Awakening the Brain of Spirit Browne Landone

April 29, 2017 | Author: Dawn Mazur | Category: N/A
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LESSON I - THE GATE TO THE PATH •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-3 II - TONES OF CATHEDRAL BELLS IN YOUR BODY •••••••••••••••










l!A.TTER and RESPONSIVllNESS •••••••••••


VI - THE SEVEN 'GOD RAYS' OF CREATION ••••••••••••••••••••





SPIRI1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 10-42



XII - THE RHYTHMIC MULTIPLYING POWER .•••••• ~ •••••••••••••••.




••••••••••••••••••••••••• J.A-60



A\i.ADNING TIm mwl OF SPIRIT by Brown LaDdone


- - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LESSON I

This 1s the gate that leada to the path that leads to the 8tepS that ·lead to the portico ot the T.mple ot !ranstoraatlon.

M7 very t1 rat luecea tion 1n tbele La I.ons m&7 lurprl ae lOU, tor linee the7 are written to help lOU respond more tully to spir1 t, 1 ask J'OU NOT to I think' too much &bout detall. ot informatlon given. or bow the development 1a to take place.

You know that tbought lX)BS hinder. tree expression ot eplrl t. lor Tears ln your own l1te, m8n7 an illlpul8ively Jo70US desire ot spiri t. baa been restricted in expreasion, ~ .!Q!!. thought ot whether or not 70u dared to exprels it. So 1f you ask me. "how m&n7 minutes" - or how JI8.Il7 times .. ototten - you should do this or that, - I shall NOT anawer! I w111 NOT aid ln such thoughts, WhiChhinder )'Our development.

11 ttle ot detaill; but lIIL deep17 70U m. There I, rJvthmlc power 1n work harIIonloua17 repeated .. tour or .even timeB! And when 11'188, I advise such rb7thmic repetition .. But otherwlae, the lei. lOu • think' about detail., and the IIOre yO"u, nEt, the greater will be 70ur responee to sp1rit! ~

jnother tore·thoucht i. tb1e: when we later coile to the \lae of sp1rt tual 4eaiT8, please do g oenter 1. t 011 p1c&JUDe thincl auch aa groWing a new toe-D&11, or a new head of hair! )lost people fail because ~ey desire too 11 ttle thing.! .It 1. ri gh t to de 81 ~e :4.1 t tie things, but api ri tIS 1nfinl te, and :rr you too otten . 11m t J'Our deaire, you will put. t thoucLt damp~rton the greater expre.e1on of spirit. .ue81re greatly and lOU attain sreat17! THEN all "those other thinga. WILL be .A.DDID unto lOu. II o·


I . . writing thele LeaSOD. 4t.tter8l1t17 than moat caUl'S" aJ'e. written: (1) in real reverence ot the eubJectl and (2) ae a trlen4 to lead :you to think le as and l!!! !2!.! deepll. Firat, recogni ze the c11tterenoe: Awakening the aind brain

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leads to improvement, but awakening the brain af spIrit for greater spiritual responsiveness. lead& to transformation. Second,'aince the brain of spirit i& far down 1n the bodyJust above the lddneY's - it can be awakened only by those meana which do ~ down thro~h the body. Third" a:n.y attempt to use DIRIDT ~ of awakening sTllrit, hinder full manifestation, just as you injure a rosebud. if you use DIRECT means - try to pulllts petals apa.rt! ~ll

And fourth, do not try to awaken the brain of spirit b1 thought - never by affirmation or concentration. There are ~wo re.ults which you MOST desire! They are heavenly results, because when they are attained, all other things are added. The first reeu1t 70U want, 1. abundant overflowing energr IN TOur body - energy in8plr~d from the universe - pulsating like flame of life all THROUGH your bo~. This is important, for 99~ of TOur problems would dis8.pJ)ear completely. if lOu had only twice the energy ~ou now have.


The second result you desire 1s the constant flow of energy OUT INTO free and full activity! Merely pos8essing abundant overflowing spiri tual energy IN your body 1s not enough. lou want it EVER nDViING OUT. tree17 and tully, l~to ACTION!

To attain the first condi tion, I teach you to tune-up bod7 to spirit, and awaken the Brain of Spirit. 80 lOU WILL in-spire (takein) more divlne energy than you have dreamed polsible!

To attai~ the second condition, I teach 70U to use the Seven Crea ti va POV'ers of God - to impel all soul power to move out in to aotion to vi talize every cell through which 1 t moves, and transform every condition of your 11fe. I mow you have already tried many means and methods, and that most of them have not come up to your expectations. BUT lOU have NOT yet used the UNKNO'.l1 powers! You do not even know them! Of course, you know the powers of mind, and love, and life. ~ut there are other powers unlcno'\'lll to you. There are the unknown initiating powers - holy light, high electronic energy, mighty silent overtones, and rb7thm. I 8.1so call these powers. the operati powers!


Clearly understand, there are two groups of

~reat power •• One group.i. the in1tl.tive, or operating powers. The others ~e conceptive powers - of God and the soul. TbB conceptive powers are mind, l~ve, life end spirit.


Most peopl~ make the mistake of de~ending.entirelv on the conceptive powe~~ ~thout preparing the body for their use, by first using the initiative or operative powers. Some clai~ that only conceptive ~owers should be used. This is ~Q.! sens~.ble. Heat is one of the operative pOwers, and you kno~ v~ry ~ell th~t mind or life or love can NOT manifest through your body. if it is frozen stiff. Head IS an-e;sential. So are all other initiative poners. I am teaching you uses of po~ers. never taught previously. First, tune un. the body by initiative or opera.tive powers. THmJ you ~ll never fail to work transforming changes, when using the conceptive powers of mind and love and 11fe and spirit. So please give careful attention to using these mighty operative and initiative power, first. They are powerful.

The light rays you can NOT see, are 1.000 times more po\'?erful than the light r~8 you can see. The high un.\mO"t'Il electric rSl'B are rejuvenating, althouch 110 volts will shock you and a 25.000 volt current can kill! And there are the mighty lmknown powers of silent tone. The miracle of the UNKNOWN powers, 1s this: Whenever you TUNEUP a lower destructive power 80 that it vibrates more like spirit, it then changes its effect, and becomes a constructive power. You can use these, to TUNE-UP J'our bod.y. to vibrations of higher unknown power, 80 that transformation can take place. For example. when the low electric current which will kill your bodr. is stepped up a million volts and its fre~uency increased, then its deadly current becomes beneficial, because it is ~ INTUNE wi th ~he api rl t power in a~. body. You can not even feel this higher unknown electric power, but when an x-ray bulb 1s held against your skin, it glows with a beautiful light; And when a 1,000.000 volt current 1s passing through your bo~v. it seems to rejuvenate the bodY. Another un~ow.n initiating power 1s the ~vstlc UNHEARD overtones of SILEl{T sound! Glorious tones sing IN all things. even in YOUR body. Our human ears hear only a fel" tones. Dogs hear many more. and bats and ants hear still more and higher tones. You can NOT hear a tone of 25.000 vibrations a second! But ants hear tones of 50,000: and there are tones of crystal atones that vibrate 500.000 times a second. There are also tones of atoms and stars. Such tones are absolute SILENOE to our ears. They vibrate 1,000,000 or more times a secondt


The song tones o"f some STONES are V817 powerful. \¥hen a. pebble of laminated crystal is placed near an ant-bill, its song increases ~ctivlty of ants ten times. and without fatigue! The unknown tones' of atoms and stars have astounding power.

And your bod7 - ",hich 1s compoaed of cells which are oomposed'

of atoms - CAN be TUNlID-UP to re_lPOnd to such powers ~ These 'Lessons teach you to tuntt-up and spirt tualize your b041'9 to pulsate in harmony with the spirit of the uaiverse. 'ro do thi S t i t 1 B necessary to use powers which will reach deep down to awaken the Brain of Spiri t to free its powers. The first start in lifting-~ the body to greater responsiveness is effected by use of the initiating or operative po~rs. These powers are used to 1~1t1&te a greater responsiveness of the body, so that it will be prepared for the higher vibration of spirit actually to flow into eye~ cell of the bod7. These ~n1 tiat1n, powers are the higber unknown powers of light, sound. rhythm,. cosmic rays, at catera.

But to 11ft-up vibration of fOur body, and prepare 1 t to respond to spirit. you must use powerl. l!!! in! tiat1ng powers which -penetrate into the body. Several clo not; ev.en x-r~V's do not pailS through bone, so they are useless tor this purpose. jnd 1'OU can NOT use the unkn01frl powers of light for such initial awakening, because light never penetrates more than 1/100 ot one inch in to your skin. It it tries to ~o deeper. nature builds up a wall of tan to keen it out. or cooks your skin to blisterSa - Light in moderation is benefic1al to the outside cells, - that ls, 'to the skin cells. But it is deadly to the cell. of your !l!!!!! pb7alcal bod.,,! You can not often uae the unknown pO"1ers of high electric rqs, because the machines which produce vibrations of such high frequencies cost several million dollars! :;nd you can NOT ~ ~,{ind to awaken the :Brain 0 f Spl r1 t. :.. for thougnts of mind always tend to block expression of spirit. I do not need to argue this wi th you, for you know from experience that freedom of spirit has been blocked - perhaps all your life - bv thoughts of what ;vou should or should not do!

Yet many teachers have written books and lessons, to teach you to use 'only mind' to awaken spirito But when you follow such instruct~on. you ultimately find th~t you are not attaining that which you wish to attain, - no matter how thrilled you were the first few months of such effort. And often such methods - if continued for years - lead not only to disturbed body functions, but also to unbalancing of the mind!


Since your bo¢1 is not as responsive to s~rlt as you desire. it is wise - from the practical standpoint - to prepare the ~, BO thnt. s-pirit can n2rmal~ manifest throueh it more fully. This is done by means of the operatiye powers, whioh INITIATE of ~ bo~.


But there 1 B m!&! ONE ot the in! tlatlng powers which you can easily use which haa power to effect the initial preparation of the bodJ structure and which a180 penetrate. it, 80 that its cell. will vibrate highly enough to begin to respond to spirit.

Orientals have knom this power for oenturies. They have tr1e~ to teach it to us, but we have unders\ood it only mentallY. j,nd even their Olm teachers have lost the spiri tual under.tanding of it, and teach only the mental and ph7aical exeroises. that ~'ban

The first initiating power to be used, 18 silent ~ - Bound silent to fOur ear, yet ten thousand times more powerful any sound ;you can hear!

Silent sound 1s the harmonizing power of the universe. We have evidence of this. when i te higher overtone, are vibrated through matter. It is only the lower tones which rip matterapart and destroy it. The higher overtones - the silent overtones - are so constructive that they actual17 build up substance, even new ti slUes of the human bod1'. It is these higher unheard overtones Which I teaoh YOU to use to initiate the a~kenlns of the Brain of Spirit. and prepare the body to vibra.te he.rmoniousl.,. enough to respond to spirit. silent overtone. are m7s~10 energies of atRra and atome. They Rre the only power you ~ use to initiate reapons1 venell of the bod1 - for colors and light can not even penetrete the skin, 10U can not secure the means of producing the higher electric vibrations; and .t~ught tends to repress the power of spirit. The tour reasons for the use of the higher silent overtones to induce initial awakening of the bodF, are as folloW8: Fir8t,


silent tonel


to every bod7 cell;

Second, they HAlnfONIZI the cells. Just

a~ tbe7.~orever


lze stars in their course's and the electrons in

Third, they TUNE-UP the body. 80 ita cel18 oan rece,ive (inspire) the cosmic powers of spirit; and

POurth, since they reach down to Brain of Spirit itself, the7 can awaken it. so its powers flow DlOre freely and fully IN'ro the actlvit1~8 of your bo~ and into action in your lite.




TONES of CATHEDRAL BELLS IN IQ!m OOpt - - - - - - - - - LlSSOI' II You have advanoed along the path ~ to learn of the Brain ot Spiri t and the int tia.ting or operate1ve powers, whioh you Will later learn to use to make 70ur bo~ cont1nualll reapona1ve to spiri t, not only improving 1 t but transforming 1 t.

Here I give proof of the


of the initiating power. - the

powers which initiate responaivenea, of all cells of eY8r.r vital orcan of the bo~. and of evel7 muscle and nerve. Even the mU8cl•• aust be tuned UP. to receiTe the spiritual energy of the wi vera.. and to 1 t more full)". Wi th such m.anifeBtation thl"ouch muacl.8 a 70U will po.lela enduring energy, and experienoe auch 1~.8 tat1cue~ Thue you can add many hour. to 70~ 11te. land ul t1mate17 HIlT Tears, &s well a8 cloubllng a.ttainment and J07 8'V'817 diq.

These initiating powers I_ITl_ reepops1yen8,' 0'1 the boq. that It 1s tuned-up to reoeive and respond to spirtt. They include the unknown powers of 80lDld and light and t)olor and rb7thm and como rays. et cetera. 10

Ther"e are JDaD3' of theil, but 1 t happens that God .0 aada the bodT that 2!!lZ 2!!! of ihem 18 both beneficial to evel7 cell ot the bodY. and also able to penetrate to ever" cell. It 1 B the one which inoludes unknown overtones of sound. Perhaps you doubt that overtones of beautiful sound - overtones of power - gan sing in and all through ;your body. So I ask you to make


simple TESTS. to PROQ to 7Our•• lf

that beautiful overtones OAN vibrate t~ouch 70Ur entire bo¢r. even though qui te unheard and unkrlown to 7Ou. Make these teet. lfOtt.

In each test, use JOUR thinca.

In the lIRST te at 1GU will use - a table, a spoon, a pi eoe of string. and AIR.

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In the Sl!XX)ND test, )'OU will use the same table, spoon and string; but instead of air, 70U will Use your FINGER TIPS. Hence, ANY difference in \one. will be due to using FINGER TIPS instead of alr. ~ ~,

made of wood, will do for both tests. And any soup !poon you choose, solid silver or plated., For the strine. choose any kind of wrapping twine or cord, about~feet long.

Uhat follows now is the!!!!! test:

Tie the middl! 01 the string around the small part of the handle of the spoo~. This leaves about two teet ."tring at one end, and about two at the other. Now. hold up one end 01 the .tring in one hand, and the other end in the other hand. 10 that the spoon - tied in the middle ot the string - wlll hang dom and Iwq. See the 111uetratlons on next ~. Next, stand liear a table, and .wq 70ur handa ft. 11 ttle, 80 that the !OWL of the $poon Swin&8 AGAINST the table edge - Just t tapping' the 1001 of the table to).

LIST. to the tones! EVERY tone 70U hear is produced bl the singing qual! tie. of the table and .~oa and 8tring! Thei r combined tone 1 s o&f:rl.4 to )'Our ear b7 AIR! And what ~ l!l! h!8r? A pl •••ant "JINGLING" sound! That is all. 1. it not,


Wow, car" !bl SIOOND !!I!. I t is don-e diftereD tly. In the second teet. 70U use lOur lINGIR TIPS.

Wind one end or the string two or three times around your forefinger, back a little trom the tip, 80 tour thumb can


'hold the string from eliding on the finger.

In the s~e WBT. wind the OTRIR end ot the striq around JOur LEFT forefinger. '

Then put the !U of one forefinger in one EAR; and the tip of the other, in the other ear. Keep the string t~ en~uih back on e.~h forefinger, 80 the string does HOT ~oa TOur, ear.

Three £actore


theSU&E.-, table, spoon, string.



1l1ustrnt~8 T~8t


This Illustrates Test No.2

In the f1rat teat. tone traveled along string and AIR to reach JOur ear.



But in the seoonQ test, the sound travels along the string

and !~ TImOUGH !!'!! blood ~ ~ EUld ~! of lQ~ ngg TIPS to get to 70ur ear. And 7OUl' finger8 !!!" composed of 1DU8cle, blood and bonee!

So IF the tones you hear in this eecoBd test. are different t;;m the "J~nc11ng" tone ot the first teet, the differenoe MOST be due to the ains.J.n, guali t1e8 2! IDU!cle, blood. ~ bone. NOW t w1 th your finger tips 8i"ck in TOur ears. STEP lU.CX a little trom the ta\le. 1.1l FOlmABD a 11 t'le t 80 that the uinging spOG!\ wi 11


touoh your clothes. \ Then bend nearer to tbe table and a"..v JOur bod..; a little, to sWi n~; the spoon Do this 8&1117. lettlnc the bowl of the apoon ap1n bit again 8 t the table'.. edge • Q


what ]X) 7~ hev t WOW! 10 mere "jiDg11~ ton•• ! Instead. lOU hear mns Ql GIJ1A! C~ ~lLts!

