AV26.5B2 Bai Tap - Ky Nang Tong Hop 3

July 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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KỸ NĂNG TỔNG HỢP 3 UNIT 1 ON CAMERA TEST 1.1 1. Choose the correct answers. 1. I can’t help to like / liking him. (Đáp án: liking) 2. He pretended not to notice / not noticing me. (Đáp án: not to notice) 3. I hope to see / seeing you again soon. (Đáp án: to see) 4. you to imagine to live / living in New York?shortly. (Đáp án: living) 5. Can I expect hear / hearing from the company (Đáp án: to hear) 2. Complete the pairs of sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the 'state' verbs. 1. smell a. What are you cooking? It............... delicious! (Đáp án: smells) b. Ryan....................all the perfume samples to try and find the right one for his girlfriend. (Đáp án: 's smelling) 2. look a. That................. dress nice. Where did you buy it? (Đáp án: looks) b. Can you help me? I....................... for a denim Jacket. (Đáp án: 'm looking) 3. taste a. This meat................. a bit strange. Is it OK? (Đáp án: tastes) b. What are you doing?' 'I .................the sauce to make sure it has enough salt.' (Đáp án: 'm tasting) 4.feel a. Your shirt really ...............smooth. Is it cotton? (Đáp án: feels) b. The doctor .............my brother's leg to make sure it isn't broken. (Đáp án: 's feeling) 3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1. They agreed (not spend)..................... all their money. (Đáp án: not to spend) 2. Kate can't face (go)...................... to the gym tonight. (Đáp án: going) 3. She pretended (not see)...................... me. (Đáp án: not to see) 4 . My parents refuse (buy)......................... me a motorbike. (Đáp án: to buy) 5. I feel like (eat)................... out tonight. (Đáp án: eating) 6. He suggested (do) ..........................more exercise. (Đáp án: doing) 7. They hope (not arrive)..................... late for the play. (Đáp án: not to arrive) 8. We avoid (drive)................ in the city centre at the weekend. (Đáp án: driving) 4. Choose the correct answers. 1. This car is belonging / belongs to the head teacher. (Đáp án: belongs) 2. Are you needing / Do you need any help with that? (Đáp án: Do you need) 3. He isn’t understanding / doesn’t understand the question. (Đáp án: doesn’t understand) 4. I am studying / study really hard at the moment. (Đáp án: am studying) 5. Why are you waiting / do you wait here? (Đáp án: are you waiting)


TEST 1.2 1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. tight - high- fur - plain - short 1. _______ coats are made from animal skins. (Đáp án: Fur) 2. You shouldn’t be wearing a _______ -sleeved T shirt! It’s freezing outside! (Đáp án: short) 3. This dress is too _______. I’ve put on weight. (Đáp án: tight) 4. I don’t like patterned shirts. I prefer _______ shirts. (Đáp án: plain) 5 _______-heeled shoes are bad for your feet. (Đáp án: High) 2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1. They agreed (not spend)..................... all their money. (Đáp án: not to spend) 2. Kate can't face (go)...................... to the gym tonight. (Đáp án: going) 3. She pretended (not see)...................... me. (Đáp án: not to see) 4 . My parents refuse (buy)......................... me a motorbike. (Đáp án: to buy) 5. I feel like (eat)................... out tonight. (Đáp án: eating) 6. He suggested (do) ..........................more exercise. (Đáp án: doing) 7. They hope (not arrive)..................... late for the play. (Đáp án: not to arrive) 8. We avoid (drive)................ in the city centre at the weekend. (Đáp án: driving) 3. Choose the correct answers. 1. This car is belonging / belongs to the head teacher. (Đáp án: belongs) 2. Are you needing / Do you need any help with that? (Đáp án: Do you need) 3. He isn’t understanding / doesn’t understand the question. (Đáp án: doesn’t understand) 4. I am studying / study really hard at the moment. (Đáp án: am studying) 5. Why are you waiting / do you wait here? (Đáp án: are you waiting) 4. Choose the correct answers. 1. I can’t help to like / liking him. (Đáp án: liking) 2. He pretended not to notice / not noticing me. (Đáp án: not to notice) 3. I hope to see / seeing you again soon. (Đáp án: to see) 4. Can you imagine to live / living in New York? (Đáp án: living) 5. I expect to hear / hearing from the company shortly. (Đáp án: to hear) 5. Complete the definitions with the compound adjectives 1. A person who isn't very fashionable is . ......... (Đáp án: old- fashioned) 2. Someone who is always relaxed is .................. (Đáp án: easy- going) 3. Shoes that make you taller are .................. (Đáp án: high -heeled) 4. A person who does a lot of work ...................... (Đáp án: hard -working) 5. Someone who is always angry is ................... (Đáp án: bad -tempered) 6. An attractive person is ..................... (Đáp án: good- looking) 7. Famous people are very .................. (Đáp án: well-known) 8. A person who doesn't often go to the hairdresser's is ................... (Đáp án: long -haired) 6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I remember _______ (meet) him when I was in London. (Đáp án: meeting) 2. We stopped _______ (have) a coffee earlier. (Đáp án: to have) 3. I won’t forget _______ (e-mail) you his address. (Đáp án: to e-mail)


