Avaliação Da ABHO para HOC

January 17, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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LPPM@ELÄÀM HXLPECFEXL OF BEDEFGEP_ BEDEFGEP_LP LP M@V^L@EMGLEP ^rmvl fs`retl plrl m prm`fssm of `frteae`läàm of Bedefgestl M`upl`emglc - 8>>? Gmjf f lsseglturl om @lgoeoltm; ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]  Egstruäöfs; of ?  ? bmrls, oeveoeom fj omes pfrêmoms pfrêmoms,, `mj uj egtfrvlcm of 8> of ofvf vfj j sfr  sfr  rfspmg rfs pmgoeo oeols. ls. Qm`ë pmof pmof   gàm rfspm rfspmgof gofrr l 6 quf qufstö stöfs fs quf quf `mg `mgseo seofr  fr f  amrl of sul gàm slehl slehl.. fspf`elceolof,, mu `ukl rfspmstl gàm  fspf`elceolof 0. Ls qufstö qufstöfs fs fs`mc fs`mcbeol beolss plrl `lg`fc `lg`fcljfg ljfgtm tm ofvfj sfr lsseg lsseglclo lclols ls gl ûctejl lctf lctfrglte rgltevl vl Y( ) `lg`fclr Z. Pf vm`ë vm`ë  rfspmgof rfspmgofrr l  jles of ?> qufstöfs fj `lol plrtf, smjfgtf ls prejferls ?> sfràm `mgseofrlols. lssegl glcl clrr jl jles es quf 6 fj `lg`fclr , fj `lol plrtf, ls prejferls 6 sfràm Pf vm`ë vm`ë  lsse `mg`fclols, l plrter ol sfxtl sfràm `mgseofrlols gàm rfspmgoeols f, f , pmrtlgtm  pmrtlgtm,, frrlols (R)   ?. Lsse Lsseglcf glcf ls l lctfrg ctfrgltevl ltevlss `m `mrrftl rrftlss `m `mj j uj R, lssej; (R) juoì-cl, ì-cl, prffg`bl  prffg`bl tmom m fspläm f 6. Pf vvm m`ë lsseglcmu ujl rfspmstl f ofpmes quesfr   juo lsseglcf l mutrl. Pf vm`ë lsseglclr ouls lctfrgltevls f gàm bmuvfr egoe`läàm `clrl ol sul mpäàm, l rfspmstl sfrì `mgseofrlol frrlol. 1. Xls`ugbms, `ìc`ucms ft` pmofj sfr afetms gm vfrsm ols amcbls. 4. Vsf ``lgftl lgftl f rfsp rfspmgol mgol gl pr prðpre ðprel l amcbl amcbl of qufs qufstöfs töfs 2. Ls p pfssm fssmls ls q quf uf f fstàm stàm gl sslcl lcl gàm pmof pmofj j rf rfsspmgofr l pfrdugtls mu oûveols. 5. Pf vm`ë tevfr lcdujl oûveol, oûveol, fs`rfvl lm clom ol qufstàm l sul mhsfrvläàm, quf sfrì ceol pfcm fxljeglomr 9 `mgtuom  `mgtuom,, gàm fs`rfvl tfxtms fxpce`lgom sul rfspmstl, rfspmstl ,  pmes pmes fstl  fstl å ujl prmvl tepm tfstf. .Fs`rfvl sfu gmjf fj tmols ls amcbls Mhsfrvläàm. ^mr frrm of oedet Mhsfrvläàm. oedetläàm läàm,, 8 qufstöfs ol prejferl plrtf f mutrls 8 qufstöfs ol sfdugol plrtf amrlj lguclols. @lol plrtf plrtf   ae`l, ae`l,   lssej, lssej, `mj ?0 qufstöf qufstöfs, sfgom sfgom 21  21 gm tmtlc (`mj oerfetm l `lg`fcljfgtm of 6 + 6 qufstöfs). _moms ms mutrms gûjfrms f `retårems amrlj jlgteoms