And ALL the 411't.l'8noe is due to 'he on factor wb10h IS different, - that 18. u.!l!!. e1OOl1;l 9W!11 tlea 2! KUSOLi. lWX)Jj ~d JQHES ~ ~ !l.!!!! TIPS!



More a8tounding 18 the tact tbat ~ the ditferenoe 70U hear by ONLY. BALI-INOH of fingertip, What then mu t ' " the 811811 t 80Dg1 of 70ur GIl tire 1,0.1


JUlt aa


gna' 6-foot

(12 inch) bell produces greater ton••

than a half-inch bell. 10 ~ JOur bOQJ - lO,OOO tl ••, 1arcer t~ 7OUZ' t1ncer tlpi - pr~e8 tonea 10,000 times HOlE POIERJ'UL tban 'boae lOU ha., Jus'


There IS a me._ of produo1nC powertUl tones 1n lOur boq, It 18 10ur 0_ .0108.' Bach voioe tone produce. 1.11at .a4 tnmEA.RD O'lertouf)8 wi th1n your boq - -vatic IDD ~.8 - wbioh

work tremendoua .ctaenGte.



It the tone, of pur ..-ole., ..... leeteeable or nu OJ' adD' 'he7 produce friction in. your bodl'. It they are tan •• of love - tbeT bar1Ilo.nlle oel1s, Ttlm-lIl' ,be spiritual quality of 70Vl' .bod;r: 0PDf it to the ID1DW of IJ)lrtt! T!~eBe silent nerioa'. ~ IIab the cella ot 7'Our bodT line in harmony with the vatic '!2.K! !!! atar. ~ atoms' Oerta.1nly. the teat yO\! Ju.t atade 4id IQ! prp". that the tones 10u heard. were. "'1'HJI" "01 of 10llga of atolll and· of .tsr •.


But there IS proof that they!!! like those of stars, provided the tones of your voice are tones of love.

stars of universes and electrons of atoms ARE held together by ATTRACTIVE power - the most ti tan10 power of earth and heaven. ~. in space, billions of stare have been held harmo~ for trillions of Tears. ~. the atom. electrons have been held together even million volt ~ower in laboratories can not

together, circ-

ling in and

since creation, pull them apart.

There 1s ONLY ~ gre~~ attractive power! Whether out in space, holding stars together: or in holding electrons together; or in the bo¢1 holding cells or in the human societ1. holding people together in love ment of great ideals - there is but ODe hold1n~together

an atom, together; and attainpower!

So if TOU use the deep loving tones in your voice, particularly in the ~rk I give you to do in these Lessons to tune-up your body t you will produce unkn01Vn and unheard overtones of beauty and power vibrating all through your body. SUch tones will create harmony among cells, and lift them up in love. to be readv to receive api rl t and respond to .!Ip1ri t.

Do not doubt the existenoe of You eRn not hear them just as that sing through the tips of your not kno'?)' that such beautiful tones

these overtones. you had never heard the tones fingers until todq. and did vibrate in your body.

Be certain that the powers which work alike, produce results that ·are alike. The overtones of your bo~ will be like the overtones of and atoms, and you will begin to respond to the harmony of the universe, IF your tones are tones of love. Do you, my friend,

no~ begin to realize ho~ uleless it i8 merethoughts. to produce harmonY'? There must be A.ct'tlal response of the entire bocb". before ;rour body can respond to the harmony of the universe.

l.Y to repeat words


The songs of .tars and atoms ABE overtones of the ONE attraotive power; and the inner bo~ overtones produced by TOur tones ot love ~ tones of the SAME attractive power. I know you want to reach great spiritual heights - attain super consciousness of Spirit! I know you wanta bodT thrilled wi th energy, ever flowing into free and full action, for perfect manifestation. But you cannot attain the ,first. without the seoond. Unless you tune-up your ~ to spirit, you cannot become





Brown Landone




~~IRIT is the most powerful mfERGY of the universe. The physicist calls it, cosmic-energy. The biologist, life. We call it spirit - the radiancy of God. ADRENAL is the name 0 f one of the tiny organ s of the body. It enfolds a medulla of br~in cells. The sUbstance of these cells is th~ most EQ.!!erful SUBSTANCE kno~ ~ earth.

Since s~irit is the highest energy of the universe and the aotual matter of the adrenal is earth's most powerful Bub stance , they form the union of the highest po~er 1n the most spiritualized matter. It is the mystic-wedding of spirit and matter! Transformation differs from development or improvement. No matter ho~ highly you develop a grub-worm, it's still a worm! But transformation changes the grub into a butterfly~ .":';e have improved the body for ages - by di at, breathing, baths, exercise. developmental trB1ning. mental control. ~e hAve attained a high degree of thought consciousness. ~e have also been taught 'mind-power' - teachings of the 00cult; and also consciousness of inner light, use of the violet ray, the vibrant Om, realization of the absolute, et cetera. In these Lessons ~ retain ALL that is helpful of these means, and then ADD the use of Spirit itself.

also use the nower of spiritual desire! Desire is not spirit itsftlf'J but 1 tis the activa.ting power of Spirit. It puts spirit into action. It also awakens and greatly augments the activity of each one of the seven creative powers which I teach later Lessons. ~e

~efore discussing desire. I wish you to know what and where the Brain of Spirit is. It is the brain, which mystics knew long ago, but knowledge of it had long been lost to modern man. It has bepn recently re-dlscovered. It 1s NOT the brain in the skull. for that 1s the mind brain It is not the solar-plexus. the emotive or love brain. It is not the sacral· plexus; that is, life or ~ex brain.


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The power of each brain works marvels; but their power is as nothing compared to the spiritual po~er of the Brain of Spirit. Even the subs tanee of the Brain of Spi ri tis pO""ferful. Matter which lacks power, lacks spirit. Hatter which is po",erful. throbs vri th s"Oiri t. The a.ctual substance of this hidden brain of spirit is so FILtED with spirit, and hence so powerful, that W~ dare not inject a drop of its purs sUbstance into the blood of a human being. ~e first dilute one drop of it in 100,000.000 drops of water. Science proves that this substance of the Brain of Spirit is more powerful than any other substance known on e~rth!

the yet and


This brain is the brain of brains! Surgeons can remove a third of the brain of the skull, and individual can still 1i.e on. The solar-plexus oan be injured, the person will not die. The sacral (sex) brain can be inhibited, the testes or ovaries removed. and yet the health of the body even be improved. . BUT IF Brain of .§I?iri t 1s seriously injured, ~ 1s DEATH! This brain is THE center of spiritual desire.

Man l"8i ted 300.000 years ... befo,re a Teacher appeared who proclaimed the power of desl re - by promi sing "What things soever ye desire - - - ~ shall have." Then, man waited nearly 2,000 ~ears more, before he discovered in his own bo~. the secret brain of spirit, the brain which is moved only by spiritual desire.

By desire, man's energy - even in ordinary life - can be Dlul tiplied four-fold or forty-fold in a few minutes!

We have known of such results in the past. But we have not known how to affect them at will! For example, when I was seventeen I was ill in bed. I had been an invalid all my life. I was so weak that I had to be ~arried up and down stairs. Yet phen I was a~kened by la fire l one night. I got up alon~, dragged two heavily loaded trunks do~ two flights of stairs and ~cross the street! It was m~ desire to save the treasures in those trunks. which awakened in me, that astounding energy. Yet one hour later - using all my fai th in thought power, and physical energy. I could not 11ft one end of either of those trunks! Uhy? By that time, the desire to save the trunks !!! gone, because they had alrea~ been saved! Each new di scovery of e. different brain in the body has initiated a great new advance.



Herophilus, lome 300 years before Christ, recognized the brain in the head as the center of thought. Then, for almost 2,200 years, man mistakenly assumed that all other soul powers also manifested through that one mind brain. ~ben a young man. new in medioal science, my observations a8 a neurologist convinced me that two of the great plexuses of the . nervous system, were not merely plexuses. but that they were actual brains which functioned individually as brains.

Later, I performed 1,400 experiments and testa which proved it. time my conclusions were ridiculed. 'Toda;r however, 1n every metical college, there are textbooks often three-volume referenc~ books - on ·this same subject - giving proof that these plexuses!!! brains.




By 1922, man had definitely differentiated the functions of three great brains in the body! (a) the mind brain in the skull. (b) the emotive brain of solar plexus, on an approximate level of the stomach, but back in torso. in front of the spine. (c) the!!! - or sacral brain - lower in the torso.

Now! FOURTg brain has been discovered - that 1s, fourth in the order of discovery! It is not a mind brain: or love brain, or life brain. II IS ~ brain of SPIRIT power! The ancient mystics seemed to know of this brain of spirit, and even knew its location, - for they wrote of the spirit of man being centered 1n hi B reins. Reins is an old word for kidneys. Their inspirational knowledge of long ago has now become proven fact. Today it IS proven that such a brain does exist, and in the particular part of the bo¢y des1gnated by the ~vstics 3.000 years ago. It is just above the kidne,ys. The kidneys are also called the renals, and hence anything above them is super. Therefore we have the word suprarenal. In lower animals which do not stand upright. the glands are no t above the ki dneys , but in tron t of the kl dne)'s • Fence in lower animals. they are called ad-renals. For m~ lears. I had been intuitively certain of the existence of a brain of spirit, because I could not believe that the miracle, wrought by hormone 8, were produoed b7 mere I Juices' of glands! Now m.y fai th and intui t10n are Justified.

Physiologists have now proven that the cells of the medulla of the suprarenal are NOT gland oellst They have proven that the cells of this medulla are brain cells - similar to cells of the sympathetic nerve pleiU;es.



The ~ part of each suprarenal is composed of gland tissue and functions as a ductless gland. Eut the inner part is brain cells~ functions as a brain! It is so phenomenal, that I wish at once to prevent 70U from confusing it ~th another gland - the pineal - which some writers who are sincere, but lack physiological knowledge, have mistakenly assu~ed is the seat of the soul. The pineal is composed mainly of a few flakes of lime sand held together bv connective tissuet Amazingly fantastic claim. have been made for it. but it is silly for ~y educated person to believe that lime sand is the kind of substance, through which spirit effects its supreme manifestation. Each of the four brains in the bo~v is fitted by the Creator to manifest one power more dominantly than all other powers. Rence there are four brains and four basic soul powers. Mind, which idealizes and directs. Love. which attracts and harmonizes! Life, which unites and reproduces! spirit, which inspires, impels action, and creates! Each soul ~!: has ! brain for 1 ts ~ ~~t1ou1ar tunot1onl The brain of spirit is the inner center of the suprarenal. It is a brain of spirit-energy. And only !plrit spiritualizes

all cells and all tissues! ~~ spirit creates ~d re-creates! Only spiri! ~ transform the ~! Only spin t can transfi~e !he powers of the soult This newly-discovered brain. IS the brain of spirit! But wbat do we mean b7 spirit? The word spirit designates the SUpreme Energy. because all energies which move in spirals are supremely powerful - that is, much more powerful than the energies which move forward in straight lines or in wave line •. In all early languages. the word for spiral and spirit, are the same! So I use the word spirit - in the same way the ancient mystics used it - to designate the supreme power - whether of the material or of the Iplritual world. This helps you to understand In-spiration! It is the act of dupreme energy spiraling-into physical structure. Since the ver,y substance of the brain of sfir1t 1s super-powerful, it can respond enough to in-spire (take-in spirit-energy of the universe. We are now almost at end of the path which leads to the seven at·eps which lead to the portico of the Temple of Transformation.







This Lesson and Lesson VI contain three stupendous truth8. So far as I know, they have not been previously presented, except in private courses of my own. life

The first stupendous truth 1s the true un del's tanding of our t compared wi th the life of those who have passed on.



Death·is the word we use for passing on. (In all I write here, death refers only to the


Usually we apeak of those who have passed on, as dead! And very strangely. we think ot ourselves as the llrtng.

Yet both of these statements are NOT true! When the sperm and the ovum un1 te in the womb of the mother, there 1s life, impelled by spirit! The cell lives. and multiplies and increaseB its life. and if life means anything, it means iacrease of life and growth. Thi s procesB of increase and growth of the human continuel within the womb of the mother until the child is born. It continues after birth until the 21st or 22nd year. THEN, every human individual :BEGINS 'ro DIE. There is a2. more youthful growth or inorease in lite of ·the ordinary human individual after hi s 21st or 22nd year - except

in a few ver.y exceptional cases. Day ~~, the ~ of evea: adult slowly dies! So;ne die more rapidly than others.

So it is WI are the ones who 11" in the realm of death! Iven those of ua who are hapP7 that we have retsined vi tali ty and youthfulness through a number ot yeara - after all, the best we can say for ourselves is that we have NOT been ~ qui te as rapid'.y_ !:! other peopi e have. - - - -All adults on earth live in the realm of death. because they are dying individuale.

And strange. as soon as one passes on, he is free of this

All rights reserved




hence he live.

~ th~ ~

of the


It 1s ! 8tUpendo~~ truth! We on earth, are alw~vs slowly ~ng in this realm of death. Those ~ho have passed on, are the ones ~o are truly living. From this, we CAn take the step in clear thinking. It leads to the second stupendous truth of life. The second 8tupendous truth 1s that our condition of continuous dying here, is due to the destructive energies which we mistakenly thin~ ~re energies that support life.

Tbe biologist or p~ysiologist has never found the primal cause of death in any study of the chemistry of the bo~y or any stu¢, of the p~yslo1ogical aotivities of the body. Please note that ph7siology does not mean the anatom1·or structure of the body, but its activity and functioning. Each thinking biologist or physiologist s~ys there should be ~ reason why the human body can not live forever. YET we are very oertain, that the body does die. To live. man depends on the ute of certain energies.

He depends on them for the functioning within his


How we come to my seeond stupendous truth! Ever" one of these energies on whioh man depends for life 1s a DESTRUCTIVE energy. it always tends to destroy whatever it temporarily builds !2.

We have been so stup1d, in our scientific study of energies, that it almost ~arp8 our faith in science and our own intelligence, Wben we learn that every energy which we have con8idered to be a constructive energy is basically a destructive energy. ~r a time each such energy mav stimulate and produce a temporar.y growth; but in 80 doing, it already starts the process of death because of its O~ destructiveness. Even all of our therapeutic sciences and efforts to heal th~ human body, d!pend upon use of destructive ener~iea. In fact not one medical physician or naturopath in ten million t knows what a constructive energy is.

For heallng we use heat, light, electriCity. x-ray, radium rays, and ohemical energy as in food and medicines .. We generally_expect these energies t~ heRl the body and give us llfe, - yet everyone of these is destructive, always destroying whatever it temporarily builds us.

For instance, we depend on light for-life.


Some people are Great fadists of sun bathing, and even boast about how healthy they are, because so darkly tanned. But light is absolute death to the inner human body. It is so deadlv to the huma.1'l body, that na.ture provides that 1 ~hall not be allowed to penetrate the body. Light eRn not get into the skin, more than l/lOOth inch. NRture is very wi se and man is often very very dumb. V~en dumb man exposes himself to too much light, nature knO~8 enough to ~rotect him from killing off his O~ body. So nature puts up s. black-out curtain b£'t""'een lAvers of the skin - little particles of color through which light can not pass. That color is called tan. Nature deposits this shade of tan so light shall be kept out from the cells of the inner body, beCH.use light will kill any cell of any organ of the bOQY except the skin, in about t~ seconds! And 1 f nature does no t bui Id up a tan to keep light out of your bo~y so that it ~ll not kill you, then the light cooks your skin - that ls, blisters it - until you do et~y out of the light, until your skin has recovered enough of life, to be able to stand another dose of kllllng light.

Light even destroys the cells of the retina of the eye, if it is exposed to pure light such as sunlight. Explorers in Artic or Antarctic regions - light is often continuous for months, and reflected from the sno~ - go blind, because light destroys cells of the retina, unless the explorer protects his eyes by colored glasses, to shut out most of the light. Light even destroys th~ very qualities of its own nature. Light broken up into its different vibrations produces colors, but light destroys colors. It fades them. I am not writing this to oppose the us~ of light, but I am wri t1ng of a stupendous widely unkno'"'O truth.

The light - on ~~ich we depend for life - 1s a killing enemy of our bodies: it is one of the destructive energ1~s which even destroys that ~ich it itself builds up. ',7e also depend on hea.t for life, - for 1 f body temperature


belo~ ~ certain degree, it is truly dan~erous to life. This is thp. re,l3son VIe inust eat foods, ~hich free a certain amount of heat (calories) in the bo~v.

;;e need hea.t to keep up the temperature of the organs. so

that the energies of the Inind and the soul and snirt t - that radia.te from centers and nerves - can easily manifest in and through the tissues of the bo~. But beat itself 1s destructive. It destroys the human body; destroys (burns up) ~od and other substances; even melts steel. I am not here fully discussing anyone of these energies.


