Awaken the Unlimited Power of Your Subconscious Mind_L

May 9, 2017 | Author: Lidia Bárcenas | Category: N/A
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Welcome to the unlimited power of your subconscious mind. The goal of this book is to teach you the experience and skil...


Awaken the Unlimited Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Raj Bapna Published by: Mind Power Research Institute Above Bapna Eye Hospital, 59 Sector 4 Udaipur (Rajasthan) 313002 Website: Email: [email protected]

Published by Mind Power Research Institute, Udaipur, India. Copyright (C) 2005-2010. All rights reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without prior written permission from the publisher. The author and the publisher have tried their best to make this book as useful and as best as possible. However, they will not be liable for any mistakes. This book is sold subject to Udaipur (Raj) jurisdiction only. Printed in India by Mahima Multicolour Pvt Ltd, Udaipur.

Disclaimer The author and the publisher have tried their best to make this book as useful and as best as possible. The author is not a medical doctor / psychiatrist / psychologist and therefore this book is for educational purposes only and not for treatment of any diseases. Those suffering from diseases of any kind should consult appropriate medical doctors.

Acknowledgments I wish to thank the following persons for their valuable help in making this book better: Dr Anil Bapna, Ph D, Dr Anju Bapna, MBBS, Mr Jayanti Jain, Dr Sharad Srivastava, PhD, Mrs Manju Lodha. For cover design, thanks to Mr Syed Yunus Ali of Mahima Multicolor Pvt Ltd.

Dedication This book is dedicated to:

Richard Bandler John Grinder Milton Erickson The greatest researchers who developed many effective techniques for using the unlimited power of the subconscious mind

Table of Contents Chapter 1. Introduction • How I am Uniquely Qualified to Write this Book Chapter 2. The Unlimited Power of Your Subconscious Mind • Conscious Mind and Subconscious Mind • Power of Beliefs Elephant and rope How some new world records were created The magic of sugar tablets Students get high marks because of teachers belief How do beliefs work

Beliefs are in your mind and in your body An Example of Power of Beliefs from History • Power of Imagination Basketball training and imagination Proof that imagination works Imagine yourself achieving success • Power of Goals Chapter 3. Suggestions are the Secrets of the Unlimited Power of Your Subconscious Mind • Suggestions are the Secrets • Enormous Power of Suggestions and SelfHypnosis Announcing new scientific research breakthrough … “Genius Tape”

Chapter 4. Understanding Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis • What Is Hypnosis or Self-Hypnosis • Misunderstanding in General Public about Hypnosis • Hypnosis In Our Lives Hypnosis Goes Very Deep Are We Really Hypnotized? • Ramakrishna Hypnotized Swami Vivekananda To Samadhi • Everyone Can Be Hypnotized • What Can Hypnosis And Self-Hypnosis Do for You Chapter 5. How to Create Effective Suggestions • 4 Guidelines for Effective Suggestions The Suggestions should be in Present Form

and Not in Future Form The Suggestions should be Positive Say the Same Message in Many Ways (technique 1) Say the Same Message in Many Ways (technique 2) • Suggestions for Effortless Concentration • Suggestions for Mega Memory • Suggestions for Stronger Will Power and Determination • Suggestions To Relax And Take Exams Confidently Without Stress Or Nervousness • Suggestions for A Winning Personality • Suggestions to Stop Smoking • Suggestions for Wealth Consciousness and Prosperity Thinking • Suggestions for Total Self-Improvement • Advanced Techniques for More Effective Suggestions

Pacing and Leading with AND Stacking Realities Use words relating to seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and taste General Different Suggestions for Left and Right Ears Give Suggestions While Holding Breath For Even More Effective Self-Hypnosis • Marc Allen's Secrets of Suggestions for Success with Ease Chapter 6. Powerful Methods to Awaken the Unlimited Power of Your Subconscious Mind • Learn Self-Hypnosis in 3 Easy Steps • First, Learn to Just Relax 2 Ways to Relax Effectively and Quickly 4 Effective Techniques to Deepen Your

Relaxation • Suggestions for Better Self-Hypnosis • Imagine that You have Already Achieved Success • Wake Up at Desired Time With or Without Using Alarm Clock Step 1: Become aware that it is time to wake up in the morning Step 2: Get out of your bed Use Self-Hypnosis Before Sleep Use Suggestion After You Become Aware It is Time to Wake Up Begin This Good Habit Today • How to Get into the "State" for Success and Begin Work Physiology Ask the right questions Focus on success

• Do This to Quickly Get Ready to Study or Work Even If You are not in a Mood • How to Develop High Physical Energy Necessary for Hard Work and Big Success Chapter 7. Advanced Methods • Before You Begin Self-Hypnosis • How to Utilize Self-Hypnosis for Your SelfImprovement What if You Want to Do Something that You Have Never Done Before? • An Advanced Method of Self-Hypnosis • How to Create Your Own Self-Hypnosis Cassette Step 1: Create Relaxing Suggestions or Imagination Step 2: Select the Goal/Benefit and Create Suggestions

Step 3: Record a Cassette and Experiment • Artificial Reincarnation: The Raikov Effect • The Master Mind Principle • The Borrowed Genius Procedure • Change Your Name and Change Your Life Chapter 8. Cassettes, CDs and Mind Machines for Effortless Benefits • New Mind Technologies Help Use the Power of Your Subconscious Mind Two Key Goals of all Mind Technologies Mind Technology Cassettes and Mind Machines Available in India Advanced Mind Technologies Chapter 9.

Goals-Setting Workshop: How to Set Big Goals to Energize and Compel You to Massive Action for Big Success • Big Goals Are The Seeds Of Your Big Success How One Man Changed From Failure To Great Success By Setting Big Goals To Be Great, You Need To Be The Best In Just One Field. It Is OK To Be Ordinary In All Other Fields Do Not Wait For Greatness To Be Forced Upon You, But Choose It If You Do What Others Do, You Will Get The Same Results That Others Get Ask Yourself: What Will I Do If I Knew That I Could Not Fail If Your Goal Is More Than To Just Earn

Money, You Will Get Help From Many Different Sources Create Your Own "My Win Book" to Gain Self-Confidence and Get Ready to Set Big Goals Set Big Goals That Motivate You For Big Success Marc Allen's Secrets Of Goal Setting For Success With Ease Magnificent Obsession: Have At Least One Big Goal That You Can Be Obsessed With Or Fanatical About Goals Change With Time • Effective Goal Setting What Is The Meaning Of Success For You How To Discover What Is Really Important To You In Life Write Each Goals As You Imagine That You have Already Achieved Success

Identify Your Goals Goals For Total Self-Improvement Special Note on Goal Setting for Students and Job Seekers • Take Massive Action Value of Knowledge is in Action Secret of Time Management For Achieving Your Goals Daily Assignment for You Get into the "State" for Success and Begin Work Appendix 1. How to Get Maximum Benefit from Any Book, Cassette or CD Appendix 2. Ancient Wisdom:

My Favorite Quotations •

Chapter 1. Introduction

Dear friend, Welcome to the unlimited power of your subconscious mind. The goal of this book is to teach you the experience and skills necessary for developing new beliefs to awaken the unlimited power of your subconscious mind. The goal is not to explain various theories and medical research (many of these techniques are recognized by various medical associations and medical journals are devoted to further this knowledge). As you learn a new technique, you will instantly feel its benefit and power. As you practice the same technique for several days,

its use will become easier and results more profound. One of the keys to big success is to learn a few things and do them very well (as opposed to learn many things and do them not so well). So, when you like a technique, you can use it repeatedly for several days without trying to learn other new techniques. The real goal here is to quickly get results that you are looking for and the techniques are just to help you get those results fast. First, get results. Then you can continue to learn more. Please also read and do exercises in Chapter 9 (Goal-Setting Workshop), which I originally developed as a separate book, and now included with this book for your benefit. Please write to me at email [email protected] about your successes. Wishing you a big success,

(Raj Bapna)

How I am Uniquely Qualified to Write this Book You may be curious to know how I am uniquely qualified to write this book. I happened to discover special ways to learn. For example, I developed a new way to learn Chemistry that helped me get the highest marks in Chemistry in the High School Rajasthan Board Exam, and that was a pleasant surprise for me specially because I did not like Chemistry as a subject and did not enjoy studying it. Physics and Maths were what I really liked. I got 5th rank in the board exam and won the NTSE scholarship from NCERT. Then, during my engineering education, I noticed that certain ways of studying were helping me and some of my friends to get more marks. In the second-year course on Report Writing, I selected the topic "How to Get High Marks at BITS, Pilani".

I continued to get success and did M.Tech. from IIT Kharagpur and finally went to USA. As I made money in USA I was delighted and I used some of it to buy a lot of books on the topics relating to mind power, learning and success. I bought cassettes and mind machine. I attended seminars. These were not cheap for me because I was from a middle class family and before going to USA, I had only a bicycle and had never driven a car, scooter or a motorcycle. But, the thought in my mind was, "If I am willing to give up the good job at Intel and return to India, where I expect to earn only Rs 10,000 a month helping students, then I should be willing to spend some more of my hard earned money to buy books, cassettes, mind machines and learn in seminars, so that I can really help the students to the very best of my ability." I also realized this: "If I don't buy now, I may not get a chance to buy later because buying American

products from India is so much more difficult." With such thoughts, I spent the money: The mind machine cost me $327 and most single cassettes cost between $10 to $40. One cassette set on Neuro Linguistic Programming by Richard Bandler cost me $145 and another cassette set on Brain/Mind Expansion by John-David cost me $345. The Anthony Robbins seminar was $445 and the Richard Bandler seminar cost me $1290. And, in the end, I became a real expert on how to use more mind power, how to study for success in exams and competition, how to memorize faster, etc. By the way, my family had wanted me not to settle down in USA but return to India and do something good in our own country. I worked hard to make good money before returning to India. I went on to charge my clients $18,002 for the single month of December 1990. Then, I returned to India, and my brother and I started Mind Power Research Institute to help

students get success. And to our pleasant surprise, the editors of newspapers, magazines, and professional journals gave glowing reviews and readers including doctors, engineers, professors, teachers and others loved our course Raj Bapna's Mind Power Study Techniques and admired it. For example, here is what some of them said. Times of India: "Simple, effective, practical techniques to improve overall intelligence and mind power. Even average student can easily understand." Anand Bazar Patrika: "It has many techniques to increase your mind power quickly." Malayalam Manorama: "It teaches how to succeed in exams and life-struggle." Management Accountant (ICWA journal): "Scientifically developed to help students and readers to increase their mind power. The techniques are explained in simple and easy to understand language. Recommended for students and general readers. This course is worth reading

and practicing." And unexpectedly, the course soon became a mega best seller because the readers really liked it and benefited from it. One of our students even set a new all India memory record to enter the Limca Book of Records. Soon, as we started getting hundreds and hundreds of letters thanking us for the great benefit students started experiencing in their lives as a result of secrets and techniques that they learnt, we were gripped by excitement. Students were really grateful for the help and guidance they got. Many asked me not to return to USA. These letters of gratefulness motivated me not to go back to USA, but continue to stay here. So, I stayed here for 9 years before taking a 3-year break between 2000 and 2003 to go to California, USA as a founding member of a software company to develop innovative software for telecommunication and to make money for myself. Since 1991, my brother and I have spent full time

(we don't have other jobs, shops, or factories) to do research in India with the single goal of helping students. We developed Dr Anil Bapna's Mind Power Music for self-improvement. Recently, we developed powerful mind machines for students to memorize vocab 3 to 7 times faster and to learn any subject better. The mind machines used power of suggestions along with other mind technologies. Finally, now, after about 14 years of more learning, greater experience, and deeper understanding, I am excited to present this new book to you to learn the secrets of using the unlimited power of your subconscious mind to achieve big success. The techniques and secrets in this book are timeless and have been used for long periods of time (decades to many thousands of years) by many people. Some of the methods are as old as 5,000 years and some are as new as two decades or even less.

I am really excited about this book because I am sure you will find this book a great guide to help you with whatever you want to achieve in your life.

Chapter 2. The Unlimited Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Conscious Mind and Subconscious Mind I use the terms “unconscious mind” and “subconscious mind” interchangeably to imply “what is not in your conscious awareness”. To understand the mind, we can divide it into two parts: conscious mind and subconscious mind. We use conscious mind when we knowingly think or do something. Some function like working of our heart is not under conscious control. It is the power of the subconscious mind that makes our heart beat about 72 times per minute regularly for up to 100 years. The subconscious mind is much more powerful than the conscious mind. But it is not under our direct control. It functions on the basis of information stored in it. It stores all kinds of information since the day the child is born. It even stores information that you are not consciously aware of. For example, a witness to an accident could not tell the car's license plate number, but

under hypnosis (hypnosis helps reach the subconscious) he gave the correct number. The techniques in this book help you use more of your subconscious mind for a greater success.

Conscious mind can only be aware of 7+ 2 items at a time. But, the subconscious mind can be aware of a very large number of items at a time.

Psychologists have found that we can consciously be aware of only 7+ 2 items at a time. But our subconscious mind can be aware of a large number of items at a time. For example, at any time, the subconscious is aware of many body functions including blood pressure, heartbeats, body temperature, chemical balances, blood flow, taking care of emergencies, etc. The diagram depicts this fact. Each "I" in the diagram represents an item.

How can we put suggestions into our subconscious mind? The subconscious mind functions on the basis of information stored in it, and if we can put suggestions in a person's subconscious mind, then we can modify that person's beliefs and behavior. The conscious mind is like a watchman and the subconscious mind is like a storeroom. The watchman has no intelligence on his own. He behaves on the information in the store.

Conscious mind is like a watchman and the subconscious mind is like a storeroom. Changing beliefs or behavior requires putting suggestions into the store without the knowledge of the watchman.

Suppose you tell yourself "you are good at study". And the store has stored other people's comments

such as "you are stupid, you cannot succeed". The watchman sees your sentences and compares it with the knowledge in its store and says, "This information is wrong". The watchman throws this new information away. He does not put the new positive information in the store. This is the fundamental difficulty in changing beliefs and behavior of a person. In this book, we learn powerful techniques to bypass the conscious mind and go directly to the subconscious mind with desired suggestions, thereby changing our beliefs and behaviors and achieve success.