4. We tried _______ (take) the motorway before but it didn’t save time. (Đáp án: taking) 5. Did you remember _______ (switch off) the oven? (Đáp án: to switch off) 7. Complete the sentences with a compound adjective given. old- fashioned; easy- going; high –heeled; hard –working; bad –tempered; good- looking; well-known; long –haired 1. My sister's always found ........... men attractive. (Đáp án: well-known) 2. People recognize him everywhere he goes. He's so ............. (Đáp án: old- fashioned) 3. That dress is............... It must be at least 50 years old. (Đáp án: good- looking) 4. He's so................. He could be a model! (Đáp án: high -heeled) 5. She can't walk in those ...............shoes. (Đáp án: bad -tempered) 6. It's difficult to have fun with Markus. He's so ............... (Đáp án: ) 7. She's very .................... She studies every night until midnight. (Đáp án: hard -working) 8. Nothing worries David. He's very............... . (Đáp án: easy- going)

UNIT 2 MEMORIES TEST 2.1 1. PART 2: Matching E

1. Ke Kevi vin n aand nd Me Mega gan nw wer eree b bor ored ed

A. of his his b beh ehav avio iour ur yest yester erda day. y.


2. He's ashamed

B. at the news he was leaving.


3. They were sad

C. at you! You're not usually so rude!


4. I'm surprised

D. about their son.


5. Ja Jacck' k'ss p par aren entts w wer eree w wor orri ried ed

E. wit ith h wat watcching hing TV, sso o the they yw wen entt o out ut..

6. Put the words into the correct order to form sentences. 1. used/cartoons /to/ watch /He .  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ ________ __ (Đáp án: He used to watch cartoons.) 2. take/use/ bus/ to/ you/ the /Did ?  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ ________ __ (Đáp án: Did you use to take the bus?) 3. didn’t /playing/ I /to/ football/ use/ like .  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ _________ ___ (Đáp án: I didn’t use to like playing football football.) .) 4. to /They/ that /used/ in /street/ live.  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ ________ __ (Đáp án: They used to live in that street. street.)) 5. holiday/ Did/ use/ abroad /go /on/ to/ you ?  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ ________ __ (Đáp án: Did you use to go abroad on holiday? holiday?)) 7. Complete the sentences with the past simple s imple or the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Will ................(break) his leg while he................. (play) football. (Đáp án: broke, was playing) 2. The sun (shine).............. so we (decide)..................... to go to the beach. (Đáp án: as shining,


decided) 3. We (have)................. dinner when we (get) home. (Đáp án: had, got) 4. She (wait)............... for the train when she (see) her boyfriend with another girl. (Đáp án: was waiting, saw) 5. I (listen)................ to my MP3 player, so I (not hear)...................... the phone. (Đáp án: was listening, didn't hear) 6. It was difficult to see because it (get)...................... dark. (Đáp án: was getting) 8. Combine the sentences. Use the words in brackets and both the past simple and the past perfect. 1. Pete broke the television. Dad shouted at him (because) Dad shouted shouted........... ....................... ......................... ......................... .......................... .......................... ...................... .......... (Đáp án: Dad shouted at Pete because he had broken the television.) 2. Kate played football. Then she had a shower. (after) Kate .......... ...................... ......................... ......................... ........................ .......................... .......................... ..................... ......... (Đáp án: Kate had a shower after she had played football.) 3. We forgot to water the plants. They died. (because) The plants ......... ....................... .......................... ......................... ......................... .............. .. (Đáp án: The plants died because we had forgotten to water them.) 4. We did our homework. We went out. (after) We ........... ........................ ......................... ......................... ......................... .......................... .................. .... (Đáp án:my We went out afterI bought we had adone 5. I lost mobile phone. newour one.homework.) (because) I...................... I.......... ......................... .......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .......................... ................... ..... (Đáp án: I bought a new mobile phone because I had lost my oId one.) 6 They didn't buy any petrol. Their car stopped. (because) Their car .......... ....................... ......................... ........................ .......................... .......................... ...................... .......... (Đáp án: Their car stopped because they hadn't bought any petrol.) 7. I left the house. Then I locked the door. (after) I...................... I.......... ......................... .......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .......................... .............. (Đáp án: I locked the door after t had left the house.) 9. Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative or negative form of used to and the verbs in brackets. 1. Mia (go) to my school, but now she doesn't. (Đáp án: used to go) 2. Aidan (be) very tall, but now he is. (Đáp án: didn't use to be) 3. Ali (work) in a factory, but she doesn't now. (Đáp án: used to work) 4. We (play) football at the weekend, but now we don't. (Đáp án: used to play) 5. There (be) a market every Friday, but now there isn't. (Đáp án: didn't use to be) 6. They (wear) a uniform to school, but now they do. (Đáp án: didn't use to wear) 7. Christopher (drink) coffee, but now he does. (Đáp án: didn't used to drink)