I am merely telling enough so that you will recognize that each of the energies on which ~e depend for life, 1s destructive. Consequently all adult human beings - depending on such energies for life - live in a realm of death and slowly die, every dRy from the 21st or 22nd year. Sound also - although beautiful to our ears as music, can actuallY drive men insane; and it 1s proven bv laboratory experiment, that sound vibrations that approximate 8,000 vibrations per second disintegrate bones and teeth, and even the hardest substance found in the humAn body - gall stones. Now it might be considered beneficial to use such rays of sound to dissolve gall stones in the human bodY. except f~ the fact that if we placed the human body 1n the path of such sound wp.ves, the entire bo~V would be d1sintegratedt Even higher silent vibrations of sound, of laminated crystal stones - ~ dea41y to several fons of life. If you drop a. pebble of lamlna:ted crystal in to A. tank of milk. within a fe~ minutes. every ,erm in the milk is de~d. Or drop a pebble of a laminated crystal stone into your goldfish bowl. in half hour. every goldfish in the bowl will be dead. Since these sound vibrations are absolutelY silent. their dE'struetion of life. is "the mvstery of the silent deathtl. And electric rays can shatter glass, shrivel plants, and. k1ll animal life trom tiny cells up to the human bo~V.

X-ravs are also de8tructive~ they actually burn up organs of the bo¢r. So terribly destruct1ve that even the phYsician who uses them to cure others by such a destructIve energy, protects himself with gloves and stands behind 8 lead screen. And radium a180 is a destructive energy. A tiny bit of it in your body disintegrates all organic tissues, even bones. It 1s stupendous truth, is it not, that here on th1! earth depend on these energies for life. although each otthem 18 a destructive energy, and destroys with absolute certainty the human body to ~ichit is supposed to give life. ~

I am not 1~av1ng this subject here, for I have another stupendous truth to reveal to you in Leason VI. It 1s the truth of the seven great powers - the spiritual powers, whloh I have discovered - or rather re-discovered. Everyone of these is a constructive power. These are the seven powers God used to create the earth. Each day's creation reveals that a different power was used each daT, and that each produced a different result. Since those results are eternal they reveal that the powers ~h1ch produced them must be eternatly constructive, other~se God's creation would not have lasted. 4-21





It i8 now wise that I sum up tor you. the bases on which we are to proceed for your greater development: (1) the awaken1nc of the of spir1 t,; and the (2) increased spiritual responsiveness of your bod1. You now mow that man' B body begins ~ng at 21 or 22. and oontinues slowly 41ing for the rest of ita life on earth. You know that all the powers on whioh man haa depended for

lite. are destructive energies. rapidly killing You a180 now know that something more than ed for man's ereater advancem~nt here on earth. bod7 nor ID1nd of todlq surpass the body or mind

his bodY. i!provement is neecl- tor neither man's of the ancient

Igyptlan or Greek. Man must now make transforming changes in hi s body, otherwise he will stand atill, or even slip back. Since men begins dying at 21 or 22 7eue. something must be nonl wi th our methods, as well as our choioe of powers used. Man has prayed and idealized. striving earnestly both for ph~­ sical and api ri tual growth - using ma,ny means and methods. Yet he h!! often failed to attain all he haa tried to attain. We should face the truth, and find out g we fail. Nothing i 8 gained bY' our hush-hush method of ·not aQ'1ng anything about those who after claiming that theT have found the truth, still die while young. Let us face truth. and truth itself will give us the anewer. Truth i teel! has never failed, but our understanding hast And our mistaken applications of truth have often been wrong. Neither the most hygienic life combined with the best physical training. nor the most ideal life in accord 1t1 th Truth 'of min'd, has added to man's length of life.

The facts are these: Every professional strong man has died before he was 50: most of them before their 35th year! I am writing of those who took good care of themselves - not All rights


5-2 2

drinking. not smoking, not using foods supposed to be detrimental. Likewise. most of our great lea.ders of Truth whom we have admired. have died before they were seventy years of age. This does indicate a failure. because there are more than 4.000,000 people in our country who have never heard of truth. and yet they are more than sevent~ years of age. Even the one leader whose keynote of mentalized truth, 1s that there is no matter and no possible death to the p~VBieal body, died before she wa~ ninety years old.

This is neither criticism of individUAls, nor of truth! But it 16 honest recognition th~t we do not yet use the powers of the soul tha.t !uake the bodY' spirt tual enough to 1i ve as youthfully as many other forms of life! Man l s body dies - as en old body - even when young in years.

Some lower animals, even birds, live as long as man! .And some animals 1i ve t~ce e.s long! Any animal that can keep his body vital and healthy and active for 200 years possesses something which man has missed! shoc!dng that ~ really lives only until he is 21 01' 22 ,ears old; and then begins ~ylng and continues to slowly die, week ~ week.l, and aotually ends life here while yet young in leare~ Sinoe man'a soul is made in the image and likeness of God, and .ince God 18 eternal - forever living. never dying - it seems man should have accomplished more in making hie body responsive to spirt t, so that 1 t would live longer and more youthfully. It is 8trange that man still depends for life, on destructive energies. which tend to destroy his bo~. so that he dies young. But now that we have disoovered the brain of spirit, there is oertainty that you can awaken your bod7 to respond more fully to spir1 t and to the crea.tive powers of God, so that ;you may a.atually work a transformation of the body.

The degree ot ohange depends on t~ factors: (1) the power of the energy of the brain of s~lrit; and (2) the degree of responsiveness of your body tissues. f,he brain of spirit is deep within the suprarenal gland. Jhe suprarenal (adrenal) is the supreme endocrine gland. In making this stRtement. I do not discredit opinions of other soientists. although I seem to disagree with them.

Many endocrinologists assert that the pituitary endocrine 1s the master gland of all the endocrine system, because it can make the hormones of other glands, if they fail to do so. I do not oontrad1ct~ them, for I know this is true, - that Is.


that the pituitary is the master endocrine factory.

BUT all evidence proves that it is the suprarenal which IS 1he master BRAlN of the master FACTORY. The very substance of the brain of spirit in the adrenal 1s practically ~PIRIT 1t8elf~ It is no longer possible to draw a olean cut line, between matter and spiri t, but we can truly sa.y that some substances are not powerful, and that other substances are very powerful .


. ~lhen we say that a. substance is not powerful, we mean there NOT as much spiri t !It it as in other substanoes. -

When we sa,.v, another substance is the most powerful substance on earth - whether in or outs1 de 0 f man. in ai r or depths of the earth - we mean that that eubst@Jlce l§ so like spir! t, that 1tie practically spirit itself in manifestatlon~

The !!!l substanoe of the brain of spirit is so saturated with spirit ~hat it is practically spirit itself. It is the purest form of manifesting spiri' in matter - perhaps it is 1 part matter, and 999 parts spirit. From this brain of spirit, spirit itself can be radiated to cell of man' e body to transform every cell - to change man that his bodY shall live instead of die.



For this, there is 8 need of greater


of bodZ.

Your bodv is no~ responsive to the destructive energiee - to light, Bound, electric ravs, ultra-violet, radium, et cetera. But all of them tend to destroy the body eo rapidly, that lOur bo~ begins to die Just about the time it ought to begin to live as an adultJ able to attain great things in life. There IS great need of the boQy becoming more respon8ive to the seven great powers of spirit - the constructive powers ~ich God himself used in creating the universe. And what .Q2 !

~, ~

- 'responsiveness'?

When I 883' that ma.tter is responsive, I lDesn that energy can flow through it, with little friction, so that the substance ls-not out, end the energy is not used Up 1n merely forcing its way through the matter.


To illustrate the value of responsiveness, let me use an electric dynamo, a motor, and a wire connecting the two. The dynamo radiates 1000


of energy every minute.


To carI7 that energy from the dynamo to the motor, :you use a connecting wire. If you use a aea1-iron wire - which 1s flot responsive to electricity - to link up your dynamo to your motor. the wire itself will !!!! ~ ~ un! ts of the energz. -Then your motor will receive only This makes it a very weak motor ~ut


50 units of energy! a·tifTUreln~rre:

if you use copper wire - which!! responsive to electricity 2n!z ga units of the energy radiated by the dynamo.

~ ~

This leaves 920 un! ts Qf energy for you to ~. This gives you a very strong motor - a successful life. Soul is infinite, and there 1s ~ limit to its powers. So, if the bo~ were fully responsive, the energy of the bo~t would also be limitless. But an ~-respon8ive body u,es up so much energy, that your energy tor the activities of lif~ is greatlY reduoed. Tune-up the body so tha.t it is !!2!! responsi va to spi!'i t more reapon8i ve to your soul p~wer8 - and much more of the power of 70ur soul will manifest - not only in energy but in health and in vi tali ty and attainment and love and charm and friendship and abundance and spiritual illumination and realization!

The IOul i8 limitless; nothing can prevent its limitle8S expression, except an ~-respon8ive body'. Since we have now discovered the seven great eonstructlve powers of api r1 t - the ve!7 powers that are enduring and do not wear out structures through which they manifest - we should try to make the body responsive to them •. As your bod7 becomes more responsive, you will more fully express the divinity within TOU, . and realize that YOU!!! made in likeness of God - to live like a god on earth. But be very certain, my friend. that you can NOT increase such responsiveness, by any direct effort of the conscious mind Whether by affirmation or concentration or visualization. Mind al~B hinders expression of spirit; because the limitations of conscious mind can not remove their own limitations. If however. you rise to consciousness of the power of spirit, and make your bodY more responsive to spirit, then transformation 18 possible, and all the other things will be added unto you.


The soul experiences this freedom also in near-drowning. At such a moment the conscious mind unconsciously gives up its control, and the soul is free to live limitlessly. Hence at such a time, the soul experiences more in a minute, than it lives in a life time of conscious thought. I do not expect you to understand all this fully now. I write of this here, as a basis of future understanding. st~ this Lesson many times, as a basisL I all ask you' in succeeding Lessons, to make your body so responsive to spirit, that conscious mind shall ~ longer limit . your soul or bind your body - so that the Creative powers can transfonn your body and transfigure your soul, as you become more responsive to spirit.



Findiilg names for thing::3 nhich have never been known on earth, is one of'the most difficult problems'for the human mind. For example, I tried for thirteen years, to find n name to designate the work of ~ friend, Luther Burbank. But there is no English word, which defines his kind of work.

It has been very difficult to find English names for the Seven Creative Rays. The mystic names which I have had to translate, in" writing for you, are - shemayim, apheriam, caroceliam, annonilLn, godeshian, meolanian, and many others. . Sometimes three different names; are given to' the srume ray. These had never been translated into English, until I first wrote this course some years ago.

I All now changing my first English transla.tion a little bit, to makethe names simpler a.nd meanings clearer for you•


For example, what I- previously called the Conforming~Ray, I now call the Formin~ y ' because 'forming' 'is sufficient, as. tahe name of the power t a gives form to things. And what I previously ca!Ie'd the Purif~ I now call, Clarifying Rtf, - for it is the clearer meenmg 0 the power God used - symbo zed by making sun and moon - the light that mede it possible to clarify all thingi.


But no matter what little ch&lge I may make in names, each Ray remains the same, and its power remains the same.


The lack of result. has been due to the materialization of the high ideals of the true word, into crude Bounds which the ear can hear. The true word i 8 NEVER a word or a phrase, spoken aloud. ~ Spoken Word" IS Spiri t - a mighty si lent harmoni zing overtone of God pulsating THROUGH your body. Speaking it aloud wi th 70ur lips kills i to true powers.

In ancient texts. "spoken word" means the "HIGHEST POWER. ISSUING OUTu - issuing or radiating AS ~ POWER! Henoe, our use of 1 t as a truth spoken aloud by our human voice is a materialistic desecration of the real spoken word.

The TRUE 'spoken word' vibrates in silence! It UNIFIES you WITH the essence power of stars which issue out from God. --- It vibrates IN all things on earth, and IN all the eternal circling of stars; it TUNES-UP the bo~V. so that the body i teelt becomes more RESPONSIVE to spirit. It PENETRATES to every cell; reaches to ~rain of Spirt i. and trees the silent power of spirit. Please do not think that awakening the Brain of Spiri t is complex and difficult. It is VImY SIMPLE!

And the meana are SO s1lDJlle. that ~think1ng people often miss both the \mderatanding and the awakening. Only ~thlnk1ng people teaoh complex truth. That 1 B why they are always fal lures~ Tbinldng soule soon learn that basic truths are simple! So also, the SIMPLEST means are always the MOST EFFECTIVE. A great unout diamond may lie in a. gutter for a year; 1,000,000 people mar pass it by, missIng Its wealth. THEY think it 1s only a SI'fPLE pebble wi thout value. They are the ~-thinking people, who fail to realize the truth that the value wealth of a diamond resides in its quality, NOT 1n the complex! ty of facets out upon its surface.

In this course, I give you VERY SIMPLE means of awakening the Brain of Spirit, - so simple you ~ at first won~r how theT ~ produce the marvelously great results. These simple means produce results, beoause they UNIFY divine power WITH the silent power of movement; 1I1TH harmonious unheard tones; ~TH your deepest soul desire!






by Brown Landone



In this V70rk you are a?7akening response to .! ! Spirit 1s neither a stagnant nor Fl theoretical po~r. Spirit is the cosmic moving po~er of ALL the universe. Spirit 18 the ONE moving power of atoms and cells and stars. In all agee, savages as ~ell as ~vstics, have sensed the true nature of the movement of spirit. In our language today - and in all ancient V1I'i tinge - the ~rds tspirit' and 'spiral' come from the same basic word root. EVERY mystic uses these t~ words as the same. The truth that spirit means spiral, reveals the iAY in which spirit moves! I have taught you to tune-up the cells of your body by use of mystic overtones of silent sound; arid taught you to blend vibrations of substance and spirit in r~vthm to move~ent unified w1th the power of silent tone.

Now, I teach you the


of spirit - the holy spiral!

But please carry on this ~rk prayerfully and lovingly. Do NOT tr.y to secure quick results, either in awakening the Brain of Spirit, or securing spiritual responsiveness of bo~V. IF you should awaken the spirit brain instantly. its freed spirt t power would destroy your body. This is no mere scare line. - for even the pure SUBSTANCE of this brain has titanic power. If a physiCian were able to secure one drop of its pure substance, and inject it into your blood, its po~er would act like a bolt of lightning. rip all muscles from your bones, rip them into shreds, and make even your heart a mere mass of fringe. But do not worry about the possibility of this happening to you. If any physician ever obtains a drop of this pure substance, he will hire a body-guard to protect it. for it is worth many million dollars a drop - much more precious than radium. All rights reserved

. 10-42

If some power moves your arm in straight line movement, the~ that power must be a straight line moving power, other~Be it could not produce straight line movement . .eUld if a pO':'1er teads to move your body in half s'Oiral movements, then the po,.-er .Mch is producing such movemenis, must of itself be a. spiral-moving power. -~ROVE

these truths tor yourself. before a mirror.

Twelfth, stand before a mirror, and imagine yourself directing a stranger, how to reach a place he wishes to find. Tell him to dr~ve four blocks straight ahead, then three blocks to the right. Gesture with your arm as you give him these directions. Watch your movements in the mirror. You use yOU!' mind to direct the man, and to move your arm; hence it is mind which determines the kind of movement your arm makes at such a time. As you point the way the stranger should go, your arm tends to move in straight lines; even your fore-finger is straight as you point the directions. Thirteenth, movements as you Your little you. You emi Ie.

noVT express the LOVE of your soul, and watch your

look in the mirror. grand-daughter comes into the room and rushes to and take her in your arms.

Every straif'bt ~ in your face, ohanges. Every line tends to be curved. You can not even smile in straight lines. NoV1 stand before the mirror, and imagine yourself trying to embrace someone lovingly, by moving your arms in straight lines on~. It is grotesque. burlesque!

Fourteenth. since love moves in WAVE lines, it makes your boay tend to move in curved movements. I use the phrase ntendu to move. because there are bones in your body. and no body movement can be a perfect curve or a complete spiral.

Fifteenth. love tends to make your bo~ movements ourved, and spirit tends to make them spiral movements. Sixteenth, even strong efficient physical power, tends to move in spirals, just as spiritual power does. To thro~ a ball with power, the baseball pitcher tw1§ts his into a half spiral from his feet to his head, and even moves his arm in a half spiral as he pitohes.


10- 45

Seventeent~. standing before the mirror, imagine 70urself pi tching a. ball by straight line movements. Imagine you have the ball in your hand, lift your arm in a stra.ight line, to throVT the ball STRAIGHT forward. Do NOT t~st or spiral your arm in THIS test.

