box system, and analyze a existing gear system 3. To calculate forces acting on meshing gears 4. To calculate velocity ratios of gear trains, including planetary gears. 5. To calculate gear ratios and design spur, helical, bevel, and worm gears 6. To determine the requirements of a clutch and braking system 7. To produce working drawings involving pulleys, gears, clutches and brakes. Outcome Student will be able to: 1. Design pulleys, chain drives, rope drives and belt drives. 2. Determine performance requirements in the selection of commercially available transmission drives. 3. Design spur, helical, worm and bevel gears, clutches and brakes 4. Design various types of gear boxes. 5. Analyze and select the type of gear box needed as per the requirement. 6. Know the applications of the various systems, materials used to make them, and methods used. Contents Design of bearing and flexible power transmission sysmems Spur Gear Helical, Bevel and Worm GearsDesign of Gear boxes Motion control: clutches, brakes and cams UNIT I Design of sliding contact bearing using Sommerfield number – Design using Mckee‘s equation - Selection of rolling contact bearings. Design of Belts – Flat Belts and Pulleys – V Belts and Pulleys – Design of chain drives – Wire ropes. UNIT II Gear geometry – Kinematics – Forces on gear tooth – Stresses in Gear tooth – Selection of gear material based on bending stress and contact stress – Design of Spur gear – Power transmitting capacity. Computer – Aided Spur gear Design and Analysis. UNIT III Parallel Helical Gears – Kinematics – Tooth proportions – Force analysis – Stresses in Helical gear – Design of helical gear – Crossed Helical gears – Straight Bevel gears – Kinematics – Force analysis – Stresses in straight bevel gear tooth – Design of bevel gear – Worm gearing – Kinematics – Forces - Friction and Efficiencies – Stresses in worm gear tooth. UNIT IV Design of Speed reducers - Design of multi speed gear boxes for machine tools - Structural and ray diagrams. UNIT V Internal – Expanding Rim clutches and Brakes – External – Contracting Rim clutches and Brakes – Band type Clutches – Core clutches and Brakes – Energy considerations – Temperature rise – Friction materials. Design of Cams for parabolic - SHM and Cycloidal follower motions. Text book 1. Joseph Edward Shigley and Charles, R. Mischke, (2000), Mechanical Engg. Design, McGraw –Hill International Editions. Reference Books 1. Design Data, (2005), PSG College of Technology. 2. Malisa, (2000), Hand Book of Gear Design , Tata Mc Graw Hill, International Edition . 3. Pandya and Shah, (1996), Elements of Machine Design, Charotor Publishing house. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.




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Objectives 1. To broaden the understanding of vehicle chassis structure and engines 2. To introduce steering ,suspension systems and braking systems 3. To broaden the understanding of transmission systems 4. To introduce engine auxiliary systems like heating,ventilation and air conditioning 5. To underline the importance alternate fuels and modify the engine suitably Outcome Student will be able to 1. Develop chassis and identify suitable engine for different applications 2. Formulate steering ,brake and suspension systems 3. Broadly select conventional and automatic transmission systems 4. Identify the usage of alternate fuels and power plants 5.Determine engine auxiliary and instrumentation systems Contents Vehicle structure, engines and alternate fuels Ignition, fuel supply and Emission control systems Transmission systems Steering, suspension and brake systems Instrumentation and advances in automobile engineering UNIT I Vehicle construction – Chassis and body – Specifications – Engine – Types – Construction – Location of engine – Cylinder arrangement - Construction details – Cylinder block - Cylinder head - Cylinder liners - Piston – Srings Piston pin - Connecting rod - Crankshaft - Valves. Lubrication system – Types – Oil pumps - Filters - Cooling system – Types - Water pumps - Radiators - Thermostats - Anti-freezing compounds. Alternative fuels – Hydrogen – CNG - LPG - Biodiesel - Fuel cells – Electric – Hybrid vehicle. UNIT II Ignition system – Types - Spark plug - Distributor - Fuel system – Carburetor - Fuel pumps - Fuel injection systems – Mono point and Multi point - Types - Electronic Fuel Injection system (EFI) - Supercharger – Types - Auto electric system - Starting motor - Alternator. Automobile Emission – Source - Control - Tests - Standards (Indian) Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) - Catalytic converter. UNIT III Clutches – Function – Types – Single and Multiple Diaphragm Clutch – Automatic Transmission Devices- Fluid coupling - Torque converter - Gearbox – Manual – Sliding - Constsnt - Synchromesh - Automatic – Epicylic and Hydromatic transmission – Continously variable transmission - Universal joint - Propeller shaft - Hotchkiss drive Rear axle assembly – Types –Differential – Need – Construction – Four wheel drive. UNIT IV Principle of steering – Steering Geometry and wheel alignment – Steering linkages - front axle – Power steering. Suspension system - Independent coil and leaf spring and air suspensions - torsion bar - shock absorbers - Wheels and Tyres – Construction – Type and specification – Tyre wear and causes.Brakes – Needs – Types – Mechanical hydraulic and pneumatic - power brake. UNIT V Dash board instrumentation-Passenger comfort - Safety and security - HVAC - Seat belts - Air bags - Automotive Electronics – Electronic Control Unit (ECU) - Common-rail Direct Ignition (CDI) - Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) - Variable Valve Timing (VVT) - Active Suspension System (ASS) - Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) Electronic Brake Distribution (EBD) - Traction Control System (TCS) - Global Positioning System (GPS) - X-bywire. Text book 1. Kirpal Singh, (2000), Automobile Engineering, Vol.1 and Vol.2, Standard Publications Reference Books 1. Joseph Heitner, (1999), Automotive Mechanics, Affiliated East West Pvt. LTD 2. K.K Jain, (2002), Automobile Engineering, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing. 3. Bosch Automotive Hand Book, (2005), SAE Publications 4. William.H.Crouse, (2001), Automotive Mechanics, McGraw hill. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination. 39

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Objectives 1. To provide a wide knowledge of optimization techniques and approaches and to give a thorough knowledge of the mathematical, computational and communicative skills needed for the practical application of OR. 2. To give a broad appreciation of contiguous disciplines which are important in OR 3. To illustrate the use of OR tools in a wide range of applications in the Industry. 4. To introduce research methods and current issues in OR. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Apply operations research techniques like L.P.P, Scheduling, Sequencing, Transportation problems etc., to Industrial optimization problems 2. Analyze various OR models like Inventory, Queing, Replacement, Simulation, Decision etc and to apply them for optimization. Contents Linear Models Sequencing and Networks Inventory Models Queuing Models Decision Models UNIT I Introduction to Operations Research – Linear Programming - Mathematical Formulation – Graphical method – Simplex method – Duality – Two – Phase Simplex method – Transportation problems – Northwest Corner method – Vogel‘s Approximation method – MODI method – Assignment problems – Applications. UNIT II Sequencing –Problem with N jobs and 2 machines - 3 machines and ‗M‘ machines. Network models – Basic Concepts – Construction of Networks – Project Network – CPM and PERT - Critical Path Scheduling – Crashing of Network. UNIT III Inventory models – Various Costs and Concepts–EOQ–Deterministic inventory models – Production models – Stochastic Inventory models – Buffer stock. UNIT IV Queuing models – Poisson arrivals and Exponential service times – Single channel models and Multi channel models. Simulation – Basic concepts – Advantages and Disadvantages – Random number generation – Monte-Carlo Simulation – Simulation models. UNIT V Decision models – Game theory – Two person zero sum game – Graphic solution - Property of dominance – Algebraic solution. Replacement models – Items that deteriorate with time - When money value changes – Items that fail completely – Individual replacement and Group replacement. Text book 1. Kanti Swarup, Gupta P.K., and Manmohan, (2001), Operations Research, S.Chand &sons. Reference Books 1. Hamdy Taha, (1999), Operations Research, PHI. 2. Hira and Gupta, (2001), Operations Research,S.Chand & Sons. 3. Panneerselvan. R. (2006), Operation Research, Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


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Objectives 1. To introduce the basics of Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Geometric representations such as surface and solid models, and their use in Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) applications, especially for Numerical control of 3- and 5- axis machines. 2. To familiarize how commercial CAD/CAM systems use these models to perform the activities such as model creation, model manipulation and transformations, graphical display etc. 4. To learn about geometric issues relating to specific manufacturing applications. In particular, computer-aided manufacturing planning, in the context of controlling 3-axis and 5-axis machining centers. Contents 1.




Introduction to the Engineering Design Process 1.1 Visualization for Design and Sketching 1.2 Feature-Based Modeling and Construction Tools 1.3 Drawing Fundamentals and Documentation 1.4 Multiview Drawings, Auxiliary and Section Views 1.5 Mechanical Assemblies and Mechanisms 1.6 Advanced Modeling and Surfacing Techniques 1.7Basics of Geometric Dimensioning and Toleranceing 1.8 Modeling for Manufacture and Assembly Computer Aided Design for Manufacturing 2.1 Part Design Specification 2.2. PC based engineering design 2.3. Minicomputer based geometric modeling 2.4. Part Producibility Concepts 2.5. Dimensions and tolerances 2.6. Detail vs. Assembly drawings 2.7. Design analysis and evaluation Computer Aided Manufacturing Applications 3.1. Machine tools for flexible automation 3.2. Computer numerical control 3.3. CNC machines and cutting tools 3.4. Managing CNC operations 3.5. Machine Data Generation 3.6. Manual vs. computer assisted program 3.7. On-line vs. off-line program 3.8. Milling, turning, complex surfaces 3.9. Automated systems 3.10. DNC Networking CAD – CAM Interface and Communication 4.1. Design and Manufacturing Integration 4.1.1. Concurrent engineering concepts 4.1.2. Planning Integrated CAD/CAM systems

Experiments Cycle I 1. Introduction to CAD softwares- ProE, IDEAS 2. Conversion of 2D drawing into 3D solid model, Automate drafting from 3D model, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing 3. Solid modeling and Assembly of Automobile and Machine components like Piston, Connecting rod Assembly, Crank Case, Cylinder head, Car body design ,Chassis design, Impeller and its casing. Cycle II 1. Manual part programming for Lathe and Milling Machine 2. Generating CNC program for Vertical Machining Centre and CNC lathe 3. Generating manufacturing drawings using Solidworks, CATIA and Unigraphics Engine Cover, Crank Case, Cylindrical Clutch Plate, Wheel Hub, Engine Blocks. Process Planning CAM using SOLIDCAM, and CIMATRON 4. Study on Rapid Prototyping Technologies, Student will submit Term Work in the form of project which will include the above topics / assignments with neat documentation. 41

Reference Books 1. CAD/CAM Lab Manual prepared by VIT Faculty 2. Computer Numerical Control (1994) – From Programming to Networking, S.C. Jonathan Lin, Eastern Michigan University, Delmar Publishers 3. CATIA for Engineers and Designers (2004), Prof .Sham Tickoo, Purdue University Calumet, Dream Tech Publishers 4. CAD with Unigraphics NX2 (2004) , Stephen M.Samuel , Dream Tech Publishers 5. SolidCAM Help Manual 6. CIMATRON Help Manual 7. ProE Help Manual

Mode of Evaluation:

Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination.