Power of Beliefs A belief is an idea that we accept to be true. It can be a fact, a guiding principle, an opinion or a faith in someone or something. We can have a faith in our teacher or doctor, in the value of being honest or good, in the value of exercise for good health, in our ability to succeed or in the value of reading newspapers, magazines and books. A belief can be conscious or subconscious. Conscious beliefs mean that we know that we believe something. Subconscious belief means that we do not even know that we believe something. An example of subconscious belief is that we accept to be true what we see on the TV, what we hear on the radio and what we read in the newspapers. Beliefs are powerful. Here are a few examples that illustrate how beliefs affect performance. Elephant and rope

When an elephant is a small baby elephant, it is tied with a big strong chain. It tries hard to escape from the chain, but it cannot escape. As the elephant grows, the trainers replace the big strong chain by small rope. Surprisingly, the elephant still remains tied to the rope. It probably thinks "There is no point trying ... I know ... I have tried before and failed ... I am tied with the rope ... I cannot escape". How some new world records were created In the first half of this century, athletes and trainers believed that human body could not run a mile in 4 minutes. Then, in May 1954, one runner ran a mile in less than 4 minutes. In June of the same year, another person did it again. Since then, hundreds of people have run a mile in less than 4 minutes. It shows that the belief in impossibility was in the mind only. In weight lifting it was believed that 500 pounds was the limit for the human body. Many could lift

499, but none 500 or more. Then the trainers fooled a Soviet weight lifter Vasily Alexeev: the actual weight was 501.5 pounds but they told it was only 499. Vasily Alexeev lifted the weight. Once the belief was broken, many other weight lifters were able to lift more than 500 pounds. The magic of sugar tablets The magic of sugar tablets (also called the placebo effect) is well known to the medical doctors. In some placebo studies, patients were given sugar tablets that contained no medicine. But they were told that they were getting some powerful medicine. Many people got cured by sugar tablets. They got well just by believing that they were getting some real medicine. This example shows how the mind affects your body. Students get high marks because of teachers belief In one study, educational researchers divided

students of equal IQ into two groups. Teachers were told that one group had a high IQ and should get high marks. The other had a low IQ and should get low marks. What do you think was the result? The group, which teachers expected to get high marks, really got high marks. The other group got low marks. How do beliefs work How does a negative belief work? A negative belief is like an obstacle.

A negative belief is an obstacle.

For example, suppose you are asked to speak to a group of 200 people. If you believe that you are not good at speaking, then you will not be selfconfident. As a result, when you stand up and talk, you will lack the power, you will assume that you are not speaking well and you will yourself feel bad. That will have bad effect on your speech.

The result will be that you will not be satisfied with the speech. And this will confirm to yourself that you are not good at speaking in public. There is a loop. A negative loop. This loop helps maintain the negative belief. The positive beliefs work in the same way. They make positive loops and that maintain the positive beliefs. Beliefs are in your mind and in your body The human brain has about 15,00,00,00,000 (1500 crore) neurons or brain cells. Each single brain cell makes connection with 5,000 to 10,000 other brain cells. The network of brain cells is so complex that the brain can be imagined to be like a huge telephone network. When we learn something, new connections are created in the brain. Repetition strengthens these new connections. A different experience can modify the network. It means that you are changing continuously, though you do not know

about it. The mind and the body are connected. It has been recently found that the connection or interrelation is much stronger than what the doctors believed in the past. In the last ten years it has been discovered that there are about 50 to 60 chemicals taking messages from the brain to the body. The most well known of these are called endorphins. In the past it was believed that endorphins were present only in the brain. But now they have been found in the body, carrying messages to practically every cell in the body. These chemicals carry messages in the body about everything including thoughts, happiness, feelings, beliefs, etc. Let us see an example. A person is walking in the park. He sees something like a snake and thinks in his mind "It is a snake." That message of fear goes to other parts of the brain, then to the spinal cord and then to the rest of the body. In a very short period, the whole body knows about the danger

and prepares itself to face the danger. The heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, breathing becomes faster. Blood is diverted from the brain to the muscles, the hands and the feet. As a result, the person is ready to "fight" or "to run away". This well-known phenomenon is called "fight-orflight" response. Just the thought "snake" creates this response. In the same way, there is a biological basis for every thought. Your body knows what your mind thinks. And it acts accordingly. It means that a belief is not just an idea; it is in your body and your mind. Dr. Deepak Chopra is a famous doctor in USA who is invited all around the world for talks. According to him "To think is to practice brain chemistry." When you are happy or you believe in achieving success in whatever you are doing, that thought is conveyed to your whole body. Your body is more energetic and less tired. When someone is

unhappy and sad, his body is slow, dull and tired. In summary, your brain conveys your thoughts and beliefs to your body. If you think, "I will succeed", your brain tells your body to get ready and expect success. If you think, "I will fail", the brain tells the body "Do not even try, there is no chance of success." An Example of Power of Beliefs from History Here is an example from history of my city Udaipur. You may also know a similar example from your part of India. When enemies attacked and killed the king, his son was saved by a servant named Panna Dhay. Finally, the boy grew up and became the king. Why do you think he could do it? Was it in the blood (genetics) of the boy? No. He did it because the servant and everybody else told the boy "You are a prince. You must become the king. The enemy has taken over your kingdom. And when you grow up, you must take revenge and defeat the enemy". Constantly hearing these

messages, the child's mind was programmed. As a result, the child did not want to become an officer or an executive but he wanted to become the king. And he was willing to die to achieve his goal. This historical story shows that people or society can program your mind. Unlike the prince, most of us become programmed by wrong messages such as "Don't do that ... don't take risk ... don't be stupid ... you are stupid ... you are not as good as so-and-so." You can imagine the bad effect such messages can have on any person.

Power of Imagination “Imagination is more powerful than knowledge.” • Albert Einstein An imagined experience and a real experience have almost the same effect on your mind. Let us see some examples to understand and experience the power of imagination. Basketball training and imagination In a 30-day research experiment, students were divided into three groups. One group did not practice the game of Basketball, the second group practiced on playground and the third group practiced only in their mind for one-hour daily. The results: the group that did not practice did not improve. The group that practiced improved 24% and group that practiced only in mind improved 23%. This experiment showed that practicing in your mind alone improves sports performance almost as much as doing real practice. You learn

to apply these same techniques later in this Section. Proof that imagination works Imagine you are returning from the market to your house. You can see the house. You enter it. Now go to the kitchen. Go and take a lemon from the usual place. Feel the lemon in your hand. It is big, yellow and juicy. It has a good lemon smell. Now get a knife. Hold the lemon in one hand and cut it with the knife. As you cut the lemon, a fine spray comes to your face. Feel it. Now you have two halves of the lemon. Lift your hand and put one half of the lemon into your mouth. And squeeze it. Feel the lemon taste. Can you feel the saliva in your mouth? This shows the power of imagination. Your mind and your body do not know the difference between you really eating a lemon or just imagining it. The body response (as a result of the mind response) is the same in both the cases.

Your mind/brain remembers this experience as the real experience.


Imagine yourself achieving success Suppose you really gave a program on TV and you were the star of the program. Suppose that your performance was very good. Everybody gave good comments. Next time when you give another TV program, will you feel self-confident? Yes. You will feel confident because you have already done it once. Now, the imagination techniques give you the power to experience success before really achieving it. So with the new experience, when you really go for exam, interview or a TV program, you will feel self-confident.

Power of Goals Goals are the seeds of success. Goals motivate you to wake up in the morning and feel energetic. Goals direct your energy and your effort. Goals help you focus. Your big goals energize and compel you to massive action leading to big success. After you set goals, you can use self-hypnosis and other techniques to help you to achieve those goals. Self-hypnosis is extremely powerful, yet it is just a tool or a method. Your goals determine what you achieve in life. Self-hypnosis is like a motorcycle. A motorcycle is valuable because it can take you faster to where you want to reach as compared to walking. Similarly, the greatest value of self-hypnosis is in the fact that you can use it to reach your goals

faster. Now, take some time and write your goals in a notebook or on a paper that you would like to achieve.

Chapter 3. Suggestions are the Secrets of the Unlimited Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Suggestions are the Secrets Suggestions are the secrets of changing your beliefs, your behavior and your experience. Not surprisingly, throughout the human history, many techniques have been created to take suggestions to your subconscious mind. All the variations of techniques take people to an altered state of consciousness. Such state is also called trance. The most powerful techniques of putting suggestions into the subconscious are hypnosis, self-hypnosis, auto-suggestion, creative visualization, creative imagination, positive affirmations as well as recent developments in music and mind machines. Imagination is also called visualization. Perhaps imagination is a better word because visualization simply means imagining visually. But, imagination also includes imagining feelings, sounds, smells, and tastes.

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis have been known throughout the recorded human history. Many different techniques have been created with the purpose of putting suggestions into your subconscious mind, and all these techniques have the same basis in self-hypnosis or imagination. For example, Aldus Huxley, the famous playwright, called his self-induced trance a state of "deep reflection". The terms “hypnotized”, “self-hypnotized”, “suggestions” and “trance” are used interchangeably to mean that new suggestions and new beliefs have been created in a person.

Enormous Power of Suggestions and SelfHypnosis The best way to explain how powerful suggestions and self-hypnosis can be, let me reprint here for you one letter that I wrote to my students about a new cassette I recently created called "The Genius Tape". Before you read further, if you have purchased the Genius Tape, I suggest you stop now and first listen to the tape to really experience its power. If you prefer to continue to read for now, make sure you listen to the tape while going to bed tonight. I want you to listen to the Genius Tape first because words cannot capture the magic and my excitement about suggestions and self-hypnosis. You'll have to listen to it to really experience the magical benefits. As you read the letter below, you'll begin to realize that suggestions and self-hypnosis have amazing power in helping you.

Just for your information, from the test marketing, a good number of my students purchased the Genius Tape and reported great results. So, as you read this book, please keep in mind that I teach you these techniques based on my life-long interest, research and experience. In fact, selfhypnosis was one of the first mind power techniques I learnt. Please understand that what I write is with enormous experience, and not based on just theory. With this confidence, you too can begin to use these techniques for your own mega success.

----------------------------- letter starts here ----------------------------------Announcing new scientific research breakthrough …

“Genius Tape”

“How to Enter the Learning State in 13 Minutes and Wake up a Little of Genius Inside You for High Rank in Competitions for Your Bright and Glorious Future.” Dear Friend, If you want to explore new mind technology for your studies and learning for your high rank in competition, this may be the most exciting message you ever read. The message is so urgent t h a t I am sending it privately only to select customers. Why? Because this is “the first and most exciting development

in mind technology to help you to enter the learning state and to wake up the genius inside you” “I have 3 American mind machines, costing over $900 (or Rs 45,000) and over 100 success and mind power related cassettes and CDs costing over $2,000 (about Rs 1 lac) and several video cassettes costing over $2,000 from the most famous creators in USA. I have used all these. But imagine my surprise when I listened to the Genius Tape, I was totally blown away. All the other products I had used did not prepare me for the amazing relaxation that I got from 'entering the learning state'. You have to listen to it to believe it because words simply cannot communicate to you the power and excitement of the Genius Tape.”

Only now 12 years after we created the remarkable Dr Anil Bapna's Mind Power Music, we have totally new scientific breakthrough for you. But as you’ll discover on when you use Genius Tape, it has been worth the effort because it helps you to

“Enter the Learning State. Easily. Quickly. Without the need to learn and practice any methods” Are you wondering what is the meaning of “Enter the Learning State”? Let me show you:

“What a Reputed Magazine is Saying ...”

“In one program to ENTER THE LEARNING STATE, you hear two different magical stories ... they relax you, change your brain waves toward the desired alpha or theta.” -- Business & Management Chronicle Indian's only magazine for B-School Aspirants

“And, more Important, Here is What Users are Saying ...” Before I tell you more about it, let me show you what the users are saying about this technology and concept. Each paid Rs 4,945 for a vocab memorization system or Rs 2,965 for a learning system and got this “enter the learning state” technology as part of the system (as you'll learn later you don't have to spend so much now.)

And, none of them asked for money back.

“The [program] 'Enter the active learning state' i s really powerful. It relaxes me so much like I have never relaxed in the last few years. The alpha, theta, delta cassettes are also good. I can feel the change in the state of the mind. I have also noticed improvements in learning. My brother-in-law also liked the whole thing and he is planning to order.” -- Vivitsu Vashishth, Greater Noida (UP)

“I have used it [the Mind Machine for Vocab] for 21 days and I am completely satisfied... my sleep cycle has changed, my concentration has improved a lot, my behavior has changed, and

most of all I feel very relaxed when I use the machine... Thank you Baiah [brother].” -- Sandeep Kishore, Chittoor (AP)

“I am using your mind machine ... is very helpful in learning words and ... permanently retain in memory.” -- Bhupinder Singh Chahal, Rohtak (Haryana)

“Enter the Learning State is effective and relaxes me completely.” -- Kaushank Khandawala, Mumbai (MS)

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for .. the

mind machine. I am using your mind machine for the last one month. I have got enormous benefits. My learning spirit and state have changed. Last Saturday while I listened to your cassette #1 and slept, I felt as if I am flying in the sky. 3 or 4 times I felt as if I am flying like a bird. During this experience I was happy and cheerful.... Then, I was feeling as if I became free from all bondage ... all limitations were dropped.” --J. L. Jain, Assistant Commissioner of Sales Tax, Author of the book How to Get Super Success, Hypnotist and Psychologist

“How nice it is when my body sleeps and relaxes when my mind studies! Dual Auto Peripheral Suggestions and Brain Wave Tonal Matrix based vocab system is the first in the whole world ... My heart [felt] thanks Bapna ji for your crown creation.”

-- Prof Ashok Davda, Hypnotherapist, Thane (MS) “I have started using the Mind Machine for Vocab system and am initially pleased with the results. Enter the Learning State is effective and relaxes me completely.” -- Kaushank Khandwala, Mumbai (MS) Are you wondering what is the meaning of “wake up the genius inside you”? It means that you perform at your best hidden ability and hidden talent of such high caliber that even you are not aware of such a possibility.