TEST 2.2 1. Combine the sentences. Use the words in brackets and both the past simple and the past perfect. 1. Pete broke....................... the television. Dad shouted at.......................... him (because) Dad shouted........... shouted ......................... ......................... .......................... ...................... .......... (Đáp án: Dad shouted at Pete because he had broken the television.) 2. Kate played football. Then she had a shower. (after)


Kate .......... ...................... ......................... ......................... ........................ .......................... .......................... ..................... ......... (Đáp án: Kate had a shower after she had played football.) 3. We forgot to water the plants. They died. (because) The plants ......... ....................... .......................... ......................... ......................... .............. .. (Đáp án: The plants died because we had forgotten to water them.) 4. We did our homework. We went out. (after) We ........... ........................ ......................... ......................... ......................... .......................... .................. .... (Đáp án: We went out after we had done our homework.) 5. I lost my mobile phone. I bought a new one. (because) I...................... I.......... ......................... .......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .......................... ................... ..... (Đáp án: I bought a new mobile phone because I had lost my oId one.) 6 They didn't buy any petrol. Their car stopped. (because) Their car .......... ....................... ......................... ........................ .......................... .......................... ...................... .......... (Đáp án: Their car stopped because they hadn't bought any petrol.) 7. I left the house. Then I locked the door. (after) I...................... I.......... ......................... .......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .......................... .............. (Đáp án: I locked the door after t had left the house.) 2. Complete the sentences with nouns given below: disappointment, embarrassment, excitement- confusion, frustration, irritation -homesickness- nervousness, sadness 1. Imagine my........................ when my trousers fell down! (Đáp án: so embarrassment) 2. Brett's favorite band were only playing one concert that summer, it was a big ....................... when it was cancelled. (Đáp án: disappointment) 3. There was a lot of....................... over the technology project because the instructions weren't clear. (Đáp án: confusion) 4. You could see .......................the on the children's faces when we told them about the holiday. (Đáp án: excitement) 5. Do you suffer from.......................when you're away from your family? (Đáp án: homesickness) 6. They felt a deep....................... when their dog died. (Đáp án: sadness) 3. Choose the correct answers. 1. It stopped / was stopping raining at 6.00 p.m. (Đáp án: stopped) 2. While I cooked dinner I had listened / listened to some music. (Đáp án: listened) 3. When I got home Jan watched / was watching TV. (Đáp án: was watching) 4. Yesterday he got up and had / was having a shower. (Đáp án: had) 5. It was snowing / snowed so we decided to make snowmen. (Đáp án: was snowing) 4. Rewrite the sentences using a prefix to make the adjectives negative. 1. My mum's very patient. .................................................. (Đáp án: My mum's very impatient.) 2. My bedroom's quite tidy. .................................................. (Đáp án: My bedroom's quite untidy.) 3. My writing's always legible. .................................................. (Đáp án: My writing's always illegible.) 4. My life is quite organized. .................................................. (Đáp án: My life is quite disorganized.) 5. I eat at regular times. .................................................. (Đáp án: I eat at irregular times.) 6. I think I'm quite sensitive.