Aim : 1. To know about the concept of moral issues. 2. To know about the reliability and safety in Ethics. 3. To know about professionalism and Intellectual property. 4. To know about environmental Ethics. Outcome Students will be able to 1. Practice Ethics in Engineering Profession Content Introduction to Ethics Reliability & Safety in Ethics Professionalism & Intellectual Property Environmental Ethics Engineering Ethics and Scientific Ethics UNIT I Factual- conceptual and moral issues- conflict in Engineering- line drawing- professionalism and codes of ethics. UNIT II Ethics and success- Ethics & Public responsibility- utilitarianism and respect of persons- risk- reliability & safety – Examples and case studies. UNIT III Professionalism - International Ethics - Race and Gender issues- Honesty and professional liability- intellectual property. UNIT IV Environmental Ethics- Engineering and Environment- Human behaviour with Environment- Conflicts of interestsustainable development and purpose of engineering – Case studies on Environmental aspects. UNIT V Engineers as employees and Employers- Promotion of Ethics in engineering profession - case studies – Corporate responsibility- Professional autonomy. Reference Books 1. Bennett. F.L., (1999), The Management of Engineering: Human quality, Prentice Hall publications. 2. Blinn. K.W.,(2000), Legal and Ethical Concepts in Engineering, Prentice Hall publications. 3. Blinn. K.W.,(1998), Organisational, Legal and Ethical concepts of professional practice, John Wiley & Sons. 4. Callahan, D and Bok. S.,( 1996), ―Ethics teaching in Higher Education‖, Plenum Press, New York. Mode of Evaluation: Assignment, Seminar and Written Examination.


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Objectives 1. To introduce a variety of sensors and instruments commonly used in Mechanical Engineering Measurement 2. To impart a fundamental understanding of various instrumentation and control detection circuits as they relate to temperature, pressure, flow, and level monitoring of various processes. 3. To learn professional measurement techniques used to engineer thermal and mechanical systems 4. To enable the students to apply control engineering techniques to the automatic control of the systems found in modern manufacturing, processing and transportation environments 5. Identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems related to instrumentation and control engineering. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Understand the fundamental elements of instrumentation, measurement and control systems. 2. Build mathematical models of simple physical systems using transfer functions. Contents General Concepts Measurement Parameters and Instruments I Measurement Parameters and Instruments II Control Systems Response of Control Systems UNIT I General concepts of Mechanical measuring Instruments – Elements of a measuring system – Transducers-Classification and types—Requirements of measuring instruments-Precision – Accuracy – Errors – Static and dynamic characteristics. UNIT II Measurement of Vibration – Vibrometer - Accelerometer - Measurement of Pressure – Gravitational - Bourdon - Strain Gauge - High and Low pressure - Special devices. Measurement of Temperature – Bi–metallic - Thermocouple RTD – Thermistor – Pyrometer – Measurement of Flow – Orifice - Nozzle - Venturimeter - Pitot tube - Rotameter. Wind speeds- Hot wire Anemometer – Magnetic flow meter – Ultrasonic meter. UNIT III Measurement of strain – Gauges - Types - Surface preparation - Bonding - Wheatstone Bridge - Temperature Compensation - Gauge rotation. Measurement of Force – Seals - Balance - Elastic barometer - Strain gauge - Load cells. Measurement of torque – Mechanical instruments –Rope dynamometers-Eddy current dynamometers - Optical methods - electrical method - strain gauge. UNIT IV Introduction – Types-Open and Closed loop – Servomechanisms. Transfer function - Block diagram algebra - Signal flow graphs. Hydraulic and Pneumatic control systems. Different types of controllers – Problems. UNIT V Time response of 1st and 2nd order systems – Stability frequency response – Polar and Bode plots –Routh Hurwitz Criterion-Nyquist stability criteria – Problems. Text Books 1. Doeblin, (2000), Instrumentation Technology, Prentice Hall of India. 2. Nagrath and Gopal. M. (1999), Control Systems Engineering, New Age International Publications, 1999. 3. A.K.Ghosh, (2004), Introduction to Instrumentation and control, Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books 1. Thomas G. Beckwith, Roy D. Marangoni and John H. Liennard, (1999), Mechanical measurements, Pearson education, 5th edition. 2. Katsuhio Ogata, (2002), Modern control engineering, Prentice Hall of India , 4th edition. 3. Sirohi. R.S., and Radhakrishnan, H.C., (1999), Mechanical Measurements, New Age International (P) Ltd., Publications. 4. A.Nagoor Kani, Control Systems, (2000), RBA Publications, Twentieth Reprint, AR Publications. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination. 44

INSTRUMENTATION LAB Objectives 1. Learn to apply mathematics and engineering principles to measurement problems in Engineering 2. Design and conduct experiments and interpret data 3. Learn professional measurement techniques used to engineer thermal and mechanical systems Outcome

Student will be able to:

1. Apply the fundamental principles of measurements, error analysis, instrumentation methodology, and experimental design to the solution of practical problems related to experimental measurement and data analysis.

2. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the theoretical basis for operation of instruments, sensors, and associated equipment by analyzing practical problems dealing with the use of such instruments, sensors, and equipment.

Experiments: 1.

Pressure measuring devices – Pressure and Vacuum gauge calibration


Temperature measuring devices like Platinum resistance thermometer , Thermocouples etc


Speed measuring devices like Tachometer, Stroboscope etc


Force measuring devices , Load cells and Proving rings


Torque measuring devices

Reference Books Lab manual prepared by VIT Staff.

Mode of Evaluation: Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination .


05BME E02










Objectives 1. 2. 3.

To present a broad introduction to fundamentals of acoustics relating to generation, transmission and control techniques. To acquaint with principles and properties of room acoustics, acoustic materials, instrumentation and signal analysis techniques. To have in depth knowledge of machinery acoustics, standards, and control measures at source and path and diagnostics for effective maintenance.

Outcome Student will be able to 1. Solve the complicated Acoustic problems 2. Understand the advanced topics of Acoustics and Noise Control Engineering. Contents Introduction to Acoustics Acoustic evaluation techniques Noise and physiological effects Acoustic Instrumentation Noise control techniques UNIT I Introduction to Acoustics- terminology - limits and standards - Sound sources and propagation – Plane and spherical waves - Near and far field - Free and reverberant field - Anechoic and Reverberant chambers. UNIT II Room Acoustics - Reverberation time - Acoustic materials - Absorption and absorption coefficient - Evaluation techniques. UNIT III Noise and Physiological effects - Loudness - Hearing - Mechanism - Weighted - Networks - Noise standards for traffic - Community - Aircraft - Environmental and Machinery acoustics. UNIT IV Acoustic Instrumentation. Sound level and intensity meters - Octave analyzers - Calibration - Sound power estimation - Instruments for building acoustics - Speech interference - Sound systems and Auditorium acoustics. UNIT V Noise control techniques – At source and transmission path - Barriers and Enclosures - Machinery acoustics and levels - Near field monitoring and diagnostics - Active noise control techniques. Text book 1. J.D. Irwin and E.R.Graf, (2001), Industrial noise and Vibration control, Prentice Hall Inc. Reference Books 1. Bies and Colin. H. Hanson, (2001): Engg. Noise Control, E & FN SPON. 2. Noise Control Hand Book of Principles and Practices, David M.Lipsdomls Van Nostrand Reinhold Company. 3. Acoustic and Noise Control, (2000), B.J. Smith, R.J.Peters, Stephanie Owen. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E03


Objectives 1. To understand the basic concepts of Nanotechnology 2. To have an in depth knowledge about Nanomaterilas 3. To be familiar with the properties of Nanomaterials and their applications 4. To be acquainted with MEMS / NEMS devices and their applications









Outcome Student will be able to 1. Use Nanomaterials for various industrial applications 2. Design MEMS / NEMS devices for various applications Contents Introduction to Nanotechnology Synthesis of Nanomaterials Types of nano materials mechanical properties of nano structures MEMS/NEMS devices and applications UNIT I Nanotechnology - Background and definition of nanotechnology –Types of nano materials- Microstructure – Properties – Application in different fields – Reliability issues of MEMS/NEMS UNIT II Nanomaterials synthesis and applications – Chemical methods- Gas phase synthesis – Liquid phase synthesis -Plasma vapor deposition – Spray synthesis – Extrusion forging – ECAP - Characterization : description of AFM/FFM and various measurement techniques , TEM. UNIT III Types of nano materials :metallic nano particles – Metallic alloys – Nano wires and rods – Thin films - Carbon nano tubes : structure - Synthesis – Growth mechanisms- Properties – Applications - Nano wires: synthesis – Characterization and physical properties – Applications - Polymer ceramic nano composites- Biological based nano materialsImportance of hierarchy and third dimension of bone – Self assembly –Applications UNIT IV Mechanical properties of nano structures : Melting and solidification of nano phase materials- Creep in nano materials – Experimental techniques for measurement of mechanical properties of nano structures – Self assembled mono layers for controlling adhesion - Friction and Wear UNIT V MEMS devices and applications - NEMS devices and applications - Current challenges and future trends – MEMS fabrication techniques – Tribological issues in MEMS/NEMS – Lubrication studies for MEMS/NEMS Manufacturing strategy - Robust manufacturing – MEMS packaging – Hermetic and vacuum packaging and applications Text Books 1. Charles P. Poole, Frank J. Owens (2000), ; Introduction to nanotechnology. 2. S.A. Edelstein, R.C. Cammarata; (2001), Nano materials: synthesis, properties and applications, Nano structures and nano materials: synthesis, properties and applications – Guozhong Cao. Reference Books 1. 2. 3. 4.

Jin Z Zhang, Zhong L Wang, Jun Liu, Shaowei chen and Gangyu Liu; (2001), Self assembled nano structures. The chemistry of nanomaterials- Synthesis , properties and applications (1999)- Edited by C.N.Rao, A. Muller, A.K, Cheetham. Hand book of nano technology, (1999), Edited by Bharat Bhushan, Springer hand book. Michael wilson, Kamali kannangara, Geoff smith, Michelle simmons; (2000), Nanotechnology: Basic science and engineering Technologies.

Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E04


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Objectives 1. To provide students with insight into many applications of compressible flow and the fundamentals of jet propulsion system. 2. To formulate and solve problems in one -dimensional steady compressible flow including isentropic nozzle flow, constant area flow with friction (Fanno flow) and constant area flow with heat transfer (Rayliegh flow). 3. To derive the conditions for the change in pressure, density and temperature for flow through a normal and oblique shock. 4. To determine the change in flow conditions through a Prandtl-Meyer expansion wave and use the characteristic methods to solve problems in two-dimensional compressible flow. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Understand the major elements of a jet engine, and calculate the overall performance of a jet engine, given a few critical parameters. 2. Apply the concepts of Gas Dynamics for applications related to compressible flow and fundamentals of jet propulsion. Contents Gas Dynamics Isentropic Flow Flow through constant area ducts Normal Shock Gas Dynamics Propulsion UNIT I Conservation laws for mass - Momentum and energy in steady flow - Velocity of sound - Bulk modulus of elasticity - Coefficient of Compressibility - Stagnation state - Critical state - Various regions of flow - Physical significance of Mach number - Crocco Number - Characteristic Mach number - Critical Mach number - Mach cone - Von – Karma‘s rules for supersonic flow - Differences between Incompressible and Compressible flows. Properties of atmosphere - Effect of Mach number on compressibility: T-S and H-S diagrams showing Nozzle and Diffuser process. UNIT II Isentropic flow through a constant area duct – Absence of any of the factors which can trigger a change in fluid flow behavior like area change - Heat transfer - Friction and work transfer – Non variation of properties. Isentropic flow through a variable area duct – Mach number variation - Area ratio as a function of mach number Impulse function - Mass flow rate through nozzles and diffusers. Phenomenon of choking – subsonic and supersonic designs - Pressure values for nozzles - Diffusers. UNIT III Fanno flow - Fanno curves - Equation and its solution - Variation of flow properties with duct length Applications. Isothermal flow with friction – Variation of flow properties – Applications Rayleigh flow - Rayleigh flow equation - Rayleigh line - Variation of flow properties - Maximum heat transfer – Applications. Non Isothermal flow with heat transfer and friction - Basic formulation – Elementary treatment only. UNIT IV Flow with normal shock waves - Governing equations - Prandtl–Meyer equation - Impossibility of rarefaction shock - Mach number down stream of shock - Property variation across shock - Strength of shock wave - entropy change. Characteristics of flow through a C-D nozzle at various back pressures. Normal shocks in Fanno and Rayligh flow. Flow with oblique shock waves (Qualitative treatment) UNIT V Air craft propulsion – Types of jet engines - Energy flow through jet engines - Thrust - Thrust power and Propulsive efficiency - Turbojet components - Diffuser compressor - Combustion chamber - Turbines - Exhaust system - Performance of jet engines – Thrust augmentation - Pulse jet and Ram jet engines. Rocket propulsion – Rocket engines - Basic theory of equation - Thrust effective jet velocity - Specific impulse - Rocket engine performance - Solid and Liquid propellant rockets - Comparison of various propulsion systems - Principle and Working of Helicopter. Text book 1. S.M.Yahya, (2001), 2nd edition, Fundamentals of compressible flow with Aircraft and Rocket propulsion, Wiley Eastern. Reference Books 1. P.H.Oosthaizen, W.E. Carscallen (1999), Compressible Fluid Flow, McGraw-Hill ISE. 2. A.H.Shapiro, (1995), The Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluid flow, Vol I and II, the Ronald Press NY. 3. J.D.Anderson, Jr, (1999), Introduction to Flight, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill ISE. Mode of Evaluation : Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination. 48

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05BME E05










Objectives 1. 2. 3.

To know the concepts of surface engineering To have an insight into the concepts of coating To understand the basic principles of Laser Technology and Plasma Coating Technology

Outcome Student will be able to 1. Develop and apply various surface modifications technologies 2. Apply various coating processes in the industry Contents Development of surface engineering Concepts of coating Formation of Technological Surface Layers Laser Technology Plasma Coating Technology UNIT I Development of surface Engineering – Solid surface – Geometrical and mechanical concepts- Wear- Abrasive wearErosion wear – Erosion – Corrosion- Surface roughness- Metallogrphic structure – Need for surface coatingsEnhancement of wear and prevention of corrosion UNIT II Coatings- Concepts of coatings – Metallic and non metallic coatings- Galvanizing – Spray and cladded coatingsPrinciples parameters of coatings – Thickness measurement – Physico and chemical parameters of coatings – Surface characterization – GIXRD - microstructure - SIMS - Roughness measurement – Profilometer. UNIT III Formation of technological surface layers – Techniques – Physical vapor deposition – Chemical vapor deposition electron beam technology – Principles underlying the electron beam impingement – Acceleration of electrons – Electron guns – Interaction of electron beam with treated material – Applications of electron beam coating in surface engineering UNIT IV Laser technology – CO2 and Nd: YAG lasers - processing parameters – Continuos and pulsed operations – Properties of laser – Temperature distribution in laser treated material – Depth of penetration of photons – Hard coatings – Applications of laser in surface engineering - Ion implantation techniques – Physical principal of ion beam implantation – Pulsed and continuos ion beam implantation – Tribological properties of ion implanted materials – Strength – Hardness and adhesion of implanted materials- Advantages and disadvantages UNIT V Plasma coating technology – Processing parameters- Plasma nitriding – Oxy nitriding – Nitro carburizing - boridingCharacterization of Cr –N coatings – Plasma nitrided steels and titanium alloys – Corrosion and wear behavior – Super hard biocompatible coating for medical implants – Carbon like diamond coating- -Nano surface coatings- Comparative study of various coating process in industry

Text Book

1. Plasma surface engineering, (2004), Proce DAE-BRNS workshop Reference Books 1. D.Setas , A.Tacton, Mercel –Dekker, (2001), Coatings technology handbook I Editors: 2. Bharat Bhushan, (2000), Principles and application of tribology, John Wiley Sons 3. Surface Modification Technologies Vol. XI and XII, Ed: T. Sudarshan et al – TMS Conference Proceedings Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E06


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Objectives 1. To know the composition of various types of fuels and its properties 2. To understand the thermodynamics of combustion 3. To know the pollution of fossil fuels and its control Outcome Student will be able to: 1. Analyse composition of various types of fuels and its properties 2. Estimate the pollution of fossil fuels and its control 3. Explain thermodynamics of combustion Contents Characterization Solid and Liquid Fuels Gaseous Fuels Combustion: Stoichiometry and Kinetics Air pollution UNIT I Fuels – Types and Characteristics of Fuels – Determination of Properties of Fuels - Fuels Analysis - Proximate and Ultimate Analysis - Moisture Determination – Calorific Value - Gross and Net Calorific Values - Calorimetry DuLong‘s Formula for CV Estimation - Flue gas Analysis - Orsat Apparatus - Fuel and Ash Storage and Handling – Spontaneous Ignition Temperatures. UNIT II Solid Fuels Wood and Wood charcoal-Origin of coal-Composition of coal –Analysis and properties of different grades of coalpreparation and storage of coal-coal washing –Briquetting. Liquid coals Origin of petroleum fuels-Production –Composition-Petroleum refining-Various grades of petro-Products-Properties and testing –Alcohol shale oil-Gasification of liquid fuels –Synthetic fuels -Storage and handling of liquid fuels. UNIT III Classification - Composition and Properties – Estimation of Calorific Value - Gas Calorimeter. Rich and Lean Gas Wobbe Index - Natural Gas - Dry and Wet Natural Gas - Stripped NG - Foul and Sweet NG - LPG - LNG - CNG Methane - Producer Gas - Gasifiers - Water Gas – Town Gas - Coal Gasification – Gasification Efficiency - Non Thermal Route - Biogas - Digesters - Reactions – Viability - Economics. UNIT IV Stoichiometry - Mass Basis and Volume Basis – Excess Air Calculation - Fuel and Flue Gas Compositions – Calculations - Rapid Methods - Combustion Processes - Stationary Flame – Surface or Flameless Combustion – Submerged Combustion - Pulsating and Slow Combustion Explosive Combustion. Mechanism of Combustion – Ignition and Ignition Energy - Spontaneous Combustion - Flame Propagation Solid - Liquid and Gaseous Fuels Combustion - Flame Temperature - Theoretical - Adiabatic and Actual - Ignition Limits – Limits of Inflammability. UNIT V Types of pollution - Combustion-Generated air pollution - Effects of air pollution - Pollution of fossilefuels and its control - Pollution from automobiles and its control. Text book 1. Sharma.S.P., Cahandramohan., (1999), Fuels and combustion., Tata Mc Graw Hill. Reference Books 1. Civil Davies., (1999), Calculation in furnace Technology., Pergamon Press. 2. Samir sarkar., (2000), Fuels and combustion., Orient long man. 3. Obrert Edward, (2000), I.C Engines and Air polltion, Harper and Row publishers. 4. Blokh AG, (2000), Heat Transfer in Steam Boiler Furnace, Hemisphere Publishing Corpn. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination. 50

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05BME E07










Objectives 1. To broaden the understanding of spark ignition engines 2. To underline the importance of compression ignition engines 3. To introduce usage of alternate fuels for IC engines 4. To broaden the understanding of engine emissions and their control 5. To introduce recent trends in IC Engines. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Determine performance and combustion characteristics of SI and CI 2. Identify the usage of alternate fuels and power plants for automobile 3. Determine emissions from SI and CI engines 4. Understand the recent trends in IC engines. Contents Spark engines Compression engines Alternate fuels Engine emissions and their control Recent trends in IC engines UNIT I Spark ignition Engine mixture requirements - Feedback Control Carburetors -Fuel - Injection systems -Monopoint and Multipoint injection - Stages of combustion - Normal and Abnormal combustion-Factors affecting knock - Combustion Chambers - Introduction to Thermodynamic analysis S.I. Engine combustion UNIT II States of combustion in C.I. Engine - Direct and indirect injection systems – Combustion chambers - Fuel spray behavior - spray structure - spray penetration and evaporation – Air motion - Turbocharging - Introduction to Thermodynamic Analysis of C.I. Engine combustion. UNIT III Pollutant - Sources and types - formation of NOx - Hydro-carbon Emission Mechanism - Carbon Monoxide Formation - Particulate emissions - Methods of controlling Emissions- Catalytic converters and Particulate Traps-Methods of measurements and Driving cycles. UNIT IV Alcohol - Hydrogen - Natural Gas and Liquefied Petroleum Gas - Properties - Suitability - Engine Modifications Merits and Demerits as fuels. UNIT V Learn Burn Engines - Stratified charge spark ignition engine – Multi point fuel Injection Gasoline Engine Homogeneous charge compression Ignition - Plasma Ignition – Electric/Hybrid Vehicles. Text book 1. R.B.Mathur and R.P.Sharma, (2002), Internal Combustion Engines., Dhanpat Rai & Sons Reference Books 1. Colin R.Feriguson, and Allan.T.Kirkpatrik, (2000), I.C.engines Applied Thermosciences 2. Ganesan V., (1999), Internal Combustion Engines, Tata McGraw Hill. 3. John B. Heywood, (2000), Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill. 4. Rowland S.Benson and N.D.Whitehouse, (2000) Internal combustion Engines, Vol. I and II, Pergamon Press. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES LAB Objectives 1. Knowledge of performance, combustion and emissions from SI and CI engines, supported by own laboratory measurements 2. Understanding of how engine emissions can be reduced. 3. Knowledge about electronic control systems, illustrated by a laboratory exercise on a modern engine 4. Knowledge about vibrations from reciprocating movements and from torque pulses, supported by own laboratory exercise 5. Knowledge about design and specific improvements for selected vehicle engines Out come Student will be able to 1. Measure and analyse exhaust gases and suggest measures to control emissions. 2. Conduct performance test on engines. Contents Experiments on various IC engines Experiments

1. Exhaust gas analysis 2. Heat balance test on IC engines. 3. Study of I.C. Engines, Components and Loading Devices 4. Valve Timing and Port Timing Diagrams. 5. Performance Test on 4-stroke Diesel Engine. 6. Heat Balance Test on 4-stroke Diesel Engine. 7. Morse Test on Multi cylinder Diesel Engine. 8. Retardation Test to find Frictional Power of a Diesel Engine.