Ii you move it in straight lines, you will look like a wooden man. wi. th hinges at wrist. and elbo" and shoulder. And the movement is so weak, it makes you feel weak, and look like a sissy to others. -,

Imagine \'that :your habi tual straight line ·tendency of movement, 'has been doing to the cells of your body for y~ars - vibrating ~through every tissue. every organ, and everY cell. '}.

i /l I



r l


Eighteentl,; now test the power your


of spira.1 movement on


your bod.v to throw a ball as a. baseball pitcher does! Imagine the great increased power thp.t will come to you, by

cnanging from habitual weak-feeling straight line movement, TO aniral movement of spirit power. Nineteenth. commit these four truths to memory! Mind al~av~ tends to produCe movement in straight line8\ Love tends to 'DToduce \"1"1ve and curve movements. Li(~ an~ powe~ al~ays tend to produce spiral move~ents. Spirit is the supreme spiral power of the universe



Twentieth. every power moving in a substance, adapts the partioles or cells of substance to the nature of its own power. If it did not do ti"i s. the sUbstance would be destroyed. Twenty-first, mind ~lw~ya moves in straight lines, henoe it tends to make the cells ~d tissues, through which it vibrates, like unto itself - that is. straight-lined!

Twenty-second, when mind vibrates through a. cell, the inner particles of the oell form in straight lines. This leads to crystallization - a mentalized, stiffened. aged cell. Twenty-third, it is impossible for the spiral whirl of spirit to flow freely in a body, if 1 ts cells crystallized by mind. Twenty-fourth, watch your movements in a mirror, and even though you have lived Truth for twenty years - ask yourself if have been using ~ind tru~£, or spir~. power.


Twenty-fifth, spirit is the ONLY spiral-moving power. It is the holy spiral of the universe - the HolV Spirit of the M;vstics.





To realize the necessity of changing your bo~V. to an habitual tendency to spiral movement, stand before a mirror. and (1) Imagine that you are a very old man - so very stiffened that you can not even turn your head, except in st'raight line movements. (2) Imagine yourself to be a youth p181ing baseball or tennis (or watch a youth plqing such a game) and note bo~ many different twists there are in the movement of the boqy.

Old age 1s largely restriction to straight line movement. because as man restricts his bo~ to straight line movement, he ahuts off manifestation of spiritual power, and limits the bo¢y to pure mental effort to move. Moreover. if you watoh any 100 people, you find that ever,y movement which gives' charm and attractiveness and vltalltT to a personality, tends to be a spiral movement. But please, use common sense both in your ju~ent of what I mean by a spiral movemen t of the body t and as well a.s in your ~rk of oarrying out the activities suggested below. Use sense ~th spirit; never twist, or attempt any ~1ral movement ~tich does not appea.r to be graceful. and 1TfbiJh does not feel easy and powerful.

J.nything that looks grotesque in movement - a.s you watch yourself in a mirror - is evidence that you are oyer-doing the effort to awaken easy spiral movement. I suggest seven different activities to help you change your habitual tendency of movement. But first. I give you a basic spiral movement (BSM) that is the basis of each activity. one to seven. ,given below.

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The BSM is ~hi s.: Stand easily 'Vi th feet a 1i tt1e apat."t, and wi th your weight on one foot. Twist your body easily in a part spiral to the left; then to front. -Then in a part spiral to the right, and back to the front. The above is the BSM, to which I refer below. And please remember - any twist of boqy suggested in this work, must not be grotesque, but ~asy and graceful. There are reasons for this training in spiral movement: (1) Each spiral movement gives you increased feeling of manifested power! (2) It lifts up the vibratory condition of your bo~V to be rea~y to resnond to suirit; (3) Since it is ~piral in movement, it turns your oonsciousness from feelings of weakness, to a certainty of power in action. The following are the seven spiral activities to use to change your body from its present habitual action, to more youthful, more inspiring, more powerful activity. These begin with slow and gentle twisting of to stronger and more viril spiral movement.


and proceed

FIRST. carry through BSM (see top of this page), and think of a vine climbing upward - reaching to spirit and to sunlight. During the BSM, either repeat or at least think, the thought of these lines: I thrill to the surge of As tendrils are thrilled I thrill to the surge of As tendrils are thrilled Sunrise. SUnrise! As tendrils are thrilled



life at sunrise life at sunrise at sunrise.

the twisting of your body a little stronger now,

and think of another form of life - the wonderfull.y beautiful twisting of a young panther. Think only of the beauty of its movement - the grace, the ease,

the suppleness. Using BSM, twist your body ns a panther at play. and while doing this, think the thought that follows, or commit it to memor" and repeat it:


I twist myself slowly As lithe as a panther r-t~st ~yeelf slowly As lithe as a panther As lithe, as lithe! As lithe . as-a panther

'round at play around at play.

. at play. t

THIRD. now increase consciousness of spiral power. Use Bs!~. and think of yourself as a wire spring. Imagine you are twisting your body ~ as R spring; And then letting it untwist a little more ~apidly than during the t~eting.


FOURTH, use BSM. put your bo~V into position, to throl':' a ball as a baseball pitcher pitches a ball. Pull your arm behind you, and half twi at your bod7 to the rear. Then let your bo~y untwirl ae a spring untwirls, and throw the imaginary ball with a feeling of power! This helps to adjust every large muscle of your body to a spiral movement, and to make every cell of such muscles responsive to the movement of spirit power. FIFTH, now add though,t and feeli~ to the BSM of twisting to develop ~ tendency of such movement of your body.



For a minute e" night and each mornin~ - m th use of 13SM move your ~ forward and up~ard, l1~ining thpt you are ! ~ublic speaker •. procl~iming \ gre~t truth to audience . • Wi th this BS!Ji body and arm action, use these TI.IOrde: ~


The power of spirit rules this earth; And war shall pass, and peaoe shall reign, For hol~~ spiri tis supreme . On earth and ~n the universe! . In proclaiming thi s, do NOT move your arm up"1srd in a straight line gesture, as a prim old woman or a siiffened old man'~ Instead, move your a.rm and hand, out and up. in a half spira.l in a gesture of po~er . .) f

SIXTH, use the :SSM no~', VTi th"a. consciousness of youth instead of "that of age. Imitate in your twisting, any activity you have seen, in the movement of a chilQp"at play or IJ. youth in games. Don't 'thinkt of being a ch~ld or a youth, but feel the spirit of the child or youth in you - expressing in movement Be the ohild or youth expresses the ppwer of life in them - the" newness of life. ftI

All these seven Actiyities do initiate a new tendenoy of spiral move~nt "Ii thin the body. 11-50

Do NOT try to make a whirling spiral of'your bodYl Instead, establish an habitU!l tendency"to spiral movement _ to free you from the dominant and habitual straight 11ne movement ~hich ages the cella, lessens free movement, and stiffens muscle action. This




the spiral movement of youth!

The spiral movement is dominant in youth.

The straight line movement 1s dominant· in old age. The ancient mystics knew the power of the holy sniral. It affects every cell of your body. and prepa.res the bo9Z for' greater"· inf10'1'1 of spiri tual power. And spiri tual pO?1er is different from mind, greater than mind ~ower. . ' -


million times

SEVENTH, think of the spiral movement as symbolj'of life: ever tending to spi ra.l up from ea.rth toward hea.ven. Using the BSi, respond to the feeling of ,life within you, moving upward througb your body, and outward through the fingers of your uplifted hands, using just such arm motion as you did when proclaiming the power of a great truth to an audienoe. Repeat sever,a.l tinies" spiralling a little faster each time, to break down the e tiffened stra.lght-lined, men tali zed, crystalli zed ol~aged cohdition of your body. . But please understand that none of these seven activities are evidence of spiri tual power in your body. .. These activities are given to train ~he muscles of the body~to a tendency of spiral movement, so that the bo~y ~~ll be fitted to respond to spirit, read1 for the power of spirit to move through it. Do thi 8 ,,,..ork, and you shall begin to !Danifeet ~piri t - the highest power of the universe, changing your body trom an ~ing structure', to one thrilled by youthful spiri t!

" A few souls in all ages have risen to this height! And now. thousands - because of our ne.". 1mo"/le~e - ~ charlge their bodies to granter manifestation of ~~irit in action, ~

I am praying, friend, that you shall be Qne of them. In the next Lesson, I teach you to unify the holy spiral of movement, WI1~ the mystic powers of silent tone, WITH the power of rhythm - F.l..l1d to blend all in the oneness of spirit.




Brown Landone


- - - - - - - - - - - LESSON XII

The strangest thing in life to me 1s our stupidity! We fail for years t to recogni ze the great astounding means of powers all around us all the time - e'er waiting to be used. You know rhythm has power· - just a few minutes of flowing· RHYTHMIC musia whioh TOU like - IS a rest. And no matter how fatigued you are, 70U can oft dance for an hour to RHYTHMIC music, and be rested by it.

We known. this truth for centuries. and ;yet we have not recognized that rhythm IS ~ power of God - an operative power to be USED to multiply our energy 100 fold!

You also know your lit~le heart does work each hour, whioh would exhaust 4 husky men, each weighing 175 pounds. It is strange that a RHYTHMIC ~ can perform such a miracle! We kno'!' gigantic stars have circled on for eons of time! them RHYTHMI CALLYi we know that thei r t1 tanic energies~ are TIRELESS for many billion years. ·ile know God moves

\1e know that jerking movements exhaust us, and rhythm rests us! We know we can dance to rhythm Without fatigue; but that JERKING the same muscles about spasmodically for the same length of time, would nervously exhaust us.

We know that RHYTHMIC music in Cigar factories INCREASES pro-

duction more than 300~ - increasing energy of workers. three times! But have you thought of using rhythm, to your energy 3001, every hour? We know that engineers found that husky steel plant workers were exhausted from carrying 12i tons of pig iron a day. And that the same men - when taught to move rhy'thmically carried 47t tons a daY ~th LESS fatigue!

We have been stupid, in not rea.lizing that rhythm - which gives your heart the power of four hU8~ men - IS a power! All rights reserved


Think of your little heart, and the SECRET of its amazing energy. There 1s NOTHING extraordinary about its muscle fibers or its nerves. Yet its power transcends anything purely muscular or physical It weighs about 12 ounces; Yet each hour, it does work enough to lift 2.1 TONS of concrete one foot off the groundt ' It works every hour. day and night, for sixty or a hundred years!

\1ha.t ARE the TViO secrete of its power? (1) your tmind t almost completely lets it alone; (2) 1 ts RHYTHM nears PERFECTIOH! It makes us ashamed, that we have been so stupid, that we have not recognized that rhythm IS a POWER to be USED. Rhythm is one of the grea.t Ql?erati ve soul powers. It baniahes fatigue; and multiplies power a 1000 times! Think of your heart. and then vi sion what rhythm can do for all your body - increasing energy many times, and transforming the acti vi ties of every organ of your body!

Rhythm possesses its titanic power, because it is of spirit. Spirit itself 1 s RBYTIDvtIC! . If Spirit were not rhythmic. it would have caused so much friction, that it would have disrupted the universe eons ago! Since Spirit IS rhythmic. you cannot greatly increase your response to spirit, unless your bo~y is made more rhythmic.



I do NOT mean that you must dance rhythmic dances; or fre-

quentlv skip a.bout on toe-tips - waving lOur arms!

BUT I 00 mean that your body will NOT respond to Spiri t in its fullne;&, -UNLESS 1 t moves wi th an INNER rhythm, from the Boles of your feet to top of head and tips of fingers! The phenomenal power of rhythm is proven to be titanic even in ordinary work. Remember the husky steel workers. To attain the greater MANIFESTATION of spirit you desire. you must tune-up your body to rhythmic movement.

Energy is energy; and energy in rhythmic action is tireless! Rhythm in action is. the IIlost chord", of our use of our powersl Most people, as you know, ~ ~ "lots of energy" wi thout attaining great resul tSt because they the power of rhythm, and try to live contrary to the spirit power of the universe! UNIFY your desire.with movement, with silent tone, and with rhythm, and you att~in the perfect ONENESS of power.


Even my instructions of this Lesson, I that ~ if you but read them every day - and in rhythm to the ~ords - ~th beating throb will prepar~ your entire body to respond to

soon give 1n



LET your body respond

of Im~ER rhythm - it spirit.

In this, it makes little difference whether or not you can carry the tune of ~y particular musical air. Just sort of chant or sing or hum the ~rds; to any kind ot a song or chant - or use a tune that you make up - end e t en a different one each dRy or hour - if that appeals to you. Tap out the rhythmic beat of the words; or move your entire body ~ith it, - for rhYthm is VIRILE power of earth and heaven. It is not necessary to learn the sections which follow. But keep the words by you, an~ read them several times each day and let your body MOVE a Ii ttle wi th the rhythm - entire body or a part of it - e'en tapping out the rnvthm with your foot. or swaying wi th it. Do NOT be afraid to let your power of God.


feel the virile rhythmic

I~ is the ONLY means of manifesting tireleBs energy - of stara, or atoms. or of body or cells.

As overtones tune-up vibration of the body celIe, so rhythm tunes up the MOVEMENT of the body, to throb wi th sp1ri t power, and then multiplies the power, 1,000 foldt So read RHYTHMICALLY the words which follow, until their rhythm is HABITUAL to you - habitual to every organ, every cell, - so each will feel the rhythmic beat of every other cell, and multiply your manifested po~er a thousand fold. I wish you now to feel, and strongly feel the rhythmic beat of marching men! I want you to feel the rhythm. within your consciousness; pulsating in and through your body, till it throbs with rhythmic power in every cell. I want you now to let your body' mG,ve in full response to the simple rhYthm of the words which follow below.

I want you to feel the virile rhyt~ic power of God that multiplies all other powers A thousand fold! I want you to II think" of thi s, as li ttle as you can; 'but to feel so much that it will thrill you through and through. I want you to Ii ve the Master's word, to "take no anxious thought" for anything; but to live hour so that his joy shall

be fulfilled in you. 11Th! s hour, I put myself in r}wtbmio tune \ii th all the harmony of all the un! ver8e~

"I close my eyes A.I1d vision all m.y body cella Eight hundred thousand billion cells Ali ve wi th rhythm! c ha'rmon7 That comes from distant stare 8ublime. To penetrate to deepest depths And 'waken both my body and my soul to holy '!)ower dlv1net til let m.v body feel the rhythmic beat of s t'·')rs! n I let ;ny body move in rhyth'1lic harmony t And dance 'nth life that throbs in every cell! I let each cell respond to music-movement born of stare-ThAt multiplies all other powers a thousand fold, And mnkes of ma.:}, a god on earth And gives to him a life sublime Of pep-.oe and love and joy and power divine.

IS a divine operating power of the soul. It is the means ~hich God uses to make all great power. manifest the gre~test good~ ~thm

The Use and stir Use Use

proof is certain! mind j erki ly, And You set every cell in your body on edge, up Rntagonis~ of ~eople around you: love j~rkily, and people will pity you, but not love you. the life po~er jerkily, And you wreck your body!

Sometimes it is wise to use some light gey rhythmic movement, as a start, in breaking do~ old fixed conditions - SO that the body ~ll respond more easi~v to the higher rhythms.

If you hnve need to break do~ the old stiffened conditions, then use some Jaunty tune you kno" - such as JI~tV' Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean lt - and chant the words which follow, to that tune, "My body i B thrillln6 to rhythm (ri tb-um) And dancing to music of stars;

My body is

d~ncing to rhythm That multiplies pow-er in me.

"Rbyth!n, Rhyth.'ll,

Rhythm and power in me, in !'De Rhythm. F.hythm,

That multiplies pot"er in me. If I thrill to the dancing That dance to the rhythm I dance to the rhythm of That multiplies po'ner in

of atome of JOT; atoms me. II


I wonder, if I hear you say, "Some people may need such work but I do not - for I dwell in the consciousness of Divine Mind, and all of truth is included in it '" Certainly, all is included in what you term Divine lUnd and that ic. why you ;Jhollid not shut out the Rhythm 6f God and His Holy Spiral and the Mystic Overtones of His creationl Let me caution you, my friend, If you hold to the thought that all you need to do, is to "think" of the high ideals of God, then you are taking an ANTI-C~qrST attitude' Christ positively taught that you can not add one cnbit to your stature by thought, and he added that God is spirit, and that man ~ worship him in Spiritl God conceived all things with infinite Lovel He used the holy spiral of' spirit to whirl his stars into universes, electrons into atoms, and atoms into cells. You can not deny the means God used, without failing to attain what you desire. God used the II\Ystic power of silent overtones to tune-up all manifestations to be at-one in eli vine harmonyl God used eli vine rhythm to, bring all things he created into

harmonious activity. You can not neglect the use of these operative powers of God, without suffering the loss due to such neglect. To become God-like, you must manifest


God manifests1

Tuning-up the body to constant inner rhythm, tunes-up the consciousness to constant feeling of peace and love and joy and power'




by Brown Landone THE PO~ OF THE HOLY JJNITY-IN-USE - - - - - - - - - LESSON XIII

I wri te thi s Lesson that you shall not th!Yl~ too much of the information 6iven. but feel more - to get into ~he feeling of spirit - to b~ more readv to respond to spirit. Uhen you study the Use of each power separately, it leads to much t1:.inkins and thought of mind.