Consider this: Yogis and scientist agree on one thing: “that most people use only 10% of their brain power and the other 90% remains hidden and unused”

“Genius” is when some of that hidden and unused brain becomes awakened. For example, one famous meditation guru Osho was known to read up to 10 books a day (whereas most normal people like you and me take a day to a week to read a single book). Another famous incident is from the life of Swami Vivekananda. Once noticing Vivekananda turn pages of a big volume of Britannia Encyclopaedia, someone asked “why do you just turn pages?” Vivekananda said, “I am not just turning pages. I am reading fully and remember fully. You can ask me anything from these pages.” But, wait! That's perhaps not your goal. And, that's not my goal for you. My goal for you simply is to help you to Enter the Learning State in just 13 minutes and to wake up a little bit of 'genius inside you' So, you too can, like thousands of my students, get success in achieving your goals of getting high

rank in competitions for your bright future and your glorious career. For example, one of my students Rajiv Chaudhary set a memory record in Limca Book of Records. And, like many many of my students, you too can succeed in achieving your goal of high rank in various competitions for your glorious career and your bright future. And, that will make you, your parents, and your family very happy and proud. Before I tell you any more, I want you to hear “What Osho, the greatest meditation master had to say ...” “But these high-tech mechanisms can be of tremendous use in the right hands. They can help create the kinds of waves in your mind so that you start feeling relaxed, as if half asleep ... thoughts are disappearing and a moment comes that everything becomes silent in you. That is the moment when the waves are those of deep sleep.

You will not be aware of this deep sleep, but after 10 minutes, when you are unplugged from the machine, you will see the effects: you are calm, quiet, peaceful, no worry, no tension; life seems to be more playful and joyous. One feels as if one has had an inner bath. Your whole being is calm and cool.” “And here is what Michael Hutchison, the famous author of the book Mega Brain had to say” “You sit down in a comfortable chair, put on the electrical headgear [headphones, etc.], flip a switch on the small control by your hand, close your eyes, and sink into a state of deep relaxation. Thirty minutes later as you turn off the machine and remove the headgear, you feel extremely alert and lucid. Your brain is now functioning far more effectively than it was before. Your memory-your ability both to memorize new information and to recall information you have

already learned-has increased dramatically. Your ability to think creatively, to solve problems, has expanded. The speed with which your brain cells pass messages among themselves has increased. In fact, many of your brain cells have actually grown-a microscopic examination would show that the brain cells have developed more dendrites, the branching filaments that carry messages from one cell to another, and more synapses, the junctures between brain cells across which impulses are transmitted. You are more intelligent than you were a half hour before.” And, now I want to show you “What really is this learning state?” Can you recall a time or event in your life when “learning” something came very easily to you? It could be to learn something in a book, to ride a bike, to play a game. Anything. Can you recall a few more such times? Do you remember that, at such times,

You know with certainty “you can do it" and “time passes quickly” and “there is no stress” That is being in a learning state. And, being in such a wonderful state tends to wake up a little bit of genius inside you.

OK, can you recall a time when learning anything was hard, boring, particularly difficult and stressful and the time appeared to move very slowly? That state is the “OPPOSITE” of the learning state. Do you know how to get into such learning state every time you sit down to study, so you can focus and concentrate effortlessly for greater success? And, learn in a more relaxed way, learn

faster, remember better, without feeling sleepy, tired or bored? And feel energized by a feeling of certainty of success in achieving your most important goals in life? Now, the Genius Tape provides you an easy and effective way to learn to enter the learning state. Are you asking yourself, “How do I enter the learning state with the Genius Tape?” It is easy. It is simple. You don't need to spend weeks or months to learn and master any new, difficult, boring or complicated methods or techniques. And it is totally effortless. All you do is

“Just lie down on your bed or sit comfortably in your chair, close your eyes, and push the button on your tape player”

And, enjoy the voices and mild music on the tape for 13 minutes. That's it. And, as you open your eyes and you notice that you feel a sense of deep relaxation and calm as if you've just had a long peaceful sleep and an inner bath. “What happens when you listen to the Genius Tape” Very simply, each time you listen to the Genius Tape, you enter the learning state and wake up a little bit of the genius inside you. And, are you curious about

“What Mind Technologies are used in creating the magical Genius Tape”

Even if I wanted to reveal all the secrets of how we created the Genius Tape, there is not enough space in this letter. Fortunately, you don't have to know or understand any of the mind technologies to benefit greatly. However, to give you an idea, here are 2 key mind technologies:

• Dual Auto Peripheral Suggestions (DAPSTM) • Brainwave Sync Tonal MatrixTM

DAPS: You hear a different story in each ear in my voice that makes artful use of language, neuro linguistic programming, Ericksonian techniques to immediately produce measurable relaxation in you while building positive, powerful, empowering beliefs that produce

dramatic breakthrough results for you. And, it breaks your negative blocks and beliefs if any, which is necessary before major improvements can take place for your to see and feel big important results. Brainwave Sync Tonal Matrix : To understand how it uses sound frequencies, consider this: If you play sound of 500 Hz in one ear and 510 Hz in the other ear, your brain “hears” the sound of frequency that is the difference of the two frequencies, i.e., 510-500 = 10 Hz. This sound is called binaural beat and it does not actually exist in the environment around us, but it is only in the mind. People who study Physics know it is similar to “resonance”. When this happens, researchers are able to measure increased levels of bilateral synchronized brain wave activity at the frequency of the binaural beat. These and other mind technologies used on the Genius Tape produce remarkable results for you quickly.

“When you use the Genius Tape, expect to feel for yourself great results in 13 minutes” What's more you don't have to wait for weeks or months to notice the benefits. Most people feel the benefits on the first day when they use the first tape in just 13 minutes. Almost all people notice benefits within one week. You can expect to quickly notice and feel for yourself all the benefits of the learning state and waking up a little genius inside you.

“Get double the benefits and results from your hard work and your investment in coaching”

Many students spend between Rs 5,000 to Rs 80,000 or more for coaching and of course they also work hard. When you use the Genius Tape, you soon realize it doubles the benefits from coaching and hard work for greater success for you.

But, there are some things more important than these results.

“What would it mean to you and your family if you achieve your life's important goals this year and next” You and only you know what it would mean to you, your parents and your family to achieve your life's current most important goals for this

year and next. Great Job and Career? Pride? Happiness? Reward for sacrifices? Tremendous sense of achievement? Self-confidence? Money? Bright future? Relationships?

And, you only you know what the loss will be if you cannot achieve your important goals. Sense of loss? Feeling of guilt of not doing your best? Shame? Sorry? Bad? Waste of sacrifices made by all in the family? Do you realize your goals are not just yours? But, the ambitions and sacrifices of your parents and family are very much part of your goals and that makes it even more important for you to do everything you possibly can to achieve your goals.

How confident you are of achieving success?

And, are you willing to do whatever is possible to ensure your big success? Can you imagine how life will change when you use the Genius Tape you to learn to enter the learning state and wake up a little of genius inside you? How much do you think such a Genius Tape is worth to you?

Original Special Offer (Now Removed) That's all. If you are ambitious enough to set goals of high rank in competitions and if you willing to be disciplined enough, this opportunity is perfect for you. But, it would last only for a limited time. So, order soon without delay. And, now let me point out

An Important Word of Caution There is a tendency in our country (perhaps because of extremely tough competition) among the sincere, smart, good, hardworking, successful students to “work too hard” and to do “things in excess". I don't want you to listen to the Genius Tape too many times a day. I want you to listen to the Genius Tape just two times a day: once just before you sit down to study and once when you go to bed, so you use the time just before sleep and end up getting better sleep in night to wake up refreshed in the morning to begin the day and work towards success. The Genius Tape is not for entertainment or fun, but the Genius Tape is perhaps

“the most powerful tape in the world at any price”

When we created Dr Anil Bapna's Mind Power Music tapes in 1992, we created titles for “memory", “concentration", “will power", etc. But, we did not create any tapes for “GENIUS” because we simply did not have, back then, the scientific breakthroughs and technologies necessary for creating such a remarkable tape.

It is only now 12 years later that I am really proud to present you the most powerful Genius Tape. Quite simply, there are no other tapes more powerful that you can get at any price anywhere in the world. That's how powerful they are. Are you thinking, “I would really like to use the Genius Tape because it is so powerful, but is it safe for me? Are there any long term or short term side effects?” These are perfectly valid and important questions to ask. And the good news is: “there are no side effects”

It is good to know that there are no side effects whatsoever. There are three ways to look at the issue of safety: (1) The Genius Tape changes your brainwaves just like in meditation, but quickly, and just like in the case of meditation, which India has pioneered for over 5000 years, it is safe. (2) Around the world, an estimated 50 lakh people are using mind technology products and even in India, we estimate that over 1 lakh people are using mind technology (in the form of our Mind Power Music or our Mind Machines or imported products) since 1992 and found safe and beneficial. In fact, mind technologies are becoming so popular that are getting incorporated into classical music CDs and others kinds of music around the world for the effortless benefits of relaxation for the users.

(3) The walkman or tape player you use to play The Genius Tape is hundreds or thousands times safer than a mobile phone. The mobile phone has a microprocessor that runs on a frequency of several hundred million cycles per second and you keep it in your shirt pocket (close to your heart) or elsewhere on your body. On the other hand, the walkman technology does not use microprocessor and you don't have to keep it on your body, making it hundreds or thousands time safer. And, since mobile phone itself is so common and safe enough, you can be sure that walkman type technology is fully safe. Another important difference to remember is that you are likely to use a mobile phone 8 to 16 hours a day for the next 30 years whereas you'll use a walkman for just an hour a day. The real, amazing results from users of the Genius Tape have just started coming in … This offer was sent to about 987 customers by email. The customers had purchased something

from us during the past 6 years and wrote by email. I don’t know for sure, but my guess is that about 250 or 300 email addresses were still working and out of them a good number of people accepted this “amazing offer”.

Here is what two of them just emailed to me:

Dear Sir, This is my second week of using your Genius Tapes. I find a marked improvement in my learning. I realize that I am not only learning well in my academics but also in any other activity as well such as sports. I am also able to recall well and my memory seems to be better now. Earlier I used to have trouble recalling names, but now I am able to do that very easily. Thank you,

Srikanth, IIT Madras

Yes I have received all CD's and 3 tapes. One thing I notice that after hearing genius tape two times I feel cool and calm and more peace of mind. Thanks for such a good creations. Fortunately from the next day my CAD training program is scheduled and I can retain (remember) much more than past. Sandeep Joshi

He wrote again a day later:

Another benefit I noticed is after hearing tape when I sleep I can awake early and feel more fresh

energized then before result is I can give more time to my important activity. I am a CAD designer and my profession needs concentration plus long hours of computer use. This results in eye strain and fatigue and in turn I can not sleep easily. Before going to bed I have to be relaxed and due to this I can not get enough sleep. But now my this problem is solved Warm Regards Sandeep Joshi

Original How to Order Instructions (Now Removed)


( Raj Bapna, B.E., M.Tech.)

----------------------------- letter ends here -----------------------------------

Chapter 4. Understanding Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis

What Is Hypnosis or Self-Hypnosis When you hypnotize yourself, it is called selfhypnosis. The state of hypnosis is essentially a state of mind when the conscious mind or belief system is temporarily suspended. It is a state of trance. It is also called an altered state of consciousness. The root "hypnos" means "sleep". So, hypnosis is similar to normal sleep but different from normal sleep. The normal sleep comes automatically when you go to bed at night. But, "hypnosis" has to be cultivated or learned. Let us say that someone is not feeling sleepy at night. The sleep is not coming by itself. So, to fall asleep, something has to be done. Now if this person thinks "I am falling asleep, I am falling asleep, I am sleeping, I am sleeping, ...", then his body starts falling asleep. As a result, the body relaxes. As a result, the breathing slows down. As a result, the mind also begins to become quiet.

The mind stops thinking. So, if we create a situation or environment of "sleep", then body starts behaving as if in sleep. This has nothing to do with the body. The body is simply obedient. The body simply follows orders. Suppose you feel hungry at 12 every day and have lunch at 12 every day. And if one day your watch shows 12 when it is only 10 o'clock, and you notice that it is 12 o'clock in the watch, your will feel hungry. It is not yet 12, two hours remain. But, the watch shows that it is 12 so your stomach feels hungry. Similarly, suppose you sleep at 11 in night. One day, if the watch shows 11 when it is only 9, you will feel sleepy. Your body will tell you that it is 11 and so it is time to sleep. Body is obedient. Body follows your orders. The more healthy the body, the more easily it follows your orders. One way to understand health is that healthy body is obedient body, that when the body stops

following your orders, it is unhealthy. For example, you say that it is time to sleep and your body refuses to fall asleep. Such situation indicates unhealthy body. Hypnosis means that you order your body and it accepts your order. There are many diseases that are false diseases. They are not really true/authentic diseases. Suppose one person is about to be declared bankrupt. He is not in a position to pay back money to people. So, he does not want to go to his shop in the market. He has to pay money to many people so he does not want to go to market. Suddenly he finds that he has got a disease that puts him to bed. That disease does not let him get up from the bed. This is a created disease that he has created for himself. The benefit of this disease is that he can tell others, "I have a disease so I cannot come to the market." In this way he can explain to others and also to himself that he cannot come to the market. This disease cannot be

cured by medicines because this is a false disease. Each medicine given will make this person even more sick. When someone's disease cannot be cured by medicines, the reason may be that the disease is a false disease. That person can blame the medicines. He can blame the doctors. He can tell everyone that he has been to so many doctors and they cannot cure him. He'll say that he has taken allopathic, homeopathic, ayurvedic and so many medicines, but nothing works. Hypnosis can work in curing such false diseases. It just means that when the disease is false the cure also has to be false. There are many diseases that doctors cannot cure. Then hypnosis may be useful. Hypnosis helps you to become unconscious. And then you can feel, imagine that you are becoming better and you will get well. The body accepts our suggestions. You will be surprised to know that only 3%

snakes are poisonous. But, when a snake bites, the person dies, even when the snake is not poisonous. That is why mantra-tantra works. It means false medicine. If a snake without poison bites someone, the person totally believes that he will die. So, to cure, we only need to make him believe that poison has been removed. If the person does not get this belief totally then he will die. The person does not die because of the snakebite but just by the belief that a snake has bitten him and that there is poison in the body. In the hypnotized state of mind, you can give suggestions or commands to the person. The suggestions that are non-injurious or not against the person's belief system are generally accepted by the person under hypnosis. How do you feel when under hypnosis? You feel relaxed. You may feel light or heavy or normal. You retain your awareness. You may experience some sensations in your legs, arms or other parts

of your body. It just indicates that your body is relaxed. It may feel like relaxation or sleep with awareness.