Reference Books Lab Manual prepared by VIT Staff. Mode of Evaluation : Experiments/Record work/Oral/ Practical Examination .


05BME E08


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Objectives The course is aimed at developing students to acquire skills to analyze product design and be able to design products that are easier to manufacture, assemble, service and more friendlier to environment, etc. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Have customer-oriented, manufacturing and life cycle sensitive approach to product design and development, with product design principles and structured design methodologies. 2. Have methods and approaches for developing, implementing, and nurturing an effective DFM process within the firm. Contents Introduction to Product design Principles and evaluation methods Manufacturability requirements Assembly and assembly process Other supporting techniques UNIT I Introduction to Product design: Asimow‘s Model - Product design practice in Industry - Strength consideration in product design - Design for stiffness and rigidity UNIT II Principles and evaluation methods of various aspects of Design for X (machining - sheet metal working - injection molding - environment - service and repair - etc.). UNIT III Manufacturability requirements - Forging design - Pressed component design - Casting design - Die Casting and special castings. UNIT IV Assembly and assembly process - principles of Design for assembly and applications (Boothroyd/Dewhurst Method – case studies using DFMA software.) UNIT V Other supporting techniques for new product development processes such as quality function deployment - and quality engineering and Taguchi Method. Text book 1. Boothroyd, G., (1999), Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly, Marcel Decker. Reference Books 1 Bralla, J.G., (1999), Design for Manufacturability Handbook, McGraw-Hill. 1 A.K. Chitale, R.C. Gupta, (1997), Product Design and Manufacturing., Printice –Hall of India. 1 James G. Bralla, (1999), Hand Book of Product Design for Manufacturing, McGraw Hill co. 1 Swift K.G., (1999), Knowledge based design for manufacture, Kogan Page Ltd. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E09






2 1 0 3 Objectives 1. To broaden the knowledge on plant location, site selection, space requirements 2. To introduce the types of layout, process, tools and techniques for developing layout 3. To program the procedure of heuristics like CORELAP, ALDAP, CRAFT, Facility design 4. To learn the types of Material handling system, unit load concept, relation between material handling and plant layout Outcome Student will be able to 1. Understand the facilities planning and layout capacity, serviceability and flexibility, labour requirements and selection 2. Understand the various types of layout, tools and techniques for developing layout 3. Understand the principles and objectives of mechanization, material handling system design, AGVS in material handling 1 Understand the evaluation and implementation of layout such as cost evaluation of layout, quantitative evaluation techniques and evaluation procedure. Contents Plant Location Layout Planning Computer Aided Plant Layout Material Handling Evaluation and Implementation of layout UNIT I Basic Factors to be considered – Plant location and site selection – Consideration in facilities planning and Layout capacity – Serviceability and flexibility – Analysis in selection of Equipment – Space requirement – Machine selections, Labour Requirement and selection. UNIT II Types of Layout – Factors influencing product - Process - Tools and Techniques for developing Layout. Developing and Analysis of plant Layout – Presenting the Layout – Office Layout plot planning. Evaluation and Improvement of Layout. UNIT III Data requirements – Mathematical programming procedures Heuristics – CORE LAP - PLANET - MAT - CRAFTProbabilistic Approach - Random selection (ALDEP) - Based sampling - Simulation – Graph Theory – Facility design – Layout states – Scale effect. Criticism concerning Computer Aided Plant Layout. UNIT IV Objectives – Principles – Types – Degree of mechanization – Unit load concept – Material Handling cost – Relationship between Material Handling and Plant Layout – Material Handling system Design - Specification of the Design – Analyzing an existing material Handling system. Basics of material handling selection – AGVS in material Handling – Packing. UNIT V Evaluating the Layout – Qualitative Evaluation Techniques - Efficiency indices – Cost Evaluation of Layout – Quantitative evaluation Techniques – Evaluation procedures – Making the alteration – Presenting the Layout to management – Displaying the Layout – Follow up – Approval – Reproducing the Layout - Installing the Layout. Text book 1. James M. Apple , (2000), Plant Layout and Material Handling, The Ronald press Company Reference Books 1. Dileep R. Sule , (1999), Manufacturing Facilities, PWS Publishing Compan. 2. John R. Immer, (2004), Layout planning Techniques, McGraw-Hill Book Company. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E10


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Objectives 1. To familiarize with the range of composite systems in use; 2. Be able to understand the mechanical properties of composite materials 3. Be able to develop the ability to use appropriate design and analysis tools and techniques 4. Describe design processes commonly used for composite structures 5. Be familiar with the manufacturing routes for composites 6. Be able to understand the relevance and limitations of the destructive and non-destructive test methods used for composites 7. Understand the practical requirements associated with joining and manufacture. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Design composite materials for various applications 2. Design and Manufacture composite materials Contents  Materials and systems  Randomly orientated fibers  Micromechanics  Determination of material axes  Lamination analysis  Strength/failure analyses  Design of composites UNIT I Definitions: Composites, Reinforcements and matrices, Types of reinforcements, Types of matrices, Types of composites, Carbon Fibre composites, Properties of composites in comparison with standard materials, Applications of metal, ceramic and polymer matrix composites. UNIT II Manufacturing methods: Hand and spray lay-up, press molding, injection molding, resin injection, RRIM, filament winding, pultrusion, centrifugal casting and prepregs. Fibre/Matrix Interface, Theories of adhesion; absorption and wetting, interdiffusion, electrostatic, chemical, mechanical. Measurement of interface strength. Characterization of systems; carbon fibre/epoxy, glass fibre/polyester, etc. Influence of interface on mechanical properties of composite. UNIT III Stiffness and Strength: Geometrical aspects - volume and weight fraction. Unidirectional continuous fibre, discontinuous fibers, Short fiber systems, woven reinforcements - length and orientation distributions. Mechanical Testing: Determination of stiffness and strengths of unidirectional composites; tension, compression, flexure and shear. Fracture: Typical fracture processes; effect of transverse ply. Review of fracture mechanics methods and application to composites. Impact: Typical impact damage; role of fibre, matrix and interface. Low and high speed impact test methods. Fatigue: Behavior of notched and unnotched specimens. Tension testing of composites. Fatigue damage Effect of matrix and fibre properties. Implications for component design. Environmental Effects: Influence of moisture and other contaminants on fibre, matrix, interface and effect on mechanical properties. Stress corrosion cracking. Influence of high and low temperatures. UNIT IV Plate Stiffness and Compliance, Assumptions, Strains, Stress Resultants, Plate Stiffness and Compliance, Computation of Stresses, Types of Laminates -, Symmetric Laminates, Anti-symmetric Laminate, Balanced Laminate, Quasi-isotropic Laminates, Cross-ply Laminate, Angle-ply Laminate. Orthotropic Laminate, Laminate Moduli, Design Using Carpet Plots, Stiffness Controlled Design, Design for Bending, Hygrothermal Stresses.


UNIT V Joining -Advantages and disadvantages of adhesive and mechanically fastened joints. Typical bond strengths and test procedures. Design philosophy and procedures (systems approach). Simple design studies (pressure vessels, torsion bar); factors of safety. Case studies for failure design process, materials selection, manufacturing method. Economic aspects of using composites. Stress Analysis: Free edge stresses; typical distributions, significance of stacking sequence, significance of ply blocking, effect on failure modes, experiment al evidence. Development of engineer‘s theory of bending for thin walled beams comprising several different materials and analysis of the shear flow distribution. Buckling; strut buckling, buckling of especially orthotropic plates, significance of bending-twisting coupling. Text book 1. K.K. Chawla, (1998), Composite Materials, Springer-Verlag, New York Reference Books 1. B.T. Astrom, (1997), Manufacturing of Polymer Composites, Chapman & Hall 2. Reference Book for Composites Technology, (1989), by Stuart M Lee, J. Ian Gray, Miltz, CRC press 3. Frank L Matthews and R D Rawlings, (2006), Composite Materials: Engineering and Science, Taylor and Francis. 4. An Introduction to Composite Materials, by D. Hull and T.W. Clyne, (1996), published by Cambridge University Press. 5. An Introduction to Composite Materials, 2nd Edition, by D. Hull and T. W.Clyne, Cambridge University Press. 6. M.R. Piggott, (1998), Load Bearing Fibre Composites, Pergamon press, Oxford. 7. F. Ashby and D.R.H. Jones, (1999), Engineering Materials 2, Pergamon press 8. R.W. Davidge and A. Kelly, (1999), Mechanical behavior of ceramics, Cambridge university press 9. Composite Basics - 5 by Andrew C. Marshall, (1998), published by Marshall Consulting. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E11


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Objectives This course provides comprehensive introduction to fluid power including both hydraulics and pneumatics. Outcomes Students will be able to Acquire knowledge of the applications of fluid power in various engineering fieldwork with PLC and understand its application in industry. Contents Introduction to Fluid Power Hydraulic and pneumatic power supply source Hydraulic and pneumatic control components Basic circuits Fluid power system maintenance UNIT I Definition- Hydraulics Vs Pneumatics – Standards- Application – Basic Principle of Hydraulics-Pascal‘s LawTransmission and multiplication of force-Basic properties of hydraulic fluids- liquid flow- static head pressure-pressure loss – Power-Basic principle of pneumatics: absolute pressure and Temperature- gas laws- vacuum UNIT II Hydraulic Pump- graphic symbol- pump types -pump flow and pressure- pump drive torque and Power- pump efficiency –air compressor- graphic symbol-compressor types-compressor sizing- vacuum pumps UNIT III Cylinders-accumulators –FRL-Directional control Valves- Pressure control valves-Flow control Valves-electronic control components- symbols UNIT IV DCV controlling single acting, double acting cylinder-counter balance circuit-Fail safe circuit-AND and OR valve circuit-regenerative circuit-meter in and meter out circuit for extended and retracted stroke-pressure intensifier circuitaccumulator circuits UNIT V Introduction, Sealing Devices - Reservoir System - Filters and Strainers - Beta Ratio of Filters - Wear of Moving Parts - Gases in Hydraulic Fluids - Temperature Control - Troubleshooting Text book 1. Antony Esposito, (1998), Fluid power system and control, Prentice Hall of india, 6 th edition Reference Books 1. James L.Johnson, (2003), Introduction to Fluid power ,Delmar Thomson Learning Inc. 2. Hydraulic systems Hand book, (1998), Utility Publications Ltd., Secunderabad. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E12