.................................................. (Đáp án: I think I'm quite insensitive.) 5. Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative or negative form of used to and the verbs in brackets. 1. He ______ (eat) meat but now he’s a vegetarian. (Đáp án: used to eat) 2. She ______ (be) thin, but now she is. (Đáp án: didn’t use to be) 3. They ______ (live) in the city, but they’ve moved to the country. (Đáp án: used to live) 4. We ______ (study) French but we don’t anymore. (Đáp án: used to study) 5. I ______ (exercise) regularly but now I jog every day. (Đáp án: didn’t use to exercise)

s imple or the past continuous form of the verbs in 6. Complete the sentences with the past simple brackets. 1. Will ................(break) his leg while he................. (play) football. (Đáp án: broke, was playing) 2. The sun (shine).............. so we (decide)..................... to go to the beach. (Đáp án: as shining, decided) 3. We (have)................. dinner when we (get) home. (Đáp án: had, got) 4. She (wait)............... for the train when she (see) her boyfriend with another girl. (Đáp án: was waiting, saw) 5. I (listen)................ to my MP3 player, so I (not hear)...................... the phone. (Đáp án: was listening, didn't hear) 6. It was difficult to see because it (get)...................... dark. (Đáp án: was getting) 7. Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative or negative form of used to and the verbs in brackets. 1. Mia (go) to my school, but now she doesn't. (Đáp án: used to go) 2. Aidan (be) very tall, but now he is. (Đáp án: didn't use to be) 3. Ali (work) in a factory, but she doesn't now. (Đáp án: used to work) 4. We (play) football at the weekend, but now we don't. (Đáp án: used to play) 5. There (be) a market every Friday, but now there isn't. (Đáp án: didn't use to be) 6. They (wear) a uniform to school, but now they do. (Đáp án: didn't use to wear) 7. Christopher (drink) coffee, but now he does. (Đáp án: didn't used to drink)

UNIT 3 NINE TO FIVE 1. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. The man _______ spoke to him at the conference was the director. (Đáp án: who) 2. My new dress, _______ my boyfriend hated, cost £100. (Đáp án: which) 3. The woman, _______ dog was stolen, was interviewed on TV. (Đáp án: whose) 4. The park, _______ we often played football, has been redeveloped. (Đáp án: where) 5. This computer, _______ has the latest software, cost me a fortune. (Đáp án: which)

a nd the phrases given below. 2. Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronouns and you can see plays; people who are ill go; works on a building site; comes from cows; grows crops 1. A hospital is a place ___________________. (Đáp án: where people who are ill go) 2. A labourer is a person ___________________. (Đáp án: who works on a building site) 3. A farmer is a person _____________________. (Đáp án: who grows crops) 4. A theatre is a place ______________________. (Đáp án: where you can see plays) 5. Milk is a drink __________________________. (Đáp án: which comes from cows)


3. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. How did you _______ out about the job? (Đáp án: A)  A. find B. look 2. I saw your _______ in the newspaper. (Đáp án: B)  A. interview interviewer er B. advert 3. Why do you think you’re the _______ person for the job? (Đáp án: B)  A. first B. right 4 Thanks for _______ in. (Đáp án: B)  A.being B. coming 5. We’ll be in _______ soon. (Đáp án: B)  A. letter B. touch 4. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. Could you _______ the phone please? I’m busy at the moment. (Đáp án: answer) 2. Do you prefer working on your _______ or with other people? (Đáp án: own) 3. Bob is now in _______ of the whole department. (Đáp án: charge) 4. Sometimes it’s good to _______ some manual work and give your brain a rest. (Đáp án: do) 5. It’s Sandy’s job to _______ clients. She’s our receptionist. (Đáp án: greet) 5. Complete the sentences with who, where or which. 1. That’s the teacher _______ helped me with my English. (Đáp án: who) 2. That’s the shop _______ I used to buy my clothes when I was younger. (Đáp án: where) 3. She is the person _______ makes all the calls. (Đáp án: who) 4. I’ve just bought a new gadget _______ tells you when you need to buy more milk. (Đáp án: which) 5. There’s the park _______ we played as children. (Đáp án: where) 6. Choose the correct answers. 1. The song, who / which he wrote in ten minutes, made millions. (Đáp án: which) 2. The girl, whose / who was ten, was his cousin. (Đáp án: who) 3. The new shopping centre, where / which took two years to build, is excellent. (Đáp án: which) 4. His car, which / who was new, broke down. (Đáp án: which) 5. The actor, whose / who films include The Night Watchman and Nemesis, is really talented. (Đáp án: whose)

UNIT 4 BODY AND MIND 1. Use the words to make sentences and questions. 1. I / already see / the film.  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ _________ ___ (Đáp án: I have already seen the film.) 2. I / know / Terry / since we were children.  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ _________ ___ (Đáp án: I have known Terry since we were children. children.)) 3. you / go / to the concert last summer?  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ _________ ___ (Đáp án: Did you go to the concert last summer?) 4. How long / you / have / a driving licence?  ____________________  _____________ _____________ _________ ___ (Đáp án: How long have you had a driving licence?) 5. She / be born / in 1990.  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ _________ ___ (Đáp án: She was born in 1990.)


2. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. What _______ I do for you? can/ could (Đáp án: can) 2. I haven’t _______ very well. felt/ been feeling (Đáp án: been feeling) 3. You _______ go to bed. should/ would (Đáp án: should) 4. I’ll _______ some tablets. instruct/ prescribe (Đáp án: prescribe) 5. It should _______ up in a couple of days. repair/ clear (Đáp án: clear) 3. Complete the sentences with the past simple s imple or present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I _______ (see) Matt yesterday. (Đáp án: saw) 2. I’m sorry I _______ (finish) yet. (Đáp án: haven’t finished) 3. _______ (speak) to Dan since the party? (Đáp án: Have you spoken) 4. We _______ (go) to London together last week. (Đáp án: went) 5. I _______ (start) learning English two years ago. (Đáp án: started) 4. Complete the sentences with the correct present perfect simple or present perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1. She’s tired. She _______ (work) all day. (Đáp án: has been working) 2. She’s angry. She _______ (have) an argument with her sister. (Đáp án: has had) 3. She’s got a headache. She _______ (surf) the Internet for hours. (Đáp án: has been surfing) 4. She’s in a bad mood. She _______ (have) a bad day. (Đáp án: has had) 5. Her back hurts. She _______ (lift) a lot of heavy boxes today. (Đáp án: has been lifting) 6. She’s fed up. She _______ (wait) ages for a phone call. (Đáp án: has been waiting) 7. She’s relieved. She _______ (pass) all her exams. (Đáp án: has passed) 8. She’s hungry. She _______ (not eat) all day. (Đáp án: hasn’t eaten) 9. She’s lucky. She _______ (find) £30. (Đáp án: has found) 10. She’s happy. She _______ (finish) all her work. (Đáp án: has finished) 5. Decide if these parts of the body are found on the head (H), the leg (L) or the arm (A). 1. heel _______ (Đáp án: L) 2. scalp _______ (Đáp án: H) 3. wrist _______ (Đáp án: A) 4. lip _______ (Đáp án: H) 5. ankle _______ (Đáp án: L)


5. If we fly less,

A. we’ll have to find other sources of  energy.


6. If we use up all the oil,

B. more people will have homes.


7. If they give us a lift,

C. we won’t be late.


8. If If we d don on’t ’t p pro rote tect ct eend ndan ange gere red d sp spec ecie ies, s,

D. iitt will will cut cut d dow own n on po poll llut utio ion. n.



9. If we build smaller houses,

E. they may become extinct.

1. Complete the text with the correct future perfect or future continuous form of the verbs in brackets. In 30 years time we (1)______ (live) inland because by then the sea levels (2)_______ (rise) and (3) _______ (flood) towns on the coasts! None of us (4)_______ (drive) big cars because we (5)  _______ (use) up all the oil and we (6)_____  _______ (6)_______ __ (not develop) other ways of creating energy. We (7)_______ (wear) thinner clothes because the temperatures (8)_______ (increase) a lot by then. Everyone (9)_______ (work) from home and all of us (10)_______ (learn) to swim because there will be water everywhere! Trả lời:  Đáp án: 1. will be living; 2. will have risen; 3. will have flooded; 4. will be driving; 5. will have used; 6. won’t have developed; 7. will be wearing; 8. will have increased; 9. will be working; 10. will have learned 2. Complete the text with the words given below. blog – download- log- e-mails - broadband When I get home from school I immediately (1)______ onto my computer and answer my (2) We’ve got (5) (3)_______ it’s really (4)_______ for _______. the day and I might _______ so some music fast. too. Then I write my Trả lời:  Đáp án: 1.log; 2.e-mails; 3.broadband; 4.blog; 5.download 3. Look at the words in brackets and complete the sentences with will, won’t, may or might not . 1. In the future we _______ use robots in our daily lives. (perhaps) (Đáp án: may) 2. Scientists say that we _______ need different sources of energy. (100% certain) (Đáp án: will) 3. I _______ get a job when I finish school. I want to earn some money. (100% certain) (Đáp án: will) 4. I _______ come to the party. I’m feeling quite tired at the moment. (perhaps) (Đáp án: might not) 5. He _______ finish the work this evening. He’s only done one page. (100% certain) (Đáp án: won’t) 4. Complete the sentences with the words given below. afraid - don’t - fancy - kind -maybe 1. Do you _______ going out tonight? (Đáp án: fancy) 2. It’s _______ of you to ask but I already have plans. (Đáp án: kind) 3. _______ we could meet up at the weekend? (Đáp án: Maybe) 4. I’m _______ I can’t. I’ll be in London. (Đáp án: afraid) 5. Why _______ we have a meal next week then? (Đáp án: don’t)


