B-sale of goods
Short Description
The law relating to sale of goods is contained in the Sale of Goods Act, 1930. It has to be read as part of the Indian ontract Act, 1!"# $Sections #%&' and %3'(.
Contract of Sale of Goods Accordin) to Section *, a contract of sale of )oods is i s a contract +hereb the seller%i' transfers or a)rees to transfer the propert in )oods %ii' to the ber, %iii' for a /one consideration called the price. It sho+s that the epression contract of sale incldes both a sale +here the the sell seller er tran transf sfer ers s the the o+ne o+ners rshi hip p of the the )ood )oods s to the the b ber, er, and and an a)ree/ent to sell +here the o+nership of )oods is to be transferred at a ftre ti/e or sb2ect to so/e conditions to be flfilled later on. he follo+in) are ths the essentials of a contract of sale of )oods%i' Bilateral Bilateral contract: contract: It is a bilateral contract becase the propert in )oods has to pass fro/ one part to another. A person cannot b the )oods hi/self. %ii'T %ii' Transfer ransfer of property: property: he ob2ect of a contract of sale /st be the transfer transfer of propert propert %/eanin) o+nership' o+nership' in )oods )oods fro/ one person person to another. %iii' Goods: he sb2ect /atter /st be so/e )oods. %i4' Price or money consideration: he )oods /st be sold for so/e price, +here the )oods are echan)ed for )oods it is barter, not sale. %4' All essen essentia tiall ele/en ele/ents ts of a 4alid 4alid contr contract act /st be presen presentt in a contract of sale. Distinction between Sale and Agreement Agreement to Sell he follo+in) points +ill brin) ot the distinction bet+een sale and an a)ree/ent to sell%a' In a sale, the propert in the )oods sold passes to the ber at the ti/e of cont contra ract ct so that that he beco beco/e /es s the the o+ne o+nerr of the the )ood )oods. s. In an a)ree/ent to sell, the o+nership does not pass to the ber at the ti/e of the contract, bt it passes onl +hen it beco/es sale on the epir of certain ti/e or the flfil/ent of so/e conditions sb2ect to +hich the propert in the )oods is to be transferred. %b' An a)ree/ent to sell is an eector contract, a sale is an eected contract. %c'An a)ree/ent to sell is a contract pre and si/ple, bt a sale is contract pls con4eance.
(d) (d) If ther there e is an agree agreem ment ent to sell sell and the the goods goods are are destr destroy oyed ed by accident,
the loss falls on the seller. In a sale, the loss falls on the buyer, even though the goods are with the seller. (e) If there is an agreement to sell and the seller commits a breach, the buyer has only a personal personal remedy against against the seller, namely, namely, a claim for damages. damages. But if there has been a sale, and the seller commits a breach by refusing to_ deliver the goods, the buyer has not only a personal remedy against him but also the other remedies which an owner has in respect of goods themselves such as a suit for conversion or detinue, etc. Sale and Bailment
A "bailment" is a transaction under which goods are delivered by one person (the bailor) to another (the bailee) for some purpose, upon a contract that they be returned or disposed of as directed after the prpose is acco/plished %Section 1*! of the Indian ontact Act, Act, 1!"#'. the )ood he he prop proper ert t in the )oods s is not not inte intend nded ed to and and does does not pass pass on delivery tho)h it /a so/eti/es be the intention of the parties that it shold pass in de corse. 5t +here )oods are deli4ered to another on ter/s +hich indicate that the property is to pass at once the contract /st be one of sale and not bailment. Sale and Contract for Work and Labour
The distinction between a "sale" and a "contract for work and labour" becomes impo import rtan antt when when ques questi tion on of pass passin in) ) of prop proper ert t aris arises es for for consideration.
6o+e4er. these t+o are difficlt to distin)ish. he test )enerall applied is that if a,s a reslt of the contract, propert in an article is transferred to one +ho had no propert therein pre4iosl, for a /one consideration, it is.a sale. +here it is other+ise it is a contract for +or7 and labor. Sale and Hire Purchase Agreement
Sale, is a contract b +hich propert in goods passes fro/ the seller fb the ber for a price. A hire hire prchase a)ree/enf8 a)ree/enf8 is basicall basicall a contract contract of hire, bt in addition, addition, it ) 4es the hirer an option to prchase the )oods at the end of the hirin) period. onse:entl, ntil the final pa/ent, the hirer is /erel a bailee of )oods and o+nership re/ains 4ested in the bailor. ;nder sch a contract, the o+ner of )oods deli4e deli4ers rs the )oods )oods to perso person n +ho +ho a)ree a)rees s to pa certai certain n stipl stiplate ated d perio periodi dical cal pa/ents as hire char)es. ho)h the possession is +ith the hirer, the o+nership of the )oods re/ains +ith the ori)inal o+ner. he essence of hire prchase a)ree/ent is that there is no a)ree/ent to b, bt onl an option is )i4en to the hirer to b b pain) all the instal/ents or pt an end to the hirin) and retrn the )oods to the o+ner, at an ti/e before the eercise of the option. Since the hirer does not beco/e o+ner of the )oods ntil he has eercised his option to b, he cannot pass an title e4en to an innocent and bona fide
prchaser. he transa transacti ction on of hire< hire
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