Objectives 1. Understand the fundamentals of Embedded system. 2. Understand the diverse technological and functional approaches and applications 3. Become familiar with design techniques

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Outcome The successful student will be able to: 1. Identify innovative areas where embedded system can be implemented 2. Design embedded system for a specific application. Contents  Development Environment  Embedded System Platform  Distributed Embedded System Design  Overview of Design Techniques UNIT I Embedded System – Characteristics of Embedded system – applications - embedded system design challenges – constraint-driven design – System Integration -IP based design - hardware – Software partitioning and time to market considerations. UNIT II The Execution Environment – Memory organisation – system space – code space – data space – unpopulated memory space – I/O space – System start –up-interrupt Response Cycle – Function Calls and System frames – Run Time Environment – Object placement. UNIT III CPU bus- Memory devices – I/O devices- component interfacing – designing with microprocessors – development and debugging – designing example –design patterns – dataflow graphs – assembly and linking – basic compilation techniques – analysis and optimization. UNIT IV Inter –process communication – signals in UML-Shared memory communication- accelerated design – design for video accelerator – networks for embedded systems – networks based design – Internet enabled systems. UNIT V Design methodologies and tools – design flows – designing hardware and software components – requirement analysis and specification – system analysis and architecture design – system integration – structural and behavioral description – Case studies. Text book 1. Arnold S.Berger (2001), Embedded Systems Design: An Introduction to processes, Tools and Techniques, CMP books, 1st edition. Reference Books 1. Wayne Wolf, (2000), Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computer systems design, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. 2. Jean J.Labrosse, (2000), Embedded system Building blocks: Complete and ready-to-use modules in C, CMP books. 3. D.Gajski F.Vahid, S.Narayan and J.Gong, (1999), Specification and design of Embedded Systems, Pearson Education, 1999. 4. Mazidi, Mazidi and Mckinlay., (2005), 8051 Micro controller and embedded system using assembly and C, 2 nd edition. Prentice Hall of India. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E13


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Objectives 1. To enable students gain practical knowledge in various aspects of digital signal processing and signal processor for mechatronics application. 2. Knowledge in signal processor architecture and programming will enable the students to understand the concepts underlying the working of mechanical and electronic systems and develop expertise in this interdisciplinary field. Outcome Students shall be able to Apply digital signal processing principles to mechatronic systems. Contents  Digital Filter Analysis  Digital Filter Design  Discrete Fourier Transform  Hardware and Applications  Programmable digital signal processor and quantization effects. UNIT I Difference equation of D.T.L.T.I. System – IIR and FIR Structures – Time domain response – frequency domain response – the z – transform and its properties – the Z – Transfer functions – stability. UNIT II Design of IIR digital filter from analog filters, linear phase FIR Filter design – computer programs for filter design. UNIT III Fourier Series – discrete fourier transform – properties of discrete fourier transform – two dimensional discrete fourier tranform – 1 d and 2 D FFT algorithms – the FFT Analysis. UNIT IV Study of ADSP and TMS 320 series processors, some applications and examples. UNIT V Architecture and features of TMS 320C54 signal processing chip – Quantisation effects in designing digital filters. Text book 1. Proaklis J.G., and Manolakis D.G., (2004), Digital signal processing: Priciples, Algorithms, and applications Prentice Hall of india 3rd edition, 2000. Reference Books 1. Stanley W.D. (1999), Digital signal processing, II Edituion, Reston Publishing House. 2. Kue R., (2000), Introduction to Digital signal processing II edition, McGraw Hill. 3. Openheim A.V., and Schaefer R.W., (1999), Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall of india. 4. Autoniou A., (1999), Digital filters, Analysis and Design, Tata McGraw Hill. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E14






2 0 2 3 Objectives 1. To provide the students with sufficient background to understand the mathematical representation of the governing equations of fluid flow and heat transfer. 2. To solve one and two dimensional ordinary and partial differential equations using traditional CFD tools. 3. To express derivatives and differential equations through discretization techniques. 4. To understand the general transformation equations for grid generation. 5. To apply explicit, implicit and semi-implicit methods of finite differencing. 6. To numerically solve the fluid flow field using some popular CFD techniques. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Numerically solve the fluid flow field using some popular CFD techniques. 2. Model fluid flow problems and heat transfer. Contents Introduction and Governing Equations Discretization Grid Generation and Transformation CFD Techniques Finite Differences and Methods UNIT I Introduction - Impact and applications of CFD in diverse fields - Governing equations of fluid dynamics – continuity momentum and energy - generic integral form for governing equations - Initial and Boundary conditions Classification of partial differential equations – Hyperbolic - Parabolic - Elliptic and Mixed types - Applications and Relevance. UNIT II Basic aspects of discretization - Discretization techniques – Finite difference - Finite volume and Finite element method– Comparison of discretization by the three methods. Introduction to Finite differences - Difference equations - Uniform and non-uniform grids - numerical errors - Grid independence test - Optimum step size. UNIT III Grid generation – Transformation of non-uniform grids to uniform grids - General transformation of the equations Form of the governing equations suitable for CFD - Compressed grids - Boundary fitted co-ordinate systems – Elliptic grid generation - Adaptive grids - Modern developments in grid generation. UNIT IV Steady one-dimensional conduction - two and three-dimensional conduction -Steady one-dimensional convection and Diffusion - Transient one-dimensional and two-dimensional conduction – Explicit - Implicit - Crank-Nicolson - ADI scheme – Stability criterion. UNIT V Representation of the pressure - Gradient term and continuity equation – Staggered grid - Momentum equations – Pressure and velocity corrections - Pressure Correction equation - Numerical procedure for SIMPLE algorithm Boundary conditions for the pressure correction method. Stream function – Vorticity method - Discussion of case studies. Text book 1. K.A.Hoffman, (1999), Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineering, Engineering education system, Austin, Texas. Reference Books 1. J.D.Anderson, Jr., (2000), Computational Fluid Dynamics – the basic with applications, Mc Graw – Hill, ISE. 2. K. Muralidhar, T. Sundarajan, (2001), Computatioanl Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi. 3. S.V.Patankar, (1999), Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hemisphere, New York. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E15










Objective 1. This course provides comprehensive introduction to programmable logic controller including both hardware and software. Outcome Student will be able to 1 Interface the programmable logic controller with Input/output components Contents PLC hardware and fundamentals of logic PLC programming, PLC wiring diagrams and ladder programs Timers, counters Data manipulation PLC installation and troubleshooting UNIT I The I/O Section – Discrete I/O Modules – Analog I/O Modules – I/O Specifications – The CPU – The Processor – Memory Module – Memory Types – Programming Devices – Program Loaders- Boolean Algebra – Developing circuits from Boolean expressions. UNIT II Processor Memory Organization – Program scan – PLC Programming Languages – Relay – Instructions – Instruction Addressing – Branch instructions – Entering the ladder diagram – Modes of operation – Output control devices – Latching relays – Converting relay ladder diagrams into PLC Ladder programs. UNIT III Timer Instructions On and Off Delay Timer Instruction - Counter Instructions – Up andDown Counter -Counter Applications UNIT IV Math Instructions – Master and Jump control instructions - Subroutines-Data Transfer operations – Data compare Instructions – Data Manipulation Programs – Numerical Data I/O Interfaces – Setpoint control.. UNIT V PLC Enclosures – Electrical Noise – Leaky inputs and outputs – Grounding – Voltage variations and surges – Program Editing – Programming and monitoring – Preventive Maintenance – Troubleshooting. Text book 1. John w.webb, (2005), Programmable Logic Controllers: principals and applications, 5 th Edition. Prentice Hall of India. Reference Books 1. Programmable Logic Controllers, Third Edition by W. Bolton 2. Stenerson, (2005), Fundamentals of Programmable Logic Controllers, sensors and communication, Pearson Education Third Edition. 3. John R.Hackworth, (2003), Programmable Logical Controllers, Pearson Education. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E16










Objectives 1. To introduce tribology as an important design consideration that affects the performance of engine and automotive elements. 2. To teach different bearing types, modeling and performance considerations. 3. To introduce concepts in friction and wear phenomena. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Select triobological elements based on design considerations. 2. Realise the importance of proper choice of trobological elements. Contents Dry Friction Wear Lubricants and Lubrication Hydrodynamic Lubrication Surface Modification UNIT I Topography of Engineering Surfaces – Types of contact sliding friction - Energy dissipation - Friction characteristics of metals and non-metals - Types of friction - Measurement of friction. UNIT II Types of Wear – Dry sliding wear - Abrasive wear - Principles and mechanism - Corrosive wear - Surface Fatigue wear - Measurement of wear - Examples - Applications. UNIT III Types of Lubricants - Properties - Testing principles - Hydrodynamic - Elasto hydrodynamic lubrication - boundary lubrication and Solid lubrication - Hydrostatic lubrication. UNIT IV Fluid film in simple shear - Viscous flow shear stress variation - Reynolds equation for film lubrication - High speed unloaded journal bearings - Loaded journal bearings - Reaction torque of the bearings - Co efficient of friction. UNIT V Surface modification – Transformation hardening - Thermo-chemical process - Laser - Electron beams and Plasma treatment - Materials for rolling element bearings - Fluid film bearings - Dry bearing - Applications. Text book 1. A.D. Sarkar , (1999), Friction and Wear Easter walley edition. Reference Books 1. Bowden, F.P. & Tabor, D.,(1996) Friction and Lubrication of solids, Oxford University press. 2. Ernest Rabinowiez, (1995), Friction and wear of materials, Interscience Publishers. 3. Neale, M.J., Tribology ,(1999), Hand Book, Butterworth. 4. Fuller D.D., (1999),Theory and practice of Lubrication for engineers, John Wiley sons. 5. Gross, W.A., (1990), Gas film lubrication,Willey. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E17










Objectives 1. To introduce the history, constructional features and other basic information on robotics. 2. To introduce to the sensors used in robotics. 3. To teach robot programming of a typical robot as also the concepts of path planning and applications.