Misunderstanding in General Public about Hypnosis There are many misunderstandings about hypnosis in general public. For example, some people misunderstand the magician's work as hypnosis. Some people think that with hypnosis, you can force anyone to do anything against their own wishes. But, it is not true. Hypnosis is now recognized in medicine. Some medical doctors use it. But, because it takes too much time and effort to hypnotize someone to achieve great benefits, hypnosis remains partly unknown and mostly unused. The situation is now changing with selfhypnosis becoming popular and with audio technology making it possible to get the benefits of hypnosis and self-hypnosis in an effortless manner.

Hypnosis In Our Lives We all live a mostly hypnotized life. A large part of our life is under hypnosis. It means that we all hold many beliefs as a result of being given certain suggestions again and again by the society. Most of us have no idea, not even the slightest idea that we are hypnotized in many many ways. Hypnosis Goes Very Deep Suppose you are hypnotized and then given an onion and told that it is a mango. Under hypnosis, you will eat the onion as if it were a mango. Your tongue would not taste onion but taste mango. Your nose will not smell onion but smell mango. Your eyes will not see the onion but see a mango. Hypnosis puts thoughts so deep that even the information from your eyes does not reach there. In fact, your eyes are still seeing an onion, but that information goes only so deep. But deeper than

that the hypnotic message has gone that it is a mango. So, a mango has been projected onto the onion. Are We Really Hypnotized? In Africa, the women in a certain tribe have been shaving heads for centuries. They have been cutting the hair to look more like a bald person. In Africa, that is considered beautiful. That is beautiful because for centuries they have been told that it is beautiful. In our country if someone shaves her head nobody will be willing to marry her because in India shaven head reminds us of death. But, in Africa, that is beauty because it is so under hypnosis. In India, we are under hypnosis to believe that fair color skin is more beautiful, therefore it is so. So, whatever a society accepts (as shared beliefs) is truth as far as that society is concerned. And it will appear to be stupid nonsense to others. Whatever a society has accepted to be true for

centuries becomes its tradition or culture. And it is all hypnosis. We all have shared beliefs. We can say we are all hypnotized to have the shared beliefs. For example, all people want to earn more money. All people want to have bigger cars and bigger houses. All people want to have expensive things. Even when most people know that things and money cannot and do not bring happiness to them or their children. Many of us have been told suggestions such as, "You are not good. You are as good as so and so. You cannot be successful. You are stupid. You are not as smart as ... You are not as beautiful as ... You are not as healthy as ... You are not as disciplined as ... You are not so good at studies as ..." Such negative suggestions remain with us and influence our behavior. So we need to recognize that we are all hypnotized in many many ways and that we can be free from such hypnosis or such suggestions or such

conditioning. You can use self-hypnosis or imagination for this purpose.

Ramakrishna Hypnotized Swami Vivekananda To Samadhi I have read that the first message from Ramakrishna Paramhansa to Swami Vivekananda was through hypnosis. Vivekananda attained samadhi (satori, glimpse of god) by the touch of Ramakrishna. This was through hypnosis. That day a certain power arose in Vivekanand. That was not his own, but happened from outside. Vivekanand was sitting in one room of the ashram. In the same ashram also lived Gopal Babu who kept many statues of gods in his room and worshipped those gods daily. It took him hours to complete his daily worship. At times, he missed food. Vivekanand had told Gopal Babu many times, "You have just collected many stone pieces. You are wasting time by worshipping these stones." But, there was no effect on Gopal Babu.

On the day of samadhi, Vivekananda jokingly thought to himself, "What will happen if I go and ask Gopal Babu to tie up all god statues and throw them into the Ganga river." There was enormous power in Vivekananda on that day. Gopal Babu, who was sitting in another room, tied up all god statues and went to the Ganga river to throw them. At the river, Ramakrishna saw what Gopal Babu was about to do. Ramkrishna asked him to return to ashram with the statues. Then Ramakrishna went to Vivekananda and told, "I will keep your key. You can otherwise create trouble. What you have experienced today, you will be able to experience only 3 days before your death. Not before that time." Vivekanand desired the same experience again but could not experience it again. It was beyond his ability. It was hypnotic. He could only experience it again 3 days before his death. That experience was also post-hypnotic experience and not his own

experience. Post-hypnotic suggestion simply means that during the state of hypnosis you can give suggestion that on such and such day or time or in such and such situation, you will feel in certain way or do certain thing.

Everyone Can Be Hypnotized Many traditional books on hypnosis say that only 30 or 40 percent people can be hypnotized. They say that people who are more intelligent and stronger can be hypnotized more easily. They say it is more difficult to hypnotize the less intelligent people. The geniuses Richard Bandler, John Grinder, and Milton Erickson have never found a person who could not be hypnotized. They have proven beyond any doubt that everyone can be hypnotized. Just like Osho, they also say that everyone is hypnotized all the time. Bandler and Grinder's Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) gives a framework for hypnosis and self-hypnosis. The traditional hypnotists fail to hypnotize everyone because they use the same procedure to try to hypnotize everyone. They are not attentive enough to notice how people respond. If they learn NLP or if they learn hypnosis the way Richard

Bandler and John Grinder teach, traditional hypnotists can also learn to hypnotize everyone. Without any slightest doubt, everyone can use self-hypnosis for various purposes and benefit.

What Can Hypnosis And Self-Hypnosis Do for You In a class on hypnosis in USA by Richard Bandler that I attended, one person was asked to go to the platform in front of a class full of people. He was asked to give a speech. This person was not good at speaking to groups of people. He looked nervous. But, he was able to speak something. Then he was hypnotized. He was told, "You will feel greatly embarrassed. You will be very nervous. You will look at the floor and not speak." When he came out of hypnosis, he was asked to speak to the class. The person behaved exactly as he was programmed during hypnosis-he looked like a child who is greatly embarrassed trying to speak to a group for the first time in life. He was hypnotized again and told, "You have noticed some of the best speakers in the country. You know that they are very good at public speaking. They are confident. You will now

combine the best techniques from the best of speakers. You have now learnt all those techniques." When the person came out of hypnosis, he was a totally new, a totally changed person. All people in the classroom including me were surprised that he spoke so confidently. He spoke very well. The above example illustrates what hypnosis or self-hypnosis can do for you. You can use self-hypnosis for two purposes: (1) To achieve goals, which includes success, money, job, health, body, sports and other kind of performance, etc. (2) To change beliefs and habits, which means to get rid of unwanted habits and to develop new positive, empowering beliefs and habits.

Chapter 5. How to Create Effective Suggestions

4 Guidelines for Effective Suggestions The Suggestions should be in Present Form and Not in Future Form To decide what good, positive suggestions to give to yourself, the first step is to choose what part of your life you want to improve. Let us say you want to improve your memory. Now, write down suggestions regarding memory such that: Say, "I have a good memory" Not "I will have a good memory" The Suggestions should be Positive Say: "I have a good memory" Not: "I do not have a bad memory" Say: "I remember everything I study" Not: "I do not forget what I study" Say: "I hate smoking"

Not: "I do not like smoking" Use only positive suggestions simply because there are no negatives in nature. For example someone says, "Do not think of blue color." Now just to understand this sentence, you have to first think of blue color and then tell yourself not to do so. It means that the result of the suggestion "do not think of blue color" is to make the person "think of blue color". Say the Same Message in Many Ways (technique 1) Say: I have a good memory. Say: People say that I have a good memory. Say: (your name) has a good memory. Say: My teachers say that I have a good memory. Say: Everybody says that I have a good memory. Say: You have a good memory. Say the Same Message in Many Ways (technique 2)

Say: I have a good memory. Say: I remember very well. Say: I remember whatever I read, hear or see. Say: I enjoy remembering. Say: I remember and recall in exams.

Suggestions for Effortless Concentration First, with closed eyes, if possible, imagine yourself at the place and time in your life when concentration was effortless, without any distractions, and you felt your focus was laser-like. Spend some time doing this. After that you can give yourself some verbal suggestions like these: • I have a good concentration. • I concentrate easily and quickly. • I focus effortlessly on what I need to do. • I concentrate effortlessly on what I want to do. • Concentration makes it easy for me to remember anything very easily. • I enjoy working with effortless concentration. • I relax easily and it helps me concentrate easily.

• My effortless concentration gives me a lot of confidence.

Suggestions for Mega Memory First, with closed eyes, if possible, imagine yourself at the place and time in your life when your memory was amazing and unbelievably good and you memorized things very quickly. Spend some time doing this. After that you can give yourself some verbal suggestions like these: • I remember quickly. • I have a good memory. • I have a strong memory. • I have a powerful memory. • I remember whatever I read. • I remember whatever I hear and see. • It is easy for me to memorize anything. • My memory is very good. • I remember very easily. • I remember permanently. • I like to read and remember.

• I enjoy remembering things. • I relax easily and it helps me remember easily. • I like to enjoy studying and remembering for competitions. • My memory is very good in examinations. • I remember and recall easily during exams and tests. • My good memory gives me a lot of confidence.

Suggestions for Stronger Will Power and Determination First, with closed eyes, imagine yourself at the place and time in your life when you felt that you had strong will power and determination. Spend some time doing this. After that you can give yourself some verbal suggestions like these: • I have a great will power. • I can do anything I decide to do. • I have strong determination. • I am determined to get success. • I have a powerful will power. • I have a strong will power. • People like me. • People say I have a strong will power.

Suggestions To Relax And Take Exams Confidently Without Stress Or Nervousness First, with closed eyes, imagine yourself at the place and time in your life when you were very confident and without any nervousness in some exam. Spend some time doing this. After that you can give yourself some verbal suggestions like these: • I am relaxed. • I remember and recall easily during exams. • I enjoy taking exams and tests. • I like taking exams. • I get success in exams. • I am confident of success. • I am confident in exams. • I know I remember whatever is needed in exams. • I get good sleep before exams. .

Suggestions for A Winning Personality First, with closed eyes, imagine yourself at the place and time in your life when you felt smart, good, presentable, and powerful as a person in the company of other people. Spend some time doing this. After that you can give yourself some verbal suggestions like these: • I am a winner. • I attract friends. • I am friendly. • People are friendly to me. • I am cheerful. • I am enthusiastic. • People like me. • People respect my opinions. • I impress people. • I feel good with people. • People feel good with me.

• I am popular.

Suggestions to Stop Smoking First, with closed eyes, imagine yourself at the place and time in your life when you felt healthy and enjoying breathing fresh air. After that you can give yourself some verbal suggestions like these: • I enjoy breathing fresh, clean air. • I am a non-smoker. • I walk and enjoy fresh air. • Fresh air is good for me. • I hate cigarettes. • I detest cigarettes. • I feel healthy.

Suggestions for Wealth Consciousness and Prosperity Thinking Many people think that there is limited money or wealth of all kinds. They think that when you get wealth it is taken away from others. But, that is not correct. Once upon a time there was no currency, no cars, no banks, no buildings. But, now there is enormous wealth of all kinds. The wealth grows because for generations people have been producing more wealth than they consume. So, there is always enough wealth for everyone. First, with closed eyes, imagine yourself at the place and time in your life when you felt you have the money and wealth necessary to do that you wanted to do at that moment. Spend some time doing this. After that you can give yourself some verbal suggestions like these: • I attract money and prosperity.

• I am wealthy. • I am rich. • I have money to do whatever I want to do. • I get all the money I need. • I get money and success easily. • I get money and success quickly. • I deserve to be rich. • I deserve to be wealthy. • I deserve to be successful. • I enjoy money. • I enjoy success. • I am happy. • Money likes me and comes to me.

Suggestions for Total Self-Improvement First, with closed eyes, imagine yourself at the place and time in your life when you felt very good about yourself, you felt wonderful because every thing in your life was going well. Spend some time doing this. After that you can give yourself some verbal suggestions like these: • Every day in every way, I am getting better and better. I am really good at what I do. I enjoy what I do. • I love people and they love me. People enjoy being with me. I am relaxed and confident. I am presentable and people feel comfortable in my presence. • I have a good memory and I concentrate easily. I can recall easily whatever I need to recall. • I am wealthy. • I am good in communication. I say easily

• I am good in communication. I say easily and effortlessly what I mean. I am good and patient listener. I feel confident with groups as well as with individuals. • I am neatly dressed and presentable. I am cool, calm, and relaxed. People feel comfortable being with me. They enjoy my company. • I look and feel fantastic. I have strong body and muscles. I enjoy doing exercises. I enjoy yoga, walking, cycling, and jogging. I do some exercise everyday. I feel very energetic. I am proud of my body. • I feel fantastic being an action person. I do first thing first and one thing at a time. I organize my day and follow through my plans to completion.

Advanced Techniques for More Effective Suggestions These are based on the work of Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Pacing and Leading with AND When suggestions match the experience of the listener, it is pacing. When the suggestions are towards the desired change in the listener it is leading. To be effective, use pacing followed by leading when giving suggestions. Initially, use a few pacing suggestions followed by one leading suggestion. Connect all pacing and leading statements by AND. For pacing, use statements that can be verified by senses as experience, such as: • You are lying in bed.