\ules ms altmrfs ljhefgtles `mgseofrloms gl oftfrjegläàm om EHV_D qulgom sf lvlcel l fxpmseäàm m`upl`emglc lm `lcmr= Lsseglcf l lctfrgltevl `mrrftl. ( ) tfjpfrlturl om lr lr,, ujeolof om lr lr,, vfcm`eolof om lr lr,, `lcmr prmouzeom pfcm jftlhmcesjm f `lcmr rloelgtf ( ) `mgouäàm-`mgvf`äàm, rloeläàm f fvlpmrläàm om sumr  ( ) `lcmr prmouzeom pfc pfcm m jftlhmcesjm, rloeläàm rloeläàm f tfjpfrlturl om lr  (x) tfjpfrlturl om lr, ujeolof om lr, vfcm`eolof om lr, `lcmr rloelgtf ( ) `lg`fclr  %, l vfcm`eolof om lr å edulc l zfrm f l tfjpfrlturl of dcmhm å edulc l 06»@. @mgseofrlgom @mgseof rlgom EHV_D : >,4 thg + >,8 td + >,< ths. Fjhmrl l setuläàm prmpmstl pmssl sfr  oeaê`ec om of EHV_D m`mrrfr,ol prìte`l,setuläàm glrfafreol prìte`l, lglceslgom  lglceslgom-l -l smh  smh m pmgtm of vestl tfðre`m, qulc ofvfrì sfr m = Lsseglcf l lctfrgltevl `mrrftl. vlcmr tårje`l tårje`l= ( ) 0>»@ (x) 84»@ ( ) 82»@ ( ) ms oloms sàm eegsuae`efgtfs gsuae`efgtfs plrl l oftfrjeglä oftfrjegläàm àm om EHV_D ( ) `lg`fclr  6. Vj trlhlcblomr of ujl clvlgofrel ae`l fxpmstm lm `lcmr, fj ouls setuläöfs tårje`ls oestegtls, rfspf`tevljfgtf `mj EHV_D< f EHV_D8. Gl setuläàm tårje`l jegutms f, fj sfdueol, vle plrl l setuläàm tårje`l 8, gl qulc qulc   pfrjlgf`f pmr 0>jegutms. M trlhlcbm å `mgtêgum f m `e`cm ofs`retm å rfpfteom ourlgtf tmol l  kmrglol of trlhlcbm. @mgseofrl @mgseofrlgom gom quf EHV_D< : L f EHV_D8 : H, `mjm pmof sfr  `l `lc` c`uc uclo lom m m vl vlcm cmrr, mu ms vl vlcm cmrf rfs, s, om EHV_ EHV_D D JÅ JÅOE OEM M quf quf rftrl rftrltf tfj j l fxpm fxpmse seäà äàm m m`upl`emglc m`upl`em glc om rfafreom trlhlcblomr= Lsse Lsseglcf glcf l lctfrgltevl `mrrftl. ( ) (L x 6> + H x 0>)/2>



( ) (L x 6> + H x )/1> (x) (L x 6> + H x )/1> f (L x 0> + H x 0>)/1> ( ) (L x 04,6 + H x 88,6)/1> ( ) `lg`fclr  1. Fj uj oftf ftfrj rjeeglom lom pm pmg gtm of jfo foeeäàm äàm, ls cfet etu urls rls of ths ths f thu, thu, mhte teo ols rfspf`tevljfgtf rfspf`tevljf gtf gm ttfrjÿjftrm frjÿjftrm of huchm sf`m, f gm tfrjÿjftrm of huchm ûjeom, ljhls utecezlols gm `ìc`ucm ol _fjpfrlturl Faftevl - _F, lomtlol pfcl GX-»@, ths : 05»@ f thg : 85»@, m quf sf pmof laerjlr `mj rfcläàm î lomäàm lctfrgltevl `mrrftl.of jfoeols of `mgtrmcf gl `mgoeäàm of trlhlcbm lvlcelol= Lsseglcf l ( ) l lomäàm of jfoeol jfoeol quf prmjmvl drlgof drlgof rfouäàm ol p plr`fcl lr`fcl of `lcmr rlo rloelgtf elgtf ofvfrì ejpce`lr ujl drlgof jfcbmrl gls `mgoeäöfs of fxpmseäàm lm `lcmr  ( ) l lomäàm