AZOTH Volume 1 Number 9 September 1917

April 12, 2018 | Author: Monique Neal | Category: Mind, Religion And Belief, Science, Philosophical Science
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Short Description

1. What Do Doctors Know About the Organism of Man? 2. Thumb Nail Scetches of Creeds and Isms. 3. 1917 in Correspondence ...




No. 9

$3.00 per Yeai 25c per Cop>

NOTICE TO READER When you finish reading this maga zine place a 1-cent stamp on this notice, hand same to any postal employee and it will be placed in the hands of our soldiers or sailors at tht front. ¡pjS s; No wrapping—No address. A. S. Burleson, Postmaster-General.



What Do Doc tors Know I Abou t the Organism 1 of Man?

— A lc in ou s B. Jam iso n, M.D.


Thumb Nail Sketches of Creeds and Isms



— II. S. W hi tc om b 1917 in Correspondence with the Egyptian Year

— The Count dc Mac Grego r dc Glcnstrac The Philosophy of Symbolism

—Ger trude dc Biclska The Soul oi the Plant

—Ilcrczmrd Carrington The Law of Substance

—L uge lieDel M ar The Horoscope of Herbert C. Hoover Li. —

G. Bradford

He who knows not and thinks he knows is a fool; shun him. He who knows and knows not that he knows is asleep; wake h'm. He who knows and know that he knows is a sage; seek him.

: : Philosophy - The oso phy - Mys ticism - Psychical Research : : : : : : Higher Tho ugh t - As tr olo gy - Occu ltism : : : :


1400 Broadway, New York, N.

M-rc«! :ts Sucund-CTas's Mu tier January 26, 1917, at thè P ostoffice at New York, N. Y., under thè Act of March 3, 181

Contentò PAGE

E di to ria l s .............................................................................................................. 499 W h a t t ii e D octors A zoth

— W .

T humb 1917


K n o w A bout

O rganism

Ma n —


A lc i n o u s B . J a m is on , M .D . 50 3 R i c h a r d s o n ...................................................................................................... 50 8

N a i l S ketches




C orrespondence

C reeds


Is ms —

W i t h t h e E gyptian

H . S. W h itc om b .. ... ... ... ...


Y e ar —

The Count de MacGregor de Glenstrae (Continued from June) 513

W ealth I s I mpersonal — P e r c y R i c h a r d s .................................................................. T h e P hi l osophy o f S ym bol i sm — Gertrude de Bielska (Concluded) .. 5 1 8 OCC


Y— T he




S erpent

’s F a n g —


( Conti nued)

T h e S o u l o f a P lant


5 17

5 22

Hereward Carrington 530 HIGHER

M atter THE

— T h e L a w o f S ubstance ; S o u l a n d B o d y — Eug ene De l M ar



; E nergy

and 538



LK S — A m r u


54 3


erbert H P ractical RE NTS




T h e S ayings la st

— E. G. Bradford 54 7 i n A strology — H ow ar d U n d er h ill... ...................... 548


H L essons


T h e C alpron


P t a h M enen

— W . E . Car son (co nt in ued fr om


— Letters

from Subscribers

T h e O racle — Q u e st io n s ........................... R eviews



A n s w e r s ..........................................................................


®o ©m &eaber£ The Editor will be glad to consider for publication all contributions likely to be of interest to our readers. Readers o f A Z O T H wh o encounte r inte rest ing arti cle s in any Am er ic an or fo re ig n pu bl ic at ion wi ll co nfe r a fa vo r up on the ed ito r by advising him, giving place and date where such articles appeared. Readers are invited to discuss or criticize the subject matter of any a rti cles or s tat ements appear ing in A Z O T H , or any t opic s of interest, provided no personalities or discourtesies are indulged in. The se discussions will appear under the caption— “ The Caldron.” The Editor of the Psychical Research Department would like to receive accounts of unusual psychical experiences; the names of any remarkable psychics or mediums who are willing to submit to scientific tests; information of any reputed haunted houses; any so-called spirit photog raphs ; or anything else of interest in his departm ent.

