Awodele - Observations on W.D. Gann, Vol. 1; Periodicity

April 9, 2018 | Author: forex500 | Category: Physical Sciences, Science, Nature
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Awodele - Observations on W.D. Gann, Vol. 1; Periodicity...


OBEVTIO O WD   VOL 


OBEVTIO O WD   VOL 1




Copyrig© Copyr ig© 0 5 BEH C All rgts reseed No par of is book may be used or reproduced in any manner wasoever wou wrtten permsson from e autor except n e case of bref quotations emboded in crical articles reviews, and a nd books All nqures may be addressed to te auo For inormaion on conacting e autor see contac in formaion above

ISBN-10 06937693 ISBN 3 97-069 ISBN 97-06937694 37694



It was in Februar of 1997 when I met m most inuential spiritua teacher A friend took me to see him for the rst time dur in one of m breaks from classes On the rst isit he diined for me usin an oracle sstem, performed a numerolo readin on m date of birth and told me thins about mself that were uite as tonishin tonis hin considerin considerin that this was the rst time we had ha d eer met I  was fascinated fascinated and it sealed a friendship that has lasted eer ee r since Durin the remainin part of 997 which included m se nior ear of colee and the start of raduate school, I would con tinue to o to his ofce to isit He woud awas pass alon books, notes, and material that he had picked up alon the wa to see if I resonated with an of the information I loed it al, but wil neer foret the document he ae me with the th e tite Spitual Development  written at the top. It was a cop of some handwritten notes dated Noember 2, 1975. There was no mention of the lecturers name, but more important, the subject matter stimuated me like noth in else had before I was captiated The main theme of the ecture dealt with ccles, and how the saes would learn to lie in harmon  with natura cces. It talked about how the saes used ccles to their adantae This lit an inner re in me to learn as much about ccles as I coud As m interest and stud of ccles rew, I obtained m rst book on astrolo durin this time Althouh this rst book was on



Vedic Asrolo,  hae sudied many forms of astroo oer he  years Nauraly, studyin subecs such as cyces and astroo,  eentual een tualy y came across he work of W WD. D. Gan Gann n Wiliam Delbert Gann was born on June 6, 17 in uin, Texas n his promoiona promoiona booket issues in 954, i says says hat he made his rst rade in commodities on Aust 15, 190, but his fame spread as a resu of the December 1909 Ticker and Investment Digest maa maazine zine arice wrien by R D. Wyckoff, who was owner of the maazine a ha ime n his aricle, Gann aked abou "The Law of Vibration, and how it enabed him to accuraey predict the points at which stocks would rise and fal Numerous examples are ien in the arice where Gann predicts ha a sock  would  woul d not o hih hiher er or ower than a cer cerain ain price price  oes on o  o say tha in the presence of a representatie of the Ticker and Invest ment Digest durin he monh of Ocober 1909, Gann made 6 transactions in arious stocks durin 5 market days and ha 40 of he 6 ransacions were proable  said hat he capia wih  which  whic h he operaed was double doubled d en times so hat a he end of the monh he had 1,000 percen of his oriina marin n Ganns promoiona booke entited, y Money is Lost on Commodities and tocks and How to Make ts fom 54 i records the folowin: " 1 908 May 1 2t 2th h lft lft Oklahoma Oklahoma City for Nw Nw York City City Augus Augustt 8th mad on of his gratst mathmatical discovris for prdicting th trnd of stocks and commoditis Startd trading with a capi tal of$300 of$300 and mad$2 $25 5  0 00 . Startd anothr anothr accou account nt with$130 with$130 and mad $ 1 2  000 in thirty thirty day dayss tim ti m