UNIT 6 TELLING TALES 1. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. What _______ we do tonight? (Đáp án: A)  A. shall B. will 2. I’m not in the _______. (Đáp án: B)  A. feeling B. mood 3. There’s nothing _______ watching on TV. (Đáp án: A)  A. worth B. good 4. We could have a meal _______ . (Đáp án: B)  A. otherwis otherwise e B. instead 5. OK, you’ve _______ me. (Đáp án: A)  A. persuad persuaded ed B. pushed 2. Complete the sentences with said or told. 1. I _______ him I would help him with the exercise. (Đáp án: told) 2. He _______ that the questions were really difficult for him. (Đáp án: said) 3. He _______ that he had been trying to answer the questions all afternoon. (Đáp án: said) 4. I _______him I had answered the first three. (Đáp án: told) 5. He _______ me that he knew the answer to the last one. (Đáp án: told) 3. Complete the reported questions with the correct pronouns. 1. She asked _______ if I wanted anything. (Đáp án: me) 2. Kate asked _______ when he would be back. (Đáp án: him) 3. Joe asked _______ if she could help him. (Đáp án: her) 4. She asked _______ if we had finished. (Đáp án: us) 5. He asked _______ where they were going. (Đáp án: them) 4. Choose the correct answers. 1. It must / can’t have rained in the night. The lawn is wet. (Đáp án: must) 2. We must / might have missed the turning. I’m not sure but I think we’ve gone too far along this road. (Đáp án: might) 3. He must / can’t have got the job. He hasn’t got any experience. (Đáp án: can’t) 4. He might / can’t have phoned while we were out. There’s no record of a call. (Đáp án: can’t) 5. I must / might have left your essay in the library. I’m so sorry. (Đáp án: must) 5. Put the words in the correct order to make reported questions. 1. party asked her I to the come to  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ _____________ _________ __ (Đáp án: I asked her to come to the party.) 2. asked music rap if She liked Pete he  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ _____________ _________ __ (Đáp án: I asked Pete if he liked rap music.) 3. She to early why asked I leave wanted me  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ _____________ _________ __ (Đáp án: She asked me why I wanted to leave early.) 4. had him Jack bag found if asked his he  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ _____________ _________(Đáp __(Đáp án: Jack asked him if he had found his bag.) 5. when up him pick we would asked Tom us  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ _____________ _________(Đáp __(Đáp án: Tom asked us when we would pick him up.) 6. Decide whether these can be found in the garden (G) or the house (H). 1. rug _______ (Đáp án: H) 2. flowerbed _______(Đáp án: G) 3. basin _______(Đáp án: H) 4. patio _______(Đáp _______(Đáp án: G) 5. fireplace_______(Đáp án: H)


KỸ NĂNG TỔNG HỢP 4 UNIT 7 TRUE LOVE? TEST 7.1 1. Complete the sentences with the, more or most. 1. I drive _______ slowly than you do! (Đáp án: more) 2. He’s _______ fastest runner in the school. (Đáp án: the) 3. Who writes the _______ clearly in the class? (Đáp án: most) 4. This_______ is _______ than read. the programme yesterday. (Đáp án: more) 5. It’s bestinteresting book I’ve ever (Đáp án: the) 2. Complete the sentences with I wish (or If only) and I’d rather. 1. _______ I lived in the USA! (Đáp án: I wish/If only) 2.I don’t like Mondays. _______ it was Friday. (Đáp án: I’d rather) 3.This is difficult! _______ I was better at maths. (Đáp án: I wish/If only) 4.I don’t want this apple. _______have chocolate. (Đáp án: I’d rather) 5. _______ I had my own room! (Đáp án: I wish/If only) 3. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. If only you _______ the same films as me! (Đáp án: A)  A. liked B. would like 2. If he _______ to London I would go with him. (Đáp án: B)  A. would move B. moved 3. I wish he _______ have long hair. (Đáp án: A)  A. didn’t B. wouldn’ wouldn’tt 4. I’d rather you _______ compare your answers. (Đáp án: A)  A. didn’t B. wouldn’ wouldn’tt 5. My mum _______ be pleased if I passed the test. (Đáp án: B)  A. had B. would 4. Choose the correct answers. 1. I fell back / out with my brother last week. (Đáp án: out) 2. She doesn’t get on / in well with her sister. (Đáp án: on) 3. Jack is going off / out with Maria at the moment. (Đáp án: out) 4. His mum lets him get out / away with a lot these days! (Đáp án: away) 5. Larry got on / back together with Sue last week. (Đáp án: back) 5. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions. Add A dd the correct punctuation where necessary. 1. are Susan me Excuse you aren’t you ?  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ ________ __ (Đáp án: Excuse me, you are Susan, aren’t you?) 2. meet pleased I’m you to .  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ ________ __ (Đáp án: I’m pleased to meet you.) 3. any got you Have hobbies ?  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ ________(Đáp __(Đáp án: Have you got any hobbies?) 4. I’ll around see sure I’m you .  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ ________ __ (Đáp án: I’m sure I’ll see you around. around.)) 5. to better I’d back work get .  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ ________ __ (Đáp án: I’d better get back to work.)


