AVR Microcontroller Question Bank

April 28, 2018 | Author: madhurithk | Category: Microcontroller, Light Emitting Diode, Computer Hardware, Computing, Technology
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It contains questions for AVR microcontroller ATMEGA32....


AVR Microcontroller ATMEGA32 and interfacing Assignment 2:

1. With interfacing interfacing diagram explain seven segment interfacing interfacing with ATMEGA32 and write write a  program to display  to ! with appropriate delay "etween the display of the s#"se$#ent digits. 2. Write an assem"ly as well as % program to transfer the message &E'E%T()*+ serially at 2, "#ad- /"it data- 1 stop "it. 0erform this this program for 2 times. times. 3. Explain with necessary setch- interfacing the '% with ATMEGA32 and write a % program to isplay &WE'%)ME+ in the first line and in in centre of the 1452 line display. ,. Explain interfacing of 6T% with ATMEGA32 TMEGA32 microcontroller. Write Write program to get val#es of ho#r- min#te and second from from 6T% to 6AM locations 4h- 41h and 42h respectively. . Write a program to interface a #nipolar stepper motor- "y 4,7 in clocwise direction. Ass#me the motor has a step angle of 27. 8se the , 9 step se$#ence. 4. Write a program for speed control c ontrol of % motor #sing 0WM. :. Explain ATMega32 ATMega32 interfacing with A% , in self clocing mode. . (nterf (nterface ace '% with with ATMega32 Mega32 microcon microcontro trolle ller. r. %onnect %onnect data lines lines with with port port 0control lines with any three port port pins of of port 01. Write Write program program to display display message ;Microcontroller+ on the first line and &(nterfacing+ on the second line. !. %onsider %onsider that common common anode seven segment display is connected connected with port 0 and switch is interfaced at port pin 01. of ATMega32 microcontroller. raw interfacing diagram. Write assem"ly lang#age program to monitor the switch. (f switch is pressed- display &+ on common anode display and if switch is not pressed display &1+ on common anode display. display. 1. Explain interfacing of % motor with ATMega32 ATMega32 #sing (% '2!3. Write program to rotate motor in clocwise as well as anticlocwise direction. 11. Explain interfacing of 6T% with ATMega ATMega32 32 microcontroller. Write program to get val#es of ho#r- min#te and second from 6T% to 6AM locations h- 1h and 2h respectively. 12.  12.  raw circ#it diagram to interface stepper motor with ATMega32. Write program to rotate motor in clocwise direction #sing half step mode. 13. Explain Explain with interfacing interfacing diagram- : segment interfacing interfacing with ATM ATMega32 ega32 and write a  program to display data accordingly. accordingly. 1,. Explain with necessary setchsetch- interfacing the '% with ATMega32 and write a program to isplay >8+ in the second line and in centre of the t he 1452 line display.

1. Two switches are connected to pin 02. and 02.1 respectively. Write an assem"ly lang#age program to monitor the stat#s of =W and perform the following with diagram of interfacing. (f =W is pressed- the stepper motor moves clocwise (f  =W1 is pressed- the stepper motor moves anticlocwise. (f "oth switches are pressed sim#ltaneo#sly- motor stops.

14. Ass#me that inp#t at port 01 is data for temperat#re. Two 'Es are connected at 0. and 0.1 with their anodes p#lled #p thro#gh 2 resistor and cathodes are connected with pins. 'Es Write a program to ac$#ire temperat#re data and indicate the stat#s on 'E as "elow. *ote? (t is re$#ire contin#o#sly monitoring the temperat#re and indicating stat#s on 'Es. @

(f TEM0  17 6E 'E )* and G6EE* 'E )BB


(f 17 C TEM0  7 6E 'E )BB and G6EE* 'E )*


(B TEM0 D 7 6E 'E )* and G6EE* 'E )BB

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