Here we hae an indiidual hat coud forecas the moemen of stocks months and years in adance, and his abiiy o do so was



 wel document documented ed Afte Afterr read readn n more about him and his work work,, I  was ntriued, and set out to ea as much as I coud Durn m tme studin Gann, I was fortunate to come across an e-book pubshed b the Gann Stud Group enttled, WD. Gann on the Law o Vibration In this e-book s where I rst read a little known Gann artcle from 919 In ths artcle, Gann makes some predictons about the German Kaser, Wlhelm Ho henzollern, and prodes some detas as to how he made hs pre dictions. ike the document on Spiritual Development n 1997, I  was captate captated. d. Contnue Contnued d stud and work on the contents of the artice led to the publcaton of m rst book entitled, D Gann: Divination By Mathematic In this book, I wrote a chapter on perodic , which was personal for me, one of m faortes n the book In that chap ter I was abe to show how Gann ma hae dered ke periods in the fe of the German Kaiser, Wilhem Hohenzolern Interestinl, durn m contnued research, I found another exampe n Ganns  work that matched the same procedure Gann ma hae used to derie der ie some of the the ke periods in the 19 9 artce Thus, the oal of this small booklet s to simpl share what I found. It has alwas been m intenton to pubsh addtional books to et some of the deas that I hae been workin wth out n the open, but I didnt hae enouh nformaton on a partcuar topc to ll a three hundred, two hundred, or een a one hundred pae book Wth this in mnd, I reazed that I coud publsh smal book ets in a seres of olumes, each focusin on a dfferent topic to achiee m oa So this s what ou wl nd in ths pubicaton, a small booklet on the topc of perodicit, whch is the rst olume in a seres of oumes on obserations I hae made with respect to Ganns work. It s m hope that the reader wl nd somethin au able withn these paes to further ther own research and stud



Awodee Unon  Janua 29, 2015



PERIODICITY In the aread mentioned ckr and Invstmnt Digst ar tice from from 1909 Gann commented on he subect of periodicit se era times. In the rs of these instances he states "I soon bgan to not th priodical rcurrnc o th ris and all in stocks and commoditis his ld m to concud that natural aw wa wass th bass bass o ma mark rktt mov movm mn nts ts.  . Ar  haustv rsarchs and nvstigations o th known scincs  discovr discovrd d that tha t th law o vibrat vibration ion nabd nab d m to accu accuat atly ly dtmin th act points at which stocks or commoditis should ris and all within a givn tim.

I n anohe anoherr sect section ion o f he artice Gann sas "n going ovr th hstory o markts and th grat mass o rlatd statistics it soon bcoms apparnt that ctain laws govn th changs and variatons n th vau o stocks and thr ists a piodic or cyclic aw which is at th back o all ths movmnts



Gann also says Science teches tht n origin implse of ny kind ny resolves resolv es itself into  period periodic ic or rhythmic rhythmic motion so, ust s the pendulum returns gin in its swing ust s the moon returns in is orbit, ust s the dvncing yer over brings the rose of spring so do the properties of the elements periodi clly recur s the weight of he tom rises

Las bu bu no leas leas we nd n d th the e staem staemen en Si nce ll gret swings or movements of Since o f the mrket mrketss re cyclic cyclic they c in ccordnce wih periodic w

I hink this ast statement is ery teln Not ony s he telln us tha moements of the markes are cycic bu because hey are cycic hey ac n accordance wih periodic aw So what s he pe Ds co  o  Po Podc dc Lw riodc law? In a book entiled On T Dsco by John A R Newlands he saes n n ppendix to this pper (l w vol. x. p. 94 August 2 1 864 864  nnounced the existence existence of  simple rel rel tion or lw mong the elements when rrnged in the ntur order of their tomic weights to the effect tht the eighth ele ment strting from  given one ws  sort of repetition of the rst or tht eements belonging to the sme grop stood to ech other in reltion similr to tht between the exremes of one or mo more oc octves in in mu music    In the  l l w w  vol xii pp 83 nd 94 August 1 8 nd nd 25 1 865, I published published  full horizontl rrngement of the elements in order of tomic weight nd proposed to esignte the·simple relion existing



btwn thm by th provsonl trm lw of otvs Ths w hs sin bn lld by M Mndlff [Mndlv] th "priodi lw