UNIT 8 TRAVEL TEST 8.1 1. Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. 1. We _______ (delay) by a long traffic jam on our way here today. (Đáp án: were delayed) 2. The letter _______ (post) two days ago. (Đáp án: was posted) 3. When they arrive they _______ (drive) across town in a limousine. (Đáp án: will be driven) 4. The new song _______ (record) at Abbey Road today. (Đáp án: is being recorded) 5. The photos _______ (take) before they moved to America. (Đáp án: were taken/had been taken) 6. The book _______ (write) by Charles Dickens. (Đáp án: was written) 7. Your passport _______ (check) at passport control. (Đáp án: is checked) 8. The programme _______ (broadcast) when the power failed. (Đáp án: was being broadcast) 9. The criminal _______ (identify) by two witnesses last week. (Đáp án: was identified) 10. The new park _______ (open) by the Queen next Saturday. (Đáp án: will be opened/is being opened) 2. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. We waited for the train on _______ four. (Đáp án: platform) 2. Is there a direct train to Edinburgh? I don’t want to _________. (Đáp án: change) 3. The accident caused a long _______ on the motorway. (Đáp án: traffic jam) 4. We had a terrible holiday because the airline lost all our _______ . (Đáp án: luggage) 5. We _______ at 4.30 p.m. but we didn’t get off the plane for an hour. (Đáp án: landed) 3. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. _______ I see your passport please? (Đáp án: A)  A. May B. Might 2. Can you _______ me where the nearest bank is? (Đáp án: A)  A. tell B. telling 3. Would you ______ helping me with these bags please? (Đáp án: B)  A. kind B. mind 4. Do you _______ how long the flight is? (Đáp án: B)  A. knowing B. know 5. May I _______ where you’ll be staying? (Đáp án: A)  A. ask B. wonder  4. Complete the sentences with the correct indefinite pronouns. 1. I haven’t been _______ in my new car yet. (Đáp án: anywhere) 2. _______ called while you were out but I don’t know who it was. (Đáp án: Somebody/Someone) 3. The teacher explained the homework but _______ was listening! (Đáp án: no one/nobody) 4. I haven’t got _______ to wear for the party tonight. (Đáp án: anything) 5. There’s _______ on TV tonight. Let’s go out. (Đáp án: nothing) 6. Did you hear _______ during the night? (Đáp án: anything/something) 7. Let’s go on holiday _______ really hot and sunny! (Đáp án: somewhere) 8. There’s _______ else we can look. It’s gone. (Đáp án: nowhere) 9. _______ is wrong. He’s not answering his phone. (Đáp án: Something) 10. I didn’t tell her _______ about the weekend. (Đáp án: anything)