• You can feel where your hands touch the bed. • You can feel where your legs touch the bed. • You can feel air in nostrils as you breathe. Leading statements should be such that they are non-verifiable in experience and use form, such as: ... and you are becoming more and more relaxed. ... as you continue to get more comfortable... ... and you are becoming aware of a delightful experience ... ... and you are beginning to remember ... ... now you are becoming aware of the sense of being able to learn more about ... ... and you may be aware of a certain sensation ... and you feel good ... I wonder whether you are aware that you are deeply in trance Stacking Realities

Tell stories and incorporate the suggestions within those stories. For example: Once there was a student who wanted to get great success. He went to meet an old master who lived in an old cave in the jungle. The old man said, "Come. sit down. Relax. It is good to see you. You look good. Feel comfortable. Close your eyes..." Use words relating to seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and taste Use words and describe what the person sees, feels, hears, smells, and tastes when he is in a certain situation. Do not restrict your words to just one of these. General You can use the following suggestions: • And you feel safe and comfortable knowing that your unconscious mind is guiding your experience. And that while you listen to this,

you are fully safe. • And you continue to listen to my voice and the soothing sound of music; you are becoming more and more relaxed. And so your unconscious mind is becoming more and more able to learn the new thoughts and behaviors that you want. • And remember ... if it is all in the mind, it is all under your control. • You really don't have to pay attention to me because ... your unconscious mind will hear me. And it will understand. Really you don't even need to pay attention to me. Different Suggestions for Left and Right Ears When creating a self-hypnosis cassette, you can use different recordings for each ear. This technique relaxes and hypnotizes you faster and you may have a more profound experience of hypnosis. Our Mind Machines use this effective technique

by telling two different stories in your two ears. Give Suggestions While Holding Breath For Even More Effective Self-Hypnosis Ma Dev Mudita, an Osho disciple and teacher of hypnosis and meditation for 18 years gives this technique. In May 2000 issue of Osho Times (Hindi language), she says the following: "Lie down comfortably. Breathe deep and slow. Exhale (breathe out) slowly, slowly. When air is out, stop breathing and count one, two, three, four, five. These five seconds are very valuable for giving suggestions to yourself. During this period of stopped breathing, a window in your subconscious mind opens." "Similarly, breathe in (inhale) slowly, slowly. When the lungs are filled with air, stop breathing, and again give yourself suggestions."

Marc Allen's Secrets of Suggestions for Success with Ease Marc Allen is a famous writer of many books including "The Millionaire Course" and "Visionary Business", and publisher of many great books including some by Deepak Chopra, Shakti Gawain and Eckhart Tolle. I attended a talk by Marc Allen at the bookshop called East Wes t in Silicon Valley in California. Then, in 2003, I traveled to Novato, California to his office to meet him. Marc is the most relaxed, non-aggressive, easygoing person I have met in my life. If more people were like Marc, the world would be a better place for all of us to live, work, play and enjoy life. Marc's secret of success is to simply imagine in your mind that you have achieved your goals. See what you would see, feel what you would feel, hear what you would hear when you achieve your goals.

But, that is not all. Marc is unique in that he says we add the following phrase before all of our goals: "In an easy and relaxed manner, happy and positive way, and for the good of all ... (write goal here)". For example, the goals could be: • "In an easy and relaxed manner, happy and positive way, and for the good of all, my income this year is Rs 12 lakh." • "In an easy and relaxed manner, happy and positive way, and for the good of all, I enjoying doing 100 push ups daily and my body feels strong and healthy." • "In an easy and relaxed manner, happy and positive way, and for the good of all, I wake up at 6 daily, do exercise for 15 minutes, get ready, and study for 2 hours." • "In an easy and relaxed manner, happy and positive way, and for the good of all, I wake

up at 5 daily, go for walking and do exercise for 45 minutes, get ready, and study and research for 2 hours about how I can help students to get more success." I strongly believe, just adding the above will make you a more positive, more relaxed, happier and better person and the world a better place.

Chapter 6. Powerful Methods to Awaken the Unlimited Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Learn Self-Hypnosis in 3 Easy Steps Here are the 3 basic steps for learning selfhypnosis: Step 1: Sit down or lie down comfortably and begin to relax (use any method of relaxation). Give suggestion to yourself that you will wake up or arouse after a certain time (say 15 minutes) and feel refreshed and renewed. Step 2: Give yourself suggestions to deepen your relaxation, like "I am feeling more and more relaxed". Or “I am entering a state of deep and profound relaxation”. Or “My trance is deepening”. Step 3: Give yourself suggestions for the desired changes to achieve goals.

First, Learn to Just Relax For the first half-dozen times as you learn to do these techniques, let your goals be just relaxing and refreshing and renewing yourself. Wait until you have full confidence about your ability to get in and out trance (self-hypnosis). In other words wait until you know that you can get yourself into a deep trance and that your unconscious will arouse you after the appropriate length of time. 2 Ways to Relax Effectively and Quickly Let us learn to relax using self-hypnosis. Before you begin to hypnotize yourself, do a little preparation as follows: Now get ready to hypnotize yourself for the first time. Read this complete description below at least two times or more. Understand what to do. Then, get ready to hypnotize yourself. If possible close the door so that nobody comes and disturbs you. Switch off any radio, TV in your

room. Put curtains on windows so that the light becomes less. Switch off any light. Now, you may stretch your body a few times. For example, stand up and bend forwards or backwards a few times. And take a few deep breaths. Lie down on bed. Let your body find a comfortable position. Do not force any position. Let your body move a little here or there to come to a more relaxing position. Allow a few minutes or more so that your body comes to a relaxing position. Next, close your eyes. And throughout this exercise, keep your eyes closed. Wit closed eyes, pay attention to your legs, hands, head, neck, and shoulder to find if any part is tense or uncomfortable. If so, move that part a little and it will become comfortable. This preparation is common to all self-hypnosis as it helps you to get deep and profound experience of self-hypnosis.

Two effective ways to relax The first step in self-hypnosis is to relax deeply or to enter a state of trance. There are two effective ways to do this: (1) Give suggestions to "relax" (2) Imagine or recall any past experience of relaxation Method 1: Give suggestions to "relax" This method is very easy to learn. And this method always works. What you do is simply repeat to yourself suggestions to relax like those given below with each breath that you take in. Be aware of your breath, that is, feel the air flow as you breathe in and feel the air flow as you breathe out. Out of the list below, use those suggestions that you find more appealing. You create your own suggestions,

too. • I am relaxing ... I am relaxing ... I am relaxing • My breathing is slowing down • I am feeling relaxed and comfortable • I am feeling sleepy • I am falling asleep • My whole body is relaxing • Relaxing ... relaxing ... relaxing • With each breath I am getting more relaxed • I am entering a state of deep and profound relaxation • My trance is deepening In a few minutes, generally less than 5 minutes, you will feel very comfortable and very relaxed. It is so simple and so easy. After practicing it for many days, just saying "relax" or "relaxing" or “relax now” will make you feel tremendously relaxed. Give suggestion like

this • Next time, when I want to enter this state of trance and self-hypnosis, all I have to do is tell myself “relax now” To deepen your relaxation, here is a simple technique: Count from 10 to 1 very slowly and say to yourself: "With each count I am feeling more and more relaxed and when I reach zero, I will be totally relaxed." Method 2: Imagine or recall any past experience of relaxation This is another easy way to become relaxed: While you continue to lie down in bed with closed eyes, imagine or recall any time from your past when you felt very relaxed. It could be at picnic or any other situation. Imagine this in as much detail as possible. See what you saw at that time. Hear what you heard

there. Feel what you felt at that time. Smell what you smelt at that time. In your imagination, be in that place and time in your life when you felt very relaxed. This process makes you feel very relaxed. If you want to improve your memory, you need only to imagine yourself at a place and time when your memory was very good. Similarly, if you want to feel confident for an interview, then imagine yourself being at a time and place in your life when you were very confident and sure of yourself and of your success. Combine these two methods You can combine these two methods to make them even more powerful and effective. The combined method follows: First imagine yourself to be at a place and time when you felt totally relaxed. Then give yourself verbal suggestions with each

breath that you take. And then count from 10 to 1 giving suggestions that with each number you are becoming more and more relaxed. Give more detailed suggestions for relaxation If initially you do not feel deep relaxing effect of hypnosis, use more detailed suggestions as below. Rather than saying, "I am relaxing ... I am relaxing ... I am relaxing," give suggestions to each part of your body one by one for relaxing. You can say like this: Now... my feet are feeling more and more relaxed ... my feet are relaxing ... now my ankle is relaxing ... now my legs are relaxing ... now my thighs are relaxing ... now my buttocks are relaxing ... now my stomach is relaxing ... now my chest is relaxing ... now my hands are relaxing ... now my neck and shoulders are relaxing ... now my head is relaxing.

After you have used this many times, you can make the procedure short by saying, "I am relaxing ... I am relaxing ... I am relaxing." 4 Effective Techniques to Deepen Your Relaxation These techniques help you to relax even more deeply. They are particularly helpful for people who find it hard to relax. Simply relax the breathing Watch the breath which is going in and coming out, again and again. Don't concentrate. Simply be aware. If you concentrate, then everything becomes a disturbance. If you try to concentrate, then any noise becomes a disturbance, the person sitting beside you becomes a disturbance. You simply relax and watch your breathing with

full acceptance of all noises, all environment around you. Imagine breathing into parts of your body This simple exercise will help you relax and also to breathe more deeply. Simply lie down. Imagine that with each inhalation your breath enters through your mouth and goes to your chest, your tummy and continues to go to your legs and finally goes out of your toes. With each exhalation, imagine that breath is coming from your toes to your legs, then to your tummy and chest and then goes out through your nose. Keep breathing and imagining like this for 5 or 10 minutes. You may experience some sensations in your legs, arms or other parts of your body. It just indicates that the technique is effective. That your body is

relaxing. That you are becoming more aware of your breathing and therefore breathing more deeply. When you imagine breathing to your legs (or any other part of body), it brings your attention to that part of body. It increases blood flow to that part of your body. And that is why you may also feel certain sensations which indicate that the part is becoming more alive with energy. Open and close your eyes I find it helpful to slowly open and close my eyes when I try to relax myself for self-hypnosis. You can also try this. Open your eyes half only. Then slowly close them till they are closed softly. Then again open them slowly till they are half open. Again close them softly. Do this a few times and you will feel sleepy and therefore more ready for relaxation and selfhypnosis.

Stare at something without blinking Various meditation methods use this effective technique. Stare at anything for long enough without blinking and your eyes will begin to feel a sense of heaviness or tiredness. Pick something (light bulb, mark on blank wall, candle, etc.) that is slightly above the eye level. The purpose of selecting slightly above the eye level is to increase the eyestrain and induce a sense of heaviness in the eyes. Stare, focus, concentrate on the selected thing or spot for a few minutes. Allow your body to relax. Your breathing may also slow down. Then give suggestion that you are feeling sleepy and want to close your eyes.

Suggestions for Better Self-Hypnosis When you learn to start using self-hypnosis on regular basis, it is a good idea to give yourself suggestions, so that you can enter the trance easily and quickly and experience deeper trance for maximum benefit from a self-hypnosis session. • I get self-hypnotized easily and quickly. • I experience deep self-hypnosis. • I quickly enter into deep trance. • I remain in total control when under selfhypnosis. • Self-hypnosis is powerful and beneficial for me. • When I come out of self-hypnosis, I feel relaxed, energized and healthy. • Every time I self-hypnotize myself, I become better at self-hypnosis. • To enter the state of deep self-hypnosis I just have to say to myself "relaxing ...

relaxing ... relaxing" or “relax now … relax now … relax now”.

Imagine that You have Already Achieved Success Lie down on bed, close your eyes, and relax for sometime. Imagine that you have already achieved that you want to achieve. Your subconscious mind cannot differentiate between a real experience and an imagined experience. So, from an imagined experience you get almost the same benefits that you get from the real experience as far as your mind is concerned. How to make your experience of imagination as real as possible? The answer is: imagine what you will see, feel, hear, taste, and smell in reality. Imagine that you are seeing what you will see in reality. Imagine that you are smelling what you will smell in reality. Imagine that you are feeling what you will feel in reality. Imagine that you are hearing what you will hear in reality. Imagine that you are tasting what you will taste in reality.

Let me give you a simple exercise. If you have any goal, good. If you do not already have a goal, choose one for this exercise before you continue. Imagine that you have already achieved that goal. Now see in imagination what you will see in reality if you achieve the goal. Now hear in imagination what you will hear if you achieve the goal. Similarly feel, smell, and taste in imagination. Suppose you want to get success in some competition. Close your eyes and imagine that some friend comes and calls you saying that you have got success. Imagine that he/she has also brought a newspaper declaring your success.

Wake Up at Desired Time With or Without Using Alarm Clock First, let us understand that there are 2 steps involved in getting up in the morning: Step 1: Become aware that it is time to wake up in the morning Your alarm clock helps in this step: when the alarm sounds, you become aware that it is the time to get up. Step 2: Get out of your bed This step is not covered by alarm clock. That is why people set up alarm and still cannot get up. When the alarm sounds in the morning, they tell themselves, "It feels so good now in bed. I am enjoying sleep. The work can be slightly delayed. I can do it later. Let me enjoy the sleep for some more time. It will not matter." With such thoughts, they do not get up even after the alarm sounds.

Use Self-Hypnosis Before Sleep Just as you fall asleep at night, put yourself in a state of self-hypnosis and give suggestions like these: • At 5 in the morning, I will become aware that it is time to wake up and I will wake up. • I will wake up at 5. • I will wake up easily at 5. • As soon as I become aware that it is morning, I will get up from the bed. • As I get up from the bed, I will feel refreshed and energized, and ready to study or work. • I always get up on time as per my plan. Use Suggestion After You Become Aware It is Time to Wake Up Just as you become aware that it is time to get up in the morning, give yourself suggestions like

these: • I am so happy to get up early and do good work. • I have had good sleep. Now I must get up. • Let me get up quickly without delay. • Let me get up, stretch myself, and brush my teeth. • As I get up from the bed, I will feel refreshed and energized, and ready to study or work. Begin This Good Habit Today Please note that it will be helpful if you wake up at the same time everyday. If you are not already in the habit of getting up at the same time daily, you can begin today.