John Newlands was an Ensh chems who noed ha man pars of smar elemens exsed whch dffered b some mupe of eh n mass number, and was he rs person o assn hem an aomc number When hs law of ocaes was prned n Chem sr News, lkenn hs perodc of ehs o he muscal scale,   was rdculed b some of hs conemporares The mporance of hs anass was onl reconzed b he Chems Soce wh a Gold Medal some e ears aer he reconzed Mendeee Dmr Mendelee was a Russan Chems and nenor  who s creded wh formulan he perodc aw Apparen, he  was unaware of preous publcaons reardn he law of ocaes of John Newlands Mendeee creaed hs own perodc able of ee mens, whch s much lke he one we use oda I s of neres o noe ha Gann freuenl used erms and analoes n he ker and Investment Digest arcle relaed o chemsr and he eemens For exampe we nd he folown passae: Th powr to dtrmin th trnd of th mrkt s du to my knowldg of th hrtrsts of h individul stok nd  rtn groupng of dffrnt stoks undr thr propr rts of vibrtion. Stoks r lik trons toms nd moluls whih hod prsistntly to thir own individulity in spons to th undmntl w of vbrton vbrton .  Sin hs lid down th prinpl tht th proprtis of n lmnt r  priod funtion of its tom wght.



In 10 prior to the Ticker and Investment Digest magazine arce here was a series of advertisemens posed n the New York Herld ha made statemens smlar o those of WD Gann The adversements ony provided a busness name wh he tle "ORO LO, aong wth a sreet address. Athough here s no authorship attached to the advertsements we know that hey were made by Gann based on her content In one adversement dated Sunday Aprl 1 1 0 he auhor saes saes I hv rovd tr nin rs o scintic invstigtion tht it is ossil to know vr mov th mrkts mk It is  scintic rolm not gss work s mn liv  hv invstigtd ll "Sstms ound most o thm worthlss to th vrg trdr nd non o thm rct I invstigtd strolo nd kindrd sci ncs to lrn th lw o th movmnts in th mrkts n thm ll thr ws somthing cking nd not until  struck uon th lw o virtion nd ttrction s lid in Wirlss Tlgrh did  nd th k to Wll Strt I nd th dirnt stocks grod into milis ch hving its own distinct virtion which cts smthticll uon othrs o th grou nd cuss thm to mov in unison. I now hv rctd m thor until  cn or cst vr mov in Stocks Cotton nd Wht

If I may summarze we nd Gann descrbing in both quoted pas sages a method by which he groups stocks nto what he describes as "famiies whch is based on their proper rates of vibraion In being consistent wth Gann's time I ooked for dentions descrb ing famiies of elemens pror to 10 I found that eement famies are comprsed of a se of eemens sharng common chemca prop eres the members of he same famy showng sriking resem bances among one another



Oe o the examples I oud prior to 1909 described the chorie amly whch cludes besides chlorie tsel bromie odie ad uorie I you ook at the Periodc Tabe beow o the oowig page you wl see these elemets i the secod to last colum with atomic umbers o 17 35 53  9 respectively To be perectly hoest with you as I was researchig these amiles  expected expe cted to corm Newla ewlads ds Law o Octaves - that al o these ee mets woud be be a multip multipe e o eight eight eemets eemets rom each other other  that the th elemet rom Fluorie would be Chlore ad the th rom Chlorie woud be Bromie ad so o However this was ot the case I cout coutg g rom Fuorie (9) to Chlorie Chlorie ( 7) the theory holds up but rom Chorie ( 7) to Bromie (35) (3 5) it breaks dow The eighth rom Chlorie Chlorie ( 7) is Magaese (25) but t is ot  the same amly Coutig eght more eemets rom Magaese (25) s Arseic (33) I wast expectg ths at al. I had assumed that Newlads Law o Octaves ad Medeeevs Periodic Law were the same thg but urther research showed that this was ot the case Newads oud that every eghth elemet had simlar physical ad chemcal properties whe they were arraged i i creasig order o ther relatve masses The arragemet o ele mets i Newlads Octave resembled the muscal otes However Newlads Octaves could be vald up to cacum (20) oly; as be  yod cacium cacium 20) elemets do ot obey the rues o Octaves Thus Thus Newlads Octaves were vaid or lghter elemets oy Despite the act that Newlads Octaves breaks dow as you progress through the periodic table this theo is stl at the oudato o music  light Aer the publcato o the law o octaves by Joh New lads i 164 there are a ew more publicatios worth metoig



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