Aveva Bocad Tower Strategy

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How to deal with…Aveva Bocad Tower Workflow and hints

Cédric Richard August 2013 



Contents 3D MODEL ORGANIZATION................................................................................................................... ORGANIZATION..................................................................................................................... .. 3 Project subdivision ................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. ............. 3 Example........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Phases .................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ............... 6 Example........................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... 7 ERECTION DRAWINGS : BOM ..................................................... .................................................................................................................. ............................................................. 8 CLASH CHECK .................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................ .... 11 LISTS ................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................... ............... 14

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3D MODEL ORGANIZATION Project subdivision

An energy major project, including more than one single transmission tower, is always splitted into :  common for each type of the different towers to be delivered.   A basic body  common   Few different extensions (0 m, 3 m, 6 m , …) to be connected to the basic body.

E.g. We may have to fabricate 50 basic bodies, 30 extensions of 3 m, 10 extensions of 6 m,… According to this, you should subdivide your Bocad main project into several 3D models : one for the basic body (+ arms) and one for each extension. 1

Under your Bocad projects directory, create manually a directory  with the name of your major project (for example “main_Project”). Start bocad and, inside the main_project folder, create a new project named for example “grid”. In this 3D model, only input the job information and create all the basic grids for the extensions, body structures, cage and peak. As first grid, input a cube of 1000 m symetrical to the global 0,0,0, reference point. Create the other grids using the Tower templates and 2

create all the phases required . Close this project and copy its directory under new project names, for example, “basicbody” , “ext3m”, “ext9m”, … Open one of them and proceed.

Regarding the profiles having some connections in the basic body as well as in the extensions, create 3

them once in the basic body then export-import them in the extensions 3D models . Accordingly to where they belong to, edit their “initial mark” to 0 or 1.


 Using Windows Explorer

2 3 See

next chapter  Using the functions "Partial Export" and "Partial Import"

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1.  Create a new project named "grid" with a small cubic grid of 1000 mm symetrical to global 0,0,0 reference point. Dimensions and axis names as by default in the client2_1_Tower (T = Transversal face, L= Longitudinal face)

2.  Create all the requested grids and empty phases only.Thanks to the template CAT105, you are able to model the grids and creating the phases in once. This project will be used as a template for the other model. Once you are done close the project "grid".

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3.  Copy the new "grid" project as much as requested by the major project (Depending on the quantity of extensions,..). Rename each project with significant names as basicbody, ext3m, ext9m,…

4.  Inside these new projects, we will build the related parts of the tower (body, extensions,…).

Figure 1: basicbody model

Figure 2: ext3m model

Figure 3: ext9m model

5.  Members having connections in basic body and extensions are created in basic body, then they will be exported in the extensions models and their initial mark edited to 0 accordingly. It means they will be listed in the basicbody model.

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In 5 words : one splice one new phase. The splice itself always belongs to the phase above. 1  

The first phase should be the top of the tower then the following going down .

In towers, the use of phases is not only a fabrication/erection purpose , they are necessary for the BOM displayed in the erection drawings. Indeed in these drawings it is shown only one face of the tower but quantities appearing in the BOM are corresponding to 2

the 4 identical faces. Furthemore, the members can appear only in one BOM . For BOM in erection drawings reason also, you may be obliged to subdivide one phase into several in case of the drawings of this phase can not fit f it in one sheet of paper. Regarding the bolts, since they may connect members from different phases, set the 3

member of your choice as their owner .


 See the example on next page

2 3 See

chapter "BOM in erection drawing"  Using the macro EDCONO

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Body 2: Phase 7

Body 1 : Phase 6


Cage : Phase 2

MXA  : Phase 4


BXA  : Phase 5

3M Body extension : Phase 8 6M Body extension : Phase 9 …..

Peak : Phase 1


TXA  : Phase 3


 Middle X ARM

2 3 Bottom


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ERECTION DRAWINGS : BOM  Note that the BOM is not corresponding to what is shown or designated inside the drawing. In the drawing we show only 1 face of the tower but in i n the BOM it should be listed the members of the 4 faces. To do so, We ask the BOM on the whole project and we filter out manually which phase is the one corresponding to the drawing we are producing the BOM for. fo r. Regarding the bolts, Bocad will select automatically the bolts owned by the members (assemblies) selected in the BOM member list.

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This is the member filter to be applied : Do not forget to filter out the pack washers “dummy “ plates (numbers 9000-11000) .

In the bolt list, Filter out the pop marks and holes :

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MEMBER FAMILIES Members families are always used to regroup some members with a common criteria to facilitate their selection later on in the filters. In towers , we set the members families for 2 main reasons : •

check between the “ Transversal Transversal face “ and the “ Longitudinal face “.   Clash   Representation and/or not the designation of members in the plane views drawings1.

Your bocad menu configuration is set for the following families fam ilies organization (for your ease always follow the same) :


• •

Family 1 : leg Family 0 : longitudinal face excluding members in a floor level level Family 40 : longitudinal face members included in a floor level Family 2 : transversal transversal face excluding members in a floor level Family 42 : transversal face members included in a floor level Family 3 : floor level members not in longitudinal or transversal faces Family 5 : 3rd face members

Note: To set in one shot the families of the T and L face, do as explained here under: At the beginning of the project, you should create your T-face (body*side1) in the family 0 (default) ; then, just after copying from T-face to L-face, use the command “ Information / Handled Members “ and edit all of them to family 2.


• •

• •

Family 11 : arm leg between front and bottom ram faces Family 12 : arm leg between rear and bottom ram faces Family 13 : arm leg between front and top ram faces Family 14 : arm leg between rear and top ram faces Family 21 : arm front fro nt and rear face members Family 22 : arm bottom and top face members Family 25 : arm diagonales


 See chapter "Plane views"

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CLASH CHECK To check the clashes in the whole tower, you should execute the “ filter / Member Collision “ test between the followings : The angles family 0 , 40

with angles family 2 , 42

The angles family 3

with all family 0, 2

The angles family 11 - 14, 21, 22 with all family 0, 40 The angles family 5

with all family 0, 40, 2, 42, 3

The angles family 25

with all family 11-14, 21, 22

The angles family 21

with angles family 22

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Family 1 

Family 3 

Family 2 

Family 42 

Family 0 

Family 40 

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Family 11 

Family 14 

Family 12 

Family 13 

Family 21 

Family 22 

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LISTS  Because of the PACK WASHERS, which are created as bolt in a dummy plate having by default the initial mark equal to 9000, we have to :


for the lists of bolts , include everything in the list database;


  for the lists of members , filter out all those piece numbers (9000-11000) .

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