Outcome Student will be able to 1. Have an awareness of basics of robotics 2. Do robot programming 3. Appreciate the applications of robotics and be able to apply economic measures to justify advantages of robots in industry. Contents Introduction Components and Operations Sensing and Machine Vision Robot Programming Industrial Applications UNIT I Definition of a Robot – Basic Concepts –Robot configurations – Types of Robot drives – Basic robot motions – Point to point control – Continuous path control. UNIT II Basic control system concepts – Control system analysis – Robot actuation and feed back - Manipulators – direct and inverse kinematics - Coordinate transformation – Brief Robot dynamics. Types of Robot and Effectors – Robot/ End – Effector interface. UNIT III Range sensing – Proximity sensing –Touch sensing – Force and Torque sensing. Introduction to Machine vision – Sensing and Digitizing – Image processing and analysis. UNIT IV Methods – Languages – Capabilities and limitation – Artificial intelligence – Knowledge representation –Search techniques in A I and Robotics. UNIT V Application of robots in machining – Welding – Assembly – Material handling –Loading and Unloading – CIM – Hostile and Remote environments. Text book 1. Richard D. Klafter, Thomas A. Chmielewski and Michael Negin, (1999), Robotic Engineering : An Integrated Approach, Prentice Hall of india. Reference Book 1. Mikell P. Groover, Mitchell Weiss, (1998), Industrial robotics technology - Programming and Applications, McGraw Hill International Edition. 2. Yoshikawa, (2004), Foundation of robotics: Analysis and control, Prentice Hall of India. Mode of Evaluation : .

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E18


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Objectives 1. To understand the principles of refrigeration and air conditioning. 2. To calculate the cooling load for different applications of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning 3. To select the right equipment for a particular application of Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Outcome Student will be able to 1. Design and implement refrigeration and air conditioning systems using standards. Contents  Refrigeration Cycles and Refrigerants  System Components  Cycling Controls and System Balancing  Psychrometry  Air Conditioning UNIT I Vapour compression refrigeration cycles-Air refrigeration cycles-Simple saturated vapour compression refrigeration cycle-P-H charts - Multi stage compression –Multi evaporator system-cascade system-Vapour absorption systems. UNIT II Refrigeration classification –Dsignation-Alternate refrigerants –Global warming and Ozone depleting aspects. Refrigerant compressors Reciprocating –Rotary - Condensers - Evaporators - Expansion devices - Cooling towers. UNIT III Pressure temperature control range and different settings - Selection and balancing of system components-Graphical method. UNIT IV Moist air properties - Psychrometric chart - Different Psychrometric process analysis. UNIT V Summer and winter air conditioning - Cooling load calculations Different types of loads - GRSHF - ERSHF Estimation Of total load - Air distribution patterns - Dynamic and frictional losses in air ducts - Equal friction method Fan characteristics of duct system. Text book 1. WF Stocker and J W Jones, (1999), Refrigeration and Air conditioning, McGraw Hill Book company. Reference Book 1 Manohar Prasad, (1998), Refrigeration and Air conditioning, Wiley Eastern Ltd. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E19


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Objectives This course is an integrated approach to the design of complex Engineering systems involving Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science and Engineering. The approach of this course is valuable to the students since a majority of the newly designed Mechanical Engineering systems are Mechatronic systems. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Understand the concept of Mechatronics 2. Select suitable sensors and transducers while designing a system to meet specified requirements. 3. Understand the different types of actuators. 4. Select controllers for the engineering applications. 5. Get the basic knowledge on machine vison. Content Sensors and signal conditioning Actuators Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Programmable Logic controllers Machine Vision UNIT I Introduction to Mechatronics - Basics of sensor‘s and Transducers – Selection - Contact - Non – Contact. Optical types - Signal conditioning – Operational amplifiers - Protection - Filtering - Analog and Digital converters– Lab view. UNIT II Pneumatic and hydraulic systems – Actuation system - Direction control - Pressure control and process control valves Cylinders - Rotary actuators. Mechanical actuation systems – Types - Selection - Types of motion - Kinematic chains - Gear train - Ratchet and pawl - Belt and Chain drive Electrical actuation systems - Principle - Construction and working of AC - DC - Servomotors - Stepper motors. UNIT III Microprocessors -Overview of 8085 architecture-RAM - ROM - I/O. simple Microprocessor programming examples. Microcontroller- Intel 8051 and M68HC11 - Applications of Microcontroller to temperature measurement and washing machines. UNIT IV Programmable Logic controllers – Architecture - Input/output processing - Simple programming examples Mnemonics - Timers - Internal relays and counters - Shift registers - Master and jump controls - Data handling Analog input/output - Selection of PLC. UNIT V Introduction – Image acquisition – Illumination techniques - Image enhancement – Segmentation -Feature extraction Recognition – Interpretation – Applications. Text book 1. Bolton .W, (2003), Mechatronics, pearson education, 3 rd edition. Reference Books 1. Doebelin .E.D., (1999), Measurement systems, Mc Graw Hill. 2. Devdas Shetty, (1997), Mechatronics, Richard A. Kolk, PWS Publishing Company. 3. Goankar .R.S, (1999), Microprocessors – Architecture, Programming and Applications, Wiley Eastern. 4. Dan necsulescu, (2002), Mechatronics , Pearson education, 3 rd edition. 5. Michael .B. Histand and David G. Alciatore (1999), Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurement systems, HMT LTD, Mechatronics, Tata Mc Graw Hill Company Ltd. 6. Harley R.Myler, (2004), Fundamental of machine vision, Prentice Hall of India. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment, Seminar and Written Examination. 65

05BME E20


Objectives 1. To understand the priniples of Quality Management. 2. To get a clear idea about quality planning and TQM techniques. 3. To have an indepth knowledge of reliability and maintainability









Outcome Student will be able to 1. To implement TQM in the industry. 2. To design systems with reliability and maintainability. Contents Principle Of Quality Management Quality Planning TQM Techniques Reliability Maintainability UNIT I Definition of quality – Deming, Miller - Crosby Theories – Service and Product quality – Customer orientation. Evaluation of Total quality Management – Inspection – Quality Control – TQM System – Human component. UNIT II Planning – SMART Goal setting – Designing for Quality – Manufacturing for Quality – Process control – CPK – Process capability. Scientific Approach to TQM – Data based approach – Quantification – Statistical tools – Quality control tools – New 7 tools. UNIT III Benchmarking – Definition – Types – Steps – Metrics – Case studies - Quality Function Deployment – Definition – steps – Case studies – Corrective Techniques – Preventive techniques – Failure Mode and Effect Analysis – 5S. Continuous Improvement Techniques – Different techniques such as POKA YOKE etc. – Deming wheel – Case studies. UNIT IV Definition - Mean fracture rate - Mean time to failure - Mean time between failure - Hazard rate - Hazard models Constant hazard - Linearly increasing hazard - Weibull model - System reliability - Series - Parallel and Mixed configuration – Simple problems. UNIT V Reliability improvement - Redundancy - Element - Unit and stand by redundancy - Reliability allocation for a series system - Maintainability and availability - System downtime - Reliability and Maintainability trade off – Simple problems.

Text book 1. L.S. Srinath, Reliability Engineering, Affiliated East West Press New Delhi. Reference Books 1. Joel E. Rose, (1993), Total Quality Management, II Edition, Kogan Page Ltd., USA. 2. Samuel K Ho, (1996), TQM – An Integrated Approach, II Edition, Kogan Page Ltd., USA. 3. John Gilbert, (1993), Total Quality Management, Affiliated East West Press, New Delhi. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E21










Objectives To make students understand solar radiation received on the earth, fundamental theory of solar thermal devices and its applications Outcome Student will be able to 1. Estimate solar radiation received on a surface 2. To predict the performance of solar devices and analyse performance 3. Identify and integrate solar thermal devices in various applications Contents Solar Radiation Solar Flat Plate Collectors Solar Thermal Devices – I Solar Thermal Devices – II Solar Concentrators and Power Generation UNIT-I Sun Earth relationship – Solar radiation components – Measurement – Estimation of radiation at a given place UNIT-II Theory of Flat Plate Collectors – Performance Evaluation – Collector Testing – Natural and Forced Circulation – System Configurations - Applications UNIT-III Solar Air Heaters: Theory and Applications – Solar drying: Theory, design, performance analysis and types – Solar Desalination: Theory and Performance analysis UNIT-IV Solar Cooking Devices – Solar cooling: Absorption, adsorption and passive systems – Solar Thermal Pumps – Energy Storage – Solar Ponds UNIT-V Solar concentrator types – Optics – Performance analysis – Design considerations – Tracking – Solar Electric Power Generation Systems – Economics of Solar thermal systems & devices


Y. Goswami, F. Kreith and J. F. Kreider, (2001), Principles of Solar Engineering, Mc Graw Hill,. S.P.Sukhatme, Solar Energy, (2004), Tata McGraw Hill, Second Edition..

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. J. A. Duffie, and W. A. Beckman, (1991) Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Wiley-Interscience. 2. J. Gordon (ed.) (2001) State of Art Papers on Solar Energy, International Solar Energy Society. 3. ASHRAE Standard 93-77, (1977) Methods of Testing to Determine the Thermal Performance of Solar Collectors, ASHRAE,. 4. R.C.Neville, (1995) Solar Energy Conversion, Elsevier. Mode of Evaluation : Assignment / Seminar / Written Examination.


05BME E22


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Objectives 1. The course is aimed at training students to acquire skills to design and develop products in a structured way that are easier to manufacture, assemble, service and more friendlier to environment, etc. Outcome Student will be able to have : 1. Customer-oriented manufacturing approach and life-cycle sensitive approach to product design and development. Contents Product Development Cycle Product Design and Development Computer Supported Design and Development Design for Manufacture Mini – Projects UNIT I Conceptual / Industrial / Engineering design. Design analysis and validation. Concepts of time to market Concurrent Engineering and Time compression. UNIT II Product planning – Customer needs – Product specifications – concept generation – selection – testing – Product development economics UNIT III IT support – Solid Modeling – Product Data management – Collaborative Product Commerce – Artificial Intelligence – Expert systems – Co-design - Writing interactive programs to solve design problems and production of drawingsProduct Lifecycle Management UNIT IV General design principles for manufacturability – strength and mechanical factors - mechanism selection- process capability – Feature tolerances – Geometric tolerances – Assembly limits – Datum features – Tolerance stacks – Exposure on DFMA software UNIT V Development of a solid computer model for CAE analysis and prototyping fabrication. Evaluation and optimization of product through a computer aided engineering software. Conceptual product development. Development of software modules for design and manufacturing applications

Text book 1. IbrahimZeid, (2005), Mastering CAD/CAM Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. Reference Books 1. Stephen C. Armstrong, (2001), Engineering and Product development Management– The Holostic Approach Cambridge University Press. 2. Corrodo Poli, (2001), Design for Manufacturing: A structured approach, Butterworth-Heinemann. 3. Joseph Edward Shigley, Charles R Mischke and Richard G. Budynas, (2001), Mechanical Engineering Design, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


C 3

05BME E23


Objectives 1. To learn the fundamentals of work holding devices. 2. To study various types of work holding devices 3. To design jigs and fixtures 4. To analyze and optimize an existing jig and fixture. 5. To learn various terminologies of press and its working principles and various operations 6. To design dies for various required operations.










