Axial Turbine Design by ANSYS BladeModeler - (

March 26, 2019 | Author: mehrzad rahdar | Category: Turbine, System Software, Computing, Technology, Software
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Short Description



Axial Turbine Rotor

15.0 Release

Introduction to ANSYS BladeModeler

Concepts • In this tutorial we will:  –  –

Input the initial blade settings In meridional view, modify the hub and shroud curves and location of inlet


Define a leading and trailing edge type


Export the model to TurboGrid

Initial Design Parameters BladeGen (BG) allows the user to create a blade system from scratch, using one of six standard initial configuration types. For this example, a Normal axial is used.  –

Drag and Drop a BladeGen system onto the Project Schematic in WorkBench


File  Save As.., Enter a name Axial_Turbine and save the WorkBench Project


Double click on BladeDesign under BladeGen to open the BG GUI


Select the File | New | BladeGen Model menu command or toolbar button which will display the Initial Meridional Configuration Dialog


Select the Normal Axial tab


Enter the parameters for the initial blade layout (shown on the following slide).


Be sure to select : Prs/Sct mode in the bottom right corner


Press Enter or select the OK button to continue

Normal Axial Turbine • Design parameters to be entered for the Normal Axial


Blade Angles and Thickness • Select blade angles and blade thickness as shown • Number of blades = 43

Optimizing Meridional View • Optimizing the meridional view  –


Very important operation in the meridional view is to define the shape of the hub and shroud curve, starting from inlet to the outlet The endpoints for these curves were specified when Initial Design Parameters were entered.

Optimizing Meridional View • There

is an obvious need to adjust an inlet region and shroud



Adjustment of Inlet Section • Maximize

the meridional view window

(Top-Left View Window) • Double

click the shroud inlet point (top left) and enter: - 45 and 80 for the horizontal and vertical values.

• Click


• Double

click the hub inlet point (bottom left corner) and enter: -45 and 60 for the horizontal and vertical values.

• Click


• Leave

outlet points at the hub and shroud as they are.

Blade Shroud Curve • Adjust Blade Shroud Curve  –

Left-click the blade’s shroud curve


Right-click the mouse and select: Convert Points > Spline Curve Points…


In the Point Count Dialog, enter 5 points and select OK.


Drag points individually to obtain the desired shape of shroud curve (see next slide)

Meridional View • After adjusting, the desired meridional view appears as shown: •

Note your shroud profile may not look exactly as shown since we have not specified exact positions for the spline points

Switch back to All Views •

Swtich back to all views by selecting the all views icon from the main toolbar

View the Shroud Profile •

On the bottom view, select the dot shown to the right hand side  –

This will display the profile at the shroud

LE and TE Type Definition • Prescribe the Leading/Trailing Edge Ellipse  –  –

Select Blade | Properties menu commands, or: Click the toolbar button to set the blade properties.

located on the left hand side of the BladeGen window


Set the LE/TE Ellipse tab, adjust the values as shown in the picture below


All other values can remain unchanged.


Click OK to accept the changes

Note the difference to LE shape •

In the blade to blade view, note that the leading edge geometry changes



Edit Blade Stagger at Shroud •

Double click on the PS/SS (bottom) view to display Bezier Blade Dialog window  –

Adjust stagger angle to 40

Restack the blade •

Go to Tools > Stack Blade on Centroid  –

This will adjust the blade so the centroid of each profile is aligned in the circumferential direciton

Model Properties Dialog • Set the model properties:  –

Model > Properties

Ensure Model Units are Set

Click OK to accept the changes


‘Save’ the

Exit to close BladeGen WorkBench project at this stage

On your own •

Create a workflow involving TurboGrid  –



Try meshing the geometry using the ATM method Once the mesh is compete, go back to BladeGen and modify the design Update the project, and the TurboGrid mesh will reflect the most recent geometry

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