55 5

560 56 3

©CIB 3 9 4 6 9 1 6 ''

“A Z O T H ”


A M O N T H L Y M A G A Z IN E Devoted to

Philosophy, Theosophy, Mysticism, Psychical Research, Higher Thought, Astrology and Occultism MICHAEL WHITTY, Editor Assisted by Hereward Carrington (Psychical Research) Eugene Del Mar (Higher Thought) E. Daniell Lockwood (Occultism ) Published by THE AZOTH PUBLISHING COMPANY 1400 Broadway

New York City Subscription, $3.00 per Year in U. S.; Single Copies, 25 Cents. Canada and Foreign, $3.25; Single Copies, 30 Cents.


V o i. 1 -





S E P T E M B E R , 1917


C O .

No. 9

Editorials I A M THAT

Out of the clash of thought, the war of ideas, the inundation of Societies, Orders, Teachers, the destruction of old dogma and the worship of new gods, one note is sounding— faint at first but gathering volume until it is now reaching towards a dominance of all the other sounds, and indeed seems to be the one needed to harmonize the discord. One can hear it in New Thought, it vibrates in Theosophy— there is scarcely an Order or Society in which it is not sounding more or less resonantly. It is an old, old, long-forgotten tone. Many of us, probably, unconsciously recognize its ancient familiarity. It has its various overtones but the burden of the sound is I A M T H A T , “ I and my Father are One,” “ I am seated in the hearts o f all beings,” and it means the coming, or awakening of the Christos in man, the new dispensation, the herald of the dawn. Students o f the Bhagavad Gita, “ Light on the Path,” “ The Voice f the Silence,” long familiar thebeing; doctrine that othe divine spirithave is the realbeen I, the centrewith of our that the real man is godlike and beautiful, the son of God crucified on the cross of physical matter, limited and restricted in his expres sion by the human bodies through which he has to manifest, and that, to be “ saved,” to reach the “ Peace,” one must listen 499



to that Inner Voice and merge one’s lower consciousness in that. Last month we reviewed a little book called “ The Impersonal L if e.” Its author prefers to remain unknown, but the message is this old, old, new one, beautifully expressed and elaborated. A thing of joy, of help, of comfort, of understanding. This also is the burden o f another printed song, “ All Myster ies,” of which we may write later. Mr. Cohen, in his book, “ Wh at is G od ?” , which he claims to be merely the results of his own thinking, recognizes the Self as immanent in all men. In last month’s A zoth , Lumalett’s theme in his article, “ Man ’s Inner Guide,” is th e same. Mr. Wells, in his latest book, “ God, the Invisible King,” which is engaging the attention o f many thinking people, not only recognizes this new old conception, but accepts it. There is perhaps some ambiguity of thought, the note is as yet not always clear and full, but it is gathering in volume. We hope that the conception is prophetic and that it will be come the keynote o f our new civilization because upon it are based all good impulse, all spiritual understanding, all real prog ress, nobility, sacrifice, service, beauty, love. THREE GRADES OF MEN

O f course we mean to include women. If English is such an adaptable and hospitable language as our professors assure us, why— among other things— do we not have a generic, singular pronoun and noun which will include both sexes. Really, the Nobel Prize Committee would benefit the whole English-speaking world generally, and those who have that fatal facility of expres sion called writing, in particular, if they would ofiier a literary prize for the best suggestion o f two such words. W e really think, also, that something should come to us for the idea. Being an editor of a magazine like A zoth , we are naturally in more or less touch with all sorts and conditions of men. (The re it is again.) W e receive letters and calls from gentle-men — and women— who are eager to prove to u s that every action is conditioned by tendency and that Free Will has no existence, until we feel like forcibly proving the contrary. Then there is the soulful person who writes or talks, or worse still— versifies— about the Fullness of the Infinite, Absolute Good ness, etc. “ at our usual rates” ; or, he-she who has received the automatically written message from a Great Master (in capital letters) who tells him-her that he-she is a chosen instrument to



give to the world the long-withheld truth that if we will cease from doing evil we shall achieve a heavenly state. Another type has had an extraordinary dream and expects us to be a modern Daniel, or else it is someone who assures us that the survival beyond death must be true because a medium said his-her mother had passed out some years ago and described her exactly. Sometimes it is one who really has had a remarkable exper ience but pooh-poohs it as being anything but his-her subconscious mind; again perhaps it is a gentleman (only one sex this time) who \\
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