But unity-in-use leads to a feeling of inspiring attainment, because as soon as they are in use, you have a feeling of ~ something, and do not think so much about them. It is like learning a. new dance step. You think of its separate movements uhile learning; then stop thinking, and lose yourself 1n the joy of the musio, and the movement. and the rhythm. So in this, I lead you to unity-in-use. for joy in use. This unity-1n.use is the only means of attaining act~! oneness of powers which makes you God-like, so that there shall be no failure in your efforts to attain whatsoever you desire. Such oneness is a spiritual blend of all soul powers - of all CONCEPTIVE powers of ~t love. life and spirit; blended ~th use of all the OPERA~ING powers of the mystic unheard overtones. the silent spok~n ?Ord. the holy spiral of spirit, and r~thm that multiplies thp power of all.



.ACTIVATING power of all soul powers i B soul DESIRE! .' Re~~mber when I was seventeen - an invalid too weak to walkt Yet, when there was a fire, I dragged two hear,r trunks of treasured manuscripts, down stairs and across the street. The power to perform that feat was activa+, ... J for the moment; and it was NOT awakened by 'thought', fbr if I had stopped to think about it, I could not have done it.


power was activated ~ intense DESIRE to save the trunks, any thought of my illness or lack of strength.

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Desir! is th~ ~~ri tutd catalyst of the ~oul, and the less thought' there is about it, the more powerful desire is! So do n() t confuse de si re wi th mare II wi shit or aifi rma.tion. ~ wish of mine! - or an affirmation - whether wishy'-V8shy or intense - is a head light, ~hich - whether dim or brilliant merely what you '!Tish for.

But desire is different; it is spiritual ENGINE power! It 1 s always iJOVI NG you to GEl' what you want t It is th~ only pOV1er that turns all other powers .~nto action! Desir~ . MOVES. ~ind about what you think. Desir~ ~ love win love and attain what Desira ~ 1if~ Desire MOV~S !E!!l! transforming changes!

not only to think, but to 00 something not merely to love, but to do something to you love. to multiply and reproduce results. - to inspire man wi th God-power to "fOrk

We have lliissed the use of this pov~r of desire in the past, becaust' '"e tried to aw~en it by mind; and mind hinders it. Now however, with new kno~ledge of the brain of spirit, a ne~ world is opening to us - the possibility of. using desire at ~NY ti~ to activate ,,11 thE' other soul powers, so that its use will not be !~ci~ental, as in my dragging those trunks to the stree ~

Use the divine MIN~ !~ you to vision (1) your present status in life, (2) the goal you wish to attain. (3) the powers you can use to attain it; and (4) the means of using each power. Use mind ~s a searchlight to seek out the goal! Use it as a headlight to i 11 umine the vra.y to it. And USE divine LOVE:

Lovingly love all the billions of cells

of your bod.Yt so they -:1111 have their being IN 70ur love t Md so

love onE' another, that they will work in perfect harmony resulting in enduring ener~ry '·'i thout fatigue! And lovli.' every quali t.y of aT/ery thing. - its form, color, sound, hardness or softness rou~~bne ss or smoothne ss, lightness or weight; and - if a scientist - its chemical qualities; and then you will find ne':: abun6.ance of which you have not dreamed. Use love to love your fellowman; use it as the power that holds all things together - stars in their courses, electrons together in atoms. and you and others together, so it will be impossible not to love and not be loved. I

And ~~~ :LIFE - to whirl old cells in to m.ystic weddings of energy and substance, to form new oells for a youthful body. Use life to give ~ form to things you desire in life. ,multiplying them limitle8sl~ into the abundance of life. And



Open to it: let it in-spire into you the


God-pows rs



the uni ve rse to transform body and transfigure soul.

1 ask you to use ALL powers of your soul - the conceptive powers, and the operative powers of ~vstic silent overtones, and of the holy spiral in movement, and of the rhythm of the stars. Do ~ God d~es - use the operative powers to initiate the use of the higher conceptive powers in your bo~ and your life.

1f1 vision cells conceived a-new in me - each cell re-born A-tuned to all the spirit power of rhythmic songs of stars; Eight hundred thousand billion eells, Embraced in love divine, a.s tenderly As mothers hold their babies to their hearts of love~ Each cell inspired by thrill of life divine To wed and multiply a million fold, To be re-born, and born, to 11 ve forever youthfully. II

And second, intensify desire in


Each time you hum a tone of love to start a. thousand silent overtones of mystic power, each time you move with holy spiral power of spiri t energy, each time your body feels the rhythmic beat of stars, - DESIRE whate'er you want, with all ~ heart~ And third, lift ~ your .!2!!! - to use of all your powers in harmony with r~thmic beat, with mystic overtones, all whirled into expression here by God's divinely spiral power, which God himself has used to whirl creation into actua1i ty.· Lift up your soul to unify all power with strong desire, for in the blend of all, there IS the one-ness we call Godt And fourth, make this lOur prayer of unltY-1n-~:

"I LONG - as I have never longed before - wi th deep desire, Of deepest depths within the feelings of my soul! I LONG to unify a.ll powers that God has given me to use: So that God's mind reveals whate'er it has ooncei~ed for me; So that God's love in me, shall dare to love as it has long d.esi:ted to love; So that God's life in me shall multiply all things abundantly; So tha.t God's spirit shall e'er blend with spirit of my soul, fo make me like to God - wi th power to turn desires of hea.ven unto actualities of eartht Dh listen, friend, unto the mystic music of the stars, And feel the mighty s~rl of spiral power; And let your bodY feel the mighty rhythm of the universe, And you shall know the oneness that is God, And enter heaven here apd now. n












This work is so ne~t its basic discoveries so astounding, its results so nearly miraculous, its means so simple and different from those usually taught, that it is wise to clarify the seven bases of progress, by ~hich you attain most quickly. First, work for actual MANIFESTATION of what you want, - not for mere thought about it. Second, truth is NOT yet complete in man's manifestation, but is forever seeking fuller expression. Third~ accept and use the operative soul power - that is. those powers which help to initiate the use of greater powers. Fourth. mighty silent overtones of stars, can vibrate i~ and through your body, IF you initiate them by low and loving tones.

Fifth, movement of Sixth, universe IS

spirit has movement, and the spiritual energies of the the universe ar~ always rhzthmic. spiri t vibrates spirally, and the holy spira.l of God's an operative power of your soul.

Seventh, today IS God's age of transforming change for man, and your progress can increase mightily now if you realize that you are chosen to effect a transformation now. The first goal is visioned clearly, when you consecrate yourself to attain the two heavenly conditions man wants: - (1) free flo~ of spirit into man; (2) f!ee radiation of spiri~ out into every activity of life: Second. be certain that the ideal of what you want, is different from the procesg by which you will attain it! Be certain also. that the process is just as ftivine as the ideal. Just as ideals of Truth are perfect, although we have not .. yet attained one-tenth of those we affirm, - so also in essence the soul ~ perfect; although we have NOT yet perfected its manifesta.tion. I wish to teach how to attain greater manifestation - to be All rights reserved


more responsive to spirit - for more complete expression of life. 'Third, use all four conceptive powers of your Love, Life, and Spirit - for they are born of God, to make man like unto God. There are other powers - the great initiating These initiative powers are just as divine as powers - for "all are of God."

soul - Mind, radis te to ma.n" powers. the conceptive

It is silly to' select one of God's powers, and insist that it . i s ~ power of Gd, and that all other power s are not of God.

Mind and Sound, Love and Light, Life and Electronic Rays, Spirit and Cosmic Rays - each IS a power of God1 ALL energies are, powers orGod~ . God created all of them; and commanded man to us~ all He cre~ten~ Use each to produce after ~ts own kind, but do not expect goof results, if you try to substitute one for another. Fourth, increase your energy by (1) daring to recognize'your likeness to the divine source of energy in its limitlessness, and' (2) by tuning up your body to harmonize all its billions of celis, to work together 'Ifithout friction •. Fifth, increase the flow of energy rhythm of action in use of all powers.


action,:by divine

Sixth, do NOT let Mtnd hinder the awakening of Spirit. Ever,y fussing thought about details DOES interfere. Thoughts of what the soul should or should not do, HAVE lindered free expression of spirit, to limitations of time and 3pace. ~

intelligent, but take !!2 anxious thought of any thing.

Use common sensel In one of ~ booklets, I have written of the inner light or-c;lls; of inner foods - hormones produced within : the body; of the marvelous magicians within the body - the ende>crine glands; of phenomenal changes of weight; restructurtng of organs and tissues by tho hormones produced within the body. Yet, in spite of all those words of 'inner' and 'within 1 a few students always write asking why I do not tell them where to GET such inner foods - where to BUY theml --Please understand - you can NO~uy the highly' spiritualized substances of inner foods produced in your own badly. They are created within, by spiritual ~esponsivanoss. Seventh, do NOT LIMIT your development, llmit your effort, and you' get limited results; but multiply power, and respond greatly, and you manifest greatly.







Orlando, Florida

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The Hew Re sponse ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,....



In-Spirine Hatter \lith Spirit ..................



The Newly Discovered Unity in Radiance •••••••• 74


Grec.t Per..ce-Hnker nnd Inspirntion of Power....


Li~ tless

l!Xpnnsionist ••••••••••••••••••••



Expanding to Crente ••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••



Reviving Purifier and

VTheel •••••••••••



The Spiritual Physiologist ••••••••••••••••••••



Give Actual Form to Your



The Divine Formist •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 103



Grent Idenl-Renliet .••••••••••••••••••••••



The "Lord God" of Your Soul •••••••••••••••••••



Limitless Freedom in Action •••••••••••••••••••




and An~~ting Energizer •••••••••••••



Clcnner and Quickening





Vibratory Harmony of





Activist and Unifier •••••••••••••••



The Teleoic Vibrntionist .••••••••••••••••••••••



The Infusing Creation of Newness ••••••••••••••



Infinite Lover nnd Judge ••••••••••••••••••••••



The Re-Forming Architect ••••••••••••••••••••••



Holding your Creation •••••••••••••••••••••••••



The Trll.Ilsfonnntion r.nd Hf.:~.ven1y Communion •••••











b7 Brown Landone



RESPONSE - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LlSSOR XV

This Lesson XV is the first Lesson of Part II of this Oourae. It io entitled The New Response! , By this title, I mean: (1) spiritual responso; and (2) response that 1s new in your life! New to evel7 cell of your ~, as well as to TOur OO~l In tbe past, you have probably thought of spiritual re8poneivenesp of motives, desires. and ideals of the mind. But I teach fOU the BASES of ALL rel1X?nle. I teach you the spiritual responle ot ~ ~ itself - ot its very tissues, and particularli of 1ts activities! And that

~ the, acti vi tl ~t the MUSCLIS! You will never attain the highest degrees ot spiritual consciousness until you lift up your mind to recognise ,that the cella and t1 slues are Just as d1 vine as the most 1deal , thought 10m: mind can oonceive, --for God created all things!

Moreover, there is NO way on earth by which your soul express' anything. EXCEPT through 'lOur muscles.


There i, NO expression possible. except ~ mo"ement of the large musoles of your body,_ or movement' of small muscleo for facial expression; or expression by the words and tonea you use. And you can not speak one word, or utter one tone except ~ muscle action - ot chest walls, cheeks and lips and tongue. There can.not even be's gleam in your eyes. !xoept little tiny muscles ohange the ',thickness of the lensos of your eTes. Read tho above. if necessar,y. a hundred times. I mean it, a hundred times - once 'a ~ for three months! That ma7 not be too much, to open your mind to the great illumination - that ALL expresDion of soul d!penda ~ your muscles! -And all expression increases in power~ as you tUD~UP the musoles to sp1ri t. Thus only, you attain godhood in action!

Expression of spirit 1s THE highest attainment in this llfe; 1 t is manifss,ting as God intended you to manifest in hie llkene82t And ~ when bo~ tissues are responsive enough to reoeive infinite energy. can spirit manifest freely and fully. All rights reserved

Certainly you now recognize that YOU ARE a radiation of the d1 vine rays of the universe - of the ma.rvelous powera that are forever construct! ve - the very powers which God himself used during the seven days of creation when he created all things which ~ existed for hundreds of millions and even billions of l eare.

And that which baa continued for billions of 78ars must be right. for evil alw818 destroys itself, and all it creates! Henee the seven creative powers of God - manite.ti~ IN man MUST be the very Qonstruc ti ve essence of God himself. Manifesting these powers 1s different from merely 'thinking' Thi B differs from afflrming or deolaring it. or med! tating about 1 t.

the thought that you are made 1n the likeness of God!

i teach manifestation, NOT thOughts 'about t manite.tation! And these Lessons teach you. the EASY approach to becoming ~

responsive to these spir1tual powers - by the 8implest and

moet effeotive means you oan use in this life on earth. you ~ 'enter the'Temple of Transformation.



C08~~C energr CAN penetrate your bo~, 10 that you feel the thrill 'of 1 t. I"F your con8c1ou8 mind does not block 1 t.

So I a,k 1d~. to think y LITTLE ABOUT thi s !Ork 88 po.sible. That. 1 •• ·t~nk JU8t enough to get the information neoessarr. to tell .you .what to do. Then LtVE in response to the urge of spirt t -

to carry out the exercises that may be given - NOT as exercises, but ot easy response of ~ - free expresSIOn of the soul!

~s means

Scm.e Lessons will be long; other Le8sons will be short. Each WILL contain ALL -- that it 1s essential for you to know in order that 70U m&7 learn to respond to the'fullest degree possible.


Infinite spirit forever surrounds 70U, and from it you recelv. all the enerD you Clan ever manifest on this earth! . And Bpi ri tIS the source of everything you can ever attain on this earth.or manifest in


The meaning of spirit 1s the essence of all power. For example, the light you !!! on earth - that 18, light of the sun, NEVER cOile s from. the sun. as li gh t ! Instead, 1 t is the spiri~ of light which radiates from the eun - it is pure 1igh t· - light that ill NEVER seen by the human eye the perfeot light of God. The I sunlight' whioh 70U do .!!! on earth 18 NOT pure light! In actual fact. it is nothing but the FRIOTION that is created

There is proof: when scientists rise high in ~. balloon. even at midday, it is almost dark in the upper atmo3Jhere~ There is very little crude light up there. beoause there is very little air up there, and hence little friction. And when man mounts still higber, there 1s absolute darkness. That is, what we call' sunlight1 is crude frictl,on of true light, passing through air! And since air doeanot exist out in space, there is no light out there. which the .1;Y9 can 8ee~ There !! only the pure UNSEEN light of ~! So I. make a real di stlnction. botween this crude light on ' earth, and the spirit flof" l1ght whiob is the essence! of light the holy unseen light - light such as God knows.

There i e also a spiri tual essence


x-rays and of ultra

violet raySt and of all radiant rays. All.!! know i)f them on earth, is the crude friotion - due to, pure rays trying \.0 plow.

either through air or more solid Bubstanoes here on earth. Likewise, I make a distinotion between 'mind' as manifested on earth. and the spirit 'OF' mind. All those who dwell in mind, dwell in the realms of thoughts. and thoughts are forever cha.n&ing and forever dyingt tlNot by might - but by my spiri t, It aai th the Lord of Hosts; and the Hebrew VJOrd translated might means strength ot mind!

by man

At this point. I caution you again, against trying t~ or mentallze - and thus kill - the essence of this work!


A few months ago, I received an outline, made b7 a student an outline of two lessons of this Course. This woman wrote that she was re-wrl ting thi s course, so it would be "RIGHT". She said she had cla.ssified and numbered the exercises, eo she could do all of them - efficiently, practioally in only eleven minutes each ~! In essence, what this woman says, 18 this: "I have classified and numbered expressions of !2.!,!, so that I can get all exprels10n of my love for my loved ones, out of the way in eleven minutes each deJ. and thus my life becomes efflbient and practical. ~nat she oalle 'praotical 9 , is killing the aplr1t of love; killing the response of mind and body to spirt t, and SUBSTITUTING mere thoughts of mind. ~R the love and life of spirit!

Assume that you a young sweetheart, and that your lover comes home, after two years across the sea in mi11~&ry ~erv1ce.


He enters your home, and as you walk toward the door to greet him, you stop half way, and B~Y, "John. since you've been a:"a,y, I've worked out very effic1en t and practical means of expression our love. "I have scheduled a plan for our manifestation of it~ "\1e will take exactly of a second for' one kiss; no more! ItThen t of a. second for an embrace; after which we will Bi t on the sofa and hold hands for 2 min~tes and 10 seconds."