UNIT 9 SPEND, SPEND, SPEND! TEST 9.1 1. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. I _______ you could be right. (Đáp án: B)  A. imagine B. suppose 2. I _______ your point but I don’t agree. (Đáp án: B)  A. make B. take 3. I _______ what you mean. (Đáp án: A)  A. see B. look 4. I don’t feel _______ about it. (Đáp án: B)  A. hard B. strongly 5. Do you really think _______? (Đáp án: A)  A. so B. it 2. Complete the third conditional questions using the prompts in brackets. 1. If you had seen the accident, ______________ (phone / the police)? (Đáp án: would you have phoned the police) 2. If you had needed more money, ______________ (borrow / it from your dad)? (Đáp án: would you have borrowed it from your Dad) 3. If you had failed the exams, ______________ (retake / them)? (Đáp án: would you have retaken them) 4. If you hadn’t decided to be a teacher, ______________ (be / a doctor)? (Đáp án: would you have been a doctor) 5. If you hadn’t gone to France on holiday, ______________ (go / to America)? (Đáp án: would you have gone to America) 3. Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns. 1. Did you write this _______? It’s very good. (Đáp án: yourself) 2. We painted the house _______ . (Đáp án: ourselves) 3. The owners of the restaurant serve the customers _______ . (Đáp án: themselves) 4. I prefer to do my accounts _______ . (Đáp án: myself) 5. He delivers all the orders _______ . (Đáp án: himself) 4. Complete the sentences using the correct form of have something done and the prompts in brackets. 1.We ______________ (the bedroom / redecorate) at the weekend. (Đáp án: are having the bedroom redecorated) 2.We ______________ (the car / check). It was done last week. (Đáp án: have had the car checked) 3.We ______________ (the windows / clean) every week. (Đáp án: have the windows cleaned) 4.We ______________ (the grass / cut) while we’re away next week. (Đáp án: are going to have the grass cut) 5. I ______________ (my work / check) before I send it off. (Đáp án: will have my work checked) 5. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. I had to _______ some money from the bank to buy the car. (Đáp án: borrow)


2. The shoes were only £10. They were a real _______ . (Đáp án: bargain) 3. You must never tell anyone the _______ for your debit card. (Đáp án: PIN number) 4. The _______ in the USA is the dollar. (Đáp án: currency) 5. I can’t _______ to go on holiday this year. Maybe next year. (Đáp án: afford)

UNIT 10 INSPIRATION TEST 10.1 1. Complete text with- the present or past pas t participle form of the verbs in the box. scare - hide -the write - call build The story, (1)_______ by J.R. Rogers, is about a criminal (2)_______ Martin Jones. Jones, (3)_______ in a deserted farmhouse, sees what he thinks is a ghost. (4)_______ by the sight, he falls though the floor of the old barn. He finds himself in a tunnel (5)_______ during the last world war. Trả lời:  Đáp án: 1. Written; 2. Called; 3. Hiding; 4. Scared; 5. built 2. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. My dad bought my brother a drum _______ for his birthday. (Đáp án: kit) 2. The youth orchestra is playing at the concert _______ next week. (Đáp án: hall) 3. My cousin used to work as a stage _______ in the theatre. (Đáp án: hand) 4. I think performance _______ is very exciting to see. (Đáp án: art) 5. The abstract _____ sold for over a million pounds. (Đáp án: painting) 3. Combine the sentences using a participle clause. 1. I found the cat. It was hiding in a box.  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ _____________ _________ __ (Đáp án: I found the cat hiding in a box.) 2. The documentary was very interesting. It was shown last night.  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ _____________ _________ __ (Đáp án: The documentary shown last night was very interesting.) 3 .The girl is my best friend. She’s playing the lead role.  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ _____________ _________ __ (Đáp án: The girl playing the lead role is my best friend.) 4. The museum is beautiful to look at. It was built by J. Haynes.  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ _____________ _________ __ (Đáp án: The museum built by J. Haynes is very beautiful to look at.) 5. I bought the book. It was advertised on TV.  _____________  ______ ______________ _____________ _____________ _________ __ (Đáp án: I bought the book advertised on TV.) 4. Choose the correct answers. 1. Most / Any of the film was good. (Đáp án: Most) 2. None / Every of the children liked the cake! (Đáp án: None) 3. Every / All page in the book had a picture on it. (Đáp án: Every) 4. All / Any of us enjoyed the concert. (Đáp án: All) 5. A few / A little people left before the end of the play. (Đáp án: A few) 6. I could understand only a little / all of the story. (Đáp án: a little) 7. I couldn’t eat little / much of the meal. (Đáp án: much ) 8. Some / Every of the paintings were by Monet. (Đáp án: Some)


9. Many / Much hours were spent putting the exhibition together. (Đáp án: Many) 10. We had any / no time to have a drink after the performance. (Đáp án: no) 5. Complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. I loved _______ minute of it. (Đáp án: )  A. every B. each 2. The actors were _______ good. (Đáp án: )  A. such B. so 3. Darcy is _______ a wonderful dancer. (Đáp án: )  A. such B. so 4. The musicians played _______ quickly. (Đáp án: )  A. such B. so 5. You _______ come with us next time. (Đáp án: )  A. need B. should

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