How to Get into the "State" for Success and Begin Work Do you remember a time in your life when you were very confident? A time when you were sure of success. It could be a game, small competition, discussion with friends or anything else that you liked. Now remember a time in your life when you were not at all confident. A time when you were afraid of failing and you did not succeed. These two situations represent different moods, confidence, happiness or other emotions. This is a state of mind or in short we can call it a "state". What was the difference between the two states? Can you change your state at will? The answer is "Yes. You can." I am going to tell you how. Physiology When someone is happy or sad, it shows on the face. It shows in the posture or the way the person

stands or sits. It shows in the tone of the voice or the way he speaks. People have always known that if you change emotions, your facial expression and your physiology will change. New research has shown that the opposite is also true. That is if you change your facial expressions or if you change your physiology, then your emotions change. In fact, changing your physiology is the easiest and most powerful method of changing your emotions. What do we mean by physiology? It means your facial expressions, how you sit or stand, how you talk, how your body shows your state of mind, how you react or respond to someone, etc. Physiology means anything related to your body. Now think of a time in your life you felt totally self-confident. A time when you were sure that whatever you were doing was correct. It could be a sport, a competition, an exam or a discussion. Reexperience that event as if it were happening just now. Now notice your physiology. This is your

physiology for confidence. So whenever you want to be confident, change your physiology to this one. Ask the right questions Your brain is more powerful and more amazing than the most powerful computer on the earth. Your brain is so tremendously powerful that it finds answers to any questions that you ask. If you ask, "Why do I not succeed? Why can I not remember? Why is my memory bad? Or why do people make fun of me? Why do others not like me? Why do I not have any friends?" Your brain will give answers that will justify or give reasons for why you are what you are. On the other hand if you ask questions like "Why am I so lucky? Why does my family like me? Or, what can I do to achieve success this time? What can I do to achieve big success and make big money?" Again your mind will give you answers. These answers are far superior and useful than the

previous answers to negative questions. Here are some sample questions to ask in the morning before you get out of the bed. Write down additional questions for yourself. Experience the answers to these questions totally in your mind and in your body. • What am I most happy about in my life now? • What am I most proud about in my life now? • What am I determined to do in my life now? • What is my greatest achievement so far? Here are some questions to ask before you fall asleep in night: • What have I learned today? • How has today added to my life? • Any of the morning questions. Focus on success

What you focus on also affects your state. If you think about success and how you will celebrate it and how happy you will be, this focus on success will put you in a state that will help you achieve success. But if you think that you may fail and that will be a waste of all the money you have spent on tuition and what people will say and you plan about what to do after this failure, this focus on failure will put you in a state that will make it difficult to succeed. So, focus on the results you want.

Do This to Quickly Get Ready to Study or Work Even If You are not in a Mood Whenever you feel that you are not in a good mood and it doesn't feel good to study or work, then what you do is exhale deeply. Feel that with each exhalation, you are throwing the bad mood outside. Within 5 minutes, you will be ready to study or work in a good mood.

How to Develop High Physical Energy Necessary for Hard Work and Big Success If you want to develop high physical energy that is necessary for doing hard work for big success in life, then you must do certain things every day on a consistent basis: • Do Exercise Regularly • Sleep Well Everyday • Eat Good Food • Take Vitamins & Mineral Supplements • Eliminate Energy-Draining, Negative Thoughts You can find more details about some of these in my other book Raj Bapna's Mind Power Study Techniques. That book tells students how to use more mind power (read faster, remember, sleep better, interviews, relaxation, concentration, etc.) for success in exams and competitions.

Chapter 7. Advanced Methods

Before You Begin Self-Hypnosis Before you begin self-hypnosis, and any time in the future when you decide to do self-hypnosis, give your unconscious an instruction about how long to keep you there and when to arouse you. You might say to yourself before you begin "I would like you, my unconscious, to arouse me in fifteen minutes, allowing me to feel refreshed and renewed by this experience." Your body has an internal time clock. If you measure the time it takes a person to come back out of hypnosis, it's usually within a quarter minute of the time they had specified. The worst that would ever happen, even if you forgot that instruction, is that you might go into a nice deep physiological sleep and wake refreshed several hours later.

How to Utilize Self-Hypnosis for Your SelfImprovement As you practice self-hypnosis, you will develop confidence about being able to get in and out of self-hypnosis trance/state. You will also notice that the procedure is beginning to simplify. Instead of deliberately going through the whole sequence step-by-step, when you sit down to do self-hypnosis, you will begin to go into a trance immediately. At that point self-hypnosis becomes available to you as a really nice tool for your selfimprovement. To use self-hypnosis for your own development, give your unconscious an entire set of instructions before going into a trance. First, decide what you would like to change. Ask your unconscious to review with sounds, images, and feelings, those occasions when you did something particularly creatively and effectively. Ask that when your unconscious has finished making this review, it

take from the review those elements of your performance that are distinctive, and to have them naturally and spontaneously begin to occur more frequently in your everyday behavior in appropriate contexts. Suppose you are about to make a sales presentation in a corporation, and you want to make the very best presentation you can. Before you drop into the trance, at the time you state how long you want to stay down, you might say "When I get into a deep trance this time, I would like you, my unconscious mind, to review with images and sounds and feelings the five times when I have been most dynamic, effective, and creative in making sales presentations.” Suppose you are about to go for an interview for a dream job, and you want to make it the best you can. Before you drop into the trance, at the time you state how long you want to stay down, you might say "When I get into a deep trance this time, I would like you, my unconscious mind, to review

with images and sounds and feelings the five times when I have been most dynamic, effective, and creative in job interviews.” What if You Want to Do Something that You Have Never Done Before? If you don't know that you've ever succeeded with a particular behavior, then use this method: Think of someone else who does this behavior very well. Pick yourself a really elegant model - somebody whom you really respect and admire-who does this behavior particularly elegantly and effectively. Then use a variation of the same instructions. Ask your unconscious mind to review all the internal stored images, sounds and feelings of this person doing that particular behavior. Do this in three phases. In the first review, you just see and hear what is going on. Watch and listen to that person do what you want to learn to do. In the second phase you ask your unconscious mind to substitute your image and your voice for the other person's.

So the second time you run the movie, you will see yourself doing the things that you just observed and listened to the other person doing. In the third phase you step into the movie and experience it from the inside, feeling yourself do the behavior, as well as seeing and hearing from that new point of view. After you have finished this third step you ask your unconscious to have this behavior naturally and spontaneously begin to occur more frequently in your behavior in the appropriate contexts. This works very, very well as a self-programming device. I suggest that you start with small behaviors. For example, "I want to learn to smile when I want to get a certain response." Then later take bigger and bigger chunks of behavior.

An Advanced Method of Self-Hypnosis Richard Bandler and John Grinder developed this method. Step 1: Sit down or lie down in a comfortable way and find something that's easy to look at. Step 2: Fix your gaze on that, and then I say three sentences to myself about what you see. "I see the light falling on the door; I see the movement of the curtain; I see the fan moving." Step 3: Make three statements about what you hear. "I hear the sound of the fan. I hear the sound of paper being moving. I hear the sound of songs on the radio or TV." Step 4: Make three statements about what you feel. "I can feel where my hands tough the chair (or bed). I can feel my breath. I can feel where my legs touch the bed." Step 5: Maintain the same position and the same direction of gaze, make two statements for each about what you see, hear, and feel.

Like for most people, it is likely that your eyes start to get drowsy. If your eyes get drowsy, you just allow them to close and continue this exercise, but just substitute what you see in your imagination rather than in the room. Step 6: Maintain the same position and the same direction of gaze, make one statements for each about what you see, hear, and feel. Step 7: Feel which hand and arm feels lighter. Then give suggestions to yourself by saying that the hand that feels lighter will continue to feel lighter, and will begin to float up with honest unconscious movements, feeling attracted towards my face, so that when it makes contact with your face, you will enter into a deep state of selfhypnosis. You may be curious as to what is the purpose of having your hand touch your face. The exact task that you pick to do is arbitrary. Most people report that their hand and arm did lift, and when it touched their face they felt a sudden, radical

change, and that they had amnesia after that point. For the first half-dozen times as you learn to do self-hypnosis, let your goals be just relaxing and refreshing and renewing yourself. Wait until you have full confidence about your ability to get in and out; in other words wait until you know that you can get yourself into a deep trance and that your unconscious will arouse you after the appropriate length of time.

How to Create Your Own Self-Hypnosis Cassette There are three essential steps to create your own self-hypnosis cassette. For maximum benefit, you MUST follow the instructions. Do not try to change and do not try to improve any part of the process till you are an expert in hypnosis. Step 1: Create Relaxing Suggestions or Imagination You can describe a scene from your past experience that is very relaxing and enjoyable. Such scene could be the scene of a park, ocean, river, etc. After describing such a scene for 5 minutes or so, start saying "relaxing suggestions" such that "You are now relaxing. Every part of your body is feeling more relaxed. Tensions are disappearing." You may directly go to "relaxing suggestions" and

then describe the relaxing scene. You can use the approach you like more. You can also count from 10 to 1 for more effect (as explained in a previous section). Finally give suggestions for those changes that you want or need. Step 2: Select the Goal/Benefit and Create Suggestions Choose what part of your life you want to improve. Create a list of suggestions that will lead to the change you want. Step 3: Record a Cassette and Experiment Either go to a recording studio or use your own tape recorder to record the suggestions created in part 1 and part 2. Of course, you have to take care that there is not too much noise when you are recording. If possible, add relaxing music to the recording.

Once a cassette is ready, lie down or sit down in a place and at a time that you will not be disturbed. Then play the cassette. If you do not like any aspect of the recording, go through the whole process again.

Artificial Reincarnation: The Raikov Effect Soviet psychiatrist Vladimir Raikov developed a method he called "artificial reincarnation". He used hypnosis to make people think they had actually physically become someone else, some great genius in the history. By this method, people when told to be a great painter they knew about, they suddenly learnt to draw and paint very well under hypnosis. When out of hypnosis, those same people did not believe they had actually created the artwork. He demonstrated that when people come out of hypnosis, some of the great skill was still left. It means that after hypnosis they became better at the specific skill.

The Master Mind Principle Napoleon Hill wrote a book Think and Grow Rich in 1937. He called the teamwork between 2 or more great minds as Master Mind Principle. He suggested to the readers that each night before falling asleep, the readers close eyes, and invite in imagination some of the great people in history. In Napoleon Hill's own case, he invited 9 people. After some months of practice, these people in imagination became so real that Napoleon Hill discontinued this practice for several months.

The Borrowed Genius Procedure Dr Win Wenger, PhD and Richard Poe developed this use of self-hypnosis in their book The Einstein Factor. I have known Dr Wenger for over 18 years and I respect him for his research. The summary of steps is given below. You may not get the results of imagination in the first trial itself because not everyone has the imagination skills well developed. • Select a particular skill you want to develop. Select a skill you can test immediately after this experiment to verify the effectiveness of this procedure. • Select a person who is considered a genius in this skill. • Lie down on bed with your eyes closed. Now imagine from your past a time and place where you felt very relaxed and happy. Describe what you see, hear, and feel in detail to a tape recorder. Describe everything.

Take 4 to 6 minutes. • Imagine that the model genius selected above comes to join you in the scene. Describe this person in as much detail as you can. Imagine that he is friendly and welcoming. Enjoy this for 3 to 5 minutes. • Now go inside this person to find out what it is like to be inside this person. Imagine standing behind this person at arm's length. Now lift this person's head and put on your own head like a helmet and then pull the rest of the body around you like a rubber suit. Or, you can simply walk into his body. • Now look around the scene you were imagining. Certain things will look different. Describe those for 4 to 6 minutes from the genius's point of view. • Now use the particular skill that you wanted to develop. For example, it could be playing musical instrument. Do this activity for 4 to 6 minutes. While doing this (playing

piano, etc.), describe in detail everything that you see, hear, feel, smell, or touch. What posture he uses. How each part of his body feels. • Go to that time in the genius's life when he had given peak performance. Describe in detail what you see, feel, hear, smell, or taste at that moment. Continue this for 3 to 7 minutes. Disengaging from Borrowed Genius When you are ready to end this experiment, simply do the following: • In your imagination, walk in front of a big, full-length mirror. See your Model Genius there facing you in the mirror. Now remove the mirror in your imagination. The mirror is gone but the genius is still standing there. You and genius are separate now and not in one body.

• Thank the genius for allowing to use his body. Imagine the genius thanking you, too. • Now let the genius give you a walkie-talkie so that the two of you can be in touch anytime anywhere and you can have the insights and talents of the Model Genius for your own use. • Before you leave, let the Model Genius say something very special about his experience. Listen carefully. Speak into the tape recorder what you hear. Debriefing from Borrowed Genius As soon as possible after your Borrowed Genius experience, debrief yourself. With your eyes open, but still speaking in present tense, recount what happened during the experience. Do not speak in tape recorder but write on a note pad everything you experienced, especially the differences.

Borrowed Genius Follow Up As soon as possible after the Borrowed Genius experience, go and practice the skill that you have just improved. While practicing, try to develop the ability to slip easily back and forth between realtime practice and Borrowed Genius imagining.

Change Your Name and Change Your Life From the time we can remember, we are all very attached to our names. We identify ourselves with our names. If we have many negative beliefs about ourselves, those are also attached to our names. One way to get a new life is to just change your name. Then you can program yourself that the person with the new name is a new person with such and such positive qualities. The person with old name and negative beliefs is no more. He or she is now re-born. Initially act as if you are really a new person with those desired positive powerful beliefs. If possible, even stay in a new place so that you can easily act your NEW SELF. I read about this long back in a small book by a successful actress in USA, who had changed her name and got success. It is obvious that this radical method is not

suitable for everyone.

Chapter 8. Cassettes, CDs and Mind Machines for Effortless Benefits

New Mind Technologies Help Use the Power of Your Subconscious Mind New mind technologies (scientific music and mind machines) are being developed all over the world to help people learn faster, remember more, learn subjects such as vocab, relax deeply, reduce stress, to improve the functioning of your brain/mind, to build positive-empowering beliefs, to eliminate negative-limiting beliefs, improve immune system, control paid, and to help get success. It is estimated that over 40 lakh people in the world are now using mind-technology products. More than one lakh people in India are already using Dr Anil Bapna's Mind Power Music and Mind Machines that we have developed. Two Key Goals of all Mind Technologies

1. Achieve Brainwave Entrainment

T h e brainwave entrainment technologies (binaural beats, frequency following response, DAPS, etc.) are used to change your brainwaves to the desired state of relaxation, meditation, sleep or wakefulness. This by itself offers the wonderful benefits of meditation. Next, if desired, in the state of mild or deep relaxation, you are presented information for achieving specific goals such as memorizing your English vocab or building new empowering beliefs. 2. Build Empowering Beliefs Dual Auto Peripheral Suggestions (DAPS ) and Subliminal Messages are used to give powerful positive suggestions to break through any limiting beliefs/barriers and to build positive, powerful, empowering beliefs, offering you new options and choices for your greater success in life. These methods are forms of self-hypnosis. TM

Mind Technology Cassettes and Mind Machines Available in India

Dr Anil Bapna's Mind Power Music with Positive, Powerful and Empowering Subliminal Messages Dr Anil Bapna's Mind Power Music contains Subliminal Messages, which are verbal suggestions (in male and female voice) recorded at a very low volume as compared to the volume for music, river and birds. So, these messages are not audible and remain hidden from your conscious mind. Since your conscious mind cannot hear Subliminal Messages, it does not interfere with them. And, since your subconscious mind can hear these messages, it can accept them, influencing your beliefs. Mind





Technologies What is a mind machine? A mind machine is an equipment that empowers you to change your brain waves for the desired alpha, theta, etc. states and to empower yourself with positive beliefs for the desired benefits/learning/goals. Two different mind machines are: ( 1 ) Super IQ 2.0 to learn any subject for any exam/competition (2) Alpha Plus to memorize 4,484 words for CAT (GMAT, any MBA) These mind machines consist of a Mind Machine Player (which is an integrated mind machine with walkman) and its special audiocassettes and user guide/books. They are easy to use and benefit from: Just play the special audiocassettes in the Mind Machine Player and listen on stereo earphones. That's really all you have to do. The mind machines do

all the work for you. You don't need to "practice" any techniques/methods. Advanced Mind Technologies Let me list the mind technologies used in these machines: • Brainwave Sync Tonal Matrix • Accelerated Learning, Whole Brain Learning/Memory • Neuro Linguistic Programming and DAPS • Ganzfield, Subliminal Messages and Energizing Sound Patterns And, now let me briefly explain to you about DAPS. It uses two stories in the two ears, overloading your conscious mind, and taking powerful, empowering suggestions to your subconscious mind, using many of the advanced techniques of self-hypnosis covered in this book. DAPS technology is very powerful and it relaxes people so quickly, hardly anyone can remain TM



awake after 10 minutes of listening.