I do not need to explain; you know that any su(.h attempt. will first dampen response to your love; then freeze it; then kill it! Mentalization of expressing love. can cQmpletely kill the love. within ~ month! So also with expressions of spirit!

IF th1 s woman has "worked out" response to spir1 t. just right; then it's not \~rth teaching; certainly not worth living it! So I about the Give Then


caution you, my friend. Think just as LITTLE as possible. information of these LeBson8~ only enough thought to them. to know what TOU should do. forget the thought, and live the love and life of sp1ritt alw~s

these two truths in mind, my friend:

First, life and love and spirit ~ completely different from the much lesser powers of the thoughts of conscious mind; Second, conscious mind is a mechanized skeleton in activity an actual hindrance 1n manifesting life and love and spin t. You know thi s is true - for you know that nO,thing has ever interferred so much with the full and free expression of your life, as the 'thoughts' of conscious mind which have forev~r been saying you can't do this, you can't do that •. you haven't the strength to do this, or what will people ss-v if TOU do that! All hindr~oes to response to spiri t ~ due (1) to thoughts of conscious mind, or (2) such, slo~ of ~ vibration that i ts tissues do not f~ respond !2 spirit. ..




One of our great inspire4~Engl18h poets whom I intimately. ~.w. compared the place of consciol.l~ mind and thqught in our lives, ·"tb the box of tools which a carPenter uses! Except 'when using thought,tbought should be laid quietly aside. as a oarpenter puts his tools aside. when he is through with the~. But up to thl s time -' living in a world of thought - you hav,e become a slave to min4; you even take your thoughts to bed with you, and cannot sleep; or if you do sleep. your mind unconsciousiy


races on all night, and ,-ou awaken tired in the morn.

!e as wise as the carpenter is wise! Put aside your box of tools of the mind, each time you are through Wi tb theJll. and then 11 ve love and life a.nd apiri t.

uI am the poet of hitherto unuttered Joy. "I see the heavens laughing - - - yet I dare not 881 whnt I Bee - - - lest I be locked up.

"These things I SIq - not to excite thought in Or if it does excite thought, then to excite that which destro1s itself.

you. - but rather to destroy it.

"Spirit is not born of thought. "And whoever dwells among thoughts, dwells in the region of delusion and disease. ItAl though thought should gird you t round about, If Forget not to disendue 1 t, nAs a man takes off hiB coat when bot~

"As a sldlled workman lays down his tool when cione wi th 1 t, so shall you ~ thought ItAnd then la;r it quietly aside again when 1 t has served your purpose. It

Yet you do go about through life carry1ng a box of thoughts on your back; the carpenter 1s wiser, he does not sit down to eat, or go out to court the girl he loves, or come home and go to bed with a box of tools always hung on hie back! ---- Thoughts are tools of the mind; use them, $nd put them aside. This 1 s the first atep in learning to let your body !'espona. more fully and freely to apirit. Forever avoid teachers end instructors and lessons and book. which teach you I exactly how~o -do things defini te fixed wav! Fixity of operation is good for a machine. but death to init1~ tlve. death to ln~iratlon, death to responsiveness! f Just howl can help )"OU to be a good machine. 13ut !! machine al!8,ls ~ out - and is ~ thrown !.!!j!!


You are more than an effieient machine; 70U are a creator. created in the image and likeness of God - a living IOul - w1 th power to man~feat continuously. with increasing activity. increaling youthfulness. increasing life and love and power and spirt t! ALL of which ~ ONLY BY RESPONSE to spiri t!




Brown Landone

- - - - - LESSON XVI


The ~ reapona8 of the bOQr to apirit. starts with something whioh m.v perhaps surprise you. It wst begin wi th the ~ by wh!ch the spin tual enerQ' ot the infinite enter! the bod.v'.

There are grea.t dynamos of spirit power in 70ur boq - within your actual p~81cal bod;r. There are great motors of tremendoua power in TOur bocJ3r. But the energy which they radiate - the energy that flo'"

over your nerves - comes noM OUTSIDE

lOur ~!

From the word spirit. we derive our word - In-spiratlon! Inspiration is t~e act of ~-Bplralllng energy; that ie, the actin tl' of energy spi railing 1tself' into 70ur bo4l't .



It 1s impossible to find any illustration that is fully true. for the soul 1s leeater than anything else man know. on earth. and the human bocl1' i8 the most marvelous organic mechanism of all God'. creations' Hence there is nothing to wbich soul and bocb' can be ~ oompared! Soul and bod,y tranlcend all other things on earth. and nothing completely illustrates that Which takes place, when infinite api ri t wh1 cb surrounds 70U, flows in to 'and through your boq. But 1n some factorl, oomparlsons are true: Great generators in a power house oan generate ~ electrlcl·ty. unless there i . electronic energy flowing to them from all the universe. Such energy surrounds eve!7 power bouse. penetrates 1 t. and tll1. every inoh of apace in and around eve17 maohine! It 18 the eleotronio energy of the unlverae th£!\.t makes it possible to I~8pire energy into the generators. so that, when they operate, they oan radiate electricity out along wires.

So alao, .ALL the ·power tbat radiates from 70\lr aoul - or in through your body - la:tiret in--spired n!m the etructure of TOur body. by ini1ni te energy whioh forever surround. you.


And in proportion. as you increase responsiveness of tissues All rights reserved

of your body - lift them up to respond more fully to the higher vibrating energies of the universe - in that degree, will you manifest more spiritual energy in every activity of life o In beginning this ~ response, let me again emphasize that power first comes to you FROM OUTSIDE your boqyl' It is in-spired into the structure of your body, either to be used at once, or e~stored up as titanic power to be released later and radiated out into manifestation. ~



does this energy in-spire into your body1

What is the MF.J.NS used? The means Imlst be some part of your body, whose cells are more sensitively responsive to spiritual energy and all higner energies of the universe, than any other cells of your body. To this time, you have thought of your ears as miraculou8 receptors, because' they are able to receive VIbrations of tones, vibrating up to 24,000 times a second' It .!2 marvelous that nerves of the ear can respond, so amazingly to such high overtones of sound! Also'your eye seems to be the most amazing organism ever developed, It is a camera that adjusts its own lenses to different amounts of light. Then its retina adjusts its nerves instantly to different lengths of light vibrationsl Some of the little nerve cells of the rods and cooes of the retina of your eye, can' receive vibrations that range from 400trillion times a second, up to 700 trillion a secondL That-ri,from lowest reds to highest violets the human eye can seel It is marvelous - the delicate responsiveness of the nerve cells-of-rhe rods and cones of the retina of the eyel M, the nerves of the ear and the nerves of the eye can lli2! equal another tissue of your body in responsiveness. nIT" is the most receptive organ of all your bodyL Some physiologists now call it the mirror of the soul.

And what is it of which I am writing:

II ~

your SKIN - the most ndraculous. organ of your bodyl

It is different from all other organs. It is a physical lody El itself. It is composed of cells that are the opposite of the cells of all other organs of your body.


AllCl IDOSt,

ot' your uody





BUT if skin cells are put in water, they die. And if they are put in darkness, they die.

11 1s yo~ spiritually responsive~! It is your skin. composed of cells whioh MUST have light and air, a.lthough all cells of the inner body die if exposed to light or air, even for a second! Cells of skin originate from the same kind of oel1s as glandst The.,l §.re the MI HAOLE cells of the ~. One physiologist even calls the skin the 'miracle organ' of the bo~.

do cells of the brain and nerves and endocrine

The skin is the in-spiring organ - the ~ organ that can take-in the energies of God, 80 that they can be embodied in the brain-dynamos. and then radiated to all parte of your body! In lOur sld.n alone, there!.!:! tv«) billion "RECEIVING SETsn! If this seems strangelY impossible to TOU - that is, that there are billions of reoeiving sete 1n 70ur akin which 'reoeive power' from the universe, realize that scientific engineering haa already developed power sending and receiving apparatus here on earth, for use in a practical mec~ioal engineering ~. Towers oan be built to send out PQwer. just as we have towers that broadcast radio waves whieh are carried to your radio eet and turned into Bound. It IS possible to build towers that radiate power. so that i t you are within 500 miles, with an automobile with a 'power-receiving set', you can tune in to that tower of wireless power, and Teceive power for the engine of your 08.r - sufficient to run it anywhere wi thin a radius of 500 milee. And of oourse thi s radiance of power may - in a few )pears - be 80 improved that it oan be used anywhere Wi thin a thousand mile. or i i ve thousand mi Ie rad1 us 0 f Buch a tower! I cite this only to


four great truths:

(1) ell. great power first exists outside of the structure; (2) it 1s inspired or taken into the structure; (3) it can be inspired or taken-in only if the structure i8 responsive to the power; and (4) the degree of power taken-in depende on the degree of responsiveness of the struoture of your bo~.

To reoei ve such pow~'rt YO\1£ physical !truoture must be TUNEDmus~ be RESPONSIVE to it!

IN to it -


AND YOU :- 'in this most marvelous organ of your body - YOUR akin - have mare .th~ two billion RECEI VING sets. CAPABLE of reoeiving the highest po~ers of the universe. The receiving sets in ever,y area of your skin are infinitely MORE responsive to higher energies than the nerves of your ear. or even those marvelously delicate nerves of the retina of the eye. The PROOF that !1!.! skin is MORE RESPONSIVE, 1 B the fact that it DOES respond to much higher powers than eye or ear. Your eye oan not perceive x-rays, yet your skin can respond to them and in-spire them into 70ur bo~. even all through your bo~ except through your bones. And nerves of the eyes are eo dull compared to skin cello that they oan not receive ultr~vlo1et light. :But skin cells are ~ responsive to spirit that they CAN receive ultra-violet rays, and transmit them to all inner organs. In preparing for this new response to spirit - this response of your ~ to spirit - olearly vision the truth that yOU7 skin IS the ONE most miraculous organ of your entire bo¢y.


Look at it in a new way - reverence it. for it is the bridge between all that 1 s manifesting as you, and all that is not TOu! It is the receiving inspiring organ of inoarnating spiri t! It 1s the bridge between the infinite power that surrounds you, and the energy of all the inner structure of lOur bodT. There are SOO,OOO billion oells in your bo~. That number may not mean much in words. sO I put them in figures - 800.000,000,000.000 cells. - that is, l4oo,ooo times as many as all the people on earth! Each cell is a. LIVING INDIVIDUAL!. And the vory life of each one - the vitality-of each one, its every impulse to act and move o to live and love. and to respond to spirit - depend on bow much energy is in-spired into yOUI' 8kin bF 1l)ur and then Qaftied into your inner bod1. So look upon every skin cell a& an angel IroQ Ood - all· angel to take-in the powers of God, and tranemi t them to all the body.

This is the very basis of the ~ response to the Phlsioal structure of l.Q.ur bo.~ to the inf1nl te ~_rgieB of God. The skin 1s M~~§ of the inepira~ion of matter and the inspiration of matter with spirit.




The vibration of matter must be tuned-up to that of spirit, otherwise the matter is destroyed by spirit entering it. ONLY as the rate of vibration of matter approachee that of spi ri t, can api ri t flow in to it. in 1 ts infini ty. It ia this full IN-flow of spirit which lifts you to living in the image and like to the likeneas of God. If I have not previously written of this 1likeness'. I write of it now, so you will understand what we mean when we acoept God'. statement that he made man in bis own image and likeness. The Hebrew language is confusing to those who know only the English. It differs greatly from our English language. Often it uses the same root word, to form the noun and adjeotive and verb and adverb - all in one sentence. It does this often, for powerful emphasis~ For example. consider a Hebrew word, like - ~! In using thie word. e.n anoient writer might have written. "The player plqed the play playfully." Thia i a what wa.a done in the original Hebrew sentence. that is transla.ted - "God made man 1n his own image and likeness."

Root words of similar meaning are used && the basis of the words translated made. ~, ~. a~d

The meaning g1.


root words



SO the full meaning of this great truth 18 this! God. the infinite activity. activated the activity called man. b7 bis own activity to be like unto God's own activity. It is IN activ1tl. that man is like God! And since the meaning is repeated four times - in made, own, image and likeness - realize the great emphasis God &!!! to !M.!\ truth, to help you to comprehend it in its f~l significance! It is response TO this activi ty whioh guarantees attainment of all that is worthwhile in earth and in heaven. Thl a is the ul tima te at ta.inmen t desl red of the new responsiveness - greater activity by means of spiritual response, 80 that the body may become more like spirit, and manifest spirit more fully and more completely, like unto a god on earth. Now, in the next Two L-!3ssons, the skin as a mystic organ, for higher resPQnse to spirit. to inspire more of spirit!

16-73 .





, teach you


and its expression THROUGH the


3p1r1t is the God-Urge of expresslon~ ~ +, is the out-pouring and 01J.t-pushing of God Himself! [ t fills all epaoelesB space. and surrounds and permeates every star and atom of creation wi th 1nfini te power~

It FLOODS the universe - including YOU - with titanic


Moreover, spirit is rea41 to thrill your bo~ - Y8S, even your PhYsical body - with such a flood of energy, that ill health and fatigue and weaknesses of old age will be impossible! Spirit is ready to contact you intimately and continuously. I know your earneatness - hoping, prqing, tI7ing again. And Tet, although you BAVE for years. and fei thfully - atill, mind and bo~ are NOT YET tully responsive to spirit. Yes, even after the years, there!:!:! lacks - l'our body' 1s NOT yet vitalized; it is not yet fully in-spired by spirit; there IS lack of that "abundanoe; and there is lack of full Joy; and lack ot constant contact and communion wi th the all knowing spiri t.

I am not criticizing! But my heart feels for your efforts. which up to this time have not yet been fully fulfilled! So I wish to help you discover the ~ of the failure of your efforts, eo you shall a.ttain response, so the lacks will disappear. The cause is this: in the past, no matter how consecrated lOU have been. your mind has tended to move in one direction, while spirit 1s AL~AYS ~!~ in the OPPOSITE PIRECTION! Spiri t is always radiating outward - ever OUTWARD! .And all spirit 1s alw~s IN-SPIRING itself into whatever responds to lt~ Think clearly! All rights reserved

Mind 1 s



!2. GET ideas and


perceptions. and take them back in to its self. Instead of radi~ting outward as spirit does, mind i8 seeking to take-in information ~~ within itself.


Even in meditation. mind tends to look with1n the self to find poWer, instead of recognizing that supreme power 1s outside the soul, and available for use ~ when inspired into the self.

so when you use mind too much - even when you think too much of what you are doing in thi s ?fOrk - you use the power of mind. which works 1n the oppoai te direction to that of spirit, - for spiri t is radiance from God - the OUT moving· power of God!

so with mind alwqs tending to pull ideas TO itself. and spiri t radiating OUTWARD, ~ IS subconscious CONFLICT. Oh, see the significanoe of thi s! I t explains WHY you have failed, even when trying earnestly, to attain your desires! So, 1 FIRST teach you to be an "aspiring seeker and adjuster", to atop thinking enough. 80 that you oan respond enough to spiri t, 80 that .spirit can in-spire itself into your mind and boQ.V. without inapiration all effort" ends in disapPointment. . ~ response to the d.1 vine IN-SPIRING RAY brings heaven to earth; it brings the divine energiea of heaven into YO~ desires and into the earth of actualities for you, even into your ~! The Inspiring Ra,v is the first RAY used by God in ~reatlon . . Respond to it. and you create 88 God oreates~ Respond to it. and for the first time. you will begin to unity bo~ and mind and spiri t to move together in the same W&7 at the same time - with power of unity you have never known before. Then llls of body and lack of energy disa.ppeart Fallures turn to success! Feelings of being separated from ·i, and from those whom you love, vanish. I teach you to RESPOND to spir! t, and to 1 ts SEVEN Sacred Razs of Creations! These rays are called the Elohim RaY;:-

The word ~ is now used by scientists to designate each distinct group of radiant energies. The word Elohim - you will remember - is the Hebrew word in the first chapter of our Bible which is translated God. Eut its ending tim' in the Hebrew, means that it is plural; hence it should be truly translated "God's powersu. There are seven of these creat1 ve powers - seven holy Elohim rays of God. The Elohim ~s are much higher than any radiant energy yet known to scientists - vibrating far above septillions times per second


Each ray has a particular vibration of its OWO, AND wheneTer it vibrates THROUGH any. substance, it produces a pa.rticular RESULT of i te own IN that particular substance. That IS creation! Even common earth r~ys possess this transforming power! The common HEAT ra::r. for example, has such power. You've seen it work; a chunk-or-hard butter 1n the presence of heat rays 800n CHANGES ita FORM. and becomes just melted yellow grease. 0

Sound is also a very common ray - so common you do not realize that it also has transforming power. But sprinkle a thin layer of sand on a tin platter, and tap the edge to produce sound, so the sound r~8 make the platter ring, and the lqer of sand I S transformed. It forms beautiful designs - circles, squares. diamonds, stars! BUT ELOHIM RAYS have p0W!~ t MILLION'S OF TIMES GREATER than any of the ordinary rays known on earth!