Outcome Student will be able to 1. Identify the Importance of work holding devices. 2. Design a Jig. 3. Design a fixture. 4. Calculate the required specifications of a press for the required operations. 5. Design a die for the required operations. Contents Theory of metal cutting Tool Design Die Design Jig and fixture design Advanced Tool Engineering UNIT I Principle of Metal Cutting – Chip formation – Chip Control – Chip breakers – Cutting force measurements – Dynamometer and Strain gauges – Specific cutting – Shear angle – Theory of Merchant - Lee and Shaffer – Friction in metal cutting – Measurement of cutting temperature. UNIT II Selection of tool materials – Compositions – Heat treatment – Design of single point and Multi point cutting tool Form tools - Drills - Milling Cutters and Broaches. Tool life calculation – Tool wear- Cutting fluids – Types - Simple problems. UNIT III Type of dies – Cutting action in punch and Die operations – Die clearance-Cutting force in blanking - Piercing and Shearing - Punch and Die mounting - Stripping force - Press tonnage. Pilot - Stripper - Pressure pad and Stopper - Design of simple - Progressive and Compound die sets. Forming die design – Bending methods – Bend radius - Bend allowance - Spring back - Bending pressure. Principles of forging and extrusion dies - Advantage and Disadvantages. UNIT IV Locating and clamping devices – Principles – Elements – Mechanical - Pneumatic and Hydraulic actuation - Clamping force analysis - Type of jigs - General consideration in jig design - Jig bushing – Type-method – Construction. Simple designs of plate latch - Channel boxes - Post - Angle - Plate - Turnovers - and Pot jigs. Design of Fixtures – Design principles - Types of fixtures – Fixtures for machine tools – Lathe - Milling - Boring Broaching - Grinding - Assembly - Inspection and Welding fixtures - Simple designs. UNIT V Tool Materials – Plastic - Epoxy plastic – Construction method - Ceramic tools- Powder metallurgy – application of CAD/CAM - Group technology in Tool Engineering. Text book 1. Hoffman.G , (1999), Fundamentals of tool Design. SME publishers. Reference Book 1. Sen and Battachartya, (2002), Principle of Metal Cutting, Central Book Agency. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E24






2 1 0 3 Objectives 1. Understand the mathematical and physical principles underlying the Finite Element Method (FEM) as applied to solid mechanics and thermal analysis. 2. To uderstand the behaviour of various finite elements. 3. To derive finite element equations for simplex and complex elements. 4. To solve problems in solid mechanics and heat transfer using FEM. 5. To analyze more complex problems (in solid mechanics or thermal analysis) using the commercial FEM code. Outcome Student will be able to: 1. Select suitable finite elements for the given model. 2. Develop element equations for plane elasticity and thermal problems. 3. Understand and interpret finite element analysis outputs. 4. Apply FEM techniques to analyse engineering problems. 5. Use commercial FEA packages with proper understanding. Contents Introduction to Theory of Elasticity Discretization of the problem Stiffness matrix formulation Field problems Higher order problems UNIT I Introduction to Theory of Elasticity: Definition of stress and strain – plane stress – plane strain – stress strain relations in three dimensional elasticity. Introduction to Variational Calculus: Introduction –General field problems, discrete and continuous models, Variational formulation in finite elements – Ritz method - Weighted residual methods – Galerkin – sub domain – method of least squares and collocation method - numerical problems. UNIT II Discretization of the Problem: Introduction – Geometrical approximations – Simplification through symmetry – Element shapes and behaviour – Choice of element types – size and number of elements – Element shape and distortion – Location of nodes – Node and Element numbering. Interpolation Function: Simplex - complex and multiplex elements – Linear interpolation polynomials for various simplex elements – Convergence requirements – derivation of shape function equations. UNIT III One dimensional elasticity – Bar with constant and varying cross section - and Pin jointed truss member – Two dimensional elasticity – Plane stress - plane strain and axisymmetric simplex elements only - simple numerical problems UNIT IV General field equation – Formulation of 1D and 2D – steady state heat transfer problems involving conduction and convection and torsion of prismatic members – simple numerical problems. UNIT V Natural coordinate system and numerical integration – Higher order 1D and 2D elements – Derivation of shape function equations for Four node quadrilateral - six node triangle and eight node quadrilateral elements– formulation of element equation. Text books 1. Tirupathi R. Chandrupatla and Ashok D. Belugundu, (2003), Intodution to Finite Elements in Engineering, Prentice Hall of india, Third Edition. 2. Seshu, (2004), Text book of finite element analysis, Prentice Hall of india. 3. Larry Segerland, (1999), Applied Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2nd Edition Reference Books 1. Robert D. Cook, Dravid S. Malkus, Michael E. Plesha and Robert J. Witt, (2004), Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Fourth Edition. 2. Reddy J.N., (2001), An Introduction to the Finite Element Method, McGraw-Hill, Third Edition. 3. Rao S. S., (2001), The Finite Element Method in Engineering, Butterworth-Heinemann, Third Edition 4. Zienkiewicz O.C., (1999), The Finite Element Method, McGraw-Hill. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination. 70

05BME E25


Objectives 1. To introduce low temperature engineering, behaivour of materials 2. To develop the skills to perform the analysis and design of cryogenic systems and cryovessels. 3. To study the principles of cryogenic instrumentation with their applications.









Outcome Student will be able to 1. Have and insight of Cryogenic applications 2. Design Cryogenic Systems and Cryovessels. Contents Introduction to low temperature engineering Cryogenic Systems Storage and Transfer Systems Cryogenic Instrumentation Application of Cryogenics UNIT I Cryogenics – Principle of cryogenics – Methods of production of low temperature – Cryogenic fluids – Superconductivity and its applications – Super fluidity – Low temperature properties of structural materials. UNIT II Liquefaction of gases – Linde Hampson system – Claude system – Heylandt system – critical components of liquefiers, Gas separation and Purification – Cryocoolers – Stirling Cryocooler – Gifford – Mcmahon cryocooler – Pulse tube cryocooler – Thermodynamic analysis of above systems. UNIT III Design of cryovessels – Concept of vapour coated shields – Cryogenic Insulation – Vacuum power multilayer insulation – Micro sphere insulation – Transfer lines. UNIT IV Temperature, pressure flow measurement – Cryostats – Cold electronics. UNIT V Food preservation – Medical applications – Cryoprobes – Medical instruments – Space agricultural - Industrial applications.

Text book 1. Hasddon, G.G. (1999), Cryogenic fundamentals, Academic Press Inc., London. Reference Book 1. Randall F. Barron, (1999), Cryogenic systems, Oxford University Press, USA. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E26










Objectives 1. To provide an overview of global energy resources is given, leading to a historic review of human energy use and power generation. 2. To understand the importance of energy efficiency and conservation within the context of future energy supply. 3. To discuss about future energy systems and energy use scenarios with a focus on promoting the use of renewable energy resources and technologies. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Get the overview of global energy resources 2. Use the renewable technologies like Solar, Biomass, Wind, Hydro etc. to produce energy Contents Biofuels Hydrogen Energy Solar Energy Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Wind Energy UNIT I Biofuels classification – Biomass production for energy forming – Energy through fermentation – Pyrolysis – Gasification and combustion - Biogas - Aerobic and Anaerobic bio conversion process - Feed stock - Properties of bio-gas composition - Biogas plant design and operation - Alcoholic fermentation. UNIT II Electrolytic and thermo chemical hydrogen production – Metal hydrides and storage of hydrogen – Hydrogen energy conversion systems hybrid systems – Economics and technical feasibility. UNIT III Solar radiation - availability- Measurement and estimation- Isotropic and an isotropic models- Introduction to solar collectors (liquid flat- Plate collector - Air heater and concentrating collector) and thermal storage- Steady state transient analysis- Photovoltaic solar cell - Hybrid systems - thermal storage- Solar array and their characteristics evaluation – Solar distillation – Solar drying. UNIT IV Geothermal - Wave and Tidal energy - Availability - Geographical distribution - Power generation using OTEC Wave and Tidal energy - Scope and economics - Geothermal energy - Availability - Limitations. UNIT V Wind energy - General considerations - Wind Power plant design – Horizontal axis wind turbine - Vertical axis wind turbine - Rotor selection - Design considerations - Number of blades - Blade profile - Power regulation - Yaw system Choice of power plant - Wind mapping and selection of location-Cost analysis and economics of systems utilizing renewable sources of energy. Text book 1. David Merick, Richard Marshall, (2001), Energy, Present and Future Options, Vol. I and II, John Wiley and sons. Reference Books 1. Gerald W. Koeppl, (2002), Patnam‘s power from wind, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. 2. Ritchie J.D., (1999), Source Book for Farm Energy Alternative, McGraw Hill. 3. Twidell, J.W. and Weir, A.D., (1999), Renewable Energy Resources, ELBS. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E27






2 1 0 3 Objectives 1. To get clear idea about various types of productions like job, batch and continuous. 2. To find out the sales forecasting, various types of demands and different methods. 3. To acquire knowledge in product planning and process planning, value analysis and value engineering and break even analysis. 4. To learn about various types of controls toward inventory planning. 5. To be familiar in operation scheduling i.e. loading, scheduling and routing etc. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Identify and suggest correct type of production planning technique. 2. Analyse the concepts of production planning and control and implement in crucial areas of the industry. Contents MPC performance Sales and operations planning Capacity management Shop floor control ERP systems UNIT I Factors influencing MPC performance - Review of fundamental features of Material Requirements Planning systems MRP systems dynamics and system nervousness. UNIT II Sales and operations planning - Production Planning - Master scheduling and order promising - Distribution Resource Planning - Bills of material structuring, master scheduling - and final assembly scheduling. UNIT III Capacity management using planning factors - bills of capacity - and capacity requirements planning – CRP and I/O Control - Shop floor control/operations scheduling – Inventory models. UNIT IV Shop floor control/scheduling - Kanban/pull systems - Alternative pull systems; parameter settings - Pull systems for suppliers. UNIT V ERP systems - Technical aspects of SAP - Focus on implementation and system‘s fit - ERP implementation - Beyond ERP Software for manufacturing firms - Supply Chain Management. Text book 1. Fogarty, D.W., Blackstone, J.H., and Hoffmann, T., (1991), ‗Production and Inventory Management‘ SouthWestern Publishing. Reference Books 1. Curran, T. and Keller, G.,(1999), ‗SAP R/3 Business Blueprint‘ Prentice-Hall. 2. Sipper, D., Bulfin, R.L., (2001), ‗Production Planning, Control, and Integration‘ McGraw Hill. 3. Vollmann, T.E., Berry, W.L., Whybark, D.C., and Jacobs, F.R., (2005), ‗Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management‘ (5th ed.), Irwin. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E28