Chapter 9. Goals-Setting Workshop: How to Set Big Goals to Energize and Compel You to Massive Action for Big Success

Big Goals Are The Seeds Of Your Big Success Goals are the seeds of success. Goals motivate you to wake up in the morning and feel energetic. Goals direct your energy and your effort. Goals help you focus. In this workshop, you learn to set goals that are big goals and that energize and compel you to massive action leading to big success. After you set big goals, you can use self-hypnosis and other techniques to build new beliefs, change habits and compel you to massive action, and it is your massive action that propels you towards achieving your goals. How One Man Changed From Failure To Great Success By Setting Big Goals This is an inspiring story of Lou Holtz.

I am giving this story in detail because you can learn many things from it and benefit quickly. Lou Holtz's rank was 234 in his high school out of 278 students. Finally, he coached 5 football teams in USA and in each case, he inherited a losing team and wound up taking the team to finals at the national level in his second year as the team's coach. His ability to motivate and get the best out of people led to his achievements. He even got $15,000 per talk to executives at the top American companies. Holtz says, "Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." In 1966, Holtz was 28 years old and was just appointed as an assistant coach at the University of South Carolina. His wife, Beth, was 8-month pregnant. The head-coach at the university left to join another university. So, Holtz was left

unemployed and struggling. Then his wife bought a book, The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz. Holtz had not been motivated to do much before that. The book said you should write down all the goals you want to achieve before you die. Holtz tried the exercise and listed 107 goals, including the following: • Have dinner in White House with the President of USA • Meet the Pope • Win American national championship in football • Be coach of the year • Jump out of an airplane • Go down in a submarine Holtz says, "The more goals I wrote, the more excited I got. My whole life changed." Holtz was able to look at his dreams and fantasies and come out with a list of goals of exactly what he wanted to achieve. This list became a guide for

him for the rest of his life. Next, he read many times two books by football coaches: You Win With People and They Call Me Coach. Slowly he began to develop his own understanding that he finally used while coaching his teams to super success. Holtz says, "If people believe in themselves, they set bigger goals." To make his players believe in themselves, he gives them 3 rules to follow: • Do what is right. • Do your very best. • Treat others, as you'd like to be treated. He says, "If you do not do what is right, you do not feel good about yourself and you have a poor self-image in your subconscious mind. And if you have poor self-image, you want other players and coaches to praise you and approve of you." Once this is understood by his players, he sits down with them to set goals. He asks, "What do you want to achieve? What can you do as a team?

Here's what I think we can achieve together." One of his players says, "Holtz says it is up to you, that you are competing not against another team but against yourself." He has achieved 87 of the 107 goals and he feels he may never achieve the remaining 20, one of which is to "act as Tarzan in some film". This story tells how much someone can achieve by having well defined goals. You may also want to try this exercise: Write down all the goals that you would like to achieve in this lifetime. To Be Great, You Need To Be The Best In Just One Field. It Is OK To Be Ordinary In All Other Fields There are a large number of people in any field of specialization. So, it is very difficult to become so good in any field to be considered among the best. This also means that it is not humanly possible for

anyone to become very good in several fields of specialization. If someone can manage to become among the best in any field, the rewards are great. By becoming known as one of the best, you gain a lot of recognition and with that you get opportunity to do exactly what you want to do and to live where you want to live. So, we need to understand that it is okay to become very good in just one field of specialization. We need to understand that it takes a lot of time and effort (and good luck/chance) to become very good in any field. So, the secret of super success is to identify some field of specialization that interests you and you seem to have talent for it. And then try to concentrate on just that field to become really very good in just that one field. This approach will give you the highest chance of great success. It also means that it is okay to be ordinary in other areas of life.

Do Not Wait For Greatness To Be Forced Upon You, But Choose It People wait for something drastic to happen before they try to improve their life by discovering their full capabilities or their full potential. There is a well-known example from USA. You probably know about the famous fast-food restaurant chain called "Kentucky Fried Chicken". Did you know that Colonel Sanders built this empire and became a multi-millionaire? How? Actually, he had a small restaurant that was losing money because the main highway had been routed elsewhere. So he had to do something else. He tried selling his chicken recipe. After 1009 refusals, someone agreed to use the recipe and pay Colonel Sanders royalty based on sales. And that was the start for Colonel Sander's multi-million dollar Kentucky Fried Chicken empire. You always have two choices: One is to act. And the other is to wait for something drastic or urgent

to force you to act. Just like Colonel Sanders waited till the highway moved away. If You Do What Others Do, You Will Get The Same Results That Others Get It is very simple and straightforward concept. If you do what everyone else is doing, you will get the same results that everyone else will get. It means that if you want to do earn much more than others, then you have to do something different from what others do. For example, if you take up a job of a professor, you will earn similar to what other professors earn. Ask Yourself: What Will I Do If I Knew That I Could Not Fail We all seem to be afraid of failure to such an extent that most of us do not even take up the most rewarding challenge.

So, ask yourself: "If I know that I will not fail, what would I like to do?” Such a question will help you discover some new, bigger, bolder goals for yourself. And maybe bigger success, too. If Your Goal Is More Than To Just Earn Money, You Will Get Help From Many Different Sources We all know that money in itself is a big reward. So, if you work with money being the main goal, you will get very limited help from others. In fact, you will not get much help at all. But, if you have some part of your goal that goes beyond making money, then it is likely that you will get help from many different people. Perhaps it is because of human nature. We know that we are very busy earning a living or building wealth for ourselves and we do not have time to help others. So, when we realize that someone is working also to help others, then we are also

likely to help the person achieve success. With this understudying, add something to your goals that is beyond money. That is more than money. Create Your Own "My Win Book" to Gain Self-Confidence and Get Ready to Set Big Goals This is a very easy and beneficial technique. All you do is buy a beautiful notebook (or any notebook will be okay, too). In it write down, one by one, all your achievements from your childhood till now. Such a collection of achievements helps you to fully understand that you too are worthy, that you too are capable of success, that you too can achieve many things. Reading about your own achievements gives you more self-esteem and more self-confidence. You begin to believe more and more that you are okay

and that you can achieve something. I learnt about this technique in 1988 when I was in USA and created my win book at that time. That time, I wrote about my success in studies and getting rank in High School, education at BITS, Pilani and IIT, Kharagpur, etc. One of the entries in my win book reads "21 Nov 1989: Bought a good stereo for $60 (that time about Rs 900)". Buying a tape player was an achievement for me. Similarly, you too can write down what is important to you even if it may not be a big achievement for others. Some of the entries in My Win Book are: 29 Oct 1987: Did 100 pushup in a single day; achieved one of my health goals. 3 July 1988: Read book by Linus Pauling: How to Live Longer and Feel Better and started his regimen of vitamins, minerals, exercise. 21 Dec 1988: Bought my first car.

19 Feb 1989: Moved from Oregon to Sunnyvale California to join Intel Corp. 25 Sept 1989: Attended Franklin Time Management Course. Remember your Win Book is just for yourself. You do not have to share it with others. Set Big Goals That Motivate You For Big Success One of my favorite authors, Anthony Robbins, says, "People are not lazy. They simply do not have big, motivating goals." Big, motivating, achievable goals can give energy to your life. They motivate you to get out of the bed as soon as you become aware of the morning even if it is cold outside. They energize you. I suggest that you • Write a list of all the goals you would like to achieve in this life • Have at least one big goal that you can be

obsessed with or fanatical about If you have not already written down the above, now is the time to do it without any further delay. Marc Allen's Secrets Of Goal Setting For Success With Ease Marc Allen is the famous writer of many books including "The Millionaire Course" and "Visionary Business", and publisher of many great books including some by Deepak Chopra, Shakti Gawain and Eckhart Tolle. I attended a talk by Marc Allen at the bookshop called East Wes t in Silicon Valley in California. Then, in 2003, I traveled to Novato, California to his office to meet him. Marc is the most easy-going, relaxed, nonaggressive person I have met in my life. If more people were like Marc, the world would be a better place for all of us to live, work, play and enjoy life. Marc's secret of success is to simply imagine

inside the mind that you have achieved your goals. See what you would see, feel what you would feel, hear what you would hear in as much specific details as possible when you achieve your goals. But, that is not all. Marc is unique in that he says we add the following phrase before all of our goals: "In an easy and relaxed manner, happy and positive way, and for the good of all ... (write goal here)". For example, the goals could be: • "In an easy and relaxed manner, happy and positive way, and for the good of all, my income this year is Rs 12 lakh." • "In an easy and relaxed manner, happy and positive way, and for the good of all, I enjoying doing 100 push ups daily and my body feels strong and healthy." • "In an easy and relaxed manner, happy and positive way, and for the good of all, I wake

up at 6 daily, do exercise for 15 minutes, get ready, and study for 2 hours." • "In an easy and relaxed manner, happy and positive way, and for the good of all, I wake up at 5 daily, go for walking and do exercise for 45 minutes, get ready, and study and research for 2 hours about how I can help students to get more success." I strongly believe, just following Marc’s suggestions above will make anyone a more positive, more relaxed, happier and better person and the world a better place. Magnificent Obsession: Have At Least One Big Goal That You Can Be Obsessed With Or Fanatical About I have read many many autobiographies and biographies of many many greatly successful people in various fields of life. In each of such books, as far as I remember, there was use of words such as OBSESSION about what that

person wanted to do. Obsession means being obsessed with. It means being fanatical about. Being mad about. Being crazy about. It means being interested and being committed in something to the exclusion of other things. My understanding is that there are many many very intelligent people in each field in this world. So, to become better that most others in any field is extremely difficult and extremely unlikely. And to become the best in the world is the most difficult. But, some people seem to be mad about what they do. They are obsessed. They are overpowered by what they want to achieve. They seem to think of nothing else but their goal. They appear to be willing to give up everything to achieve their goal. And it is not surprising that such people eventually become the very best in the world in their chosen field. It appears to me that the greatest of successes in

the world are a result of a person being obsessed with a goal and not because of anything else. Therefore, I want to suggest that you do this: Write down now at least one big goal that you can be fanatical about. That you can be obsessed with. That you can call your own "magnificent obsession". Goals Change With Time It is very important to understand that your goals change. What I mean is that you want something today but tomorrow you may not want it or you may want something else. For example, when I was in school, I wanted to be a scientist, perhaps in Physics. Then, somehow I unknowingly accepted the idea from the society that I wanted to be an engineer. And that too, only electrical engineer or mechanical engineer. Then, I got admission to BE in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. In my second year of BE, I discovered that I did not want to be an electrical

/electronics engineer, but I wanted to be a computer engineer or a software engineer. By the time I was in the third year of BE, I wanted to do nothing more than to go to USA for higher studies and job. So, all my effort was concentrated for that purpose. Finally, I got scholarships to study in USA for MS in Computer Science and PhD in Bio Technology. But, fortunately or unfortunately I did not get visa to go to USA. (That time I was very unhappy for not getting visa, but today I am not sure whether that was unfortunate or fortunate.) So, I ended up specializing in Computers from IIT Kharagpur and joined a job in Madras. Then my Indian company sent me to USA for a project work. Once in USA, my effort was just to get a permanent job and settle there. After 8 months in temporary position, I joined a job in San Diego in California. But, once I had a permanent job, I did not want to live in USA forever, but I wanted to come back to India and do something here. After roughly 4 years, and experience in some 6

companies, I came back to India. I and my brother Dr Anil Bapna worked hard here to develop mind power and English related courses and cassettes. The result is that you have this course in your hands. Our mind power products have changed lakhs of lives. Then I am settled in India. I spend full time to do research in the area of Mind Power. I want to continue to do this and I think I want to do nothing else. For the first time in my life, I am now doing what I really want to do. I am not doing this research to achieve some other goal. All my previous jobs in part were to achieve some other goals. Why do I like this work so much? I do not know for sure. But, I think I used to do this work for free even when I was earning a lot of money in USA. I enjoy knowing that my effort helps lakhs of people. I feel good that lakhs of people know me and that I get thousands of letters admiring and thanking me. Again for 3 years, I went to USA as a founding

member of a software company called Ontologent, Inc... This company raised US$ 8 million and developed advanced software for big telecom companies. But, I am back again and spend full time researching how students can get more success. I believe that as you become more and more successful financially or in other fields, even your goals will change. Understand the Situation and Change Goals You may need to change your goals. You may discover new interests or you may find that you cannot get something that you very much want. Then do not feel bad forever. Just change your goals.

Effective Goal Setting What Is The Meaning Of Success For You Success has different meanings for different people. Generally, success is measured in terms of power of position or money. The best way that I understand success is "to be able to do what you want to do or to be able to spend time as you want to." For you, it may be success to become a topper, or to build big business, or to become a great scientist, or to become IAS, or to get a job in the government, or to be a musician, or to be a sports person, or to help poor people. You will have to discover for yourself what success means to you. Your parents or teachers and society may force their ideas of success onto you (without your being fully aware of this). Some of these ideas will greatly influence what goals you choose in your life.