I have already stated that the main caU6e of your LACK of attainment, 1s the INNER CONFLICT between your MIND and SPIRIT. Of oourse, you may not consciously know of this conflict. for mental mind seldom knows the mystic workings of spirit. But certainly. you DO know that TOur body 1 B ~ yet CO~-STANTLY THItILLED wi th the power of spiri tot and you do know that your COIQ!Dunion V"ith spirit, is not yet CONSCIOUSLY CONTINUOUS.

Conflict is NOT in ideals, but in OPPOSITION of AOTIVITY" Your mind tries to make the powers of your soul move one way inward; while spi ri t moves in the OPPOSI TE way - outward! But when mind and spir1 t 1\'Ork TOGITHER, reaul ts are as CERTAIN as God, and as wonderful 8.8 miracles! Since it is mind that is to blame, there is but one way ot this conflict. It must ADJUST its old ideas. This is attained, only when you make the activity of both 70ur i'llind and bo~ LIKE unto the actlvi ty of spiri t. Then you respond to the divinely Inspiring Ray of God. ~olving

To help you in this, learn the NATURE of spirit's ACTIVITY, First, spirit is NEVER passive, but always infinite!y ACTIVE! Second, spirit NEVER turns inward on itself! These two truths are known to all scientists, and to many spir1tual thinkers; and hundreds of books teach them! Yet few students use them; and most teacherB urge you to dwell in attitudes which oppose spirit - to be passive instead of active;


to look wi thin, instead of looking outward tor inspiration.

Working ~ or yainet spirit?

What is YOUR mind doing?


First, splrl t IS ever active, ;yet your m1nd - becauae of mistaken teachings - tries to make you become PA.SSIVE in the Infini te Silence in order to be at-one with epiritts activit7. This opposes spirit. for


18 infinltell active!

Passi vi ty ~ make 70u into a good SPONGE to BOak in a 1i ttle more spiri t. ::But the soaking prooess does !!Q! make you active 80S spirit is active. It actuallyprevents1'Ou from being at-one with

spirt t and its activity. Second, spirit alWBTs moves out to in-spire all its contacts. Yet 70'ur mind baa been taught to look WITHIN for spirt t, to

awaken spi ri t IN you. :Be very certain that you oan BOT ful17 attain what 70U want, so long as your mind CONTINUES acting one way, while spirit radiate. in another way.

Lovingly teach TOur mind to move \1ITB spiri t.

FIRST, STOP being passive! NO matter y,,110 bas taught you, or WHAT llIST.1D2l psychology or mysticism you have been taught, realize ~ and forever, that any attempt to be passive in order to be more active, IS a CONTRADICTION There is ~ one !!!:l of becoming unified WITH spiri t! That way is to become ACTIVE as spirit is active. SECOND, ARANlX)B all me thode end all the means 70U baTe uaed,

of wi thdra~ wi thin the self. Great peace is due to uni ty of action. Spiri t is alW8l'B moving outward to in-spire 1 tsel! into all thinge. AS an aspi ring seeker and adJua tar. move out ward wi th api ri t , even to lnfin! ty - even to feeling you are up among the 8tarB~ The PEACE OF SUCH DP.AllSIOH IS !: TBDUSllm-JOLD GBUTER than the peace of wi th-drawal; and this peace of un! t7 with God's inspiring power opens the BOul to illumination! l1hen)'Our b(. :.., and spin t . ARE in perfect unison, there 1s no blockage of memories of the past, and no dimming of knowled&e of the future.

In this there IS limitless vltalit7 from inspiration ot the by spirit; and at the other end ot the gamut. intimate communion with spirit by inspiration of spirit itself.






When the aotivities of your bod7 and mind and heart and spirit are at peace - that is when their aotivities work TOGETHER - then your desires become holy aotualities. This bringe us to another factor in maldng pea.ce wi th spiri t.

To be responsive to spirit and oreate With absolute certainty of results, you MUST use the SAME powers whioh God un81. And 1n the same order - one after the other.

'God needed ~ ~ for creation. each ~ to oreate a DIFFERENT result, and with divine certainty. because use of a different power must produoe a different result. The seoret of this great hidden ~8ter1. resides in what I taught you in the preceding lesson, or the meaning of the word tranalated 'God t in the first chapter of Genesis! Remember it is ELOH-IM; and the '1m' at the en~ 18 the Hebrew 81gn of pluralIty. - just as 1st is a plural fo~ in English, wbloh tells U8 that the word boys, means more than one bOT. Ilohim means the SEV1!N holT lmpra.gnat1ng POWERS of God! WITHOUT USE of these powers even Godls own conceptions of creation were without form and void, - see Genesis 1:2. "In the be,inning God created the heaven and the earth. and THE EARTH !!!:! wl thout form and ,void." Ien't that exactly what has happened to thousands of creation. ;you have concel ved in your own mind? You have created them in the heaven of mind. but as actual manifestations on earth, they have remained 'formless a~d void'. Many teachers of the las t 90 years have IUS taken 11' taught that all you have to do to create what you want. is to hold a tbol)€ht of 1 t in mind. They however do not know the process of God's oreation! They fall to realize that even God's mind creation of earth WAS VOID, until he used other powerst Let us repeat: "In the beginning. God created the heaven and All rights reserved


earth, and THE EARTH !!! wi tbout form and void. " That is, the actual manifestations was empty (voi d), and bad !!2. actual form! So also, our creations in mere thought, have in 99 caees out of 100 - remained IN consciousness, FORMLESS and VOID - never ooming into actual manifestation! That is why I give you this work of the use of the Seven Creating powers of God - THE powers which God used to turn the formlessness and emptiness of thought, into actualities! It was only when God used tbese seven powers, that he created the ACTUALITIES OF creation. Read Genesis 1:7-2:3. You also, in the past, have created many desires and ideals which have never taken form and become actualities. EUT NOW, with your use of seven powers of God, your desires and ideals CAN become actualities - just as God l s did. These powers are the SEVEN sacred rays which God used in ALL his creation, and they were first symbolized by the Seven ~Y8 or processes of creation. ThroU8b the agee m.Ystic men have tried to lift mankind toward manifeated perfeotion, by use of EACH raJ predominatelY tor thousands of years at a time! This has alrea~ oreated six great civililatlons of the paat. EACH with at least One Great Temple as the symbol of the spiritual urge of its own civilization. Now we are in the seventh oivllisation. These seven powers of creations - creating actualities - are: The First 1a the Great IN-SPIRING ~ or power of spiri t - the -let there be ~n of the third verae of our Bible. Ray

The Second great power is the EXPANDING BIq - the Oura.nian as Jesus called 1 t - the Heaven from Wi thin. Third. the great :roRMING Ray.

Fourth. the CLARII11NG or OATHAIAB or Purifying

Fifth, the VITALIZING or Shamean Sixth. the




RQ7, creating


atoms and



seventh, the Great HOLDING ~ - by use of whioh man 1s beginning the completion of manls attainment here on earth.


These lessons teach you responsiveness TO these !!l!. In THIS Lesson, I teach you of the Great I~SPIRING ray! Such response can come only from an attitude of opennes8 of the BOul - free from restricti~e thoUghts of mind, 80 that the soul is open for the inflow of spirit, for inspiration. The use of the in-spiring po'trer of the first great ra:y of area.tion is proclaimed by - "LET !!lill. be LIGHT. n

But it is certain that this 'light', is not the light seen we oall light not created until the fourth day of creation. It was then, that symbols of the sun and moon were created - oreation of light which we oall light - seen by the human eye.

by the human eye, because what


The ~ord t light' in the phrase - "let there be lightll literally means, - "Let there be a SPREAD of spirit fire." This means, a SPRE1DING or radiation of spirit, moving out into all things. and oonseouently IN-spiring itself into them! This is closely linked up with the use of the Second Great that of Expansion - because when spiri t moves into anything, it expands it into new activity and new attainment.

Ray -

Now return to a truth I taught 10u in a preceding Lesson that the pb;1sieal means by whiah all energies which manifest in your body and in 70ur brain structure,. are received!

Preparation for response to this Inspiring Ray, is simple. But do no t try to do it. by t thoU&ht' of mind. Remember that mind always tends to take things to itself, to store them up within its own consoiousness. That is, mind never gives attention to anything, except to perceive something it wishes to take into its own thought •• No one would ever 8 tudy anything, except mind wi shes to gain information to take into its conscloulueas. Mind is self-ish. grasping ideas to enrich itself. Hence mind has beoome a ruthless dictator, interferrlng With the manifestation of love, and even of spirit itaelf. Jut Iplrlt is radiant, flOwing out, always. to inspire it8elf into something elBe, al~Y8 to uplift that something elee! You want spiri t to FLO', into lOur ~ and THROUGH 1 t! Remember clearlY'. that ALL in-ep1:ration of power into your phwyslcal structure, comes through the skin. . The skin possesses the only cells which are tuned to vibration high enough to respond to infinite energy. lS-SO

Moreover, in its very struature. it has over two billion !:.eceivi~ sets. which can and do receive the infinite energies of the universe - the energies of God. 'power'

Even physiologists now call it, the 'miracle' organ, and write of its ~stic aotivity! YET YOU give it very 1i ttle chance to inap!re the d1 vine energies of the universe! In fa.ot. TOu usually actually HINDER its act! vi ty for 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59' seconds every day. So at least for seven minutes each morning and night, alone by youreelf, give the cells of, your skin, freedom!

Remember aleo that your skin {lella are DI1FER~ from all other cells of your bo~y. In origin they ARE like brain celIe! But functionally, they DIFFER from ALL other cells. ALL -8k1n cells MUST have --LIGHT AND 11 ve! -.. - ----- -- -AIR, -to --In oontrast, ALL cells INSIDE your bO~YI DIE the moment they are exposed to light or air; and this is true of ALL cells of all the INNER organs and ti ssues of your body. This is why - in growing heart tissues cells outside the bo~ as Dr Oarrel does - the labora.tory room must be dark, and labora.tory assistants dress in BLACK gowns! -The ONE grea.t life-need of SKIN oe1ls 1s AIR. and MORE AIR!

Most benefits 'supposedlvt due to sunlight. are due to air. Only a little sunlight is beneficial! More than a little IS deadly detrimental. nature lOlow more than faddists do. If you expose your boQy to just a little too much sunlight. divine intelligence knows it is so very detrimenbal. that nature blisters your skin to make you keep out of the sunlight; OR it builds up a dark ourtain of tan below the outer akin to keep out the light. God and

But skin cells need air and MORE air, and STILL more AIR! AIR is the G~T ACTIVATOR of all BILLIONS OF skin cells. They MUST HAVE AIR TO LIVE! Yet, yOu do NOT give them EVEN a l~ nor,mal chance to live! Your body livee 1,440 minutes every day! 14 minutes is only l~ of the 1440 minutes of the ~y. But you do not give your akin cells a chance to live in DIRECT CONTACT with air, even for 14 minutes each ~! 18-81

Will a plant grow well, if gi~en onlY l~ of the air it neede? Allllfe breathes to live. Even an apple in the oellar breathes. And a tree breathes. It even perspires - about 400 quarts of water on a hot day. But what would happen ~ if you kept its leaves swathed in olothes? Even to live, your skin cells must have MOVING air! Yet you deprive them of it, 99~ of the time! Thi sis a great physiologioal CRIME of this ~e! The activ1ty of the skin IS mystical and mi,ht)"!

It affects even the inner bo~. The bo4Y itself DIES. if only a part of its akin is injured.

Scienoe haa reoentl1 made a remarkable discovery. If one-third or more of the skin i8 burned. even liver and k1 dne1s begin to DI SINTlIXtBATE. And al though the skin maT heal. yet death results becauae of 1 ts indirect effect on the liver and kidneys. This is but one proof that the skin - in addition to its own inspiration yOrk - helps to maintain normal sctlv1ty. and even the structure of kidneys and liver. Skin activation is eBsential. 80 that other organs can do their part in responding to spirit. Co-operate with your mystical skin oells; and FREE THEM from the sodden condition in whioh you have kept them. Give·them AT LEAST a l~ chanoe to live - to contact air freely for at least 14 minutes EVERY ~t


ask ~ to expo se your 8lg..~ FREELY to AIR! .And to MOVE about when doing 1 t! SEVEN minutes each MORNING and SEVEN minutes each NIGHT. CertainlT these two periods - 14 minutes in all - lees thaa l~ of the 1440 minutes of the day - are not too much, for the activation of the miracle cells of YOUR bo¢y - the only oel18 which MUST have AIR to live.

Choose a seven minutes period convenient to you; and be certa1n that the temperature of the room - in oold weather i8 agreeably warm. Then when you first awaken in the morning and also juat betore you retire at night - take a piece of WHITE SIU Cu)TH about a yard square. and gently fluff - very very gently fluff - the entire skin surface of TOur bodT· Fourteen minutes ot exposure to air - which skin oelle MUST have to live - PLUS this light fluffing of the akin with a dry 80ft white silk cloth - will do MORE to activate your skin, than twenty-four hours out in the sunshine. 18-$2

Give the MYSTIC cells of your skin Just a little chane., and the SPIRITUAL responai veness of body will increase TEN-roW! Awaken your skin to recei va the IN- Spi ring power of God! . This ra:y has a peculiar vlbratol7 power of ita own.

When it passes into a living substance, it inspires it. How long should you continue this aotivation of the ~k1n? Oontinue it for life. IF you wish to continue to inspire the energy of the un1 verae - theenergy 0'1 God - to the lim t.

Yes, the instructions I have given you ~ VIR! simple. I want them to be simple. so you will scaro~ly think. of them. All you need to do. is to secure about a square yard of wbite loft silk and then ~ it wi th the skin free to the air, for at least seven minutes each night, each morning~ Do not 11e down for thi B. but move about - move around in your room by 70urself, alone . . There are many proofs now, that movement of ai r ON the akin counteracts much of what we used to think were detrimental reeult. due to lack of sufficient ox;ygen in breathing. We now know that it is ionization which 18 THI essential in the breathing of air and 1n action of a1r on the sld.n. ile also know that the electronic energy of 004 18 the enerD which CQNDITIONS the cella of the bocV'. so that they beCOiii., lION responai'Va to the e •• ence ot all power. of God. -Let us clearly understand tbla, even if 1 t 10 necessary for m. to repeat something I ~ have previouel1 written.

All energies of God work together II BABMONY. unless 70ur consciou8 mind interfere. with their worldng. For mind and love and life and api r1 t to manff~8t throUCh your bod7. the body must be cond1 tioned. - that Is. brought up to a certain state of vibration - before even the all-powerful energies can manifest! . The 'WOrds 'all-powerful' mean only that energies are &11p01l8rful acoording to the harmolll of all powers of God.

It iii nece 88a17 for the· boq to 1N conti tionecl by the enerD we call heat. BEFORE any cell can fUllctlon at &11. You already know this, for if a human bodl' i8 frol8ll stltf, no power of life or mind can manifes t through it. So also the body MUST be. oondi tioned ~ the electronic energy of God BEFORE 1ts cella can respond to spirit.

But energies which condition the bodf. are NOT life! They merely put bo~ in condition, 80 life oan man1f~.t.


Hence, scientists who conolude that heat 11 11te:. or that electricity is life are complete~ mistaken. All such energies are merely the conditioning energiee which make it possible for higher God-energies of spirit to manifest. Nevertheless. all the conditioning energies are essential for all manifestation of lite; and the greatest manifestation of life in the body is due to the ionization which takes place beoause ot electronic energy. So it is wise - when you use the square of silk to fluff the skin of your body - to stand: (1) on a tile bath floor, or (2) on a large piece of glass, or (3) on a rubber mat - on anything whioh prevents electrical energy from passing away from the skin. There is proof of the value of this, for electronic energy oan be induced to accumulate on the surface of the skin. You know that merely wal~ng over a thick carpet, barefooted on a cool day. charges the skin with electricity, so that when 70ur finger tips touch an obJect made of metal, there will even be a flashing spark ~f electrioity_ The life or death of every cell of the bodT depend, on a

major positive eleotronic oharge at ita center, and a lesser negative electronic charge on t~e outside of its little boa,. We alao know that if these charges tend to equal eaoh other there ic death; and tha~the vitality, energy, endurance depend on the in-spiring of the positive powers of the universe. Your skin is a ID7stic organ - the miracle organ, as mystic as anything you have ever dreamed ot in occultism! It i8 the on17 bo~ tissue which contains billions of little receiving sets. to take-in the opiritual energies of God. I do not Wish to instruct ;you much about tbi a. I have told all that needs to be done_ I do not wish you to think much about it. - but to feel .... all the time you are fluffing your akin with the white silk cloth and leaving it uncovered free to the air - to feel that your akin ia awakening to responsive vibration of a higher rate.