lomäàm of jfoeol quf prm prmjmvl jmvl drl drlgof gof rfou rfouäàm äàm ol ujeol ujeolof of rfclt rfcltevl evl om lr ofvfrì ejpce`lr ujl drlgof jfcbmrl gls `mgoeäöfs of fxpmseäàm lm `lcmr  ( ) l lomäàm ols ouls jfoeol jfoeolss prmpmstls gls lctfrgltevl lctfrgltevlss lgtfremrfs ofvfrì ejpc ejpce`lr e`lr ujl drlgof jfcbmrl gls `mgoeäöfs of fxpmseäàm lm `lcmr  (x) gfgbujl ols jfoeols prmpmstls lgtfremrjfgtf ofvfrì ejpce`lr ujl drlgof jfcbmrl gls `mgoeäöfs of fxpmseäàm lm `lcmr  ( ) `lg`fclr  2. Gls lssegl eglcf cf l lct lctfrg frglte ltevl vl `mr `mrrft rftl. l. Ms ruêom ruêomss Gls lae laerjl rjltev tevls ls lpr lprfsf fsfgtl gtlol olss l sfd sfduer  uer ,  lss egoustreles sàm pfrturhläöfs of prfssàm guj jfem fcìste`m quf, of uj jmom dfrlc, sàm `lrl`tfrezloms `lrl`tfrezlo ms pfcl; fcl; smj ujl oftfrjeglol arfqóëg`elujl rfcläàm (( )) prfsfgäl prfsfgälof ofuj smg smgs s ofofvìrels arfqóëg arfqóëg`els, `els, blvfgom rfcläàm gûjfrm gûjfrmss egtferms fgtrf fcfs fcfs (a   (a e : i x a m) ( ) prfsfg prfsfgäl äl of smg smgss of vìre vìrels ls arfq arfqóëg óëg`el `els, s, tmo tmoms ms prfs prfsfgt fgtfs fs `mj m jfs jfsjm jm gêvf gêvfcc of prfssàm smgmrl (x) prfsfgäl of smgs of vìrels arfqóëg`els, `mj sfus rfspf`tevms gêvfes of prfssàm smgmrl, `mj vlcmrfs gàm gf`fsslreljfgtf eoëgte`ms, f rfcläöfs lcfltðrels fgtrf ls arfqóëg`els ( ) `lg`fclr  5. Gls laerjltevls lprfsfgtlols l sfduer , lsseglcf l lctfrgltevl `mrrftl. M ruêom of augom å ofaegeom `mjm; (x) m ruêom fxestfgtf gm ljhefgtf `mj l amgtf mhkftm of fstuom ofscedlol ( ) m ruêom fxestfg fxestfgtf tf gm ljhefgtf `m `mj j l amgtf mhkftm of f fstuom stuom cedlol ( ) m ruêom fxestfg fxestfgtf tf gm ljhefgtf cm cmgdf gdf ol amgtf mhk mhkftm ftm of fstuom ( ) m ruêom fxestfgtf gm ljhefg ljhefgtf tf gl rfdeàm pmstfremr ol amgtf mhk mhkftm ftm of fstuom



( ) `lg`fclr  . Gls laerjltevls lprfsfgtlols l sfduer , lsseglcf l lctfrgltevl `mrrftl. Amrlj afetls ls sfduegtfs cfeturls of ujl amgtf smgmrl quf dfrl uj tmj purm; @er`uetm L : 56 oH(L) @er`uetm @ : 56 oH(@) @er`uetm cegflr : 56 oH @mgseofrlgom-sf ls cfeturls mhteols, mhteols, pmof-sf laerjlr quf; ( ) l arfqóëg arfqóëg`el `el om tmj purm å 6> Bz (x) l arfqóëg`el om tmj purm å >> Bz ( ) å ejpmssêvfc mh mhtfr tfr fstf `mgkug `mgkugtm tm of cfeturls plrl tmgs purms ( ) glol sf pmof l laerjlr aerjlr smhrf l arfq arfqóëg`el óëg`el om tmj purm purm ( ) `lg`fclr 
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