How To Discover What Is Really Important To You In Life Let me give you 2 very powerful and very easy ways to help you discover what is really important in your life. They help you find out what you really want or value in life. It is surprising that most of us have never taken the time to think about what is really important to us in life. Without thinking, we have unknowingly reached certain decisions as to what is important in our lives. For example, many men work 12 or 14 hours per day. They do not get time to be with their wives or children. Many people do not talk to their children on a daily basis. Some people become aware that family is important only after some unfortunate accidents take place or after some such shocks. If a person does not know what is important to

him, then does it matter what he does? Of course, it does not matter. We all have to do so many things in our daily lives that many of us seem to become unaware of what is really important in life. Even if that was clear at some point of time. This chapter is very serious. Read it only when you have some 10 or 20 minutes of undisturbed time available to think about your life. When I did these two exercises a decade back in USA, it became clear that I did not want to settle in USA and try earning crores of rupees. Rather, I wanted to come to India, do some small things for people here and earn a decent living. With this understanding, I got courage from Osho's books and tapes to return to India and write a book for students. That is my other book on mind power c a l l e d Raj Bapna's Mind Power Study Techniques. Today, after 14 years, I perhaps have much less money in India than I would have had if I had stayed in USA. But I am happy to write that

I am happy and grateful for having made the right decision. I want to tell you that leaving USA and returning to India was the only courageous thing I did in my life. That was the only risky thing I did in my life. At no other time did I ever take a risk. Actually, I wanted to make my return to India safe, so I got permanent residency (green card) for Australia that remained valid for 4 years after my return to India. I had to spend something like US$ 2,500 or so to get the Australian residency and had to travel to Sidney for one day. I am writing all this not to impress you, but I sincerely want to convey to you the importance of the two small exercises below. So, let's start. Begin With the End in Mind Imagine this: You have lived for 100 years and

today is the last day of your life. What will make you happy to know about what you did or how you lived your life or which decision you made? When you want to choose between two important choices, this exercise can help you clarify what you really value in your life. What If You Win A Big Lottery Imagine you have won a lot of money in a big lottery. How would you live differently? Who you will spend more time with? What activities will you do more? What activities will you be able to do now what you could not do before? Who will you help? What kind of house will you have? What kind of clothes? What kind of watch? etc. I find that many people, in their current financial status, can do at least some of the things that they would want to do if they won a lottery. So, it is just a matter of recognizing what is important to you and taking the time to do what you want to do

as if you won a lottery. Of course, some of the things you will not be able to do now without getting more money. Those things you can skip for the time being. Write Each Goals As You Imagine That You have Already Achieved Success Lie down on bed, close your eyes, and relax for sometime. Imagine that you have already achieved that you want to achieve. A part of mind called subconscious mind cannot differentiate between a real experience and an imagined experience. So, from an imagined experience you get almost the same benefits that you get from the real experience as far as your mind is concerned. How to make your experience of imagination as real as possible? The answer is: imagine what you will see, feel, hear, taste, and smell in reality. Imagine that you are seeing what you will see in

reality. Imagine that you are smelling what you will smell in reality. Imagine that you are feeling what you will feel in reality. Imagine that you are hearing what you will hear in reality. Imagine that you are tasting what you will taste in reality. Let me give you a simple exercise. If you already know your goals, good. If you do not already have a goal, choose one for this exercise before you continue. Imagine that you have already achieved that goal. Now see in imagination what you will see in reality if you achieve the goal. Now hear in imagination what you will hear if you achieve the goal. Similarly feel, smell, and taste in imagination. Suppose you want to get success in some competition. Close your eyes and imagine that some friend comes and calls you saying that you have got success. Imagine that he/she has also brought a newspaper declaring your success. Identify Your Goals

You must write your goals on paper. Research has revealed that less than 5% of people write their goals on paper, and these people get the maximum success. Writing helps you clarify your own intentions and to commit yourself. There seems to be some magic with the written word that forces people to achieve more. The goals should be "specific" and as if you have already achieved them. Here are some examples, • I am in top-100 in IIT and I am joining IIT Mumbai in Computer Science. • I am in top-10 in IAS. • I enjoy doing 100 push ups daily and my body feels strong and healthy. • My income this year is Rs 12 lakh. • I enjoy running 10 kilometers every day and it feels really good to wake up at 6:0 for the run.

• I am 52 kg slim, trim and healthy. For each goal, you must write down "why you want to achieve that goal". It is crucial for you to fully and clearly understand "the purpose or reason of why you want to achieve the goal". For example, if the goal is to "become IAS", the purpose may be that it will make you successful, give you power, respect and fame, make your family happy and respectful in the society, ... Each day, read your goals and more importantly read the purpose behind the goals. Do this exercise when you have 30 minutes of focused, private time. Make sure you would not be disturbed by phone, etc. Sit down in a comfortable place, close your eyes and think of a time when you did something exciting and adventurous. Imagine what you saw, what you heard, and what you felt that time. Even

what you smelled. Take a few minutes to several minutes. Go into your imagination now. When done, come back here, ready to make the exciting journey to identify your goals. Welcome back. Now I want you to take a pen or pencil and write in this book. Write without any limitation, imagining you could do whatever you decide.

List your career, job, or money goals: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

Now identify top 3 career, job, or money goals and write one paragraph each why you want that goal (the purpose): ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ List your goals about things: These include things such as car, computer, house, music system, bike, etc. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

Now identify top 3 goals about things and write one paragraph each why you want that goal (the purpose): ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

List your personal development goals: These include things such as public speaking, self-hypnosis, painting, singing, etc. ___________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Now identify top 3 personal development goals and write one paragraph each why you want that goal (the purpose): ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ From your goals, identify those goals that can become your “Magnificent Obsession” and write one paragraph each why you want that goal (the purpose): ________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Goals For Total Self-Improvement First, with closed eyes, imagine yourself at the place and time in your life when you felt very good about yourself, you felt wonderful because every thing in your life was going well. Spend some time doing this. After that you can give yourself some verbal suggestions like these: • Every day in every way, I am getting better and better. I am really good at what I do. I enjoy what I do. • I love people and they love me. People enjoy being with me. I am relaxed and confident. I am presentable and people feel comfortable in my presence.

• I have a good memory and I concentrate easily. I can recall easily whatever I need to recall. • I am wealthy. • I am good in communication. I say easily and effortlessly what I mean. I am good and patient listener. I feel confident with groups as well as with individuals. • I am neatly dressed and presentable. I am cool, calm, and relaxed. People feel comfortable being with me. They enjoy my company. • I look and feel fantastic. I have strong body and muscles. I enjoy doing exercises. I enjoy yoga, walking, cycling, and jogging. I do some exercise everyday. I feel very energetic. I am proud of my body. • I feel fantastic being an action person. I do first thing first and one thing at a time. I organize my day and follow through my plans to completion.

Special Note on Goal Setting for Students and Job Seekers In India, students tend to have just one goal: get high marks in exams or competitions. Their goal is to get admissions to certain schools or colleges for a bight future. Similarly, people looking for jobs are also tend to have just one goal: get a good job quickly. Both are highly motivated to get success. If you are a student or a job seeker, I recommend that you add a few more goals such as these: • Exercise daily for energy for success and good health for long life • Eat good healthy food • Regular sleep • If time permits, add some hobby related goals, like learning to play a new song on your musical instrument or keyboard.

Take Massive Action Value of Knowledge is in Action Your all knowledge and all goals are worthless if you do not take massive action to achieve big success. There is value of knowledge only if it results in action. If you do not act, then your knowledge is of no consequence. Then the knowledge is irrelevant. There is value of goals to the extent that they help focus your effort and energy and actions towards the desired results. Big goals and big achievement necessarily require big action. Secret of Time Management For Achieving Your Goals Before we learn to manage our time well, we have to first understand the difference between what is important and what is urgent.

Urgent means that we need to do those first. For example, the phone rings. So the task to pick up the phone is an urgent task. We cannot say, "I'll do this tomorrow." Important means that we need to do those if we want to achieve certain important goals in life. For example, doing exercise is important for good health. But it is not urgent. If you do not do exercise today, that is okay. It is important to realize that we all tend to spend more time on urgent things while neglecting those things that are not urgent. The secret of successful time management is to focus on a consistent basis on things that are important. Daily Assignment for You Read your top 3 goals and the purpose behind each goal. This step is crucial.

Out of these goals, you can make a list of things you need to do this day or this week. Then do the most important to-do item first. When it is complete, go to the next item. It is important not to do unplanned things (unless absolutely necessary). Get into the "State" for Success and Begin Work Do you remember a time in your life when you were very confident? A time when you were sure of success. It could be a game, small competition, discussion with friends or anything else that you liked. Now remember a time in your life when you were not at all confident. A time when you were afraid of failing and you did not succeed. These two situations represent different moods, confidence, happiness or other emotions. This is a state of mind or in short we can call it a "state".

What was the difference between the two states? Can you change your state at will? The answer is "Yes. You can." I am going to tell you how. Physiology When someone is happy or sad, it shows on the face. It shows in the posture or the way the person stands or sits. It shows in the tone of the voice or the way he speaks. People have always known that if you change emotions, your facial expression and your physiology will change. New research has shown that the opposite is also true. That is if you change your facial expressions or if you change your physiology, then your emotions change. In fact, changing your physiology is the easiest and most powerful method of changing your emotions. What do we mean by physiology? It means your facial expressions, how you sit or stand, how you

talk, how your body shows your state of mind, how you react or respond to someone, etc. Physiology means anything related to your body. Now think of a time in your life you felt totally self-confident. A time when you were sure that whatever you were doing was correct. It could be a sport, a competition, an exam or a discussion. Reexperience that event as if it were happening just now. Now notice your physiology. This is your physiology for confidence. So whenever you want to be confident, change your physiology to this one. Ask the right questions Your brain is more powerful and more amazing than the most powerful computer on the earth. Your brain is so tremendously powerful that it finds answers to any questions that you ask. If you ask, "Why do I not succeed? Why can I not remember? Why is my memory bad? Or why do

people make fun of me? Why do others not like me? Why do I not have any friends?" Your brain will give answers that will justify or give reasons for why you are what you are. On the other hand if you ask questions like "Why am I so lucky? Why does my family like me? Or, what can I do to achieve success this time? What can I do to achieve big success and make big money?" Again your mind will give you answers. These answers are far superior and useful than the previous answers to negative questions. Here are some sample questions to ask in the morning before you get out of the bed. Write down additional questions for yourself. Experience the answers to these questions totally-in your mind and in your body. • What am I most happy about in my life now? • What am I most proud about in my life now? • What am I determined to do in my life

• What am I determined to do in my life now? • What is my greatest achievement so far? Here are some questions to ask before you fall asleep in night: • What have I learned today? • How has today added to my life? • Any of the morning questions. Focus on success What you focus on also affects your state. If you think about success and how you will celebrate it and how happy you will be, this focus on success will put you in a state that will help you achieve success. But if you think that you may fail and that will be a waste of all the money you have spent on tuition and what people will say and you plan about what to do after this failure, this focus on failure will put you in a state that will make it difficult to

succeed. Focus on the results you want.

Appendix 1. How to Get Maximum Benefit from Any Book, Cassette or CD

Books The most difficult step is to find a great book. A book that has come out of real and practical life experience of the author. Further the author should be such that he or she has achieved great success in the field that you want to learn. For example, my books can help any student greatly to use more mind power towards success. For example, if you want to be a successful businessman, autobiographies and books by successful businesspersons will be more useful than by other writers. For example, if you want to understand the future of computers, read books by Bill Gates.

Most such books are not written to earn money. For example, Bill Gates of Microsoft has written two books related to future or use of computers. In the years that he wrote the books, his income from books was less than 0.01% (that is 1/10,000) as compared to his income from business or raise in share prices. Bill Gates must have spent several months in writing each book, but the income that he got out of each book is perhaps equal to average increase in his wealth in a single hour. Such people write books, because they have a mission. They want to say something. They want to help. Once you have been lucky to find a great book, the second step is to get maximum benefit out of that book. How do you do that? It is simple. Read the book many times till you understand it very well. You will be surprised to know that I have read some books more than 20 times each. Reading again and again, I believe gives me the author's lifetime experience within a few months. It gives

me a certain wisdom from the author that cannot come by reading the book just once. You do not have to read any book 50 times. Just read enough times so that you fully learn what the author wants to teach you. Cassettes and CDs The cassettes and CDs are of two types: • Containing book summaries • Self-improvement cassettes/CDs Cassettes/CDs are better than books in learning in the sense that they do not require much effort to use. And it is relatively easy to listen to a cassette many times. The only problem is that most books do not come in cassette/CD form.

Appendix 2. Ancient Wisdom: My Favorite Quotations

Quotations contain the wisdom that people have gained over hundreds or thousands of years. Here are my favorite quotations: • Excess is always prohibited. OR Excess of anything is never good. • Translation of a quotation from Sanskrit • Urgency is not the same as priority. • Franklin Time Management training • Do everything in moderation ... and that includes some excess (in moderation). • Marcus Allen • An adventure is a deliberate, volitional movement out of the comfort zone.

• Franklin Time Management training • Procrastination - we tend to avoid events that are unpleasant, complex, lengthy, or uninteresting, regardless of the priority. • Franklin Time Management training • Whenever you think you can or you can't, you are right. • Henry Ford • Nothing in progression can rest on its original plan. • Edmund Bruce • Delay is the deadliest form of denial. • C Nortcote Parkinson • Crowding a life does not always enrich it. • Anonymous • Real education will help the people to find their life where they can be fully alive. • Osho

• A perfectionist is a neurotic. • Osho • If you are in a hurry, you will never reach. • A Zen saying • There is no mistake in making mistakes. Making mistakes is the only way to learn. • Osho • Life in itself is enough to wake you up, but the poison of discipline does not let you wake up. • Osho • If it is all in the mind, then you can change it all. • Richard Bandler • Do not be humble-you are not so great yet. • Raj Bapna • It is not 500 times more difficult to earn Rs 5,00,000 per month than to earn Rs 1,000 per month. It has nothing to do with hard work.

It is just a different game. I know because I have played both the games. • Raj Bapna

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