Remember the skin's delicacy of response to ~bration ot higher powers, is finer and greater even than the response of the most delicate nerves of the eye. The akin's mzstic aotivity is to receive power - to in-spire energies of God; and then to tranami t those energies to all the billions of cells of your inner bOQyr This In-spirat1on of power, IS the true 'breath of life'.




by Brown Landone



Ouranos is tbe word ALWAYS used by Jesus for 'heaven'.

It means infinite EXPANSION! And Jesus taught response to the Expanding Power' of God, as THE means of the awakening heaven here and now. of expanding life into a heaven of attainment, of bringing heaven to earth.

Thi s Expanding Ray was celled the Huanaoan Ray ages ago! I t was deified in the Ti&Juanaoan Temple of the God-in-Gold In the sacred eastern Andes - thousands of years before m.ystlc wise

men went to Thibet. IT LIFTS UP and EXPANDS the soul! God used this second step in creation. And by use of this Expanding Ray. God wrought the second Day

of creation. - "the FIm4AMENT in the midst of waters."

In the revised yerslon ot the Bible, notes at bottom of page indicate that the word translated firmament, meana expansion", and God himself called this expansion, heaqen. See Oen 1:8.

To respond to thill Expanding Ra¥. I teach you a ne", atti tude! It iaNEITHER relaxed nor tensed. but expectantly expanding; and hence it 1s in harmon7 wi th spirt tt s ever expanding acti vi ty. You do

~ relax 70ur bOQ1 to become more responsive! No matter what 70U have been taucht, any and all elackne81S of relaxation 1s NOT 'like' the activii,1 of spirit.

Slackness or relaxation·· is LACK of energy 1n aation. It makes both mind and body non-activet Non-activity does not and can NOT respond fully to activity.

There have been strange teachings given to you, to help you attain gre~ter spiritual oonsciousness. Spirit is the highest activity of God, yet these strange teachings tell you to stop activity in order to become active.

To respond to spirit - the greatest activity of the soul first quiet the slow chugging aotion of body and anxious thoughts.

All rights reserved


God's world of spir1 t 1 B inf1nl te! Iven TOur soul, is NOT oonfined inside of TOur little bodJ· God does permea.te your being, but the greater truths are: (1) you are IN God, and (2) your soul !.! greater than lOur ~.

Your soul 1s not IN your body, - for boctv is limited and IOul 1 B lim1 tles8. The llgQt in your room radiates out from an eleotric bulb. and 11 all around the bulb. OnlY' its focal point is 1n8ide the bulb. So also, your body is the focal p01nt of your aoul it 1s no more inside TOur body', than light 1n 70ur room 1s inside the bulb,

SECOND STEP: atti tude,


SIT Beven minutes in th1b



do thia each night and UlDrning!

Feel Toureelf


look out

a8 at night.

over the

tops ot trees; out over far a~ hilla: out, far above the horlzon t even TO the S1lRS! SaT unto t~8elf, - -I will lift up mine ~8B to the hills," for it is from the heights of God. that strength cometh! THI HI> STEP: Feel as though you were OUT in the mldlt of all lnfinl te api rl t, OUT beyond an..v thought of liml ted body or mind. EXPAND out and out, until lOU know that the infinity of own soul 18 NOT oonflned to lOur li ttl. ~.


Your, so~ IS ~p!!"l t. ,!Uld DOllS act_~).Z 11 ve in spirt t &mO!l& the stars, .!! well as gn this e~.rth o.t Godt FOURT]!


Vls!o~ ~hat

ZQJ! want, Wi th NO restriotions! So. vision fulfillment WITHOUT LIMIT! -

Spirit is infinite. ADJUST your old


You are IN spirlt,


to new ideals! vision yourself IN sp1rlt~

P1J'l'H M'IP: M 70U sit in this expeotant attitude, and. &1 'your mind expanda SO 1 t IS like spirt t in action - DESIRE wbat lOU want wi th all intenee &pi r1 tual longinc of your soul. This makes your soul reach out, .not In''8.l"d; and tb1 B is in harmony wi th all the act! vi ty ofs~l rl t 1 teelf! .And as your activity becomes LID the actlT1t7 at spirit. conflicting opposition disappears, and desire IS fulfilled! EVEN YOUR BODY - in this expeotant attitude - become, reapon8i ve and is transformed - flooded wi th vi tali ty of api r1 t. As ~ expand, your oonsciousness intimateg contacts spi ri t itself and all its manifestations. You beoome continuously guided by spirt t.


All mental barriers to past memories, disap~ear! And with your activity. like the activity of spirit. you constantly commune with it. Praotioe


now - the first five steps. given above.

Often clarify in your oY-m mind, the Seven Holy Powers of God of the Seven Days of Creat1on~ There is nothing elee like these powers in all heaven and earth. They never destroy: they are alwB1s constructive. And each always produces a reault after its O"lm kind. For the First Day of the prooes8 of creation. there i8 the In-spiring ~ - the radiation of energy into the ideal of what you desire, or into the substance or thing or condition you w1ab to oreate.

For the Seoond ~7 of the process, there is the Expand1ns which starts the oreating ot something different from that whioh was iilspired by the Firat Power.


For the Third Da.Y. there 18 the Forming BK whioh begins to give form to what 1s expanding. to actuali.e the ideal of what you desire.

lor the J'ourth Da7, there 1s the Olarlfy1ng Po~r. You mq a1ao call 1 t the Purifioation or Differentiating Power - eaoh part taldnc t \8 own place. being harmonized so that each part works together harmoniously' to produce what you most desire. For the Fifth

~ of our proo!!! of creat1on, there ,is. the to be used. It is mystio and ~8terlous in Its power; it gives lite even to that whioh does not have life - Just as God on the Fifth Da7 brought forth life out of water which in i teel! is ~ot liv1ng.

n tali ling


For on the Sixth Day, the Re-Creative Power - the power of each thing to reproduce i teel!. like to its own kind - the 80urce ot·all abundanoe of earth - whether abundance of energies, or 11fe, or of things of material wealth. And for the Seventh Dq, the 1Io1d1ng i!l - that 1s, the power that k.ep. 'Wtlat yo.u have oreated tor use tor 70ureelf and for others, and a180 keeps what 70U have created. in the torm or con. d1 t10n in which you oreated it, 80 1 t does not leasen. or deteriorate, or disappear. 19-88



EXPANDING TO CREATE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LESSON XX I wri te for you of II The wi edoat of God in a mystery. - even the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the world~ "The powers that be, ~ orUR oounts,c __breathe-out for SIVEN counts. ····.. . . . . . . ._ : : _ , - - - -




_______ •


dn._ d



.. ••


4 to 1 ratio Is not based on mere theor,y or euppoait1on! the law ~f perfect spiritual !2!! AND movement~

All-;erf~ct~ movements' ~~~l~e -lnto-~~~-





"Perfect numbers" are alW87B determ1ned~ addition, - BEOA.USE it is the 9nly ari thmetioal 9Pe~ati.on which 1s .ALWAYS BA.SIC in ALL other secondary operations of mathematics. Multiplication, subtraction, end division are secondary! For example, multiplication is merely repeated additions. Multiplying four times five, gives the same result as adding flve, four TIMES. And subtraction 1 s nothing but UN-addill8 numbers! .And Division i·s a process of 8ubtraction. When you s~. - that 4 is contained five times in 20, you mean that 4 ~ be subtz:acted five times from 20! I write of this now, so you ahall know: (1) that there i8 ONLY OHI !ASIC arithmetical proceas; (2) that it 1& ad41tlon; that (3) only ~ add! tion can we test numbers to determine botlx perfeot torm and movement in the universe; and that (4) perfect harmonic movement 1s essential in breathing. If a number is perfect. it can be resol.ed its digits into 1, 4. or 7. For example. 13 i8 1 and







3, and you have 4.-


Hence 13 IS a pertect number, beoause it relOlvea into 4. Now teat 2b. ADD 1 ts 2 to 1 ts 6, and 70U baTe 8. Bence 26 11 BOT perfect, beoause the 8 i . NOT 1, or ~. or 7. Hext telt 16. ADD 1 te 1 andb. You have 1. It IS perfeot. So allO 31. Ita 3 plu8 1 make 4. And 142 1s perfeot, - for 1 plu8 4 plus 2. 18 7.

Ixcept tort1lO actual proven ~. theee number. ot I, 4, and might 8eem fantastic! The first great tactual truth 11, that theae are the OBLY numbers found TEROUGPOtJl! the un! verae, in .ALL form, and movement! The .Icond factual truth 11. that they are the OILY proportional., whioh AD found 1n ~ the .true toure of un1 ver ...


The,. determine proportional 418tanoe. of ,tar •• widths and lencth of paths of comet.; and d1ltance. of' planet. from the INn!

ad on earth .. theae lame numbera tetel'lll1ne IVldtT beautlful.

ceolDltria d••ign ever uaecl in art or archi tecture: the 1ntervala ot ~ au.loal eoale.; the proportion. of the human bo~! !'he,. are even found in the inner deslgn. of snowflake••

lroa rq U8e of the.. aaored numberl - 1. 4, and 7 ... 70U M7 aR, - "Do lOU bell eve in Ilume~ 10171 II lit anlwer la, - !Q. and D!. 140m believe in tantutio q.t... of numerology worked. out by JDaD, for they All wrODC! Jut I Pt believe in the ~leo11 number. which found in all anowtla1ce deaillla, in intervale of colore in the epectrum: 1n our 1lU81oal loale., in torma aDd relational distanoe. and even 1n ap ••de ot aeteorl, comet.. plane'.. .tara of the un1 Yeree. .


Wi th lucb melenc., I acoept the SPIRITtIlL !Jail. of 1, 4, 7.

And hence 1 teach IOU the le.urreatloD-~8D.lon !reath, .a the SIl!H et~ ot the Saared Re-.pon ••• baled on 1, 4. 1. y.e 'h1. breath OBLJ whim r •• tlnc in aD ....7 'chair: ~ maEiDe JOur peace with Iplrlt, 8Il4 atter the fourth atep of Lelson 1. AftD the J'ourtb step ot nl10Dinc nat you want •. 1_41&te17 proceed 111 th the sacred !reath ot tb1s Le •• on. And never, use thl. breath when at_tiac: a1 thouch, 1t AD Ievalld-in bei'&t pre.ent. u •• 1 t when l7lng


U•• 1 t 4 II1nut••

!!2A and 7 1I1nutea

' ,-

!ach .venine!

Breathe-IB tor tour count.. .lnd do not hold JOUr breath! Then breathe-OUT for 7 count. and sua; tor 1 count of reet . .Again breathe-IN 4 counts; breathe-OU!, 7; and rest 1 oount. Continue FOUR minutes each morn1ngi SEVDi minutes each night.



)'0110'« this. by again DISIRING what 70u 'aIlt, lntenee17.


Do NOT a.k


or 8I11One.

m IQ!i .aoh ·C01mt"

Iboul4 bel

nvm •timet

)'Our breatb1nc ~ a clock. or to &DI'Ol1e'l advioe. Your breatblng 11 IQ.YI breath1nc! Spin t II Dm will 4etermne bow long each count abould be lOu at tbtl tillle!


ru. SPIBI'l'tIAL law 11 .!1!! law !!~! 80 alWIrTI 'breathe 10 that the JOUR count. of YOtm In-lOins breath _d tha SIY.E ooat, of JOur out.-go1ng breath:-;r. IY! torl!m. . Ia•• 18 the proof ot apir1tual banIoD7 111 aetlon 111 IJm! 'fbi. sacred Breath

It, 1. 4. 7 tbe



1l 1n

tune wi th the =1 V8fae.

the proportional at,tano.e of pluet. t~1I

and of inter.tar epac•• l

!her 4etenalne our lII\18ioal SOall - S!!!! primal tone; !!n!r. bue ton•• - 40. 111. 101. 40; lenD lllt'"al, 1n maJor loal•• ThaD other Teleola Dumberl - 13 (11.) azul 19 (1) - 4ete1"ll1rie "speotlY817. the !lintenall 0'1° the perfecte" ohZ'oll&tl0 leal., ADd the highest beautlful o",nonel ot purest vio11n DOt••• The .. same 1, 4, 1 are found 1n U11cna IISIDI of aowflake.; 1n the whirl, ot flonne water; in OUM'e ot a bird' a wiUC. and in ttie perteot proportion. of the human boq. The.e I17ltlc relation. ot on8 to tour to de81pI of all great temple. - in the enoient Oathq; the Great PJ'ramld; the Inner Chuberl of Ileusle; lioly of Hollea: )(qa Templ •• ; and ually 81'1Dbolic Temple ot Qodr-in-Bad18D07.

••ven were uaed til temple ot BeaveD 1n . of fb1bet; the !empl. 111 the 1I08t eplrlt.

!'he7 balance, the proport10nal IIOveaellt. of the wwr,•• In the Sacred Breath. they beoou the bal._ce !!!!!! 2! litel Altbough pq8101ogical breatJlinc leta JOur boq di. 111 a few de cade 8. ye t the 1 to 4 to 7,' con tlnuoual;;r re4eell. 1 t! UBI thi.

breath, and 70u aplrl tually reeurrect )'Our bo••

!'he apostle ,81 th, "A,11 fleah ahall lee the aBlY.tioD of 004 .• And since death and llte are oond1 tlonl. death can be turned to 11te. 'The Lord 004 BUlTHID -- ADd un became • LlnW lGUl .•

Thi8 turn. death to 11te; old oel18 into De. ones. \11 th 8uch llfe,


70uth 1. renewed.llke the eagleep.




!BI-BPIBlrDlL PHYSIO~IST - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LlSSOI JJl% !here are JOUR bait c me.1 pron c1ecl by Goel, tor pvltnoc the oell, of the boq. to make 1 t mor. reaponll ve to .pl r1 t.

!!a!. lntelllC!Dce

of ~ oell1 11 10 great that \hq Dr to wben ~ou Ii.sleet thea!

oarr,-oa tbelr .,..tenoui tUllOtionl. . . .

.AD4 1f 70U 1P1rltual17 cooperat., the1r actlY1tl ••. 'NIl.-4





beooae re48_ra'

Tour b1004 1- the 11·ny tl.u14 ot Ute.

_.tl01 .peat

,ruq. when they oall., l ' the 111 riDe blood ot ,he laab of 004.' I' rube. throuch lOur beq. quart. of l' IftI7 aiDut., pa11tr1DC eTtr7 oell, tor creater reIlPODa1l'.e •• to 1P1rtt! Other lntelll,._ 8Ot1'11t1 •• - of 1nt •• t1n.a4 ttclae,w quart. ot other UIl-reapon.i ...1 . .at.a . .err cIq • . Tour at1n aquae... out ll1puri tl... t~UIh two tllouaD4 81l11oD 11 ttl. tub •• ; .4 JOur lUDCa breath. out 4uar'. lllpUr8 air each c1q - 2,532 pint. eftrlld.a.ute\

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God aD4 Datve work tor 70U 'hour17 - intel11centb. lonac1l'. '!'heT keep the•• proo..... eoti1'e, enn wbea rou necleot BYen when lOU do DO t 11'" thea halt • cballo.!


Oh. I realise wbat lOu !!l be PriDe to J'OV,r••lt. - '1'BlT? II thi. cour ... Jut attentioD to kidDe,.. inte.tine., ald.n, lUllCi' .~. that 18 the .... old ~.l·oloQ - nothiDg eor•.• ~.

:D!!l!!!:! 11 aoaetb1y:


.ere ,_Idologioal let JOUr boq DII 70U are a lDere 100 7ear. 014 ~ The,. let 1 t begin to die when ,.ou



are only 21.

1m liIfH wpiri tual cooperation, ~ 2!!! make the ~ .!9. . plrl tualll reepoD8i va tha.! !! tenda !2 PHYSICAL IMMOBTALIft! This i l the c11fference between slowly d71nl tor JDOst ot 70ur lite, or inapirlng the structure to lncreallng!7 liTe. !'be spirt tual !.! linked wi th the phTaiologioal. - the ~ whioh mu.t be made 8plr1tual17 respoDsive - lifted up to vibrate llke aplrit, to continue ita llfe, Yitally and 7outhtul17 • .lll right, reserved


sho.uld .!.E!! ~ wi th amazemen!. FOr many decadea scientists have been trying to find o~t WBT the bod.y dies, - for pb7aiologically the bo
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