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Objectives To enable to have a overall view of project management techniques Outcome Student will be able to Understand the core philosophy of project management Contents Project definition Project management techniques Planning and Scheduling Project Commercial Aspects Project Legal Aspects UNIT I Project definition – The nature and scope of project management – Project Management process – Context of project management – Project parameters / variables: - Scope, Cost, Time, Quality, Risk – Project classifications – Project success criteria. UNIT II Project management techniques – Project planning – Earned value management – Risk management – Scheduling – Process improvement. UNIT III Planning and Scheduling: - Sequence of activities – Plan with chart – PERT / CPM – Work break down structure – Project management mile stones – Body of knowledge (PMI) – ISO 10006 – Scrum (agile method) – Extreme project management – Morse carlo simulations techniques – Use of software in project management – Progress monitoring – Corrective action. UNIT IV Commercial aspects of project – Cost estimates – Time estimates – Resources estimate – Control of cost - time resources (utilisation) – Risk management – Project procurement – Selection and management of contractors – Method of payment – Authorization levels – penalty clause – stock and inventory planning. UNIT V Legal aspects of project – Health - Safety - Occupational hazards and environmental aspects – Ethical issues – Governmental rules and regulations - fox workers – ESI - Workmen compensation - Medical facilities – Arbitration of issues – Judistication of courts – Law of contract. Text Book 1. Grag and Lawron, (2006), Project Management, Tata McGraw Hill. Reference Books 1. Reck and Crane, (2000), Project Management, Wiley Eastern. 2. Dennis Locke, (2000), Project Management, Gower. 3. Morris and Pritco, (2004), Managing Projects, Wiley Eastern. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E29










Objectives To have a overall view of new venture initiation and give students intricacies of new venture management Outcome Student will be able to Plan and start a new venture Contents Business Concepts Business Plan Financing Legal aspects of business Governmental Assistance UNIT I Business Concept – Statement of concept of business – Who is the potential customer – Concept development – Marketing approach –Where the money is – Appropriate trend analysis (trend identification) – Micro\ Macro level factors - Social - political - environmental - demographic - international factors – Scanning the horizon – Tap customer‘s hidden requirements – New products – Improvement over existing product – Barriers to new ideas – Competitor effect – Effect of patent rights – brand name - protection. Is this business appropriate for you – Are you an entrepreneur – Entrepreneurial firm – How - when zeroing on the project UNIT II Business Plan: An out line of – Marketing – Financial management – Operational management – Leasing Techno parks / Own premises - Rental offices – Franchise operation – Own employees / Contract labour - Method of management . UNIT III Financing your business – Estimating your financial requirements – Pre-operative expenses - Fixed - Working capital Sources of fund – Promoter‘s capital - Debt / Equity ratio - Margin Money - Venture Capital – Private Limited Company – Public Limited Company – Shares and related issues – Governmental organization – Marketing expenses Office expenses – Cash flow statement – Break even – Profit planning – Project preparation. UNIT IV Legal aspects of business: - Relating to labour – Governmental Licenses – IPR issues – Royalty payments - Brand name logos – Advertising issues – Business insurance – Employee welfare measures – PF - ESI - Medical compensation - Risk coverage – Accounting practices - Income Tax – VAT - TDS - Logistics planning: - Transport Ware housing UNIT V Governmental Assistance – Local – DIC - SIDBI - Bank - Subsidy – Power - Sales Tax - Central Taxes - Central Government Assistance – Special Economic Zones - Export Promotional Zones - Export Promotional Council - Credit Guarantee schemes – Duty draw back schemes. Text Books Hand Book for New Entrepreneurs, (1998), P.C Jain Entrepreneurship Institute of India, Ahemedabad, India Reference Books 1. Harold. P. Welsch, (1998) The Entrepreneurship: The way ahead. 2. David. F. Summen, (2000), Forming Entrepreneurial Institution. 3. J.B.Patel and Allen ply, (1996), How to prepare Project Report, EDI Institute, Ahemedabad, India Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E30


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Objectives To have an overall view of new methods of manufacturing and operations management like Lean principles. Outcome Student will be able to Apply lean concepts in organization Contents Introduction to Lean manufacturing Lean Manufacturing Principles Strategic issues Process Mapping Cellular Manufacturing UNIT I General - Brief history of lean manufacturing – Just in time – Toyota systems – Pioneers of lean manufacturing – Ohno and Shingo – Benefits of lean manufacturing – Theory of constraints – Reduction of wastes UNIT II Lean manufacturing: - Principles - Basic tools - Techniques - Definition - Assessment tools - Implementing lean manufacturing – Science behind lean manufacturing – Capacity utilization - Variability - Delivery UNIT III Strategic issues: - Actions - Issues - Focus - Leadership - Management of teams – Training. Lean accounting: Activity based costing - Product costing - Volume adjusted costing – Focused factory concept – Building strategic advantage through enterprise wide. UNIT IV Value stream and process mapping: - Overview - Where to use - Step by step approach – How to use – Reduce stream mapping – Present and future states - VSM symbols - Process mapping - Detailed instructions - limits - facilitation UNIT V Cellular manufacturing: - Work cell – Cell design - Facility planning – Plant layout – Balancing the work in work cells – Tact time – Defining - Benefits - Uses - Limitations – Facilities planning tools. Group technology coding classification - Productivity Improvement Aids - Kaizen – Kanban - 5S - TPM - Automation Jidoka – Mistake proofing – Yoko poko Design Root cause analysis - Failure models and effects. Text Books 1. Taiichi Ohno, (1988), The Toyota Production System (Beyond Large Scale production), Portland, Oregon Productivity Press. Reference Books 1. Kigoshi Suzaki, (1988), The New Manufacturing Challenge, Free Press, New York. 2. Shigeo Shing, (1989), Study of Toyota Production System, Portland, Oregon Productivity Press. Mode of Evaluation :

Assignment/ Seminar/Written Examination.


05BME E31










Objectives: 1. 2. 3.

To have a knowledge in IPR To understand the issues involved in applying for patents To know how to get a patent

Outcome: Student will be able to Apply for patents Contents: Introduction to IPR Introduction to Patents Trademarks & Copyrights Creating Wealth out of Knowledge Litigation in IPR UNIT I IPR –Types - Necessity to protect IPR – Mechanisms - Patent Office / Patent Facilitating Cell / WIPO UNIT II Patent- Necessity- Protection offered by patents - Types of inventions that can be protected- Obtaining an Indian Patent- Obtaining patents in foreign countries UNIT III Necessity of trademark registration - Kinds of trademarks - Registering a trademark - Copyrights – softwareintellectual works - Geographical Indication / Need for Protection / Generic Geographical Indication Protecting Industrial designs – Necessity and ways to protect the design UNIT IV Technology Transfer- types / issues UNIT V Intellectual Property Litigation Considerations - Role of Patent Agents / Patent Attorneys REFERENCES: http://pk2id.delhi.nic.in http://ep.espacenet.com http://www.uspto.gov http://pctgazette.wipo.int


05BME E32






2 1 0 3 Objectives The main aim of offering this subject is to provide an accurate understanding of the basic concepts of Natural Disasters and understanding the process of evolution and its impact on the human environment. Disaster mitigation and preparedness needs to be adopted in case of emergencies during the disasters like earthquake, floods, landslides etc., along with active participation of Government / Administrative personnel, Voluntary organizations, citizens groups and SHGs. Outcome Student will be able to 1. Understand the basic concepts of natural disasters 2. Define the role of individual; stakeholders in emergency management 3. Differentiate the process of earthquake preparedness and rehabilitation measures 4. Know the various stages of disaster preparedness, mitigation and management. 5. Apply the different mechanisms/techniques of mitigation and management. Contents Natural Disasters Mitigation And Management Natural Hazard Evalauition, Mitigation And Preparedness Earthquakes , Landslides And Tsunamis Tornadoes, Cyclones, Floods , Drought Disaster Awareness Education And Communication UNIT-I Introduction- Natural Disasters around the world- Natural Disaster Risk Assessment- Earth and its characteristics – Environmental Change and Degradation - Climate Change - Global warming – Human Dimensions of Global environment Change – Disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery- comprehensive emergency management - Emergency Services- Natural Disasters, Environment and Public Policy – Impact on Natural and Built Environments - Early warning systems and disaster Preparedness– Rehabilitation , Vulnerable Populations - Logistics and Services, Food, Nutrition and Shelter -Role Volunteers of National and International agencies. UNIT-II Natural hazards - Mapping - Modeling, risk analysis and loss estimation - Natural disaster risk analysis - prevention and mitigation - Applications of Space Technology (Satellite Communications, GPS, GIS and Remote Sensing and Information / Communication Technologies ( ICT ) in Early warning Systems - Disaster Monitoring and Support Centre– Information Dissemination – Mobile Communications etc., UNIT-III Introduction and Review - Core Issues in Natural Disasters – Disaster Risk Assessment Methods- Natural Disasters Principles, Elements, and Systems - Geological-Geomorphological aspects, Plate Tectonics & Earthquakes- Earthquake Geology, Seismology, Global Patterns-Measuring Magnitude & Intensity - Tectonic Processes & Fault SystemsLandslides–Characteristics and dimensions–Geomorphological, Geotechnical aspects- Human impact on the mountainous terrain and its relationship with Rainfall, liquefaction etc. – Tsunami - Nature and characteristics Patterns, Processes, Mitigation & Preparation - Response & Recovery and Rehabilitation. UNIT-IV Oceanic, Atmospheric and Hydrologic cycles - Severe Weather & Tornadoes , Cyclones, Floods and Droughts - Global Patterns - Critical Climate System Aspects and Processes- Mitigation & Preparation – Drought – Famine- nature and dimensions – Drought Assessment and Monitoring – the effects of El Nino systems on climate change – Environmental Disasters – Nuclear, Oil Spill, Wild Fire etc.,


UNIT-V Organisationation and Administrative strategies for managing large scale disasters — Administrative mechanisms , Community and Social organizations – Role of Regional and local administrative team - Vulnerability - catastrophic effects of natural hazards on human settlements - Education and Training – Establishment of capacity building among various stake holders – Government - Educational institutions – NGOS- SHGs – voluntary organizations - Awareness training and short-term programs for critical population - Use of multi-media and press for disaster communication REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Alexander, David A. (1993), Natural Disasters. New York: Chapman and Hall. 2. Bryant, Edward. (1991), Natural Hazards. New York: Cambridge University Press. 3. Garb, Solomon and Eng, Evelyn. (1969), Disaster Handbook. New York: Springer Publishing Company, Inc. 4. Kovach, Robert L. Earth's Fury: (1995), An Introduction to Natural Hazards and Disasters. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall. 5. Lida, K. and Iwasaki, (1983), T. Tsunamis: Their Science and Engineering. Boston: D.Reidel Publishing Company. 6. Petak, William J. and Atkisson, Arthur A. (1982), Natural Hazard Risk Assessment and Public Policy. New York, N.Y.: Springer-Verlag, Inc. 7. Robinson, Andrew. (1993), Earthshock: Hurricanes, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Tornadoes and Other Forces of Nature. New York: Thames and Hudson. 8. Walker, Bryce. (1982), Earthquake. Chicago, Ill.: Time-Life Books. Mode of Evaluation

Assignments / Seminars / Written Examination.



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